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February 6, 2024 • 91 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to our coverage of Chillicothe Highschool sports on fourteen ninety AM and ninety
two point seven FM wb EX.The Cavaliers are brought to you by Where
Funeral Home, Tomlinson Insurance, AdinaHelp, Ohio University, Chilicop, Monroe's,
Framan Collision, and Hower Funeral Home. Our coverage of Chillicothe High school

sports starts now. Ah Good EvenAbrilana Tuesday night high school basketball from Lancaster
High School as a Chilicothy Cavaliers makea trip over to Fairfield County a non
league game obviously against the Golden Gillsand Lancaster called the Cattelliers command of the

six and twelve record and the GoldenGiles with the record is seven to nine.
Of course, the Catillers coached byPat Beard and Leancster coach by former
Canal Winchester, that guy ket Riggs. Cody Iiver. Just sitting here,
try to remember how many years canhas been here in Lancaster. But these
two teams have been playing each otherall over the way over the last several

years. This usually been a prettygood matchups. Yeah, both teams being
Division I schools in the Central District, it's going to be kind of relevant
since the draw is coming up.The tournament's selection you want to call it
that now how everything is the RPI, but that's going to be revealed on
Saturday or on Sunday, I shouldsay. And then one thing also that

can chill Conth gets to do isthey get to see a division the Lancaster
sees all the time next Tuesday inCentral Crossing, So it would be a
nice I mean, they see CanalWinchester, they see Lancaster, they've seen
Central Crossing, three schools similar backgroundin the Central District and division one that
they're gonna have to go up againstwhen the tournament does start in ingest Elly

Gals again at seven and nine,and uh, they've been a pretty young
team and they're not a real bigteam. And as you said that they
go up in the o c Cso a lot of their games. But
I think next year right yeah,so right now they're in the O c

C Buckeye, they'll see teams likeLancaster, Central Crossing. Like I said,
Groport Mattison pick Central Roundsburg. Imean they're they're kind of in that
mill pack spot. So Roundsburg sentpick Central New York. Those are the
top of the top of the heap, and right now, next year you're
gonna see again they'll be in thesame division with Tays Valley, Logan uh,

Groport Uh. I think Pick Centralis in that one, and I
I mean the way that everything's gonnabe redrawn next year will be closer geogy
geographical, because the way the Oc C is now, I mean,
they've got it kind of jumbled insome spots, but I think it'll be
something that Flancaster could pre really benefitfrom it this time next year. But

again toil copy Will, I thinkthat it's nice that they have this little
rivalry up one fifty nine and theycan go in and see how they match
up and as they get ready closerand closer to the tournament. Glad to
have you long got Tonight Friday night, we'll be back at home Manhattan,
Jim Nansie on another non league gamewar in Fencia and the Saturday the final

FAC match up, the makeup gameat Greenfield, and I'll get another reminder
that game is scheduled to exhipt offaround four thirty in the afternoon on Saturday.
Justin uploaded and Cody here will haveme play by play and broadcast of
the game on Saturday afternoon from Greenfield, and then, as Cody already mentioned,

the final game next week. Regularseason Central Crossing will fully shout the
regular schedule. As Cody also mentioned, the Cans will find out on Sunday
where they'll wind up tournament. Lastyear they got to buy that or it
seems like they were off for amonth and then had to go to all
in tanseee Orange was not a goodmatchup. But Hooks going to have on
me that way this year. Yeah, I mean it's weird to like sin

that if you go to the SoutheastDistrict, you're kind of you like to
have the buy because then you goin you you don't have that many games.
You're you're seeing the competition is alittle bit different, whereas the Central
District they actually want to play,they don't want to buy, because if
you get to buy, then reallymeans that you're kind of not looked upon
by everybody else. That favorable.Well, Lancaster here hosting the to and

I have the Gales averaging around fortyseven points a game. Dabblers again,
the couple a pretty good game theother night in the match up against Jackson,
after they fought all the way backto the four or five. It
couldn't quite get all the way there. But then of course the previous game
that got that big win late overto now Winchester. We're at Lancaster High

School. We'll be back. We'lltake a look at the problem starting lineups.
You're listening to capitlier coverage on theHome of the Cabs fourteen ninety WBDI.
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Back at Lanaster, Greg Vegem,Cody leis Chettle, Coonty Cavalier Basketball.

All the golden gals, we saidat seven and nine expected starters and
leading scorers. Junior Colton Rooney oneof their guards, one of the vic
men inside, the senior Hayden Allen. Also would expect sophomore Can Eaton and
a nine point averaging about nine agame, Senior Canon Isles, and we
think the fifth starter will be seniorJ. G. Thomas. Also the

other problem possible starter and one ofthe first players in would be junior Tyler
Carpenter, and he's averaging about eightpoints a game for the Cavaliers. Satan
was the last couple of times tostarters from Pat Beer von Miller at one
guard, Sloper Stoking at the otherguard. On the wings, you got
the junior Can Badger and freshman CaydenCox. And back on the inside the

playing Daniel schism that I Spard toldme tonight Daniel says. His last name
Scizop is Cody and I have beencalling him Sysm through football and through basketball,
and I will blake Coach Martin.That's what Coach Martin said. We
should no better listen to Mark.Yeah, But anyway, Daniel the fifth
starter for the Cavaliers, so I'msure to see Kate Nepplin off the bench.

Of course, Don Barren's still inthe walking dude and crutches and not
able to play. And of courseJackson McNeil and fell on freshman Andrew Hammon.
We'll see action, be sure aswell for the Cavaliers back up again
on Friday night from Chilicothy It's WarrenVinsel. Warren comes in on Friday and

the capture and right around and playon Saturday at Greenfield at four thirty in
the afternoon. The marts of hisstart, Davies said, to the start,
I believe in the three two thirtyand three on Saturday afternoon and then
one final game next week. Havethat for you as well. Up the
South, crossing another team out ofthe OCC but the Cavaliers will match up

well other caves. I thought.We talked a little bit about Coody and
we're trying to get another break herefor our nation. But the Cabs and
again I want to say playing smarter, but I think understanding what they want
to do, I don't. Idon't see its courses the ball one on
three as much as maybe they wereearlier in the season. Being a little

more patient obviously a big part.Kayton Cox the last couple of games been
able to get to double figures,and he's been a little more of the
ball handling and then trying to getquick for open on the side, not
happening to handle the ball the wayfrom the point and develop all the offense
by sow. It's it's maturity andevolution in this program, I think is

the big key here for the bigKeys, I should say, because of
how well they've been able to bereceptive to coaching under Pat Beard his staff.
They've been able to listen, They'vebeen able to adjust a lot better.
And again you're just seeing how they'reable to just look at the matchups
and understand that they don't need totake on everything. There is no eighty

point shot on this floor last timeI checked. And that's the one thing
that I think last year they werethey might have been trying to do that
a little bit too much, andthen they haven't been that way as frequent
or as they haven't been as desperateas what they have maybe in years past.
The Cavs hope nice to have anotherstrong game tonight here on the road

at Lancaster. Let's take another finaltime out. We're almost set for our
national anthem, that official introduction thelineups here at Lancaster. Let's take a
time out. You're listening, andI think we can also Eatinally hit the
hour that you're listening to, fourteenninety AM WBX Philocostia, Ohio at ninety
two point seven FM. We'll beback in two minutes. We should be

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I'm back with you a little actualannouncements over there, and then our national

anthem and now we'll have official introductionto lineups. Cody and I were talking,
Yim's been here, but they're buildinga new school, and I sadly
knew Jim Cody we were talking earlierhere at Lanca story that it's one of
those old gyms. He's been aroundfor a long time and has a little

bit of character to a lot ofseating, just one set of leakers on
each side, which goes almost allthe way to the top of the gym
on both sides. Yeah, it'sreally nice that you like. Like you
said, it's a character. It'sgoing in and ball bounces a little bit
different to shooting shooting angles though everythingis a little bit different. They don't

build them like they used to,like in this spot, and that's I
was telling God, not if everybodycares me. The last high school game
I ever played, and last ofall, we played here at in Lancaster
High School. At that time,a lot of the sectional games were area
schools. Of course, then therewas only A and double. There was
only two divisions at four Class A. The smaller schools. Sectionals are broken

down and a lot of them wereplayed at Says Valley, which was a
brand new school at the time itwas only a new I guess in the
dead sixties, but then my senioryear they moved a lot of the games
and then changed it around a bit. They loved up through the tournament games
over to Leicester and kind of threwa lot of the Fairfield County schools in
without Simson. All I remember iswe played Blue and Carroll. We lost.

Were set to go after line up. It's nice that they still have
like the Division four volleyball regionals heretoo, So yeah, we are such
to go jumping it up. We'llbe Hayden Allen and Kyden Fox jumping it

up as well. So we'll beAisles and Eaton Grooning as they said.
J. D. Thomas, asenior starting four Kent Riggs's Lancas regalia set
to go ball in the air.Weren't the way in Lancaster taps controls by
Lancashire halfs come out in their traditionalbandon man defense. On the way is

Aisles now on top to Allen.They go over into the ute corner to
Etan, working around the perimeter leftwing, right wing, almost strolling away
by Stoke can to save my alesmiles out on top that's Eaton's Allen.
Now they finally go to the cornerand throw it away. And they kept

going for ning around right wing,left wing, back around the point,
and finally they threw the ball witha corner and misfire for the Gals.
They fled away and the Cavs willhave their first possession. Yeah, some
force lands that flex offense that can'triggs teams have had for so many years,
and they just want to go inand make lull you to sleep.
Dun Can works his way inside.Now one miller for three off the back

of the iron, long rebound bouncesall the way out to aisles of Lancaster.
Aisles will bring it down themselves aworse it down to the left,
mint it into the game. Eachteam's had one possession into the lane,
didn't take the shot, has tokick it back out goes to Thomas.
Thomas to Bruni Bernie their leading thescore. Thought about a three back out

on side ball, fake handoff topof the kee. Now down the lane,
lose it out of bounds the otherfur for the Gals. Files tried
to go down the lane, startedto bobble it, tried to grab it
and knocked it out of bound.Got like how Daniel Schism went in and
put enough of his hand on theball that redirected off of Asles' leg and

Jilli coffe gets its second possession.Dolla brings it down. Dale's man demand
stunt King on the left end.There's a bad pass. They all saved.
Corg goes out of bounds like Kydand Cox. I look like a
turnover ready to happen if Cox savedit. Stunt King drives the bay signed
and threw a past and hit thetop of the back door. Super a

little upset with himself there. Nowthey bounce it inside lay up Lock and
Kayden Cox came down their weather.Good defenses played by the cav Cox torch
has laid down inside double. Jamesputs his shot up. No good,
God, he's in rebound and nowsign up under NAMEH. We'll have a
jump ball. Good job by Coxgoing in and he had a little bit

of a swipe at the ball whenuh Eaton was trying to go in for
the layup, and nice little breakingfound a way to muscle and eventually and
Jill Coffey's got a chance for somesecond chance. Point to who got that
block for the cows. Now stuntcame for three, got a good start
for good. It's his first attemptof the three and that's the first points

to the game. Three nothing.Two minutes into the ball game, Plancaster
has two turnovers and then I shotdown inside a couple that got blocked.
So they have not gotten a reallygood looking one. Now out front they
got a good look at want offthe back of the iron. Shot no
good by eating eating right the topof the key and ball us hit on

the back iron and bounced back outStone King on the way and down down
low skis him, skives him,skip pass Kayton cocks Kyden stopped, pops
stand off, the iron goes theI smoothed by shading just off on his
shot three point the other way forLancaster. Something good. Damn eating for

three. Software was just way tooopen on that shot. Three three Steam
with a three point shot fox camBadger first on cam. Troy handed the
ball, lifts it inside the schism, went off of Daniel's hands. Now
to the other end, take itto the hole, lay it up.
No good. Stone King got shoved. Now tipped up in piles at the

tip end Cooper had inside position andhe fell in. I thought he did.
He got shoved underneath the basket.He kept the life of the Gals
and they tipped it in. Theymade it five to three. Now one
Miller got a good one. Tryto pick a roll with Scizzle had them

brought a couple of bad passes justalmost They want to run and trying to
throw the ball inside, but acouple of passes is off the mark and
you get this one back. OneMiller in trouble gives it to Kyon Eble
that just came in the game.They kept them scores nice past one Miller.
Yeah, Miller went in and actuallytossed the ball off the back of
the backside of the defender to godown. But on the other end they

push you down and Cannon isles witha bank shot. I don't know if
he meant to bank it in,but he did in his bound gives him
four points. He had been sippedin a moment ago. Mile's a senior.
The three seniors start for Lancaster andAles. Three point play is good.
He made the three throw as well. Gives them five and the Gales

out in front eight to five,about three point play stunt King Bill dribbling
Crossbart past Jan Miller into the lane. Now back to stone King on the
lank down low cam Badger, backto Cooper. Stone King makes them move

into the bucket and then they lay. That was something he was kind of
struggling with last Saturday against Jackson.But it's nice to see he's getting off
to a hot start. Was guardedby Thomas and now on the other end
up to the end, Ales ishaving a red hot start and he's got
seven of Lancaster's first ten points.That time he took it down the right

side of the lane about a halfbook half jump starting bank it in thettle
coffee back down by three now CamBadger fifteen foot jumper. No, arn't
off the front of the iron well. It looks like he just disch effort
on that one big deep beense ofthe camp was almost all his way down.
Say if Ailes could stay hot thoughhe missed as a three, felt

like I've been making all these shots. I'll take a three, but he
missed it. Dunk King thought abouta three. Now Cooper takes a three.
Go good and rebound Lancaster and getit out to Bernie Broonie dishes backside
lay up to cam Heaton with theylay in Nice feed by Brunie. They
had a time out called by theI believe by the cavaliers. Three h
three remaining in the first quarter Lancastertwelve till the coffee seven. You're listed

the cabs coverage we WB back afterthis part. Being a locally owned and
operated business means a lot for alot of reasons at Where Funeral Home.
Those reasons are simple, trusted caringprofessionals available twenty four hours a day to
help when you needed, most compassionatestaff that understands the weight of your loss
with the ability to handle all ofyour concerns, a location conveniently situated in

downtown chili cooffee, and the familiarityof the community they've been serving since eighteen
ninety one. Let the folks atlocally owned and operated Where Funeral Home help
youre healing begin visit where FH dotcom back at Leicester Cabs will have the
ball out ad or maybe likes tocall that ton out to set up the
press, Dad, break the presstwo on one feed down, badger up

at your nice I was going tosay, even if they did an even
better job by Chilcoffee that recognize itand they were able to go in a
nice little allute past the badger.Two quick passes. They had a two
on one in a high lob ofthe Badger with the lay and nice job
by the calves make it twelve nineales, one on one back out on
top Eaton, no right corner.End of the game as Carpenter just came

in after that time out. Carpenterhad to get rid of but he got
himself down Cock in the middle ofthe lane. Back on top. Bruney
Brooney kicks left side long free nogood rebound Cavaliers. It was a long
three by cam Eaton, no goodto twenty to play. First quarter.
Cam Badger thought about him three stepsinto the fifteen footer got him Cam Badger.

Back to back buckets by the thehoney Badger. But that's his dad
for the junior Yeah, junior Alesworks his way inside up of the end,
used his body well down inside.He just got nine of their fourteen.
Calves have been trying to put everybodythey can on him. So far

he's been not successful. Badger drivesinside no good one. Miller fights the
rebound knocked off one of the gealsoff of Hay Now who the Kaws will
get it back? So in fourteeneleven and then it's forty six to play.
Then the first quarter long go outfront, Caten Cox slaying stone King,

Tripper thought about at three it wasa back on top. Lancaster was
in a zone out in the outof bounds plight. They'll stay in the
zone right side Miller well on skippass, stone King opened for a three
prooper Scott short off the mark andnice rebound. Eblin stone King, Cayton

Cox. Yes they signed jumper orby Cayton Cox. Nice job and give
Eblin credit. He kept out alivefor an offensive rebound that turned into a
bucket for Cox. Fourteen thirteen Dasdown by one, Brune brought it by
one. Miller on top, Eatondown under Carpenter shop block. Oh yeah,

the outside official, I mean theywon't call them badger for reaching.
The block was clean, but itwas the other the other be thunder ring
step title Carpenter or exactly one minuteremaining in the first period, Carpenter will

shoot a couple of free throws.First enough of good and Andrew Hammond coming
in cam Badger wilcome out when Carpentersecond of the two shots, but in

the actors shooting that went up nogood. We got one out of the
two. Nice rebound by Stayton Cox. Cocks will bring it down the cab
trail by two, fifteen to thirteenLancaster. Under a minute to play first
period, Miller drives, stop,goes to the wane, Cock's way out
on the long way from the bucket. King's gonna ribble all the way back

out to the volleyball line. Igot to reset the offense. Now Bat's
near the mid court line, goingto lay for a final. But now
the thirty second, now the Millerston't King Stone King working for a shot
double team and loses it. It'sBernie on the other end. Brody loses

it. Pick back up my Lancaster. Now a long three is an airball
save back in by the gals.Back out Brunie Brody top of the key.
Down to eight seconds. If thegals get a final shot, it's
going to be Brunie gets a pick, drives to the left side, drives
in, throws it up no good, shops in the air and that end
the first quarter. Good first quarterof action, a lot of action and

a tight ball game. After oneLancaster fifteen Semakafi you're listening to CABS coverage
WBX back after this. The expertteam of specialist at the Adena Orthopedic and
Spine Institute is proud to provide leadingsports medicine care to student athletes and active
adults right in our community. Ouradvanced medical team and experienced Adena Athletic trainers

are ready to help you relieve painand regain your strength and mobility. We
do what we love so you cantoo. Call seven four zero seven seven
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get back in the game. Beinga locally owned and operated business means a

lot for a lot of reasons.At where Funeral Home, those reasons are
simple, trusted caring professionals available twentyfour hours a day to help when you
needed most, compassionate staff that understandsthe weight of your loss with the ability
to handle all of your concerns.A location conveniently situated in downtown coffee and
the familiarity of the community they've beenserving since eighteen ninety one. Let the

folks a locally owned and operated Wherefuneral Home help youre healing? Begin visit
where FH dot com gets the balland take it right inside and lay up
easy Heyton Allen, Noah Netter.They'll get to the numbers in a meta
NOA net Are into the lineup.So is Andrew Hannon skiz him back.

Yet that's the role. I'm prettygood, But three new substitutes to start
the second card for Pat Deer Dollarstays in at Cox and that's it now,
says it one on one down thelane, heavy traffic put it up
off the front of the iron.No good rebound pulled down by Allen fifteen

thirteen to start this quarter, andthe Calves go with a three freshmen and
inside no good no one letter fightsfor the rebound and gets it back.
I can still going right at andnet are on the inside. Now Cox
has to alter his shot in hisfoul foul me on Thomas Box has gonna

shoot chief three throws the numbers inthe first story there too, Chill Coffee
six to thirteen from the floor,one of four from deep no free throws,
whereas Lancaster six or fifteen from thelaw from the floor overall want to
fly from the arc and two ofthree from the charity straper eight. Cox
missing the first foul shot, secondone he missed it. Both came up

short on both. Buff Calf struggledin the JV game at the foul they
only lost forty seven to forty oneup and it made their foul shots.
They might have had a win inthe earlier game. So hope we didn't
rub off on the varsity year.They're going to go against Netter. They
just take it inside, got hisown rebound out on the second time,
shot up and go. I thinkthey realized that they can go in and

wow, I was a senior.He's almost as tall, but it hasn't
been in short than mill of Netter. But he's much stronger. Yeah,
and he's probably got a little Imean, you gotta think Netter is probably
a little bit exhausted from the JVgame too. All right, O say
no scuse him, work said,slide kicks him back out to long.
Miller now was down six. Dow'sout scores four h to start the quarter.

Now Hamming in the quarter andrew outon top skiz him. Now Miller
he had stunt king out of thegame, and Cam Badger out of the
game and now knocked out. Everybodygets substitutes for the Cavaliers. Badger the
stunt king, get up with it. Yeah, back to a little more

well was working well there in thefirst quarter for the cat Yeah. I
wonder if Pat Beer went in andtold the guys you got to finish out
the corner and you've got the ball. You can't give away a last second
possession on that. I'll tell youwhat. Lancaster, they are very active
with their hands tonight. And Ihad something with Chilli Coffin's not really seeing

too many times this season that we'rein the corner. Schizm deep in the
corner. Daniel Gibbles backed out.The stone came nineteen thirteen Lancaster Cooper corner
open Andrew Hammond. Yep, guys, shot by a freshman. It just
stop and pop right where he needsit fast. My stone can gave it

to Andrew right where he could grabit and shoot it quickly and be able
to put the deep corner. Nowas one on one against Dublin, back
out Allen on the corner, Carpenter, no good rebound, Hammon good box
out Hammon and Badger both a nicejob boxing out it dash back at nineteen
to fifteen, don't we got it? They'll get in the now they change

it to sixteen. Badger in trouble, turn around jumper my ham no good
got himself all trouble down in thegood all that defense had to turn around
and put one up. And yeah, that's about the third or fourth time
he's had one of those bailout shots. It's not been working on the other
end. Handlon beat on the baseline, good recover. Andrew got a hand

as the shots in the down undermy Leancester Hammond opened keep right side,
no Good, the rebound pulled outby Badger. Badger for the lay and
he walked through the basketball. Wow. I mean he even thought he got
called for the steps. Yeah,I can't. Fudy got called for traveling

where there was a foul cal onLancaster. Now Walt beller in and Badger
back out. That's going to benumber two on Jade Thomas. It's the
only what thousand the Gails have onthem tonight so far, but two thousand
nonetheless on one person and out front. Hammon didn't take the shot on the

end down thousand three, stunt kinglittle bit and to read out pulled down
by the gale. They lead itby three and bring it down. Bruney
picks up his dribble. The substitutein the game is Boyden. Yeah,
that's how ales again they are not. Yeah, that was just that was
an easy one. I mean,uh, look like just shading the wrong

way. I mean, Edwin yougot you're a senior. You got to
go in and make sure you're notshading right towards the basket. Unfortunately gives
up the layup and then Jill Couthygets called for steps on this one.
Yeah. Andrew Hammond was in thecorner of the guts of ball to hamm
and he was called for steps travelingon ham and a turnover Isles has eleven
points eleven of the elects for twentyone points right side. Bruney tries to

beat his man, takes it inside, has to ditch it out front,
got himself caught in the air aislesback door feed stalling away by the calves
a good defense. He tried togo back door where the calves were there
to pick off Miller, stunt King, Hammon, Emblin and schism in four
of the calves. Now stone Kingone on one, we touched to the

corner back out, Jan Miller kicksto the corner Hammon, and that's going
to be a reach in foul oncam Eaton. Eaton was going in reaching
across his body using his left handwhile and Hanneman is going in dribbling left
and that's usually not a good combination. Thirteen foul and lines furing the second

quarter. Calves do not have afoul in the second quarter. Two more
in the caves will shoot two threethrows and are still three and a half
minutes to play till half times.Hammon with the ball, one drive all
top of the key, pal EblinMiller, we'll pick and roll the schism

up and in nicely. Rice wavedby Daniel to go in keep his composure
in the paint. Didn't have toworry about dribbling, and he puts it
up on the other end aisles.He just drives to the bucket. He's
having a heyday. Thirteen per ale. Else Gisom loses the ball going inside,

turns it over and now Daniel runsinto the player for Lankster ran into
the back. Didn't mean to buthe ran right into the back of Boyden
to pick up a foul. TheAngel took it inside to try to score,
lost control of it, and thenwhen he didn't get it back,
he turned around to run back upthe floor and ran right into one of

the deals right he ran right overthe top of it. The blaksted out
with a five point advantage. Underthree minutes to go to halftime, and
they have the basketball. Bolden BoydenOther're now down under wide open his voydant
dish off Thomas close end partially blockedin. Thomas got it back. Now

eaton fakes, fix his just dribbleThomas all the way inside, put it
up no good and skiz it withthe rebound we need. Thomas put it
in a couple of times, couldn'tget it to go. He had to
shoot over Skizm who played pretty good. Team cam Badger back of the game
stone King for three got it waytoo much room for Cooper stone King.

He'll say it, thank you verymuch, and he's off to a great
start. Brings the Cabs back toit. In two twenty three twenty one,
Ailes big step clows one up andright now he could kick it he
could kick it with his foot thatwould go in. I was gonna say,
I mean Badger bodied him a lotand that didn't matter. He got

knocked probably on his found lost it. He kind of just half hooked and
threw it up and went off andbloss it in now on the other one
of steal and got it away fromStone game file. So I throw it
up there and shoot it. Nowhe does it away. I'm a little
bit intock to see that Thomas isstill in the game with two fouls.
I don't know if they're substituting himout now, but uh yeah, there

looks like offense defense maybe, butinteresting strategy for U for can't can't Riggs
to go in and keep him inand chill coffee. You should maybe next
time he's on the floor, tryto get him into the third file before
the half ends for a minute ahalf to play because of Stone king out
of the game. Now, Millerhits the deck bank for hits the deck

cam Badger all alone for three nogood and Hammond knocks it an ice suckled
by hamm and tried to get theoffensive board but knocks it out of down.
Don't blame the badger on that shotat me. Yeah, had a
nice form and just just couldn't godown. A couple of guys hit the
deck and they wound up with Cambeing wide open on the left baseline.

Cam didn't get a whole lot ofarcs on his shot. He has a
pretty line, dry shot. Yeah, And now Nolla and Netta the freshman's
going to come back in and replacedSkizzle. And the last time this happened
Kayden Allen, there's about six ythree there, probably weighs about two point
fifteen to two twenty. And thefunny thing is he just checked in at

the same time. So I thinktheir understanding the situation, they will I
think they'll try to pick on Nolan. Nett are here defensively travel Starvinry tried
to stop and stop on the driveand walks with it a minute twelve now
Stone came back in and hamm itout. Seventy two seconds still halftime,

Lancaster leaves it twenty five twenty one. Von Miller brings it down. I'll
hand off the stone King. StoneKing left laying Cox and Kyden backs it
off well. Now one minute toplay, it'll have stone King ball fake

almost feel it a and saved andValves beautiful saved Bernie lazy Colly sleep at
the wheel on that one. Goodjob by Bernie to get everything going good
hustle. I think it was Carpenterand there for foul reach in foul on

Lecster on Gabe Boyden. Yeah,that's the fourteenth foul. So one bar
in the camps with the shooting,but we're down to just thirty nine seconds.
Was a big turnover for the Cavaliers, and Bernie almost got it again.
Miller quickly up Cayton Cox for three, got it big for the right

before you go into half, andhe's had just kind of stopped the bleeding
at this point twenty seven twenty four, but dabs and get a stop.
Here. Looks like the gals wantedto take the last shot in nineteen seconds.
I give it to Ailes. He'sgot fifteen fifteen of their twenty seven.
Now, Bernie is the guy thatlikes to have the basketball. Oliver,
they're leading score crossover, Dribble,tries to kick it into the lane.

Voyden shot up and go yeah,a long shot, wife Cox's no
good from three quarters court. Ibelieve that that was that was Boyden that
got the shot off with two seconds. It looks like the Gals were in
trouble, not going to get agood shot. They were able to get
it into the lane and Boyden gotit to go and it gives the Gails

a five point advantage at half tidetwo quarters in the books. Here at
lanks for high school the Gaels leadit twenty nine since twenty four. Welcome
back, take a look at scoringand stat's you're listening to CABS coverage and
the hope of the Cavs WDX backin two minutes with the half tood record.

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Gals leaded at halftime twenty nine totwenty four. They led by two at
the end of one quarter fifteen tothirteen, and then the outscore of the
Cavs fourteen to eleven in the secondquarter for a five point advantage or the
Gales twenty nine twenty So most ofthose coming from Senior Canada isles, it's
ai l e s Isles, averagingabout nine points in the game, and

he's got fifteen already at half timefor the senior the sophomore cam Eaton with
the three and the two, he'sgot five points. Carpenter of foul saw
at one point Haydon Allen down onthe inside. They went to him down
on the low post when they hadto notch up with the freshman Knowlanetter,
but he made a couple of bucketsfor four points. And at Colton Burney

who leaves him. The Gales averagingover thirteen a game. Had that light
layoff and after been in for Berniehit two points. Dam Boyden off the
bench. He hit the final shotof the half more two points or Boydant
Cavaliers with twenty four points said theygot a wide variety of scores one,
two, three, four, five, six Cavaliers in the story. Colum

kayon nebbled off the bench with two, Kooper stone King leads away with eight,
Caam Bacher with four, kateon Coxwith five, Daniel Schizen with two,
and Andrew Hammet off the match threepoint shot. They have three falls
Goody at the half Chill Cothy tenof twenty two from the floor four of

ten from the arc and ozer twofrom charity stripe. They were only two
free throws in the second quarter fromKate and Cox. Meanwhile, the Lankster
gales at thirteen of twenty nine fromthe floor overall, one of six from
deep and two of three from charitystripe. They didn't attempt to through in
the second quarter. They only attemptedone three pointer at the in the second

stanza. But man, they wereable to go in and get a lot
of buckets off of turnovers. ChillCofee had four just in that second quarter
alone. Second quarter turnovers and uhjust looking through actually take that back,
they only had two points off ofa big turnover. But that was that

steal that Tyler Carpenter had late inthe third in the second quarter that he
was able to tip it kind ofat us here at the scorers table,
and then Tyler Bruney was Colton Bruneywas able to be Johnny at the spot
and he was able to take itdown and you almost thought if he could
have dunked it, the gym wouldhave probably erupted it. It was that

big of a play and that momentousof a play that Chill coffee. There's
a couple of times late in thequarters, late in the first, late
in the second where they've been holdingfor that final shot, but they haven't
been. They felt like they've beenasleep at the wheel a little bit and
not possessing the basketball as well asthey should, and Lancaster has taken advantage

of it. That was a bigplay right near the end of the half.
Look back at Calves down by three, would get the final shot.
The ball got tipped away. Itcame over here to the right on the
where Cody and I are seated,and I think the Davs felt like I
was gonna go out of bounds.They kind of let up in a hustle
played by the Gals. They jumpedout of bounds, saved it, threw
it back in and right to Brune, took it on down and scored it.

That was a big movetum play,certainly for the Gals, and again
they leaded twenty nine to twenty four. Don't forget more Cavalier basketball action coming
your way on Friday night. Willbe at Hatton Gymnasium and hopefully around seven
fifteen will take the air. It'llbe Warren. I saw a couple people

have a feeling warrant coaching staff.This's here scouting to they meet up against
the Cavaliers on Friday night and thenright back added on Saturday afternoon a scheduled
four thirty starting at Greenfield McClane.Both those games Friday night and Saturday afternoon
can be heard right here on thehome of the Calves wbe X. And

of course, as we mentioned earlier, the tournament drawing. Of course,
the tournament seeding I guess based onthe RPI, takes place on Sunday.
The Cavaliers will know by late Sundayafternoon. And again if you're not familiar
on most Cavs fans certainly are becauseit's been that way. But now the
Calves are Division one. There arenot enough Division one schools. They and

Logan both are part of the drawingin the central district, so that'll happen
again. So they'll be a partof the Central district. About the southeast
district because of the lack of Divisionone schools, and if I remember correctly,
isn't like Maryetta also Division one,but they go out to the east.
Not sure, yeah, area,It has kind of been back and
forth here the other thing that couldhave us talking to Forbes Hammon Andrews dad

and a couple of weeks ago andwe was talking about that OHSA going and
he says it's gonna happen. They'regonna go to seven divisions in basketball like
football, and we shall seems likea lot to me, but it'll really
benefit someone like Chilicothee. He wastelling me the breakdown a number of students
of the top three or whatever grade. But if that happens, Chilicothee,

you know, will not be There'salmost gonna be two super classes of D
one and then right after that.So it's a chance in Chilicothee might be
in a Division three. Yeah,seven divisions, And he was telling me
one of those divisions is only goingto have like forty eight teams in the
state of Ohio. So they're they'rekind of messing with the uh well,

with everything, but I understand partof it, and it gets more people,
I guess in the state trouble well. And they were trying to already
do that with the competitive balance measure, where if you were going in and
winning state titles within a certain amountof time, you were gonna get pumped
up with divisions, so I'd becurious to see how it goes. I'm
me I chillicothee Is would be verybeneficial just because they are on that low

end of Division one and again you'retrying to play. And then now if
they were in the occ where they'reseeing a lot of the schools that they
were for so many times before,yeah it makes sense a little bit.
But right now it's they're kind ofin no man's land because of how everything's
scheduled. Taking Tony Weiss ready forthe second half to go. Here's twenty

nine to twenty four Lancaster reminder gamebeing brought to you by your Financial You're
a financial for your financial needs andinvestments, your financial Downtown Philakafee, proud
supporter of Area Athletic. You're financialdams will go with It looked like the
original starting five Von Miller, Danielschiz Up, Gooder, Stunt, Dan

Camp, Badger and Kaking Katon Ducks. Too many Caden's and Camp so I
get there, so Cas and Camsand Cooper's. I was gonna say,
my sister has four boys and theyall start with the letter C and so
it's always trying to a nice littleadventure to remember which ones which there Daves

will get the ball to start thesecond half, Stocks will trigger it in
down by five. Twenty four rankstwon the JD game forty seven to forty
one. Was a good JV game. Earlier box underneath wide oh, but
heavy traffic at a foul I setto start the second half of Chillicothee going

in and you got the hot handfor the calves and being stoke can and
nice little passes under the block andhe draws a foul, then setting a
lot of picks out for three.At that time they ran Cooper down under
a pick under the bucket and theycut into the pass and he was fouled
trying to put it up on thelay In makes the first free. I

mean gets this look Cooper of beingdouble figures a couple of good games lately,
both of them good. He's gotten and Pilicoti within three. They
get on the board first in thethird quarter twenty nine six Hayden allen er
wide open, now miss the layout, excuse him? Fights for the rebound.

Hey now a wide open shot,nice offensive set run but he missed
the shot. Now Cox for three, then go kay Cox tabs coming out
from the second half in a reallygood spot by it twenty nine twenty nine
five unanswered starts the third quarter ThomasAllen right side, Berney thought about it.
Berney drives in the lane, triesto just scuse him, got a

hand on it, and we've gota foul. Scuzhm was knocked down.
Good job by Daniel going in,keeping his hands low enough to where the
basketball was. It looked like abounce pass. He was able to go
in and detect it and tip itand pick off the pass. Dat Rick
says, I want to call thirtysecond time out. We'll take a thirty
second break. Caves basketball wb Xback right after this. The expert team

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Dina dot org slash AOSI today toget back in the game. Bag them.
Cody Liis back in last year,Calves have come out strong in a
third quarter five unanswered points to tieit up at twenty nine. Twenty nine,

but there's a standard. They'll setthe ball down. They almost got
a five second Paul Coach Bears said, hurry up, stunt king Badger.
Cox is gonna try another three longrange, comes up short, but the
rebell comes off of It's gonna goto Phila Cothy. Cat's gonna lucky break

off of that one. That wasa really tough shot, just short and
for some reason our Lancaster wasn't ableto corral it. Kayden's that's three pointed
for Cox is the way out there, NBA three. But it carried off
and went off the gale. Nowone. Miller gets into the lane,
heavy traffic, nice speed all nicenice job by Cam realizing that he can

go back door and ice passed byMiller. Lonald's Pott in the lane and
out of the corner of his eyesaw Badger breaking Dateslin served it up and
Cam lays it in and Philicicothy leadsfirst leads since three nothing Wow. Phil
Coothy goes to his own and theld Thomas down the lane. Thomas blocked,

Allan gets kicks it out to Ales. Aisles shot no good and knocked
out my microscrat. Philacapio did it. Ales, who had fifteen the first
half, had a good look thereat the three in and out on his
jumper. A nice call by PatBeard squad realizing that it's a different look
defensively going from the man and mannormally to the two three zone, and

got Lankster a little bit confused.Well, Cox spins down the lane,
stops now inside, slits a shotup and he's foul. Hat b on
Hayden Allen. I believe, Yeah, that's the second the quarter and second

overall Jayden Cox two three. Kaydenwas over see then the first half and
he misses this and he's now overthree from the foul. He's normally a
good foul shore. Philccaffie leaves itthirty one twenty nine. See if Kaydon
can get this one to drop.He he does one out of two for

the Freshman and the Cavaliers. That'sour biggest lead of three to nothing.
Now they're up to thirty two twentynine. They've trailed most of the game
in the third quarter, cap standingtwo three underneath double team out of the
corner, three point shot Aisles,no good long rebound comes out to Allen's
Lancester keeps the basket all nothing todo about that. A long Caaren Walker

miss three Allen short baseline cross fortAisles, Files drives the base line,
stops, puts it up four gotJohn Biles the watch the leaping defenders get
out of his way and break alittle bit of the street by a chill
coffee. Good patients by Aisle stopnow schizm baseline gives him traffic out front

badger. He drives into that defense, scoops it up and can't today let
himself down on a tough spot.Now, I was all the way down,
almost walked with it. Now BrinnanBrittany thought about a three good defense
by Jan Miller eaton three point shotleft side, no good rebound. Allam
got it back. He goes rightback in. I put it up in

a yeah. He went in andthere was no boxing out by chill coffee
on that and he was able tomuster everything into that and retake the league
for Lecaester right go back on topbats where stokecare get a good shot here,
don't force it. Cooper inside itwell, taken a long shot.
It's an airball. Not what youwanted. Wow, Daniel was open,

But yeah, Daniel normally he's gota three point shooter. Now Ales Nike's
just shot in the final up.There's where he's been in that second that
first half. He wondering where thatwas coming from. That was a running
a runner running to his left,shooting back to his right, got bumped

his fout. The bucket is good, gives him nineteen. If he makes
a three point play the old fashionway, FLEs will have twenty of Lancaster's
points. Good tell. The Catstook a three point lead and now seven
oh run for the Gales has himback up by four thirty six thirty two

midway through the third quarter. Tapshaven't got a real good shots. Here
is Devlin back in the game forSchizm now taking it to the whole nice
lay in a cock. You saidit just a second ago. They needed
a quality shot and they got itout. Okay, Files rebound skizz it.
Then you got hit in the backthere on the rebound. Good box

out. Now Jan Miller in thelane, heavy traffic, skizz him working
his way down the lane, throwshim back out to cocks cats till by
two Fox backs it off looking fora pick out. Does it? Excuse
him? Stone King quick, We'reworking one on one against the big man

down the schism up and this allthe way down and back out. Great
pass by Stone Tank and excuse him. Now I's going to commit a foul.
I think my him Mikes are madeof shot. It's like a circuit
shot. But I'll give you aguess who did it. But it's not

going to count a foul. Ithink some cocks. Cocks and Skim both
reached in. Daniel's going to goout of the game and on the foul
told Mike still have it in bounds. Third second team found the cows in
the third quarter. Oh, I'dopened underneath aisles. Good nice nice play

designed by Riggs to go in andit ran a cutter. Now Miller with
a quick shot and in and outno good Canon fights him the rebound out
of town. Well, I'm notthe shots haven't been terrible terrible, but
now Lancaster's on the run and theCalves are taking a shot. Within the

first ten seconds of bringing the balloff the floor and they're pretty much taking
it all on a one on onedude. Yeah, this is the maturity
part that we talked about that theywere avoiding or they were showing the maturity.
Alan walks his way in and theyhave been might have taken the charge
there as hey, Mallan bullies hisway under for a layup and now it's
a six point advantage stoone. Kingdrives inside. We got a whistle,

are called carpenter for his first round. Thirty three to thirty Calves left where
they've been outscored ten to one inthe last two plus minutes. Not a
shooting foul for Stone King. Calveswill have it under their own bucket and
Miller sigers it in. But isthat that is the fourth foul by Lancaster

this quarter. So somethings of mine, I'm like, knocks it out about
knocked out of the hands of CocksFox cross court path, Bernie steals it.
I just telegraph it going into janMiller and Berney stole it away.
Car Fender one on one works hisway down the lane. Kansas Aisles fadeaway

jumper by Aisles almost an airball andit's going to go to shelf Coffey knocked
out by Lancasteret. Calv's got abreak with that one. That one's on
theless hitting everything at this point.You know, I said, most awful
shots to the Ailes has had allnight long. He's got twenty two points

six fight difference. Now Van Millerone on one in the lane, put
it up. Score it. Goodjob by Miller, first points for one.
Miller on the nine. Cans areback within the four forty to thirty
six and we're under two minutes toplay into third quarter. Brunie Lloyd now
down inside. Allen shot locked byEblin. The lock from behind and Hayden

Allen will go to the line,So they're trying to go in in three
quarters or a three quarter position onHayden Allen with that's where Devlin was at.
Unfortunately Chilicothi did not have anybody inthe backside helped maybe stop the penetration,
and unfortunately Kate Nevan's going to pickup his first foul of the game.

Thanks, nice job looking for Allen. He's got the three built nine
points for the senior pivot player andwe're gonna get two big guys coming in,
skiz him back in and Nolan letterwith Taala Scavilore question Devlin leaving,
yeah, so's one miller. ThenHayden Allen looks to go in double figures.

They ain't got it. Allen's gotten Aisles has twenty two. They
have thirty two of the forty two. The Cothy basketball scuse him right wing
and Kate Cox submitted to half toplay third quarter stunt. King thought about

a three feet to Hammond, putit up, got it to go ours.
Job by Hammond, showing a littlebit of strength in the hed on
the cut. It was a heavytraffic. Andrew did a nice job.
Three point shot dead and that apartment. That's his first field goal of the
night. And an answers were shotby Hammer and now seven point advantage Hammond

for three. Got it. Hammon'sstarting to show he's got a little bit
of inside outside to him on this. Oh, there's no doubt Andrew.
He was excellent. When he getsa chance to set his feet, he's
as good as shoot her is around. He's only a fresher and he'll keep

getting But I think when Andrew goesinside and he's Gordon's traffic getting knocked around.
You add that to it, andhe's just said you nothing to get
better. Yeah, in the collisionsports, everybody talks about you're going in
and getting an opportunity to get bumped, get hit a couple of times,
then you start to kind of feelthat moment. I mean, I think
that's what Andrew Hammond's starting to realizehere in this tail end of his freshman

years. Once he starts to getsome more hits in his varsity action,
he's able to go in and showthat he can play a little bit better
time out. I think while theCavaliers actually have the basketball, Tavs have
Amman Schism, can Badger, Stone, King and Cocks in there, Bernie

brings it down. Caves have helpedRellie well under his average, but Ales
has absolutely killed him tonight. They'relooking to go to the big man.
They get it back to Ales,right part of Bernie. Bernie looking inside
now out on top. The bigguy didn't take the three point shot.
The right wing carpenter offense down undera minute to play turn around, Aisles

miss it, rebound, pulled downby Cox up till the couthy on the
Calves drilled by four they bounce itinside that pass Cox, but the Lancaster
throws it right back to him.Now Cox drives inside and threw it away
and it was touched by Lancaster.I mean, that's two bad passes.

Why Fagan Cox just a little tothe idea. But yeah, we had
a man, but the kind ofone handed it and threw it away.
But Daves get a break. Theyget it back down the twenty two seconds.
Let's see if you take a finalshot. Badger runs in and shoots
an airball and we gotta jump ball, gonna go to the lacustreet. But

you got twenty seconds, you're downfour. You and it's a part of
that maturity to Jody was talking aboutyou need a better shot than that shit.
Go ninety mine hour down the lanewith a bunch of defense, saying
I don't got to have to stophere. Down by four, down to
eight seconds, they'll give it toBrunnie to handle. Brunie left plane kicked

down under shot up and no good. You gotta whistle right if it doesn't.
Shot was no good inside by aliIs. If this is on Lancaster,
this will be free throws for now. They're gonna badger can badger will
pick up foul. It's not ashooting foul. So the officials discussing when

the foul took place. I'm gonnasay I think that it will be after
the quarter. Yeah, they're gonnacall at the end of the quarter.
So three quarters come to an endafter three Lancaster forty five, Chillicothe forty
one back with fourth quarter play youlistening to Calvs on wb e X.
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sem seven three one eight one,Greg Vegan. Cody lies quickly, ready
to go. Caps get the balldown by four to start the fourth core

almost still the way skiz him chasesit down out of Hammon. They went
out on the wing on topstone kingfor three off the back of the iron
rebound, fought four aisles and hamand have a hand on it. Now
let's loose under the deck. Yeah, I think lackers on the in line.
Nice hustle by Hammon fighting for theball and it causes Lancaster to step

on the in line and Calves willget it back. What do you want
about third core? Interesting numbers therethey got. They out started off high.
He finished up six of eleven fromthe floor, two or five from
the arc, and three or fourfrom the charity stripe. Vacher, how's
the ball taking away? Now?Be his fourth Yeah? Badger looks at
the fish well like steel was laidand then they called camp Valgers floor tough.

Paul. I think Pat's trying toget some kind of explanation, especially
with the yeah, MIT's within thewall and down this is said. We're
gonna play Extander there and talker.We're gonna start the action. Bronni works
his way in the lane, kicksto the corner aisles for three, no

good long rebound. Cocks Cocks witha one on three, does not have
a number out on front stop kicker. Now dribbles trying to work his way
into the lane, kicks to thecorner to ham it. Hammon has to
back it off. Okay, justa minute into the fourth quarter, forty
five to forty one. The Cavaliersoutscored Lancaster's seventeen to sixteen. In the

third period. It went through aspell there, however, when they got
outscored ten to one. Now Badgerfor three off the iron, no good
long rebound. Lancaster Bruneye one onthree takes it to the hole, exploring,
wow, you gotta stop, andthat's unfortunately chill Coffee was just not

willing to do that. Back toa six point lead, Bernie Nice job
Bernie and leading score from Lankster hadbeen held in two points before he took
that coast to coast to score stuntKing at NBA three No good rebound Cox
Miss de Layah Kayden was visiting prettyfast, but it came up putting empty
on it. Now on the way, Bruney says, I'm getting hot and

thing goes. I was just readythe same moment ago that they've held the
leading score down. But he's gottenhot with five quintin points and leans to
their biggest lead in a long time, fifty to forty one. Time out
on the floor, you're listening toCavs coverage on wb X pact in thirty

seconds thirty. Being a locally ownedand operated business means a lot for a
lot of reasons where Funeral Home,those reasons are simple, trusted caring professionals
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called that sign out a boy abig run there by Leicester credit. Yeah,
they're even hit some big shots andLancaster has been able to hit him
in there again they've got they're ableto get one guy from Chili Coffee on
the bench to four files nine overrun to start the fourth quarter, Stone
King short on the three. Allof a sudden, the Cats three point

shots. They're all hitting the iron. They a little retired leg ja wab,
but they're coming up short on theirshots and now Lancaster can go up
by double figures. Now one millercalled for a reach in no more back
in the game. That's a nickeldimer. They swipe at the face of
Colton Brunne a little bit and nearside official against the call. Cox gives

him Hammon Stone King Ron Miller inthe game for the Cavalier. The Badge
are out with those four files.Brunning, who's been hot. He didn't
hardly score the entire game, andhe's gotten the last five in a row
or the gals. He's got theball out of the point guard spot on
the wing. He eaten eating.They reverse at right side, Bernie on
top Thomas one dribble dishes inside.They go to the big guy working his

way down the lane Betty's store,Hayon Dollen way too easy the gout and
against skizz him and he just backedhis way down and got about a six
foot short jump shot in the lane. Allen and double figures Miller left side.
Stone came just skis him, skishim from fifteen, got a nice

yeah. Second bucket of the nightfor Daniel Schism gives him four. Now
Thomas all the way down, nobodystops it. Then he lays it in
J. D. Thomas his firstbucket of the night. Bad deefense of
the Cavaliers. They're down by elevenagain fifty four forty three Stone came working
into the lane and kicks it.Didn't take the shot, kicks it the

ham and three point shot, nogood rebound, Thomas a Lancastre. Can't
give up two, just try forthree. Unfortunate or that time people maybe
had a Yeah, great pass andHammon is a great three point shoots the
hindsight, I think Cooper might havehad an nice easy two pointer though Brunie
takes it to the lane dishes Allenagain, this was getting away in a

hurry. Great pass by Brunie.He's a good floor general, does a
great job. And Allen now withfourteen, I think Files has twenty four
shot. No good with the Cavaliers. And we said now four minutes to
go in the game, and it'sa thirteen point. This was a four
point game, just a flash amoment ago. A four point lead is

now thirteen. Police Davis have notscored the entire third quarter. I don't
think they've scored on two points.Yeah, two points to the quarter.
Exkillsn't hit the jump shot and nowextra calls a time out to save a
turner the linder again. One ofour great sponsors is your Financial Downtown Ship.

Take your Financial needs and investments,your financial cloud supporter of Area Athletics.
Back in action on the radio Fridaynight, Warren JAS at Patton Gymnasium,
seven to fifteen schedule, shaking theair the non league game, and
then right back on Saturday, afour thirty start for the Calves in their

final FAC game of the year atGreenfield McClay. Justin Evlin and Codyleist will
have that for you on Saturday lateafternoon from Greenfield to playing high school Calves
one of eight in the fourth quartertheir total of seventeen of forty one from
the field over in this contest.Yeah, they just they hit a wall

here in the fourth quarter without scoredeleven to two. Yeah, Bernie got
a couple of big buckets and theneverything else they'd just been taking it inside
to Allen were now steal from thecavalier a stone King all the way down.
Lay it up to them. That'swhat they've been needing to do.
They need to be a little bitmore active with their hands and be able

to get these quick points from stoneKing with twelve, so the Calves getting
back to an eleven point difference.Aisles gyarded by cocks Alan right wing Grueney
Broonnie good ball handler and he's grabbedfrom behind I think by Cooper. I
think they were calling for a ride, a little bit hip ride and hip

check and around. People reached frombehind and cooked him. Brunnie under his
own bucket. Down to three seventeenleft in the contest, wide opening on
the end, bounced play, butHammond blocks the shot. Bluis fall.
Somebody's got to help schizem and Danielgets it out of there and nice block
by Hammond. Stone King looking takesit inside in the lane, can't find
anyone, throws it outside. EvelinEblin kicks the Hammond fakes back, hammling

for three to song on that one. Yeah, he's been trying to get
into a little bit of a rhythmafter those quick couple of baskets and the
third and just can't do it rightnow. Ronny takes it in, dishes
inside this play up, my Allan, excusn't look the rebound, great bass,
Allen, that's the easy layup.Nice challenged by the Cavaliers, soaking
for three on the other end,short off the iron. Cooper goes to

the deck. Yeah, last willhave a five on four now Cooper hustling
down. Cox goes for a stealon Britney can't get it to twenty five
to play in the contest. Fiftysix forty five leancester by eleven leather cutters
inside aisles, all by himself onthe left wing. It gets a pick,

a couple of drubb let's get anotherpick. Oh yeah, Sam,
suppose they can call him from thecarry. Ronnie drives inside, nice dish
inside shot up good good challenge thoughby schism, but just unfortunately just couldn't
get it. Fifty eight forty five. That'ses the biggest lee of thirteen for

the gals. We're down the midtefifty. Cox got to pick out front
shot way off the mark with thecalves. Their long range shooting in the
fourth quarter is well, and theyflayed pretty well, but they've all of
a sudden they've just lost their tontheir three point shots shoe I say,
their last four three point shots thatbarely hit the rim but not hit the

ramming up in at all. Yeah, it goes the way off. Fuck
that time. Cox had a prettygood look at it. His shot just
sit way on the left side ofthe iron. But Blackster has it with
one hundred and seconds left, Bernnieall the way down. Blackister doesn't need
a shot. Bernie's in trouble.And now the other time out by the
Gals as again looked like Bernnie wasgoing to have a three second violation time

out on the floor. We havea minute thirty eight remaining here in Lancaster.
The Gals of It on out tothe lead here in the fourth quarter.
Fifty eight forty five. Leicester backwith more action after this time out.
The expert team of specialist at theAdena Orthopedic and Spine Institute is proud
to provide leading sports medicine care tostudent athletes and active adults right in our

community. Our advanced medical team andexperienced Adena Athletic trainers are ready to help
you relieve pain and regain your strengthand mobility. We do what we love
so you can too. Call sevenfour zero seven seven nine four five nine
eight or visiting a Dina dot orgslash AOSI today to get back in the
game. Back at Leicester, GregVicon Tody Lais. There was forty five

forty one Leicester by four as westarted the fourth quarter. Tablers came back
to lead in the third quarter theywere outscored ten to one, fought back
to within four and that point inthe fourth quarter. Cody, it's not
went well. The captain wont stuntpole shooting here in the fourth quarter,
especially from deep Their last three wasAnander Hammond three. With a minute seven

left in the third quarter, they'vemissed their last eight from the arc.
Who it really went cold from longrange the trail now a minute thirty five
ghast of the steel can't get it. Thomas back in the game for the
Gals, guarded closely by stone King, now eating guarded by Eblin eating for

Leicester. Back cut. Brunneat inside, tries to dish it wide open shot
no good. The big man Allenhad a white and shot it. He
lost control of it, missed thelay up, and they realizing Chill Coffee's
trying to go for steals and fowlsand they're doing back cuts easily by shot
by Cocks. He drives down thelane thirteen for the Freshman. By the

way, Noah Netter's back in thegame for Chill Coffee. They're a refreshment
as well. Fifteen eight forty sevena minute to play a foul on the
Caps Calves have Eblin and Cox,Noah Netter, Stone King and one Miller
probably one of their better defensive teamswanting to come up with the steel and

that is the fifth mound threat.So Lapster like, we's got to shoot
two three throws with fifty seven secondsleft in the ball game, and it's
Cam Eaton Eating at the line shootingtwo eat Fleet blow up. A good
Eaton has eight miles, Miles hastwenty two s, twenty four over twenty

two, leads all scores and bothfree throws. Good Bye Eaton Gales seven
of eight from the charity strive TonightCox beats a double team gets it to
one milor one thws up at three. That's another airball. Well, the
Caps have had three airballs on threepoint shots here in the fourth quarter shooting.
I know they have to shoot quick. They're down big, down to

forty second, sixty to forty seven. Try to double Ka just playing around
the perimeter with the basketball. I'mnot sure that Caves are gonna foul here.
Maybe go for a steal. That'sit now, Ales double team back
to Eaton Eaton down in the corner. Thomas underneath running Grice should be three

seconds. He's standing in the lane. Official said, let's just get this
over. Win thirteen seconds down totwelve and that's gonna do it, all
right, Say let's the cock rightout. Five four. Ale's holding onto
the basketball and that'll do it.Sixty to forty seven are final from Lancaster,

a thirteen point win for the Galsas they pull away with a strong
fourth quarter. Cabs went dead coldin that fourth period and they only score
six points in the fourth quarter.Then they fall final sixty to forty seven,
Lancaster over the Cavaliers. Coding I'llbe back. We'll take a look
at some final stats, look atthe final scoring in the game of the

Cabs. Coverage on fourteen NINEWBX backthe postgame after this. Being a locally
owned and operated business means a lotfor a lot of reasons at where Funeral
Home. Those reasons are simple,trusted caring professionals available twenty four hours a
day to help when you needed,most compassionate staff that understands the weight of
your loss with the ability to handleall of your concerns. A location conveniently

situated in downtown Chili cooffee, andthe familiarity of the community they've been serving
since eighteen ninety one. Let thefolks at locally owned and operated Where Funeral
Home help youre healing. Begin visitwhere FH dot com. Hello, this
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about every single episode and we're goingto break it down and we're going to
be joined by special guests including LarryDavid and Cheryl Hines, Richard Lewis,
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just going to be a lot offun. So listen to the History of
Curprey Enthusiasm on the iHeartRadio app orwherever you get your podcasts. For over

fifty years, the Haller family hasbeen here to help families in our area
remember the life of a loved one, share that loved one's legacy, and
to heal as they go through thegraving process. The Howler family continues to
remember, share and heel with thearea's largest, most modern facility on site
crematory, and most importantly, withtheir carrying and dedicated professionals. Each individual's
life is unique and selecting. Howher funeral home ensures their tribute will be

just as unique. How her funeralhome helping families remember, share and heal.
The expert team of specialist at theAdena Orthopedic and Spine Institute is proud
to provide leading sports medicine care tostudent athletes and active adults right in our
community. Our advanced medical team andexperienced Adena Athletic trainers are ready to help

you relieve pain and regain your strengthand mobile. We do what we love
so you can too. Call sevenfour zero seven seven nine four five nine
eight. We're visiting Dina dot orgslash AOSI today to get back in the
game. Back for the postgame show. Greg Vegem Cody Lyes Cavaliers fall in
Leicester sixty to forty seven. Doveshad plenty of they were all down five

and a half. They actually tookthe lead in the third quarter of some
excellent basketball, trailed forty five fortyone entering the fourth quarter, and everything
kind of fell apart in the fourthquarter for the Cavs that got behind,
probably, as you well do ayoung team, they probably took a couple
quick shots or three point shots,went to really a rye in the fourth
quarter, which Cody think will tellyou here with some stats. But they

get out scored in the fourth periodfifteen to six and fall sixty to forty
seven. Scoring first of all forthe victorious Lackster Golden Gals, who are
now eight to nine on the season. Brunning, who averages around thirteen plus
a game, had seven. Greatfour game for the point guard, but
the big guy inside Hayden Allen withfourteen, Carpenter off the bench with four,

cam Eaton had nine, Boyden offthe bench with two. Thomas the
starter had two, but the bigguy tonight, and all those fifteen of
his twenty two came in the firsthalf, and I think the other seven
came in the third quarter. Idon't think Ales scored in the fourth quarter,
but he still leads the way.Senior Canon Isles with twenty two for

Lancaster. Well the Cavaliers who fallto six and fourteen, I believe,
with thirteen six and thirteen three gamesremaining for the Cavs Friday, Saturday,
next Tuesday, one two, three, four, five six seven players in
the scoring column. Von Miller startedwith two Epblin off the bench with two
points, Cooper stone King with twelve, Cayden Cox thirteen. So those two

guys freshman and sophomore with twenty fiveof the forty seven cam Badger had six.
Gott some foul trouble. Daniel Schizmgot the stone, he had four.
Coach Hamit and Andrew Hammond with astrong eight points tonight for the Cavaliers
and he winds up with eight aswe said, got eight numbers. Also

want to go in and point outdouble double for Haye now eleven rebounds on
the night, so he had afour four in the second quarter that we're
just kind of huge. That helpedLancaster get a pretty decent lead in that
second frame. Looking through here,this is something to keep in mind.
ChIL Coffee going into the fourth quarterwas sixteen of thirty three from the floor,

six of fifteen from the arc,and three of six from the charity
stripe. In the fourth quarter therewere three of fourteen overall of nine from
deep didn't even and then they didnot make an attempt from the charity line
in that fourth set of eight minutesfor the Cavaliers, whereas tonight, Lancaster

finishes twenty five and fifty three,just a hair under fifty percent from the
floor, three of twelve from deep, but seven of eight from the free
throw line, and they that's kindof the difference there tonight is when they
needed it, Leicster was able togo in and hit key free throws.
They were able to. I mean, give give Cannon Isles a ton of

credit for how he played the night. I mean he was just circus acrobatic
shots and sometimes you just got totip your cap off to him. You
know, the Calves we talk aboutit, but the young team and then
we're down twenty games almost here,so experience. But I guess kind of
looking at the positive side, tonight, you got Cox with thirteen him and

eight that's twenty one, and stoneKing with twelve, so you get thirty
three points some two freshmen and asophomore. So I think the future is
right. It's still it's just toughfor the Caves to get thirty two consistent
minutes. I thought they did agood job tonight, and then once things
went kind of hey why are thereor late? Lancaster was able, Brunie
had a big three got away thenanother fast break bucket. And I'll tell

you one thing if it might havebeen disappointed for Pat Beard, is that
several times they are late in thegame, we didn't stop the ball.
Being the Cavaliers, they let guysget all the way to the bucket for
a layup and Lankster kind of gotgone based on that. But Brunie had
a couple scores. They used theirbig guy inside the calves in you're all
of a sudden, you're down,you're within four, then you're down eight,

you're down nine, you're down ten, and you get you try to
catch up ball. He wants totake a couple of quick shots, and
again that's a part of it.But I thought the Cavaliers had a bright
lot of bright spots, but unableto put thirty two minutes together and they
fall by thirteen. I guess they'reright back at it Friday Saturday, Cody
yep home finale for Friday night.It's something that you have one senior in
Kayden Nevlin. You want to makesure he goes and has a memorable last

last home game at hatt and JimNasium. I know he didn't get the
opportunity to enjoy his last home gameover at Hernsteinfield. So hopefully we the
Calves can go in and give himthat opportunity to get some nice momentum going
into the last three game regular seasonstretch and then going into the tournament coming

up Friday night, so you canhear it on WBX Calves hosting the Warren
and then their back Saturday afternoon theirfinal fac game as they travel to Greenfield
McClay, and we'll have that again. That's at four thirty on Saturday.
And final regular season game next twoweek from tonight up at Central Crossing.
Well, Cody gets working with youagain. I'll see you Friday night,
right, sounds good. I We'llsee you on Friday night. Thanks to

nighth and Toodle back into the studios, taking good care of us, all
of our great sponsors enabling us tobring you Cavalier basketball one more time from
Fairfield County, Lancaster over top withthe Chilicothy Cavaliers sixty to forty seven.
Have a good night everyone, andwe'll see you Friday night back in Chilicothy.
Good night all you've been listening toChilicompy High School Sports on WBX AM

fourteen ninety and ninety two point sevenFM, brought to you by Where Funeral
Home, Tomlinson Insurance, Adena Health, Ohio University Chillicote, Monroe's Framing Collision
and Howard Funeral. The Chilicompy Cavalierson WBX is an iHeartMedia sports presentation
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