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April 1, 2024 39 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Live from Higher Top Monroe Center indowntown Grand Rapids. We're talking about what
matters most to you when West Michiganjoined the conversation. Now at six one
six seven seven four twenty four twentyfour. That's six one, six seven
seven four twenty four to twenty four. It's West Michigan Live with Justin Barklay
on Wood Radio Radio. Welcome man. It's high at Top West Miscan,

downtown Grand Rapids. The sun isshining for everybody that doesn't have to take
that detour on one p thirty oneright now for everyone. For everyone that
does, it's a it's gonna takesome getting used to. I know we're
gonna this is gonna be quite atrip from a lot of folks, but

we're at it together. We'll continueto keep you updated on the latest of
the construction or the deconstruction, ormaybe it's destruction. It's orange barrel season,
folks. I mean, that's that'ssure. We're adding we're full speed
ahead. Did I mention President Trump'son the show today, News, Weather,
and traffic. I'm the biggest storiesof the day. We're talking about

what matters most in West Michigan andbeyond this is the Big three now see
speak three. It's the stories.A matter of most of you have been
talking about these around a watercore,the dinner table, no matter where you
are. These stories power by goodfriends at Heartland Home Mortgage. What you
need to buy, maybe you needto refine home equity, line of credit.

They can help you take care ofany and every situation, custom solutions
for everyone. Dave got one ofthe team standing by to help you at
HHM lending dot com. Number one. I hope you had a wonderful weekend
and a very blessed day of transgendervisibility yesterday. That's that's what Biden was.

I got, folks, a dayof transgender visibility. What in the
world. Hell, it's Easter Sunday, Resurrection Sunday for most folks. The
Biden administration says, no, no, no, we we haven't done enough
to thumb our nose at all ofit. You folks who apparently believe we

gotta do something special a day oftransvisibility. I have no idea. They
also banned children from submitting religious themedEaster egg designs at their annual event for
military families, just sort of showingyou who they are and what they're up
two folks. Don't forget it.Come November now where to and Al Paso

judges ruled early yesterday that illegals involvedin the riot there the southern border where
National Guard troops were assaulted, mustbe released from jail. They're letting the
criminals out again. In El Paso, Magistrate Judge Himbruto a Custom made the
announcement on Sunday, blasting El PasoDistrict Attorney's office for quote, not being

ready with the tension hearings. It'sthe ruling of the court all that all
the rioting participation cases will be releasedon their own recognissance, he said.
Wild to think about these folks nowagain, there were people that stormed the
capitol. There are people that justweren't there, not even inside, that

did months in jail for their beingin the area. There are people that
were there that got years of jailfor not even being there. The two
tier justice system is real. Talkmore about that with President Trump coming up.
At about nine thirty five this morning, Chilean gangs granted visa waivers again

terrorizing Oakland County home owners. Theseare folks from South and Central America coming
across the border. And breaking intohomes. The story with a warning from
Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bachard, whosays, this is happening again. See
something, say something. That isall the heels of President Trump's trip here
to Michigan, in fact, GrandRapids tomorrow to talk about and address,

shines spotlight on the horrific tragedy thedeath, the murder of Ruby Garcia,
whose name Gretchen Whitmer has still yetto say, Ruby Garcia, we won't
ever forget. Make sure that can'tmemories honored in folks, that there is

justice for Ruby. Another one ofthese horristic situations again that the media didn't
want to cover, but in fact, now Trump's visit will force them to
have to at least talk about it. So don't worry, Democrats, of
all the answers, in fact,I got answers for this too. You

want to hear what some of thesefolks are saying about the visit, hang
out, We'll get into that.Call Justin now at six one six seven,
seven, seven, seven, twentyfour, twenty four West Michigan Live
with Justin Barklay on News Radio Woodthirteen hundred and one O six nine alf
AM we got to Shanghai Slutkin China. This is why can't I call her

shang Isaka Because she's the one thatsigned the NBA with Goshen Chinese Communist Party
link battery play China. She's theone who said signed it. And all
of a sudden starts realizing how unpopularit all is, and she says,
well, maybe again, wait asecond, maybe I'm not in favor of
all this, and I maybe we'lltake a second look here. Shanghai Slutkin

running for Senate. She's a congresswomanin the Lansing area. She's out there
saying that all this stuff that's happeningat the border, of course, the
death of Ruby Garcia, and let'snot forget Lake and Riley, who Biden
couldn't even come to say her nameuntil Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green forced him basically
to say it at the State ofthe Union the other day. None of

these people are able to say thename. Well, she finally did,
Slotkin finally did, just like CongresswomanHillary Skolton finally did just the other former
immigration attorney. She's all for allthis stuff that's going on my way,
finally did say her name. Butguess what they're doing in in the meantime,
they're calling it a domestic violence incident. That's what this has nothing to

do with the border. It's allabout domestic violence. See that's the issue,
and we got to deal with that. We can't worry about it.
And anybody that brings up the borderon this, you just you're just racist.
You're trying to make a deal,big deal to politicize this poor woman's
death. That's what it's all about. But look the facts from Maine.
If this guy never should have beenin the country, and the media tried

to cover the whole thing up anyway, they didn't want to tell the truth
about what actually happened to this younglady. And that is in itself,
I believe criminal. It's just absolutelyhorrifying. So here's Lawkins's answer to it
all, and she's kind of plantingthe finger now back at Republicans. President
Trump is coming here next week,and you know we are dealing with on

the west side of the state,the murder of a young woman named Ruby
Garcia, a domestic violence homicide byan illegal alien who was deported under the
Trump administration. In twenty twenty somehowfound his way back here, no idea.
In fact, we learned the otherday that it looks like he was

a gutaway. She means he didn'tgo through the proper channels of trying to
get back in. You know,she did say her name, but she
did not. She wanted to playthis game of domestic violence. You know,
they're trying to just trying to swaythis. They don't want you to
know this because this is Biden's borderblood bath. He's got to own it.

They got to own it. Whatare they doing? In fact,
they switch it up, spin itaround, and throw it back on say,
well, this is all Trump's fault. Can you imagine this? Now,
we're supposed to believe the gas lightingthat's happening. We're supposed to believe
that this problem at the border isn'tthe fault of the current president. It's
the fault of the previous president.And I guess apparently the current president can't

do anything about it, But it'sthe previous president who can wrap your head
around the mental gymnastics, twist itlike a pretzel to try and understand what's
happening in these cook noodles of theirs. They just you can't. You can't
make sense of this, folks.It's a terrible, horrible, gruesome death
on top of a number of domesticviolence incidents we're having in that and we've

been having in that area. Waita minute, she's saying there's a number
of domestic violence incidents is happening inthat area? What in West Michigan?
Not any more than anywhere else.I mean, it's horrifying as any sort
of violence, domestic violence might be. I mean, it's horrifying. Howbud
he is denying that, of course, not defending it, but can you

imagine that? She said, there'smore of that happening, and she went
on to CNN with Wolf Blitzer tocall out West Michigan and say West Michigan
has a number of higher elevated numberof domestic violence cases and that's why this
is happening. Give me a break. You can't you make that make sense.

You can't. But the president,you know, the former president excuse
me, is coming to sort ofmake this a political event for himself.
And you know, I think thething that no one is missing is that
for all the talk that the formerpresident and his allies have about the border,
and all we need to do tosecure the border. They will not

let us vote on a bipartisan packagethat the Republicans presented. No, they
don't want to give more money toroll out a red carpet for more folks
coming here and then eventually give everybodyam the sea. They don't want that
to happen. Then they want toshut the border. That's what people want
to be done. This is itabout politics, not the Republican's fault.

At the end of the day,think about this, all that money going
down there to the border. Whodo you think gets ten percent, ten
percent for the big guy at allof it. They just want a more
plush, more VIP experience. Fourteenhundred bucks for illegals in New York City
and you can barely pay your grocerybill. That's what these people think.

We're so dumb, we can't understandit. You've got to be kidding me.
A couple of weeks ago, andI think that's the thing that is
just so gruesome about this is thatyou have a terrible murder of a young
woman and then you have the presidentcoming former president coming in and saying,
you know, it's all about theborder, and border security. But well,
what the heck is it about,ma'am? What is it about?

How many people need to die?This is the second one this year here
Lake and Riley's horrific death. Howmany more people need to die? And
until you'll get it through your thickskull, we've got to close the border.
It's like they're in a rowboat.It's got a big hole in it,
and they've got a pail and they'retrying to bail out water out of
the rowboat without addressing the hole,the massive hole that's in the rowboat,

breaking the water in. You're goingto bail and bail and bail, and
against what that water's just going tokeep coming in. Eventually that boat's going
to sink. And she's over heretrying to rearrange the debt chairs a matter
of fire over them, matter offact, on the Titanic. It's just
insanity. You and I and ourfamilies are at risk in the midst of
it, all violence, possible terroristto tax and threats. In fact,

I got one right here. Igot to actually deal with the border.
So that's what's frustrating to a lotof us and him and his allies,
including people I'm running against are usingit as a political issue, not that
they care for this particular woman.This comes with the same people. At
any time there's an issue with agun anywhere, they run to the podium
to yell, we ought to takeeverybody's guns. Politicizing it. No,

how about the fact that people actuallycare. How about the fact that we
actually care about what's going on.The only reason we're talking about this story
is because somebody in this audience sawit. They heard what actually happened,
and they saw that it wasn't beingcovered. In fact, it was being
covered up. They sent me thetip. I sent it to the Midwestern

or the Midwesterner did the good workbehind the scenes to confirm it all found
out it was a truth. Andbefore the Michigan State Police would say so,
before anybody else in any local mediawould say so, we got the
truth out there and then it tookoff, because that's what the truth does.
But it finally gets out there,it took off nationally, internationally.

In fact a story and maybe there'sa chance to get justice for Ruby.
After all, despite what Shanghai Slutkinwants to do and play, these people
can't They can't even admit that thewoman is dead today because of their policies.
China shangh Ice locking at it again. Look, this is just story.
After the gas lighting continues. Igot more of it coming out.

We'll get into more of the insanity. Hey, good morning to you.
Beautiful as it is, things they'reonly heating up. President Trump joins just
nine thirty five. You'll hear fromhim. I had to his trip here
tomorrow to address this issue, shineof spotlight on it and force these folks

and the press to cover it.Back after this Wood thirteen hundred and one
O six nine FM, I'm jumpingback on the area. You could join
the program at any time, ofcourse. Jump in at six one,
six, seven, seven, fourtwenty fourth. President Trump coming up nine

thirty five ahead of his trip hereto Michigan. It'll be here tomorrow afternoon,
so he'll keep that in mind.Traffic downtown and things like that be
a devas place. And I thinkobviously it's a private event. I think
they're going to come back and dosomething certainly within the year, but I'm

thinking fairly soon from what I understand. But this is a private event.
They'll they'll be talking more about withlaw enforcement, holding a press conference about
what needs to be done, andof course shining a spotlight on that horrific
death, the murder of Ruby Garcia. Details on that coming out, but
first, want to think the folksat Mentality for helping keep this podcast,

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Do it today because we need youin the fight. Jumping on the
phones, deb in Grand Rapids.You're on West Michigan Life. Good morning,
Hi Justin. I'm just calling inbecause I just had a comment regarding
the murder, unfortunately of Ruby Garciaon March twenty fifth. I pulled up

my wood TVA app and I readthe headline, which was basically woman found
that on side a highway. Madepeople laugh, you know, regarding the
fact that she was found out onthe side of the highway, yet not
mentioning murder, not mentioning that thispoor woman lost her life at the hands

of an a person who was illegallyin the United States. So I was
incensed. I called withoud TV eightbecause I knew that this person had already
the perpetrator had already been picked upand they were determining that this, yes
was a murder and that he wasillegal. They had his name and everything.

But yet in this article they didn'thave any of that. So when
I called and complained once you know, uh, and a person picked up
the phone, I asked if theywere the right person to complain to you.
They said yes. I then lodgedmy complaint and I was told,

and this is her exact words,that it was my opinion. And at
that point it was even more intensivebecause I thought to myself, what you
actually think that it's my opinion thatthis woman was murdered and left on the
side of a highway in our community, and that's an opinion. So I

was pretty stunned and just disgusted withthem. And at this point I won't
be reading any other articles. Butthat article is still up on their website
if you want to what did yousay? The title was? It was
woman found dead on the side ofthe hot woman found dead made people laugh,

like she was someone who made peoplelaugh. I think of how it's
it's a terrible, poorly written title. Oh okay, I see, so
you went yours no mention of amurder. It was like as if she
was found dead on the side ofthe highway, just like you know,
found dead there. It doesn't makeany sense. Wow. And so when

I challenged the fact that they hadnothing on there about her being murdered,
you know, by person I legallyin our country or any anything like that,
they of course found that to bemy opinion. Well, thank you
for the call, deb I appreciateit. I know there's a lot of
folks eyes are opening all the wayaround, particularly around this this subject.
In a way. This whole thingwas handled, and it's it's horrific.

By the way, we'll talk moreabout it. I appreciate it covering it
up. Thank you, Thank you, deb I appreciate you. Yeah,
it's because of folks like you thatare standing up and saying, look,
we're not going to do this anymore. That things are changing. Of course,
the only reason we hear about thisstory is because of folks like you.
President Trump comments on the next ninethirty five. I know you're watching

it. Truth, logic and commonsense. Folks. We are lighting the
way. The stories you won't hearanywhere else, and many of them were
actually forcing the mainstream media to covertrying to reconnect people to reality. It's

been a slap in the face realitythe last few a few months. We've
been watching it and unfortunately, storyafter story that completely appeared to be avoidable
at every end. We're talking aboutthe latest now, Ruby Garcia. The
murder of this young woman on thewest side of the state, absolutely horrific.

The man who killed her, shother twice, dumped their body outside
of a car there on the highwayin Grand Rapids, Michigan. And of
course that man never should have beenhere. He was here illegal. He
was deported back in twenty twenty,I think it was, or in the
Trump administration somehow made his way backinto the country. Imagine that President Donald

Trump joins us now out of histrip coming up tomorrow to Grand Rapids,
Michigan, to highlight this story,the story that never would have gotten any
coverage if it weren't for folks likeyou listening to this program and sharing the
tips. Mister President, thank youso much for taking the time, and
thank you for shining a light onthis story. Well, thank you,

and it's great to be back withyou. But that's a terrible story.
We had him at it here andhe came back. We had a tough
policy of getting the bad ones out, and we were getting the bad ones
out, and now the bad onesare coming in at the level that nobody's
ever seen before. You haven't,I haven't. I don't think any country
in the world has ever seen what'shappening. Now we have him coming in
at levels. This is a horribleincident with Ruby, what a horrible thing.

But now they're coming in. They'repouring into career criminals and from jails
and from mental institutions and terrorists bythe way, and at levels that no
country has ever seen before. It'sinsane what they're doing. Insane. You
know, you mentioned obviously the criminalityportion of this. We've got this story

happening at one moment, but onthe other side, we got a story
on the east side of the statein Oakland County as the sheriff is a
warning again to residents. Chilean gangsfolks here in the country terrorizing Oakland County
homeowners again with these home invasions.So it's I mean, it's crime on
every single layer. But not onlythat, we also have the story about

the fact that Isis may be plottinglarge scale terror attacks on US soil.
Because the open border, we don'teven know who's here and who may be
intending harm. We have no ideawho's here, we have no idea where
they come from. You mentioned Chilean, Well, what about Venezuela and so
Venezuela just announced that their crime rateis down sixty seven percent, and the

reason is because they've taken all theirgangs, and they have the roughest gangs.
They've taken all of their gangs,their gang leaders, every one of
their gangs is gone now they dumpedthem into the United States. I mean,
this isn't even you know, wehave this conversation, then it sounds
it sounds like it's not possible becauseit's so stupid. The whole thing is

so stupid. So Venezuela crime rateis down sixty seven percent and they don't
have gangs anymore in different to thedifferent cities and outside of the cities,
they're all gone. And the peopleare thrilled, you know, they're saying,
oh, this is wonderful. They'venever had it like this before.
We have their gangs, but wehave Chilean gangs, and we have gangs

from every country, including countries outsideof South America that are you know,
this is no longer South America.This is all over the world. They're
coming from the Congo. You probablysaw the other day numerous people coming from
jails and the Congo. Where doyou come from the Congo where they were
in jail. Oh that's nice,wonderful, we have them. They empty

their jails from countries all over theworld. I guarantee you the real crime
rate all over the world is waydown because they've given and I do the
same thing. If I were adictator or a president or anybody running a
country, I would do the exactsame thing. First thing I'd do is
I say, wow, I'd emptyup every prison. I'd empty up every
every mental institution. And that's whatthe countries are doing all over the world,

and they're putting them in our country. Biden is the worst president we've
ever had. Is this is somethingthat's country changing. This is not like
you know, like the cost ofgasoline or even education or anything. Is
this is country threatening. What they'redoing. We're ending up with a country

that's going to be loaded up withcriminals at levels that the police won't even
be able to handle. You're talkingabout millions of people President Trump joining us
right now. In fact, we'reseeing that in a lot of blue cities
and a lot of these Democrats strongholds. I don't think I've ever seen this
before, but folks are saying,man, this has gone way too far.

Democrats, Folks who have voted predominantlyfor Democrats a year after year after
year, they're watching and they're saying, well, they're giving all this money
that they used to give to usto these other folks coming in. They
can't support it. Of course,the crime is a whole other issue,
and this is why Michigan and manyof these other places are in play.
How big of a issue is thisfor folks this election. I think it's

the number one issue. Now.I'm very good in the economy. I
got great March. We had thegreatest economy in history when during my administration.
But you know what, this ismaybe the biggest of all. Nobody's
ever seen anything like this. Nocountry has ever been so stupid to take
people like this, and we're takingthem by the thousands, could be the
thousands every day, and they arerough. We have a new form of

crime. You know. We haveviolent crime, and we have crime,
and we have different We have nowa thing called migrant crime. It's Biden
migrant crime, but it's migrant crime. And these guys are tougher. The
only good thing about it is thatthey're tougher than our criminals. So our
criminals are sort of staying in thebackground a little bit because I don't want

to get the hell knocked out ofthem. The whole thing is crazy,
and it was you know, wehad the strongest border in history. I
built five hundred and seventy one milesof wall, which is much more than
I said I was going to Iwas going to add two hundred. I
was all set to build another twohundred miles. Could have been done in
three weeks. We were throwing thepanels up, and it could have been

done, and they said, wedon't want to do it. That's the
first sign that I got, becauseI figured they were just kidding when they
said open borders, but they meantit, and they still mean it.
You know. It's with all ofthe things we're talking about, they still
want to open borders. The wholething is not believable. You know,
do you ever have something that's sostupid you don't really believe it because it's

so crazy. This is one ofthem that we're going to allow hundreds of
thousands of murderers, criminals, anddrug dealers, the worst of every country
in the world, the worst,We're going to allow them into our country.
And nobody thought of this. Youknow, they said, oh,
it's wonderful the migrants are coming,and isn't that beautiful, and you know

they have pictures of you know,it's like, you know, like like
some kind of a movie. Isn'tit wonderful. The migrants are the migrants
in many cases are murderers and drugdealers and prisoners and mental patients. You
know, the mental institutions all overthe world, the populations down by fifty
percent, and they're going to getrid of all of them. They're continuing,

it's going to be done. They'renot going to have any mental patients,
they're not going to have any prisoners, they're not going to have anything
ever reach out. You know whatthese countries are saving in terms of money
and crime. It's like they're likenew countries. Mister President Zy, what's
going on your trip here tomorrow?Obviously to highlight this issue? What are

you expecting to do and who areyou expecting to meet with? Obviously highlighting
this critical issue. Well, we'regonna have a great trip. We're gonna
have some wonderful people, and we'vegot to win. We've got to win.
As you know, you have aSenate race, and I endorsed a
man that I think is going todo a great job, Mike Rogers.

We have some incredible people. We'vehad some incredible races over the I've got
a ninety nine percent you know onthe on the Republican side. I have
about a ninety nine almost a ninetynine percent approval rating on when I When
I endure somebody, they win.And for me to endure somebody, they've
got to be very tough on crime. They've got to have all the different

things that you and I know andtalk about, but they've got to be
tough on crime, and they've gotto be tough on this issue. This
is a whole new category of crime. This isn't like, you know,
an extension of something. This isa whole new kid. This is migrant
crime. Do you know in NewYork City something I've never seen. I've
seen the cops get abused, andI've seen cops get shot. I've seen

everything, but I sell cops havingfistfights with people in the middle of the
street in New York City, actuallyfistfights. These were the migrants coming in
and they're having fistfights. Usually ittakes place quickly because you know, there's
a little bit of respect for thelaw. But can you imagine guys standing
out there and duking it out inthe middle of a street with a cop.

I've never seen that before. Youknow, when you think of what
that represents, it so that nowin their country, they wouldn't do that
because they'd be shot instantly. Inour country, we're politically correct. We
don't do this. We let themdo it out. Mister President, you
know, the crime all through everypart of the country right now, it
seems like lawlessness. It is atoothier justice system, and I know you

have more experience with that than almostanyone at this point. But watching some
of these things, and apparently theother day, it's a tale of four
different presidents. Three were together ata big swinky twenty five million dollar fundraiser
with Stephen Colbert one hundred thousand dollarsfor a picture here and there, and
then you went to the wake asyou invited to the wake of this NYPD

officer, Jonathan Diller, who waskilled by this man again. I don't
know how many times he had beenarrested again out and able to do this.
All of these stories that we hearover and over again, completely avoidable.
But it is an interesting tale depictionof two different ways that folks would
operate, and this just shows Ithink the difference in this case as well.

Well. That was a very sadmoment. The person that shot him
and a great family, it is, but shot. The officer was a
absolute criminal, arrested twenty one times, very violent arrest very violent. He's
a very violent guy. The guyin his car was known as Killer and

he was also arrested many times.And they opened the door of the car,
they just shot him, just shothim, just point blank and hit
him in the vest the first shot. Then they aimed low and just absolutely
what happened. And I was hewas a mega fan, a big mega
fan, and so was his greatwife, Stephanie, and they wanted me

to be there, and I wasthere and I said, what, you
had thousands of police there. It'sjust it's just hit a nerve, you
know sometimes these things because police ashot all the time and it's a rough
job. It's a dangerous shot.But this one, it caught the imagination
of the world in a sense,and it's amazing. I saw thousands and

thousands of cops lined up as faras the eye could see at this at
the funeral parlor. But I wasinvited and I spoke with a wife and
we viewed the casket together and infront of a lot of people that were
there. And it's horrible. What'shappening. You know, this old cashless
bail. That's the new rage forthe liberals. They're destroying this country.

Between that, the whole thing thatwe just talked about with the migrants coming
in the roughest. These are theroughest people, and they're coming in and
you won't have enough cops to takecare. They don't even want the cops.
They wanted to fund the police ontop of everything else. Think of
it a car door. If you'rea policeman, how dangerous is it a

car door opens up and a guyshoots you? How do you protect yourself
from that? It's such a dangerousjob. It has become much more dangerous
now, and we're gonna have doubleand triple the crime because of what's because
of the people that are coming in. You know right now. It's a
rather depressing phone call, isn't thattwenty you think of it. But we're
going to deport them all the hellout of here. We are going to

deport them so fast, it'll bethe largest deportation in history. And if
they say you can't have them back, we're going to shove them into that
country. Don't worry, we'll getthem back, you know. With President
Obama before me, we never broughtback MS thirteen or anything because the countries
wouldn't take them. And when Icame in, they said, sir,

I'm sorry, but the countries won'ttake them. And Ice is incredible,
the border patrol is incredible, andwe had to round it up, but
they wouldn't take them. And Icalled those countries ahead, guys, I
said, here's the story. Yougot twenty four hours. You take every
one of them, and we're notgiving you anything anymore. You're not trading
with the US. You're not goingto do anything. And the seven hundred

and fifty million dollars that we payyou each year stops immediately. And they
said, we'd love to have themback, so it would be a great
honor to have thirteen back in ourcountry. We put them all back in
there, like in two minutes.But and we literally put thousands of people.
We deported thousands of the worst criminals, and we've got to do that

now. But to let them in, to do this, to destroy our
country like this, there's just nosense to it. A lot of people
say they do it for the votes. They cheat so much, they don't
need to do that. They cheatlike dogs on the votes. To allow
this to happen to our country isreally I think by people that want to

destroy they're either stupid because they can'tbe that stupid because they cheat so well.
So they're either stupid or they hateour country. And I believe they
hate our country. Mister President,I appreciate you taking the time to be
with us today, and I appreciateyou taking the time to come visit to
Michigan tomorrow and grand rapids of thisstory with Ruby Garcia never would have gotten

any traction if it weren't for folkswho like listen to this program. One
woman sent us the tip and said, hey, you've got to check into
this. We sent it on tothe folks at the Midwestern or at the
Midwesterner dot news, and they're doinggreat work. Local stations and newspapers didn't
want to cover this story, butnow they'll be forced to and maybe her
family, maybe there will be justicefor Ruby after all because of this.

I just I thank you for takingthe time to do that. Well.
I'd love to have her family thereif they'd like to be there, be
in my honor, and I'll makesure they get back and see you can
coordinate with my people. I hopeyou're going to be there possible, It
would be great because you've been sofit, you've been such a force,
and I know all about you,and you've been you've been really a force,

and I we appreciate it. Andwe have to save our country.
Our country has really never been ina thing like this, on top of
all of the other problems with thewar and nuclear weapons that we don't even
talk about right now. Right it'sjust what's what's happening. Our country is
so it's trouble. It's never beenin trouble like this now, mister President.
I know folks are definitely feeling it. They're frustrated, they're feeling hopeless

and help us in some cases.But at the same time you're mentioning something
that's important for us to remember isthat we've got a critical election and we
have the opportunity to take this thingback. And boy, we can't wait
until you do. We can saveit. And if we don't win this
election, I don't believe we'll beable to save it any long. Our

country is going to be destroyed.We're going to save it. Twenty twenty
four is the most important date inthe history or it's called November fifth,
and it's the most important day inthe history of our country. That's what
I feel. I truly feel thattwenty twenty four. If we don't win
this election, I think our countryis going to be destroyed. Well that

makes it pretty clear, President Trump, Thank you so much for taking the
time with Absolutely, we're going towin it. Okay, just to leave
it a little bit of a hindnote, because it is a depressing conversation.
It's pretty is very depressing, andyour depressed. We're all depressed because
we're seeing what happened. We're goingto win it, and we're going to
be the opposite of depressed and we'llbring it back with it. You know

the expression, We're going to makeAmerica great again. And we have no
choice. You know, we haveno choice. But we're going to win
the election. And I want tothank you. Maybe i'll see you tomorrow.
I want to thank you, andlet Ruby's let Ruby's relatives and everybody
know that would love to say alittle to them. Absolutely, thank you,

mister president. Appreciate you and thankyou for the fight. Thank you
very much. I free you too. God, thank you very much by
President Donald Trump. I always remembertoo, will remind you folks that no
matter what the circumstances are, Godis still on the throne, and we
have opportunities individually to walk out thesolutions. And we've just been presented with

a big one this year, morecritical than ever before. I can remember
in my lifetime President Donald Trump layingout the path for point right where back
after this, It's forty five onWood Radio. Not gonna have a lot
of time here, but we dohave an after show firing up online justin
barclay dot com and of course theiHeartRadio app wherever you download your podcasts.

What is Hillary Scholton, congresswoman herein West Michigan. What does she have
to say about all this? Shespoke out the other day, finally saying,
Rubies Dan, it's taken some ofthese folks who aile these Democrats a
while to get around to it.It's been appalling, she says, to
watch my Republican colleagues tripping over themselvesto try and get to the news cameras
to highlight that the perpetrator of thiscrime was an individual who was here in

the United States without authorization. Shecan't even say illegal catching without authorization.
Somebody's in my home without authorization?What think about some of these stems.
Someone has gained access to a farmand using it without authorization. What kind
of crazy double talk is this?She says, that's an important fact.

We can talk about the fact,but let's get some respect for Ruby Garcia
and her family. Well, that'swhat we're doing. How long did it
take Hillary Schulton to say her name? She doesn't want to talk about this
because it is her fault, alongwith Biden Slotkin the rest of the Democrats.
They own this issue, unfortunately ina very very bad way. And

what justice for Ruby and her family, and of course justice for Lake and
Riley, justice for the uncalled.All of these names and folks you don't
even know because you don't get tohear them. This is an important issue.
It's not going away anytime soon,and it's not being used politically.

It is politically a fiery and importantissue because it is so critical. It
doesn't matter what kind of gas lightingor were rearranging nonsense any of the folks
on the left of the media wantto try. We won't let up full
speed ahead back tomorrow morning. Makeit a great God. Bless
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