All Episodes

April 11, 2024 42 mins

Thursday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, Big Show Brat, We talk with Kyle Petty about his upcoming cross country Charity Ride benefitting the Victory Junction Camp.. - Doug Rice fills us in on the latest from the NASCAR home front.. - and we close things out with Hoyt..

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good morning, rolling to the Big Show on the radio. Hello,
this is Robert Goulay and you're listening to the pride
of the Red States, John Boyn Billy right here on
the Big Show. Some enchanted morney. You may hear the
Big Show.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
Where's my big bag? Who can't be topical? Got a

little new houping out on? It is Thursday, April lemn
Then the Big Shows on the radio, E Big Show game.
Oh man, here I places absolutely looking to level here
look down as National Barber Shop quartet day wile great memories.

Just start me and Bubba and remember me and Creech
and Bubba and Kevin Hunter would sing in the halls
of school. We'd get outside of Miss Payne's door and
always serenader. We would have our little break. We're pretty good.
Cary too, Hello, Hello, Hello. We used to see the

old Jefferson Pilot. You know we talk about the basketball
at CUA A Men's College ball. Be talking with so
and so and of course and pac Man will uh
just talking about growing up there and singing the Jefferson
Pilot song. Do you all remember it? Where you're around
here in North Carolina? Sell with the Pilot bowl all
the way. He's got plans for every growing family where

he's a hobby behind you the god you show with
the pilot boom all the way. So get on board
the pilot chip today. Wow. And I think that's the
same tune as Valleydale. Ready for of course, Ready for Validell.

Remember the Little Pigs where the marching bands for your time?
It was black and white ad. Yeah, well they tell weeners. Yeah,
all right, many memories times. All right, let's see what
else National Days? No, we got we got several more here,
say if the dreams with excitement National Cheese Fun do Day?

The first time he went to one of the restaurants
putting the meat on the long wooden mistake and he
baked it, or he's set and the cheese, and then
they brought the bill and you went.

Speaker 3 (03:02):

Speaker 2 (03:04):
That used to be our Christmas Eve dinner before?

Speaker 4 (03:09):
Yeah, we would did that.

Speaker 2 (03:10):
Well home, I didn't know they had restaurants. Yeah, at home,
I didn't know that restaurants did it?

Speaker 5 (03:14):
I think there was only one around here, but it
was awful expensive.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
Yeah, yeah, I kind of remember. That's the only one
I've been to, I guess, so right.

Speaker 4 (03:22):
I always remember here it is put your work out.

Speaker 2 (03:24):
Put your work out. Hit your brother with that part?
What about uh? Eight track tape day? Okay? Originally called
the Stereo eight Did you know? No, I know you
did you know that eight track?

Speaker 6 (03:38):
All right?

Speaker 2 (03:39):
The only thing that would like change tracks right in
the middle of a song. And they didn't have to
do that. They could have put a little effort into it.
I was wondering a black market or bootleg tape. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (03:51):
It had like this metal foil, uh that was embedded
in the tape. It was an endless loop tape and
it would cross over these conductors inside and that metal
foil would cause it.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Lost centers anyway, So it was led Zeppelin. Here's what
I remember it, the led Zeppelin.

Speaker 7 (04:12):

Speaker 2 (04:13):
Ah A.

Speaker 5 (04:16):
Sometimes you'd get them where they'd fade it down just
before they's price.

Speaker 8 (04:22):
I know.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
It didn't really sound National pet Day, all right. We
got that National Submarine Day, all right. The United States Navy.
Old buddy Joe Lucas was on the submarine. It didn't
affect him any National Living Donor Day, Living Donor Day,

all right. If you are an organ donor and you're living,
there's your day. Mark had on the driver's license if
you hadn't, right.

Speaker 5 (04:53):
Yeah, living donor would be like somebody donates a kidney or.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
Bone, marre further liver. Yeah, oh, the livers laites. It
grows so fast. You know, if you're a donor and
you donate a section from your liver, your own liver
reproduces within a few weeks. Yeah, that's right, that's right.
When Hanson was talking about who did that? And they
use it as a door stop.

Speaker 7 (05:14):

Speaker 6 (05:19):
Even day?

Speaker 2 (05:22):
Okay, so we're all awake. We get three days in history,
first prize pack out and get to win them beginning.
You know, that's the way we roll. Big Joe's on
the radio, Good morning, got a big show on the radio.
Let's get you going here the first prize pack of
the day, get outdoors on one year subscription to Massy
Oaks Gamekeepers Magazine plus some LS Tractor swag. If you

go to LS Tractor USA dot com you'll find your
local dealers, learn why customers start blue and stay blue.
Three days in History where we get our categories. Hebrew
the eleventh Yeah, a lot of words. Nineteen eighty nine,
US issued a patent number No I'm not going o

Reginald grooms of Conway, South Carolina. All right, and the
Conway Reggie got an ear mounted alarm clock. It was
a digital alarm so tiny it can be hidden in
the ear and used to awaken the wearer without disturbing others.

Speaker 5 (06:25):
See, I feel like if I got to get up early,
everybody's got to get up hero almost the loudest.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
Don't you feel that way? No? No, I thought that's
just part of your little meanness.

Speaker 4 (06:41):
I think your wife should drop this little tiny alarm
clock into your ear hole out and.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
Wake you up at weird hours. My wife couldn't sleep
through anything.

Speaker 5 (06:50):
We just talked about if I did not get her,
if I didn't kick her out of bed, she would
sleep till one, two, three o'clock every day.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
How she does it, You go, doodles, he leaves a house,
Just climb back in that bed. I guarantee you right now,
she's asleep.

Speaker 4 (07:05):
Probably because she didn't go until like four in the morning.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
She's don't have to get out before the sun comes up.
Don't worry about all they's move up to nineteen ninety nine,
an accountant oversaw six employees as they completed their fifth
and final day of counting the dollar bills covering the
ceiling and some walls and McGuire's Irish Pub and Brewery

in Pensacola, Florida.

Speaker 4 (07:31):
I always wonder how those don't get stolen.

Speaker 2 (07:33):
Yeah, you wouldn't think people would keep themselves. So the
see why they did, because well, they want to see
how much that. Okay, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars
was what they counted. Yeah, and dollar bills, all right. Oh,

they had to report it to the IRS, that's what.
Oh so okay, Well so they had to do that
every April.

Speaker 4 (08:02):
Because more dollars would be added to the original amount.

Speaker 2 (08:06):
Okay, And so now, okay, well they've made a big
event out of it. I've been featured on a lot
of TV shows. So that is happening today. It should be.
And in Pensacola, y'all have the power of a lot
of words. Right there, I think it's the whole story.
And we covered two categories with that as well.

Speaker 4 (08:25):
And the count is now well over half a million dollars.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
I'm there. You go all right, then, well we read it.
Let's play one eight hundred big show. You told free line,
we play out burst. What I thought it was a
good story. It was worth it.

Speaker 4 (08:40):
Yeah, whatever, Good morning, that's.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
A big show on the radio. Roll it do your
Thursday Morning and today's feature track from the Big Show,
Big Box Broady by Charlie, Motor Speedway and the co
Cola six hundred six Hoyt Whole Party at the Home
Farmer's House. Search for a keywords pool party, mean my boy?

Oh no, okay, check it out there. Uh yeah, I
told you a keywords pool party when you hit the
Big Box at the Big Show dot Com Upburst.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
Let's play Upburst. It's the game that anyone can win.
Shoon boy, Billy, give.

Speaker 9 (09:51):
The prizes from the Big Prize per Let's go contested
number one.

Speaker 3 (09:58):
This should be a lot of fun when you're playing outs.

Speaker 9 (10:03):
Have a hurry up against time. You love the best time.
You love a big shots.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
Let's say hey to James wild Man, Wilson, Phil Campbell.

Speaker 10 (10:21):
James wild Man, Wilson, Wilson, Phil, Phil Campbell, Alabama.

Speaker 2 (10:36):
Okay, that's where you are, wild Man Wilson.

Speaker 7 (10:38):
That's where we're from.

Speaker 2 (10:39):
Okay, how about y'all? Phil Campbell. No, we was just Charlotte,
just first name, he said. He was named after a
queen Hey, you're doing good today. James, sounds like you
were wide away ready to go. Let's get you through
these three categories. You get that prize pack? You ready five?

Give us three things people put in their ears? Ready
to go. Let's see here in a huge tips and
airplug man.

Speaker 11 (11:10):
James bail.

Speaker 2 (11:12):
Wait, there three things an accountant does ridigal.

Speaker 6 (11:17):
He can do. He can do your taxes.

Speaker 2 (11:19):
He can reconcile your bank statement, and he calculate that.

Speaker 6 (11:22):
The eat ship.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
All right, reconciling the bank statements. I'm like you, and
here you go, James for the wind. Give us three
things in a pub? Ready go?

Speaker 6 (11:34):
You got that pool table, you got that beard, you
got some in dark.

Speaker 2 (11:41):
James hndlight had be fun to hang out with.

Speaker 12 (11:43):
Wild Man Wilson h Hey, we is ready to go
as a fifty year old cougar and a pair of
high heels.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
Come on, oh boy, the girls all right, James, you
hang on. Jack can hook you out with that roze package. Buddy,
you're gonna let me give a shout out, of course.
Let me give a shout out to all my family
and my friends and all the veterans from phil Campbell, Alabama,

and how.

Speaker 13 (12:12):
He works right for that.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
Hopefully Heaven tell him, I said, I wait, sure will
pass that long, Dad, carus Ah, James, hang on my
body all right, We're gonna jump out, catch you up
on your newss right on the other side. Our time

cap soon and dig it up early and then married.
See what our agents doing.

Speaker 12 (13:10):
This is the award winning John Boy and Billy Big Show,
the South's number one export.

Speaker 7 (13:25):
Yo yo yo yo, yeah yo, yah yo, yeah yo.

Speaker 2 (13:27):
What's up?

Speaker 7 (13:30):
I know what's up?

Speaker 14 (13:31):

Speaker 15 (13:31):
Food in here trying to carry out. I'm trying to
do my business. Jack Can goes, you can find that
boy for me. He going there climbing around on something
like she the monkey bars or something.

Speaker 7 (13:42):
When I've come to ax the man with all the
fun one one you need to.

Speaker 15 (13:48):
Handle all them. What's gonna call intrus personal relationship?

Speaker 7 (13:53):
Now that that addictive.

Speaker 3 (13:56):
That me.

Speaker 7 (13:58):
I need to get some four to one one on
how to get involved with a good looking woman.

Speaker 15 (14:02):
I wipe two jobs, which makes it seem next to
impossible to find time to look for a woman.

Speaker 7 (14:07):
Now, when I was in high school, it was easy
for me.

Speaker 15 (14:10):
Now a few years after I'm having the hardest time
trying to hook up with a woman.

Speaker 7 (14:15):
Does you have any advice for me? Is how I
can find someone?

Speaker 15 (14:18):
Is there any hope for me? I'm sure man, your
expertise can help out. He punching the right button. Sincee
that Adam, wait for the brother Adam. Although you don't
have the benefeatures of being a living legend of love
like I hear own self, women's ain't never too hard

to come back, even for dudes like you. And while
it's never easy to find that certain woman, it is
certain you can find an easy woman.

Speaker 7 (14:51):
Ain't ain't rap thicky bad. Let me preach on it now.

Speaker 15 (14:58):
You say you had no trouble getting the hook up
when you was in high school. Dude, nobody did well
with all them moms floating around all over the place.
Then what you call homemones and sonny and sherry moons
and testa Verdian moons. Man, all that love sticking up there,
you get to hook up just sitting in detention.

Speaker 7 (15:20):
As me Hawaii.

Speaker 15 (15:21):
I know, But nowadays you're so busy working two jobs.
You ain't got time to look for a woman two jobs?

Speaker 7 (15:30):
What is you Jamaican? Brother?

Speaker 15 (15:33):
They ain't no sense of you doing everything you trying
to tell like, I ain't no women's working while you working?

Speaker 7 (15:42):
What you doing?

Speaker 15 (15:43):
Man working in the church like one of them myna statue,
as with all them monkeys chating all over the place.

Speaker 7 (15:49):
Man, these women everywhere.

Speaker 15 (15:51):
And by working two jobs, you should be doubling your chances,
my brother, not no, no, no, in that hopefully you is.

Speaker 7 (15:58):
Waking a night job now.

Speaker 15 (16:00):
See this makes it a whole lot easier to work
in some hacky package on the bosses package.

Speaker 7 (16:07):
See some of the hottest, most.

Speaker 15 (16:09):
Freakiest women's on the planet wakes at night. They like
a race of wide lover huchi mama vampires. Man is everywhere.
This is especially true in ware houses, whole houses, and
all that pancake houses.

Speaker 7 (16:24):
And while it's true some is hot, some is not.

Speaker 15 (16:29):
So Getting busy at the dock or not urinely in
scient terrific terms, makes it a whole lot easier to satisfy.

Speaker 7 (16:39):
Your animal urgents. If your hole don't win place, oh
show you did.

Speaker 3 (16:47):

Speaker 15 (16:47):
If all else fails, my brother, you get you a
job in one of them high end shoestore.

Speaker 7 (16:52):
You'll find plenty of five look on women.

Speaker 15 (16:55):
Honing your skills as a player and if them low
down Skaggy give you that trifling attitude, at least you'll
be in the right place to offer them.

Speaker 7 (17:04):
That two for one foot in booty sale.

Speaker 3 (17:10):
This is.

Speaker 7 (17:13):

Speaker 2 (17:16):
If you would like to ask Hike, mail to ask Hike,
ain't no one Woodridge Center Drive, Sharlotte, North Carolina, two
A two one seven DNA, jun Boy and Billy.

Speaker 12 (17:29):
Listen to the whipped wing whim of the woodwinds as.

Speaker 6 (17:32):
It wos a wound and a wound.

Speaker 11 (17:36):
And it comes out here.

Speaker 12 (17:37):
Good morning, rad yeo, dumb right, good morning. It's a

big show on the radio.

Speaker 2 (18:08):
See if anybody's on the desk and with our talent
agency this morning in the world.

Speaker 13 (18:20):
Hello over at Hot Town Incorporating.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
Hey, is this Murray?

Speaker 3 (18:23):

Speaker 2 (18:23):
This is wonder World? You doing answering your own phone?

Speaker 1 (18:26):

Speaker 2 (18:26):
We're sealed.

Speaker 13 (18:27):
She's taking the day off.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
Is she sick?

Speaker 3 (18:29):

Speaker 13 (18:30):
No, no, no. Her younger sisters at the hospital having
a baby.

Speaker 2 (18:33):
Really we'll tell her congratulations.

Speaker 13 (18:35):
Oh, I don't think that's such a good idea. Why
not think about it, babe, Her younger sister is having
a baby. How do you think that makes her feel?
I mean, she's been searching for a man to raise
her family with since she was sixteen years old. She's
been stuck in a hopeless rut for the last thirty years.
Do you have any idea what that's like? Wait, of
course you do, Sorry, babe, I forgot who I was

talking to.

Speaker 2 (18:57):
So if Sill's been looking for a man since she
was sixteen, and that was thirty years ago, that would
make her.

Speaker 13 (19:03):
Really mad if she found out. How shit those numbers.

Speaker 2 (19:06):
So you're like a one man band around there today.

Speaker 13 (19:09):
Hunh oh yeah, and we got big stuff happening too.
Bab just signed a high profile new client from the
world of TV who only became available a few days ago.

Speaker 2 (19:18):
Oh yeah, who is it?

Speaker 13 (19:19):
Gary Busey?

Speaker 2 (19:21):
Gary Bucy?

Speaker 13 (19:22):
Are what's wrong with Gary Busey?

Speaker 2 (19:25):
That's what a lot of people are saying. This guy's
kind of a loose cannon.

Speaker 13 (19:30):
Oh like, I've never signed a loose cannon.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
What did you watch Celebrity Apprentice?

Speaker 9 (19:34):
It was?

Speaker 2 (19:34):
It was a train wreck.

Speaker 13 (19:36):
Oh like, I've never signed a train wreck?

Speaker 3 (19:38):
You ever?

Speaker 13 (19:38):
Come on?

Speaker 2 (19:39):
This guy looks like he's about six months from killing somebody.

Speaker 13 (19:42):
Oh like, I've never signed a guy six months before
he killed ming?

Speaker 2 (19:45):
What kind of gig could you possibly get for Gary Busey.

Speaker 13 (19:48):
Well, since you asked, I am pitching him for a
new TV sickcom Gary plays a wacky stay at home
dad who gets in all kinds of trouble with his
best friend Ethel. It's called I Love.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
Bucy like a long shot.

Speaker 13 (20:02):
Well, I've also got some feelos out to the James
Bond people.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
Gary Busey as James Bond.

Speaker 13 (20:09):
Oh, of course not. He'd be playing Double O seven's
arch enemy Bucy Galore, an evil genius that's on conquering
the world genius.

Speaker 1 (20:18):
I don't know.

Speaker 13 (20:19):
Hey, if I could talk him into a sex change,
he could be the mysterious theem Fatale Optabusy.

Speaker 2 (20:25):
That his name is not just a pawn on his
last name.

Speaker 13 (20:28):
Well let's see. Uh there's a spokesmodel gig for a
non dairy dessert topping called Bucy Whip. I'll well scoff
if you will, my ball cat young friend. But I'll
have you know I have a long track record of
turning marginal talent into well known household names like who
like Antonio, Santa Flush, salvatorneosp It, Kathleen Midall, and my

all time greatest success, mister Peter Viagra. Trust me, Chimbo.
I know what I'm doing. But hold on a bigger
name of the have a line?

Speaker 2 (21:00):
Who is it?

Speaker 13 (21:01):
I don't know. I haven't picked up the phone yet.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
Then how do you know it's a bigger name.

Speaker 13 (21:04):
Because it's not you, Shilly? That's the last thing. Later,
have you a machine called my machine? And you give
my little to Bobby?

Speaker 2 (21:11):
That's Billy.

Speaker 13 (21:12):
I'm killing Jimbo.

Speaker 6 (21:13):
What call me?

Speaker 2 (21:18):
Good morning? There's a big show the radio. Hell are
you Lindsay?

Speaker 15 (21:22):
Premise here and when I'm on this side of the pond,
I get my daily dose of culture and edification every
morning from these two delightful lands, John Boy and Billy
right here on the big show. You know, I hate
to break it to you boys, but where I come from,
you're all Yankees.

Speaker 7 (21:40):
Who will? I thought it was Buddy?

Speaker 2 (22:16):
Good morning and it's a big show on the radio.
A lot of goo. If you heard our first content
in the morning, out burns Old wild Man Wilson from
Phil Campbell, Alabama. Come by Robert D. Rabert. We have
a little salute to Rave Daddy when he was on
a Kyle Petty charity ride across America raveys on the
very first one on him every year. It was just

amazed at old rattles near drive cross Country. Anyway, there's
one coming up, and Kyle Petty will join us right
here on the Big Show. In minutes, we'll be all
get to hang around Big show rolls on good morning,
Big shows on the radio. Well, y'all, it is time
for the Kyle Petty Charity Ride across America, the twenty

eighth anniversary, and we have the man on the line
right now. Good morning, Kyle, Good morning, Good morning guys. Hey, buddy, man, Kyle,
I gave believe it, twenty eight years, the twenty eighth
anniversary of you guys raising money for charities, and we're
gonna get I want you to comment on the Victory

Junction Gang Camp that I can't believe this is the
twentieth anniversary for that. All right, I'm gonna turn you loose, buddy.
Thank you for being here.

Speaker 6 (23:35):
Yeah, listen, thanks for having me listen. I can't believe
I'm still riding motorcycles twenty years. The only thing more
amazing than that you guys are still on the radio.
That's the dantas thing I've ever seen that's the only
thing that eclipses me. So here.

Speaker 13 (23:49):
So here's the deal.

Speaker 11 (23:50):
Twenty eight years, we should be.

Speaker 6 (23:52):
At thirty, but that become social disease got in our
way there from COVID and it messed us up for
a couple of years. But yeah, eight years we've been
doing this. It's crazy, man. We've gone every which way
you could go, from north to south, east to west,
west to east. We've gone everywhere. And you know, we're
all getting older. When we started this thing, we were

thirty three or thirty four. Now we're a little bit older.
So we're doing regional right and stuff this year where
we're leaving Rushmore and we're going back to Victory Junction
because it is it is our twentieth ten version. We're going.
We're going down to Nebraska and across Iowa and over
to Indianapolis and the Churchill Downs and to the Corvette
Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and down to Bristol, Tennessee,

and over to Victory Junction. But all the stuff we
rode by for the previous twenty five years, we're trying
to lesionly stop and get off and use our walkers
and go look at it all out. That's kind of
what we're doing. But Camp, listen, I cannot believe camps.
Camp has just been phenomenal. We had a gay a
week or so ago at the Hall of Fame at

the NASCAR Hall of Fame, had tons.

Speaker 11 (24:58):
Of people there.

Speaker 3 (24:59):
It is.

Speaker 6 (25:00):
We have been so incredibly blessed. It's been twenty four
years since since Adam's accident and still feels like yesterday
to me. But I see what with these kids that
come through camp. They changed my life, man, They changed
my heart and they change everything about me. And they're
just amazing, amazing kids. And Victory Junction is just an
amazing place.

Speaker 2 (25:18):
Well, I'll tell you what, Kyle. You know, I can't
say this enough.

Speaker 3 (25:21):

Speaker 2 (25:21):
You take a tragedy that are, of course the most
horrific tragedy that a parent could imagine, and in Adam's honor,
what you do with Victory Johnson Gang, that is just
that's just awesomebody.

Speaker 6 (25:35):
Yeah, you know what, And I tell people this all
the time, man, And I mean, you know it is obviously,
you know, to lose a son, to lose a child
is just my heart goes out to every parent that
has ever walked in those shoes and that's that's it's
just so horrendous. But at the same time, we've just

been so blessed. We've had one hundred and twenty one
hundred and twenty five kids. Wow, their camp is touched
through camp and through our reach program that goes to
different hospitals like Lavine and presents all these hospitals that
we visit and you see these kids and it's just
so amazing. And I tell people this all the time.
It's easy to patch yourself on the back and say,

look what I did, Look what we did, Look what
the NASCAR community did. But when you see these kids, man,
they give you back one hundred million times that it's
look what they do. Look what they do for us.
They give us hope, they give us a spirit, they
give us so much back. So I am humbled to
being their presence every week. And it is You're right,

it is it changes your life to lose a child.
But at the same time, I feel incredibly blessed to
have one hundred and twenty five thousand other kids that
are part of my life.

Speaker 2 (26:47):
And y'all, if you cannot, you know of a go
on the ride. You can support Victory junctionon Gang camp
and that's what we should do for those here of
what the wonderful work that you're doing for these hundreds
of thousands of kids. Kyle, that's that's unbelievable. So what
what would you say? Where can people go to Kyle

Petty Charity Ride dot com. Would that be the best?

Speaker 6 (27:11):
Yes? Go to goat Yeah, that's it. Listen, go to
Kyle Petty Charity Ride dot com, follow us on Instagram,
on Twitter, or by the time this radio show is over,
with whatever other social media platforms somebody come up with. Uh,
just follow us everywhere you can follow us. You can
also go to Victory Junction dot org. Volunteer to be
a camp or if you know of any child that
can come to camp. It's totally free for all kids

that come to camp.

Speaker 3 (27:34):

Speaker 6 (27:34):
And that's what we try to do. On this motorcycle ride.
We're going through the South Dakota where we recruiting kids
that come to camp, and we go through Indiana for
the Cale Petty Charity Ride where recruiting kids to come
to camp. And that's that's what it's all about.

Speaker 13 (27:45):

Speaker 6 (27:45):
You guys have always, always always helped us, always send
kids to camp. People say they hear about it on
this show, and I appreciate it more than you will
ever know. But uh yeah, that's that's the deal.

Speaker 3 (27:55):

Speaker 6 (27:55):
Just send kids, well, we'll take care of them for
a week. We're gonna send them back to you. Understand
that we don't want to prep we don't want we're
gonna send them back to you. But man, we'll keep
them for a week and we'll take care of them.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
That's it your Kyle Petty Charity Ride dot com on Twitter,
Slash Kyle Petty, Facebook, Kyle Petty forty five, Instagram Kyle Petty.
So keep up with it and let's raise some more money. Kyle,
be careful, buddy, and what the heck, let's meet here
next year and do it again.

Speaker 6 (28:24):
Let's do Let's do it again, man, let's do it again.
There's gonna be more kids that need to go next year,
so let's do it again.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
All right, Kyle, Thank you so much, buddy, Be safe,
Thank you man. All right, buddy, all right, Dan, Well,
let's uh let's go ahead and play our John BOYD Jeopardy.
Huh Well, right here, I'll tell you about the prospect. Yeah,
the top of the hovers let's jump on in here.
Let's review yesterday's question. In May of two thousand and one,
Pizza Hut paid the Russian government one million dollars to

deliver one of their pieces to this well known facility,
the International Space Station. That's right, they got pizzas here
today is mord Jeffardy. In eighteen ninety four, this company
became the first to offer a redeemable consumer coupon for
its product. What is hart pocket? I don't think they

were around eighteen ninety four? Were you matter? In fact?
I think I had one for lunch yesterday. What y'all
got one? Eight hundred? Big Show? You told free line?
Come on? We played John Morgefporty next good, there's morning.

It's a big show on the radio. We got a
featured track from the Big Show bit box. Help you
build that John Boyn Billy album for the next special
occasion for the Big Show, friend or family member on
your list, I'll keep a list.

Speaker 10 (30:07):

Speaker 2 (30:08):
Party at the hog Farmer's house. Call from hood serge
for keywords pool party, hit a bit bogs at the
Big Show dot com, Crayford's pig noises out?

Speaker 13 (30:28):
All right?

Speaker 2 (30:31):
Right, now, let's blame yes live across America.

Speaker 5 (30:38):
It's John Boy, Jeff Buddy, and now a man who
turned down a coupon for a freeze.

Speaker 2 (30:45):
That's the phasectomy over the holidays. But he's been humming.
I'm getting nothing for Christmas ever since he's John Boy.

Speaker 6 (30:54):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (30:55):
They had Michael out of Stanfield, North Carolina. Morning, Michael,
old woman man and am Michael. Listen, Ricky, this should
be Ricky from Greenville, North Carolina. Were working from the
bottom up here right there. Hey, Ricky, is that you, yes, sir?
How you doing all right?

Speaker 7 (31:13):

Speaker 2 (31:14):
Not much better now? All right? So Ricky, you got
the first shot Today's John Boy Jeopardy eighteen ninety four.
This company became the first offer redeemable consumer coupon for
its product eighteen ninety four. What's your thinking there, Ricky?

Speaker 16 (31:33):
Am thinking it's probably Sears and Rubu.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
Sears and Roebuck. Let's say, been around a while a while. Yeah,
fuck that Well, Ricky, We appreciate your playing, buddy. Hope
you have a great day, Yes, sir, Can I give
a shout out?

Speaker 16 (31:52):
You sure can to my lovely wife Ginger, my daughter Anna,
and my four dogs, Luna, Cocolina and Eliot.

Speaker 2 (32:06):
Appreciate you and your whole family. Listen to the big show, Buddy,
y'all have a great day, Yes, sir, I appreciate it. Man,
good to be loved until you got it going on? Buddy?
All right, now this should be Michael out of Stanfield,
North Carolina's that you, Michael?

Speaker 11 (32:23):
Yes, sir, shure we how you doing it for the man?

Speaker 2 (32:25):
We are awesome? All right? So you are next up
at the shot at it? What company? Eighteen ninety four?
The first to use a redeemable coupon?

Speaker 11 (32:38):
I won't go to the old Coca Cola.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
Co Cola, you got it.

Speaker 9 (32:46):
All right.

Speaker 2 (32:46):
It was for a free glass of Coca Cola anywhere
it was sold. Yeah, it really worked because a lot
of people hadn't even tasted it yet. But free. Sure,
I'll give it a fifteen ninety four. All right, Well, Michael,
look at you. You got the big old Southern East
pets packed for your furry friends. Sound right, Bacon flavored

pets CBD gummies. Don't be confused with the bacon though.
It always throws me off too. In the quasion of
these dog Michael, if you hang on, Jack can hook
you up?

Speaker 13 (33:23):

Speaker 11 (33:23):
Can I give you a shout out right quick.

Speaker 2 (33:25):
Of course, you, buddy.

Speaker 11 (33:27):
I've been a truck driver for thirty four years and
been listening to y'all the whole time. I prayed for
y'all when we lost Dove, prayed for we lost Raper,
and I prayed for you when you was a seat
with your health problems.

Speaker 6 (33:39):

Speaker 11 (33:39):
I appreciate everything y'all done. I would have laughter that
you give us out here.

Speaker 2 (33:43):
On the road money of the years. Wow, buddy, I
tell you what, man, that means so much dust you
had no idea man, true. Yeah, thank you so much, buddy.

Speaker 11 (33:56):
Day days I didn't want to get him go with
things of my personal life bothering, but y'all made me
laugh and I keep laughing the butt keep on trucking. Well.

Speaker 2 (34:05):
Honor to be here for you, Michael. Thank you so much, buddy, Sirs.

Speaker 11 (34:09):
I honor to know y'all all these years.

Speaker 2 (34:11):
Y'all take care all right, buddy. You keep between the
ditch and you hang on Jackie, hook you up, yes, sir,
bottom of the hour, top of your news, and we
promised a little phone we have. Rayford was owing them
Kyle pet a charity rise right after this report. Good

morning and this big show on the radio. A few
minutes ago, got up with our buddy Kyle Petty talking
about this year's Kyle Petty Charity Ride across America, kicking
off Saturday, may Ford in Deadwood, South Dakota. We're gonna
wind up in Greensboro, North Carolina. A lot of big
show citizen towns in between, and going to North Platte,

Nebraska on the hall, Ben Dog Bio, Indianapolis, Bowling Green, Kentucky, Bristol, Virginia.
Ye'll be sure to check out Kyle Petty.

Speaker 1 (35:42):
Was that uh heal again their take Kyle Petty Charity
Ride dot com.

Speaker 2 (35:48):
Thank you very much, welcome And then we was talking
about Robert d. Raver of course been on every one
of them. So this is based on something that really
happened to rape. When nature calls, when you cover all
that ground on two wheels on the road, sometime you
gotta go poopy.

Speaker 3 (36:04):
Do what you.

Speaker 2 (36:09):
Place under the noise. Let's see what we came up
with based.

Speaker 14 (36:14):
On our boy Friendsis Florida Osby presents Robert d Rayford
in his first starring role in a major motion picture.
Love word Nobody consume me if they're on the road.

Here's a good lord. Oh there's a penny, find me
some leaves hill. Let's Robert d Rayford in Forrest Dump
based on a true story. Oh lord, and holdst on myself.
There's a raef monster for you. Hellaw Officer Forrest Dunk

from Revco Embassy Pictures Rated R.

Speaker 2 (37:31):
Good morning, it's a big show on the radio. And
now mister Rubarb, Hello Americans. I'm mister Rubarb, and this
is Carpool University. Everything you need to know about an
important subject in less time than it takes for mom
and dad to drop you off at school. How's it

going so far? Today's subject economics. Now, now, don't make
that face. Mister Rupar makes learning fun, prove it. There's
been a lot of talk lately about how the government
needs more money to pay its bills. Some people say
we should get it by raising taxes on rich people,

after all, they can afford it.

Speaker 13 (38:15):

Speaker 2 (38:16):
Sounds good until you look at how the tax system works.
Let me preach on it. Say ten guys go to
a bar to have a few beers. The bill at
the end is one hundred dollars. You think each guy
would pay ten dollars. But if they paid for the beer.
The way we pay taxes, it would go something like this.

The first four guys, who make the least money would
pay zero dollars. Well, pretty sweet. Guy number five would
pay one dollar. Guy number six would pay three dollars,
Guy seven seven dollars, Guy eight twelve dollars, and Guy
nine nineteen dollars. Well, guy number ten, the guy who

makes the most money, would pay fifty nine dollars. This
is what people in the government call fairness. One night,
the owner of the bar says, you know what, I'm
gonna give you guys a discount for being such good customers.
Instead of one hundred dollars, from now on, your bill
will be only eighty dollars. How should the guys divide

up the twenty dollars they saved. They decided to split
the savings based on how much each guy put in before.
So now the bill would break down like this. Stay
with me. This is where it gets trickery. Guy number five,
the one who paid a dollar before, doesn't pay anything,
just like the first four guys. Guy number six, who

paid three dollars now pays two dollars. Guy number seven,
who paid seven dollars pays five dollars. Guy number eight,
who paid twelve dollars, pays nine dollars. Guy number nine,
who paid nineteen dollars, pays twelve dollars, and Guy number ten,
who paid fifty nine dollars, pays fifty two dollars. Everybody

is paying less. In fact, five guys are getting their
beer for free. Are they happy? Not a chance. Guy
number six says, hey, how come we save twenty bucks?
But I only got a dollar of it. Guy number
seven says yeah, Guy number ten got seven dollars back
and I only got two. Guy number five says, you

think that's bad? What about me? I only saved a dollar.
And this is the guy who's now getting free beer.
And the four guys who were already drinking free say,
we didn't get any money back. This sucks. Let's all
get the rich guy. So the first nine guys beat
up Guy number ten and steal his wallet. The next

time the group meets, guy number ten doesn't show up.
When the bill comes, they find out they're fifty two
dollars short. Luckily, a Chinese guy at the end of
the bar says he'll load in the money so they
can keep drinking. And that kidd says how a Memorica
pays it's taxes. This story teaches us three things. If

the United States was a bar, a lot of people
would be drinking for free. The ones with the best
deal would complain about it the most. And if you
decide to beat up on the rich guy, you end
up owing a Chinese guy a lot of money. Well,
looked like mom's pulling up in front of the school.

So that's it for another edition of Carpool University till
next time. This is mister Rubarb saying. This is mister Rubarb.
Now quit picking your nose, get in there and learn something.
Good morning, A big show is on your radio.

Speaker 8 (41:47):
I'll tell you I never see that thing like like
the SuDS belly up. This food everywhere, floing through the air,
clinks and bulls and hands. People eat with the figures
defeat other people's feet.

Speaker 2 (41:57):
It's unbelievable.

Speaker 8 (41:59):
With the bread, you can't imagine ribs and chicken and
biscuits and whole pigs and a great big sticky That's
what it's like at the John Boyard Bully Pig shirt.
It's a buffet from start to finish. There should be
a cover change. I'll tell you the only thing missing napkins.
I guess that's what your shirt is for, or you
faded like cleaning bill on my head.

Speaker 7 (42:16):
You gonna eat that
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