All Episodes

October 29, 2024 35 mins
It's important that conservatives and supporters of free speech and comedy not give an INCH on the Tony Hinchcliffe 'controversy,' and Ryan explains why - with an opening salvo from Bill Hicks on love vs. fear.

George Brauchler, GOP candidate for District Attorney in the newly-formed 23rd judicial district, joins Ryan to comment on the apparent spread of Venezuelan gang activity beyond Aurora to Broomfield and Boulder. Ryan asks how he would handle the matter, with Colorado being a 'sanctuary state,' if Tren de Aragua made its way into his jurisdiction in Douglas County.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The world is like a ride at.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
An amusement park, and when you choose to go on it,
you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are.

Speaker 3 (00:05):
And the ride goes up and down and round and round.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
It has thrills and hills, and it's very brightly colored,
and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while.
Some people have been on the ride for a long
time and they begin to question is this real versus
this a ride? And other people have remembered, and they
come back to us and they say, hey, don't worry,
don't be afraid ever, because this is just a ride,
and we kill those people.

Speaker 4 (00:32):
Shut him up.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him off.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
Look at my furrows and worry, look at my big
bank account and my family.

Speaker 3 (00:43):
This has to be real. It's just a ride. But
we always kill those good guys who try and tell
us that you ever notice that?

Speaker 2 (00:50):
And let the demons run a monk.

Speaker 3 (00:53):
But it doesn't matter, because.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
It's just a ride, and we can change it anytime
we want. It's only a choice, no effort, no work,
no job, no savings of money, a choice right now
between fear and love. The eyes of fear wants you
to put bigger locks on your door by guns, close
yourself off the eyes of love. Instead, see all of
us is one. Here's what we can do to change

the world right now to a better ride.

Speaker 3 (01:21):
Take all that money we spend.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
On weapons and defense each year and instead spend it
feeding clothing, educating the poor of the world, which it
would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we.

Speaker 1 (01:31):
Can explore space together, both enter and outer.

Speaker 3 (01:38):
Forever. Npce the late great Bill Hicks.

Speaker 5 (01:41):
And it's hard to believe that he's been gone for
so long, and that was from nineteen ninety two. He
would die of cancer in nineteen ninety four at the
age of just thirty two. I mean, I can't believe
that he was only around for thirty two years but
made such an impact on comedy. And there's a reason
why I opened the show with that. He's one of
my all time favorite comedians. Along with my buddy Hutch

Down in Tampa, we reflect and reminisce on Bill Hicks
a lot. I'll go down there have a few beers
with them, watch the Bill Hicks videos. Because he was
smart and irreverent at a time when comedy really needed it,
and I think he provided a lane for a real
thinking man or thinking woman's comedy. I would put him

politically in a realm of the classical liberal or libertarian,
and I think that's the space that a lot of comedians,
the best ones occupy. That their anti establishment. They're certainly
anti government. You heard him there, He's anti war. And
the evolution of the two parties to this point, especially
if you consolidate the Neo cons with the Unit Party,

that is the traditional Democratic party block right now, has
created an interesting juxtaposition and kind of turning about of
the Alliance's a reconfiguration of what it means to be
a Democrat or what it means to be a Republican.

And I know there are a lot of people who
are Trump supporters out there that wouldn't necessarily identify themselves
as being rank and file Republican. And there's a lot
of rank and file Republicans out there who have disavowed
Donald Trump, people that I respect highly. Somebody that's a
lightning rod on this show, and Dan's Dick Wadhams has
disavowed Donald Trump.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
I get it.

Speaker 5 (03:26):
I don't agree with it, but everybody is free to
make up their own minds, and I think this is
what we've lost in this campaign, but over the last
forty eight hours for sure, and why I so vehemently
disagree with Dan Kaplis on this. He went on a
rampage yesterday against Tony Hinchcliffe. And I rarely call out

Dan or really disagree fundamentally with him many things, but
this is where I have to draw a clear distinction.
In line, there was a listener who texted Dan yesterday
and I see these texts because I produced Dan's show
after mind saying I'm glad you called it. Al Ryan
made excuses for it. No wake up. You are playing

their game by amplifying whatever it is this reaction to
Tony Hinchcliff. It doesn't matter. He's a comedian who made
a bad joke. Boohoo, Get the f over it. This
is what's wrong with our politics today. The cancel culture today,
the gotcha questions of today. It all comes from the

left and they want to cancel people who don't fit
in with the orthodoxy, who don't conform. I'm a nonconformist,
I'm an anti establishment type. That would have put me
maybe in the center left camp back in Bill Hicks's
day in the eighties. For sure, the Bible thumping religious
extremists of the eighties Tip Er Gore, etc. That wanted

to ban music. I was fundamentally against that. I supported
the likes of Frank Zappa, who very intelligently testified before
Congress about the dangers of censorship. I've been consistent on
this issue throughout. I don't want to cancel or censor anybody.
And if you tell a bad joke. So what did

you watch.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
Tony Hinchcliff at the Tom Brady Rose.

Speaker 5 (05:15):
I think Jesse did. He was incredible. He was probably
the best one. That's his shtick, that's his game. That's
on him. It's not a reflection on anybody else. We're
all individuals here. And further to that point, when Hinchcliffe
made the Puerto Rico joke, I don't know that anybody
in the crowd there at Madison Square Garden laughed. There

was a groan, and he reacted to the groan, Oh
we're getting there. He's you know, he's trying to feel
out the audience and this was not his typical audience.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
The other theory I had, and this is just a
theory I don't know.

Speaker 5 (05:49):
You know, I would call myself a moderate fan of
Joe Rogan in his podcast, and I'll watch it if
the guest is interesting.

Speaker 3 (05:55):
But I'm not a guy that goes.

Speaker 5 (05:56):
I'm listening to all three hours of Joe Rogan Today
every day.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
Yeah, I don't knew that.

Speaker 5 (06:01):
The podcast I usually regularly listen to are Dan Bongino
and Ben Shapiro. I'll also listen to Mark Levin. I'll
also listen to Megan Kelly. I'll watch Tucker Carlson, same
thing if it's an interesting guest.

Speaker 3 (06:14):
He's doing his own thing now. But what I did.

Speaker 5 (06:18):
Notice was that Tony Hinchcliff performed at this rally two
days after Donald Trump appeared with Joe Rogan on his
podcast The Puzzle Pieces I put together additionally to that,
when Joe Rogan came here to Denver to Bellco Theater,
and I went, guess who one of the opening comedians

was for Joe Rogan Tony Hinchcliff. Now there could have
been I don't know this for sure. It's a guess
some kind of an arrangement or agreement and a chord
between the Trump camp and the Rogan camp, you know,
Joe Rogan for the longest time didn't want to have
Donald Trump on. That was his own decision. I don't,
you know, want to. I don't know the reasons why,
but he did say that that change in his conversation

with Donald Trump.

Speaker 3 (07:03):
Once Trump got shot. He says, we got to have
that guy on.

Speaker 5 (07:06):
Okay, Well, maybe the final ceiling of the deal was, oh,
look here, we'll have you on three hours. You come
to Austin, we do the show, but you got to
promise to give my boy Tony here a break. And
he gets to perform at the Madison Square Garden rally.
And the Trump camp goes, okay, we'll make that deal.
And I tell you what, even with the fallout of

the Tony hinchcliff joke, which again I can't believe, the
pearl clutching and the overreacting, I'm sorry, but including those
on our side and Dan himself, because I take this
very seriously. I take it sounds oxymoronic and it sounds
like a total contradiction in terms, but I take comedy
very seriously because of its role in our pop culture

and our society. Comedians are more important now than ever before,
and even especially the ones that we don't like and
don't agree with, And those are the ones I'm going
to go to the mattresses for to support and defend
every every single blank in time. You cannot give one
inch of ground to these clowns on this turf. I

cannot stress that enough because once you do, you give
them license and space and oxygen and kerosene to continue
the cancel culture craze.

Speaker 3 (08:18):
And it stops now, and it stops here, and it stops.

Speaker 5 (08:23):
On November fifth, when we elect Donald Trump back into office.
I am resolute on this, not budging. I feel even
more strongly about it.

Speaker 3 (08:32):

Speaker 5 (08:34):
Don't play their game. That's their game. We win playing
our game now. Dan's argument was this was a distraction,
this was unnecessary, This was an own goal. I disagree.
Tony Hinchcliff speaks for him. The campaign had him out.
And this is just a reinforcement of the fact that

the Trump camp is a broad tent. We have a
lot of people in here. It's a little bit of
a free show, but it's kind of the where the
cool kids are now. And I used an illustration of
Zachary Levi. This is an actor, not a traditional conservative,
not a traditional Trump supporter. But listen as he explains

why he's voting for the Trump ticket emphasis on the
ticket part of this, not on the Trump I found
this to be fascinating, and I think this is a
big reason why the Orange Van's going to win.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
This is I'm not voting for Donald Trump.

Speaker 6 (09:27):
I'm voting for Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy and Tulci
Gabbard and Vivek Ramaswami and Elon Musk and Jadie Vance
and everyone else that they're going to bring in in
this team, this Avenger, this Voltron, whatever you want to
call it, and they're going to get in there and
actually do what Donald Trump said he was going to
do the first time, which is drained the swamp. And
he has admitted that he couldn't do it, and he

didn't do it because he didn't know what he was doing.
He didn't even think he was going to win the
first time, and he had no time for his transition team,
and then he was loaded with a bunch of sick
of fans and horrible people that were the swamp monsters
that Bobby Kennedy is very accurately pointed out. And so
now they're privately funding I love. This that Trump is
privately funding is on transition team, not waiting for the government.
So they are ready to go and they are not compromised.

That is the government that I want is the That
is something body is and Toulci are going to be
let loose, to be the bulldogs that we need to
hold people to account and by the way, and they
will do it fairly, They will do it civilly, they
will do it in love.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
I've sat with both of them.

Speaker 6 (10:27):
They are incredibly wonderful human people.

Speaker 5 (10:31):
This is the type of voter that's going to win
this election. These later rivers to the party, and we've
got to welcome them with open arms. Doesn't matter how
they got there, when they got there, doesn't matter that
they weren't there in twenty twenty. We've got an election
to win, We've got a country to save on November fifth,
and I welcome Zachary with open arms. I welcome non
traditional Trump voters, people that might not otherwise ever vote Republican,

but if they're going to do it this time, this
is the time that matters the most. And go back
to what I opened the show with with Bill Hicks
and what he said here towards the end.

Speaker 2 (11:06):
Put figure locks on your door by guns, close yourself
off the eyes of love. Instead, see all of us
as one. Here's what we can do to change the
world right now to a better ride. Take all that
money we spend on weapons and defense each year and
instead spend it feeding clothing, educating the poor of the world,
which it would many times over, not one human being excluded.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
And we can explore space together, both enter and outer.

Speaker 3 (11:33):

Speaker 7 (11:34):

Speaker 3 (11:35):
Now what who is illustrating there?

Speaker 5 (11:36):
Albeit from a perspective that I believe to be politically
left idealistic.

Speaker 3 (11:41):
You know, no war, all the peace.

Speaker 5 (11:43):
John Lemon's song Imagine you know, stuff that I wouldn't
necessarily agree with, is realistic.

Speaker 3 (11:48):
But it's a good aim.

Speaker 5 (11:50):
But he's talking about love versus fear and what you
are witnessing right now from the left in their categorization
demonization of not only Trump but his following, he is Hitler,
we are Nazis.

Speaker 3 (12:02):
There was a Nazi rally at MSG.

Speaker 5 (12:04):
There just happened to be Holocaust survivors there though, and
Jews and people that support Israel, but nevertheless that was
a Nazi rally.

Speaker 3 (12:11):
You're a Nazi. I'm a Nazi.

Speaker 5 (12:12):
Anybody who votes for Donald Trump's a Nazi, and he's Hitler.
Where's the love? Where's the joy? We were told about
that was a part of this Kamala Harris campaign.

Speaker 3 (12:22):
It is gone.

Speaker 5 (12:22):
It never existed. It was fabricated, It was AstroTurf. It
was fake, it was fugacy, it was fraudulent. The love
is what I witnessed watching this in that building the
entire rest of the day.

Speaker 3 (12:36):
Take Tony hinchcliff aside.

Speaker 5 (12:38):
It is a distraction because everything else that happened that
day was positivity, optimism, hope, a plan for the future,
people coming together. Doctor Phil spoke at this event. Old
Cogan spoke at this event. Bobby Kennedy, Tulci Gabbard, Tucker Carlson,
Jade Vance, Donald Trump, Milania Trump. As Bill Hicks said,

this entire experience of ours life itself. It's just a ride,
and don't let the media deceive you. It is just
a ride. We've got to keep things in perspective. We
don't want to go loco here. You don't want to
get crazy. It is an important election. If Kamala Harris wins,
that stinks and life will be really bad for the
next four years, I'm going to sit here and say

it's the end of America. There will never be another election.
There will be, and we'll recover from it. It'll just
take a hell of a lot longer, and it will
be a dreary ride getting there, but it will be
just a ride. If Donald Trump wins, I'll say it,
happy days are here again.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
The next four years are going to be golden.

Speaker 5 (13:42):
They're going to be completely consumed with American energy exploration development.
We're going to be energy independent again, dominant again. That
will help our economy on all levels, with logistics, the groceries,
to the price of everything, the price on goods and services,
the delivery of those goods and services, everything is going
to go down because we're going to command our own energy.

We're that power back in our hands once again. We're
not going to be beholden to a Venezuelan dictator or
Iranian mullas or other sources of dirtier oil and gas
that we would have under the left's plan.

Speaker 3 (14:15):
We can drill for our own oil.

Speaker 5 (14:18):
And natural gas right here and do it in a
much more environmentally friendly way. But the Left doesn't want
you to know that because that's counterintuitive to their entire ethos,
that we are the ones that have to struggle. We
are the ones that have to clamp down and put
these climate change and Green New Deal restrictions on ourselves
and throddle our economy and our energy production and drive

the prices of everything skyward and inflation skyward, that we
have to suffer while China in India pollute into the
airs and oceans that all that we all share on
this planet.

Speaker 3 (14:50):
We don't enforce any kind of rules or.

Speaker 5 (14:54):
Restrictions on China or India because they're quote developing countries.

Speaker 3 (14:58):
They're not.

Speaker 5 (14:59):
China's not developing country anymore, but they still wear that
badge and they still enjoy the benefits therein that were
aligned to them over fifty years ago with Richard Nixon
trying to bring them into the world economy. And look
what has happened since. Eric Adams. I got to give
him credit too. He is stepping up to the mic

and delivering in a way that very few other Democrats are.
It's an interesting kind of tenuous alliance between the mayor
of New York City and Donald Trump, but.

Speaker 3 (15:30):
I think part of him gets it.

Speaker 5 (15:32):
This guy used to be a Republican, a real wishy
washy one, but he was at one time long ago,
and he has done with the Hitler fascist labels that
left are applying to those of us on the right
who support Donald.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
Trump him as mayor.

Speaker 7 (15:46):
I wonder if I could ask you about any communications
you've been having with the Trump campaign about this rally otherwise,
and if you believe, as others have said, that the
former president is a fascist, you know I have been.

Speaker 3 (15:58):
I had those terms hurled me by some.

Speaker 8 (16:02):
Political leaders in the city, using terms like Hitler and Fastiest.
My answer is known, I know what Hitler has done,
and I know what a fastest regime looks like. I think,

as I called over and over again that the level
of conversation, I think we could all dial down the temperature.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
Eric Adams was just getting started.

Speaker 5 (16:33):
He was asked again at a subsequent news conference whether
Donald Trump was a fascist, and.

Speaker 8 (16:39):
They talking about these real problems we're having, and with
all that going on to everyday New York is we're
asking questions that it's someone a fascist or is someone
a Hitler.

Speaker 3 (16:51):
That's insultant to me.

Speaker 8 (16:52):
That is insultant, and I'm not going to engage in
that everyone needs to turn down the rhetoric because after
election Day, we still have to be the United States
and not the divide the States. And so if people
can't understand their real issues facing New Yorkers, and I
just find it just humiliated that what every day mom

and pops are doing and going through across this country,
that here we are having this conversation about.

Speaker 3 (17:24):
This silly item. So I refuse to participating.

Speaker 5 (17:27):
That Eric Adams is right, and he just explained why
the Democrats are going to lose. Kamala Harris is not
proposing solutions to those problems that Eric Adams just outlined.
Kamala Harris and her team and her camp and her party,
they are just selling fear down the stretch, plain and simple.

Speaker 3 (17:43):
That's it.

Speaker 8 (17:44):
I'm going to fight for New Yorkers like I've done
for years, and whomever can't understand that they're not in
the streets when I'm at these town halls talking to
people there, They're not asking me these silly questions. We
are in this bubble, you know, and I know you
guys really believe these stories you're writing gives you a
lot of clicks. It's excited and give you headlines. But

this is not what New York is in Americas are
dealing with. Folks, they are scared of their future. Someone
needs to stand up and say enough of this. Tone
down the rhetoric, let people hear the facts, let them vote,
and let's decide what the next four years are going
to be for our city.

Speaker 3 (18:26):
And that's my position. I cannot make it any clearer.

Speaker 5 (18:29):
Yeah, he might as well have endorse Donald Trump. And
speaking of endorsements, Mike Barnacle can't explain or he wonders
why George W.

Speaker 3 (18:36):
Bush is staying so silent.

Speaker 9 (18:39):
I think the country would love to know where Jack W.

Speaker 3 (18:41):
Bush is thinking today.

Speaker 9 (18:45):
You know, Joe, that's an interesting aspect that Mie could
just raised. The number of Republicans who have spoken out
against Donald Trump's candidacy.

Speaker 3 (18:53):
It really is kind of minimal when you look up
the parade of characters. But George W.

Speaker 9 (18:58):
Bush, I mean and his voice would really really mean
something in this and I can't believe that he and
his family are sitting there tolerating the idea of voting
for Donald J.

Speaker 3 (19:10):

Speaker 5 (19:10):
I can't believe Mike Barnacle forgets what they call it.
George W. Bush, they called him Hitler. Well, he's a
lawyer and I believe he's got guns, but his campaign
could always use some money. So you want to donate
to George Brockler for the twenty third Judicial District DA position.

He is running in a race and his website is
George Brockler dot com. B R A U C H
L E R dot com. Lawyers, Guns, money, George, You've
got it all. Welcome to Ryan Schuling Life.

Speaker 4 (19:44):
Ryan, thanks for having me on. As you know, when
you become the DA you give up that last part.

Speaker 3 (19:49):
Then why are you doing this?

Speaker 4 (19:52):
It's such a fair question. I don't know. I didn't
give a lot of thoughts. I'm kidding. It's a rare opportunity,
can I say rare? And I mentioned this on your
show for you know, Colorado hasn't had a new DA's
office in sixty years. There's just nobody alive who can
talk through. Hey, how do you get this thing going
and make the community better. It's a hell of a challenge.

And I thought, man, I want to do this thing,
and it turns out I've got a little bit of
experience doing it, so I'm hopeful that'll make things better
done here.

Speaker 5 (20:21):
Yeah, and That's the thing I wanted to ask you about, George,
was this new district being formed into twenty third and
how it differs from the eighteenth, which I believe it
was portioned off from John Kellner representing the eighteenth.

Speaker 3 (20:34):
Right now, is that correct?

Speaker 5 (20:35):
This used to be one big district and now it's
been bifurcated between the eighteenth and the twenty third.

Speaker 4 (20:40):
That's exactly right. The eighteenth is a rapa ho Douglas
Alburton Lincoln always really done, is cut looser rapa Hoe County,
which is a much bluer county. Talk of building a wall. Convince,
it's going to happen. I live here, then, Douglas Alburton
Lincoln of course are very red.

Speaker 3 (20:56):
Why do I live in a Rapahoe County? George, it's
a great question.

Speaker 4 (21:00):
After January, I'm not sure you're going to have any
good answers left.

Speaker 5 (21:05):
I might do it, especially if GB becomes the next
DA down there in the twenty third.

Speaker 4 (21:10):
I think it's gonna happen. Feel good, don't we get cocky?

Speaker 3 (21:13):

Speaker 4 (21:13):

Speaker 5 (21:14):
But here we are seven days until the election, and
you know, as you mentioned, Douglas County predominantly being represented
by this new district. And I've talked to you about
the challenges of this new district, how it differs from
the eighteenth. But the reason I'm bringing you on George,
and I talked to you a little bit about this,
and some texts going back and forth were these the
spread of trendy Arragua, this Venezuelan gang. You know, we've

heard about it in Aurora, but now we're hearing about
it in other areas as well, like Boulder and Broomfield.
What is your read on this situation just as you
watch this play out? And how can law enforcement combat it,
if at all?

Speaker 4 (21:53):
A great and growing question. And what's interesting is it
really has its origins going back a year, but we
just have not paid any attention to it. It never
really came to a head before those apartment complexes and
roy City Councilman Daniel Durinsky and some of the other
stuff that's taken place. But it's been building for about

a year. And what I'm hearing and all this is
going to be anecdotal, right I don't have my hands
on any numbers right now, but in talking to law enforcement,
even down here in Douglas County, what I'm hearing is
that they are apprehending a number of people who are
these Venezuelan refugees or immigrants who are engaged in property
crimes of one kind or another, whether it's motor vehicle

theft or shop listing or other things like that. A
lot of these guys, and are almost all guys, get arrested.
But then what happens to them after that is kind
of a big question mark, because is you know, the
state went out of its way to pass the law
that forbids local law enforcement from communicating and cooperating with ICE,
and so there's a big black hole there. Something else

that I learned about today from talking with someone who's
smart on the area also of Venezuela descent, by the way,
was that there was a couple laws that were passed
in the last legislature or so where they said, hey,
we're going to lift the limits on how many people
can live in a single house or an apartment. Do
you remember that It was to try to address that

the housing crisis. Well, the end result of that is
these apartment complexes that have been claimed to have been
taken over, where let's say there are complexes that normally
house six hundred people. Once those numbers got blown up
and said there are no more limits, those apartment complexes
now have twelve hundred people in them. And if you

have a series of those apartment complexes next to each other,
that kind of congestion leads to additional problems such as parking.
Where do they put their cars? And so fights grow
out of you can't park there, this is my space here,
This the noise twenty four hours a day, twenty four
to seven. All of these things, independent of the gang issue,

become problems. And if you add to that Javier Maybray,
I think he's the representative from Denver that crushed the
ability to evict people for things like breaking the rules,
not paying rent, all that other stuff. You combine those
two things, we're creating powder kegs. That's what we're doing.
Venezuelen and other immigrant powder kegs are being created.

Speaker 5 (24:20):
With these laws unintended consequences described there by George Brockler.
He is running for District Attorney in the newly formed
twenty third judicial district. Look for Firm on your ballots there
if you live in Douglas County. So I'm just going
to map this out as you might encounter it, George,
predicting that you will be elected as DA, and you
had alerted me to Sheriff Dearren Weekly there and Doug

co and how you might collaborate work with him, and
this is so important that everybody involved pull in the
same direction.

Speaker 3 (24:46):
But we haven't seen that.

Speaker 5 (24:48):
We haven't seen that in Aurora, whether it's Mayor Mike Coufman,
the city Council, the Aurora PD. Then you have the
DA John Kellner, and they might be on four different pages.
And this is my concern, George, and I know a
lot of our listeners share this concern because this is
something we should be able to nip in the butt.
I've had these conversations with John Fabricatory. By the way,
vote John if you live in the sixth Congressional District

against Jason Crow.

Speaker 3 (25:11):
Awesome guy, and he has worked with ice.

Speaker 5 (25:14):
And whether this is a federal issue, a state issue,
a local issue, how you might be able to handle
it under your purview, because there's only so much you'll
be able to do. George Brockler as DA, but with
the Sheriff's office there in Douglas County, if you encounter
a situation God forbid like this in Castle Rock or
Castle Pines, et cetera. How you might handle that, and
you mentioned this caveat of not being able not being

allowed to communicate with federal ICE officials. How you would
work around that or maybe just drive right through it.

Speaker 4 (25:45):
Yeah, that's a tricky one, right, Like, how can you
get the benefits of having ice in the area trying
to enforce laws that would benefit the community without running
a file of the state law. And you know the
trick here is when you take an oath to a
pull defend the state and federal constitutions and all the
organic laws that flow from them, you know you're sort

of stuck in this position. I'm going to find a
way to do it without violating a law. We're just
going to find a way to do it. But the
thing that we can do that any community can do
is to train newcomers, and I'm going to use their terms,
newcomers on the importance of following the law. And that
doesn't happen from not enforcing the small stuff. It doesn't
come from the hey write them a ticket, let them

go run about their business. It doesn't come from catch
and release. It doesn't come from any of that. It
comes from consequences, and they have to be predictable and
immediate when they happen, so that folks know that maybe
they come from a part of the world where they
just law enforcement wasn't the same. We need to train
them on how to do it here as well as
everybody else, and let them know you steal, whether it's

a car or you go in someone's garage and you
steal stuff from inside there, there are going to be consequences.
And in doing that, I think while we figure out
this immigrantion mess, we stand a better chance to keep
in the community safe.

Speaker 3 (27:03):
George Brockler joining us.

Speaker 5 (27:04):
I'm just gonna go down this road with you, George,
if you'll walk with me a little bit and get
where the left is coming from. I know it's a
dangerous headspace to enter, but we're gonna try it.

Speaker 3 (27:14):
And I'm trying.

Speaker 4 (27:15):
I'm gonna get out my bone, yeah, and I'm gonna
put on my helmet.

Speaker 5 (27:20):
So when you have a sanctuary law like you describe
in a state, which to me is patently insane, it's insane,
and I get the maybe the sentiment of wanting to
protect an illegal immigrant whose only crime was to come
in this country illegally.

Speaker 3 (27:35):
As much as I might be opposed to that, I'm
I'm gonna go with it. I'm gonna go with it.

Speaker 5 (27:38):
Now that the left that Democrats never intended, I would
have to think in good faith that that law would
protect members of trendale Ragua and that that's an acceptable
level of collateral damage that they're just gonna take with
the sanctuary law. Is there a reasonable conversation to be
had with moderate Demos or even center left Democrats about,

you know, maybe separating the trendy Aragua element from this
other illegal element that you know, Donald Trump's talking about
mass deportations, and it might include them too. But the
first priority has got to be stemming the tide of
this trend de a Urragua presence.

Speaker 3 (28:17):
Does it not?

Speaker 4 (28:19):
It does, But as you can tell from the response
from the legacy media folks and even from some in power,
it's not a narrative they're comfortable with because it then
makes you call into question all those things you just mentioned, Ryan,
and so it's easier to try to say this is
a one off, it's a smaller problem than you think.
It's an isolated it's that is an easier thing to say,

so you don't have to upend the apple cart on
some of the decisions that have been made. Now. Aurora
is not a sanctuary city by any measure, but Denver is.
And I think what people voters ought to remember is
that when Denver makes a bad policy decision, it doesn't
just stay within the borders of Denver. When when Mayor
Johnston signs up to take on everybody that can be

dropped off by bus somewhere in the metro area, he's
signing up Lakewood and Aurora and Broomfield and god forbid,
Centennial and then ultimately Launchering. He's signing everybody up to
feel the repercussions of that. And I don't think we
pay enough attention to that. But something else, I'm making
this up entirely Ryan, but I'd love to conceive of

a way that we could somehow track the people that
create crimes in one community and build back the community
they came from. You know what I mean to be
able to go, Hey, thirty percent of our car thefts
come out of Denver and Aurora, and just send a
bill to Denver and Aurora, please reimburse law enforcement X
number of dollars and I'd be happy to have us

do the same thing. But my guess is most of
the crime in Denver isn't being created by people from.

Speaker 5 (29:50):
Castle Rock, and we know that our law enforcement is
overwhelmed as it is. Now you add this to the
equation as well, and my heart goes out to them
because nobody supports them more than people like George and
yours truly and the work that they do, the lives
that they put on the line to protect and serve
our communities. I mean, this has got to stop, and
we've got to find a way to somehow pull together

and make this happen. So over this next week, George,
you know kind of the floor is yours. What you're
looking for on November fifth, the race that you have
the closest eye on obviously your own, but other than
that in terms of turning this around what we just
talked about this issue, but you know, the country as
a whole, what you've got your eye on, Well, it's.

Speaker 4 (30:29):
An obviously the national one, but that thing's been talked
to death. I mean, everybody knows what these people have
had for breakfast and launch now for the last couple
of weeks. But when it comes to local stuff. We
have got to change the numeric disparity in the legislature.
Not because we'll be able to stop every crazy idea
that Progressive's put forward, but because it changes just the
numbers on committees that get an entertain build. It changes

their ability to override detos, it changes their ability to
reach super majority. We have got to win back some
more of those seats and mentally, and the other thing
is when you're in a place as comfortably read or
at least conservative as Douglas County and Elbert and Lincoln,
what I've been telling folks is we can't just win.
We have to win decisively, because if you win by

a narrow margin in a place like Douglas County, you've
just bought yourself a very competitive election two years from
now and four years from now, because the Dems will
show up with a truckload of money. We've seen it happen.
But if you can put them down, and put them
down hard now in terms of the election results, then
it gives them pause. Then they think maybe we'll come

back here in a few election cycles. But let's focus
on Broomfield, or let's focus on Lakewood or let's focus
on something else. So it's not enough to just vote
and win. We got to win decisively.

Speaker 5 (31:45):
Got to add to the mighty nineteen in the House
and the Legislature and the General Assembly. The House members
have done yeoman's work, I mean Ty Winter and Rosebuglasi
and several others, but they need reinforcements.

Speaker 4 (31:56):
Gott to vote red in the hearts of Lisa Frizzelle
all the others. I mean, they're just a handful of them.
They are like the Spartans at the hot gates there.
They are fighting that upill battle.

Speaker 5 (32:07):
Michigan State Spartans even And we'll end on that note.
George Brockler dot com where you can find out more
about him and his campaign. Vote read down ballot, especially
like he mentioned, in those local state House and Senate
races to add and try to cut into that margin
that the Democrats have for all the reasons that George
just stated. George, best luck in your race, and thank

you so much for your time today.

Speaker 4 (32:29):
Hey, thanks Ran, talk to you soon. Man.

Speaker 5 (32:31):
All right, George Brockler, right there your reaction five seven
seven three nine, running out our number one with your
text five seven seven three nine starting Ryan here and
Ryan Shuling Live and Now Deep thoughts by Vice President
Kamala Harris.

Speaker 3 (32:54):
Weeping mane door for night by jog It in the morning.

Speaker 7 (33:03):
The path may seem hard, the work may seem heavy,
but joy cometh in the morning, and church morning.

Speaker 3 (33:12):
Is on its way. Hi you no, it's tired.

Speaker 5 (33:19):
She's gone full Hillary. Never go full Hillary. Kamala Harrison,
My god, almight? What what the phoniness and the falseness.
I mean, say what you will about Donald Trump, but
he's him, same guy every time shows up. Hello, you
know what you're getting? This is a box of chocolates

with Kamala Harrison. They had a lot of bad surprises
in there, not Forrest Gump style. Let's go to your
tax five seven seven thirty nine. Here in the two
minute warning before halftime, George Bush is a neo con
just like Dick Cheney, and they're never going to support
anyone who's not a neocon. They'd rather support Harris than
Trump because she is a neocon. She aligns with the
neo conn It's just.

Speaker 3 (34:00):
Funny to me.

Speaker 5 (34:00):
I mean, Dick Cheney was compared to the Emperor from
the Star Wars movies by the left by many commentators
and comedians on the left.

Speaker 3 (34:10):
George W. Bush was hitler. I remember it.

Speaker 5 (34:13):
I was there the unity we had after nine to
eleven when he had the megaphone on the rubble with
the fireman and said they'll hear all of us soon,
and the you know, he launched the attack against Osama
bin Laden in the Taliban, and all of that went
to hell in a handbasket when we had this diversionary
war in a rock that Dick Cheney helped spur on

to help benefit in profit Halliburton. I mean, all of
this is a part of history now. But the point being,
I think even Jeb Bush has come around to support
Donald Trump.

Speaker 3 (34:44):
So if Jeb can do it, George W. Can do it.

Speaker 5 (34:47):
He might not be vocal about it, and Trump might
not even know that George W's endorsement would hurt him
with a lot of his own voters, so they're just
going to stay quiet about it. But there's no way
Bush I don't think was going to support comm after
all the left and the media put him through. He'd
be a fool to do it. But then again, we
have Mitt Romney
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