Episode Transcript
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Bide holes, the politicians addressed,the digitators and magicians. Who's to see
the money? Then you don't,there's nothing to feel the holes while then
are feeling their high kits tied holes, the politicians bouncing down the road.
Every bier'sition to no more corruption anddysfunction. It's gone to take divine its
avention and God bless all out there. You are now listening to the founders
show the voice of the founding fathers. You're Founding Fathers coming to you deep
within the bowels of those mystic andcryptic alligator swamps of the BAGHASI that old
Crescent City, New Orleans, Louisiana, and high up on top of that
old Liberty Cypress tree way out onthe Eagles Branch, this is none other
then your spend Gary by by therepublic Chaplain High Mcinry Christopher timourre You Roving,
a reporter, resident radical moderate andassociate editor of the Louisiana Weekly at
Louisiana Weekly dot net. And weare joined by Louisiana's Republican National Committeemen vice
Chairman, immediate past Vice Chairman ofthe Republican National Committee and most known to
most of you as the former chairmanof the Louisiana Republican Party, the man
who is the architect of turning Louisianainto a Republican state. For when he
entered the chairmanship, there was onlyone and now there are pretty much ubiquitous
Republicans. That's of course, RogerVillary and Roger Villari as usual, welcome
back to the Founder Show. Gladto be on. Always pleasure to be
on with you. And Hi,well Roger, it's always good to hear
you, boys, and I wanteverybody to know that Roger was probably the
longest standing Republican chairman, you know, state chairman, and one of the
best we've ever had in this state. Thank you for your years of faithful
service. And now I believe you'rethe liaison officer between Louisiana and the National
correct Yeah. I'm serving as theRepublican National committe me in for Louisiana and
which is quite an honor. Yeah. Each state has a committee man a
committee woman, and so I representthe great state of Louisiana and Roger.
We got to start off with alittle bit of local politics that it's playing
itself on national politics, and ofcourse Louisiana now has his second African American
congressional seat. It looks a bitlike a salamander. It's kind of the
classic definition of a jerrymander running fromBaton Rouge all the way up to Shreport.
But it does mean that the currentinhabit an inhabitant of that seat,
Republican Congressman Garrett Graves, is wonderingwhere he's going to run for in a
seat that's now fifty six percent Democratic, and the governor and then followed by
the part in the State Party ofLouisiana made some endorsements just the other day,
and it doesn't it speaks kind ofchallengingly for mister Graves. Chances well,
Graves rise from the dead. Whatare your thoughts? Well, I
was part of the decision to endorseall the current Republican congressmen for the districts
they currently serve in, and wetook the lead on that from Speaker the
House Mike Johnson, who the daybefore we made our endorsement, the Republican
for Louisiana made the same endorsement asSpeaker of the House that he endorsed all
the current congressmen for re election totheir current seats. The question is can
gart Graves win that well, youknow, and that's something that he's going
to have to work towards. Andobviously we'd be glad to help him work
to win that seat, to reelection to that seat in that district.
It is a fifty six percent Bidendistrict. The question is one of the
fears has been that Gert Graves wouldturn around and it's not much cartbag bagging
to carpetbag into Julia Letlowe's district,which does stretch from Baton Rouge to Monroe.
He'd have to carpet bag some timeof two and a half blocks from
his house. It's yeah, yeayeah, And actually I think forty two
percent of his old district is nowpart of Julia Letlow's district. But that
being said, he's friends with her. They get along well, and her
husband who passed away, who wasCongressman elect, was one of Gerrit Gray's
best friends. So it would bepretty awkward to run against Luke's wife,
who is a current sitting congressman andthe only female congressman from Louisiana. So
that's going to be a tough stretch, I think for him to do that,
and Gart Graves, of course wasa Paul blarer for Luke Letlow at
his funeral, saying he was theywere very close. Yes, So the
question I mean it is, Iwill say Garret Graves has gone from pretty
much the conciliary of Kevin McCarthy toa very endangered political spot and pretty quick
succession, and shows you how politicalconditions can change very quickly, but they
can change in seconds. And that'swhat happened to him. Well, you
know, I think when he cameout initially with some of his statements after
mccauthey was not able to get thevotes he needed, and some of the
statements Garrett made right away without thinkingabout it, I think came back to
haunting a little bit. You know. Republican National Committee Roger Hillary is joining
Himikenry and Christopher Tidmore here on TheFounder Show, and I am curious,
though it's a question of math,Louisiana is losing a Republican congressman. I
think that's a pretty fair statement,regardless of the ambitions of Garrett Graves.
But so is for that matter,Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina. In
other words, the expansion of AfricanAmerican districts could have a rule effect in
a House of Representatives where frankly,Mike Johnson's majority is two or three people.
So my question is, did theloss of the seat in Louisiana,
which Jeff Landry didn't fight, hewent along with and he said okay,
And in fact, he pointed Cleophieldsas chairman of the committee to redraw the
districts, which is about as straightforwardas you can get to say this is
a done deal. Could that costthe Republicans the House of Representatives? I
don't think it will. I thinkthat we have enough numbers that we can
pick up in different areas, andI'm not convinced we're going to lose the
seat in Louisiana. I really believethat. You know, we have a
leg up. Anytime you're an incumbent, you have an advantage, and you
have an advantage. So you reallythink there's a high probability Garrett Graves will
decide to run for that seat andnot just say sit on his four point
six million dollars in his campaign fundand look for another office down the road.
Yeah, I think there's a verygood possibility he'll run for that seat.
Just from the vibes we're getting.I mean, anything could happen in
politics, you know. I knowhe's looking at other opportunities, but at
this point in time, I reallyfeel like that the option is there and
there's a real good chance that hewill run for that seat. Well,
Roger, you said on the RepublicanNational Committee, you did for many years
before you game chairman, You wereex official as chairman, and you sit
on it now and have been deputychairman at various points under Ronald mcdanield.
And you now have a new RNCchairman. And I'm curious going into this
election that was a bit of acontentious election for Republican National Committee chairman.
What is the state of the RNCgoing into this presidential field. Really,
there was no contention on electing ournew chairman Watley. The contention was re
electing Ronald McDaniels with her last termbecause she was elected just in late last
year and then resigned in February thisyear. So that was a contentious seat
and it was hard fought UH witha couple of other candidates, but in
particular Armat Dillon out of California.National Committee Woman UH was the biggest contender,
so that that was the fight there. So but today, you know,
uh, I think everyone has circledthe wagons and working hard with our
new chairman Watley. Uh we knewhim well. He's from the South.
He's part of the Southern region.Uh. I serve with him for a
long time on the r n C, serve with him in the Southern region.
Uh uh when when he was chairmanand my executive director actually went to
work uh for him as his executivedirector. They are much bigger uh state
than us and uh and and havea lot more uh uh registered Republicans and
and and it's a big organization.And so uh Jason Dora, who had
been executive director for a long timein Louisiana and to me, went and
worked from Michael Wattley as executive director, and you know, was there a
good while. And so you knowwe have direct contact with him and have
a good relationship with him. Roger, how do you how's Larry Trump doing
right now? Yeah, you know, she's doing fine. She's co chairman
and really her job is to raisemoney. Uh. She she is the
most requested co chairman in the historyof Coach Wow. For the rn C
at least over the twenty five yearperiod I've been involved with it. So
she travels all over the country she'srequested, and if she can't go,
then the chairman goes. So that'syou know, that's completely backward to what
it normally is. And just soand just so people understand this, the
Republican National Committee as a chairman ofone gender and a co chairman of the
other gender. So whoever, likeRonnie Danils was the chairman and there was
a coach Hinderin's men that so itis sort of an ancillary role, but
more of a fundraising and outreach roleas opposed to it really a fundraising So
she spends most of her day onthe phone reaching out to major donors,
which our past Coachairman Drew McKissick,who was from South Carolina, and he
was and of course he's he's anothergreat guy, really close friend. And
I think the way you said she'sthe most sought after, there's another proof
of the power of the Trump namefor the Republican Party. Oh yeah,
he has done miracles for this party. He's a wonder, a wonder,
a miracle wonder, he really is. Yeah, that's why the Democrats are
desperate to take him out one wayor the oven before he can the election.
They're trying to get rid of thebest I can. Yes, she
has a good personality. Yes,she's well, she started capable. I
mean even without her as her fatherin law, I would be very impressed
with. Yeah. No, she'stremendous gown. She really is. Yeah,
But there's something that concerns me aboutright now and the Trump influence in
the party. And I understand fromelectoral standpoint why he's doing this, but
there has been a little bit rogeron the platform committees, a purge recently,
from what I've observed of some ofthe more Christian conservative members, has
been an attempted purge. But thatI don't believe that's Trump. Don't that
believe that some of the Trump haterswell and rhinos. No, it's the
opposite. It's it's it's the Trumpoperators who uh some some of the uh
new a younger uh uh I seeI say Trump Trump associates. No,
it's actually the opposite. High.What it is is those people who support
those people who support a late termabortion down on a federal level are the
ones who are being pushed off theplatform committees because Trump doesn't, or at
least Trump's allies do not want thatin the platform. And as a pro
lifer, I am really concerned aboutthat. Is because I think a late
term abortion ban is kind of somethingthat should be an or should be except
Trump doesn't think. So that's theproblem. No, it's not. We'll
find out. He's come out andsaid that he wants to leave it to
the states, and I think thatworries me that the pro life platform of
the party is being undermined. Roger, I think we should. I think
we should call that philosophically, butI think a courn to the constitution.
It is up to the states,not according to the Constitution. In the
Constitution, one way or another,Roger, go ahead, another the states,
Roger, please go ahead. I'mjust going to say that there was
an attempt to do that, butI can tell you I am very close
to that situation and throughout the country. Uh, those attempts have not been
successful in most cases. In somecases they have, but in most cases
we have strong conservative movement, conservativeswho are on the platform, and I
feel certain that the platform is goingto stay very strong pro life and pro
family. And by the way,if anybody knows about that, you do
because you've been one of the moststrong pro life people we've ever had.
Roger, thank you for that,absolutely that faithfulness, that's strong. Republican
National Committeeman Roger Villary has been joininghiy McHenry and Christopher Tidmore and h and
if I can you keep a prettyclose beat on what's the politics of Louisiana,
what's going on in the different elections. And while we don't have elections
as fall, we have federal elections, we may or may not have a
constitutional convention. It's increasingly looking likethat bill may not be a convention,
but it may be a special sessionthat the legislature did with the constitution.
The question is, did does thatmean that we're going to see any substantive
changes in the constitution? What areyou hearing? Or it's pretty much the
failure that when the Senate in theSenate of a constitutional convention bill it seems
to be coming does it does thatAre we going to see major changes in
the state constitution a priority of thegovernors. I think you think you're going
to see some change. I don'tthink you can see major changes. I
don't think they ever expected to puta whole new constitution. I think that
they were the governor and the legislaturewas looking at tweaking the constitution, and
uh, for good or bad.The way it was set up, there
was people on all sides who didn'twho who thought that if the legislature was
going to do it, why don'tthey just do it in session? Why
did they have to go to aconstitutional convention? And if you put them
in the convention, you know,why don't they do their job when when
when they're in their regular session.And of course I think as well the
convention, we can present one wholenew package. But you know, sometime
then it's either rejecting everything or acceptingeverything, and you could have some real
real snakes hidden into good, goodthings that you're putting in. So I
think if they were going to doa real constitutional convention, my thought process
was that it should be held withdelegates from throughout the state, not just
state legislators. If you can havejust state legislators, just let them do
it in session. Yeah, andlet us have And then the big flaw
was the House and Senate we're meetingis one which something the Senators didn't like.
At least when you have two separatechambers, you have a little check
on the amendments as they go through. And so that's increasingly what's looking like
it. Roger Villa, we gotso much more to talk about, But
I do want to ask you aboutthe presidential debates, because the guy who's
supposed to put these debates together you'veknown for years, Frank Fharnkoff, former
chairman of the Republican National Committee.We're not going to deal with him.
We voted, yet the R andC voted not to deal. So that's
what I'm getting out is the Commissionon Presidential Debates dead basically at this point.
I think so. I think becausethe R and C said we're not
going to participate, and the Bidensaid they're not going to participate, and
Trump said, I just want toget him on stage, want a debate.
I don't care who does the debates, and I don't care who's the
moderator. And uh, because theproblem, that's all right, if they
don't turn his microphone off, ifthey shut off Trump in the middle of
his you know they'll do that.They'll do it. But then then he
has no microphone, right, andthey won't allow him to do it.
I mean when they answering questions likethey did last time and given the wrong
answers, that's that's you know,beyond the pass. So I think,
you know, Biden make a messof things. The moderator will step into
save Biden and will even fight Trump. And it's not the that's not the
moderator's job. He is not inthe debate. He's just moderate. He's
making sure everybody plays for like areferee. A referee don't get the right
to go out and grab the balland run for the touchdown, right,
right. They don't do that onthese debates because the Democrats control well.
I would also point out that Trumpdoes have a way of kind of trying
to dominate the stage. But Iwould think that he just does yeah,
and not in a good way,but in a great way. Now,
magnificent, we love it. Myquestion have a warrior for the republic question
and as an equal great warrior.Yeah, yeah, full of sound and
fury signifying nothing anyway, The questionbecomes long about that, brother, the
question wrong. The question becomes thoughto me, and I've had a long
term I'm thrilled that the Commission ofPresidential Debates is finally dead, because I
was thought it was a fixed organizationof the party elites of both sides.
But the fact of the matter isone thing that concerns me is the first
debates on the twenty seventh of June. That's good because it's before people start
voting. Trump was right about thatit was too late to have the debates
in September. But what bothers meis you're supposed to have somebody in debate
that has the statistical chance of actuallywinning the White House, and that means
that they're on all the state ballotsor at least enough to get a majority,
and they're at least about fifteen percentin the polls. Well, there
is a guy out there who meetsboth qualifications, who seems to be taking
from both candidates. His name isRFK Junior, and there is no thought
of by either side of inviting himto be in the debates. It would
it might be more interesting if hewas there, Roger, it would be
wild. Well, I have Ihad no problem, and I don't think
Trump has no Here half of theminute of the debates. I think the
Trump campaign he has a problem withthat because they don't want him to have
any traction. Uh, they justdon't. They don't want Kennedy to get
any traction. So but I thinkTrump doesn't mind at all. No Trump
Trump Tump wants is for this verbalbattle that's gonna could should happen between two
candidates or three candidates, is greatverbal battle. He is calling for the
Marquis of Queensberry's rules for debate.You know that's for boxing, but this
is like a verbal boxing match,and that should be Whereas the Democrats are
saying, no, we don't wantfair play. We have to control everything,
and we're not going to give ourguy a drug test, and he
certainly should be drug tested because weknow about his big time. Uh he's
a village idiot. He is thelow grade more on that he is.
We all know that. And theonly way for him to perform, he's
got to get pumped up with speed. So that should be a gain.
First of all, this just likeit's run sports. Great athletes are not
allowed to pump themselves up with speedbefore contest. Okay, okay, hi,
And we don't have to talk aboutthis battle of wits with two unarmed
men, that's gonna happen on January. On June twenty seventh, I was
just thinking it would be more interestingto have somebody who actually brings some degree
of difference between the two, becausefrankly, it's it's it's no no,
I mean and and Trump. AndTrump has said no, he doesn't want
him there. Biden certainly doesn't wanthim there. So this is not complimenting
one of dads don't want that.Both parties don't want that. I just
I find it, Roger, itlooks this looks like it's gonna be another
very close election. Polling data doessay Donald Trump's leading in the Swing States
by about one to two points,and Trump does typically overperform his polling data,
so that Trump has got the advantage. On the other hand, we're
in a we're in a difficult time. I'm curious, is there a situation
where Trump could win the presidency,maybe the Republicans win the Senate and lose
the House, because that's kind ofthe numbers I'm looking at right now.
Yeah, I don't think we're gonnalose the House. I think it's gonna
be I don't think we're gonna gaina lot of seats. I think because
of some of the things you talkedabout, the jeremnding and adding some of
the minority districts in two or threeSouthern states, I think the numbers are
gonna stay fairly closed. But Ithink we're gonna pick up a couple of
seats. I don't think we're gonnapick up you know, ten or fifteen,
but I think we're gonna pick uptwo or three seats in the House.
So youre predicting of Mike Johnson isgoing to be speaker come January of
next year, So okay, yes, I'm very curious to see if it's
gonna be him or Hakim Jeffers.I will make the prediction it's gonna come
down to two or three seats.Either way, this is gonna be We're
going to have an evenly divided houseno matter who wins this thing. I
agree with that. I think it'sgonna be pretty pretty even. But I
actually think we're gonna pick up acouple of seats. And Roger, I've
got to say this. We've gota special guest coming on from Memorial Day
after the break. But one ofthe things, if you'll forgive me,
I need you to take off yourpolitical hat for a second and put on
the garland of flowers that you're knownso well for. For those that don't
know, Roger and his family havethe legacy of Villari's flooris this incredible thing.
And we've been talking about the speciallengths you guys go to form Memorial
Day to bring flowers to arrangements toreenact, to gravesites reenactments, and to
special parties. And I was wonderingif I could indulge you. He has
no I gave him no warning onthis, folks, if he could do
a little bit of a live thingof what they of what Villari's Floors does
for these things. Sure, that'sone of the big holidays that we do.
A tremendous number of flowers to thecemeteries all over Metro New Orleans.
We go to a lot of thewith the Sons of American Revolution, the
eighteen twelve Daughters of dar they sendreese and flowers and bouquets to various grave
sites in area to commemorate uh uhyou know, uh Memorial Day. Uh.
We do some Memorial Day uh servicesat some of the funeral homes that
have special Memorial Day services and flagceremonies. Uh we we do a number
of uh parties at the veterans' homesand hospitals where people send uh flowers for
Memorial Day. So it's it's abig deal for us and uh we we
have it's a pleasure for our guysto go out and make deliveries and uh
uh you know recognize uh heroes fromvarious uh wars and and various service and
uh you know, uh Christopher,you know, our family has a long
history of of serving in the militaryand uh uh even my my youngest granddaughter
is currently serves in the Air Force. Uh. But you know, my
dad and uncle went in the Navy, and I had two nephews in the
Marines, and so we you know, we have a long history in our
family of military service. And Iwant to compliment you, Roger, because
not only have you spent a lotof time and a lot of money through
villaries florists of your out of yourown pocket, celebrating our soldiers, you
have for the Villary family and forothers. As an officer of the Sons
of the American Revolution and General Societyof the War of eighteen twelve, and
so we want to compliment you.We also say, folks, it's a
wonderful way to honor one of youreither ancestors at their brave site or those
who are maybe older and have servedand want to thank them by sending an
arrangement of flowers. And Villari's Floristis open not just on weekdays, but
you're now open on Sundays. Andthey delivered and it delivers through it.
Yeah, we deliver seven days aweek to the whole metro area and you
know, learn a great thing,especially some of our female service members who
who are in a nursing home orhospital. You know, it's not a
bad idea to send them a littlearrangement of flowers. And it doesn't have
to be anything big and fancy,you know, but based with a few
red, white and blue flowers.They love that, you know, put
an American flag in it. They'reall excited. That's fantastic. Roger.
So give everybody your phone number andlocation and all that and website whatever they
need to do so they can getsome good flowers. Yeah, they could
call one eight hundred Villary or theycould go to villarysfloors dot com and we
delivered a whole metro area. Wehave a store in Covington and a store
in Metori and Metory store is halfa mile from the Orleans Paris line.
We delivered a whole metro area EastBank, West Bank, and north Shore.
So folks, remember seven days aweek, remember a veteran, either
in your ancestors or maybe give anarrangement to someone you know that mean have
family, give them a call.One eight hundred VI I L l e
R one eight hundred v I LL E r E. All those men
and women who made the supreme sacrifice, given their lives for their country.
And when you call villaries, rememberto tell them you heard it right here
on the Founder Show. And Roger, we always love having you on.
We got to have you on.We've got a little bit more time,
but thank you so much for everythingyou're doing politically, and keep us posted
as the election season comes on.We're going to have you back. Yep,
thank you, Roger. Glad tocome back. Okay, always a
pleasure, always great. It's reallygreat being with you. Roger. Thanks
and folks, we're going to beWe're gonna be back with a a for
a special Memorial Day show right afterthese important messages. Believe or not,
we haven't gone to commercial yet,so we actually got to go to commercial
runsel down, So we'll be backright after these important messages with Hi mckenry,
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org or make a difference by textingto seven seven nine four eight and welcome
back, folks to the Founder's Show. Remember you can always hear this program
every Sunday from eight to nine amon wr ninety nine to five FM,
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday,Friday, Monday and Wednesday on WSLA ninety
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Show we will see high ezed uglymugs, press follow and you can get
it right in your phone or theeasiest way just go to our website,
the Foundershow dot com The foundershow dotcom and we have a special Memorial Day
broadcast with the theme this Memorial Day, be sure to fly your flag as
always. I'm Christopher Tidmore and Chaplinhigh mcgenry. Yours been Gary Babby all
the Republic with my partner Christopher here, always working so very hard to bring
you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And
right now we got a truth teller, a wonderful man from Alabama, and
I'm talking about Senator Frank Erwin andhe has a background in politics. Good
to see you, good to talkto you. You and Chris as well,
and I appreciate that honor being onyour show. Thank you, Rond.
Let me finish the introduction here now, Irwin here is he has a
background in politics as a campaign manager. He was a two term centator from
Alabama. For the state of Alabama. He has two magnificent sons who are
producing some of the finest movies inthe country right now, really good,
wholesome family movies. Movies you leavefeeling so good, maybe even crying.
They're so powerful. And he's alsohas, like I said, as a
background in television and radio, hadhis own radio show, is very popular
show talk show in Alabama. Andso with all that, in fact,
we turned the microphone over to you. Thank is something of a legend in
Alabama. I actually, Hank,you might never remember this. I mention
you at in Alabama Press Association thingat pretty a key once and I've been
doing this for twenty five years andyou put me to shame. So I'm
wondering who should be interviewing whom onthis radio program today. And our prior
guest, Roger Villary, who isone of the best, you know,
state chairman we've ever had for theRepublican Party, he remembers you, Worke.
Well, so hey, you gotone. You've got a lot of
messages for this Memorial Day. We'vebeen talking about putting flowers on graves.
Your message is literally closer to home. What you should put on your home,
namely the American flag. Yeah.I appreciate that. Yeah, because
I'm doing that here in Nashville.We now live in the Nashville area and
my call all over the Nashville areais fly your flag, fly it loud,
and fly it with pride, loudand proud, because we owe these
veterans a way to expresh to themand we appreciate all they have done for
us. Now, a lot ofpeople need to remember Memorial Day is about
veterans who never came home. Theydied in action to keep us free.
And I can't think of anything betterthan you can do than to put up
an American flag and to say wethank the veterans for all they've done for
us, and we salute them,love them, and we stand with them,
and we say thank God for theprivilege to live in the United States
of America. So that's what we'redoing here. I've got my flag flying
loud and proud right now, andI'm calling on all of my friends put
your flag up. Now. Alot of people wonder is it legal to
do that. Do we run intoproblems with homeowners associations or anything like that.
I say, no, you havethe display the freedom to display your
flag according to the federal law goingback to two thousand and six signed by
President George Bush that says, youcan fly your flag from any condo,
any apartment, your home, inyour area. You fly it your protective
by laws. So you get aflag and fly it for the veterans this
weekend. Amen. And you knowit's interesting, Hank. I was.
I was in a conversation and thetwo people were a little liberal, but
the married couple, young married couple, and he was but he said,
I want to fly a flag,and she was like, I don't have
a problem flying a flag, butwhat would that show some kind of partisan
viewpoint. I'm thinking to myself,this is the most nonpartisan thing alive.
This is this is You're proud tobe an American and it shouldn't. This
should be something that's ubiquitous. Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative, no
matter what your background is, it'sdied for you. We're Americans. Fly
your flag. Yeah, I meanI always agree, but you know that
I totally understand what you're saying.It has gotten to the point now where
if you fly a flag, thatmeans that you are, you know,
partisan person in the United States ofAmerica. And you shouldn't do it.
That's the implication. And it's apart of a tactic used by the left
to try to use to insinuate pressure. And if you want to be you
know, if you want to beuniting people, then take your flag down.
Don't offend people. And that's absolutelyludicrous. Fly that flag. We're
Americas. Fly that flag. Whatabout offending people because you removed your flag?
What about that offense? They don'tcare about that, No, they
don't. They know that. WhereI live, we've been gentrified and we
have a whole bunch of liberals inour neighborhood. Now they will vandalize things
like that. We've had it happentoo many times now. If I'm going
to put my flag up, butif it gets torn down, I won't
be surprised. That's how pathetic it'sgotten. You know, when I was
in the military twenty special forts group, they had a big liberal in the
group and he and I used toget into it. But you want to
know what, we were best friends. We could always agree to disagree,
but not be disagreeable. And it'sjust a shame the left doesn't understand that
anymore. They're not capable of that. All they want to do is attack
us and say, if you wantunity, you got to be just like
us, and forget your freedom ofspeech if it doesn't agree with us.
That's what we're hearing. Well,I think we all can look at the
mode in our eyes when it comesto divisions in this country. What I
think we have to remember is thatpatriotism is not about partisanship. It's about
pride that this is a remarkable nation, and I think that's odd for our
country. Yeah, one of thosethings that we have to get back to
in Memorial Day. Senator, I'mreally glad you've got this campaign of people
of all political stripes to fly yourflag. Amen. Amen. Yeah,
I don't think you can go wrong. I think if you really love this
country, don't ever be bashful aboutputting your flag up, and don't be
afraid to offend people. Well,yeah, you're going to have been few,
and that's their privilege. They wantto be offended. But you're flying
it for the right purpose. That'sright, and that is you love this
country, you appreciate this country,fly it for veterans everywhere. Amen.
Amen, thank you, thank youso much, and That's another thing I
want to point out is folks,remember it's maybe a three day weekend in
a bank holiday, but this isa time to remember those people who've given
up their lives. And I actuallyI have a I think as important as
flying your flag. And this issomething I feel very strongly about. Is
there are veterans right now who don'thave a lot of family, don't remember
this, and it's worthwhile. Youcan talk to your local American Legion hall,
you can talk to this and maybeyou know, bring a basket over.
Just remember people who've sacrificed for thiscountry that may not have a lot
of people around remembering the sacrifices theymade. Veteran far and Mores. They've
got many great organizations that would beglad to have help from anybody. And
right now one just about once anhour, a veteran has come and suicide
because of the trauma they experienced inwar. And it is it's trauma.
I was there. I've been atthree deployments, so I speaking of that
and trauma and the powers of combat. I would love to hear the story,
Frank, about your father who wonthe Congressional Medal of Honor in World
War Two. Can you give usthat story? You're so kind, I'll
give you a short version of it. You can read up on it.
My son wrote a book about hisgrandfather which was my father's called Beyond Valor.
Beyond Valor. It's written by JohnIrwin, my son. He's a
film director, but he also isan author, and he wrote this book.
It's available, you can get iton Amazon Prime. Beyond Valor tells
his story. Dad was twenty threeyears old when he was with the was
with the Air Force in World WarTwo, flying missions over Japan, trying
to end the war and come homeand start and continue his life with my
mama. He was on a missionover Japan in April twelfth, nineteen forty
five, and his job, asa radio operator was to launch phosphorus bombs
underneath the plane to allow the trailingbe twenty nine is to figure out who
the lead plane was. And oneof them he launched exploded in the plane.
A malfunction exploded in the plane,got phosphorus all over him, burned
him terribly, and the plane startedinto a dive, and Dad picked the
bomb up in his bare hands andcarried it through the plane, threw it
out the Coppullittz window saved the crew, saved everybody on the plane. He
was burned horribly. They rushed himback to Ewo Jima, landed, got
him into first day, wrapped himup and prepared for him to die because
they said he's just burned so badhe's not going to make it. Curtis
LeMay heard about the episode, hadhim transferred down to Guam to Fleet Hospital
and made an immediate requisition. Iwant the medal of honor for this kid
before he dies. He got HarryTruman to sign off in a matter of
hours to go with a medal ofhonor ceremony wherever he was, and they
flew a medal of honor from Hawaiito Guam, and then gathered around his
bed in Fleet Hospital and gently laidthe medal of Honor on his chest.
I'm glad to report that he's survivedhis injuries. He came back to Alabama
fifty seven more years, worked fortyyears for the Veterans Administration, taking care
of veterans everywhere, and he alwaystaught me, son, remember freedom is
not free. All that we haveand all that we enjoy, we owe
to veterans. Everywhere. So hewas a great man that influenced my life.
He influenced my boy's life. Theyhave gone on to become a world
famous movie film producers. They're producingall of these great Christian films that you
see at the Motion Picture of theaters. Their latest one is called Unsung hero
that you can see on in thetheaters right now. It's doing great work
and it is still in the theater. So I would encourage you this weekend,
take in a good movie, putup an American flag and just say
thank you Lord for the privilege tobe in the United States of America.
And Unsung Heroes is becoming a boxoffice hit. I'm hearing. I've heard
it already. Yeah it is.It's a good one. Yeah, I
will see it three on Mother's Day. Wow the Center. Hank Ern is
joining Hi mc henry and Christopher tidMoore in the Founder Show talking about the
importance of Memorial Day folks. Andthere are ceremonies, of course going on
around the metro New Orleans area,a very massive one at the National World
War Two Museum that is open tothe public and folks, we hope you'll
remember something beyond having a barbecue andMemorial Day and talk about that. I
will say I've been very impressed byyour son's work, and not just the
quality of the movies, but thefact that it's pointing out out something that
patriotic and pro family films, forall the talk, end up making more
money. It's actually the irony isif you make a movie that is both
family friendly and patriotic, people tendto pay money to go see it.
And this is something that Hollywood doesn'toften remember about a lot of it.
They don't want it. That's whine. But it's the irony is it's good
business. It's not right, notalone, it's just just good business.
Forget, forget whether it's good forthe country, you agree with the ideology
or not. It makes money.It makes money, and so but all
these people are doing it come fromvery strong, you know, biblical foundations,
strong Christian families, and they're highlymotivated to promote a message of righteousness
of godliness. And that's why theymake these movies. And it's not about
making the money. It's about Infact, one of the first ones done,
I don't know how I could haveeven survived, and it turns out
it was a fantastic movie. Isaw it years ago. Flywheel Things The
Boys has motivated every major Hollywood studioto open up a faith based division.
Really because they've said they know somethingwe don't know. Like everybody from Paramount
to Warner Brothers to Fox, everybodyhas opened their own faith based division and
they realized that people want faith basedgood stuff. It's a great thing that's
happening. That's wonderful. That's suchan encouragement. In fact, recently,
this is shocking me. In California, there was a giant evangelistic campaign.
Thousands, hundreds of thousands came tothis thing and there were like twenty thousand
people baptized in one day in theocean right there. This is a phenomena.
Yeah, something's going on right nowin this country. Maybe we're going
to have a revival home. Wemade a movie called Jesus Revolution, and
after that movie, it just setthe cutting. I remember that everybody started
getting baptized. That was Kelsey.It's Kesey did a wonderful job in that
movie. So center Irwin Hank.As we get near the end of this
segment, I do want to findout. I mean a lot of people
don't know where to buy a flag. That's kind of strange, is it?
Is it hard to actually buy anAmerican flag? No, there's available.
You can go to any you cango to Walmart, you can go
to Low's, you can go tohome people. They'll all have sections of
flags. Get you a flag,take it home, put it up.
And I'll say one last thing ifI could. One of the things I've
taught my grandchildren is how to showrespect to veterans. And that's this.
If you see a veteran who's goteither a World War Two gap on Vietnam
or Korea, they got there wearingtheir caps. When they go to Cracker
Burrough, you take the initiative toget up, go across the aisle and
salute them, and then take theirhand and say, sir, I just
want to say thank you for yourservice. Now you might think that's hokey,
but to that veteran, that willbring a tear to his eyes to
know that his service was not invain. Do that, and let's show
these veterans this weekend that we lovethem and thank God for And I can't
tell you how important that is tosomeone. It folks. My my father
in his last few years. Henever wore his regimental hat or anything that
said he was a veteran. Butinterestingly, he had toured West Point a
couple of times about two years twoor three years before he died, and
he would he had a West Pointhat and he didn't and he would tell
people, I didn't go, Iwas I served, I was in the
military. But but he people wouldcome up to when they started doing that,
people would come up to him andsay, thank you for your service.
And you know my dad who gotliterally spat on when he got back
to New Orleans. Yeah, hewas during the war. He was he
was literally spat on in the airports. To him, it was it suddenly
it was people. He said,people actually cared because for the most part
when he was there, they didn't. They really hated what it was.
And so it does mean immense amountains. By the way a veteran, because
of experiences, no matter how maybewrong some wars we've been in, like
Vietnam and several others, you nevertell a veteran that that war was pointless.
You never make it look like whatusually did was useless. Wait,
wait a minute. If anybody hasonly one person has a right to say
it, and that's the veteran.And sometimes we veterans will say that I'm
a veteran. We will say whenwhen, And remember this, the problems
we've had with wars never come fromthe boots, only from the suits.
It's our rotten politicians and big brothercorporations that create wars we don't need and
that we should never be in.So do not never blame the veteran for
that. Were just soldiers. Wegot to follow our orders. We don't
control this. It's the suits thatcreate bad wars that we should actually,
like I said, never even goto. But if we've been to them,
never tell a veteran it was amistake. If any The only person
who has a right to do thatis a veteran himself, and they know
it, and sometimes they'll talk aboutit. Senator Hanker, and thank you
so much for joining us. Ifyou want, if somebody wanted to find
out more about what your sons aredoing with these movies and your campaign to
make sure everybody flies the flag,do you have some contact information, a
website they can go to. Well, the best thing I can do if
you want to find out more aboutthe movies, then just go to the
website kingdomstorycompany dot com, kingdomstory dotcom and they will show you all the
movies that have been made and allof that are coming and that'll give you
the best focus on it. Andthen just take my word for it.
Get you a flag, put itup and say to our veterans, God
bless you and you can't go wrong. Amen. Amen, Senor Anker,
thank you so much for joining ushere with him Kendri and Christopher Tidmore on
the Founder Show. Folks, havea happy Memorial Day, as we're going
to talk about in the patriotic momentafter the break. But remember go out
today to go to Walmart, goto Loew's, go to your local There
are local stores. Clement Hardware actuallyon Magazine Street. I use is one
of my favorites that they all haveflags, and go get get yourself a
flag and maybe put some flowers onthe grave of a person who serves if
you could. It is always villaryfloorst But thank you so much, senator.
We appreciate you joining us and we'llhope you have you back. And
Senator you gotta promise me something.You're gonna come back on the show again.
Anytime. Hey, you guys,anytime, do you just let me
know I'm proud of you. Keepup the good work. Yes, sir,
thank you so very much. Godbless there. Hey, Girwin and
folks, we'll be back with apatriotic moment, a special tribute to Memorial
Day. After these important messages,stay tunned, folks. Do you like
reading a book in the evening andmaybe having a cocktail or listening to some
music while you do it? Well, folks, The Garden District book Shop
at twenty seven to twenty seven pretennin the historic Rink now has a bar
in the bookstore. Yes, ladiesand gentlemen, there are pop up food
options in the evenings including you know, everything from gourmet hot dogs to Filipuno
food. But also you can havea cocktail, sit in the bookstore,
read a book and enjoy some ofour wonderful literary events. There's events going
on in June and July that youcan find out at the bookstore at the
website Gardendistrict Bookshop dot com. Butfolks, maybe you just want to come
out on a given evening, sevendays a week between four and eight pm
and have a cocktail, read abook. Enjoy the atmosphere of a bookstore
in the evening and bring your kidsor grandkids. Let them play in the
kids section while you sit there andhave a cocktail and chat with friends and
read a book. It is aperfect arrangement for a wonderful family evening.
At the Garden District Bookshop twenty sevento twenty seven Pertenna in the historic rank
at the corner of Washington Avenue,Pritannia over seventy off Street. Places a
park safely in a building with security, and go up right the elevator and
be right at the bookstore twenty sevento twenty seven, Pritannia, the Garden
District Bookshop and the new bar inthe bookstore, the upstairs bar. Folks
who can find out more at GardendstrictBookshop dot com and tell them you heard
it here in the Founder Show andfolks is chopping. Hi. McHenry,
and I'm here to tell you aboutour ministry, LAMB Ministries. We are
in inner city ministry with an innercity farmula and focus for inner city folks.
We need all the help we canget, folks. We need volunteers,
we need prayer warries, we needfinancial support so if you have any
interest, please contact Let's go toour website Lambanola dot com. That's lamb
nola dot com, or just callme Chaplinhi Mcinry at aera code five zero
four seven two three nine three six' nine. This is very challenging ministry.
We've seen tremendous results. Close tofive thousand kids have come to Christ.
Hundreds more have gone on to livevery productive, good wholesome lives they
would have never had before. Soif you're interested in this type of work,
oh, we need all the helpwe can get, please contact us.
Remember our website is lamb nola dotcom and thank you well. Folks
are back in this chaplin high McHenry, and it's not time for us to
go into our chaplain. Bye.By patriotic moment, we just take a
brief moment to remind you of thebiblical foundations of our country, our Judeo
Christian jurisprudence. And because it's mymoral day, I thought we ought to
pick the first supreme commander of allAmerican the whole military. And I'm talking
about none other than General George Washington, a remarkable man, a man who
in so many ways put God firstin his life and everything he did at
home, on the battlefield, inthe business world, whatever in politics,
whatever he did, God was alwaysfirst. And he was so extreme about
that. He had his general's callfor a meeting. They were going to
mutiny because he was buying too manyBibles, getting too many Bibles and chaplains
for his military. And they saidit's over with. We need beans and
bullets. We can't win this battlewith Bibles and Chaplains. And George Washington
said, no, we will continue, and the mutiny was abated. They
did not. They went ahead andaccepted his command, and he went on
to tell his troops one day hesaid, and to the character of a
patriot, add the more noble characterof a Christian. I leave this with
you this Memorial Day to remember,are wonderful George Washington, the father of
America, truly a great man ofGod and a great leader of our country.
Folks, What about you? Whois your leader as far as spiritual
things go? George Washington knew itwas Jesus. Is he your leader?
Well, right now I'm gonna takejust a short time to show you how
you can know that you know thatyou know Jesus really is your God,
He really is your savior. Hereally is going to save you from a
burning hell and guarantee you everlasting lifeto be with him in heaven forever.
And it goes like this. Godloves you with an everlasting love. The
Bible says, he loves you morethan I can say, and he offers
you his love twenty four to seven. Throughout your life, a lot of
times you don't see it, youdon't feel it, you haveing, tough
times, whatever. Sometimes those arethe times where people wake up and they
do seek God's love and they docry out to him. He has many
ways to reach us because there aremany different people. He created us all
with great variety, and He lovesvariety, and so do I. By
the way, variety is a spiceof life. So whatever your way is,
God's waiting there for you. Hewants you to be his best friend,
and he wants to be your savior. He wants to be your God.
You're always going to have one God. It's either going to be God
or Satan. Choose God. Choosehim this day, you know. The
Bible says that he says, it'sthe Gospel is the power of God into
salvation to whosover believes. So whatis the gospel? The scripture clearly says
the gospel is that Christ died forall of our sins. According to the
scripture, that he was buried,and that he rose from the dead to
win for each and every one ofus that precious free gift of resurrection,
everlasting life. To whoserver believeth.When He died for all your sins,
folks, he did it for all, from the day you're born to the
day you die. He ties toyour gray sins. He paid for it
all, He washed it all awaywith his blood, and then he rose
from the dead to take care ofyour second love problem, and that's death,
so you could get his resurrection,everlasting life. If you've never done
this before, do it now.Don't wait till it's too late. Like
the old country preacher said, believethat you'll never do it on your own,
that you'll never succeed, You'll neverbe good enough for God, because
you're not. None of us are. He's God. We're not believe yet.
You're just not good enough. Andthe moment you do that, you
just repented. It's a function ofyour faith. It takes place in your
mind and your heart when you finallyreally realize you cannot save yourself. The
split second you do that, you'vejust repented, and now you're free to
put faith alone in Christ alone.You're free to believe with all your heart
that Jesus really did die for allyour sins, was buried and rose from
the dead again. If you've neverdone that before, do it now.
The scripture says, now today isthe day of Salvation. Well, folks,
there's another day coming. It's calledthe Day of God's Wrath. It
has to do with the end times. We're gonna have a little chat right
now about what's coming, I thinkin the near future, and we're talking
about when Jesus comes back. Butbefore he comes back, this world's gonna
really kick it up. We're gonnaturn against God every way we can.
It's like like that in the daysof Noah, Jesus said it would be
like in the days of Knowing.Everything you can think of is going to
be turned against God on this earth, and it's going to be hell all
over the planet, or it's goingto be horrible, the apocalypse, all
of the dreaded things imaginable that couldcome on this earth coming. Jesus said,
it's going to be the worst timethe world has ever seen. And
he said, when you see allthese signs are about two hundred when they're
all coming together, I'm at thedoor. I'm coming soon, and you
won't know the day of the hour, but you will know the general time.
So get ready. Don't let mereturn and catch you unawares. He
said, I'm coming back like aspy, a covert operator. He says,
I'm coming back like a thief inthe night. And he says most
people won't know. He says,but because you're my people, you should
know, and you can know.Just look at the signs and believe that
he's really coming back. I'll tellyou a sign right now. We can't
go over all them. But here'sanother one. AI. AI is getting
so out of control already, folks, that even the atheists, agnostics,
they're all saying, we're going tohave an AI apocalypse. It's so bad
that so many of the rich ITpeople, the Silicon Valley billionaires, are
building multimillion dollar bunkers because they knowit's coming. Folks. There's another sign.
The scripture says in the end,not knowledge will increase. When that
was said, there was only likethere were like just a handful of books
with all the knowledge in the world. Today knowledge is doubling. It's doubling
every minute, and it's at thepoint where it's quadrillions amounts of bits of
information knowledge we have in this world, and all this is being brought to
bear to create a knowledge pump,if you will, called AI artificial intelligence.
Kind of interesting name. Maybe thatkind of intelligence isn't very good because
it's not real, it's fake artificial, but anyway, it is dangerous and
that means we're going to have robutsrising up, and AI is being programmed
to remove anything that's harmful. Andwhen they look at the human rights and
they see how messed up we are, they're coming for us, folks.
And when you have these rogue operatorswho are creating this AI and they want
an apocalypse, this world is introuble. And if Jesus doesn't come back
soon, the scripture says, there'llbe no flesh left. He has to
hurry up. He's coming back fasterthan he had planned to, because if
he doesn't get here in time,there'll be no flesh left. Folks,
it's getting time, it's getting hard, it's getting rough and tough. Get
ready for it, folks. Getyour bunker. The best bunker you'll ever
get. The name of that bunkeris the Lord Jesus Christ. You go
hiding him. That's the safest placeyou'll ever be. Trust him as you're
saved. You believe that he diddie for all you sends him rosemen dead,
and you're guaranteed the greatest safe housefor the hard times that are right
at our doorstep. So thank you, so very much. It's not time
for us to close. As weclose with the mont Saint Martin singing a
creole goodbye and God bless all outthere. Does this have to be the
end of the night? You knowI love you. In the pamal Land,
I can see across the million stars. Look, we can pose. It's