All Episodes

August 23, 2024 • 124 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Kind of logistics because you've been doing seven divisions in
football for a while now that all the other sports
or a lot of them have joined that train, but
football you got it down pretty well now, right.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Yeah, and it's really helped us when we look at
some concepts with the other sports. Is with you know,
the benefit of of doing the seven divisions and football,
you know, and you know, it's a little bit different
because you have a few, you know, more Division one
teams and football than you do the other sports are
invited a little bit differently. But but yeah, as far
as how the tournament's run and especially the state tournament weekend,

those type of things, it's been helpful to you know,
to look at football and do that because you know,
even with going from eight to sixteen teams todd a
few years ago, or six to seven divisions not really
not that long ago, I suppose, and those type of things,
we've always adjusted in here and it's helped us play
with for those other sports. But really really excited for

the football season to start and really the fall sports season.
I've been to a golf match in here on area
and uh, you know, as a former ad principal superintendent,
I always love this time of year. You know, August
hits and and it really hit me Todd. A couple

of weeks ago, I was in ad Lakota West High
School on a Monday night.

Speaker 3 (01:21):
I pulled in the.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
Football team was on the football field and banned in
the parking lot performing. They got a lot of kids
in their band and croft count for kids running around,
and you know, it hit me. I said this this
is a great time for kids at schools because sports
drives the communities.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
That's Doug uty is, the executive director of the OHSAA. Doug,
great to have you on the program. We appreciate you
taking time for us.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
Todd. Always appreciate you and everything you guys do. And
we're always appreciate seeing you at the state tournaments and
and UH and your support of high school athletics is
very much appreciated.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
And that's all the time we have for this week's show.
Of course, we're back next week for week two. Stay tuned.
Kickoff of your Game is coming up. My name's Todd Walker.
Thanks for tuning in to the Friday Night Blitz on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 4 (02:09):
Thanks for listening to those Friday Night Blitz from iHeartRadio.

Speaker 3 (02:13):
Kickoff is coming up.

Speaker 5 (02:19):
Hello, I'm a marine.

Speaker 6 (02:22):
No matter how you served.

Speaker 7 (02:23):
My buddies from the army are oh gone. Now I'm
really alone.

Speaker 6 (02:28):
No matter what you're going through.

Speaker 8 (02:30):
I keep getting calls about the bills, and I'm trying
to get a job. I feels so stuck.

Speaker 6 (02:37):
We are here for you. If you are a veteran
in your life is experiencing thoughts of suicide, down nine
eight eight, then plus one to reach the Veterans Crisis Line.

Speaker 9 (02:46):
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Speaker 10 (03:17):
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Speaker 3 (03:32):
Isn't involved in a lot of coverage of the SVC,
but very knowledgeable with Chillicothee as well. And it's Shane.
You've kind of been around the broadcasting high school reporting
part of it, and that's been one of your sidelines
that you've done for a good while now.

Speaker 11 (03:45):
Yeah, really just a passion of mine through being an
educator and being a coach. So again, thank you so
much for having me look forward to a great fall
of doing some chilicothe football with you tonight.

Speaker 3 (03:56):
Shane thinks, of course, in the front tier athletic conference,
so if you follow up, Chili Company has five league games,
so you got to find five non league games to
start the season. They've been opening up, they've been playing
Harvest Prep a couple of years, they've played Westernville North
and a little change in the schedule this year, and
I think still some very tough teams are going to

start out with a team that's been to the state
championship in the final four of the last two seasons
here with Bloom Carroll and then always tough London who
has gone very far in the playoffs several years, as
well as their first two games although they are here
at home, but Bloom Carroll they lost. I think, Shane,
you were telling me they had what three or four

guys that graduated and what D one?

Speaker 11 (04:40):
Yeah, I think in just some prep here in week one,
which is sometimes your hardest prep, you know, in this
line of work. It looks like about seven starters went
on to play some college football, three at the D
one level, schools like Kent State, Army, Purdue. So I
mean you're talking about a pretty high level of football.
Certainly a great test for the Cavaliers here in week one.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
No doubt about it. To Bloom very successful and of
course Scott Bartholomew, head coach, starting his I believe third
season here with the Cavaliers. It gets away from me,
but there's a tie with coach Bart. Of course, Coach
Bart was west Fall, he was over at Logan Elm
and he's been around. He's been a long time successful coach.

But then his son took over Bloom Carroll Wade, who
he played for. Coach bar thought of you west Fall,
he takes over. Bart went over to help him out
for a lot of years of Bloom Carroll. So there's
a very close tie with coach Bart and the Bloom
Carroll program.

Speaker 11 (05:38):
Well there is, And I think that's right where I
start when I think of the optimism for twenty twenty
four with Chilicothy. You know, when you start thinking of
coach Bartholomew and his track record, you think of the
Calves being a year older up and down the roster.
And then you mentioned the schedule certainly, certainly difficult, but
certainly maybe a little bit more gettable in a certain areas.
So leaves a lot of optimism for the Chili coffin.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
Doubt about it, and you know, uh, well, I think
yeahs Heller National, I'll tell you what we're right for
national anthem with the Cavalier Marchie Band. Let's take a
quick break. You're listening to Cavalier football coverage and the
home of the Cabs wb X Shane. I'll be back
in about two minutes with more free game.

Speaker 12 (06:18):
Being a locally owned and operated business means a lot
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they've been serving since eighteen ninety one. Let the folks
at locally owned and operated Where Funeral Home help youre healing.
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Speaker 5 (06:52):
Hello, I'm a marine.

Speaker 6 (06:55):
No matter how you served.

Speaker 7 (06:56):
My buddies from the Army are all gone.

Speaker 6 (07:00):
Wow, I'm really alone no matter what you're going through.

Speaker 8 (07:03):
I keep getting calls about the bills and I'm trying
to get a job. I feels so stuck.

Speaker 6 (07:10):
We are here for you. If you are a veteran
in your life is experiencing thoughts of suicide, Down nine
eight eight then plus one to reach the Veterans Crisis Line.

Speaker 13 (07:21):
The expert team of specialist at the Adena Orthopedic and
Spine Institute is proud to provide leading sports medicine care
to student athletes and active adults right in our community.
Our advanced medical team and experienced Adena Athletic trainers are
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to get back in the game. For over fifty years,
the Howler family has been here to help families in
our area remember the life of a loved one. Here
that loved one's legacy into heal us they go through
the grave process. The Howler family continues to remember Sharon

Heel with the area's largest, most modern facility on site
crematory and most importantly, with their carrying and dedicated professionals.
Each individual's life is unique, and selecting how her funeral
home ensures their tribute will be just as unique. How
her funeral home helping families remember, share and heal.

Speaker 3 (08:24):
Well. Back at Hernstein Field and brand new turf I mentioned,
of course, I believe that ten years old the original
when they put down the artificial turf here at the
Hernstein Field to the home of the Calves and the
Obadiah at the Harris Athletics Center, and then this year replaced.
Of course, the base stays the same, but they put

brand new and I was talking to Murph and we
were talking about having an artificial turf. But Anchilicatha, you
got boys soccer, girls, soccer football. I think lacrosse change.
You've been around high school sports and you have it
down to Pink Valley, right, uh, Zane Trace. A couple
of schools. Yeah, and you know you don't have to

paint the line. Now you do have to replace. There's
some costs, but uh, I just think so much advantage
to happen. And when you have that many sports, it's
really got to be a help.

Speaker 11 (09:14):
Yeah, it really is. You you mentioned so many throughout
the area. I think back to the beginning, it seems
like Jackson was one of the earliest ones. And then
with Chillicothe, but you mentioned right there in the SBC
alone with Paint Valley.

Speaker 3 (09:24):
Python has it down there, Zane Trace. So yeah, it does.
I mean throughout the and.

Speaker 11 (09:29):
People would be surprised throughout the school day how much
it benefits some of the use of the of the
kids and so forth.

Speaker 3 (09:34):
So it is. It's a beautiful uh setting here.

Speaker 11 (09:37):
At Chillicothe and uh and I think they do an
outstanding job. I was telling you in pregame there. I
had a chance to go to the volleyball match last night.
Hats off to the Chiliicathee community, the band, the pep section.
That was an incredible atmosphere there. So excited to fall
sports get going here around the area.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
So doubt about it. Well, back to tonight's game and Shane.
The Cavaliers suffered to one in nine season last drink.
Their only win was against Logan. Played some teams tough.
But we're talking to Bar a little bit, and it
seems like sometimes when you have seasons like that, they'd
have a forty yard play that'd be a penalty, they'd

stop a team maybe three and out, and all of
a sudden, the mistake. It just seemed like when one
or two little things happened, things fell apart. And Bart's
hoping for a little a higher number of seniors, which
you were talking pregame two about. I think seniors might
make as much difference in football as any sport that
helps one to nine coming back this year and been

several years now that I've been doing Chilocathy football and
the history from when I'm joined to myself here over
the last five or six years, maybe longer than that
is that explosive quarterback or running back. One year, I
believe they had seven kickoff returns for touchdowns. Just unbelievable
speed in the skill positions and a quarterback that could

make something out of nothing. That hasn't been the case
the last several years. And I think even more of
a change. Interesting. They're going to go with a sophomore quarterback.
They have a senior running back as Sean Smith. They
expect really big things. Had a good year last year,
but it looks like Shane that no last year and
over the last five years, split ends, two slot backs,

maybe one running back out of the shotgut. Now they're
going to go with two tight ends, two slopbacks, only
one running back. So this is going to become a
much more of a look of a running team. And
I think in talking to Bart you talked to him
as well. I think it's because any good coach you'll
go with what personnel you have, and I think he
likes the offensive line. He's moved two linemen to two

tight end positions in the sism and Barren and they're looking,
I think, to run the ball and be strong upfront
this year.

Speaker 11 (11:48):
Yeah, I agree. I think what happens physicality. We mentioned
the seniors and the obvious thing there is bigger, faster,
stronger in football, right, Like you mentioned getting a little
bit more physical. A lot of times that comes in
the depth up front. Maybe you've been able to sustain
some injuries, you're able to play a little deeper on
the defensive line, the offensive line. But I would also

I would also talk about the mental side of it.
You mentioned maybe the inconsistency as I heard you there
kind of in your description. I think the maturity of
that kid that's been through it that second year, that
third year, now the fourth year, that matters. I mean,
you're gonna have the ups and downs, especially when you
play a schedule at the level Chilikothee does. So again,
as I said in those three areas, I totally trust

the coaching staff. I love that there's going to be
a mix of young talent, but there is kind of
an older feel to the roster. And then like I
mentioned the schedule too, So again I just think there's
a lot of reason for optimism here in twenty twenty four.

Speaker 3 (12:41):
And quickly on the defensive side a little bit talking
to coach by following you, they're going to go to
a three four, and it sounded like they're going to
be an attacking defense, aggressive, and he said, you know what,
we got some bad defensive backs and some safeties that
like to come up and get after you. They come
up quick. Now, he said, what's going to happen? And
then adding to us in scrimmage, when you have a

couple of young guys and they're aggressive, you're gonna get
burnt now and then. But it sounds like defensively, and
particularly tonight, he said, if we let this the Bloom
Carroll quarterback, he's you know, probably going to be a
chance to be All State. It's the thing of bond
if I say that right, and looking at him, if
they he said, if we let him step back and
throw it, we're dead. We got to put the pressure

on him.

Speaker 11 (13:24):
For a young man who's third team All High last year,
as he said, certainly a first second team you know
a likelihood this year. And and yeah, there's a lot
of truth to that with with young kids and aggressiveness
and so forth. But I do like the idea of
having multiple guys throughout all layers of your defense. It
can make play so many times at the high school level,
when you only have those one or two guys that

maybe dominate the tackle column, that puts.

Speaker 3 (13:46):
A lot of pressure on them.

Speaker 11 (13:47):
When you when you can really like in any sport,
when you can balance it across the board and you
can make plays at all levels of your defense, I
think that's that's that's obviously a better recipe for success.

Speaker 3 (13:57):
Twenty twenty four Opening Tonight a home game for your
Chelicathy Cavaliers, the Bulldogs of bloom Carroll, a big successful
program over the last several years. Note doubt to the
visitors tonight and we'll be back with tonight's opening kickoff.
Caveller Football coverage on the Home of the Caves fourteen
ninety WBX Back with a kick after this.

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Speaker 12 (14:48):
Being a locally owned and operated business means a lot
for a lot of reasons at Where Funeral Home. Those
reasons are simple, trusted, caring professionals available twenty four hours
a day to help when you need most, compassionate staff
that understands the weight of your loss with the ability
to handle all of your concerns, a location conveniently situated
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they've been serving since eighteen ninety one. Let the folks
at locally owned and operated Where Funeral Home help your
healing begin visit where FH dot com.

Speaker 5 (15:24):
Hello, I'm a marine.

Speaker 7 (15:27):
No matter how you served, my buddies from the army
are all gone. Now I'm really alone.

Speaker 6 (15:34):
No matter what you're going through.

Speaker 8 (15:35):
I keep getting calls about the bills and I'm trying
to get a job. I feels so stuck.

Speaker 6 (15:42):
We are here for you. If you are a veteran
in your life is experiencing thoughts of suicide down nine
eight eight, then plus one to reach the veteran's crisis line.

Speaker 3 (15:55):
Back with you. Shane coms Greg Vickham here as we
get for the opening kickoff, and it looks like I
believe the bloom will be kicking it off and Shane,
they got a pretty good weapon as a kicker. I
saw him kick a fifty plus yard field gold and
warm up, so I know nobody's rushing you, but that's

he's got a big foot. I think he was All
State last year as well. From I'm mistaken, Yeah, Honor
will mention, and it was described to me would by
two different coaches in the Area's game changing his ability
of field position wise and then obviously from the field
goal kicking standpoint, his ability to impact the game. He's

like deep for the Cavaliers, I believe is twenty eight
major Myers and you can probably expect this with Connor
Bowl and the kicker to probably go into the end zone.
I would think looking at his foot in pregame, he
kicks it off and that's going to go all the
way down and into the end zone. Cabs were going

to run it out. Actually, I think Shane, a good
thing that they stepped in the end zone because I
don't think they would have got that back too far.

Speaker 11 (17:05):
Yeah, Trayton McKee is that young man's name, the returning
kicker that we mentioned, the honorable mentioned all Ohio kicker
there for bloom Carroll Boe.

Speaker 3 (17:15):
McKee kicks it about two yards deep into the end zone.
Calves Zion Henson tried to bring it out, but when
he caught it, he was in the end zone. That's
an automatic touchback. They'll bring it out and the Cavs
will have the first possession of twenty twenty four from
their own twenty yard line. And again coming out on

the offensive line, we'll get a chance to set it
as we can't. Connor Bolin one of those out on
the offensive line. The two tight ends we told you,
Daniel Sissm and Dom Baron, who both played tackle positions
and guard last year. Andrew Hammond the quarterback. Smith the
running back back with him him and sends Jan Miller

in motion single running back. He is in a shotgun formation.
He wants to throw it, fakes being chased and he'll
be brought down from behind. He was looking. They ran
only one receiver. Miller was in motion. He went in
motion left to right, then went out, but good coverage.
And Andrew tried to roll out to get out of
the pocket and he was run down from behind, loss
of six on first down to the Caps. Yeah, just

a little playfake.

Speaker 11 (18:19):
Wanted to get a quick probably, you know, just kind
of relax, get the quarterback settled in and unable to
hit that primary target.

Speaker 3 (18:27):
Carte Liggan and we'll hear that name. He is just
a freshman. They are real excited about Carte. He's in
a slot one Miller split again. The single running back,
Sean Smith senior. Dude, you're running back. Sean will run
the sweep. A lot of heavy traffic running into the backfield.
Sean gets by one, gets by two, but no more
than that. Good defensive pressure number thirty six or bloom

Carroll looked like thirty six name wrong, but good defensive
pressure that was from the looks like a linebacker position.
And a loss of a couple on the play, and
the Calves find them in a deep hole here, third
and fifteen deep in their own territory. Now nobody back

with him. And Andrew's got a good arm, just a sophomore,
but six ' three, he's gonna look to throw. He's
got pressure throws it across the midder to Miller. Miller
gets back to the original line of scrimmage, a nice
little delay pattern over the middle. Not nearly enough for
a first down, but they get a little bit of
room and they'll have to punt the football. Smart decision
backed way up in your territory this late. I give your.

Speaker 11 (19:32):
Punter just a little bit of room and not make
the mistake that can really cost you here. Hopefully your
your punt unit can flip the field here a little
bit and get your defense getting started on the right foot. Yeah,
Connor Bowlan will do all the kicking punting.

Speaker 3 (19:50):
Earlier, I looked at the wrong roster and had Connor
kicking from Bloom Carroll, but he just not low snap,
no rush for bloom Carrol line drive kick coming away,
grabbed it to forty five of bloom Carroll returned to
the fifty, loses his footing on the return, and I
believe that was number twenty nine both Sherman.

Speaker 11 (20:14):
I think Tom barn was on the stop for chiliocythe
on the punk coverage there.

Speaker 3 (20:20):
And we will take we weren't able to grab the
actually get a Bloom Carroll roster very early on and
we'll kind of have to pick the lineup. We can
tell you the All Ohio quarterback Ethan the Tanga Von
is back. There was a single running back and coach
Bart says they probably will throw three out of every
four plays. The running back is Jay Blair, who transferred

over from Circleville. They throw to Blair in the left
flat and he's taken down immediately, pick up of only
one or two yards. Jude Blair and Jude the senior
played the last three years at or the Tigers, transferred
to Bloom Carroll and gets a chance as a senior
to start at running back, and they threw a little
swing pass. He got only a yard. Nice defensive coverage

by the caves. Yeah, good pursuit there on the outside.
Three receivers split to the right. The thang of a
thumb on easy for you to say. Looking throws into
the flat again to Blair. He's to the forty five
and taken down from behind, picked up maybe five yards.
Going to bring up a third down. He looked downfield

and then just hit Blair on a little swing pass
into the right flat. Tried to run the three receivers
down deep, create that opening, and they do pick up
five on the play. Let's call it third and four
in Chillicothe territory, Bulldogs with the football.

Speaker 11 (21:38):
Yeah, really good offensive line protection there. I think he
checked all the way down to probably about his third
third guy on that and it gives third down the
opportunity probably four down territory.

Speaker 3 (21:47):
Here at the Chillicothe forty two again, Ethan the Thanga
on the thang of On looks, looks to his left,
throws into the flat in a good hit and knocked
it loose and that's going to be an incomplete pass.
Nice reaction by the Cavalier defense. Pass was caught and
then dropped, and I believe it was number eighty two.

Speaker 11 (22:13):
That was Victor Hitchens. I believe on the outside there
for Chillicothe timed it up rule real well on what
looked like a completion and uh yeah.

Speaker 3 (22:22):
I was Hutchison, not a real big wide receiver. Caught
a nice hit for the Cavaliers, knocked it loose, and
now we got fourth and four, and Shane's absolutely correct,
they will go for it on fourth down. Fourth and four.
The Thanga Phong back to pass looking those deep over
the middle. Incomplete. Oh whoa a late flag, a very

late flag from the side judge. And the other thing,
I wasn't sure if it might have been tipped and
I might be what Coach Bart's going to talk about
that it got touched before the contact was made by
the defense it back. Oh, it was gonna it's gonna

be past interference. It was a late call and I
don't know. The side judge was kind of waiting for
the back judge to look at it. And the only
question you couldn't tell, Shane was when the ball was
thrown hard over the middle. There was a lot of
people if it got touched, but evidently not in the
contact then was made and made it a little bit
too quickly in an automatic first down for bloom Carroll.

Big penalty on the calves. Now they're gonna run a
little option to Blair on the outside. He gets away
from one, gets away from two. Now he's going to
be taken down almost stop for a game of one.
He's gonna wind up with four or five. Bring up
second down for the Bulldogs their first offensive possession. Good
pursuit from McAllister.

Speaker 11 (23:44):
There from Chili Hith, even though he didn't get him
to the ground, he was able to slow things up
and and and uh let the linebackers flow to the
ball there. Yeah, going back to that four down play,
you know, just good aggressive playouts there, big tight end.
You'll hear Michael Stevenson's name called six five two to
twenty six senior tied in one of my favorite targets
for bloom Carroll.

Speaker 3 (24:04):
Second down for bloom Carroll. Three receivers to the right
including Stevenson, quick pass, little bubble screen to the right side,
and that's Hutcheson again. Gets to the twenty. Will be
short of the first down, but it's gonna bring up
third and three just to quick bubble screen to the
right to the flanker.

Speaker 11 (24:24):
Yeah, really really, Chilcotee defense pretty solid so far. The
field position played a big factor allowing bloom Carroll to
stay aggressive on the fourth down situation. But overall Chill
Coothie not not doing a bad job, just hurt by
the fourth down penalty.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
They're down in four. Stevenson slotted to the right. Blair
is still in the backfield with the thank a thong
looking now a little four all big hit at the
line of scrimmage. They tried a little underneath shovel pass
to Blair and he got hit hard right. It's the
line of scrimmage.

Speaker 11 (24:59):
I think it's fifty five troop mcgloon there right right
on the shovel pass, and I think we're going to
see maybe the key leg here early in the game,
caught thirty eight yards.

Speaker 3 (25:12):
Maybe on the attempt. Think you're absolutely correct to you
the thirty seven or thirty eight right in between. So mckeeth, well,
line it up thirty seven yard. He's got plenty of leg,
no doubt about that. Snap. Good kick is up by

McKee and it is plenty long and it is good.
So Bloom Carroll jumps on the board first time out
on the field, six twenty four to play in the
first quarter. A thirty seven yard field goal by McKee.
It's Bloom Carol three, Chilicothy nothing. You're listening to Cavs
coverage on WBX back with a kickoff after this.

Speaker 13 (25:53):
For over fifty years, the Howler family has been here
to help families in our area remember the life of
a loved one. Here that loved one legacy into healers
they go through the grieving process. The Howler family continues
to remember Sharon Heel with the area's largest, most modern
facility on site crematory, and most importantly, with their carrying
and dedicated professionals. Each individual's life is unique, and selecting

how her funeral home ensures their tribute will be just
as unique. How her funeral home helping families remember, share,
and heal. The expert team of specialist at the Adena
Orthopedic and Spine Institute is proud to provide leading sports
medicine care to student athletes and active adults right in
our community. Our advanced medical team and experienced Adena Athletic

trainers are ready to help you relieve pain and regain
your strength and mobility. We do what we love so
you can too. Call seven four zero seven seven nine
four five nine eight or visit a diena dot org
slash AOSI today to get back in the game.

Speaker 3 (26:56):
Fellow to over fifty yard drive. I have fifty four
to fifty five yard d by Bloom. They pick up
a first down on fourth down on a penalty of
called pass interference and kept the drive alive in a
thirty seven yard field goal. And now McKee will kick
it off. Kicked off to start the game and kicked
it into the end zone. We'll see if that happens again.
And this kick is high to the left and taken

by the Calves almost thought like a fair catch out
to the fifteen and near the twenty. Little bit of
indecision there by the Calves and at the last second
decided to bring it out. I think we're seeing on
both kickoffs so far the weapon of the kicking game.

Speaker 11 (27:36):
Because again I felt like the major difference in the
first drive for both teams is where they started, you
know what I mean, chalk backed up deep in their
territory where Bloom Carrol takes over on the plus side
coming from the forty eight, pick up the one fourth
down penalty and as a result get three points on
the board.

Speaker 3 (27:54):
Yeah, so the Calves will have to start this just
shy of their eighteen yard line, but the last time
they started at the twenty. Probably the way that kick
is so high and so deep, maybe a little will
advised to try to bring it out. But again in
that first game, I think you haven't had a lot
of chance, even with scrimmage is to practice kickoff returns.

And it's a brand new situation and anxious, but probably
a long way to bring it out. When you take
it at the goal line, pick up a three for
Shawn Smith on first down, and Shawn's second carry the night,
he's out to the twenty one. It'll be second down
in seven. Smith stays in the backfield to get two
tight ends two receivers to the left side, Ligan and

Jan Miller. And now.

Speaker 11 (28:42):
I think Miller jumped down here on this near side.

Speaker 3 (28:47):
I have a feeling that so far the side judge
on our side is not going to become Bart's best friend.
That was one of those I think where the quarterback
makes it and then he they make a move, and
then look at the sidelines of the play and evidently
one was split to the left. The boy, when you're
down inside your twenty five yards will just kill you.
And now second in about twelve, him and looking to throw,

looking got a man open over the middle to the twenty.
Miller tries to jump around a little bit, does miss
come up with avoiding the first tackle. Good coverage and
I think one of the Bloom players lost their helmet.
He's going to have to leave the field. That is
David Moullin, one of their linebackers will go out because
he lost his helmet.

Speaker 11 (29:31):
Ligan just ran a little clear out route there. Miller
sits down underneath, puts them back to third manageable here
for Chillicothe.

Speaker 3 (29:38):
They'red down and five. That's the best offensive play of
the Calves have had. Now, a big third down and five.
They'd like to get a first down here, and we'll
give to Smith straight ahead. Bounces off attacker, but he's
going to be short, trying to go with a quick
hitter right off the rank guard between guard and center
got over the twenty five. They're going to be a
couple of yards shy, and they market at the tw

twenty seven. What do you do here? It's awful deep
in your own territory. You hate to give the ball
back to Bloom. Carroll this deep in your own territory. Now,
will they try to draw Bloom off sides or will
they go for it? They're lined up to go for it.
Smith in the backfield with Hammon the two tight ends
now looking to the sideline.

Speaker 11 (30:22):
Might run it down. Take a time out, give yourself
a little bit more time to think about it.

Speaker 3 (30:25):
It is a tough call.

Speaker 14 (30:26):
I know.

Speaker 3 (30:26):
It's been a frustrating start with phil position.

Speaker 11 (30:28):
Now they're going to go for it Smith, and I
don't think he couldn't think he did either. I think
just shy of Maybe the twenty eight is where he
needed to get and I literally think he's about a
half yard short.

Speaker 3 (30:40):
Well I'm not sure about that, just a little too far.
And then they took a long time to try and
draw him off sides, decide to go ahead and run
the play and picked up almost nothing on the play.
It'be a half yard and they're going to take a
time out, but bloom will take over and shaneon gets

your call. I mean it's early in the game, you're
only down three to nothing, and I really kind of
surprised they went for it too.

Speaker 11 (31:09):
Well, I am too, I think, and talking to some
of the coaching staff in the preseason, I think is
the is the kicking game continues to grow. I think
what happens to here on opening night you get a
little frustrated, maybe in.

Speaker 3 (31:21):
The early start with the filled position.

Speaker 11 (31:23):
As we mentioned, you know, you have some things offensively
you want to go to.

Speaker 3 (31:27):
The second series.

Speaker 11 (31:28):
You get a positive run and then again you're hit
by the penalty bug and then it puts you back
second long and so forth.

Speaker 3 (31:34):
So just need the defense try to step up.

Speaker 11 (31:37):
I thought they had a nice opening drive. See if
you can't hold them the three one more time here
and maybe pick your offense up a little bit.

Speaker 3 (31:48):
Oh well, mind, you will look back next week back
at home. First two weeks at home for the Cavaliers.
Next week it'll be the London Red Raiders, big solid
football program as well, just like Bloom Carroll. Oh, here
come the Bulldogs and all over the football. The thing

is long. The quarterback Stevenson slotted to the left. He
got three receivers to the left, looking to throw, still
looking now rolling to the right. The thang of ang
wants to run with it. Twenty five and almost to
the twenty before he's knocked out of bounds. Fucked to
Bart a little bit, he said. The thing, that's the thing.
Avong doesn't like to run a lot for that time.
He looked and Shane, you're right. I think he keeps

looking for that big six. What is he six to
five tight end Stevenson and it wasn't open. He took
off running.

Speaker 11 (32:40):
Well, I think it just as you get a little older.
Now he's a third year starter. Record of twenty four
and five. He's played the state championship game earlier in
his career, and that time he just got a little
bit of the corner and a positive pick up. Now
puts him in second and uh real favorable down in distance.

Speaker 3 (32:58):
Looking to pass again, looking to the left, got a
man opened and threw it. Just let him too much.
The wide receiver was number three Maddix Biler. It looked
like Biler stopped and the thing of song thought he
was gonna keep going this shant. Well, it's a perfect
from where we're sitting up here, it's a perfect angle.
You're right.

Speaker 11 (33:17):
I can't tell if it was a miscommunication or if
he just missed his target. They ran a little clear
out on the on the flat route, and then they're
just sitting down near in the middle, and the quarterback
and wide receiver simply not on the same page. Chilicafie
had a chance to pick that ball.

Speaker 3 (33:30):
All they did. Third down and fairly short. Let's call
it a third and a long three thang of long
looking to throw, looking gonna throw over the middle, and
incomplete good coverage that time by one miller, tight coverage
on cardiness. And now fourth down, will they go for
another field goal? I'll stand in coverage there, one on

one the offensive line for Bloom Carroll doing a job.
He had plenty of time to throw, and and you're
out there on an island against a good athlete, and
give him a lot of credit to big third down
play for now, but I'm going to go for it
fourth down for the Bloom Carroll Bulldogs. Fourth and a
long three. They're lined up to go for it, and
now a time alcohol and maybe Bloom's going to think

about it. They've obviously got a tremendous weapon in their
kicker McKee, who's already kicked a thirty seven yard This
will be very similar, almost the same distance, but they're
going to call time out. A reminder that you're listening
to fourteen ninety amwb X Chilicothe, Ohio and of course
hopefully people listening tonight on their devices on the iHeartRadio app,

you can listen wherever you may be on your phone
or your iPad computer. You are coverage all year long
off Cavalier football. Don't forget tonight on our sister station
ninety four to three WKKJ, a our first football scoreboard program.
I think we've got some new people this year. Them

still Vanessa. George kind of runs things there and takes
care of all the coordination. They've done that for several years.
You know.

Speaker 11 (35:14):
Obviously a big four downplay here, but to this point,
considering the field position and the situations they've been put in,
the Chilikothie defense been really solid.

Speaker 3 (35:26):
Thank you. I got to keep that, Thanks Dan. Fourth
down and three and they will still go for it.
Don't bring out the field goal team. The thang is long,
the quarterback layer goes in short motion, and they try
to draw the Calves off sides. I mean, holy cow,

hard count got two of them. Arias. Yeah, and you've
got to time out, and you wonder. You got to
go out and tell the Calves, look, if they're not
going to go for a field goal, there's a chance
they're going to try to draw you off sides. And
just a big mistake. One of those that jumped was
Cole Crawford, who's one of your seniors, and that gives
Bloom Carroll first down. You know, I know, but when

you've been around along with Shane and I watched the game,
you almost knew that was going to happen. They throw
over the middle of the big tight Endy fumbles the
football that's covered by Chillicothy. Stevenson caught the ball to nine,
got hit and recovered by the Calves. So the Caves
get the ball right back. How about that, I'll standing again.
The defense stepping up big time. You get the first

down off the penalty, you come up there, the nice
hit right on the catch and then the ball pops
out and opportunistic if nothing else, just to keep them
off the board. I know the fill position again's.

Speaker 11 (36:47):
Got you backed up, but you certainly take the opportunity
to keep the points off the board.

Speaker 3 (36:51):
Absolutely going to take over at their own eight yard line.
After the fumbles, Stevenson six to five tight end caught
it as he turned, he took in the meet he'd hit.
I didn't see it, but the caps of and you know,
Bart told us about their defensive backs really coming up
and getting after you, and boy they did that time
caused the fumble.

Speaker 11 (37:07):
Think it was Nate Sism that got the fumble recovery.
I want to say the legging went love on the
tight end there to knock the balls.

Speaker 3 (37:14):
So from their own eight, Calves are third possession of
the night and they have yet to pick up a
first down, a little cross pattern to Sean Smith. That's
their best carry of the night out over the fifteen
yard line to the sixteen and their best game of
the night running wise, as Shawn Smith picks up about
seven or eight yards, no question, good north south running.

Speaker 11 (37:31):
That's what you talked about in the pregame, that physicality
that chilicoffee hopes.

Speaker 3 (37:35):
To run with.

Speaker 11 (37:36):
Right off the turnover, you can certainly see just a
little bit more energy in the momentum with the calves.

Speaker 3 (37:43):
Follow the second down in two hamming, your quarterback makes
a high snap, gives the Smith again and now fakes
a throw. But timing was off a little bit on
that when the snap was high through the timing off
and I don't know, Sean did not get to first down,
he didn't gain anything. It'll be third down. Our officials
tonight referee is Andrew Darrow. The umpire Morgan Stevens. The
line judge Jamie Hilton. Scott Sturgill is your headlinesman, Scott Massy.

The back judge. Center judge is John Darrow.

Speaker 11 (38:12):
Even though he didn't get the positive yards there, the
fact that they were able to not have the loss,
it still keeps them third down and manageable.

Speaker 3 (38:20):
Bloom is really stacked right over the right guard in
the center position. That's where the Cavs would like to
run the ball so far, and this time he's in
the backfield, nowhere to go. It's almost like Bloom Carroll said,
you know what, our guest is the only one running
back at Sean Smith. And when you're in a shotgun
or a pistol formation, you hand it off deep. They

just sent everybody in. No chance to get started. Change. Yeah,
tough break.

Speaker 11 (38:44):
You run for nine yards there on first down and
then unable to convert. If nothing else, just time of possession,
maybe a little bit of filled position here you're backed
up again, and the kicking game gonna play a big,
big role. Hopefully able to have a clean snap and
get some sort of filled position.

Speaker 3 (39:02):
Change a bad snap low on the ground but nobody rushed,
and a line drive kick. I had hit a Bloom
Carrol flare but picked up by Bloom on the bounce
to the forty, the thirty five to the twenty five.
You may take it all the way to the house
and it's a touchdown. Bloom Carrol on the return. Both Sherman, Wow,

that hit a Blue It was a very four kick.
Kicker rushed it Bowling, It hit a Bloom Carrol Ferson
in the back, ricocheted off of him to the returner
and Sherman grabbed it off of the ricochet and went
right up the middle bit to the outside, and that
was about maybe what a forty six yard punt return.

Speaker 11 (39:46):
We'll give Bowling credit on the snap. You know, he
scooped it up and without the knee going down. That's
one thing to get concerned about. He got it out
and then like you said that, that could have turned
disastrous for Bloom Carrol.

Speaker 3 (39:57):
What's that? I guess that's just how they draw it up,
is what they I tell you. Line up for the
extra point and a little bit of a bad snap,
plenty of time to get it down up and good
time out on the field. Two oh six to play
first quarter, Bloom Carroll is taking a ten to nothing lead.
You will go back with more Cabs football on WBX
right after this timeout.

Speaker 12 (40:19):
Being a locally owned and operated business means a lot
for a lot of reasons at Where Funeral Home. Those
reasons are simple, trusted caring professionals available twenty four hours
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they've been serving since eighteen ninety one. Let the folks
at locally owned and operated Where Funeral Home help youre healing.
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Speaker 6 (40:54):
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We are here for you. If you were a veteran
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Speaker 3 (41:24):
Here we go with the Bloom Carroll kickoff, their third
kickoff of the first quarter, leading now ten to nothing
on that putt return, So the special teams and the
kick taking right at the goal line again, I'm going
to bring it out ten fifteen, got some room, twenty
five thirty out across the thirty near the thirty five
nice return and that's Ligan. You know car tape and

I can't. I'm almost thinking this story is correct. And
I was talking to one of the areas schools and
they played Chilicathy in junior high football, and I'm not
sure it was the eighth grade plane he was the
seventh grade and the Chilikofee offense. I was talking to
the first and he goes, well, we we got to
be with like two touchdowns to one, and he goes,
their offense never scored. They've got this kid named Liggan

and he returned two kicks for touchdowns like eighty and
fifty yards. So right away it was kind of the
obviously junior heighs a little bit different, but pretty high
on him as an athlete. That was a great return
in the best field position. Out to the huge.

Speaker 11 (42:27):
Difference in field position here, the offense maybe opened the
playbook a little bit more across.

Speaker 3 (42:31):
The middle to the forty first down, forty five across
the fifty little delayed pattern over the middle, and the
Cavs finally getting something going here the completion their to
Zion Henson probably about seventeen yards there. And again, as
I mentioned, with the offense in their defense. They've they've
been backed up the entire quarter. Now they finally get

a chance to open the playbook up there a little bit,
and the young quarterback able to hit the crossing route
for about seventeen yards into Bloom Carroll chair, Troy hand
of Smith, and then they're just the defensive line or
linebackers are in there. Before he can even get started penetrating.
There was Carter Bearfield, defensive end. He's six ' three
two thirteen and just like on third down a moment

a little bit ago sewn, Smith barely gets the ball
and Bearfield was in there to tackling for a loss.
Is now second and twelve a getting two tight ends
hammling the quarterback right at midfield second twelve, looking to
throw throws to the sidelines, got a man Jan Miller

down near the forty yard line. Shy the first down,
but a nice pickup of about eight or nine and
get into a manageable third down situation. Nice past bay
hamming complete to one Miller.

Speaker 11 (43:47):
Yeah, a good good ball play spent there away from
the defense on the outside and put you definitely four
down territory probably here and a chance to push and
get back in this thing. Bloom carrowle almost playing like
a four to four.

Speaker 3 (44:02):
The boy. Their linebackers get up there in a hurry.
They've had trouble in short yardage situations. Here they are
third and two. Damn it takes a snap this time
they're going to throw it, throw it across the middle
and drop a little bit behind him, but still catchable.
And that was Carte Liggan who kind of sat down
about six yards down on the hashmark turned around to

pass a little bit behind him, but he had two
hands on it one right too. And now it's fourth
down Cavaliers, similar to what we saw bloom Carroll earlier.

Speaker 11 (44:31):
The good news is Jili cothe getting plenty of opportunity
in the passing game to get some guys open. Just
a matter of connecting here, really really big four down
play Chillicothee with a little momentum.

Speaker 3 (44:43):
I almost think they'll put it in the air again.
They've had trouble running at short yardage and they won't
make it again. There's just nowhere to go. And right
now Bloom Carroll's defensive front is just penetrating and no
chance for Sean Smith to go anywhere on the He
had the one carrive of about eight or nine yards
on the last series, but was stuffed on third and one,

and on this series was stuffed for no gain and
no gain there as well. And Bloom Carrol takes over
at their own forty.

Speaker 11 (45:10):
Yeah, and officially somewhere around seven or eight carries there,
and like you mentioned, the one nine yard everything else
has been of no gain or minus. So certainly certainly
keying in on the on the senior telback.

Speaker 3 (45:25):
Other Cats did get their first first down a good
kickoff return the first first down and drive bogs down
at the Bloom forty and now the Bulldog's back with
the football leading ten to nothing but just a field goal.
They're special teams. I've scored the only touchdown on a
putt return. Give to Blair he's got no running room
and knocked down in the backfield. Yeah, great penetration there.

Speaker 11 (45:50):
Look like Daniel Sism coming in off the defensive line
and good a good job. I'll be honest, I have
nothing but real positive things to say on the on
the defensive side for Chila, we get to the wall quickly,
don't they do. They have a lot of guys that
and give them credit. They've had their back to the
wall a couple times, and they stood up. The one

time they hold them to three. The other time they
forced the turnover, and then as you said, the special
teams ended up getting them. But that opening quarter there,
the defense certainly grades out. Well, that's the end of
the first quarter and it is ten to nothing. Bloom
Carrol on top back with second quarter action Cavs football
in wb X back after this.

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Speaker 14 (47:34):
Drowning is a leading cause of death for children in
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Speaker 3 (47:41):
Might be offensive holding against Bloom Carrol as the thanga
thong as we start the second quarter, had to roll
out to his right, rolling hard to his rite. He
fell a long pass on the dead run and almost
connected down at twenty, but there was holding and this
should push the bulldog's way back. Penalty actually took place
about ten yards deep in the backfield from the spot

of the foul. It'll put Bloom in a big hole
and of course it'll be second and long for the bulldogs.
As we start the second quarter.

Speaker 11 (48:09):
Yeah, a good push up front, two or three new
jerseys into the backfield and take your pick there on
a couple of the holdings. I think, and as you said,
this is a great opportunity to flip the field here
a little bit after playing that entire first quarter with
your back against your own zone.

Speaker 3 (48:27):
McLoone and McCallister, your two linebackers for the Cavaliers. Cam
Badger on the corner, but thank and Thong looking looking now,
he's gonna run, wants to throw it. He just tosses
it out to the right to Blair down the right sidelines,
and that's gonna be a first down on second in
twenty two. They pick up the whole kaboodle on one play,
and that's just that's a three year senior quarterback Shaney.

He didn't panic. He was rolling out. He kept looking,
he kept waiting, and he found his running back Jude
Blair in the flat and he was able to hit
They want about a ten yard fast. Blair then ran
an additional twelve yards and a first down, and right
like that, right just quickly, in one play, ballooms right
back in Chilicothy territory with the first down. Yeah, two

parts of your pass rush.

Speaker 11 (49:12):
Obviously, you want to get penetration and get there, but
you also got to have some integrity in the lane
when you're facing a guy like this, because you allow
him to extend the play and that's where the big
playdown field comes from.

Speaker 3 (49:23):
Again. They throw into the flat to Blair, hit immediately
by Badger and down laid help coming out from the
defensive lineman as Cole Crawford coming out from his defensive
tackle position to help out, but it was Cam Badger
that got there first. Blair will use a couple lose
a couple of yards on the pass play and it'll
bring up second down in thirteen. Yeah, outstanding. That's about

my sheet here.

Speaker 11 (49:47):
That's about the seventh different cavalier on the defensive side
that I have a note on there. So it just
tells you that you're getting production from all layers of
your defense, and they've been terrific.

Speaker 7 (49:57):
To this point.

Speaker 3 (49:59):
Good crowd on him and Bloom brought a great crowd
as you would expect, and Chili Coathy was an excellent
crowd on a beautiful night for football. Second and long,
the thang of Hong looking throwing down the right side
for his big tight end incomplete the freshman Ligan. That's
one of the things that Ligan was right there. He

cut inside, he cut inside of the big six to
five tight end and he almost Stevenson Deine six '
five almost was able to reach over and grab it.
Let's tell you what Carte Ligan doesn't play like. No, well,
it's it's just his ball skills too.

Speaker 11 (50:34):
I mean, obviously the athleticism and his ability to play
the ball. Like you said, that's a six five senior
with a lot of experience there and he you know,
he goes up and avoids the pass interference and knocks
the wide.

Speaker 3 (50:45):
Third down and twelve looking now deep down the left
sideline wide open as the Calves get burnt, and a
touchdown down the left sidelines past complete. Cardinist was wide open.
He was three receivers to the right. Cardiness was singled
out on the left side and the Cavaliers and it

was Canon Smith. Canon Smith, a junior that was on coverage,
and I think they just ran a little hitch and go.
I think canon Smith jumped and all of a sudden,
Cartness was eight yards behind him. And when you got
a quarterback, that's all Ohio. He just dropped it in
the red and in the right and the old basket
for a long touchdown. I believe that was about forty

seven yards. Kick is up and good ten twenty one.
It's all bloom Carrol Cavaliers and a little bit like
last year, they were playing defense, playing so well and
just all of a sudden, two big plays and you're
down seventeen to nothing. After stopping the Bulldogs, we'll be
back with the Bulldog kickoff. You're listening to Cavs coverage
in fourteen nine WBX back after this.

Speaker 12 (51:53):
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for a lot of reasons, and Where Funeral Home those
reasons are so trusted caring professionals available twenty four hours
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healing begin visit where FH dot Comism.

Speaker 14 (52:28):
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Speaker 3 (52:56):
Back with the Bloom Carol kickoff in a punt return
and then Glenn Carroll got a first down on second
and twenty three on that series, and then Shane they
get a touchdown coming up on third and thirteen, and
but Bart talked a little bit about that. I know

he talked with you as well about that. I think
he's happy with the attacking defense. They're doing that more
than three to four of it. He said, you know
what worries me is that we can get burning that
happened that time.

Speaker 11 (53:27):
Well, I would love to hear from from the coaches
perspective after the game because I thought on the first
big pass play that was just a great player extending
the play and making a play on the touchdown. I
think there were some alignment issues and they ran a
little action and basically just miscommunication. The guy just ran
open down the field. I think, what forty eight yard

touchdown and.

Speaker 3 (53:49):
Be looking to throw on first down to the sidelines,
stim Miller from the twenty out across the twenty five
clock will run is one taken down quickly and it'll
be a pick up of about six. Get another nice
ball out down on the sideline. We've got to whistle. Yeah,

there's an injury time out going into the game now
is Ion Henson, And I think Van Miller took a
heady out of bout. I think it happened after he
was taken down as this he was going down to
the second tackler kind of landed on top of one.
But he's up under his own power walking and we'd
expect him to be back in.

Speaker 11 (54:33):
Miller off to a nice star. That's his fourth catch
of the first half. Already second down to four.

Speaker 3 (54:39):
You know the Caves have gotten a good position and
then I have been able to run the ball hardly
at all tonight. Most of their offense on short passes.
Now they're looking to throw again him and throws cross
pattern to the tight end thirty five, saysm forty and
out across near the forty five Daniel sissm his first guessing,
his first catch as a Cavalier, being aligneman in his

previous years in Big eighty six. Daniel Sistem he played
basketball last year, he and Baron both and when they
started playing, I fought, well, maybe coach Bier is just
trying to get ten fouls. But they both were out
pretty athletic in the inside for the basketball team, and
you could see they had athleticism first down, calves out

across the forty five. Now they'll try to run it again,
this time Smith with a little bit of room across
midfield and he got a nice four yards that time
for Sean Smith. Well, again, what happens.

Speaker 11 (55:30):
You get some different guys involved, show some different weapons,
maybe brings a little bit more integrity across the board
for the defense to pay attention to, and then then
it softens that front side for some of the run.

Speaker 3 (55:43):
Game nine thirty nine left in the first half. Loom
Carroll seventeen to nothing. It's been the big play or
Bloom Carroll punt returning a long past across the middle,
open leg and catches it first down out of the
forty the thirty nine. He's going to be fun to
watch this year. He gets better and better. Well, and
give him a lot of credit there. I thought that

was some good patients offensive line, good protection, wanted to
go outside kind of look the defense all comes back
there in the middle when by for Chili Cofee's best
drive of the night. So the bloom Carroll thirty nine,
first and ten. Henson splits to the left, Miller still
out of the game, Sewn Smith stays in the backfield.
Hammond wants to throw. He's being pressured. He drops the football.

He loses it and in the backfield. Fortunately the Cavaliers
recovered all the way back into forty five. Thought there
was a flag, but it was just the marker for
the fumble, and Andrew had it, got pressure, he tried
to turn and when he did he got hit from behind,
coughed the ball up. It went rolling behind and one

of the cabs did a great job, and even one
of the linemen got back there to fall on. I
mean that it was Shawn Smith, Yeah, it was Smith.
Was it Sewan that saved today? The Calves would have
had a turnover, but they do lose about eleven yards
on the play. Smith running straight ahead, picks up maybe
three or four at the most out near the forty

six forty seven. They can bring up third and long
for ChIL Counthy down to eight thirty to play in
the first half.

Speaker 11 (57:13):
Even if Chili Cothe works out of that shotgun, look
that that the balls designed to come out quick. And
that's what you end up seeing on the fumble there
where they ended up jumping that first route and then
the defensive line was bringing the pressure and then obviously
the fumble.

Speaker 3 (57:29):
Three man defensive line, a lot of linebackers here, they
all come. Hammond escapes the first wave. Now he has
to throw to the sidelines and he gain complete intended
for sism came in a little bit slow getting up
and the Cavs will punt the football again. So again
the beginning in a good drive. They've gotten a little
better offensively, but just not enough to sustain a long drive.

Speaker 7 (57:54):

Speaker 11 (57:54):
And it's just been one the one mistake each time,
and you know, sometimes it could be a penalty. At
that time it was of the fumble that obviously killed
the drive. But certainly a lot of positive seeing some
different weapons. It's just going to be a matter of
consistency of being able to put the drive together.

Speaker 3 (58:10):
Oh, last time the Cavs punted. One of the last
times it was a return for a touchdown by both
Sherman and he's back there again standing at his twenty
five and they're looking for a putt return. Nice punt
that time, but Sherman catches it at the twenty four,
twenty five to the outside to the thirty cuts back,
thirty five cuts back, forty five fifty goodbye twice tonight

putt returns for both Sherman for a touchdown, and that
was just perfectly executed. Sean Bloom does not rush anybody
on the punt. Everybody back for a putt return. They
got that kind of weapon. And now looking back, there's

an injury for the Cavaliers. But man, that was twenty
four seventy six yard putt return for Bloom Carrol and
they're rolling twenty three to nothing.

Speaker 11 (59:07):
Yeah, he just comes up and fills the low punt
and then uh, you know, nice block there on the outside,
and then about ten yards into the return, he he
just cuts back across fielding and that's when his special
ability takes over. And that's where one of those unique
return guys where it's blocked to be about a twelve
or thirteen yard return and the special guy turns it

into seventy six yard touchdown.

Speaker 3 (59:31):
Shame's writing. He was able to take it on the
dead run of the line drive, so he cut it
on the dead run just at the twenty four to
twenty five of Bloom cut to the outside. He had
a couple of blocks, so he was set up and
after about ten yards the Cabs were closing in on
the sidelines and he just cut it back to the
middle of the field, and boy, you could see Shane
when he cut it back and around the Bloom forty five.

It was like the red sea opened up and there
was nobody you knew right in. There was no chance
that the Cavs are going to get close to tackling him.
And that's two punt return touchdowns for both Sherman at
twenty four to nothing, Bloom Carroll on top after the
kick was good.

Speaker 11 (01:00:12):
You know, we're guilty a lot of times. We break
down offense, we break down defense, but you get it
through the preseason and here we are in Week one
and think about the role that the special teams and
the overall kicking game have played in this particular first half.
First of all, McKee on the kicking side of it,
his kickoffs, and what that's been able to do to
fill position. Then he also kicks the three points on

the field goal and all of his extra points, and
then you have the two punt returns. They're in the
special team, so special teams and the overall kicking game.
Bloom Carroll very very sharp here in week one.

Speaker 3 (01:00:48):
No Bloom will kick it off big big and Shane
combs with you, and it's been all Bloom Carrol Canvaliers
have been able to last couple of times pick up
a couple first downs after their first three series pretty
much went three and out. But since then first punt

return really kind of broke things open for Bloom and
that was when the punt of Chili Coathe hit a
Bloom player in the back and it ricocheted off of
the Bloom player ranked to their punt return and he
returned it for a touchdown, and that kind of turned
the tide. In Shane, we talked about Calves aren't a
young team. We talked about the number of seniors that
they still are, you know, starting ligging several young players

and after coming off a one and nine season when
something like that happens, mentally again, I think it can
be tough on kids.

Speaker 11 (01:01:39):
We certainly can and it's really important here for chillicothe
is that ball's going to sell in the end zone. Again,
it's really important for Chillicothee to hang in there. It's
it's still a long way to go in this You
knew you had the tough opponent here in week one.
The scoreboards not showing in certain areas, but there have
been some individual perform romans and some different things that

have been very encouraging. So I'd like to see Chillicathy
just hang in there and see if they can't.

Speaker 3 (01:02:06):
Put a drive together.

Speaker 11 (01:02:07):
That last drive they showed the ability to move the
ball a little bit before the fumble, although not a
lost fumble. Certainly the fumble is what killed the drive.

Speaker 3 (01:02:16):
Yeah, I tell you as you listen in twenty four
to nothing is still over seven minutes to play in
a half, first half. But there have been bright spots
for Chili Coathy. It's just there's no consistent There's two
bright spots and then and give up a big player,
three good players, and then a fumble and that's the
kind of night it's been. Is they hand up the
middle nice run this time across the twenty five. I

assume that was Sean Smith. Again, it's been pretty much
the only running back back there. Give him five or
six yards, and you know, I thought Andrew Hammond, don't
forget now he played basketball as a freshman last year,
but he's just a sophomore, and I thought he's stoned
the ball well. Now when he's got rushed, he's not.
He's not going to be a guy that's going to
escape and run eighty yards. But he's stoned the Andrews

stone the ball really well. To another run up the middle,
only a couple of yards. It's going to be third down.
Was second in the long four? Now maybe third and three. Yeah, Yes,
he's plays the ball well. He's been composed back there.
He's looked the defense off a couple times. Yeah, he's
throwing pretty well. Again, I think he is a sophomore
quarterback has probably been hurt as much as anybody by

that early field position where you get your.

Speaker 11 (01:03:23):
Back up against the end zone. And as an offensive coordinator,
it really strenks the playbook. Third down for the Cavs,
third and a long three him and rolls to the right.
He wants to throw looking now he's got a man open,
nice pattern run by Liggan and he's hit hard at
the forty, but a nice job by Carte ligging the
freshman taken down there by a Christian ball. Ball's a

defensive back of junior sixty three and one seventy. Looom
still has awfully good size. Love the play call there
to roll him out of the pocket and give him
some room to operate.

Speaker 3 (01:04:00):
Go to the sideline again, Legan. Did he catch it? No,
it hit the ground. Turn It'll be second down and ten.
Just a quick outpattern again to Kartak. By the way,
one Miller is back in the game at the other
wide receiver position. Second and ten, clock stopping on the
incomplete pass. Six twenty five to play in the first half,

Loom Carroll three touchdowns of around fifty yards. That's been
the ballgame tonight. Two punt returns and a long pass
Leggan on an end to round. Not a lot of
running breaks, a tackle and but he's not going to
get much now. Maybe back to the line of scrimmage.
Was a kind of a wing pack reverse. It'll bring
up the third no gain on to play third and ten,

but approximate forty five yard punt return touchdown, a forty
seven yard touchdown pass and a seventy six yard punt return.
So it is what it is. But you think about
just those three big plays is why we're setting twenty
four to nothing third down. Let's call it third nine.
Hmmon wants to throw over the middle, got a man
forty five shy the first down. Nice fight. I think

it was one miller near a first down, did a
nice job of getting an extra three yards after he
caught that little delay pattern over the middle, and senior
one miller with a catch out to the forty nine.
And it's going to be fourth down, a long one. Well,
you're down twenty four to nothing. You went forward on
your own twenty yard line, so maybe they'll go forward
on their own forty nine. Smith's had a tough time

on these short yardage situations and they draw him off side.
I thought there was contact there in the neutral line.
I did too, neither sideline official. It'll be fourth and
one did not get the off side call. They run

it Sean Smith straight ahead.

Speaker 11 (01:05:54):
And I think he got it that I think he
got it.

Speaker 3 (01:05:57):
He gets a good spot from the official and they're
going to spot it to bloom forty nine. That should
be a first down. They mark a first down. Well,
that's a first time on a third and one or
a fourth and one. That Sean Smithew's an excellent running
back with senior by one to eighty five. That he
was able to get past the line of scrimmage and

if he gets two or three steps, he's certainly strong enough.
And he was that time to get the first down.
First down. Cavaliers a Bloom Carol territory. They want to
throw Hammon looking still looking, throws deep over the middle
to his tight end. He caught it. That was Dom
Baron with his first catch down a twenty yard pickup
down to the twenty nine of Bloom. Well, that time

Don Baron used his basketball build. He's didn'ty shame he
blocks the guy out. We did again Ham, and give
him credit.

Speaker 11 (01:06:47):
He looked, he looked the defense off and then threw
it up nice and high where only his guy could
go and get it. And again another. I've been rule
impressed with ham and his ability to use his eyes,
moving the deep around and throwing lys Acker ball.

Speaker 3 (01:07:03):
Time out. Bloom Carol will take a time out as well.
Twenty four zip bloom on top under five minutes to
play and a half GAVs Football WBX back after this.

Speaker 6 (01:07:15):
Hello, I'm a marine, no matter how you served.

Speaker 7 (01:07:19):
My buddies from the Army are all gone. Now I'm
really alone.

Speaker 6 (01:07:24):
No matter what you're going through.

Speaker 8 (01:07:26):
I keep getting calls about the bills and I'm trying
to get a job. I feels so stuck.

Speaker 6 (01:07:33):
We are here for you. If you were a veteran
in your life is experiencing thoughts of suicide. Down nine
eight eight, then plus one to reach the Veterans Crisis Line.

Speaker 3 (01:07:44):
Back with you at Hernsteinfield. Greg Vigham Shane Collins opener
for twenty twenty four CAFs Trail. I don't forget this
bloom Carol team went to the championship game, State championship
game two years ago when to thank Ifong quarterback was
a sophomore, and then turned around last year made to
the loss to Columbus Waterson in the final four game.

Oh this is not the Sisters of the Poor. You're
playing tonight and they have certainly big play capabilities. Hammond escapes,
now throws to the sideline and drop Carte ligging rolling
to the right, and Hammond did a nice job escaping
to his right and Carte had to go down to it.
He kind of slid like a baseball slide and had

his hands on but it couldn't It would have been
a tough catch, but he couldn't hang on it. Brings
up second and ten for Chilicothy, their best penetration of
the night, inside to thirty of boom Carol Flox stomped.
At four to twenty three to play in the first half.
Seawn Smith's still in the backfield only running back back
in the pistol. He runs straight ahead, He's to the

twenty five, He's to the twenty, breaks the second tackle,
to the ten, to the five and down to the
three yard line. Great run by Sean Smith, and that's
the capability he has. One of the cabs back here
injured are trying to get him up quickly. That is
really Carson and really goes back down. He's not able
to get up. It's Sean Smith from the twenty nine

down inside the five. Well, that's a twenty four mela
about a twenty five yard pickup to the four yard
line of Bloom Carroll.

Speaker 11 (01:09:26):
Yeah, they've stayed stubborn with the run game inside and
that time, as you said, he gets about that four
or five yards and then we always talk about that
the yard after contact, his ability to make the guy miss,
and then he shows off a little bit that speed.
So you said it in the opening, I think, I
think this young man's in for a big, big year.
Can you start rushing for what now? Nearly He's pushing

fifty yards here in the first half against this opponent,
and that tells you you have some ability.

Speaker 3 (01:09:52):
At the four yard line. Cavaliers trying to get on
the board first in goal to go, they send one
miller in motion b loun Carroll that middle with see
if they come hard, Calves want to throw it in.
Hammon's going to be sacked. I'm not sure what they
were trying to roll to the right, but the corner
just came for Bloom Carroll hard off the corner, and

that really had no chance. Mason starts outside linebacker, just
a sophomore, and well those first and goal to four,
they tried to roll Andrew out to the right side,
and he had no chance to allow of just.

Speaker 11 (01:10:29):
Getting ready to say, you know it's it's it's you know,
line up correctly, get good snap, avoid the penalty, avoid
the negative play, and you've got four chances to punch
it in and then here you are in the second
and go hold back from the fifteen.

Speaker 3 (01:10:42):
And and gives the Smith straight ahead. And well, twenty
twenty hindsight plus Balloon would not have been in that defense.
But that's a four yard pickup that would have been
that's a touchdown if you do it. But again the
old twenty twenty hind sight and Bloom would have been
in a goal line defense. But yep, if you catch

Bloom coming hard at you, which they had, Hammond gets
to the outside, you got a receiver wide open and
it didn't work. And now they're back to third down
and they're down around the ten yard line, maybe spotted
at the eleven, but third in goal to go for
Chill County. Get a lot of pressure from Bloom, Hammond
looking wants to throw backside to the tight end and
Sism no chance. They tried to throw everybody to the

right side, stopping a throwback pass, a quick screen, add
one blocker for Daniel Sissm, and Sism was taken down immediately.
They actually will lose four yards back to the fifteen
and now fourth down, and the Cavaliers every year that
I've ever covered, Cavalier football. The Cavs have had an
excellent kicker, but this year don't always have that, and

this year they do not in their special teams. But
their special teams been a problem tonight anyway. But they
they're gonna have to go for it fourth down. Hammon's
gonna have to throw all the way and the ends
in or get a penalty rolling to the ride. Now
tosses it downfield, intercept it at the two and down
to the five. They had to throw it. You know,

you're down to fourth down. You tried to lob but
he threw a little soft ope in one of his
I think he was hoping his big tight end could
jump up and get it their shade. Yeah, you're exactly right.

Speaker 11 (01:12:19):
He realized that the down in distance had to make
a play. And then you just throw it up down
there and again the drive goes back to a lot
of positives. And unfortunately that first and goal play kind
of knock you back well behind the chains and put
you in the little bit more predictable situation and unable

to get some points out of it.

Speaker 3 (01:12:43):
Under two minutes to play. Yeah, I think maybe did
Chilicothe call time out of the ball Will be spotted
at the six yard line for the Bulldogs a minute
fifty six. They lead to twenty four to nothing. But
the Cavs has been nice right before half to get
one on the board. They started their own twenty drove
it to the Bloom Carrol four yard line, but on

that ill fated first down from the four, they Hmmon
was sacked, got them behind the chains and they couldn't recover.
And in motion is Hutchison. They will run it to
the right side, not much running room and taken down
right away and bloom. Well, you still have to watch

the pass because you've got an all high quarterback and
eating the thing of von And I apologize, I don't
get the name right.

Speaker 11 (01:13:34):
That was situationally here again, you obviously have an incredible quarterback,
as you say in the explosive offense by think of
your Chiluck Haife. You want to continue to compete in
the situation, and this type of situation would tell you
you want to try to pin him back here and
force a punt and see if you can't.

Speaker 3 (01:13:49):
That's just went on the end a round on a
pitch back. He's got a little bit of room out
to the ten near the first down marker out around
maybe the thirteen. It was a jet sweep to the
flanker back. They got a new running back for Bloom
Blair is out of the game and in it. Running
back is David Mullin number eleven.

Speaker 11 (01:14:12):
I think Glim's ability just to run it enough to
keep some of the pass rush on us will be
a big thing for them throughout the year.

Speaker 3 (01:14:19):
Obviously, they're going to do a lot of things in
their passing game. Cardinis is out to the left. He's
already been able to catch a near fifty yard touchdown
pass earlier. They're going to run a little bit of
an option, pitch it back to Mallin. He's got a
first down taken out across the fifteen sixteen and right
out to first down marker. But I believe he picked
up a first down he went out of bounds. The

clock Cockell stopped to move the chains, and then it
may have stopped if he went out of bounds out
to the nineteen first and ten. Bloom Carroll thirty five
seconds on the clock left until halftime, not.

Speaker 11 (01:14:53):
Defended poorly to stretch it out pretty well. And again
the time and score here is really interesting. You could
tell Bloom Carol by nature doesn't want to sit on it,
but they're looking for that one big explosive.

Speaker 3 (01:15:05):
Ply the thang of vong. We'll run it to the
left side, try to cut it back up. Not much
running room on the carry that time was Bo Sherman.
That's been the man and I and both Sherman in
it running back. Why not. He's got two long runs
on punt returns for touchdown and they decided to give
it to him there. And I think they're going to

let the clock run out. Happy to be up twenty
four to nothing and go into the locker room down
to clock to twelve eleven. Doesn't look like Bloom is
going to run another play and that'll do it. In
the first half here at Hernstein Field at halftime out
of the Mid State League, the Bloom Carrol Bulldogs lead
to twenty four to nothing. Over your Chiltothy, Cavaliers. We'll
take a time out, then we'll have our halftime interview,

and then Shanon I will be back and give you
first half stats. All that coming up on Cavalier coverage
on fourteen ninety WBX back after this.

Speaker 13 (01:15:58):
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Speaker 1 (01:17:02):
Halftime for Week number one. Thanks for tuning in to
the halftime huddle here on iHeartRadio. My Name's Todd Walker.
Coming up, we are going to talk with Bo Rugg.
He is the director of Officiating and the football administrator
for the OHSAA. We'll talk about various issues surrounding officiating,
including the number of officials, some rules changes or points

of emphasis for this year, and more. That's coming up
next on the halftime.

Speaker 13 (01:17:28):
Fifty years, the Heller family has been here to help
families in our area remember the life of a loved one,
share that loved one's legacy into heel as they go
through the grieving process. The Hewler family continues to remember,
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dedicated professionals. Each individual's life is unique in selecting how

her funeral home ensures their tribute will be just as
unique how her funeral home helping families remember, share and heal.

Speaker 5 (01:17:59):
Hello, I'm a marine.

Speaker 6 (01:18:01):
No matter how you served.

Speaker 7 (01:18:02):
My buddies from the army are all gone. Now I'm
really alone.

Speaker 6 (01:18:08):
No matter what you're going through.

Speaker 8 (01:18:09):
I keep getting calls about the bills, and I'm trying
to get a job. I feels so stuck.

Speaker 6 (01:18:16):
We are here for you. If you are a veteran
in your life is experiencing thoughts of suicide. Down nine
to eight, eight, then plus one to reach the Veterans
Crisis Line.

Speaker 1 (01:18:25):
Halftime continues here on iHeart Radio with the halftime Huddle.
My name's Todd Walker. I'm your host, and we are
joined now by Bo Rugg. He is the director of
officiating and the football administrator for the Ohio High School
Athletic Association BOW. We appreciate you taking time.

Speaker 15 (01:18:41):
Happy to be there.

Speaker 14 (01:18:42):

Speaker 1 (01:18:43):
Let's go to officiating. And years and years and years
been talking about trying to bring on more officials that
I've recently attended the MAC season kickoff the Pro Football
Hall of Fame. They announced a new partnership with an
organization trying to foster for recruitment of officials and treating

officials better from the fans angle as well, called the
Officially Human But what is your experience right now with
officiating at the high school level in Ohio or are
we at crisis level or are we ad just sort
of just getting by? How does it look right now?

Speaker 15 (01:19:20):
Well, we were very successful this last year in increasing
numbers raw numbers, and we did that really because we
have over fifty schools that are teaching officiating as part
of their curricula, and and we've done really well with
the young said, but that doesn't necessarily help us immediately.

But we are in pretty good shape in most sports,
but we have a couple of sports that are still
we still struggle with. Soccer is one of them for numbers.
Lacrosse is another. And as we look at that, we're
trying to look at some different angles in soccer, for example,

to say what can we do. First of all, we
know there are a lot of soccer officials out there
that are doing FIFA right, So we've made it easier
to transition from FIFA into Ohio High School where there's
not a ton of differences. We are our bridge course
in the past was a little more cumbersome than it
needed to be, so we're thinking that will help us.

There's simplifying and streamlining that will help us get some
of those people that are already out there officiating. And
then our other initiative really is to get in front
of people that are twenty five to forty year olds
watching their watching their kids play now and their kids,
you know, ninety six percent don't play after high school

at the next level. So we want to get those
people that are invested in the sport and get them
that why don't you come out and get back a
little bit to the sport. And so we'll get our
schools on board to help with their parents and and
those to get them involved. And that's a that's an
initiative for us. You talked about the initiative on on

being human and and all of our respect initiatives and
our sportsmanship initiatives are really about retention. You know, once
we get them in, we want them to stay, and
they're not going to stay if they're not treated well.
And so that's that's something that's not a destination. It's
a process, and we're working hard on it when we

fall short, but we also are working really hard on
when we have great examples of what we're doing and
getting that out too to help new administrators understand that
there's things you can do that that really help. And
and that's what we're working on. And and right now
we're we're better than a lot of states, but we

still we still are working hard to get even better,
especially in those sports that are a challenge.

Speaker 1 (01:22:06):
Oh RUG from the OHSA as our guest. He is
the Director of Officiating for Sports for the OHSA, not
just football, but particularly now with football. As far as
rules change, it seems like this year is one of
those good years. We don't have a ton of new
things to talk about in high school football, do we.

Speaker 3 (01:22:25):
We don't.

Speaker 15 (01:22:26):
I'm laughing because I did a face to face rule
interpretation being with a with a couple of associations, and
here's our rule change for the year. You know, color
of jersey be the same.

Speaker 1 (01:22:43):
Good bad?

Speaker 15 (01:22:44):
Are indifferent? I mean, I think I sit on the
National Rules Committee and there's some things I think we
needed to fix and really wasn't like a big rule change,
but there's some things that I think we needed to
clarify that we didn't, so that was a little frustrating.
But yeah, Tea is in good shape. I mean, we
don't have any big things. Last year was a big year,

big year for penalty enforcement, and I think that was
a good change. We did some tweaking editorilet this year,
I think will help our officials. But for the most part,
we don't have a lot of big changes. We've got
some things that I think coaches have said in their
questionnaire and others have said as it relates to I

think what helps some sportsmanship things that I think we
need to work on. But the game's in pretty good shape.
That is a good thing. And so we have spent
our time on emphasizing things we need to emphasize in
our interpretation meetings with officials, and so that makes it
You're right, it makes it kind of a little bit
better year.

Speaker 1 (01:23:47):
Yeah, And the officiating business, of course, they're called poes
of points of emphasis. And I've been to some of
these meetings for spring sports when I officiate, and there
are certain things that maybe aren't getting called enough, or
aren't being enforced to quite properly, or things like this.
What are some of the things that you are pointing

out the football officials this year that are points of emphasis?

Speaker 15 (01:24:12):
Well, we really work hard on the calls that I
think are tough. And I when I talk to local
associations and groups all the time, I say, you know,
the bottom line is in football, with the number officials
we have on the field, we're choosing who we watch.
What we have to do is choose wisely. And I

spend a lot of my time talking about reading plays
and in the plays I get from coaches, and I
request video from coaches every week in my memo and
they've been great and sending me that. They send me
the best types of plays. And if we miss something,
it's usually because we're watching something else. So are we
reading the play right? And we are we looking at it?

And the calls that coaches have sent the last several years,
a lot of it is low blocks by the defense
that are cutting the lead blockers out, holding offensive linemen
from getting to the second level. Those are the things
that that you know, we it's it's hard training for

officials when you're geared and blocking to look at the
offense all the time. You really got to look from
a little wider lens. So those videos really help we
point stuff out and say here's what we need to
be looking at and why and and so those are big.
The others are all of our safety fouls and really

talking about this is a safety foul, it's a foul?
Is it an injection?

Speaker 2 (01:25:43):
Is it not?

Speaker 15 (01:25:45):
Those are big calls, uh and and we need to
reinforce that every year. And then we look at the
things that the NFHS puts in their points of emphasis, and.

Speaker 3 (01:26:00):
Equipment is a.

Speaker 15 (01:26:00):
Biggie for them. We are we in the NFL are
the most strict in equipment. The difference is the NFL
it's easy for them to enforce. They just find people, uh,
and they comply. In ours, it's we've got to get
our officials and not let people play if they're not
properly equipped. Because we see what it's like at the

college level. They're playing virtually shorts and and they do
whatever they want because they won't enforce it. Coaches won't.
I mean, it's a different level in college in what
they don't need to make a player mad with a
transfer portal and everything that's happening there, it's hard for them. Uh.

So that's a big point of emphasis for them. The
others aren't making sure we get cleaned up on our
on our lineups and making sure those tackles aren't too
far back and and who's online, who's off, and those things,
and as we get sloppier. So that's what the NFHS has.
So we combine that with what we think we need
to do in our state, and that's what we do.

Speaker 1 (01:27:07):
Bo, thanks for taking time.

Speaker 15 (01:27:09):
Happy to do it, Tod, Thanks you so much for
everything you do.

Speaker 1 (01:27:12):
That's bo Rug from the OHSAA talking officiating. We'll take
a break, come back and wrap up the halftime huddle
here on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 13 (01:27:20):
The expert team of specialist at the Adena Orthopedic and
Spine Institute is proud to provide leading sports medicine care
to student athletes and active adults right in our community.
Our advanced medical team and experienced Adena Athletic trainers are
ready to help you relieve pain and regain your strength
and mobility. We do what we love so you can too.
Call seven four zero seven seven nine four five nine eight.

We're visiting Dina dot org slash AOSI today to get
back in the game.

Speaker 1 (01:27:47):
We are getting closer to kick off of the second
half here on iHeartRadio. That's all for halftime huddle. We
thank our guest Bo Rugg, director of Officiating and Football
Administrator for the OHSAA.

Speaker 3 (01:27:58):
A lot of good topic.

Speaker 1 (01:28:00):
Covered and kickoff of your games third quarter is straight ahead,
so you stay here. My name's Todd Walker. We invite
you to hang around local.

Speaker 12 (01:28:09):
And operating business five years awhile for a lot of
reasons at where Funeral Home. Those reasons are simple. Trusted
caring professionals available twenty four hours a day to help
when you needed most compassionate staff that understands the weight
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and the familiarity of the community they've been serving since
eighteen ninety one. Let the folks at locally owned and
operated Where Funeral Home help youre healing. Begin visit where
FH dot com.

Speaker 13 (01:28:41):
The expert team of specialist at the Adena Orthopedic and
Spine Institute is proud to provide leading sports medicine care
to student athletes and active adults right in our community.
Our advanced medical team and experienced Adena Athletic trainers are
ready to help you relieve pain and regain your strength
and mobility. We do what we love so you can too.
Light off seven four zero seven seven nine four five

nine eight. We're visiting Dina dot org slash AOSI today
to get back in the game.

Speaker 3 (01:29:11):
Well, we're in halftime here at Hernsteinfield, Greg Bigham and
Shane Colmes. It's been pretty much all bloom Carrol twenty
four to nothing Mean Cavaliers did have a Lenk Drive
started their own twenty had first and goal at the
Bulldog four yard line, but on first down took a
sack and couldn't recover from it. Did not score, and
we're twenty four to nothing. Quickly looking at it scoring

and Shane Old look us some stats for us. The
first score of the night thirty seven yard field goal
by McKee of Bloom Carroll that was on their first
drive of the night as they took over on the
Chillicoathy or on their own forty five march down nd
up with a thirty seven yard field goal. Cavsen went

for it on their own twenty yard line on fourth down.
Didn't make it, but then they turned around and got
a fumble. Bo Errol turned it over at the chilicot
the eight yard line. Calves got it back, wound up punting,
but the punt unfortunately, maybe the play of the first half.
The punt was a low line drive by the Calves.

It hit a Bloom Carroll player in the back, ricocheted
off of him and went right to the punt returner
and Bo Sherman picked it up and went forty five
yards off the ricochet for a touchdown that made it
ten to nothing. Calves we finished out the first quarter
still ten to nothing. Then Bloom Carol w on a
drive and on third down and long third and about

fifteen and I think Shane was right. I think the
Calves a little bit of a mix up in coverage
and cardiness. Their split receiver was five yards behind everyone.
The Thanga Thong took advantage, connected on a unofficially a
forty seven year touchdown pass and ten minutes to play
in the half, it was seventeen to nothing and then

Bloom Carroll another putt returned by Bo Sherman, his second
of the night. This one was thing of beauty. He
went to lot, caught it inside his twenty five cut
to the right sidelines and cut back to the middle.
I'm not sure he was ever touched. And twenty four
to nothing after a seventy six yard putt return by
Bo Sherman. And we told you the Caps did drive

down to the four yard line, wound up on fourth
down back at their own fifteen goal to go through
an interception, and we wind up twenty four to nothing.
And take a look at it. Stat's Shane. Caps began
to pick up some yardage as they went on. I'm
just still not able to get in the Inso yeah,
they really did.

Speaker 11 (01:31:32):
If you break down the stat sheet, it doesn't show
as a twenty four nothing advantage for bloom Carroll. I mean,
you know, the young quarterback Hammond been pretty impressive dropping
back to throw it around twenty twenty one times. Wass
sack three or four times there, but he's able to
get about fifteen to sixteen off. He's completing over about
seventy percent. He's pushing up around one hundred yard mark,

and he made you through the one interception, but even
that was kind of a situational thing that he needed
to try to make a play. They have State stubborn
with Sean Smith double digit carries. He's pushing up around
fifty yards, but half of those was on the big
run down inside the goal to go situation over on
the Bloom Carrol side. If you if you take away

the last drive where they were killing the clock, they
seem to be about eighty percent past twenty percent run
and then you highlighted it right there in your breakdown.
It's it's it's not necessarily the overall completion percentage. It's
not really the overall yardage. It's it's the two or
three big plays. As I looked the sheet there, you
just highlighted the breakdown of what forty eight and seventy

six on the punk returns or close to it you
throw the long touchdown passing there as well.

Speaker 3 (01:32:45):
The leg of the key I thought was key. I
made note of that on my stat sheet.

Speaker 11 (01:32:50):
I thought he controlled the whole first quarter just with
phil position, the ability to push the calves back. And
I don't want to speak for the Chilicothy coaching staff,
but I think you come out on opening night when
those first couple drives start deep in your own territory,
and does.

Speaker 3 (01:33:06):
It shrink the playbook?

Speaker 11 (01:33:07):
I don't know, but I certainly as the game opened
up and the field position started to change, I thought
I was kind of impressed with Chilicothie's ability.

Speaker 3 (01:33:16):
To move the ball and do some things.

Speaker 11 (01:33:18):
So when I look at the overall stats, it's probably
what you've highlighted going into the game, and then we've
watched tonight.

Speaker 3 (01:33:26):
The result is the result.

Speaker 11 (01:33:27):
You're playing this type of opponent, you know, but I
think on sixty seventy eighty percent of the stats, you
feel like, hey, we're going toe to toe with them,
but they're just so explosive and they take advantage of
those of those mistakes, and I think that's what you're
seeing tonight, but a whole half of football to go
a long year ahead. This was certainly a tough test
in week one. If you're Chillicothy, you just got to

keep competing. Because I still go back to what I
said in the pregame, I see a lot of things
that leave me optimistic. I thought the defense was outstanding.
I look on my defensive stats sheet, I think I
have a eight different guys and make.

Speaker 3 (01:34:01):
Us up on the touchdown past Shane and that was
pretty much. Otherwise they did pretty well.

Speaker 11 (01:34:05):
Yeah, two funt returns, as you said, so yeah, I
think I highlighted McAllister there from his linebacker position making
some nice plays.

Speaker 3 (01:34:16):

Speaker 11 (01:34:16):
I had nine let's see nine different Chilicothee guys involved
in a key defensive play there in my notes. So
so again, that's impressive guys flying to the ball and playing.

Speaker 3 (01:34:26):
Horror quickly around the area. Some other scores Saint Trace
Logan Elmore six to six, but now Logan Elm has
scored twice to go up twenty to six in that
matchup that normally opens the season for those two neighboring schools.
Adina leads McLean fourteen to nothing, second quarter. Pink Valley
seven to nothing over Blanchester. That's in the first quarter.

Uniada all over vin County thirty one to nothing. Westfallover
Madison Plains twenty two to seven. That's in the first quarter.
Next week's uponted for your Cavaliers, the London Raiders. They
are beating Washington Courthouse thirty to nothing in the second quarter,
so maybe London obviously another good team, although Courthouse did

after some great seasons in every sport, lost that great
athletic class, but still a good program there down thirty
to nothing. Amanda clak Creek seven to nothing over Lynda McKinley,
Miami Trace Waverley tight fourteen fourteen. Two future opponents for
the Cavaliers Hillsboro Western Brown. Hillsboro Leeds twenty five fourteen
over Western Brown. Second quarter. Circleville on top of war

in twenty to thirteen. Tays Valley now in a move
to the OCC. This is not within their division but
an OCC team. And in the second quarter it's Gross
City twenty eight Tangs Valley nothing. By the way, bloom
goes to Tannes Valley next week, but Gross City all
over the Viankings twenty eight to nothing, Hamilton Township seven
to nothing, Hirington Wheelersburg seven to seven. Second quarter Athens

and Filo fourteen fourteen, and another state team, Fairfield Union
trails with a half new Lexington thirty five to nothing
over Fairfield Union at halftime. Let's take a time out
back with second half kickoff calves coverage in WBX back
at a moment.

Speaker 12 (01:36:13):
Being a locally owned and operated business means a lot
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reasons are simple, trusted, caring professionals available twenty four hours
a day to help when you needed, most compassionate staff
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Speaker 13 (01:36:46):
The expert team of specialist at the Adena Orthopedic and
Spine Institute is proud to provide leading sports medicine carec
to student athletes and active adults right in our community.
Our advanced medical team and experienced Adena athletic trainers are
ready to help you relieve fain and regain your strength
and mobility. We do what we love, so you can too.
Call seven four zero seven seven nine four five nine

eight or visiting Dina dot org slash AOSI today to
get back in the game.

Speaker 5 (01:37:18):
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Served, My buddies from the army are all gone. Now
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Speaker 6 (01:37:36):
We are here for you. If you are a veteran
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Speaker 3 (01:37:53):
Alright back with you. Here at Hernsteinfield, just about set
for a second a half kickoff, Bluma's finished warming come
out for there, stretching to get ready. Cavs still down
on their own end zone, finishing up their final stretching
before we start the second half. Twenty four to nothing.
If you're joining us late. And again, it is what
it is, and it's part of the game. But special

teams two pot returns seventy six and now all of
a sudden, I forget the other one was what forty
five forty six yards?

Speaker 11 (01:38:23):
Well that was the one that was so hard to
tell because of the ricket. He caught it on the run.
I had it right around that forty five market.

Speaker 3 (01:38:30):
That's where I thought he caught it at. But those two.
Take away those two, it's ten to nothing against the
team that was in the final four last year. So
but you can't take them away as part of it.
But part of that too, I think has some experience.
I think the Cavaliers, but I think special teams and Chane.
You've been around it. You don't get a practice at

a lot, even with your scrimmages. A lot of the
scrimmagers are controlled. You might want of your scrimmages do
a couple, but you know that's something that can hurt you.
Early in the year, you got maybe a couple of
people new it that and uh and that the special
teams tonight you mentioned Cavs don't They've normally had some
excellent kickers. Uh, but they got a brand new punter.
They don't have not really tried a field goalded situation.

So special teams is something they're gonna have to develop
this show.

Speaker 11 (01:39:17):
You make a great point there, because I've watched a
lot of preseason football, and they'll work on their special
teams alignment. They'll they'll snap it, They'll they'll punt it
a lot of times, they'll fair catch it. There won't
be a return game, so you know, sometimes that's where
coaches are trying to get different guys out there in
those units and tacklings that. That's a great point. Uh
And and it's certainly showed itself here in Week one.

Speaker 3 (01:39:40):
See who's gonna kick off for the Cavaliers because they
have not kicked off because they obviously received to start
the game. Connor Bowler is Connor Bowling. That's been there.
He's been there.

Speaker 11 (01:39:52):
Punter too, Gonna punt and kick throughout the year here
early on, is what I was what I was told.

Speaker 3 (01:39:57):
You are correct, It is Connor Bowling out to kick off.
Bloom Carroll has their return team all the way up
near the seventeen eighteen yard line. Of course, when you're
receiving a kick from Looom Carroll and they're excellent kicker.
You stand back at your goal line. So that is
Shane mentioned that about several coaches quite a weapon in

high school to have a kicker like that bawling to
kick it off from the forty and he just pooch
kicks it down around the twenty five and falling on
it immediately and covering him up like a scrum start
for a rugby game there. It was one of the
up linemen, and I have a feeling he was taught
if the ball comes to you fall down, you are

not to run it fall down on the ground, and
that's Zach Chambers.

Speaker 11 (01:40:45):
I think the other guy's job was to attack him
and make sure that he didn't get up. Now, this
is a unit that I thought was really really good.
In the first half. As we said, they were only
responsible for about half the points if that, and even
with the first quarter not the best of field position,

and I thought they they stood pretty pretty tough.

Speaker 3 (01:41:09):
You know. The thing of Vong made one great play.
He rolled out and just made a senior quarterback play
and stretched to play and hit down field for one
big play, and then the other one was a mix up,
he wants to go deep over the middle. He's got
a man wide open at the fifty forty thirty. Nobody's
going to catch him. And on the very first play
they did run a deep pattern deep over the middle

to Hutchison and it's a touchdown twenty seventy two yards.

Speaker 11 (01:41:39):
Just really good coaching out of the half. You you
find the different matchups you want, and you you formation
into that to get the look and it's just pitch
and catch.

Speaker 3 (01:41:47):
And that's as you said, seventy.

Speaker 11 (01:41:49):
Four yards and a little bit more of the same
here from the passing game for bloom.

Speaker 3 (01:41:53):
Care that's too long. Touchdown passes and I'll line up
for the extra point. You know. One of the it
looked like on the pattern, Hutchison, who is a slot receiver,
went down and ran a post pattern down over the middle.
But when he got to about midfield, he he didn't

keep going parallel across the field. He ran a deep
He ran a deep post, and it looked like the
Cavs a little bit of Bart talked about being aggressive.
It looked like they cut the pat under the pattern
thinking it was going to be a kind of a
skinny post over the middle. But he just stretched it
and didn't take a sharp angle. He took a deep
angle down the middle, and he was behind and the

past was perfect. Yeah.

Speaker 11 (01:42:37):
I think sometimes you get you get guys that are
or maybe first year starters. So this is their first
experience on on the Friday night lights, and you know
they have strengths maybe in the run game and in
the past game. They're still trying to find some of
their techniques and understanding some of the coverages. And like
I said, they were credit Bloom Carroll right out of
the locker room seeing something they like. Got a credit

Bloom Carroll offensive line for giving them the time. Anytime
you're going to run that type of pattern, it takes protection.
And then obviously the three the three year All High
starting quarterback, you know, delivered delivered a perfect strike and.

Speaker 3 (01:43:11):
Thirty one nothing bloom care. Wow. There's one play and
I think the line of scrimmage was around the twenty eight.
We'll call it a seventy seventy two, seventy three yard
touchdown pass. And it was just a deep middle pattern
and the thank it long the thing of vond that

laid it deep over the middle. Hutchison's not a big guy.
He's obviously got great speed. That Hutchison is listed Besty
Hutchison a junior. He's five six, one fifty five but
obviously has great speed. And that kick not only goes
into the end zone, he goes out of the end zone.

So Bloom continues on and Trayton McKee quite a kicker.
He can He's going to be able to kick at
the next level, Shane.

Speaker 11 (01:44:04):
No, no question, no question, big leg, and you're going
to be quite a weapon for them. And a lot
of time and score situations late late in games as
they get deeper into their schedule, one into the postseason.

Speaker 3 (01:44:20):
So one play and a touchdown Bloom Carroll and quickly
it's thirty one and nothing. So it's think they're probably
the at this case. If you're Chillicothe and you're coach
Bartholmew and the staff, you just got to keep working
and think about it being a ten game season and

where you want to be. You know you're opening up
with a good team. I think that Cavs expected to
play this much closer. But you got to keep have
some positives and they say a lot of times the
most improvement comes week one to week two, but I
don't want to jump ahead. The next week is London
coming in, but Cavs got to stay after it. Sean
Smith will carry on. First down, does pick up about

four or five yards again last time the caves that
they drove from their twenty down to the four. They're
at the end of the first half and didn't score.
Hammon wants to throw looking, still looking now he's going
to run with it. Those to the sideline and the
last second that's incomplete found one miller late and now
third down and let's call a third and a long five.

Smith picked up five on first down.

Speaker 11 (01:45:26):
Jett Hammon does a good job of going to the
second and third ree. He keeps his eyes down field.

Speaker 3 (01:45:32):
He does.

Speaker 11 (01:45:35):
Point, you made a second ago. I'm right there with you.
I think it's way too early to worry about the
score as much as Hey, what are we trying to
do to get better here in the second half?

Speaker 3 (01:45:45):
For the big picture ahead of us? Third down, a
long five, man in motion hamm and they run a
jet sweep and nowhere to go now Ligan gets loose
from one, but he's only able to get back to
the line of scrimmage. They trying to get it to
their explosive freshman Carte Ligan and no gain. It'll be
fourth down and the Calves will be They're going to

go four three and out, but the football from deep
in their own territory if there's one. And I don't
I don't know. I didn't get to talk to Barter
or watch Silicathy. But when you when you go with
two tight ends in a single running back, you're you're
planning on you. I think you think that you know
what we're now the Calves are missing a player on

their punt team that you feel good about running the ball.
And I think they did in their scrimmage as they
ran the ball very well.

Speaker 11 (01:46:39):
It's statistically tonight. They you know, they're they're they're running
it okay. But the problem has been it hasn't been
the consistent through your down in distance, you know. I mean,
there's been too many zero one two negative one zero
as I look down my status sheet there and it
just that that constantly puts you in that second and long,
third and long.

Speaker 3 (01:46:59):
And now they have somebody not out for the punt team,
and I think he just got introduced to one of
the coaches about where he should have been and but
they have a delay. Now they'll punt the ball away.
Nice punt this time out around the forty five, picks
a cab bounce and bounces across the fifty yard of
the mighty hit a Caps player. It's right around midfield
where they down it. Yeah, and we'll see but they

spell they're gonna spot it in Bloom Carroll territory. So
pretty good punt by Connor Bowl in that time.

Speaker 11 (01:47:35):
I think Connor Bowlan will wing through throughout the year too,
because it's kind of like a pitcher. You know, you
have certain guys that have the talent just wear back
and throw it by you. But if you don't have
the big leg, being able to be be accurate, directional,
keep it away from weapons such as the Bloom Carroll
kid here tonight, things like that, that's just gonna come
with experience. I think you'll see a big, big difference

a month from now in the overall kicking game.

Speaker 3 (01:48:00):
In kline is at the running back position. Small running
back but quick, so climbing in running the football. A
little bit of a mix up, he went the wrong way.
The tang of thong keeps it himself and he's going
to wind up gaining in at about five yards. They
were in the pistol formation and the tang of long
end running back ran into each other, so Ethan had

to take the ball and run it himself.

Speaker 11 (01:48:25):
If you have a three year starter at quarterback that's
that's played about twenty six games, is it safe to
say that the young running back.

Speaker 3 (01:48:32):
I think the sophomore went the wrong way. Plus plus
he just got taken out of the game, and he's
going to be a chance to talk to one of
the coaches over there, probably the coaches saying do you
know what played? That is? Where do you go the coach?
I was excited my first time in the night as
a sophomore, and he ran into his own quarterback Danga

Aong got three or four yards just scrambling. Now he's
back to pass. Flag goes Chilicothe jumped there in the middle.
So five yard mark off.

Speaker 11 (01:49:08):
Getting penalties haven't been a huge problem Chilicothe. But there's
just been the two or three that were huge in
terms of some first downs and so forth.

Speaker 3 (01:49:16):
Yeah, the one where Bloom has a kicker that can
kick at fifty some yards, they didn't use him on
fourth and four. They didn't bring him in the game.
Fourth down five yards gives you first and you almost
could have bet the house they were going to try
to pull Chilicothy off signs there in the first half,
and they did. There's a run to the right side
and a first down wound up being about second and

three after the five yard penalty. I think Blair for
the first time he was not in a lot in
the second quarter, but back in makes a carry there.

Speaker 11 (01:49:47):
Looked like mcgloom got over there to force him out
of bounds for Chilicathe.

Speaker 3 (01:49:54):
Mark it down at the thirty five yard line of
Chili Coothy first and ten Bloom. They already leaded thirty
one to nothing. Trying to remember we get into the
running clock. What at thirty five? Trying to remember back
to the rule blitz by the calves the Thangaton wants

to throw. We got a man wide open. It's his
tight end over the middle, and he picks up about
four quick tackle by Cavalier defender. That might have been
Carte Liggan on the tackle. Maybe it was eighty eight
joyous hotmaker freshman pick up of about four on the

pass play over the middle. Second down and six clock
runs to five twelve also in for the Cavaliers defense. Well,
Anthony Smith is in playing linebacker, and Anthony's been playing
most of the night. Just now moving up closer to
the line. Second and six man in motion, Bloom Carol
back to pass, the thing of all rolls to the right,

a lot of room, got a man wide open it
to five. It's the tight end Stevenson and he moves
down to round the one yard line. Coming back here.

Speaker 11 (01:51:07):
They had a whole good, good penetration up the middle
again by the chilicoffee defense. Easy call for the official
was right on it. The flag comes out and uh,
that's coming back to his hang of thelong and did
a nice job.

Speaker 3 (01:51:22):
And then he did that at the first half it
and again he's not looking to run a lot, but
he obviously is very adapted creating time and rolling to
his right and does a great job looking down field.
Found his big six to five tight end down around
the five. He got all the way down to the two.
But as Shane told you, there was a holding call.
It'll bring it back. It'll be second down in from

the spot of the foul at the forty one. Now, Chillicothe,
let's call it second and sixteen for Bloom Carroll flock
moving at four fourteen play in the third quarter thirty
one nothing Bloom Carol. They led twenty four to nothing
at a half. Three receivers to the left side, the
thing of on looking and now we got another whistle. Yeah,

what do we got? Time out call? Maybe? I think
the Calves might do the Calves call time out. I
know there was a penalty another off sides on Chilicothy,
that's our third off side of the defensive line. Well,
Bloom doesn't need any help. I mean you got him

second and fourteen. It's hard enough to stop him, but
now you make it second in about ten single running
back Blair is still in the running back the thing
of on back to pass looks, looks being chased, gets
away from one, now gets away from two rolls to
his left, those over the middle. Nice defensive play. I
think it was Cam Badger got a hand on. A

nice job by Cam. You have Don baring a lot
of credit.

Speaker 11 (01:52:54):
He was the first to get in there and force
the quarterback on the move, and then it was a
second effort where he continued to chase and maybe force
the ball out just a little quicker than than they
were wanting to and the secondary of the good hit there.
Over overall, good good play from the defense sets up
a third and long with a chance.

Speaker 3 (01:53:13):
I mean, I get thirty one nothing.

Speaker 11 (01:53:15):
I don't know how bloom Carrol would play it, certainly
four down territory in.

Speaker 3 (01:53:19):
It is a running clock because on the incomplete pass there,
trying to remember the score, maybe it's yeah, plus thirty
in the second half, So running clock thirty one and nothing.
And now third and eleven for bloom Carroll. Is it
basketball thirty five comes back? Maybe yeah. Blair running straight ahead,
good straight ahead run, and he picks up maybe about five.

Is gonna bring up fourth down down to the thirty
two yard line of Chilicothe, and it's going to be
give him a pickup of four. Let's call it fourth
and seven for bloom Carroll in Chilicothy territory. Blair goes
out of the game and they bring in and the

dangerous Boa Sherman in the backfield. He is only five seven,
but he's quick as all get out. He's got two
punt return touchdowns. They're gonna roll him out, look to
throw to him down the sideline. Now they throw over
the middle wide open Stevenson. He's got the first down
at the twenty two pick up of ten.

Speaker 11 (01:54:21):
Yeah, they used the weapon there, the pump returner you're
talking about on the wheel route, and it caught the
attention and then the big tight end just ends up
sitting down right underneath it. Well designed, well executed.

Speaker 3 (01:54:32):
Lock down A one thirty two. So on fourth and
seven they pick up a first down down to the
twenty three Calton Kirkpatrick, another junior, is now running wide
receiver for bloom Carroll. He's split out to the left
side and Hutchison split to the left as well. Hutchison

already has a seventy yard plus touchdown catch here in
the half. Both Sherman stays in the game looking down
the left side. Why open nobody within ten yards of
the receiver. Wow, that's something that will upset the coaches.
Is the Kelvin Kirkpatrick in the game. And that's the
second time where the single receiver to the left side

they overload. The right has not been covered by Chill
o'cathy and an easy toss for a touchdown to twenty
three yards. Another touchdown pass or the thing of on
thirty seven and nothing soon to be thirty eight to nothing.

Speaker 11 (01:55:39):
Yeah, just some individual matchups where you know, again just
kind of baptism by fire here against his level of competition,
and all you can do is go to the film
and learn from it, get back to your technique and
knowing the weeks to come, you can.

Speaker 3 (01:55:55):
Get better at it. Thirty eight nothing, sixteen sets remain.
Letus take a time out as well. You're listening to
CAVS coverage on WBX. Back with the Bloom kickoff in
thirty seconds.

Speaker 13 (01:56:08):
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Speaker 3 (01:57:07):
Craig Begeman Shane Combs back with you here for our
postgame thirty eighth in the final with Bloom Carroll against
twenty four to nothing into half, and it probably it
was pretty well wrapped up at halftime, and then Bloom
put the stamp on that with one play in the
second half after they took the opening kickoff. On the
very first play, they hit a seventy two seventy three

yard pass play from the thing a bong as he
connected on a long pass and I believe it was
didn't write it down. Actually it was number eighty three
again Rusty Hutcheson the junior wide receiver on the catch
and the touchdown. Cavs couldn't get anything go on a

few first downs here and there, then later on and
a half a twenty three yard touchdown pass to one
of the backup receivers, Kirkpatrick, that came with just sixteen second.
It's remaining in the third quarter, and that made it
thirty eight to nothing. The running clock. Fourth quarter went
by rather quickly and that's our final thirty eight to zip.
And while Shane's looking real quick And tell you other

teams in the fac Miami Trace losing to Waverley twenty
eight to fourteen, Hills World is beating Western Brown thirty
one to twenty one, and the Courthouse losing forty four
to nothing to London. So a couple of scores. McClain
I was losing seventeen to nothing to a Dina and

I believe those are all the other teams. Jackson would
be the other team and no report on them against Logan. Shane,
your final notes.

Speaker 11 (01:58:44):
There that you got for us, Well, then the number
one thing going out going looking at it a little differently.
Maybe that to start is highlighting we on the special teams.
The McKee kid, the kicker that we highlighted in the
pregame honorable mention Ohio. I had several coaches town and
game prep this week that he's a game changer, and
boy did that show to be true. All but one

kickoff into the end zone for the touchback. The other
one buried him inside to fifteen. That young man had
eight points tonight, had the field goal, I think we
unofficially had it what are in thirty seven yards maybe,
and then made all of his extra points, so he
puts eight points on the board. And then you highlighted
on over two hundred yards passing almost about one hundred

and seventy worked just on the touchdown passes alone.

Speaker 3 (01:59:31):
They said the big play was the key.

Speaker 11 (01:59:33):
I thought the Chilikathi defense throughout the night was pretty good,
certainly victim of the big play. And you could say
the same with the special teams as you highlighted with
the two big punt returns on the Chillicathe side. I
thought the sophomore quarterback Camon showed some good things throughout
the evening, had a stretch of throwing where he completed

about ten to twelve there through a hot stretch of
late first half when he started to get into the rhythm.
Overall to I did have a one interception through for
over one hundred yards, and then Smith they tried to
stay stubborn with the run game.

Speaker 3 (02:00:06):
Good news, bad news.

Speaker 11 (02:00:07):
They got in about eighteen to twenty carries, but on
my side sheet eleven carries went for one or less,
and we talked about how a lot of times that
put you in the second and nine that puts you into.

Speaker 3 (02:00:16):
Third and twelve or whatever it may be. And I
thought that was a big factor.

Speaker 11 (02:00:20):
The good news is, as they stayed true to the
run game, you see a little bit of that of
physicality in the middle. You see a little bit of
the ability to make a guy miss, and I think
as the year goes on, that's still going.

Speaker 3 (02:00:31):
To be a very, very valuable weapon.

Speaker 11 (02:00:32):
So again, not much in the second half, as you say,
because of the continuous clock, but overall, not the result
on the scoreboard you want, but the optimism we talked
about in the opening. I said on that third point,
when you look at the schedule, not counting tonight, not
counting you know, three or four other games that we'll
talk about as a year goes on, I do think

the schedule is a little bit more gettable. I would
encourage Cavalier Nation to hang tough with these guys is
because I see some promise. I see some things that
are going to move well forward from that one in
nine season a year ago.

Speaker 3 (02:01:07):
Yeah, I would agree. I think it certainly gives you
a lot to work on and Shane, you've been around
the coaching part for a long time. I would guess
going to watch film and try to correct some things,
but I would think mentally the coaches have as much
work to do mentally this week coming up as anything, don't.

Speaker 11 (02:01:26):
Yeah, well, what happens is, you know, kids work so hard.
The coach has talked about how the culture pieces and
some of the work ethic and the attendants have been incredible.
And when your kid, you want to win, right, so
you come out you want to result in your playing
the lead opponent tonight. No one wants to hear that
you want to win. But at the end of the day,
that's what happened. You played the lead opponent. And when

you play those lead opponents, when you make a few mistakes,
they capitalize. You know, you break down. I said it
earlier on the punt return. The punt return from where
I was sitting for most people would be thirteen fourteen yards,
where as that young man there was one breakdown on
the reversal of the field and he takes it to
the house. So it's those are the things that happen

against the elite competition. But you said week one, the
week two. We always talk about game one, the game
two improvement. The film will be very, very valuable. Chilicothe'll
come back on their home field next week, and again
I certainly don't doubt their effort tonight.

Speaker 3 (02:02:21):
I have no doubt that the coaches will will get.

Speaker 11 (02:02:24):
Them in the film room, keep them on the practice field,
get better and better, and I look forward to seeing
their improvement.

Speaker 3 (02:02:30):
I think Coach Bart's signaled up here then he wants
me to come down, So I think what we'll do
is we're going to go ahead and wrap this one up,
and Shane and I will get out of here, but
we'll run down and try to get a few words
from coach bartholow you and I'll try to if my
technology remembering is okay, send that over for our scoreboard
show tonight, which you can hear on ninety four to
three fmwkk J. Cody Carpenter's joining the show tonight along

with the regular crew that you normally have each and
every Friday night, So hopefully we'll have a few words
some coach part and we'll try to transfer that over
so you can hear those comments on tonight's scoreboard show.
Shane did a great job. I enjoyed working with Christian
right welcome back next week. How's that sound? Hopefully a
better result for the Cavaliers. Absolutely, I'll do it from

Hernsteinfield again. The Cavaliers, so shout out tonight thirty eight
to nothing at the hands of Bloom Carrol. Next Friday
night on the air again around six forty five the
London Red Raiders who were beating Courthouse rather handily tonight.
That'll be the opponent next Friday night and we'll have
that right here again on fourteen ninety WB ex thanks
to Nathan Toodle Back to the studios our great sponsors

tonight as well for Cavaliers football coverage from Hernsteinfield on
behalf of Shane comes Greg Bigham. A final score again
thirty eight nothing, Bloom over Chila, Kathy, good night, everybody.
Have a great weekend.

Speaker 4 (02:03:53):
From iHeartRadio Sports. You've been listening to Chilli Coothy Caves
football on your home for the Caves News Radio fourteen
ninety WB. Tonight's exciting to look out. The Caves action
has been brought to you by Where Funeral Home, by
Adina Health System and by Haller Funeral Home. Join us
every Friday night for the best and area of high
school football coverage on news Radio fourteen ninety how many
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