Welcome to week eighteen. This week, Kairos invites David to reflect on what he has wanted during his lifetime, and to reconnect with what he wanted as a child and a teenager.
I sit at the edge tonight as we are about to begin, thinking about the many things I have wanted over the course of my life, a question Kairos left us with. I could say they changed since I was young, and yet that isn’t entirely true. Most of what I want now, I’ve wanted all my life.
Kairos asked me what I believed.
He said to me, “If you believe you want something else now, the next question is why. Why do you want something you didn’t want when you were a teenager? Is this because you have grown up, or is it because you stopped believing in your dreams? Did you believe anything was possible, and, if so, what happened to that belief? Whether your dreams have changed or not, it is important to take the moment given in Caravan to contact what you really want now. If you find that you do not remember what you wanted when you were young, call to your seven-year-old self. Call to your teenager within. See if you can get in touch with the part of you that had a dream for your life when you were young.”
He asked me if I remembered a time when I considered anything possible.
The Caravan of Remembering, Chapter 7, Considering Your Life Mission, p.136-137