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February 7, 2024 13 mins
Larson Home Services are experts from the attic up. Unfortunately, that sometimes means turning down other kinds of work. Andrew explains why they stick with the work they're best at and why you should probably schedule stuff now. Today.
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Episode Transcript

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Eight four thirty ten Wiba and askthe experts on this foggy but unusually warm
looking at the forecast ed February morning. What a day? What a day?
And we are joined this morning byour good friend Andrew Larson. Of
course, Andrew comes to us fromLarsen Home Services the website Larsenhome Services dot

com. That's l A R.S O N Home Services dot com.
Telephe number six oh eight five threefive forty three forty three. That's five
three five forty three forty three.And Andrew, I've got to ask,
do the guys look forward to weatherlike this? Is this something I know?
You guys are are going gangbusters yearround. Do the guys like these
slightly warmer, unusual temperatures for February? Or is are they good in it?

No? They prefer you know,twenty degree yeah zero, No,
yeah, they love it. Imean, this is the weather where that's
a little chili right away. Butit's like one of my Jordan is his
name, And if you've if you'velistened to this show, you've had worked
done by us, had gutters doneby us, you've possibly met Jordan.

But he's like, this is theperfect weather I can wear a sweatshirt,
I'm not sweating, I'm not gettingcold. It's it's perfect and this type
of weather allows us to do everythingright now. So we're gangbusters on insulation
that cold snap, which again wetry to educate on the show about people

in insulation and winter and in summerand when insulation is most important, and
it's actually most important in the summerair ceiling more important than the winter.
But cold snaps get us super superbusy. So insulation is really really busy,
and we're going gangbusters on gutters roofingin insulation right now. It's pretty
awesome. Honestly, it's a phenomenaltime. And as we talk with Andrew,

I was just sharing off the airand we don't have to get into
it on the air, but justan experience I had. One of the
things I loved and working with withyou guys at Larsenome Services is actually working
with your team. I love theresult obviously. Ultimately what matters is is
a quality work is it's something thatlooks great, is going to perform great.
Absolutely, but the also the greatthing is that larsen experience and working
with the team at Larsenome services whenyou guys did are rough. It's just

absolutely loved it. And I've gotto ask Andrew. I know a lot
of folks come to you about aboutquestions about about things, and I know
people can email you WIBA at larsenomeservicesdot com. Folks will ask you questions
about things that that may be areasthat that largenome Services doesn't do. But
because you know the industry, becauseyou work at a very high level,
people want your input. And youhad an interesting story about siding. Yeah,

you know this has actually happened acouple of times. And you know
something that I mean, obviously,we use great products and we do a
great job. And the thing isis we really really really pride ourselves on
using the best products with the bestworkmanship, the best techniques, best clean
up, best warranties. That's whatwe try to do. I know it

sounds like a lot of bests.And and you know we're not always perfect.
I pride ourselves on our Google reviews. You can go on there.
We have hundreds of reviews four pointeight. Four point eight means that we're
not perfect, but we try.But I will say, you know,
most of the bad reviews, notmost almost all of them have been from
people that we didn't actually do anythingfor, like they didn't like our loudly

logoed car, or they didn't likeus leaving information at their house. But
anyway, that's neither here, herenor there. We really pride ourselves on
what we do and being the expertson what we do. And you know,
sometimes we do such a great jobthat homeowners, you know, there's
always are There's been a stigma along time with contractors. I mean in
the contracting world, it used tobe easy or easier for people to get

taken advantage of by a contractor.Come in, you know, bid up
a job, talk a big game, take a down payment, and then
never show up. Now, withthe age of the internet and people can
actually do their research better, that'sbecome obviously that's probably become more of a
thing of the past. But becausewe do such a good job and we
take such pride, people want touse this for multiple things. And I

had a homeowner reach out to methat we worked on their house years ago
and they need new siding, andthey really wanted us to do siding,
and it was almost to the pointof please, please do our siding.
We don't trust anybody else, andwe just we are the experts from the
attic up. We do gutter shuttergutters, We do roofing, and we

do home performance work. I eatinsulation, spray, foam, air,
ceiling, things to make your homeperform better. We just don't do siding.
Now, could I bid upsiding?I mean I've done something personally,
could we bid siding up? Youknow, our roofer has a siding crew,

he does siding. We could getthe job done, but at the
end of the day, at theend of the day, that's just that's
not what we do. We dowhat we we. We do what our
expertise is again, and that's gutters, roofing, and insulation work. And
that's just It'd be very easy forus to say, sure we'll put some

windows in, Sure we'll put somesiding in, but that's that's we are
not experts in that area. Sowe choose to kind of stick to our
niche and do what comes easiest,where most contractors will just say, yeah,
we'll do all exterior work. Butthat's just not us. And I
think that our reputation and our reviewsreflect that because once we start spreading ourselves

into areas that we're really not expertsat. You know, that's when the
quality can start kind of going sideways. So that's why we do what we
do and we stick to that.Let's talk about Andrews as we talk about
the workmanship, and of course thatthis time of year you mentioned of course
doctor Energy Saver, and we thinkabout the summer and running that central air.

We also think about that cold snapthat we had every year. Regardless
of the year, we get acouple of those, which means there is
a chance, knock on wood,that we may get another one of those.
Let's talk a little bit about theLarsenome Services a little bit about the
process and getting on the schedule.And I know, like things like gutters,
for example, may not be topof mind today, but there is

going to be a point where you'regoing to say, why didn't I have
gutter shutter installed by Larsenome Services.It's a prime time right now to get
on the schedule, isn't it.It is a prime time. I've never
said that before. At the verybeginning of February. Yeah, usually it's
like, you know what, tryto survive, don't freeze, to death
and we'll get you in March,maybe April. But here's what happens.

Every single year. People think aboutit, they think about it, they
think about it, and then theweather turns and then they think about it,
and then we get a big rain. Their gutters are still clogged up
from the previous year and or stillhave ice in them, and people get
water in there and waters going everywhere. The gutters are overflowing, and people
freak out and they call and theysign up. But at that point,

we're like five six weeks out andwe want to do everything we can.
But at the same time, youknow, guys can only work so many
hours. There's only seven days ina week, and we like to give
our guys the weekend off if possible. Right, So, so now is
a perfect time because we're not superbusy, We're we're consistent, we're constant.

You know, guys are out workingand we're going to beat that spring
rush. So if it's something thatyou've been thinking about, and I know,
I never try to come on thisshow. I try to educate.
I don't want to be salesy,but you know, I've been doing this
show for a long time and Iappreciate the people that listen to this show.

It means a lot. And Ihear it. I hear it all
over the place, you know,Oh yeah, I hear I hear you
on the radio. I hear youon the radio, and I love that.
So what I'd like to do isjust extend free installation labor for anybody
listening to the show. If theycall in and they sign up for an
estmate, make sure that they sayI heard Andrew on the show, we

will give them that discount. We'renot offering that right now, so you
know, we just don't. ButI appreciate people listening to the show because
if they didn't, I mean,what are we doing, Sean, Well,
what's the point of this. Imean, I love hanging out with
you on because I really really do. But it's important to get the word
out. And that's one of theI think for folks that have listened to

the program over the years and gotto know you and got to know a
little bit about Larsnome services is different, the different things you guys are able
to do folks for folks, Ithink obviously the reviews speak for themselves when
it comes to the great quality workthat to do a plus Better Bureau,
better Business Bureau rating, Lars Snomeservices, all the great things about you.
But I think really what it comesdown to is and I think what
I like most is getting to talkwith you every week one picking your brain

about about what as a homeowner,what I should be looking for, what
improvements can be made, and howto go through it. But I also
think folks really like the honest,the honest feedback of like this is what
we do. You mentioned we weretalking about siding or talking about windows.
Most folks, I know, ifthere's an opportunity to make money, folks
will make that money. You havethe crews, you've got the skill,

but and you've got the opportunity tomake money. You say, listen,
those aren't the areas that we specializein. We're going to refer you to
somebody else. And obviously you knowa lot of really good contractors out there
as well. And that's it.I think people really appreciate that, that
type of honesty about it. Andthat was again going back to you guys,
did our roof. It's been aboutfive years now, it's not a
long time. It still looks,it still looks great, but One of

the things I really liked was havingthe chance one get educated but actually taking
a look. And this wasn't likelike you know, standing out on the
curb. Okay, yeah, we'lljust READO your roof. Your guy got
up in our attics up on aroof, was out there with all sorts
of equipment, and then it kindof put it all together and then said
all right, here are your options. Different types of roofing, different types

of shingles, different And it waslike, wow, what a what a
great experience it was, so thatthat is something I think is for folks
thinking right now with this warmer weather, about about spring and of course getting
on the schedule. Now, Ithink that those type of those I don't
know, how do you say it? Kind of like the non tangible things
are very important as well, thethings that matter, I think to people

correct and you mentioned I could doit. We can make money, but
that's obviously we're in business to makemoney, right, That's where're there.
I'm in business to make money,in business to help homeowners fix their home.
I'm in business to advance the careersand lives of the people that work

at Larson Home Services. There's justnothing better than seeing a young a young
guy or gal come in and they'rethey're really young, don't know what they
want to do. They find ahome here, they work, they buy
a house, they get married,they have kids. That's the fun stuff.
Making more money isn't always what it'snecessarily for. It's for longevity as
well. I was just up inRochester all day yesterday, Rochester, Minnesota.

We're expanding Larsen Home Services into Rochester. Don't ask me how. I've
never really actually advertised there, butwe just started getting people calling from there
and we started doing work there lastyear. Well, I have a salesperson
that lives in that area. Sowe're expanding, and I was working with
a realtor to find the correct spacefor us to lease. And he's like,
oh, I'm so excited for anothergood contractor. There's just not enough

here. And he brings up windowsand he's like, yeah, i'd really
like my windows done if you couldget me an estimate. And I was
like, you know, I remember, like five seconds ago, I was
like experts at up insulation, guttersand roofing. We don't do windows.
He's like oh really, but likethere's so much money in windows. I'm
like, there might be, butthat's not what we do. So I

could easily say sure, yeah,yeah, I mean i've put windows in
before. I used to sell windows, but that's just not what we do.
We want to stick to what wedo, be the best at it,
get great reviews, have raving customerswho tell their neighbors, and I
mean, that's just that's what it'sall about for us. Andrew Larson larsenalme

Services. It is a perfect dayto pick up the phone, give them
a call, make the phones ring. As Andrew mentioned, a very special
offer to WYBA listeners thirteen ten WYBAlisteners, did you say free installation labor
free instantly the biggest discount that wewill ever offer. We typically don't offer
it unless it's like really slow.It's actually not slow, but it's just

kind of an appreciation thing. Andsometimes some people are procrastinators and if we
can avoid the spring, hey,we need this and we need this done
in a week, and then wehave to be the bearers of bad news
and going I'm sorry, but there'sactually like one hundred and thirty five people
in front of you that helps us. Everybody's happy, it's a win win.

That is great to hear. Sofree installation labor call today right now,
make those phones ring six oh eightfive three five forty three forty three.
That's five three five four three fourthree. The website Larsendhome Services dot
com. That's l A R so N Home Services dot com. Andrew,
it's always great chatting with you,my friend. We'll see you real
soon and we'll talk as well.All right, sounds good, Have a

good one. Talking with Kevin hamnextof Hams arbacare here on thirteen ten. Wuib I
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