All Episodes

December 9, 2021 • 40 mins
New USC head coach Lincoln Riley. Number, Word and Song of the Day. Secret Textoso Roundup
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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AM five seventy KLAS ninety eight sevenKYSR HD two Los Angeles, Available anywhere
you see the iHeartRadio wap AM fiveseventy l A Sports. I want to
hear it, man, I'm desperateto hear This is the Petros and Money
Show. Best case scenario, thatMoney Smith worst case scenario. Petros paid?

What am I doing here? I'mhumiliated? Available on the iHeartRadio wapp
now online in EM five seventy LAsports dot com. This is Petros and
Money. He who is greedy isalways in want gong it out. Bick

Petros and Money A five seventy lA Sports Live everywhere on the iHeart Radio
app. We're going until six thirtytonight, headed toward Clippers Celtic Basketball.
Cannot wait to see tomorrow our finallive appearance of twenty twenty one at the
BJ's Restaurant in Brewhouse in Brea fromtwo to five pm, right off the
fifty seven Freeway at the Imperial Highwayexit. There are high schools out there

where they play high school football inthat area. There are high schools across
the Southland where they play high schoolfootball pe and boy, are those fields
alive with energy they are and youknow there's high schools all around the country
that this guy could recruit outside ofSouthern California. And it's not just the
recruiting, Matt, it's the developmentcoach them up, it's the staffing,

it is being a leader of aprogram. And that is what Lincoln Riley
has been tasked to do. Anunbelievable moment in USC football history, bringing
in one of the most exciting youngcoaches in recent memory. And now he
wears the Cardinal and gold and holdsup the fight on fingers, something that

a couple of weeks back would haveseemed impusse blades unimaginable, And since then,
I'm sure his head has been spinning. But you don't take on the
challenge unless you're up for it,and Lincoln Ridley has been up for a
lot of challenges in his career asa great college football coach all over the
country. Really first met him atECU. He joins us on the Chevy

Silverado Celebrity hotline Lincoln Riley, headcoach and leader of the USC football program
on PMS, what's cracking coach?How are you? Thank you guys?
Doing great? Doing great? Thanksfor having me on. We're happy to
have you on, but just Imean, we know what it's like to
drive around this area, and weknow what it's like to drive around this
area after daylight savings, after itgets dark. It's traffic everywhere. No

one knows how to drive. Imean, you've been here a couple of
weeks. How many kids have youseen? How many interviews have you done?
Your head must be spinning. It'sbeen Yeah, a lot going on,
man, but it's been It's beenfun. You know, you could
tell the excitement around this place rightnow, and there's a great buzz around
this city. That's man. Youcan just feel the energy and so been

feeding off that. It's been beengreat get to know this program and starting
to look forward and to what weintend to build. Is it h Is
it a job, this particular onewith the early signing day? Is it
one you can cram for? Like? Is there a way to do that
as opposed to, you know,taking the months and months of trying to
lay the groundwork and hoping that thatword comes on signing day that you've landed

that recruit that you've invested in.What's it like trying to squeeze this all
into this narrow time. Yeah,it's unique. It is. It's a
lot going on when you're when you'retrying to obviously put together staff. You
know, you've got your obviously yourcurrent team here and a chance to spend
some time with them and try toget to know them before before the semester
ends, and then obviously looking tobring in some some new trojans here to

be a part of this run.And so now it is balancing a lot.
But we've got a lot of greatpeople here and been fortunate told already
bring in great staff members that I'vegot a long history with and I have
a lot of trust. So that'sa lot. But we're talking I've ever
did you know? It is prettywild because you've coached it a couple of
the cathedrals of college football now ashort time at USC. But you know,

there's a reason unless a guy hasleft, there's a reason that a
coaching vacancy happens. Somebody it wasnot doing the job. And USC football
has not been as recognizable to peopleas USC football for about a decade.
And you guys had a real greatfoundation where you came from. How do
you build that at USC. Howdo you go about starting to build that

at USC where something kind of feedson itself year after year and you have
a healthy football culture and program brickby brick. You know, it starts
with it starts with the people withinthese walls. You know, you have
to have not just the right people, with the right mix of people.
And I think that's so important.From the staff you bring in, everybody

that's going to be around these playershave to have an impact on these players.
I think the setup that you havefor these players to have success and
all areas of their lives here hasgot to be on an elite level.
Obviously, got to have the rightthe right mix of guys on, the
right mix of players in that room, players that are invested in in our
program, players that are team first, players that are willing to work and

do the things necessary to be achampionship program. And so it's it takes
a lot, but it's it's funto it's fun to build, you know,
it's fun to be able to pieceit together. And I do think
we've got a lot of great pieceshere to work with and we're going to
continue to add many as time goeson. You know, the timeframe is
what it is because of the earlysigning period. Kind of where do you

where do you come out on that, just in terms of getting these these
kids in earlier as opposed to whatwe had a few years back before this
December date showed up. Do youlike it? Do you think it's good
for for the kids and for collegefootball? You know, there's positives and
negatives to both. I think there'sthere's definitely some positive to this early signing
period, but I think we're startingto see some of the some of the

negatives as well with you know,when you combine that with the change in
the transfer portal, and those twothings have really had a huge impact on
college football, and so I hopeit's something that will continue to evaluate.
We're learning more about the repercussions ofit and could it be better because is
there a more ideal time or scenario. I think there potentially is, And

so you know, I think thoseof us that college football is very important
too, we've got to continue toevaluate because there are maybe some unintended consequences
that have happened because of that earlysigning date. Lincoln Riley's with US head
coach at usc I guess just kindof talking about the olden days from five
years ago even or maybe ten yearsago, when each conference almost had a
different style of football. It's definitelycome to look a lot more similar from

conference to conference. But do youthink any of that still exists? Does
does the PAC twelve? Do youbring you know, what you like to
coach to the Pac twelve? Itplay in any conference? It is that
different than maybe what it was tenyears ago. Not think that's a fair
point. I think I do thinkthere's the conferences are probably a little bit
closer right now than maybe they werein terms of styles. And yeah,

I mean I think we have alot of belief in the in the systems
that we're bringing in, and ofcourse we'll, you know, I think
is all good coaches would try todo. We're going to adapt those to
the personnel that we have here andalways try to fit the players that you
have here. And and you're out, and I think one of the homeworks
are good coaching is your system beingable to be adaptable because your rosters,
you know, rosters are going tochange over a lot, and you're not

going to have the same skill setseach and every year, and and so
I think if you get that versatilitywithin your scheme, that's going to help
you. And I feel like we'vegot coaches here in schemes that are going
to give us that flexibility that willhelp throughout the years. Nikoln Riley is
our guest on the Chevy Silverado CelebrityHotline, and we're talking USC football.
One thing people have said about WestCoast football for a while, I don't

know if Mario Christobal dispelled it ornot, but that you can't recruit or
develop offensive line and USC in themodern day, and USC football fans that
remember Tony Basselli and Don Mosebar andAnthony Munio's and the Khalil brothers and all
that, they don't they don't thinkthat's true. How much of a focus
does the front have to be andjust re establishing a really physical football culture

again at a place that has thatreputation. No, it's a huge part
of it. I mean, that'sthat's you don't win you don't win championships
without being a physical football team.And we all know where that starts.
And that'll be a huge point ofemphasis for us on both fronts. And
yeah, the notion that that canhappen in this league is absolutely falls and
we intend to intend to show that. And there's there's some tremendous lineman in

this area, kind of in ourhome recruiting base, and not only from
a recruiting standpoint, but you gotto bring these guys in here and develop,
and we're going to make sure thatwe've got a staff that these of
these people are going to be developingour big guys and making sure that our
both lines of scrimmage are among theelite in the country. What is the
balance between bringing in five star guysand guys that everybody knows their name.

I mean, we interviewed one ofthose guys on TV the other night just
because he's a commit. You know, he's still got another year of high
school football to play. What's thebalance between that and being a developmental program
and having some guys that developed throughthe years and become great, you know,
not just as freshman. That's atough balance it can be, but
I mean, I think I thinkthe no senior program has got to be

you know, everybody's got to develop. You know, everybody's got to put
in everybody's going to be willing tobe challenged and be pushed to continuously improve.
And so you're, of course you'regoing to have guys from Tom to
Tom that are ready to contribute ormaybe have an earlier opportunity to contribute right
away. Sometimes guys don't have thatopportunity doesn't present itself immediately. But I
think if the key is still goesback to getting the right people getting the

play that want to come in hereand work and better themselves for the opportunities
to show up, and the staffthat's capable of providing that type of development.
So it goes back to your culture. And if you've got the right
culture and you've got the right peoplein the building and those those issues tend
to solve themselves. You know,Petro's alluded to it, coach. It's
been so long, you know,from a program that was dominant for you

know, six seven years straight thathas not done that for almost a decade
now that people want to see aquick fix. And with the new rules,
with the transfer portal, with thenot having to set out a year,
a lot of people are thinking thatit could happen faster than maybe before.
But is there is there a challengeof bringing in someone that's been coached
up in another place for two orthree years in a different style or a
different way by different coaches, versusbringing in kids straight from high school and

just taking that patient approach and developingor is there a balance? I know
it's also news, so I don'tknow if there's a right answer to that.
But if that is a challenge justbringing in a bunch of guys from
a bunch of different programs and tryingto get them to play you the way
you want them to play, that'sa great question. And I think it's
a you know, I think there'sa lot of strategy in that, and
I think it you know, you'retalking about the mix of the right people,

and uh, certainly. I mean, you know, most schools are
gonna going to use the transfer portalin some way somehow. It's just it's
too you know, it's too kindof important of a tool to be able
to build rosters to stay at ageto not use. But I think I
think it again goes back to youknow, your your identification process, your

evaluation process of these players, anddo you do you project that they can
from a physical standpoint, from theirattitude and mentality come in and make a
difference for your football team and makea positive difference. And that is That's
all we'll continue to do with everyplayer. So I don't think we're going
to sit there and judge too much. Is the high school players, the
junior college players he is, heis a transfer from another institution. It's

going to be more about let's getthe best guys in here, Let's get
the right fits, Let's get guysthat want to do nothing to improved the
culture, and then uh and thenlet's go to work. And that's going
to bear sole focus the USC administrationalvictory lap continues and it should. Hiring
Lincoln Riley one of the biggest movesin West Coast college football in my memory.

And we've been doing this a longtime. I first met you,
coach, when you were still inGreenville with Ruffin, and uh, you
know, I just couldn't get overthat beautiful pirate, you know, right
there in the middle of the field, as you know, that big skull
head. Any plans on doing thatat the coliseum. A huge sword or
a giant you know twenty like atraveler, like a horse that stretches from

the thirty to the third big sword, big horse, the big trojan head
all the way. You know,really maybe five you know, really,
any thoughts to that? I betyou could pull it off. I like
it. You're thinking big there,you're thinking big, I'll let I'll let
my guy Mike Bone handle that.We'll just try to score, score a
bunch of points and hold people downand win a bunch of games. And

uh and I don't think anybody docare? Know that it looks like once
we're doing that, oh yeah,you get the defense going, and then
you put a big granch on therefor Christmas, because a granch of it.
I mean, we could really say, you know, I'm just we
got ideas over here, Coach,you know, I know, I like
it. I like the creativity.Save the last dance for us. You
know, you've been around the dancefloor with Cowherd and Dan Patrick, and

you've done the fox trot with JoelClatt. But you know we're here too.
We got local guys, grab anash, a couple of local la
types, you know, just likejust the three of us, let me
go save the last dance for us, Like we're talking about Lincoln and Riley,
ladies and gentlemen. An exciting time. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to
your coach, to you and yourfamily. Welcome to Los Angeles. It's

a wonderful thing for the USC footballprogram and West Coast football in general.
We appreciate it, absolutely appreciate you. Guess good night and fight on three
strikes, man, fight on line. It's got nothing on that man,
Reggie Bushank, Do you have nochance? Brady Quinn? Maybe, Well,

you know, I told Brady Quinn. Maybe. I told Brady this
morning. I said, you know, you should be proud of yourself because
they would never ask a lot ofa lum's to go up there and introduce
the new head coach. You've gotto be a pretty polished guy. I
can't think of a lot of dudesthat I would know, like maybe starback
when they get rid of Neil Mataloloand maybe, but that's pretty pretty polished.

I mean, they could have calledJoel, They could have called Steve
Berlin. Yeah, what are theygonna called Michael Stonebreaker. They could have
called Rick Meyer, Jimmy Friday,they could have called Jimmy glasson May calling
them dudes. They called Brady Quinn. It's right, big horn's head.
We'll be back with your word numbersong of the day. A big thanks
to Lincoln Riley, USC head coachwho said the last dance bro can tame.

You must tell him no, becausedon't forget sod see the less for
me. They're tweeting, They're onFacebook, Instagram, Interact with the show
at am five seventy LA Sports dotCom for you, our loyal listener,

Petros and money continues now, no, no, no, Well, a
big thank you to Lincoln Riley.Not a real grab asser, but we
didn't expect that, head coach ofthe USC Trojans. Isn't this great?

Isn't it great to be in LA? Lincoln Riley's Chip Kelly is still gonna
be here or not we'll find out. It's UCLA working on an extension for
Chip or is he talking to Oregon? Maybe a stipulation that he has to
get rid of his boy Jerry.Not Jerry not not not new Heisel as

a narra. Okay, no,no, Jerry newhis great shape. Dear
friend of the show, used tospend time with him all over the greater
Los Angeles area. Philips, thatwas the best. I think that was
exactly right. It's why it wasthe best. He didn't join us via
telephone from Japan. From on thetelephone, was Lincoln more into going recruiting

with Colin Cowherd or putting a biglogo in midfield logo all day logo?
Come on, Colin Cowhard couldn't eventell you where where ECU is and Lincoln
couldn't even tell you where Oregon Stateis. And he suggested that Mission Viejo
was on his way to Orange Countyfrom himself, baby home, Yeah,

long beaches on your way to OrangeCounty? Dumbass. Either way, we
had to Cali. We had agreat conversation with the new Cali names Lincoln
Riley. That was great, andwe talked to James Horthy that was great.
And the segment before that, We'rehaving a great day to day.
And you can follow us via texton the Secret Text also line brought to

you by Chevy sold out. Thisshit still very functional. And you can
also follow us on Twitter at Mattmoney Smith on Twitter is a great way
to keep up with Matt money Smithgoing full o J today on Twitter.
How about that OJ jokes never getold around here? How about sneaking that
past the DMV I'm not OJ ona brand new, just released White Bronco.

Well maybe it would have been ifthat guy's brother wasn't OJ McDuffie,
former Pin state wide receiver. Stopcalling me OJ, I'm his brother,
Brendan. That's what was on hisapplication. You don't think that things are
going to get through the wickets likethat, Matt, But I don't.
I don't really know. I mean, how much how much do they reject
the license stuff? I mean,I think they have an algorithm that's like

no cursing, no section. Ifit's a White Bronco, I can't say
OJ. Right, you would thinkwhat if you work in Pineapple Juice and
your brother that works in Orange andyou're like, I'm not Again, that's
what you have to present. Iwould assume it would have required a follow
up phone call like, hey,we see you just bought this twenty twenty
two Ford Bronco and you've got aplate that says I'm not O J.
Can you kind of walk us throughexactly what that means? And there you

just presented two perfect answers. O. J. McDuffie's my brother, and
I'm tired of being confusing. He'sdriving a red Bronco. I'm driving a
white one. I'm not o J. That's him. That's not the original.
I am Paterno. Gave him abroncho and he's never gonna get rid
of it. At Tim Kates onTwitter is where you find Tim Kates.
Let's all celebrate because everybody loves TimKates shows. At Ronnie Fossio on Twitter.

But it's a tough time for Ronnieon Twitter because there is no playlist
posted because of the Christmas music mandate. That's right, yeah, noticed what
what happened in the numbers. You'rethrough the roof, through the roof ever
since you started playing the Christmas music. You guys are through the roof.
That's my bad. You're right atPetros and Money and at the Old p

are other Twitter follows involving the show. One is me, One is the
show. But I run them both. I will handle it two fronts.
I'm attacking on two fronts right hereand at the East, Matt, we're
just getting killed and none of thoseatrocities will ever be reported because it's between
Stalin and Hitler. Okay, Ihave this for you, though, Matt.

The word of the day, hiswords, the word of the day.
You mentioned Brady Quinn. Matt andI had an interesting conversation with Brady
Quinn this morning at five twenty thismorning, I go on with a two
pro pros and a cup of joe. That's right, Jonas and Brady and

LaVar see that's a a joe,it's Joanas pro and it's morning coffee.
That's how you get to puck.And I complimented Brady. I said,
Brady, not a lot of uswhatever. It was like when the water
boy when he failed that test,and the other guys on the team,
they were like, You're the onlyone of us that had a chance on

that test. We're all idiots.And I said that to Brady. I
said, none of us, notLaVar, none of us would ever be
asked to introduce the brand new headcoach like you were with Coach Freeman at
a signature institution for our alma mater, for any institution, Morgan states.
Not asking me to do it,no, like that is a pretty big

thing. And it made me interestedbecause Notre Dame with old Suar Brick has
a very different approach than my almamater. That's really throwing kind of a
kind of a prolonged dance party.Usay, what else you got to celebrate?

And Brady said, well, theypresented me with a script and I
said, can I do some changes? And they said, no, that's
not how this works, You idiot, Be as brief as possible and get
the hell off a stage. Yougot it, And you just wish that
somebody would have the foresight in theUSCPR department. I don't know whether it's

before what up with that type ofmoment? I don't know if you've seen
that video for the best. It'sa great video. It's the best.
The guy from the Labo Dard showthat cut that all together, right,
So Brady trying to bring that upwith me this morning, like the oho
we what up with that? Top? What up with that? Tough?
And I brought up the very endof that skift it was always my favorite,

which was God, we just didn'tget to Lindsey Buckingham again, And
poor Lindsey Buckingham is sitting there andhe's disappointed, but then he bucks up
again and they go, I'll saywhat's up with that? I'll say what's
up? And they have all thedancing and all that, like the whole
usc thing, And I said LindseyBuckingham, and Brady's dumbass goes who's that?

Oh, he just goes, who'sthat? And I said, I
bet you know the lead singer toImagine Dragons, you nerd? And then
he said. Brady said, imagineme dragging my nuts across your face,
which is unbelievable response, perfect response. But he don't know Lindsey Buckingham,

and I had to call him out. And then I called him out for
like and Imagine Dragons, because notonly does Brady not like Imagine Dragon,
He's been to the show. Hetook Alicia Sacrimony to the show. He
likes him. He was out atme. He said, imagine me he
is more. He is more apropoleto the musical, tays some dudes that
are playing high level football as opposedto your sad imagine me dragging my nuts

across your face. You attacked himon two fronts. Attacked him for not
knowing you attacked him for listening toImagine Dragging. He asked me about the
one up with that. I madea very relevant one up with that reference,
and he said, imagine me draggingmy nuts across your face. And

then a big guy really going tohappen. A lot of people that like,
how much will we pay for that? Uh? And the interesting thing
was though that what up with thatthing the USC? Uh? It was
I think that was the USC Insidershow. But they decided because they had
Lincoln Riley to do a stream thatnight. And what they did was,

you know, USC's band is gigantic, but we've all been to these events
if you live in the Southland,funerals, engagement parties, weddings where they
break off that little piece of theband, a couple of tubas, a
horn or two, like the Lakergames. Yeah, and break off a
piece and put it up in therap. That's a bigger piece. Yeah.

This was like people like they breakit off like a kit cat.
Sometimes you get three somebody and theybroke off a real small piece of the
band. And I tried to explainthat to Brady, that like, that's
not the USC band. He waswondering why there wasn't anybody in the band
and I said, no, no, it's just small. They only had
the three girls. That's not fifteen, just three of them. And people
were saying, those are like thegirls from the replacements, those it is

they are not okay. The USCcheerleading song girls are in a time of
transition. They may be the premiersong girls and that's why they were the
only three that were there. Like, hey, give me the A listers,
get them out there. It wasand Riley. It was kind of
crazy to see Sua Craven's wandering aroundnot knowing, like if he's gonna blitz
or something like an Amiba blitz,Like he was wandering around the state,

Sean Cody standing there like Mike's areon, what's up? Mike's are on?
Bonerino's walking around trying to direct theband or something. Lincoln walked up
the stage and then he walked backdown the real hot mess? What up
with dut So you know my overridingpoint, Matt is there is something to

be said for the Notre Dame approachedwith Brady Quinn. Follow the script,
read the script, say less,get the hell out of here, and
instead we got this up with thatwoman in the very special moment it was.

There are moments when you're happy thatTwitter exists. Ninety nine percent of
the time, it's a miserable placeto live and swim, and it's somebody
in Norman and it's like, whatis this? Yes, oh my god,
look at coach. He looks souncomfortable. It was brilliant. Yeah,
I think USC needs to hire anops guy, like a bye.

My name is Rady Quinn. Youmay remember since they starting quarterback at Notre
Dame. He is at television professionallyis our big nude. He's not up
there reading off hostage show Freeman.Everybody please join me to wake up the
echoes and welcome in. It's timefor the number of the day. Here's

my number. Number of the day. Number of the day is eleven.
I may he putting myself out thereto get chronic taco, but I don't
believe so this whole show does.Because this this item has been on hiatus,
but it has returned for the twentytwenty one Christmas season. Are you

getting? We are your fast foodshow of rock. I gotta you could
buy a total toilet today for that'snormally eight thousand and now it's six thousand
one up with that. But wegot We did delt we did, we
did del Taco and Jack. We'regonna double up Jack in the check in

the dell. Did you know KFCsells and eleven Herbs and Spices fire log
that sports an extra crispy scent.It has been gone for years, but
it is now returned for the twentytwenty one holiday season. Well why did
it go? I don't sounds likeit went away for a good reason.

Yeah, it's back. It isavailable now. It is one of those
quick lighting in viral logs and youcan get exclusively on Walmart dot com.
It is fifteen dollars and eighty eightcents while supplies last I just checked they
still have them. And what's more, check this out. To celebrate the

return of their iconic eleven Herbs andSpices fire log, KFC is running a
giveaway. You could win a tripto the Kentucky Fried Chicken fire Log Cabin,
three days, two nights, seventhousand square feet luxury log cabin surrounded
by two hundred acres of protected naturereserve in Kentucky. Holy crap, that's

better than the Taco Bell Hotel.I mean it is decorated in a KFC
theme. There's buckets everywhere. Thechandelier is a giant kids. I'm not
kidding. It's amazing. See that'syou know, it's amazing. But the
fact of trying to like fill yourhouse with the smell of the fried chicken.
That's gross. Yes, and theyand that's what this is. Maybe

during the Christmas season, you wantyour home to smell like a pine forest.
Maybe you want it to have thatsignature sort of cinnamon Christmas scent,
no fried chicken, and specifically,see my wife goes if she has to
use the air fryer for the kid'schicken fingers. There are people that want

their home to smells like a Kentuckyfried chicken log. Cabins sound sweet though,
Yes, if you're wondering who buysthis ass well, I zoomed in
on the packaging because I thought Isound something strange there. On the back
it reads warning colon in big boldletters, fire log made from one hundred

percent recycled wax cardboard, and thenin even bigger bold letters not actually fried
chicken. Do not eat Oh mygod. Yes, this is a giant
log and it smells like a deliciousbucket of Kentucky fried chicken, but please

do not try to consume it,even though it smells so delicious. Don't
eat this. You will go bathsalts crazy, especially if it is a
flame. Do not eat it.Do not try to take a bite out
of it. If it is framingin your fireplace, it is your entire
home smelling like a KFC. Imagineme dragging my nuts across that log.

Let me imagine dragons. I guesswhen you're imagine dragons, fan, you
have to come up with some youknow, some fight backwards because you know
it's like being a fan of Creed, right. You can't help your musical
taste. They tell you what tolike, you don't tell it. I
have a staff infection, Buck Scott'sstaff, Ronnie. We need a song
of the day. It'd better beCreed. This is the song of the

day. Sorry, mattis nut PapaRoach either. But today's song of the
day is called the Christmas One fromsingers, song writer and musician Jose James,
and it's holiday music from the newChristmas record titled Merry Christmas from Jose
James. Pretty approach, featuring tentracks of your favorite Christmas classics reimagined with

a jazzy, neo soul vibe ofJose James. Because it is the holiday
season. On the Petros and MoneyShow, where We've got three and a
half hours of great sports talk foryou're listening enjoyment as we waltz in the
Clippers basketball with the Boston Celtics atStaples Center tonight, and we'll get you
over to Adam Asselin. I'll haveyour Clippers countdown show coming up at six

thirty and this new Clippers beating.Hey, guess he's coming. Where's my
I left you that CD Ronnie thePapa Roach Christmas song. You're gonna play
it. I'll do it out.Damon listened to it. You should have
listened to it. We played halfordthat was bad. Uh, get him
a nuts crushed fish. Guess he'sSteve Van Dorn's proxy is tomorrow. I
didn't want to tell you. Iwanted it to be a surprise me,

but he texted you. Coach Road, Coach Roach gonna be the proxy.
Oh, we're gonna talk to Coachrose An. Right. We got the
mayor of Brea. We got CoachRoach of Diamond Bar Fame acting as a
proxy, delivering bands goods. Whywould you not come to the BJ's restaurant
and brewhouse and prayer Coach Rodge,Rodge, We'll be right back with great

sports talk. Okay, got meand money on your smart speaker. My
shame, my shake, Just sayAlexa play AM five seventy l A Sports
on iHeart Radio. Oh there's noplace like home father, hot day,

Pa, no mad How far wayyou roll when you pie for the sunshine?
O friendly games for the hot daysyou happied home free for I met
a man who lives in Tennessee andhebrews ahead and four Pennsylvania and some homemade

pumpkin far from pennsylvani Your folks aretraveling down to Dixie's sun Is shore from
Atlantic to Pacific. G the trafficis there's no Oh, how far if

you are? Oh Matt, whatdo we got a lot of chicken reaction?
Okay, like chronic taco like youidiot. No, everybody knows about
those logs. We had heard aboutthe logs, but uh. Some interesting
interactions from the people on AM fiveseventy l A Sports. This one they
would want a fried chicken odor intheir house from a fire log. This

one says, oh MG, Ijust ordered that chicken log for the company
White Elephant Gift Exchange. Ruddy thisWeddy, what a great call. PMS.
You continue to change lives for thebetter. Throughout the Southland. People
really do win on PMS. Thankyou, sir. That the truth.
That's great. This one says manMatt is a fried chicken snob of record.

So much chicken talk, because rememberCincinnati Fried Chicken and Cincinnati you were
upset about though I like KFC.I'm good with KFC extra crispy. What
about Popeyes? Do you love thatchicken? For Popeyes? I do because
I do. And then there's therequisite and those biscuits. My god,
I love both. I love Ilove all three. I love churches when

they used to have Brown's Fried Chicken. I love that. I love the
KFC. You don't love churches.You're lying, that's alright, I know
you're lying. I think I dolove. I believed you. It's been
a long time since I had churches, but we used to. Wrote we
were a big Fried Chicken family.No, no, no, Matt,
we would rotate. I believed youwhen you said Popeyes and KFC. We're
not talking about nineteen seventy five churches. That's what I'm talking about. More

like nineteen eighty from my memory,maybe eighty five. Here's another secret textiles
hot off of these sold out toChevy. Matt, you talked about seeing
a plate. In fact, youput it up on Twitter at Matt money
Smith. A white Bronco OJ brandnew white Ford Bronco plate reads, I'm

not OJ Lanceto behind the wheel.No, he could not believe it made
it for the DMV did not seethe driver was parked. This says I
saw an Arizona plate in Corona ona cherried out vintage muscle car P O
P A B n R. Comeon, Papa Boner, come on,

how did they get that through?Brady Trin deeply insulted me by saying that,
imagine me dragging my nuts across yourface. You insulted him for his
taste in music by saying, onceyou could have imagine dragons. I think
somebody must have given it to himbecause it's been a recurring them. But
somebody just said this. Do youlike Wendy's? Do you like when D's

no, let's start across your facesomewhere? David Vasset is chuckling. I
mean, that's a pretty good one. Albert Albertson's fried Chicken apparently is lit.
Is that right? And of course, as an Angelino not only to
buy Heroin in Echo Park. Butthe Pioneer Chicken Stand is a huge memory
for all of us. And infact, I believe there's a Valley vintage

kind of Valley nostalgia store that sellsPioneer Chicken t shirts and stuff like that,
lives out at Alvarado Street. Buythe Pie Chickens Stand. Come Alina
anyway. I'm not have to getsome fried chicken tonight. I'll tell you
what that when you go Popeyes andthen you order the bag of punch,

I don't know, but you justhave to have it and then it's there.
I don't have to drink it.You just have to have. Me
you gotta have let you know aroundmake some vodka in there. It makes
people feel good about about what they'redoing, makes you feel like a real
Southerner, makes you feel like LincolnRiley. You know you're at home in
Los Angeles with that down home cooking. Darn Wright and we had great interviews
today with Lincoln Riley and James Worthy, Matt and a lot of listener reaction

to a lot of the stuff we'vebeen talking about. Look at this pee.
My white trash side of the familycomes from Springsfield in Missouri next week.
You best be derb. Sure Iordered four of those fatty logs to
have burned on Christmas Eve. Sothose burly faced whites think they've ascend it
to heaven and not alcoholne essay,well done. What about jolly Be jolly

b? You ain't been a jollyb? No? What's jellyby? I
don't know jolly b? You've heardof everything? Look it up. Jolly
Be's like a local fit place.That's like the money kettle in the in
the Culver City area. Oh no, the jolly Be's not like a special
deal. It's like a I thinkit's a O j O L I I

got jolly Yes, I knew thatlogo. Yes, I don't think we
have them by us paquiall approved?Is that right? I think it's a
Filipino chicken. You had it once? Good? I don't know it wasn't
in better than the cuckoo ru?Who wasn't in my body that long and

blue right out the other side?Is it better than cuckoo ru? What's
better than cuckoo? Nothing? Whatabout Poio Campano? Have you been to
Poilo Campano? You don't know aboutpoiot Camperlo I live in Orange County.
It's like Bob and Jan's Fried Chicken. Poio Campano is El Salvadorian Chicken.
It's the chicken of the oneot.I've been to Zencu Chicken MD. That's

the Dude bro place, not Greekgood stuff Dude bros. No, that's
a chain down in Redondo good stuffrestaurants. You ever been to Herd Burger?
Not yet? Oh, here's atext, Jolly be a straight ass.
We do not have those by us. There is still a Pioneer Chicken

stand on Whittier and Soto in BoilHeights. That's pretty sure to get.
I'm pretty sure we still have churchesright by NFL network. I should grab
some before I come in. Yes, don't do it. I don't want
to eat churches. We were ina church's Brown's Chicken rotation for a while
when I was a kid. Idon't know why we started boycott and KFC,

but's something happened. Maybe there waslike a bug in our little Buster
parfait or something. If you're gonnaget chicken, just go to Howling Rays
or something like one of those bougieplays. Stand in line for like an
hour. Well, du we gotchurches everywhere. We'll send Gabby. Yeah,
there's one right by USC And ofcourse, Roddy, don't forget Dinas.

That's right good Diana's Chicken in Glendalenineteen sixty eight. I'm not kidding.
I think I might go to nutsto whatever you do with that chicken.
I just don't want to see youafter it. That's what we do
here. Had you been doing allday? Funny? Did you have that
chicken before you brought it home?Dude, girl, We'll be right back

with more PMS. Happy Christmas.My ass minor sports story is coming up
now. Blues, how do youdo? Maybe I feel all right,
but I can't do
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