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November 22, 2023 117 mins
GUESTS: Fmr Rep Mike Rogers, Fmr Amb Joseph Cella (910AM) 11-22-23

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Episode Transcript

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Yeah, you're a lot about acity is a who the Turkey Day edition

the biggest travel day of the year, they say, as folks said who
and full over the Woods River Whothe woods is? That? Ain't got
no matter where You're going for alittle Turkey Day extravaganza. But then listen
not so quick. There are bigstories you need to know about. In
fact, we're cut to all ofthem here in Michigan, a massive terror

alert. There is an intel bulletinincreasing terrorst threat to New York State.
I would tend to say this wouldextend. Uh. I know it's focused
on New York State. That's theinformation in the intel you're going to hear
in a minute. But I wouldtend to imagine that this this would be

something you'd want to just make sureyou keep your head on a swivel for
all across the country once you hearwhat this is about. This is a
coinciding at the same time we havenew developments out of Israel Mahamas pause.
There's good news in that area,but that coincide same time simultaneously as this

from Thank you, Jerika, CBSNews has obtained a security alerts suggesting an
increasing terrorist threat to New York State. Catherine Herride, reporting the New York
State Intelligence Bulletin points to Israeli operationsagainst Moss and specifically that the increase in
civilian casualties raises a likelihood that violentextremist threat actor we'll seek to conduct attacks

against targets in the West, withNew York State being a focus. Or
says Possible targets include protests and otherpublic events. Please in New York maintaining
a high of any visible security presencearound potential targets like synagogues. While there's
no specific or credible threat, securityfor this week's Thanksgiving Day parade is at

a high level with a full deploymentof thousands of New York City Police officers.
As you know, we have ourown here in Detroit, and that
a lot of people don't know aboutthat, but it is. It's another
area that I would say, look, you do what you feel comfortable with,
you do what you need to do. But I'm the guy who I

just I tend to avoid a lotof social public, major massive gatherings in
the first place. I tend tosort of avoid any I don't really like
going to the mall. I don'treally like going into stories period. That

has nothing to do with any ofthis. But I don't tend to really
like crowds, so it's kind ofhard to catch me in a concert or
something like that anyway. But thisis this is uh, this is the
latest. The ninety seventh Americans ThanksgivingParade is happening tomorrow throughout the city,

and as they mentioned in New YorkCity, the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade is is
is another threat event that they're keepingan eye on. The Intelligence bulletin emphasizes
that anti Palestinian chatter has also beenobserved on multiple social media channels, with

pro is Real the advocates calling forviolence against Palestinians and those who support them.
The greatest that threat comes from loanactors who take inspiration from violent rhetoric,
much of it online. Today inNew York's governor called on social media
companies that sounds like a government line. There By the way, I haven't
seen any any anti Palestinian violence orthere's there's one story that was horrific at

nut job that went off on achild. It's just absolutely horrific. But
this was at the beginning of allof it. I haven't seen anything recently
that that points to that. Infact, it's the opposite college campuses,
threats and things like that. Thethings that are happened to some folks.

Uh, let's quite you know theygot you gotta make sure that they include
at all to take an aggressive approachto shut them down. Cherika Catherine Harris,
thank you. There you have it. That's the that's the report.
Now again, it's it's important toout here. Uh, this threat focuses
on New York City particularly, ButI would just when you're traveling and if

you're going to be in these youknow, public areas, or if you're
going to the parade or I wouldkeep all that in mind. I just
think it's smart. It's smart todo that anyway. Well, when you're
out in public, you ought todo that anyway. I want to focus
you know't know where the exits are, you know all that type of thing

is is I have a plan withyour family. Look, I hate to
say it, I really do.But it's not like this is the first
time this has come up. Imean, this has been a deal.
This has been an issue for quitesome time now for whatever, whether it's
a terrorist event or just a nutjob or any other sort of weird situation.

Probably the biggest news the headlines thatthey have agreed. Now they have
a deal. It appears there isa deal, Hamas agreeing to release around
fifty hostages and pause fighting for fourdays during the period. The terrorist group
says. The exact start time willbe announced later today, as they coordinated
that in Israel or with Israel.Let's believe three Americans at least among the

hostages to be freed, one athree year old girl among them. An
American, a three year old girl, my oldest, about to turn three.
I just can't I can't even fathem. Matt. Her parents were

killed in the October seventh attacks.We've got news out of Michigan to the
Ford Marshall Project being scaled back abit. Twenty five hundred jobs promised.
They've cut it back at least fornow. And this is for now,

folks down the seventeen hundred. Youknow, we've been talking about this and
the all of the details of thiswith Henry Payne Detroit News, Detroit's Newstalk
Superstition. He's been laying all ofthese stories out and I gotta tell you
this stuff just isn't as the biggestreason, bros just not as popular as

they thought it would be. Numberone. I don't think people are excited
about electric cars. That's the firstand foremost. Secondly, they certainly aren't
excited when I start to hear thefull details about partnering with the Chinese Communist
Party in various different ways. Nowin Goshen, that's Macosta County up north,

the big rapids green Charter township plant. We know for fact this company,
Goshen, Goshen High Tach, theparent company, on their website,
talked about their ties to the ChineseCommunist Party. It was blatant out there
in the open chase. They werehiding anything. It was all out there.

It's just it's you can't make itup. You cannot make this stuff.
Other people say, no, you'reyou're, you're you're just some wacky
tenfoil that we're in conspiracy theorist.That's not true. When you deny the
evidence that's right in your face.What is that? What is that?
What does that say? I meanyou're just completely disconnected from reality. Uh,

this would cattle the plant or theContemporary Emperts Technology Company c ATL is
supposed to partner with Ford. Theyare essentially in the same boat. Any
company out of China is gonna havethose ties into the Chinese Communist Party,
the CCP. That's just how theywork. That's just how the whole system

is. Okay, there is noother way around it. They are a
communist country who works things in avery it's not completely common. It's just
a strange communist capitalist. I don'tknow that sounds strange, but they It's

all state run capitalism basically, andit really is the model the globalists want
for America. There are private companies, but they are certainly tied in and
in major ways to the state.Ford's scaling back the plans there for cattle

three and a half billion dollars forthat plant at the initial start. CNBC
reporting Ford announcing the facility in February, quickly became a political target due to
a licensing deal with the Chinese batterymanufacturer of cattle. Now, the licensing
deal, from what I understand,this is technology that we originally initially had

here in America and Chinese maybe thiscompany stole it there. They're going to
license it back to Ford Companies,saying Tuesday it's cutting its production capacity by
roughly forty three percent. That isincredible, and right along with it,

the jobs, at least for nowcut back twenty five hundred to seventeen hundred.
The biggest stories and that one comes, you know, just to Dave.
Now. I'm sure there's just acoincidence when it comes to the timing
on all of this, the prefinksgivingdrop on all of this. So you're

not paying attention. Most people areprobably I just checked out right now,
ready for the turkey rate of popsy. I'm glad you're not checked out.
We're right here. Togevin. Weare ready to fire it up, folks,
the latest. And of course,if you want to save a bit

on your Christmas presents this year,I'll give you some topics to bring up
during the Thanksgiving Cranberry Turkey festivalties.There's some political subjects you might want to
bring it. We'll get into allof that. Detroit Newstock Superstation's nine ten
a m. We're back in justmoments. Hang in there. Forty one

right now, are high just afew degrees away. The settle come up
forty four, then things turn colder. We're gonna we're gonna have a little
fi few clouds sunshine this afternoon,but things turn colder tomorrow. It looks
like uh and uh, well intothe weekend, we're gonna see some thirties
for our high It's uh yeah,it'll be now. Tomorrow is gonna be

pretty warm, sunshine, you nameit. But Friday thirties. I think
we're getting up to fifty tomorrow.That's that'll be. That'll be a nice
Thanksgiving forecast. Enjoy the enjoy thefun with your family. I good way
to do that. There's a newthere's a new video out Muskegon voter fraud

video, the interrogation. I wantto spend some more time on this later
this morning, but you aren't hearingthe story anywhere else. Interrogation of a
GBI strategy official has been released.Now this goes back to the story.
Remember the most safe, the mostsecure election in the history of elections,

twenty twenty. But we find outwhat just the other day that maybe that's
not so true. There was tento twelve thousand suspicious voter registration applications dropped
off the city of Muskegon, andthe clerk there caught it. Credit to

her, a woman by the nameof Anne Nish. She caught the drop
off of these applications. Some ofthem had the same address as others,
some of them obviously had the samehandwriting as others, and she goes,
wait a minute, this is tento twelve thousand dropped off at the same

time the reports came out. Infact, this story was made public in
October of twenty twenty. You didn'thear about it. I didn't hear about
it. I mean, I don'tremember hearing about it anyway. Course,

after everything went down, particularly afterJanuary sixth, they put all of this
to bed. Now we're getting videoout from January sixth, and we're finding,
Wow, there were quite a fewthings happening that day that we were
never told that January sixth. Manythe Commission, they never went into any

great depth or detail on any ofthis. In fact, some of it
they're just playing withheld. Who knowshow much of the evidence they destroyed.
We don't know. The reports thisfrom the Gayway Punic this morning, and
the fact they are ongoing, showthat there was widespread, this systemic,

ongoing voter registration fraud in a majorbattleground state. Matter of fact, this
company is GBI strategies. They wereoperating all over, not just here in
Michigan, all over the country invarious different battlegrounds, straight straights, a

huge part of the Biden machine.The alleged Attorney General Michigan, Dana Nessel,
repeatedly lying saying there was no fraudin the twenty twenty election. There
was. Twenty twenty elections were thesafest in the most secure ever. Well,

the Gateway Pundit reporting is one ofthe City of Mischigan stonewall the pundit
from releasing public documents that would furtherreveal the extent of the cheating. In
the lead up to the twenty twentyelection, Michigan law enforcement kept lying to
the Gateway Pundit and blaming the FBIfor inaction. Now that is possible,

but now, in fact, theycould all be working together. One enterprising
citizen researcher from New Jersey is namedYehuda Miller, uncovering through the Michigan Freedom
of Information Act video that authorities previouslysuppressed from the Gateway Pundit, where Michigan
law enforcement officers are questioning an employeeof GBI strategies in the video has been

posted now, it's on Twitter,it's everywhere. Discoveries also show the Dana
Essel, the Michigan State Police andthe Muskegon Police have been lying the entire
time. I've got video of this, and we're gonna break down the full
story coming up. I'll see yousaid a little bit after. We'll call

this seven point thirty this morning.One of the biggest stories we're following.
And the video. What he's discoveredinside all of this is something. Again
you take the gateway pun it's wordfor it not. But they've got an
extensive bit of research here that they'vegone into a lengthy report on this.

It'll be up in my secret showprep this morning over on locals justin barclay
dot com. You can log inand catch all of that, in fact,
see it before anybody else does.It's great stuff and I'll put it
in the stack later today too,but you can see it first there.
So this is this is just justdeveloping a lot of this behind the scenes.

Something don't smell right where they smoketheir fire. We're talking politics in
fact in sports coming up, JimHarbaugh may have coached his last Michigan Dad.
That story as it continues to developto get into on the way this

morning too. Plus you can jointhe program at any time, like the
folks who have inside of our chatthis morning over on Facebook locals ex Formerly
Twitter, There, Getter and Rumble. Morning to Robert, Mary Polly and

many others hanging out this morning onthe Early Bird livestream. Chat back after
this Detroit Spews Talk Superstation nine tenam. So good, so good,

I got her here. The busiestCanada of the year is flowing pretty smoothly
thus far. Detroit's News Talk Superstationnine ten am. The updates on all
of it as we go along thismorning. We got lots to cover as
always, and of course a fullday of it here. Don't forget tomorrow
Thanksgiving special programming Friday even more special. It's a Michigan takeover all as you've

heard this yet, but obviously theshow six to nine here Detroit's News Talk
Superstation with me Justin Barclay. ThenI fill in nationwide for Glenn Beck on
the Glenn Back Program nine minutes,so you're stuck with me for quite a
bit of time. On Friday,We're gonna have fun. But following me
on the Glenn Back Program hanging outfrom noon to three Tutor Dixon, Michigan's

oun't she ran for governor last timearound. She will fill in for Clay
and Buck noon to three on Fridayright here, Detroit's News Talk superstation nineten.
Whatever will we have to talk about? You know, it used to
be I don't be completely honestly.I've been doing these fillings for a few
years now, and I will tellyou that it used to be that when

you fill the in, like ona holiday or on a weekend, you
had to really dig to find thingsto talk about. I mean you really
had to have You had to havea couple of things like leftover or pre
recorded or just just think kind oflike God, it's sort of on the
side, ready just at a moment'snotice to pull out in case, you

know, there wasn't any news.Because the news cycle used to stop.
People used to take that time off, and well it never stops now twenty
four to seven. It's constantly buzzing, whirling, spinning out of control.
And as I often say, it'slike drinking from the fire hose. Now
you know why, it's some ofthat intentional meant to keep us being able

to come up for air and thengather our thoughts. But anyway, we'll
do our best to make sure wemake sense of it all over the next
coming days here with a special programat Detroit's Newstock superstation nine ten am.
We had conversation yesterday. This isalways fascinating to me, but you know,

Russ used to talk about how politicswas part of everything. It's in
everything, it seemed into everything,there's no getting around it, particularly sports.
Unfortunately last several years you've seen thatand said, we had to conversation
with Bill Simonson from The Huge Showheard on twenty stations across the state,
The Huge Show dot Net, anda great conversation about particularly Jim Harball,

the politics involved in the scandal withMichigan, and how Hardball may have coached
his last game the player, accordingto my sources, to say that a
coach told him that, you know, to not cooperate with the NCAA.
Those are the obllegations. Partridge,the linebackers coach removed. So the story

went from Santa Owno, the Michiganpresident and everybody lining up and saying,
you know, we're with you,Harbaugh, Ward Manuel the ad We're with
you Michigan versus everybody, and thenright before that Maryland game. This is
one of the most unbelievable scripts that'sbeing written. And Harball then will miss

the rest of the regular season.You know, my gut feeling is that
I don't know if Harball will evercoach another game at Michigan, and I
mean that, and it goes beyondthis Ohio State game, because if the
allegations are true and they have aplayer telling them that a coach told them

not to cooperate, it will takesa like a speeding ticket to a felony
with MC double A rules, andthat's what happened with Harbaugh and this cheeseburger
garbage from earlier in the year.And yes, I still believe it's a
witch hunt. But if you're goingthrough this so called justice process in America

and you make a mistake and youviolate the law, then they're going to
hammer you. And that's what theNC double A and bylaws, not laws
of the land. And I thinkthey succeeded in what they wanted to do.
There are three big NFL jobs openthat will be open. I think
the Bear's job. I think ibraFlus is one and done. The Chargers

job who just lost. Chargers justlost to Green Bay. That will be
open, and the Raiders job.So Harpball can go to the NFL.
And yes there's a bunch of politics. I don't agree with it in the
NFL, but the head coaches aren'tcaught unless you're a Belichick or a high
profile guy and you win, andJimmy Johnson they want to tear you down.

It's the American way. When successhits, you want to just rip
the people down. And I thinkhe's gone, and I don't think Michigan
based on Partridge being immediately fired ChrisPartridge, the former Michigan linebackers coach.
Last was it Thursday? I thinkI don't know the official day, but

it was Thursday Friday when he's canned. And they right away have that smoking
gun, because that's always been mythought process coming back to counters Stallions,
all of this big ten coming afterhim. Where's the smoking gun? We
haven't heard about it. There's sourceson everything. There's sources that Harball ate
Lucky Charms this morning, that Harballwent to the bathroom at ten or five.

I mean, we've had the sourceseverywhere so you know, it is
what it is. It's kind oflike looking at our political system in America
that we as individuals can't make change, but together people can bring change.
And you can't beat the NC DOUBLEA. You can't. Not too many people

have except the abandoned Brothers name imageof likeness in the Supreme Court. And
I doubt anything with Harball is goingto any court. And I think he's
going to walk away, not run, because at the end of the day,
if you look, this is goingto be more procedural than it is
really nefarious of what he did.Last time we talked, you were they

were going in too a file alawsuit. I guess that Friday and completely
different story. Now. It seemslike we hear about this sometimes when it
comes to politics too. But likewhat we're hearing here is the cover up
may have been worse than the crime. And that's a situation that boy gets
real sticky fast, doesn't it.Yeah, And that's what I was just

mentioning, justin that the actual situationwhy Harbaugh Michigan self imposed a three game
suspension to start this year, really, when you look at it wasn't that
big of a deal. It washe doesn't remember if he bought a recruit
of cheeseburger. They talked to hYeah, you know, I mean again,
I mean you know you know cheeseburger. Right, that sounds like the

d O J's gonna be knocking onthe doors. Ba cheeseburger. We got
the FBI swashed. We're completely tocome out for you at the capital.
It depends on who you are,right, I mean, that's that's the
case. If it does if you'reif you if you're a grandma, and
if you're a grandma and he's coast, you might get an FBI response team.

Most three hundred included helicopters back there. If you're Hunter Biden, you're
gonna get a knock on the doorsaying your beach is ready. Yes,
how it works. Yeah, butthat's the where we live. But that's
the where we live, and wehave to we have to realize that we
have to operate within those parameters.It's not right, but uh, we

got to know that, right.Well, we wake up every day and
again I'm not saying your show andyou know the Detroit metro area, but
we wake up every day wondering what'snext. And I think that's the evolution
of Twitter, of the instant news, the social platforms, all of them.
Uh. We you know, Ialmost wake up every day and I'm

in the media like you and like, okay, what's next. I mean,
it's not even you know, Ido sports radio. We have Michigan
Ohio State on Saturday, one ofthe biggest matchups ever, especially with this
off the field drama. And yousaw Harbow and asked about yesterday he wanted
to pick two letters with Pat Sajakfor Wheel of Fortune. But are you

and were already taken? Yeah,yeah, yeah, Oh, you know
it is. There's never a dullmoment, but there's politics and everything.
And one of the things that Ithink some of the most frustrating part of
it is the politics that's being pusheddown our throats too. In sports.
Bill Simonson with us right now theHuge Show. One of the things that

we're dealing with is I think theseguys they don't get some of the the
bigger the leagues and of course professionalbut also in college too. Is it
they don't get that we come tosports for a distraction, we come for
a diversion, we come to unplugand get away from all of the nonsense.
And yet you know, now morethan ever and I just I just

wonder what that does to the sportsworld. But now more than ever we
need that, we need to unplug. But gosh, we're getting it right
right back here when we come backaround. I mean, what does that?
What does that do to folks andin sports in general? And people
just just went I'm plugging. Iremember people saying I'm done with the NFL.
All the Lions are winning this year, so people are getting some of

some of those folks have made theirway back. But you know what I
mean, like this is, thisis a problem. Well, and I
think most people, and you figureit out. You go through CEOs and
company, you go through you know, senators, you know congressmen and women,

you change presidents, you figure itout, schools, a president,
a d a coach, you know, football, basketball, whatever. You
figure it out. Usually you realizenot when you hit rock bottom, but
you see it. Lions. Lionsare for example, they're great escape right
now. There's no drama, there'sno politics. It's just one of the

greatest comebacks we've ever watched against theBears. It's just beautiful. When you're
not winning, it's oh my god, I think the coach has a donkey
for a girlfriend. I mean,I mean, I mean that is that
is exactly where we're at in society. And I believe sports is sports,

politics, entertainment using our reflection ofour country, of where we're at,
of our society of division. Butthe one thing I do you know,
the n b A, I stillthink the n b A is trying to
dig out of. You know thatthat COVID era, that the the divided

line era in America. We watchedit in sports. Okay, the star
spangled banner is not an issue anymorein sports. And you you know,
when the Lions bring out a militaryhero, it's the biggest roar of the
day outside of a game winning touchdown. Roger Poddell gets it. You know,
he's now talking about Detroit. Everybodywants him in primetime. You know,

NBA is still digging out of that, and NBA is still digging out
of the NHL never got political,stayed stayed away from it. Let players
decide if they wanted to celebrate thisnight or not celebrate this night. You
know, major League Baseball, youknow they you try and cater to too
many people in terms of keeping everybodyhappy. He usually doesn't work in a

family, it doesn't work in abusiness, and it especially doesn't work in
sports. You know, we wantthat escape, We want politics. You
know, I wish I was doingnothing but talking about Michigan and Ohio State
this weekend, or you got thehigh school state finals in Detroit on Saturday
and sendenty because Michigan State is playingPenn State on Friday night in that Black

Friday Game on NBC at Field andit just you know, it creates,
it makes my week go by fast. I mean Mel Tucker's story, Mel
Tucker's story and then Jim Harbaugh storyand stories Harboss has spent it before the
season. Ben Tucker is hitting rightabout that same time. And now this

there has not been a week andagain maybe a little bit this week with
Michigan Hall State. Justin there hasnot been a week this year on the
Huge Show across Michigan where the focushas actually been on a Michigan State or
Michigan football at all. None ofit. It's been the story is like,
hey, hey, welcome back tothe Huge Show. Do you FaceTime

with girls at twelve thirty five?They create huge never a dull moment like
drinking from a firehouse. Yeah,did you ever did you ever buy somebody
at cheeseburger two years ago? Andforget you bought him here? The crazy

trend littles right along, keep upthe day with all of it. We
appreciate you keeping us, of courseposted on these matters of stories that people
aren't probably getting the scoop on anywhereelse. The huge show Dot now of
course, Trenty stations across the state. Good friend, Bill Simonson, appreciate
you, my friend, Thank youfor being here with us, very justin

keep telling the truth. Man,you got it. God bless are completely
all the ram Hey, but what'snew? Back after this Detroit Snaws Hank's

super Station nine ten am. It'sa day before Turkey Day. We're getting

ready, we're preparing, and we'reover the river and through the Wood's biggest
travel day of the year. Sowe keep an eye on all of that
for you today. Make sure thatyou get where you need to go when
you need to get there. Andof course all of that and more some
of the bigger stories you haven't heard. We'll try and make sure we make
our way through those as well.This morning. I'll tell you there are

interesting headlines folks are following. Onethis Muskegon, Michigan voter registration fraud investigation.
We'll cover that more. I've postedthat up in our secret show prep
and the locals if you want toget that'll be up in the stack later
today. But there is trouble inIowa, trouble in one of the campaigns

that really, at least it appears, you know that this is the time
where all of the campaigns are startingto get their endorsements lined up and ready
to go. And in Iowa,which is the you know, the nation's
first and the caucus. Uh,there was a big endorsement that came out

over the weekend, and in fact, there was a big event that happened
over the weekend. Two big eventsin Iowa. One was where people came
together and I remember the name ofthis family family something organization. Anyway,
they it's a Christian organization and allof the different you may have even heard

some of them, seen some ofthe video coming out, and all the
different Republican candidates came and sat downand had a conversation. It wasn't a
done debate, but it was kindof more like a round table. It
was a from the most part,from what I understand, they are pretty
civil conversation and they had the conversationthis weekend. And Iowa, in fact,

the Republican Party wasn't happy about itbecause they got he called it an
unsectioned, unapproved, unofficial debate,and they weren't happy that these guys did
this. But a guy by thename of vander Plots, vander Plutz,

I can't remember the the the Bobvander Plotz is at it. Bob vander
Plots. He is very influential.The guy uh is one of the one

of the Iowa. I guess Iowa'smost influential individuals when it comes to the
voting and organizations there. He cameout after all of this and all of
the candidates discussed what they just gassed. He came out and endorsed Ron DeSantis.
Brett bare with the question you're onFonts News Smevin last night calling him

out saying, is it true,though, that you were paid by the
DeSantis campaign to the tune of aboutone hundred thousand dollars, Whether or not
that was supposed to sway the endorsementor not. What do you think can't
really say that officially, but wecan say that he got the money.

He endorsed DeSantis, and now thishas become a scan well, and it
sounds about the money thing. Thisis, I think from a Reuter's article
in which it said the DeSantis campaign, a superpackling to him, a nonprofit
group supporting him together paid ninety fivethousand dollars in recent months to the Family
Leader Foundation, according to the campaignfinance reports. And the doctor be prepared

by an Iowas state lawmaker who washelping vander Plats organization raise money for the
July fourteenth presidential candidate form. Sois that not true or that's true?
Well, it's definitely true, andI'd encourage everybody to read the Royer's article.
Everything we do is above board,and it's about the money. By
the way he agrees admits he didit. It's all about board. By

this is all how it works.But you know, I would say you
can't take money from a candidate ora super pack and then come out and
endorse and act as if you areimpartial. That's why I never get involved
in really very rarely get involved inany of these primary issues. And things

like that. It's just it's nota good look. It's not a good
idea. More on that story insome of the others as we continue to
move through to day. Thanks tothe folks at Channel seven for backing us.
We appreciate their support, of course, whether it's the local stories the
biggest that matter most, you wantto tune the Channel seven throughout the day
for latest updates. We'll have moreof them coming up after this top of

the hour. Nine's and am weare full stehead folks. Good day before

Turkey Day. It is. It'sall over us. Call you will.
You're going over the river and throughthe woods on the biggest travel day of
the year here sticking closer to homefor Turkey Day, whatever it is.
We'll keep you of the date withthe latest stories, the biggest news of
the day, and much of thatcoming out as we speak now. There

is a threat warning that we wantto tell you about here in just a
moment. First, welcome to theshow. A former congressman from her FBI,
Mike Rogers sous run for Senate herein Michigan this morning. Might appreciate
you being here with us today.How are you No, I am doing
well, I hope you're all preparedfor a great holiday with family tomorrow.
Indeed, all man, I'm justI'm mouth watering now just thinking about it

all. And I wanted to askyou this because as we get ready for
that holiday, we are facing somevery serious issues. We do have some
good news to talk about. We'llget into those things as well. But
one of the very serious issues comesout of Catherine Herridge CBS News last night
talking about that bulletin that's been issuedfor a threat and possible foreign terror threat

attacks in New York now particularly.They talk about the parade there and and
some other issues, but I can'thelp but think about the possibility of threats
here as well. We have amajor national parade that takes place here in
Detroit as well. The alert suggestingan increasing terrorist threat to New York State

the New York State and Intelligence bulletinpoints to Israeli operations against Moss and specifically
that the increase in civilian casualties raisesthe likelihood that violent extremist threat actors will
seek to conduct attacks against targets inthe West, with New York State being
a focus. The alert says possibletargets include protests and other public events.

Please are New York maintaining a highlyvisible security presence around potential targets like synagogues,
and while there's no specific or crediblethreat, security for this week's Thanksgiving
Day parade is at a high levelwith the full deployment of thousands of New
York City Police officers. The Intelligencebulletin emphasizes that anti Palestinian chatter has also
been observed on multiple social media channels, with pro Israeli advocates calling for violence

against Palestinians and those who support them. The greatest thatt threat comes from lone
actors who take inspiration from violent rhetoric, much of it online. Today,
New York's governor called on social mediacompanies to take an aggressive approach to shut
them Dwannturyea, you know, I'myou're listening to that former conresson. Former
FBI Mike Roger's here with us rightnow, is running for Senate. But

you know, this is a veryserious situation. I'm kind of a guy
who I don't really love crowds anyway, and and and parades and malls and
things like that I kind of tendto stay away from. That's just a
personal preference, but how much ofthis as we continue to see some of
the things. We've got a wideopen border. We don't know who's coming

or going. We're completely left wideopen. On top of that, you've
got an FBI who's been busy,if focusing on and we found out more
about this, the Catholic church,threats from parents, it's school board meetings,
etc. I'm glad to see they'retaking this seriously, but I don't
know, you know, how confidenta lot of Americans are right now as

we see the situation that we're currentlyin and how we got here. Yeah,
yeah, And what this tells mejustin just based on the way that
Kevin Harricks presented the information. Sothere's what they call chatter, meaning they've
intercepted something probably external to the countryor on specific targets where they may have

a warrant to listen to conversations becausethey are activities and terrorism talking about strikes
over a holiday weekend like this,and it comes on the heels. If
you remember, the FBI director wasappearing before Congress and said, yes,
we're very worried about who's coming acrossthe border and the ones that we don't
know, and he believed at thattime that there could be and I think

that was his language hamas sympathizers atleast, if not members who had infiltrated
the United States. So all ofthis kind of you if you take all
those bits and pieces and you addthem up, it spells trouble. When
you get specific information that they releaseda bulletin, that concerns me a little
bit that there's probably more to thatstory than what is in that bulletin.

That's my guest. How do wetake that. I know you've been very
vocal having conversations that people are stillin the bureau in places like that,
But how do we take that back? Part of you know, the America
first approach is making sure that we'restrong, We have security, not just
abroad but here particularly, we defendour homeland and of course make sure that

we don't see massive crime and thingslike that happening throughout the country in so
many different places, like it justseems like we've let the criminals out.
I saw a story out of California. They let them some rapists out.
He had like on a hundred yearsleft on a sentence or something, and
they just let these people out.It's just unthinkable to me. It is,

and these policies, which you know, the left has always had.
It's important to remember that. Butnormally we as conservatives have been in a
position to push back on all ofthis and keep it out. They have
been able to take judge and prosecutorsand other things and really make a mockery
of the justice system. Listen,without a consequence. And I'm not saying

that people can't be rehabilitated along theway, but I'm telling you when you're
a violent criminal, when you're committingacts of rape, those criminals, they're
not easily rehabilitated, if at all. And you need to treat victims as
more important than criminals. And whathappened here is they flipped it and they

said, no, no, no, these criminals have to be coddled.
We don't have to take care ofthe victims as much. And that's where
this thing started breaking down. Andthen you do the same thing on the
southern border. Oh, it's justokay. Everybody should be able to if
you can hike it across the southcentral America and through Mexico and get there,
well you should just be able towalk in all of these things are

dangerous ideas to the national security andcan't do with your personal safety. We've
seen in Oakland County where they believethey're Chilean's gangs. So these gangs purposely
came across the border in the Southto set up operations and including the state
of Michigan, and are doing thesehome invasions and break ins to these homes.

I just talked to you guys theother day's neighbor got hit with one
of these gangs in a pretty niceneighborhood in Oakland, Oakland County. And
so what you're doing is you're rewardingall of the behavior that will get you
absolutely more of that bad and criminalbehavior and not doing anything about the southern
border to me is just the worst. So these the god aways, just

this is why this is so important. Those are the ones who don't want
to get caught. Right there arepeople now that they tell me, come
across the border and just sit downand wait for our Customs and Border Protection
officer to come up and process them. In. The ones that are getting
away are the ones that were inthe most and we don't know who they
are, we don't know where theyare. And that's the part where I

think the FBI and are local lawenforcement need to be vigilant. Where are
they? Who are they? We'vegot to find them, and by the
way, we've got to get themback out of the country because those are
the ones that are likely to havea higher percentage of people who want to
do harm to the United States.We're talking with Mike Rodgers right now,
former Congressman, former FBI he's runningfor Senate. Rogerstersenate dot com here in

Michigan and a guy asked you aboutthis too, comss when you seen this
recently the Speaker of the House,new Speaker Magnanum, Mike Johnson, who
is just deciding to release tapes,all of the tapes, the security camera
footage and things like that, sothey could be as much transparency as possible
surrounding the events on January sixth,and some of the things that we're coming

out we're finding a concern though,offolks. One of those is that it
seems like the crowd may have beenprovoked by excessive use of you know,
stunts like shot stun grenades, thingslike that, rubber bullets, you know,
gas and things of that nature.But not only that, we're also
finding out there with body camera footage, there were undercover individuals inside that group

of folks there, some of themfrom the DC Police, they think,
admitting that they go undercover as Antifa, and there may have been folks from
the FBI there as well. Howdo we get In fact, some have
called for a I think it wasSenator Mike Lee who has called for an
investigation into the investigation, essentially acommittee that would look into the January sixth

committee who left all of this stuffkind of on the cunning room floor and
who knows how much has even beendestroyed. That's been another question. But
how we kick real answers on thisbecause as a country, I've always said
from the beginning, we need toknow exactly what went on there so we
can make sure it doesn't happen again. And I don't know that we've gotten
all the answers on it. Yeah, I'm not sure. This thing looks

messier and messier the more that comesout. They're going to have to have
like set a baseline on this investigation. Listen, if you were committing acts
of violence and you were attacking policeofficers, I'm sorry you should go to
jail. But this other part concernsme that they had people who had infiltrated
this group. Is that's what theinsinuation is. We should know that that's

the case, and why did itlet why did it get to the point
where they were inside the capital withthem? That part I don't understand.
You know, there's a part ofundercover operations where uh, you know,
the crime that's committed does not outweighthe intelligence or whatever that you're gathering,
and that that is a common assessmentthat happens in all of these things.

And I would be definitely interested inseeing what that calculation was if in fact
it's real, don't We don't knowfor sure, but if there were undercover
people in there, I think that'sa problem. Yeah, And again we
need to know, we need tohave answers to this because you know,
one of the things that I've foundto be very concerning and frustrating most people

have thoughts about this is that whenit comes to these people that have been
locked up, and as you mentioned, look, if you're guilty of doing
something, you know, committing violence, particularly on law enforcement or anybody else,
well then you you know, youought to be locked up, but
te people that are there. Andfrom what I understand, they've expanded the
scope of some of this to includepeople that you know, we're just standing

around or or maybe in town thatday for whatever reason. This is this
is just we're going down a roadhere that I don't know that we come
back from. Some of these peoplehave been locked up, they've thrown away
into the gulags, and and Ijust I can't. I look at this
stuff and I go, I can'tbelieve this is America. It's it's just

unthinkable. When I hear these stories, they're horror stories. And again this
has been Nana Republic type of stuffthat that I don't know how we get
Where do these people go to gettheir lives back? Where do they go
to get their reputations back? Theseare these are major issues. They are

and I worry that they were gettingpeople who never went inside of the building
and charging them with crimes. Thatconcerns me. Again, I think that
having a good and wholesome look atthis is going to be really important.
And I know that they've had thousandsof agents looking our hundreds or whatever the
number was looking at this. Myargument is you have Hamas coming across the

border. We now have a crediblethreat. Maybe we ought to focus on
that right now. I'm not surewhat these folks are doing, but you
know, showing up at school boardsand spending you know, two years finding
somebody that was standing on the stepsof the Capitol doesn't seem like a great
use of resources for me and andJustin I'm going to have to apologize.
I've got another radio gig coming up. I do appreciate you having me on,

and I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving. Yeah, you
got it, Mike. I appreciateyou too. Sorry for on and short
on time here. Mike Rodgers forSenate rogersfor Senate dot com. Is the
is the website? Thank you,sir. Happy Thanksgiving, Thank you,
my friend. I really appreciate it. Any great Thanksgiving. You got it,
you too. One of the thingsthat I wanted to discuss with him,

and uh, and I'll get I'llget into some more of this.
We've got the hostage Uh it's goodnews. By the way, hostage release
negotiation happening in in with Israel andGaza. Right now. We've got a
piece of news out of Michigan.That's important, which is forward backing sort

of scaling back. They're saying rightsizing their battery plant in Marshall, which
has been very unpopular, along withthe one up north, cutting eight hundred
jobs off of the line there.They said that we're gonna have twenty five
hundred. Now they've already caught aeight hundred before the thing's even taken off.
That's a whole nother piece of aconversation I think we ought to have

a discussion about. But then there'sanother piece. And by the way,
we will coming up at about eightoh five, we're gonna dig in with
Ambassador Joe Cello, who's going toget into a conversation about that the plant
that's proposed up north in the MacstaCounty area, as well the latest on

those conversations as well. But we'llI wanted because there's another piece of audience
and just kind of flown underneath theradar and U pun intended, I guess.
But air marshals, this goes tothe issue about security. Air marshals,
who are tasked with protecting you andme focus on airplanes and flights.

You know, since nine eleven youhave to go through, you get padded
down, you get your shoe,you gotta take your shoes off, your
belt, and you gotta get youfelt up by somebody. I mean,
just before you get on the plane. By the way, it's Thanksgiving,
so we're you know, this isthe kind of thing we're talking about.
Some of you are are about readyto go through through this process right now.
But instead of protecting us on flights. You won't believe what they're actually

up to right now. This isa report that came actually an interview out
of Fox News. Director of AirMarshall National Council, Sonya Labusco, spills
the beans on this story. They'rebeing pulled away from the job that they
should be doing to focus on somethingconnected to January sixth. This might enrage

you when you hear the news.We'll get to it all coming up Troitz
Newstalk Superstation nine back after this.Now. We just played some of us

audio earlier. You know, AirMarshals, instead of protecting flights right now
at a time of increased risk,are actually being pulled away as we speak,
to deal with other things. Whatare those other pressing matters? You
ask, Well, I'm glad youdid it's Justin Barklay, Detroit's news Talk

Superstition nine ten am. Good morningto the folks that are hanging out watching
the behind the scenes live stream ofthe Early Bird Chat right now on Facebook
Vocals X for only, Twitter,Rumble and more. We got Jennifer Elizabeth,
Katie, Judy Abel many others joiningus this morning as well. Nana
Teresa's sharreon appreciates you being here withus today, Henny and many others watching

online. You can always join thatand folks have a great time. They
have a blast listening and chatting witheach other online during it all. I
if it weren't bad enough, wehave the FBI investigating Catholics who want to
do a traditional mass. That's theLatin mask we have, you know,

because they're terrorist threads right with theFBI investigating parents who are going to school
board meetings. And now we haveair marshals. Air marshals who instead of
riding on airplanes to keep you andme safe. You see something, say
something, I see something off,they were able to act now instead of
doing that, you know what they'redoing. They've been tasked for the Biden

administration with going after people who flewin to DC that area of DC,
and I can imagine there are probablya couple other airports they're looking at too,
on or around the days of Januarysixth, regardless of whether they even
had business, they're what they weredoing. You know, those people have
ended up on No Fly Terrorists watchlist. Air marshals are on planes right

now, and how many do youthink there should be to get to a
safe level. Well, currently,we're not flying right now. The only
missions that we're doing are Quiet Skismissions, and those are missions that are
following the January twenty twenty one people. So we're either on the border for
illegal immigrants or we're following folks fromJanuary twenty twenty one. We're not doing

our regular missions where we're out therelooking for the bad guys. So right
now, on most flights you're notgoing to have air marshalls. What do
you mean by that? You're followingJanuary twenty twenty one people, What does
that mean? That means our primarymission is a little group called Quiet Skies.
It's a mission called Quiet Skuys thatwe're following people that flew into the
National Capital Region in January twenty twentyone. We did not have to go

to the capitol or the rally,and you've been put on a specific list
that TSA now has assigned air marshalsto follow these people who have not had
any type of criminal investigation. Theyhaven't committed to crime. But yet three
years later we're following the same individualsday in and day out. So you're
saying that air marshals are now followingpeople that were at the capitol on January

sixth, and they're not tracking terroristsat all. Well, they didn't even
have to be at the capitol Carly, they could have just flown into the
National Capital Region. So if anybodywas there for a job interview, to
visit family, We even had agentleman that was there for a funeral,
they put it put on this domesticterrorists list just because of their geographic location

too. Now this is Sonia Labusco, she's the director of Air Marshall National
Couchlington d C. So these peopledid not even commit a crome. They
weren't even at the capitol. Whatdo those people know that they're on this
list. Some of them do becausewhen they go to the airport they get
the quatises on their boarding pass andthen they have to go through enhance security.
Then they're followed by teams of airmarshals on any lego flight that they

have. So yes, a lotof them do know that they're being followed.
Yet they haven't been vetted and theyhave not committed a crime. And
three years later, we're still doingthe same duty and we followed the same
people over and over for three yearswho are no threat to this country.
Oh my goodness. Okay, Soif you are an average passenger on a

plane, how concerned should you realisticallybe? I think I think you should
be very concerned. When you're bornin the aircraft, you need to look
around to see who you might beable to to it to me late to
hear what she's gonna say, thisis to help you, like a good
samaritan. This is this is thepart that's the most scary. Look look

to see who might be able tohappen. And yeah, it's a good
idea. We should always be doingthat. Situational awareness things like that,
no matter where we go, nowhere the exits are, et cetera.
But like she's she's saying, there'snobody coming to help you. You had
to take your shoes off, yourbelt. You know, you had to
get felled up of prodde and youknow, Lord tells what else is by
the ts A and and and thethis the best advice is really at this

point, let's see if somebody elsecan help you, because you're you're on
your own. If anything happens,Please don't wait. There's going to be
no law enforcement that's going to helpyou. So you need to have a
plan. Look where the exit doorsare, Look where your flood attendants are
standing around you. But I wouldlook at other passengers to see, you
know, I'm gonna be looking aroundfor a football player or somebody a pretty
big guy or a couple of bigguys in case you needed to take action.

There you go, a football player. TSA can help thousands standing around,
thousands standing around groping you and grammar, you know, and everybody else.
Think about that. That's that's legit. What's happening. The air marshals
can't be there. They're investigating peoplewho flew in to the area on January

sixth, whether or not they hada business meeting or a family or a
funeral or who knows what. That'sthat's what they're busy doing. Forget the
actual criminals, let's go after otherfoot Well, that's part for the course
in every other situation. I gotthis story. This is the story that
there's been making the round. Youknow, there is no such thing as

fraud. This twenty twenty election,of twenty two and essentially the twenty four
election, each one of the givenmore safe and secure than ever before.
Each one those all, we're told, every one of the more safe,
more secure, more effective effective.Wait a minute, I've got that.
That's Pfizer's lines. Excuse me,they are more safe and secure than ever

before. And this is u.You can't challenge this. This is like
religion. If you do, youask a question, you find yourselves in
the cross hears you are a wackytenfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. Well now
we know, and it's not conspiracy. They're based on news reports back from

October twenty twenty that this was anactual story that took place. This is
reality. Ten to twelve thousand suspiciousvoter registration applications were turned into the City
of Muskegon and their clerk and nicheon the west side of the state.
Reports ongoing the investigation widespread systemic whatthe folks at the Gateway punt are calling

systemic ongoing voter registration fraud in majorbattleground states. It wasn't just Michigan,
and it wasn't just the west sideof the state where this was busted.
This was caught, but there areother parts of this in the state where
this was had They I think theywere based in Southfield, in a hotel

room and office in Southfield. Therewas a bust at one point where they
found weapons. Nothing to see hereand all kinds of all kinds of Paraffellian
things that you you might have scratchedyour head on. And I said,
madam, what exactly is going onhere? Michigan's Attorney General Dana Nassel out

there repeatedly saying that repeating the liewithout evidence that there was no voter front.
In fact, there is evidence thatthere was applic application fraud at the
very least. And when they're smoke, there's fire. Why don't we know
more about this? The safest,most secure in American history. But now

one enterprising citizen the Gateway Pundit reporting, a researcher from New Jersey, ye
Huda Miller, is his name,uncovering through the Michigan Freedom of Information Act
video of that authorities previously suppressed fromthe Gateway Pundit where Michigan law enforcement officers
are questioning an employee of GBI Strategies. This is the consulting firm that was

tasked with taking part in all this. His discoveries also showed Dana Naseil,
the Michigan State Police and the MuskeganPolice have been lying the entire time,
he says, to the public andto the media, and that the investigation
is ongoing. However, they sayit was closed in the spring of twenty

twenty one with no arrests. Milleris a researcher, a local businessman who
was motivated to get more involved afterthe twenty twenty election. He's been sending
out Freedom of Information Act requests.Those are foyas to document voter fraud,
especially the better document stories published bythe Gateway Permit. Miller posted a video

from the GBI interview and if youcan see the entire it's an hour and
forty minutes long. There is ashortened one that is thirty minutes long twenty
nine minutes long that has been postsit online. As well. On x

Midler exclusively told The Gateway Pundit thathe has been slowly independently documenting the fraud
across the country and slowly stays upenough money to finance the next batch of
documents request because I'm not going topay for all this, he said.
The video interrogation files came from arequest to the Michigan Attorney General's office,

the same one that is lawlessly prosecutingsixteen Trump electors from twenty twenty, many
of them seniors, eighty years oldand whatnot. They would spend the rest
of their lives in jail if convicted. This is what's important to Daana Essel
again, air marshals going after peoplethat just in the area. On January
sixth, instead of flying on airplanes. Attorney General Dana Essel again using her

position, her power, her officeto prosecute her political foes and then go,
you know, obviously benefit we've heardwas recent her political friends with benefits

is a bana Republic out in theopen. The Fouer Returns also explosively revealed
the far left Michigan Attorney General cana chronic liar. They say, you
can see all of it. They'vegot documents posted. We put all of
this up in the Secret Show prep, which is right now available online justin

Barklay dot com, slash locals.It's there where we're streaming as well live.
I'll put it up in the stacklater. I've retweeted this stuff or
posted whatever you want to call itover on x as well. Heavily redacted
samples of fraudulent voter registrations have beenreleased via Foyer ce document samples. You
can see all of these, andyou can see the handwriting on these is

is nearly like the same. Someof them have the same address, they
have the same phone number. Theyare questionable many of them. And I
don't know that we've ever really seenor gotten any actual answers on it,
because we're just told don't pay attentionto any of this stuff. They gone
to say Nessel personally knew about thevoter fraud and miskegan in October twenty twenty,

because the privileged log shows that shepersonally authored a relevant email on the
topic that was excluded from the production, and the Affoyer Responsive privilege log is
a listing of files that illegal entityrefuses to turn over because they might contain
a relevant legal privilege. Here enoughevidence is captured by the privilege to actually

show that Dana Nessall has chronically beenlying about the Miskegan voter fraud and they
have. They have that log includedhere as well. The documents reveal that
the case was closed in the springof twenty twenty one. On March thirtieth,
twenty twenty one, there's a memooclosed Moskeigan voter fraud case, and
on Mace twenty one another Mestigan voterfraud memot to close. Nashville potentially lied

about this in order to prevent documentsfrom this case of being disclosed to the
public. The Washington Post Sarah Allisonwas recently calling several sources from the Gateway
Punnitt's report on this voter fraud caseout of Muskegon, probably to issue another
fake fact check to suppress true reportingvia the fact check industrial complex. They

say, this array of left leaninggroups is where fact check outlets partner with
NewsGuard Group, which aggregates fact checkscores, which then enables farl This is
why they hide everything from you,and if you post it only they'll tell
you this is a lie. Inthis way, this left wing pressure system
effectively suppresses truthful stories that challenge dominantnarratives most aggressively. This powerful Foyer release

shows the extent to which compliant manstreammedia shamefully cooperates with government officials. The
video, again is posted up online. You can see all of the
the and I think the handwriting onthese cases like I'm looking right now,
miss gig and city clerk and Meshwas inside. She's told the gayway,

pony, she can't talk about this, but she was inside, and by
the way, she did the rightthing, so it's not criticizing. But
she's inside a Facebook group where otherclerks are commenting with each other talking about
these issues, and you see multipleapplications with the same handwriting over and over
and over again. She brought them, she posted it online, the signatures

ETCA post them online, and thenyou have a common other clerk commenting looks
legit, tongue in cheek. Shecontacts the police department in Miskeig and remember
to talk about this, to sharethis. They kick it up to the
Michigan State Police and the Attorney Generaland it gets buried. I guess from

that point, I initially thought thatshe did the right thing. And posts
that person further on the FBI,but that doesn't seem to be the case.
At this point, we're not exactlysure where the whole bottleneck really came
in to play here, but we'restarting to learn that there were investigations,

there was a conversation, and Idon't know if this is inside the interrogation.
I don't know if this is aMuskegan City or a Michigan State Police
a video and interrogation. But GBIhad empower Michigan, the groups working behind

the scenes to get people registered.They just needed enough people on the books
in order to well. I'm surethey would once they got people on the
books, I'm sure they wouldn't takethem and then send in fake ballots.
They would never, they would never. I can't imagine that. How long

is it that you've worked for GBIloans, GBI strategies, Yes, because
from Brooklyn all none of us whenwe say and when I was from Miami
and gettings from Man's New I thinkfrom Tennessee. So Man knows the owner
put it. I was compining thatwas my Mott Alliance components that the Wife's
Department of twenty legistrations went out forthey park outs posver for me. So

twenty applications for voter registrations went out. Part has her canvas there and then
it was your job to tack tocheck of them and sure they So where
were you getting there? How didshe sh How did you did? Did
did those twelve thousand get pasture forcompliance the actual voter application forms? Well?
Or was that something that g gvI was generating on the same phone

number on it? See that's wherethe blacks come in. Bright We don't
know that. That's how we tryingto get the blacks in the system,
and they sent me out. Soit was skied because it was worn in
all slides. Addresses again they thatwait a minute, addresses getting made up
and things like that. Hang on, there's more to this video. I'm

gonna play some more of this whenwe come back. We got to take
a quick pause just to pay somebills and the course get you up to
speed on the latest when it comesto the headlines throughout Michigan and around the
state. You want to join theprogram, you can't two four eight eight
hundred eight two five five. Thanksto the folks at Channel seven making this
show possible. Along with the radiostation every day and their support. Whether

it's big local news stories that hithome or constantly changing weather, you can
count on the seven Action News teamfor the most balanced perspectives and the combage
you can trust. Turned to sevenAction News morning four thirty to seven evening
starting at five and before bat ateleven count on so IZ Channel seven back
after this nine am. Yeah,some of the interrogation video released from the

inside that room where our GBI strategies. The folks that were working behind the
scenes to collect these ballots and thendrop them off. They're just trying to
get as many people on the booksas possible because then they can cook the
books. Remember how many people,and of course how many more people voted
for Biden than voted even for BarackObama. Trump got the most votes of

any president in the history of thecountry and he lost Biden one from his
basement. You wonder, how inthe world does that happen. No,
no, no, no, don'task questions. You're not allowed to ask
any questions. And of course whenany of these questions came up, they
were summarily dismissed, even as theyknew back as early as October that this

had been caught. The interview thatI'm playing for you came October twenty ninth
of twenty twenty. The actual voterapplication forms, well, it giv I
was generating machine phone number on it. See that's where the blacks come in,
so we don't know. That's howwe're trying to get a black in
the system. And they sent meout. So it was skeeing because there

was warned in all flags. Addressis getting made up and things like that.
So I'm not gonna steal it forhim. I'm looking at it as
now, I'm not gonna know.But those that are skiing a little bit,
we don't have how these as thisis not as bad our legislation.
I'm not feeling to put it ina system because it won't be about it
this as there is any position anywhere. Somehow they made it onto the clerk's

desk the city of Muskegan, thoughI'm sure they'll get around the hall of
this. I'm sure that they'll getinto figuring it out. Now Dana Nessell
dropped it. Apparently they closed thiscase back in twenty one. Oh,
that's that basically was a poleasion forthat whole. The only reason we know
about this now is a fourier requestby a man named Hohoda Miller following stories

out of the Michigan area Gateway Punditright. Well, and they not understanding
they were not get paid out oflegistration. Yeah will stood to get paid
by y'alls been an hour, y'allget four hours shift and so four hours
of shift eight, one thirty andthen a bre eight. So they weren't

getting paid per application. So whywere they doing this? Was there some
sort of behind the scenes or underthe table or just understood incentives? You
only make no getting no vote,y'allo paid you can. I made no
one to find out to vote.You know. Well some of these people
did though, apparently is the story. The video I'm playing for you is,

I can't play. I couldn't evenplay all of it if I want
just an hour and forty minutes long, the entire video. There's a shortened
version twenty nine twenty eight minutes thirtyminutes that will put up online that you
can see on the stack, yous all. It's up on at at
mister justin directly. I'm on oldersocial media there as well. But we've
got more of that video yet tocome, plus the story out of Ford

and Cattle. They're cutting eight hundredof the proposed twenty five hundred jobs there
and moving forward. You wonder,though, as they put the brakes on
some of these expected perhaps there's gotto be more cuts in the future.
And do they still get to hangon to all that money, your money,

tax paid dollars they've been fed andgiven to move forward with that project
with China. We'll talk about that. Former Ambassador Joseph Sella coming up next
Troit's News Talk Superstation nine ten am. We're back after I check at the
headlines top of the hour. I'mthe Choice News Conserverstation nine ten am.

It is justin Barclay. We're fullspeed ahead. Lots still you have to
go as we get down to thewire here on our a pre Turkey Day
broadcast, and we you know,we have a big show or two coming
out for you on Friday. Notonly will I be here and get six

full hours of me, because I'llbe filling in for Glenn back nationally on
his program nine to noon right herein Michigan to the entire country. But
I'll be followed by Tutor Dixon,who ran for governor here in Michigan.
She fills in for Clay and Buck. It's like a Michigan takeover nationwide,
right, Michigan against the world.That's kind of the way it feels right

now. Anyway, we get thatto look forward to, and of course
the traffic and all the things thatyou need to know as you were going
over the river and through the woodsfor your festivities tomorrow. More from this
posted online. This video. Thisis the shocking and there's twenty thirty minutes

in a shorter version. This versionjust about a minute I just shared again
reposted on x We'll make sure youget this on the links online as well.
But this version, this is theversion that has been shared now with
folks, just a minute long.It shows it wasn't just Muskegan this operation

to drop in harvest and of courseget people registered. I mean it was
absentee ballot application fraud. So thesewere people even getting just registered de votes.
See, they wanted to flood thesystem. GBI Strategies the name of

that company, that group that infact has ties throughout the nation. Detroit,
Southfield inaster Ifslani, Benton, Harbor, Lancing, and Flint also targets
Miskegan's just the only one that gotcaught. Flint install a kid. Not
Detroit South wasn't out from the cabinand deal was Skia. I'm pretty sure

they will live about flat a lotof playing nations for Resist not go back,
Clay song, Shorty Sorry Will.I'm pretty sure this would have happened
in Sky. I'm pretty sure what'shappened anywhere. I'm pretty sure it was
happening everywhere, not just Muskegans.She says. Ah. Again, we're

not even supposed to ask these questions. We're not supposed to even have these
conversations. Attorney General Dana Nssel droppingthe ball. This interview took place October
twenty ninth of twenty twenty. Wenever even got to know about any of
these things, and we wouldn't knowabout it if it wasn't for a four
year request, a Freedom of InformationAct request from a young man by enable

You, Huda Miller, stay businessmanand someone who's been concerned about election security
and integrity, and filing those requestsa gateway punded sharing that on their story
today. We got it all postedup online. They shifting gears into Michigan

again. The latest story is aboutFord again smoking mirrors, things not necessarily
being what they were promised or saidto be. Ford backpedaling on that three
and a half million dollar Michigan batteryplant. The brakes are on again.
Well they've hit the gas to moveforward with the plant, but they're cutting

some dead weight eight hundred jobs thatthey said they were going to hire twenty
five hundred. That cut that backnow eight hundred jobs. Of course,
the CCP linked battery companies under fire, working with even some of the American
companies here in Michigan been a majorissue, a major ordeal. They've been

folks up north in uh, let'slet's see, I'm Acosta County that have
been following this and been fighting theGreen Charter township. A major win for
those folks in the election where theyable to recall their entire board. We
found that out a couple of weeks. Well, it's a couple of weeks
back. Now. One of thefolks involved in this fight, former Ambassador

Joseph Sella, joins us right now, appreciate you being here with us,
Ambassador, How are you, goodmorning, justin I appreciate you E fortunn
to be with you. I'm doingwell, how are you well? You
know we're getting geared up. I'mI'm training for tomorrow. Yes, absolutely,
So you know we're following this story. This is a This is another

big one and another development. Weheard that Marshall and Ford they were going
to pause this, and they didfor a while. Now they say they're
right sizing. Part of the biggestissue with this is that the market just
can't handle won't We'll support this rightnow. Ford's lost billions on trying to

push these electric vehicles, subsidies andall kinds of issues even included with that.
But the market just doesn't want thesevehicles. They're not ready for prime
time. And in the midst ofit all, you've got taxpayers giving money
for these plants. Now we seea pause here, and I'm noting that
you have actually issued a statement onthis as well, But we see a

pause that they've decided to lift andmove forward on here. But at the
same time, they are going tocut eight hundred of the proposed twenty five
hundred jobs. I wonder if theyhave to give any of that money back.
Doubtful, A great question. Iknow that there is in the House

of Representatives and lancing legislation that wasintroduced to clawback some of the money in
light of this soaka, you know, you look at it from the get
go, justin, and it hasbeen erratic, and the saga continues with

yesterday's latest twists in that saga beingannounced by Ford. Yeah, you say,
it's good news for the c CCP, the Chinese Communist Party and bad
news for American national security. What'sthe story on cattle the licensing with this
technology? Wasn't this technology originally rippedoff from America at some point by these

folks? Yeah, it's it didhappen, and we are we have listed
this technology and the minerals involved iscritical there, meaning that they're critical to
our national security. But our industriesand state governments, our federal government continue

to really avert their eyes and plugtheir nose to the threat and the warnings
of our national security and intelligence agenciesthat require that recommend companies abide by certain
practices if they even think about engagingin these deals. But the state of
Michigan, the medc Ford again ignoredit all and recklessly pursued this deal,

and again to the tune of onepoint eight billion taxpayer dollars, which is
perilous, and that plant will belocated very close to critical military assets for
our country. And it will takenothing for any PARC national that will be
there present at the proposed plant todo what uh the prc CCP National Intelligence

Law mandates, and that is thatthey conduct espionage as directed. Yeah,
that's that's the hook of all thisis that there is no differentiation that people
will try and make this excuse thepartnering with these companies and just it's a
private company. Well that's not howit works in China. Uh, there
is no such thing as private.There is You never know where private ends

and state begins. And the CCPhas it tentacles in everything, and these
companies will be used, uh toreport back any sort of information of course,
compromise and capture folks within industry andpoliticians even at the localist level.
We've seen that with Green Charter Township. I'm not saying that these people on

this board were captured, but boy, I tell you they were. They
were swiftly moving against the will ofthe people there. Thankfully that course was
corrected and I know that folks arefighting in Marshall against these these powers that
be coming from across the globe aswell. They are as steadfast as the
citizen warriors are up in Green Township, and they will remain steadfast despite this

latest blip in the saga. Andyou know the in all of these and
all of these deals led by GovernorWhitmer and the NBDC, the consent of
the government was ruptured justin and whenthe consent of the government ruptured, the
people speak. The people spoke loudand clearly in the elections in Green Township
as well as Big Rapids Township.I we're calling the supervisor who was a

part and parcel of the other project, Goshen, and I'm I'm quite confident
that the citizens in Marshall, MarshallTownship will remain vigilant and hold their elected
officials to account, just as ourfriends up north did. We're talking about
former Ambassador Joseph Seller right now talkingabout this Marshall for a big Marshall plant.

There three and a half billion dollars. They are going to scale back,
cutting eight hundred of the proposed it'sonly five hundred jobs. Now they
are moving forward with cattle and we'llcontinue to keep you posted. And now
I had a conversation with the guy, the founder of overstock dot com.
His name is Patrick Burne, andhe talked about He said, he used
to live in China, and Ispeak Mandarin, and I mean he just

the guy is very bright. He'sbrilliant. He talked about a plan that
China has in place. One ofthe things that they want to do in
the United States is they want tosell as much chaos and division as possible.
They want us fighting against each other. They want to foement some sort
of civil war in one of theplans. He said, it's on the
books, it's written. He said, I could send you all of this
documentation, but it's it's fascinating becauseI've heard some of this before. But

what it details is is a fightto break down supply chain lines and things
like that and some sort of civilwar. Or it could be anything,
he said from an emp he itcould be some sort of again pandemic,
biological threat. It could be physicalviolence and fighting division in the country,

any number of things that would causea disruption, he said, the supply
line disruptions and all of those criticalthings that are that are necessary for national
security and just to keep the countrymoving if that breaks down, he said
that they had then the report crunchedthe numbers. Ninety percent of Americans would
be dead with in the first year. I don't think people understand how how

everything is so tightly net together andhow we depend on each other for so
much of this, and to throwChina into that mix, Boy, I
tell you, just it's a recipefor disaster. It's a it's a precarious
time we are in. Really,any reasonably proven person looks at the dynamic,

Justine and knows that we are ina second Cold War. There was
a great speech delivered earlier this yearby a retired Navy admiral by the name
of Michael Studeman that I really commendyou and your listeners to that gives a
very comprehensive, a very thoughtful,sober look at the outlining threat that China

presents to the West United States that'simminent, and it comes up basically,
the problem is more gigantic than itis understood or appreciated. And there are
some things that he gets into whereour mascutary security and intelligence agencies could declassify
some things to really bring into focusthe nature of these subnational occursions that we're

seeing through the Cattle Project, throughthe Goshen Project in Michigan, and others
that are going around that are veryactive, that are under investigation, that
present a threat to our national securityand our economic security. And it's really
unconscionable for the State of Michigan GovernorWhitmer and MEDC playing the lead and a

willing partner Ford to really give shortshrift to or give no shrift to give
it pay zero key to what ournow security intelligence agencies advise on co mingling
with these PRC based and CCP typecompanies. Yeah, it's a story that's
not going anywhere anytime soon, butwe ought to be more aware of and

appreciate you is shining the line onit. As always, Former Ambassador Jesse
Sella with the latest on this storyand more. Will continue to keep you
outdated and wish you the best,My friend, Happy Thanksgiving. Justin you
got a happy Thanksgiving. God blessGod, bless There you go. We've
got the latest, folks on thatstory. More. Oh, there's so

much yet to get through. Imean, I'm just barely scratched in the
surface today. We'll do our bestto make sure we bring it all to
you. Take a quick break andgrab our latest headlines and around the state.
Do you know that in California orexcuse me, Comifornia and New York
they are pushing new programs on kidsin schools called media Literacy Tools. This

is in order to spot conspiracy theories, misinformation, disinformation, online hate and
I now teach kids what to believeand more. Oh oh, it just
keeps getting better by the day.And they're fighting back in Chicago. By
the way, the open borders asfar as a major issue, that story

to come out and some good news. I got plenty a twenty one right
now Detroit's News Talk Superstition nine tenam. Back to this jumpin Barkley jumped.
You can't make this stuff up.Right here on nine ten am,
Detroit's news Talk superstation, the Tituschanging him were gifting. In Chicago,

people aren't happy the you know,the border wide open, absolutely just wide
open right now, and some inChicago not happy about it. They're taking
action. A giant building and encampmentfor the folks who have come across the
border illegally being built erected on theSouth Side Fox thirty two there in Chicago,

going to check out the site.The cruise coming to block off the
cameras. Yes, I've heard theywere out. It's at one o'clock in
the morning. But it's progress thaton Sunday cruise were quick to cover up.
Minutes after we got there. First, a water department truck was positioned
directly in front of our Fox thirtytwo camera. This is this is Chicago

corruption. Commy corruption at the coreright here, leftists, liberals. This
is the kind of thing that theydo all the time that we need pull
transparently the democracy. It must notlike, don't want you to know anything
that's happening, pay no attention,seemingly trying to obstruct our view. But
that's not all. Workers soon linethe fence with a black screen. Alas

a tax payer, it makes mefeel horrible. Well, yeah, I
feel that we have a corrupt system. They are not listening to the people.
Of course they're not. Of coursethey're not will be listening to the
people. You people keep voting forthis, You keep voting for it over
and over and over again. MaybeI don't know, Maybe they Maybe there's

who knows, Maybe there's some Shenanigansafoot too. I don't know, but
folks in these cities keep voting forthis stuff. I don't think you're been
You've been flabbergasted, been bambooble,bamboozled. I mean, it's just it's
horrific to see it. By theway, now they're very upset in New
York as well as the same sortof thing is happening the Yorkers depending on

government handouts. Black folks upset atsome of these illegals for taking their government
handouts. I can't imagine. Youknow why people are hurting here already,
think about that, and now allof a sudden, we're just gonna just
gonna find a way to take careof other people that we can't support.

All these things in one neighborhood andQueens between nights at tenants and newly arrived
migrants, our tensions are growing.With not enough food to go around,
why do we have to take thebutt of everything? Okay, this community
here is already suffering. The residentsliving in niches Queensbridge houses look forward to
the mobile food pantries that show upweekly, but over the past year they

have witnessed eight thousand migrants move intotheir neighborhood, and they've also noticed the
migrants are also starting to take theirstuff. Eight thousand, by the way,
eight thousand people just move into aneighborhood. That's unsustainable. Eight thousand
extra people just moving into a neighborhood. Where do you put all those people?

They was first online for the turkeysthis morning. If they tell you
to be there at eleven o'clock,you get there in like ten thirty,
ten forty five. But they alreadyout there. The line is from over
there to over here. Free foodgiveaways, especially during the holidays, have
become a source of tension between longtimeNew Yorkers struggling to get by and newly
arrived migrants who are using the systemto survive. Well, turkey's left.

There's not the turkey left for everybody. They're fighting, not just the wishbone,
but apparently the turkey altogether. Thisis this is very I mean,
it's it's very I think I don'twant to joke about it too much because
it is very sad, but it'strue, fighting for scraps. A month
ago, one altercation got so heatedbetween a resident and a migrant. Someone

ended up in the hospital. Iwould never turn anyone away for a meal,
but there's simply just as not enoughfor both nighter residents and the micro
shelter residents. Are they not listeningto what these people say? They just
didn't think there's no way that thosepeople come across the border going to end
up here in Chicago, going tothe here up here in New York wherever.

It's the way that that's gonna happen. That's a border problem, that's
a problem for Texas. Is that? What is that what they're thinking?
Council Member Julie Want says she alertedthe mayor to the growing tension in her
community and was able to get fiftythousand dollars to increase the number of hot
meals served inside Knightches, but she'sconcerned the mayor's new budget cuts will only
put further stress on the community alreadyliving in scarcity. The mayor might have

concerned to go with the jail,they got it, they get investigating him
on the FBI ris with all kindsof brides and you know whatnot then I
think that the moment the day heremember that happened the day he was on
his way to the White House andme went Jill Biden about all this stuff
in the water, like the fenscame a knocket. That's that's big,

no mistake, that was not acoincidence. Yeah, let's stick with Canfy
Hopeland, New York and the commiesand comedy Formia. They got the indoctrination
ramped up on your kids. Theygonna tell your kids out a spot dangerous
disinformation, conspiracy theories. Man,oh man, you want to miss it.
Plus we got good news, bigelection news. Actually it's a it's

a first historic piece of information andelection you want to miss. Coming out
to ask the charge new Start superstation, I said thirty they are fighting in

New York over the Turkey's there.Uh and I look, I get it.
It's it's tough times for a lotof folks. You know, we
played that video for you the otherday and just completely fall out of that's
been wild. People are feeling thepain, they're feeling the hurt, they're
filling the pinch in in all kindsof different areas, and and that remains

to be an issue that Left justdoesn't want to deal with. What they'd
rather do is fight this boogeyman misinformationdangerous different information online hate. They're calling
this media literacy, and they're introducingthis. By the way, it's not

just New York. It's tell meForeignia as well. I think I saw
this story this morning. Now thesetwo crazy places where they have decided to
teach this in school. California Democratsare crying kids to take media literacy courses.

Libs of TikTok has this beginning intwenty twenty fourth, Democrats in California
requiring your kids K through twelve.So forget reading, writing, arithmetic,
or how to think. They're goingto teach your kids what to think.
This is full on a doctrination.They make no bones about it. It's
time to reverse this. We've gotto indoctrinate in the other way, in

other words, teaching your kids thatthe country is great because of its founding.
It's not perfect, but it isso much better than any other country
experiment government in the entire world.And here's why. What's possible here isn't
possible anywhere else. In fact,if it weren't so great, it wouldn't
be under attack like it is today. If it weren't so great, you

wouldn't have millions upon millions upon millionstrying to get in here and get the
turkeys in New York. You justwouldn't have that happening. It's dead.
Kids are being doctrinated in their commiFornia, so they'll have to take these
courses, media literacy courses. It'llhelp kids spot fake news, misinformation,

disinformation, propaganda, conspiracy theories.That's my favorite. Should we hand out
should we hand out tenfoil hats tothe kids too while we're at it,
so they can so they can practice, they can spot it all on social
media and news sites, so youdon't get full. I'm sure, absolutely

positive commi Fornia knows speaking of truth. They are the arbitter. They understand.
You know the yorkis this whole mightbe We're going to give it too.
Governor Hokell announcing this just the otherday. There's other disturbing news new
work as well, but Hulkell talkingabout this very same program. I wonder
how long it is before we getthis because usually these are test markets New

York and Tommy for you. Thenwe here in Michigan get the same nonsense.
Say I'm directing the Director of Divisionof Homeland Security and Emergency Services to
develop Wait a minute, the Directorwait, wait about of Homeland Security and
Emergency Services is going to be incharge of this. Say, I'm directing

the director of Division of Homeland Securityand Emergency Services to develop media literacy tools
for K through twelve. Uh.The Director of Homeland Security is going to
develop school programming ah huh in ourpublic schools media literacy. This will teach

students and even teachers to help understandhow we want them to think, never
to divert from it, and toalways toe the party line or else,
how to spot conspiracy theories and misinformation, disinformation, and online hate. Start

talking about what we're seeing out there. Give the teachers the tools they need
to help these conversations in school.I don't really think it's the teacher's place
or position to talk about this though. You know how we tell whether or
not something's real news or fake news. Johnny, if it came from ms

D and C, Rachel Madhow saysit, Yes, that's real news.
You can trust the real news comingfrom Rachel man Ow that if it came
from Fox News, it's kids fakeDoug. If Tucker Carlson uttered it,

oh my gosh, it's it's it'sdamn there, traitorous propaganda. What about
Joe Rogan, He's close guy.He's on the line too, He's on
the bubble. Trump said it.Don't even want to hear it. You
might get arrested if you even heardit. These people aren't hiding it anymore.

They're coming out. I shouldn't beso giddy or laughing about this,
but it is. It's funny becauseI don't matter what happens, God is
still on the throne. He reignssupreme and I I just have a different
way of seeing things. I guessthat's my faith on this. But you
know, I they're showing us exactlywho they are. By teaching younger New

Yorker is about how to discern betweendigital fact and digital fiction. We can
better inoculate them from hatred and thespread of it and help prepare them for
a very fast moving and often confusingworld. Yeah. Yeah, that's exactly
what I need. I need thegovernment telling me how to spot fake news

and just it's all of this isunthinkable. But again, the worst part,
right, the worst part of allthis, the worst part of it
all, is simply the fact thatthe kids are getting left by These are
the same people, by the waythey say they care about your kids.

Close the schools down. Well,yesterday was this We had the story yesterday
New York Times finally admitting, Oops, maybe it wasn't a good idea to

close the schools the entire time duringthe craziness of the last few years.
Maybe that was not well, maybethat one a good idea. Oops.
So those same people have master yourkids, force jabs on your kids,
close the kids, resulting in learningloss that will take decades, maybe if

ever, to even recover from.They're the ones who want to teach your
kids how to think and how tospot the truth. When it comes to
the news, No wonder Biden wantsto get ahold of the internet, shut
that thing down and not let anybody, not let anybody be able to hear

any dissenting information soever. It isuh, it's all. It's none of
this stuff anymore. Is none ofthis stuff anymore in my opinion anyway is

surprising whatsoever? None of this stuff. It's all absolutely part for the course.
And it'll just be Look, it'lljust be a matter of time before
what Governor whitmer Hulkel news some allof these people and you know, they're
all kind of jockeying right now forthe Plan B team. They're watching Biden

slowly but surely disappear, fade offinto the back ground, and it's all,
you know, it's all, it'sall happening. So they're kind of
jockeying right now for what might comenext. Hey can I get in here?
Maybe if I can raise my profileup a little bit, maybe they'll

talk about me. Maybe I've seethese are their ambitions climb that ladder,
so to speak. It's nasty stuff, but it is really happening. And
uh, okay, the more thatcomes out about Biden, the more damage

you gets. You've seen the polling. By the way, I think,
now, what did I read?Fox had this thing the other day.
I think it was yesterday the reporttoo big to ignore Fox nears since Biden
into panic after blowing up brutal polesshowing Trump crushing Biden nationally on massive Florida
ceiling screen. So Trump leading nationally. That's like a close line, man,

you know what. They're too bigto ignore And the margin obviously it
was in the margin e era.Nothing's insurmountable a year out, yees,
So if the election were held todayis showing that Joe Biden will only get
forty four percent, but Donald Trumpis still at forty six percent. Brian,
say, if you believe any ofthese polls anyway, this is a
drop from that fifty one percent,and that's NBC. He's never been leading

in the NBC poll. And we'llbreak it down. You'll see you the
battleground states among voters eighteen to thirtyfour, usually bad news for Republican nominee,
even if it's younger than Donald Trump. Not bad news right now,
young voters, young voters eighteen tothirty four. This is why we got
to start getting them earlier. Teachhim about the fake those winning media literacy
folks. And that has a lotto do with this Israeli jimas War.

The President's on the right side ofthis, but the third of his party
is for the Palestinian Hamas cause,which is more than a little scary.
Remember what happened the DNC headquarters acouple of days ago. They hurt six
cops rating the DNC headquarters full ofDemocrats. And these are left wing Democrats

attacking Democrats, hurting police officer.Brian, as you said, it's the
war, but it's also being letdown. When it comes to the student
loans, he said he was gonnaforgive them. He went through the process.
It was a legal to Suberian coursethat you can lightly. Dector determined
that that was a lie as well. Yeah, that's due that voters are
holding in the case. By theway, the sumon little thing is a
big forest because you alienated a tonof people who got into the trades,

or paid off their loans or wenta different direction. Why are you paying
off other people's loans in just oneage bracket. This is the key independence.
It's the only portion of the electoratethat keeps growing independence. And look
at this, only disapproval six threepercent. All right, these are the
people that got him elected. Bythe way, he's lost them. Let's

go to New York Times. Nowin Nevada, swing say up by ten
points, Donald Trump is Michigan upby five? Can I just got Trump
up by five in Michigan? Herethis is gonna be key because abortion is
going to be on the ballot inNevada. That could be the balancing point.
But the fact that Trump is upby ten there is significant. Who
shows you he has a little bitof room. Well, and so your
point, Brian, Donald Trump hasa little bit of a different message than

the other candidate has been running ona board and he's saying, look,
you got me real realistic here.This is this is bad news that they
break down the poll in its entirety. We'll put that in a stack as
well. But this is why again, as we've been mentioning, the plan
B team sort of trying to findout how they can move into place,

move Biden out of the way,and accomplish accomplish what they want. Now
there is speaking of polls, andthe one that the only one that counts
really right is the election. Thereis some good news on election. You
may not have heard anything about,but this is fantastic news. It's history

making, actually and it's a storythat's kind of picking up a little bit
of steam right now. Historic winfor a Republican. Last night, don't
go anywhere, you'll hear the latestand we'll put the Raft Turkey Day program.
Glenn Beck Program is coming up atnine this morning. Don't forget I

still in You get six hours straightof me Glenn Beck Program nine to noon
on Friday, and then Tutor Dixonin for Claying Buck on Friday at noon.
It's a Michigan takeover. We're lookingforward to it. That's the whole
coming up of Detroit's news talkuter stationnine ten am. We appreciate you being

anyways back after this. I'm firedit up. Whether you're hitting the sleigh
or the suv over the river andthrough the woods, I don't think you're

going to be using a sleigh todayor tomorrow. I think with tomorrow fifty
for the high today we'll be upto forty four. We're not far from
that now. Sunshines, some clouds, but that sun coming out later this
afternoon, the thirties in the thirtiesfor are high Friday and into the forthcoming

week, it looks it's yeah,it's gonna be a little cooler, so
we'll keep an eye on that.And of course all the backups are issues.
As folks are traveling today, thebiggest, the busiest travel day of
the year pre Turkey Day. Biggeststories are falling bomb stopped for five days,
the fighting on pause as we havethe latest in that report, the

hostages, about fifty of them orso to be released. Among them,
several Americans won a three year oldgirl who lost her parents. That's just
I can't wrap my head around that. But she lost her parents in the
attacks, horrific terrorist attacks. OnOctober seventh, Ford cutting the Marshall Project

back eight hundred jobs, nearly halfthe plan they promised. But will they
keep that taxpayer money? Great question? Great question, and the latest and
Muskegan voter fraud out of Michigan Gatewaypunted as his story and the Foyer requested
interrogation interviews somebody working with the GBIStrategies company, the ones that were going

around trying to get folks registered,and then of course they flood the roles,
the voter rolls of people who maymay not be real. According to
some of these they weren't even realaddresses. They were made up sat handwriting
on these applications over and over andover again. Those stories continue. And

what we're learning they knew, theyknew Dana Nssel with Sam and tell you
nothing to see here. The safestsecure election in the history of all elections.
They knew as early as October oftwenty twenty. They know as early
as October twenty twenty to that wasbowl Willie Shenanigan's afoot folks with It's it's

a story that is massive. Wefollow that and more. You can stay
with us throughout the day for thelatest on the East to Win Back program,
as I mentioned coming up at ninehere on Detroit's news Talk Superstation nine
today. But first, you know, this is some really good news and

I didn't expect this. Who knowsout of nowhere appears out of Charleston,
South Carolina. They just elected theirfirst Republican mayor since eighteen seventy seven.

William Cogswell is his name. Hewent on to defeat GOP. He's a
former GOP Steeret defeated the comment Democratmayor John and incumbent that John Tecklenburg in
the runoff election. He won bylest in a thousand votes, but he
won. Nevertheless, that is anincredible story, a sea change, a

shift in sentiment and tide. Andyou gotta wonder, it's how many of
those how many of those stories arewe going to see? Will we hear
coming up in the in the comingdays. I just it's it's, you

know, the most powerful elections happenedclose to home. They're really not And
that's the way it's supposed to beanyway. It's not Lansing or DC,
these far off places that matter asmuch as it is what's happening in our
own backyard, the townships, thetownship that was able in Green Charter Township

to go through and recall the entireboard. A while back in Ottawa County
on the west side of the state, the group of people got involved,
got engaged, real life, everydaypeople just like me and you, decided
they were tired of seeing some ofthe things that they were seeing, and
they decided to go in primary theentire Republican Board commissioners there in their county,

and they did swept them out,and they continue to fight making changes
that are sending shock waves throughout thestate and the country. Folks, good
things are happening on a daily basis. I just don't know that you hear
about it as often as you should. And that's why we do what we

do. The good, the bad, the ugly, the stories you won't
hear anywhere else, the well,the stories that matter most some good news.
To make sure you get my goodnewsletter so we can stay in touch,
go to justin Barklay dot com andsign up. That's where you'll find
the Stack, our podcast. Youcan downloading more live back program is coming

up next. Wishing you a happyThanksgiving That back Friday, ever, God
bless he took the non train
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