All Episodes

July 29, 2024 • 42 mins

Myron Medcalf and the guys talk TBT LaFamilia vs The Ville and take your calls.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 4 (00:58):
Welcome to our two of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by
Stockton Mortgage. Now here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 3 (01:05):
My ram Metcalf my last hour here on KSR, Mery mondays.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
It's kind of sadness. This is your last hour sad. Yeah,
it's been fun.

Speaker 3 (01:15):
It's sad because it's been fun though, right, Like you
only get the sadness if you've had good time. So
that's something you always got to remember. One thing I've
appreciated about the KSR community, and maybe this is just
the South in general. You all are good at it's
not like quite an insult, but it's like a subtle insult,

but it's also a compliment a little bit. I'll tell
you what I mean. When I did the show live
last week, a woman said to me, Hey, now that
I met you in person, it's clear why you were
never a basketball star. Was calling me short. She was
calling me short, I think, you know, but but cool, right,
she didn't say you're short, but she said, it's clear

you want a basketball star. Somebody else there was like, wow, Sprinter,
I thought you might be a discusser shot putter based
on what you.

Speaker 5 (02:10):

Speaker 3 (02:10):
I think what he was saying is you're a bit
thicker than I realized. Maybe you were. Listen, listen KSR community.
I've been to like four family reunions. Okay, I'm still
trying to work off some of that family reunion weight,
so you know, be patient with me. And then I
got a DM just now fellas C c F E
D d E. He says all due respect. Now, what

I've learned working with Matt Jones is if Matt Jones
says all due respect, or if he starts something by saying,
you know, I love you something behind that is going
to be like, all right, I don't know how I
feel about that. C F E D d E DM
me and said all due respect. You look your age,
but sound sixty eight over the microphone. Love having you

on KSR. Now, I think that's a compliment but also
a little bit of an insult. I don't know, but
I'm learning that Kentucky insults they kind of they drop
you a little bit, but then they lift you up
at the same time they don't want you to fall
too far. Is that is that the way y'all do
it down there?

Speaker 1 (03:14):
I think it is taught in elementary school, the I
love you, but I love you. But that's I think
that we all are innate ability to do that.

Speaker 6 (03:23):
Yeah, and we'll just say bless your heart if we
need to.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
Bless your heart.

Speaker 3 (03:27):
Yeah, yeah, because someone says you know, I love you,
like whatever they're gonna say next, Like, you have to
brace yourself for a little bit, right If you say
you know, you know I love you, then something else
is gonna follow. That might be a little hard to hear.
But I appreciate. I appreciate that I'm getting the I'm
understanding the lingo a little bit. Yeah, this woman said
that I can see why you're not you want a

basketball start. It's like, wow, you know what, you didn't
really call me short, but that's kind of what you
were saying, And I respect that you put a put
a spin on it that that wasn't as harsh. Harsh.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
Well, a little behind the scenes when Myron was at
the restaurant last Monday and we announced that, hey man,
as soon as our KSR is over, Myron's got to
hustle upstairs to do his ESPN show. If you guys
want pictures or autographs before you get you got to
do it now. People were like knocking people over, knocking
little ladies over to get in line to get their
picture taken with Myron last Monday.

Speaker 3 (04:22):
Flattering that was flattering. H Yeah, to get pictures with people,
and that was cool. No, that was that was cool.
Felt like Matt Jones for a little bit. You know.
I'm sure that's that's what he deals with all the time.
I want to go to a call. How many calls
we got? We got? Wanted to? Yeah? So what I
want to go to these calls? And then I want
to talk football on the back end of that. Who's

our first call?

Speaker 2 (04:44):

Speaker 7 (04:44):
Oh hey, Myron, bless your little heart.

Speaker 3 (04:53):
Okay, hey, you are.

Speaker 7 (04:55):
A summertime treat man, your summertime treat. Just remember that
to all us uh in out here. I'm gonna help
you with Louisville. You've got you can't save Ville. Now,
you can say Nashville if you're from Kentucky. You can't
Saveville on a lot of different towns, like so we
say Nashville a lot of us do Orville. But when

you say Louisville, you can now Sayville. You have to
like you get, you got to kill the ville. Basically,
all right, there's a motto for you kill the Ville
when you say Louisville.

Speaker 3 (05:27):
That would have been a great phrase for y'all. Hold
on a second. That would have been a great friend
for y'all. Put that on T shirts.

Speaker 7 (05:35):
Remember when you say Louisville, kill the Ville, you can't
say Louisville. You gotta say you can't save Ville.

Speaker 3 (05:40):
At the end.

Speaker 7 (05:41):
So Louisville, all right, brother, you are the man.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
I appreciate the call, and I appreciate the comment. What
is the What is the rule? Though? Like when do
I get to Useville?

Speaker 7 (05:51):
Like you can say Nashville, you can say Knoxville, you
can say other Ville's. But when you say Louisville, you
can't save the Ville. You got to kill Bill, kill
the Bill.

Speaker 3 (06:02):
Okay, I appreciate I appreciate that call, Ryan and Drew.
I mean I feel like you all missed an opportunity
over the last twenty years. Kill the bill. And that
could have been a T shirt a theme. I mean,
that could have been something. Right.

Speaker 6 (06:17):
Yeah, it's a little too late. You can't kill what's
already dead and Louisville's been dead for about four years.

Speaker 3 (06:23):
I am, I wasn't done that opportunity.

Speaker 6 (06:29):
It has been nice with the TVT to bring that
rivalry back. We've missed that a little bit. I almost
if we didn't have such a busy day. I thought
about bringing back a Louisville hate Day to our website,
which is an old tradition. But again, they're just so
far down you feel like you're picking on them a
little bit with these jokes.

Speaker 3 (06:43):
I gotta remember where I'm at. I wasn't trying to
set you up, but you know, when you're in this rivalry,
I guess everything can become a hit on that team.
My first experience with the rivalry was in twenty twelve.
I had worked for ESPN as my first year. Didn't
know anybody even at ESPN. They sent me to the
Final four. I mean this was back in the big

money days. Whereever, like one hundred people from ESPN at
the Final four. They basically rented out this hotel on
Bourbon Street. So we're everywhere at this hotel and I
go across the street to a little convenience store in
New Orleans to get, you know, I don't know, some
mike and ikes and some candy or whatever, and there's
a crowd of people kind of gathered around the front,

and I'm going, what are they watching? It's like, is
there is someone okay, did someone get hurt? Is there
a fight? And there's this young Kentucky fan, probably early twenties,
and this like fifty something in Louisville fan, and they
are screaming at each other about the game that's getting
ready to happen. I believe that Saturday. Now, mind you.

I got to New Orleans on Wednesday, so this is
like Wednesday night. This is four days before the actual game.
And my introduction to this rivalry is too fans from
those opposing fan bases screaming at each other in a
convenience store right by the register, so like you can't
get to the register because they're arguing with each other.

And they were surrounded by Kentucky and Louisville fans who
were just nodding their heads like yeah, this is normal.
And I was the only outsider who was like, well,
wait a minute, this is okay, Like you all are
good with this. And I almost felt like they were like, listen,
this is just what we do. Stay out of it.
Just observe. We don't need your two cents. And that

was my introduction to that rivalry. Four days before that game,
two guys in a screen match at a convenience store,
and I thought to myself, I've never seen anything.

Speaker 6 (08:42):
Like this, if I'm not mistaken. Around that same time
here in Lexia, maybe Georgetown, two elderly men gotten to
fight at like a dialysis cinema one off, that's right.
I think there was even a punch thrown. I mean
this was like seven year old men where in UK
and louisvigear and the lobby just getting their check up
in there and they came to blows. That's it was
intense there for a while before Louisville quit participating in

the sport of college basketball and left us with nothing
to do.

Speaker 3 (09:07):
Oh woa see, I knew something else was coming. I knew.
I gotta remember that. I gotta remember that. Yeah, I
heard about the thing that at the dialysis center. My
most imposing or maybe intimidating Louisville Kentucky moment twenty fifteen.
I want to say the twenty fourteen to fifteen game.
I believe that was the Karl Anthony Towns team they

played on the road. I just randomly stayed at the
same hotel as the team, not like on purpose. It
just booked a hotel and they happen to be at
that hotel. So I go downstairs for like breakfast right
to just go like the little lobby breakfast place, it
was a restaurant or whatever it is. On every single

floor there are two State troopers. And then when you
go down to the lobby no joke, I'm not making
this up. When you go down to the lobby right
of the hotel in Louisville, there is a line of
State troopers and Willie Cauley Stein and Carl Town's and
these guys are all being escorted to the team bus

through this line of State troopers. I've never seen, to
this day anything like it. I've been everywhere, I've been
all over this country for some of the biggest games
that you can go to. I have never seen a
security presence like that at a team hotel the way
you had one for that Kentucky team. I mean it
was we were two blocks away from the arena, I think,

but State troopers on every floor lining the lobby of
the hotel, and I'm going, what on earth is this?
You know what I mean? It was. It was wild
to see that kind of a security detail.

Speaker 1 (10:51):
And to be honest, there have been times that Drew
and Drew and Jeff Shannon and I have been scared
for Matt's safety walking into a you know, in Louisville,
or when they meet in the NCAA tournament up in Indianapolis,
and there was an incident where they did a Louisville
pregame show, turned the mics off. We stepped in, turned
the mics on while the place was still full of

Louisville fans, and I thought they were gonna come over
the table at him because he was like just pointing
them out. And then he had to walk to the
arena with these I mean, there have been times I've
been a little scared for his safety.

Speaker 6 (11:24):
The best ever was to walk in Indianapolis from after
the game where lois or Louisville lost in the sweet sixteen,
and we just had to walk through all of them
and they were yelling everything, and it just felt so
good because you didn't have to saynything back. They were
going home and Kentucky was moving on to the lead eight.
But they were so mad because they thought that was
their one time, that was their game yep. And I
was Kentucky fans celebrating and moving on that night in Indianapolis.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
I mean, that's the other thing about your rivalry games
is like that's the only time I've been to the
NCAA tournament, and people without tickets will flood the city
by the thousands. I mean, that's a unique thing. Just
to be in the city, just to be at like
a local sports bar, people will go and flood the city.
Back to twenty twelve, I'm in New Orleans again for

that Final four. I'm sitting front row. Man, what a scene.
I'm sitting in front row and Anthony Davis does that
this is my you can't say on the radio, like
I'm right there at really incredible moment. But like before
the game, I'm walking Bourbon Street again. Nobody knows who
I am. I was a newspaper reporter who gets a
job at ESPN and it's my first year and I'm

walking down the street on Bourbon Street, just taking it
all in and from across the street, some Kentucky fans
yell Mad Calf, and I'm like, what, it can't be me.
There's gotta be somebody else named Metcalf here or something.
So i just keep walking and then I hear it again,
Mad Calf, and I turn and look and they were

like pointing at me, and I'm like, how do these
people know who I am. I'm not on TV, I
wasn't on the radio at the time. I didn't have
some big social media presence. Nobody knew who I was.
But some of these Kentucky fans who I saw obsessed
with the sport, they knew who I was. And that's
when I was like, Oh, these Kentucky fans are different, right,

because I experienced it way back in twenty twelve, between
the Convenience Stars screaming match them calling out my name,
the State Troopers at twenty fifteen. Man, I've seen some
moments where I'm like, yeah, there's not There aren't many
rivalries like this in sports period, I would.

Speaker 1 (13:32):
Say, and you know there's Green Bay, maybe Alabama football.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
There's not. I mean, it's a very special place for
the fan base.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
Louisville fans are as passions Kentucky fans, and when they're good,
this rivalry is the best it can be. But like
Drew said, I think at the last sixteen games in basketball,
Kentucky's beat them thirteen out of the last sixteen or
something like that.

Speaker 3 (13:54):
One of those didn't even count.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
Yeah, one of them didn't even count.

Speaker 6 (13:56):
We have lost a lot of that fire lately due
to their extreme levels of suck. I mean last year
we went to downtown Louisville and was just Kentucky fans
everywhere in their own arena to win by nineteen. The
year before that, you win by twenty three in rop arena.
In football, there are six year olds walking the earth
who have never seen Louisville win a game about to
be seven years coming up. It's what used to be
a competitive rivalry has really lost a lot of it shines.

So that's why I think tonight, whether it's close, probably
won't be, but it' at least brought a little bit
of that back.

Speaker 3 (14:23):
Yeah, and let's be a clear for me. I want
to see, you know, the rivalry's best when Louisville is competitive.
I mean when they're at that level like it was
at its best. We hit two national championship contenders, yes
you know what I mean, who were literally battling at
the highest stage. I mean that that twenty twelve stretch
was incredible because you had these two elite teams. Twenty

fifteen was incredible because you had two nashly ranked teams.
So I think the sport like from a selfish perspective,
College basketball is healthier. I think when both of those
teams are really good and both of those teams are
national championship contenders, right, I think that's where and the
sport is really really shines on a national stage because

that's the that's one of the two games everybody watches.
They watch that they watched North Carolina. Do Like, if
you're a fan of sports, whether you're a college basketball
fan or not, you know what happens in those two
rivalries and they're at their best when both of those
teams on the teams on both sides are national championship caliber.
We got time for one more call.

Speaker 4 (15:25):
Let's do one more Let's go to Mark, Mark.

Speaker 3 (15:28):
What say you on this Mary Monday?

Speaker 5 (15:31):
Marin, I'm so happy to actually get through and be
able to talk to you.

Speaker 8 (15:34):

Speaker 5 (15:35):
It's it's nice that you have all summer stepped in
and reminded us to take take note of the good things.
And let's just throw all the way back to the
very first Mary Monday. I was having a rough day,
really rough day. You know, it's Monday, and you were
on the radio telling us to take note of the

little things. Have a merry Monday, no matter how the
day was going and I had about fifteen or twenty minutes.
At the end of the day, I have a four
year old. She was three at the time, but you know,
she's right there, had never caught a fish. So we
got a change, We go to bake. She caught her
very first fish that day. About that?

Speaker 3 (16:17):
How about that?

Speaker 5 (16:18):
Things like that that have made this summer great.

Speaker 3 (16:21):

Speaker 5 (16:21):
I know it's gonna be your last married Monday on
behalf of all the KSR listeners. We love you, We're
gonna miss you.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
Franklin call the day. Yeah, great, call y'all.

Speaker 3 (16:36):
Try y'all try to make me cry. I mean, that's
what y'all trying to do. Man, that's it. But that's
a that's a cool thing.

Speaker 6 (16:42):

Speaker 3 (16:42):
I just love getting calls like that because I have
tried to do the married Monday just you know a
lot of it. I'm trying to remind myself, fellas to
be grateful and thankful of everything you have when you
hear a call like that, that's cool, man. Yeah, your
kid catching her first fish, because it is the little thing, man,
that's right. That's right. We gotta be able to pay

attention to and acknowledge, and that's awesome. Man, that's pretty cool.
That's definitely our call of the day. Man that makes
me smile, Makes me smile. Now, only got a few
more segments here on this fine show, but we'll we'll
have some more stuff to talk about after this break

Man more snoop amazing, what the what an icon he
is here at these Olympics. Myrio Meca here on KSR.
Let's get this read done. We gotta read from Drew.

Speaker 6 (17:38):
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Speaker 3 (18:25):
I appreciate that I'm watching some more Olympics. I mean,
they have like this channel that just flips around two
different things, so it's hard to actually keep up. It's
like one second it's ping pong and it's volleyball and
it's rugby. But my question is, fellas, if you win
a gold medal, like when would you take it off?
Would you wear it everywhere? Absolutely?

Speaker 1 (18:48):
I would sleep in it, I'd take a shower in it.
Yeah absolutely, I'm not.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
Taking that thing off.

Speaker 1 (18:53):
You work all those years, your whole life. I'm keeping
it on the whole time.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
Yeah, yeah, Drew, would you wear yours forever? Where would
you where would you take it off? Like where would
you feel like, okay, it's not appropriate maybe to wear
it there.

Speaker 6 (19:04):
I can't think of a scenario where I wouldn't have
it on. I mean, I'm wearing that everything.

Speaker 3 (19:08):
You know what.

Speaker 6 (19:09):
We have a gold coming to Lexington. Yes, we had
a Lexington, Kentucky native win gold and women's foil fencing yesterday.

Speaker 2 (19:15):
League Keifer's Lee Keifer.

Speaker 6 (19:17):
Yeah, she went back to back. She won last year
and then she's bringing it home to Lexington again. So
maybe we'll just see her around town wearing both of
them for the next several years.

Speaker 3 (19:26):
I watched fencing. Kudos to her. That's incredible, man. Yeah
to me, Once you win a gold medal, like I
was trying to rank it in terms of like what
you would want to win if your goal was to
never pay for something again another day in your life. Right,
I think there are a couple of things you win
where it's like, Okay, you're you're a hero. Like my

list is super Bowl ring and you're back in your hometown,
living in your hometown. Right, that's big. Right, If you
want a Super Bowl ring and then you go back
and settle in your hometown, you're probably gonna be set
for life, no matter what happens. I think Heisman Trophy,
no matter where you live if you went a Heisman.
Like literally all the dudes who've won Heisman's their job

is that they want a Heisman. I went to a
Wisconsin football game. I'm from Wisconsin, my parents went to Wisconsin.
Ron Daine was my favorite player growing up. Ron Dayne
works for the University of Wisconsin. You know what his
job is. His job is to be Ron Dayne. Like legitimately,
they just bring him out like before games. He shakes hands,

holds babies, he high fives people, and that is his
entire job. His job is to be Ron Dayne Like
that is the power of a Heisman trophy. So there
aren't many things like that. Also on that list, to
be I think the star the star quarterback of a
state championship football team in high school. Big like that dude,

no matter what he does, that's gonna be maybe his
biggest achievement. Like to be like the dude who beat
Johnson High School in the state championship game, Like that
dude's gonna be cool forever like that, that's still you know,
that's still don that's still magic, don you know what
I mean? Fifty two years old, he's still that guy, right.

And then also on that list, to me clearly is
a gold medal, and I think all four of those.
If you win one of those fellas, I don't think
you're paying for a meal, probably for the rest of
your life, especially if you're back in your hometown.

Speaker 1 (21:31):
You know the thirty for thirty on Steve Spurri or
they did on the SEC network. You know, he's won
national championships, he's had all these great accolades. He won
the Heisman and they asked him what his greatest achievement
in sports was, and he said, we won like the
state championship my high school baseball team, and that was
he had the game ball. That was his most prized possession,
was that game ball from that game in high school.

There's something about if you win something in high school,
it just means more to you.

Speaker 3 (21:58):
I think you could poll every professional athlete across sports.
You could say, okay, give me your number one achievement. Now,
if they wont a Super Bowl or a Stanley Cup
or a World Series or something like that, that's probably
number one. I'd be willing to bet the vast majority
of those athletes number one or two on that list

is gonna be something to happen in high school.

Speaker 2 (22:19):
Yeah, like, yep, I.

Speaker 3 (22:21):
Mean there's no because that to me, high school is
where you know, it's just pure. You know, not as
much anymore because guys are kind of going to these loaded
high schools and you know, there's stacking teams. But I mean,
if you played it like the high school in your
neighborhood or your city and you wouldn't beat another city
or town in.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
A big moment, yeah, you're you're.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
I mean that lasts forever, no matter what happens the
rest of your life. So I think for a lot
of us, high school, no matter what you've achieved in life,
still the biggest sports achievement that I think most people
have had, you know what I mean.

Speaker 6 (22:55):
Yeah, it's you know, in most cases, it's a hometown
you grew up with, the it grew up in your
teammates or people you've known since you were little, So
it just means so much more. It's one thing to
get drafted by big city helped them out. It's the
other thing to bring a little trophy home to where
you grew up. We beat at Schwabenan in the four
by one hundred relay. I would still talk trash of
them today. If I saw them on the tip to

this day, bring it. We'll be back with more after
this break. TJ. Smith personal injury attorney. Call TJ.

Speaker 3 (23:24):
He'll make them pay.

Speaker 4 (23:25):
Now more of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.

Speaker 3 (23:29):
Here's Matt Jones, Myra metcaf back here on a final
Mary Monday on KSR. That sounds weird to say that
final Mary Monday. It's kind of sad, but also I'm
happy that it's sad, because again, if you're sad about
something in then that means there were good times.

Speaker 2 (23:49):
Amen, Right, yep, all.

Speaker 3 (23:50):
Right, So that's the whole thing you got to You
gotta remember you don't get one without the other. Let's
knock out this livery. We got another one.

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Speaker 3 (24:35):
Thank you for that. Uh Man. Just the DMS I
get during this show, so many incredible people who are
just hyping me up man, making me feel pretty good.

Speaker 1 (24:45):
Well, I feel like, you know, over the course of
the several years, Tom Hart has kind of become one
of us, and I think this summer, Myron, you officially became.

Speaker 2 (24:54):
One of us this summer. So welcome, Welcome to the
Big Blue Canoe.

Speaker 6 (24:57):
Stay by the phone. We need substitutes, teacher.

Speaker 3 (25:01):
You know, hey, if you need a fun uncle to
come in man or a substitute, I'm definitely I'm definitely
into that. It's amazing the stuff that people like. Fine,
someone just tweeted a photo of me doing an ESPN
interview with Andy Katz, and I think I was at
Kentucky maybe or at the tournament. This must be twenty

I look young. This must be twenty eleven, twenty twelve.
I'm wearing the ugliest blazer I've ever seen in my life.
I mean, it is I didn't is that brown? Is
it great? I don't know what it is. My college unbuttoned.
I really don't know what I'm doing. But I'm sitting
next to Andy Katz and somebody found that photo. But
it just shows you. Man. I've been around Kentucky a ton,

and it's been cool to kind of be in this
role filling in on Mondays. One thing that I appreciated
about the TBT, and I want to get to some
calls as well, is it was cool to see former
players come back and to get embraced and covering this
sport as long as I have, really since two thousand
and seven when I was a local reporter here in Minnesota.

It's not like that at every school. What I think
we miss a lot of times in my business is
we tell all the stories about someone until the moment
they graduate or go off to the NBA, and that
kind of ends their story for a lot of people.
People have no idea how many of these former athletes,
these former college stars are out there trying to find themselves,

are out there trying to figure things out after basketball,
and it's not easy for all of them. So it's
been pretty cool going to the TVT and just you know,
obviously talking to Matt just to know how you all
have embraced a lot of these former athletes. It was
cool to interview Willie cauley Stein, who's been open about
some of the challenges you know, he's had throughout his life.

And just to watch athletes have a landing spot, you know.
And I've talked to other Kentucky athletes who've moved back
to the city or to the state and done well
for themselves and not even you know, athlete who went
to a Final four necessarily or a national championship. Guys
who just put on that uniform. And I really respect
that because I assure you it's not like that at

every school. It's not like that for every former player.
There are a lot of former players who wish they
were embraced that way and they haven't received that. So
it's pretty cool to see the way that you all have,
you know, been a place where these guys can come
back to, can get support from even after they're no
longer playing.

Speaker 6 (27:34):
I'm looking forward to a world that's not far away
where anyone that lives in Lexington is just gonna run
into Willie Cauley Stein at Whole Foods, maybe at the
golf course. He's talking about trying to move here in retirement.
Nate Sestina, the A Lot Familiar team, did interviews yesterday
and he lives here now. He said he was at
the driving range yesterday and somebody's like, shouldn't you be
practicing basketball for tomorrow's game?

Speaker 3 (27:54):
And he leaves.

Speaker 6 (27:55):
He leaves the golf course, goes to the pool and
at the pool people are like, you can get them tomorrow.
So I mean, these guys that they're moving to Lexendon
and staying here, they're gonna have to get used to
that for the rest of their life, because that's I mean,
we love all these dudes who're run to them. We're
gonna have those conversations. We can't help ourselves.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
And in mind, I'm telling you the whole Mark Pope
coming to be the head coach. The Mark Pope hiring
has brought the fan base back together. We had become
kind of a divided split fan base, but Pope has
got it, got us all back together, like we felt
like we got our program back and the TVT Game
of the Night Drew and I were talking. You know,
there's Pope sitting there, a Patino guy, Rondo's there, a

Tubby guy, Alex Poeters, is there a cow guy?

Speaker 2 (28:32):
You know, all these former players.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
I think Phil that they're they're welcome back and they're
wanted back.

Speaker 3 (28:38):
Yeah. I mean sometimes a breakup's good for everybody, you know,
even if it doesn't feel like that at the time.
And I think, you know, obviously Kentucky and Mark Pope,
they have the right guy, the right energy to write everything.

Speaker 4 (28:51):

Speaker 3 (28:52):
And I think Cal is probably like, hey, I needed
maybe a new start as well. So I feel like,
compared to what it looked like in April to what
we're seeing now, it's been pretty fascinating to watch that
and just to watch, you know, people come together and
for everyone to feel happy about how this how all
this is unfolded. We got time for one more call.

Speaker 2 (29:13):
Let's go to Aaron.

Speaker 3 (29:15):
Aaron, what you got for us on this merry.

Speaker 8 (29:17):
Monday, the merriest of mondays. As I'm looking at the
ocean on my honeymoon.

Speaker 3 (29:24):

Speaker 8 (29:27):
I got married Saturday on the.

Speaker 3 (29:29):
Congratulations Okay, let's go congratulation.

Speaker 8 (29:35):
Yeah, So that was like my drink Conwell Stadium. I mean,
I know it's called Croker Field, but that's not what
the invitation said. On the fifty on the field, perfect weather,
perfect day, perfect wedding.

Speaker 3 (29:49):
Now on the ocean, and now on the ocean.

Speaker 8 (29:51):
Yeah, and now I'm looking at the ocean.

Speaker 3 (29:53):
Yeah, that's beautiful.

Speaker 2 (29:56):
Send us a picture.

Speaker 1 (29:57):
Let's send us a picture of you guys in midfield
and that's a that's an.

Speaker 3 (30:02):

Speaker 8 (30:02):
Absolutely, it was. It was amazing.

Speaker 5 (30:04):
And then the.

Speaker 8 (30:04):
Reception was up in the the long ship room and uh,
it was. It was beautiful. I told my bridesmaids just
buy a blue dress by UK blue dress. I'm gonna
wear white. You're gonna wear blue flower girls cheerleader uniform
uniform on the ring bear woar football jersey. The girls
carried pom poms instead of flowers.

Speaker 3 (30:26):
Love it.

Speaker 2 (30:26):
It was epic.

Speaker 3 (30:27):
It was epic. I love that. I mean that's all in.
I mean that that like sports theme. You should plan
weddings for other people because that's amssing. I should to
do it.

Speaker 8 (30:37):
And part is this is this was like my dream.
And then my husband was just along for the ride.
I haven't missed a home football game in twenty seasons
and so like these are my season tickets, now they're
his two.

Speaker 3 (30:50):
This well, he knows that. But he knew that, right,
I mean that like when you first went out with him,
he knew, like this is what we do. Yeah, okay,
that's good. Yeah, No, I appreciate that. I really appreciate
that call on congrats.

Speaker 8 (31:04):
Yes, thank you, and we'll miss you on Mondays, Myron.
It's been great to hear.

Speaker 3 (31:08):
I really appreciate that. Thank you for thank you for
the call. I mean, that's cool to get married at
the field and now you're on your honeymoon. I mean,
that's a cool that's a cool stretch man. But I
also think she said something that matters as well, like
if you're dating a die hard sports fan, you gotta
know what that entails, right, Like you gotta understand because

there are sports fans and there are die hard fans,
and those are two different things. I mean, I grew
up in Wisconsin, Green Bay fans are like that, Like
you got to understand the difference before you get into
partnership with somebody who's a die hard. Right.

Speaker 6 (31:47):
Oh yeah, And I saw, not even knowing she'd call in,
I somehow saw pictures of her wedding on social media.
I don't know if it's an algorithm or I knew
somebody was there, but it looked really cool. As soon
as she started describing, I knew exactly that I had seen.
That's I mean, right there on the fifty you got
the cheerleader uniform. The blue and the white looked very.

Speaker 2 (32:03):
Neat and that's awesome, that's really cool. I'm not for
anybody else to do that. Get to do that before.

Speaker 3 (32:09):
In the ocean though, don't yeah, don't even go by
the ocean. Man, don't don't go there at all, because
that that wouldn't be that wouldn't be a lot of fun.
We got to take a break here, is that what
we gotta do? Yeah, let's take a last Yep, it's
our last break on Mary Mondays. Wow, Metcalf, we'll be back.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
Celtics fans, pitch, it'll show up here in a minute.

Speaker 3 (32:29):
Oh man, ow oh ow you wan, dude, Come on,
Al talk to him all right with me.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
He's gonna start with Al Green. I'm gonna end with Green.

Speaker 3 (32:43):
Oh man, starting with Al Yeah, with Al the one
the only perfect way to end here on this period Monday,
Uh let's knock out this live read and take a
couple of calls, and then I'll say my goodbyes and
my thing and all that good stuff. What's our read here?

Speaker 6 (33:04):
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Speaker 3 (33:39):
Thank you for that. Just a few more minutes on
this last Mary Monday. It's been a nine of to
fill in for Matt Jones. We'll take a couple of
calls here. What's our first call?

Speaker 4 (33:51):
Let's go to Bob and Jamestown.

Speaker 3 (33:54):
Is it d Bob? Is this Bob.

Speaker 2 (33:55):
This is d Bob and Jamestown, not the other Bob.

Speaker 3 (34:00):
Yeah, okay, okay, okay, sorry about that. I don't know
what Bob it was. Bob. How you doing.

Speaker 9 (34:07):
I'm doing good? Talking about the Olympics.

Speaker 3 (34:10):
I love the Olympics.

Speaker 9 (34:11):
That that opening ceremony was in seeing all the boats
cruising on the same river. I mean, even the little
guys the country.

Speaker 3 (34:19):
She never heard of that.

Speaker 10 (34:20):
I mean, they're out, they're having a big time, just
like the big guys.

Speaker 3 (34:24):
I got to love it.

Speaker 9 (34:25):
And then Celine Dion, I mean knocking her song song out.

Speaker 10 (34:30):
I mean it's just for twelve days or whatever, when
the Olympics, the earth shines. I mean we're out there
in space, everybody coming together to celebrate human sport.

Speaker 9 (34:42):
I mean, how can it get any better? I mean,
it's just it's a great time, no matter who wins.
Was It's just it's nice to see everybody doing it
and knocked it out this summer.

Speaker 3 (34:56):
Oh yeah, yeah, I love what you said. For twelve
days the earth shines, I mean that's yeah, that's what
it is. That's really that's what it is. Yeah. Some
of those countries had one country had four athletes on
the boat. I think I want to say someone had
like four athletes, but.

Speaker 9 (35:15):
They're out there having it the big time, waving their
flags just like the big guys. I mean, too much,
too much.

Speaker 10 (35:22):
The City of Life, what a perfect place to do it.

Speaker 3 (35:25):
Oh yeah, that's beautiful.

Speaker 9 (35:27):
Well it's a good talk and have a big time,
enjoy the summer and let's go USA.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
Yeah. I appreciate it, Bob, thanks for that calling. I
love that for twelve days the earth shines. I might
steal that. I might. That's that's poetic. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (35:43):
I really like seeing Winn and Gabriel with South Sadan.
They had never won, even competed or made the Olympics
in basketball. I think he might've been the flag bear
on when they came through. But you know, a former cat.
We're focusing on the guys on Team USA and Shay
Gillis Alexander lit it up for Canada. But it was
really cool to see when you representing one of one
of the smaller nations in the Olympics.

Speaker 3 (36:04):
Bro that that team for people that don't know the story,
that's a team that basically lou All Dang the former
Bulls stand out put together like he's the one who
created the fundraising for it. I believe. I read that
they don't have an indoor court in South Sudan. They're
in the process of building a few, I believe. But

I mean a lot of these guys obviously grew up.
They played their basketball in America, Australia, So a lot
of these guys have come up, you know, with modern
institutions and things like that. But you know, war torn
country and lou all dang putting that group together. What
a remarkable story. They beat Puerto Rico, they almost beat
the United States. You gotta root for stories like that.

That's why you watch the Olympics is for moments like that.
So I mean, win and Gabriel and its teammates forget
winning or losing. Just being here and being competitive, I'm
sure means so much to that country and those who
support South Sudan. We got one more caller.

Speaker 2 (37:04):
Let's see the free bird, Free bird.

Speaker 3 (37:08):
What you got here on this merry Monday.

Speaker 11 (37:11):
Hey, Myron, been a pleasure listen to you the past
few weeks, my man, But I never did get any
cool in the gang.

Speaker 3 (37:18):
Oh my goodness, you did. I'm so I'm gonna send
that out a note I do owe you some cool
in the gang, and I'm gonna make sure Matt pays
that off. My apologize.

Speaker 11 (37:28):
All right, what I want to say to you is,
while Ryan's in there, I'm gonna try to get some
nicholass down there, some UK stuff, and I'm gonna have
Ryan ship yet a couple.

Speaker 3 (37:37):
He'll tell you about it. Okay, So you case stuff.

Speaker 11 (37:42):
But great job this summer, dude, and you did a
fine job and joy listened to you, buddy.

Speaker 3 (37:49):
I appreciate that, appreciate that call that support. Uh man,
this is this is awesome man that you all have
been so kind and supportive. F thank you to Drew, Shannon, Ryan, Mario,
the whole crew. Man. Thank you all for everything you've
done to make these some fun mery Mondays, because I mean,

you know, it works because you all have been supportive
and welcoming, you know, So, I mean that's such a
big part of it. So I want to thank you
all personally for you know, welcome me, welcoming me into
that chasof family as I co hosted for here these
eight weeks. So I really appreciate it.

Speaker 6 (38:31):
Yeah, we owe you to thank you. We're just in
our normal seats. We're gonna be here regardless. This is
this is every day. But you've been a joy on Mondays.
You know, Mondays are hard. Usually it's coffee feeling this show,
but you've brought a fun energy that's really made theseier
all summer. So all the thank yous go to you
for doing this for us.

Speaker 1 (38:47):
And you know, I'm sure you'll be back covering the
team and Pope and stuff. So now we know, yeah,
you could come in, put the headphones on and sit
with us for a show.

Speaker 6 (38:54):
We've got a final four of this upcoming season. We
might say, you know, that's a basketball success ahead.

Speaker 3 (38:59):
Yeah, I'll be on the Pope train. I'll be following
Pope a ton, definitely trying to, you know, see what
happens with this team this year and the years ahead. Man.
And then obviously the game, like that's all you can
call it is just the game Arkansas Kentucky. What's the
date on that? Is it January? That up? I don't know, but.

Speaker 2 (39:20):
That's the game.

Speaker 3 (39:22):
Everyone, I mean everyone in my business will will be there.
I mean that'll be one of the biggest games of
the entire year. I hope that can work maybe some
TV with that that would be fun, because I think
that'll be must see TV in the sport. What time
we got to get out of here at Shannon's we
got we got three more minutes, all right. So I

want to end by saying, first off, thank you all
for welcoming me, and thank you all for participating in
Mary Monday's. Yeah, Myron, I mean, because that's that's kind
of cool. Let me tell you a little bit about
Mary Mondays and kind of where it's been a theme
for me personally. In twenty nineteen, my friend Ed Ashoff

worked at ESPN incredible human being passed away due to cancer, right,
and it was a sudden thing, and you know, he
thought it maybe it was like a flu bug or something,
and then all of a sudden things just turn and
then it was over right, one of the most devastating
things that have ever happened to me. And the months
that followed were really really challenging because it went from

that to the pandemic and it's all the chaos that
was happening everywhere, and it was just really hard for
all of us, right, not just me. I'm not unique,
but I think there were certainly moments where I realized
sometimes you gotta fight to find that joy, right, Like,
sometimes you got to really fight to acknowledge the things
that are good and that are worth acknowledging, and that

our bright moments even on the dark days. And I
had to do that. And after a while, after losing
one of my best friends in a sudden way, I decided,
you know what, maybe I can be that for somebody else,
Like maybe I can be just a teaspoon of joy
and energy and spice, even if it's for a moment.
And that's been the cool thing about radio and working

with Matt Is. We're not sports guys. We're just too
dude to do a show, and our goal is maybe
somebody will laugh or smile and just have a better
day after listening to us for a moment. And I've
had the same experience here on these Merry Mondays, So
I really appreciate it because I've just committed myself to
the idea of, you know what, life's bigger than you.

Everybody's going through something. A lot of people have different challenges,
and I think everybody just kind of hopes that maybe
today and if not today, maybe this week, and not
this week, maybe this month. And some people are having
a really hard time. Maybe they're saying, hopefully this year
I can find something to smile about, to laugh about.
And if you can be that for somebody else, it's

a really great thing because we all need it. And
since we all need it, make sure you try to
be that for other people in your lives as well,
because that goes further than you might realize. So Mary
Mondays for me is a real thing. It's something that
I had to create in my own life after losing
a really important person to me. And I said, you

know what, I'm going to fight to find a reason
to smile and to laugh, and I'm also going to
try to do that for somebody else. And I hope
that everybody can take Marry Monday's to heart and you
do it every Monday, and you get up with the
right attitude, the right spirit, the right energy, and you
realize that I have a right to be happy and
I got a right to smile even on the cloudiest

of days. Thank you all for your time and your
support and your love and your energy. I'm grateful, I'm humble,
thank you for everything on these Merry Mondays. You all
are very kind and incredible people.
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