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November 3, 2023 • 54 mins
You are invited, and so join us for a CUP of TEA, Hot and Spicy, to Listen to and/or Talk on The Founders' Show, a Politically Incorrect Christian Talk Show, with your host, the Spingiree Baba of New Orleans, Chaplain Hy McEnery and Christopher Tidmore.
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Episode Transcript

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Bie holes. The politicians, thedressed of digitators and magicians are trust to
see the money they didn't. There'snothing to fill the holes while then are
filling their pockets tied holes, thepoliticians bouncing down the road. Everybody's lition

for no more corruption and dysfunction.It's gonna take di find it offens and
God bless all out there. Youare now listening to the founders. So
the voice of the founding fathers,You're founding fathers coming to you deep within
the bowels of those mystic and crypticalligator swamps of the Big Easy, that

old Crescent City, New Orleans,Louisiana, and high up on top of
that old Liberty Cypress free way outon the Eagles Branch, draped in Spanish
mossas there's none other then you've beenGary Bubba of the Republic Chaplain Hi mcgnry
with Christopher Tidmore, Roving reporter,resident Radical Moderate and associate editor of the

Louisiana Weekly newspaper at Louisiana Weekly dotnet. And we've got a lot to
talk about in today's show, fromproperty taxes to what's going on the coming
legislative session, insurance, but wegot to turn our attention to Washington.
We have not commented very much onMike Johnson being the new speaker. For

some people in the audience know,I've known Mike Johnson. We're our close
friends. But I've known him sincecollege. We served in the LSU College
Republicans together. We've been involved inpolitics, and he truly is a nice
guy. It's an example, whetheryou agree with him ideologically or not,
Mike Johnson is one of the nicestpeople I know in politics. And one

thing that's been often misread in thissituation, of course, is the first
time that we've had a majority leaderand a Speaker of the House from the
same state. Well, much ofthe reason Mike Johnson got elected was because
he was the former head of theRepublican Study Committee, had pretty much ubiquitous
support on the right from Jim Jordan, Matt Getz, everybody else. However,

Steve Scalise really whipped the centrist andJohnson is a four term congressman,
not even that really been in ouroffice there twenty seventeen. He's fifty one
years old. He doesn't have thedebreath of experience that sayes Scalise does.
Knowing where quite literally in some cases, all the bodies are buried. So
what has happened is he's leaned onScalise to do much of what a speaker

would have done. The irony ofthe entire situation of Mike Johnson is,
while Mike Johnson presents a pleasing faceto the right, Steve Scalise, in
many ways, is the one whois directing the legislative business. Hence why
the House has suddenly become much moreproductive. That is not to say that

Johnohsen doesn't have his own capabilities.And I can say that a lot of
people are looking forward to one particularevent, and that is Washington Marty gross
For those that don't know, themajor political event for Louisiana doesn't happen in
Louisiana each year. It happens atthe Washington Hilton about three weeks three to

four weeks before Marty Gras Day atthe Washington Marty gross Ball, the mystic
crew of Louisianians comes up there andhas a major event. And with two
Louisianians essentially running the House of Representativesand two Louisianians being some of the most
influential members of the Senate. Youcan imagine the lobbying dollars are going to
flow very keenly. One of thethings that Johnson is doing is trying to

move these appropriations bills. And interestingly, it's no longer whether the House is
going to pass, but they're goingto pass a bill that, ironically high
looks very similar to what Kevin McCarthywanted to pass in the first place,
an eight percent cut, all thedifferent points. It's just put in a
much more pleasing face with Mike Johnson. But still, you know, even

if you don't like Mike Johnson,even if you think he is too conservative,
too much of a Christian, soon and so forth. As some
on the left have said, myGod, sometimes nice guys do finish first,
and it's kind of nice to seeit. And as an LSU Tiger,
I gotta say, go Tiger.I'm sure you're not going to disagree
with a lot of this high,but I'm curious in your thoughts. That's

right, Christopher g e a uX go Tiger's man goal. Yep,
I'm excited about Mike Johnson. Thishas been quite an amazing story here,
a miracle story, almost as ifGod reached down and saved the Union,
saved Congress. I think what Gatesdid, it came across in the beginning
is political suicide for the Republican Party, almost like he was in a gant

provocateur trying to destroy the whole movement. And yet look what's what we have
on it. We have a manthat probably is maybe the best man for
the job right now in Congress.He is, like you said, he
is such a good person, sucha nice guy. And you said among
his other qualifications, but you didn'tmention them. Folks. This man has
tried cases before the Supreme Court.He's considered to be one of the most

brilliant attorneys in America today. Thisguy has no lightweight. He's heavy duty.
And how he was able or hishelpers or whatever his group were able
to put together a coalition that wouldput him in as a speaker is really
to me, it's a miracle.It's a miracle from God. No,
he's hated, and I know heis exceedingly hated by the left. You

know, it's funny they condemned himfor being a Christian. Are they condemning
the militant Muslims in Congress right now? Who's shouting and screaming killed the Jews.
Have you heard one Democrat upset aboutthat? Do you hear him condemning
him? Is a Democrat party outraged? No? No, it's okay to
be a Muslim, a Buddhist,an occultist, whatever you want to be.
Just don't be a Christian, especiallya strong fundamental evangelical type of Christiana.

Oh no, none of that.That's dark, that's evil. Well,
you know where their brains are ifthat's the way they're thinking, because
this guy is exactly the kind ofperson that our founding fathers were. And
you hear me give the story everythe history story less than every day on
the show that we you know,the biblical foundations of America, our Judeo
Christian jurisprudence, folks, he fitsit. We are so blessed to have

this man, Christopher. I'm soglad you knew him. I can't wait
to find out more about him fromyour days with him. And so I
know you have a lot more excitingstuff to do. Maybe we're gonna be
able to take a walk into parksomewhere. I'd love to do that.
You got any parks for us,Christopher? Well, Hi. If you've
been hearing some kind of buzzing behindme, it's actually the gurgling stream of
the Little Tennessee River in Gatlinburg,Tennessee. I've been on a road trip.

I've been leading some historical tours acrossthe Southwest, and then flew to
see the opening of the Christmas exhibitat Builtmore House with a group of people.
And now I'm in the Great SmokyMountains National Park. And now one
thing I want to say is theinfrastructure dollars that were past the American Infrastructure
Act, and Bill Cassidy took alot of hits for voting for it.

Mike Johnson, of course voted againstit, but a lot of that money
went into our national parks. Andit's been kind of nice going through the
roads of parks from here all theway to Arches and Canyonlands National Park and
seeing that they're actually fixed. Thepotholes are gone, there are some new
tops, and that came because ofthat Act. So I found it fascinating

the American Infrastructure Act, that itwas one of those situations where for those
that opposed it, it was basicallywhat Donald Trump wanted to do. You
know, everybody kind of got madat Biden for doing what Trump said he
wanted to do and couldn't get passedor wouldn't get past or Republicans wouldn't.
I don't know. But the factis a lot of infrastructure also gone down.

Whether that was good for inflation becauseit was called the Inflation Reduction Act,
He's probably not true government spending tendsto drive inflation. But when your
opponent once said, you know,what are you doing? I don't know.
I've been looking at this and asI'm walking these pathways and I'm currently
at the edge of the Great SmokyMountains National Park. I just passed into
the park from glattenblerg Standing walking tothe sugar Lands Visitor Center, I'm thinking

about the presidential race. And oneof the things that is interesting about the
presidential race is how it's forming up. Arnold Schwarzenegger gave a big interview where
he effectively endorsed Joe Manchin. Youhave JFK. Junior trying to get the
Libertarian nomination and reaching as much asfourteen percent in the polls. Mansion in
there, Biden, Trump, perhapsCornell West, though his possibility in getting

on ballots went down when he saidhe was not going to seek the Green
Party nomination, which I always thoughtwas a little uncomfortable. Greens and African
American rights are not synonymous. I'mcurious what's going to happen in this And
one of the sub curiosities is you'veprobably noticed, well the Actor strike continues,
the UAW strikes against Ford and GeneralMotors have been resolved, the idea

being that they would try to cometo a compromise on electric vehicles. Something
nobody's talked about and kind of bringsit full circle to the places I've been
traveling to is that we're running outof lithium, running out of the heavy
earths that create electric vehicles. Theyalso create windmills, circuitry, and solar

panels. So as a country,we're going to have to try to decide
whether or not electric vehicles are apath we're going to take. And that
gets into the subtext of the debatehas been the mandate. It's not been
the incentives for electric vehicles that hasproven pretty successful. Even Elon Musk,
who is no one would consider it, you know, a friend of Biden's,

he has been was relatively satisfied withthe final view of the evs once
they got the seventy five hundred dollarscredit to get an electric vehicle. But
when the heavy earth's prices are goingup and we don't produce them here in
America, that is a major problem. And where that comes down is where
would most of them come from?Well, I happen to be going to

Monument Valley. If you're a JohnFord or John Wayne fan, you know
Monument Valley, you know those greatthings. It's on the Navajo Reservation.
Is those incredible literally Navajo sandstone andlimestone megaliths that come in the background,
unbelievable. But right outside of thatarea is an area called the Big Bear

Monument. And the Big Bear Monumentused to be one mountain, set of
mountains, very small comparative areas.It was expanded by barackob it was desbanded
by Donald Trump and we spand itreturned to its original size under Obama.

By Biden, why do I bringall that up because there are four locations
in the United States where heavy earthsare easily accessible, and that's one of
them. Now, before everybody says, well, well, Biden is understand
this is a very fragile ecosystem.Let me put this in real terms.
When you take the soil off ofthe top of the high desert, the

scrub lands and all this, inorder to get the bacteria back in the
soil to be able to grow anything, it takes one hundred years, I
mean, and that is if youjust step on it and describe it,
much less come out. It takescenturies if you clear cut it. So
one of the questions is if youdo this, will the impact be felt

three hundred years from now? Butis it worth it if it means that
we have economic independence from China onthis whole heavy Earth issue. Your thoughts
high, Yes, Christopher, Mymind is veritably pregnant with thoughts nine months
pregnant, but not enough time onthe show to share them. Getting into

the economy and the ecology, especiallythe ecology combined, we have an economy,
that is what it is. Wecan't reduce ourselves to the fifteenth century
and try to resume that kind ofeconomy. Would that would create mass chaos
and death and everything else across theplanet. It's not possible. So we

have to keep going where we areeconomically speaking, that includes all of our
technology and our petrochemical energy and everythingelse. This is one of my thoughts,
folks. Christopher mentioned about how youknow it takes one hundred years to
replace a certain bacteria in the land, and things like that. You know,
let's take a let's look at thebig picture here. Let's get a

real complete story, not just onelittle microscopic look at one little tiny part
of the world, and let's focuson the big picture. This is the
big picture, folks. You couldtake all of the development of the world
that the human race has created,all the towns, the cities, the
roads, the highways, even alittle small cottageway out in the woods,
and you could take that entire humanfootprint and place it, combine it all

together in one place, and itwouldn't take up five percent of the entire
land mass of planet Earth. Thatmeans over ninety five percent of the land
mass of planet Earth. It's stillwilderness, untouched by human hands. Yes,
people walk on it, so didthe Native Americans, and so did
the animals. I think that's okay. We've been walking on this planet for

a long time. Don't tell methat's destroying or upsetting the bacteria. And
if it is, so be it. Because those bacteria made it almost like
dude, just fine. So anyway, that's the real picture here. And
then when you look at the seas, that's you know, that is two
thirds of the entire planet, morethan much more of the land masks and
there for the most part, allwilderness except for a few places where we

do pollute. But remember this,Mother Nature pollutes a whole lot more than
we do. There was just onehumongous volcanic eruption under the ocean out in
the South Pacific, and it spewedup enough water into the upper atmosphere that
filled the planet with a cloud cover, a mist. You can't even see

it way up in the atmosphere.That created like a greenhouse effect, which
has caused an enormous amount of globalwarming all around the world. Folks,
Please Mother Earth. Mother Nature ismany times more brutal to herself than we
could ever be. But fear not, because Mother Nature has amazing ways of

recovery of healing herself. So let'sget you know, let's get off this
kick about. Oh you're you know, what are they going to do?
I mean, if they do minethe area whatever, it's gonna be one
hundred acres five hundred acres a thousandacres, while they're millions of acres out
there. I mean, this isjust absurd. So let's kind of put
this in balance, Christopher and everybodywho's listening. And yes, by the

way, nobody loves mother nature morethan I do. I have spent more
than most people get ever even hopeto spend living in the wilderness, backpacking
through the wilderness many times by myself. I'll love it. I can't get
enough of it. And I reallydo love the wilderness and I hate to
see it besmirched. But nevertheless,we are the human race and we are
here, and we can't just disappear. And if we went all back,

like I said to the sixteenth century, we'd be we'd been having wood fires
all over the place, which pullutesmore than anything. This is absurd,
folks, put it in the rightbalance. Well, Christopher, this is
a very good insight. I can'twait. I hope we're gonna find out
some more about parks and whatnot.And so why don't you take it away
for our next topic? Well,high back to the presidential race. There's

something interesting that's been going on,and I kind of predicted it for a
while and you're not going to disagreewith half of it and radically disagree with
half of it. But as youknow, I've said to some extent that
trump Ism was a break from theTea Party right, which was concerned with
budgets spending, and suddenly under trumpIsm, budgets and spending didn't matter.

It was sort of an attitudinal oremotional he likes to fight, rather than
an intellectual conservatism. And for mostpeople that didn't make a big difference.
But the implications of that of sortof anger at the other that if someone
is not agreeing with you one hundredpercent of the time or agreeing with the
leadership, somehow they're wrong and evilis kind of a problem I've found in

developing in American politics and the right. But one thing I pointed out is
the same thing's happening on the left. One of the things I commend Joe
Biden for is his staunch support ofIsrael. It's hard for someone who actually
knows what Hamas did. And forgiveme, ladies and gentlemen, this is
gonna be somewhat graphic, but breakingbeyond the border fence in Gaza and beheading

infants and killing Holocaust survivors, andthat is the best of what we can
say considering gunning school children and allthis is inhuman. But what's been fascinating,
and we've talked about the fact thatthe counter reaction on the Israelis going

into Gaza has been extreme. Thewindow of opportunity has been closing very quickly,
and that's why you've seen the groundoperations accelerate. The only way to
get rid of hamas a terrorist organizationis to go into Gaza, and the
only way to relieve human suffering isto get Palestinians out of the Trek area.

And the Israelis are being accused withsome historical justification of saying if they
make the Palestinians leave, they'll neverbe allowed back, because that's what happened
after the War of Independence. It'snot what's happened however, in the last
sixty seventy years. And one ofthe things that's fascinating about this is the
arguments that have happened on the left. Well, let me tell you a

personal story. If you've noticed,there was a major altercation at Tulane University
over Israel and what was fascinating tome about it was you had Jewish and
pro Jewish, pro Israel students onone side, most of which are very
liberal, very left wing on mostevery issue, and pro Palestinian students who

agree with them ninety eight percent ofthe time, but they disagree about this.
Interestingly, all of them would agreeabout Ukraine that should be supported.
Well, it was void. Anda young friend of mine who is a
pro Palestinian, she was talking tome and said her roommate, she said,
was Orthodox, you wish and shecouldn't understand why she would do it

or her roommate's not Orthodox Jewish,she's Jewish, but she supported the Israeli
position, saying people shouldn't be killedand this is an existential danger to the
One Haven. And yet people aresaying the Palestinians do well. The challenge
with the Palestinians, and I've knownquite a few Palestinians of Muslim and Christian

de god, is that the generalPalestinian public does not believe in Israel's right
to exist. Hamas won the electionthere. Admittedly there hasn't been a lot
of elections since there. But thisreason why in the Gaza, had Pamas
and Fatah stayed in power in theWest Bank because FATA would have lost an
election because they work with the Israelis. They still don't recognize Israel's right to

exist, but they work with them. Well, if you look at this
situation, you see something that isfrightening, because that rally at Tulane said
what rallies and Heathers had said,free Palestine from the river to the sea.
What that means is there's no Israel. People aren't fighting for a two
state solution. They're fighting for ano state solution, or a no Jewish

solution, or as it's pointed outin one of these rallies, and it
was terrifyingly frightening in rhetoric that wouldrevel the Nazis the Jews should go back
to Poland, and that was thebest statement. What I found on the
left is this echoing Coluin Israeli,cease fire, just keep taking the bombs.
We would never survive that left,right or center. In the United

States, there's a difference between opposingfascism and opposing common sense, and the
left is falling further and further intothis attitude, some of the wok attitudes.
I know you've brought up high andI've been the first one to say
it started as a legitimate empowerment movement, and there have been points where it

has gone into the point of insanity. And I don't mean the transgender I
mean basically, we can't converse withpeople. And what I'm seeing on the
left is Biden's being thought of asa trader. It's only fear of Trump
that he still has support on theleft, but that this race is getting

to be really confusing because they're peoplewho look at this and say, you
know, the crowd is saying Palestinemust be good, Let's forget the facts
and let's take it on a stepfurther to Congress. So Mike Johnson,
who I praised in the last segment, has moved a bill to support Israel.

Good power to him, but hewon't move Ukraine because some of the
same Republicans that are supporting Israel havethe same disconnect in Ukraine. Let me
explain this very bluntly. What theRussians are doing in Ukraine is not that
different from what he meant Hamas isdoing or did getting out of the occupied
territories. They're killing children, targetinghospitals, They're going after community centers and

shelters. They want to get theland, and they want to erase the
Ukrainian identity. Perhaps maybe you couldsay they're not trying to wholesale slaughter the
Ukrainians as individuals, just their entireidentity. But even that's hard as an
argument to make, because for themost part they're stealing their children and killing

the parents. We're in the samesituation. Evil is evil, whether it's
Vladimir Putin or Masararrel, the headof Hamas, and there's no way when
you get to this level of evilto negotiate. You can't negotiate when somebody
says you do not have a rightto exist. Putin says Ukraine shouldn't exist.

Hamas says Israel shouldn't exist. Youcan't have a two state solution when
the other state doesn't want you toexist at all in any form. It's
a kind of raising that I'm seeingthe left and the right not recognize.
Sure we have to protect our borders. Sure Biden should come around with greater
border protection. He's gone half thatway. It could be his Bill Clinton

moment, his Sister Soldier moment,his Bill Clinton moment where he's taking on
welfare reform, and I think ultimatelysomething like that's going to happen. Maybe
not, but I think so politically. But the fact is both parties have
got to get over this. Weneed to help these rallies. We need

to be there. They are closestally. We need to have the Ukrainians.
We need to be there. Bothare fighting for their life. Both
have democratically elected governments, both ofour allies, and both are confronting existential
evil that hates us as much asthey hate the people they're trying to kill.
Your thoughts high Very interesting, Christopher, great food for thought here.

However, I have to go toyour original in the beginning of this prior
section, and that is you wentafter Trump as usual. You can't leave
it alone. You're hooked on Trump. You've got that derangement syndrome, unfortunately,
and it's a sad thing to seebecause it distorts your judgment. You
seem to miss the fact that Trumpis the best selling author. That means

he's somewhat of an intellectual. Christopher, He's passed his cognizance test, which
Biden will not take. With flyingcolors, Let's face it, our current
president is the local village idiot.He is a low grade moron, beyond
almost beyond comprehension. And he's beenlike that his whole life. Trump graduated
from an Ivy League college and hedidn't cheat to graduate. Biden did.

Biden has had to plagiarize and cheathis way through life because he's just not
that smart. Christopher. He neverhas been, regardless of the fact that
he can put on the charm,not anymore. But you say, when
you knew him years ago and he'ssuch a charming fellow, Well, so
what that doesn't make you an intellectual? Trump is an intellectual. Yes,
he does like to fight. That'sNew York City Christopher, in case you

haven't notice, and that goes backfor over two hundred years in their history.
They've always been like that. It'sjust his part of his culture.
He's got a feisty way of approachinglife, just like most New York folks,
New York City folks. So nowlet's get into this situation of Israel
and the Ukraine and all that.Do you know, and by the way,
I don't if you know it,but the average fighting age in Israel

right now is I mean, notin Israel, in the Ukraine, is
forty three the average male combatant fromthe Ukraine. That means they've lost an
enormous amount of their youth. Thisis a very dangerous thing for any culture.
They are literally losing the future oftheir country. As for biologically speaking,
this is dangerous, Christopher, thisis very tragic. And so they

having sent older and older men intobattle now, and they're not going to
do that well because of their age. This is a very desperate situation in
the Ukraine, but so is itin Israel. And even though Israel is
one of the greatest armies in theworld, they are so outnumbered, you
know, like a hundred won bythe militant Islamic countries around them, and
of course now especially Hamas and Hezbalah, and then of course the you know,

the West Bank. There's an enormousamount of treachery and danger surrounding Israel
right now. And we saw thehowers. You mentioned them very well.
I'm glad you brought that out.That happened when the militant Muslims started this
nightmare. Let's go back to andyou said a couple of things that weren't
quite right, Christopher. First ofall, Israel bought the land. They

did not come in there and takeland. They bought and they just had
a little bit of land, andthey may have had ten percent of what
they have right now, but theyowned it. And from that they built
a great government, and it wasa very good, good government, very
well done. Churchill's was very impressedwith it, the efficiency and the capability
of such a young government. Andthen they appealed to be accepted by the
nations of the world as they werefarming up their government, and the UN

accepted them thanks to America and HarryTruman, a good Democrat, stepped in
and voted for Israel to be anation. The Islamic Sikos all around them
swore they'd kill every man, womanand child in Israel, and they would
have done it, because that's howthe Muslims do it. They kill everybody,
or they take you as a slave, one way or the other.
And so the poor Israelis with eightrounds of ammunition per weapon and mixmatched rifles

and whatnot, guns and whatnot,but no artillery, no air support,
no naval, no naval forced,nothing forced several huge Muslim nations with their
brand new, up to date armies, they should have been crushed. All
the nations that were all the militaryexperts were looked at this and said it's

over. They won't be in aweek, it's all. It's gonna be
away for poor little Israel. Wellguess what is will fall back? And
they won. They fought it.It's almost like a miracle victory the way
Milkle victories happened for Israel in theBible. It was literally a biblical proportions
that Israel survived that it took abouta month and they ended up winning the
war. Now, half of theMuslims in the country had fled to get

outside of the battle zone, encouragedby their quote Muslim brothers, their their
you know, the other nations outsideand so they fled behind the lions and
being told that when it was overwith, they would come back and could
take all the Jews property. Theywould own it to be theirs, including
the schools and the hospitals, becauseyou see, the Muslims didn't build schools,

the hospitals they would have even hadthat, although they had full access
to those facilities when they were there. Six hundred thousand of them fled when
it was over with, and andand the Muslims had lost. Israel said
well, come on back. Hereare your farms, here are your businesses,
your homes. We don't want them, they're yours. Come get them.
Guess what. They weren't allowed toreturn. That's why they couldn't come

back, Christopher. Their Muslim buddiesheld them in camps where they screamed hate
at them, to hate the Jew. And they've done it ever since.
That's how you ended up with thisterrible Palestinian refugee problem. It wasn't because
the Jews wouldn't let him back.By the way, at the same time
they had that war six hundred thousand, just as many Jews were kicked out

of all the Muslim countries, wherewould they go? Guess what? They
came to Islam Israel, and we'rewelcome with open arms if anything white didn't
their Muslim brothers welcomed them with openarms, with jae goodles, billions of
acres of land that they could havegiven them, some of that to help
their beloved Muslim brothers. Well,no, that's not Muslims saying that's not
their way. Charity is not intheir blood, it's not their way.

So here we have this terrible nightmaregoing on now. And you know,
I don't know. I kind ofthink like Thomas Jefferson when he had to
face the militant Muslims of his day. Barack Obama held his Kuran, so
you'll see you the influence ISLM hashead on America for all these years.
From the very beginning, Islam wasan influence on America. Here's Thomas Jeffers's
Karan. He didn't tell you thewhole story behind it. This is a

real story. Person had a bigproblem with the militant maritime terrorists, Muslim
terrorists of his day. They weretaking our ships and many ships they could
get. They were raiding European villatowns and villages and hauling slaves back to
North Africa. They had over onemillion European slaves in North Africa. And
by the way, the average lifespan of a slave in North Africa was

three years. It was terribly brutal. One of them escaped, Several escaped.
Several were purchased by two Catholic ordersthat were formed just to buy back
European slaves and get him back intoEurope. One of those men who escaped,
he was a gallery slave and hesurvived the three year term was none
other than servants who gave us donQuixote. Remember that book, the first

novel ever written. It's how hewas working out his PTSD. That's what
that book is about. You maywant to read it. The Man from
La Mancha, don Quixote, writtenby Servantes. Folks, when Jefferson faced
this terrible problem and it was bankruptingthe US Treasurer, and he was a
very frugal man, and one wayhe was saving money he was keeping the

military very small. He didn't wanta large military because he didn't want a
dictator to take over and had thisgiant military to crutched we the people.
He had such a great understanding ofgovernment. In fact, one of his
famous statements was government that leaves govern'sbest. Also, eternal vigilance is the
price of liberty. Also, theblood of patriots and tyrants are necessary every

other generation to water the tree ofliberty. So, folks, Jefferson understood
the great challenges we had. Heknew how to deal with this, but
he didn't understand these Muslim crazy guys. So he bought their book, the
Quran, and he read it.That's the book Obama held up and you
know what he said after he readit. He said, not one penny
for tribute, but millions for defense. And then he said something very profound

and telling. He said, killthem all, kill them all. That's
what Trump did. He killed allhe could get and he was very good
at it, bid and is veryweak at it. Of course, we
watched the devastation and Afghanistan. We'dsee how Biden continues to Kaotao and give
over to the Milton Muslims trying togive a hundred million right now to the

to Gaza, to the you know, the the Gaza strip there, the
to Hamas. So what are yesthey can do? Who umanitarian things?
Well, of course you know they'regoing to build put it into more terrorism,
folks, That's what they've always done. Biden is an absolute nightmare.
He is a total disaster. Heis a buffoon. Trump headed, right.

You know, we were so safewhen Trump was the president. We
didn't have problems with Russia invading theUkraine. We did with Obama, we
didn't with Trump. He did.He was one of the strong and everybody
saw it and they respected it.You see one thing about criminals, there's
only one thing they really respect,and that's power if you can punch them
in the face and knock them out. Guess what, they back away.

They know it's danger close and theydon't like that. They're cowards. They
like to attack innocent, weak people, which is, of course, with
these wonderful harmon us clowns did.They never attacked directly Israeli military. They
attack non combatants unarmed, that's howwonderful they are. And then they proceed
to slaughter and rape, murder kids, babies, and Everything's all that they

did a few weeks ago. Folks, this is the correct perspective. It's
too bad we don't have Donald Trumpback in office. And it's not because
of quote Trump is. It's becausehe did such a great job every kind
of way. Look at our economy, look at look at our border.
Look at everything that was so goodunder the days of Trump. Look at
everything that is now so bad,seeing as how Bien reversed every great program

Trumpets set up. That is thoseare my thoughts on this. I know
you got some more interest stuff forus, Christopher, so but you know
what, I think we're gonna haveto take a little bit of time here
and take a break. So wewill be back shortly after this break.
Folks, Rescue, recovery, reengagement. These are not just words.

These are the action steps we atthe New Orleans Mission tape to make a
positive impact on the homeless problem facingthe greater New Orleans area. The New
Orleans Mission is a stepping stone outof that life of destruction and into a
life of hope and purpose. Partnerwith us today. Go to www dot

New Orleans Mission dot org or makea difference by texting to seven seven ninety
eight. That ows find the twoshows. Well, folks are back and
you are listening to the founders,so the voice of the founding fathers and
this is none other. Then you'llspend gary of by all the republic Chaplain
High mcgenry, and Christopher, tellme you know what Ben Franklin said,

talked about death and taxes, theinevitability of it. We've been talking a
lot about death. Oh my goodness, we're going to talk about taxes now.
What do you think? Christopher Poundsfor Tike Moore coming to you from
Gatlinburg, Tennessee, where I've beenon the road visiting some of our national
parks like Canyon Lands, Arches,into the Monument Valley area and everywhere.

And I'm in Great Smoking Mountains NationalPark today doing it, but I have
to turn back, you know.Of course, you can always hear our
show every weekday from eight to nineam Monday, Wednesday and Friday and WSLA
ninety three point nine FM fifteen sixtyam or on Sundays for our main area
on ninety nine to five FM WRtwenty four to seven three sixty five of

the iHeartMedia app. All you haveto do is download. It's free,
Type in the Founder's Show, pressfollow and you'll see high and eyes Ugly
mug and you can get your showsdirectly onto the phone, or do it
the old fashioned way, get togo to our website, the foundershow dot
com. But I want to changegears and actually talk about property taxes.

Everybody's having sticker shock about the reassessmentson their property. And we kind of
mentioned in the last couple of showsthat reassessing property, de assessing property,
and others saying saying fair assessments goesaway creates many legal problems. It would
literally be illegal for the New OrleansCity Council to do that, which is
what is being recommended, but itshouldn't be a significant problem if we roll

back millages. What does that mean? Well, state law requires that if
a property arises in assessments, villageshave to be rolled back to collect the
same amount of money. That's reasonable. That lowers the tax rate for everyone.
That could lower the New Orleans taxrate from close to one seventy Orleans
Paris tax rate to something approaching Jefferson'sone ten if it was really done accurately.

But there are many infrastructural concerns.One of them is our sewer systems.
We lose fifty seven percent of ourwater. It's the reason why a
lot of howser is settling. Andthe head of the Sewage and Waterboard came
in and said the executive director thatthey should roll forward the millages. Now,
this is somewhat subject to the NewOrleans City Council, and whether it

happens or not is a question upfor the council itself. The council has
so far said that it would notdo that. However, I got to
say something when I'm looking at allof this, and it's it's kind of
a bigger idea, and it's theidea that is this moral to do?
So let me put it this way. Let's assume you were a homeowner in

the Irish Channel thirty years ago.Your house cost about eighty thousand dollars.
This is very kin to a situation. I don't know if you paid as
low as eighty for your house high, but you paid a little amount in
a struggling neighborhood over three decades ago. So if you had a four mil
property tax at that time, sayit's an eighty thousand dollars house, then

you'd be looking at you a thirtydollars bill. Okay, you'll probably vote
for that for sewage. If it'san eight hundred thousand dollars house, that's
a three hundred dollar bill on topof every other part property taxes. Suddenly,
these bills get to be so bigyou can't afford them. And that's

what role forwards, in practical termsdo. And it makes an interesting argument
for the seuge and Waterboard because theSujion water Board could do something very different
Unlike other government agencies. It couldget rid of all of its property taxes
and assign what is called a sewermanagement or sewer fee. What does that
mean? Well, it means thatevery property in the Orleans Parish is signed

to sewer fee for sewer operations.Why is that important? Instead of every
property, instead of every home andbusiness, Well, roughly half the properties
more than that really in Orleans Parishare either owned by the federal government,
universities, nonprofit, or the CatholicChurch, and they pay no property taxes.
The Feds pay no property taxes.You put a sewer fee by law,

they have to pay it. Itwould allow us to take about the
same amount of money from homeowners,probably less, and yet raise billions more
to rebuild our sewer system. Sothere are alternatives to rolling forward millages,
particularly when it comes to sewerge andwaterboard. It comes to everybody else.
We just don't look at them becausewe're not used to new ideas. One

thing that is true, though,is that overall property tax rate in Orleans
Parish is way too high. Oneof the reasons Shaan Gidgry has moved his
business to Jefferson Parish is because oflower property tax rates. Another, frankly,
is the fact that he can it'ssafer. But don't underestimate taxes.

In all of this, and ifOrleans wishes to be competitive with its surrounding
parishes. Yes, I know Santamneyisn't even higher millage rate, But if
Orleans wants to be competitive with Jefferson, Saint Charles Plackham, and Saint Bernard,
it has to take a very seriouslook at its property rates, and
frankly, these reassessments allow it todo that by doing nothing. Villages automatically

roll back. Our houses may bereassessed, but our property tax don't go
up significantly because the rate rolls back, it goes down same amount of money
as collected. So for one thing, I have to quote for our politicians,
Hi, the great great William F. Buckley, as his advice to
all politics, don't just do something. Stand there your thoughts? Well,

Christopher, did we have to goto Texas? I wanted to end this
on a happy note. I'll haveto. Maybe I'll have to play a
happy song at the end. SoI have to put us in a better
mood as we close out the show. How about a little bluegrass? I
love bluegrass here in the world ofbluegrass right now up in those mountains.
Anyway. Uh yeah, I getvery confused about the whole tax situation.

The mills and the this and thethat and percentage of this and that.
They make it very to me,they make it too complex, too complicated.
And why do they do that tome when anybody is making something complicated
and complex. They could have justbeen very simple, a certain percentage and
that's it. They praise value thehouse and that's it. But they don't
do it that way. They havemilages. And Christopher, whenever I see

that, I see a shell andp game, and I think, again,
our crooked politicians are up to somethingto in somewhat kind of way bleed
bleed us some more suck some moremoney out of us. You know,
would be neat if they would gothrough government throughout the whole country, national
to local governments and they would reallyclean house. You know, let Trump
get them and create a very efficientworking government where you cut all the fat,

you get rid of all the deadheads, and you create something that
really works. Uh, you know, you know, tragically, this is
so sad. But the old jokeabout what's black and yellow and sleeps six?
I know you know the answer,Christopher, What is the answer out
there? Way is black and yellowand sleeps six? Well, it's easy.

A surgeon waterboard truck. Kind ofsad, isn't it, folks?
Kind of sad? Uh? Anyway, we need to we need to clean
all this mess up. We definitelyneed tax reform. We're driving good people
out. You know, you canon to tax people so much before they
leave. Right now, New York, it is bleeding very good people because

they're tired of the taxes and alland all the rest of it. The
poor government. You pay a fortuneand you don't even get police protection.
We're kind of have the same thinggoing on here. You know, the
fact that you had riots on althoughI don't think they broke anything, but
it came close to that at twoLane on I think it was Forret Street,
and I mean that should have beenstopped that. I mean, like,

if the Nazis are rioting, wouldwe stop them? I think so.
Although I don't believe it was ariot, but it was threatening.
It was very threatening and uh souh with signs like you know, I
kill the Jews and all the otherstuff. You have poor Jews that are
that are locked into buildings right nowacross America, college campuses can't come out,

free to come out because their livesare being threatened. The being threatened
on the internet. They're being threatenedwith protesters running around screaming and hollering to
kill the Jews, you know,claiming the Nazi right, if you will.
This is terrible, Christopher. Andwhere is government? What is our
law enforcement doing? What are theydoing? You know? Remember in twenty

twenty you had over five hundred andseventy locations where Democrat insurrectionist mobs burned down
federal, state, and local governmentbuildings, where they murdered close to fifty
cops, where they raped and murderedI don't know how many other people,
where they destroyed hundreds of I meanthey looted hundreds of millions of dollars of

chattel property and burned down billions ofdollars of real estate property. Folks,
Where was law enforcement? Where wasthe National Guard? Where was the support?
You know, Trump wanted to bringin the National Guard for the January
sixth event, Polos, he stoppedhim. A good Democrat, right,
and she stood down the Capitol policewhere they would have a skeleton force even
though they had all the threats,and they warned in mourning the chief it's

finally coming out with all this nowthat it's safe for him to talk saying
how he could have stopped it all, but Pelosi's kept him from doing his
child. And yet it's all Trump'sfault. Who's really instigating all this stuff?
You got a vice president now whosaid that the riots of all that
burning and looting needed to go on. It needed to go on, and
she proved it by putting money intoit and supporting a financial fund that would

bail all the criminals out as soonas they got it, and so they
could go back and loot and riotsome more. What is government doing today,
folks, Well, you know Iknow what the Democrat government is doing.
You can see it. It's loudand clear, and it's destroying our
country. I mean, piecemeal destroyingAmerica. I don't know how much long
we can live through it. Thiscountry is in trouble. I'm serious.

If you have any understanding of prayer, police pray for America, Well,
it's not time for us to takea break, as we will be back
shortly after these brief announcements. Ifyou want to give the gift of flowers,
need to visit the experts and gettingthe perfect fluor arrangement for your significant

other. Check out Villary's floors.Since nineteen sixty nine, they've been providing
the New Orleans area with the mostromantic of possible combinations of floor arrangements of
baskets. Villaries Florist at one eighthundred VI L l e Ri or Villariesflorist
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out their special romantic bouquets for thatspecial someone. Villari's Florist at one eight

hundred VI L L ERI or Villariesfloristdot com. On the web, Folks,
is Chaplinhi, McHenry, and justwanted to tell you about our ministry,
the LAMB Ministries. We're an intercityministrywith an inner city focus for inner
cityfolks. Please check us out,go to our website Lambanola dot com that's
l A mb n O l Adot com and find out all about it.

So you can just call me Chaplainhim Henry at Ericode five zero four
seven two three nine three six.Folks, we have a very challenging ministry
and we need a lot of help. We're dealing with inner city urban poor,
lots of problems, gangbangers, youname it. Talk about a lot
of death. Yes, we've hadclose to thirty five of our kids die

on the streets of this city,young bloody deaths, but with their wonderful
kids and if they just get aregiven a chance, it's amazing the things
they do. We've seen thousands cometo Christ, We've seen hundreds go on
to live productive, godly lives.So if you want to get involved,
it's a great challenge. We needall the prayer warriors, find support and

volunteers that we can get. Justcontact us, go to our website Lambanola
dot com. That's lamb n oLa dot com. And thank you so
very very much, os. Andit's now time for us to go into
our chaplain by by patriotic moment,we just take a brief moment to remind

you of the Biblical find condations ofour country, our Judeo Christian jurisprudence,
and of course is yours truly chaplinhihmc henry, and you are listening to
the founder. So and today wewant to talk about none other than Simon
Greenleaf. He was one of thegreatest jurists in American history. He lived
from the years seventeen eighty three toeighteen fifty three. He was a famous

royal professor at Harvard, and itwas said by Chief Justice Fuller, he
is the highest authority in our courts. By the way, he was the
one who invented the rules of evidence, which is very very hard. I've
had to get evidence in an Evansbook. It's very very hard. You
better have everything correct, you betterhave real evidence when you're trying to get

anything into an evidence book. Thanksto Simon Greenliff, which is giving us
a more faithful and true justice system. He was an atheist agnostic at times
in his life, and in hisstudy of evidence, he decided to apply
it to the Bible, thinking hecould prove the Bible was false. Well,

let's hear the conclusion of his researchof the divine character of the Bible.
I think no man who deals honestlywith his own mind and heart can
entertain a reasonable doubt. For myself, I must say that, having for
many years made the evidence of Christianitythe subject of close study, the result
has been a firm and increasing convictionof the authenticity and plenary inspiration in the

Bible. It is indeed the wordof God. Folks, do you think
he wants to keep God in government. I think so. And when you
realize that his influence was as greatas it was according to Chief Justice Fuller,
that he is the highest authority oflaw at the time in America.
Well, folks, you can seewe've had very wonderful biblical foundations. But
what about your foundation? Do youhave a biblical foundation? You know,

you could be the greatest biblical patriotthat ever lived. But if you died
and went to hell, what goodwould it do you? No good?
He would be a complete disaster.So let me just take a brief mind.
I went to show you how youcan know that. You know that,
you know you are saved from aburning, horrible hell and guaranteed the
beauty of heaven. And he goeslike this, God knew we were a
mess. He knew we could neverlook at the world today. He knew

we could never save ourselves. SoDesid, I know what I'm gonna do.
I'll fix it for him. Iwill become a man. I will
take their judgment upon myself. Iwill go to trial, and I will
be judged for their sins as ifI did the sins. That man's name
is the Lord Jesus Christ. He'sall the way God and all the way
man. He is the Son ofGod, perfect God, and perfect Man.

He came to this earth to dothat very thing, and he did
it like this. He took careof the two big problems we had,
our love problem, our two loveproblems, our sin problem love sin problem,
and our death love problem. Hedid it like this when he died
on the cross. The Bible says, it's blood washed away all of our
sins. I'm talking about from theday you're born to the day you die.
You tinies to the greatest sins wereall washed away by the precious blood

of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hedidn't just stop there. That was half
the job done. The rest ofthe job was to take care of our
death problem. And he did thatwhen he rose from the dead. And
when I say death, I'm talkingabout the second death. The Bible talks
about that means an eternal damnation anda burning hell where your existence is like
a zombie. You have existence,a conscious mind, memories of feelings,

etc. But you have no lifebecause life only belongs in heaven. You
have eternal death. Folks, It'sa horrible thing. Don't go there,
take that free gift of everlasting life. Jesus did it for you. And
how do you take it? Hesaid, Just believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ, and now shalt be savedfor God, so love the world.
That's you, that's everybody, thathe gave his only begotten son. That's

the Lord Jesus Christ. That whosoeverbelieved in him. Believe that he did
die for all your sins was buriedand ROAs from the dead. And who's
over believed in him shall not perish, not go to hell, but have
everlasting life. If you've never donethis before, do it now. Like
the old country preacher said, fromGattinaburg, tennessee from them mountains for his

right now, like the old countrypreacher said, don't wait till it's too
late, And like the Word ofGod says, now today is the day
of salvation. Well, folks,now it's time for us to go into
our chaplain. Bye by watchman onthe wall again, we just take a
brief moment to show you how theend is near and that you need to
be ready for it. You needto be prepared for it. Are you
prepared? Are you ready? Jesussaid, get ready, get prepared.

I'm gonna give you all the signs. He gave us many signs, several
dozen signs of the over two hundredprophecies in the Bible. In the Olive
Discourse, he said, when yousee all this happening at once, I'm
at the door. You'll see mein just a little bit, folks,
we're there right now. One ofthose signs, and I'm saying, is
earthquakes, because I mentioned it earlier. I mentioned the volcano, underwater volcano.

Earthquakes and volcanoes go together, youknow, it's a shifting of the
plates, and it creates a volcanictunnel and up comes the volcano, the
hot lava, the lava tunnel,and so are happening all around the world.
Earthquakes, volcanoes all around the worldright now. One hundred years ago

there was like one major earthquake everyten years. Now they're like over fifty
earthquakes every year, fifty, folks. It's gone exponential, and every year
we have more than we had theyear before. That's one of the great
signs that we were given that Jesusis at the door. He is at
the door, folks, And ifyou're not ready. It's gonna be bad.

Jesus said, go to the caves, you know, get a bunker,
Get a safe house. I'm gonnatell you the greatest safe house you
can ever get, the greatest bunkeryou can ever buy. It's called the
Lord Jesus Christ Bunker, built bythe Heavenly Manufacturing Company. Go to him
right now, make him your bunker. Believe you can't save yourself. That's

called repentance, that your hope doesn'thelp us without him destined to a burning
hell. When you believe that,and you know there's absolutely nothing you can
do to help God out or insome kind of way get yourself in heaven.
You just repented, and then believethat only he can, that he
did, and then He will saveyou from my burning hell and guarantee you
everlasting life because He did die forall your sins in rosseland dead. What's

time for us to go now?As we close with a mind Saint Martin
singing a creole goodbye and God blessall out there. We call you wel
goodbye. They think we're just wastingWhat time me all three savy, there's

time for a creo goodbye
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