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July 19, 2024 54 mins
Hy and Christopher host Louisiana State Treasurer Dr. John Fleming and Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court Jon Gegenheimer live from Milwaukee and the floor of the Republican National Convention.

Both men are delegates from Louisiana to the RNC, and they explain how emotions have changed amongst their fellow delegates after the assassination attempt over the course of the subsequent week.

They talk about Louisiana’s unique role in the 2024 convention, and how some of the Pelican State’s late night parties have actually influenced the RNC over the past week.  Fleming, in particular, compares this year’s convention to RNC nominating conventions (which he has attended in the past), and he sees a distinct difference. He smells a winner in 2024 for Donald Trump.
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Episode Transcript

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Bide holes. The politicians addressed,the digitators and magicians choose to see the
money, then you don't. There'snothing to fill the holes while then are
feeling their pockets bid holes, thepoliticians bouncing down the road. Every body'sition

with no moment, Corruption and dysfunction'sgone on a table. Divine is a
vention and God bless all out there. You are now listening to the founders.
So the voice of the founding fathers, You're founding fathers coming to you
deep within the bowels of those mysticand cryptic alligator swamps of the Big Easy,

that old Crescent City, New Orleans, Louisiana, and high up on
top of that old Liberty Cypress treeway out on the Eagles Branch. This
is none other than your spenary babaO the republic Chaplain High mcenry, with
Sir for Tid Maury Roving, Reporter, resident Radical Moderate and associate editor of
the Louisiana Weekly newspaper at Louisiana Weeklydot net, and Hi, we are

joined by two eminent gentlemen calling usfrom the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.
In the closing hours of the LouisianaState treasurer, doctor John Fleming, and
Jefferson Parish's Clerk of Court, JohnGegenheimer. We refer to you guys by
your last name, so it's notto cause massive confusion. But doctor Fleming,
mister doctor John. I like doctordoctor John. He's making you very

cool. John. So one ofthe things that's been interesting at this convention
is not only do we have wesee Mike Johnson as the speaker, he
sees Scalise giving a very impassioned speech. But basically, I mean, I
hate to put it in the mostblunt terms, but Louisiana has been throwing
the best parties every night till midnight, and everybody's been coming by, and
can you tell us what's happening offthe convention floor a little bit if you

would. We're surprised about the parties. No, no, no, not
at all. Go ahead, John, go ahead, doctor go ahead.
All right. Uh well, lookI can tell you this. There's no
lack of alcohol in the uh bear. In fact, I was I was
searching for a diet coke, andI found all kinds of bourbons, and

I found wine, and I foundevery beer you can imagine, but I
could not find a diet coke.So trust me, there is a lot
of partying going on here. Lastnight Steve Scalise and uh uh Senator Barasso
had a big party and we hadlots of fun there. I can imagine
it's uh. People tend to comein, whether it's Washington, Mardi Gras,

or the r n C to Louisiana'sparties. And I would say having
watched between Eric Scremetta's wonderful multicolors hehas a seersucker suit for literally every day
of the week. Wow, andRoger Villary's Roger Hillary's white suits, you
guys have made an impression on thefloor. What's been interesting, though,
is to watch how much Louisiana uhdoctor Fleming. And I want to bring

in mister Gagenheimer on this, howhow Louisiana is not only the center of
power in Washington, but it's reallybeen kind of the center of influence.
You guys are right next to Ohio, between Michigan right there as convention delegates
on the floor, you're kind ofin the middle of everything, aren't you,
doctor Fleming. Oh yeah, absolutely, uh. And we we really
had an idea, uh that JDVance was going to be the selection and

recause. On the first day,there was a lot of activity around the
Ohio delegation just in front of us, lots of interviewing going on, and
you could tell that there was somethingspecial going on there. And of course
we found later in the day thatj D was the choice. Mister Gagenheimer,
you you you basically have been workingthe floor and this is and you've

you've held every position in stake.You've been ah, you've been the former
chairman of the Louisiana Republican Party inthis what you what are you seeing on
the floor? As the reaction?Did people expect JD Vance to be the
choice? I think so. Acouple of days earlier, rumors were pretty
heavy that he was going to bea choice, and I figured he would
be, so it wasn't really asurprise. And he came right down the

aisle and passed Louisiana delegation and Igot to shake his hand, which was
very nice, and it was reallyspecial, really special. The whole experience
has been special. I think hepicked a great choice because of his capabilities,
his experience, his youthfulness. He'sgoing to have many years ahead of
him, and he just seems tobe a dynamic, brilliant guy and a

man of the people, a guywho knows what real hard knocks her lock,
what it's like to struggle through hardtimes. He's a really, really,
I mean, an amazing, remarkableman. I'm in the ministry and
work with him and say kids,and I've done addiction counseling for years,
so I really understood, you know, his story and his family story,
and I'm so impressed with this man. The more I learn about him,

the more impressed I ha. DoctorFleming, Yeah, yeah, we really
didn't know him too well until lastnight. Yeah, he laid out his
life story and it was really inspiringand I think people can identify with the
hill billy elegy folks. What you'rehearing in the background is the vaccinations from
the out the eskirts of the RepublicanNational Convention in Milwaukee. We're joined by

doctor John Fleming, Louisiana's Treasurer JohnGagenheimer, the Clerk of Court for Jefferson
Parish, both delegates to the rn C, and I want to choose
you both. Start with doctor Fleming. You know, it's interesting to watch
this Republican Convention. I had afriend of mine call me and said,
wait, I watched people cheering thehead the president of the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters talking about rapacious corporations. Iheard, you know, JD. Vance

talking about forgotten communities. He said, you know, doctor Fleming, I
would tell you that. You know, while the Republican Party is reforming itself
kind of as a working class party, for a lot of people, it's
got whiplash in the media. It'sit's it's seeming wait, wait this this
is not your grandfather's Republican Party,much less your father's is. I was
curious on the floor what the reactionwas. For example, when Shawn O'Brian

was talking about, you know,some of the some of the workers issues,
some of this opposition for right towork in others, there was there
universal support on the floor because it'scertainly something Jeddie Vance has been in support
of Donald Trump, but it's nota conventionally Republican issue. Well, I
would say, I would say this, the Republican Party now is clearly the

party of the working man and woman, really, and and while there still
may be some things we may notagree on when it comes to organized labor,
it's clear that organized labor's beginning torecognize the Republican Party as somebody who
will actually work for them rather thanjust make promises and never do anything.
Look, it doesn't matter that you'rein a union if you don't have a

job, right and we're good,you know. Yeah, Well, you
know with NAFTA and all the othertrade agreements where we send the jobs over
to China. Well, you know, again, what difference does it make
if you are in a union butyou don't have a job. So I
think that unions are beginning to recognizethat. And also I just think the

party in general is morphing towards ayounger a group. Uh, you know,
the next generation is JD. Vancedefinitely imblemizes, uh, the next
generation. He's barely forty and uh. And then also multicultural. I mean,
we had speakers and we have peopleout as delegates who come from every

walk of the life. Uh,like every skin color, every ethnic background.
I mean, it's it's really abig ten in the r n C.
Yeah, it is. Well,you know, I'm I'm very active
in the Tea Party, and wheneverwe have our meetings, there's a complete
cross cut of society, of ethnicityof you know jobs where they fit into

the social spectrum in all our meetings, then what do we what do we?
So let me ask you both andstart with you, mister Gangheimer.
We can talk about some of theelements of the candidates, but what do
you see on the floor? AndI know you've got a little background people
on line there, John, butuh, what are you seeing on the
floor that we're not seeing on theTV screen? What what's going on on

the floor that you're observing that you'dlike the public to kind of get an
idea of. Well, I supposethe TV screen character is the spirit of
this place, but you can certainlyfeel it in here. Yeah, A
love. Touching back on what doctorFleming said, I would go ahead the
party. I'm sorry on the party. I had a very Democrat friend of

mine, very close friend, andshe was talking about I'm out of breath
because I had to walk to getto my seat a long way. It's
a big arena, and she saysTrump has changed, and we are and
for the listen, she's joining us. Yeah, we are. We're We're
alive with John Gangheimer and John Flemingat the arena in Milwaukee. Go ahead,
please, and my friend says,well, he's changing the face of

the Republican Party. I said,and thank god he is, amen,
because if it were, if itdid, if the face didn't change,
would never win another election. I'msocially, what's happened is that we've become
and Trump is really a populous He'sa conservative, there's no question, but
he's a populist conservative. And that'swhat we needed to do, is doctor
Glevins said, we have to identifywith the working man, got to identify

with Joe six Pack. Let's let'sface it. Amen, And people like
Romney and McCain and doel bless theirhearts, they just didn't attract our appeal
to those people. Well, andI want to bring you both because you
both are a well known social conservatives. One of the debates prior to the
assassination attempt, I thought there wasgonna be more conversation on the floor.

Obviously that that attempt has sort ofbrought a sort of unity to the party
that wasn't there. But there wasa lot of discussion. We had Roger
Villary on last week talking about thePlatform committee, and you know what Sean
Hannity put, I thought, I'mgonna compliment Sean Hanny, Hi's gonna have
being shocked that I do. Buthe said, you know, it seems
like like the Republican you know,Bill Clinton used to say, you know,

abortion should be safe, legal,and rare. For the Republican Party.
It seems like abortion should be safe, rare, and early that there
was a consensus the first twelve weeksof abortion putting it taking the human I
thought that was going to be moreof a debate on the floor, a
lot more at tension. And thenlast Saturday happened and basically it doesn't seem

like it came up in discussion onthe floor with your delegates. Did you
see is there still any holdover aboutthe Platform committee arguments that happened last week,
doctor Fleming, if you want togo first on that, yes,
Well, first of all, therewas some internal debates on the Platform Committee
and what we came out or whatthey came out with. I'm not on

that committee. What they came outwith was an overwhelming majority that believed that
we should go forward with the platformas it is. So what is the
big question here? Well, rememberwhat we've been fighting for for fifty years
is to take down Roe V.Wade and Dobbs' decision did that. It

returned the decisions now to the states, and look at Louisiana, we don't
have to my knowledge, we don'teven have a single abortion clinic in the
entire state. So while we haven'teradicated abortions altogether, I think that there
are some in the party who wantto take a pragmatic view and try try
to continue to put pressure on theculture to lower the rate of abortions,

but at the same time not tonot create such a friction over this that
we can't get people elected who aregoing to vote to reduce the incidents.
Like Louis Reagan said it in hissense of compromise was it's better to get
ninety percent of the package than nothing, So you have to do that in

politics. Well, it was,but it was the first plass for compromise
about It was the first platform ina Republican invention that didn't have the Human
Life Amendment in it. It's Iagree. I think it's from a political
standpoint, acknowledging states are different.I think is a is the only politically
survivable thing to do. I'm justsaying I think, yeah, there's there's
the people the party who aren't happyabout this, of course can Yeah,

it's not it's it's a constitutional issue. And where Roe versus Wade got it
wrong is it's completely ignored the tenthAmendment, which means you leave it up
to each state to decide what theywant to do about that issue. And
that essentially is what the Dobbs decisiondoes. And nobody has said yet the

lady who was named Rowe, ofcourse wasn't her name, eventually came to
a pose abortion big time in thatcase. Nobody's just said that yet.
She's even a pro life movie bythe way. Yeah, yes, that's
something that's essentially it's a it's atenth Amendment issue. And the Supreme Court
and the rocation liberal Supreme Court,which loves to rewrite the Constitution and legislate

from the bench, completely ignored thetenth Amendment, wrong on its face,
wrong on its face. And Iwill but I will say there were some
people who had called us saying that, you know that they wanted a national
late term band. We don't wantto spend the whole show talking about this
because there's a lot coming on theconvention, but there's I was I was
interested about how a lot of thearguments in the party kind of went away

after Saturday. It tell me,I mean, because you guys were heading
up to the convention as what happenedin Butler happened as the shooting happened.
If I'm not mistaken, you guyswere flying up there or just arriving,
And how did sort of the atmospheretotally change from before and after that moment,
Doctor Fleming, I mean, it'sit must have been transmitted, please.

Yeah, I learned about it whileI was in mid flight to Milwaukee.
Yeah, I got a text throughthe internet which I was online to
and of course I did know forthe first moments whether whether he survived or
not, which was you know,really really hurt. But but luckily i've
you know, found later that theyget survived, it wasn't a severe injury.
So uh so, I think therewas a great feeling of relief throughout

everyone, realizing that he came soclose and we're finding out how irresponsible the
Secret Service was in that whole thingthat should have never happened, never,
and and and it's only through God'shand that he did not get killed.
So so from that point We've gonefrom relief to now sort of a crescendo

of jubilation, which will of coursemax out tonight. Uh when when when
he gives an electrified, an electrifyingspeech. And of course, folks,
we are taping this right before DonaldTrump would be giving his speech on Thursday
evening for our for our Friday andSunday airings, and John Geggenheimer, you

know, it's there is a there'sa sense of unity in this convention.
Obviously, Nikki Halley's speech admittedly seemeda little forced. Somebody made the comparison
that it seemed at the one handit was very praising. On the other
hand, it seemed a bit likean ex wife giving a toast to her
husband and a new wife. Butit was It's one of those situations where

it does seem the Republicans are alot more unified than the Democrats, who
are back to trying to get ridof Biden right now. They certainly was
speaking of where we were when thisnews broke. I was already here.
I was wife and I were havinga nice relaxing dinner at a beautiful little
place in a cedar grove of oneof these little towns near Milwaukee, and

I got a text from my sonthat Trump had been shot and then eventually,
you know, a half hour orso later it killed me was up
and walking, So that was wonderful. But what it has, what it's
done. You had this sense ofrelief, and then that gave way to
this seemingly unshake will resolve on thepart of everybody here. And that all

flows down from Trump because that's whathe showed in addition to this amazing courage.
It's unshakable or resolved that the manhas, and he set an example
for all of us to follow.I think it just changed the whole tenor
of the convention, and I thinkit has changed the minds of a lot
of people who seem to be incurabletrumpetphobes. Yeah before savage, Yeah yeah,

gentlemen, my reaction. And youknow, I have a background in
the military US so many bestial forceswith the top secret clearance. See I
I've set up security perimeters before Iknow, uh, you know what to
do, and and I've been.Now I'm communicating with some of some of
my other military buddies who have beenwho are real experts on all this,
and we're all looking at this andsaying one of two things. It's either

extreme irresponsibility, you know, malfeasancein office, dereliction of duty, or
even worse. Please is this aconspiracy? Hi, it's not. Everything's
a conspiracy. I will think everythingis. I said, is this one?
That's our dilemma? Run now we'retrying to figure out what so we
need information. We need to gatheras much because they made so many they
broke so many SOPs to make basicallyassure that he would die. And even

when they were evacuating him, everythingthe ingress and negress points are always kept
clear. They got in a trafficjam trying to get him out. That
could have been a second ambush.I mean, I can't tell you how
many violations they made. The waythey got him off the stage was wrong.
The fact that you know, thestory about the guy being up there
for thirty minutes and nobody did anything, the fact that he could even get
on the roof. They're just wererepeated violations of what we follow when we're

setting up security perimeters. There hasto be and I'm glad they're going to
do an investigation. What are youall talking about there? You know,
like on the floor, behind thescenes about it. That's just about what
I just said, gentlemen. Thediscussion as to whether or not presidential candidates
ought to have full presidential security,I think has been settled at this point
because that he didn't get it andwe almost lost him. Hit it your

thoughts, you know, he gotpoor not just they didn't. Sure,
they didn't have any people there,but it was Look, they could have
had one hundred one thousand people there, but if they handle it the way
they did, the guy still wouldhave been just barely killed. And God
did save his life when that wouldhappened. That day, I sent out
a text that said, he Godvoted doctor Fleming. You're you're the medical

professional here you started and then comesto get Gumer. Well, well,
look, uh think back remember GovernorWallace and uh RFK Senior. They were
killed, they were assassinated, andthey were only candidates. So look,
if you're if you're a person whois committed to assassinating someone that you don't

want to be president, uh,it's it's obviously easier under current rules to
do it while they're still a candidate. Poor RFK Junior, despite his father
and his uncle being assassinated didn't getany uh to coverage And and I'm not
going to accept at all that there'snot enough resources. We spend lots of

money on a lot of things thatare totally crazy. We've got the money
to protect our leaders, so thatthat whole thing is a keystone cop thing.
And you do you do worry thatthere could be conspiracy because it was
such a such a flub that youknow, you go, even even the

basic recruit policemen would know better thanto allow that to happen. It literally
was a perfect storm of of foobars of putting him at risk, a
perfect storm of security. And thisis what I think number I think it's
all at once is perfect timing.Tid more rule number one, as I
told all the liberals who are emailingme with their own conspiracy theories, which

were even more outlandish the Bob Robertsthing that you probably read about in the
press, and when I said,basically never ascribed to conspiracy. With simple
incompetence will explain. And this isincompetence on on. We need to overhaul
of the government because if the governorhas gotten this incompetent, this country is
in big time trouble. This isa gig hun. Yeah, you certainly

can't discount the possibility of a conspiracyin light of the circumstances. So we
have to keep an open mind there, and it might be totally debunked at
this group. But you got tofollow the evidence. You got to check
it acts, you gotta follow theevidence of wherever it leads us. Now,
hopefully the people who are gathering theclues are not those who have unfortunate

the FBI. The FBI investigates theSecret Service, so we at least we
have separate agencies. I do wantto get in weapons not sorry, and
the person in charge there's a bigTrump hater in charge of its security,
and my orcas, please, it'soutrageous. All right, let's let's get
back to Let's let's get back tothe UH, to the fact that if

you'd asked me a week ago,I was saying, I think Biden's gonna
hold on barely now, I meanafter the COVID thing and the split screen.
By the way, if the Trentcampaign could have paid for this,
they should have. They should justtake the video from CNN of the split
screen of Biden coming down the stairsfrom Air Force one with COVID and JD
Vance speaking. It's the most powerfulad I've ever seen. But the question

I'm getting in is, you gettwo men if we see Kamilla Harris.
Is this going to be Has therebeen any discussion on the floor, gentlemen
of the convention in Milwaukee that notonly might be following Kamila Harris, this
may be an all woman ticket,Kamala Harris with Gretchen Whitmer, the men
versus the women, the Battle ofthe sexes going into November. Has there
been any discussion about who the Kamala'srunning mate could be? Doc, you

want to go first? Okay,sure, thanks Sean. I think that
it's a little premature because we're onlynow really getting a sense that this thing
is going to happen. That isthat that Biden will not run for reelection.
It's not a done deal yet,but I mean it looks like that
the momentum is definitely in that way, and I think what they're reporting is

really much smaller numbers than what's reallyactively trying to talk him into stepping down,
uh, you know, behind thescenes. And then now the question
is, well, this is Whittmergoing to be at the top of the
ticket or is it going to beKamala. And you know we know that
Kamala polls lower than Biden does,so so the Democrats have a real problem

here. But we we'll see.But what what happened? They're not looking
good for Democrats, that's for sure. It's it's nobody would have the best
ahead. Mister Gingham. Yeah,the forces against Biden at this point,
I think it's too much to overcome. You've got Obama now on the the
Biden resigned team, along with NancyPelosi and then Chuck Shulman. There's just

too too many powerful people who arenudging him to resign. I don't know
if he can resist that. Asfar as two women ticket, I pray
that that happens with those two.I mean, you've got some confetent women,
but these these people are crazy anduh, I mean one of them
you talk about in confidence, it'sspelled kam right, the truth big time,

all right, general conpetence even speaking. She can't even speak. I
know, I know, I buythem. They're both buffoons on behind a
podium that far Christah, Sorry,everybody knows you know. One of the
things, I mean, you knowwhat she does, she covers it up
by cackling. That's the way shehandles her ability to speak. One of
the things I've been dealing with peopleon the left is attack people's policies.

But for God's sakes, the leftand the right has been going crazy on
the personal attacks in both sides,and it's I think it created this environment
anyway. But let's let's politics.Get very personally excited about that. People
look at their your personality, howyou act, and all that they really
do. And we're talking about politics. Yeah, except that there is policy
is the most important thing, butthat's not how wat And this is one
of the many cases. This isone thing about lesia. But let's get

back. We were joined by doctorJohn Fleming, the treasurer for the State
of Louisiana, and John Gagenheimer,the Clerk of Courter Jefferson Parish, both
on the floor of the Republican NationalConvention in Milwaukee. Gentlemen, I know
I promised you both that we'd havea limited amount of time. I know
you've got people to talk to andplaces to go on the floor, as
we do, but I want toask you both, starting with you,
John Gagenheimer and going to doctor Fleming, what are two or three of them?

You both are seasoned convention goers.This is in your first rodeo going
up to a national convention. Butwhat were three things that you found different
about this convention? Are three unexpectedthings that you observed that they could be
minor that the general public isn't seeingon the TV screen, or that you
just observed yourself. Go ahead,mister Gagenheimer, Okay, well the first

The first thing, of course,is Saturday. What happened on Saturday?
Yeah, obviously that's pretty a wholelot of things, and just put a
just we look at this convention througha different lens that we would have looked
at at that Saturday, Yeah happened. That's number one. Uh. Number
two is the uh, the arrayof speakers, ordinary citizens, speakers who

have come. I don't know ifthis is totally did not expect this,
but I mean it's just the numberof them and the passion that these people
showed, many of them Democrats whowill be voting for Trump. And then
the other thing, which again Ididn't really fully. I mean, it's
not surprising to me, but I'msure it's surprising to a lot of people.

I don't ever recall the presidential nomineescoming to the convention to the same
extent. Trump's been here every night. I've never seen that before, you
know, Yeah, and that's that'squite unusual. But Trump is uh,
he's he's just he marches to hisown drums and the energy buddy. And

by the way, this got meso fired up. I'm ready to charge
the beaches and armaday again. Allright, give me my doctor your three
observations. Well, yeah, forme, Uh, the the other two
conventions that I've been to were theone with McCain and the other Romney,
and there was a strong sense thatwe were going to lose at both of
those. I would say, it'sabsolutely opposite on this one, that there's

a very strong sense that we're closeto victory. So that that is the
most dark contrast. I would saythat I'm seeing and also just to you,
I mean, there's just you don'thardly hear any sort of comments or
whatever. Well I don't agree withthat or whatever. I mean, it's

like everybody is on board with what'shappening. So I would say, are
those are the two that quickly cometo mind for me that are in stark
contrast to what I've seen in thelast two And I've got to say maybe
it's Donald Trump's effect on the partyin some ways broadening it. But when
amber Rose came in speaking which onMonday night, which I think was one

of the most powerful speeches of thewhole convention, I couldn't have imagined,
uh, a gay woman of ofcolor, pro choice woman of color,
Uh, going and being a keynotespeaker to Republican Convention and getting a standing
ovation. It kind of does seethings have changed a little bit. In
her defense of Donald Trump has probablybeen the most powerful thing to come out

of that convention so far, otherthan the obvious shooting in the environs.
And I'm thinking, what was thereaction on the floor to amber Rose,
Doctor Fleming, you go first?I think acceptance. Uh, I believe
that we have crossed the river Jordanand becolm the big tent party in more
our country. I think what whatwhat we say is, Look, we're

for the working person, the personwho wants safety and security and strong borders
and good jobs, effective law enforcement. And we don't care whether you're male
or female or in between. Andwe don't care where you're from, or
what language you speak, or whatyour religion is. If you're if you're,
if you if you embraced our values, the American and we welcome you

aboard. Mister Gagenheimer, there's someSouthern Baptist who, no disrespect to my
partner, has always been very whomight have looked a skance and past conventions
of the combination of factors for AmberRose. Yet I saw everybody on their
feet cheering after her speech. Doyou think her yeah, it was the
most uh you know, one ofthe most powerful ones done or Christmas saying

she had the greatest impact. Whatdo you think I said? What I
said was she she had one ofthe most incredible speech. You said the
most But it's all right outside.How do you all think did you see
that on the floor that her messagewas maybe one of by far the most
one of the most or one ofthe most dynamic messages given, Oh,
no question about it, you oto speak. Whom I thought was really

dynamic was the lady from New Yorkwhose son was hurded. She didn't get
justice, and she she kind ofequated her experience with Trump sitting in these
cold court rooms. Yeah, yeah, because of victims of this vogue prosecute
Alvin Bragg. So she really identifiedwith that, and I thought that was

very powerful. Gentlemen, I havealready overtaken your time, and I really
appreciate you saying a few extra minuteswith us. I want to get final
thoughts from both of you. DoctorFleming, how are we and I want
to have you back. Please tellJordan to make it so we can actually
have you on to talk about youractual day job being Treasurer of Louisiana.
So I'm sorry we didn't get inthat, but if you would your thoughts
coming out of the convention as weas we head towards the election season and

what's going to happen next and nobody'sreally sure who you're even running against,
but what are your thoughts? Right? Well, my thoughts are basically what
we're gonna here hear from President Trumpis the uh message of unification. We're
all coming together, both as Republicansand as Americans, and uh, I

think everybody's going to want to startgetting on board and UH and let's end
the hating of America and I ourfellow, our neighbors, and so forth,
and so I look forward. I'mvery very optimistic about the next four
years. Mister man, Yes,I am too, And I think what
you're going to see and Trump isa changed man, has been a transformation

in that man in Saturday brought thaton. And I think you're gonna he's
gonna seem more like Reagan than hethan he than Trump twenty sixteen. Really,
I have to say that the onething that has come out of this
is Donald Trump's maybe this is andthis is a statement of this, his
own reaction that from what I've observedis you know a person who goes through

a near death experience, which,by any stretch of the imagination, he
had one milimeter over, He's adead man. Three shots? Yeah?
Does that? Shots tightly grouped,very quickly done. That meant that guy
was an expert shooter. He wasnot. He was a pro The question
the question I got is do youthink as a man? I mean,
I can't imagine how you're not changedby this, but do you think on
a personal level Donald Trumps been changedby this? Both of you either wonder

wants to comment. I mean,you have been talking to the president,
You've been seeing on the pedestal,but just from your reactions, he seems
a lot more subdued calm, Iguess the best way of saying. He
has a peaceful smile on his facethat I like. Yeah. Yeah,
And when he was walking down thewalkway the first night, uh, he
was almost he was near to tears, as they would say in Ireland.

Yeah. I've never seen him withthat expression and never thought I I thought
I never would. But he's he'sa changed person. Yeah, listen,
I heard you want to say anythingabout this before we go. Okay,
I heard this. I heard thatthat, you know, the next couple
of days after the shooting. Thatand I didn't see it, but I

just heard reports, news reports thathe was coming across like Billy Graham.
Did y'all see anything that I didn'tsee that? Okay, all, yeah,
okay, I can think of downTrump. Yeah, Doctor John Fleming,
John Gegenheimer, thank you for joiningus from the floor of the Republican
National Convention. We deeply appreciate youjoining us, and gentlemen, you know

we look forward to having you onas the campaign proceeds. Thank you much,
God blessed, Thank you, Thankyou, insights great help. Thank
you and folks. Hi McHenry andChristopher Tidmen. We will be back with
more coming into the selection season rightafter these important messages. Stay tuned more
of the Foundery Show right after this. Events are going on every night at

the Garden District book Shop in thehistoric Rink shopping center right above the Chickory
House Cafe at twenty seven to twentyseven, Britannia, over seventy spaces of
off street parking right off Washington Avenueor the corner of Washington, Britannia.
And some of the events that arecoming up at the Garden distrit book Shop.
Because remember there's a bar in theGarden District Bookshop that is open every
evening till eight o'clock and you cando wonderful things like on Tuesdays, there

are craft nights that anyone can comein. Fact, on the twenty th
of July, it's Christmas in July. Make your favorite book ornament. And
they also have pop up dinners onTuesdays and Thursdays. On Tuesdays it's brisket
hot dogs. They're incredible ladies andgentlemen. On Thursdays you can come in
and it looks like a little Tastyof Life and always join us. On
Fridays four o'clock the Cheese Committee Freecheese tastings and the Friend Dinner, where

the Garden District book Shop and theChickory House actually gives free food. They
say they aren't no such thing asfree lunch. You can come in and
each name is. On the twentysix it's gonna be Cocoa Van and French
Night in honor of the launch ofthe Olympics in Paris, with the music.
Come on, bring some food.It's a potla dinner. If you
want to bring some food, comehave a drink. You don't have to
bring any food, but bring afriend and cont to watch the Olympic opening

ceremonies to French music French food atthe Garden District book Shop on the twenty
sixth of July. Events every nightav Sunday. Of course on the twenty
seventh, Ladies and Gentlemen Homeward Boundthe movie at four point thirty in the
afternoon, Free movies at the GardenDistrict Bokshop and of course book launches throughout
the week. Check find out eachnight at Gardendistrict Bookshop dot com for all
information or on the Facebook page andtell them you heard it here in the

Foundly shouldn't remember. The Chickoryhouse Cafeopens every morning for breakfast at seven am,
stays all the way through lunch atthree pm, and then everything moves
upstairs for coffee and cocktails at threeo'clock at the at the Garden distrit Bookshop
Chickryhouse Bar upstairs at the rink.Go check it out. Over seventy precisions
of off street parking. More informationat Gardendistrict Bookshop dot com. This is

your only party time bookstore in NewOrleans. Folks go have fun and folks,
they say's chaplin HOI mckenry, andI like to tell you about our
ministry. LAMB Ministry is. We'rean inner city ministry with an intercity FARMLA
and focus for inner city folks.Please check us out. Go to our
website LAMNOLA dot com. That's lambn o LA dot com, or just
call me chaplain how mckenry at areacode five zero four seven two three nine

three six nine. Folks, Thisis a very challenging ministry, but a
very rewarding ministry. It takes peoplewho have been completely wiped out by their
culture. Let's say, just likeJD Vance who grew up in an addictive,
an outcome, drunken, dope attichome, and his life and all
the lives of so many of hisfriends and family members were being destroyed by

such a terrible background. And weget kids like that and God changes them.
We've had close to five thousand kidscome to Christ. We've seen hundreds
more going to live very productive,happy, joyful and healthy lives. So
if you want to get involved,it's a tough challenge, but it's worth
every minute of it. Just contactus again. You can call me Hi
mceinry Hat area code five zero fourseven two three nine three six nine.

We need all the volunteers we canget, financial support and prayer warriors.
So if you want to help us, thank you so very very very much.
Now, gentlemen out there, Iwant to give you a piece of
advice. And just because it's summerdoesn't mean that you're off the hook with
your wives, especially when you're marriedto very beautiful, wonderful, brilliant redheads

like Hi and I are. Sothat means we have to apologize a lot,
oh lot, And that means we'vefigured out that our favorite place to
go is Villary's Florist because they havea ten to ninety nine carry out flower
specials red roses, oh boy,and it is so important that we show
up every so often with red rosesfrom Villaries Floorest and at ten ninety nine
this becomes very cost effective. Solet me give you guys a piece of

advice. Go to Villary's Florest.They have two locations, one of Martin
Burman right off Veterans Boulevard right nearthe Veterans Orleans Line right near Lakeview,
and one on Highway nineteen, Covington. And either one, if you walk
in they have their carry out flowerspecial to say, carry out roses,
they'll have it ready for you tenninety nine. You come out, give
it to your wife's significant other,and let me tell you, it gets
you out of the doghouse. Issomething we've learned very important in the summer

months, in the dog days ofsummer, that you want to provide those
flowers for your loved one. Andit's never cheaper, never better, and
never more beautiful flowers than doing theten ninety nine carry out roads special A.
Villaries Floors are checking any of theirarrangements that are available by just going
on line Elise Flores dot com orgive him a call at one eight hundred
v I L L E ry that'sone eight hundred villary for Villaries Flores for

all of your floral needs and tellthem you heard it here on the Founder
Show. Well, folks, weare back and you are listening to the
Founder's Show, the Voice of theFounding Fathers, and we want you to
know you can hear us every Sundaymorning from eight to nine am on WRNO.
That's nine to nine point five onyour FM dial. Or you can
hear us during the week on WSLAand that's one five six zero am on

the AM dial or ninety three pointnine on the FM dial. You can
also hear us all the way outin Arizona Bradlesnake Radio and they air at
different times. But our WSLA showis during the week Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays show airtime eight to nine amdrive time. So check us out on

any of these shows, and folks, also you can the best thing is
get the iHeartMedia app because you canhear us anytime you want to when it's
not convenient to turn on our show. Well just wait till it is and
you can hear our show then,So check us out. This is a
great show where the number one ratedshow now on w R and O and

have been for years on which isone of the top talk show stations in
the golf South. We have ahuge audience, folks. You'll enjoy this
show over and over again and again. This is Chaplinhi mcgenry. You're been
Geary Bubbay all the Republic with ChristopherTidmore. You are roving reported resid radical
monitorit and something interesting. You know, most people when they walk in the
park, they have your phone orthat you're pods most of the time these

days, but occasionally somebody has theirspeakerphone. They're listening to a podcast that
way, and I'm walking and whatshould I hear behind mckenry's voice. I'm
like ish walking into park. No, they were listening to our show on
iHeart in the park. So it'sOK, folks. I'm having people run
up to me and saying, hey, I know who you are and I've
never met him before, so whatdo you mean? They's say, I

recognize your voice. You're that guyon the radio show you have a great
show. Well, so we're veryblessed. God is blessed, is so
tremendously. You know. One ofthe elements speaking of God's blessing is to
learn to turn the other cheek.Trump did it when I want to,
when I want cheek. It's actuallyvery true. There's another biblical message,

a sign of God on Trump.No. And I wrote a column for
the Louisiana Weekly and I basically said, look, there's a lot of things
that have been said on both sidesthat are really awful. Oh yeah,
And there are times where I havegone over the top myself about Donald Trump's
I have I have. I've calledTrump a threat to a republic epiphany.

I am probably not. You're witnessinga very amazing and rare experience. I
still remains like the apostle Paul turningto God. No, I'm probably not
voting for Donald Trump, so todo not give that. I still have
many problems. I'm probably voting forthe libertarian candidate, Chase Oliver. But
anyway, the point is, thoughno Donald Trump. For people on the

left. The conspira theories, bythe way, about the shooting and the
left were just as bad as theones on the right. I mean,
I'm reading, I'm watching people's worstChristopher Police. Trump set the whole thing
up so up his ratings in therethat insane people. I mean, these
people never quit lying. But here'show grand. Here's here's the thing I
want to get. People will believeit, I guess. And what was

what was heartening to me was theman who they were lying. There's a
movie called Bob Roberts and it wasTim Robbins, who is, you know,
very left wing as an actor,and all this The basic premise of
the movie is he's a conservative runningfor the Senate in Pennsylvania, and is
that there's a mocked assassination attempt andbecause he comes out of it, he

wins the election. And this wholepremise and people started saying this was stage.
It had to be staged, whichis physically impossible. If you know
anything about ballistics, that you couldhave you could have stayed. And they
stage that. It took a heckuplelot of guts to put pull out of
because Trump, you know, wasthere's no way it's so easily gotten killed.

There's no way, there's no wayyou could fire three bullets and have
one just grace. Nobody's there's literallynot a human being with with the winds
in the distance that could do that, even Sergeant York. And yeah,
the point and what was heartening tome, and this is one I goes
is Tim Robbins came out and said, people, not only did this is
not true? I remember he wasthe act of the movie, he produced

it, he wrote it. Hesaid, not only is this not true,
this is an attempted murder that didresult in the innocent, good person.
And he came out and said,have we and he's he said,
own left? Have we in theleft lost our bleeding minds that we'd go
this far? And and and itmade me think, and it's it's basically,
look, I'm going to say somethingright directly. And you were arguing

with its politics. No, itdoesn't. No, No, I don't
expect people to be perfect. Yes, I expect it. But we've come
to a point in America where,you know, the first rules we basically
conclude is the other side is tryingto destroy the republic and it's gotten to
be a little bit ridiculous. Andwhat it's done is it's gotten lunatic kids
like this to come out and takeviolence thinking they're patriots, they're heroes,

and they're not. They're troubled,screwed up, de range kids. But
the point is, and this isthe point I made. I wrote a
column and it didn't go over verypopular in the liberal newspapers weekly that I
write for, but it was basicallyat the end of it where I said,
no, we can disagree with Trump, we can disagree with his policies,
but the fact is he's not aMussolini or Hitler waiting to happen.

And for those of us that saidI never said that, but a lot
of people on the left did.For those who make that, including those
exact words, was jd. Vance. And I harkened back to jd Vance
when he apologized Donald Trump in twentytwenty one. He went in his office.
Trump had a stack of all thethings he wrote about him, and
he said, you know what,I'm just gonna start off. I was

wrong. I should never have usedthose language. I've bought into a message.
And for people who said, look, I don't like Donald Trump,
I don't like his attitude, Idon't like things, but I'm going to
say something all of us need.In the words of one of my theater
directors when I was a kid,to take a chill pill just for a
second. Remember we're all Americans.Otherwise we're going to see this time,
this assassination time happened all the time, Christopher, and keeping what you're saying,

and this is very serious. Therehave been too many Hollywood creeps and
other political leaders or whatever that haveopenly and directly and very aggressively called for
the murder of Donald Trump. Andright now I'm laying that poor man saving
his family who took it in thehead. By the way, I'm laying
his blood at their feet. Theycreated this nightmare, and they need to

shut up and start controlling their statementsand their actions. Could it be also
once to be fair that sometimes peopleon the writer say some things about Biden
that might be a little over thetop. I've never heard of any conservative
call for the murder of President Bidenor any liberal. I've never heard of
that. I'm sorry, I haveheard, Christopher. I've never heard it,
like, you know, big namesdoing it. Maybe somebody in a

cab people get off and they startsaying things they don't really mean. I'm
talking about people who have microphones,have huge audiences, and they are repeatedly
calling for the murder of Donald Trump. In fact, on the view that
whatever her name, Joy, shesaid it was such a shame he missed.
No, actually she didn't say that. You're not wrong. It's it's

from Tenacious D. The Kyle Grosswho made the statement that you know,
next time, don't miss and itcanceled that campaign. It's not jabe Joy
Bhar came out and said, andthis was just almost this is not as
quite as bad, but it's prettybad that Amber Rose, because she was
a gay, pro choice woman ofcolor speaking and endorsing Donald Trump from the

stage, it was a trader,which is no, it's that's a wrong
statement. You're not a trader becauseyou don't follow a political narrative. It's
that woman. Yeah, yeah,I'm sorry. We're members of the and
this is my point. We're membersof the American family. We have we
don't hate each other. We havea disagreement and that should be remembered ultimately

politics. Amen, we'll be backwith the patriarchic moment after these important messages.
Stay tuned more to come. Rescue, recovery, re engagement. These
are not just words. These arethe action steps we at the New Orleans
Mission take to make a positive impacton the homeless problem facing the greater New

Orleans area. Did you know intwenty twenty, homelessness in our community increased
by over forty percent. We arecommitted to meet this need through the work
being done at the New Orleans Mission. We begin the rescue process by going
out into the community every day tobring food, pray, and share the

love of Jesus with the hopeless andhurting in our community. Through the process
of recovery, these individuals have theopportunity to take time out, assess their
life, and begin to make newdecisions to live out their God given purpose.
After the healing process has begun andlives are back on track, we

walk each individual as they re engageback into the community to be healthy,
thriving, and living a life ofpurpose. No one is meant to live
under a bridge. No one shouldendure abuse, No one should be stuck
in addiction. The New Orleans Missionis a stepping stone out of that life

of destruction and into a life ofhope and purpose. Partner with us today
go to www dot New Orleansmission dotorg or make a difference by texting to
seven seven nine four eight, Well, folks for back and you are listening

to the Founder's show, and thisis chaplainheih mcgenry and it is now time
for us to go into our chaplain. Bye Bob. Patriotic moment where we
just take a brief moment to remindyou of the biblical foundations of our country
or Judeo Christian jurisprudence. And todaywe're going to talk about none other than
Old Andy Jackson, Old Hickory GeneralAndrew Jackson, President Andrew Jackson. Of

course he won the Battle of NewWall. Its many things to say about
him, but this is a focuson when he was the president and he
did something that was extremely controversial,and he was a very controversial kind of
guy, and he was a veryspicy kind of guy in his rhetoric.
And that's when he took on thebig banksters of the day, the international
bankers, to return the control ofour money to we the people. It

was called the Bank the Biddle BankingWar. Biddle was representing all the big
bankers, most of them from Europe. That was the second Bank of the
United States. He didn't trust bankswell anyway. During that period He literally
had five assassination attempts on his life. That's how dangerous banksters are. And
you know what he won. Butit was quite a time. I mean,

one time he's walking down the Hallof Congress and one of the assassins
jumps up with a knife to stabhim, and old Davy Krock was right
with him, jumped in the way, save Jackson's life, wrestle the man
of the ground, and save thepresident. He was too bad. We
don't have secret servants like guys likethat today anyway. And then another time
he walks in his office and hesees boots out from one of the curtains,

pulls his pistol and kills the guythat was another assassin. But there
were five assassination attempts. So howdid Jackson handle all this emotionally? Let's
say spiritually? You know what hesaid, He said, whenever times are
really hard, I go to thebook, go to the Bible, the
foundation of our republic. So folks, with that, it is now time
for us to go into our chaplainby by a gospel moment, to study

and think about our very own foundations. Is the Word of God your foundation?
Do you know Jesus as your savior. The scripture calls him the Word
of God. Well, this ishow you can figure all this out.
It won't take me long. TheBible says, God loves you with an
everlasting love. Folks, He lovedus so much he became a man.
I'm talking about God, the Son. That man's name is the Lord Jesus

Christ, perfect God, perfect man, all the way God and all the
way man. He came to thisearth to die for all of our sins,
which he did to take care ofour sin problem. And then he
took care of our death problems.And that means the second death. That
means you're you're sent to an eternaldamnation where you basically are the walking dead,
like zombies, and you're there forever. It's too horrible for me to

even explain or talk about. It'scalled hell. It's a place where God
is not and there's nothing about Godthere. There's no love, there's no
beauty, there's no anything good inhell. It's only all evil and bad.
And God didn't want you to gothere, so he came up with
a plan, and that plan iscalled the Gospel. The scripture says,
for our declarity, the Gospel thatChrist died for all of our sins,

according to the scripture, was buriedand rose from the dead, and that
whosoever believeth in this great Gospel messagewill be saved from hell and guaranteed Evan.
The Scripture says, a God hospelis the power of God unto salvation.
So, folks, if you've neverdone this before, do it right
now. It all starts with arepentance. And that planning simply means you
quit trusting in yourself. Repentance meansyou got to cancel your pride. You

got to say, maybe I'm notso good after all. Maybe I'm really
just a complete loser, damned andgoing to hell with no hope from God.
I have no hope. Folks,Put your faith in Christ right now.
I believe that He really did diefor all your sins. Was barion,
rose from the dead. After youbelieve, you cannot save yourself.
And that's your repentance. If you'venever done this before, do it now.

Don't wait till it's too late.Like the old country preacher said,
and like the Bible says, nowtoday is a day of salvation. Well,
folks, it's not time for usto go into our watchmen on the
wall where we just take a briefmoment to show you and point to you
signs that are telling us Jesus iscoming back soon. You know, one

of the signs Jesus said, asin the days of Noah. Folks,
you know that in the days ofNoah, one of the key signs of
the days of Noah was violence.And because of that, the first law
got created when Noah rested safely onTerra firma. The first law we got
after the flood was if you shedany man's blood, your blood will be

shed, and where it's capital punishmentto deter violence and murder. God knew
that's the way we thought, andthat was the law he gave us,
the only law. It was toprevent violence. Look at the violence in
our world today, folks, Warsall over the place, crime escalating all
around the world. And now weeven have a precious, wonderful, blessed

man of God. And I'm talkingabout Donald Trump, one of our most
wonderful presidents, was just almost murderedthis past a week ago. Folks.
We are sitting in troubled times rightnow. The signs are all around as
Jeeves said, I don't have timeto tell them all to you. That's
over two hundred of them, butthey've just about all happened now, and
they're all happening at the same time. And that was that was the key,

When it all comes together at thesame time, Jesus said, that's
when I'm coming back. Not onehere, one there. You know,
like they've always been wars and rumor'swars. You can't just go on that
one. You got to look atthem all as one package. And they're
all happening right now before our eyes. Jesusys, when that happens, that's
a generation, he says, I'mat the door. That means he's coming
any minute, folks, He's comingany day. Are you ready for that?

You better get ready, folks,because if you're not ready, you're
gonna have to face the wrath ofGod. And when he unloads, Folks,
it ain't nice. You don't wantto be around it, you don't
want to even think about it.It's going to be so terrible. But
that's how wicked the world will havebecome. So folks, as bad as
it can get in these end times, you need a bunker. And I'm

gonna give you the best bunker youcould ever get. The name of that
bunker is the Lord Jesus Christ.Go to him right now, Trust him,
make him your safe house. Believethat he really did die far your
sins was buried and Rosa and thedead, and you got it. And
I don't care when he comes.You're ready for it. So, folks,
it is time for us close nights, because with the mont Saint Martin
singing a creole goodbye and God blessall out there, does this have to

be the end of the nerd?You know I love you. In the
pamal land, I can see acrossa million stars. I look, and

we can mosey. It's the suntime. I suppose you couldn't call it
a cry. If we take justa lead little longer to see our good
night, they call it cel good
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