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February 10, 2024 • 96 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to our coverage of Chilicothe HighSchool sports on fourteen ninety am and ninety
two point seven FM wb e X. The Cavaliers are brought to you by
Where Funeral Home, Tomlinson Insurance,Adina Hell, Ohio University, Chilicothee,
Monroe's, Frayman Collision and Hower FuneralHome. Our coverage of Chillicothe High School

sports starts now. Good afternoon everyone, justin have them here for WBX for
Chilicoffee Cavalier Boys Basketball All the timeis Cody Leiston, Cody. We've got
a game here, FAC matchup GreenfieldPhilcoffee Chili Coomfy comes to the ball game
six and fourteen overall, one ineight in the league. Greenfield of five

to fifteen overall and nine in theleague. A game has been rescheduled for
you know, a couple of weeksdue the bad weather. There you have
their January that should be although therecords don't indicate it should be an excating
mass at the Pips team. Yeah, this is going to be the last
FAC game for both squads. ChILCouthy coming in at one and eight and
McLain at oh to nine. TheTigers are trying to go in and maybe

get a tie for fifth in theconference with win tonight, whereas the Cavs
their only win was a win earlierthis season at home against McClain sixty three
to forty four. So both teamsare hoping to get some kind of momentum
with tomorrow's turn bracket being announced andwe'll see how both teams want to finish

out the regular season. I knowthis is McClain's last game. Chill Coffey
will have their final game a weekfrom Tuesday, not this Tuesdays that got
moved late yesterday, so it'll beuh yeah, you're right, Gustin.
This is going to be a goodcompetitive ballgame between two squads that they're young,
but they've got they've got a lotof promise coming out and going back

to the last matchup for these two, not a lot of points in the
tate. Both teams like to shootthe three knock go four for Greenfields like
four for his first four from beyondthe ark a real spark and I gave
to kept Greenville benef for most ofit, but coming off shooting last night,
Cooper stoone game the Cavaliers Scots waszero points in that ball game last
night. You looked for him togo on full hosta today. Yeah,
not only him, but also seeingKagan Cox go in and continue his his

pretty big effort that he had.And it was a tough game last night
against Warren, a team that wasfrom base from end line to end line,
not afraid to go and then guardthe Cavaliers and gave them all the
yay. I was telling Greg lastnight, I felt like watching how uh

Van Miller played last night, Ithought he probably needed an oxygen tank with
how much he had to go inand guard. Uh Stirtleton I think was
the last name, But he wasjust tell there was a different gear of
how the Warriors were and Uh atthe same time, he got McLean.

Coming off of a rough thirty fiveto thirty three overtime loss at Zane Trace
last night, they were in overtime, it looked like they were pretty hanging
pretty well with the Pioneers and thensome press in the extra session. Seemed
like that was the the difference inthat contest. Yeah, the Cavaliers and

the and the Tigers. I usedto playing back to back dates, you
know, big games, you knowFriday night Saturday h so we'll see how
boath teams responded. Give me yourpoint by walm Miller. That guard had
twenty seven points him in the firsthalf and he went and spotting up to
the quarter shoot and he had theaverage possession. So wal Miller was all
tasked an we'll see out his legsto here for Cavaliers early on Chill Coffee

Greenfield fac matchup the way back afterthis WV e X time out from in
the news today, some Republicans areturning their backs on Donald Trump. They
endorsed him out of fear, butthen did nothing else, even as Democrats
are suing to remove mister Trump fromthe ballot. Guess who went all the

way to the Supreme Court to keepPresident Trump on the ballot, Conservative Republican
Larry Kidd. No other congressional candidatein the country came to President Trump's defense,
only Larry Kidd. I was reallyticked off when Democrats removed President Trump
from the ballot in Maine, inColorado. That's why I was so glad
Larry Kidd went to court to stopit. Yeah, it seems like the
other guys running for Congress just saythey support Trump. The Larry Kidd went

to court to help Trump elect thepro Trump Republican to Congress, the one
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org slash AOSI today to get backin the game. Welcome back to Greenfield
High School. Justin WL Cody Lisha, I hear within our life here with
you. I'm sorry, that's okay, don't worry. We've been pronouncing Daniel
sissons last name wrong all season,so we apologized to have like got corrected

again last night on that. Soall right, Cavaliers we've mentioned before come
in one and eight in the league. Greenfield are ye nine league. But
both these teams pretty eavily matched upand down. I mean Greenfield has pots
underneath. We got saisons sometimes depletedme through in there. But the matchups
fully going to pin on the guardplaying around the prem ras. Yeah,
this is going to be something wherethe freshman and the sophomore guard play that

Chili Cothe has used a lot thisseason, needs to go in and really
step up a last night they lookeda little tell there's a little bit of
fatigue getting these many games in thesemany reps, and they gotta kind of
wake up twenty less than twenty fourhour turnaround, and hopefully they'll be able
to be able to pull out awin and get ready for tomorrow's tournament draw

or tournament bracket announcement. So bothteams the loss last night agree feel that
every time so'll call you that Lollston, I will see how these coaches get
up their their tempo early on group. All right, we'll be back with
the starters next time out Untangling yourheadphones, finding the right remote, saying

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funeral home ensures their tribute will bejust as unique. How her funeral home
helping families remember, share and heal. Hello, welcome back to a great
child High School. Just thirty herewith you and got the anthem I the
Wayler getting. He introduced The startersfor Greenfielder should be doscap Bell Weller,

Sykes and Potts for the Cavaliers,it is Sism Badger Stone, Keyth Cape
Cox and Wan Villing a good matchupin the fist ball games. Want to
be the riches Potts Downloads, sothey could do there. We mentioned before
that ark is found. Both teamslike to shoot the ball. That's the

battle of hoards with says Pots Downloadswant to go determined after uh huh hopefully
with Yeah, this is interesting.With mcclan this is I mean Michael Noskas.
This is his first year the headcoach of McLean. He's the third
coach in a many years for theTigers. And uh, I mean his

boy the freshman eighteen against the Cowsin their earlier matchup in January. And
yeah, Pat Beard's walk and goin and keep him in check. They'll
be I think they'll be in prettygood shape. Towerhouse programs they fell out

of that. The both programs rebuildingthe high chet talent coaches in their second
third, first year rebuild these programsin the book pride for both of these
years. Yeah, and it's niceto have the you have some schools there
were the that they might not havethe patient for if they see some kind
of downturn. But I mean giveChill Coffee and mcclaim both the credit for

going in and being able to uhunderstand that there's gonna be some lean years.
But the glory, I mean,they gotta gotta think the Fayette County
schools at some point are gonna gouh regress. Uh hills Burn here and

in Highland County has shown a lotof a lot of promise. And then
Jackson again, yeah they might begood. They might be the cream of
the crop in the football space,but they they show pretty well in basketball
as well. Right, yeah Jacksonat the basketball, you know, the
senior class, there was a lotof coming up and then when I got

to high school and played down,I think the water to the league that
group. Uh so you've seen alot of attritions throughout the league. The
secret playing you know, without speakingabout mim Trace Porthouse or if you were
a secret heavy. All those guysstay through. But a lot of young
talent in the fac overall want tobe a good league for years to come,
and uh Hooper can't stick around andenjoy free all these players throughout the

league. But uh, you know, if you know selfishly here is that
hate Cox the side set the tipoff and Cox was out back to Sism
good to Watto walking underguarded by Bell, acrosses the timeline and a lot.
There's a back out top loft side. Now the gates tops in the LFE
corner seventeen come off the straight backup to him. Camp Badger left side

parted by side for the tigers.Camp Badger got went to travel there they
walk there all left wing, saysa download against Potts. Here's the first
matchup we have at least too kicksit across the ports and camp bad or
bad pass there by says it thefirst turnover for the cavlaers tonight. They
average about fifteen turnovers a game.Yeah, Sism was trying to go in
and nice idea to see Badger Bayjust went there around a little too much

off the sideline and out of reacha badger. Well, there's riving right
side, just off the side.Tunks down load bout costas top of the
bell. Bell three away, goodthree points there, Lord Bell begin to
frank tigers on the bulls. Nicelittle rotation by the tigers went in and
penetrating deep, forcing ChIL Coffee tohedge down and they were able to eventually

rotate the ball around and get theopen manstill off cops. Cops drives left
side, Pops there toothing he's gonnatravel. Good defense there by Popps and
pots and stop the drive kidting Copsto two steps. Now there's a little
bit of penetration for Kaden going in, and he probably could have spun around
and maybe he found two or threeguys who were open because everybody else was
pinching down in the paint off thewere picking up full court off bell Bell

also half court strike right side ofWeller. Weather looking down low has size
cutting now posts out of the top. Weather going to drive to the right,
back to the left end. Thepaint kicks back out of Sikes mounting
three point nine size. Gonna setthings up there a little bit regrouped from
tigers Weller left side glory by theshady tops. No teams essentially run the
same offense passing cutters. Weller drivesdown load some contact, nice defense there

by the cavaliers badger out count ofPeter starting left side lay up block by
pots, throwing away by camp badgermagic to regroup things back out tops of
skating cops Badgers left side, threeball, no good off the rim rebounded
by Bell from the tidings good positionthere by a bell on wad Miller.
He got to choose to when theguys on the court battle for that reason,

Weather left side, or to buyCox over the right wing to Naska
going to buy Cooper stopping here forthe cavalier back over Bell left side Walteller
on Hill got to count underway Weatherwanting the ball download against Cox now left
word to the pods down for robberagain has a position. Weather has a
ball back to the buffet, playinggoing right to left. When the radio

dials, Well kicks it back outright side the bell bell Where about Miller
right wing left side Sikes three pointerfrom the wing shot up, No good
hustle play the ball by Sikes thathe was out of bounds when he got
control of the Cavalier ball. Butuh, nice hustle play there by Sikes
for briefing, Yeah, that's somethingwith the Daniel system. Came out the

close out, but unfortunately didn't boxout and they gave uh Potts an opportunity
to at least get him get theball beforehand. The playing leads Street nothing
here about five s side remained inthe first quarter, says right elbow backs
down, pots shot, fakes,pump, fake, spence, shot up
and rattles in and out as agood look by Sizem's unable to fall as

well a coup to lay as therebounds now down for the Tigers left side
of Austin. What are by Cooperof Stone King? They're looking down low
for Weller against King Pomps. Thatmight be a match up to their life.
As Bell drives right side, picksup and dribble and he has got
to travel there. Good defense bythe cavaliers to stop that penetration. Five
turnovers between the two squads, andwe're not even three minutes into the contest.

Maybe the early starts getting something alittle bit. They're not used to
playing before seven thirty. You Philnow picking out full quart Man Weller,
Garden, Stone King, four orfifty five remaining here in the first four
to three nothing Greenfield State Leagues,Stoke King's got together across the timeline is
getting flourished. Cobler just having troublesetting up your offense here is Stump can't

just dribbling bad pass over to mirlow. No I was able to get it
off the coaching rough cops right bar, says them out top three point fall
in there. He got the shooters, founts and everything at the bottom of
the den. Good job by thisby the junior going in and putting some
touch out from outside inside outside.The rect for the Cavaliers has hit a
couple of big freezier this year.Potts where to buy Badger driving right outside

the sights like on a back coupleof cots Keith. The Tavaliers is keeping
Camp Badger out of fouts, buthe's playing pretty good defense so far.
Potts down load against Badgert kicks itback out of sights, left quarter of
the bell, bell for three again, shot low off the rebound battle down
low and to be knocked out byPotts. Good position there by Camp Badger.

If Chilka be able to cut laywith the ball. Yeah, last
night was not a good night defensivelyfor Badger, and he had four thousand.
He had three fouls that were prettyrough for him, and he almost
picked up a technical and some ofhis frustrations with the officials last night,
Camp Badrick plays with a lot ofthe nice a lot of hard sometimes that

gets it in the sub Patrick droveit left side, guarded by Wills,
whis says him up for two shot. Good Dame Sism has five points early
after the cap Lads, he's lookinglike he's being able to go in and
back down not only Andrew Potts,but also Jay Nelison, who just checked
into the contest where the tigers,Kay Cox picks up his first personal foul

out Reguard Weller. That's Allison,I said, Willison, I can't readmote
right aay three forty to play herein the first quarter five to three in
chiliconfe leads my playing as Mosca setto in bound the ball on the right
side as well moving the Weller inthe back court still guarded by cops.
Cops just picked up that time ontop. See how he plays deepens now

house and left wing. Where aboutSisson's gonna give him a lot of room
there. He don't look like athree point three After the tigers well Or
now top of the feet drives rightsize, says steps over to stop the
drive. Good job there by saysit all the way Cop Wether, it's
a ball game. Rap at fiveapiece just a nice little short pump fake
that got Kaken Cox up in theair just enough to go in and drive

by him, and Weller gets hisfirst bucket of the contest. About the
five layers, Peyton Cox threw theball away trying to get a Cooper Stout,
can Hey Edlin checking out of theball game. He's gonna place Kaige
Ross five to five three play remainhere in this first quarter from green Field
High School Psilocopy Greenfield Chill Cobby onea eight in the league, Greenfield Ohn

nine Chill Coby won the first meetingagainst these seasons. Trying to come away
with another one. Here to thatwell guarded my abbin up toss weather dribble
wife's left side, current stands getsAlice and up top mac to wellis well
stack the offense here is Nasca isin the right corner well across for pass

freeball. Good. I guess theyknew what they were doing. Cody,
Yeah, there look like they hada triple sco bringing off to the corner
and noscos in there buried and hewas able to pick theirs ride by one.
Get it off your game, Sismoffensive side there says it with the
charge good job by Allison and getposition there. It says it's just a
little out of control them as wespun down the eighty five leaves the bowl

game two thirty seven. I meanhere first quarter, the Cavaliers picking up
full court pressure here against the Tiger'sballing down the bell where to by wal
Beller dripping up the right side downback towards another good defense by walking and
cutting off Bell right side over thewelling WELLA right man potts out by the
Tiger, logoing out to Alice andtop of the keeth. Good defense here

by the Cavaliers are. They're playingoff of Allison, so it's almost like
a zone there by scissus. Goodball in the world there well. Then
all back up near half fort whereto buy drive right side driven fake suspending
back out to Alice and left sidebell over ans stuff. Good job there
by Cam Badger and knocked the bowlaway for the Cavaliers. Eblin on the

drive left side, shot up andoff the rim rebound Cooper Stoke can you
shot block up behind Eblin had campBadger on the right side, I was
able to miss make the lay up. There is oscar drive down the middle
of land floater short, no good, we'll tip around out of bound.
We'll save the lost to the tigers. It looks like they went off no
osca there especially, Yeah, thecalves are going in and there. That

was too easy for an oscar togo right down the lane knowing really challenged
him as he went up for thelay up. The heat bound the ball
to Alice on top of the keepand how bout right side. We're on
the screens there trying to get Moscow'sand Aunt Weller alis and now left side
bloated by Andrew handon Weller three balldeep left side, no good rebound by

camp Badger, good fights there byBadger and Pockey rebound. Can't take away
the cam driving right side. They'regonna call a block gear. Yeah,
they're gonna call it blocking. Andthey're waiting that long for not to call
charges. Be a little bit egregious, but yeah, they're gonna tag Jan

Allison for his first Allison able toget the charge on, says I'm able
to get there that time, though. It came Badgers to free throw line
to see two free throws one twentyone. A meeting here in the first
winter eight five n Field leads Badger'sfirst three throw up and good Cam's on
the board. Super Camp as he'sbeen known throughout his whole life, not

to be confused with the Honey Badger, which is his father. J oh
Mager's second three throw on the wayrolls in two points to Badger eighty seven.
Now drink Field leads, you haveleaves Wether with the ball top of
seed. You going to buy Eblinto his Joe, No, look like
good defense there by Eblin. It'sa cut on it all. But the

official it's kind of main line theredidn't see it's on a little bit of
contact and there was a foul.But picks up his first person. Sounds
like a true father. No,it isn't all serious because I think of
Kate and now you going in andtrying to do the pick right at the
art, trying to pick off ordo a pick pocketing maneuver right at the

half court line. I probably wouldhave maybe wait until get the closer to
the timeline or the ark than wherehe was. Well, they shot up
off the glass. No good readboundedby every under a minute. Here to
go to the first quarter. Cooperstoonee free ball good three points. Stupid
Cooper person. He wanted to callhim stuper stuper coat. Why you want

to call it first first basket forhim? Since Tuesday night, it would
be good for the Cavilers to gethim on a roller over after that game
last night. Was able to supportthe budfy go to see the focus of
ponds left side guard to buy backback to the basket driving in nice moved
there against badger and gets a littletoo easy for him to go in through

the lane, and we got athird Taro, third tire of the Paul
game. Now fifteen six or manStone team drive down the middle, takes
the pass, white hand, screwit up on open hand, good,
bring it about by pots one sixseconds tots on Miller pots and they're gonna
pat offensive tack. I don't knowabout that one. They wan Miller.

Well, it's awards season. Ithink one Miller will hardly take the award
for that one. Uh, neitherneither guy was really in position. I
think you could have probably let thatone go one way or the other,
but I don't think there was muchcontact there. You're right threeper start drive
down the fourth pull up three pointeract. The Buzzard long the good after

one quarter of play tent we havea tie here at Greenfield High School.
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High School. Today's game WBX isbrought to you by where Funeral Hole top

of some insurance, a dip ofhealth owe you Chilicothy Monroe's collision Power Funeral
Hole Cody first half status first quarterstats are Shila Coyle, Yeah, we're
not that far into the game.Chill Coaley three of nine in the opening
stands and they go two of threefrom the arc and two two from charity
strike. Meanwhile, mcclent four fieldgoals to free two of them from the

arc and they have not attempted thefree throw yet all right, ten to
ten. Both teams turnovers a littlesloppy, bad decisions, but overall evenly
matched up well. To see ifthe Cavaliers could do here in the second
quarter as we have, Oh,it looks like we're gonna chick. Cothy's

going to go with Jack Deblin jackson'neilchecked in late in the quarter. Uh
Stone King and Hammond and Badger Jacksoncouldn't think of his name as well as
the ball here, Blue Tiger's guardedby Able on there, top of the
key, left side Oscar. Oscarlooked for a three guarded by mcfeil left

side of the Andrew Hammond's on him, back out top of Nosco right side,
Bell Cooper team on him, Bellebribling to his left, pulls the
back out. Set things up rightside Nosco or side. It's rather CONSTI
goes to the right wing. Postswon't come up and set a screen there
for Sikes. Sikes pick up theball, pass back out up top.

A lot of the offense runs throughWeller here. Let's see if they can
get Nosco Brow. Think that's whatthey're trying to do is keep run a
baseline side to side Nasca right sideball order by Jackson McGill. Good defense
here by the Cavaliers early on,not letting them. Greenfield Tiger has got
a good look at the buckets,Pots up top, can Badger on the
down low. Zeblin reaps over,no foulon on the right side. Bell

in the corner preball, no goodrebound by Sikes underneath, back out top
to Potts left side, Nasca,Sikes left wing right wing now Bell six
p fifty remaining here in the firstquarter, Posts down load kicks it back
out top to Weller, Weather driveleft side the lane leaning in their good

defense by Andrew Hammond to clutch thedrive off back out top to Weller right
side out a site six thirty minionshere at the second quarter ten a tent
ball game, all tied up.Both teams uh shooting kind of okay from
the offensive side. Greenfield now takinga lot of time off the clock here
trying to find a good shot.It's good defense by Cooper Stone there,

but Bell recovered Bell, and nowBell was driving around and Cooper reached his
hip out and got the little hipcheck flid that's gonna be hit urt.
A nice job by McLean going inand being patient in their offense. They're
just being able to go in androtate if they don't see their shot.
They're willing to go in, kickit back out and just forced chill Coffee

to keep on defending. That mightbe a good key for them going in
later parts of the game. KaydenCox back into the ball game, checks
in for an ablent Sizens at thescorest table set to check back in with.
That would as well weather left sidepots cutting, not over whether it
still has the ball. Good defenseby Cock there, that's gonna be a
five second call. Good defense byKate Cox to not let the passer better

helps by the rest of the tackle. Great defensive standard. Yeah, that's
a that's a five man defensive turnoverfor the Cavs. Going in, like
you said, not only understanding thatyou have to maintain pressure at the ball
and is picked up, but alsoeverybody else has to hold hold their ground
and make sure they don't give upanything. Says it back hands for a

hammer, says it down load againstAllison spinning to the left side, says
off right hand no good short reboundAllison out there, boy Jackson, deal
be covered by poss Potts left side, bell Belli driving to the middle,
right side to Nosto Jackson middle onhim, playing good defense. His noscas
just dribbling in circles and looks likeAllison ballcake of a badger on him.

Potts now at the ball back uptop and the frame Tigers sciss it on
him. Potts is going to looka drive here. I think if you
can against Sisson looking for nost whitequarter crossed over by Pott's middle of the
lane, shot up block from behindthere by Badger. Church will think of
a tip by started van Badger.But Scissm came out with a loose ball
and he was fouled by Potts.That's be his second cow and uh,

let's see if they keep him inthere, they're going to chance and to
get his third and then you're gonnaleave him as Cooper Saint King gets the
ball from the capital. There's fivetwenty the gaining of the ball games still
time ten apiece here in Greenfield.That's one thing that Pat Beard Squad's guy
realizes. You got somebody on thefloor of two thousand. You can find
a way to get him number threebefore he sits down and that'd be a

key driven is out a lay nowback out to Cox left side Cox a
left taver Cooper Stott King top ofkeef based on Bell pull up stop and
the free throw line shot. Nogood nice house is there a boy mc
neil, but on the way tounable to come away to the pots the
rebound Bell now righted by Cooper stoneKing as I'm playing Tiger set up there

offense. Good defense by stone Kingsides with the ball left side, says
him. On the house and uptop. Now I looked at the right
from Bell, decides to keep itButtter's coming through back left to Pops Posts
fall sports and Osca Kay Cox onhim, don't want to pick up a
chief second header, get their handsoff kid Sikes left on the brother by
Sass back out tops and Allison thedeal on him. Paul Silver no good,

picks it up back out the pots. I'm playing just running their offense,
looking for an open shot or agood shot rather a good defense by
the cap. Leader's not allow onanything. Pots started by Badger swarts in
remaining here in the first half.Top of t back to Alice back door
cut by Posts Cam Badger ever playedoh, nice defense there by siss to

a contest the shot rebound by Sikesback there would put back no good contays
at kayon cops out front the canbadger if that'spened to be a traveler.
Good defense there by Alison camp badgerdidn't look ahead of it, just took
the ball and try to run withhim the long order to such a check
back in you want to come backwith a camp Badger three p. Fifty
four remaining here first half. I'dlike to see the coach get the starting

five back again. Every way.This is a momentum. Get things going.
It's weller from the top side ofthe bed. They'll worry about walk
third dot double Teinton the corner Allisonup top. Nice play there by Daniel
Sissons to cut off the passage wasintended for size Peper thirsteen right side cross

score passed Jackson Neil Jackson Neil baselineshot up and good and if the one
players that was a final agains sign. I was looking for to hit that
ball, hit the wire up top. I was gonna say. The officials
didn't look like they saw it,so we'll take it. Take what did
you give ye? Jacks? McNeilto free throw line, shoots the A
one and as that's the first filein size here for the Tigers three third

years. Then here in the firsthalf free throw up and good three point
play there via McNeil Weller right sidefor the Tigers left side, almost picked
off there by the Neil Weather pullup jumper from the elbow. There's gonna
be a two point bucket there forSeth Weller and chilled out. His lead

is now thirteen twelve. I jowe're recovering by well Or to go in
and he had a nice little floater. Cooperstone King west side your own base
line, picks it up back outtop to the meal. We're on him
there, driving based Star down themiddle, gips it off. The scism
says it, oh, how littlespin turn there but not able to fall

a Sikes get the ball up front, pump bache and no good rebound my
scism, so both teams and mygood looks, but nobody can sense to
make an easy bucket out of thering. Cooper stone Kings driven right side
baseline, he's the back out,says it. That's wait Saism for another
three good God, that nice twothree bowls for Dango, says it here
for the Cavaliers, that's something thatwill be very beneficial when you get to

the tournament in a couple of weeks, says them out with eight points to
lead all scores. Here at thebowl game sixteen to twelve, two twenty
remaining here in the first Bell leftside for the Tiger double team there by
Vanil and Tiller, and they're goingto was on wall Miller who've seen there
was on straight up? He wentstraight up. Maybe there's a little yeah,

they have check. They're going tocall Miller on. That's gonna be
his first. All right. Soit's five o'clock top of the hour.
You're listening to fourteen ninety AMWBX Chilicoffeeand globally on the three iHeartRadio Media app

two ten. In our ball games, dweller up top guarded by Katon coxs
Thatboo's texting the ball game from Neil. His guard Pikes down well. Alison
up top says about him back cutthere by Bell and uh run away by
Alison Superstone can just overplayed there uptop, Bell took off behind the bove.
I mean that's something that a lotof opponents have been able to realize
what Chila Coffee does all seasons.They overplay and then once they overplayed,

they're very susceptible to backcut, whichhas been very prevalent. How mcclaim's been
able to get a lot of theirgood shots tonight. I've downloaded sais it
right by? Says and against Allisonup and under that one's going to be
where they called. I think Iwonder if Moscow went in and maybe pointed

out the last time one McNeil's shotand then but yeah, that's a good
good shot by Barbie Simpson when ithits off the unfortunately hits off the sidelined
up at the top, and Ithink you, yeah, I think he
was trying to go off the backboardand just uh get those on the great

food there by Sissons to get open. It would have been a fantastic shot,
man. I mean, we gotone out of two poles on mas
so we can't Yeah, well andout ball in your half court minute thirty
three men here in the first halfsixteenths well for at the leaves, sights
left side on of my abline throwsit over the head of Bell. So
guys gonna get the ball back heresixteen twelve. Once it's even I want

to give a shout out to uhmy parents to listen to the ball again
Tony, and they never listened tobefore in my life. I don't want
to say hello to Martin and Tammy, Eban whet the listening nice Cooper Stoke
King with the ball and Broller pickshim up full court Von Miller right side.
Miller drives back up by Cocks theballs picked off there by Potts.

Wheler driving down the lane stops,pops the free throw line. Shot.
No good, good box out thereby Evelin, good box out there by
Eblin against about five years and theweather coming from behind the foul. That's
gonna be his first, his first, team's third. Here of the minuteseventh

sixteen twelve, Chilico. He leavesfull court pass you're here again by the
tiger. It's just man. Sowhat they to end clear out a lot
of teams. You see first passwill do a button's up or doubles attack
on the right side the back ofthe poss off Eblin and left side of
the came back through the lane whileback up top under a benue. Here

to go in the first half aroll back to the back and back out
to Badger. Bad pass there byebb Love but saved by Badger. He
just threw it all pots out ofbounce Sa Tavalier. Yeah, Badger caught
a caught a little bit of abreak. He was able to lunch for
the lunch for the ball outside.And unfortunately Waller was just the Pots was

just able to go in and takethe brunt of that one there with a
travel he may have slid his pivotfoot a fraction of an inch. Yeah,
I'm surprised that they have. Imean, there's been about four or
five times where uh steps of you'vebeen missed tonight, and that one's a
good call. Actually two Osca threeball to went rebound by stopped out,

throw it behind him and high andable to get the pass. A good
idea there. He had two streakingcavaliers there. Twenty eight seconds left to
go here in the first night ebblein a quarterback. My nature never played
much receipt. He's used to throwthe best hide of the hut. He's
not using time to catch as well. That brings the ball across half court
quarter by Cocks twenty seconds for meto here in the first half weather left

side, WI will pick my pots, whether download I've found my badge,
cut that out of prosthetic down thelane and I shot out like good.
Let's see what they call a foulon. I belive surely Cam Badger it
is. I don't came badger.That's his second here the first nice pots
there are a nice job there byPotts to uh to move the ball around

in the air to get your shotup again, and sykeses want to come
in and stuff for the shooter ifhe makes this eight point three second five,
Yeah, you're pat Beard. You'reyou're sitting there saying yeah. Or
last last second. You guys can'tbe giving up to these type of last
second shots to cross if there isgood yeah, that's that's a momentum.

Killer three field here picking up fullFord while applies some pressure. I'll give
us something a free shot of thethree heres for left side pickwatch hawks those
left, Doctor Walmer for three,brother Killer for three and the Cavaliers extender

leaves nineteen to fifteen. You're listeningto the Canos off. Hello, this
is Susi Esmond and Jeff Garland.I'm here and we are the hosts of
the History of Curb Your Enthusiasm podcast, and we're going to be rewatching and
talking about every single episode and we'regoing to break it down when We're going

to be joined by special guests includingLarry David and Cheryl Hines, Richard Lewis,
Bob Odin Kirkkin, so many more, and we're gonna have clips and
it's just gonna be a lot offun. So listen to the History of
Curb Your Enthusiasm on the iHeartRadio appor wherever you get your pote guests.
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You just chill you life here Lydia, you're going to purse aftas so
Chili Kofficky goes in, finishes offwith a nice little flurry. Uh.
They go in the locker room atsix and six for eighteen or six and
for sixteen sorry from the floor overallimpressive four to five from three and three

of three from the free throw line. Meanwhile, McClain at six for eighteen
from the floor, two of sixfrom the charity from deep and they've only
had one attempt at the free throwline late in the first half by Andrew
Potts. Chilicothy with eight turnovers,McLain with nine, and looks like rebounding

wise, it looks like Daniel systemwith pair like Andrew Potts leads the way
in the rebounding department overall with threein this contest. And then what do
you have it in terms of individualscoring? Individual scoring for the Cavaliers,
Dan Sison he's away with eight pointsthree can Badger with two and Jackson with

two one three points on board,uh four with four, Belt with three
and Nosca with three. And youknow to be in the in the broadcast,
awful quiet in here. We haddancers here at half time at halftime
this game and a jam begin uhso that to be in the broadcast,

we said, boats the teams,you're gonna take a lot of shots outside
of three point line, which theyhave to kind of four five. I
also said Dan Sism and Andrew Pottsdown low, we want to be the
key, but we didn't know DanSism was no, no, yeah,
two of four, yeah, yeah, two of the four. I mean
he's been able to go in andbe patient and and force McClean to play

up a little bit more and hopefullythat'll give Chill Coughy an opportunity to open
up the open up the play,maybe get some more back door cuts and
get some of their of their penetratorsmore room to the score. Right.
And I don't I don't know ifit's just me, but we talked about
both these teams played ball games lastnight and make them in a little tired,

a little clow. I don't knowif it's good defense, or both
offenses are are just a little stagnant, or if the combination of both,
or the players are just tired.To me, it's almost like they said
before the game, right, Terron, your tip all the half court and
we're just gonna go slow this game. We're all real tired. Let's just
saying. It almost feels like anAll Star game if you're thinking about it,
right, Like an NBA All Stargame, but without the without the

high flying score scoring. But youknow, I mean this is something where
Chilli Coffy, you kind of thinkthat you might need a game like this
to Uh. They know that somebody'sgonna I mean, McLean's gonna be patient.
They're gonna rotate their offense around andas long as they're not being pressured

too much, which is something thatthey both teams had a hard time with
last night. As long as they'renot getting too much pressure, they're gonna
feel pretty good rotating. They're gettingthere, getting into their offense and being
able to put some points up onthe board when they can. Team both
teams getting good shots out of theiroffenses. Some of them are just not

falling for either team, but goodshots, patent offense, good tests.
For the most part, players isplaying the position game. Uh you know,
do you look for either team tocome out and press in the second
half. I'd be surprised if theydidn't, at least because I have not
seen them even come out of I'venot seen anything other than half court the
entire time, So even out ofand out of bounds, I haven't seen

a two three or out of atimeout. Right. Granted, there's only
been one time out really called inthis contest, but uh that I got
well hold on. No, neitherteam was called a time out in that
first half, so they were ableto go in and just I think it's
just feel like one big giant chessmatch that the coaches are saying, Hey,
we're okay going in and even ifsomething's not rotating right and we're not

gonna go off in a in ahuff and blow a blow of thirty to
say, hey, we need youguys to make this. They're they're pretty
confident. I think both coaches arein how their offensive scheme is and eventually
they'll get their shot, right.I might only worry about nobody calling time
out in the first half, thatwe're gonna have five call ten called the

final two minutes of ball game ifthis thing stays, you know, the
four or five three point ball game. Yeah, well we're bound to have
something crazy in this second eight tothe second half. All right, you're
listening, We're back after this second, the expert team of specialist at the

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remember, share and heal. Hello, this is Susiesmond and Jeff Garland.
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We're going to be rewatching and talkingabout every single episode and we're going
to break it down when We're goingto be joined by special guests including Larry
David and Cheryl Hines, Richard Lewis, Bob Odin Kirkkin, so many more,
and we're going to have clips andit's just going to be a lot
of fun. So listen to theHistory of Curby Enthusiasm on the iHeartRadio app
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get the ball out when you writeor what on your radio or phone

or TV dot however you're watching orlisten to this ball to download SAYSM says
them on POTSYSM up shot good nicemoves there by Daniel sism he has ten
points for the Cavaliers. I thinkthis might be his most confident game offensively
this season. For the Cavaliers areup top or the Tigers they get with
their same start in five left sidesikes started by Siss Sikes back up and

while they're up top with the fox, why he goes such a fifth and
oscar back out left bell ball tipaway by kayten coxd Cooper stone Kings in
the past break up, good twopoints stone Kings. A good job by
Cox going in recognizing the easy easypass that he was able to deflect.
And good job by stone Ky tocome up from behind the clean up the
mess. Pressure full court man.Now we're up the court by Toms right

side stove by Sissy left side overthe weather out the bells. They were
in a three beginnings ball game.Kind of quiet from here from there all
that task picked off by Cooper stoneKing out front, Ti Cox, Cox
storry about brother Cocks up left takingshot. No good nice defense by Leather
to get back Cox. You gotto take that up into this shop.

He's a freshman to work out topball. Oh foul Cox. And they
raced across and knock the ball awaythere and that says second yep, twenty
three fifteen Cavaliers leading to the vinds. Victor and Diane and jury listened to
this ball game six thirty nine ErmanHere in the third quarter, Weller worried

by cocks top the left side tothe well blackout stop no Cooper Stone can
on back out super where the cockercomes to trap. You know the right
side sticks right corner download the potsworded by Badger and nice to be there

by pots You got chee check myshot up and get that Break's a seven
oer run that started late in thefirst half. Cooper stinking drive left elbow
pull shot good two more twenty firstnow has seven th cavalaers twenty five seven
until I got to leave six minutesto meet in the ball again well outside

hord By come right sign posts doubleteam on him back to low middle late
Bobba's ball round picked up by seventeen. She'll comed me now. First pass
filming with a draft here on Greenfieldshowed up the h the freshman first ball
away to Oscar on the right side. It's just the other wise pass there.
They'll push the ball up front sideSikes right corner back out front of

Moscow part of by Mill, I'llgo to pots posts driving with his right
hands and the middle laying back out. Sikes in the corner, download the
pots tops on mamn Sis and triesto steal the ball. Download the Sikes
underneath block my dance is a niceway. They have the rights. Every
recover picked a shot up and anythinghe's not one to good job by,

I mean you goodbye job good jobby sucks going in and staying with it
after everything off of that shot badgerturning around jumper for the Cavaliers, there
can badger now was four points totwo Cobby all around scoring level scoring.
Everybody has points here side swift sidefor the Tigers double team there by sim
and Cox get a travel nice defensethere by Chili cove. They step up

the pressure here in the second half. So that's thirteen turnovers for the Tigers
in this contest. Miller right sidedownloaded, Sisms pots on him, saysm
up and under underneath. No goodthat is around picked and drabbed by there
body pops out rather he's by stepSism does that of the bucket, a

little one head that floats. Youwant to see him go up two hands
strong, but a good play there. Yeah, I think he's trying to
look it's the old bird, theold Larry Bird maneuver. I mean,
you think about it. Get themicings going front and get the birds going
underneath. And it looks like he'sagain you had that with the basket earlier
in the game where it hit offthe guide wire. But yeah, he's

he's showing that he's got that littlebitch into his repertoire. Right side Sikes
here for the Tigers. That loadof pops badger him Sikes cutting right side
and it's gonna be a charge thereas Wan Miller was waiting on that cut
by Sicks. Great play there byMiller. That's that's the second time he's
taking the charge today. And fortunatelythat one, that one makes a little

bit more sense. Twenty seven nineteen, So got he has extended their lead
from four to eight. A thirdfour badger look right wing al to have
up top top of tea pots onhim. Look at basketball already cops left

side not still man topsip and giantstops. Now I'll see badge's top oft
badger guys left hand ditch happened twopoint shot in nice job by Did you
you're just underneath. It's my littledish. Silny's offense is set up a

big man and stays blocked blocks adrivate opp side his side to the opposite
block. Usually you're open there fora nice little lay at the dispoint.
Bell right side, Paul knock toread by cop picked up by Pots left
side to Nasca and Osca three ballup, no good off the rim rebound
weller weather the middle of the lane, shot up, no good fall knocked
around. We come like a travelthere as uh we got nice my left

side sights pot down. No,that's a miss nat there. It's all
not the way. If I keepa secing fight and Ford Bell comes away
with a loose ball and Nosca nowdby Miller, I want to set it
back out top here. It's awell left wing sits left far looking for
postole, low back hanging Badge reachesaround and picked up his favorite fu and

that's two quick fouls, h Badge, that'll be his. That's like a
second or second ok. Second calveswith their largest thinking the game at ten.
But still I like to go inand try to put this out.
Hopefully they don't get too much ladin the sleepy time out here, they're

having several so it's gonna be afull time out. We'll take a thirty
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and McClean chill a gobby had afour point leak one and a half.
Time have now extended thanks a largepart to the defensive pressure they applied here
in the third quarter, trapping theTigers. Here in the Office against Yeah,
they forced five turnovers in the thirdquarter alone, three steals for Cooper
Stonking been able to capitalize with theweller tries to inbound the ball to be

a foul in Cooper Stone against thereat fount time three Here in the ball
game, Andrew Hammond took to stretchof the ball game. That's on Cooper.
That's his third fat people say barelythey got a second off of that
before before that foul is called andthat's that's just rough for going a couple

of ways for Cooper not stand downthe Wheler Kayden Cox guard again there's a
half. Jackson and Neill also havethe ball game from the capital there Van
Seony takes a break. Well,they're out top two Potts the cops white
men. They're too weller well lookingon the front of the belt. Besides

the dribbled off and screamed by Potsthere at the other the back of pots
pop started by Badger double team thereby Cox Weller with the ball fake stops
the free throw line. Shot upno good such away by Ebling to Cox,
Cox brewed the ball down for him, uh slow down note, dumps
it off to Andrew Hammond. Badpass there by Cox had a hamm and
open on the rings. Cutting tothe bucket pass was just a little lead.

Nice idea of the just maybe notthe way that you wanted to have
it executed. Twenty nineteen, Tileaves Greenfield here too tire maybe third quarters
left side nost wuarter by half tosseddown load quarter by Apple Eblin. There's
really not a lot he did there. They all call a foul and he

was straight up pots and screwed onthe contact. As a former official,
that's a that's a call you justlet go. Either way. You either
call a charge or or a blockthere, but either way foul and Eblins
Pots sends the shot and will temptyand one that's gonna be the fifth fifth
Chiloicothe this quarter and that's they're inthe penalty free throw up. No good

wall about it around picked up byKayden, Cox and cavaliers out front to
badgery. Right side has hand openthe right side he traveled, and uh.
One thing about the freshman there,he can shoot, but a lot
of times he catch it up.All he shuffles his feet. It's not
called a lot of times. Butas he gets older, he'll he'll let
him to keep those feet still.Sism and Noah Nedder into the ball game
for chill Coby know a netterer,a freshman for the caval there, it's

gonna be a good player here inthe near future. Get him to put
on some weight. Get in theweight room, and of course you're about
sixty six, probably sixty five somethinglike that, great athlete. Quick you
get up fast. A lot ofprompts here for the Cavaliers in the next
couple of years. Right corner nowthe well out front of the house and
ordered by Sis Scisms. Just gonnalet him have all the wooden the world.

Jackson and Mail almost the ward steelWeller right corner three ball good Weller
greenfil was able to capitalize there.Jack mc neil went from the still out
of position Katon cons had a slideover which left Weller opened the quarner.
Well, we're able to knock downthe pier and cow's just got to go
in and find a way to it'sstarting to creep a little bit. It's
a five zero run for the Tigers. Nine four minutes twenty five. Cam

Badger three ball up and good.Cam says, I got you, Cody.
We'll take it. Kevin Maager withseven points now in the ball game
thirty two twenty four, Cavaliers leadingWeller out front. Ruder by Cox falls
away to scring. You don't setup the offense, set a bell pick
for Bell to come back up,tops sock Sikes, man if I can

talk through the Sikes, who's theleft course skip past Bell right corner shot
up No good rebounded by Sikes.Hundred minutes ago here in the third quarter
as Weller got the ball back upsouth Ford and the Quainton Tiger's got sign
else Allison alson past eight. Thisis off of well Well double team there
gets away with it the Sikes balltip by Cox. Nice play there by

Kayden Cox and still the ball.Cavalier is gonna have a chance of last
shot here in the third quarter,leading by eight points. Thirty seconds from
any years pots and metter battle anddownload back out watch hand back Badger breaks
the count on Weller hosses over theSisson says, wheered by Alison. I
said I can urged him, says, can go around him if he makes

him neat. So what around theright side? Says the fifteen seconds to
game spind Allison's playing good defense,keeping says the ball get back out to
Kaden. Cops understanding. Maybe herein the third quarter, sysn't fouled by
Alison, and that's not sudden yousee every day Cody. Two big men
out front there waiting for the lastshot of here on the quarter of four

point seven, media, I knowwhat they were trying to do that saysn't
take him to the bucket. ButAllison there picked up the foul four points,
So I was gonna say, Idon't know. If Pat's wanting Daniel,
then d you can drive after thearc on this, But who knows?
Says in three balls want to beshort rebounded by net or Neddar shot
up No good at the buzzer.Had a good book there, it's not

able to get it in Cavaliere's thirtytwo Tigers twenty four. We'll be back
after this WBTX timeout. Hello,this is Susie Esmond and Jeff Garland and
We are the hosts of the Historyof Curb Your Enthusiasm podcast. We're going
to be rewatching and talking about everysingle episode and we're going to break it

down when We're going to be joinedby special guests including Larry David and Cheryl
Hines, Richard Lewis, Bob OdinKirk, and so many more, and
we're gonna have clips and it's justgonna be a lot of fun. So
listen to the History of kurbrew Enthusiasmon the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get
your podcasts. Greenfield High School,jess Evan Coody us here to here and

Coddy Whatson we got and I wasgonna say, I'm looking through my stats
right now. Chill Coffee, goodjob by them going in and forcing six
turnovers in that third quarter leading upto two four, laid up to four
points, but still Chill Coffee outscoresthe Tigers a count of thirteen to nine.

In that third group standup. Cavilayerscame out defensive pressim there, trapping
them all here when the Tigers hadit down here on the offensive end.
So the Kevlars defense stepped it up, so did the fouls there in a
third work. So now they pickedup five f files there in a third
quarter. Well the field the seamsthree throw there that they were able to.
But uh, overall, good gameplayed by both teams. Uh,

it's you know, exactly what youthought should see out of the coming Awley's
teams. Defense, defensive battle,offenses, running through the motions, and
uh, you know, whoever hasthe ball last, I say, will
win this ball game. Although it'san eight point leads to the Cavaliers.
You look to come out and extendthat here in the fourth quarter, maybe
ad buy some more defensive pressures.Osca inbounds the ball to well there now
ordered by Cox. So for theCavaliers we have mcmill, Sayson, Metal

Badger, and Cox as no Oscaget a little frustrated by the defense there
Jackson McNeill and commits the offensive foulthere. Good job, Yeah, good
job Bydy McNeil. That's the thirdtime that they've drawn the charge in this
contest. And really did they givethat too? Is that Alice? You
know Alice and the long moving screenI think is what they called. So

that was his third big Cox southfront right side season the Badger back out
top to Jackson g Jackson drobing kicksit back out so they andel scission.
So we've got two big men outhere for Chilico, I think got Scissm
playing the wing and know a netterdown low. I could say that's because
the sison's available to to shoot thebasketball. Kicking cock shot off the rem

No it unable to come away withthe rebound there is and kicked out the
Nosca. Now what about shops stayfort now switched over to Jackson been Andrew
posta the ball driving right side,kicked it back out of alice an house
and left sign as well well.Shout fake us over the right and they
set up their offense and run throughtheir streets and kick it over to Alis
and want to cut through their stayof the free throw line has rapen shot

left side, noscow on the wingfor three shot up, no good three
bounded by pots Post doing a goodjob chasing them all out. Bounce for
the tigers. Matter the guarding sikesover in the left corner. Guys drives
back out up top over the lowerback brother driving right side. What are

the costs good defense there? Aboutthe cavalier as well driving base sign he's
foul there by Cox. I don'tknow that I like that called Cody.
But Katy Cox is going to pickup his third fou with Havelair the sixty
three remaining in the ball game.Yeah, a little bit of a nickel
dime, But in this situation,kat and Cox has just got to be
you look like me. If they'regoing to call anything on it might be

a hand check, but still it'sone way or the other. He uh
Cox finds himself back on the pine. If I had to guess, if
you quizzed me, I'd say thatthese officials are from the Central District based
on the way they call this basketballgame. A lot of a lot of
calls out top of the guard,a lot of travels charges, got something
more accustomed to see here at southerntime as the ball knock the way by

a minator Greenfield to change possession hereover and left. Yeah, but at
the same time you look at itthat they are kind of laying them playing
the inside in some instances. Sowho knows what we're seeing tonight. Ifs
Butler has the ball crely by asix thirty five, or in the ball
game, badgeound him picked by potto roll back out right cards and Nasa

and Oscar shot up three ball,No good, he has not seen one
ball this evening. As the ballgoes out of bounds off Pop sunkings foot
and retained his session here in theball Okay, I was just not having
a good night on rebounding the ball. Rebounding the basketball, especially in these
tighter situations, you got to goin and find a way to not give

up second opportunities down to well wellrive kicks it back out the pots Potts
left side the bell over the Sykesb Green pild Will because Santle running some
offense here, running through the motion, Cam back guarding well over there out
by Sport Mike. Well, guysright knocked away from behind by cam Badger,

He's going to pick up the battle. That's going to be his third
remaining is that everyone checks back intothe ball game and for Noah never the
caval here's gonna stay paid down hereon defense. Reenfield's just gonna keep running
through their set, running through themotion, and you can't get antsy and
wants to and yeah, they justfelt like it was a lazy play.

You're going in, you get beat. Uh, you just gotta gotta hand
the hands a little bit better wellor in bounce bel belt downloads and pass
costs back out for where bus jockeyfor position now sets a screen on cam
badger that's a big screen there bypass and a knock badger down, says
and driving down the right side oflength, ditch off the abline. That's

gonna be a charge. Uh,today's players they don't. They don't.
Two step, take a take ajump step there go well that one that
one I think with with Daniel.You just gotta and this is where you
get. This is where the repscome in. You gotta go in and
have a little bit more body control, or maybe even just going in and

if you see that they're setting upfor the charge, and maybe back it
out just a little bit, circlearound and maybe give yourself an opportunity to
set the offense. Five point fiftyremaining here in the fourth tour thirty two
twenty fourth philicontergreens welling at the balltop hard of my back to back the

fretty fast you cannot wins right sidepossism. I had double team there by
my citizen Fassecour passed the belt tothe right side belt three belt good and
we got this second Greenfield, butuh, Greenfield able to adjust to that
trap. Sism went up the doubleteam and it made a pass and John
open Bell before. Yeah, it'ssomething that when when I was playing a

little bit ago, they called itthe monster. You go in and you're
out at that. You're trying togo in and cause a little bit of
havoc right out of an opening set, out of the first pass, and
you're trying to get some kind ofconfusion, And unfortunately for McClaine, they
were able to recognize as the defensivescheme and they were able to go in

and find the open man right beforethe defense was able to make their rotation
and hit the three. Greenfield ableto make an adjustment with that draft and
so got they had their reporter.They've cut the lead down back down to
five points here at five point thirtythree remaining, so gotta as many as
a ten point leads here in thesecond half. This is the second time
Greenfield was able to bring it backdown to five that Cooper stone King.

So we've got Miller, Sism,Badger Eblin and the stone King in for
the caval Leaders, leading by fivehell's in their offenses and top of the
three point ball rattles in and outand it's gonna be a jump ball all
so got that keeps possession there.I don't know if you like that quick

three for coach Svereer from from sizeWell not only that, but just how
a ball was entered in from stoneKing into SYSM. He had to gather
himself. Wasn't a clean pass andyeah, I wouldn't have gone. And
then you try to find a waythat just get some, get some more
time, get some to be patient. Seven King left side, try to
get it into sision posts there,came around and knocked out of bounds the

bars way sat in the basketball downthere in the left corner. Uh SEP's
gonna put they're gonnaut him on thebaselines. That's not as bad. We're
in down the badger left side.Badger guys baseline shout up, Nope,
this is also SAYSM. Nice playthere by a badger. So this got
the Dan Sayson for two points.Had a nice job recognizing everything and nice
second chance point points in the paintfor Daniel Dani Sayson now with twelve points,

so couver at least thirty four totwenty seven, just under five minutes
remaining here in this ball game,which is prossed by your financial crowd sponsor
of Area Athletics. Weller right sideor tigers. He's gonna put the ball
back up, so it's out forthree. Set things up there, Badger
on him screen by pots have themnow on boat pots down load if miss

maxelon Badger Sison over to help backout belt left wing for three shot gonna
be short. Paul rebounded by ebband uh good balling there by mcleans,
I'm unable to come up with anypoints there. Deblin drives to the middle
of pain stops and goes up theretwo points there forever. Nice job going
in recognizing where the open hole washitting the pip. The just picking popping

leads up to nine. The wingis a natural position for rebblems where he
played rope out. But do thesize and moves down. Oh you got
some the varsity or left part ofsigns sism garden him outside the bell right
side. Well Weather drives baseline onstone cup back out the post poss bell

bell sez the ball over Naster whereby e Wether up top three shot no
good. I almost try to bankthat in while Miller close out there already
was shown a little bit. Ifa Stone team comes away the rebounds thirty
sixteenty seven Cavalers lead Stone Kings ribbles, el boat shot into Heblin drives baseline
kick sure over the sism sends themup. No good, SAYSMS, turning
round. Shot good and the foulnice player there by. Big Daddy Dan

says he got that one to gooff of a fade away. I'm not
sure if that was really advised,but hey, he's been hitting some key
shots in the second half, saysmleads all scores with fourteen points. Here
tonight had a big game inside acouple of threes early on got him gone,
and he's played an all round greatball game. Free throw up and

rattles in and out. Rebound byeblun shot No good. He struggled shooting
layups. Here is the last threeor four ball games. It's a good
play by Badger and knocking away hisbelt. Shot down on the other end,
no good. Rebounded by another comeswith it out in front of Badger.
Left side Badgers proving left side paint. He's gonna get bumped and fouled
by Sykes. There good thought thereby badger Sykes step over just a little

too late, picks up the foul. That's gonna be his third foul for
the green field. Nice Cavaliers underlead to eleven points thirty eight, twenty
seven, three or six in theball. They look like Cam might have
sold it a little bit, butyeah, you still needed that it was
a good foul in one way orthe other to draw three points shot no
good rebounded by Potts out of thehead to Weather, Weather pushing the ball

right side. Bell open three shotup and off the rim. Rebound by
Apples to the cavaliers. I thoughtthat would hit the top of the backward.
I thought that would have been goingover with ChIL coffee. But they'll
still tell it tick and keep playing, says them. To the ball.
Top of keys order by pots ButI stepping from knots drawing him Strom dribbles
left side. It's right on thegrab dribbles. This is download the Scissons

and in the paint, says themagainst Potts loses the ball, couples ball
stolen by Bell. Potts comes restallPotts. Nice jump step there by Potts
is a good defense by Badge.He shows how they come to lay there.
Bade the left side had album wideopen there under the Bucket's not able
to find it, but that's okay, says them, downloading the block back

turned Stone King download Dish good nicejob there by Dan Sayson to find a
cutting Stuton King and Cooper gets toomuch. I'll tell you well if you
weren't a dances fan before tonight,and make sure for the guy. He's
shown a lot of promise and he'sshown a lot of maturity. That's sign
Billard Mill good defense there by thewall, back out the weather top of

the key well right corner. DownloadPotts posts right a by Badger. If
you're a Greenfield coach, right therePotts has the ball one foot from the
bucket, you want him to shootthat, I'd imagine you stead of kicking
it out to the wing and coachthe bowl up as a time out there
by coach Beard the Cavaliers. It'sgoing to be a thirty second time out.
So the Cavaliers able to extend toleave the third team Cody playing good

defense here, good team offense findingthe open man from the blog dancesm has
some big plays, big rebounds,but overall impressed with how the cafel his
spoted last night to the day.Yeah, especially when you're you you're in
a conference game, you want togo in and pick up a road win.
That's always a big thing to do. You want to get back on

the bus and have a good feeling. It's something that Chilli Coffee really hasn't
had too many times this year.I think the last time was what what
Western brown back in December was theirlast road win if I remember product.
So that's when you get back onthe get back on the bus and you
have that happy feeling. That's gotto be something that hopefully in ninety four
seconds Chilli Coffee will be able toexperience. But yeah, Daniel sism tonight,

I don't know how many points.I can't see the school board up
at the top to see individual points, but I mean fourteen points, four
rebounds, and I think he's gota couple of blocks in there as well.
So he's been pretty active and beenpretty predominant tonight. Kas Beard looks
like he's a can't dribbling out thisball game. If he said that,

Noah Betters pay on plays. Jacksona feeling for the ball game. Seven
team to the ball out top.He and Badger the London starters in the
ball game. Jackson Neill right sidedrive it back out to the front here
a minute ago in the ball gameleft side, know where that is Noah
looking down low? Well Cam Badgerpick them back out to the Neil who's
found by Well or there up top, and we may get into the bonus.

That's the fourth pounds here in thecorner. Down by thirteen minutes.
Jackson Neill sets in bound the passCooper Stone King or by no it's across
the time line, dribbles into theblock. You know it's better shot blocks
from behind. By uh, it'sa by positive. You know. Neller's

Netter's a young fellow. He'll he'lllearn to keep that ball high when he's
wing to the rim. Well,not only that, but you he he
got away with some steps. Ithink you go if you crab, oh,
you can get a power dribble onthat and maybe a ball fink.
You can get him up in theair and get two more points. But
yeah, he's got to He'll getan opportunity to build into the frame as

time goes on Badger with the balloff front, guarded by side now dribbled
out of the way Sean and nogood as Potts. Just that's a four
arm shiver. Yeah, of coursethese two are no strangers to each other.
Yeah on the football field, KaylaPotts. You know, just uh,
just a mass of a man downthere, you know, Senior Here

for green Field, thirty five secondsremaining in the ball game fully twenty seven
Chili coffee leads Cam Badger at theline to shoot you for shot up and
good for a Badger. He nowhas eight points. Man, if it
makes the second, he'll have time, so good good night for him.

Uh really bounced one from categories Badgersecond threw up man, that's good nine
points for Cam Badger with nine thirtyseconds remaining here at the ball game forty
two twenty seven, fifteen point lesfor the cavalizis ball stowing away to by
Badger. Badge with fast break andhe trips or slips on the floor.

Loose ball go away with there bypost mine hustle there by pots from the
flane not giving up on the playerdownloads sikes Sikes back out the bell well
well left the right wing downloaded Pottsand then that ball is blocked from behind
by cam badger there as poss isasking, hey, man, were down
by fifteen to ten seconds to letyou oh, I think that was That

was a response for the forearm shivereddown together and why he had to shoot
free throws Weller in bat the ballto over the head of Pots and he
thinking that's the weather, driving rightside to Alliston, Houston, back out
to well Weller free ball here andno goods. Sikes puts in a put
back at the buzzing, so that'lldo it. Forty two twenty nine time

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tribute will be just as unique howher funeral home helping families remember, share
and heal. Welcome back to GreenfieldHigh School. Just double it, Tody,
last year with you and the Cavalierscoming away with a forty two to
twenty nine victory over Greenfield, andthe story tonight was Big Daddy Dance,

who had fourteen points for the Cavaliers, started off with a couple of threes
earlier in the game. Defense playeda big part in this game for the
Cavaliers. They came out in thesecond half by five there to begin the
second half in the third quarter andmoved their defense to some trap there after
the first pass and they were ableto extend their lead after that. Greenfield
was really unable to get anything goingin the second half offensively, although they
just scored fourteen points fifteen was theirfirst half total. But overall, Cavaliers

defense and a big night from Dancesand on the offensive end is what papelt
the Cavaliers too. It's a nicevictory. You know, both teams started
out struggling. You know, bothboth had big games last night with losses.
They want to come in tonight.They started a little bit shooting early
along down low, but underneath itwere some good battles. Rebounding was a

key. But the Cavaliers, justa person thrue through everything that came in
their way, was able to extendtheir leads and probably being thirteen points forty
two point nineteen. Yeah, ChillCoffee was. I think both teams looked
like they were pretty content going intothe game if looking at the stats,
looking at RPI, if the tournament'scoming up, the draws coming up in
the morning officially tomorrow afternoon, ChilliCoffee was ranked thirty ninth in the Max

Preps RPI and Division one Central Districtout of forty nine teams, So this
will help them a little bit goinginto it. Looking at Division two Southeast
District, everything was pretty much setright before Tip McClain was seventeenth out twenty.
Those teams kind of recognize, hey, we're we want to go in
and make sure that we're healthy goinginto the tournament. One team did want

to go in and maybe at leastcome out with a conference win and either
make sure that they're staying fifth orthe other one wanted to be a tie
for fifth, and fortunately for ChillCoffey tonight they finish out with two conference
winnings, they sweep the season serieswith the Tigers, and they'll be looking

forward to seeing what the Central drawcomes in there. What eight in about
twenty four hours. Everybody's gonna beyou know, all the high school pop
will be tuned in waiting to seewhat that draw is. But you know
tomorrow is the Taylor Swift Bowl,so it'll be a little distracted. Maybe
you got Taylor Swift win Superimar night. Well, I was gonna say,
I think they're trying to get thisdone before Taylor gets gets out there,

so they understand where the privates areat this point. All right, going
down scoring h for McLain will starthere first Nasco only had three points.
He he led the team scoring thatfirst heat the eighteen. I believe he
was unable to get anything going hereto bowlgame. Tiger's Bell had six Weller
seventh sikes at four and they wereled by Andrew Potts with nine points.

Ford Siliconfi Cavaliers already said a bigDaddy dances and by the way, with
fourteen points, Cam Badger had nine, Cooper cent King added nine, Wald
Miller with three, and Kate Evanwas four and Zackson Neil added two for
the Cavaliers. So all coffee finishesthe night sixteen or thirty five from the
floor, five of nine from deepand five or six from the charity Strove

McClain conversely, twelve of thirty eightoverall, four or sixteen from the arc
and one to two from the freethrow line. McClain was two of eleven
in that fourth quarter overall from thefloor. So and they were forced into
four turnovers. I think we'll seelooking through already four nine, fourteen,

eighteen turnovers against McClain tonight. Andthat's stuff that the Chillicothe coaching staff has
to feel really good about, knowingthat they were able to go in and
stay patient in this kind of slowlack of days ago. I almost felt
like you're watching like the one ofthe military academies in football play at that
option, you're just walled into sleep. Hey, you got to pay attention.

Then, Yeah, the score mightbe that they don't care. They're
going to still run their offense becausethey believe in it, and they'll try
to do whatever they had to getto play to work, and if they're
down by twenty or down by two, they'll still run it. And there's
not really a sense of urgency.It's all like with McLean, but chill

coffee, you can credit him.They were able to recognize the energy they
were able to recognize the pace ofplay, They were able to match it
when they needed to, and theywere able to exceed it when the opportunity
came. Yeah, till got theplayed great defense, even if green Pool
wanted to. I don't think theoffensive I gainst the gainst the Cavaliers fandlers

played great help side defense. Theyplayed great ball defense. Second half.
They were able to travel on thatone instance with a trap in the second
half got him hoss Bell hit thatthree over here in the corner, but
overalls ever tonight from the Cavaliers asthey come out of the Bucker round And
are we waiting on Beard? Youover here, Kase. I think we're
gonna try to leave him down ifwe can. I even were up in

the nosebleeds at this point trying tosee if we can get him to get
his attention. I can't see ifhe's they're not. Let's uh, let's
take a let's take a short break. Bl like coach Beard have a chance
to come out, and if weget a chance to talk to him,
then it will. But if not, yeh, we'll find a way.
One way, we'll come back andwe'll kind of preview everything with the next

couple of games or obviously the nextregular student finale and and the tournament.
Uh what kind of thanks that yougot to look forward to seeing? What
with the Central District all right wayback after this wbt X time out.
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listen to the history of Curb yourEnthusiasm on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you
get your podcasts. Back at McLeanHigh School, tonight, the Jill Cothy

Cavaliers finished the fac portion of theirschedule with a four to twenty nine win
over the McLean Tigers. Kirby listwaiting for Justin Abwin Azi gets head coach
Pat Beard appeared to with us hereon the postgames Joe, I want to
go in and say, as wereached the as we reach everything here,

thank you everybody for listening here onfourteen ninety WBX all de season. As
we go in and we bring inthe head coach of the Chilicothy Cavaliers up
tonight you guys win forty two twentynine. That you guys were coming off
of a rough, rough game lastnight against a very very good Warrant team
and tonight you pick up a goodwin against McLain. What was the big

out of your spot tonight, Well, I just want to still bounce back
last night in their last night's gamedidn't well with me. I think it's
the first game I've had we've hadthis season where I kind of felt like
we didn't play the way we weresupposed to play. There was no energy.
We were just kind of out there. So we went a long talk
today before the bus ned over.I told the kids, you know,

either you want to play or youdon't want to play. Coaches can't provide
the energy. Its part Opini gonnabe able to do it internally. So,
uh, today, we just wantto come out here and just perform
better, better, And I thinkwe're the most woking guest. And you
look at how the plane played.They wanted to be very slow. They

wanted to be very methodical and forceyou into into some difficult situations to maybe
get your guy's knees bending down forthirty forty seconds so that way they can
find an inside shot. You gottabe glad to see, especially the half
of you guys were able to goin and really get in the passing lanes
and force some great turnovers. Yeah, what we decided at halftime was we

knew they were going to be methodical, like you said, in our offense.
Uh, so we started doing ahalf court trapped and when we started
trapping to kind of set them upa little bit, and they were shooting
quicker than they nothing normally would souh, I think that was a good
move on our part. But firingsome pressure early in the second half,
so good them out of their rhythmin their offense. Great job by Daniel

sism and I had all scores.And I don't know if we've seen him
shoot the ball that well tonight fromthe arc, but I mean, he's
showing that he's got a little bitmore game as a repertoire. Yeah,
he does. He's he's a he'sa kind of head scratcher. I call
him man. You know, youlook at him and you're like, there's
no way that kid can do thethings he can do. And he's just
very athletic. You know, Tonightwas a good night for him. We

really wanted to to highlight him inthe posts. I felt like they couldn't
guard him in the post tonight,and so we did a pretty good job
of getting Hi the basketball in thepost. All right, coach, Moving
on to the next game, We'vegot central crossing. That game was more
from the thirteenth to the twentieth.The way you guys didn't have such a
long breakoup before the tournament. Wegot the seed. He's coming out so
talk a little bit about what we'retrying to do or what we're looking for

the Crossing team, and then intothe tournament, so basically what we're going
to do since we moved that gameto the following week without basically a whole
week of preparation for Central Crossing,you know, we'll find out who we're
gonna be playing on the first tournamentgame, uh, and then we're just
going to start preparing for them.It will be a whole week's preparation for
the for the team were gonna playin the tournament, and we'll get some

preparation on Monday for Central Crossing.We'll put some new wrinkles and offenses and
defenses that we'll we'll we'll do againstCentral Crossing just to fine tune things before
going into the tournament games. Andthen Central Crossing there. I mean,
you guys were thirty ninth in ther p I coming into this game and
they're forty first, so that itseems like they you guys were kind of

gonna be pretty good and evenly matchedup. It seems like this is going
to be a good little test foryou coming into the tournament. Well,
it's gonna be a very good testfor us. You know, the r
p I rankings, they're they're goodand they're bad. They're new. You
know, you gotta look at Centralcrossing plays. They're not out I mean
compared to it seems that, youknow, some of the type of basketball

that they it's different than the typeof basketball that that our games. Our
games down in the Southeast are morephysical, you know, execution. You
know up north it's gonna be morerunning, gun and trapping and quit guards.
So you know, we've got toget our mindset and get prepared for
the style of basketball that we're goingto see come tournament time. And also

help that you guys see, youguys have already seen a couple of their
conference and division foes in Lancas duringCanal Winchester recently. Yes, and those
are always good games. That's whywe try to schedule those types of games.
Nowhere in Division one, we're gonnabe playing in the Central District and
tournament, so we always try toschedule about four or five teams that'll be
that will have the same style ofplay that we'll see in tournament time.

Pat, Happy belated birthday. Atleast this is going to be a better
birthday present than what last night.It's to be a better birthday person.
I'll be able to get to sleeptonight. Yes, so thank you very
much, I thank you. Yeah, that is to look out. The
coach Pat Beard with us again tonightforty nine. They the Cavaliers defeat Fame.
Justin final thoughts. The Cavaliers playedgood, so went on defense.
Then, yeah, they didn't fallasleep. You know Greenfield's methodical offense.

They would have applied a pressure therein the second half, speed them up,
extend their lead. And very fewother than the turnovers, very few
other you know, calls the mistakesthat calls him the ballgame like we've seen
him go in spurts throughout the season. Great job by coach Pat Beer.
He gets the kids ready rebounded nighttold him, you know before the game,
like you said, you know youwant a player you don't, right,
So I think the kids provided thatinternal spark they need it to night.

He came away with their second conferencevictory of the year. Sounds good,
all right, So we want tothank Nathan toodle Back in the station
who is making us sound as goodas he possibly could, regardless of what
he had to work with the SeveneyCody and Cody LICs. I appreciate you
for having me out and next timewe'll be on the here. You have
a great bighem and Cody there atCentral Crossing. It'll be a nice little
trip for you guys. Yep,sounds good, all right, so next

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FOURBRT Chilicoffey. You've been listening toChilicofye High School Sports on WBX AM fourteen
ninety and ninety two point seven FM, Brought to you by Where Funeral Home,

Tomlinson Insurance, Adina Health, OhioUniversity, chilicoffee, Monroe's frand collision,
and Howard funeral. The Chiliicopy Cavalierson WBX is an iHeartMedia Sports presentation
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