All Episodes

July 30, 2024 • 42 mins

Ryan, Drew, and Shannon talk Kentucky's win over Louisville in the TBT and take your calls.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Comedy of Broadway in Lexington. Welcomes Greg Morton July eleven
through the thirteenth. Then catch Josh Sneive July nineteenth and
twenty eth and don't miss Jeff Allen July twenty fifth
through the twenty seventh. Comedy Off Broadway opened in downtown
Lexington in nineteen eighty seven, and they're still bringing the
best and stand up comedy to the area thirty seven

years later. Call eight five, nine, two seven one joke
or visit Comedy Off Broadway dot com off Bay.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
This is Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage. Now
here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
All right, good morning, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
and welcome to another KSR summer pop up show. We
will tell you where we are, what's going on, and
there's a lot to talk about today, so it's a
good show to turn into. We are always thoughts about
the TJ. Smith Law Office. Called TJ, and he'll make
them pay. He'll make them pay.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
Somebody who may need to call TJ. We you know
somebody already has TJ on speed dial.

Speaker 4 (00:56):
Talk to him this morning, referring them to him.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
We've got a lot of you know honors we want
to give away. We've got the Whiskey Thief call Today,
the Whiskey Thief Song of the Day that Don Franklin
call the Day, and Kentucky Brandon tweet or text of
the Day. And I think we've already got our tweet
to the day after what happened last night. So, ladies
and gentlemen, boys and girls, we were at the Lexington
Tennis Challenger. We've been here many many years. It's like

a tennis tournament here in Lexington. It's like for the
up and coming tennis stars of the future, like a
lot of these names you'll see playing in Wimbledon or
the US Opening in a couple of years, and it's
always a lot of fun. They bring us out every
year to talk about it. It's a great event. It's
one of the events that's been running the longest since
I've been around here in Lexington. So we'll get to
a lot more about that, but we have to start.

Shannon the Dude. I have been excited about coming on
this show many times, and I admit there's been times
I could not wait to hear what Drew Franklin has
to say about something. Right I don't think in my
thirteen years of doing this show, I've been more excited
about to hear Drew talk and this your stories and
he'd do this radio. So then what happened last night?

Speaker 2 (02:03):
So I can't wait to hear it? He walked I know,
I was actually trying to drag him on the pre show,
and I was like, you know what, let's save it.
Let's not spoil the broth. Let's hear it first on KSR.

Speaker 3 (02:12):
So when I walked up to him, I said, listen,
we're not even gonna talk about it. We don't want
to talk about it to make it on the show.
So Drew, the floor is yours. Can you explain? Tell
the story? What the heck happened last night?

Speaker 5 (02:23):
Oh, we had a great time in Louisville. Oh, Kentucky fans,
we had a blast. Mario was there. It was amazing,
so much fun. Uh, Blue certainly got in. There was
more red, but we had such a fun night. It
felt like, you know, people that weren't there might laugh
at this because it's just the basketball tournament, a summer
exhibition game that felt like an actual final for before
tip off.

Speaker 4 (02:44):
It was so crazy in there.

Speaker 6 (02:45):
It was shaken. The floor was actually shaking.

Speaker 5 (02:47):

Speaker 6 (02:48):
Yeah, it was insane. A lot more red red in there,
but there's some there's some blue in there.

Speaker 3 (02:52):
Yeah yeah, fans.

Speaker 4 (02:52):
So is that what you wanted to talking about the pregame?

Speaker 3 (02:54):
No, really, not the pregame. Maybe more saw the postgame.

Speaker 2 (02:57):
Oh you don't hear about the game itself.

Speaker 4 (02:59):
Oh yeah, I thought you wanted to.

Speaker 5 (03:00):
I thought you wanted to break down Nate Sustina hitting
lots of threes.

Speaker 4 (03:04):
What a game he had.

Speaker 3 (03:07):
Let's break it down maybe in the second hour. Okay,
let's talk about post game. What happened after the minute
the game ended, Drew, take a step by step.

Speaker 5 (03:16):
You want to talk about the mentally weak individuals that
were surrounding us there that cannot control their emotions.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
That's what I want to talk about.

Speaker 4 (03:23):
We're not using names.

Speaker 5 (03:25):
You know. I did talk to legal counsel today, so
I have to. I can't give every detail. I don't
want to hurt my case. You ever got to get
this X ray. Gotta make sure everything's okay. But yeah,
the little guy after the game, little fella, Uh, I
don't think he liked miles down.

Speaker 4 (03:39):
I just I turned to Marcia.

Speaker 5 (03:41):
We all Love Marshall, Martian Kendall. They were my favorite
part of the night. I just happened to be sitting
right in front of them. They were surrounded by red
so when something good would happen, we would turn and
that was that was our little group. Kendall would give
me the l's down, I'd give it back. So after
the game, I just go up give him a little
l's down.

Speaker 4 (03:58):
Martian Kendall.

Speaker 5 (03:58):
I'm so excited to can talk one and I turn
and next thing I know, I have just been punched
in the uh just stern them area.

Speaker 3 (04:06):
Yeah, I don't.

Speaker 5 (04:07):
Even know who.

Speaker 4 (04:07):
The guy was kind of completely out of nowhere. I
didn't even see it.

Speaker 5 (04:10):
And then he just, uh he just runs off and
is someone noted his little getaway loafers. I'm still a
little disbelieved that was a hit and run. What a
coward behavior. Also is a terrible punch. Muhammad Ali would
be rolling in his grave when he saw that. That Olympics.

Speaker 4 (04:24):
The thing come at me.

Speaker 5 (04:25):
But you know, be uh, the Internet did its work.
You know, he went to Saint X, might work for
promotions company. Little I know who he is. We're gonna
we'll handle that on down the line. But it's just
typical Louisville behavior. They cannot handle a simple el down.
They gotta throw punches and just be the absolute worst.
And right after that, I I considered escalating the situation

a little bit more. I looked at him. He's back pedaling.
You you kept your composure. I could get really try
to be in a fistfight in the middle of Freedom Hall.
Moment the buzzer ends, the team celebrating. I'm not there
to fight that guy.

Speaker 4 (05:02):
So I, uh so.

Speaker 6 (05:03):
This was after the buzzer.

Speaker 5 (05:04):
This wasn't moments out.

Speaker 4 (05:05):
Oh wow, Yeah, he was on his way out quickly, quickly, quickly.

Speaker 6 (05:08):
Did you did the right thing?

Speaker 5 (05:09):
He and that olympress had to get home. But uh
I walk out to the court. You know, I've put
that aside. He is not gonna steal my joy. This
this guy who went to Simi x It might have
been a basketball manager and works in promotions in the world.
He is not gonna steal my joy, as John Caliperry
would say. So I said, I'm gonna let him just
continue to be the loser that he is. And I
walk out to the court where it's just pure joy.
I see Nate Custina, I see Daniel Orton, I see

all the Harrison twins, all of them, both of them.
Everyone's so happy. And then uh granny shot guy what's
his name on a waku right in front of me,
Mario two. We see it spits the biggest loogie in
Nate's face. It even misses a little bit, hits one
of our media friends, Dylan Ballard, and a CoP's like, man,
get that spit out of your face. But I mean,
this is launched a lugi at Nate. And then of

course I think everybody saw the uh melee after that.
I mean, you spit a man's face that you don't
do that. Yeah, that's one thing you don't do.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
You don't spit face. You don't talk about their mama.
Can I give you Can I give you.

Speaker 7 (06:03):
Guys the breakdown from my perspective, I want to hear
a fit situation.

Speaker 6 (06:06):
Yes, so Drew's getting punched on the other side.

Speaker 5 (06:09):
Of the court.

Speaker 7 (06:10):
Well, I'm getting the angle from the other side of
the court and leading up to it. You know, there's
two guys that that's gonna hit the game winning shot.

Speaker 6 (06:20):
It's either Aaron Harrison.

Speaker 7 (06:21):
He's done it multiple times, yes, or it's Nate Cistina,
who has six triples in the game so far. We're
right and we were wrong at the same time. It
wasn't Aaron Harrison, but it was Andrew. Andrew Harry's the shot.
So he hits the shot, and literally all the cameras,
all the all the reporters on the sideline get up
and they rally around him. They're chasing him around the court.
The lie familiar players are chasing him around the court,

and they go to shake hands, right, and everybody's shaking hands.
Now the game has ended. It's not it's not really
loud in there. You can hear Big Blue Nation, but
you don't hear the Louisville fans as much. They're shaking hands.
I'm not gonna say any any names of the Louisville players.
We're just gonna call them the Louisville player too. Just
them Louisville players, call them bums. We're calling LOUBA player.
He's shaking hands with with all the players, and he

shakes hands with Nate Custina and you can hear him
and he kind of speaks into his air and he's like,
don't do that.

Speaker 6 (07:10):
L crap.

Speaker 7 (07:11):
I'm just gonna say crap because I can't say it
on the radio. Got you don't do that L crap again.
Tyler Ewlis is in front of in front of Nate Cistina,
turns around, gives him the l's down.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
Tyler did.

Speaker 5 (07:22):
Tyler did, gives him to l everybody down.

Speaker 6 (07:25):
So that's when everybody lost it.

Speaker 7 (07:26):
The Louisville player gets loose somehow, runs around and and
he looks at Nate Custina, has some words with Nate
Custina and Tyler Elis and some reporters are around it
as well, and you see this big spit ball just
in the air. He spits at Nate Cistina. And like
I said, Dylan Baller he got piece of it as well,
and Dylan Ballard, you definitely don't do that. But the

spit hits Nate Cistina and Daniel Orton. I don't know
where he came from. He was behind me, but all
of a sudden, you see that Daniel or just slowly
walking up.

Speaker 6 (08:01):
Behind them, and he's he's you can tell he's losing it.

Speaker 5 (08:04):
He was waiting for that moment. He's waiting, but I
don't know.

Speaker 6 (08:07):
Where he and I don't know where he came from.

Speaker 7 (08:08):
He's just he literally came out of nowhere and they're
going back and forth, and for about two to three minutes,
they're both screaming at each other.

Speaker 6 (08:14):
The security guards drew.

Speaker 7 (08:15):
The security guards couldn't do anything.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
There weren't enough of them. Only in Kentucky. Do we
have a brawl over basketball in July?

Speaker 4 (08:24):
You gotta love it.

Speaker 2 (08:24):
I feel like it kind of spoke this into existence
a little bit. Talking about the dialysis fight between the
two bands YEP, and talking about fights that we've had
from fan bases throughout the years, and then one breaks
out last night.

Speaker 6 (08:34):
Dude, what is the coincidence?

Speaker 7 (08:36):
Speaking up the spit The last time I've seen a
spit in altercation was between Chris Paul and Rajon Rondo.

Speaker 6 (08:42):
Did you know they were in the building?

Speaker 3 (08:47):
Wow? Well, what I'm hearing hearing all you guys talk
about the story. One, I'm hearing Marsha post directly involved.

Speaker 5 (08:55):
No, Marcia and Kendo were being great positive fans.

Speaker 4 (08:58):
Ells down is not bad.

Speaker 2 (09:00):
Don't make marsh runing accomplish.

Speaker 3 (09:03):
And the second thing is that, yeah, there are I
don't know if there's a more gross thing you can
do to somebody than spit in their face.

Speaker 6 (09:10):
You don't do that.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
It's amazing. We went from COVID to now spitting a
bit in the face.

Speaker 3 (09:15):
And the third takeaway was, if you haven't seen the video,
Marios got it. Daniel Orton was gready to kill somebody.

Speaker 5 (09:23):
He was gonna lose it.

Speaker 3 (09:24):
I mean it took He had like five people trying
to hold this large man back. If there's nothing else,
if I'm going to battle, He's on my team, Daniel Orton.

Speaker 5 (09:33):
He is number one draft pick. If I need someone
on my side.

Speaker 4 (09:37):
He's he.

Speaker 5 (09:38):
I don't want to say he loses it because he's composed,
but he wants all of the smoke.

Speaker 3 (09:42):
Yes he does.

Speaker 5 (09:43):
And the Ona Waka, however, said he wanted nothing to
do with it. The video that's out there, you can
see change. Know what have I done? You can see
it on this mort got involved. The mood completely changed
and Louisville was running for the doors.

Speaker 4 (09:57):
You don't do that. Well, they don't have this.

Speaker 5 (09:59):
Bond with you though, Ryan, Yes, I feel like I
feel like we're even more brothers.

Speaker 6 (10:03):

Speaker 5 (10:03):
We just go out and mind your own business. And well,
these clowns just can't keep them handsome.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
And you can relate to the situation I was in
and know everybody's like, why didn't you fight back? When
they're like, well, in that situation, man, you're you're in
a big arena, in your's security around, and it's like.

Speaker 6 (10:21):
To be hard.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
To be fair, though, I think you got pushed a
lot harder than you did.

Speaker 5 (10:25):
You did.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
I mean, you know, well, you had a broken jaw.

Speaker 3 (10:27):
Drew may have a fractured sternum.

Speaker 5 (10:29):
You know, I could.

Speaker 4 (10:30):
He'll hear about it later if I do.

Speaker 5 (10:32):
So you's done in that situation, Shannon, You're next.

Speaker 2 (10:35):
You know what, It's never happened to me. I don't
know what. I probably would have chased.

Speaker 3 (10:38):
The guy down.

Speaker 5 (10:39):
I considered it.

Speaker 2 (10:40):
Yeah, I don't know though that that would have been
the best look. I think you did the right thing,
you know, because he took it to another level. Drew
was just having fun. He was just you know, cheering
his team on and taunting the other team. Nothing wrong
with that, especially in a big rival game like Marsha Poe.
But you go up and punch somebody in the face,
all of a sudden, you've escalated things. So Drew did
the right things also back pedaling.

Speaker 5 (11:00):
You ever look at someone and you're like they might
not be all there, So I don't know if I
want to get all out. Yeah, the way I described
when someone asked me because he had like the Bama bangs,
he looks like if you ask someone to draw an
Alabama fan but with your opposite hand, Like everything just
didn't quite line up with him. So I let it.
I guess you could have that one, and but like
I said, he wasn't still in my joy. But if
you had, there was so much fun going on.

Speaker 4 (11:19):
I'm not over there to fight that guy.

Speaker 3 (11:21):
If you haven't seen the video, go just go to
Dru's Twitter. All the video is there. Mario's got the
video he shot on his Twitter after the game where
you can actually see the spit unbelievable in mid air.
You slow it down and like there's a bruder film.

Speaker 4 (11:35):
It was huge.

Speaker 6 (11:35):
The spit was huge. Uh.

Speaker 5 (11:37):
So you know, people are sending me pictures of that
guy in a Duke jersey. I mean, what are you doing?
Powell a louisvill fan.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
He's there supporting Louisville and he's wearing I.

Speaker 5 (11:46):
Don't want to say this about BBN and louisvill fans.
I couldn't sleep last night because I've probably had one
hundred and fifty DMS with people telling me information about
this fella, louisvill fans saying we know him personally, we
don't even like him, please don't post this. It was
fun to have a collective bit of support. I had
one guy say, I'm from the fifteenth region. I'll drive
there right now, like thirds three in the morning. We'll
be okay, We'll get past this.

Speaker 2 (12:06):
The investigative skills of our family. Amen. Yes, remember the
Netflix documentary Don't Blank with Cat. Oh, yes, hey, this
is Don't blank with Drew.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
Don't Blank with Drew.

Speaker 5 (12:15):
I wish I could say his name because it's it's
almost embarrassing to get hit by somebody with that name.
But I've been advised not to go too far as
we pursue. What's next?

Speaker 3 (12:23):
Well, that's true. I mean, like I said, social media,
if they wanted to find out, you could probably find
out who it was when you did the right thing.
You handled it the right way. Mario. I'm glad both
of you guys are safe. For the most part. I
can go back and do it again. So what we'll
do man right there again and do the exact same thing.

Speaker 4 (12:38):

Speaker 3 (12:38):
We'll take our break, and I guess we'll actually talk
about the game, Yes, because it was a really good,
good game to watch.

Speaker 5 (12:43):
That was a good game.

Speaker 3 (12:44):
We'll take our break. Eight five nine two eight h
two two eight seven. That's the clarks pumpe shot phone number.
I got the a vision glass text machine here with
me as well. Five o two seven three five three
six seven zero no, three six eight Was that a question?
Or I gotta put up with three six eight zero
five two seven three five three six eight zero, Ryan
and Shannon that behaved themselves last night, Yes, Drew and

Mario who were in the middle of a ball out.

Speaker 5 (13:08):
Brawl who also behaved themselves.

Speaker 3 (13:10):
Less victims.

Speaker 4 (13:12):
That's an assault. That's an assault charge?

Speaker 3 (13:14):
Is an assault charge? Bright back, This is Kentucky's sports Radio.
All right, Welcome back Kenteky Sports Radio Live at the
Kentucky Lexington Tennis Challenger presented by Meridian Wealth Management, a
Usta pro circuit event. They have it every year. Hear
you this time of year, late July, early August. Kind
of the up and coming tennis stars on the on
the Tennis Circuit at the Hillary J. Boon Tennis Complex

here at the University of Kentucky. It is Kentucky's premier
tennis event now and it's thirtieth year. Like I said,
we've been coming out here. I don't know, this may
be our yeah, seventh, eighth, ninth time.

Speaker 4 (13:45):
I'll come out here even when we don't do the
show thirty years.

Speaker 3 (13:47):
I know when I got here it was going on.
So it's kind of a need of vents. If you
have any interest at all and seeing some great competitive tennis,
please come on out here. It's like I said, you
at the Hillary Jane Hillary J. Boon Tennis Complex. Been
a lot of remodeling and updated it and it's really
nice out here.

Speaker 5 (14:02):
Yeah, there's been some big names come out of this
tournament too. Yannick Center was here a few years ago.
Anyone watching tennis knows who that is. Sloan Stevens, Madison
Keys have been here and this year got a lot
of former Cats, one of them Liam Drexel, who just
had a great Wildcat career. He'll be out here competing
too is he starts his pro career. But I don't
know if you all get into tennis a lot, but
I like just coming. I don't even have to know

who they are, right, It's like watching live tennis. So
I'll probably spend a little time out here later this afternoon.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
You know, I played tennis in high school.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
You did.

Speaker 3 (14:29):
I did me too, well, you have anything about that.
I was touched in the conference doubles champion one year.

Speaker 6 (14:35):

Speaker 3 (14:36):
And it's amazing how hard they hit the ball. I
mean every time I come out here and you see
these guys and gals and they just they just crush it.
They just massive serves.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
And it's so I can I ask you guys, since
Matt isn't here, have you guys played at all pickleball?

Speaker 3 (14:52):

Speaker 2 (14:52):
I played pickleball for the first time.

Speaker 3 (14:53):
I heard you talk about it on the pre show.

Speaker 2 (14:55):
Actually kind of fun.

Speaker 3 (14:56):
I knew it.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
Like tennis is too athletic for me right now at
the stage of my life. But pickleball, when you get
to a certain age, it's like tennis on a smaller
court and you can actually keep up with what's going on.
It's kind of fun to play. I hate to say that.
I know Matt hates, but he would he would be
good at it.

Speaker 3 (15:12):
That's the thing. He's good at ping pong, he's good
at tennis. He would be good at pickleball.

Speaker 5 (15:17):
Likes play pickleball sometimes, just haven't gotten around to do it.
I'm not a pickleball hater.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
I've got if you don't mind, our our tweet of
the day.

Speaker 3 (15:23):
This is our Kentucky branded tweet of the day.

Speaker 2 (15:26):
At three underscore Goggle says you don't spit on faces
with a gift of hawk to a girl, Oh hawk to?

Speaker 3 (15:32):
Did you see somebody in Kentucky got a license plate
that said hawk H A W K and they let
it number two and the letter A. Oh okay, talk
to a. I don't know who that man is, but
I saw the picture of it.

Speaker 6 (15:46):
It's hard.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
It's hard to slip one by, you know, the people
that put the driver's license approvals out there.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
It's true, he's there. We go all right, the clock
puppy shop phone numbers eight five nine two eight h
two two eight seven. We want to go back to
last night before Drew got into a melee in the
middle of the court.

Speaker 4 (16:04):
Victim Ryan, I'm a vict victim and.

Speaker 5 (16:05):
He was just celebrating with his peers.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
And before Mario became misters a Bruder with his Bruder
film of the spit in mid air. There was a
basketball game. It was hard. I got admit it was
hard to watch at the kind at the beginning, neither
team could score. It was kind of rough, rough to
go in there for a little while.

Speaker 5 (16:21):
I find the lot familiar guys clearly more athletic and
better at basketball, were settling for just taking threes. I
was wanting to get a little more aggressive early.

Speaker 3 (16:30):
Uh, with a three point game in halftime they laugh
of me was ahead, and then the third quarter Nate
Cistina became Steph Curry. I mean he was bombed.

Speaker 6 (16:38):
What he hit four or five and he hit six three?

Speaker 3 (16:42):
I mean, how in the third quarter did he hit
like four or five in the third quarter.

Speaker 5 (16:45):
He was just throwing in with hands in his face
the moment he touched the ball from the logo.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
From the logog.

Speaker 2 (16:51):
Yeah, I mean I think that he's I don't know
that he's gonna end up on an NBA roster, but
he's gonna get some looks.

Speaker 3 (16:55):
I feel like, I think the way.

Speaker 7 (16:57):
He can shoot, do you know who else should be
on the NBA roster? It should at least be a
backup center. It's Willy Coley College staff. It's Willy Caulley side.
He's stretching the floor. He's shooting the three.

Speaker 3 (17:08):
He had three threes in the first half. Credible, incredible, So.

Speaker 4 (17:11):
Like twenty Knox Chris Jones down.

Speaker 5 (17:13):
That was pretty good. So Chris tried to slide under
him too. He moved over to the left. That was
an innocent move as Willy was turning, but then he
he gave.

Speaker 4 (17:21):
Him a little extra tud.

Speaker 5 (17:23):
There was a lot of flopping going on that ball game.

Speaker 4 (17:25):
Should be embarrassed.

Speaker 3 (17:27):
So a lof of me got up by about about
twenty I think in the third quarter, and then you blink,
blink your eye. In the fourth quarter, Louisville cut it
to single digit, was eight or nine before they finally
pulled out the lawta Miilion, not the law of me.
And took a while to get there. It took it
took a while to get there. So it wasn't the
greatest played game, but just a great game because the

right team won.

Speaker 6 (17:50):
It was a great fight.

Speaker 7 (17:51):
That's in the atmosphere and the people that showed up.
Chris Paul ra Rondo was on the bench as a
staff met.

Speaker 5 (17:57):
We just added Rondo for the game. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
I love that the current team was there too, because,
as I was telling Hill, those guys learned about the
UK robbery everything they needed to know in two hours,
one point game and one night.

Speaker 3 (18:09):
Yeah that's right.

Speaker 5 (18:10):
Nice power point. They had a nice power point of
what it was. I actually enjoyed the Louisville comeback because
there for a while, looks like they were about to
head home and we weren't gonna get to have fun.

Speaker 4 (18:19):
But they got excitement back.

Speaker 5 (18:20):
They got to do their stupid CRDS chant that has
an extra syllable and it doesn't make sense, and it's
like they got their hopes up again just to get
kicked in.

Speaker 7 (18:27):
The face again. That's how you do it. That's how
you do it. You're It was an incredible atmosphere. I
would like to pay some Louisle fans a compliment.

Speaker 5 (18:34):
I feel like my boy Tiamu Alabama fan and the
guy that spit are putting a too much of a
negativity on what went around. I actually met a lot
of nice Louble fans. I mean, there was some banter,
but it was all in good I saw love at
the end of the day. Some friends that are little fans.
Is good see them. I saw Pairing from a distance
tried to wave at him. I know I'm the Louisville
hater here, but in all the majority of the crowd,

even though they're doing their chance and there's back and
forth with the Kentucky fans, it wasn't what it was
at the in There were some bad apples that can't
punch that ruined it for everyone else. But there were
a lot of louis fans that were actually nice and
it made for a great atmosphere until the ending when
the emotionally weak people showed up.

Speaker 3 (19:12):
Well. It totally crushed the attendance record for TBT. The
old record was like seven thousand, five hundred, almost doubled
it thirteen thousand and five hundred there last night sets
the tone I think for the future of the TBT tournament.
They all go to point to that Kentucky Louisville game
that happened last night.

Speaker 2 (19:28):
Broke that record in an hour. In an hour, so yeah,
and then essentially doubled that. Between the time the tickets
went on sale to the game last night.

Speaker 5 (19:36):
It really felt like a tournament hemisphere. I went to
I want to give this place a shout out. I
went to a pizza place nearby. There were louisvill fans everywhere.
Craft House Pizza. You ever heard of that, Shannon, I'm
near freedom all. I went there a little blue red,
more red than blue. But even there, hours before the game,
you just felt something big coming up, Which is kind
of feel silly to say about a summer exhibition that

I didn't think i'd care about two months ago, But
it really did have a bit game feeling there.

Speaker 3 (20:01):
Now you guys are there, Drew Mario, how much trash
talking was going on from amongst the players. We talked
about the fan, but what about the players?

Speaker 4 (20:09):
There was lots.

Speaker 5 (20:10):
I mean a lot of those guys have history. I mean,
Chris Jones is the one that split open Tyler Ulis,
Willie Montrez, Harrel, you know. I mean a lot of
these dudes can remember it from the past. I thought,
being older, and you know a lot of them have kids,
A lot of them got to take a little Adville
after the game because they're back's hurting. I thought maybe
it wouldn't get to that, but man, when that blue
gets in with the red, I guess you just can't

help yourself.

Speaker 3 (20:32):
Here's from the Avis and Glass text machine. Dirty birds
doing dirty things, Chris Jones flopping talking, Smack Smith throwing
up wild prayers, fans and players crying, fighting and spinning.
I can't read that one. Never changed, Dirty Birds.

Speaker 5 (20:47):
I was gonna see freedom all though I haven't been
in there in a while. It got a little history.

Speaker 6 (20:50):
First time been. It was nice.

Speaker 3 (20:51):
So now they go to Philadelphia, right, That's that's when
they go for the final four, and it'll be a Friday.
This Friday.

Speaker 4 (20:57):
Yeah, they played the Ohio State team, who was there
last night.

Speaker 3 (21:00):
All the they planned. They won the first game with Jared.

Speaker 4 (21:02):
Sollinger was over there with me and Marcia.

Speaker 5 (21:03):
Marcia was asking to see the imprint on his chest
from George so make Marsha.

Speaker 4 (21:07):
We got to stay focus on day. Save that for
the Ohio State game.

Speaker 3 (21:09):
Marcia, she's not going back down from anybody. Are you
guys gonna go to Philadelphia for the lot familiar game?

Speaker 6 (21:17):
I have I want to go.

Speaker 5 (21:19):
I have something Saturday night, so I would have to
find a perfect flight scenario. I think Friday afternoon to
get back Saturday one to go. I'm not a no,
but it seems very unlikely.

Speaker 3 (21:28):
I think Mario's going I want to go. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (21:32):
No've had plans for this Saturday since last June. I mean,
I can't back out now.

Speaker 3 (21:36):
Is the Final Four Saturday Monday or Friday? Or Friday?
Sunday Friday?

Speaker 4 (21:42):
You got me confused?

Speaker 6 (21:43):
There you go, Friday Monday, So I believe Friday Monday. Yeah,
they played.

Speaker 7 (21:46):
The Final four Friday, and then believe the championship game
is on Monday.

Speaker 3 (21:49):
Well, the phone line is going to be open, and
if you were at the game last night, we want
to hear from you. Eight five nine two ay oh
two to eight seven. That's the Larst Public Shop phone number. Uh,
did you see what happened to Drew? Did you see
what happened after the game? What are your thoughts?

Speaker 4 (22:01):
We want to hear it.

Speaker 3 (22:02):
I hadn't seen Marios video of the actual spit till
we were walking in and he showing in. You can
see even you know, you see Nate's head go back
like just kind of nasty spit all this huge, yeah huge.

Speaker 5 (22:14):
Someone sent me a video where that guy has spent
on someone in overseas too. That just must be at
I enjoyed the press conference Willie and Nate Sestina were
there talking about it and they're like, yeah, I didn't
like the l's down. So then they just did it
again for all the TV games.

Speaker 3 (22:29):
Now know, Like in the wrestling world sometimes they do it,
but I guess they're expecting it's coming and they don't
get as mad. Well I get mad, but they not
look in a rivalry like this.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
It doesn't matter what month of the year it is, right,
it doesn't matter if it's current players or former players.
You're gonna get that. You're gonna get taunting, and you
have to be like understanding and willing to take it
as a fan base and as players out there on
the court without losing. You're cool And clearly Lobal fans
of Lobal players don't have that ability.

Speaker 3 (23:00):
A vision glass tech machine was their beer flowing at
the game last night.

Speaker 5 (23:03):
Man, Louisville, they have, I don't. It's I've always that
was my first Louisville UK vin ever, so I'm one
from one on getting punched. They had a bar like
behind the goal. I admit I went to it. I
had I had a mcgoultro, I had one. I treated myself.
But they do get absolutely hammered at games. I don't
know if that's All Games or TVT but they were

folded in the in the end zone.

Speaker 2 (23:25):
You have to be in that state of mind to
watch Loivelle basketball.

Speaker 3 (23:27):
Well, the good louisvill football teams in the past, people
would say they would go just to tailgate because it
was it was it was a big party.

Speaker 4 (23:34):
Well, they certainly liked their beverages.

Speaker 3 (23:36):
All right, Well, take our break, come back Clark's Puppy
Shop phone numbers eight, five, nine, two, two to eighty seven.
We are kaitecting Sports Radio.

Speaker 5 (23:43):
TJ Smith, personal injury attorney called TJ. He'll make them.

Speaker 2 (23:46):
Pay now more of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.
Here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
All right, welcome back, Ryan, Drew Shannon and Super Mario.
Here we are at the Lexington Tennis Challenger presented by
Meridian Wealth Management. Coming out tickets are only ten dollars
for the for the whole day. You get a day
pass for ten dollars. Watch some of the rising stars
on the tennis circuit. They'll be out here now for
the next couple of days. It's a great tournament. But
we did get on the text machine. U says, what

is that infernal noise behind you? Guys? That's from a
fran on the a vision glass text machine.

Speaker 6 (24:18):
The h.

Speaker 4 (24:21):
Part of the part of the atmosphere.

Speaker 2 (24:22):
You know, you gotta get the courts dried up.

Speaker 3 (24:25):
Don't know how long it takes to drive those courts,
but it's taken uhnutes.

Speaker 2 (24:30):
They were doing it in the Free Show too.

Speaker 5 (24:32):

Speaker 2 (24:33):
So you know you're a former tennis player, Ryot.

Speaker 3 (24:35):
Yeah, Corey Price just tweeted that picture, yes, of me
and the Pike Central Charger tennis team. You know, like
I said, conference champions.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
Oh is that right?

Speaker 3 (24:43):
The Pocket Athletic Conference.

Speaker 4 (24:44):
Were you the one on the team?

Speaker 3 (24:46):
We were the number two doubles Like, oh okay, yeah,
it's number two doubles. Yeah, I barely made the squad.

Speaker 5 (24:51):
Would you like to know my tennis record my senior
year is the number three player Actually might have been
like the four or five. I certainly wasn't one of
the best. I went zero and zero because on the
day of our first match, we're gonna play Hopkins County Central.
You know, you're staying after school waiting around. Yeah, and
I'm in the gym and I go up, goofing, off
trying to dunk and I just destroyed my ankle.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
That's when you messed your ankle up.

Speaker 5 (25:10):
Yeah, people could hear it on the other side of
the gym. So I had to go, Hey, I'm out
for today's tennis match and probably the season. So I
may I could be you know, I could be playing
in the day now if circumstances have been different.

Speaker 3 (25:22):
If you ever walk behind Drew, look at his left ankle.

Speaker 4 (25:25):
It's not good.

Speaker 3 (25:26):
It doesn't it's not parallel to the ground. It's it's slanted.

Speaker 5 (25:29):
It's not good.

Speaker 3 (25:30):
No, it's it's awful. Well, you're going to say something, Mario.

Speaker 7 (25:32):
I was gonna say. I made a mistake. I said
the game was on Monday. It's actually on Sunday at
two o'clock. It's a one game is Friday at nine o'clock,
and the championship game is at Sunday at two o'clock.

Speaker 3 (25:41):
So it's Friday Sunday. Yes, for your trip to Philadelphia. Yes, okay,
there they just stopped there listening flowers. Yeah, they must
be listening to our show. I will how do you
think Matt would have handled that?

Speaker 5 (25:52):
Would have unpugged it already? I will say, Mario is
like unofficially part of familiar I believe they treat him
like he's on the team, their family.

Speaker 3 (26:01):
Well, you said they were coming up to you after
the game, Hey, Mari are you going to Philly? You're
going to Philly. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (26:05):
A few of the coaching staff was are you going
to Philly? And I said maybe. I said maybe, I'm hoping.

Speaker 5 (26:09):
To go there.

Speaker 3 (26:10):
I really want to go. So we will be on
the road next week. We can we can talk about
this our first really ficial remote. Matt will be back
and we're going to Hopkinsville a vision glass a week
from Friday, so that's August ninth. We'll be in Hopkinsville.
We're in second region where you're at.

Speaker 5 (26:26):
Yeah, best part of the state. Looking forward to getting
over there showing you all around western Kentucky.

Speaker 3 (26:31):
Tomorrow we of course it'll be Tom Hart's swan song.
We had to say goodbye to Myron yesterday. Myron got
really emotional there that last segment, didn't he. I mean
I had a lot of people text me said, man,
Myron's got me tearing up right now.

Speaker 4 (26:43):

Speaker 5 (26:44):
The man he mentioned, ed Ashoff that worked for ESPN.
He's like almost exactly my age. And I remember when
he passed away very unexpected. I didn't know he and
Myron were so close. But yeah, that was a I
want to say, it's a good ending of the show.
But there's a great message that Mario had for everyone.
Myron had for everyone, and Mario Mario's got great messages
to thank you.

Speaker 2 (27:02):
Felt like a good way to put a button on
the end of it really was for Myron.

Speaker 3 (27:06):
Yeah, on Mary Monday. But then tomorrow we'll have to
say goodbye to Tom Hard who's been in the entire summer,
and of course he's been one of them, he's been
in the KSR family for several several years.

Speaker 5 (27:16):
Yeah, I feel like we hadn't seen Tom and while
he's on vacation, last week's will be good just to
catch up with him, even though it's the last one
of the summer.

Speaker 3 (27:23):
And then Thursday we will be in Woodford County. We
will conclude our countdown to the Counties with number one
hundred twenty Woodford County where we will be at a
pop up show in Woodford County on Thursday.

Speaker 6 (27:34):
We walk in there or what's the deal? Are you
guys supposed to be walking to Woodford County.

Speaker 2 (27:38):
Well, that's if we didn't finish it, right. So if
we didn't finish this, we are finishing it. Ryan doesn't
have to do his punishment.

Speaker 3 (27:44):
But Drew said, I'll go off walk with you. I
map quested. It's a four hour walk from my house.

Speaker 4 (27:49):
I'm a victim of us.

Speaker 5 (27:50):
I can't a.

Speaker 2 (27:52):
Bad ankle, a bad stern off. He can't walk that far.

Speaker 5 (27:54):
I can barely get through this show. I can barely breathe, right.

Speaker 3 (27:57):
So that's that's the future the rest of the week.
But we have to go backwards now for just a moment.
Friday night at Chaos Bar and Grill, Shannon the Dude
was a rock star, a bonafide rock star. Alice Blue
Gown played their first ever concert at Chaos Bar and Grill,
and I'm telling you, Shanon, I told you this that night.

You guys sounded great. I mean, that's maybe the best
I've ever heard your band. And we were worried about
how the sound was going to be being outside underneath
the patio in that kind of somewhat confined space, but
was it was. We had the garage doors open. I'm
telling you, man, you guys sounded awesome.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
Well you and Andy sounded great too, But the main takeaway
was the cops did not get.

Speaker 3 (28:40):
Called on us. Very true.

Speaker 2 (28:41):
You know, all of our neighbors were cool about it.
We got the not the approval, but we went by
and said, hey, there's gonna be a live loud band
over here for a couple of hours tomorrow night. And uh,
kudos to our neighbors for being cool about it and
not I calling the cops on it.

Speaker 6 (28:53):

Speaker 2 (28:53):
Yeah, we had a lot of fun, thanks to everybody
who came out. Had a good crowd out there, great crowd.

Speaker 3 (28:57):
Who knows.

Speaker 2 (28:58):
Maybe we'll do it again.

Speaker 3 (28:58):
I hope we do. I hope you do.

Speaker 6 (29:00):
I would love to see that again.

Speaker 7 (29:01):
And there's one Shannon, there's we talked a little bit
about it off air. You're a performer and you entertain,
you gotta sell it. You got kissing up to you,
you were you were dancing. There's there's there's some singers
out there that just sing when they get up on stage.
You you do it all. You're entertained. That's right, That's
what I got from it. I'm not even like a
rock type of guy, but I genuinely enjoyed it and

I was like, man, like, he's a performer.

Speaker 2 (29:23):
Well, if you're in the band and you're not into it,
how can you expect the fans the listeners to be
into it. So you're right, Yeah, it's all about selling it,
selling what you're doing up on stage. So I'm a
big of course, when you're in a band, you gotta
sound good. But if you don't look the part, then
there's something that's just kind of missing. For that, you
gotta perform, that's right.

Speaker 4 (29:39):
So yeah, work that stage. That's what it's there for,
that's right.

Speaker 3 (29:42):
The guys from Holapinos, a lot of the the managers
and the servers, they all walked over and stood and watched.

Speaker 5 (29:52):
They like to have a good time. Yeah. Yeah, they're
a great neighbors.

Speaker 3 (29:55):
The great neighbors. They walked over and just kind of
they weren't just they were really wanting to listen and
check it out a little bit. Like the guys maybe
on their smoke break came over and was listening to
Shannon and hanging out. So uh, it was. It was
a great nine. Like you said, thank you for everybody
it came out because it was a great show. You know,
Brian Cliff and Tony and you guys rocked it out
last Tess Friday Night.

Speaker 4 (30:15):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (30:15):
Yep, had a lot of fun and really enjoyed it.
You know, we got football tailgate parties coming up and
all kinds of good stuff, so they were always available.

Speaker 3 (30:22):
Now we do talk about one thing about this.

Speaker 5 (30:24):
What's up?

Speaker 3 (30:26):
I don't know if Matthew Mitchell now has the record
for tightest pants one singer.

Speaker 2 (30:32):
You're just jealous, man, like I could get you a pair.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
You can rock them out, Shannon, the dude tight tight pants.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
Yeah, they're tighter than my wrestling tights.

Speaker 3 (30:40):
There is no doubt. When when I first came in,
go Go girl said he's got on leather pants. It
looked so tight. She thought they were leather pants.

Speaker 2 (30:49):
Leather pants. They were just good fitting jeans, tight fitting jeans.

Speaker 3 (30:52):
They were tight fitting jeans. There's no doubt about it's right.
How do you even move with those things on.

Speaker 2 (30:57):
The performing very gracefully? You saw it. I think we
need to get you a pair.

Speaker 3 (31:02):
Well, No, Andy and I walked up. You know, we
we hobbled up and did our thing and sat back down.
I like that we brought in Andy for that one
little he did the one line you know about Tennessee.

Speaker 5 (31:16):
Yeah, did Andy enjoy himself? Was the audience well behoved?

Speaker 3 (31:18):
Andy really enjoyed himself. Yeah, for the most part that
the audience was well behaved.

Speaker 2 (31:23):
Nobody got punched in the stern them. No, you know,
I think.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
I know Tina, our manager did some dancing on the
dance floor that video. Yeah, so uh eight five nine
two ah two eight seven, that's the cars puppet. Your
phone number? Who's our first callar Matt? Larry? Go ahead, Larry, Hey,
good morning guys, Good morning, Larry. I'm very sorry that

the Louisville fan exhibited the sportsmanship level that they did
towards you.

Speaker 5 (31:56):
Thank you, is my point.

Speaker 3 (31:59):
I don't know if you got mo or off the
prior to the game, just tip off. Letso goes down
to where I can't say that guy's name was standing.

Speaker 2 (32:11):
Well, accept it on talk to him.

Speaker 3 (32:14):
And on a say on hawk to him. You gotta
be used to shake Letzel's hands.

Speaker 6 (32:23):
Bad blood.

Speaker 3 (32:25):
Oh well, you know, and in in hindsight, maybe they
shouldn't have had the handshake line. After that. Just go
to r go to your locker room. And it's situation
like that.

Speaker 5 (32:34):
I think we can blame the handshake line. People were
shaking hands. Only one person spit one person took me
on to the next level. Yes, uh, the basketball. I
think it was pretty clear they knew they weren't better
at basketball, so they were gonna flop, taunt cheap shot.
That was their only hope.

Speaker 3 (32:49):
After them before the game started.

Speaker 6 (32:52):
Yeah, that's that's deeper than ye.

Speaker 3 (32:55):
Thank you man. Appreciate the phone call Larry after the
incident with you where you got punched in the sternam victim.
Did you go on the court?

Speaker 4 (33:02):
Yeah, straight to the courts.

Speaker 5 (33:04):
Like I said, I could have. I could have chased
a little fill of down and handled it there. But
there was a party. I'm there for the party, Yes,
and the guy's not gonna steal my joye, so I
walk straight out of the court. There's actually a video.
It's pretty crazy. It's the buzzer beater, me doing the
l's down, me getting punched, me walking straight out to
Sustina getting spit on, all in one one minute take

that hasn't been edited. It really should be nominated for
Best Pictures.

Speaker 2 (33:27):
Yeah, no doubt. The continuity was perfect. It was like
you're watching a movie.

Speaker 5 (33:32):
I want to pay another compliment to our life familiar team. Yay,
they're my now my favorite UK team of all time.
They're amazing and people are gonna laugh at that. I
get it, Summer exhibition. Don't care. They're number one.

Speaker 3 (33:41):
That's a pretty bold statement.

Speaker 5 (33:42):
They're amazing. Nates Astina might be my favorite player of
all time. Sorry DeMarcus, Sorry dron Lamb. Y'all are falling
a little bit behind Nates Astina, Karum, Canter, Willie, the Harris,
really the whole team. But after the game, uh, cooler
heads prevailed at least on the UK side, and they
stayed after a long time with Kentucky fans. Sound an autograph.
There was like a little area that was basically a
UK meet and greet in a corner pocket of Freedom Hall.

So the people we keep playing up the negatives of
the night, but if you went and aren't a victim
of assault, it looked like a really great time to
be a Kentucky fan, because I mean they were doing
pictures the same things they did it rough. They stayed
after Freedom Hall and met as many UK fans as
they could.

Speaker 3 (34:18):
This is really kind of what the Kentucky Louisville rivalry needed.
You know, had kind of been down last couple years
because we beat him in basketball, beat him in football.
That kind of reignited. I think the rivalry a little bit,
don't you think so?

Speaker 5 (34:30):
It got a little stale when they reached all these
extreme levels of suck in both sports recently. But I
have a serious question that's gonna sound like I'm tawning.
I'm really not. How do people wake up in the
morning and say, I'm gonna continue to be a Louisville
fan and believe that this is gonna happ Like they
genuinely thought they were gonna win that game. They're already
talking about the Governor's Cup that's months from now that

they're not gonna win. They're already crowning Pat Kelsey everything.
I just I don't understand the mentality to lose it
everything and wake up the next morning and just act
like everything's fine and we're the best.

Speaker 4 (35:00):
I don't get it. I don't know how they do it.

Speaker 3 (35:02):
Their little brother, They're always gonna be little brother. Bring
them on bringing. I can't wait for the football game,
because you know they are. They're kind of pounding their
chest now. Jeff brawn back and I think they're they're
gonna get back to their glory days of Louisville football.

Speaker 5 (35:15):
And I'm wearing a chess plate to the uh krographil Hello,
I'm gonna be full Game of Thrones night uniform.

Speaker 2 (35:20):
Brown where like the baseball catcher's chess protector.

Speaker 3 (35:24):
Oh yeah, there we go, there you go. All right,
Well take our break, come back. We'll get some more
phone calls. Eight five nine two eight oh two two
eighty seven. That's the Clarks puppet shop phone number eight
five nine to Ato Cats. Give us a call. Let's
know what you think about it, especially if you were
there last night, if you were there as a fan,
give us a call. We want to hear from you.
We were right back, Ryan Drew Shannon Mario here on
Kentucky's Sports Radio. All right, welcome back Kentucky Sports Radio.
Ryan Drew, Shannon super Mario got another KSR Summer pop

up Tour thanks to the Kentucky Department Highway Safety. Buckle up,
put your phone down. This one was presented by the
Tournament Lexing Tennis Challenger presented by Meridian Wealth Management. If
this is a Usta pro circuit event and some of
the up and coming stars men and women are both
playing here. You'll see them in the years ahead and
in Wimbledon US opened and some big name to come
through here before we getting farther though, shann Who's our

segment sponsored mo.

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You know what everybody at Freedom Hall need it last
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Speaker 3 (36:48):
Thank you, mister dude. All right, without further ado, Another
one of the stars from last night's Law Familiar game.
It's not Willie Koustein, it's not Nate Cistina. It's our
good friend Marcia Pohe Marcia, come on, how you doing, Marcia?

Speaker 8 (37:03):
Oh, it's it's beautiful, It's it's a beautiful day.

Speaker 5 (37:06):
It is.

Speaker 3 (37:08):
Horse Marshal, like you lost your voice a little bit, Marcia.

Speaker 8 (37:12):
And you know, and this, I had these two U
of L fans beside me and and they left. I
told you, I said, was it something I said? Because
this this this what?

Speaker 7 (37:30):

Speaker 8 (37:31):
He let us know right when that he he said,
I'm a I'm a terrible U of L. Fan. I'm
just letting you know right now. Kendall said, what does
that mean? He said, I hate Kentucky. I said, well,
we hate you too, And you know, it's like and
then he because he says, uh, look, they spill cats

because they can't spill wildcats. Did you realize it's called
then all cardon Knolls, y'all can't fill that old So
that's the only time I really addressed him, and that
was before the game. Still cordial. We're going on, and

I scream one time, bald on lie so he has
to scream it. Kendall says, strike one.

Speaker 6 (38:25):
And then.

Speaker 8 (38:27):
Look and he's throwing he's throwing his arms all around him,
just missing me by inches. But my rule is, you
pay for your ticket, you do whatever you want to do,
just don't touch me.

Speaker 3 (38:39):
Okay, I like that.

Speaker 8 (38:42):
But he goes on and on and then they show
that twenty thirteen flag, and of course I'm screaming, vacated
it vacated. He gets in my fatimes to me in
my face and scream and that two or three. Kindle,

Kendle light. Kendall said, we're not doing that. He said,
let's lee. They screaming. Kendall said, she's not screaming in
your face. She's screamed.

Speaker 3 (39:17):
Whoa goodness?

Speaker 8 (39:19):
And then so the girl switched places and put him
on the other side. A little bit later, she says, look,
I'm really happy for you. Your team is winning. So with
you not scream in my ear, I said, honey, I
am screaming towards the court and it will continue. My
team is still out there. I'm still screaming, who's it?

And then they left. They moved.

Speaker 5 (39:47):
They left early.

Speaker 4 (39:48):
You had two empty seats for you for most of
the second half.

Speaker 3 (39:51):
There's one thing you can say about Marshall pos she
is going to fight the good fight. Living in Little Beny,
Kentucky fan, you fans have to fight the good fight
every single day. Marsh is going to bring it every
single time. And there's no doubt in my mind, Marcia,
you were going to do that.

Speaker 8 (40:03):
We loved it. I loved seeing Drew and Abby. Nice
to meet Mario. Oh and mister U of L Fan
Paring walked by, and I couldn't thank you his name?
I said, Oh my god, what's his name? What's I said?
What's he payed for you? Of ail? What's the name?
I can't remember it? Oh, Kendall says, some of you

of AL fans. And then I finally and Paring come
up and give me a kiss and hug me, and
I said, ah, this is going to be a great night.

Speaker 3 (40:34):
Well, Marcia, are you gonna go try and make the
trip to Philadelphia.

Speaker 8 (40:38):
I wish I could. Oh, I wish I could.

Speaker 3 (40:41):
We need you. Then they need you. There's somebody that
can carry the big blue banner. It is Marshall Post.
So thank you, Marshall. Thank you a good fight last night.

Speaker 8 (40:49):
Oh I love you guys, bye, love you too.

Speaker 3 (40:52):
Marsha Mario.

Speaker 5 (40:52):
With all your connection, surely you know somebody with a
private Jeff that can get me and Marcia to Philadelphia
to continue this run.

Speaker 6 (40:58):
That would be nice, Drew, That's be nice. But I
do I do have a question.

Speaker 3 (41:01):
I do have a question.

Speaker 7 (41:02):
Yeah, what do Louisville fans do today? Do they just
go about their day and not like because you gotta.

Speaker 4 (41:08):
Sleep till one because they don't have jobs.

Speaker 6 (41:10):
They were looking forward to this.

Speaker 3 (41:12):
They were looking forward to it. They were gonna get
Kentucky back for these last five or six years of
not being able to be Kentucky. They were gonna win
it last night on their home turn Freedom Hall.

Speaker 4 (41:21):
It's been six or seven years.

Speaker 5 (41:22):
If they're gonna win it, it's got to be getting exhausting,
just except what's about to happen.

Speaker 3 (41:27):
So I think, what is it? The basketball is thirteen
out of the last sixteen, So now is it fourteen
out of the last seventeen to be count if.

Speaker 5 (41:33):
You want to count, you want to count. Uless is
now five and zero as a player. Oh wow, the
Harris Twins are undefeated. Hell, I think the whole team's
undefeated against them, never.

Speaker 3 (41:41):
Lost, never lost a five, nine two o two to
eighty seven. That's our cars public shop phone numb if
you want to get on board, We're about to take
our break at the top of the ard. I gotta
ask you a question, Dree, you're from western Kentucky.

Speaker 5 (41:51):
Yes, probably.

Speaker 3 (41:52):
I went to Alabama this past weekend see my brother
before football season starts. Driving back cross into Kentucky, I'm
older by Clynt hometown of Dante Key. Saw something on
the side of the road. It was an armadillo.

Speaker 2 (42:06):
Really, we have armadillos in Kentucky.

Speaker 3 (42:08):
Do we have armadillos in Kentucky.

Speaker 5 (42:10):
We got a couple, I mean, don't don't scare it off.
We just got a few who don't have many. I've
not seen one personally, but I have heard of that.

Speaker 2 (42:16):
We drove through the entire state of Texas and all
I wanted to see was an armadillo. And you're telling
me you saw one in Kentucky.

Speaker 3 (42:21):
In Kentucky, we googled it and they are now in
western Kentucky. Armadillos.

Speaker 5 (42:26):
I mean, it's one of the best parts of the country.
Armadillos are noticing, bears are noticing. They want to see
our lakes.

Speaker 2 (42:31):
So that's our NBA protein. The armadillos.

Speaker 3 (42:33):
Armadillos are in Kentucky, all right, Well, take up, break
come back eight five nine two A two two eight
seven Ryan Drew, Shannon Mario here on Kentucky's Port Radio
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