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April 10, 2024 34 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Let me know when you're ready.I bet that's a good start. This
is Tanner, Drew and Laura's DonkeyShow, Donkey Show. What's up Kids?
Thanks for checking out Tanner, Drewand Laura's Donkey Show podcast oh heard
online at one of five nine thebrew dot com. I'm Tanner Drew's here,

Laura's here, Beef is here,courts here. It's a full house
this morning. Gangs Gang Gang.You know how I like to start the
show off with a little musical numbersometimes if I have it. This is
actually, uh what the red hotchili peppers sounds like to people who don't
like the red hot chili peppers.Okay, perfect, Come do a lit

with the peppermint beet, the tallubusand the bold, the bonum tat bon
bottom of ben gits and mask stepDon't you can have a hop? Go
now it's time to eat a icDylabonia. I got a thumb tacked on
mine, sacrifice repote, bow onfire, pay, I don't know what

I say. The more ustly isthe less sublog got frisky with the Barlow
page, whoa bo jelly beans andnit Catina streaming through my Grandma's cleaning.

I just disturbed my soul jumbling throughthe pages of a westerns earns me wages.
There's so many words to go.Here we go, tickle my bumb
with the mannequin thumb, Mini bongos, dunman Tylabonia, snap, love against,
save my sparagus, Supernova, toiletfok, contracting down, numb the

one no one got it, havesome fun in California. There's a sunspot
on my kumquat, Nancy Reagan bitmy dog. I don't know what else
say. No, of course thereI ruined it with another ai bop.

As I turned my microphone around.I really enjoyed that. I'm pretty sure
that Anthony Keatos could sing those lyricson stage and no nobody knows, you
know, sun Spot on my kumkwa. Yeah, yeah good. I
love the fact that they keep youknow, in time, do reiterate,
reiterate California because they do seem toyou gotta say California in there. At
least. I do feel like theChili Peppers either sing about California a lot

or just throw that in the song, whether it's at the title or just
a lyric. Yeah. Ever sincethat Blood Sugar sex Magic after that album,
Like everything is all California. It'sall California, And it's funny how
certain bands do that. Like Iwas listening to this new song with disturb
that just came out, and theylove to say hey you hate me?
Why do you hate me? Orget away? That's the big thing that
God Smeck likes to do. GetAway, stay away, keep away.

It's just funny how each band's gottheir little thing. Yeah, in California.
Maybe it's almost like a drug.You know. You hear California and
you're like, ah, that soundsnice, even though it's pain in me
has to live there and pay theirtaxes and everything. The thought of the
palm tree and quick in nice.I like that. Absolutely. Don't like
the traffic, don't like the prices, don't like the people. Really,

to be honest with you, butthe weather is fantastic just looking up it's
all. But yeah, how isyour weekend? Everybody and court you have
a good weekend with the kids.It was fine. I didn't really do
much, honestly. I watched somebasketball and some soccer and that was pretty
much. It very relaxingly. Itwas kind of cold and wet too,
so yeah, there was much.It was not much to do. I

don't lot to do outside. Iwent to Tom Segura on Sunday night,
Yeah, and it was a greatshow. I got there like ten minutes
fifteen minutes before he actually started,so just in the nick of time.
The opener before him was pretty good. I don't know his name, but
he was. He was pretty funny. He kept talking about blow jobs a
lot o Jesus about to get theday going right, get the blood flowing

downstairs. And then Tom came outand it was so funny. I'll frecking
get somebody on. Who was there. I know tof is there, but
Marcus was there. So apparently Tanner'sthe whitest name ever they were talking about.
Yeah, Like Tom made a jokelike in the first five ten minutes
of his set, he was likehe was making fun of something. I
don't remember what he was joking about, but he goes like Tanner, like
Tanner's a pretty white fucking name,and then he just moved on, which

is brutal because I did it takethe crown of the other whitest name,
which is your original name? Cha? Yeah, I thought Chad was the
white Chad sounds more white than Tannerdoes. But I've never met I've never
met a Tanner that was anything otherthan basic, basic white dude. And
it's like he just chose that nameof like ra at random. Sure,
but it was just like a weirdcoincidence. Yeah. I looked at my

friend. I was like, wow, out of all the names he could
have chosen, he can't dodge it. You're like, come on, I
don't mind it being the the widestname ever. I never thought of it
like that, But that's fine.It's a rare name too. You know,
of everyone I've ever met, I'veonly had you're only the third person
that I've even known with that name. I think maybe I've got one or
two others. I think it's morecommon now, like with kids. It's

like with the kids, you sawa kid named Tanner, right, Yeah,
there's I think there's at least oneTanner in every elementary school gen z
name. Yeah, I see,yeah, I because I uh, all
the people that I've met have beenyoung. You're right, yeah, so
maybe it is a younger name.I don't know. I picked them from
full House. I thought DJ Tannerwas cool. Yeah, that does and
that was the last name. No, I mean the character. I thought

she was really cool. Yeah,she's a Candace Cameron. Yeah, she's
a hell of an actress. Shealso wants to tell you about Jesus.
I know, yes she does.Was her husband Kirk Cameron brother. Her
brother Cameron though is like regular onthe seven hundred Clubs, really wants to
tell you about Jesus. You wantto tell you about the Rapture. He's

all about the Rapture, isn't he? The movies Left Behind, Left Behind,
He's in all three of them,Yeah, which I've seen and they're
terrible because I read the book soI wanted to see how closely were close
at all. Now they're terrible.What happened to him? I mean he
was such a star on that show. I used, not quite Zach Morris
level, but I used to lookup to him on the show. Yeah,
he had like that. He didn'tyou have a cool apartment about the
garage? Is that where his buddyBoner like they were crushing. Yeah,

I remember I always wanted that apartment. That garage apartment was sick totally.
Yeah, And he was the coolHe always had the funny jokes and he
was like all the he was onall the Team Girl magazines. See,
he reminded me of the guy onstep by Step who'd live in the van
back cody and would come back inside. He was actually in like Kickbox or
two or something like that. Yeah, he had some cool guy in him.
Well, yeah, reminded me ofthat, like the cool guy.

Yeah. In the eighties it washim and Michael J. Fox that were
kind of like the cool older brotherguys. Yeah. I don't know if
he was saved on the show.I think he was right, Like it
wasn't he saved on the show,And like, I don't know, but
he definitely got way more into itafter the fact, because yeah, I
didn't know about it until he started. Yeah he's in. He's pretty into
hard He's pretty into it. Thosemovies are not good at all. And
then there's another movie he did thatI never saw, but like it came

out a couple of years ago thatit's called Firestarter or something like fire or
something okay, and people like aremake of the old eighty or eighties.
I don't remember. I think itwas a Christian movie, so I doubt
Yeah, I don't know that wasa remake of the Horror Movie, and
I doubt that they would put KirkCameron in that. Yeah, they exclusively
God movies now, yeah, theyshouldn't put him in anything at this point,

right, even the God movies.So yeah, that's preferred. Yeah,
it was a fun night. Ijust I saw the show and I
just went home and just played somecall duty for rest of the night.
That sounds good. It's a goodway to spend the B day. Yeah,
I took it pretty easy. Ididn't want to do anything crazy.
Forty two really isn't like a bigdeal. No, Yeah, it's one
of those. It felt just kindof like the good thing was it wasn't
a big deal either way, right, Like it wasn't an over celebrated situation.

But also I didn't feel like Igot terribly older from forty one to
forty three, right, Yeah,like that's in other people's mind, it's
the same. Forty was the bigone for me, forty one and forty
two or early anything. I thinkI'll probably feel a little something at forty
five, and then maybe definitely againat fifty because yeah, I think forty
three will be good still, butforty four we might start as the feet

start to inch and the dust isgoing off the cliff, I might start
getting a little bummed. I mighthave to buy an old muscle car.
There you go. Yeah, ButI went to the weed store on Saturday,
the day before my birthday, andit was nice. He saw that
my birthday was on Sunday, sogive me fifty percent off. Fifty that's
nice. I'd think that, likea weed store is one of those places

where if you have like a membershipor a rewards card, they would just
like send you a cupon in themail or something. So do you go,
I'll just take the fifty percent off, or do you go same budget?
Double me up? I always doubleup side. It's just the same
thing. I just I always gettwo things at once, just two little
cartridges, and that's it. SoI just did that. If you're a

creature of habit, if they tellyou there's a discount, you just get
what you can, right, savesome cash. I should I should have
all you say that, but Ididn't think about it, just wondering.
I also saw that their inventory waskind of low, and usually then you
kind of just get the scraps,and so I was holding off. So
I you know, go in therethe next time, then I can get
more. And you're being a broright, like he's hooking you up with
a bro move that and you justgo, okay, I'll take the whole

wall like that. That's taking advantage. It's my good birthday. It is
my birthday, and I will takeall of it. You know what,
didn't you say that? Like twoother people in the weed shop have the
same birthdays. Three other people inthat weed shop. So I go to
that's why the shelves were empty.I found this out. Everyone's getting fifty
percent off. I found this outa couple months back. I went in
there and I show my ida likealways, and they go, your birthdays

April seventh. I go, yeah, and he goes, my birthday's April
seventh, and there are two morepeople who've got the birth same birthday,
and I go, I've never beenin a room where that many people have
had the same birthday. And it'sall by accident. We ended up there.
You guys should have went somewhere.I just hung out like cheek red
Robin or something. Yeah. Likewhen they try to have those gatherings of
like the world's biggest gathering of Kyleor whatever, like they should do that

with your birthday. Yeah, that'sa big event coming into Texas soon there's
a gathering of the Kyles, whichsounds like a big douche fest. Yeah,
and case how do you peel offsomeone to go to lunch who's actively
selling weed? You gotta put thesign up, he says, we'll be
back at two o'clock. Yeah,yeah, let's just do this. Bring
up a blood Yeah, gotta bepaying at the mall. He does it.
So, Yeah, forty forty two'snothing. But what do you think?

Do you remember your forty second birthday? It wasn't a big deal,
right, I don't, I meandon't specifically remember it now. It was
so clearly it was not a bigdeal. Yeah. And honestly, none
of them have been big deals afterthirty, really, I mean they're they're
all just kind of like, eh, yeah, go again. I was
kind of bummed out after forty,like Casey kept telling me, Man,
soon as I turned forty, everythinggot terrible for me, you know,

And I felt a little of that. I don't know if it's because Casey
cursed me and kept saying that overand over again, but I try and
bring that upon people. I don'twant to have it all myself. I
did look at myself a little differentlywhen I looked into the mirror after forty.
For me, it was just likefamilial stuff, Like a lot of
people just started fading away, andI just felt very real at forty and
people your own age start to go. You know. It's like and right,

like the cancers and stuff of theworld don't really pick up till you're
in your forties, and so peoplewho were otherwise healthy, well, you
know how it is like when you'rein your twenties, right, like,
you're going to weddings all the time, there's all these like positive functions,
and then you hit forty in it'slike maybe the bright spot is a reunion
or something, but other than that, it's memorial, which is also pretty
depressing. Yeah, like it's it'sjust nothing but reminders of you're on the

back knocked. And also I feellike, and I do have a couple
of friends in their thirties who arestill going to weddings all the time,
and I'm like, how, firstof all, how do you know that
many people? Second of all,what like how many of these are second
marriages? Now and now I feellike once I've gotten into the dark side
of my thirties, is my friendlikes to you're willing to call it that?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'msill like people are getting divorced,

Like now things are getting mess youknow, what do we do with the
It's like it's all this very likegrown up stuff, and I'm like,
oh boy, have we gotten tothat point? The light switch from wedding
to funeral though, felt like itwas like shit, ye, I was
going to three four weddings a summerand now I go to zero weddings and
throwing two funerals a year. Andthen you talk to your parents and they

just give me the death report,So yeah, you got Janet passed.
She didn't make So it's just ait's just a weird time. I physically
feel fine, but like it justeverything around me feels yeah, so I
feel I definitely felt a bit ofthat. I will say the best gift
I got this year, and youguys got me some awesome gifts, I
will I will say, Laura gotme way too much on the gift card

at Zoomi's. No, because Imean Zoomi's is expensive. I know,
but good Lord and Casey. Ididn't even check that gift card. But
I appreciate that it was only fivedollars. I appreciate it as much as
Laura. I asked her, andshe's like, I'm giving him this much,
and I go, well, that'sjust not for me. I don't
blame you. I always I went. I almost went in there. Laura
was like, my god, butI do appreciate it. And uh.

But the best gift I got,though, I don't. I know I
told you guys, but I didn't. I don't think I said this on
the air. Maybe I did,somebody, You're not going to say my
gifts what is? I did loveyour flashlight. I did love the flash
And the other one will be agift that that you won't even use for
months, but one day. Ihope you turn around once you do.
The other one is the camping foodcat. You don't open that in your
living room right right right now?I love that too. The best gift

I got, though, was acall. I think it was Thursday or
Friday, and it was a callfrom my mom telling me that she is
cancer free. Right ring the bell? Yeah, do we need to have
a bell? I have and go. So she still has two other terminal

diseases that she's got to deal with, the heart failure and the diabetes.
But you know she's those are manageable. Those are manageable, right. But
you know, she had a variancancer and they put a radiation device in
her a couple of months back,I don't know, three or four months
ago now, and I can't believeit's that quickly. So do they keep
that in then? I don't know. I think so, I would think
you stay on the offensive, yes, but I'm definitely no doctor. I

you know, we were she calledme and told me while I was in
here with you guys, so Ikind of went back to work. But
uh, you know, I'll askher that if they keep that in there
for a while, I would imaginethat they do for a little bit,
especially if it comes back a littlethen he can bat Yeah. Yeah,
the radiation device inside of her isapparently working, and they detected no cancer
inside of her body, no cancercells, and so, uh, you

know, I'm I'm ecstatic about that. That's just just the best news guy.
I mean, that is it's it'sone of the weights off your shoulders
when it comes to this and itgives you a bit of a field plan
to fight and I'm excited. Yeah, I think the doctor said that she
had a year and she's going tobeat that for sure. Yeah, and
I think true. I think you'reright where. It's like when that happens,

your outlook becomes so much more positiveand all of a sudden, you're
like, you know what, Ido want to fight for this, you
know. So I hope that's her, that's her mentality now. So I
was pretty emotional about that. Thatkind of just gave me a lot of
energy over the weekend, you know, and you just when you get some
really good news. Yeah, Igot some decent news going into the week
end of the week so going intothe weekend, so I was I just
needed it. Man, my mom, you could tell that she gave her

some extra life. Sure exactly.I can't I can't wait for her to
beat those those doctors predictions. Andwe even said, how accurate you said
she's got to hear? How accurate? I mean, like, you know,
how much do you think that's that'sactually gonna happen? She goes these
things tend to be pretty accurate.That is what she said. To me,
I feel like it's a very individualthing, right, Like that depends

on the person, the fight inthe person. Yeah, there's a lot
of variables there that you can't justgo, oh, it's just going to
be. It's not just that blackand white. You hear about it all
the time with people like I gotsix months to live and then they live
like three more years. So Imean, like it's I don't think it's
necessarily that accurate. I think it'sit's a general prediction. But yeah,
like Casey said, it's it's personto person, right, So I'm happy.

I'm happy to report that you guysvery happy. Also, I don't
want to make this about me,but I paid for that cancer to get
cured. You did, so,Yeah, it's thirty. It was steep,
Yeah, it was pretty. Wasthat the gift card? No,
that's why I only got fifty cancerskirt around it? But thanks Court.
All right, I want to playthis clip on the un edited We played

this on the show today. Thisuh, this woman who is just a
bit possessive of her husband's a bit, just a tiny bit. She posted
a video on TikTok and she's oneof these ladies who posts videos and she's
just really awkward and doesn't realize whyshe goes viral. But a lot of
her videos have We're talking about hundredsof thousands of views for each videos.
Not that it's important, but dowe know what this woman looks like?
Like the video? Can I seea lunch? I just I feel like

the way she sounds, she doesn'tlook like a treat, you know.
I mean she's yes, she's nolooker. I mean not that that matters.
Tell us the truth? What doesshe look like? All right?
She's uh, she's not thick.She sounds thick. She seems like very
short and maybe oh did they deleteit? No? Hold on, because
I'm clicking it and it's not holdon, I think I'm clicking the wrong

thing. Click this. Michael Chrisasked me, what would I do if
I see a woman flirting with myhusband or trying to touch him? Well,
you know what, she looks likea buck nerd like. She's the
type of lady you would see ata Barnes and Noble with a box full
of basketful of science fiction films andromance. You know, if there is
someone for everyone? She works inhr just by looking at her. She

looks like she works in HR.Yeah. So Michael workers asked me,
what would I do if I seea woman flirting with my husband or trying
to touch him. Well, one, he usually has the situation handled and
all he does is go and showsoff his ring, and if someone does
not get the hint, he usuallytells him to fuck off. But they're
still not going to get the hintafter that, they usually do. I

haven't had someone not do that.Someone's going to be going to the morgue,
and it ain't going to be meor him, because if someone dares
tell my hands on what is mine? Oh my told you, I'm gonna
hide the body in the trunk andI will join the search party hunting for
them. What is mine is mine? Yes? I am over protective of

him. Yes, I am possessiveand territorial of him. He's mine.
I took the effort to dig himup. My partner is mine. What's
he talking talking about taking him up? I don't share easily. I took
the effort to dig him actually stoppedmy co worker's question if anyone would like

another answer on what would you dowith your partner? Was being flirted with
or someone tried to touch them.Leave it in the comments. My coworkers
actually carrying totally normal, Yeah,totally not crazy at all. Corn,
is your wife that possessive? No, she's actually hoping. You would wish

that some other woman would come alongand steal me away? Leave the birds?
Yeah wow yeah, no, Iand I would like to see what
this woman's husband looks like, asI guarantee. Yeah, she's not getting
flirted, he's not getting flirted.No, and she's living in such a
delusion. That is the most emptythreat I've ever heard. If she walked
up on some girl who actually wantedto throw down, you would throw up

on yourself in fifteen seconds. Youhave done no physical activity. I can
tell by your head shot. There'sno chance you're gonna put me or anyone
else in a trunk. Yeah.Oh, here she reveals her husband in
this video. You want to seehim? Let's because I'm sure in her
comments people are like, here wego, alrighty, we are about to

meet that husband. All of youget to about this. Get to shush
about me, Tex Sergeant cct Adeacon, all right, casey, come
over here and describe this dude.He's got Nobody is Pant's husband. She's
wearing an under armoor sleeveless shirt.And what is he about? Fifty years
older than that woman? This isthe buymar in Junction City. It's what

this is. That guy's in jailright now for storming the capitol. Yeah,
in my moment, I think militarylooks like the guy your dad works
with at the welding shop. Youknow what I mean? It is very
very blue collar, very sleeveless.He is squeaky. Can you say high

moment? Fluff you? She sayfluffy you. They want to know what
was the reaction to my videos andthe growling. She must post a bunch
of videos about her husband, becauseI had to scroll down to find that
one. So I wonder if she'sif she's talking, and she looks considerably
younger than he he does. Yeah, yeah, yeah, So that's a

little concerning, to be honest,But uh, it's all right. All
the ladies at Sherry's just oogle athim when you go in there for free
pie on Tuesdays, and there's nochance on this earth that people are hitting
on him. Here's a video titledand I haven't seen yet, but It's
titled message to Farrell. Short girls, that's the name of it. So

is she a par four and amconsidered faraoh? Now there's one difference between
me and a lot of other girlsmy height. I have six foot one,
one hundred and ninety pounds standing inmy corner. If I can't handle
it with words, he's definitely gonnahandle So for all of you short,
little faral things, yes, Iknow some of you can't actually fight.

However, wouldn't it be better justsit back and watch with popcornwall you watch
someone else do it to defend yourhonor. Not like a night doing it,
but like the dragons fell in lovewith the princess doing it. What
is she talking about? Know whatthe hell she's talking She's just saying she
can't fight, but that's fine becauseshe's got a big burly man. And

isn't that better than actually being ableto defend yourself? But what's the point
of being able to defend yourself whenyou just got a mayn you know?
And he looks kind of tired onehundred and twelve, which, now the
whole digging up thing makes a lotmore sense. Yeah, this video is
just said that she's replying to somebodyasking you shall receive for educational purposes.
It is the name of this video. And she's kind of doing a weird

face, a grinning or something.What is that that's his seat pat machine.
I'm sorry it's not very deep,very loud, but yeah, that's
about what she's doing. A grouse. She's showing people her grouse do that
in bed. I don't like it. Well, you know what. The

comments are funny though, match madeand have it. I said you should
read some of these comments. Onone comment was I want to be this
delusional and happy, you know,like people are like people say, it's
love on the spectrum. I lovethe show. That's one comment. She's
delusional happy. I guarantee he ismiserable. Landsay says, Oh, your
dad seems so nice. Could beyour dad so easily. All these comments

are brutal. You and your dadare so handsome, You and your father
are so sweet, and he seemslike just so what a personality do you
want to talk about? No?Oh man, all right, this one.
Let's see. This one's got alot of views. Can you imagine
that proposal? Clarificing? On?This one's tiled clarification of last night,

how do you reveal later today?Oh? This this is before she revealed
the husband. So just to touchup on a few points from last night.
One, I'm not autistic. Thankyou for those who were concerned.
Two, yes, I am awareI need chapstick. I work with some
chemicals that make chapstick really in effect. I went to high school with who

looked her. Her lips look sochapped, look like they hurt. Also,
I was looking because I was tryingto figure out where she worked,
And at first I thought maybe shewas like a school teacher. But then
I realized what I saw behind herwere like glass racks at a restaurant,
Like, what do you mean youwork with chemicals? You washing dishes?
It looked like she is that whatyour lips were chopped? I thought,

I saw uh, medical equipment inthere. I don't know if maybe she
was a nurse or something, butshe wouldn't be filming tiktoks right, You
wouldn't think who knows your like?Neglecting people in an old first reaction is
not I'm going to kill them whensomeone's laying hands on your partner. There's
an issue for this in the productof speech therapy. It actually helps when

we pronounce words better and make iteasier on me to do so. And
Okay, she's just explaining some things, all right, Okay, that's great.
Well, so she's following up probablyputting hands on her man because they're
so attracted. It's just chest compressions, trying to keep the poor by.
Yeah. Yeah, nothing about thatreveal like made her look good. No,

sometimes you'll find stuff on the Internetthat's just so damn cringing. And
and it's especially couples that think they'rereally hot. They're like trying to protect
each other. You're not getting him, and they're both the size of buicks,
you know what I mean. Likefine, actually they're just like,
uh, they're delusional, but Imean, is bliss. Yeah, that's
what I was going to say.It's like if everyone involved is happy,

then like, I guess that's allthat matters. Yeah. I wish I
didn't know how ugly I was.That would be easy. I'm trying to
find that couple, but I haveto. I'd have to do some digging,
but it's pretty cringe. It's likethe karaoke couple. No, they're
they're adorable. This couple. Likeit's just like a really tiny guy and
the girl's really really big and she'stalking about defending him, and nobody's ever

going to take her from him,and nobody wants you guys stop. I
mean, maybe I don't because no, you have to see them, I
know. But I feel like whenyou run in circles, and you run
in circles with those types of people, like you have to imagine that everyone
is like the same caliber as theyare, you know, So maybe it's
a pretty competitive doggy dog world outthere in their community. Have you seen

the Alpha couple? Oh yeah,that's who I thought you were talking about.
What do you know their names?I don't. I just see random
clips here and there, and uhwhat my favorite part of that whole is,
So is that like some sort ofthreatle situation. I think it's a
threatle situation. But the dudes havematching Monster energy drink tattoos on their on
their Yeah, sometimes good people cometogether and there hilarious. There's this is

this is one video that went viral. This is great. It's threatened people.
Yeah, they pretty much just threatenedpeople. Well I hate to say
this, Well I'm not the alphathat you want to challenge because my shoe
alpha is right there. And thenthey guys step into the shot. So
if you want to challenge one ofus, yeah to So a guy who
steps into the shot looks like hewas fired as a security guard at a

Blockbuster, and then the other theother lady looks like the lady I just
showed you. Man, So he'ssaying that they've got his back through all
of us. I'm back. Istepped down and I had to. Now
I'm back. So you want tochallenge, let's challenge. You want to

fight me one on one? Well, listen up. Well he was my
trainer, so I suggest you shutup and set your ass down before you
have to deal with him. AndI'm ready and weren't already mm hmm dang.

The only thing that dude's ready foris some I hop I love the
intensity though, it's just the I'mso hardcore right now, just because you're
gritting your teeth and growling. Yeah, and they're super skinny. There's nothing
there. This whole alpha thing.It just seems like it has come up
in the last few years where likeI don't know, I don't get it.
I don't know why Why does itmatter if you're in alpha or what

I mean, why would you wantto be that A and and B?
Just hearing those voices, neither oneof those dudes is an alphabet. Yeah,
they're a theta at best. I'mthinking more zeta all the way.
Oh boy. Yeah, that's thatthose people exist. They exist, and
I am grateful that they upload videoswithout thinking about it to YouTube because it's

just entertainment for days. I wishthey'd call themselves something like from the middle
of the Greek Alpha, A bitlike I am on the cron I'm like,
what, bro, are you transformers? No, it's from the middle
of the alphabet. It means soback knowledge. So I'll keep an eye
on the on the dragon lady whodid the voice, I'll keep I'll keep
an eye on her account and seeif she pos anything new, because she

sounds like somebody I want to followand get to know. Sure, yeah,
that's our people right there. Yeah, just don't be with her.
Man. Here's one more video.It's called it's called I guess it's called
someone asked, I don't know,okay, someone wanted to see us side
by side by the way. Yeah, okay, so I thought he flipped

off the camera, but he actuallyactually just showed his wedding ring show,
which looked like a w W wW like wrestling championship ring is what it
looked like. You got a class. What man doesn't want that wedding ring?
You know? Yeah, she's justshowing off this old guy. Uh
so there it is. Well,uh well, you know there's something.

There's someone for everyone out there.There's truly someone for everybody. That's good.
I'm glad to see it. Theygot married in camouflage pants. Yeah,
right, the tackiest wedding ever hedid. For sure. We're getting
closer and closer to Trash Bandits,which is coming up April twentieth. We're
going to be clean cleaning up MontevillaPark in Portland from a nine am to
eleven thirty yep. And we needpeople to sign up at one O five

nine the brew dot com last weekchecked it was like thirty something three is
what I saw, okay, Andso we need more people to sign up
because you know, last last yearwe had like one hundred and twenty something
people, so we need as manyas we can get. I agree.
So I don't know what the holdup is I'm not trying to accuse anybody
or tell you that you're being lazy, but come on, see the ten

day weather. Come on, Let'ssay it's a family of four that want
to sign up for the Trash banditsdo they need to let us know and
that email like it's hey, I'mcoming to three people or how does that
work? It should be an individualsign up per person, so they would
just need to sign up everybody individually. Yeah, because you gotta I mean,
we have to know how many grippers. Yeah, each person in the

party needs grippers, and we alsoneed to know how many trash bags.
So you could, I guess,show up just unannounced, but I think
yeah, one i'd shown. Ithink last year brought his own fancy gripper.
So I mean, if you've gotone, like gold plated titanium gripper
and you want to come show itoff, I mean, be my guest.
But otherwise got to sign up.But on the series, we'd love

to see you out there. It'salways a good time. We get out
there. We knock it out prettyquick. It's not a whole lot of
heavy lifting. So and it's fourtwenty so I have a weed, brownie,
and come on and just pick upsome for some garbage. Yeah,
and in case he's going to driveit to the dump, no, it'll
be picked up. I don't haveto do any any trash hauland well,
and actually I can tell you thereis right across the street there is a

dispensary. So if you forget tobring your weed, there's you can buy
them. In case you're supposed tojust go with the bit. And you
know, like he's like a canvasand I draw the line at trash holing.
I do a lot of stuff around. You know, it's going to
be hard to see out the windshieldwhen he's dressed like a raccoon. That's
true. That is very true.To need a handle it. So I
did get I emailed Susan, Isaid, hey, I sent her a
link to the trash bandit costume Iwanted Casey to wear, which is just

a trash panda suit, just afucking raccoon costume. Yeah, she said,
we have no money in the budgetfor it like that, so I'm
going to purchase it with my ownmoney. There's no need. It's it's
not a big deal. It's nota big deal. Case So I thought
I skirted it. And if youguys, if you guys wanted to go
in on it too, just tomake sure, if you guys wanted to
put ten dollars in here, yeah, there's no need for that guy.

Seriously, whether they do it ornot, we're gonna have it. It's
gonna come. Yeah, yeah,sure, why not? Yeah, you
know, throw some cash at Casey. There's no I mean, just save
the money. Let's trying to bea forty small price to pay right now,
and I'll try to get it alittle small, so you have to
squeeze into it, all right,your legs bulge. Yeah. But last

year I forgot the costume too.I won't forget this year, I promised,
because if I forget this year,yeah, you have to wear the
costume to work, leave that badboy in the car. But you're not
gonna be the only trash band outthere. I'm sorry. I was just
trying to let all this excitement soagain, Fat John sent me a text
message and said that he'd be abig John or did I call him fat
fat Josh? And then there's John. Big John said that we might have

to change the name because Fat Johndoes it just works. I feel like
nobody. True, I'm not Iwant to present it to the man crushes
pans in his hand. I'm not. I'm not gonna call him that anything,
all right. Yeah, it's apure muscle anyway, Come the alpha,
He's the Alpha. Big John saidthat he also bought himself a raccoon

costume. He'll be that big dudein the raccoon costume, in the trash
ban of costume there. That costumewill just fit on his head like a
Daniel Boone hat. Yeah. Soplease sign up if you can one o
five nine the Brew dot com andwe will see you there tomorrow. We've
got more tickets to w W ERAW for you, and we'll do that
at seven thirty in the morning.But you've been listening to Tanner, Drew

and Laura's Donkey Show, heard dailyat one oh five nine the Brew dot
com. May God have mercy onall of our souls.
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