Episode Transcript
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Welcome Korea. It's a great sportsdot to the Petros and Money show on
air at AM five seventy LA Sportswith the ability to really go anywhere and
do anything, streaming everywhere with theiHeartRadio app hosted by Bad Money Smith.
Check out the fit and Petros Papadakis. That's what we like to hear here.
They are on your home of theLA Dodgers in Think and down the
Green, petrosin money, Petro sendmoney. They yearn for what they fear
for. Oh yeah, I makePetro some money. AM five seventy LA
Sports live everywhere on the iHeartRadio app. We got Dodgers Diamondbacks tonight, Galloping
Motors broadcast booth first pitches at sixforty pm. That is why you are
hearing the Jacob Miller. This isthe second hour of Petros and Money flexed
back to two o'clock. Tim Kate'sDodgers on Deck at five thirty. You
missed a conversation with David Fassat.You missed an unscheduled phone call from Oral
Herscheiser to push back yet again onTim Kates on willingness to accept pickle as
a term a baseball term. Yeah, and runner gets caught between the bases.
I remember when Rick Monday was like, it's not a rubber match.
It's a rubber game. Yeah,we don't play matches in baseball, and
that made sense. You know,volleyball, it's a rubber match. Baseball,
it's a rubber game. He hada he had a very He had
a solid, uh set of factsto back up his position. That was
a thing back when we were friendswith Rick Monday. That is not the
case. Well, I'm not sayingwe're not friends with Well, he used
to come on every week. Yeah, we were paid. He was paid
to be our friend, right,But Orl is not. He's just a
He's a friend, dude with acapital F. And it's great to have
Oral calling in talking pickle and sayingPetros grabbed pickle. You know, it's
it's great. Seeing Kates is adeal. We appreciate it. So a
great conversation with Oral, a greatconversation with Bassay, and we still got
James Worthy coming up. And wedo have basketball tonight, Matt. There's
a basketball contest on AM eleven tofifty Clippers MAVs Big One. It is
the pivotal Game five with a seriestied to two. Clippers have home court
advantage. They were able to holdon to a thirty point lead that they
had relinquished completely in the final twominutes in Game four. So no Kawhi
Leonard again tonight. Probably not goingto see him the rest of the playoffs
seems to be the rights of springwhen it comes to the Clippers, So
it will be James Harden and PaulGeorge tasks with slowing down Kyrie Irving and
Luka Doncicchin. Will hear adam ouslindOver there at six and tip off at
seven? And Matt is much moreengaged because the Lifetime movie he was watched
is probably in a commercial right,No, I turned it off. The
Hillsdale adoption didn't tickle my fancy inthe first five minutes. I was like,
Eh, I know why stop?I'm sick. God. What's your
friend's name? That's a manager ofPepper again, Brad? He is the
promoter that I believe. Yes,Brad will be there tonight. Great dude,
one of the all time great guysin music. Well, speaking of
public embarrassments, it's time for theword of the day. His words.
The word of the day Matt.Charles Barkley very much in the news,
the best, the great Charles Barkley, whether he's making fun of Kenny or
making Shaquille o'nea laugh, and somebodywas showing like Charles Barkley before everybody went
PC on T and T and Kenny'slike, why why not? Why why
don't you buy a woman to watch? Barkley's like, because there's a there's
a clock on the stove, justdonereal. But anyway, Barkley's in the
news. Even though his CNN showwith Gail King got canceled, Barkley is
still very much in the news.And he went on a very popular podcast
now I guess no, even morepopular, Matt, you want to take
another guest Kelsey Bros. Okay,I don't know if it's as popular as
the Kelsey Bros. Where one ofthem lost their Super Bowl ringing a kiddie
pool filled with Skyline chili. No. He he went on Club Sha Sha
oh right right right, Club EverybodyLoves Club Show. Yeah, that's where
Kat Williams went on and said thatpuff Daddy wants to party sweet yeah,
like Dwight Howard. So he didtalk about though I would normally never play
anything from Club Shaysha because it justdoesn't spark my interest. But Barkley had
something to say. But Barkley,Matt He addressed one of our favorite topics
here, which is the on andoff embarrassing relationship between Scottie Pippen's ex wife
and his teammate Michael Jordan Son MarcusJordan. And we've talked about this for
years and finally Charles Barkley has waited. I feel bad for Michael, I
feel bad for Scotty. Yes,that is so messy. Yes, I
don't like messy because when it's messy, everybody has an opinion on it.
Everybody has an opinion, and youknow, the Internet is not a place
for messy. No, And youhave to understand it's a lot of kids
involved, yes, and people aremean. People are mean, and it's
unfortunate. You know. I justgot into social media because I didn't want
to be around the meanness. AndI feel bad for everybody involved because I
see all the pictures. I don'tdo the comment stuff, but I know
they're gonna be mean, right,But it's just I just hate messy,
and it's just really messy. Andthere are no winners. Uh, there's
only losers. That's right, becauseobviously Michael and Scottish relationship can't ever be
the same, not after that.No, not like this. There are
no winners. There are only losers. Hey, lord, that's what you're
doing with the boy, Mike Son, you're a call you go by now
that I felt like that sound bitefrom one of our listeners made us winners.
I feel like we won because ofthat, and I feel bad for
Michael. I feel bad for Scotty, but for us. It's messy.
But thank you Charles Barkley with somereason and a terrible unreasonable world towards the
Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, LarsaPippin and Marcus Jordan's situation, and it
looks like they've fully rekindled Matt.Yeah, full rekindling stays messy. There
are no winners, only losers.I'm a loser. Yes, you're a
loser, Marcus. Time for theword number, number of the name,
number of the day, number daysto two tweets. We do not dip
our toe into the cesspool of politics. And let's it's a story like this.
I believe the most famous of allwell I mean menthols. Well,
that's what I mean, gambling storieslike menthol cigarettes, sports gambling, haircuts,
not being able to overcome a sirenin the background when you're delivering an
address. As a professional public speaker, we have a hard time with vice
control. There's that, Hey,it's one of my vices. Let me
go down on that sinking ship.But this is one of our favorites,
the participation of politicians in sporting productions. When locals it's always bad idea,
it's always about And the most famousone of the Petrolos and Money show is
I believe it was a city councilmanon the steps of city Hall paying his
respects to the dominant USC football Thatwas back in my my Korean station days.
That was over at Tommy Trojan.Tommy Trojan, they called him Pete
Carrott. They killed Pete Carroll.What Pete Carrot and Pete Carrott and Ronald
Bush, Mike Liinert. Yeah,these are great moments. And they were
drunk in local politicians. They lubedup those local politicians over at Bouvard and
then they rolled them out to TommyTrojan. But yeah, it's I mean
when politicians feel like they have tocomment on sporting issues. They almost so.
Yes, well it was Comisky Field. I've been coming to Comisky Field,
so all of all of them,I wouldn't be able to pick one.
Karen Bass, mayor of Los Angeles, decided to tip her cap in
the direction of the Lakers. Nowwas it Mayor Bass or was it one
of her underlings that does her tweetingfor her? I don't know, but
this is not this is something thatwe would tweet instead. It came from
the mayor's verified Twitter account. Quotetough season, but at least we won
the in season tournament. Exclamation point. Proud of our team at Lakers.
That's great perspective. She could imagine. The comments came rather fast and furious.
Did she think she had like somethinggood there? Hey, guys,
let's not pile on these Lakers aftergetting booted in the first round, having
finished seventh in the Western Conference becausethey won the n season tournament. Let's
applaud them and be proud of ourteam. The tweet will be sad because
it's over, be happy because ithappened exactly right. The tweet was quickly
deleted. Of course, you canalways screen grab these things and replaced with
you left it all on the floor. Thank you, Lakers, purple heart,
yellow heart, purple heart, yellowheart, keep paying in politicians.
We certainly appreciate it. Yeah,it's it's unfortunate they got after that Michigan
governor pretty good at the draft.Yeah, and that's that's not fair because
she's forced into it to some degree. The politicians always show up because the
event happens. Hey, the NFL'scoming, So I guess I got to
get out here and say something.But you know, you earn that,
you're absolutely right, p you earnthat. Could they let Barry Gordy roll
out there right? Why not?Still a little motown action, Runnie.
This is the song of the day. Horseman is our song of the day
from an English band out of Ventnoron the Isle of Wight called the Bees,
who are known here in America asa band of Bees. Because the
Petros and money shows buzzing around yourAM frequency with another two to five thirty
flex alert with the Dodgers in Arizona, where the Bees have safely been disbanded
and the boys in Blue will starton time and their quest to take two
out of three from the Snakes inthe Desert and Tim Kates will kick things
off with your Marongo Casino Dodgers onDeck program beginning at five thirty. Thank
you running, Thanks Ronning is WorthyNext, Worthy is Next. We're gonna
ask Hi about getting bailed by theKing. We're gonna ask him about the
boy Mike's son. That's boy Mike'sign you called? Ain't you? Okay?
Stay with us. Great sports talkcontinues on m FI seventy LA Sports
your home of the Dodgers coming up, Tim Kates, Marongo Dodgers on Deck
five thirty. We're going till fivethirty. That is Dodger Baseball, Clipper
Basketball gonna be in our sister station, AM eleven fifty, Game five against
the Mavericks. Time now for JamesWorthy, driven by the Ford F Series,
America's best selling truck for forty sevenyears in counting. Head to your
Southern California four dealers for great offerson a Ford F Series truck built for
tough and joining us right now,the one and only Hall of Famer that
we all love and appreciate. Heknows the attention of detail it takes to
win a championship. He knows thesacrifice and the fight and the grit it
takes. And he was fabulous detailingthese things all season long. Emmy winning
broadcaster on Spectrum, but of coursereally great in this Lakers and Denver series.
Joining us like he always does,is the great James Worthy on the
Petros Some Money Show. One ofthe greatest Lakers of all time and a
great North Carolinian. What's cracking,James? How are you well? I'm
over here feeling out my uber applicationsthat a good manor I got a nice
I got a nice uh for theaviator, that's all, and I need
a job. Make sure you getthose little water bottles for the back.
Yeah, people that I steal alot of that from from from Spectrum already
from the Massive you know, Ikind of cover up the camera and a
you know, tissue and paper towel. Yeah, I have a lot of
that in the car. No goodidea because you know, you know what
we're great. It's always a surpriseJames Worthy picks you up on your Uber
and then he's got the little waterbottles. I mean, you know,
that's attention to detail, and uhis that what was lacking? You know
in the in the final game andfelt like, you know, the Lakers
could have could have taken that game. They certainly played, they came to
play. Uh, there's no doubtabout that. What were your impressions of
how that that slipped away? Well, unfortunately it was. It was a
trait that we saw quite a bitthis season. You know. It's unfortunately
we had to see a lot ofthat, at least twelve or fourteen games
where you know, the same thingthey should have won. They shouldn't even
been in that play in position again, because there were times during the regular
season where they had leads against reallypoor teams sometimes or teams that were without
players, and they just lost.And you know, I know they had
injuries like everybody else, but whenit gets to the playoffs, it seems
like it was the same, youknow, the lack of understanding value of
possessions when you have a twelve pointlead, when you have a twenty point
lead. You know, players thatsometimes are supposed to huddle together and take
care of that craft themselves, youknow, and say, look, as
it can't be turning the ball.We you know, look, this is
what we need to do, andthey just didn't have that they had.
You know, I kind of callit like the pace car at the at
the at the Indianapolis five hundred,where it just you know, the pace
car. It sets the pace,it goes around and round and round,
and then it gets out of theway and then the cars come and they
race. And I just don't understandwhat this type of you know, veteran
player like lebron A d you know, enough experience. I think Reese has
had enough experience to not be ableto handle that, you know, so
that was a that was a problem. And then when you when you play
a team that has that, andthey just kind of you know, file
their nails, you know, untilthe last five minutes of the fourth court
they said, oh okay, let'sgo, let's go get this one.
And they're very good at it,and the Lakers just seem to not be
able to you know equal that youknow did that is their cohesiveness is not
as good as Denver. So yougot to control certain things, can't turn
the ball over, you got toget a good shots, you know,
just so, but they just timeafter time, turnover after turnover, and
now you know, they had theyhad their chance. James, I don't
know if I'm tell me, ifyou think I'm being unfair. I thought
the final sequence of that game,I had a real you know, I
had a real issue with it.You got Lebron on the line. He's
been to countless finals, what nineof them or something like that, or
seven of them. I know theydon't have timeouts, but but he's on
the line, he can direct traffic. The idea that that final shot is
Jamal Murray, who's made huge shotsin his career, huge shot in Game
two to win the game. Andyou got Austin Reeves scrambling to try to
stay in front of him instead ofLebron picking them up at half court like
superstars do, like guys on yourfive title winning Lakers teams in the eighties
would do in those sort of moments. I just thought I was an indicative
of what kind of the the wholeseries was. Is just the best players
not doing the things they needed todo in the game's most important moments and
just almost being invisible. Well,you know, I think, you know,
there's there's a lot of ways tounpack that. Uh you know,
I think, like like it witha d injured and not being able to
let that arm I would have Iwould have put Hayes in. I needed
I needed activity, I need bodies. Maybe maybe he could have been around
when Gordon got that extra rebound.I don't know, he could have been
down there. He's active. Uh. I think that when a guy like
Murray has beaten you over and over, you cannot let him come off of
that pick you know, if Lebronwants to pick him up. If Lebron
wants to pick him up, that'sfine. I got no problem with that
too. But then somebody's gonna haveto be on Gordon with who who's Who's
who's gotten so many offensive rebounds andthrown him back out to Porter or Murray.
But I think for me, andyou know from my days with pat
Riley, you know he's like whenhe comes off picking Rose, you can't
allow him to explore. Okay,I know you don't want to trap or
pick up because Jokis is rolling,but you got you know, for me,
you got Ruy right there because theycarried out that other side for yo
kids. So everything was on thaton that strong side. When Murray came
off, I gotta run somebody athim and force the extra pass and the
distance, the distance between you know, Pope and Porter that was only like
three or four feet. I thinkmy chances on that when he comes off
and he starts to he gets thatextra bounce and another and I think I
just said, I said, ohlord, even a d couldn't get to
the shot. So yeah, Ithink you live and learn. You always
go back. I know I havein my career, and you look back.
But I don't know if it wasyou know, Lebron should have taken
it, because then you gotta nowif they if they put Hayes in the
game and take Reeves out, yeahthen yeah Lebron. But Gordon's back there
just eating up glass. Just differentways to look at it. I think
AD's armed down out. I justwould have rather had a active body.
I didn't know how severe it wasuntil you know later on, but not
getting any shots up that was,you know, unfortunate. I think,
you know, so many people arefocusing on how tight the contests were,
and I get it. You know, they have the twenty point lead,
they have double digit leads in almosteach of the five games, but they
still lose four games to one.That Denver is now eight and one against
them, the last two postseasons,But like, what what do you what
do you look forward to next year? If you know Oklahoma City and what
Minnesota are doing with these incredibly youngrosters, you know, twenty five year
old Shay Gilgis, twenty two yearold Anthony, Like, what do you
think the future of this team isfrom a competitive standpoint that still, by
the way, finished seventh in theWestern Conference or with those young teams ahead
of them, can they just affordto run it back or do they need
to do something major? You lookat what's you look at the playoffs right
now, like no Steph Curry,no kd Yeah, Lebron, Lebron getting
you know he's out. There's probablyanother guy that you know that's that's Jamion
Green, those guys. You know, it's it's a change another guard right
now. Man, it's it's it'sit's it's different. And it's not like
it's like you know, it's notlike it's like Okay, Celtics and Lakers
for sure, you know San Antonio, they're going to be back in action
pretty soon. You know, Denverhas emerged. It's just you know,
I think that for me, theinability to to grow who see who are
coach beforehand in Phoenix now Ogel,Yeah, you know, and it's just
it's it's it's hard. You know, every two years you got you got
different coach. You know, you'retrying to stack up. I look at
you know, I look at Beasleyin Milwaukee when we had him, he
couldn't he couldn't hit the ocean.Sometimes that's the system, you know what
I mean. And and so Idon't think the Lakers have allowed it to
grow. I think we wanted abubble. We were good that year,
were decent, but I think youknow, we we lost Polk, we
lost Monk. You know, wetraded our players to get player. That's
fine, but we haven't gotten whatDenver has or what you know, the
teams that that that are stick likeglue, you know. And that's why
I think we have and consistencies wemade. We made moves after the trade
line, you know, after lastyear, and we got you know,
the Russell Westbrook. Then we boughtsome guys in they had half a season
last year. It looked pretty goodwhat they what they're able to do.
Then you transfer that to this year, you know, it just you know,
they still they had like forty fivefifty games. And that's the only
way I can explain it. LikeDenver's lost together, they won together.
They've been injured together. Boston whenthey they took their time, spent four
or five years losing, and theyfinally So I don't know what the answer
is. You know, they're they'retalented enough to run it back. Does
that mean that gives them more timeto to get better cohesiveness or get to
know each other better? I don'tknow, because they showed great signs,
you know, so I was Iwas just you know, a little confused
from you know, from game togame sometimes, So I I really don't
know. I think I think teamsthat stay together and grow together, they
always have, you know, incentiveto do better. It's just depending on
what the front office wants to do. Would that be what what you want
to do? Probably prefer to see. Is these guys continue to try to
grow together and create a culture oror is that I mean, I know
it's possible in places like Denver,and is that possible in La I mean,
gosh, you remember, like thepublic, the public bullied him into
picking Lonzo Ball. For God's sake, It's way harder. It's way harder
in this city. But you gotta, you know, you gotta you gotta
stand firm. You know, yougotta you gotta stand and know what you
what you want and what's needed.And so you look at this team this
year with Van der Belt, witha healthy Gabe, with reddish you know,
uh would or maybe an opportunity toto get some another big I don't
know, is there somebody out therethat that might be like a Dwight Howard
type, then you you know,you kind of have an injury free,
you know, season kind of sortof you see how that see how that
works out. I mean I wasn'tdisappointed with last year. You know,
it was tough to play in Iwouldn't I wouldn't used to that, but
they got past Memphis and they gotpast Golden States. So I said,
okay, we build. You know, there's something we can build on.
But it just didn't materialize. Seemedlike, you know, a few steps
forward and a lot of steps backat times. So like having twelve point
leads in the second quarter and thenhaving twenty point leads. I mean,
yeah that teams are capable of comingback with the three ball, but it's
how it happens like turning the ballover and not totally being organized all the
time and going from pace. Youknow, starting the game, you're killing
them, you paint you up anddown, You're to nothing. So it's
like, you know, you gotto figure that out, and I don't
think they have yet. Last Thing, James, We certainly appreciate it.
A quick end to the postseason,and that's always a bummer, especially with
how competitive the games were and howtalented we believe this team to be on
paper. James Worthy driven by theFord F Series, America's best selling truck
for forty seven years and counting.Head to your southern California Ford dealers for
great offers on a Ford F Seriestruck built for tough. Last Thing.
There's these videos that are circulating.I don't know if you've seen them,
but they are juxtaposing Kobe getting bouncedfrom the postseason with Lebron getting bounced from
the postseason, and it's Kobe talkingto Jim Gray and saying, you know,
we obviously didn't execute. We didn'tplay well enough. They're a really
good team. They all played us, and this offseason we got to figure
out why they all played us andwe're gonna get better, we're gonna work
harder, and we're gonna be readynext year. That's basically what he says.
And then you go to Lebron andn it's, well, this guy
was injured and we didn't have afull team here and we really only played
with our eyes for sixteen games andyou know, the no time, and
it just I'm not asking, I'mnot trying to take all these shots,
but it just certainly seems like excusemaking is a regular appearance in postgame pressers,
and it's I don't know if that'sjust the Lakers and that's just how
this is nowadays, but it isfunny when you watch it next to how
Kobe was when he would get bouncedfrom the playoffs. Yeah, I mean,
look, Lebron's great. You knowtoday's you know the players, they
they're their press conference. They're different, so they say what they what they
say and what they feel. I'lljust say this, Kobe. You know,
I get upset, like like Iget really disappointed when the Lakers lose
because is the only team I wouldplay for. I never never played for
anybody else, So it's a differentkind of blood, different kind of so
I don't know if you know,Kobe's answer is based on damn it,
I'm you know, I'm a Laker, you know, I'm trying to win
here, and and so that's whathe is. So I don't I don't
know what the bond, you know. I think he's just says what he
says. Maybe that's how he feelsat that moment. I take him at
his word when he says something,So I don't, you know, it's
it's hard to compare the too Kobewas, Kobe was. Kobe was an
assassin, man. I remember,I remember, I remember that. I
remember the one interview where they wereup to and they reported was like,
oh, he guys, you shouldbe happy you're up to and Kobe said,
it's the job finished. And guysaid no, but you're up too.
He said job not finished, andhis face was like he was mad
that the guy he would add theaudacity to ask him that question. So
different breed bro. Yeah, nodoubt that time gone by. We'll see
what happens this off season. Butwe surely appreciate the great James Worthy.
We are absolutely blessed to have himjoining the show once a week during the
basketball season and Uh. It isah. It is a great boon for
our show and our listeners, andwe really really appreciate it. James,
thank you so much. And yeah, we'll talk next week. But good
luck with that uber job. Maybeyou can drive that uber all the way
back to Hawaii, man, Ican't. If you can get on the
water, put you know one ofsome of these cars you can drive on
water. Now, I don't wantto say thank you, James. James,
we got that go for us,very nice, the best, And
I think, uh, you gotthe answer you're looking for. Matt.
I feel like maybe leaving the witnessa little bit well, I'm not going
to say you know what vass Mice, Yeah, I'll do you. No,
No, I think uh. Ithink it was a great distinction to
make, and I feel as ifhard for him and I shouldn't put him
in those positions. But the Lakersstation, it's not fair for me to
put the truth is the truth.One guy's a mercenary to put it in
an uneuphemized way, and the otherwas a lifetime Laker, like him or
not. It's a great point andWorthy is a lifetime late very unique in
today's day and eight I'll tell youwhat's coming up next, Matt some more
sweet pregnant God. I put iton Rambo. Hold on, I got
Rambo on MTV two, Rambo twothousand and eight, Rambo. Oh super
late, Rambo right, yeah,as an old man, he's in Burma
for rye. Let me put Lifetimemovies. See what's going on LMN.
I got the pregnancy promise now yeah, I got Hillsdale well More to come
here in the world of great sportstime dumb ass, dumb ass. Oh
oh, and don't got to listento this shore bleeple bleehole. Yeah,
that's he. That's Fate's arrow whenexpected travels slow gong and i'd I trust
some money. Five seventy eight SportsLive everywhere on the iHeart Radio app.
Hit that follow button on the appget the latest notifications. We got Dodgers
baseball tonight, third and final gameof the series, ninth and final game
of their road trip, live fromthe Gallpin Motors Broadcast booth A first pitch
at six forty pm, Dodgers ondeck at five thirty. We also got
Clippers MAVs coming up on AM elevenfifty the Pivotal Game five and A two
to two tiede series between those twosquads. We'll tip off at seven pm.
That's right, Matt, and we'rehappy to be with you. There
was an earthquake earlier. I believeVic predicted the the readings and a four
point seven, so we got thatgoing for us or a four point three.
And did you feel it? Mattfelt it cool, and I felt
it had no idea it even happened. Yeah, we're two and broiled,
two and broiled in great sports talk, great sports talk, and we're happy
to be with you. Tomorrow willbe a full show. But today is
what it is because the Dodgers arein Arizona, and much to match chagrin,
he does not like it when thegame start at six forty, six
forty five every damn night. Now, if it didn't affect our skin,
would you care? No, Okay, so you don't care. You really
don't have the games. It's notthat they choose to start at six forty
or six forty five. It's thatsomehow fifteen minutes. And it's not about
our added program. That's not itat all. It's about the show before
us losing an hour, knowing howmuch they like that they lose an hour.
Why does fifteen minutes translate into anhour? Exactly? Question? How
does that happen? Well? Forme, it's like the quote Fate's arrow
when expected travel slow, and there'sno doubt that it does. We talked
to James Worthy, we talked toDavid Vassa already, and we have to
go back to that David vase Yeah, conversation with the FlipTop story of the
day. I'll flip you out,I will put you out. This is
the FlipTop story of the day.Now, Matt, we are lucky because
we have not been affected by thedelays. The five delays that the Dodgers
have endured this season. I believeI believe one of them was a crossbow
arrow to CATS's groin where he hadThat might have been the There was one
in Saint Louis on the thirtieth.Was that the one case thirty five minutes?
That wasn't that bad? Then therewas the two and a half two
hour, fifty one minute ye Cubsrain delay on a Sunday on the seventh.
Yeah, that was that was it. That's what led to the seed
addiction. That was that was akick to the groin. Yeah, that
start Crossbow and then the San Diegotwo hour, fourteen minute rain delay before
first pitch on the thirteenth, andthen another thirty nine minutes in San Diego
on the fourteenth, and then oragainst San Diego at Dodger Stadium, which
is very rare. And then lastnight our our fifty five delay because of
the b bees. Yeah, andeverybody had the bee leave it and you
know all that stuff. And ofcourse you knew that Rogan and Rodney were
gonna get the bee guy on.It would almost be of real disappointment if
they didn't. But the real undercoverhero of last night's coverage, because Tim
Kates got out of the building thesecond he saw that club of bees.
He dove out of the window.Sorry, I'm gone, guys, it's
a rough day. David Vassa wasthe true hero. Because David vass doing
his phil shucking and jiving, doinghis dance like he's on the side street
to the quarter and the backstreets didn'tchange. Involved Tim Neffett to call some
play by play Kevin Harlan style onthe be Suck. And this was a
very underrated moment from last night,and it must be revisited. The scissor
lift is going up. Looks likeit's gonna reach too, which was that's
a good thing, sir. Yeah, it's going up the scissor lift with
an orange in the gray the crisscross that. Yeah, that's what I'm
talking about, ned Ray, giveus that play by play. The beekeepers
on his knees. He's pulling onthe rubber gloves. He's got the beekeeper's
top and the and the the headgear on as well, and he is
preparing whatever it is he has toprepare. There's a vacuum that is on
top of the bucket as well.He's got some other devices and now he's
got a garbage bag that he isopening up. What do you believe he's
hitting with runners in scoring position?To him, I think I don't know.
Well, we're going to find outin the second, but he's probably
about a two to eighty eight hitterwith runners in scoring positions. But it
looks like there's going to be somespray put on the bee high First,
he's standing up. He's got abucket attached to a hose and a dispenser,
and now he's spraying the entire hives, doing some research during this delay.
Dave Yeah, found out that whenbees are in a swarm like this,
they're at their least dangerous point becausethey're oh god, so right now.
I would say the beekeeper has theadvantage, all right. I like
that good bee knowledge right there,Tim Neverett. That's why we needed you
here to give us the words Iview on what's taking place. Oh,
the vacuum's out. Never it.The vacuum is now nice. You can
us in one vacuum.