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June 1, 2024 54 mins
Hy and Christopher kick off the show wondering if Donald Trump‘s conviction on 34 counts will boost RFK Jr enough to make the debates. He’s already qualified at 15% in three out of four national polls, and he is about to be listed on enough state ballots to add up to 270 electoral votes. By the old rules, he would be close to qualifying for debate between Trump and Biden.  Examining the Trump verdict, Christopher wonders if Trump had just simply admitted that he had sex with Stormy Daniels, he likely would’ve been acquitted? Hy calls Christopher out on this.

After the break, the conversation moves onto the new school voucher bill just passed in Baton Rouge. The devil is in the details in any piece of legislation, and the expansion of the educational savings accounts by the Louisiana Legislature has been put to the discretion of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) in Senate Bill 313. As the evaluation system outlined in the bill does not conform to BESE’s letter grade system, the body could plead poverty – and refuse to ever expand the private school scholarship program.

By a vote of 67-29, the Louisiana House last week opted not to adapt their own school voucher proposal from earlier in the legislative session, but to adopt the Senate’s proposal for Educational Savings Account implementation. The bill changed two critical elements from the House’s original proposal. Last Tuesday, May 21, legislators rejected Stonewall GOP Rep. Larry Bagley's amendment mandating that private schools who receive ESA money receive letter grades based on students’ test scores (similar to the public-school rating system using the LEAP test), which he said would help hold private schools accountable for student performance.

Grading the schools with differing testing methods was considered an unfair comparison with charter and public schools by the legislative majority, yet this decision may not sit well with BESE, who has based its entire rationale for closing failing schools on the letter grade system, earned by competitive examination. That might make BESE reticent to divert public Minimum Foundation Formula funds to expand scholarships for private and parochial school tuition, and it was its “power of the purse” that constituted the second change from the original House legislation.

The Senate bill does not set the grant amounts or any timeline to expand its scope beyond the current recipients of vouchers – the poorest students in failing school districts. Rather, SB313 charges BESE to determine how much tuition money to give parents and at what point, if ever, to make higher-income families eligible.

“We can implement it faster or slower as needed, as appropriated funds allow,” the House co-author of the bill, GOP Rep. Julie Emerson of Carencro, explained. However, while she undoubtedly meant that the changes enable the Legislature to adjust the program based on available funds, BESE has been rendered the real power in SB313.

The state's school board could direct funds however its members wished, and that is the rub.  It could change many of the standards of qualification or not expand the program at all, especially if future budgets do not increase the base funding.  BESE has long maintained a greater skepticism to ESA impact on the overall school funding formula than legislators, after all.

The Legislature’s fiscal office said the earlier version of the ESA bill would have cost about $258 million in fall 2027, and as much as $500 million when all families will eventually be eligible for tuition grants. Gov. Landry has pledged to reach that ubiquitous threshold, yet under SB313, his power will be limited.  Short of discovering a vast pool of uncommitted revenue, such as the .45 sales tax expiring next year, the Landry administration may just give BESE the power to kill ESA expansion – at least for the near future.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Battles. The politicians addressed the digitdatas and magicians trust to see the money
they did, don't there's nothing tofill the holes? Well, then fill
in their pockets that holes. Thepoliticians bouncing down the road every bush for

no more corruption and dysfunction. It'sgone out date. Divine is avention.
Trump convicted on thirty four counts.But we're going to talk about the political
implications of this, not only whythe jury did what they did, but
what could it mean? And includedladies and gentlemen. Could this mean Trump's

conviction that Robert F. Kennedy Juniormakes the June debate. He was close
to it before, could he makeit now? Also, folks talking about
the Louisiana legislature major move on schoolvouchers, but will they ever come to
pass? Well, the devil inthis legislation is in the details and maybe
at the feet of the Board ofElementary and Secondary Education. New Orleans is

losing population even faster than we thoughtbefore. And ethics in Louisiana, well,
they took a little bit of ahit, or at least that's what
good government groups are saying. Allthis and more in this edition of The
Founder Show, and God bless allout there. You are now listening to
the Founders Show, the voice ofthe founding fathers, your founding fathers coming

to you deep within the bowels ofthose mystic and cryptic alligator swamps of the
Big Easy and way high up onthat old liberty cipress tree draped in Spanish
moss out on the Eagles Branch.This is none other than you have s
been. Gary Babbao, the RepublicChaplain, Hi mc henry, who with
Christopher Tidmorey roving reporter, resident radicalmoderate and associate editor of the Louisiana Weekly

newspaper at Louisiana Weekly dot net.And we'll talk about the thirty four counts
of Trump. The whole planet isand we can't ignore that. But I
think one political side effect of allof this is what's happening on June twenty
seventh. Now, remember Trump isnot going to be actually sentenced until July
eleventh, So June twenty seventh,we have a presidential debate. Technically it's

a debate between organized between the twocampaigns. But if they follow the rules
that have governed our presidential debates forthe last twenty years, in order for
a third party candidate to make adebate, you have to have at least
fifteen percent in and four national pollsbeyond the ballot in enough states to get
two hundred and seventy electoral votes andbe qualified basically across the board in these

areas. Well, Guess what RobertF. Kennedy Junior has made the ballot
has made fifteen percent in three nationalpolls, and he's gotten until June twentieth
to make a fourth. He isgoing to be on the ballot and enough
states to get two hundred and seventyelectoral votes. Right now, he's on
six, about to qualify in anothertwenty three. Of course, he didn't
get the Libertarian Party nomination, whichsays, in my humble but accurate opinion,

the Libertarian Party are purest idiots.But that's another story about how this
goes, How this conviction plays off, helps RFK get into these debates,
and what happens that next becomes areally interesting political question. Forget whether you
think Trump is guilty or innocent.We'll talk about what happened in the trial

that you may not know, folks, But the implication of this is not
whether if you're a Trump's supporter,You're going to turn away from Trump.
That's probably not going to happen.Most Americans are pretty much decided on this.
What is talking about are the lightTrump supports, the ones who voted
for Nicki Haley, the ones whoare undecided, the ones who are leaning
towards Trump, who are starting tocome home before the case would they entertain

another candidate or stay home to thesame problem Biden's had. By the way,
with the black vote, it wasn'tso much that they were people really
thought twenty five percent of the AfricanAmerican males in America, we're going to
vote for Trump. Some would,but the idea is would they stay home.
Well, the question of all thesethings goes into how does this ruling

effect the argument for RFK Junior toget into that debate, and he was
so close on all the rules,it's going to be very difficult if he
hits fifteen percent in a fourth poll, which I hear is coming out in
next week, to be able todeny him a place in the June twenty
seventh debate. And he'll go intoa debate where Biden's every other word is
going to be my opponent across thething, the convicted felon. Yeah,

we know that when the real convictedfelon should be Biden himself and his son
and his whole criminal family gang.The evidence on them is overwhelming. This
is one of the greatest farces ofjudicial prudence in the history of this country.
I don't know how close to youall have been following it, but
all so many of the great legalexperts have been commenting on it for the

duration of this trial, and they'reall appalled over the way the evidence has
been mismanaged and handled incorrectly, theway the judges showed extreme bias and bigotry
against Trump about how how conflicted heis, and that his daughter, his
daughter is is working against Trump andgetting paid for it, you know,

and his just his out of thecloset hatred for Donald Trump. You can't
be an unbiased judge with that withyou know, if there was someone judged
and the judges, he'd have beenkicked out a long time ago. That's
one of the problems we have isthat these judges can go unchecked and because
of the judge that of course,when it gets appealed, then it'll be
overturned. But you know they wantto be able to say he's a convicted
fellow, and that's why this ishappening. It has nothing to do with

justice, It has nothing to dowith honor. It has everything to do
with politics and with winning the election, no matter how dirty you fight.
Getting what I think about this,And we've heard with Christopher, Thanks,
and so we're going to go overthe points of the case. And we
also need to get into about Kennedywhere he is RFK Junior and he's I

think he should be on the debatingstage. But I guarantee you I don't
care what happens to Trump. TheDemocrats will keep him off. They are
terrified to him. They hate him, and they're gonna do everything can destroy
him, just like they've done withTrump. And they're dirty fighters, folks.
Can you see this? Can It'suncanny to be indicted in like over
ninety indictments in four different trials,and they're all bogus trials, And it's

becoming clear and clear by the momentas he sings unfold. So anyway,
for the points of the case,they had only had two witnesses and both
of them were bums and should havebeen impeached immediately, but the judge wouldn't
allow that. And then the greatwitnesses Trump had, they kept one of
them off, who's an expert onthese things. They wouldn't let they wouldn't
let a subject matter expert give hisopinion testify at the trial. And the

demerk site had noe subject matter expertbecause nobody could lie that. Well,
that's a subject matter expert. Soaway, here's chrispher He has his thanks
points he wants to make about theTrium. Heyes, who was close to
having a condiption fit here when itcomes to says. Look, first,
let me point out that right now, the person who's avoiding having RFKN in
the stage, I agree with you, Biden doesn't want Tom there, but

increasingly Trump doesn't either. And theevidence of this we referenced this in last
week's show. They both were goingto the Libertarian Convention, both were going
to be there at the same time. RFK said, let's have a debate.
It wasn't Trump's people, it wasn'this background. It was Trump who
didn't have it. And the reasonhe didn't have it is almost simultaneously that
a poll came out in Pennsylvania Itwas a very interesting poll what it said.

This was before obviously the convictions,but it was It said Biden and
Trump were statistically tied in Pennsylvania fortytwo forty two. However, when you
added in all the other third partycandidates, so not just RFK but Jill
Stein and Cornell West on the left, who should take just from Biden?
Suddenly Biden was forty percent and Trumpwas thirty eight. What it was saying

was RFK was actually taking more fromTrump than he was taking for Biden,
at least in Pennsylvania. I don'tknow if it's true of the whole country,
but it was true in Pennsylvania.Now, what I'm going to say
to you, Hi, is goingto surprise you, But I want you
to listen to me real quick.And in this case, in my age,
christmas pretty hard to get surprised.And try to remember when I was

making my very bold statements. Justnow, Christopher was having Connipsen fits.
Did you hear him, folks?I was trying to talk about RFK before
we got into the trial. Butall right, let me we're not.
I'm going to say something that's that'sdifferent than ninety nine percent of what the
media is saying out there, thefunny the person who lost this trial was

Donald Trump, because let me finish, because he probably wasn't guilty of any
crime, but his pride got inthe way. And what do I mean
by that? Listen, hear meout high. It's not illegal to get
someone to sign a non disclosure agreementand pay them for it to not disclose
that you have sex. There's nothingillegal about that. That's done all the

time. In fact, people have, you know, pay people to sign
non disclosure agreements for every possible reasonunder the sun so as not to have
anything. Well, let me letme finish, because I haven't told you
it. What was curious about thistrial was the fact that Donald Trump,
from the very beginning said I neverhad sex with Stormy Daniels. Now why

people were curious about that decision wasif you remember, after the Access Hollywood
tape came out, Trump admitted thathe had extramarital affairs. I mean,
it's not like that that was anygreat surprise. But throughout the trial he
was actually at one point said Inever cheated on my wife, which goes

against what he said. You know, before they Access Hollywood tape four years
ago. There's literally nobody in Americawho doesn't believe that Donald Trump hasn't had
a bunch of women throughout the years. I mean, even his closest defenders
will say, yeah, they justdon't care and it's not a big deal.
And frankly, I'm gonna tell yousomething that surprise you. I don't
care either. That's not the oneof the problems I've area of a Trump.
But in the case, what nevermade sense and it wasn't just me,

it was actually this was brought upa National Review on the same day
that they that the editors had aneditorial saying, a quit Donald Trump by
someone who said he doesn't think he'sguilty of any crimes. And I'm quoting
this National Review legally speaking, Trump'sscambit that is not claiming that he never
had sex with Stormy Daniels or anyoneelse, is disastrous. It makes no

sense in a criminal courtroom for adefendant to deny his complicity in legal conduct
when there's daunting evidence that he wascomplicit up to his neck. Why do
it? The prosecutors framed the caseto the jury as a criminal conspiracy to
barriage, bury damage information that's nota crime. Though there's no crime in
bearing damaging information doesn't exist, noteven a mistimeter. Really, NDAs are

legal. But rather than go withthat Trump's best defense, Trump acted guilty
throughout the whole case, as ifa candidate's suppression of negative information rather than
a routine is criminally condemnable. It'snot, It says in the course of
this editorial, Donald Trump should notbe convicted for anything but the diabolical compacts

of Cohen and Pecker, from whichhe must stay a million miles away,
a choice which the evidence is havinga hearty laugh that this was a gift
for the prosecutor's like for brag likeprosecutoral heaven, the point being, no,
listen to this. Hi, ifyou're Donald Trump, you come out
and said, well, yeah,I had sex with the woman. We
paid her in an NDA. There'snothing illegal about that. Jury go in

and guess what he's acquitted. Butthroughout the whole case, it's not in
Donald Trump's DNA to say he waswrong or that he made a mistake.
No one high pays one hundred andthirty thousand dollars to silence a porn star
if they didn't sleep with them.Why go to all that effort to do
so? It's really simple, Christopher, because people will believe her. It

doesn't matter how much she's lying.And she's been caught in many lives.
By the way, Cohen is aserial perjurer, a criminal, a felon,
and everything else. And he saidstar witness along with a porns.
Porn stars are famous for, youknow, their fantasies. They're lying.

So, yes, she would havecome out and said and she could have
damaged him, and so to keepher mouth shut, he pays her off.
Not that they actually we have noproof. There's no evidence here.
Christopher's all of his statements about Trumphaving sex with these people, it's all
his opinion, it's all his feeling, it's all his circumstantial evidence. There's
no solid evidence that he had sexwith all these people. None. Zero.

There's tons of evidence that Clinton wasa sex freak, there's no question.
But there's tons of evidence that thecurrent president is a sex freak,
along with his son and maybe hiswhole family. I don't know. Uh,
there's tons of evidence for all ofthis, but there's no real evidence
that other than the fact that hewas he knews to Army Daniels. She
tried to get on his show thatI think they went out a couple of

times. That doesn't prove he hadsex with her. There's no solid evidence
for that. But if she comesout and starts blathering away that they had
sex, it's going to hurt him. So he pays her off. And
then if he pays her off tosay he didn't, then he can't say,
oh, yes, I did,So he's got a say he didn't.
Now did he or not? Idon't know. Nobody really knows.

There's no proof that he did.Lady didn't zero and there's no proof.
Given Christopher's statements here. If younotice they were all opinions. I feel
I think, uh, he's oh, and then the attack on his character.
He's so prideful he cannot admit he'swrong. Christopher, have you ever
met a politician that said they werewrong? It's unheard of. I don't

care how wrong they are. Theynever admit they were wrong. They don't
do it. It's part of theway the game of politics is played.
And you know that I neighborhood suckswith that woman. You remember that one,
Okay, So anyway, that wasyou know, Bill Clinton when he's
trying to and when they had hardevidence that you know, like DNA samples
that yes, he did have sexwith that woman. And so, folks,

this is such an abrogation of justice, of real justice. I can't
wait till it goes to the appeal. But they've sped through this trial to
get this verdict, denying him allof his rights in a normal situation.
And guess what they're going to donow that it's going to the appeal process.
They will walk like turtles. Theywill delay this thing and slow it

down as long to get as muchpolitical mileage, as much blood as they
can out out of Donald Trump.They're going to drag out the appeal process,
watch it as long as they possiblycan. Hi, it's not my
opinion that Donald Trump committed adultrey onit his wife multiple times. It's what
he said in a video after theAccess Hollywood tape that he released, saying

that he made a mistake and hadproblems in his marriage. He went out
and said the whole thing. Wecan actually play it on the air.
It's not hypothetical. It is verytrue that it was. Donald Trump could
have gotten acquittal in this trial bysimply saying easily, this was a unanimous
jury in on thirty four accounts.All he had to say is there's nothing

illegal about sleeping with a woman inpaying her to be silent. Period of
chris If that's a damn lie,he is not. You're making all this
up. Yes you are. You'remaking it up. This is a grand
lie. And I'm gonna tell youwhy. It doesn't matter what he said,
because we know how the trial went. Whichever way he turned, the
judge ruled against him, that hewould he denied all their objections. That
never happens in a trial. Theyhad plenty of great objections. They weren't

allowed to get their objections in.The thing was so biased and so slanted
against him, with the man himselfopenly declaring how much he hates Trump,
like like Chrisopher hates Trump, howcan you get a fair trial from that?
It didn't matter if whether he saidhe he had had sex or didn't
have sex. They would use itagainst him. No matter what he said,
they were going to use it againsthim. Can't you see that?

It's so clear, it's so blatant. It's it's so blatant. And also
he didn't say he was running aroundhaving sex all over the place. You're
making that up, Christopher. Hedid not say that. And the Access
Hollywood tape said this, this,this, this, This was locker room
talk. I've heard it a milliontimes where men in the locker room they
start bragging about all the sex theyhave. Usually most of it's bs.

They have not had all that sex, but it's fun to build your macho
appearance by saying yes. And I'veheard so many men do it. It's
pretty normal for men to do that. And we all know it's bs.
The men all know it. Andthat was his his Access Hollywood. Uh.
And he didn't say he actually hadsex with him. He just said
they would let you come up anddo things to them in public, which

which in Hollywood. I'm not surprised. And to think that those rats in
Hollywood all of a sudden got soself righteous about sex when they're all a
bunch of sex freaks. It's stunningto me the extreme hypocrisy going on here,
and that low life the Narrow showsup with all of his cry baby

screaming and hollering. He is heis one of the many sex freaks in
Hollywood, but he's gonna all ofa sudden get so self righteous about sex.
Christopher. The hypocrisy here is offthe charts every which way you look
at it. And this was nota fair trial. It was not a
just trial. The jurisprudence violations arenumerous. Any one of them will kick

this whole thing out, just one. There were repeated violations of jurisprudence in
this trial. But because the judgegets to say what's real or not,
you know, you can't expect justice. There's such a thing as a crooked
judge. There have been plenty ofthem in history. Now we know there's
one right there in New York.He's as crooked as a And that's the
guy who ruled on all this.He goes to the jury and he gives

them, he gives them guidance onhow they're going to vote, and then
it's hidden, it's not even releasedwhat the guidance is. This man broke
so many rules it's uncounty. It'sno wonder the jury voted. He went
in there and basically laid the lawdown on these guys. So are you
gonna do it this way, thatway, or else? So they convicted
him. Are we surprised? Folks. At last count forty seven percent of

Republicans and eighty percent of the Americanpeople. That was the last I think
it was uguf Pole that talks aboutthat. With ninety percent of the media
screaming these lines, I'm not surprised, Christopher, you really don't think Donald
Trump sleeps a lot of women?Okay, Now I have no idea because
I never followed him around to see. I don't know, but you didn't.
You didn't follow Bill Clinton around.You believe these lives because I heard

eyewitnesses too, many of them,hundreds of them that bore testimony that he
was. And Christopher, please,but here's the thing. I've heard eyewitnesses,
personal ones talk to that said DonaldTrump is his closest friend, told
me about it. Clinton's closest friend, his boyhood buddy, told me all
about it. Clinton and Clinton's amanho. I am not argue you don't

have that on Trump. Yeah,Trump, I know you're imagining that,
you're wishing that. You have noproof of that. Okay, Look,
here's the point. The American peopledon't care if he's a man who that's
the point any more. They caredabout Clinton. So if he staid he
had done it. They'd hunting themon that. Whatever he said, he
was going to be wrong in thatcourtroom, christ fed Except state law,
New York state law is very specific. There's nothing illegal on getting paying someone

to sign an NDA and covering updamaging information, unlashing him. I feel
you're saying, because that's when hehad no sex, they got him on
that. That's bold, Chris.Actually, that's how the legal strategy in
that trial went because he looked likehe was guilty. Legal strategy was a
joke. All the experts on thissaying that looked at this thing, they've
all said it's it's they've never seenit, said, it's the weakest legal
strategy they've ever seen. I've beentalking to like twenty seven different legal experts

who've all said that Trump's strategy wasincredibly weak. But here's the facts.
On the twenty seventh, he's goinginto a debate where he's going to be
called a felon. On the eleventh, he will be convicted to some limited
jail time in the middle of apresidential race. How that's going to play.
We just have no earthly idea,neither you or I. I have

no idea. If anybody's gonna careabout this or not. But I do
know this. Trump had a problemwith people going over to RFK, just
like Biden did. That problem justgot a lot worse. We'll see,
Christopher, we don't know yet.We'll see this could also blow up in
their face because when they put themugshot out, it was one of the

biggest mistakes they ever made. Itmade him so much more popular. And
I hope everybody starts wearing that mugshot that won him so much political Madge.
It needs to come back again.We need to put it everywhere,
his mugshot. We'll see what happensin the next few weeks. But you
know, it's funny that even Icame in on this show and said I

didn't think he committed a crime,and that was after the conviction, and
you said, I hate Trump.Well, all I'm looking at is a
very bad legal strategy. High Christopher. You've said it so many times on
this show. I've even you know, diagnosed you with Trump derangement syndrome.
And I say, why do youhave like a visceral hatred for this man?

You evidence it's in all our pastshows. Christopher, I've seen it,
you and I talking, and I'veseen others with the same thing.
They don't care what he does.They just hate his guts and they want
to get rid of them. Idon't know what the problem is. I
don't know why some people hate himso much. It's the weirdest thing I've
ever seen in my life. Youknow, I really don't like many Democrats,
and I like Clinton and Obama andBiden, and I think they're wicked.

Teddy Kenney, he was a totalright. All these people are very
bad people as far as I'm concerned, but I don't hate them. I
can't find it in myself to hatethem. I hate what they've done,
and I don't respect him, andI don't like them, but I don't
hate them at all, and Idon't want to hate them. You know
what God tells me, I gottado. I have to love him,

whether I like it or not.But when you love somebody, you don't
have to like him, but youdo have to love him. There's a
difference. And so he said,I hate Trump. You know, I've
said it all the private shops.I have never used those words. I
betray you now, if you're gonnaask me the question, do I think
do I dislike Trump and think he'snot good for to be in the Oval

office or be the standard bary ofthe Republican Party. Yes, I think
he is a danger in many waysbecause this arrogance, the same arrogance that
made him lose a winnable trial bysimply saying I never had sex with that
woman, just like Bill Clinton,same idea, never that woman miss Lewenzka,
and blows up in his face.This just blew up in his face

because that level of arrogance that Trumphas, this attitude that say, well
he fights, is exactly what repelsme and many Americans about Clinton perjuring yourself
under oh Trump did not true?So what? No? I not?
I'm not definitely evidence that's allowed inthe trial, Christopher, and they needn't.
They got them on something about somekind of accounting error where somebody put

something wrong, the account of somethingput entered it in an incorrect way.
So they're trying to get them onuh, campaign fraud, which is that's
like jaywalking. I mean that happensall the time in campaigns. Was a
minor thing, there's no big deal, and they can easily correct it.
You don't put people in jail forthat. This this is such a farce.
It is a farce off the charts, Christopher. And it's gonna it's

gonna you'll it's you'll see you're you'reyou're partially right. What what what you're
talking about? Know what you're talkingabout? What they were going And I'm
gonna say this was a legal stretchthat probably will be overturned in the in
the in the higher courts for thisreason. It's not illegal, as we
talked about, to have it tohave a non disclosure, but what they're
trying to do under New York statelaw is enforced federal campaign law. And

that's where the problem this. Becauseit's not illegal to pay somebody to be
silent with you think anything happened ornot. That's not illegal. It is
illegal under federal law to conceal andto use money that could be campaign finance
funds. And the question but thereis nowhere I've ever heard that a state

has a right to enforce federal law, or we'd have Texas enforcing federal immigration
law. So it probably will beoverturned in the upper courts. I am
not disagreeing, I'm not some lunaticon the left who is coming this.
I'm just telling you that that mightbe too late. You know, I
do know that, Christopher. Butagain again, every time, it's like

hitting a tar baby. Every timethey give him a soccer punch below the
belt, a dirty you know,whatever, dirty, rotten thing they do
to him. Every time they dothat, it blows up in their faces
and it's like hitting a tar baby. But they're so fanatical, their hatred
and their insanity, it is soextreme that they're not figuring this out yet
that if you want to take Trumpdown, you've tried the wrong way to

do it. And personally, Idon't think they can take him down because
he has a remarkable record. Weall remember the good years under Trump,
and now we're being tormented by thehowers of this current administration in every kind
of way, with the illegal aliens, the destroyed economy, the weakened military,
the constant giving into our enemies overseasand letting them walk all over.

It's like Americans are seeing this.And by the way, when he was
the first big thing with a mugshotand that story, I'm telling you that
was one of the best things thatever happened to him for the African American
vote, and I know that frommy own kids. You know, I
work with in the city kids here, the African American community of New Orleans,

the urban poor, and they sawit immediately because see their use to
being dragged into jail on false chargesand all that, they've seen it too
much. They're street wise. Asthey saw that, they knew he was
innocent, and they became his fans. Of course, friend happened across the
country and that's where he gained ahuge amount of the Black vote. So

the you know, the aftermath ofthis is going to be very interesting to
watch to see does it hurt inpolitically or does he make more gains.
That's going to be really interesting andyou'll hear about that on our future shows.
Folks. We need to transition afterthe break into the legislative session other
things that are going on. ButI will say something that was interesting,
and in the wake of the rulingof the thirty four counts, I started

getting a whole bunch of calls andthey were like, well, why can't
he run for office. He's aconvicted felon. And I had to remind
people of Edwin Edwards. Remember whenEdward Edwards ran for Congress against Garrett Graves.
It was because if you're a felon, a convicted felon, you're allowed
to run. You're not allowed tovote in most states, but you're allowed
to run for office. And alsoour famous Earl Long, the brother of

Huey Long, when he got convictedfor criminal insanity or whatever was and he
was committed. Yeah, at thecourthouse in Covington. A good friend of
mine watched this. He walked outdown the steps and they were taking him
over to manivilt and he punched thephotographer right and almost really hurt him,

jam the camera right up his eyeand goes Starmanod goes to the hospital.
As a governor, he pardons himself. He's back on the street again.
So much for real, And hewas a real criminal running for office.
Well, speaking about running for officeand what happens, folks, we're going
to talk about some changes in theEthics Board. In fact, you know,
appointing the people who regulate you isthe legislator done. But that's not

nearly as big a news as what'shappened in the changes in the voucher bill.
We may have vouchers or we maynot. This is one of those
situations where the devils and the detailsand everything will be up to the Bessie
board. It's the first time I'veever seen the legislature subdue power to somebody
else. Folks. We'll talk aboutall that and more with Hig mccam cris
Er Tid Moore the Founder Show.After these important messages. Stay tuned more

of the Foundery Show to come rightafter this. Have you ever wanted to
go in the evening, read abook, have a drink, maybe some
dinner, and be at a perfectliterary environment. Well you can do that
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of activities. Check it out atGardendistrict Bookshop dot com and tell them you
heard it here in the Founders Showas you enjoy your cocktail, your glass
of wine, reading a book,and enjoying the literary atmosphere at the Garden
District Bookshop. Do it, folks, Do it folks. And this is

Chaplinhei McHenry, and I'm here totell you about our ministry, LAMB Ministries.
We're an inner city ministry with aninnercy formula and focus for inner city
folks, please check us out,go to our website Lamanola dot com.
That's lamb n Ola dot com,or just call me Chaplinhi McHenry at aera
code five zero four seven two threenine three six nine, Folks, is

very challenging ministry. We deal withmany issues. We've just did a funeral
for a little baby killed in youknow, gang war collateral damage. Tragic,
not even a year old tragic.And this is not you know,
the first one. So it's avery challenging ministry. We need all the
help we can get. But we'veseen remarkable results, folks. We've seen

close to five thousand come to Christwith radically changed lives. We've seen hundreds
more going to live productive, healthylives where they do everything that makes for
a good life on this earth,a healthy life, a happy life,
and with families and people getting marriedand raising kids, the whole thing that
normally doesn't normally happen in their community, you know, staying out of jail,

et cetera. So if you wantto get involved with this group,
we need all the help we canget. We need we need volunteers,
we need financial support, and weneed prayer warriors. So just contact us
and go to our website again LAMBn O l A dot com and thank
you so very very much. Checkout the summer flower arrangements at Villaries Florist
at one eight hundred vi I Ll e r E or Villaries Florest on

the web. Wonderful flower arrangements forthe summer season and wonderful summer baskets to
be delivered in anticipation of holidays andbeachy fund all available at Villaries Florest.
Give them a call one eight hundredvi I L L e r E or
Villariesflorest dot com and tell him youheard it here on the Founder Show.
That os T show right, folkswere back and you were listening to the

Founder Show the Voice to the Foundingfollows and folks. If you want to
hear us, you can hear usevery Sunday morning from eight to nine am
on w r O. That's nineto nine point five on your FM dial.
You can also hear us during theweek Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Fridays, Wednesdays and Mondays again fromeight to nine drive time during the week
on w s l A and that'sone five six zero on the AM dial.

Or ninety three point nine on theFM Doal. You can also if
you're way out in Arizona, youcan hear us on Ridlesnake Radio on the
western end of the Grand Canyon.So we have a national show now,
folks. It's a small one butstill but locally we're big. We're the
number one rated weekend show on WRI know, which covers from the Missipi
Golf Coast to Baton Rouge. Andnow let's just say you missed the show,

no worries. Go to our website, Theefoundersshow dot com and you can
find all of our shows on ourwebsite. Or one of the best ways
of all is download the iHeartMedia app. It's free, folks, for a
grand total of zero dollars. It'sfree. It's like getting satellite radio for
free because you can hear anything andeverything you want to on iHeartMedia. iHeartMedia

is the largest broadcasting company in America. And so you just go get the
iHeartMedia app and look for our showand you can even send signals. So
every time we have a new show, you'll hear about it. You know,
you can catch it twenty four toseven any time. It's at your
convenience, you can listen to ourshow. And so thanks so very much
for being with us. And remember, my partner, we always work so

very hard to bring you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
the truth. And this is noneother then your s been Gary Baba,
the republic Chaplain, Hi mc henry, who with Christopher tid Murrey roving reporter
and resident radical moderate And do wetake it? I want to change gears
because we do have the legislative sessioncoming to an end sometime maybe by the

time of our Sunday broadcast, definitelyby the before our Wednesday broadcast. Seenie
Die is on Monday at five pm. Seeney Die, by the way,
is a Latin term for you know, must end. It's just it means
it's it's a legal term when suchby law, something must come to an
end. But they can. Oneof the things I've been fascinated by is

we've talked about the fact that GovernorLandry has not succeeded in getting his constitutional
Convention bill, and there's other thingshe hasn't conceded, but he's actually been
pretty successful. And one of hisbig successes is he set out to have
a expanded school voucher regime. It'sentitled Educational Savings Accounts, But what it
involves is that state money would bedirected to allow kids to go to private

or parochial schools. That happens alreadyin a limited number of highly impoverished kids
from failing school districts. But thebill that was passed by the state Senate
Senate Bill three to one three wouldexpand it beyond that in theory. But
this high is one of those situationswhere the devil is truly in the details.

So remember we talked about this,and there was a House bill about
six or eight weeks ago that wasgoing to expand it up to anyone making
over seventy five thousand dollars a year. And we talked about this at length
and it was well, the Senatebasically throughout the House built they didn't even
consider it. They didn't They startedover in the Senate bill. The Senate
bill could in theory, expand schoolvouchers to every Louisianian in theory. And

why do I mean that, Well, an interesting thing happened in the debate
a state. It passed, theSenate sent it built three one to three
pass the Senate, and then itwent to the House and a GOP rep
by the name of Larry Bagley,he's from Stonewall, said, okay,
well, why don't we institute thesame letter grade system that public schools and

charter schools have to do? Youknow, A level schools, B level
schools, C level schools. Youget the idea. It's based on their
LEAP test, the leap test thatstudents have to take in the high school
exit exam that was voted down.They put a requirement in it that you
have to test the kids that arereceiving the vouch your money the educational savings
accounts, but they didn't mandate whatthe test was. It could be any

test. There are a whole bunchof tests out there outside of saying it
has to be a reputable test,but they gave no qualifications reputable. Now,
I'm not saying this was done withany degree of you know, deliberate
strategy. I think they were tryingto give flexibility to private progio schools.
However, it's created an interesting subidea because they don't have the money to

pay for school vouchers. And rememberwe're losing almost six hundred million dollars that
sales tax zero point four to fivecent sales tax is rolling off next year,
which means the state budget is goingto go down by almost six hundred
million. Guess how much it costto give every Louisiana school child who wants
it a voucher? About five hundredand fifty million dollars. It's about the

amount of that money. Well,with that getting rolled off, they don't
know how to pay for it.So the legislators decided to give the Board
of Elementary and Secondary Education BESSIE,the state school board, the decision of
how big the program should be.It's got to continue and really poor kids
that are in it, about thirtythousand kids have got to continue. But

beyond that, Bessie sets all thestandards. Now, the BESSIE board members
is conservative, as many of themare wanted to have a letter grade system
because that's how they determine what charteror public schools to close that are failing
schools. That's something BESSIE does andbecause of that they mandated. You know,
they absolutely if eighty percent of aprivate school has kids on public money,

they should have the same standards.Whether you agree with that or not,
that's something the Besie members have said. So here's my read on this.
We just passed ubiquitous school choice billthat's going to go to the Best
Sea Board, and the Bessie Boardis going to understand, at least look
at the legislature and say, okay, where's the money. And the legislature
is going to say, oh,just take it out of the minimum foundation
formula. That's the basic school budgetthe school provides around and Bessie's gonna look

at it and say, let's see, we don't have letter grades to compare
it, and we're not going toraid the budget. So if you don't
give us money, lots of money, we're just not going to expand school
vouchers. And you gave us,under the law, understand it, Bill
three one three that power. Andguess what's going to happen for all this
fight over school vouchers. Nothing's goingto change until the legislature comes up with
a big pool of money. Now, how do they come up with a

big pool of money. We're facinga death that, folks, We're facing
this the only money that's available.We're not the federal government. We can't
print money, we can't get theprinting presses going and run inflation. We
can't deficit spend. The only wayto do that is to renew the sales
tax. So does Conservative Governor JeffLandry want to renew a sales tax?
So Bessie will expand the voucher program? Or is this been a full of

sound and fury signifying nothing because Bessiewill effectively kill vouchers even though they have
the power to expand it. Thedevil truly is always in the details.
Side Chrisphert, He's always in thedetails. And I'm saying this as a
minister. The scripture says we wrestlenot against flesh and blood, but against
principally's powers, rules, the darknessworld and spiritual wickedness in high and heavenly

placed. He's all over the place, folks. And take note the word
there is wrestle. It's not box. It's not like shooting with guns or
fighting with swords or whatever, throwingspears. And what I mean by that
is that type of fighting always havea distance. But when you wrestle,
its body to body, right,it's as up close and personal as you

can get. And that's how Godsays we're fighting a devil. He is
absolutely in the details at every levelof society, including high places, heavenly
places. Speaking of people who don'thave to wrestle anymore, Jeff Landry was
very happy with his legislative session becausehe will never ever have to wrestle with
the Ethics Board again. You knowwhy. He will appoint every single member

and they will serve at his pleasure. That's the other change in the legislature.
The governor absolutely controls the Ethics Boardand if they and remember the Ethics
Board had cited him just a fewmonths ago, so he got the legislature
to change it. And if youcite the governor, guess what he'll do,
fire you. So it's gonna beso Jeff Landry will no longer have
to ever read Louisiana. I thinkwe've heard that the governor of Louisiana has

more power than any other governor inthe United States, and now he's even
got more power. Right. I'vealways said, you know, one of
the things, and this is agood example of it. Wayne Parent,
famous political scientists at LSU. Heactually did analysis and said, constitutionally,
the governor of Louisiana is about inthe middle of power, but operationally the
difference between de facto and de jure. He's the closest thing to an elected

king because if the governor says something. It's been amazed that the governor didn't
get everything through this legislative session,that the Senate stood up to him in
a little bit, but they didnot when it came to the ethics board.
But I need to talk about alittle bit of a bigger issue,
and that is the fact that folks, we haven't been paying attention in all
of this, but lately New Orleanshas made the top ten list of cities

losing population in the nation. Andremember Orleans Parish itself in the metro in
general, was gaining population because welost so many so much in Katrina that
we were gaining it back. Whileall of that has been completely reversed,
and in fact, right now NewOrleans is injured. What is many people

believe is a spiral role on onwhether or not you know there is this,
is our birth rate is actually goingdown. We're not as bad as
say New Hampshire, which had nineberths for every thousand residents, but we've
actually lost so many people. Whatwe're losing as young people, and so
the birth rate's going down. It'slike, well we out a lot of

abortion. Is that, Well,when the people move away, the people
who can have kids move away,you get into her things. But anyway,
do you think it's people mainly outof New Orleans or what area is
it across the state? We've lostOrleans Parish has lost five percent of its
population between twenty twenty and twenty twentythree. So in three years we lost
five percent of population. Cameron Parishhas done worse. It lost fifteen percent
with hurricanes. But some parishes didgrow Tangibahoa by three percent, Ascension by

three percent, Baton Rouge by threepoint six and St. Tammany by four.
So but Saint Tammy, that's theother interesting thing, has grown so
big it is no longer legally consideredpart of the New Orleans metro. St.
Tammany Parish is its own metropolitan area. It ranks in the one hundred
top cities. So I guess thereis one thing. The North Shore has

finally broken away from New Orleans,at least as far as the US census.
Barrow's concerned. Gose for what,we can't do this now, but
we need to tell you for anothershow. I understand Landry has also got
something going to radically improve our portsystem, which is very exciting. It
was a great idea to have agoverning board, but it's basically been stripped
down. So maybe we can youcan come back. Well, folks,
it is time for us to closefor another commercial. Will be right back

now. Don't go anywhere, andso we'll see you in just a minute
after this brief commercial break. Godbless. Rescuing, recovery, re engagement.
These are not just words. Theseare the action steps we at the
New Orleans Mission take to make apositive impact on the homeless problem facing the

greater New Orleans area. Did youknow in twenty twenty, homelessness in our
community increased by over forty percent.We are committed to meet this need through
the work being done at the NewOrleans Mission. We begin the rescue process
by going out into the community everyday to bring food, pray, and

share the love of Jesus with thehopeless and hurting in our community. Through
the process of recovery, these individualshave the opportunity to take time out,
assess their life and begin to makenew decisions to live out their God given
purpose. After the healing process hasbegun and lives are back on track,

we walk each individual as they reengage back into the community to be healthy,
thriving, and living a life ofpurpose. No one is meant to
live under a bridge. No oneshould endure abuse, no one should be
stuck in addiction. The New OrleansMission is a stepping stone out of that
life of destruction and into a lifeof hope and per partner with us today.

Go to www dot New Orleans Missiondot org or make a difference by
texting to seven seven nine, Godowns God the two Shoes. Well,
folks, we're back and you arelistening to the Founder's Show, the Voice

to the Founding Fathers. And thisis Chaplain High mckenry, and it is
now time for us to go intoour chaplain Bah bah patriotic moment where we
just take a brief moment to remindyou of the biblical foundations of our country,
our Judeo Christian jurisprudence. And todaywe're going to talk about famous Supreme
Court justices of all times, andthat is Justice Joseph Story, who is

a famous Harvard professor, one ofthe earliest Supreme Court justices and left a
giant footprint in our jurisprudence of America. Listen to what old justice story thought
about God, the Bible, andAmerica. We are not to attribute this
prohibition, and I'm quoting here,We are not to attribute this prohibition of

a national religious establishment in the FirstAmendment to an indifference to religion in general,
and especially to Christianity, which nonecould hold in more reverence than the
framers of the Constitution. Any attemptto level all religious worship and to make
it a matter of state policy tohold all and utter indifference would have created

universal disapprobation, if not universal indignation. In words, that people wouldn't have
accepted it. If they had triedto kick God on a government way back
then, in the early early daysof this country, our founders would have
never worked. During the founding period, infidels and pagans were banished from the
halls of justice as unworthy of credit. Now you know, I don't quite

even agree with that, but I'mjust quoting you to see where our founding
falls were. They were heavy duty. God's got to be in this,
and it wasn't institutionally. They didnot want an institutional religion, state religion,
if you will, controlling America.They wanted to make sure that the
philosophical foundations and motivations and inspirations anddirections were biblical. They were repeatedly emphatic

about that and every which way youcan go. So we're just talking about
I thought that this was a fittingtopic as our poor beloved President Trump is
going through just horrendous violations of jurisprudenceright now, and eventually it'll probably a
lot of it's going to be inthe Supreme Court. Some of us already
got the Supreme Court and they've alreadyruled in his favor. These charges are

so bogus in four different courts.They are off the charts, illegal,
wrong, and blatant violations of jurisprudence. And the people who are engineering this,
I think they should go to jailbecause they know right and wrong,
they know the law, and they'reviolating it every which way. I don't
know if that's a fallI or not, but it certainly should be. You

know, one day we're all goingto face the supreme judge of the universe,
and I'm talking about the Lord JesusChrist. He's going to judge the
living and the dead. He's goingto judge judge the righteous and the wicked.
He's going to judge the saved andthe lost on that final day of
judgment, and they're going to betwo of them. The Great White Throne
judgment where all those not found writtenin the Lamb's Book of Life will be

cast into hell, and they willalso at that point be judged for their
works, not their sins, becauseJesus paid for their sins. But you
still got your works that you haveto face that is a result of your
sin. And then the other isthe judgment Seat of Christ known as a
Beema seat judgment, and that's whenChristians are judged for their behavior on this
earth. Did they do right?Did they do wrong? And they will

be in heaven they are born again. They're in the Lamb's Book of Life,
but they may have messed up andthey're going to have to face that
one day. Then, no onegets away with anything in this world.
Folks. People think, oh,pull, you know nobody saw me do
it. No, you didn't getaway with anything. There will be an
accounting one day. So where willyour accounting be? Which where will you
be. Will you be at thegreat right throne judgment where all those present,

all those people that are there,will be cast into hell forever?
Or will you be at the judgmentseat of Christ where rewards are handed out
and also where if you did bad, that will be judged also, but
at least it's going to be doneaway with forever. And so where will
you be? Where will you beon that final day? Well, by
the grace of God, I believeI'm gonna be in heaven. And I

want to show you how you canknow for sure that you're going to be
there, also, that you willbe at that final judgment of the called
the judgment Seat of Christ. It'sin the New Testament, It's repeatedly taught
in the scripture. Folks. Thisis how you know when you face your
judge, you'll face them as yoursavior and as your defense counselor he plays
both roles here because he's here todefend you. And this is how you

know that you can be sure you'regoing to be on the right side of
justice. Here, you're going tobe on the right side of eternity,
which means heaven. Did you knowthat the Bible says, God loves you
with an everlasting love. He lovesyou so much, folks, He became
a man. That man's name isthe Lord Jesus Christ. He's perfect God,
perfect man, all the way Godand all the way Man. He
came to this earth to take careof your hideously evil sin problem. And

we all qualify for that. Weall are guilty of great sin and darkness
and evil, all of us.No one escapes that. And yet God
can change you. God can enteryour life and do a radical overhaul of
your heart. And God can makeyou his righteousness, so you'll end up
going to heaven because he takes allyour sin. The Bible says, he

that knew knows sin was made asin. He was made into all your
dirty, rotten sins that you,the Bible says, could be made into
his righteousness, Jesus's righteousness. Well, folks, if you've never come to
this understanding, it's really simple.The scripture says, the Gospel is the
power of God into salvation to whosoeverbelieveth And the Scripture tells us what the

gospel is. Jesus died for allof our sins. I mean, from
the day you're born to the dayyou die, your tiniest, your greatest
sins. They all went on thecross, and Jesus was turned into them.
He was made into sin to completelybeat sin, and then he rose
from the dead to win for youhis precious free gift of resurrection, ever
lasting life. Folks, if younever come to that point where you truly

believe with all your heart, andthe only way to do that is to
repent. When you repent is whenyou believe you cannot save yourself. You're
hopeless and helpless without God, destinedto a burning hell. When you come
to that point in your life youhave just repented. It takes place in
your heart and your mind. Itis not a work. It's not turning
from your sins doing good works.That's all your good stuff, which the

Bible calls filthy rags. So folks, give up, quit trying to be
good and thinking your good works willget you into heaven they never ever will.
Just forget it, give up onit, and split second you do,
you just repent it. And atthat point God moves everything to make
sure you get the rest of thestory to come to that understanding that Jesus
really did die for our your sinswas buried and rose from the dead.
If you've never done that before,please do it now. Don't wait till

it's too late. And like theold country preacher said, quoting from the
scripture, now today is the dayof salvation. Well, folks, it's
now time for us to do ourfinal little talk. And it's a wonderful
history lesson on a great man.The man's name was George Mueller. It's
just our testimony time, our chaphamof about testimony time. We just take

a short time to tell you abouta beautiful story about a great man or
woman of God and what they did. It could be one of our lives.
It could be my life one dayyou'll hear that. It could be
Christopher's, or it could be anybody's. And this is about a man that
lived over one hundred years ago,George Mueller. He was from Germany.
He moved to England to go toseminary, and while he was there,
he began to notice all the streeturchins I work with kids like that.

He began to notice them, noticea lot of them, and he realized
they needed help. So he startedtaking him into his little apartment and taking
care of him. And folks,do you know that within the next ten
years he had built the largest orphanagein the world. And he did it
all through prayer. He never askedfor money, he never told people about
what he was doing. He justdid it. He is considered to be

one of the greatest prayer power peoplein the history of the world. He
built the largest all over England.And then toward the end of his life
he did what he'd always wanted todo. He became a foreign missionary.
But the man's story is so amazing. He would have nothing, he didn't
know how he would have one hundredkids and his you know, whatever building

he had for him, no food, nothing, and he'd got on the
front porch and start praying. Andyou know, before the sun set somebody
pulled up with a wagon full offood for the kids. These stories are
told repeatedly about him. He dideverything strictly by praying. What a man
of God. We could all belike that, folks. We just have
to know the Savior, the onewho provides all these great blessings for us.

And remember he said, if youask anything my name, I'll give
it to you, as long asyou don't ask it to consume it upon
your own loss lust. So,folks, it's not time for us to
close, and thank you so muchfor being with us. As we close,
with the Mond, Saint Martin singinga Creole goodbye and God bless all
out there, they call you creelgoodbye. They think we're just wasted for

time. To me all three,Savona, there's time for a Creo goodbye,
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