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September 26, 2023 7 mins
Keil Lasik-Dr. Keil
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This is Talk of the Town onWood Radio. Steve Kelly and Brett Pakita
from West Michigan's Morning News join onceagain by doctor Mike Keel of Keel Lasik.
Thank you for taking time today,well, thank you for taking time
to talk with me, Steve.It's always a pleasure to talk to you
guys. They are near the CenterPoint Mall at the corner of the East
belt Line in Lake Eastbrook Boulevard.Keel Lasik dot com. You know,

I know, I do, andmost of our listeners would love to have
the vision that they enjoyed when theywere younger. We're in the bifocal age
contexts or glasses. Do you haveanything to offer folks who are middle aged
and older who struggle with seeing clearlyup close? Absolutely, I mean that
is a great question. We havereally a lot of things to offer now.

I mean we call it keel Lasik, but Laska has become synonymous with
gets you out of glasses. Youknow, you make a great point.
Older people have different needs for theireyes younger people. Lacek is a fantastic
option. I had it done onmyself. I did my wife, my
brothers, my sons. You know, eighteen to about forty eight. Las
is a great option for those people. But when we get into our mid

to late forties, the lens insideof our eyes, so the eye has
two natural lenses. There's one onthe outside we call the cornea. That's
where you put your contact lens.That's where we do LASIC, and then
there's another lens inside of the eye. That lens is what starts to become
dysfunctional in our forties. And whenthat happens, people find that they start
to need reading glasses. Now,if that's the only thing in you,

just reading glasses, believe it ornot, we have an eye drop.
So, in other words, ifyour distance vision is good, but you
just need reading glasses, there's aneye drop that can restore your near vision
now, the first drop on themarket. It's only it works for about
five hours, and it works.It's pretty cool. But for those people
who are in BUI vocals or forthose who this drop doesn't work for,

we have a procedure called refracted lensexchange, and DOC take us through that.
Because you also have a situation thatyou've talked about here and I look
at it with my father in law'sgone through it. My mother's going through
it right now, of you couldavoid cataracts, right, absolutely, you
got it. That's exactly right,because that lens I said, that becomes
dysfunctional. But like I said,in your forties, it starts becoming dysfunctional

in your fifties and sixties, itstarts turning yellow. So if you have
an argument with a teenager about colorand you're in your fifties or sixties and
they're a teenager, guess what you'rewrong because your am Really we're all looking
through slightly yellow lenses and then eventuallythat yellow lens goes on to become cloudy
and we can't see from it.It's actually the leading cause of preventable blindness

in the world because that lens justgets cloudy as we get older. Usually
that doesn't happen until seventies or eighties. But with refracted lens exchange, what
we can do. We can addressthat dysfunctional lens before it gets really bad,
before it gets cloudy, before itreally starts robbing more of your vision,
and we can replace it in sucha way that we restore not only

your distance vision, but we alsoimproved the near vision as well, and
so it's really amazing that we cando this, and it's been getting better
and better over the years. Butsince we've been doing it in my office
from twenty nineteen, and really thatwas the time that it really just kind
of you know, turned the corneron safety and effectiveness and reproducibility, and

so really our patients have been benefitingfrom that, benefiting from that since then,
and my parents have had it doneand so you know, when it
comes my turn, I'm going toget that done too. It's really cool.
We are talking to doctor Mike Keelof Keela Keel lasik dot com for
more information. So this refractive lensexchange or premium cataracts surgery procedure has four

benefits we talked about, You'll neverget cataracts, no need for glasses to
see near or far, but youreyes will remain stable and ever change.
Can you explain, man, Yes, that's exactly right. So you know
you can't you can never say never, right, especially in medicine or anything
like that. But the reality ofit is, like I've mentioned before,
the eye has two lens, thecornea on the outside and then the lens

on the inside. That lenses onthe inside is what keeps changing over time.
So once we replace that lens,if you have a stigmatism, or
if you have fire sidedness or nearsidedness, or if you need bifocals or
reading glasses or any of that stuff, we can get rid of all of
those problems by replacing that lens.And once that happens, then the eye
is stable. The cornea is stable, and the lens inside of the eye

is stable. Sometimes we have todo lasic with the cornea as well if
we need to fine tune things.But once those two lenses are stable and
done, then you're right. You'redone for life. And once you replace
that dysfunctional lens inside of your eye, you can't get cataracts, so you
don't have to worry about your eyesslowly degrading over time. We eliminate the

possibility of developing cataract. So it'skind of like nipping it in the butt.
You know you're already losing vision anyways, in your forties, you're losing
your near vision, and then you'llstart losing color and light, and you
know things are dark like a nighttime, you'll make key halos, your might
see sarbus are on lights. Sothese are all because that lends is becoming
dysfunctional. And when you replace itin your fifties or sixties, then you
have decades where you can enjoy glassesfree vision all of your waking hours.

And let's say if that we useour eyes all the time, we don't
use those while we're sleeping, andso doctor kill the natural question people I'm
sure are going to ask you,if they're listening to this or if they
call you or find out of theweb. Is the fact of it sounds
so great? What is the costof that? Is there any insurance coverage
you can go along with that?And what would you tell them as the
best advice? Well, that isa great question. It really depends on

what their eyes need and so andif they're a good candidate for the procedure.
It's really difficult to say exactly whatit's going to cost a person before
they come in for a free consultation. I mean, I can tell you
what the consultatory, so you cancome in, you can talk to me,
you can talk to my staff.We'll give you all the answers there
and we give you more exact,exact pricing based on what your eyes need.
But generally speaking, LASIC runs aroundfor both eyes around five thousand dollars,

and for both eyes for refractive lensexchange, it's more around the you
know, eleven to twelve thousand dollars. Some people get both eyes done,
some people only get one eye done. Again, it depends on really what
your eyes need. When you're thinkingabout cost, you also have to think
about, well, what am Ispending on glasses, what am I spending
on context? And how long amI going to enjoy this for? So

you know, if you if youstart at fifty and you get this done
and you don't have to buy contextor glasses anymore for the next thirty or
forty years, it's an investment inyourself. You know, you really end
up saving money in the long run. As doctor Keel mentioned, the consultation
is free. You'll find everything youneed at keel lasic dot com. Your

centerpoint mall there at the corner ofthe East belt Line at Lake Eastbrook Boulevard.
Mike Keel, it has been apleasure. Thanks for your time today.
Absolutely my pleasure. And one thingI'd like to say is that I
really appreciate you guys take my timeto talk to me today. It's always
a great time. If anybody outthere has been told no, you can't
get this done for whatever reason,well guess what. There's a lot of

options. Now. There may beadditional options in addition to Lasik or refracted
lens ex change in you may bea great candidate for that. And so
come on down and see us.We don't bite, and we offer free
coffee too. Keel Lasik dot com. This is Talk of the Town on
news radio WOULD thirteen hundred and oneoh six nine FM
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