Episode Transcript
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We're just trying to turn a neckeinto a dime. That's the bottom line.
Welcome to real honest talk about money, politics, news and information you
can actually use. Buckle up andhold on tight. This is that's the
bottom line. The best thing thelife of free. But you can give
them to the bath and be theline that's bottle. Hello everyone everywhere,
Welcome this is. That's the bottomline. With your truly Jean Valeradi,
your weekly radio broadcast that tells itlike it is on KLBI five sixty a
m. Saturdays at six in themorning and on Sundays at eleven in the
morning. We also want to welcomethose of you who listen to this weekly
report online by logging on the savemiretirementdot com. I'm a partner at Asset
Growth Associates. We've got offices locatedin Dallas, Houston, and Beaumont,
Texas, where we offer investment,pension and retirement planning services, as well
as income tax returns for individuals,families, and businesses. Hey, we
do it all at Asset Growth Associates, including representing our clients who may be
having difficulty with the irs often beingable to negotiate a settlement or occasionally even
paying nothing at all, sometimes negotiatinga fresh start as well. As I
said, we do it all andhave been serving our clients in Texas and
Louisiana for decades. Now, ontoday's report, we're going to comment on
why the necessity to crush Hamass isnecessary now because if we interfere with Israel,
it will just allow a rand togrow stronger. And today's dirty Little
Secret exposes the hostility of Obama appointedJamaican born US federal judge Tanya Chumpkins partisan
desire to limit Donald Trump's freedom ofspeech in his campaign to retake the presidency.
Today's Solution segment's going to provide waysto recapture lost stock market gains.
You're going to want to listen,retain them, and resume growing them again
without fear of loss. Also,as we do each week on this broadcast,
we're going to share more of whatcan be expected in economics, politics,
asset protection plans, and more financialnews and commentary. By the way,
if you haven't filed your tax returnsyet, or even if you haven't
filed them in a few years,we can help. Tax laws are complicated.
They're complex. We can help withall types of tax returns and when
it comes to investing money for futureyouth. Do you know what your risk
number is? You can find outby logging onto either savemretirement dot com or
what is My Risk Number dot comand by answering a brief number of questions,
our computerized program will assign you arisk number between one and ninety nine
to show you if you're currently investingto your individual risk tolerance. It's a
free service that we offer, sowhy not log on to savemretirement dot com
today and while you're there, signup for our free newsletter which offers a
lot of tax and investment tips.Well, I've got a lot to cover
here this morning, so let's getstarted once again. Good morning, and
hello to everyone everywhere. It seemswe are at a unique crossroads in American
history this morning. The so calledHoly Land isn't very holy anymore, as
Israel continues to fight for its existenceagainst terrorist forces intent on Israel's destruction.
And while the battle continues, America'senemies are gathering and holding meetings with each
other, looking for new opportunities nowthat they sense a weaker America under the
crooked Biden administration that has America toobusy fighting with itself to interfere with foreign
investments, attempting to seize more opportunitiesfor paragraphs than otherwise would have been available
under US stronger America. The worldsees what the Democrats are doing to former
President Trump and realize America's domestic enemies, name lee Biden and the Democrats,
by destroying the United States from within, have opened the door for China,
Russia, and even North Korea togain more power and influence in the world
as America continues to fight with itself. This is what I meant when I
said last week that Joe Biden isthe wrong president at the wrong time.
History has taught those who pay attentionthat great civilizations seldom fall from without,
but always from within. Biden goesoff to visit Israel in the Middle East
as a show of what what's heWhat's what he's showing? What's why did
he go there to make it looklike he's in charge. Biden isn't in
charge of anything. He's a figurehead, a politician, and looks like some
third rate political rack willing to sellout the United States for the proverbial thirty
pieces of silver, is gonna aregonna raise the debt ceiling. He wants
to give the Palestinians. He wantsto give them one hundred billion dollars.
None of this would be happening ifthe United States had a strong leader like
Donald Trump. And we see whatthe Democrats are doing to mister Trump.
I doubt God Almighty will let Israelbe defeated by Hamas Hasbilah or Iran.
It may get very tough for theIsraelites, but Israel is going to prevail,
or if it appears they won't,perhaps we will then witness the second
Coming of Christ sooner than expecting.In the meantime, we see our own
nation too, so divided. Wecontinue to be destroyed from within. And
why is that happening? Well,the Biden administration, that's why, which
will not even protect our own UnitedStates borders, because the country continues to
be invaded by illegals from all overthe world. Money coming here to form
cells, terrors, cells, andthey're going to try to ignite a new
war of terror within the United States. It's happening. Ladies and gentlemen,
just wait and see. There aremore than poor peasants from Guatemala sneaking into
the USA through Texas. They're comingfrom the Middle East, China and other
places as well, and some perhapsto carry out internal assaults of terrorism on
we Americans. You know, weAmericans would be fools to re elect Joe
Biden and allow the demise of thiscountry to continue to be carried out.
From my vantage point, my opinion, my vantage point, we Americans need
to literally set Trump free from fromwhat they're doing, to crush him and
put him back in the White Houseand to re establish a much needed strong
ghose of law and order in thiscountry. The Obama appointed demok rant federal
judge. Listen to this, TanyaChunkin, and she's an immigrant from Jamaica.
Did you know that Well, sheput a gag order on Donald Trump
to prevent him from effectively retaking theUS presidency. I'm planning to have more
to say about this about this Trumpgag order after the bottom of the hour,
but by now we can see howdangerous the Democratic Party has become to
we the people and our precious Billof rights if we allow left wing,
the left wing threat to deprive usof our constitutional rights. As guaranteed by
the blood of our forefathers who foughtand died for the freedoms we enjoy today.
Then perhaps we're unworthy of the freedomswe've inherited from them. And we
should all know Donald Trump is probablynot going to abide by that Judge Chunkin's
gag order. Maybe she'll put himin jail, who knows. But at
some point we have to have areckoning with what's happening in our country and
make a decision as to whether ornot we will let our freedoms be taken
away from us without so much asa whiper. If the left wing pro
communist attempt to subvert freedom and justicesucceeds, then freedom will be lost for
our children and grandchildren as well,and what a shame that would be.
And that's where we begin this morning'sbottom line report. Here's something I want
you to know, ladies and gentlemen. The Internal Revenue Service contract employee who
stole former President Donald Trump's tax returns. His name is Charles little John and
he leaked Trump's tax return to theNew York Times, you know, about
a year ago, and they werepublished. And this guy, this IRS
agent, he struck a plea knowthey're going to prosecute about He struck a
plea deal with federal prosecutors and mayonly have to serve eight months in prison.
Mister Little John didn't limit himself tostealing just President Trump's tax returns,
but he also stole tax return copiesof thousands of other wealthy Americans as well,
not just their tax returns, buttheir investments too. The fact that
mister little John is getting off soeasy shows the depth of corruption within the
IRS and the federal bureaucracy's deep stateitself, which is shamelessly displaying its pro
communist, anti American desire to fundamentallychange America forever. Right. And you
know who wanted to change America fundamentallyfor over in the last administration before Trump,
brock Obama, right, that washis death was his calling guard to
change America forever. Meantime, herein the United States, concerns continue to
grow that the war now underway betweenIsrael and Palesfine terrorists may lead to terrorist
attacks here in the United States.That's right, We're going to have to
put our guard up here again.And widens it so important because we have
thousands of illegals continuing to flow intoour country, many of which have terrorist
ties, and they could be settingup cells right here from which to carry
out attacks on American cities, especiallysince the Biden administration has continued to take
no action whatsoever to secure the southernborder here in the United States. We
have a lot to cover this morning, much much more so. I don't
want you to go away. We'regoing to be back with more than saying
right after these important messages. We'rejust trying to turn a nickel into a
dime. That's the bottom line.If you owe the I R S five
thousand dollars or more, don't callan unknown eight hundred number. Instead personally
meet with us to review your iRS problem. And if you want to
pay the I R S nothing orless than you owe, we can set
up a fresh start agreement with theI R S. We can help you.
Ladies and gentlemen can call us wholefree at one eight six six seven
two eight three six nine seven.We're just trying to turn a nippel into
a dime. That's the bottom line. We will move, We will move.
People can't even walk the street calledin the world that of meat on
welcome back, ladies and gentlemen you'relistening to. That's the bottom line,
your weekly radio show on k LDI, that tells it like it is.
Meantime. President Biden, you know, he slipped into Israel this past week
and briefly made a few comments tomembers of the Israeli War Council. Biden's
comments included the promise of US supportfor Israel in the aftermath of the Hamas
and raid on the Jewish people thatincluded the kidnapping and killing of Israeli men,
women, and children. Biden alsopromised the delivery of life saving humanitarian
assistance to Palestinian civilians in Gaza aswell. They're going to give the Palestinians
one hundred billion dollars of EU Americantaxpayer dollars. Biden had planned to meet
with Palestine and Jordanian leaders, butthose meetings were canceled after Hamas. Hamas
fired the missile intended to bomb Israel. It mispired and landed on a Palestinian
hospital, killing hundreds of people there. And of course you know you've probably
if you listen to anything on thenews, all these protesters are out there.
They're blaming and they're saying that theIsraelis did that, and they but
they didn't. They know for afact now that it was a mispired Hamas
Hamas rocket. The savage brutality ofHamas must be reckoned with ladies and gentlemen,
because for certain, their claim ofbeing freedom fighters against Israel is simply
a bald faced lie. Any attentby the United Nations, the Biden administration,
or any other left wing, antifreedom or anti religious barbarian entity that
wants to look the other way mustbe challenged, while Hamas should be met
with brutal force and swift justice.Stop and think about what these animals and
terrorists have done so far. Theykill. For example, they killed the
Jewish grandmother and then put a pictureof her naked corpse on Facebook. They
ripped open the stomach of a pregnantIsraeli woman, cut at her unborn child
and murdered it, and then killedthe mother. But they're you know,
that's one of a few reports.But but there's also other reports even worse
than what I just told you,like burning little Jewish children alive. It
makes one wonder the depth of depravitythat the Israeli fighters are not going to
be faced with if they continue toengage these terrorist devils who claim to be
freedom fighters. One thing for sure, this war against terrorism should be dealt
with with an absolute outcome to eliminateterror for once and for all. I've
reached the point in my own lifewhere I believe those among us living in
comfort and peace here in the landof milk and honey, because that's what
it's like here. We live inthe land of milk and honey. But
still we have people living in theland of milk and honey who still hate
America so much, so much theyshould simply be shown the door. They
should be shown the door, that'smy opinion, so to speak, and
be expelled for living in the USAfor a while. Maybe then that have
a better appreciation of living here,come to appreciate it more. Maybe they'll
come to their senses. And thatgoes for all the anti American left wing
politicians in Washington, d C.As well. Maybe if they too were
expelled to some third world hell hallfor a few years, that gained a
better appreciation of liberty and justice.You know, some people never know how
good they have it until they loseit. Meantime, patriotic Americans still have
too many unfaithful politicians to deal withHere in the United States, the struggle
to keep America free is in moredanger than many are aware of. President
Biden and the Democrats by opening theUS border with Mexico, has put every
living American's life in danger at thisvery moment, with over a million illegals
spread across America, Biden and theBiden Democrats are purposely putting the lives of
innocent Americans in danger, whether itbe from would be terricels slipping into the
United States, the importation of illegaldrugs killing our youth, and the destruction
of the US economy to weaken theUnited States on the world stage. We
Americans are facing an enemy within.Just this past week, a Democrat judge
in Washington, d C. JudgeTanya Chuck and his rule to limit former
President Trump's First Amendment right to freedomof speech after Special Prosecutor Jack Smith sought
to limit what and what not formerPresident Trump can or cannot be allowed to
say about Biden or other high levelDemocrats during his campaign for the presidency.
Does this sound like the United Stateswe used to know? Or is it
becoming a place where left wing antifreedom politicians can use partisan judges to limit
a former president's freedom of speech.Our country is coming apart from the enemies
within, and it seems more thanfrom our foreign enemies. So while we
focus on our foreign enemies and thethreats we face from illegals being permitted to
flow across the border from Mexico,many of whom may be allied with terrorists,
we also have left wing pro communistAmerican politicians attempting to limit a former
president's freedom of speech, while thecorrupt American news media cheers it on.
Biden, as everyone should be awareof by now, has taken secret documents
from when he was Barack Obama's vicepresident, stored them in his garage,
and is further compromised by allegedly takingbrides from communists China and other countries.
But are American so called Department ofJustice, for all intents and purposes,
simply ignores it while pursuing its continueddouble standard of justice. But it's hardly
mentioned, hardly mentioned it all rightby the corrupt American news media, which
is now complicit in the decline ofthe American Republic. This is all more
than just a slight difference of philosophybetween Democrats and Republicans as pertains to America's
future. I mean it's more thanjust you know, they used to say
that the Democrats the Republican parties arejust the you know, opposite sides of
the same coin. I don't thinkthat's the case anymore. Whenever you see
the you see the the the theseAmerican citizens out there protesting and in support
of these terrorist organizations and burning theAmerican flag. They're doing it right here
in American citiens. My gosh,what what has this? What has this
come to? That's the question thatI want to ask you. Elements of
a US Marine Corps expeditionary unit isbeing deployed to areas offshore along the goud
A script ad Israel should the threatof the should the threat of these terrorists
to grow? The US military isbeing drawn into the latest Israeli Palestinian conflict.
Israel's foray into the Gaza Strip toserve Swor and destroy AMAS is starting
to spread. Right. If thisthing can keep spreading, it could end
up spreading into World War three.You know it as well as I do.
It's every has be law on theNorth. Syria is on the east
to this conflict. So right nowthe Israelis are fighting a multi front war.
As such, elements of a USMarine Corps Expeditionary Force could be called
into action to assist the Israelis.And once that happens, well, you
know what happens next. We'll beback with more right after this. We're
just trying to turn a nickel intoa dime. That's the bottom line.
I want to invite our listeners tofind out what a risk number can do
for them. Visit what is MyRisk Number? Dot com? And while
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Again, what is my risk number? Dot Com? We'll just trying
to turn ankel into a dime.That's the bottom line. Welcome back,
ladies and gentlemen you're listening to that'sthe bottom line. Your weekly broadcast on
k LBI Saturday mornings at six am, Sunday mornings at eleven and anytime you
want to listen, save my Retirementdot com or just get on the internet
and look for That's the bottom LineRadio show. You'll find us there too.
It's signed out for this week's dirtylittle secret, and I'm gonna share
it with you right now. FederalJudge Tanya Chunkin an Obama appointee at the
bequest of Special Prosecutor Jack Smith.He's the prosecutor appointed by Biden's Attorney General
Merrick Garland Well the judge, JudgeChunkin issued a gag order this past week
to muzzle former President Trump's First Amendmentrights to free speech while he's running for
president. Yes, it has happened, and Biden's hitman, Special Prosecutor Jack
Smith, scored a victory in theBiden administration's attempt to prevent Trump from freely
speaking while actively campaigning for the USpresidency. America, open your eyes and
recognize what's happening. Democrat judges andprosecutors are introducing third world politics into the
US justice system. And when oneof Trump's attorneys listen to this fellow by
the name of John Lauro argued thatJudge Chunkin should not put a gag order
on President Trump. Judge Chunkin laughedat Trump's attorney and said, mister Trump
does not have quote quoting the judge, Mister Trump does not have unfettered First
Amendment rights. And did I saywhy not? What was Trump's elects crime?
He hasn't been convicted of anything yet. He challenged the outcome of the
vote count in the aftermath of thetwenty twenty presidential election, as other presidential
candidates have had before him, namely, most recently Hillary Clinton. She did
the same thing in twenty sixteen.She wanted to recount. She sought that
recount. A Trump campaign spokesman calledJudge Chunkin's decision and unquoting him an absolute
abomination and another partisan knife attack inthe heart of our democracy by Crooked Joe
Biden, who has granted the rightto muscle his political He's been granted the
right to muzzle his political opponent.So the Democrats have found a partisan Democrat
judge in the District of Columbia,a naturalized American citizen from Jamaica who should
embrace liberty and justice but instead wasable to limit President Trump's freedom of speech,
while another judge in New York City, at the bequest of another Democrat
prosecutor, New York Attorney General TishaJane, continues to disassemble Trump's business empire
by having another Democrat judge working attemptingto take away from mister Trump what he
has worked a lifetime to build.You know, the Trump organization. It's
the stealth communist takeover of the UnitedStates and conserve as a warning to every
hard working young American as a wakeup call as to how un american the
Democrat Party has become. The termI use is how crooked politicians use the
law to break the law, becausethat's what they're doing. This is what
happens when the wrong people are electedto political office and then use the power
of their office to institute injustice andtake away freedom and opportunity from individual citizens.
If they can do this to Trump, imagine what they can do to
you as an individual or to yourfamily. I know it's hard to believe,
and I suspect our forefathers are turningover in their graves as they see
what evil people have achieved their attemptsto thwart justice for the sake of left
wing political gain. Why would someonelike Judge Chunkin, an immigrant to the
United States fleeing the poverty of Jamaica, look the other way when she had
an opportunity to deny those who woulduse political malfie feasance malfeasance get away with
interfering with the US presidential election,which of course is what really is occurring.
How can someone speak freely when runningfor president when partisan judges can prevent
them from using their First Amendment rightto freedom of speech. Everything that's happening
at the moment under the Biden administrationmust be repudiated when the people have a
chance to vote next year and savethe un from the following from falling into
the hands of tyranny. Many stillbelieve the twenty twenty election that put Biden
into the presidency was stolen, andthat's the real reason the left is trying
so hard to prevent Trump from retakingthe presidency and returning liberty and justice to
we the people. The twenty twentyfour presidential election is going to be one
of the most consequential elections of ourlifetime, and that's not how perbally we
see what's happening and how we havefallen into a two tier system of justice,
which really means no justice for anyone. Maybe we're just nearing the Second
Coming of Christ and the absolute ruleof justice that it will bring, because
we're certainly losing it now here.You can see it. You don't have
to be a political science, youdon't have to be a constitutional scholar to
recognize what's what's happening. And wesee what's happening in Israel. So perhaps
it's closer than we think. Butthe Second Coming, that's what I'm talking
about. Maybe that's maybe we're rightthere in the end days I don't know,
I don't know, could be right. As tensions of a wider war
the Middle East continue to grow anddraw the US into the conflict, there's
going to be more uncertainly spilling overinto the US financial markets. And as
such, now would be a goodtime listen to me very very closely.
Now would be a good time formany of you listening to me this morning
to consider a flight to safety bylooking into placing some of your investment dollars
into one of those principal protection accounts. You hear US mention on this weekly
report plans paying higher fixed interests orindex to the financial markets that do not
lose value during downturn during those stockmarket downturns, and you know we're having
plenty of those nowadays, aren't Wecall us an Asset Growth Associates four oh
nine eight four oh sixty nine hundred. That's our number. Allow us to
share ideas with you that have heldso many other investors in the past four
oh nine eight four oh sixty ninehundred. When someone has money and a
principal protection account issued through our workat Asset Growth Associates, their money remains
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accounts, and as gains are addedto the account and they become part of
the protected principle, the account valuescontinue to grow immune from losses. These
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I invite you call us four ohnine sixty nine hundred. The sooner you
do, the sooner you will beable to save your own retirement, because
that's really what we do for aliving here. At Asset Growth Associates.
You know, we have a lotof political talk on this show, and
the reason we have to do thatis because that has to do with our
way of life here in the UnitedStates. And we can't let the politicians
take the food out of your children'smouths, can't we because that's what they're
they do this runaway inflation. They'redevaluing the dollar. We need some consistent,
some consistent guarantees in our way oflife and have some dependent buility.
We have a lot more to cover. Don't go away, We'll be back
right after these messages. We're justtrying to turn a nickel into a dime.
That's the bottom line. This isGene Valerati of Ascent Growth Associates.
If you've been watching recent news,a few banks have had a run where
customers panic and withdraw all their moneyat once, causing the banks to fail.
If that isn't worrying enough. OnJanuary first, twenty twenty three,
the Federal Reserve set a new lowreserve crunch for net transaction accounts to six
hundred and ninety one point seven milliondollars, meaning that banks with net transaction
account balances up to this amount aresubject to a reserve requirement ratio of zero
percent. You heard me right,zero reserve requirements. Forget fractional reserve banking.
How about zero reserve banking. Whywould the Federal Reserve create this environment
of uncertainty? If this is ofconcern to you, and it should be,
we can show you how to checkyourself and how to locate and utilize
financial institutions with very real reserves,not zero reserves. Give us a call
an Asset Growth Associates one eight sixsix seven two eight three six nine seven.
That's eight six six seven two eightthree six ninety seven. You can
also reach us locally in Beaumont,Texas by dialing four oh nine eight four
oh sixty nine hundred. Give usa call. You'll be glad that you
did. We're just trying to turnankel into a dime. That's the bottom
line. Welcome back, ladies andgentlemen. You're listening to your weekly report
that tells it like it is.That's the bottom line. We come your
way Saturday mornings at six am andSunday mornings at eleven am. Right here
on k LBI five sixty am radioin Beaumont, Texas and now it's time
for our solution segments. Interest ratesare going up, and while this is
bad for people seeking loans or borrowingmoney to buy a home, higher interest
rates provide an opportunity for investors whoseek gains without taking market risks. New
accounts now available for a principal protectionaccount issued through our work at Asset Growth
Associates can enjoy a double digit pickupof as much as twelve percent during the
first year of newly issued contracts forIRIA four oh one K or pension account
transfers or rollovers. These newer interestrates can help rescue retirees from seemingly unending
and continuing losses from direct investments intotoday's turbulent stock market. Listen to me
carefully, because when setting money asidenow for future use, it's really all
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big losses are encountered in direct marketinvestments, it can take years just for
investors to get back to even andtoo often there's just not enough time to
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protection plans, money is never lostduring a market decline, and earnings once
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These plans can move between fixed interestand market link returns each year,
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It's certainly worth looking into, especiallyfor those who may be hearing retirement or
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all it takes is a phone callto Asset Growth Associates four o nine eight
four oh sixty nine hundred. Letme give it to you again four oh
nine eight four oh sixty nine hundred. We also have a toll free line
one eight six six seven two eightthree six nine seven. And if you're
in the car driving and you can'tdrop these numbered down, just down one
eight six six Save my retirement.You know. We can also be reached
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these plans that we offer by youknow, they bypass probate. Someone dies,
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this business for decades now I'm goingto tell you there is no perfect plan,
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How well do you understand your pensionplan or even converting the money in
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you know about converting those funds intoan IRA they're setting up one to begin
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you don't understand your pension, youcould choose options that do not provide income
for if you're surviving family members,or the options you'll have to choose from
when you retire. How can youmake your pension work for you along with
Social Security and your other assets?The answer depends on how well you understand
your pension plan. An Asset GrowthAssociates, we understand pension planning and how
to help you choose the options thatbest meet you and your family's needs.
Remember, one size does not fitall, So I want you to call
us an Asset Growth Associates where youcan find solutions that meet your financial need.
That's very important four h nine eightfour oh sixty nine hundred. You
take the time to call us,you said an appointment. Come here and
visit with us and we'll help yousave your retirement. And don't go away.
We still have more to report backafter this. Well, just trying
to turn a nickel into a dime. That's the bottom line. We're just
trying to turn a nekel into adime. That's the bottom line. Welcome
back, ladies and gentlemen. You'relistening to That's the bottom Line, your
weekly report on k l d ISaturday mornings at six am, then again
on Sunday mornings at eleven am.And as I always tell you, anytime
you want to listen, you canlog on to savemyretirement dot com and listen
to check the section that says radioshow, and you can listen to current
and past episodes of That's the bottomLine. You can also just plug the
That's the bottom Line radio show intoyour computer or cell phone and pick a
up there that way too. TheWar on terrorism isn't over, and Joe
Biden's mismanagement of the economy is forAmerica's future in a difficult place. But
you can still protect and grow anestagg at Asset Growth Associates, and it's
worth your time to learn how principalprotection, how these plans cannot only grow
an estagg but also preserve an stag. One thing for certain, and that
is that the next fourteen months,with Biden still in office and Democrats controlling
the Senate and Republicans fighting among themselvesin the House, you know there's not
going to be any meeting of theminds in Washington, d C. And
this means more economic chaos with higherprices outpacing income just can output, you
know, inflation, it's outpacing incomefor most hard working Americans and for those
of you with money in the financialmarkets, I want you to know we
offer a flight to financial safety throughour work at Asset Growth Associates. You
don't have to see these wild swingsin the stark market wipe out years of
investments that you have, you've investedin and your sweat of your brow.
You know, you work by thesweat of your brow. You set that
money aside, and then boom oneday because of crazy politicians in Washington,
d C. It just gets gonewith the win, right, it just
sweeps away. Well, if youwant to learn more about how having that
not happened to your investments, Iwant you to call us for an appointment
to come here talk to us.The phone number is four oh nine eight
four oh sixty nine hundred. Allowus to show you how these principal protection
plans that we talk about can workand help you achieve your financial goal.
Well that's all about all the timewe have for right this week, ladies
and gentlemen. We'll be back nextweek, same time. Meantime. God
bless you, and God bless freedomloving Americans everywhere. That's the bottom line.
You can reach asset Growth Associates bycalling one eight six six seven to
eight thirty six ninety seven, areby visiting savemretirement dot com