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April 20, 2024 25 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Good morning everybody. I don't knowwhere you're at or what you're doing,
or you might be listening to this. Maybe you're working out, maybe you're
driving your car down the road,maybe you're studying in your house, or
maybe you're at work working on yourcomputer and you decided, well, I'm
going to listen to Pastor Gale,either on podcasts or I'm going to tune

into his show on iHeartRadio. Whatever. This is God's time to speak to
you. I've en titled this programthe Answer is Yes. And so today
I had a wonderful time being onFaith Radio with Carmen Laberge. And before

I get on Faith Radio in themorning, I was getting ready for work
and in the shower. I knownone of you need to know that,
but and as I was there,the Lord really put a prompting on my
heart, really strong. The promptingwas, there are many people out there

that I'm wondering, God, areyou aware of what I'm going through?
God? Do you know where I'mat? And the answer I have for
you is yes, he knows whereyou're at. He knows where you are,
he knows what you're going through.And one of the things the Lord

put on my heart for you issimply this. There are times when we
will go through things and it seemslike where's God, God, because we
don't feel his presence, we don'tknow where he's at, we don't see
any evidence that he is working.The Lord wants you to know that when

you think he's not working, heis working behind the scenes to bring change
and transformation into your life. Areally beautiful scripture that I love AND's found
in Isaiah forty one ten. Fearthou not, for I am with thee,

be not dismayed. For I amthy God. I will strengthen thee.
Yay. I will help thee yeay. I will uphold thee with my
mighty right hand. Then Isaiah fortyone thirteen says I the Lord will take
you by the right hand, andI will walk with you. Now,

I know, sometimes it doesn't feellike God's got me by the right hand
at all. It might actually feellike he's a million miles away. But
the truth is he's as close asa breath. He's as close. All
you gotta do is cry out Lord, And you might say, well,

I've done this several times that I'venot heard anything. I haven't had any
response, But I want you toknow when you cry out, the Bible
says, call to me, andI will answer you Jeremiah thirty three to
three. Sometimes he answers us inways that we're not expecting, or maybe

we don't even see it as ananswer. But my prayer for you today
is that you would know that Godis in your situation. Some of you
have cried out and said, isthere even healing possible from what I am
dealing with? The answer is yes, there is, because Jesus is Jehovah

Raphae God are now. You mightbe dealing with a physical issue. You
might be dealing with something in yourbody. You could be struggling with cancer.
You could be struggling with heart disease, COPDA. The list just literally
goes on and on and whatever you'restruggling with physically, I pray that right
now, in the name of Jesus, the Lord, would send his healing

presence into your car, right whereyou're at, and that he would begin
to touch you in your body,that the pain you've experiencing would begin to
leave, and that maybe you havea hard time breathing, that all of
a sudden you take a deep breathin and oh, I can breathe a
little better. And I just praythat God would touch you right now in

the area of your body. Ipray that He would give you new hope,
new encouragement, but especially new purposeand hope for the future. It
is so important. Then maybe you'restruggling with a metal health issue, maybe
you have bipolar, or you havePTSD, or whatever the mental health issue

is. I want you to knowthat Jesus knows how to bring peace and
healing to the area of your mind. I remember when I was writing The
Spiritual Care Healing Process, I wasthinking about PTSD and everything people deal with

in the mental health arena, andreally all that stuff PTSD, the mental
health issues all go back to whatwe would call soul slimmers, hurting events
and your soul that have happened toyou. Some could have even happened years
ago, but they're still affecting youtoday because you still feel the pain from

those events. I want you toknow that our Lord can heal you from
that. I remember when I wasputting the Healing Process together, the Lord
Speci pacifically spoke to me and said, do not have them relived the event,
Why make the wound and they're sobigger. And I said, well,

lord, you know, you knowwhat do you mean by that?
Don't have him relive that. It'shard to connect to event without reliving in
a little bit. And he said, well, bring the event to me.
And he reminded me how when hewas crucified on the cross, everything
that Jesus went through would have beenthe perfect PTSD event. So the being

beaten, being mocked, being spiton, the hair being pulled out of
his head, out of his beard, a crown of thorns, by the
way, those weren't just little thorns, there were big jammed on his head,
to the whipping when with flesh beingpulled out of his body, to
the the being carrying his cross upto hill, being laid on the cross,

and nails driven in his hands andfeet. And then he hung there.
That thing had to slide into thathole. It had to be rough.
And then he hung there between heavenand earth and he died. But
you know, that's not the endof the story. I used to really
like listening to Paul Harvey, Andnow the rest of the story, right,

the rest of the story is onthe third day, Jesus rose from
the dead, victorious over death andhell. Or he holds the keys of
death and of Hell and of Hades, and he is the living one,
and he is alive forevermore. HallelujahAmen. And then of course the women

were going to the tomb because theywere going to go prepare his body.
And when they get to the tomb, the stone he's rolled away. Now
this is not a little stone.You gotta understand. This thing is about
two thousand pounds. And this stoneis rolled away. And they walk in
and Jesus is not there. Andall of a sudden, two men standing

in white say, fear not,why do you seek the living amongst the
dead? He is not here.He has risen. And you might say,
well, what is your point withpss ptheists? You might say,
what is your point with PTSD.I'm gonna get to that. So the
women, all excited, run backand they say to the disciples, we

have seen the Lord, we haveseen him. He's risen. He's risen.
And of course they don't believe.So Peter and them run back to
the tomb and they find the tombempty. And then I love Thomas,
Oh, doubting Thomas. He says, you know, I'm not gonna believe
until I put my hands and hissiding in his nail, Prince. And

Jesus reminded me of that day,and he said, you know, I
walked into the room that day withThomas, and I said, put your
hands in my side and in mynail, Prince. And then Thomas said,
and he said, my Lord andmy God. And Jesus's point to
me was simply this, You don'tput your hands in a raw wound.
My wounds were healed, he said. I still had the memory of the

event, but my wounds were healed, the pain was gone. And he
said, you know, that's whatI want to do for people. He
said, I want to take thattrauma, and I want to take that
event that everybody says cannot be done, cannot be healed, you cannot recover
from that. And I want tocome with my presence and take their pain

away and heal them and restore themand put their feedback on the ground.
We have seen this time and timeagain. We have seen people get off
psychiatric medications with the help of theirdoctor as they got better. We have
just seen the Lord do amazing things. And I said, well, Lord,
that's amazing. So in our process, if you're struggling with a mental

health issue, hey, I wantyou to have hope. I want you
to know the Lord wants to bringpeace to your mind. When you come
into spiritual care, it's a nonjudgment situation. It doesn't matter what you're
dealing with or what brought this side. See what happens in counseling is they're
always dealing with the stress, theanxiety, and the depression. Well that's

not the problem. Now, don'tget me wrong. Stress, anxiety and
depression are problematic. But the problemis the pain that is coming out of
the wound of the soul. Thatis what's triggering the stress, anxiety,
and the depression. Now do youknow what happens when you take somebody's pain

away? The stress, anxiety,and the depression begin to fade out,
begin to go away. And thenyou've got to teach them to know how
to renew their mind and how towell can health and wholeness. But it
is possible to get free. Ittakes time. It's it's like an unlayering,
like peeling an onion. I don'tknow if you've ever peeled an onion.

It's not too much fun. Butwe're like an onion where there are
layers in our life that God wantsto say, take us. He wants
to heal us, He wants torestore us and bring us back to sound
mind. God has not given youa spirit of fear, but He's given
you power, love, and ussound mind. That's what God wants to

do for you. Now. Youmight be listening to me right now and
you're thinking to yourself, I don'tsee how this is even possible. You
don't know, pastor you don't knowhow many years I've been able to this,
or how many counselors I've been to, or how many medications I might
know. You know, I don'tknow all that, but God knows it.
And you know we are not theones taking the pain away. It's

Jesus taking the pain away. Heshowed us and helped us to develop a
process where we bring all of thatto the cross and then we invite him
to come and he takes the painout of the event after we have worked
through the forgiveness and everything that's involvedwith letting that pain go. And so

I just wanted to get on herethis morning and encourage you that you are
worth it, you are valuable,you are loved. In fact, I
just reached over and picked up allof our I AM statements. I want
to read them to you this morning. I just want them to sink into
your life. I just want tospeak them over to your life. I

am God's child. I am beautifullycreated. I am Christ's friend. I
am accepted. I am clothed inhis righteousness. I am sound minded.
I am an overcomer. I amforgiven. I am seated with Christ and

heavenly realms. I am complete inChrist. I am peaceful. I am
free in Christ. I am freefrom all fear. I am holy spirit
controlled. I am healed by thestris of Jesus. I am God's workmanship,
created for good works. I amconfident to come before God in prayer.

I am able to do all thingsthrough Christ, who gives me strength.
I am chosen. I am achampion. I am a treasure.
All these things are what God saysabout you. I know what you're thinking
right now. I don't believe halfof them. Well, you know what,
when people began to put you down, and people began to mock you

and treat you bad. You didn'tbelieve all the negative things they said about
you right away, but as theykept speaking them, you brought them into
your life. Well, you knowwhat, it's time to change what you're
speaking on. You know, theBible says you will decree a thing and
it shall be established. Why notsay the I AM statements? Why not
speak them over your life? Geta hold of Spiritual Care called two six

nine nine two nine oh one andsay mail me and I am card.
We'd love to mail you one ofthese things. We'd love to pray for
you. And our website is wwwdot Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. Our media site
where you can watch testimonies is wwwdot S's and sam seasoncat seasoncat Healing Begins

dot com. And then there arebooks that we have available. There's going
to be a new section on themedia site for books that you can order
off Amazon that our team has written. One is God Moments, Amazing Encounters
with the Divine in Everyday Life.The Unexpected Call about my trip to nine
to eleven two weeks after. It'smy story about walking down into that trauma.

And by the time you're listening tothis, there's another book I'm having
coming out. It's called Jesus inthe Mountains. Another great book, amazing
encounters with the Divine in the Mountainsof Costa Rica and Honduras. That we
have the iems for the Soul,Harry and the Hook. There's so many
things that we have available to helpyou. Online. You can email me

at Gail G. A. L. E at Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. You
can request the Heart of Healing handout. We do zoom session and in person
sessions, so it doesn't matter whereyou're at, you can connect with us.
Now you're probably saying, what's thecost to connect with you? There's
no cost. Now, there mightbe a cost buy in the books and

stuff like that, but as faras getting your sessions and stuff like that,
there's no cost. But I reallyfelt today as I recorded this,
and this will go out to manydifferent nations. I think there's like fifty
seven nations listening to the podcast channel, and this will go out all over
iHeartRadio, Grand Rampers, Holland,Hastings, It'll go all over. I

really felt, well, there arepeople that are saying, God, are
you aware? God? Do youknow where I'm at? And so the
answer is yes. I have titledthis podcast yes why yes, yes,
and so I know. I know. And sometimes when we pray, we

don't get the answers right away likewe would like. It takes time for
God to get the answers to us. So sometimes we have to be patient,
you know. And the Bible saysthese light and momentary afflictions are working
for us in the eternal weight ofglory that fires that far aweighs them all.

So we fix our eyes not onwhat is seen, but what is
unseen. What is seen is temporary, what is unseen is eternal. So
important if you're going through things thatyou fix your mind on positive things.
That's spiritual care conss. We talkabout new pathways, new ways of thinking.

One pathway is pathway number five.Casting your cares on the Lord is
a daily process one Peter five,seven through nine. Cast all your anxiety
upon him because he cares for you, for your adversary. The devil prowls
around like a roaring lion, seekingsomeone whom he may devour. Resist him.

Stand firm in the faith. Sowhen the devil is roaring in your
ear and you're tempted to give upand you're tempted to quit, and you're
tempted just to stop. Resist thedevil. The Bible says that he will
flee from you, and so youresist them with the word of God.
You know, you go into yourBible. Maybe you haven't picked it up

a while. We'll get that thingoff, get that thing off the shelf
and blow the dust off it andlook at it and find some scriptures like
onest Peter five seventh through nine.And another good pathway is pathway number six.
We need to take every thought captiveman our thought life. Once you
get healing from an event, youhave to deal with your thought life.

You have to deal what you're thinkingabout, what you're watching, what you're
listening to, all that stuff.If you're watching things you shouldn't watch,
you're listening to music that is badfor you. It's time to cut that
stuff off. The Bible says intewod Corinthians, Chapter ten, Versus four
and five. The weapons we fightwith are not the weapons of the world.

On the contrary, they have divinepower to the pulling down of strongholds
and fortresses. We pull down everyhigh and lofty thing that sets itself up
against the knowledge of God, andwe take every thought and we make it
obedient to Christ. And so whenyou start going down a bad pathway as
it relates to your thoughts, yougot to captivate that thought, give it

to God, and then change whatyou're thinking on. If you don't change
what you're thinking on, you goright back down that rabbit hole all over
again. And so after you've receivedhealing from the pain, after God has
freed you from the pain, thenyou've got to develop new pathways, new
ways of thinking that will transform youfrom the indsign out. And by the

way, you got to be patientbecause this takes time. So this doesn't
happen overnight. This takes time todo, but you've got to do it.
You know, taking your thoughts captiveis like trying to herd cats.
I don't know if you've ever triedto do it. A cat is really
fast to go all over the place. They got a mind of their own.

But through the power of the HolySpirit, we can take thoughts captive
that are running around in our mind. But you've got to be ready once
you give that thought to the Lordto change what you're thinking on. So
I just want to encourage you thismorning. To take those thoughts captive,
you can be healed. God knowswhere you're at. He knows where you

are. Every storm has a timestamp. He will get you through to the
end. Hang on to him,walk with him, turn back to him.
And maybe in your life right nowyou say, Gail, I'm not
even right with God. Right now, today is the day of salvation.
Get right. Just repeat after me, say Lord, I come back to
you. I ask you to forgiveme of my sins. Come into my

heart, be my savior. Irededicate Lord, my heart and my life
to you. And one of thelast things I want to say here is
this, do not isolate. Donot isolate yourself. Now. I know
there is no perfect church. I'venever seen the perfect church. If I
found a perfect church, I wouldn'tgo there because I would actually goof it

up because I'm not perfect. Butfind a church to attend where you can
hear the word of God preached andbe with the brothers in Christ. The
scripture says, do not forsake thesembling of yourselves together, as some would
be in the habit of doing.All. The more we see the day
approaching, what day, the dayof the Lord we are hearing of wars,
rumors of wars, everything going onin this nation, and people are

panicking. People are having a hardtime. Guess what. God is in
control. He knows. He warnedus in Matthew twenty four that this stuff
would go on. So I wantto say to you, turn to him,
look to him. There's healing foryou. The answer is yes for
you today. Yes for healing.Yes, God is working in your life,

and yes, God loves you.And yes, this is not a
coincidence that I am reaching out toyou right now. I don't have any
notes in front of me. I'mjust talking as the spirit of God is
leading me because this is what Ifeel led to do. So the answer
is yes. So I want topray for you right now. Lord,
in the name of Jesus, Ipray for those that are struggling right now,

those that are suffering right now,those that are feeling hopeless. Right
now, I just bind the spiritof hopefully enough hopelessness and suicidal thoughts.
And Lord, I just asked thatyou would bring peace. I asked that
you would stop the attack of theenemy in the name of Jesus, and
I pray you cover them right nowwherever they're listening to this with a blanket

of peace, lift the burden offtheir shoulders. Let them know that you
are with them, Lord, thatyou love them, that you care about
them. In the name of Jesus, So I thank you that you are
with them right now, that youknow where there are. You know where
they're at, and they're listening tothis. Wherever they're at, you are
there. So I thank you Lordin Jesus's name. David said there's nowhere

he could go from God's presence becausewhere he went, everywhere he went,
God was with him. So maythe Lord bless you. May the Lord
keep you. May the Lord causehis faith to shine upon you. May
the Lord be grace us to youand give you peace. He loves you
so much. I wanted to justend with that. It's how much the

Lord loves you. God bless everyone, and have a good morning. Healing

Begins is brought to you by SpiritualCare Consultants located in Hastings, Michigan.
At the Healing Center. We seechildren and adults at no costs. We
do virtual and in person sessions.We invite you to learn more about us
by going to www. Dot Spiritualcareconsultantsdot com. We also value your feedback

and would like to hear from you. You can email me at Gail G.
A. L. E. AtSpiritualcareconsultants dot com. We would like
to invite you and your family andfriends to go and listen to the past
programs by going to Wood Radio dotcom then click on podcasts, then look

for Healing Begins and click on that. Thank you so much for being a
faithful supporter. May God bless you, keep you, cause us face to
shine upon you and give you peace. Thank you for listening.
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