Journey to the small town corners where everyone knows your name, your business, and the color of your underwear before you've even bought them. Join Jessica and Karmen as they play the game of telephone...on steroids. They'll dissect how Mrs. Johnson's lost cat turned into a rumored panther sighting and led to the establishment of a neighborhood watch program, complete with night vision goggles and camo gear donated by the local thrift shop. These rapid-fire rumors aren't just funny—they're a binding glue in these tight-knit communities. Don't miss your exit.
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Spring is coming. Dress up your backyard in style. Check out our new partner, Grand Patio, here --->, the exciting partnership between BLUEVIEW Footwear and the 19 Media Group Network. Just visit
BLUEVIEW to start your sustainable style journey. Let us know if you purchas and we'll give you a shout out on our next show!