All Episodes

July 31, 2023 • 179 mins
Dieter is back! Discussions on where JLR and his family should stay for the Fan Expo. Dieter gives details on what he went through while he was gone. A reporter agrees with Trump supporters. The parking enforcer spotted another infraction. Rover gives JLR a gift and he tests it out on Charlie. A new Netflix reality show, called Deep Fake Love, uses fake videos to fool spouses. Tesla was artificially inflating the range of their electric cars. Guy sues Buffalo Wild Wings over their boneless wings. An 11-year-old girl was charged for falsely reporting a kidnapping.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Stand by. This is Rover's MorningGlory. Rover I got that up the

Brown Dug. They had restaurant,lard Peter get his bandsake, Bro,
Charlie Blood Orge at your husband band, Jeffrey. Yeah, screaming on Rover
Radio dot Com. Rover's Morning Glorystarts now. M Good morning. What's

happening? It is Monday, Julythirty first, twenty twenty three. Good
morning at twelve was one of glory. I'm Rover. Doogy is here.
Good morning, sir, Charlie ishere, Spencer is here, Amen,
Jeffrey is here, Yo, Crystalis here, Good morning, and Daters

here. Wow, thank you.Welcome back, Dater. You're looking good.
He looks a little tan. Ithink the whole thing might have he
might have been in Dominican Republic orwhatever. Huh survivor remember, Oh that's
why you're probably on the island inthe middle of nowhere. Yes, Dater

is back, so we'll get caughtup with him. See what that was
like, I guess for lack ofa better word, we'll get to your
email here as well. We havea lot to talk about this morning.
Our number is eight six six yoRover eight sixty six nine six seven six
eight three seven. That's how youreach the show. Give us a call

at that number. You can textthis at that number that comes into the
studio in real time. He's weirdus. Just put at Rover Radio somewhere
in your tweets that also comes intothe studio in real time. But the
best way give us a call eightsixty six nine six seven six eighty three
seven. All right, I'll getto your email here. Let's see Frank

rights Rover. Can you tell Doogiethat if that tree fell, it still
needs to be cut up and hauledaway. I'll do it for twelve hundred
dollars. Oh what did they Whatdid somebody else say they do it for
seventeen You're saving five hundred bucks.You don't need an expensive tree company for
a tree that's already fallen. Thisguy says, I have a bigger tree

in my yard still standing. Toldit was thirteen hundred dollars. That's because
they have to walk into the frontand be careful with other yards and houses.
So this guy says, if it'salready fallen, what do you need
a tree company for? So thetree company came out last week. There
was a big storm and one ofthe trees in the wetland area behind my

house fell onto my property and ontoa huge tree in my neighbor's yard.
Yeah. So my neighbor went aheadand called a tree removal service and it
was seventeen hundred dollars. So Ihave to pay for half of that.
Yeah. Really, And they tooka huge I mean they removed all of
it, and the guy got reallybad poison ivy when he was removing it.

It was the tree guy did.Yeah, it was really bad.
He had a t shirt on andpants because it was like ninety degrees that
day, and he got really badpoison. But they removed the whole area.
Now I have a huge opening inthe back of my yards. You
can see the house behind it,which was nice to have a tree there.

You can you can plant a newtree. Yeah, now there's seventeen
hundred bucks. I'll come over.I'll plant a tree. Sounds good.
Here's you have to pay. Ihaven't yet. I haven't cut the check
yet. I just got paid,so I have to do that. There's
someone who writes, Yo, Robert, this is a Mohammed Mohammed. I'm
a correspondent with the Board for selectingactors for Emmy nominations. When Jeffrey drank

tomato juice instead of tabasco on Friday'sChallenge, he had me and my colleagues
completely fooled. We would like tonominate him for the twenty twenty three Emmys
coming up in September. In orderfor us to approve, now, this
is very prestigious. In order forus to approve his nomination, we will
require for him to send US sixhundred dollars in Best Buy gift cards.

This fee is to supply the cameraequipment needed for the event. In return,
he will receive one million dollars fromour friend Nigerian Prince Mohammed Muhammed Muhammed.
That's a scam all the way,dude, do it, Muhammad.
It comes from the Vice Assistant Directorof Emmy Nomination Department. His name is

Mohammed Mohammed. I've never heard ofhim. I can try email him at
Muhammed Muhammad at Mohammed does net?Wow? So okay, what do you
think an Emmy for you? Ilike, it's a scam, right,
that's a scam right there. Ijust just that just that name just gives
it away. Don't be so sure. Who would have ever dominated Mike,

don't ask for an Emmy award?Seriously, who would have ever thought Bootros
boottros Galli was a real person?But it was, like I said,
never heard of him either. You'venever heard of Bootros Bootroscalli. The only
the only person I would ever heardof as a fictional kicker as my rap
Boots Bootros Monkhouse. Well, Bootrospootros Galli was the I don't know UN

head of the UN the UN thisor that, whatever that means. I
think I just remember the funny name. All those UN general secretaries have on
funny names. Wait, who's MyraMyra Boots Monkhouse. I'm a fan from
the TV show Family essential character inthe TV show Family Matters, the one
the girl that falls in love withSteve and had and she's played by the

late Michelle Thomas. Do you thinkthey got Bootros Bootros from Bootross idea?
You have to talk to the writersof that show. Okay, all right,
Oh, let's see Sean Rights.The other day you talked to a
man. You talked about a manwho had two penises, a left and
a right. If that was Jeffreyhe would get BJ's with his left one,

hja's with his right one. He'dthrow a baseball with his right penis
and shoot a basketball with his leftpenis. It's yet weird, isn't it
strange? Okay? And Stanley saysthoughts and prayers for Jeffrey about his devastating
weekend during his MMA debut. Hereis a picture. Oh, I got

knocked out that looks just like him. No, I'm not a trained anime
fighter number one, number two thatdoesn't even look like me. You're not
a trained fighter mixed martial arts fighter? Yeah, but what'd you? What
do you call it? And Ithought he said anime fighter? I'm like
one. Okay, Uh, bathrights were over? I love you guys.

My sister has a vendetta against mefor no reason. I've been nice
to her my whole life and neverdid her wrong. She constantly wants to
interfere in my life, call menames, and say she's going to call
child Protective Services on me for noreason. Now, before I even finish
this email, I don't know whatthe point of the sell is, but

does this sound legitimate to you,guys that your sister hate for no reason
whatsoever, just hates you and wantsto call child and protective services or services
on you. No reason, none, just for hahas. I guess Okay,
my kids get straight a's and arehealthy and have everything they need.

We are in our mid thirties.I don't understand this hatred and trying to
destroy me. It makes no sense. All I see is pure jealousy.
She hates man and gets off onlooking on the negative on everyone's life when
no one is looking at your life. She's miserable. It tries her hardest
to turn family against you. Howdo you deal with such a horrid person

with so much hatred for no reason. I don't complain usually, but she
won't stop. Any advice would help, Thank you. Well, we have
decades of experience dealing with somebody likethis and Duji who does take great pleasure
in other people's misery, misery andneedling people in bagstabbing people. So my

suggestion, Beth would be to Iguess too, well, First of all,
you gotta you have to cut yoursister out of your life completely,
but do you have any contact withher? Far? You should have zero
zilch. And if she says horridas you say she is, then even

if you have a family get togetheror something, you say I'm not coming.
If she's coming and you put yourfoot down, who needs this hassle?
And if she's trying to turn yourfamily against you, what is your
family stupid? They don't see rightthrough that. If all of this is
as you say it is, Ifthey are, then forget it. Don't

surround yourself with this. There's gotto be more to this story, because
if there's not, then I don'tknow. You're in your mid thirties.
You haven't figured this out yet.You have to cut this person out of
your life. Jennifer writes Yo Rover. I'm just curious. Since Jeffrey is

notorious for coming up with excuses andlies of why he doesn't do things,
you got him to agree to dothe itinerary you chose for his upcoming family
trip. But we all know hisfamily isn't going to come into the studio
with him that Friday, and atleast for sure Mary Elizabeth will wait in
the car if they even show upat all, and go about the itinerary

you planned. This is for histrip to the Fan Convention theater. He's
going out to a fan convention inPennsylvania. Nice just coming up. Yes,
and I think about a week ortwo. Let's see here what you
should say. What you should havedone is say I'll give half the RMG

check to you now and the otherhalf once he shows up. And they
have all come in as planned.But you gave him the full check on
Friday's episode, and he's still sayingthat he has to get off work and
he has to find a hotel andall of this. His wife doesn't remember
the name of the hotel blah blahblah blah blah. So he is already

coming up with every excuse. Buthere's the thing. I have a lot
of money for him if he showsup. Dougie has put in one hundred
dollars. I don't know how shegot so generous all of a sudden.
I put up two hundred fifty dollars. So he has three hundred and fifty
dollars sitting here at the radio stationfor that Friday, which is gonna be

when, isn't yeeah. The planis to come here, say you know,
at least have everybody you know sayhat everybody and kit road okay,
because it's gonna be like, becauseif that if that thing's gonna start at
one o'clock, we yeah, it'sgonna be. It's about a six hour,
six to seven hour drive. Sowhy do you have to go on
a Friday? Why can't you goSaturday? Because there's a big reason.

The thing where you get the tourof the guy's storage unit is on Friday.
What guy the guy has thrown theevent? Some guy just Robbie,
yea Robbie's Robbie Lawrence, my sonknow my son, him and my son.
Him and my son kind of knoweach other through sealing fan circles.
Be a good way to put inhe's the chairman of the fan community out
in Lily High Valley and you gotto go to his storage unity. Here

he is right here on the left, guy with the accordion. He's in
a Yeah Poke band, also ina Poke band? Yeah? Him and
uh Tomash. I think I gonnaget along like two peas in a pod.
Then last week, me and theguy that ran the husted guitars in
Ironed a Quai in New York.And where ironed a Quai it's north to

Rochester. We visited that place beforeon one of our trips, the early
trips to Rochester. Oh yeah,and you said you said you're something.
Him and I got a log liketwo peas in a pod. Really nice
guys. They were talking to eachother year off, talking over each other.
Yeah, yeah, I love hispronunciations. Um, let's see here,

Adam writes, Yo, it's Adamfrom Maryland's Do all of you know
what capers are? I didn't untiljust now. I thought they came out
of the water. I think he'syeah, capers are those little um they
look like, well, do youguys know what capers are? I don't

order anything with it because I actuallydon't know. I thought actually with him,
I thought it was a seafood thing. No, no, I'm not
really no, no, no,no, A little salty green. It's
pickled, a little piece shape.Right, They're actually delicious. There's a
little uh, you know, alittle it's a little zings yest into whatever

sheer having. Um. It's alsoare they under under the impression they were
on in the olive family? Yeah, they look like little peas, basically
look like little olives. Now theydon't taste I hate olives olive. They're
disgusting to me. I don't knowhow anyone could eat them. They're the
worst green and black calamata any olives. They are so nasty. Oh are

capers salty? I thought they weresalty too. Look at olives. Yeah,
no, no, they're they're more. I think they don't taste like
a like an olive. I willtell you that right now. Don't taste
like an olive at all. Igot a picture here and caps and yeah
they're they little peas. Yeah,they're super, super almost small olives.

I think this guy was thinking they'renot olives. Why he thinks that?
But I think Adam was thinking ofmaybe scallops for summer that I also don't
eat. I don't know what thatis either a fish, it's a mollusk,
I know. Yeah. Um,let's see Kyle. Right, So,

if Jeffrey's coming to Pennsylvania, headsup, depending where he goes.
Bethlehem is having music fest coming up. If he wants to check something out,
wid it's like, oh, he'sgot that on the agenda. He
is taking the reaching out to mewith with ideas and stuff to do everything
like that. So it's a lotof overwhelming, you know, you know,

try to strow everything out how we'regonna try and you know, crunch
all that into one day and everything. But it's just something to consider.
But day stay the whole weekend,right, Okay, the propos Well,
what I'm trying to say is weplanned on coming back Sunday because I have
to, because I gotta because Ihad to work Friday. You got Saturday,

you got all days to Friday.Yeah, we got Friday night and
uh well yeah, well one timeyou coming back Sunday, we'll probably we'll
be back to pibby dinner time Sunday. So why don't you leave there Sunday
afternoon? That means you can haveall day Sunday to dick around, right.
Oh, I plan on dicket aroundhere most summer Friday night, all

day Saturday, maybe some of Sundaymorning, and ended up coming back on
Sunday at the hotel. Yet,No, I'm still working on the hotel,
still working on it. I'm trying. I'm trying to get the best
bang for the buck for a hotel. Um Nicole says, I'm watching r
MG plus you guys are talking toJeffrey about his trip to Pennsylvania. I

have to ask, why in thehell do you guys continue to give him
money. He sits around half thetime, barely involving himself in the show.
Then when he does, he actslike he's being put out. The
only time he even acts a littlebit remotely happy is when he is getting
something for free. I'm telling you, if you sat down and added up
all of his income, you wouldbe very surprised at the number. The

problem is not lack of money.The problem is they blow their money.
They sit around all day and can'tfind the time to cook one meal.
I guarantee half of his money isspent on aiding out. The other times
they are driving around aimlessly, burningup gas and putting wear and tear on
the car. He's never going towake up and stop blowing his money unless
you stop helping him. That's notup to us. So what is it.

He's setting his ways, and I'drather see him have fun at the
ceiling fan things though, me too. Well, one thing I'm doing right
now is making sure that yes,all my expenses for you know, for
the month, are taking care of. I got money stocked away for you
know, got about five hundred dollars, yea, I stocked away for this
trip. So um, yeah,I'm trying to make sure that you know
my mainly my rents paid because inthe old days, my landward would just

come to the house and get wejust give them money right then and there
I would have in an envelope ina cabinet my landwords show up and if
I'm not home, my wife wouldgive it to him. But in this
case, I got to mail itto him. I get to mail him
a money order for our rant,a money order. Give it to me,
I'll give it to him. Giveme cash I handled the last two
months. Dude, where do youmail it? I mail it. There's
a mainly addressed on the least thathe gave us. Yeah, that's where

we mail it too. There's notlike an officer or anything. No,
no, okay, all right,um. The caller said that keepers are
a berry, and she was surprisedthat none of us knew that. I
didn't want to say it around youguys. I didn't want to come off

as a know at all. Ah. Let's see here, Darryll writes your
rover. Jeffrey said his wife doesnothing all day while he works, and
then he said it's just how sheis. In other words, she has

a cuck husband that requires nothing fromher, so she can test drive the
recliner all day at taxpayer's expensive kissesme off. I work seven days a
week while that whole family does nothing. She could easily get a part time
job and at least contribute a littlebit. So sick and tired of the
leeches laying around all day while Ipay the rent for him, she gets
a fat check, so does everyoneelse in the family. The only problem

that kid ever had was his parents. But don't worry, Uncle Sam of
a taxpayer will cover your life's failures. You know what, he needs to
go piss off because I work.My wife does you know? Try to
keep the house clean everything, likedad? So nice, try dude.
So when you come home, you'lloftentimes find Mary Elizabeth cleaning, vacuuming,

uh, scrubbing, mopping. She'sprobably done by the time I get it.
I probably okay. Yeah, inother words, he's never seen it
on um. I hope route too. So I mean, like, so
the kids keep their rooms clean.You have a vacuum cleaner? Yeah,
we have a vacuum cleaner, areyou guys? We our apartment has hardwood
floors. We don't have carpeting.That's a good thing. Are you guys

worried that Jeffrey is not going tobe able to get a hotel in Pennsylvania
because he's gonna wait too long?And that's the case. Yeah, I
don't get it why he's not gettinga hotel, motel, whatever. I
don't. I don't understand it.Do you want us to find you one?
I mean I was I was hoping. I hope you got to help
me out beyond because you got stillwhere the bargains are. Come on,

he's gonna Rover's paying for your hoteltwo hundred and fifty dollars. So just
book a hotel. I'll maybe weshould help him out with this. Remember
when he books hotels, he bookshim for the wrong date or the wrong
year or whatever, which I mean, just I know it's a simple task.

I thought he was nervous because youwould have to pay up front,
and so I let him know youcan book a hotel, just put your
card number in, but they're notgoing to charge you until you check out
of the hotel. He said he'shad to pay up front for the places
that he usually stays at. Hepays right away. So I tried to
tell him that Friday, so thatway he would book book the hotel,

have it just ready to go.Well, I'm surprised he did it,
because I know some hotels they'll puta hold on your card and then I
don't know how I think a lotthat's so well the lat In the past,
when I've done hotels, I wouldjust book the room, you know,
and I would just pay for itwhen I arrive. All Right,
we're gonna we're gonna book him onetoday, Okay, Charlie. Maybe if

he could find something, you havethe dre you still have that flyer,
right, so if you could findsomething, find something sort of between wherever
the storage unit of the ceiling fanguy is and wherever music fest is.
If you can find something in between, there something centrally located. Four star

at least, let's our price limit. Rover's given you two hundred and fifty
dollars for the weekend, and you'regiving an extra hundred, Well, one
hundreds should go for gas or whathave some fun stuff. Okay, fifty
is the max for the hotel.Okay, and then rovers covering the gas
and the different fans. He's soonshould have some money. For fans,

right, okay, so then souse the well, I don't know,
the rovers got kicking another couple ofhundred for ceiling fans, right, we
have to do that. No,he's got he's got a couple of ceiling
fans, rare ones. Why don'tyou use his Rover media card for the
hotel? Give them the card forthe whole trip? Cash? Yeah,
three fifty cash, got it?Uh? And a banana sent a text

message and says capers are not aberry, they're a flower bud. My
god, Yeah I knew that.I just didn't want to, you know,
show up the person who talked aboutthe berries, you know. Oh,
let's see, all right, letme take a quick break. We
have a lot to discuss this morning. Eight six six yo. Rover is

the number eight sixty six nine sixseven six eighty three seven, will be
right back. Hang on. Yeah, they're just like real people, only
worse, really worse. We're living, Are you nuts? This is Rover's
morning Glory, all right. Alot of suggestions for where Jeffrey should stay.

Some people said Airport Road, Charlie. Somebody said the Ramada Inn in
Whitehall is beautiful this time of year. Thirteen minutes from Music Fast, fourteen
minutes from Northampton and right by theradio station. Is that I'm MacArthur and
somebody else, says Pete says,I'm from Bethlehem. And the best thing

I could recommend for Jeffrey is gettinga motel within walking distance to Main Street.
He needs to check out music Fest. It's an amazing time. So
could you get him? Where?Should should he be within walking distance of
Music Fest on Main Street? Whatdo you think about that? I mean,
that sounds perfect, he could becausethen he can leave his family in
the hotel room and go escape andgo up to normal antics, you know,

So maybe that's something. A lotof suggestions there. I liked one
where I'm like, I'm like halfwaybetween the storage unit and music Fest,
where like, I'm thirteen minutes awayfrom one place and maybe another fourteen from
the other place. But the storageunit's only one part of the whole thing.
I mean, you got to beclose to the pizza place. You
guys are gonna be going to musicthe hot dog place, and the hot

dog place. So he's gotta Igotta find a centrally located area. I'll
find it, all right, Andthey do like to drive around aimlessly quite
a bit. What's the different?So, in other words, why are
we even putting him anywhere near there? Could we? Could we somehow get
him a motel in West Virginia?Nice? Try Roe. I rather have
essentially I like. I like Charlie'sidea of essentially located places states. We

could be within all the activity.Speaking of Jeffrey, there was something that
I saw where you know your favoritewhat's your favorite band? Jeffrey, I
have a couple different favorite bands.Um, but Vixen is is your favorite
band? Now? You just wantto go see Vixen? Wait? Are

you wearing a Vixen shirt right now? Yeah? Turned towards the camera.
Oh wait, hold on, Imean, um, oh, that's a
good looking shirt. Size? Isthat women's women's extra's man's shirt? Like
that? Does Dieter know what Jeffreydid? I saw a picture. I

saw it on his Instagram. Youwant to see Vixen? Yeah? I
met them in person? Huh.Now, so the only original member of
Vixen that you met was who?It was? Roxy Patrici, the drummer.
Okay, now the who is thelead singer, original lead singer of
her name is, I'm Janet Gardner, and she's now a dental hygienist,
and she comes from a long family, a long line of family members that

were in involving dentistry. Well,many people over the weekend. I'm sure
it must have been floating around somewhereor forum or something. I don't know,
but many people started emailing me thatI don't know if it was in
the news, a news article,I don't know, but she left Vixen

and she is now a dental hygienist, and a lot of people I guess
there's Oh, there's a paramount plusdocuseries called I Want to Rock. It's
a lot of Vixen. Okay,so it must be in there. And
many people are suggesting that you youhave two loves, the love of Vixen
and the love of not brushing yourteeth. You can combine those by going

to the former lead singer of vixand as your dental hygiena. Should we
send you out to Los Angeles inorder to get your teeth cleaned by Janet
Gardner? She might I have stilltook one good look at my teeth edge
probably what listen if that's her atthe age of sixty one? Is that?

I mean great, that's got tobe like from twenty years ago.
Now that's recent. She's well ifnot, have you seen Heather Locklear.
Pretty Heather Lockleier, not the onethat's drugged out, drunk walking around building
ledges and getting into weird stuff.I mean she's she's a mess. Heathery
do a picture show which she wasfiction with Ousy Osbourne? Which one is

she? She? Bottom? Left? No? Yeah, I like the
girl in all black in the back. She's hot. That's how's y Osborne?
Lad? Wait, you need totell me the picture. She's the
left, But the girl in thepink, No, that's Roxy. But
yeah, that's the drummer. That'sRoxy Patrici the drummer. She's the only

original member UM. The other membersis Lorraine Lewis, who's UM their current
singer, Britt Lightning is their currentguitarist, and Julia Laige is their current
bass player. She replaced Sharer Rossbecause she took a high sort of hiatus
and uh the bassis is married toRichie Cotson. Well, anyhow so,
I'm thinking next time we need tosend you to the dentist. Would you

like to take a road trip inorder to where to do that out.
I believe this is in Los Angeles. How was Connecticut? Was a Connecticut?
I could be wrong? Oh maybeyou know what? You might be
right? That's drivable. Yeah.Oh, and he'll go out there get
his teeth cling drive back on thesame day. What do you think,
um, what's I'm gonna go toa local dentist here in town? Dude?

I mean, it's a nice idea, but I think I'll just stick
to a local dentist. Why wouldyou go to a local dentist when you
could go to the former league singerof Vixen Because I don't live in Connecticut.
So what Why do you go toMichigan for a gallon of milk?
I don't go to Michigan for agallon of milk? You have before?
Pa for sure you went to Toledoright by Michigan for doctor Pepper recently,

Well, then go and Tony Poco'shot dogs. Yeah, so why not
drive to Connecticut? Did you haveyour teeth cleaned? I just you can't
wear that tank top while you're therein the that this chair. What do
you think it'd be interesting? ButI think I, like I said,
this is gonna be our roach tripfor the summer, and you'd be talking

to her the entire time. Shewouldn't be able to work on his teeth.
Charlie might might have a good pointdown. I don't want to distract
her from her job, all right. Sounds like sounds but sounds like sounds
like fun. But I'm not goingto distract her from her job. Cane
in Allentown, Pennsylvania. You're onRover's Morning Glory. Good morning Kane,

Good morning Rover. Hey, what'shappening? So I literally just got in
the car and the first thing Iheard you say was suggestion for where Jeffers
to stay for music fest. Yes, and the Ramada. The MacArthur Road
is as horrible. Don't do it? Why what's wrong with it? I
live five minutes away from there.Um, I used to cut the property

and uh, it's it's it's it'sbad to play a crack house in there.
Want No, I don't know aboutthat. Jeffrey. We don't need
to get Jeffrey involved in any sortof weirdness. Um, all right,
so maybe we'll steer clear of thecrack house. Okay, Well, Kane,
thank you for the heads up.I appreciate it. Jack. In

Pennsylvania, you're on Rover's warning Glory. I'm worn to Jack, Hey,
Rover, what's going on? Man? Hey, what's happening? Listen to
Don't stick them on Airport Road.That's where all the hookers are. It
sounds like everywhere in Pennsylvania crack headsor hookers. I mean every motels,

Hotel Bethlehem. Stick him in HotelBethlehem. It's right on the main street
there. That's where you want toput him at. I'll stay out of
trouble there A look that up,Charlie. All right, Jack, thank
you, I appreciate it. Theateryou're back, made it back, yep.
Theater was Maybe you didn't know whathappened to Deeter, but theater was

diagnosed was something a while ago.We didn't even know about this. But
you have some sort of a geneticpredisposition to uh colon cancer. Your dad
had some sort of cancer back there, and you find you find out that
it runs in the family. Sothen you finally you go and you get

the colonoscopy and they say, oh, man, we don't we don't like
what we see back there, andyou have to go in and get surgery
and uh, and I don't knowexactly what they did in the surgery,
what they discovered, what they tookout, or what happened. But that's
where you've been in the past coupleof weeks. So tell me all about

it. Where do I start.Yeah, I went in for surgery that
I came in Monday. The verynext day I had surgery, so it
was very quick. We came backfrom break. I don't think I worked
in the whole month of July becauseremember we had July off different Yeah,
yeah, joined the club. Yeah. So I went in and they said,
yeah, we're gonna take out partof your calling because they saw cancerous

I guess mass, small mass.So I went in and they took out
I don't know how much they did, maybe ten inches, I'm not sure.
Yeah, wow, that seems likea lot. Well, it's really
long. Your cohling's long. Sothey took that out. They got it
out, and did you ask tokeep it? No? Somebody asked me

after the fact that, like,did you get a picture of it.
I'm like, no, I didn'task to get a picture of Yeah,
rut it up. They put itin a jar. We could put it
in the hallway or whatever. No, I didn't think to ask to surgeon.
I just wanted to them to getit out. I wasn't worried about
a picture. They then sew itback, they remove it, and then
they just reattach it is that whatthey told you? Or yeah? Then

they staple back together with titanium staples. So that way and that's for life.
You know, your body just willgrow around it. You never have
to worry about removing that. Youdon't have to worry about airports or setting
off mel detectors. You don't haveto worry about that. So it's four
life. Yeah, So that thatone's smooth. And then they also take

off um lymph nodes too, tosee if it spreads. Okay, I
see the staging of it. Idon't know much about lymph nodes, but
lymph nodes I think are all overyour your body, all right, and
for whatever reason cancer I don't knowwhat. I don't know much about cancer
lymph nodes or anything. I justknow that if cancer cants in a lymph
node, then doesn't it somehow spreadfrom there or something? Can't? Yeah?

Can if the staging then goes up, if it goes in the lymph
nodes and it can spread. Sothey took off I don't know how many
of what they said, I don'tknow, maybe fifteen or so, twenty
lymph nodes. Oh my god,how many do you have? Tons?
Didn't tons out throw out throughout yourentire body? Okay, So they send
it off. So then you haveto wait a week or two because they
have to like melt down everything aroundthe lympt nodes, the fat, the

muscle, whatever is around it toactually get into it. And see.
So I'm stressing on about that.They call me back and they're like,
you know, we thought this mightbe stage two, stage three, depending
on how much it spreads, andshe's like, it's a miracle. It
was stage one. It didn't spreadat all, but never even never even
left the colon wall, and soit made its home in your colon.

It said, this is such agreat place here. Indeed's colon all this
protein shakes that he's straight, wecan't get enough of it or whatever the
hell they love, and and itjust remained there, Yeah, remain there.
Didn't go through the wall, didn'tgo through anywhere. So it's just
stage one. So this show bethe end of it, because if it
goes, if it spreads, theyhave to do further treatment, have to
do chemo, possibly immunotherapy, whatever. But this should be the end of

it, just this surgery. Sowas it painful? Yeah? The worst
part? Yeah, So they whatI did. They just went through my
belly button. That was it.Does your belly button look crazy? Now
I have a bandage on it,but there's glue still on it. Yeah,
they stitched the inside and then theyput glue on the outside. That
was probably the most painful. Waslike there was no pain in the back

door or anything like that. Goingthrough the bathroom no pain. But yeah,
the healing of the stomach was painful. And then the bloating after I
had so much damn gas and Icould not pass it because they have to
like blow up your stomach to performthe surgery, right, pump you with
air, base with air. Ohman, it was so I could every
time I wanted to fart, I'mlike, man, if I just get

this fart out, I'm in thehospital the very next day and I'm like,
I'm just gonna push this gas out. Meatlely Shart, meatlely Shart.
Right in the bed crap my pants. Man, I could not get any
gas to hit the call button.Then I have like a male nurse come
in and wipe your ass, orwell it's a female nurse. She's like,
if you go to the bathroom,call me. You go to the
bathroom, call me. When Istarted, I go, I'm not calling
her. I'm just gonna make myway to the bathroom. I used to

iv almost like a ski pole,the ivy pole, and I pushed myself
to the bathroom. I cleaned myselfup. So that was the most painful.
I just could not pass any gasfor babe, two three days.
And then when you finally do allmajor fart sessions, does it smell like
or is it fresh? No,it still smells like a fart. Maybe
it was like an extra disgusting fartbecause it's been in there for days.

Just whatever, No, it justsmells like gas. But yeah, yeah,
then all overnight, I think thisis Thursday night. I was just
farting, non stop, NonStop,just getting this all this gas. So
I finally gave me some relief onceI got the gas out of my body.
So where do we go from there? Yes? And then the next

day, so then Friday. ThenI wake up with a fever. So
I start freaking out. I go, oh my god, this is a
sign of an infection. Given aninfection in your body, you got to
another surgery. Yeah. So I'mfreaking out. I go to the ear.
They're like, I call my doctor. She's like, go to the
er. It's like that that that'sthe r Wow. Yeah, I mean
you got a fever of one hundredand two. Yeah, they say over
one hundred and one. Maybe theyleft something in you. No, they

really just say it's a sign ininfection. Yeah. So I go because
of all the gas. They saidit like collapse. My left lung had
so much gas in there at asmall lung collapse. It was pushing down
so much, which caused the fever. So I mean, I'm like,
this is getting worse and worse andworse because I didn't. Yeah, the

gas was just pushing so full ofgas that your lungs didn't have anywhere to
go that you couldn't they couldn't expandbecause your fart gas was in there,
right. Yeah. So then they'relike, no, that's that was the
cause I had to get all theseX rays. And I think actually Crystal
went through this. You were justtelling about this before you want. You
had a surgery and they put like, put up your ass and you have
to get up yeah, a CTscan, And I was like laughing.

I'm like, that's horrible the wholetime, yes, like or the ears
you go. This guy's like,we gotta put liquid up your ass.
Oh nice, you gotta squeeze yourbutt cheeks and then you gotta stay on
the on the bed for t CTscan for three minutes clenching. You can't
let the liquid out. And I'mlike, oh my god, Crystal just
told me about I laughed. Ithought I had a band. That's horrible.

Then a guy's like, no,no, no, we gotta do
this and see if there was aleak in your colon from a tear or
whatever. So I'm laying on theCT scan clenching my butt cheeks, trying
to not let this how hard tonot come out? So hard because they
fill it up so much. They'refilling you up with liquid and they go
it's gonna be painful, but justget as much and as possible to get

a good X ray. So howdo they put it in? They took
um what they take They took ababy. They call it like an fin
I don't know what you would callit, infant needle, and they stick
it up your ass attached to ahose with like a water pump, and
he's just pumping my ass forward waterpretty much. Yeah, I mean,

what's that call that they would putit in. I don't know, but
it was like a long tube andthen they just shove that up there and
fill you up with water and thenyou hold it as long as until they're
pretty much done. And then there'sa bathroom, right, was there a
bathroom in the same room. Yeah, and you have to yeah, yea.
And they pumped it in and he'slike cold head, it's hurting and
turning it scramping. We need toput more and SA. They wanted to

fill up your whole body with thisliquid. So I'm at full tilt,
I mean, and then he stoppedit and he's like, clench and I'm
cramping so bad. I used towearing release this from your body, huh,
And I didn't. I was ableto actually to clench it. And
then he's like, okay, you'reall done. You have to waddle to
the bathroom and as on waddling.Stuff's just coming out and everywhere over the
floor. I'm slipping inside and ohmy god. But the good news this

was the X ray came back.There was no leak was they said it
was a minor I forget the termcollapsed long, which just over time went
away. So the fever draft think, oh, there's don't affection, no
leaks. So then from there itwas just the recovery. Yeah, the
stomach. That was the hardest partwas just then, you know, sitting
up, moving doing any of thatwas pretty painful. This sounds like the

worst, the worst experience. No, No, it really isn't. I
mean, the whole point of this, I really is just spread the message.
Get your screening, especially if youhave family history of this, get
your screening early. Even if youdon't have a history of it, especially
at forty five, go get acolonoscopy so you don't have to go through
this. And I was just luckyit didn't spread. Yeah, you know,

I caught it prettier. You didn'tpretty early when you learned about this
genetic predisposition. You didn't even goget this right off the bat, this
colonoscopy. He waited. I didn'tthink it was immediate. I was forty
years old. I'm like, wellI got till forty five, Like,
you have a higher risk of it, you know, eventually did these screenings.
They weren't like you have to gowithin a month and get screenings.
They were was like, no,you should go earlier. I think at

the time I found out it wasfifty was the colonoscopy age. And over
time they lowered it, rover toforty five. But back then, when
they told me it was fifty,I go, I got time. So
if you would have gone to fifty, what would have happened? This probably
would have spread all over your body? Yeah, I mean it is slow
growing, but yeah, probably wouldhave spread. It would have been much
worse. I'm so lucky that itwent, you know, at forty three,

and I got it early. Istill got it. If I would
have won it forty, it wouldn'thave been there. What made you decide
to go? Did your wife promptyou into this? Like you should go?
You should go? And I'm like, I know, I keep putting
it off, and yes you reallydid. I knew I should get screened.
But again, Rover, if Iwent back then you're you're like blaming
me. I wouldn't have showed up, it wouldn't have been there. I'm
not blaming you, you're blaming You'rejust saying, you're like, when you

got the diagnosis, Oh, Imean I probably would have gone to right
away. When they say, hey, you have this thing, this genetic
thing that that you know you're like, and I read about it, you
basically had a not a fifty percentgreater or a chance of getting this.
It's a fifty percent chance you're goingto get this. One out of two

people get it. So but itwonders showed up. You're saying, if
I want at forty or forty oneone to showed up, and they recommend
it going every two years, soI wouldn't even have known. I mean,
what if I would have got itat forty two and I waited till
I was forty four. That's Iasked my goal, when do you know
when I had this? They're like, no, it's too hard to tell.
You could have got this in thepast year, could have been the
past two years. It's too hardto tell. You're just lucky you caught

it early. That that's the wholepoint of it. So now I'm on
oxies ox yeah forain, and Icould quit anytime I want. Oh did
you watch that dope Sick? Yes? How great was that? That's fantastic?
Did you watch it while you're sittingaround? No? I watched it
once, But that did come upbecause we were in the hospital. My

whole family's in there, and thenurse is like, I'm gonna get you
some pain meds. I'll be rightback, and my mom's like, oh,
I hope to god it's not oxy. Do you know what it is?
And I go, Mom, it'soxy. They give you oxy in
the hospital and she's like, ohmy god, you're gonna die. Like
Philip Serman, I'm like freaking outor jumping ahead. I gotta take some
pain meds. So did it?Does it? Maybe? See I've taken

that, but I was actually inpain. It didn't. It didn't.
It wasn't anything enjoyable for me.Did you enjoy taking it? I don't
get the high people like you're gonnaget high from it. I think my
dose is so low, it's justhelping with the pain. I don't know.
Maybe if people take more because theysay you get immune to it or
your tolerance gets higher you start takingmore and more of it. That's how

you get addicted. Are you stilltaking it or still take when I as
needed? I still take it nice? All right? So I feel okay,
Yeah, I feel I mean nowit's pretty much I'm back to normal,
feel much better. I mean thefirst week was rough. I mean,
if I had to, I couldhave came back last week. But
I'm like, I'm still in pain. I had no energy at all.
I'm trying to think what else gottabe careful with this oxydeter? You don't

want to get addicted to this?Well yeah right, he's not trasitoned now
too, though, So just tohelp them sleep, right benzos? Yeah,
yeah, I gotta watch my diet. I still can't really eat knots
and seeds and like chicken wings withskin. Do they tell you anything else
that you have to Are you notsupposed to? Yeah? Well you you
you love to lift weights? Yeah, and they told you you can't lift

anything heavy for what was it sixweeks? That's a month and a half,
right, I think I'm three weeksin tomorrow will be three weeks.
Have you have you exercised made walking? They tell you to walk every single
day to get your it's a crape. Once you crap, it's a it's
a major thing, you know.They say like, did that hurt?
It really didn't hurt because it wasfirst it was all liquid and then eventually

it turned a solid after I don'tknow, maybe five days. So the
so, do you have you noticedanything, like have your muscles shrunk over
three weeks? Have you noticed anyphysical changes? No, it's too early
for three weeks. It's six weeks. I probably gotta notice. I still
feel pretty normal, and the walking'shelping. Doing stuff like that, I

have to be careful. Like everyonce in a while I'll pick up the
vacuum cleaner and I'll move it andI'm like, oh my god, I'm
not supposed to do that. Yesterday, I was trying to move the fridge
because there I saw some ants andyeah, I was trying to slide the
fridge out, and then I hadto catch myself. I'm like, wait,
I can't do that. You can'tmove anything heavy at all. You
can get a hernia. So haveto keep reminding myself, don't pick anything
up, don't move that, don'tmove this. Uh huh well uh well,

it sounds like the best outcome thatpossibly could have occurred occurred. Yeah,
thank god. Yeah, I waslucky that I went and got it
discovered early. That's the whole keyis to get it early. So go
get your testing done. Your jobis still here. You were convinced that
Keith Kennedy was going to fire you. What's my first day back? You

don't know if I'm gonna be hereforever, so you won't see him.
He's been out too. I don'tknow. I haven't seen him. You
guys seen Kennedy. I have notnot really seen her at all or what
he's been up to. I havenot Chelsea, says Deeter. Definitely looks
smaller, so she is noticing,Deeter, believe that your muscles have her

Fatance knows. I think she worksout. Just sounds like a fat lady.
I've got to take a break.Our number is eight six six,
Yo, Rover. We will beright back with the shissy the news next.
Hang on isn't bad is finding atooth stuck in your pubes. He

can always be worse. A friendlyreminder from Rovers Morning Glory, The Shifsy
is coming up in just a moment. The news, What do you have
on the way. Do she anotherincident where a performer was on stage and

somebody threw something up. There areat the performer. I'll tell you who
it is and what the performer didnext. All right, we'll get to
that in just a moment. Vanessasays, dater looks amazing, and Chelsea
says, no, I meant skinnierin the face. That may actually be
a compliment. You know, you'reskinning here in the face, like you

lost a little weight or something.To you, everybody did lose probably a
pound of my colon. Yeah,to think how much of that? You
know? Have you has your weightchanged since you're not working out or has
it just remained the same. Itreally hasn't changed, I think because the
first couple of days, you know, I'm not eating anything, and the
day before you can't eat anything.But then eventually when I'm starting to eat,
I'm eating more and more. Alot of soft stuffs, a lot

of ice cream, a lot ofyoga or anything I could easily get down.
But you can't have any steak.There's nothing you can't cut with.
If you can cut with the fork, you can eat it. You're gonna
use a knife and a fork.You can't, so, yeah, how
long does that? Yeah? Probablysix weeks? Okay, all right?
Usually are you ready for the Shiah? Here we go? Kid is shisy

our rolls morning glory. A federaljudge blocked the state of Arkansas from enforcing
a law that would have granted theability to prosecute librarians and booksellers with criminal
charges if they provided harmful materials tominers. The law was signed by Republican
Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders and was setto go into place on August first,

which is tomorrow. But the judge'sruling came right on time. Who determines
what's harmful, That's exactly the question. So had the law not been stopped,
librarians and booksellers would have been heldaccountable for whatever the harmful materials in
the books are, and harmful couldbe defined as anything with nudity or sexual

content, among other things. Librariansand booksellers who would have been found in
violation of the law would be chargedwith a Class A misdemeanor, which is
punishable with a year in jail anda twenty five hundred dollars fine. So
that judge came in just in time. Um. I don't know if Dieter
saw this while we were while hewas out, but there's video of Mitch

McConnell and he was doing this speechand he just froke yeah, I saw
that. That was that's crazy.So he says he will not be stepping
down as Senate Minority leader, despiteconcerns about let me look at him,
it looks looks fine. I rememberMcConnell's eighty one. Diane Feinstein, the

other um senator that that's also youknow, raging block, concerns, regversation.
She's ninety. This guy looks likehe's in control of what's going on.
Right. Didn't somebody say he lookedlike he was pooping? Or I
mean I think we did. Yousee Feinstein fine? Is a Feinstein or

Feinstein fin Stein? I believe yeah, she has no idea what's going on
and know what to vote. Shejust kept talking and then somebody else had
to whispering. Here you're supposed tosay yeah, And then she voted on
a bill without having any idea ofwhat's going on. Is wheeled her in
and make her vote. I don'tknow if she was voting on a thing
or if it was something else wherethey say just say I, I don't

know if she's actually voting on abill or there's a lot of other things
that you can say, I forlike, okay, maybe that's true.
Whatever they're doing, she's still there. This is out of Peoria, Arizona.
A six year old girl died afterher leg was amputated by the propeller
of a boat that her mother wasdriving on Lake Pleasant. She was rushed

to the hospital after being pulled fromthe water, and authorities confirmed that she
was pronounced dead at the medical center. Apparently, there were a group of
twelve people from two families had beenswimming and wakeboarding on the boat and that's
when it happened where the mom accidentallyshe's drove over the kid. So here's

a story about a Frenchman who wasknown for extreme sports. His name is
Remy lu City thirty years old,and he was climbing the Tregunter Tower complex,
which is in I believe, HongKong, Okay. And he told
the people that he was visiting afront on the fortieth floor and he a

security guard attempted to apprehend him afterthe alleged friend confirmed he was not acquainted
with him, but then the stuntmanhad already secured an elevator. And then
they have security footage later glimpsing himarriving on the forty ninth floor and then
again taking the stairs up to thevery top of this building. Yeah,
so what does he do? Hefound the latch leading to the roof,

and police say the man was lastseen alive at seven thirty eight pm.
He died. He's known for thesehigh rise stunts. He fell from the
sixty eighth floor. Yeah, hewas pronounced dead right there on this scene.
He's one of these guys that timesup stuff and then walks walks around
up there or whatever. Pro Whatdo you expect to happen when you're doing

that? You get that picture whichis worth yea for one picture. I
saw these guys doing like handstands,cartwheels up there, all sorts of stuff.
So this guy, you know,yeah, this guy, But do
you expect is going to happen?I suppose, like you said, go
on. Remember when Kanye West Twitteraccount was banned and they removed him,

Well, he is now reinstated.The social network, which recently rebranded as
X, banned him about eight monthsago when he posted a picture of a
swastika combined with the star of DavidWell X owner I Hate saying that Elon
Musk cited the site's rule against theincitement of violence as a reason for the

suspension. So his account is nowactive again and he's free to post,
and there are a number of restrictionsin place, but he has been reinstated,
and Elon Mosque has traded Twitter's bluebirdon the top of the San Francisco
headquarters for the glowing white X.The unannounced change has received some mixed reviews.

So people in the area say thesign is excessively bright and distracting,
and the city's Department of Building Inspectionssay the sign might also be in violation
of the department's rules. The signis currently under investigation by the department to
confirm if the proper permits were obtainedfor the structure. And finally, Cardi
b put a stop to people throwingthings at her during this performance that was

over the weekend in Las Vegas becauseshe retaliated by returning fire with her microphone.
Here is some video of this.I think this is from the crowd.
This is three different angle read differentangles, everything that happens. If
you want to watch one more anglesof this than of the Moonland or important

historical. So I mostly watched theleft when it comes up to really good
a sense of what's going on,and then then the then the right one
at the end. All right,So they're Cardie B performing in Las Vegas.

Was it a girl that through it? Or yeah? Now if you
watch the one on the right here, you can see the girl throws it
and then goes, I'm sorry,what's the gets thrown at her face?
She didn't mean to do it.He's her that's through the bear to me?
I mean, what else is shedoing? Did she do it?
Yeah? Did she? I don'tknow. Is this a purpose or oh?

It was not purpose? And ifyou notice, the track doesn't stop,
it keeps going. So she wasn'tusing her microphone anyway. Yeah,
and even when you throw the microphone, wouldn't that make like a big fun
when it hits something, hits theground, hits somebody. But let me
see, is it didn't make athub little Just think nobody cares anymore,

Millie. Millie totally lost a careerover this. Yeah, nobody cares anymore?
Did you see you were singing though, were they? No, they
weren't even they didn't sing on thealbum, right, I mean they were
just figureheads at a band. Asfar as I know, Cardi B is
actually performing on her albums, Ithink as far as we know. Yeah,
she threw a microphone just the daybefore, a day or two before,

at a DJ at a club becausehe was cutting her tracks off and
she was singing to the track andhe would cut off the track. So
she finished it and then turned aroundand threw her mic I mean, just
a day or two before. Thissounds like a fun chick all right.
That's a shisy on Rover's Morning Glory. There's a place where the RMG content
flows like water and the streets arepaved with skid marks. Is it Heaven?

No, it's better MG plus Signup now over radio dot Com.
Here's a Trump rally was going downin Erie, Pennsylvania. And there's something

called rsb N right side Broadcast Network. They are trying to out trump all
the other Trump media outlets. Andthis isn't even a real media outlet.
This is a YouTube channel essentially.And here listen to this. The reporter
goes out there on the scene hasa microphone and he is going to interview

some of the people there at thisTrump rally, and he's going to ask
what do you think about globalists?What do you think about rhinos? And
well, you can hear what theguy says and here, but pay close
attention to what the reporter says afterthe guy, Listen, I'm here to
the Derek Key. Trump get backin and get rid of the corruption.

It's in the White House right down. It's it's just he's are just Joe
Biden's street to this country, thescrats, and so are all the uh
to the left and the rhinos,the globalists. Kill them all. I
agree with you on that. Mankill him all, he says, kill
him all, and the reporter says, I agree with that. First of

all. I mean, man,isn't this guy just a typical I mean,
he has no teeth. He he'suh, he literally has no teeth.
He can hear when he speaks tothe garret Key Trump gets back in
and get rid of the corruption.It's in the White House right down.
It's it's just scrape. He's kissingone too. It's one too. Yeah,

that's all it is. It's allhe has, kill him all.
He's saying, no, So Iwant you to The guy wearing the American
flag on his shirt. It isa thin blue line T shirt, but
still it's American flag on his shirt. He's advocating killing Americans. That's what
he wants to do. If you'renot Republican e enough, whatever he thinks

a Republican is. Uh. Thenhe says kill him, kill him all.
Charlie, he'd kill you. Ohfor sure, that guy would snitz
hurt. You're dead too. I'mdead, Crystal. You're probably dead too.
I think everybody in the show Jeffreydead theater. Yet you, you
and the toothless guy are going tostart your own repopulate the earth together.

Yeah, just in a gummy fromthat guy. I think the guy's just
fed up with what's going on.So he's saying, Hey, we should
kill people that are posers, theserhinos. So really, I mean,
you don't advocate that. You're notsaying I don't want to kill somebody.
You mean murders. Murder people arefed up, Rover. We're fed up

with what's going on. You haveno money, You're fed up to the
point that you this guy says killeveryone that where you would say something I
disagree with whoever, and therefore let'skill him. These are fellow Americans.
Yeah, but we're at what's end. So what Biden has done to this
country? People are fed up?Oh my god, yes a storm is

coming, okay, uh twenty fourSo he's it's not going well. Do
you think it's going well right now? I don't think it was going well
under him, But I don't thinkthat, however it's going, is dire
enough to say let's kill fellow Americansbecause we disagree with them politically, that's

what you stand for. You thinkthe other side they're not saying, oh,
let's kill these people anybody that.People that vote for Trump, they're
not attacked every day, they're notcanceled every day. Canceling someone is different
than killing. I think canceling's worse. Really, be killed than canceled.
You would, yes, be canceled. You can't work wherever, it takes
away your livelihood, you can't leaveyour house. When you're killed, the

least you're peaceful, you're up inheaven. I say that that's totally crazy
to me. But it's not fair. This cancelation isn't fair. How are
you being Tell me what's going sobad right now that you want that?
You can understand how this guy wouldwant to kill fellow Americans? What what's
so horrible right now? Everything's goingup that you say let's kill let's kill

half the population. My electrical billjust doubled, groceries up, gases up.
So you need more example, Whatdoes that have to do with killing
people? You think that if youkill people, that's gonna help. Yeah,
yeah, okay, all right,that's just absolutely insane. But you
know the reporter, if you hearat the end, he goes, yeah,

I agree. Listen once again,Joe Biden's straight to this country disgrace,
and so are all the uh so, the left and the rhinos,
the globalists, gil Mall, gielMall, I agree with you on that.
Kill them all, kill them all? Now, the reporter, he

says, wait a sec and holdon, I misunderstood when the guy said
kill them all. Oops, Ididn't hear that. I I'm not advocating
killing them all. I think heissues. Does he issue an apology of
the apologize? Listen to this.Now there's something that is is trending on

Twitter right now. You know,outside we were interviewing a number of people.
They were talking about how great thecountry is, how great the president
is, and I heard something elsethat was spoken. But somebody, why
what I'm hearing that is was saidwas somebody said, well, let's kill
them all. That is not somethingthat I agree with obviously. So if

there is something that happened where somebodywas speaking out there, I didn't hear
those words spoken. It's very it'sthe guy you're talking. Yeah, he's
just he's dutee. It's you are. But he's like no. Someone else
said something to me like, hey, we should go out for a drink
after this. I agree, yeah, I mean, what do you mean
to repeat it played again? Ithink he he did say it twice as

a matter of fact. Yes,con disgrace, and so are all the
uh so, the left and therhinos, the globalists. Gil Mall,
giel Mall, I agree with youon that he's looking right at the guy.
He doesn't he's looking yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree. So
he's listening. But if you guysever said that, you're so mad,

Oh I could kill that person.I'm so mad at my boss. I'm
so mad. I could kill them. Have you ever said that, Uh,
yes about I've heard you say thatabout Keith Kennedy, but not me.
But have you ever said it inyour life? Rover, I could
kill them? You're sure. Iguess everyone has. But hey, but
this is I mean, that's Ithink that's a little bit different what this
guy is saying, you know,kill him. He's not. This is

not the heat of the moment orsomething thing like that. And the fact
that you would go on TV orstreaming or whatever the hell this thing is
and say that it's just nuts.But all right, Tom at West Palm
Beach, you're on Rovers Morning Glory, Good morning Tom, Hey, good
morning Hey. Two things I noticedwhy he replayed that guy apologize and he

said that the crowd was chanting howgreat the country and the president was.
Does he mean the current president?He slipped on that. But the guy
he was interviewing has the same dietdeer does the only food that you can
eat with a fork? Yea yeah, Dot. And by the way,
these guys think that Trump still ispresident, but he's he's like the secret

president and waiting and that he's gonnaget the child blesss out or whatever.
So they believe he's actually still presidentof United States. Probably maybe that's where
the confusion sets in. Tom,thank you. Here is someone that says,
Kathy, what's her face? KathyGriffin made a bloody, severed head

of Trump and did a photo shootwith it. Yeah, I remember that,
and I said, not a goodidea. I don't think of that.
Yeah, she never recovered fast wholecareer over that. Yep. Ye,
she's never worked since then. No, she lost everything and then start
really sick for years. Definitely,she lost a lot. I don't know
if she's come back. She losther TV show like stand up doing all

that? Did she have a TVshow at the time. It was her
TV show Life on the d Listthat was still going on when she did
that. Life where called Life onthe d List? He's nuts in your
mama's mouth, your mama's mom anyways. Yeah, yeah, we were all
talking about that. She lost everything. I mean, she lost a lot
of stamm gigs, lost a lotof the ability to make money. Steve,

you're on Rover's Morning Glory. Goodmorning, Steve. Hey, what's
happening? So I don't hear killthem all, I hear jail them all?
Jail them all, is what youhear? All right? Maybe maybe
that's what the reporter thought that heheard. Perhaps, all right, well,

I can get behind that. Let'sjail anyone who disagrees with you.
My god, I love that ideatoo. It's like we're living in rush,
are North Korea or something? Allright, Steve, thank you.
Maybe that's what the guy said.Let me hear, Rhino's the globalist,
gil Mall, gie Mall. Maybehe did say. I'll give that guy.

You know what, That toothless hillbillyis a lot smarter than I gave
him credit for. He just wantsto jail anyone who disagrees with him.
That's right. If you're a globalist, jail him. What is the globalist?
Well, I you know, Iyou'd have to ask him. I'm
sure he would give me a greatdefinition of a globalist. I'm guessing that

a globalist would be someone that wantsone economy for the world and one government
for the world. It's a newworld order, all right. I don't
know. Are there a lot ofpeople advocating for that? By the way,
it's not something I hear a lotabout. I hear a lot of
people being accuted of being globalist,but I don't I don't know much about

it. Now, the rhinos,I hear a lot about that. That
was a I mean, that's beena phrase Republican to name only for a
long time, many years, butit's become very very popular over the past
I don't know, five six,seven years. So it never never was
like that popular, and it wasgenerally like a middle of the road person

who said they're a Republican. They'rea Republican, but they're kind of you
know, not like super hardcore rightwing. And now it's just anyone that
doesn't like Trump exactly. You're arhino. Yeah, I've gotta take a

quick break. Eight six six yo. Rover is our number. Kathy Griffin
has shows booked right now. Whatare you guys talking about that she's been
canceled. Yeah, this is yearslater. Yeah, she definitely dropped off.
Maybe by choice. No, No, she was canceled after the president

and she actually I know in thephoto. Yeah, And at that time,
I go, that's not something youshould far advocate and it doesn't help
the situation out anything. That guymight have said jail them all. He
might have actually said that you hearthe globalist Joel Mall Jiel Mall, jail

them all. I think he did. No, I think he's saying jail.
I don't hard to doubt. Wordscome out differently when you have no
teeth. We'll be right bag hangout ruin your day. Instead, we're
back with Rover's Morning Glory. Theother night, I was sleeping in the

middle of the night and I rolledover and adjusted and I moved my legs
and I was dead asleep, butI thought I heard like a noise,
like something rip or something, andI just fell back to sleep immediately.
And then I woke up that morning, I think it was Sunday morning,

and I moved again, and I'veheard and I go, what is I
looked down. There's a rip,probably about two and a half feet three
feet long in the sheet, likethe one that goes over the mattress,
the fittage sheet. I guess that'swhat it's called. You cut your tonels.

How do I don't have? Likethat's what I was thinking, like,
how in the world could you possiblycut through a sheet like that?
And I don't have razor toenails.I don't have I mean, I don't
know what in the world could makethat happen. But it totally ruined the
sheets that ever happened to you guys. Ever, No, I've never ripped

a sheet. I don't know howthis happens. So is it on your
side or your wife's side? Righton my side, right where I right
where I rolled over and I movedand it I mean, I don't know
how that had. You Wake yourwife up right then and say look at
the sheet. She was already awake. He sew it, get the song

needle out, fix it right nownow, I said, I said,
you gotta buy new sheets. Soshe went online and she was looking at
sheets. She goes, what threadcount do you want? Two hundred four
hundred, six hundred eight hundred thousand, I said, a thousand, right,
isn't that the best of difference?I don't even know? Goes she
looked. She goes, well,it says that this sheet said US five

hundred dollars. I said, Thentwenty is the threadcount that I want?
Yeah, is there really even adifference you're telling me between I don't know
theater I couldn't. I have noidea what I have, just a damn
sheet. Maybe I need more threadcountto stop this from happening in the future.
But bro, did you just happento maybe possibly rip a bad,
silent fart that would just so rancidthat it just ripped sheet in half?

That's what it was. It burnedthe hole, I would imagine, because
my wife told me a really funnystory. Off. This is like before
I met her. She was livingin the apartment building where we met,
where we were living when we firstwhen we first got together, the manager
was in a was in a Perkins, And my mother in law actually swears
by the story that he ripped theworst fart you could think of and actually

tore the vinyl in the bench,you know, in the restaurant boost And
I'm like, how was that possible? To me? He blasted a fart
with such force? Why was itsuch force? Or was the smell so
putrid that it actually melted the vine? But I understand it could be a
combination of the time. How'd yourmom find out your mother in law to

find out about this? I thinkthey were they hung out a lot together,
you know, this is before Imet her. And I'm saying to
myself and and it just the copsare going turning it into my head,
Like, how is that possible?I mean, I know I've been known
to I'll be honest with you,and I would admit that I've been known
for that farce. But they wouldnot, you know, not not the
force of but that would actually tear. So you you think that the I

ripped the sheet with an it wasjust a terrible fart. That's my that's
my guess. Well, you knowhe said you you don't have you know,
you maintain your toe nails, you'renot sharp, you're not you don't
turn into bed in any unusual waythat would have you cause the total it
will be like knives to rip thesheet. Maybe you're right, you know
the phrase sheet happens right. Maybe. Yeah, I'm making a simple hypothesis

here. You only have one pairof sheets? You don't when you excuse
me? Yeah, I think everySunday she washes them and puts them back
on the bed. How many pairsof sheets do you have? Have?
Two? Maybe three? They're notthey're definitely in expensive sheets. But yeah,
we keep the old ones when wefind new ones. Yeah, because
that's the only reason. I don'tknow when the last time we bought new

sheets was I think just might bewere in tear of especially from washing it.
Man, I just but it's anyhow, so those are those are gone?
So Jeffrey thinks I farted and lastedthe sheet in half. You have
a big smile on your face.Well, no, I think I spotted
I spotted parking anomally parking anomaly.Yet puts a picture up. Oh wow,

you got a picture. Okay,what do I have here? What
is what are we witnessing? Lookat the back tire of dud She's car
in a way, it's angled in. Oh my god, it's a wherever
they'll line. This is animal anymallyand literally you think she threw that litter

out on the way out to Jeffrey. I have no idea, but see
how there's one time I parked bad. But you know what I did.
I corrected. I took the timeand corrected. It is this why when
I pulled into the parking garage today, I see Jeffrey's little feet pitter pattering
down the parking garage and he's gota huge smile on his face, just
staring at me. I pull intomy spot. Jeffrey goes through the door

and starts going down the stairs,I park and then Jeffrey comes back out
from the stairs like twenty seconds laterand and has his phone out and is
walking up the garage. Is that? What is that? When he took
the picture? So what happened?You got into the saw? That was
that? Was gonna kind of letgo? But I figure out, I
know I'm gonna. I know atsome point this week I'll get ragged on.

So I figure is so you crack. You couldn't let it go?
Okay, it for can't. II'm so glad you bring this up today,
Jeffrey, because I have something foryou that I've I've really been thinking
about for quite some time. Okay, so I've been holding onto this for

about a month. You want tocome into the coming to the main studio,
but come right right there, butright there by Dougie. Okay,
let me show you. I haveI have a few things for you.
Okay, don't there you go,let me unzipped and not right over right
there, right over there by Dougie, not right by all right, right
by Deter whomever, I don't care, just somewhere gotta get on a microphone

over there. We don't have onego right on that mic right there.
He's confusing you right there. No, that mic right there, this one
right there on any open mic,that one, yeah, that one right
there. Oh my god, thisis a huge production. What are you
looking for? On top of thedesk? I was gonna get he's got
a headphones once? How to plugin? Okay, all right, so

move them move the microphone that waya little bit. There you go there?
Okay, all right, so Ihave see you can see. I
don't want them to see. Justto stop looking at rovere your knees and
talk. I'm not I'm not looking. Just look at me here. First
of all, First things, first, yere okay, I got you?

Uh these catch what it up?What does it say, Jeffrey, Jeffrey?
What does it say? Um?Way? Their cards? We mean
like trading cards. What does itsay? I can't read? Oh I

could put knees out. What doesit say? Though? Attention? You
parked like an idiot. Flip overto see the reason, and then what's
what's on the other side. It'slike parking over the line, blocking the
sidewalk driveway, taking them more thanone spot. Andy Kesspot wouldn't permit invending
a parking space, park too closeto the car. You know. It's
like it's like it's like a citation. It's a well do is what I

would do? Is like in Doug'scase, I would just put this and
check off. What the reason?Why? How you a pack of a
thousand of the park because he lovesto enforce parking. You are the parking
enforcer here at the radio station.Are you willing to do this? Yeah?
I, I said. The onlyperson that would do it and be

getting a more it would probably do. Uh huh. Now, when you're
out there, Jeffrey, if someonesees you walking, you gotta beyond just
duge. You have to probably scourthe entire garage for bad roles. Uh
huh. So uh while you're outthere, you were thinking about it,

saying in my head, I waslike, that doesn't make sense. But
so while you're out there, youjust look like a weirdo if you're walking
around, you know, through theparking garage, going up the parking garage,
right, yeah, I probably wouldbe. So I got you something
else. It's in addition, whatelse do we have going on in the

parking garage besides bad parkers? Peopleprobably speedy or something just being yeah,
that's true. I see that.Yes, what else do we have happening
in the in the parking garage?I can't think of anything else. Instances
about the am guy. Oh yeah, what happened with with the am guy?
What happened? You got stuck up? Yeah? Stuck up? Held

up? Yeah? Hell up wouldbe a better way to help, well,
you know what I mean. SoI thought we could combine, we
could solve all of our problems.We could put you on the case.
So no, I am now deputizingyou. Hold up your right hand.

I repeat that from me. IJeffrey Allen Law, Jeffrey Ellen LaRue,
do solemnly swear soil, swear toprotect and serve, protect and serve the
parking garage. And I heeart media, the parking garage at iHeartMedia. And
I shall punish, and I shallpunish any persons who commit an infraction,

punish any person that would commit aninfraction to the most severe extent of my
law, to the most severe extentof the law. Okay, so I
got you a shirt here. Okay, this is a because you know,
you have to look official when you'reout there car office. Yeah, so

you have a scarity officer shirt.All right, yellow reflective. I mean
this is this is as official.Is a huge thing on the back.
Security him coming from and you knownot to mess with him. No wee
some in that shirt you go theother way. Should put it on right
now? Yeah, start your jobtoday right now? Okay, yeah right,

why not? I've done security beforeand I think he fell asleep on
the job security. I can't sleepthis time. Wait and don't break it
under the button. Should have himwork at Buzzard fast parking cars. All
right, this is the beginning ofa great career. All right. He
like Beavis with that cornhole. Areyou stuck? Come on cornholio? All

right there he is. Now letme see how this fits. Stand over
there by the door, so letme he did even earn stripes. You
look like a bike cop. Hedoes. Now hold on because we're not
finished here. Thank god, thisis a great day for you. You
look pretty official with this security officeryellow shirt on. But people need to

know that you mean business and whatmeans business more? What do you see
about her? There? Then atactical vest. Yes, wow, this
that's cool. This is taking itup on ouch. You want to butt

in your button, your little buttonthere. Let's get you nice and uh,
this might be too far with thevest rover. No, what do
you people will call the cops whenyou see a guy walking around that vest,
says security. You're not gonna callYou're gonna call the cops on the
cops. Kick get Okay, comeon, there's so many pockets in that
vest. What is he going tokeep in it? Let's see card you

need to put in here? Okay? All right? Oh wow, I
like this. This is this isgood. I like this. Wow.
Okay, let me see how youlook over here. I think he's got
to be strapped up like the strapedto a little tighter. But so far,
so good. Yeah, we canscream up there. There is a

belt that goes with this if youwant so, you can get the bottom
there, get the here, we'llgive him the belt there there you go,
get him some nunchucks should you getlike mace and a flash like sticks
instead of mace, you could justbreathe on the people. Hold on,
we're not done. Oh no,okay, hold on. So um,

the belt has to go through thoseloops at the bottom there. See that
it goes that way and do youtighten him? Do you wait? We
might have to sign. We mighthave to get him all up here,
dressed him every morning. You haveto wordless every day. Coming, we'll
get the belt. You can justleave the belt for the moment. Now,
listen you, Jeffrey. When youare dressed like this, this is

an every day out for work.Now you're like that, you're not asking
for trouble, but trouble. You'renot going to run away from it,
right right? And you mean business. So sometimes you gotta get your hands
a little dirty. So I gotyou some fingerless gloves to go with your

technical Okay, your hands are stillprotected, and yet you can still grab
things with your fingertips. That's okay. They fit, jay, I gotta
put your thumb in. You can'tkick get them on, you gotta you

gotta undo them first. Un there'sa little tight okay, now, Velker,
now strap up there, you go. All right, let's get that
other one on. Oh this isgood. Would you mess with this guy,
Charlie, I run from this guy, but if I could even run

fast enough to get away, thisguy's moving. All right, let me
tackle vest. He means business.Now, let's stand over there by the
door and let me let me justsouk in here for a minute. Oh
yeah, that's that. Look rightat the camera, Look right at this
camera. Camera. Yeah there thatthat camera right there. There you go,
all right, you're under all well, do you think you might have

to affect an arrest um some securityguards us you don't have that authority.
Other I'm giving you the authority.And in fact, here you go.
There's your handcuffs at handcuffs there?Okay, that's bad. You handcuffed to
her steerwheel until she fixes it.Jeffrey, you have a key right yeah?

Before wait stop, I do havea key somewhere. I might have
forgotten them. So don't handcuffed anyone. Don't handcuff anyone. Uh what did
I do with the cake? Handcuffyourself to theater so you can never leave
you again. Yeah, you don'tknow what happened to the funny. I
don't know what happened in the night. Jeffery. You're like citizens on patrol.

That's what conscience for or essential organizationa police specialists. Yeah, what
huh? Who's buttons? Mc boomboom? He can't hear you. I
know why only put headphones on yourheadphones on. Just reminds me of Reno
nine one. Yeah, or likeor like the Essential organization. A police
specialist. Oh yeah, give mea second. How long until somebody asking

what the hell he's doing in theparking garage? I think he needs to
patrol every day between five and six? Right? Yeah? Keep us safe?
Yeah, and between commercial breaks peopleshow I got a show to do.
No between eight o'clock when the salesstaff shows up. Should he walk
around? Make sure everybody's saying commercialThe lady's in, yeah, saying commercial

breaks. Now he's playing solitaire.Anyways, parking garage is a little bit
dark. Got a you got aflashlight there? Okay, but you may
run into some issues with people whothat's the one I have in my car.
So if you need to zap someone, if you have to take someone

into custody, you can get themunder control with your Did you see a
space? Jeffrey was like, ohmy god, what do you think?
You right out there? You go? I don't like that. I feel
like there's one person next time,next time, Charlie miles off to you,
Jeffrey. Look at that. Charlienasty farts and blames it on you,

Jeffrey, try it on yourself.Turn that's what we have to do,
a cop. Turn it on therethe power button. Put it all
the way up up by now withthe fart, I was going to ignite.
I don't. Don't. It says, if you're doing it on a
person, you can do it aslong as you want, but you can't
do it for more than one secondin the air. It damages people.
Do it on yourself real quick,disattested. You've done it before, the

different one. Oh here, getthem, not me. It doesn't make
any sense, all right, Sothat is that's great for you there,
that's all. That's fantastic. SoI'm putting you on patrol. Uh,
and you can help the ladies comeinto work. You know there's a lot

of females at work here in thebuilding. Jeffrey shall maybe first thing in
the morning, you can walk inDoogie and Crystal and here before me.
We got to get here early.Yeah. Your shift starts at now.
Okay, yeah, right, butI mean I mean your patrol. Yeah,
but we are there is security herefor the buildings. Don't do anything.

You're on the you're on beat patrol, right, yeah, come on,
beat it oh, real, funnydude, funny, real off and
funny, so look fantastic. Buthe has to wear less on Monday,
Wednesday, Friday. Yeah. Sure, and then before his fence company job,
he's got to come in here Tuesdayand Thursday. Yeah. I don't
know about that one, but towalk the ladies in and then during lunch,

during your lunch break, you leavethe fence company job, you drive
here, and then you walk thegirls back out to their car. No
one's gonna mess with the girls now, right. You should wear that Friday
as well. I feel I feelsafe for just being in this room right
with him right now. No one'sgonna mess with you. You like this

outfit. It's a cool outfit andeverything. Yeah great, yeah, all
right, I'm gonna get you thebelt set up during the commercial break here.
We need the handcuff hanging off oneside, the flashlight hanging off the
other side. I love it.And maybe, uh, Mackie says,
when you go to music Fest,maybe you can patrol music Fest too.

I think I'll be off that day. I'll be working. I'll be working
as a normal person so that Ican go. You're off duty that day,
right, just normal civilian, normalcivil you know every day is this?
Huh? It's just something like youknow, because everyone knows that,
can you take it through a normalarrest? Like you see you're sitting there,
you see Doogie park bad. Whatare you gonna say? What are

you gonna do? I'm gonna justsay, how about this? You know
what? Who miles off to theauthorities more than anyone else on the show?
Charlie does. Okay, how aboutwhen we come back, you show
us exactly how you would handle aninteraction with Charlie. What do you think
about that? I'll see what Ican do. Okay, we'll be right
back on Rover's Morning Glory. Hangon, he can't even talk English.

Good and the throne ups on thisshow ain't much better much hard Morning Glory.

Jeffrey is really getting into his vesthe's getting the belt all set up.
He's got his tactical vest on,he's got his he's even got a
holster that he goes onto this thingtoo. But I didn't want to give
him a firearm. Yeah, rightdown the barrel and pull the trigger.
Get him a cap gun, youknow the ones that make the noise.

Yeah, that's safe to stop aburglar. Uh so you should getting all
Yeah, let's see what that lookslike. I like this all right.
Now he's got his handcuffs stand overthere by the Oh you're gonna put that.
That's where you're gonna put him upthere? Okay, all right.
I like how he ripped it open, so man. Yeah, so if

someone, uh fix it later.Oh you missed a couple of belt loops.
Yeah, that's all right, youcan fix that later. I think
this looks good. He's got thefingerless gloves on. You mean he means
business, doesn't He looks official.Nobody's gonna question him to go. You
know, what's your credentials? No, of course not. Maybe just some
probably needs some sunglasses, oh forsure. Oh the ones that flip up,

Yes, attach your glasses flip upand talking to the microphone. You
gotta going to mic Maybe some sortof hat or something like that too.
The security I just saw them.They look very similar. Yeah, this
is this is the same outfit.You're gonna fit right in. You're on

patrol. I'll fash you get yourflashlight out if you need it in your
taser. That slow oh we gotto practice that slow draw. Yeah,
you're gonna have a quick draw McGraw. He's let's see where is he putting
it? You got a new placefor it. Okay, let's try this.
Let's try your ready to one taste. Oh yeah, taste it?

Oh I like this? Okay,Now did you turn it off or is
it still a careful He's gonna tastehimself. Why is the taser upwards so
we can go to Grammit? Aren'tyou gonna actually taste yourself? You're gonna
be downward? There you go.That's a really good point. I don't

know if it fits in though.It's too it's too wide. He had
it the right way, he's ifhe tease yourself, who cares? Yeah,
just have it, leave it theway you had it, Jeffrey,
I think that's I think that's fine. Maybe Sam says he needs a whistle.
Oh yeah, it's a rape whistle. Yeah. I got pulled over

riding by electric scooter in Miami Beachby an actual company whistle with his little
whistle. So maybe you can geta whistle, Jeffrey. Uh, what
else does he need? Any otheraccessories that were forgetting? He looks pretty
complete. Well some sort of doyou like the shorts or yes, it's

gonna be shorts. Should they beshorter? Shortsh My shorts are fine,
Charlie. All right, let mesee stand stand over there by the door
again. Let me look. Ilike that. That's a good outfit.
I like that. Look those shortsare perfect. Uh. Now, so
who who did you say talks backthe most, Charlie. Let's have you

come in here. Let's just let'sjust let's just recreate a potential security scenario.
Um, Charlie, I'm gonna haveyou play the part of and have
you play the part of a badparker. Okay, so you pull up,
uh and you park? Uh?You park across all the lines?
Yeah, And Jeffrey, what doyou do? I'll just say, excuse

me, sir? Do you knowyou? Who are you? What authority
do you give? I do securitythat I make sure you want parks correctly.
You got a problem with that,sir? I do. Why don't
you suck my ass? Whoa?Oh oh here we go, there we
go? Go? Oh my god, he just attacked, Charlie. He's

attacked them. This is a floodfight. They're fighting for their wash.
Jeffrey is Jeffrey is getting Charlie tothe ground. I had no idea it
was going to turn into a physicalaltercation. Oh they're now fighting over the
way. They're fighting, fighting overa weapon. Now, oh oh,

what happened? What happened? Jeffreyjeffreysed, what happened? What happened?
What did he do? Oh?You gotta hang now, Oh my god,
Charlie, what happened? Oh?Oh, he's pissed, he's angry.
What did you do to him?Why did you? Man? You
put him in that uniform and hetakes he took, crying the stomach off.

Now they're fighting over the Taser's ladingover the taser. Now you're handing
me the taste. How's your nail? Okay? What happened? He's gotta
what happened? I see blood?You know he's playing that man, He
drew blood. What you do tohim? Charlie, Look at this,
you're playing. You're playing a game. It's Charlie's always got to take it,
doesn't he He can't, he can't, he can't, he can't,

just can't. Just listen to authority. What happened there, Jeffrey, What
happened? He said? A tasercame off? And stabbing right in the
side of my finger. Oh mygod, Oh I'm looking at it.
He's right. One of the taserprongs ripped off is already broke as one
prong. You've only been on thejob one day and already hurt. He

grabbed your taste. He was toget cut out for the bad fighting for
your life there, put your headphoneson. You're fighting for your life and
he You were hired for twenty minutesand you're already off the job. What
is the quickest job in history?You have to ride the desk. What
happened? You're on desk duting now, what happened? Well, if this

thing came off and stabbed me whenI was one of the taser pronks,
yeah, did it hurt you?See, you were arrestling Charlie. Did
Charlie tried to take that taser fromyou. That's that's resisting arrest right there.
You were making Now the one thingI would say, you got to
yell out, citizens arrest, citizensarrest three times? My security days are

over. It's your first day.So you what are you talking about?
Your days are over? You shouldbe writing him a ticket. He owes
you money, you know, right, Is this a fifty dollars fine or
something? Don't you have yet?Assault on a police officers a way?
It's right, Yeah, that's right, that's right. How much is that
fine? Jeffrey's existing. Yeah,that's a felony, Charlie, that's a

felony. That's all on a officer, a peace officer. Yep. Did
you see what he snapped? Hesnapped? Did you take a knee to
the stomach? Yes, actually,like he's like crying out, but like
I have a headache. He hitme. He kicked me in the stomach.
He did everything you possibly do tohurt me, and now he's actually
the victim. Your neck is evenred over here. It's from that headlock

and squeezing right, did a wrestlingmove at some point It looked like he
was trying to pop your head.You might need you might need stitches there,
Jeffrey, I mean this, Thisis a serious injury you have received
from Jeffrey, and I mean fromfrom Charlie, who has no respect for
authority, no respect for the law. He took it too far. You

might have to amputate more. Probably, you know what. Hold on.
CPD just emailed me there looking ifthey could get the surveillance video of this
so that you can use this inofficer training to show how quickly UH routine
situation can go south. Yeah,of whatnot to do? I mean,
those are some of the worst policework I've ever seen. And you can't

call time out during the arrest.Time out? My nail, broken nail.
That's a big band aid, Dougyoh Man, Has there any metals
still on his hands? You're sure? Yeah? Do you want to call
an ambulance? I'm fine? Maybehe could just ride along with Mary Elizabeth.

She's going later to the day.Later in the day, he's gonna
need a walk. You talking though, if he If he hasn't quit yet,
are you quitting? Yeah? Ithink, like I said, security
needs Wait a second, that's liketwo hundred dollars worth of gear I bought
you, Like, you can't quitalready. You know the little cbe they
keep on their on their shoulder andthey're calling it in here. It's one

of those. And maybe a bodycame to document when he runs into idiots
like Charlie, Yeah, gets hisbodie cam. Maybe one of those.
Is it an ASP? Is thatwhat it's called? Like the no No
No, the weapon thing that comesout, you flick it down and it
extends out and it's like an extendingwith tiny could just beat Charlie over the
head with that. No, defundJeffrey, Jeffrey, that that disrespect that

he showed massive disrespect right after bathe if he would have just complied,
right, Jeffrey, if he wouldhave just complied with your lawful order,
then nothing, none of this wouldhave happened. In the fingers, there's
blood in your fingers. Hunt itjust keep getting all in there and put
a BANDI on. I did,Okay, it's going through the band aid.
No, it's just it was frombefore everywhere. Yeah, deep got

a couple of got him? Yougot him? You think he's gonna need
stitches? Noasibly maybe, Wow,do I need to get you a Jeremy
Shepherds unleash the canine. He's gethim a gun. Well, that's what
he's probably gonna need if he dealswith people like you. I mean,
jeez, Jeffrey, he would haveshot me if he had a gun.

Yeah, there's no question I wouldhave been dead right now. Yes,
definitely what happened. He need togo for the the flashlights, so he
immediately, Wow, he's got he'sgot the lingo down, he has the
script down. So he reached foryour weapon. He was trying to reach
from my Yeah, he was tryingto reach my weapon. I realized that.

I call it right away, Icatch it right away. But he
was definitely to reach for my weapon. Okay, so I'm doing that.
I'm I'm doing a use of forceuh investigation now. So uh so when
he reached for your weapon, whatwere you feeling? I would feel like
my life was in danger. Hereyou go, he's got it down,
doesn't he Yes? Danger? Yes? Yes, okay, Uh you got

kids at homie, you got justified, you some some force. All right,
You're off him. Sit there forthe rest of it. He can't
be next to me. He's gonnahe's got to be in there, rover,
so you can see him. Yougotta be able to check out the
South. You gonna be able tosee it. I terrely don't fear.
Okay, this is just uh okay, So yeah, don't let the power
get to your head. I feellike his head. I'm not letting the

power to get He's not on apower trip. No, No, he
was not a guy who has pickedon in high school who now has a
badge? Oh no, rage thathe had in his eyes. I could
I've never seen that ever before that. Were you actually afraid there for a
moment, Yes, because he's gonnause what he was gonna do deadly forrest.
No, he's gonna use some sortof wrestling move, like some stone

cold stunner or something on me,and my NeXT's gonna break because I don't
know how to take it or whatever. And that was what was going to
happen. I was going to usethe I was trying to use a police
standard, sort of a standards policetakedown like they used to like, you
know, to take the police takedownsor like what they used in football.
Oh yeah, I see what Iwas trying to do that type of takedown,
like a like a football styll takedownlike the police do sure, I
understand? Yes, okay, Iuh. And he tried You tried to

de escalate the situation verbally of firstat first, and you used verbal jiu
jitsu on Charlie. Charlie is Charlie'sverbal jiu jitsu is the one thing that's
gonna get his ass kicked. Yeah. I think I just could ask I
won. I'm still free. I'ma free man. Okay, well Charlie,

all right, well then said youknow, we know one thing when
you know you got beat up bytwo girls, So yeah, what does
that mean? What does it mean? You're you're not as strong as a
woman. I said, all you'vedone it, just burned yourself. I
see this escalating over the coming up. You could do anything to be whatever,

dude, Charlie, like I said, just be thankful. I don't
I don't carry guns. Here's someonewho says, get him a segue.
He could be like Paul Shark,mall cop, you get you know what.
You're on desk duty while you recover. Okay, yeah, all right,

you're on desk duty in the fartbox. So go on in there
and uh and thank you for yourservant job. Yes you're great. No,
leave it on. I love it. He was official in this.
Why would you take that off?Ever? Sleeping that he will he will

see that half one that we lookedat last week. I this is your
new job, new part time job, Dougie, are you ready for the

ship? Okay? Kid is shy, I'll roll was Morning Glory, New
Hampshire, nurse and her daughter werereportedly kidnapped in Haiti while doing missionary work
for a Christian humanitarian organization. Thethirty one year old named alex Or Sainville,
has been working as a nurse forthe school and community in Haiti for

years, and she's also married tothe director of an organization that is there
in conjunction with trying to help people. Her organization is said to be in
contact with Haitian authorities to work towardthe American's safe return, and just one
day before the kidnapping was reported,its statement ordered non emergency government employees or

all government employees to evacutivate Haiti inlike the career, what are you doing
with you if you want to goover there, put yourself in in harm's
way to help people out. Hey, that's accepting the risk you're taking it

that stop. It happened at aplace called Playland Park. It's just outside
of New York City. Variety iscalled music Express and it's a common one.
It fares in carnivals. So yougo in a circle forward or reverse
and usually the music's blaring. Well, this thing got stuck going backwards at
full speed, and the emergency shutoff didn't work, I believe you a

video of this Rover Maidenance workers eventuallystopped it by disconnecting the power. Let
me pull this up here it isI would vomit. So it's not stopping.
It's just going around in reverse yeanon stop, ye, full speed.

And it usually lasts about two tothree minutes. Yeah, how long
has it been going on? Andthey said that this was going Some people
said ten minutes. Oh my god. Yeah, I get sick too.
Yeah, I hate just watching.That makes me nauseous again. They were
so long to cut the power,like it seems like that would be an
easy unplug the thing. You wouldthink they were freaking out because they couldn't

get to stop the emergency stop.So then they finally did figure out bull
the power. The park lamed iton an electrical malfunction. They shut the
write down and reached out to themanufacturer to make sure it doesn't happen again.
See, so let me does iteventually stop? Melano? Still going,
still going, still going? Maybelet me see you here if it's
eventually still Oh yeah, here itgoes? Oh all right, go on,

mega millions, baby, the jackpothas soared to over one billion dollars.
No winner was declared in Friday's drawing, so this is an insane amount
of money that it has gotten upto, so mega millions, over a
billion dollars. Yeah, can yougo talk to the program director and find

out why we continually are cutting outNonStop? Thank you? All right?
On what on the radio, onthe app, everywhere. United States women's
national soccer team plays their next WorldCup match against Portugal early torom morning.
It's going to start at three amEastern time. The US is favored to

win with a line set at minusthree fifty. Portugal comes in as a
plus twelve hundred underdog, and theodds of the match being a draw at
the end of regulation are at plusfour twenty. So it's a pretty big
game. Of course. The USteam controls its destiny and will advance to
the knockout rounds with either a winor a tie against the Portuguese team.

Will you watch that now three o'clockin the morning, gad No, absolutely,
Okay, entertainment news for you.Amanda Bynes has entered four weeks ago
in an impatient mental health treatment center, and this is Amanda's third rehab clinic.
This year. She relapsed around SaintPatrick's Day was discovered wandering around downtown

LA in the streets. Remember shewas completely naked. Last month she barricaded
herself in the apartment because she didn'tfeel safe. Amanda dial nine one one
and surrendered to the police, whoplaced her in a week long cycle.
So she has chosen to stay andshe's going to receive twenty four hour attention.
She's seeking a change in treatment inhopes of getting her mood stable,

in her feet underneath her. Andfinally, we have the box office numbers
for you, once again, aninsane weekend for people going to the movies.
Third place a very disappointing for DisneyHaunted Mansion movie twenty four million dollars.
That is not good. It isa huge flop. We have second
place Oppenheimer with forty six million dollars, and then Barbie is the number one

movie with ninety three million dollars.Much again. Yeah, yep, it
is massive. That's why yesterday Barbie, no Oppenheimer. I'm gonna see Barbie
two, but me too, allright, So what do you think of
Oppenheimer? Snitz? So it's reallygood, I mean, I pay the
extra for the IMAX. It don'tneed the IMAX. Charlie told you.

Yeah, we didn't believe. MBernolan says, you need to see it.
Wants to make more money off ofit. Yeah, it's it's a
courtroom battle. It's courtroom drama.But it's really good, intense. But
it was all it was scale oneto five. Whould you give it?
I could five five waitness check andCharlie you just you're you're cohort here says

that on a scale a one tofive, Oppenheimer is a five. No,
it's like a three. Yeah,it's a it's a three. It
was good, well done, waytoo long, uh huh, that was
it. I mean just it wasjust way too long really, and the
scenes were short, which I like, so it wasn't like boring. Like
even if something was boring, they'recutting somewhere else pretty soon, so that's

good. But it's just a lotof talking, all right. It's a
real talkie. I would go seeBarbie a second time in the theater.
It's that good. I liked itthat much. Wow, there's just one
small spot that I would give afour point five that I was like,
hmmm, we could have cut thata little bit. But other than that,
I really enjoyed it. Five isridiculous. Five is absolutely ridiculous for

Oppenheimer for almost at least a four. Okay, four, I could four
if you if you say, disagree, but the four is fine, if
you'd even say four and a halfput a five cent five is a perfect
film. You would watch this.You're on a desert island. You have
one movie or something that's a five. Well, I'm like that. You
know, when I first see amovie, I'm excited about it. So

maybe ask me a couple of weeks. It'll be probably low. But no,
it was a really good movie.What's intense? What's that old movie
you love? Kin? Yeah,like that's sex. That's five, that's
six. So but what you're whenyou say best movie of all time?
Yeah, so when you say Oppenheimeris also a five, you're putting an
equal with your favorite movie of alltimes, kine, the best movie of

all time. Other than like abunch of old critics who are like dead,
we're like, oh, that's agreat movie. What makes it the
best movie of all time? Itstarted everything, It started, uh,
a whole bunch of different camera lenses, camera moves and angles there were.
Yeah, it started everything. It'sthe start of modern cinema. But it

might have, okay, some ofthe techniques. But the actual movie,
yeah, great writing, great movieand with the rosebutter or whatever. Yeah.
I had a film class and theteacher had an orgasm over that movie
the lead up to it. He'slike, you gotta see this movie.
We're gonna end the class, afterthe whole semester, We're gonna end with

this movie. You gotta be soexcited for this. I'm like, he
built it up, like this gonnabe the best movie ever, total bus
total by. This is it.He sucks. You have the class fall
asleep. There you go. That'sa shizy on Rovers Morning Glory. All
right, we'll be right back onRover's Morning Glory. Hang up, they
say nobody wants to work anymore.Hey, but we didn't want to work

before either. That's why we gotinto Radio du Welcome back to Rovers Morning
Glory. Matt sent an email andsays Barbie was the dumbest movie. I

can't believe how much it's made.The plot literally makes no sense. It
is just stupid jokes the whole time. You have to go see this train
wreck just out of amazement of howdumb it is. It does look dumb.
My mom disowned me, Yeah,because she liked you liked it,
and she didn't. Yeah, shethought it was terrible. You haven't seen

this, right? Would you evergo see this? As a man walking
into that theater? I wouldn't becaught dead going to that. I agree,
and it just it does look incrediblystupid. And maybe that's I don't
know, maybe that's a sign thatwe all are getting really dumb. If
this is the entertainment you got Oppenheimer'stoo highbrow, forget it. Barbie is

the number one movie. And whenI watched it for as it is,
I didn't sit there in decipher ohit's against men and all this stuff that
people are sitting there and breaking itapart. I watch it as an entertainment
piece, not anything more than that. Something just make you smile. Stupid
jokes, have fun, and youknow it's it's about boy and Marti are

all the jokes at the expense ofcan Ken does get a little bit of
a you know, he's kind ofa dizzy guy in the movie. He
does get a little bit of abad rap at one point. Um,
you know, so I was like, but man, I do think it
is geared more towards girls and morepushing of women power, and you know

how we should be so women powertearing men down. Basically, there's a
little bit of a little bit ofthat. Okay, So you know that's
what they tiech kids these days.Yeah. Um, there's another show on
Netflix. I haven't seen this,but it's called falso amore, which it's

a Spanish language show. It translatesto deep fake love. Has anyone seen
this Deep fake Love? It's onNetflix, I guess. And the premise
of this show is you go onthere and you and your you and your
boyfriend, you and your girlfriend whatever. You go on this show and they

separate you. They put you ina home I guess, where there's a
bunch of hot single people. So, Dieter, let's say you and your
wife go on this show. Theysend your wife into this home with all
these hot single dudes, just buffdudes, supermodel looking guys, all right,
and they film the whole thing andthen they show you footage of your

wife in the home with all thesesingle people. And then you see your
wife flirting with some guy you know, and she starts making out with the
guy, and you you're watching thison the screen. There your wife making
out tom kissing with some guy,maybe in on the couch in the living

room of this mansion where all thesesingle people are hanging out with her.
What do you do when you're filmedon national television doing that? Why flip
out? I want to kill aguy. Yeah. Well, they don't
tell you this in advance, apparently, but after they show you this clip,
then they go, oh, hey, hold on, that's not really
your wife making out with guy.It's a deep fake. It's it's phony.

Oh and do that? Why whytorture me? Yeah, that's it?
Well no, So then the premiseof the game after that, is
of the show is okay, Nowthat you know that some are deep fake
and some aren't, now you haveto watch, like you and all the
other couples. You watch these clipsand you have to guess which one is

a real clip of your wife andwhich one is a deep fake, And
the couple that has the most correctanswers wins one hundred thousand euros whatever that
equals out too. A lot ofpeople are saying that This is a terrible
sign of things to come. Andwhat a horrible thing they didn't allegedly,

they didn't tell the people that theywere doing this in events. They just
said you're gonna be on this realityshow. They didn't say deep fakes are
going to be involved. And thenthen the next thing, you know,
they sit you down for that firsttime to show you the footage of your
wife and the home theater and you'reseeing her makeout was some guy. I
mean, is that over the linefor a reality show? I think so,
because you live it after that andif you can't get that out of

your mind seeing your wife cheating,and I know they say, oh,
it's a deep fake, and thenyou're like, you have that image already
of her cheating. I just thinkthey come they have no more ideas.
Now we gotta just invent cheating oris this a great idea? I mean,
look, technology moves on, itmarches forward, and you can't put

the toothpaste back in the tube.So why not embrace it and have reality
shows where deep fakes are used.You know what I'm gonna do if from
ever caught cheating, I'm gonna say, honey, have you seen this?
Netflix show. Yeah, they dothis deep face. Now, somebody got
a hold of me. That wasthat wasn't me at the bar making out
with this chick. Okay, lookup Netflix. Do you think Jeffrey's gonna

start using this with Mary Elizabeth?That's not me? That deep face you
should? Yeah, what do youthink, Jeffrey? Could you pull that
off? I don't know, whatdo you mean? I don't know.
I'm just just the first time I'vebeen hearing about this stuff. He's flustered
from that fight that he had withFinger. Yeah. Yeah, he's just
constantly picking at his buddy Finger.He's recovering from that that traumatic experience that

he had earlier and the attacked me. He resisted citizens arrest. Do you
think that's over the line? Dude, you use some deep takes? Because
then how does the guy, likeDeeter said, how do you get that
out of your mind? That's goingto ruin your marriage even though it wasn't
legit. It's going to torment you. And you've seen your wife making out

even though it wasn't your wife.I think I have a little bitter.
I have a little clip from theshow. Yeah, I want to see
I haven't seen it, but youwant to watch this here here it is
okay, so I guess the wholething is in Spanish now. The preview
I watched, the guy did whatDieter said he would do, was he

flipped out, and then one ofthe females, because they're all watching the
videos together, was like, you'reyou know, Vanessa wouldn't do that.
She wouldn't do that. You don'tbelieve it, you know. So there
is a panel there trying to atleast help you who maybe have met your
spouse, and they don't have nothing. They don't have it in English.
I watch it in English on Netflix. The preview I thought about lay and

I was like, I don't knowif I think this is stupid or not.
Yeah, I mean, and evenit's weird because the subtitles are in
Spanish. Yeah, they're speaking Spanish, and then they're giving us Spanish subtitles,
so I can't even read you withtheir Charlie, can you find an

English version of I don't know whereCrystal saw this. This was on the
Netflix. Netflix. Maybe that's gonnahave it somehow, all right, so
give me a minute to see ifwe can find that. Um, you
know, I just had a debatewith someone. One of my neighbors does

not believe electric vehicles are gonna catchon. Are you guys buying that?
You think? Like? He's like, it's never gonna catch on, And
I'm like, I think every carmanufacturer is moving towards electric vehicles. I
see a lot of those electric Mustangson the road. Yeah, I've had
an electric car since I guess thepast eight years I've driven electric. I

don't know anyone else that has that. You're the only person I know.
True, I don't know anybody.You don't know anyone else has an electric
car? Not one. Well,yeah, my neighbors never gonna catch on,
not gonna not No one's gonna wantthem. I'm like, but hasn't
every manufacturer said we're moving to allelectric vehicles by twenty thirty or whatever so

or whatever the year is. Yeah, I think it's coming. I don't
think there's anything you can do aboutthis. The most valuable car company in
the world, for whatever reason,is Tesla, an electric car company.
You don't see I mean, yousee a lot of Teslas on the road,
don't you like two or three?What do you mean to or I
see? Oh, cut are yousee every day. I don't every single

day. You don't see Teslas onthe road every day. That's impossible.
It's impossible. I might see one, like driving home from work on the
same were the same schedule as thisother guy. That's it. I see
they're not that common. Majority ofTesla's I've seen is like the Model three
and the Model likes. I don'tsee a lot of the Model less like
the way you used to have everynow and I don't see one of those.

So if people aren't buying them,why are they gonna keep making them?
Oh, people aren't. Well,people are buying Tesla's like crazy.
They've sold a lot of them.I think it's more manufacturers move into it.
I think Tesla is going to havea little bit of a hard time
as regular manufacturers get into it.I have an electric Mercedes now, and

I mean the ride is just amillion times smoother than the Tesla. I
mean, it's just all around thetechnology, and the Tesla is good for
the modest part, but everything elseabout the Mercedes. The Mercedes I think
is probably I don't think I wouldgo back to a Tesla at this point,
but I did see something. Doyou remember me telling you that I

would go on road trips. Ialways say electric cars do not get them
if you go on road trips orif you are a traveling salesperson that drives
out of town a lot. Doyou ever remember me telling you I've taken
that Teslat a couple of road tripsin the past. Do you remember me
telling you how it would say,oh, you have sixty miles of range

left, and then you drive onemile. How much should you have If
it says if it started sixty,it should be what fifty a right,
but what is it in reality?Will go, oh, you have fifty
eight miles of range, you driveanother mile, you know you're down to
fifty six. I mean. Nowit turns out that Tesla was doing that
on purpose. They were they wereartificially inflating the range of Tesla's and giving

you an unrealistic picture like this isthe technology in the car on the dash
it shows you what your range is. And now it's been revealed it was
completely fake. And so many peoplewere calling Tesla and saying, hey,
hey, there's a problem with mycar, Like the range is going down
super fast, Like it will sayI have whatever miles left but for every

mile I drive, two or threemiles come off the range. That's impossible,
right, there must be something wrongwith my car. So so many
people made appointments at the Tesla servicecenters that they had a secret team that
just automatically would go in and deleteyour service appointment because so many people were

making these service appointments, and theywould just lie and they would say,
oh, no, we've we've we'veremotely diagnosed your Tesla. Nothing's wrong with
it. And it turns out thewhole thing is that they made a conscious
decision years ago to just give youfake news on the dashboard about how much
your range was. And I experiencedthat that is absolutely true. The Mercedes,

I will tell you, is waymore accurate when it comes to right.
I don't see that. I don'tsee driving one mile and three miles
of range comes off. If youdrive a mile, one mile of range
comes off. So it's pretty accurate. So the whole thing was a scam
as far as the range goes.Quick question, Yeah, you have an
electrocer Mercedes right now now, thecharger you use in your home, did

you have to swap that out toa Mercedes charger or is the charger compatible.
I did swap it out with adifferent charger. However, Mercedes and
other manufacturers have now announced that theyare there's a I don't know if it's
a J twenty five, I don'tknow which which connector it is, but

they have announced that they are givingthose up. The adapter that I have,
the charger that I have, andthey're all going with the Tesla connector.
I guess because there's so many Teslasuperchargers around or whatever. So all
manufacturers are standardizing Tesla connectors, soin the future we'll all have Yeah,

it's I've said for a long time, that's crazy. You have Tesla,
which sells the majority of electric cars, and then you have the other manufacturers
who use a different connector. Thatwould be like going to different gas stations
and sometimes the nozzle works, butsometimes it doesn't, depending on the car
you have or the gas station you'reat, they have a different kind of
nozzle. Who will put up withthat nonsense? It's crazy, so Al

says Rover. Incorrect. When you'redriving with AC and headlights and charging phones
and running other services that detracts fromthe range. Charging your phone is not
going to detract anything from the range. To think about that. It's a
cell phone charging as opposed to acar being propelled down the road with electric
motors. It requires zero juice andthe grand scheme of things to charge your

phone. Absolutely not. And Iown that car for six seven years,
and I'm telling you I am verywell acquainted with the range display in there.
And it was complete fake news.And they did it on purpose,
and it's been revealed that they didit on purpose. So I don't know
how you can say incorrect and it'sfake. I'm rating this out of an

article right now that says they actuallydid that, and they did. You
guys went buy an electric car?No why at this point I don't believe
in them. I would. Ijust thought I would have a trouble charging
it. Yeah, it's not aproblem too. Those aren't that many charging
stations. You don't meet the charge, you charge it in your garage if

you have an at home, butnot everybody has that at home. George,
you get it. You would getthe charger in your home. There's
no point in having an electric carunless you have a charge, so the
car's cost way more. And thenputting this at home station in my house.
What's that going to cost me?No? At least ten twenty grand,
I'll get out of here. No, Oh, it's the hardware is

probably about five or six hundred bucks. And then you get your dad to
come over and install it. He'san electrician, right, yeah, so
there you go that. Yeah.The charger, it's the wall charger.
It's not like a it's not likea charger that they have outside the Tesla
place. That's what's your electric billevery month? Yeah? Okay, so
another cost right there, cost ofthe car, cost of your bill maybe

too. Yeah, but I wantto know the difference. What's your electric
bill? I honestly, I meanmy electric bill is. I don't know
how much of it is the car. I I personally, I don't notice
a bunch of it. When Igot the electric car, I didn't notice
a bunch of a difference. Sooh I had to go up, of

course. But it's not you know, it's not like you charge it every
night overnight, right, you comehome, you charge it? Correct?
Yeah, that had to go up. Well, of course it's gonna go
up. To go up. Aboutwhat I'm going what I would pay in
gas in a month is going tobe added to my electric bill. I
would assume what do you pay fora month of games? Yes, oh,
a month. I'm trying to I'dprobably fill up once a week,

maybe maybe twice twice a week.You're filling up, You're really I'm trying.
Yeah, if I'm driving around more, Yeah, there's not what you
tell me. People don't fill uptwice a week. Yeah, Oh you're
driving. I show up and thenat the end of the week, I
fill up. Man, that's alot. So how much are you paying?
Well, thanks to Biden, Imean I'm paying sixty seventy bucks per

time every time I fill up,So you're paying one forty a week.
Let's just say, well, oh, I'm not I'm not paying that on
my electric bill. My whole electricbill, I would guess is I want
to say my electric bill is aboutfour hundred fifty bucks a month. I'm
not paying that. Yeah, ButI mean I have a big house with

two air conditioners and you know whatever, all sorts of stuff going on in
there. But so I don't knowhow much of that is the vehicle.
Maybe one hundred bucks on hundred andfifty bucks, I'm not sure. But
Charlie you would, you'd get one? Oh, I would if I had
a garage. You think they're gonnacatch on? Or are you like my
neighbor and my father in law,never gonna catch on? No, they're

absolutely will once once it's the sameprice. Yeah, why wouldn't you.
It's got to come down a lot. Yeah. Now, dealers, and
my neighbor goes a dealer told methey're never going to catch on. I
got a dealer is going to tellyou that. Why would a dealer tell
you that? Think about this fora second. Why would a dealer say,
never gonna catch on? Do youtell the cars he has right now?

Right? What? What? Else? How do dealers make a lot
of their money, probably more moneythan they may actually missing the vehicles?
No service? Service? Oh nowwhat requires far less service? Yeah?
Electric cars almost no service. There'sjust there's you're gonna fifty moving parts as

opposed to five thousand or whatever.Then you're gonna put all those five minute
places out of business. If everythingtransfer is over, tell you about the
draft your you get, like,if you have a regular gasoline powered car,
the oil change places Oh okay,yeah, but an old change place
is going to transition to something else, whatever else they would have to do

to surface your car or do whatever. So that's the reason why I deal
it is I'll never catch on.They don't want it to catch on because
electric cars are way less maintenance thana regular car, and that's how they
make a huge amount of their money. So I don't know. Someone says,
most families have two or three cars. Now math it out. Yeah,

you didn't do that math. Okay, So if you have two or
three cars, when you go tothe gas station, do you fill up
one car and they all get toshare gas? How is it any different?
What is it? What? Idon't know? What what math?
Is he talking about? Your electricwills to be way more cuts? With
three cars you have to pay forThink about it. Okay, how do
you charge three cars? But youcan put more than one charger in there?

Oh, that's gonna add up.That's what we're looking at. One
hundred fifty dollars a month if you'rejust fifty. But if I'm an apartment
complex, Yeah, can you managean electric car if you don't have like
one of those chargers? Can youjust like charge at one of those places?
Yeah, you could after work orsomething. But I wouldn't want it
takes it takes half an hour tocharge the thing up to full charge or

something, and you just go shoppingwhile you're waiting. Yeah. Personally,
if I didn't have a charger inmy garage, I definitely would not have
an electric car. Really absolutely.That's the only thing holding me back is
I don't have any place to chargeit. You have a parking garage in
your place, right, yeah?Demand they install it? Yeah? Good,
I guess. Yeah. I meana lot of buildings are putting that

in the in their you know,into their into their parking garages. You
might be able to get this.You have a car wash party? Are
you on the condo board the HLA? No, I go to the meetings.
I'm not on the board though,do you really? You just went
to some sort of wine festival,wine tasting the party we had. So
you have a car wash in thebuilding. Yeah, we have air air

hose thing. We have a carwash car wash. Is it like a
No, it's it's a hose anda hose with you know, oh,
I thought I thought it was likeone that you I go, that would
be pretty sweet, right, it'sgot we gotta we have a vacuum attached
to the wall, the whole thing. But you have the manually washer.
Oh, there's not a guy.They're doing it. Guy, we have

a car wash. You mean yourboer doesn't wash your car. I don't
know. I thought maybe in thebuilding when you see have a car wash.
Now you have a hose. Yeah, but we have a section of
the like a corner of the garagehas has a dream wash house. Yeah,
we have a vacuum attached to thewall. Yeah, vacuum. Uh.
Andre says that he would charge atthe his test l at the supercharger

one to two times a week beforehe had a garage. Sharp would be
so lazy that would work. ThenI would not do that. Why are
your grocery shopping? That's all heworks? Her. Do you want to
see the show in English? Uh? Actually give me a minute. Let
me pull that up, Dougie.You have the shizzy coming up right?
The news they do all right?Then when we come back, I'll play
a little bit of this deep fakelove. People are complaining about this,

how horrible it is that they're usingdeep fakes, apparently without the couple's knowledge,
and they show deed or oh thisis your wife, look and it
shows her cheating with some hot dude. But it's actually what they do is
they take like a body double thathas the same body as your wife.
It's like a paid actress, andthen they just put her face on that

body double. Well, how faris it cheating? Is it all the
weez without their knowledge? I don'tlike that. Well, we'll see the
trailer. Hold on and you findthe English version, right, Yeah,
we'll be right back. Hang onthe official morning show of people who steal

catalytic converters. Good looking torch,She got there, man, This is
Rover this morning Glory. The Shipsyis coming up in just a moment,
the news. What do you haveon the way? Dog? Do you
know what leprosy is? Yes?So? And all the lepers in the
Bible? Well, I feel likehalf of people at leprosy in the Bible.

Rover might be getting it soon.I'll explain. Why have you never
heard of lepers in your head?Honestly? No? Is that an album
or is that really a thing?It's it's a line out of the youtubo
song one um Hm. Bruce inPennsylvania says, if Charlie Parkson is driveway

right, beside his house. Hecould just put a walmount charger out there.
They are they do make I meanmost of them are waterproof, Charlie
shually, they're they're good for outsideuse. Well, I just lease the
car, and I still paying offa truck, so it'll be a long
time. Yeah, or five yearsand you still got that BMW Right,

Yes you might. I didn't Itell you you might might want to keep
that car handy, Okay, thankyou. Here's someone that says electricity comes
from fossil fuel. Dummy, Idon't care where it comes from. I'm
not trying to save the planet withelectric car Storge bag. And electricity doesn't
necessarily have to come from fossil fuel. Guess where A lot of electricity comes

from? The sun? Where else? Wind? Where else? Um?
Well, the sun, the wind, and the water. Right, hydro
electric. A lot of electricity inthe Southwest comes from hydro electric, could
come from nuclear, can come fromwherever. I think that fossil fuels is

a more obsolete source of electricity inmy opinion. Now that we now that
you know you have like these windfarms, hydra you know, you know,
rivers, you know, you know, just set up a dam by
a river, let the water flowthrough it to provide water for electricity and
whatnot. Look and solar panels.Yeah, but the couple those on top
of your house. Those things aren'tmature enough technology yet. At some point,

maybe we'll get there. But stilla lot of electricity is generated by
burning coal. And I'm not Ijust have an electric car for the convenience
of it. I don't care wherethe electricity comes from. I'm not again,
I'm not trying to save the environment. Here is the English version of
this deep fake love. We weretalking about this. This is where they

send a couple to on the showand then they go in a house and
then you watch this video and youthink it's your wife cheating on you,
but it's not. It's it's adeep fake. Listen to this. They're
looking for the truth i Ustan,but forget that sometimes the only way to
find it is to confront the lies. In this white room, they'll see

videos their partners living with singles,but will it really be them? For
the first time, deep fake technologywill come into play. Watch sophisticated software.
We'll capture their movements, their features, there's gestures and make exact replicas
of the participants. The knowledge thesecouples have of each other will be tested

more than ever. Look at thatdeep fake technology. So they show you
this here. So here's a realsituation on the right. It's a it's
a guy talking to a girl,and then the deep fake has the guy
completely making out with the girl.What she didn't actually happen. Wow,
he's a little close anyway, he'snot making out. Yeah, but he's

just she should be pushing him awayeven though they're not making out. She
should be like, all right,dude, back off. Be tested more
than ever because deep fake technology isalmost unbeatable. Here's the real thing where
it's just a couple sitting on acouch having a chit chat. But the
deep fake has them like her armsaround him and he's rubbing her leg and

now they're making out. But inreality they're just having a normal conversation.
I imagine this. This is insane. They're making out. Do they know
their partners as well as they think? So there's a little bit of that

I'd watch that he wouldn't. Yeah, that's actually pretty fun. All right,
it's on Netflix. A lot ofpeople are complaining saying this is a
terrible show manipulating people like that,And from what I understand, they didn't
tell the people they were going touse depict technology before they went on the
show. Jamie, you're on Rover'sMorning Glory. Good morning, Jamie gooding

Away. Hey, what's happening?Hey, DTA, welcome back man.
Glad to see you back in thatchair. Yeah, Hey, just a
quick comment. I work for Iwon't say the name of the company.
I work for a big electrical utilitycompany, and I tell you the issue
is if everybody had an electrical car, the whole grid would just fail.

And it there's a decline on thefossil fuel like you mentioned, and the
gas they're being retired quicker than we'rereplacing it with with the so and when
farms, et cetera. So there'sa big, a lot of work to

do. Oh, I agree withyou. If everyone got an electric car
today, we'd have we'd have bigproblems. But I assume now you you
work for a power company. Maybeit's the first what it comes to energy,
I don't know, but uh,I would assume that we are going
to upgrade the electrical grid, andfrankly, I've seen a lot of stories

over the years that say, ourelectrical grid is stuck in like nineteen fifty
five. It should have been upgradeda long long time ago, and it's
vulnerable to attack and failure and thingslike that. So yeah, I think
we have some work to do before. But again, this is this is
not like everyone's going to buy anelectric car tomorrow. This is gonna gradually

roll out over the next ten,fifteen, twenty years. But I say,
jump on board right now. You'lllove it. Everyone will love it
once you have an electric car.I've had one for eight years. I'm
telling you it's absolutely fantastic. Somany advantages. I can't really think of
any disadvantages. What about an insuranceas insurance got for an electric car because

the parts are more expensive. Imade a good point, I don't think
so. I saw a Rivian whichwas a an electric pickup truck. I
would not buy something like that thatdoes not have a infrastructure dealer network,
so on and so forth. Ifyou have to get that thing repaired,
good luck. I just saw aRivian that was involved in a fender bender

and it was forty five thousand dollarsof damage. I've heard a lot a
lot about that with electric cars too, is when they they're getting small little
accidents and they're totaled. I don'tknow. I haven't had any accidents knock
on wood, but in an electriccar. So I don't know the answer
to doogie, Are you ready forthe shizy? Yeah? Here we go.

Hill role was worn and glory.I don't know if you saw this,
but that Alabama nursing student Carly Russell. She's been charged with two misdemeanors
in connection with the hoax kidnapping thatshe confessed to staging. The charges,
which carry a maximum sentence of oneyear in jail and a six thousand dollar
are fine, include false reporting tolaw enforcement authorities and falsely reporting an incident.

Yeah. Well, look I said, I'm not opposed to charging her.
Makes sense. Normally I would say, definitely charge her. I don't
know what her mental state is orwhat her motivation was, you know,
So if that's what's in the publicinterest, Sobia, Well, Minnesotans will
be able to legally possess and growtheir own marijuana or recreational purposes. Recreational

weed becomes legal in Minnesota next week. How exciting is that for them?
Minnesota is the twenty third state tolegalize recreational marijuana, more than a decade
after Colorado and Washington did so.All right, so there's more and more
evidence appearing that's pointing to the possibilitythat leprosy has become endemic in the southeastern

United States, with Florida being namedamong the top reported states. Cha,
Florida is I thought we got ridof this. Yeah, Florida is witnessing
an increase in leprosy cases lacking traditionalrisk factors, according to the CDC.
They noted that Central Florida accounts foreighty one percent of cases reported in the
state and almost one fifth of nationallyreported cases now. Leprosy, which is

scientifically known as Hanson's disease, isa chronic infectious disease that primarily affects the
skin and peripheral nervous system, ifI'm saying that correctly. So there's pictures.
I don't know if you want tolook at these on RNGTV. It's
pretty I've seen a lot worse dies. It's just like a rash, like

body parts fell off in leprosy.Yeah, like patches of skin and then
eventually your whole arm comes off,and it was turning Bible times. But
I thought it was like you turninto like an elephant man, you turn
into weird things. Like you've seena lot of people with like weird hands,
all like in a claw stuff.So be careful when you're done.

In Florida, people's fingers fallen off. I'm seeing fingers fallen off in some
of these pictures, all right.Dog wardens found at least thirty dead dogs
and dozens of living dogs in themost horrible conditions they say they have ever
seen. This is in Ohio andat an animal rescue, the dog wardens
sees ninety living dogs and puppies fromthe helping hands for Furry Pause Animal Rescue.

This was in Madison Township. Thepictures are pretty hard to see,
and they said that there were otherdead animals in various states of decomposition,
packed into five different refrigerators and freezers, some of which were not functional.
So the person behind us has beenarrested and facing dozens of charges of neglecting

cruelty to companion animals, both felonyand misdemeanor counts. Meanwhile, there's a
story of at least eight dogs beingtransported to a canine training facility in Michigan
City, Indiana, that they diedafter the AC unit and the cargo area
of the truck failed. Driver wastransporting all the German shepherds from Chicago O'Hare

when the AC unit just keeping thedogs cool stopped working and there's no warning
or alarm that says, hey,yeah, this is overheating back here.
I mean I could, I couldget it. You're on a long,
long drive. But it was eighteendogs in the truck and eight of those
dogs died. The driver says hewasn't aware of the AC units failure because

the cargo area was separate. Andfinally, on the same day that Travis
Scott released the Utopia album, theHouston Police Department dropped a twelve hundred page
report and the Astro World Concert Tragedyof November twenty twenty one. The Houston
Police determined the outcome would have beendifferent if only Travis had heated the warnings,

and he claimed under police and terrythat the stage crew failed to express
urgency. They told him in hisearpiece quote, you got to wrap it
up. It's kind of getting hecticout there. A security guard texted the
organizer of astral World to not allowTravis to take the stage. This guy
correctly predicted the outcome. He saidsomeone's gonna end up dead. So ten

people were crushed to death. Morethan three hundred were treated for injuries,
and one concert goer told police howhe counted five dead bodies before Travis finally
finished his third song. So howdid he count five dead bodies? Ten
people died. He just happened tobe right by five of them. Yep,
there you go. That's the shizzy. On Rover's Morning Glory. I

saw he had a concert scheduled inEgypt, of all places, right outside
these big, big pyramids there,and they said, you know what,
thanks, but no thanks. Liketwo days before the event was supposed to
take place, they canceled it.Why they said, we don't want this
guy. He's not he's not AndLive Nation was promoting the show. He

said, they're he's not the kindof person we want performing here in Egypt.
And he's blaming this reports on thisastro World thing. He said that
they purposely released this astro World reportright before he's supposed to do that show
in Egypt in front of the pyramids, and that he alleges they were trying

to screw him over purposely to getEgypt to cancel that show. No idea
if there's any truth to that ornot. Jim, you're on Rover's horning
glory. Good morning, Chain,Oh, good morning. Hey, what's
happening? Oh just a quick question. Yes, you've been driving that car

for eight years or a long time. Well, I had a Tesla and
now I have a different electric car. But yeah, for eight years I've
had an electric car. Yeah,we're interesting. I'd love to dive into
it. But how have you likethe maintenance on it? It seems like
it would be tough to maintain itaround a small town in Ohio. Uh,

there's not a lot of maintenance,that's the thing. I mean,
there's no routine maintenance that has tobe done on these things. There's no
oil changes, there's I don't knowmatening around here. Don't look at these
things that they're foreign or they're nothing. Yeah, Look, it is an
issue if especially if you have likean off brand like that Rivian or some

of these other vehicles that I see, what's the lucid you can't get You
can't get those. You're never gonnabe able to get any of these things
serviced, Tesla, Mercedes, somethinglike that, you're gonna be able to
dealership, will be able to serviceit seems that seems really troublesome. Yeah,
but maybe today, but not fiveyears from now or so. Oh

no, I hope that it getsbetter. But you know, small town
Ohio not looking real hard at that. Noah, you gotta have you gotta
have a big pickup truck with smokesacks on that, right, I like
that? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, all right, Jim, thank you.
The a lot of smoke sacks whereI lift guys driving around and lifted

pickup coal. Was that what it'scalled? In fact, I think they
have their truck bed is just filledwith coals so they can actually just shovel
it in and keep going. Likethe Titanic or something. Was the Titanic?
How was that power? Yeah,yeah, there's the guys. They
had just guys shoveling coal. Yeah, in the movie there was I think

there was an army of guys downthere just constantly doing it, wet their
ass off, something about that.At that point there was somebody at some
point because diesel gasoline never gonna catchon coal, so convenient. It's the
same thing technology moves on, andthat will happen with these cars. There's

a guy. We've talked about thisguy in the past. He's still at
it though. There's a guy whois suing Buffalo Wild Wings. And I
know that a lot of people aremaking fun of this guy, but I
think he might actually have a case. This guy is suing Buffalo Wild Wings
because he says the boneless wings thatthey have on their menu and that they

advertise are not actually wings. They'rechicken nuggets, not wings. There's certainly
not boneless wings. And he hasfiled a class action lawsuit against Buffalo Wild
Wings. What a dork? Gooda life? Really? I actually think
he has a point. God knowwhat they are, you know what you're

getting, and especially this guy,out of all the people, he's aware.
Maybe they give him back to fourdollars that he spent once they go
here, you go, here's yourfour bucks. After that, you're aware,
you order him once you feel rippedoff, whatever, Maybe it's sixteen
dollars, hand him a sixteen dollarsback. You know they aren't wings.
If you feel fooled, but you'renot allowed Wait a second, I don't
know anything about agriculture and what theycan say and not say on food.

But I know there are a lotof rules. You can't say that something
is a chicken breast if it's athigh, correct, So why can you
say something is a chicken wing ifit's not a wing. It's a boneless
wing. Everybody knows boneless wings.They're not the only place that's boneless wings.
There are chicken nuggets to every place. It's a it's we all understand

what it is. Well, he'sreally been out of shape over Buffalo Wild
wings because when he filed his lawsuitsagainst them for these boneless wings, they
posted on Twitter, they put orInstagram or whatever it was. They posted
this image which says we don't givea dash dash dash, that's we handle

it right there, and then itsays and then beneath that it says buffalo
wild wings on and people say bonelesswings aren't wings. So that's what they
tweeted out right after this guy suedthem. So they don't think the purpose.
One, it's it's saying we shutup, you're a dork. Two,
it's also admitting they're not wings.They're saying they're not wings in this

had right here, they're saying.They're not saying they're not wings. They
just said when people tell us they'renot wings, they say, we don't
care. We don't care what yousay. And so this guy, he
lives in Chicago. He filed thesuit back in March. He says that
it's false and deceptive marketing and advertising. I actually am I the only one
that thinks this guy is a pointDo you think he has a point?
Theater? No, it's not awing. What does he think though?

They're actually taking the bone out ofthe wing and then giving you that that
would be That's where he thought wewas ordering it, and then he realized
it wasn't he barred everywhere they justcall them buffalo chicken nuggets insteads over.
But like Charlie said, a lotof places have boneless wings on the menu.
This is the only place that doesthis. I think it's just an

unwritten rule. People know that it'sa chicken nugget. And in fact,
he has a he circled in hislawsuit. He showed you their menu which
says wings and then it says uhtraditional and then boneless. It's all underwings.
But it's it's not a wing,so it should be a different category
for nuggets. So you have thewings and then nuggets, you know,

I actually I actually think that he'sstill about the tyson. If you go
to the if you go to thesection, the frozen chicken section at the
grocery store, they have wings,but they're spelled like wy nng z.
Okay, but what do you thinkof that? I don't know what.
They're boneless wings, okay, butthey're spelled wrong, the spelling mate.

Maybe that's why they did that.They might smart enough to say, we
can't say they're wings. No Idon't, but they've they're not saying it's
a wing. They just have aproduct name that is with a why Now,
I guess you could say there's achain of restaurants out here called Winking
Lizard and they have lizard bites,lizard lips and stuff like that. I

don't know what those Maybe those arethe I don't know which if those are
the wings or whatever. But uh, yeah, I I've always wondered that
too, about Winking Lizard, whichis a chain out here. I go,
why would they have called their wingslike lizard anything like? It doesn't
seem when you eight it once,did you stand up and go, these
aren't lizard lips? Are being fooled? I'm suing it might be next on

my list. Perhaps lizard freckles areokay? Are you mad about that?
I'm just looking at their lizard freckles. What are those fried pickles? Well,
lizards don't actually have fried chicken fingers. M I'm not seeing what they
call their wings yet. Man,Yes, should I sue next time I

get a hamburger? Should I sue? What the worse? The ham ham
and this ham? R? Yeah? Here a lawsuit? You tricked me?
Well that's what just what it's calledas hamburger for whatever reason. I
don't know why we know there's noham in there. I didn't know when
I forgot it. I thought itwas a ham. Well maybe dater.
All right, if you have abig case against McDonald, let's go,

let's go, let's go at it. I think I don't think this guy
is crazy. I think he mightactually be onto something. And they're not
wings. They are chicken nuggets.Are buffalo chicken nuggets. So that's I
would if I were on that veryYou get annoyed with people for stupid reasons.
Why is this one? Okay,I would vote for that guy.

I would say they're not wings there. You can't say they are boneless wings
because they're not. You don't thinkthere's wasting everybody's time. I don't think
it's a huge waste of time.The guy's right, that's deceptive advertising.
I'm just telling you this is theway I feel about it. I think
he's onto something. But apparently I'min the minority. I'm the only one
that agrees it's just me and himon an islet. I guess we'll be

right back on Rover's Morning Glory,Hang on by morning Glory. Last week,

there was any eleven year old girlin Florida who sent a text message
to nine one one. You canreport stuff via nine one one in a
lot of locations via text now,and this eleven year old girl texted nine
one one last week saying that herfourteen year old friend had been abducted by

a guy driving a white van goingsouth on ninety five and that he is
armed. And for the next hourand a half, they this eleven year
old girl continued going back and forthwith nine one about this Excuse me about
this kidnapping, saying that she wasbehind this white van in a blue jeep,

that the guy has a gun,and so they of course they alert
the Sheriff's department. The officers respond, they're setting up patrols and roadblocks.
They have the air unit out thehelicopters looking for this van followed by the
blue jeep, and then after aboutan hour and a half, they were

able to trace her cell phone toan address and they sent deputies there.
To the address, they knock onthe door and girls. The eleven year
old girl's father answers and goes,no, she's here in the bedroom.
I don't know what you're talking about. And they go back to the bedroom.
They see her on her cell phonetexting nine one and the whole thing

she just made it up. Shesaid that she saw a YouTube challenge doing
this and thought it would be funny. That's it. That's what she said.
You know, at a young age, not to mess with nine one
one. Yeah, I agree.How was this kid eleven years old?
You know by then? Yeah,it's emergency only. The sheriff there released

bodycam footage of them, well doingthis, share watch this, stay calm,
you can talk to your parents,we could open the window and let
you talk to him. It's nota talk any parent wants to have,
especially when it's about your eleven yearold daughter and handcuffs for a prank gone
wrong. I'm telling you this rightnow. You're gonna take this as a

lesson at eleven years old. Ifyou do something stupid in the future,
you're gonna enjoy those cuffs. Herruse was elaborate. It all started Wednesday.
They put her in handcuffs. Theyactually arrested her and took her to
Juvie. Good scared, straight tookher. They took her to Juvie.
That's right. Well, if youdon't take her, it's like have the
same effect his parent. Handcuffs andtake her from right off and go,

don't do it again. The kid'sgonna go. Would have the same Put
her in the back of the carfor like, I don't know, ten
minutes. Yeah, you can't hearwhat and they have the police just look
like they're talking about what they shoulddo, and she's just she can't hear
her. That freak you out somuch. And then once you let off,
you go, oh I got awaywith that. No, I don't
know you have all the cops comingto your house here in handcuffs in the

back of a cop car. It'syour parents are mad at you. The
neighbors are looking out their window.I mean, I look, I don't
know. Should she be arrested atage eleven? If this were if this
were something like a if she shotsomeone, if she stabs someone, if
she threw a cinder block through acar windshield and killed someone driving from an

overpass or something like that, I'dsay, hey, look, kids should
know better, I mean, andshe should know better. But I don't
know. Is this Is this anarrestable effense? Yes, for any eleven
year old roadblocks choppers? What else? Did you say? How many man
hours were wasted looking for this girlinstead of you? Because be saving somebody's
life, stopping a robbers, stop, stopping drugs could be. But I

I'm asking, no one croaked becauseof this, you don't know, causing
effect. I think they probably wouldhave said. I think the Sheriff's department
probably would have said, oh mygod, look at all the people they
dropped dead because there's the eleven yearold girl. But they didn't, so
I doubt any any real damage wasdone. Well, who pays for that?
Who pays those roadblocks? Was choppers? All the cops working? Who

pays they're flying around anyways? They'redriving around anyways, deter those cops are
out there on the road, onthe highway looking for this white van that
doesn't exist. They're getting paid.It's not like they called in everyone,
Hey, everyone, come in,We're gonna pay you over time to It's
just they're already paying. So isit a waste of money to small extent

that you can say not? Youknow, no, they're already paying for
that stuff. So I don't know. I am all for teaching kids a
lesson, Don't get me wrong,I don't know. Do you actually have
to arrest her and take her downtownat the age of eleven? That seems
pretty young. Did they arrest thechick, that Colleen Chick, the one

that faked her own kidnapping? Well, yeah, you did that in the
so they did arrest her, theycharged her, But do we have pictures
of her she turned herself? Wellnot what happened. I think she turned
herself. Okay, that's why Ididn't. I mean, I know she
was charged, but I don't knowthey So if your daughter did something stupid.
I'm just curious. So is thirteennow, Yeah, go back in

time two years to when she waseleven. If she did this, would
you want cops to come to yourhouse, put her handcuffs and take her
away to juvie. I would wantthem to scare her, yes, but
to take her away. I probablymyself would get arrested by trying to make
them stop. She was. Thiseleven year old was charged with making a

false police report, which is aand it's a false police report concerning the
use of a firearm, which isa felony. She was also charged with
misuse of nine one one, whichis a misdemeanor, which she's charged.
Yeah, she's charged, charged witha felony and a misdemeanor. She got
arrested and they put her in there. You have to charge you. They

have to charge you with something inorder to arrest you. Will they arrest
you you and then they go,hey, we thought about it. We're
not going to charge you. We'regonna let you go. Well you could
have gone, you know, keepher in there for a couple hours.
They've charged her, charge her witha felony and a misdemeanor. Again,
I look, I think she probablylearned her lesson. I don't think you
have to go that overboard. Andwhen you talk about a waste of resources,

dater, you think putting an elevenyear old through the court system,
where it already is a huge backlogof violent criminals, rapist, drug dealers,
murderers. You need the eleven yearold who was texting nine one one
in there to straighten her out.Okay, at least do it now.
If you really want to charge her, then eventually you can drop the charges,

but at least put her in jail, let her sweat it out,
realize, Okay, I gotta straightenmy life out right now. I think
they will. I think they willprobably drop the charges. Eight six six
yeo, we're over eight six sixnine six seven six eighty three seven.
I think that that is probably what'sgoing to take place. Make her serve

of community service or do something forthe community. Maybe work at the police
department and have to clean there.Give her something that is instead of she's
eleven, this is child labor.But I would detain her and then I
would yeah, I would detain her, and then I would instead of charging
her with prison time and being ajewe for years or anything. I would
put put her in community service fora while. I called the police on

my mom once because she was reallypissing me off, really overstepping her bounds.
But hewed me to clean my room. How old are you? Nineteen?
Okay, it must have been.It must have been around eleven or
twelve. And she was like,you got to clean a room, like,
no, f you or whatever.And then she said what was she
gonna do? I don't remember.She was gonna send me to Juvie for

not cleaning my room. That wasalways a threat looming over my head everything
I did. She was just gonnasend me to Juvie. And I was
like, I think you gotta doa crime to go to Juvie. You
can't just send me away anyway.So the arguments going on. I call
nine one one because you know,she wants me to clean the room.
And I realized right when I pressednine to one one and they go,
what's your emergency? I want,Oh, no, this is a bad
hung up the phone, didn't sayanything. Please were at my house within

five minutes, very upset with methat I had called. Is this way?
Her interaction with law enforcement started no, I was scared. I was
really scared. Okay, I wasbeing very Was this your first interaction with
law enforcement, because it was alldownhill after that, Yeah, I don't
think that might have been. Yeah, that might have been the first.
I just the ultimate said, don'tever call nine one one again. We

will take you away. They'll learnmy lesson. Never play with that again.
I need to be charged with anything. I knew right then, don't
even dial and hang up because you'regonna get in serious trouble. You also
didn't say anything. She concocted anelaborate story, not even just a quick
oh, I'm sorry, I'm calledby mistake. She concocted an elaborate story

about her friend, a vehicle,the weapons, everything, and I went
on for an hour and a half. I understand that, But again,
she's eleven, she's dumb. Someonesays, well, what would you do
about the Kia boys? Is thatthe people stealing Kia's through the TikTok challenge?
Yeah, see, I find thata little bit different if you're stealing

a car and driving it around onthe public streets. Yet to me,
that's a worse offense than the faketexting lling somebody's car and you're driving recklessly,
you're gonna hurt somebody. Yeah,I'd say that's totally different. Yeah,
here's someone that says, so whenit's a young black boy, it's
okay to arrest them, but notwhen it's a young white girl. Uh.

Well, as I had mentioned,it depends. I said. Right
from the get go, I said, I if this was someone who shot,
if this was an eleven year oldwho shot, someone who did something
so horrendous that they should have knownbetter than yeah, charge them. But
this I think you could learn thelesson just by scaring her, I think,

without actually arresting her and going throughall of this hassle. But that's
just me. That's that's the waythat I see it. So do you
think this girl will learn her lesson? To it her? Or will she?
Well she now, will she turninto Charlie. That was Charlie's first
interaction with the cops. He goes, oh, I was actually scared,

and then they laughed, and thenmaybe maybe I'm going out. Maybe I'm
wrong on this because then they laughedand he goes, oh, look,
oh they I didn't actually get arrestI can do whatever I want. They
can me what to do? Offto them all the time. Maybe they
should have night stick his ass atage eleven, hauled his ass down to
Juvie exactly, put him in theclink, no bail and uh and and

let him rot there for a coupleof weeks. Maybe that would have taught
him a lesson, Maybe he'd comeout on the straight. He'd probably be
a cop himself right now down,you know, right him out what he
did to Jeffrey. Speaking of Jeffrey, where the hell's the outfit? Oh?
What happened to her? Where's thecop outfit? Let's just say I'm
officially retired. What you can't no, no, no, no, no

no. That's three hundred dollars worthof stuff. You're not retiring for like
the next ten years in a singleticket. Yeah, what what'd you do
with all the stuff? Where is? It's right here with me? Did
your dream job? I didn't sayit was my dream job? Read it
was my dream job you've been doingas a hobby, busting everybody, arresting
everybody. I wouldn't busting in arresting. I was just bringing All I did
was just simply bring you light somebody'sbad parking do you want to be the

parking enforcement here at the building.So I bought you the whole outfit,
the security guard shut, the tacticalvest that says security, the handcuffs,
the tays tickets, the tickets thatsay you're parked like an idiot. Do
you want to you want to goon your beat? Right now? You
want? Yeah? You want togo? You want to go write some

tickets, Put on your put onyour uniform. Let's go write some tickets.
Walk your beat. Yeah, goout the beatunny, dude, I
mean, come out this thought itwas just a funny kind of a bit.
I didn't think it was gonna youguys were to take it. Can
you take him out there and walkthe beat? You haven't. Do you
have a way after him and wecould see who it's better at the beat
like a beat off. Do youhave a way that you could get get

live video from out there? Ithink I can do VMX. Yes.
Okay, let's get to take themtwenty minutes to get dressed in that outfit,
get drushed in your outfit, graba pen. We gotta get going
with this. You gotta move,move, move, first first round of
tickets that you're gonna issue don't forgetthe pen because you have to mark it
off, find your parking ticket,and I want if I get a ticket,
I'm gonna be pissed because I'm overthe line. But I'm over the

line in a good way. I'mover the line in the area where no
one can park, so at theend of the line, I'm giving you
extress space. If I get aticket, I'm gonna swear to God,
I'm gonna oh no, no favorsfor anybody. I'm a doing a favor.

How would this not be doing afavor? Theater, I'm at the
last parking spot, crossing the line, and I'm crossing the line into an
area that's next to a wall,so no one can park there, So
I'm giving extra room to the restof the line. Get you. You're
going over that double yellow. Everybodyknows don't cross a double yellow. You're
doing it on though. I knowwhat you're trying to Joe, you're on

Rover's Morning Glory, Good morning,Joe. Hey, Hey, where yo?
I was just a tone in becauseabout the kid that was in Julie
the eleven year old or whatever.Yeah, well, my daughter and her
two friends decided to steal someone's truckand run from the cops, and then

they smashed it into a building.No one got hurt, my dad,
that's serious. Yeah, yeah,yeah. And she didn't even go to
Julie. I mean, she's gotlike six thousand dollars and biddle was but
she didn't go to Julie or nothing. Not that. How old was she?
Thirteen? Wow? Thirteen? Theydidn't even send her. She should

know. But and to me,that's a very serious offense obviously. So
what did you do as a what'dyou do as a father to this girl,
to your daughter when she did this? I mean, well, when
I went to the court or notthe courthouse, but the police station,
Like she could just tell that Iwas pissed off. Do you spank a

kid? Is that frowned upon?Could kick my Yeah, but not Joe.
Joe's a grown man. I don'tthink as I don't know. So
what'd you do? How'd you punishher? I mean, no phone,
no nothing for a couple of months, no hanging out with I mean she

obviously doesn't hang out with those twokids anymore, because how it happened was
she went to her friend's house withher friend, and then they snuck out
to another friend's house that lives rightup the road. And then they wouldn't
do that. How'd they steal thecard? I mean whose truck? It
was actually a company truck. Ohboy, yeah, I can't do that.

Well, Joe, No, hopefullyher life of crime is over after
that, Thank you, Joe.All right, here we go, All
right, Jeffrey is headed out.He's oh, is he actually gonna go
buy the security desk? That's smart? Yeah? Why would't go out the
other way? I don't know.Why wouldn't you go out the back way?
Just let him go pass? Iwant to see the security. Keep

going off, okay, keep going, keep going to I don't see the
security give that wave that like hey, head nod? Just whoa point point
to him, yellow out, SergeantSassy and Deputy dow Fist right there on

patrol. Watch out now, sayswet floor. That could be a violation
her just her just running by thewet floor. Jeffrey. All right,
here he goes. He's heading outto the parking garage. He's gonna write
some citations. You have a quotehere, Jeffrey that you have to maintain.
Okay, here he is going upthe uh going up the stairs now,

going out to the parking garage.I would be scared if he come
up, came up to me.He looks tough right now. Yeah.
Well he puts that uniform on andit's sort of you know, yeah he
uh, he's it's like dressing thepart, so to speak. All right,
are you gonna start on the iHeart, We'll walk up all the way

around. Okay, okay, allright, he's looking. He's on high
alert now for any parking doesn't matter, that's okay, bar the bosses park
here around all right there over thedouble line. This guy, this guy's
at the end. This guy isdragon, doesn't matter, givenna take it,
Jeffrey, do you know how angryyou guys gonna be actually live here?

Yeah, it's so true. He'soh my god, all right,
he's walking up. All right,check under that curtain. What's under that
curtain? Cart? He's got hiseyes peeled for any parking in fractions,

anyone over that yellow line. He'swriting tickets. You can't talk your way
out of this pality room. Keepgoing slowing down? Yeah, oh yeah,

count that. He's he's barely onthe line. Officers here. Okay,
we should put a tape tape measurerin there so he could see exactly
where people are at. He doesn'the's seeing something he doesn't like. You
have a handicapped sir, Yeah,they do. It looks like they have
a handicapped placard? Here? Whatthey are over the line? Now they

are on the last spot. Idon't think that's a infrancing this one,
but oh oh, he is overline. Do you know how pissed off
people are gonna be when they getthis. They're just gonna go like,
are you kidding me? They're gonnahunt down the person who's putting these tickets
because these tickets say you parked likean idiot. Yeah, that's a handicapper,

I understand. Takes a little extraOkay, Jeffrey's making his rounds all
throughout the parking garage. Now,I was there a handicapped placard in this
white car? There is that ahand you gotta yeah? Yeah, okay,
all right, all right, okay, okay, oh no, Jeffrey's

nearing my car. I was gonnasay, his near second jeep over there?
Do you see this jeep? Holdon? I don't know if this
is is that on the line now? Okay, all right, I don't
know if that's daters shape or not, but keep lines, keep on walking's

no parking parking race? Oh didyou races? No, that's a spot.
Actually you look at the people parkthere every day. It looks to
me like a no parking zone.The one next to it ticket, Uh

oh, he's letting it slide forwhatever reason. All right, keep on
moving, buddy, boy going overto mine. He's going right. Oh,
he's going right to do right wayover, way over the line.
Oh, two wheels. Look atthe angle. The driver's side wheel is

over the line on the left andthe rear passenger wheel is over the line
on the right. That one's prettybad too. Front is on the line.
Okay, take it in fraction forsure. Got a ticket busted.
But you're letting that person go Ohhe's really he's letting some people. All

right, Well, they're going tocontinue their patrol, go to Nolans.
There's another one. Looks like,oh, pretty bad. They're all sucky.
iHeartMedia. He's gonna write a ticket. That was on the boy here

it is. Take that key patchkiss he does if someone drives over here.
If someone drives through this garage,they would think this is like an
actual parking enforcement guy, wouldn't Isthat security? What what Jeffrey? What
did he say? He's saying thathe's getting tired and like some sort of

vehicle. Wait, like a golfcar to go up down the aisles with
like yeah, like a big wheel? Yes, a big wheel? Or
is that what you want? Abig wheel? About a segue like the
mall cop? What about Rover's carstall cop? Oh, let's look at

this man. Oh wow, thisis why I park over. That's my
car there, all the way onthe end spot. I park as far
over to the right as possible.Yeah, let's just let me what's next

to my car? There is noIf I get this ticket to him,
he's get to both vehicles. Ohmy gosh, see I'm helping the whole
line, franc One. He knowsthat this is a courtesy. I have
many Yep, yep, yes,give him a ticket. Then, oh,

just give me a warning. Yes, I'm off with just a warning.
Okay, he's coming back down forthe afterment. Jeffrey, Come on,
there's someone driving through the garage.They're looking at Jeffrey like, what

is going on? Sir? Youbetter park right? This is a large
trucks of the morning station, theAm station, all right. The aftermath
starts in just a few minutes onRMG plus with Deputy du Fis, Charlie
and Snitcher as they all continue onRMG plus. If you don't subscribe,

sign up now at Rover Radio dicom so you can watch or listen live
as they get started. You canwatch or listen there on the website or
with the Rover Radio app download itto your phone, your tablet or your
TV. But we ask that yousign up for RMG plus at Rover Radio
dot com. Do I have BuzzardFest tickets to give away? You do
now? Okay? Then I willdo Dave Chappelle tickets. He is gonna

be here Friday September eighth at RocketMortgage field House. If your caller thirty
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