All Episodes

October 25, 2024 • 155 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
From iHeartRadio Sports. It's time for Chilli Conthy Calves football
on your home for the Caves. News Radio fourteen ninety
wb EX. Tonight's exciting Chilli Goothy Caves action is brought
to you by Where Funeral Home, by Adina Health System
and by Howard Funeral Home. Now let's take you out
to the game. Here with all the exciting actions of
Jilli Gothy Caves football are Greg Bigham and Shane Combs

on News Radio fourteen ninety wb EX.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Tuck it even, everyone, and welcome to week number ten.
Really the season has flown by when you think back.
I'm Greg Vegam Shane Colmbs here for what probably will
be the final game of the year for the cavil
there's a star are mathematically able to make the playoffs,
they would have probably they would have to win tonight
against the very good Jackson Ironman team undefeated in the

FAC and seven and two overall. It kind of been
the power in the FAC over the last three seasons
or so, and it'll be a tough matchup tonight for
the Calves, but coming off their best one of the year,
best performances of year last week, Shane over the win
over Miami Trace.

Speaker 3 (01:05):
Well, no question, been trending in the right direction over
the last month and real excited to see him finish
on a strong note this evening.

Speaker 2 (01:13):
All right, We're going to take a quick time out
as the Cavalier Marching Band presents our national anthem. Let's
take a one minute break back with more pregame here
at Hernsteinfield after this.

Speaker 4 (01:23):
Urich Financial on East Second Street in Chilikoffee is a
proud sponsor of local high school sports. Whether you are
planning for your child's college education, your retirement, or you
want to make sure your estate plan is comprehensive and complete,
Urich Financial can help. They offer free consultations with meeting
times to fit your schedule. To schedule unappointment, or for

more information, call Urig Financial at seven four zero seven
seven three thirty three thirty one.

Speaker 5 (01:52):
Being a locally owned and operated business means a lot
for a lot of reasons, and where funeral home. Those
reasons are simple trust caring professionals available twenty four hours
a day to help when you needed most. Compassionate staff
that understands the weight of your loss with the ability
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in downtown Chili Cooffee and the familiarity of the community

they've been serving since eighteen ninety one. Let the folks
had locally owned and operated Where Funeral Home. Help youre
healing begin visit Where FH dot Com.

Speaker 2 (02:28):
Greig Bayham, Shane Colmbs back here at Hernstein Field as
the Calves get set to host the Jackson Ironman, we
told you seven and two their losses on the season.
One was a large loss against Ironton, I believe, Shane,
and then lost to Ross right, yes, and so those
were the two losses I defeated in the fac I

think they've already I'm trying to think back. I know
they've already clinched at least a time. I think the
Blue Lions only have one leg loss, right or do
they have too? Because and they play Miami Trace tonight,
the Miami Trace with the two league losses. Obviously McLean does,
Hillsboro does. And I'm stinking back to the Blue Lions.

I believe their only loss was two Jackson Jackson by
a large margin. So mathematically, if they could knock off
their Fayette County rival Miami Trace and get help from
the Cavaliers, it would create it. So that's quite a
story for the Blue Lions. I don't think they won
a game out of their first five, and they've come
back very strong.

Speaker 3 (03:28):
Well, I know you and I were really impressed with
their skill kids here on that Saturday morning game, and
you know, Jackson is a really talented group. They come
in averaging about forty one a game, they only give
up about twelve and a half when you take away
the Ironton stats, so I mean the three shutouts in
the FAC. They're beating FAC opponents right around forty seven

to six. So I think as you come into night, Chilkaty,
it goes back to a lot of what you talked
about in the pregame last week. I think got a
limit to big plays and when you get opportunities, you
got to cash in cause you're obviously not going to
get as many against an opponent of this level.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Yeah, mistakes, and I thought that certainly that was the
key last week the Cavs until they're in the second half.
They had some procedure offside kind of the penalties that
put them behind the chains. But other than that, though,
probably their cleanest game of the year. Uh and you
you can't give Jackson someone like Jackson to the ball.

Speaker 3 (04:19):
In your own territory. Uh.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
They're just too strong offensively.

Speaker 3 (04:23):

Speaker 2 (04:23):
They have all kinds of weapons. They have a strong
running game. Shane, you and I were talking and Shane
picked up pretty much the starting lineup for me, and
I'm looking it over. I'm thinking, man, they're skilled people.
Uh two twenty uh to ten and those are the
ends and wide receivers. The quarterback has one ninety six

d Body Wolford. They're wide receivers. We told you one
ninety one, ninety five to ten. They are very strong.
They have quite a program, and a lot of these
guys are multi athletes. I've seen several of these guys. Uh,
Wolford and Simon so play basketball as well. But football's
kind of their sport. And that's not even talking about
the line. But they're very physical team. They're tough to stop.

Speaker 3 (05:06):
They really are. And when you talk football around the area,
no matter what division you're talking, a lot of what
they'll they'll talk about Jackson is the weight room. And
from a very young age, it's very consistent. You come
up through so as you say, you know kids early
in the junior high just getting introduced to the weight
room and starting on good program and and and they
build themselves up. So certainly, certainly an incredible task. But

but I'll say this, Chilli Cothy has been trending in
a really positive direction here over the last month. I
can't say enough about the blend of senior leadership, maybe
not always playing, but just the you can tell the
maturity and the team and how they've stayed with it
to adversity and coach Coach Bartholomew's talked about that and
on multiple occasions this year, and how that's blended in

with some of this young talent. Well, now, Greg, I
think you've been around it long enough to know too
all of a sudden, a sophomore, junior, certainly a freshman
doing this for the first time. You're eight, nine, ten
weeks into that, you kind of feel like you've graduated
to the next age class. And I wouldn't you agree
that we've seen that a little bit in the last
month here with without a doubt.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
I think a couple of people that asked me, they said, man,
how did what happened? How'd they beat Miami Trace? And
I go, oh, now there's a lot of factors. You're
talking about young kids in high school. But I said,
you know, back, you know, back in week three and four,
a lot of these guys stepped in the first time.
They they should have been playing JV ball and they
were plugged in. And now those guys have eight games

under their belts, and plus getting Crawford back and only
gives you another offensive lineman and helped the running game.
But you know, all of a sudden, even you know,
Hammond's a first year quarterback as a sophomore, certainly Carte
a Liggan who's a name. A lot of people have
asked me about the season he's had, but it's still
made a difference. They had talent, but they're absolutely correct.

All of a sudden, those young guys had eight games
under their belt rather than playing in their first or
second game as they would have in those first three
or four weeks of the season. And then I think
that that's made the difference. They've come, They certainly have improved,
come a long way, and whatever happens tonight happens. But
I think that's going to be And I thought you
brought that out with Coach and Mark on the Scoreboard Show.

Last week after that win over Miami. Tration's kind of
what he said. You know, we had some guys heard
early these guys, uh, he talked about all along, how
they've practiced, how they've stayed positive, but last week they got.

Speaker 3 (07:23):
A reward for it. Well, that's well said. And I
think sometimes as a coach, you don't want to quote
unquote making excuses, but sometimes you do want to state
the adversity that a team goes through because you want
to praise your kids and what they've overcome. So, you know,
you look back to the beginning of the year, Bloom
Carroll and London, they're both When I was checking some
computer points coming into the night, they're doing They're doing

just fine. And now all of a sudden, you look
at you get in the weeks three, four and five,
and it starts to improve. And you know, look tonight
it's all about the seniors. Hopefully they can go out
on a positive note in terms of playing really hard
and continuing to lead to program. If you're young kids,
you you love the challenge in front of you of
playing an elite program. And I know this place was

an incredible atmosphere last Friday night, and I can't imagine
it won't be the same this evening.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
No doubt about it. Right now the Cavalier marching band
performing or a few minutes away from opening kickoff, the
Cavs will get the football first. You're listening to Cavalier
coverage on the home of Chilicothy Cavaliers fourteen ninety AMWB
ex back with a final few words in our kickoff
after this.

Speaker 6 (08:29):
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Speaker 3 (08:58):
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Speaker 4 (09:28):
Urig Financial on East Second Street in Chilikoffee, is a
proud sponsor of local high school sports. Whether you are
planning for your child's college education, your retirement, or you
want to make sure your estate plan is comprehensive and complete,
Urich Financial can help. They offer free consultations with meeting
times to fit your schedule. To schedule unappointment, or for

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Speaker 5 (09:57):
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a lot of reasons at where Funeral Home. Those reasons
are simple, trusted, caring professionals available twenty four hours a
day to help when you needed most compassionate staff that
understands the weight of your loss with the ability to
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been serving since eighteen ninety one. Let the folks at
locally owned and operated Where Funeral Home help youure healing
begin visit where FH dot com.

Speaker 2 (10:34):
We are back at Hernsteinfield, just about one hundred seconds
away from the scheduled kickoff again. Jackson will be kicking off,
I believe, going left or right. Cavaliers not back on
the field, and as they are just now coming through
the tunnel and up through the end zone and through
the marching band onto the field full of the Calves
again week number ten.

Speaker 3 (10:55):

Speaker 2 (10:55):
We were talking laurelier the Calves if they could win,
they might get in. But for the most part. But
on the other side and looking at the fac, it
looks like Jackson is already in the qualified for the playoffs.
And I think Miami trace despite the problems here at
the end, losing to Jackson, unto Jill Kathi, but I
think the Panthers are going to be in the playoffs

as well. Those are the force sures right now. I
think out of the fac.

Speaker 3 (11:19):
Yeah, certainly for sure, both of them could could really
use a win tonight if you're fighting for Remember the
top eight plays home there in that first week, and
then if you can get in the top four played
home there a couple of weeks, and so both of
those teams need to win. Chillicothe certainly put some more
issues on Miami Trace and I think they were going

to be facing going in, so you know now they're
going to look to do the same to Jackson. I
believe Jackson comes in number nine needing a win to
get into that top eight this evening. I was looking
at that particular region today. That region has got a
lot of depth to it.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
We'll forget tonight on our sister station ninety four to
three wkk JAN and Heating, Cooling and Plumbing Scoreboard Show
and think will be the final of the year and
coverage then probably begin looking and by the way, Shane's
going to pop over again and be co hosting the
scoreboard show tonight. It'll be interesting with some final scores
and final noting probably before they go off the air.

The good idea of where teams will be hosting or
visiting or if they are into playoffs at all. It's
always fun week and week number ten of the scoreboards
show a lot of the league championships have kind of
already been decided. Jackson needs to finish up tonight in
the SVC Uniota as well.

Speaker 3 (12:35):
Looking for a goal football.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Glad to have you long. We're set to go. Jackson
will be kicking it off. I assume linking and Hitchin's
back deep and the kick is high and very deep
all the way down to the six yard line, grabbed
thereby Hitchins out to the ten, cuts over to the
sideline at the twenty, pulled down from behind. Nice tackle
as Hitchins was checked out. It was not twenty five

twenty three. That's Carter Williams on the return.

Speaker 3 (13:04):
Kate Rossler with a nice open field tackle there to
get him to the ground. Calls him probably about ten
yards a field position.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
I thought he was going to get to the corner,
and that would have meant I think he could have
been over the twenty five close to the thirty that
Shane said, A nice job by Jackson kind of looping
around behind and getting his legs from behind, and the
Caves will begin at their own not great field position,
at their own twenty one yard line. Well, it's big
a big weapon in high school football when you have

a kicker that can kick it to the goal line
hamm and in the pistol formation, they fink he wants
to throw. Here comes the blitzend he's going to be
pulled down to fifteen yard line and wanted to go deep.
On the very first flay, they sent one miller on
it down and out and they tried to send Hitchins
down the scene. Good coverage is, but Hammond didn't have
a whole lot of time. Jackson does a good job

way I think back, probably the team that killed Chilli
Cothy most with the blitz was maybe at Wilmington when.

Speaker 3 (14:02):
They ran a yes middle linebacker spot.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
The middle linebacker alternated their linebackers to put a whole
lot of pressure on Amon. So they lose yardage. I'll
run it on second down and straight ahead. They get yardies,
maybe got the five back they lost on the sack
carte ligging on the carry. They're going to market it
to nineteen, so I'll bring it back up and we're

gonna call it third and twelve, pickup of three or four.

Speaker 3 (14:29):
One thing we haven't talked about here in the pregame
is there has been a little bit of a rain
falling for about the last twenty thirty minutes. I'll be
something to watch ball security here in the early going.

Speaker 2 (14:38):
I think there's still a light rain falling, ringing a
little heavier during warm ups. Ammon looks to the sideline,
has three wide receivers to the right, sism his tight
end is uptight on the left side, but he's going
to roll right. He wants to throw to the right.
Throws down the field and knocked away good defensive coverage.
They tried to throw it to Henson him send three

receivers kind of three different levels with good coverage by Jackson,
and they forced the three and out.

Speaker 3 (15:07):
Well, we've seen it all year long. I think it's
true with all offenses, but certainly true at this Chilicotie offense.
That third and long just isn't who they want to be.
And so the sack right off the back kind of
puts them behind the chains and hopefully we can get
good ball security and try to flip the field. Here.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
In the punt game, heay Harris, who's done a good job,
a little bit of a low snap and he kind
of botches to kick it again. It's wet does get
a good bounce out near the fifty yard line. As
the rain says. We just talked about a light rain,
it started to rain pretty heavy. That was only about
a twenty eight yard punt, but it was a low snap.
I think Harris was in a little bit of a hurry,

and again with a wet football, good field position for Jackson.
They'll start out in Chili County territory.

Speaker 3 (15:52):
Yeah, Chillicothe defense overall has fought through some injuries and
really started to find themselves over the last three to
four weeks. Some really good play up front. We've highlighted
Nate sism and Anthony Smith and Trace mccalis there doing
a real nice job and freeing some of the linebackers
up to flow to the football.

Speaker 2 (16:11):
Simon's out to the right, everybody else in tight. They'll
run it on first down breaking to the outside on
the Kerry. Nice defense and maybe lose the yard. The
running back started up the middle and was that the quarterback?
They kept it now six? I believe it was Johnsson six,
not five. So Johnson was going to go off guard.
He tried to break outside. Great containment. You know a

lot of Blue jerseys over there to knock him down
for a loss. It'll bring up second and eleven. The
ball right at the big sea in the middle of
the field on the fifty.

Speaker 3 (16:39):
You were talking about the one ten there in the
weight category and the skill kids. You can certainly see it.
A very good looking athletes, strong and good quickness.

Speaker 2 (16:48):
A lot of two tight ends and a flanker, only
one wide receiver. Wolford wants to throw quick bubble screen
to the left side, and he overthrew it trying to
get it to Charlie. Woodard mentioned Simon's before. Simon's a
good basketball player, So's Wolford, so's Woodard. All those guys
play round ball as well.

Speaker 3 (17:08):
I know Jackson expects to be pretty good in the
winter this year as well. From everybody I talked to,
you know that was well read. There By the Tola
Coffee secondary sets up third and long. If you can
keep them from gaining a whole lot here, they probably
would punt from this spot on the field. This early
in the game.

Speaker 2 (17:25):
The rain has lightened up a little bit, but it's
still coming down, but it's raining pretty heavy on those
last several plays. Third and eleven now to go to
a single running back behind the pistol, and they will
run it straight up the middle, breaking the tackle, but
not getting the first down, and kind of a see
what Jackson alects to do.

Speaker 3 (17:44):
My guess is off that they'll go ahead and go
for it to play call kind of let you know
that they get about half of it back, put themselves
in a more manageable fourth and what would you call
that about five five and a half.

Speaker 2 (17:56):
Fourth in the long five. So they picked up about
five or six on straight ahead kerry and it doesn't
look like they're looking to punt the football. Probably have
a lot of confidence in their defense. But on the
other hand, you have a chance to put chili coffee
in the hole if you punt, And they also might
try to draw chili coffee off sides back with the
pistol body. Wolford a good running quarterback as well, flanker

to the left, and they will run it to the left,
breaking the tackle. But I don't think it's got very
short chilli coffee holds. They ran it off left tackle,
worked it on outside, they gave it to Johnson. Johnson
was broke, kind of broke a tackle, fell forward, but
only fell to the forty and it comes up short
and Chila Cathy with a nice defensive dance. Stand.

Speaker 3 (18:40):
Well, it really is, you know, the Jackson gets the
ball on the plus side and you turn them over
on downs, and that's what we're talking about. Field position
comes in a variety of ways there that particular punt
and then that stop ends up winning about what twenty
twenty five yards of field position. Now, if you can
move the football, maybe even even if you do have
the punt again, you could really flipped the field. So

really really big opening possession for a Chillicothe defense that's
been playing really well in recent weeks.

Speaker 2 (19:07):
Right on their own, forty Cavaliers stop a much better
field position than they started originally at their twenty one.
So they start this series at the forty Ligan in
the backfield with him and two tight ends, two receivers
to the left, a little bit of a blitz. They're
going to run a fake reverse. Ligan keeps it and
we'll get back near the line of scrimmage. Jackson read

that very well. How they they faked They ran out
last week on a reverse the Hitchinslegan gets it then
flips it to Hitchins coming the other way. Ligan faked
it and Hitchins had nowhere to go. Legan tried to
keep it cut up, and he's going to lose a couple.
It'll be second and twelve.

Speaker 3 (19:44):
Yeah, certainly had that on film from a weekend ago,
and they tried to run the fake and Jackson, you're right,
had it both ways.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
Yeah, and straight ahead. Lican back to the original line
of scrimmage across the forty to the forty one, got three.
That's going to be third and long full the Cavaliers again.

Speaker 3 (20:02):
The first down negative play just kind of puts you
behind the chains here, but you know that run there
puts it at third and nine again. You'd love to
come up with a play and move the chains. But
but if nothing else, it gives you a chance to
truly flip the field because of your defensive stop against Jackson.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
Oh, jump into the neutral for sure. Jackson jumps off
sides will not be enough for a first down. But
instead of third and nine going to be third and
along four. Cayden's coat there by him and drew the
off sides against Jackson, who went out just across the
forty five at Chilicothe and now third down it'll be
third and five. Let's call it.

Speaker 3 (20:39):
Certainly from third and man, like you said, third nine
to third and long four. There it gives you a
little bit more option in the playbook.

Speaker 2 (20:47):
And I'm looking to throw throws sideline and dropped by
one Miller, and I think got a little bit of
the wet football almost picked off after one couldn't hang
on to it. Throws around his shoulder pads, it came
out off his pads and was almost picked off by
Christian Gilliam.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
I'd say it was a little bit of wet football
the way around ham and it was. It was a
good throw, certainly, probably not exactly where he wanted it.
Miller would probably tell you he should have caught it,
and then they could have easily been picked off and
taken the other way. So I guess all in all
fair and completion all the way around.

Speaker 2 (21:20):
If he hangs on, it would have been a first down.
Harris punts again, this one a little better punt to
the side, hits at the twenty five, takes a side
bounce down around the twenty and right out the twenty
yard line. So the Calves in their first two series
unable to pick up a first down. They kind of
got themselves behind the chains both series on first down,
losing yardies. But now they've driven Jackson back and Jackson's

going to start this time rather than cholo coffee territory.
Field position is gained for the Calves because Jackson starts
at their own twenty still in the first quarter. Seven
forty one to play. First quarter here at Hernsteinfield in
week number ten.

Speaker 3 (21:57):
Yeah, still a nice job defense, special team here, You're
you're winning the battle of field position here here in
the first quarter. You talked about it in the Miami
Trace game several times last week. The big play is
what really will do you in if Jackson you know
their talent's going to move the football a little bit
of nothing else. You want to make sure they do
it in little chunks at a time.

Speaker 2 (22:18):
Welford the quarterback in the pistol, they'll run it straight
ahead off to the right side. Not much there. So
the Cavs up front again as they did last week
against Miami Trace, a lot of strong play up front.

Speaker 3 (22:33):
Yeah, it's gonna lose yardage again. Jackson been a little
stubborn with the run, which you certainly understand with what
they have up front, what they have at the running
back position. But you know, if you think about it,
with Sism leading the way right there in the middle
of the defense and Anthony Smith the year he's had
Beverly has really come on. The Chilicothie run defense has

been pretty consistent throughout the year. If you take away
the London game.

Speaker 2 (22:56):
Loss of two second and twelve, Johnson stays back off
the head up of Wolford. Wolford now going to throw looking, looking,
now he's going to run with at Scrambley out to
the nineteen, to the twenty, around the corner and out
of bounds. Shy the first down that was not a
called run. He just couldn't find an open receiver, took
off to his left and he does pick up good yardage.
It'll be third and short for the Ironman. As the

clock moves under seven minutes to play first quarter and
the ring continues to fall here in Chilla, Cathy, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (23:24):
Really special athlete. There's quarterback position. Wolf. I know you
and I are talking in the pregame with older brother
that went on to play some Division one ball, and
I was even saying about a dad could run a
little bit. Back in the late nineties there played on
a really good Jackson team there went to the regional championship.
I believe.

Speaker 2 (23:44):
Third and short third and along two man in motion.
They stayed with the running back Johnson off the hip
of the quarterback Wolford, and Johnson fell and I think
he went down. He slipped, lost his footing and he
goes down. Before the first down, he was running kind
of a counter coming to the right side between tackle guard.
He cut it back up the middle, and he lost
his footing and fell at the twenty nine. Eh well,

I don't know. I wouldn't think you'd go for it here,
but see what the ironman elect to do. First of all,
it's a wet field and a wet football. It's not
a guaranteed thing you're going to pick up a yard.
They need to get just over the thirty and they're
spotted right about the twenty nine.

Speaker 3 (24:23):
A lot of times in these they'll use Bryce de
Laney there from the full back position, who also played
some linebacker. Obviously, Johnson running back also be aware of
Wolford's athleticism.

Speaker 2 (24:33):
They go quarterback sneak pushing ahead, and now with a
push from behind, they put the big running back into
an eye formation. But he didn't block. He just ran
behind a quarterback and shoved him. I had a tush
push air and a first down for Jackson, So they
kind of a little bit of a gamble on fourth
down early in the ballgame from your own twenty nine.

They got a good push initially, I don't know the wolfer,
it's going to be close. And then all of a sudden,
that big fullback turing twenty pound pullback kind of pulldos
are from behind and shoved everybody about a yard forward.
Second man though a little bit of running room thirty five,
breaks a tackle thirty seven, thirty nine out to the
forty best run of the night for Jackson.

Speaker 3 (25:17):
Yeah, probably the first time Chillicoffee has missed a tackle defensively.
Had him back around one or two yard gain, and
he runs through that tackle and gets out to the
forty as you said, probably around six or seven yard.

Speaker 2 (25:29):
Game out to the forty yard line where his knee
touched a solid pickup of about seven. We're in the
first quarter, no score. Cavs have had the ball twice,
have not picked up a first down. This is Jackson's
second possession to begin back at their own twenty just
went forward on fourth down and made it still in
their own territory. They want to throw it down over
the left side lines, got a man and I no,

I didn't think it was interfering. I think the receiver
actually fell down before the ball got there. Pretty good
coverage by Connor Smith. Yeah, it'll going to be third
and three from the forty one. I'm guessing if you
go for your own twenty there and shoot down territory here, Shane, Yeah, well.

Speaker 3 (26:09):
Both quarterbacks off to an for two start trying to
handle the football here, and certainly with the filled position,
like you said, too, down territory would probably lend itself
to a run here.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
They go to the I formation. Power eye quarterback said, yeah,
he didn't hang on to it, and somehow the Cavs
had him for a loss and couldn't get him down.
Talking about the rain and the rain made the quarterback there, Wolford,
there was a mix up. Wolford was going to get
sacked in the backfield after he didn't hand it off,
and Shane, I'm not sure how he got out of that.

All of a sudden, he can kind of come out
of a pile and he gets the first down.

Speaker 3 (26:49):
Well, his strengths and athleticism. It's one thing for him
to run through tackles. I see that, But I don't
know how he held onto the football when he was
when he was coming out of there. I don't know
if he if it meant to be a playfake or what,
but he he certainly lost the football for a second.

Speaker 2 (27:04):
That he does he recovers after there was a mix
up in the backfield. He regained control, decided he had
to run it himself, and I thought he was going
to bring up fourth down, but he was able to
push forward for three or four yards and get the
first down. It was a nice athletic play by Body Wolford.
They stayed with the power eye formation in two tight
ends fake want to throw one on one down the middle.
He got a man wide open down the middle to

the twenty, to the fifteen to the five and touchdown.
A little bit of play action and Wolford laid it
out as the wide receiver had beaten down deep. That
was number seven Ryan Simons, and Simons with the touchdown,
made a double move on jan Miller and when he

cut down the middle, he had about a five yard
cushion behind one and perfect pass by Wolford and the
first touchdown of the night. He goes to Jackson Boy.
They run the ball, run the ball, run the ball,
then play action. The guy was wide open yety six yards.
Just good play, fake, good ball handling and just pitch
and catch extra point kick up in good time out

on the field. Four h five to play first quarter.
Jackson strikes first with a four minutes remaining in the
first period. The Ironman seven Chlicothy nothing back in sixty seconds.
Cavs Football in WBX.

Speaker 6 (28:21):
The expert teamlets specialist at the Adena Orthpedic and Spine
Institute is proud to provide leading sports medicine care to
student athletes and active adults right in our community. Our
advanced medical team and experienced a Dina Health athletic trainer
are ready to help you relieve pain and regain your
strength and mobility. If you have a sudden injury or
new pain, visit our express clinic call seven four zero

seven seven nine five ninety eight or visit a Dina
dot org slash AOSI today to get back in the game.
For over fifty years, the Haler family has been here
to help families in our area. Remember the life of
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As they go through the grieving pros, the Howler family
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carrying and dedicated professionals. Each individual's life is unique, and
selecting how their funeral home ensures their tribute will be
just as unique, how her funeral home helping families remember,
share and heal.

Speaker 2 (29:22):
Back Whether to kickoff to the Cavaliers, take it at
the ten yard line, out to the fifteen, to the twenty,
to the twenty five, and again from behind the Hitchin's
got a little further this time out to around the
twenty seven eighty yard touchdown drive for Jackson. They went
forward from their own twenty nine yard line on fourth
down and it paid off. And officially I think I

said forty six. We went at fifty six yard line
of scrimage was the forty four, but a fifty six
yard touchdown pass Shane. I think that was the only
receiver that went out in the pattern.

Speaker 3 (29:53):
Well, and again Chillicothe had been pretty good against the run,
only allowing twenty eight yards so far on nine carries,
but it's because they've been able to run it so
many times. The playfake really offered them the one on
one opportunity.

Speaker 2 (30:05):
Legging up the middle, got a little bit of yards,
breaks a tackle to the thirty five, breaks a second
tackle forty and out to the forty two. Nice job
by the fabulous freshman Carte Leggan breaks two tackles first
down Cavaliers. That's their first first down of the night,
and it sends it out beyond the forty yard line
for Chillicothe.

Speaker 3 (30:23):
Right around sixteen yards on the game. And uh, just
some good individual effort to turn about a five yard
gain into sixteen just running through some would be tacklers.

Speaker 2 (30:34):
Back into the pistol with Hammon and Ligan, they send
Hitchins in motion again. Give it to Carte up the middle,
got a few more yards out near the fifties. Got
six or seven on that carry and straighted kind of
that little bit of a little bit of a counter
and he lines up on the right side of Hammon
and kind of runs back across the left guard left tackle.

Good blocking up front that time for the Calves and
a nice pickup of seven for Liggan second in three
ball out near midfield still in the first quarter him
and tried to draw him off size. Now they looked
at the sidelines for the play. We moved down to
three ten, three oh nine to play.

Speaker 3 (31:09):
First quarter.

Speaker 2 (31:11):
Ligan comes to the other side of Hammon and he'll
run it to the right side to the fifty and
a little bit of forward progress breaks a tackle, but
I did not get the first down. But it should
be third and short.

Speaker 3 (31:24):
Yeah, kind of a tough spot on that first down
run this time comes up out two yards short.

Speaker 2 (31:31):
At the forty nine third down clock. Running to forty
five again, they might try. They've drawn Jackson off one time.
On this time they go quick handoff Legan first down.
They went up with a quick snap that time, and
they had a first down run before Carte Liggan into
Jackson territory to they're forty six. They had a first down.

Cavaliers second first down to this drive.

Speaker 3 (31:57):
Well, the big difference on this drive, Greg has been
the first on yard. It is on the opening drives
you had negative three and negative two on your first
down snaps, where on this drive you've had a sixteen
and a six and you're just more positive runs. It
opens the whole playbook up.

Speaker 2 (32:13):
Two wide receivers to the left, still the pistol him
and throws to the screen. Are going to throw a
double pass high in the air. They threw it down
the sidelines and Von Miller caught it.

Speaker 3 (32:24):
That's unbelievable.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
The pass from Carter Williams, he came in motion. They
handed it to him like a Jets and know they
threw the ball to him, but he was behind him
and came in motion to the left. They threw it
to him much like kind of a screen pass, but
it was a backwards pass and he threw it to
the Miller of the ball was short, pretty good coverage,
but Miller able to go up and grab it for

a first down inside the Jackson twenty.

Speaker 3 (32:49):
Twenty seven yards stood out there and the left. He
been able to just put it up and give your
receiver chance.

Speaker 2 (32:57):
One. Miller did a good job coming back to the football.
Leggan straight ahead and pounds forward, stretches out at the
last second to the fifteen yard line near in the
end of the first period again Jackson leading seven to nothing.
Aves did a great job stopping Jackson, but then all
play action passed the fifty six yards receiver, got behind

the Calves and been the only score here at the
first period. As we moved near the one minute mark
and the Calves looking second and six. Pretty good pick
up on first down by carte Eimmon Liggan left side,
straight ahead, off the left side again and he'll get
down near the ten yard line.

Speaker 3 (33:40):
Well, you look the left side the offensive line there,
Connor rusferd Cole Crawford and throw in some tight end
work from Daniel Sissam and Chillicothe. You like the tempo,
You like the way they've kind of shortened the first
quarter here a little bit, and it would be nice
to get this thing even up.

Speaker 2 (33:55):
Here just outside to ten. Third down, it's called a
third and third and a short two. It's more than
a yard Definitely, they need to get inside the ten.
Ligan moves on the left tip of Hammon snap Legan
straight ahead, bounces off one tackler backwards, bowls forward, and
I think he got the first down down around the

eight yard line. Just a lot of strength by the freshman.

Speaker 3 (34:19):
Yeah, they had him stopped right there at the line
of scrimmage. He just ended up running right through the tackle.

Speaker 2 (34:24):
Carte does his good job of when he gets hit
spinning and making a movement, and he spent that time
and actually was going forward backwards and he had his
back to the Jackson defense and was pushing himself backwards
for the first down. Put it at the eight first
in goal to go Cavaliers and move down to the
final ten seconds of the first quarter. I don't think
the Caves will have to run a play four or three,

and we'll see what the elect to do. They look
at the sidelines and that'll be it. Well, the first
quarter comes to a close here at Hernsteinfield. It's Jackson seven,
Chilicothy nothing, Jackson trying to hold out the Calves here
on the door. We'll be back with more CABS coverage
in WBX after this one minute time out.

Speaker 4 (35:07):
Urig Financial on East Second Street in Chili Cooffee, is
a proud sponsor of local high school sports. Whether you
are planning for your child's college education, your retirement, or
you want to make sure your estate plan is comprehensive
and complete, Urich Financial can help. They offer free consultations
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Speaker 5 (35:36):
Being a locally owned and operated business means a lot
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they've been serving since eighteen ninety one. Let the folks
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Speaker 2 (36:11):
Well drive for the Cavaliers began at their own twenty
seven and big halfback pass on this series down to
Van Miller's helped him. They just now pick up a
first down behind Ligan's running and their goal to go
at the eight yard line. Trying to tie it up
here as we start the second quarter, high snap, Hammond's
gonna have to run it himself. Try to wait outside
gets to the five, or excuse me, that's Ligan on

the wildcat. I thought that was awful faster. It was
a high snap Carte Liggan on the Wildcat as he
took off running. Wait a minute, and Andrew has gotten
a whole lot faster if we're realized it was not
out of the pistol, not Hammlon, but Ligan, and that'll

go as an eight yard run touchdown. Calvs have a
chance to tie it up here, getting ready to try
the extra point attempt. Connor Bolham eleven fifty five first
play the second quarter of the Calves in from eight
yards out for the score. Kick is Upsala to the
uprights and good. Another quick time out Calves score to

start the second quarter. Eleven fifty five till halftime. Chilli
Kathy seven, Jackson seven back in thirty seconds with more football.

Speaker 6 (37:27):
The expert team with specialist at the Adena Orthpedic and
Spine Institute is proud to provide leading sports medicine care
to student athletes and active adults right in our community.
Our advanced medical team and experienced a Dina Health athletic
trainer are ready to help you relieve pain and regain
your strength and mobility. If you have a sudden injury
or new pain, visit our express clinic call seven four zero, seven,

seven nine five ninety eight or visit a diena dot
org slash AOSI today to get back in the game.

Speaker 2 (37:57):
At a seventy three yard touchdown drive for Child Cofee
on their third series of the night. And I think
it's basic. You understand that it is exactly what Shane said.
They started this series with a game of sixteen yards.
In the next after the chains move, they got six
or seven on first down, and Shane just made their
first two series they got behind the chains right off

the bat, and that made a big difference because, as
you said, it opens the playbook and it gives you
a chance to run liggan for three or four yards
and not be behind the chain.

Speaker 3 (38:26):
I tried, and with the defense like Jackson, all of
a sudden you get into a second twelve, second, thirteen.
Now they're able to pin the years back come get
you a little bit. Staying more of that second and
six second seven, you can kind of keep them off balance.
And again the Chili Coffee offensive line doing the job.

Speaker 2 (38:42):
Okay, let's do that bunch huddle and run to the
football and taking the on site kick, and now bowling
will be moved back just about four yards behind the
football move forward. He usually kicks it and he just
punches a short one and Jackson does a good job.
Tried to kind of wedge hit a wedge shot over
that front five guys, and had Jackson's front five not

turned around, I think sometimes you just run back to block.
It might have worked. But I think that was on
purpose to try to get the football. But Jackson's gonna
get a good field position. Yeah, honestly, I think he
need it pretty well. No, no, no, no, I think
he I think he executed it really well. And I
think the credit goes to some of the up people
there from Jackson because that's not an easy catch, especially

with the wet turf to night. So Jackson will have
a good field position. They're own forty three yard line.
They're gonna stay with that power eye. They've gone to this,
I'll pitch it to the running back. Johnson tries to
get to the right side forty five, breaks a tackle
to the forty down the sidelines and knocked out of bounds.
Oh no, was not knocked out of bounds. He stays
on his feet. I thought the referee signaled about the

twenty five, but I do not see that he went
out of bounds. Cavs had an easy shot and looked
like they pushed him out of bounds, but somehow Noah
Johnson stayed in bounds. And boy, that didn't last very long.

Speaker 3 (40:01):
Fifty seven yards, I believe is what I had that
at him. It just uh yeah, I got over the
right side, and I agree. It looked like he was
going to get force to the sideline and just never did.
And then speed takes over there and he have to
feel good. Pretty impressive answer from Jackson, right a. What oh?

Speaker 2 (40:20):
The Cavs had the game tied for thirteen seconds. Hey, boy,
you get an offense like Jackson. The kick is high.
Actually I think it hit the upright and he missed it.
So Jackson unable to convert time out on the field.
Let's keep it right here, jumping back and forth, so
a single play. Jackson started out much like chilicafee pistol
formation and a single running back off the hip of

the quarterback, but ran a couple tight ends. The last
couple series, they've moved to an eye of power eye formation,
full back, quarterback up under center, and they certainly they
threw play action touchdown on that time, just a simple
power sweep to the tailback. Johnson kind of slipped a
tackle after about three yards, got down the sidelines at

about fifteen yards down. I thought he got knocked out
of bounds, but he stayed in and it was off
to the races.

Speaker 3 (41:07):
Well Jackson offensive line a lot of times in that
jumbo package. I'll even play the extra offensive lineman. You'll
hear say names like Sturgel and Allen and Sights, Thompson,
Leech and oh you're man. They do a nice shot
up front. And obviously the talent of Nolan Johnson in
the open field took over Land.

Speaker 2 (41:24):
Johnson listed it two twenty.

Speaker 3 (41:26):

Speaker 2 (41:27):
Yeah, running back moves awfully wealthy, certainly does he moves
real well. I think that's what once he kind of
was on those power of sweeps. And there's a lot
of a lot of congestion. A lot of times as
the Cavs drop the kick off at the five, pick
it up, got problems back at to ten and they're

gonna have a bad field position. Just did not handle
the kick. That was Hitchins who tried to take it
at to five. He and Ligan were side by, or
maybe was he and Williams and a little bit of
a mix up and Hitchins decided to take it, but
he dropped it and all of a sudden he picked
it back up with then your deep doodoo and they're

gonna have to start a throwing twelve yard line.

Speaker 3 (42:15):
Well, you played a really good first half here tempo
and overall field position wise, this obviously is not ideal
field position. So ball security is the first and foremost
goal with the Calves. But again, the last time they
had the football, they started to settle in and move
the football started to get Carte Ligan going a little bit,
and so see if they can have a positive first

down to get ahead of the chain.

Speaker 2 (42:40):
From their own twelve Hammond and still Ligan tries to
break it outside back over or cuts to the inside
from the twelve across the fifteen he picks up four
or five. A nice vision by Carte Liggan in the
ball out to about the seventeen. We'll give him five
on the play and second down the long five Carte.

Speaker 3 (43:02):
Up over fifty yards down here in the first time.

Speaker 2 (43:07):
Three wide receivers to the rights. As system, the tight
end is on the left side, nobody that way for
wide receivers. They want to throw it. Oh, look out,
and a little bit of a mix up between Hitchins
and Miller. They both kind of stopped and the ball
was thrown between them, almost intercepted, was thrown almost right
in the hands of the defender Eli Ray.

Speaker 3 (43:28):
Yeah, it looked like they had three different attendant receivers
on this near side of the field and they all
just kind of quick stopper out there and just get
the ball thrown into a lot of traffic.

Speaker 2 (43:39):
Yeah, certainly they were all right together. So third and
along five, one on one coverage on Henson over here.
Now they send Miller to the left side. You ran
that screen effectively last week couple times against Miami Trace.
They're going to run it to Liggan in nice job.
Jackson squeezed the middle. It's a kind of nice job

by number thirty six. I think it's one of their linebackers,
Bryce Delaney. And Delaney just covered up that hole, takes
down Liggan for no gain and it's fourth down the
calves we'll go three and out.

Speaker 3 (44:15):
Yeah, I think they just tried to catch Jackson off
guard there in the passing type of down in distance
and good job from the linebacker position. Now Chilicothe really
needs special teams step up and get a good snap
and see if off Harris can angle one. Here.

Speaker 2 (44:30):
Jackson has two returners back hoping to stop that bounce,
high high punt out around midfield. Hits it to forty five.
Now takes a Sheell cooffee bounce across the fifty and
down to the Jackson forty four yard line. Jackson takes over.
They lead at thirteen to seven. We're back in thirty seconds.
Calves football in Wbex.

Speaker 7 (44:51):
For over fifty years, the Heller family has been here
to help families in our area remember the life of
a loved one. Here that loved one's legacy into heels
the go through the grieving process. The Howler family continues
to remember Sharon Heell with the area's largest, most modern
facility on site crematory, and most importantly, with their carrying
and dedicated professionals. Each individual's life is unique, and selecting

how their funeral home ensures their tribute will be just
as unique. How their funeral home helping families remember, share
and heal.

Speaker 2 (45:22):
First play from scrummage, you give to the upback and
across the right side of the line, and that was
Tucker Williams first carry, and again Jackson after those first
couple series. Again they're going now with a quarterback under
center and a power eye formation, have gone away from
the pistol that they started the game out, and it

seems to have him maybe getting an extra blocker there
in front of the tailback. Quarterback under center turns his
back to the defense. He's able, being a veteran quarterback
to kind of hide the football. It's paid off for him.
Only a couple for Williams on that carry. Second in eight,
Jackson rolling back looking through quick to the sideline bubble screen,

got blocking fifty back to the forty five, taken down
at forty four, moving quickly up Connor Smith to make
the tackle. It as a first down for Jackson. A
quick raise up in the air, throw the bubble screen
to the right to your wide receiver. Good initial blocking
and first down four Jackson spotted at the forty four

of Chillicothe.

Speaker 3 (46:29):
Yeah, when Chili Coffee's able to contain the run game inside,
it kind of helps with the tempo and the type
of game you want to play. Obviously, on the last possession,
the big play is the big no no and that's
the one they were able to break with the big
run from Johnson.

Speaker 2 (46:43):
Yeah, Call's has done a great job. Two big plays,
has made it thirteen to seven. There's another big play
happening and another eight or nine yards. Cavs safeties come
up to make the stop carrying by Noah Johnson who
just had that fifty seven yard touchdown run around the end.
It will pick up about eight on them carry in
second down and two is Jackson all of a sudden
getting in some rhythm offensively. Caves defense a nice job

on this first two series, but they got burned on
a play action pass wide receiver got behind the Cavs
defense for one big touchdown and then that fifty seven
yard run around the end by Johnson. It was seven
to seven when Johnson pulled off the big run, and
it's now thirteen to seven. Jackson missed their extra point,
but they have the ball again. In Chiliakathy territory, back

to the power eye formation. You have second man cuts
back inside and pretty good job reaching out. Jeff McCallister
was going down, but as he went down, he reached
out and got his hand around the leg. It'll be
a first down for Jackson. Yeah, just starting to really

mix the run in the past too.

Speaker 3 (47:49):
And I think that when you said at the play
action the big touchdown pass, I thought Chili Coofee started
to lose its aggressiveness just a little bit. And Jackson
certainly has him a little off balance right now, guessing
just a little bit.

Speaker 2 (48:01):
It was really up near the line of scrimmage on
this one, a lot of guys up there. They lose
the ball momentarily. Now Wolford's able to pick it up
and move forward with it. He lost the snap, smith
got caught underneath trying to get to the football. Shot
or excuse me, Anthony smith.

Speaker 3 (48:19):
Man. That's the second time I know that he's lost
the ball and not only been able to get it back, yeah,
to make a three or four yard run with it.

Speaker 2 (48:28):
It's like the second time that Wolford hasn't controlled the football,
and that time it hit the ground quickly, and again
it has quit raining. Maybe that helped there, not as
maybe the football not as slippery. Second and seven, Wolford
wants to throw looking looking throws down the right side.
Got a man, but it's going to be intercepted if
he stayed in bounds.

Speaker 3 (48:50):
They said he went out great read back there in
the back is that Miller.

Speaker 2 (48:54):
It's Jan Miller who had a nice couple of defensive
plays late in the game against Miami. Trace one came over,
was there, jumped in the air, cotted, but when he landed,
he landed out of the corner of the end zone
and out of bounds. So it'll be third down. Nice
coverage with the calves that time.

Speaker 3 (49:10):
Jackson on back to back play voids the turnover at
the ball nearly on the ground to play before they're
the interception. You know, you look right around the seven
minute mark, that's the type of play that could really
flip the momentum and get Chilcati to the half maybe
in a one score game.

Speaker 2 (49:24):
All right, formation, second man through and a little bit
of a delay, he'll be filmed for a loss of
five back to the thirty five yard line. Great penetration
by Chillicathe, one of the first guys in McAllister and
Tracey McCalister lose a loss of yardage back to the
thirty two and it's springing up fourth and ten and

time out. His call, well, keep it right here, don't
forget to sister station ninety four to three FMWKKJ on
our acur Heating, Cooin and Plumbing Scoreboard show. We passed
the seven thirty marketing to remind you you're listing currently
to fourteen ninety AM and ninety two point seven fmwb
e X Chelicathe, Ohio and of course worldwide on the

iHeartRadio app gad to have you long tonight. For Cavs football,
it's cleared up a little bit from the thirty two
yard line. This would be the forty nine yard field goal,
which at the higher levels of football you'd see a
little bit. Watching some film of Jackson throughout the week.
I know Thatcher Brown their their kicker.

Speaker 3 (50:29):
You mentioned his ability to kick it deep on the kickoffs.
He did kick a thirty eight yard er with about
three or four yards to spare last week or excuse me,
two weeks ago against Miami Trace. But I would say
this is a good probably seven eight nine yards out.

Speaker 2 (50:47):
They're going to go out of the range four wide receivers.
They go back to the pistol formation. They do have
a running back and now they send a man in
motion that's Williams back to pass. They're going to throw
a screen pass back to the left side to Johnson.
He's got a lot of blocking to no blue jerseys
twenty five, twenty fifteen, ten five touchdown. Well, the Calves
used that play. I almost he almost was lined up.

You almost could see that coming, and the Calves just
had a either they had a mix up or He'd
give Jackson credit. They knew what they were doing and
setting that play up as a screen pass to Johnson
and he had Ford walkers and there was one blue
jersey in thirty yards of territory for him to navigate,
and it was not a good mix for the Cavaliers defense.

And an easy touchdown for Jackson. On fourth down, they
bubble the snap and now rolling to the right side
and being taken down, So the extra point no good.
But six point thirty nine left in the until halftime.
Jackson on a fourth and ten and they come up
with a screen pass and a touchdown. They leaded nineteen
to seven. Back with more football in the Caves Network

after this.

Speaker 4 (51:58):
You're Financial on East Second Street in Chilicothee is a
proud sponsor of local high school sports. Whether you are
planning for your child's college education, your retirement, or you
want to make sure your estate plan is comprehensive and complete.
Urich Financial can help. They offer free consultations with meeting
times to fit your schedule. To schedule unappointment or for

more information, call Urich Financial at seven four zero seven
seven three thirty three thirty one.

Speaker 2 (52:29):
Back at Hernsteinfeld, Big Begem and Shane Colms and you
know again, this is kind of reminiscent of the way
a long time ago that Bloom Curl game when it
seems like the Cavs are playing good football, but well
they've given up two first downs when they had Jackson
in a fourth down situation, and the touchdowns have been

fifty seven, thirty two and fifty six. So it's been
to big play long kick. Calves do handle this when
at the five coming across field not always a good
idea Henson, and he's going to be taken down at
around the twenty yard line. We took the kick in
the far left corner and tried to come all the
way across field and it's difficult to do it. Gets

it out over the twenty but not great field position.
Calves will start it. Six and a half minutes still
half time and they trail now in nineteen to seven. Yeah,
that was that play was very reminiscent of what the
Caves did to Miami Trace last week.

Speaker 3 (53:27):
Oh nearly identical in the seventy yard touchdown and then
the big first down conversion later in the game. I think,
you know, it's one of those situations where you know
the Calves are having some success against you upfront, particularly
in the middle, so why not use it against them.
You know they're going to be aggressive in what would
be considered a passing down in distance, and they're just
perfect call, perfect time, and a big play for Jackson.

Speaker 2 (53:53):
Talking to some of the Caves defenders down on the
sidelines and then talking about that screen pass. What happened there?

Speaker 3 (54:03):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (54:04):
On back to pass Hammon and he's going to be
rushed and sacked in the backfield, he looked quickly as
they come out and try to throw on first down.

Speaker 3 (54:13):
Yeah, second time he's been sacked. And I this one's
gonna go for what about minus probably nine or ten.

Speaker 2 (54:18):
Easily, but minus scrimmage to twenty one, and now I'm
going to move it back to around the eleven or twelve.
It'll be second and long. You know, I didn't when
you looked up at that screen pass for Jackson. I
don't know where all the blue jerseys were. There was
just nobody on this side other than way back towards
the wide receivers took and that's a nice run by
Legan back to fifteen to twenty breaks loose to the

thirty and out across the thirty and a huge game.
I think that was Carte on the carry, was it not? Yep?
Carte Legan on the carry from the eleven out across
the forty. About a thirty thirty one to thirty two
yard run for Carte Liggan. Let's take some kind of
freshman man. That was a special move with the line
of scrimmage. He made one jump cut and then.

Speaker 3 (55:02):
He gets up the full speed so fast and just exploded.

Speaker 2 (55:06):
Just just fun to watch. Big first down, the Caps
were back deep in the hole. You didn't want to
give the ball back to Jackson in good field position,
and and Lux wants to throw back to his left
screen past the sism out to the forty Sayson forty five,
forty six and a flag comes in late.

Speaker 3 (55:24):
I haven't had very many flags. That makes you wonder
coming that late be.

Speaker 2 (55:30):
If it was a man down field or they called
holding against jellicoffee out in front of hissm.

Speaker 3 (55:37):
Yeah, the whole that's a tight end screen that we
had first seen back around the McClean week, and it's
been just another way to get another guy involved, and
that would have been a real positive first down gain.
Unfortunately now from the spot now it did happen downfield
a little bit, so it's somethin gonna end up being
about four yards of field position in relation to the

original first and ten spot.

Speaker 2 (56:01):
Block starts five point fifteen to a halftime. We were
tied seven to seven, and then Jackson with two straight touchdowns,
missed both the extra points, so it's nineteen to seven,
ligging out to the forty pick up of three or
four yards back to the original line of scrimmage where
it'll be second down in ten.

Speaker 3 (56:18):
Yeah, Chilicothie has scored on the very first snap of
the second quarter to tie it up. And then as
you said, it's been Nolan Johnson one time on the ground,
another time as a pass catcher on the screen game
that's kind of been able to break this thing open
a little bit.

Speaker 2 (56:36):
Second down in ten. Hammon looks to the sidelines still
you have Hitchin's flanked to the right, so is Henson.
They got Miller flanked by himself to the left side
on second and ten. Now they're ready to go back
to pass looking throws it outside, it's intercepted. Wow, a
screen passed, a quick pass out and the right Hammon

just threw it ranked two. Charlie Woodard, Well, that's quite
a defensive play. He was coming off the corner on
a blitz rushing him and tried to throw a quick out.
They wanted to get legged in the open field, and
unfortunately andrew Thwood right to the defender. And that's a
pick six for Jackson.

Speaker 3 (57:16):
Yeah. You you certainly can see from the size and
the way he read the play of knocking it down
for him to be able to catch that ball or
I kind of tip it up to himself and then
make the play. That was quite an athletic play. Really
really impressive ball skills there from the defensive end, who
also placed some wide receiver for him.

Speaker 2 (57:35):
Well, Jackson says, you know what we missed. We hit
the upright, we fumbled a snap. I'm going to go
for two this time. They lead it now twenty five
to seven. Well, it's part of the game. But when
if you were sitting here watching this game, Chillicothe has
been pretty well able to play with Jackson. But it's
just been a big play and then a big interception,

and now we got time called by Jackson who won
reset the play.

Speaker 3 (58:00):
Well. I think when they went for the two they
were wanting to get more of their defensive alignment on there.
Looked like they were trying to get Anthony Smith onto
the field and ended up using the time out, which
again you might as well this late and half.

Speaker 2 (58:11):
Yeah, it was. Originally he pointed to Jackson's chill op.
They called the time out. Four twenty left to play
until halftime.

Speaker 3 (58:21):
What was that?

Speaker 2 (58:22):
I think it was a line of scrimmage. Was around
the forty was it not? Yeah, I would say that
was a forty yard interception, although the interception took place
in the offensive backfield, so I'm going to market thirty five.
The Ligan thirty yard run was out close to the
to the thirty nine forty than he had ended up

running for four, but didn't remember on the they had
the penalty there. Yeah, that was a line of scrimmage.
Hammond threw the ball around his own thirty four to
thirty five, and it was thrown sideways into the offensive
backfield out like a swing pass. So guess and what
are pick it off around the thirty three thirty four
for an interception in a pick six.

Speaker 3 (59:04):
The penalty on the on the SISM screen was a
big call because Chili Cooffee is getting out close to
midfield with good down in distance.

Speaker 2 (59:10):
Jackson goes for two. They go to a full house tea,
give it to Johnson on the right side. He falls
forward and he just did get in. So the two
point conversion successful for Jackson and they up that lead
now with twenty unanswered points in the second quarter to
lead at twenty seven to seven. You're listening to Cavs
coverage on WBX back in thirty seconds.

Speaker 5 (59:30):
Being a locally owned and operated business means a lot
for a lot of reasons, and where funeral home. Those
reasons are simple, trusted caring professionals available twenty four hours
a day to help when you needed. Most compassionate staff
that understands the weight of your loss with the ability
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they've been serving since eighteen ninety one. Let the folks
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Speaker 2 (01:00:06):
Well, just like that, Jackson, Philcothie. I was thinking about
everybody looking around in the announces score of philicothe seven
Jackson seventh second quarter boy Jackson with those talented athletes
and a fifty seven yard run of thirty two yard
touchdown screen pass to Johnson and in the Cavs look

like again they were going to start moving to football.
But a pick six for Jackson, and this one's getting
out of hand quickly, and the kick's going to hit
and go into the end zone in the far corner
or bring it out to the twenty. Nice job by
Jackson's kicker to get it into the end zone four
twenty left.

Speaker 3 (01:00:47):
You know, I think that's the difference in the really
elite teams compared to some of the other teams trying
to get to that stage is you know, you you
see a lot of teams that if they were in
the same situation, they might have had a you know,
a big run, maybe a screenplay to move a fourth
and ten might have had a ball knocked down. But again,
what you're getting from the Jackson skill kids, you're getting

those runs turned into the big touchdown, run to the
screen game for the touchdown, then the incredible interception picks six.
So a lot of times it's that little extra where
you have those special skill kids that can go turn
a normal fifteen yard game into a sixty yard touchdown.

Speaker 2 (01:01:25):
Trying to recall back I don't recall a lot of
screen passes to the back out of the backfield. There's
a bad snap over Hammond's head, runs all the way
back to his own two yard line and falls on it.

Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
I think it was Ligging in the wildcat again. It
went right up over the top of him.

Speaker 2 (01:01:38):
But here we go again, all of a sudden, things
starting to kind of fall apart.

Speaker 3 (01:01:44):
You have a sixteen yard loss. I think.

Speaker 2 (01:01:49):
Snap over the head and it was Liggan well, and
you were able to get there first. But it's all
the way back into four yard line. They need to
reach the thirty, so it'll be second and twenty six
right now. The Calves, after playing a really really solid
first half, all of a sudden these last couple of minutes,

hoping just get into the locker room. Another high snap,
they'll run it straight ahead out to the five, maybe
the six. That was again the wild cat to the leg,
and then he picks up three or four.

Speaker 3 (01:02:20):
Yeah, he's had a pretty solid half. I have him
unofficially up around ninety two yards. But there's no other
calb with a rushing yard and Hammon has yet to
complete a pass. The only passing yardage was the twenty
seven yard on the double pass play from Carter Williams
to one Miller. So just not a lot of balance
here from Chillicothe.

Speaker 2 (01:02:47):
So bring it out to around the seven clock, moving
just under three minutes, and so the long way to
go for a first down and it is third down.
Now another bad snap fumbled into backfield. They pick it
up and all of a sudden, the Cavs having trouble
handling to snap in it again. It was ligging in
the wildcat and now time out called.

Speaker 3 (01:03:10):
Yeah, Jackson understanding that ChIL Cothy's in the punt situation,
might as well use the time out at two forty
five not let you know, another thirty forty seconds go off.
So now Jackson's going to get some great field position.
Have a chance to add. Want to keep in mind
they get the ball coming out of the half.

Speaker 2 (01:03:28):
Jackson won the tossity third well early in this second quarter,
and that's the way football goes when you play a team,
just like Shane talked about Jackson with their talent. It
was seven to seven and all of a sudden, it's
twenty seven to seven Jackson and they're going to get
the ball probably in Chilicothe territory after this punt. So

things turning big second quarter for the Ironmen as they
try to finish the regular season eight and two again
they will they'd like to host the game next week.
In the first round of the plays, going back to
kick is Tay Harris. The Cavs can get the snaps down,

it'll be back on. Usually the special team snapper is
McAllister and it is Jeff McAllister again waiting after the
time out. Snap is good, Harris moves forward and gets
it away a really high, short punt and it's going
to hit at the twenty five. It's going to bounce
backwards to the twenty and that's going to be about

a fifteen yard punt, and that series you'd like to
get rid of and you might want to not watch
it on film. Just everything that could go wrong went wrong.
Give up a pick six, get the ball back and
at the twenty hike it over your running back's head
back to the two, and just things went.

Speaker 3 (01:04:51):
From back to the You know, it's interesting because the snap,
you know they've they've executed with Hammond in the shotgun
most of the year. I don't remember the snap being
a huge proble there in a wildcat. You just wonder
different cadence, different things like that. I don't know, but
certainly that that killed the drive there before Legan even
had a chance to really run.

Speaker 2 (01:05:11):
Power Eye pitch it to Johnson left side, gets a
block twenty and falls forward to around the seventeen or
eighteen yard line, pick up of about five on the sweep.
That same play went for a touchdown only on the
right side. Earlier in the ballgame, we talked about Jackson
being stubborn with the run game early. Now they're up
to sixteen carries. I've got them up over one hundred yards.

Speaker 3 (01:05:34):
Wolford, who was dealing with the wet football early, has
had some big pass plays. He's only completed three passes
but has ninety nine yards in the one and the
two touchdowns.

Speaker 2 (01:05:45):
Well, just before the play happened, one of the Cavs
falls to the ground and now it gets up. I
think it might've been one of their d backs, possibly
Cavon pleasant.

Speaker 3 (01:06:02):
A. Cave On competed awfully hard last week. They did
a lot of one on one stuff and I thought,
I thought he did a pretty good job.

Speaker 2 (01:06:09):
Yeah, they kind of went after Miami. Chasey didn't did
a nice job. You player movie. Now up on the
two men in mark back to pass, Wolford looks to
the right. There's an out pattern, got his man at
the fifteen and pushed out of bounds. Maybe shy of
the time.

Speaker 3 (01:06:24):
I think that one on the progress they're going to
get kill and wind the clock. So it's gonna make
Jackson have to decide what they want to do here.

Speaker 2 (01:06:31):
Fast complete quick sideline pattern to Simon. Simon's has a
touchdown reception this evening. That was the first Jackson touchdown. Yeah,
that's a pickup and they do stop him shy of
the first down marker, but it's third and short. The
ball at the fourteen of Chilicothe in a minute and
a half, still plenty of time for Jackson with a

minute and a half to go till halftime.

Speaker 3 (01:06:54):
You just stop here. You at least make him make
a decision because they were in field goal range.

Speaker 2 (01:06:58):
Man in motion to the left side from the pistol,
Wilford wants to throw, looks to his left, runs to
his left, scrambling to his left, still looking looking. Now
he's going to run it to the fifteen and close
to the first down fari it's needed to get to
the thirteen, and they're gonna mark him out. And I

think he is short. I think he stepped out of bounds.
He kind of went out with I thought a little
early thought if he would kind of put his head down,
he'd have picked up two or three more yards. But
he stepped out of bounds. And it is fourth down
at the fifteen, fourth and two clock stopped when he
went out of bounds. A big fourth down play certainly

until gold range. Looks like they're going to go ahead
and go. Like I said, the young man kicked the
thirty eight yard or a couple of weeks back. Then
to go with a full house tea full back, two
half back, quarterback under center, second man through Johnson right
side near the first down, marker shoved backwards. I don't
think he got Oh this is gonna be close. He
was kind of running straight up and the cab got

low leverage and pushed him back.

Speaker 3 (01:08:03):

Speaker 2 (01:08:03):
I don't think he got it. A nice job.

Speaker 3 (01:08:05):
Yeah, that's that's Chilikoffee defense. Look, that's that's who they've
been all year long. There's certainly been times where some
elite opponents have really given him fits up front, but
they've can continued to compete really, really hard. And you know, look,
twenty seven to seven, I don't know if it's going
to matter over the course of four quarters, but it
certainly matters there. You win that possession. I appreciate the

competition and the way the kids continue to play hard.

Speaker 2 (01:08:30):
A great job. I was hamming back in a quarterback
the last series. They went with Ligan out of the wildcat.
You know, it's just maybe get out of here. At halftime,
it was to the minute three remaining, Sty'll have Liggan
straight ahead, fifteen lost his footing of it falls forward
for a couple give him two to the seventeen. It'll

be second down Cavaliers and the clock moving under fifty
seconds left here in the first half.

Speaker 3 (01:08:56):
You know you've mentioned it all year long. He has
an ability just to finish run at five to eleven.
He seems to always fall forward and a lot of
times instead of the knee going down and extending out,
he has the ability to have real good balance and
seems like whatever the run is, it's like he adds
another yard or two just with his his his gift athletically.

Speaker 2 (01:09:16):
Second down, legging again, straight a head, twenty first down.
Can you get me great flues?

Speaker 3 (01:09:21):
Can he get there?

Speaker 2 (01:09:22):
Forty fifty run down from behind, almost pulled down by
his face mask.

Speaker 3 (01:09:26):
It looked like that's what he's asking for.

Speaker 2 (01:09:29):
Yeah, he got pulled down. One of the guys that
ringing down was Johnson and the cavaliers screaming for face masks.
He got all the way to the forty five of Jackson,
only three seventh twenty one seconds remain and the Cabs
do call time out. Well, Jackson, Lincoln has got that

kind of speed. But if Jackson had an angle on it,
and I think it was Johnson that we talked about
Johnson and listed at two twenty how fast he is
for their tailback had a little bit of an angle.
But when he reached from behind. I need to pull
him down. Look like he got his face mask. But yeah,
I didn't get called in the NFL game.

Speaker 3 (01:10:06):
I saw that well. And obviously we have an incredible
seat up here. We're spoiled rotten, you know, so we're
looking right down at it. But I think they certainly
did miss one there. But nonetheless, thirty seven yards later,
the freshman's up over one hundred and see one hundred
and thirty yards unofficially, I have him right now on
the nineteen first half, carries.

Speaker 2 (01:10:26):
Cavs with only twenty one seconds trail twenty seven to seven.
Nice run there.

Speaker 3 (01:10:31):
Connor Bolden has kicked a what thirty six yard field goal,
so Prabay need about another twenty five thirty yards to
consider it.

Speaker 2 (01:10:41):
Put Ligan in motion. They're going to run a double
reverse and try to throw a past Van Miller decides
to run with it and he just runs out of
bounds at the line of scrimmage. They ran a double
reverse and wanted to throw it to the quarterback Hammon.
After he pitched it, he came on out down the
right sideline. It's pretty good coverage and one just kept
it himself ran out of bounds at the fort We're
down to fourteen seconds and the Cavaliers Jackson territory, but

a long way from the goal line here late in
the first half, twenty seven to seven Jackson. It was
seven to seven early in the second quarter. Jackson kind
of put the hammer down with three tds. Want to
pick six kitchens in motion from the Jackson forty five.
I snap Hammon has it sideline pattern to Henson at

the forty knockdown clock will run. He got down to
the forty, and I think the Cavs will use the
time out with six seconds and maybe one final play
at the forty of Jackson in one play remaining.

Speaker 3 (01:11:43):
Sty head here.

Speaker 2 (01:11:44):
At halftime, we will come back with a quick wrap
of the first half. Then we'll have our iHeart Radio
halftime show, and then we're going to come back and
talk a little bit about a new book that's coming
out about former Chilicoth quarterback and Cincinnati Bengal quarterback Greg Cook.
There's several chapters in it, so and hopefully I think

Shane's going to be back at the Scoreboard show. We'll
find out a little bit about that. We'll try to
fit that in right before we start the second half tonight.
I'll let you know about that as well. And the
Cavs maybe with one last play to in the first
half six seconds and you would assume, yeah, I would
assume they're going to just try to throw it in
the end zone either that or try to get it
short to the ligan and hope that he can get

something going in the open field.

Speaker 3 (01:12:30):
Yeah, you may have time to throw if you want to.
I don't know what five more yards would do you.
So really you got to be able to protect the
quarterback enough to at least get some receivers down around
the goal line. Arm wise, we've seen, We've seen him
and make this through before. But again, I think the
biggest challenge here is going to be protecting him for

about four to five seconds to give receivers a chance.

Speaker 2 (01:13:00):
Only referee now talking to the clock operator, wants to
make sure the timeouts are correct on the scoreboard. I believe.

Speaker 8 (01:13:08):

Speaker 2 (01:13:09):
Hammond stands at his forty five, takes the snap, looks,
moves forward. He let it fly to the left side. Lines,
got a man at the twenty one. Miller cuts back
in at the eighteen, spins at the seventeen, and down
at the sixteen, So a nice pass coverage and they
tried to get on the ball, but he couldn't get
away from all his white jerseys. It's a first down
to end a half that the clock runs out before

the Cavs can get down and run another play. At
halftime at Hernsteinfield, Chela Kathy, we were tied seven to seven,
but here at halftime it's twenty seven to seven Jackson.
We'll come back and take a review of scoring in
some stats right after this two minute time out. Calves
Football in WBEX.

Speaker 6 (01:13:48):
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Speaker 2 (01:15:52):
Back at halftime at Hernsteinfield, Greg Big, I'm saying comes,
We're going to be talking to Dr Nusbaum here. Bit
a little bit about this book coming out about Greg Cook.
Let me give you a quick recap. Calves three and out.
Jackson stopped on down calves three and out punted Jackson
from their own twenty went forward on fourth down in
their own territory, made it, kept the drive alive, and

then a fifty six yard play action past assignments from
Wolford right down the middle.

Speaker 3 (01:16:19):
Simons got behind the.

Speaker 2 (01:16:20):
Secondary four h five first quarter seven to nothing in
favor of Jackson, but the Cavs came right back seventy
three yard drive. It wound up on an eight yard
wildcat run by Carte Lincoln from eight yards out. That
was actually the first play of the second quarter. We
were tied seven to seven early in the second period,
but Jackson came back in a fifty seven yard touchdown drive.

Speaker 3 (01:16:42):
In one play. They started from their own forty three first.

Speaker 2 (01:16:46):
Down as sweep to Johnson, got around the corner, broke
a tackle, and then got down the sidelines for fifty
seven yards and thirteen seconds after the Caps scored, Jackson
had scored again thirteen to seven with a missed extra point.
Jackson came right back later and on a fourth down
they called a screen pass and it was just wide
open to Johnson out of the backfield on the left side,

and he kind of just was carried by four offensive
linemen in front of him. Poor an easy screen pass
touchdown thirty two yards, nineteen to seven. The extra point
botched again. We still had a little over six minutes
still halftime. Next series that Hammond was looking for Liggan
out of the backfield, and Woodard made a tremendous play
rushing for the left side, got a hand on the pass,

knocked it in the air, intercepted it, had a pick
six with thirty five yards for another touchdown twenty seven
to seven. As they converted a two point conversion caps
three and out. They did hold Jackson on downs late
there in the first half, soil Cofee managed to get
into Jackson's territory there.

Speaker 3 (01:17:46):
On the last play of the half.

Speaker 2 (01:17:47):
They did not score and we reached half time twenty
seven to seven in favor of the Ironman Chain.

Speaker 3 (01:17:52):
Well, let's start positive. On the Chilicoffee side, another really
impressive performance from the Chilicoffee offensive line blocking hard there
for the freshman Sensation Carte Liggan Carte Is carried at
nineteen times for one hundred and thirty yards in the
one touchdown. Looking at the passing situation, it was a

slow start for Andrew Hammond with a lot of the
rain early two for six the twenty eight yards. Did
have the interception, which again you're you know, as a
quarterback you're responsible for everything you throw. But man, that
was a fine play by that young man for Jackson there.
Off the defensive end, Carter Williams did have the twenty
seven yard pass on the double pass play one Miller

has two catches for fifty yards. Henson had the one
catch there on that last drive for five yards. On
the Jackson side, they stayed true to their run game
and eventually started to get some momentum. They carried it
seventeen times in the first half for one hundred and
five yards and a touchdown. Body Wolford at the quarterback position,
was four for seven one two yards, two touchdowns, and

then obviously, as you said, they added the defensive touch
down there and I gets this two our twenty seven
to seven score.

Speaker 2 (01:19:03):
Here at the half, we're at halftime Jackson band performing.
Let's take another time out to We had our iHeart
halftime show coming up, and as soon as we get
done with that, so we're going to talk about a
brand new book about Challacothy former Chela Copie quarterback Greig Cook,
and we'll do that after our halftime show with iHeartRadio.

Twenty seven to seven Lacati trails Jackson at the half.

Speaker 3 (01:19:27):
You're listening to Caps coverage in fourteen ninety Tuffy Billy.

Speaker 9 (01:19:33):
It's time for the halftime huddle here on iHeart Radio.
My name's Todd Walker. Good to be with you for
week ten. Some folks have only two quarters of football
remaining in their season. Of course, many we'll move on
to the playoffs beginning the next week.

Speaker 3 (01:19:49):
Come we up.

Speaker 9 (01:19:49):
On this edition of the Halftime Huddle, we will again
visit with Jared Louganville from Prep Bridge on Ohio. We've
talked about their rankings for the other classes around the date. Tonight,
we're going to focus on the seniors. We'll do that
with Jared when you come back. This is the Halftime
Huddle on iHeart.

Speaker 10 (01:20:07):
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Speaker 9 (01:21:42):
Thanks for joining us. It's halftime of your game, and
it's time for the halftime huddle here on iHeartRadio. My
name is Todd Walker. Great to be your host. And
throughout the last several weeks we've been talking with Jared
Logan Bill from Prep Bridzone, Ohio, but their rankings of
the respective classes of players for this year, and now
we have reached the time to do the seniors. Here

on the halftime huddle, We'll start with your number one
senior Jared because unfortunately, as everybody I'm sure knows, that
he is not playing anymore of this season. Findley Trojan
quarterback Ryan Montgomery suffered a knee injury in the opening
game of the season. The future Georgia Bulldog will not
play anymore in high school and that's really a shame.

Speaker 13 (01:22:25):
Yeah, Unfortunately Week one, Ryan sustained an injury to his leg.

Speaker 14 (01:22:31):
To his knee, and.

Speaker 13 (01:22:34):
It ended his high school career prematurely. But Ryan has
all the talent in the world, and one of the
things that most impresses you about Ryan is just his
levelheaded this. I have no doubt in the future that
he's gonna overcome this injury. He's gonna he's gonna conquer it,
and he's gonna come back bigger, faster, and stronger than

Benny would have been before. But he's really again one
of those quarterbacks you can kind of do at all.
He uh, you know, has the ability to throw for
a nice feet ball, but he's a guy that's going
to come to the line of scrimmage and he's going
to process what the defense is trying to do and
basically pick apart defenses. Is kind of you know, is
it's kind of what Georgia and Kirby Smart have have,

you know, signed him and brought him uh to Athens
to do next year. And he's gifted enough athletically to
get on the move to escape rushes, but to also
get the easy yards and and that's huge. And so
he's the guy that's going to consistently move, move the chains,
he's going to score points for his offense, and he's

going to play at a high level.

Speaker 9 (01:23:38):
All right, Jared, Well, you talk about Ryan Montgomery as
your number one senior. Number two is Belle Fountain quarterback
Tavan Saint Clair. Of course he's signed with Ohio State.
I think there are some services that have Tavian number
one and and not Ryan Montgomery. But to give me
your thoughts on Saint Clair.

Speaker 13 (01:23:55):
And and these two are you know, they're really there
their neck and neck. Tavian just has big arm. He
you know, he can he can get out on the
run and he can make any throw on the run
on a.

Speaker 3 (01:24:09):
Dot, you know.

Speaker 13 (01:24:10):
And talking with this high school coach, his his biggest
game was between his sophomore and his junior year. He
really worked to put on some good weight and that
really showed in his arm strength and the work that
he did in his his throwing and his accuracy. He
just took his game to a whole other level. And
he really kind of blew up on the national team

with the Nike camps, with the you know, some of
the national camps that he went to Elade eleven, you
know where some of those camps where really had an
opportunity to to you know, take his game to his
to the next level. And and so I think maybe
that was where, you know, some of the people saw
the separation. I really don't, you know, I put them

on the same level. Size wise, he already is is
there six ' four, you know, I would guess he's
probably two hundred and twenty pounds right now. Doesn't really
need to fill out. Really, he's there from a physical standpoint.
It's just going to be again speed of play, you know,
that transition of going from a from high school quarterback

to a college quarterback.

Speaker 9 (01:25:19):
We're talking with Jared Logan Bill from Prep Reads on Ohio.
The Senior class Top five year. Number three is a
running back from the Cleveland area. Give us the number three.

Speaker 3 (01:25:29):

Speaker 13 (01:25:29):
Marquise Davis is a running back from from Cleveland, Heights
and Heights has really turned around their program over the
last few years. Marquis is that he's really been a
really high profile two way player at Cleveland Heights, playing
linebacker and playing running back as well. But he'll helpe.

He's actually committed to Kentucky and he's going to go
down there as a running back. And he's just he
is a bull of a running back. He's probably uh,
you know, goes six foot sixty one, two hundred plus
and just possesses the size and power to both run
over defenders, but he can also make guys miss and

just kind of that that speed and power component really
puts defenses on their heels when it comes to him.
And and and so he's the kind of guy that
he can break off a chunk play, but if defenses
are really swarming, he's going to get that four or
five yard hard run as well and keep moving those cheams.

Speaker 9 (01:26:36):
You're number four senior and Jared for a prep Riad
Zone Ohio is Justin Hill out of Winton Woods. Tell
me about him.

Speaker 13 (01:26:44):
Yeah, Justin committed to Alabama earlier this spring. Justin is
a edge rusher from Winton Woods. Justin goes about six
four twenty and again when we talked about edge rushers
and ability to get on the edge of that quarterback
is where your high level edge rushers are going to

make their money. And that's where Justin's at. Justin can bend,
he can get on the edge. He has really the
birth to to to really be just playing alone with
his speed, your better offensive tackles and the thing to
jump that he's really made over this last year from
his junior to his senior years. His ability to just

to really use power. He's traditionally either gone with the
bull rush or just with the with the speed of
the outside. But when he can go to the speed
and that that tackle opens up and he can hit
him with that bull rush, it's going to.

Speaker 9 (01:27:41):
Be over and your number five senior is out of
Shaker heights. So this is a guy characterized as an athlete.
To Trey McNutt, give us the scout on him.

Speaker 13 (01:27:51):
We've always tagged him as an athlete. He's going to
play safety at the next level. But Trey committed to Oregon.
But Trey is he actually really burst onto the team
this last summer when he challenged the Ohio seven on
seven rules and basically said hey, now I'm going to play.

You know, you need to get up with the times
and basically said, hey, I'm gonna play to spend me
if if you don't like it, and and and actually
it really forced Ohio football to kind of get with
the times. And so Trey is the son of former
Ohio State defensive back cornerback Richard McNutt. And you can

just see see the athleticism and the genetics that work
with with Trey.

Speaker 9 (01:28:39):
That's Jared Logan Bill with Ohio Prep f Red Zone
with their rankings of the top seniors in the state. Jared,
we appreciate your catching up with us.

Speaker 13 (01:28:47):
I appreciate you having having me on time. I appreciate
you all you do.

Speaker 9 (01:28:51):
You bet always good to talk with Jared, and it's
great to learn about the top ranked players in every
class around the state of Ohio with Prep Red Zone Ohio.
We'll take a break, come back and wrap up the
halftime huddle. Next. This is iHeartRadio.

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Speaker 2 (01:30:15):
Back at Hernsteinfield, we've reached half time, almost ready for
the second half Caps Trail twenty seven to twenty. We
have a special guest and a few minutes we're talking here,
and it's doctor Tim Nussbaum, right, correct, Tim joining us
and talk to him briefly today. And this is very interesting.
I was just leafing through. But it's a book about
Greg Cook. And if you know anything about Chillcathy football

and Greg Cook a quarterback back in the mid sixties
sixty six group team maybe yes, remember, right, and went
on to play for the Cincinnati Bengals. And a book
written by a Cincinnati sports writer also mister Cook, right,
Bill Cook. And the book is titled Unfinished Painting. It's
just coming out. I think doctor Nutsbaum has one of

the only copies right now, but it's going to be
available I think on Amazon a lot of the ways through.

Speaker 3 (01:31:04):
But uh, you've played on that team.

Speaker 2 (01:31:06):
Uh you you were think it's wide receiver and played
with Gregan high school.

Speaker 14 (01:31:10):
Right, that's correct, And uh, could you.

Speaker 3 (01:31:12):
Tell then he was a pretty good quarterback.

Speaker 15 (01:31:15):
He was exceptional early on and was big strong, Yeah
he was, and he worked hard.

Speaker 14 (01:31:24):
He was he was, uh, just.

Speaker 15 (01:31:28):
Behaved and did well in school and was a great
football player.

Speaker 2 (01:31:32):
I was leafing through the book and I talked to
you briefly today. But on that Chilvercofee team, I think
it says in the book, you had four D.

Speaker 3 (01:31:40):
One players on your team.

Speaker 2 (01:31:41):
Yes, Uh, the one being Greg Cook, great one being
middle guard who played at Ohio State.

Speaker 14 (01:31:47):
Right Vitmar. Yeah.

Speaker 15 (01:31:49):
And then we had joe Yaeger who was the double
A player of the year as a senior in high school.

Speaker 14 (01:31:55):
And then another one was.

Speaker 15 (01:31:57):
Joe Nickel, whose father was Elbert Nick, who played professional
football for the Steelers.

Speaker 3 (01:32:03):
Yeah, quite a talented team.

Speaker 2 (01:32:05):
And that team was that the fall of sixty six.
I looked at her, said, sixty sixteen. Maybe does that one?

Speaker 15 (01:32:10):
Greg was a senior that year, Okay, Uh, it would
have been it would have been sixty four Okay, okay
because he was a year older than me.

Speaker 3 (01:32:19):

Speaker 2 (01:32:20):
And then uh, then Greg went on in college and played.

Speaker 15 (01:32:23):
Where University Cincinnati, Okay, and that he had O'Brien was
the wide out there.

Speaker 14 (01:32:30):
Uh. And they made a great pair and.

Speaker 15 (01:32:33):
He the book will tell you exceptional games that he
had over a lot of games over three hundred yards passing,
and they you know, they competed in against some of
the back teams, but they also played Tulsa and things
like that.

Speaker 3 (01:32:49):

Speaker 2 (01:32:50):
And then of course was drafted first round right by
the Cincinnati, right in Cincinnati.

Speaker 15 (01:32:55):
Yeah, I've got that for you. Number one had great talent.
That number one draft was oj okay, all right. The
number four draft was me and Joe Green, and Greg
was the number five draft Bengels.

Speaker 2 (01:33:11):
Yeah there what what the book is called Unfinished Painting?

Speaker 3 (01:33:16):

Speaker 2 (01:33:17):
Uh, and it's about Greg Cook, who played, as we
said here at Chillicothe on sense and universes, not any
for the Bengals.

Speaker 3 (01:33:23):
Do you know why at this point? What prompted?

Speaker 2 (01:33:27):
I assume he the author knew Greg or had a relationship,
decided to write this story.

Speaker 3 (01:33:32):

Speaker 15 (01:33:32):
Well, the the author has written ten sport books, okay,
and uh, I think he knew of Greg and uh
wanted to just give the whole picture of Greg from
you know, from childhood on. No one had ever done that,

so that's why he was interested. And he was contacted
by me. The Gazette gave him my name.

Speaker 2 (01:34:02):
Because you were here in chill Cothe, this great Cook.
And yeah, and uh and I think you told me
almost one whole chapter it's kind of dedicated to when
he was at chill Cofee.

Speaker 14 (01:34:11):
Yes, yeah, it's it's great. You'll love the chapter.

Speaker 2 (01:34:15):
That's that's gotta be fun for you, Yeah, to bring
back memories and read that and having them Greg and
played with him here at at chill coffee, well doctor
and us bumps him. It's it's great, Thank you for
stopping up. The book is called Unfinished Painting. Uh, and
you tell me it's going to be available pretty soon,
the Untold story of Bengals phenom great Cook and uh

it's uh fixture on back of him with Paul Brown,
Uh of course, the owner the end of the Bengals,
started the Bengals organization. So that's I'm anxious, I really
And you tell me it's going to be available real soon.

Speaker 15 (01:34:50):
You can uh buy it up from Amazon eventually and
through the author and and I can get you his
name and then hopefully going to get it in the
bookstore here in Chilicoth.

Speaker 3 (01:35:02):

Speaker 2 (01:35:03):
The author is Bill Cook, but it's spelled koc h
correct unlike Greg Cook. See okay, so I guess you
can know all that. But Bill Cook is the is
the author of the book. And so Tim, thank you
for bringing it to our attention. I look forward to
reading it. And are you in there? You're listed in
there right, You're famous now.

Speaker 14 (01:35:25):
Well. I enjoyed working with him.

Speaker 15 (01:35:28):
He was in Chili cooffee probably ten or twelve times research.

Speaker 3 (01:35:32):
Of the book.

Speaker 2 (01:35:33):
Let's get a final time out before we start the
second half. Thanks to doctor Tim Nusbaum for joining us
talking about the book unfinished painting the story of Greg
untold story of Greg Cook, and that's going to be
I thing fun for a lot of chilicoth the area
people to read. No doubt about that. We'll be back
in one minute. The second half kickoff coming right up
after this time out.

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Speaker 2 (01:36:56):
Well, just about time to start the second half here
and Jackson receiving the football as Shane rejoins me. And
that was very interesting, you know. I glanced through the
book during the halftime there and Tim was sitting beside me.
It just glanced them to real fast. It had a
picture of the Chillcothee team. And now he told me
sixty four. I thought I said sixty. Anyway, in the

mid sixties, Greg was on the team in Doctor Nusbaum
and under the caption it said four Division one players
for the Cavs that particular. I don't know what year
that was for Greg Cook. Four Division one players. They
went five and five. I wonder if the coach kept
his job. But you know, back then you don't know
who Chillcothe played, and chill CoFe is certainly one of

the bigger schools around. And interesting, interesting story. I'm anxious
to get a chance to read that in a whole
chapter about Chilicothe. We've had done a lot about Greg
when he went on to the University of Cincinnati and
then playing for the Bengals. Well, we were set to
go Jacksonvi'll get the ball first. They leaded twenty seven
to seven. If you joined us late, it was seven

to seven early in the second quarter, and then the
sky kind of fell in on the Calves with a
couple of big plays and had a pick six short
kick to the twenty nine. Jackson catches it thirty five,
look out forty, and the calves converge it to forty one,
So Jackson will have a pretty good field position at
the round forty one.

Speaker 3 (01:38:16):
Yeah, tried popping up the same way they did earlier there,
and that one just got a little too much air
on it.

Speaker 2 (01:38:25):
They were kind of beating a dead horse. And if
you joined us late, you think, look at the score
to ell it's twenty seven to seven.

Speaker 3 (01:38:31):
But the Calves.

Speaker 2 (01:38:36):
And as we said, reminiscent that Bloom game when they
played with a very good Bloom Carol team. But the
big play hurt the Calves forty fifty six yard touchdown
pass in a fifty seven yard run they gave up
and then a pick six. It all happened at a
hurry back to passing the first down, Wolford rolls to
the right, scrambling, gonna not at flags go down. He

tries to throw to the sidelines and overthrows his intended
receiver Tucker Williams and a lot of Yellow Yankees in
the offensive backfield.

Speaker 3 (01:39:04):
He has some good pressure right up the middle that
ended up making the Wolford have to flush out of
the pocket to his right, and as a result, they
were able to pretty much pick I think between a
couple Jackson offensive linemen on the whole is holding. Didn't
have a lot of penalty yards on the first time.

You know it's gonna be interesting.

Speaker 2 (01:39:27):
You got when you go around and you start looking
at all fac and young man that played three years
started last week for Miami Trace. I think maybe it's
even they run a different offensive passer. But what Wolford's
his athlete back there, maybe runs a lot more than
Robinette Kerry right side breaks a tackle, thirty five, breaks

another into the forty down the sidelines and much like
that touchdown. Run well, he's a pretty good runner. Dolan
Johnson looking at it, do you have to He's certainly
I think, maybe the most physical runner in the face,
maybe one of the most physical runners we've seen. London
had some physical runners back in week two.

Speaker 3 (01:40:05):
You when you when you were mentioning the size of
Nolan Johnson earlier in the evening, I just caught me
off guard because when when you're watch him move, you know,
he's what do you say to twenty moves like.

Speaker 2 (01:40:20):
I don't think he looks too twenty, but that's unless
seems six to twenty.

Speaker 3 (01:40:24):
If I was trying to tackle him, I think I
believe he's two twenty.

Speaker 2 (01:40:27):
Yeah, you can't, especially on those sweeps. They're tackling high
and he's just kind of shaking them off. He'll run
it again, break off the left side, gets to the corner,
Connor Smith will running down.

Speaker 3 (01:40:37):
Nice play by Connor, great job, there's a guy that
stopped him one on one.

Speaker 2 (01:40:43):
I think that wrestling experience came in handy for Connor
on that defensive play. He's strong enough with those arms
and hands, he wouldn't go let go no game, third down,
go ahead.

Speaker 3 (01:40:53):
Bring that out. Brings up about a third and three
here and again I thought chiliicoffee defense continue to compete
because keep in mind, at the same seven seven in
the second quarter, that wasn't really all on the defense.
They certainly gave up a couple big plays. Keep in
mind you had to pick six in there as well.
So I feel like the defense has continued to play
pretty hard throughout the evening.

Speaker 2 (01:41:12):
They got out to a split backfield, two running backs
under center of the quarterback. First man throw first down
across the fifty, quick handoff to Tucker Williams, and Williams
burst across the fifty, picked up about four that time.
They went under center and just a straight dive play
to the second man throughp They go to the forty
eight of Chilicothe first and ten for the ironman. Their

first series of the second half.

Speaker 3 (01:41:36):
The center hunter sites and the left guard there Jeff
Thompson doing a real nice job opening the hole for
the first down run.

Speaker 2 (01:41:48):
Taking their time, they're up to twenty seven to seven
were very early in the third period.

Speaker 3 (01:41:52):
Jackson on top.

Speaker 2 (01:41:55):
Chilicothey has like seven guys in elion scrimmage and they're
going to throw quick sideline pattern complete to Simons and
he's taken down in a hurry. Nice job coming up
quickly on the tackle. I think that was Carte a
Ligan made to stop man a pickup of a four
or five on a just a quick turnaround pattern to Simons.
It was second down four of the iron man.

Speaker 3 (01:42:15):
He had a good open field tackle, uh Carte Liggan.
As we've said so many times offensively with all his
gifts really growing on the defensive side as well, and
then in special teams. He's really becoming a player that
I think over the next three year is going to
really impact the game in every phase.

Speaker 2 (01:42:32):
Charlie Woodard, a junior, was split to the left. He
is the only wide receiver to go back to the
power eye. Second man through Johnson five yards six, breaks
the tackle, another tackle, breaks a third tackle. He may
go to the house fifteen to the ten, tripped it
to five and falls at four.

Speaker 3 (01:42:48):
It's it's like it looked like a.

Speaker 2 (01:42:51):
Bunch of flies and nats just bouncing off the back
of Nolah Johnson. I mean they were trying this couldn't
get him down. He just kept shedding tacklers. And he
goes down at to four first and goal to.

Speaker 3 (01:43:01):
Go really really good balance, stays low, runs hard. Uh
not have a chance to get him down up top.
You're going to go down low and the legs keep
moving and then when he does get into open space,
he shows another dimension with some of the breakaway speed.

Speaker 2 (01:43:19):
Johnson has two touchdowns today, went on a pass reception,
one on a run. They go to the full house
tea and give to the full back left side, falls
forward to the one nice tackle by the Cavs and
go down underneath the ball carrier. I think that was
Johnson again looking for his third touchdown, but he was
taken down at one second in goal to go Jackson

and we're down to eight forty nine. If they score,
it will not be a running clock. It wouldn't be
a thirty point lead yet. I don't think yeah, it
would be.

Speaker 3 (01:43:49):
Thank you yet. MCALLI star that came in lowe one
on one tackle against that big guy nice by Jeff.
I think that might have been Delaaney from the middle
spot of that A while straight ahead.

Speaker 2 (01:44:02):
That's Delaney again, Johnson the air and he's over I
think right. I think that was big number thirty, So anyways,
two twenty also, so either way Delaney, I's got that right.
I a far away looking through the window, but I
think that was Delaney, right.

Speaker 3 (01:44:18):
I think I think number thirty, well, thirty's Brian Taylor.
Thirty six I think has been the full baco in
that formation. Rice Delaney, I believe, Yeah, I think that
was Delaney. We'll give him the touchdown one yard out.
They will go for the kick extra point. They struggled
tonight and that one's high and true. Right through eight

twenty six to play third quarter, Jackson extends the lead
thirty three, thirty four to seven over chilli coffee. You're
listening to Cavs football coverage on fourteen ninety WBX. Back
in thirty seconds, You're.

Speaker 4 (01:44:53):
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Speaker 2 (01:45:22):
Back for the Jackson kickoff. Cabs have struggled with a
kick returns tonight. I don't think they've much gotten anything
once in the end zone out of the twenty. But
they've got tackled to their own ten. They've been tackled
at their own nineteen. Bit of trouble returning the kickoffs
between hitch I don't think Ligan, they've kicked it to
Hitchins almost every time.

Speaker 3 (01:45:43):
They do.

Speaker 2 (01:45:43):
Tee it up ready for the kickoff thirty four to
seven as Jackson scores on their first possession, next score.
If Jill Cothy does not score, we would have a
running clock here in the second half, all high.

Speaker 3 (01:45:54):
End o ring kick.

Speaker 2 (01:45:55):
They kick it to Hitchens, it's going to hit Hitchens,
lets it go and Ligan wisely lets it bounce into
the z boh. The Cavs don't bring it out that
I'll force them to start it through twenty again. This
will be the first chance they've had to the football
here in the second half.

Speaker 3 (01:46:09):
One thing Thatcher Brown does so well, he obviously has
the leg to get it all the way there, but
he does a really good job of just flying it
into that ten yard line, five yard line, kind of
making you choose and certainly has helped Jackson win the
battle of field position pretty much the entire night.

Speaker 2 (01:46:26):
Shaney kicks it high. He has a very high, a
lot of time for the guys to get down. It's
not a line drive. Yeah, it gives a lot of
time for the kick team to get down there, stuff
to return. Hamming in a quarterback and he'll hand off
on first down to Liggan. From the twenty out to
the twenty three. Cart was over one hundred in the first.

Speaker 3 (01:46:46):
Half, right, yeah, oh yeah, he was one thirty on
nineteen carries. That was his twentieth carry of the night.
They're going to give him what two makes him about
one thirty two unofficially, Well, he got out to the
twenty three.

Speaker 2 (01:46:59):
They market the twenty two kitchen slotted to the left
over there with Jan Miller single receiver to the right side,
I believe Henson and they're back in the pistol as
they normally do, put a man in motion and give
to Ligann. Tries to cut back inside a lot of
white Jerseys try to jump cut that coming off right tackle.

Tried to cut back inside the right guard, but a
lot of white jerseys filling the whole carte gets a
couple more of the twenty four. So two on first down,
two on second down, and third and six for the
guys in the blue jerseys. Flock moving seven and a
half or not that way through the third quarter yet,

I'll see if the Calves put it in the air.
Here it's third and a long six, two receivers right
onan Miller's out to the left. They look to Miller
though sideline pattern to one and overthrew it. One kind
of turned inside hamm and throw it outside and incomplete
good coverage as one just kind of went down five

or six yards enough to get the first down and
turned inside and the pass was off the mark.

Speaker 3 (01:48:11):
Yeah, really tight coverage. They're set up for that little
stop and go that they've had success with. I think
the problem tonight is protecting the quarterback to allow the
double move to take place. Ham And has been under
pretty good pressure each time he's tried to throw it.

Speaker 2 (01:48:29):
Leg and Lake coming back into line, and they sure
have enough guys in the line of scrimmage. Here Tay
Harris with the punt. His last punt was only about
fifteen yards, kind of kicked it straight up in the
air and that snap goes all the way over his
head and all the way out of the back of
the end zone. That'll be a safety. Well, they have
struggled with the They've had problems during the year a lot. Yeah,

that went way over the head of Harris and Harris
can't ed all the way when out of the Henson
and that's the safety. It'll make it thirty sixties of it. Yeah,
Calves will have to kick the ball from their own
twenty after the safety.

Speaker 3 (01:49:10):
Yeah, it's been an up and down year for the
special teams. They've certainly had some some bright moments. They've
they've done some nice things in the different parts of
the special teams. That's certainly been something that has been
difficult and and you know, it's just that's something you
got to clean up. Those are one of those unforced things.
You know, we always talk about throughout the year that

it doesn't matter if you're playing the you know, Jackson Ironman,
if you're playing the New York Jets. You know, I mean,
it's one of those things that's it's the unforced air
that are the things you have total control over. But
but but again it's something that going into the off
season the Calves will be able to take a look
out because again it hasn't been all negative at all
in the special teams. There's been a lot of bright

spots and they've just got to be able to clean
up a couple of areas.

Speaker 2 (01:49:57):
Jackson, of course, coach by Andy Hall does such a
great job and they I think do a good job
of taking away things the other team does well. And
I think they were well aware they've not allowed a
good kick, kickoff return and punt return which Cartoon Ligan
has had a couple of nice ones. The Cavs will

decide to punt it from their own twenty and then
we get the whistle at Harris punts it away, punt
coming down. Oh, everybody's head hits at the thirty back
to get it the twenty five Jackson return to the
thirty to the thirty five, right sidelines, down the sidelines,
had a big hit on the sideline. It was Harris
the punter who made the stop and that was Johnson

again right on the return.

Speaker 3 (01:50:44):
Yeah, well, I think what happened there was you know,
throughout the evening when you said the snap and some
of the pressure. Harris has had a tough evening and
there he gets a free kick and I think he
caught Jackson off guard with how well he kicked. It
shows off a little bit of the ability there. Again,
there's an example of what I'm talking about. Tay Harris,
just a sophomore. I'm only going to get stronger, only
going to get better. So again, I think that's something

that again there's a lot of potential there in the
next couple of years, and that part of special teams.

Speaker 2 (01:51:11):
On the Calves kickoffs, they've kind of been pooch kicking
and not kicking the ball down to Johnson. But on
that Punny kicked it so far, gave Johnson rue and
he had a good run. Johnson on the carry brought
down to the line of scrimmage. The calister Alister me,
I wonder if it was his hand he got caught
in the equipment of Jackson. It was a great tackle

from behind my jet. McCallister, Yeah, really was.

Speaker 3 (01:51:35):
You hope he's okay, because you're right he he shot
the gap there and went low can't tell exactly what
he's holding on to. Is an is it an elbow?
Elbow man? He made a good play on that on
that particular running back there to get him to the
ground for for a loss. Well, I guess no gain
is what they're saying.

Speaker 2 (01:51:57):
Keep it to forty two on the sweep left caves
stopping for no game A callisper of course, out of
the lineup, having to put his hands above his head
with maybe he might be his shoulder maybe I think
when he tackled, maybe he got shouldered arm jerk back
to pass, they run the screen pass. Here we go again,
nobody there. Forty thirty five missed a tackle for the
Calves and break another tackle and all the way down

to the ten yard line. Tackle finally made down there
by one of the actually with one of the Caves
defensive Connor Bowler wound up making the tackle. Well, that
screen pass has been wide wide open. They wind that time.
They had two blockers one cavalier defender within twenty yards
and it equals out to another big play for Jackson.

Speaker 3 (01:52:40):
Yeah, a similar design. Looked like he had come off
of the tight end spot there. That was Tay Rossler
there then or excuse me, Davin Jones and just well
set up, well blocked.

Speaker 2 (01:52:54):
That was a screen pass to the tight end right, Yes,
I form a second man. Thugh Johnson squeezes to the
ten fights now knock backwards.

Speaker 3 (01:53:04):
Not a whole lot there. I think Trace McAllister was
the first there, and then a couple of his buddies
there to clean it up. A little bit of bowling
involved there.

Speaker 2 (01:53:20):
Pick up of only a couple on the run straight
ahead and bring up second down. Just over five minutes
to play third quarter. We were tied seven to seven
early in the second quarter, and now it's thirty six
to seven.

Speaker 3 (01:53:32):
Jackson exploding.

Speaker 2 (01:53:33):
They scored on their first drive here of the third
quarter and threatening again after they got the safety and
returned the free kick into chillicothe territory. Ie formation fake
rolling to the left, wants to throw in the corner
of the end zone. All great defensive play by Connor's
now diving to knock it out of the hands of.

Speaker 3 (01:53:52):
The intended receiver. Nice play by Connor.

Speaker 2 (01:53:54):
Wait, you talk about a young man who's not a
freshman but had never played. We talked a lot about
I believe, and you were telling he was quite the wrestler,
but mentally catching up with the speed of the game,
knowing where he should be.

Speaker 3 (01:54:07):
He has really improved this year. Yeah, really has in
all aspects and the coverage and just understanding the concepts
and so forth. Obviously athleticism and toughness have never been questioned,
but yeah, yeah, really nice get just a junior says here.
Canaan Smith's a five eight.

Speaker 2 (01:54:26):
Third down at night from the Chillicothe twelve yard line.
They stayed with the power eye receiver to the right
side fake. They want to throw a little bit of
pressure lobbit in the end zone in the right corner
and kot I think it was Jan Miller that got
caught in there. One got caught kind of looking back
to the pass and he threw it over One's head

into the corner complete. I think Woodard again, Woodard had
a touchdown reception, as Simon's had to one earlier. That's
Woodard's first.

Speaker 3 (01:54:55):
I believe the uh that was just a back shoulder
Alistair was coming off the edge blind a little bit
of pressure and Wolford just stepped up just to get
a little bit of room to step into the throw.
Put it right on the back shoulder and well executed
for the touchdown.

Speaker 2 (01:55:12):
A line up to kick the extra point and the
kick is up in easily through ed good for twenty
nine to play third quarter. Boy, it's been all Jackson
since midway and the second quarter they leaded forty two
to seven Cavalier coverage on fourteen ninety WBX back in
thirty seconds with the Ironman's kickoff.

Speaker 5 (01:55:31):
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Speaker 2 (01:56:05):
Okay, that's Cannon. I didn't I think I did. Say
Connor is Canon? I got to see right, Connor Bowling. Yeah,
I think we got mixed up there. Back with you
to kick offf from Jackson coming up and we should
have a running clock now with the score.

Speaker 3 (01:56:25):
A long booming.

Speaker 2 (01:56:26):
Kick taken at the nine yard line across to the
right side. On the return, Chilicothe out to the twenty
five down the sidelines at the thirty takes a big
hit on the sidelines and a hit out of bounds
is going to be fifteen yards marked off against Jackson.
I think it was Hitchins on the return and Shane
helped me out. I think we've got Connor bowling, and

I called Candon Smith Connor Smith. But whether it's Canon
and it is Cannon, he has really come along.

Speaker 3 (01:56:55):
Way done a good job this year. No, you're right, Cannon,
as I was saying, a really tough kid, athletic and
gonna really offer Chilicothee a lot of versatility really in
a lot of aspects next year coming back as a senior. Yeah,
in this particular situation near side here Hitchens for the
first time the seam and gets a little room on
the special teams and that's an easy call. Hit him

out in the white there on the Chilicothy sideline. Gonna
add fifteen and when to put Chilicofee in the plus
territory here to start to drive.

Speaker 2 (01:57:27):
Forty eight yard line of Jackson. After the fifteen yard
pedaled eight for hitting late hit out of bounds against Jackson,
they run it to legging forty eight down to the
forty maybe the league yard or two. Good penetration defensively
for Jackson. That's Clagg listed to one ninety eight plays

up front. Got penetration, got these arms around, get.

Speaker 3 (01:57:57):
Really quick at that nose tackle spot there. He's quick
off of the off the snap there. I think that's
Crawford coming off up everything. That's okay there, Cole Crawford,
who's been in this huge spark for them second half
the year.

Speaker 2 (01:58:10):
Art Hammon fakes the pitch. I'll run it himself and
no gain. Fake the pitch to the Ligoann tried to
get people to chase Carte and then run it up
the middle, but he was stopped immediately. For now, let's
give Andrew a yard on the carry. We'll call it
third and a long eight.

Speaker 3 (01:58:28):
H lied.

Speaker 2 (01:58:28):
It's it's third and nine. I can't even give him
my yard because started at forty eight out of the
forty seven. So Andrew with no gain on the play.
Third down, and nine. Henson goes out to the left,
Hitchens to the left, him gonna cost signals, pitches to
Ligan around the right side. Forty five, breaks a tackle,
forty inside to forty and he is really close to

the first down as he bowls ahead, picked up of
if he didn't get ninety at eight and a half
and it's going to be fourth and very short.

Speaker 3 (01:58:57):
Great job by Daniel, saysm there on that quick pitch
to the edge and tied in working hard for his
running back. Really did a nice job of staying on
his block and opening that up for a cartel.

Speaker 2 (01:59:09):
Fourth and they well, they say fourth in the yard
maybe a half yard him and calls signals down to
a minute eighteen to play. In the third quarter. They're
in the pistol. They don't put Hamming up under center
on fourth and short, and they pitch it to ligand
got the first down right side thirty five thirty bowls
over a defender down to the thirty yard line. Another

good carry by the freshman Carte Ligan, if he keeps
carrying it was over twenty carries a good while ago
and did a lot of work for a freshman.

Speaker 3 (01:59:42):
Yeah, up over one hundred and fifty yards now and
again they just went right back to the same play.
I think Jackson was expecting the inside run Jula Cathy
just went right back to the edge.

Speaker 2 (01:59:51):
First down at the Jackson thirty yard line. Fake I
want to throw it, goes over the middle, got sissmed
twenty five, dropped the football, lost it.

Speaker 3 (02:00:03):
I don't know that he ever had it, but we'll
see how they're going to call it.

Speaker 2 (02:00:06):
It was off to the race is running and it wasn't.
They buy them five yards of Daniel only dropped the football,
but I think he was able to fall on it.

Speaker 3 (02:00:12):
They called him completed pass.

Speaker 2 (02:00:15):
Had a fumble recovery by Daniel, so they still get
five yards on it down to the twenty five. From
the thirty to the twenty five, Calves may not get
a playoff before the end of the quarter for down
to fifteen seconds to play in the third period.

Speaker 3 (02:00:29):
Saysm's first catch, Remember he had the one earlier with
the whole penalty said didn't count.

Speaker 2 (02:00:34):
They run a play Legan right side cuts in, Yeah,
cuts in at the twenty five, maybe the twenty three,
and that will end the first quarter or in the
third quarter. Are at Hernsteinfield. Well, the Caves will have
a third down and four coming up as we start
the fourth quarter. They trail forty three to seven against
the Ironman back with fourth quarter action thirty seconds calves

coverage at fourteen ninety WBX.

Speaker 6 (02:00:58):
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Speaker 2 (02:01:29):
Back at Hernstein Field. Good crowd on hand tonight from Jackson.
We didn't have a real big crowd, but you know,
it's filled in a little bit better because when the
game started a light rain and it rained pretty hard
in the first quarter, where we haven't had rain for
quant a while. I think some people maybe we're undercover
or thought, you know what, it's quit rain and we'll
go out.

Speaker 3 (02:01:46):
And watch the ballgame. Well, I think I think the
atmosphere last Friday night was electric. And you know, the
one thing I thought about or earlier is when you
consider the crowd with Miami trace last week Jackson, you know,
it's kind of unfortunate that the Washington Courthouse game they
lost that opportunity to play Friday night. Remember in that matchup,
ham and fakes keeps it himself, falls forward. They needed

to get to the twenty. Hammon fell right out to
twenty one, and we'll see where they give him forward
progress two and a half.

Speaker 2 (02:02:15):
Three, so you can be about a yard short fourth down.
And they again last night on this series on fourth down,
they pitched it to Liggan on a suite. Now they're
down to fourth and one again, Jackson creeps up to
the line of scrummage, tries to draw off sides and
now Hammon looks over the side of Liggan is on
Hammon's left at his left hip. Now Ligan moves to

the right. Now, last time they pitched it to him
and let him go around the right end, and he
got the first down. This time straight ahead Ligan, and boy,
I think he got it on his own. He get
it the line of scrummage. Shame, but I think he
fell forward and got the first down. Absolutely. They had
him right at the line and simply just ran through
the tackle for a two yard game in the fourth

quarter a minute end of the period, forty three seven,
Jackson on top. As they look to finish the regular
season eight and two and another FAC championship for the
ironmn first in ten Calves. Hammon wants to throw a
lot of pressure throws over the middle. Guy he's man
at the twelve. That to ten, that's a five and touchdown.

That's Hitchens, I believe on a crossing pattern, Victor hitches
with the catch and the touchdown. He came across the
middle about ten yards behind him on the line of scrimmage,
and he was wide open and then used his speed
to race into the ends of a nice job. Yeah,
twenty yards, just like you said, right across the middle
once once he had it in the open field. Just

good speed and Jilcothie, as they've done all year, regardless
of the score, continues to compete hard. That was a
nice drive they put together there and got some points
on the board. Bowlin will line up to kick the
extra point. A little bit of a high staff kick
is up man. The kick is through time out on
the field, calves score and with ten minutes remaining in

the ballgame, it is forty three to fourteen j accident
on top back with the Cavs kickoff in thirty seconds.

Speaker 4 (02:04:12):
Urig Financial on East Second Street in Chilikoffee is a
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Speaker 2 (02:04:41):
Well, I'm glad to have you a long thanks to
all of our great sponsors allowing us to bring you
Cavalier football this year twenty twenty four.

Speaker 3 (02:04:50):
It's like the CALVS seasonal finish tonight, and I think.

Speaker 2 (02:04:55):
There were twentieth in the computer rankings, and as Shane
mentioned earlier, think you need to be in the top sixteen.
But certainly, as we said, with this young team and
the injuries that week, number two to three of their seniors.
I've come back with it, went over McClean, a huge
upset over Lvy Trace and played pretty well tonight until

they got down the last couple of minutes of the
first half. Kind of took up from down one touchdown
to down bigger. Another pooch kick coming down, it's going
to hit at the thirty lands at the twenty five,
still on the ground, but one of the back people
for Jackson made a mistaken wisely, somebody.

Speaker 3 (02:05:32):
Came from the up.

Speaker 2 (02:05:33):
Front number twenty did a nice job that could have
been a live on side kicked. Nice job by Jackson
and Eli Ray who knew that that was a live
football lay on the ground.

Speaker 3 (02:05:42):
Back at the twenty two. Well I mentioned earlier, thought
one of their people right there on the front line
made a nice play. I think coming in the game
plan was to have Connor you utilize a little bit
of height on the kicks there and just kind of
pitch it into some open areas. That was well executed there.
So overall I kind of see the game playing of
the calves and more times than not it's been executed

pretty well. They're gonna kickoff we ate back to a
twenty nine point difference, which negates the running clock, so
we'll be back to the regular operation of the clock.
Jackson at their own twenty six first man through full
back and he's the lot oft scrimmage now falls to
the twenty eight picked up of two yards.

Speaker 2 (02:06:22):
It was a full back in one of the upbacks.
Good to see McAllister back. He's the one in on
that tackle there. From the twenty six to the twenty eight.
Of course, the clock running on that run down under
ten minutes to play in the game.

Speaker 3 (02:06:38):
Now you're right though about the first what fifteen to
sixteen minutes? I thought Chili Cooffee really executed only down
around thirteen to seven at that point, and then you know,
obviously the incredible play the defensive end made there on
the pick six kind of broke the back a little bit.
But again, Jackson really complete football team, really talented, a lot.

Speaker 2 (02:06:57):
Of athletes, not a lot of weaknesses, and find a
weakness on their team. Hand off left side, staying low
on the run. Calves try to push back and now
still can't get the runner down.

Speaker 9 (02:07:06):

Speaker 2 (02:07:07):
Now we got a late flag that was going to
be stopped for about a three or four yard game.
It winds up being seven or eight and somebody pushing
from behind, and I'm not sure what the flag all
the calves down and takes his helmet off.

Speaker 3 (02:07:23):
I can't tell who that is to.

Speaker 2 (02:07:25):
Be number thirty three. Maybe is that Tay Harris.

Speaker 3 (02:07:29):
Impossible, there's a.

Speaker 2 (02:07:33):
Penalty flag on the play. It was a push from
behind by the There's about three or four Jackson players
shoving from behind. Wait, momentarily the injured calve was back
behind the Alian scrimmage or the Jackson's walking backwards. This

is going to go against Jackson. One of their coaches
talking to the official. It'll be interesting to see assisting
the runner. Well, it used to be called. Remember one
time that was called in a state championship game against
Amanda Clair Creek. They scored a touchdown and they gated

it and on his own power, but lumping a little bit,
it is number thirty three, Tay Harris.

Speaker 3 (02:08:30):
Walking off.

Speaker 2 (02:08:30):
It looks like that maybe ankle or foots a little gippy,
you know.

Speaker 3 (02:08:35):
I think what happens with Jackson too. I mentioned earlier
they have a lot of versatilities in their formation. They
can go with a little bit more of a jumbo package,
they rotate some offensive linement or like I said, use
them all at the same time. If they want to
go big, they can use their full back. They can
spread you out with athletes, so they really wear on you.
I mean, I look down at my stat sheet now

and before you know it, they've brushed the ball about
twenty six, twenty seven times. You get into this time
of the evening that really starts to weigh out.

Speaker 2 (02:09:03):
No doubt about it. So after the penalty, it would
have been a first down out across the thirty seven,
but instead their back inside their own thirty second and eleven.
They run it. Now they're going to pass it, throw
to the sidelines, wide open it to thirty thirty five,
forty down up to forty two. Linking with the tackle,
I think they missed the block in the back.

Speaker 3 (02:09:24):
I think on Chillicothee's sideline is upset about Smith was
coming over to make the tackle a couple of yards
after the catch and just kind of took one in
the in the kind of right off of the shoulder pad,
maybe slightly to the back, And I think that's what
chillicothe sideline was questioning.

Speaker 2 (02:09:42):
Trusting carl In defensively, now he's a senior, and then
the senior have a lot he's at one of the
corner positions defensively.

Speaker 3 (02:09:50):
Yeah, and certainly getting that time here where you want
to try to get some of those guys in. I'm
sure playing in their final home game. You know, a
lot of seniors haven't played a ton of time this year,
but coach Martholmey has talked about the importance to the
team and their work ethic.

Speaker 2 (02:10:04):
First down, not a lot of running room, down quickly,
going down quickly, Chucker Williams on the carry from the
tailback spot, maybe a loss of one. It'll be second
down that they did get a first down on that
pass completion. It's about the ball at the forty one
of Jackson. They're in no hurry. They lead forty three
to fourteen, not a running clock, as we mentioned, and

then the Cavs are going to get there's another scene.
They're going to get his winning three more guys in
the lineup and get some defensive people in that haven't
played much.

Speaker 3 (02:10:39):
Kayden Peterson coming in there on the defensive line. I'll
try my best to help you some of these names,
because again I think there's a lot to be said
for seniors putting in a lot of time and work
ethic for the program.

Speaker 2 (02:10:50):
And now whistle and I think illegal procedure, Yeah, the
legal procedure. I think the wide receiver started a little
bit too quick. Trusting Caral is another You mentioned that
in early as a senior. Just trying to look for
some seniors here who have that maybe are not in
the normal rotation defense fleet, that try to give them

a little bit of attention here on their senior night.
The calist mcglow is still your linebackers. Miller is still
over there at the defensive corners. The safeties are Cannon,
Smith and Carte Ligan. So you still got those guys in.

Speaker 3 (02:11:26):
So Milton, Milton, Beverley up front there with Anthony Smith too.

Speaker 2 (02:11:32):
So still not quite midway through the fourth quarter, second
man through left side, running room thirty nine forty and
busting a tackle and Miller having trouble getting the runner
down and he winds up with a nice game. But
they run, their running backs are tough to bring down.

Speaker 3 (02:11:52):
A physical just got a lot of combination of speed
and power. You're you're exactly right.

Speaker 2 (02:12:00):
How Smith and Lincoln are going to come out of
the game. So I think the Cavs say, you know what,
We're gonna keep some of our guys in there. But Jackson,
of course still with the first group in there. But
we still have over six minutes left the ball game.
They leaded forty three to fourteen, and if they scored,
we'd go back to running clock. They're out of midfield.
Second man Thu right side fifty forty five, booming straight

ahead inside the forty to the thirty nine. That was
Bryce Delaney. I believe the big fullback rambling and rumbling
off right tackle and just leaning forward and knocking over
blue jerseys down to the thirty nine of Chillicomy first down,
Ye up over two hundred George rushing for Jackson, and
you can see the offensive line just kind of taking over.

Speaker 3 (02:12:46):
That was a huge hole there. I think you and
I could have maybe got eight to ten there.

Speaker 2 (02:12:52):
I went down in the first gut tackle instead he
went over three guys. But time out on the field.
Jackson's got to take a time out. But give credit
to coach Andy Hall. He's going to bring in Joe
Coffee's got about almost all new guys in there. Von
Miller's still in the callister maybe in the glow. But Jackson,
I looks like they're going to bring their entire second

team in offensively, They're going to call time out to
make sure they got everybody in. We're down to six
minutes to play in the ballgame. Cavaliers are going to
face at two and eight on the season, and Jackson opposite,
they're going to go eight and two.

Speaker 3 (02:13:29):
On the air.

Speaker 2 (02:13:31):
I'll tell you what, Ironton beat them, like what forty
something to nothing or it was fifty onto fourteen.

Speaker 3 (02:13:38):
You wonder how good Ironton is. Well, I mean I
was looking. I know Fairland and Portsmouth the year they've had,
I mean, I know they really put it on Fairland.
Then the night I think I saw they playing Portsmouth
up twenty eight nothing like second quarter already. So yeah,
Ironton a real deal. I know there's some really good
games around the area. I'm looking forward to talking on

the scoreboard show Logan Elm. Hamilton Township. Yeah you've got
a little bit more mid state than me. People tell
me Hamilton Township's a really tough place to play. Is that?

Speaker 2 (02:14:08):
Oh they have a turf field and yeah, it can
be they you know, they're a lot like they have
a lot of skilled position people. And sometimes when you
play Hamilton, there's a nice run breaking tackles thirty down
inside the thirty twenty eight and a tackle there Hamilton Township.
See remind me of the Chilicothy teams of about six

years ago. When you have a lot of skill position,
you guess Hamilton you can't give up those sixty seventy
year old place kick returns. And Logan Elm does a
good job in the trenches. I think that's why Logan
Elms had success. If you keep it in the trenches.
The injured player might have been the running back who
was carrying the football there. For Jackson picked up a first.

Speaker 3 (02:14:51):
Down certainly nothing intentionally. They just when they went to
me tackle, they just got high on the face pass
there and I think it just kind of kind of
turn the neck a little bit there. Hopefully everything's okay there.

Speaker 2 (02:15:06):
The official will give the official call personal foul face
mask Chillicothy. So this is going to assume be half
the distance it should take it down to around the
I don't know, fifteen sixteen yard line where Jackson will
have a first down. Calves do put back in Canon
Smith defensively. But that's about the only original guy in

there for the Cavaliers. And now he'll come right back out.
Canna tried to sneak in. The coach said, no, we've
got our second group. Andrew Brown defensive end up front
sixty two and sixty eight. So that would be Zayden
Jones in and James Whittaker you mentioned earlier in on

a defensive line for the Cavaliers. Look at the defensive
safety for the Cavaliers is now Brayden Brown. Brendan Brown
as another senior, hadn't gotten to play a lot, a
little bit of concern now.

Speaker 3 (02:16:10):
A lot of guys. I'll tell you what.

Speaker 2 (02:16:11):
Let's take a time out there attending to the injured
player here for Jackson, I'm out on the field. Jackson
leads at forty three to fourteen. We'll take a quick break.
You're listening to Cavs coverage fourteen ninety WBX.

Speaker 5 (02:16:23):
Being a locally owned and operated business means a lot
for a lot of reasons at where Funeral Home. Those
reasons are simple, trusted caring professionals available twenty four hours
a day to help when you needed. Most compassionate staff
that understands the weight of your loss, with the ability
to handle all of your concerns, a location conveniently situated
in downtown Chili Cooffee, and the familiarity of the community

they've been serving since eighteen ninety one. Let the folks
at locally owned and operated Where Funeral Home help youre
healing begin visit where FH dot Com.

Speaker 2 (02:16:56):
Greg Begham, Shane Combs our final five point fifty four
or the season coming up here? Well, all it should
start to clock again. The penalty face mask does move
the ball to the fourteen of Chilikathie will be first
down Jackson. Well, one play into the second quarter, it
was seven to seven and the Calves were just standing
right there playing great football against this tough Jackson team.

But at halftime it was twenty seven to seven, twenty
unanswered points. A big pass play, screen pass, and then
there was the pick six for Jackson kind of broke
it open. First down, second group, they lose the football,
it's on the ground and Chill Coffee's going to recover
the hand A bad handoff in the backfield. They couldn't
have Tucker Williams was back there Daane Barren as sophomore,

comes up with it. The Calves will get the football
back deep in their own territory. It'll stay forty three
to fourteen five twenty to play by twenty five. Actually,
Dane just.

Speaker 3 (02:17:52):
The sophomore to place tigh end linebacker, so he's someone
over the next couple of years. I'm sure they're gonna
expect big things from.

Speaker 2 (02:17:59):
All the line of scrimmage of the ball was fumbled
on the handoff and bounced to the right side, and
Baron got the recovery, and well, Calves will started to fourteen.
I think that's the first turnover, is it not for
Jackson other than turned it over on downs once?

Speaker 3 (02:18:15):
Yeah, turned it over on downs, and then they've they've
they've lost the football a couple of times and comes
to control. We got it right back. Yeah, that was
a quarterback.

Speaker 2 (02:18:24):
Wolford lost it twice and picked it up and gained yardage.
All right, We'll try to get Calves offensively quarterback. They're
still in the pistol formation and hand it off up
the middle and stop maybe at the fifteen maybe a yard.
It's like thirty three at quarterback for the Calves. How

was that tay because he was injured a little bit.

Speaker 3 (02:18:49):
Again they got his tay. That was Noah Bowling on
the carry. Remember he was the young man that had
the special one at McClean correct that had the wrong touchdown,
reversed his field. It went along the way. Yoursiaism coming
in now replacing Bowling after that carry. Got some new
lineman too. I'll try to help get some numbers there

land in San Yang.

Speaker 2 (02:19:14):
So Sism in the backfield. That is Siaism, a freshman.
He'll carry it. No, they've got to get the quarterback
carry at fifteen twenty breaks the tackle out beyond the
twenty five to the twenty nine. Nice job by Itay Harris.

Speaker 3 (02:19:30):
Yeah, shows off a little bit of that athleticism there again.
Very capable. Played some defense during some of the injuries
this year and obviously doing some punting, and you know,
plays some quarterback there at the younger age. So not
sure exactly how they'll use him in the next couple
of years, but certainly an athlete that's going to play

a factor again in all three phases, holding back in
at the running back.

Speaker 2 (02:19:58):
Parris still quarterback in the give it to Bowling tries
to break it outside, and there's nowhere to go, and
he's going to be taken down by one, two, three, four,
five white jerseys piling on top of Bowling, and that'll
be a loss on the play of about four yards
just to be maybe off guard, off tackle, and Bowling
tried to break it out side like he did down

on the claim, but there was a whole host of
white jerseys and looked like half the team all up
in guys on defense. Looked like he tackled Bowling on
that one back of the twenty five second down and
long clock moving under four minutes to play in the
game forty three fourteen, Jackson on top of the Cavaliers,

I says him back at a running back, he's going
to go to the flanker spot. So the quarterbacks by
himself thinks it runs it straight ahead, gets back the
yardage lost by Bowling and back near the original line
of scrimmage on the carry by Harris. Straight ahead run
and the clock should run under three minutes to play
now in the ball game. That's the nine o'clock hour

reminder that you're listening to fourteen ninety am WBX Chilicothe,
Ohio in ninety two point seven FM.

Speaker 3 (02:21:16):
Final week of coverage of Cavalier football.

Speaker 2 (02:21:19):
We plan on having a lot of games through the
Cavalier basketball group.

Speaker 3 (02:21:24):
Yeah, anxious for the winner, hearing a lot about the Calves,
Anxious to getting the gym there and see some basketball.
But I thoroughly enjoyed these ten weeks with you, Greg.
I've really kind of appreciate the growth of this Chilicothee
team throughout. I know that there's two or three games
that the result wise, they what came up one point

short Portsmouth West, a couple point short Courthouse, or maybe
we're sitting here talking about more football still, especially with
last week's all some win against Miami Trace. But I've
been really impressed with the way the group has stayed
with it, the coaches and the players. And it's also
been intriguing to me, as someone who's done a lot
of coaching, how they've mixed so much young talent with

with some older leadership. So again, I think it says
a lot about seniors who want to be a part
of it, work hard, set an example, and so forth.
So yeah, I really appreciate that. But I've really enjoyed
watching this team grow this year.

Speaker 2 (02:22:18):
There's fourth down to around thirty two, and I think
they've got to go for it. Stop back. I gotta
throw it high deep down the right side. I got
a man on the right side and he dropped it.
I had to come back a little bit for it,
but it couldn't hang on a good chance and is

a pretty good, pretty good army Harris down there, pretty nice.

Speaker 3 (02:22:44):
Kicks it left. He throws it right, a nice nice
hoarm there on the outside through a pretty good ball thing.

Speaker 2 (02:22:51):
Trace Paint Valley sixteen to twelve, saying Trace in the
fourth quarter, Enioda is gonna win the gold Football thirty
six nothing over Southeastern Piked in b westwald Tonight forty
two to six.

Speaker 3 (02:23:02):
That Pike. The defense is so improved from a year ago.

Speaker 2 (02:23:06):
Billsborough forty one to three over McLean. In the fourth
quarter Miami Trace thirteen to nothing over a Courthouse at
the half minute thirty seven. We'll see if Jackson simply
just sets on it. Bloom Carroll forty one to seven
over Circleville. And third quarter Loganhelm thirty four Hamilton Township
twenty six. Kind of what we expected. Yeah, Wheelers Bird

did beat Portsmouth West to Night thirty six to six, and.

Speaker 3 (02:23:34):
That's for the SEC title of Wheelers Bird Portsmouth West
game one.

Speaker 2 (02:23:39):
Day's Valley beating Logan in their last game of the
regular season in the occ their first year there. So
Jackson is sluding the clock run down. We're down to
minute eighteen, a minute seventeen as they take a meal,
and we'll should only have to do it twice more
to end this.

Speaker 3 (02:23:58):
One to fourteen.

Speaker 2 (02:24:02):
Jackson, with two touchdowns in the third quarter, calves out
of the touchdown here in the fourth quarter of the
Hitchins from Hammon Well. Jackson looking at the official, No,
there's no play clock again operating tonight, and I think
I might have been proceduring. Official said, you know what,
we're not calling that one. At test point looked like

one of the linemen move Chilli coffee moved.

Speaker 3 (02:24:26):
But they're gonna let it go. And if this was
my just wait here.

Speaker 2 (02:24:31):
They only have to do it once more, and they do, Neil,
and that should do it under thirty five seconds. Jackson
finishes the season at eight and two and they win
this one tonight over the Chillicothee Cavaliers. Pretty despite the score,
was not a bad football game. Final score. Jackson forty
three Chili Coathee fourteen. That's a final from Hernsteinfield. We'll

be back and wrap this one up. You're listening to
Cavalier coverage on fourteen ninety WBX postgame after this.

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Speaker 2 (02:25:57):
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Speaker 2 (02:27:34):
Greg Becam and Shane Combs back to wrap it up
a final game with Chilicoffee Cavaliers. They lose tonight in
the final of forty three to fourteen and rite dead
down tonight, falling to a very good Jackson Ironman team
who now finished five and zero in the in the
fac an eight and two overall. They'll be of course,

they'll be traveling on to the playoffs next to assuming
Friday Night up next week for Jackson ChIL Coffee season
ends at two and eight let's quickly review and again
this we've kind of talked to lot, but this is
an approved team. Score doesn't show up. But this team
really kept getting better and better, especially when they got
into the fac A lot of these young guys began
to get some experience and play some pretty good football

for the Cavaliers. Chilicaffe in the first half punt they
stopped Jackson chilicoffee three and out and then Jackson play
action pass fifty six yard touchdown pass to Simon's four
minutes to play, first quarter, seven to nothing. But right
back came the Cavaliers. First play of the second quarter.
They went to the wildcat, snapped directly to the fabulous

freshman and cart te leg an eight yard touchdown run
and it was seven to seven right then and there.
But a one play drive of fifty seven yards on
the very first play, Jackson went with a power sweep
to the right. Johnson broke loose down the sidelines fifty
seven yards and they come right back to lead to
thirteen to seven. Another touchdown pass on the next series
we made it nineteen to seven, and then kind of

the one that kind of broke the animal's back was
a pick six by Jackson. Hammond was trying to throw
the leg and in the right flat, but Woodard came
off his defensive end or linebacker spot got a hand
on it, intercepted it and ran it untouched for the
pick six. And just like that, in a matter of
about two and a half minutes, it went from thirteen
to seven to twenty seven to seven. That was about it.

That's where we were at halftime. Delaney scored on the
first series for Jackson thirty four to seven. Calves hiked
the ball over the punter's head, a two point safety
for Jackson thirty six to seven, and then a twelve
yard pass to Woodard made it forty three to seven.
At the end of the third quarter, we had a
running clock, but the Cavs came back to score a
touchdown pretty early in the fourth quarter Hammond's pass over

the middle to Hitchins nineteen yards out and a touchdown,
and the final ten minutes back and forth. Both teams
began to substitute with about six minutes to play in
the final forty three to fourteen final stat shame yeah.

Speaker 3 (02:29:54):
On the Jackson side, they rushed it up over thirty times,
pushing up around two hundred and twenty e yards. Unofficially
they're outstanding Quarterback. Ody wolferd throws at just twelve times
but completes eight of them for one hundred and sixty
nine yards. He had the three touchdowns and just a
real good overall athlete, just kind of made plays when
his team needed Especially I thought they're in the second

quarter when the team was trying to settle into the game.
I thought he was terrific. On the Chillicothe side car
Taylegan finishes off an outstanding rookie season. He rushes it
unofficially twenty six times for one hundred and fifty four
yards and a touchdown. On the passing side andre him
and had a slow start tonight. He ended up four
of nine for fifty three yards in the touchdown that

you mentioned there to Victor Hitchins, who again had that
one catch for the twenty yards score. Zion Hinson had
to catch for five yards, Daniel Sissam had to catch
for five yards, and then one Miller, playing in his
final game as a Cavalier, two catches for fifty yards.
One of those again Carter Williams on the double pass
play twenty seven yards passing. And then the only other
statistic really is you get laid dur into the night hairs,

carried it a couple times for around nineteen or twenty
yards there again unofficially, but overall, Chilicothy probably just didn't
quite get some of the balance that they've been able
to get to kind of compliment Carteleggan tonight, and I
thought Jackson kind of turned them into a one dimensional offense,
and some of that had to do with some down
and distance and so forth. But make no mistake about it,

this Jackson team's very, very complete. It always comes down
the matchup. But I wouldn't be surprised if Week eleven
for Jackson doesn't turn into week twelve and week thirteen,
if the matchups, you know, will allow it to maybe
be that.

Speaker 2 (02:31:35):
What they're not about. It depends they match up with.
But they got some athletes, and somebody's gonna have.

Speaker 3 (02:31:42):
To be strong.

Speaker 2 (02:31:43):
They're gonna have to be kind of powerful up front
in their linebackers to keep these two hundred and twenty
found running backs from the extra yardage. And uh, and
then you got to keep an eye think Wolford's almost
danger more dangerous running and then passing. But it'll be
interesting to see who they get matched up well.

Speaker 3 (02:31:58):
And what's interesting about them is I match up for
someone else. As I agree with you, I think if
play off football, I think if they had to get
big and physical, they could, But at the same time,
I think they could spread you out and be pretty athletic.
So again, a lot of versatility, a very very complete
football team with out standing quarterback, no doubt about it.

Speaker 2 (02:32:16):
Well, I think what we're going to do again is
try to get to see if bart can talk to
Shane on the scoreboard show.

Speaker 3 (02:32:21):
That works out well.

Speaker 2 (02:32:22):
Allow Shane to get back there, and it makes it
nice that that was enjoyable last week to have Shane
talk to Bart about the win over Miami. Trase, So
would like for you to flip over to ninety four
to three WKKJFM side and you can pick up the
Accorate Heating, Cool and Plumbing scoreboard show and talk to
all the coaches and hopefully Shane will get a chance
to talk to coach Bart on that as well. So

it was senior night again. I think to repeat ourselves
with the Calves, Shane said a little bit ago, it
was fun to watch them grow.

Speaker 3 (02:32:52):
Yeah, it was two and eight.

Speaker 2 (02:32:54):
There were some couple early in the year running clocks
and it wasn't always pretty. But when Shane being a coach,
I've been around sports a long time, you know it's
you love to win all the time. But so much
of coaching and kids growing is how they improve, and
I think we saw. I think Bart has to be
really happy with the growth of these kids as well.
I said this on the score whork so a couple
of weeks ago for some of our listeners maybe on

this side that didn't hear it.

Speaker 3 (02:33:16):
I think it's important to repeat. The hardest thing in
coaching is when you know the product is getting better
and the results don't always show. So I go back
to the tough loss again sports with West Washington Courthouse Hillsborough.
So I don't think there's any question that the Chilicothe
team has much improved from a year ago, much improved
for in weeks seven, eight, nine, ten than they were

in weeks one, two, three. A couple more results go
a different way. Maybe you're looking at a season of
four and six, five and five a little differently than
you are two and eight, but you know, but nonetheless
make no mistake about it. I thought the coaches stayed
with I thought the team gets better and listen, hats
off to these seniors and these kids coming back. This
is this is a program that could really really pop
here in the next year or two. There's some really

really good young players in this program right now.

Speaker 2 (02:34:01):
Yeah, I would agree, and I think hopefully, you know,
injuries kind of got to three their seniors right off
the BAP and next year, a boy, some of these
kids that have played a lot as freshmen and sophomores,
it'll be fun to watch them grow and play next year.

Speaker 3 (02:34:14):
Here for the Cavaliers, well, thanks to all.

Speaker 2 (02:34:17):
Of our great sponsors allowing us to bring you Cavalier
football coverage. Nathan Toodle, who's been there, I think at
nine out of the ten weeks, helping us out, getting
us on the air and producing our broadcast here on
wb e X.

Speaker 3 (02:34:30):
Shane, it was a pleasure working with you.

Speaker 2 (02:34:31):
I enjoy enjoyed Johns and we're gonna get Shane out
of here over to the Scoreboard show. I'll be listening,
so don't make any mistakes of Shanne, and again hopefully
the Calves again though, enjoy the progress that they made
and come to realize how they grew this year. It'll
carry over the next year as well. Final score from
Hernsteinfield on Senior Night at forty three to fourteen Jackson

over the Cavaliers. Jackson Congratulations five and zero. Champions again
of the fac in football. That'll do it.

Speaker 3 (02:35:03):
From Hernsteinfield.

Speaker 2 (02:35:04):
Everyone, you have a great weekend, be safe, and we'll
see on down the road maybe basketball season here on
the Home of the Calves WBX. Until then, good night everybody.

Speaker 1 (02:35:15):
For iHeartRadio Sports. You've been listening to Chillicothy Calves football
on your home for the Calves. News Radio fourteen ninety WBX.
Tonight's exciting Chillcothy Caves action has been brought to you
by Where Funeral Home, by Adina Health System and by
Hammer Funeral Home. Join us every Friday night for the
best and area high school football coverage on news Radio
fourteen ninety Nobody BX
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