All Episodes

April 16, 2024 34 mins
Stephen A. Smith warns Democrats that Trump lawfare isn't working, proves they can't beat him at the ballot box. The View's Sunny Hostin rips Clay. What both sides are looking for in Trump jury selection. The Conrad Black political prosecution. House sends Mayorkas impeachment to Senate. Speaker Johnson under fire. Stephen Colbert makes a joke about Trump jurors, should he be arrested? Show ends with calls.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Welcome back in our number three Clay Travis Buck Sexton
Show Tuesday edition. I want to say thanks to the
great people at news Talk one oh six in one
of six point three FM down in Atlanta.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
They are hosting me today.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
I'm going to an event for Kelly Bluffler and for
Governor Brian Kemp and a lot of other Georgia politicos.
I'm speaking there tonight, and then Buck, I'm getting on
a late night flight and I'll be in the air
going to Seattle.

Speaker 4 (00:37):
Before we talk about Seattle, which that's going to be fascinating. Yes,
are you going to tell Governor Kemp while you're in
his home state your theory about how maybe dark Horse
Trump VP? You know, maybe maybe out of nowhere, all
of a sudden, I think Trump is going to win.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
I just want to see.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
I want to know what his face is when you
tell him what fav think Trump is gonna win Georgia
by eight points.

Speaker 3 (01:04):
I don't think it's gonna be close. I think it's
gonna be like.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
I'm I'm putting it on the prediction on the projection
screen eight points. I think seven or eight points. I
think it's gonna be a very comfortable win in Georgia.
Of all the states, if you had to ask me
which state is most likely to flip from twenty twenty,
either in favor of Democrats or in favor of Republicans,
I think Georgia is gonna be back in red camp.

And I actually think you're gonna start to see Biden
spending less time and money in Georgia because the numbers
out there are really bad for them.

Speaker 3 (01:37):
In Georgia.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
The most recent poll has Trump up ten in Georgia.
There is no Senate race, there is no governor's race.
There's nothing to motivate in state voters for Democrats in
any kind of substantial way. And you'll recall in twenty
twenty two, basically every statewide candidate except hershel Walker won

by seven or eight points.

Speaker 3 (02:02):
So it wasn't just that they won.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
It was despite the fact that Stacy Abrams, I believe,
outspent Brian Kemp and they had a close race in
twenty eighteen. He trounced her in twenty twenty two. So
I appreciate the atl for taking care of me. I'm
gonna be down here again in June to watch the
Atlanta Braves with my kids.

Speaker 3 (02:21):
I can't wait it. We wait for it.

Speaker 2 (02:23):
We got a great affiliate again, News Talk Extra one
oh six point three FM. We appreciate all of you
out there listening in Atlanta and then Buck, I'm headed
to Seattle, which is crazy town. I'm gonna be speaking
at a Hillsdale College event that they are doing in Seattle.
So I'm gonna get on I don't know, a midnight

flight basically and fly all the way to the West
coast and I'll be doing the show Wednesday and Thursday
from there. So anyway, we'll see how how I do
in crazy town. I haven't been to Seattle since everything
fell apart with Chaz. Remember that the Autonomous Region and everything.
I mean, even for twenty twenty standards of crazy. People

looked at Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco and said, you
guys are crazy. The standard for crazy was high, Seattle, Portland,
and San Francisco all exceeded it by massive amounts.

Speaker 3 (03:20):
So we'll see what it looks like.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
I haven't been to the city since, Like I said,
I think I was like twenty eighteen twenty nineteen that
I was in Seattle, beautiful place, filled with a lot
of crazy leftists. So we'll see how I do there.
But two major legal issues that are unfolding. You just
heard us talk with Julie Kelly the analysis of whether
the Jan six political persecutions, because I do think persecution

and prosecution are intertwined in many ways here, are permissible
or not under the Sarbines Oxley obstruction of an official
preceding standard. It seems likely that many of those convictions
are going to get struck down. Maybe it'll be five
to four, maybe it'll be six to three, maybe even
get a liberal to come on.

Speaker 3 (04:01):
But that would come out in June would.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
Be a huge story because it implicates half of Jack
Smith's case in Washington, DC. It would also be a
huge story, as you just heard us talking, because for
years leftists have been saying, oh, these Jan six insurrection cases,
they're one hundred percent legally permissible, they're necessary, we have
to hold everybody accountable. What you're probably likely to hear

is that there was major prosecutorial overreach. Simultaneously, they are
trying to hold Trump in contempt of court in New
York City, where day two of his criminal trial in
the Alvin Bragg cases underway, and what we have been
talking about, I think fairly on this show Buck since
August of twenty two, when the mar A Lago raid

basically kicked into high gear, the way that Merrick Garland
and the Department of Justice were going to all come
after Donald Trump. How is this playing in the large
political arena. What would happen if Trump got arrested? How
would they even handle it? These are things that are
truly unprecedented that we are continuing to break down.

Speaker 3 (05:09):
Yeah, I think.

Speaker 4 (05:11):
Anybody who tells you they know where all this is
going is making that up. It's not possible. Did you
want to get to the Stephen A.

Speaker 2 (05:19):
Smith Clay, Yeah, I want to play this because I
would argue that Steven A. Smith very middle of the
road guy. He's not a politically from ESPN. He's going
to come on the show. We're going to get him
on somewhat soon. He's being more outspoken on a variety
of different areas. I've done his podcast a couple of times.
We had interesting conversations, but he had this to say yesterday.

We've talked a lot about black men and the possibility
that if you look at the polling from Wall Street Journal,
maybe thirty percent of black men are willing to support Trump.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
Here is here's what Steven A.

Speaker 2 (05:51):
Smith had to say about the cases in his hometown
of New York City.

Speaker 5 (05:55):
Some liberal friends out there, all you're doing is showing
that you're scared. You can't beat him on the issues
and the merits. That's why he keeps saying it's a
political campaign against me. That's why he keeps saying, they
can't beat me at the election, at the polls. This
is the only way they could do it. And if

you don't put him in jail, and he still goes
from being a presumptive GOP nominee to the official GOP nominee,
and he goes to the polls even though he was
gonna whind about winning and being rigged again, you have
given more fodder to that argument, which means we'll never
have peace in this country because tens of millions of

people see what extent the other side is willing to
go through just to keep him out of office because
they can't beat him on their own merits.

Speaker 4 (06:46):
I do think this is a fundamental point. I mean,
this is a central point of everything that we're talking
about here. If what Trump did is so bad, and
if it's so clear he's so awful, why is he
ahead in the polls? And why are they so scared
of what's going to happen in the fall. And they
don't have an answer for that, and they won't process it,

they won't think it through. But I think Stephen A
hits right into the center of it. It's something we've
discussed here many times. The best way for there to
be a referendum on Trump's behavior, whether just talking about
his four years as president or what you think about
whether that should change because of January sixth, This is
ultimately the most clear political question right This is about

who should lead the nation according to the vote of
the American people. Let the people have their say. All
these efforts that they have are meant to either stop
Trump entirely now and look, he's clearly the nominate. It's
not about just having him win the primary anymore, if
it ever was, it's to stop him from being able

to run entirely or now. I think this is what
they've shifted gears toward. Just make it so it's really
hard for him to win as he's running, but not
based upon what people want, based upon the fact that
they are rigging the system. I mean this is they're
rigging the election. Even if Trump wins, it will be
an election that is rigged against him, just based upon

these legal challenges. And they can't come up with an answer.
If Trump is so bad, why are you terrified that
the American people are going to vote for him over
Joe Biden? Like, what is the response to that? After
four years of Trump and four years of Biden? Americans
of voting age are likely to say, based on what
we see right now, yeah, I want Trump to be

president again.

Speaker 2 (08:37):
It's not even just that, too, Buck, It's that they're
only even willing by and large to bring charges in
juries that are rigged in their favor, that is, political
locales that overwhelmingly favored Democrats. So that's why I think
one of the most difficult and I think Stephen a
hit on it. We've been hitting on this quite a lot.
That's why I think one of the most difficult questions

to answer is not only why are you trying to
keep him from running? Why are you trying to put
him in prison? It's also why are you doing these charges,
Why are you bringing them entirely in a jury rig
to a large extent process, Because I'm not we said
this earlier. If you told me, hey, it's a fifty

to fifty America, which I think it's fair to say
that roughly, it is like everybody out there listening would
have to agree. If you told me that they were
going to try to bring charges against Trump to put
him in prison for the rest of his life, I
would still think it's an awful precedent to set in
the United States, because sooner or later, somebody else will
also have the same result that Trump has. Now somebody

else is going to get charged as a method of lawfare.
But at least if you allowed the jury to be
in a jurisdiction that's fifty to fifty, I would say, okay, like,
let's see how it actually plays out. Which is why
South Florida. I'm not that nervous about South Florida. I
don't think that there will be a jury that is
overwhelmingly made up of Trump haters. I think there's going

to be a jury in New York City that, just
based on the numbers, is likely to be made up
of Trump haters and I think I don't think it's
crazy to think that there are going to be people
that want to see Trump put in prison for the
rest of his life that are a part of this
jury pool. Now, maybe some of them will say, hey,
you know what, I can't fairly and impartially render justice.

We already saw that happen a little bit. They'll step out.
I think there's other people that will be happy to
be on this jury because they want to hold Trump responsible.
They want to be the deciders. And I just I
look at this and I say, fundamentally, we can have
one hundred and fifty million people render a verdict on

Trump's behavior, on Trump's whether or not he's able to
be president, or we can have twelve in a incredibly
biased jurisdiction. And to me, the one hundred and fifty
million is the answer, no matter how much you trust juris,
do you want twelve people trying to decide who could
be president?

Speaker 3 (11:04):
Or do you want one hundred and fifty million? It
does go to the ultimate point.

Speaker 4 (11:09):
I think about the mental instability of many of the
Democrats that are pushing for this, or the the emotional
and ideological surrender that they've had right. They just whatever
the anti trump Ism demands, they will go for me.
The fact that Alvin Bragg has turned that one preposterous
charge it's worth it's worth everybody knowing you or keeping

this in mind. I think it's thirty four right, it's
a thirty four felony count indictment. It was one thing
we're talking about, and he's charging it thirty four times,
which is specifically against prosecutorial guidelines. You're not supposed to
you know, if someone hands you drugs and then you say,
hold on time my shoe and you hand it back
to them, and then they hand the drugs back to you,

you know, you don't charge these as separate drug possession crimes. Right,
You're not supposed to do that, because it's obviously unjust.
That's exactly what Alvin Bragg is doing. He's saying, oh, well,
they like xerox did or they emailed it or whatever
that every time, we're going to charge that as an
additional felony. And you have to wonder that any Democrat
who supports the prosecution going on in New York City
is also telling you that in America today it would

be more just not preferable for you know what you
think the politics of the country should be. It would
be more just for Donald Trump to be in prison
for years and not be able to run, although I
think he would still run from prison. That's a whole
other conversation.

Speaker 3 (12:29):
That's insane.

Speaker 4 (12:30):
But it'd be more just for Donald Trump to sit
in a prison cell over a clerical error, over a
Stormy Daniel's payoff or whatever hush money or whatever they're
calling it. Then it would you just allow the American
people to say, do I or do I not want
Donald Trump to be president for four more years?

Speaker 3 (12:48):
That's it.

Speaker 4 (12:48):
That's insane. I mean, this is this is the decision
that we're being faced with as a country, or rather
the decision they want to deny us as a country
based upon what exactly and the moment you dig into clay.
It's all just so flimsy and underhanded.

Speaker 3 (13:05):
It's one hundred percent what it is.

Speaker 2 (13:07):
And I wonder how many people that are in general
not paying that much attention are ultimately coming to that
same conclusion. If the guy's so bad, how come they
can't just let everybody go vote? Let the American people
decide whether Trump is able to or not able to
be the next president of the United States. That's how
democracy works. Yeah, eight h two two, eight to two.

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Speaker 1 (14:49):
Slay Travis and Buck Sexton on the front lines of Truth.

Speaker 4 (14:54):
Well, we finally made it as a program.

Speaker 3 (14:57):
We are now well to be fair.

Speaker 4 (15:00):
One of us is being called out on the View
by name. I think the ladies over there unhappy with
some of Clay's analysis on the jury pool situation from yesterday.
This is Sonny Houston, legal analyst of the View, right.

Sonny Houston's went to wait in I believe. Let's let's
hear what Sonny has to say about Clay's opening comments
on the show yesterday.

Speaker 3 (15:28):

Speaker 6 (15:28):
What could happen in a case like this is if
you have someone and we were talking about this morning,
someone named Clay Travis is sort of telling people to
get onto that jury. You get one person that sneaks
onto that jury with untoward feelings, that person can hang
that jury. And that's onto a jury, you have to
be call you lie or you lie. You say, yeah,
that's I hate Trump, but I can be impartial and

I this than that, and then all of a sudden,
that's the person jury. Here's how many bloated orange cycles out.

Speaker 4 (16:01):
Can I can I just point out this notion that
like what they think, that people are telling the truth
all the time about things like what they like. It's
you can't tell if someone asks me what my favorite
ice cream is, I can say whatever I want today,
it's not a lie because they can't prove that it's not.
I could change. I can say whatever I feel like.

They're just trying to get a sense of who these
people are. They're living in some fantasy land where it's like, oh,
everyone's always just, you know, totally forthright with all their
feelings about everything.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
Well, you know, feelings change. Well.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
Also, what she's saying is wrong, because you shouldn't get
on the jury by saying I hate Trump or I
love Trump. But so you shouldn't lie, first of all,
in the jury. But to your point, it's difficult to explain,
like what is and what is not a lie? Person,
it's a lie when it comes to your your feelings
about something, feelings change. Her argument is a bad one

just on its I mean, she's not very good on
any kind of argument. But when she says somebody could
sneak on the jury by saying I hate Trump, you
shouldn't get on the jury by saying you hate or
love Trump, because the expectation would be that you would
be biased one way or the other.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
Correct. Nobody's gonna get like the way to do it.

Speaker 4 (17:17):
I have no opinion on Donald Trump at all. I
don't even think about him.

Speaker 2 (17:21):
I've never even heard anything about Stormy Daniels. By the way,
I got a question for you. We come back, we'll
have some fun with this. You know, a big part
of selecting a jury is trying to analyze which jurors
would be most favorable to you. What is something you
could see if you were a warrior on either side

of this case, Buck, think about it. I've got an
answer for you that you would say, this person, we
don't want them on the jury at all.

Speaker 4 (17:50):
And I think I know what you're gonna say. I mean,
if you're Trump's people, you don't want anybody with pronouns
and bio.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
That's not my answer, but that is a very good one.
That's one we'll get to the come back. We'll get
to this.

Speaker 4 (18:02):
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Speaker 3 (19:06):
Get arrested while you're out on vacation. I don't know.

Speaker 4 (19:08):
I was just thinking about this. I might have to
fly back from my romantic escape.

Speaker 2 (19:15):
Sorry if I've been about have to fly back from
parts because I might be handcuffed and unable to do
the show.

Speaker 4 (19:20):
Yeah, it'll be like you know in the Crown when
Queen Elizabeth is where is she and she has to
come off of her a safari to go back because
you know she's the queen or whatever.

Speaker 2 (19:28):
Now, that would be That would be the highest rated
segment we ever had. If they arrested me live on
the air, well, then all of a sudden, I mean,
the video component of this would be particularly compelling. Really,
we're audio first, obviously we're radio and podcasts, but we
do have a video component. Go subscribe clayanbuck dot com,
become a VIP. The video is behind the paywall for

everybody out there. But yes, that would be I mean
that that. I also wonder like, could you say, hey, guys,
can I finish the segment?

Speaker 3 (19:55):
You know what I mean? They give you the well
they give you the better to me of finishing the segment.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
To me, I'm not even sure would it be I
mean it would be state, right, So would they have
to get State of Tennessee officials, in which case they're
probably fans, Like they don't want to be arresting me.

Speaker 3 (20:09):
They'd be apologetic. I think they might.

Speaker 4 (20:11):
They would send I know this because friends of mine
in the Florida or Miami PD have worked with NYPD.
Sometimes there are like theft rings where they'll steal something
of you know, they'll steal like a watch for a
million dollars or something here.

Speaker 3 (20:24):
Because there are a million dollar watches out there. That's crazy.

Speaker 4 (20:27):
And I mean I say that because there really are,
Like this is the thing that happens, and you know,
they'll try to someone will try to fence it, sell
it in New York and then they'll you know, they'll
send NYPD you know, task force or deputies down here.
There's some way that they make it happen. But none
of this is going to happen. That Swalwell's legal theory
is so stupid. Remember it comes from Eric Swawell.

Speaker 3 (20:49):
Everybody, right, like.

Speaker 4 (20:50):
This is this is if if Swalell is my defense
attorney on something I would demand to represent myself and
would be trying to get a deal. Like I would
be like, there's no chance that I'm gonna get off
if Swollwell is.

Speaker 2 (21:02):
Yesterday everybody wanted me arrested. Nobody's calling for my arrest
today like I can't. I was at My mentions were
a mess. I could barely get on social media, and
then today it's like, oh, well, they just moved on
to something else. CNN talked about it last night Sunny
hostin obviously today one.

Speaker 4 (21:18):
Here's the thing, here's a problem for them. Stephen Colbert says,
we need you to get picked for jury duty to
his audience of communists. This is cut too play it.

Speaker 7 (21:28):
The official name of the trial is the people of
the State of New York versus Donald Trump. The people
of the State of New York.

Speaker 3 (21:36):
That's us.

Speaker 7 (21:39):
Okay, hold on, hold on, I know you're excited, but
don't cheer too loud.

Speaker 3 (21:43):
We need you to get picked for Jerry too.

Speaker 4 (21:48):
Oh so he's suggesting subterfuge to get on that jury
to see what they would say. Well, here's kidding, all right,
whatever you were kidding too. They can all shut up
a bunch of communists ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (21:59):
See an, I'm gonna demand the arrest of Stephen Colbert.
I mean I need that clip to share because my goodness,
I mean, I have to grab my pearls and fall
on my fainting couch. I I don't know that I
can allow that commentary.

Speaker 4 (22:12):
A reality TV show, that would be you and Trump
sharing a sell bunk beds, the whole thing, Probably the
greatest TV show of all time. It would be It
would be amazing. I'm just saying, all right, we have
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what have you got for us?

Speaker 3 (22:55):

Speaker 8 (22:57):
Hey, guys, great show. Thanks for picking up the slack
from Rashman. I was a long time listener. They interviewed
Garret Ghos and he said, can Trump he's honest, he's
you know, for for a lawyer, I guess he could
be an honest one. He says, not a chance to
have a fair trial there in New York. Here's my
one question. What kind of guy orders up ten thousand

National Guard troops to counter his resurrection? His insurrection, excuse me,
his insurrection? Nobody ever brings that up. He called up,
tried to get ten thousand troops there. Nobody ever counters that.
And I wish you guys would ask these guys. I
know you have a format, but Woodward Bernstein or Joe

to come on your show. Try to find that worse
woodword in Bernstein trying to find the money from China
going into the Bide account. They found the Knison deal
and they made a lot of money. But why are
they bailing out on this thing?

Speaker 3 (23:58):
When you said Joe, you mean Joe Scarborough? Yeah, I
think Joe. They don't want I mean, thank you for
the call.

Speaker 2 (24:05):
They don't want to catch democrats doing bad things. Oh,
I mean that's the difference between I've made this argument
when I was in college the Washington Post. I know
it initially broke on Drudge. By the way, Drudge has
lost its mind. Do you see the headlines and the
articles that I never talked about.

Speaker 3 (24:24):
It's so sad. The Drudge Report was my clay.

Speaker 4 (24:27):
It was my homepage starting from when I got my
first computer, all the way through college and really into
my twenties. I don't know Matt Drudge. I don't know
what happened. It's very sad for me. He was like,
he was my guy for a long time. In terms
of news curation.

Speaker 2 (24:41):
The story of what's happened there is wild and they
are super anti Trump now on the Drudge Report, but
that's where they broke the Monica Lewinsky story. But the
only time in my life that I remember going out
and getting a newspaper, seeing news on the front page
and thinking, oh my goodness, this is going to change everything.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
I know.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
That's how news used to break, or frequently did, was
the Washington Post story about Monica Lewinsky. When I was
in college. They used to break negative stories about democrats.

Speaker 4 (25:10):
Well, that's because they were trying to also get ahead
of the other they realized the Internet was making them
break it because otherwise it was going to get everywhere anyway, right, Like,
they couldn't hold it the same way they used to
be able to bow in Nashville.

Speaker 3 (25:22):
What have you got for us, bow?

Speaker 1 (25:24):
Yes, I've done a lot of criminal trials. So, Clay,
you talked about jury nullification the other day. I just
wanted to mention the problem with that is if the
jurors are hearing from the defense attorneys, Hey, you guys
can decide the law is wrong on this. Just because
this guy obviously killed his wife and a bartender doesn't
mean you have to find him guilty. The judge is
going to shut that down. The judge is going to

tell the jurors you do not have the option of
jury mullification. He's going to tell them you have to
follow the law I give you. So I don't have
a whole lot of faith in that actually working in
his favorite New York.

Speaker 4 (25:54):
No, No, sure, but I mean no one can read into
human hearts and human minds, so somebody can make it
determine nation themselves. Remember, it's just the judgment of the individual.
Jurors don't have to justify anything They just say guilty,
not guilty.

Speaker 2 (26:08):
Remember the OJ juror we played for you said after
the jury verdict, we did this because of Rodney King.
This was in some way revenge for the Rodney King
beating case. They didn't actually look at the facts of
the OJ case. They just decided OJ should be innocent

because he was black in America had treated Rodney King
and other black people in LA unfairly.

Speaker 3 (26:33):
In their opinion, they.

Speaker 4 (26:34):
Better not come pick you up in a white Bronco
for your trip to Seattle play because New York lvin Bragg.

Speaker 3 (26:42):
You're on notice.

Speaker 1 (26:45):
Slave Travis and Buck Sexton on the front lines of truth.

Speaker 3 (26:50):
Welcome back here to Clay and Buck.

Speaker 4 (26:51):
Just a little programming note, the Clay will be loose
on Thursday and Friday.

Speaker 3 (26:58):
It's gonna be Clay at the hell.

Speaker 4 (27:00):
If I get arrested while you're out on vacatim No,
I was just thinking about this. I might have to
fly back from my romance escape.

Speaker 2 (27:09):
Sorry if I'm about have to fly back from parts
because I might be handcuffed and unable to do the show.

Speaker 4 (27:14):
Yeah, it'll be like you know in the Crown when
Queen Elizabeth is where is she and she has to
come off of for a safari to go back because
you know she's the queen or whatever.

Speaker 2 (27:23):
Now that would be that'd be the highest rated segment
we ever had. If they arrested me live on the air, well,
then all of.

Speaker 4 (27:31):
A sudden, I mean, the video component of this would
be particularly compelling. Really, we're audio first, obviously we're radio
and podcasts, but we do have a video component. Go
subscribe clayanbuck dot com. Become a VIP. The video is
behind the paywall for everybody out there. But yes, that
would be I mean that that. I also wonder like,
could you say, hey, guys, can I finish the segment?
You know what I mean, they give you, They give

you the better to me of finishing the segment.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
Who would arrest me? I'm not even sure would it be?

Speaker 2 (27:56):
I mean it would be state, right, so would they
have to get State of Tennessee officials, in which case
they're probably fans, Like they don't want to be arresting me.
They'd be apologetic.

Speaker 3 (28:04):
I think they might.

Speaker 4 (28:05):
They would send I know this because friends of mine
in the Florida or Miami PD have worked with NYPD.
Sometimes there are like theft rings, but they'll steal something
of you know, they'll steal like a watch for a
million dollars or something.

Speaker 3 (28:18):
Here, because there are a million dollar watches out there.
That's crazy.

Speaker 4 (28:21):
And I mean I say that because there really are,
Like this is the thing that happens. Uh, And you
know they'll try to someone will try to fence it,
sell it in New York and then they'll you know,
they'll send NYPD, you know, task force or deputies down here.
There's some way that they they make it happen. But
none of this is going to happen. That Swalwell's legal
theory is so stupid. Remember it comes from Eric Swalwell.

Everybody right like this is this is if if Swalwell
is my defense attorney on something, I would demand to
represent myself and would be trying to get a deal.
Like I would be like, there's no chance that I'm
gonna get off if Swalwell.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
Is yesterday, everybody wanted me arrested. Nobody is calling for
my arrest today, like I can't. I was at my
mentions were a mess. I could barely get on social media,
and then today it's like, oh.

Speaker 3 (29:07):
Well, they just moved on to something else.

Speaker 2 (29:09):
CNN talked about it last night Sunny hostin obviously today.

Speaker 4 (29:12):
Here's the thing, here's a problem for them. Stephen Colbert says,
we need you to get picked for jury duty to
his audience of communists. This is cut too play it.

Speaker 7 (29:22):
The official name of the trial is the people of
the State of New York versus Donald Trump. The people
of the State of New York.

Speaker 3 (29:30):
That's us.

Speaker 8 (29:33):
Okay, hold on, hold.

Speaker 7 (29:35):
On, I know you're excited, but don't cheer too loud.

Speaker 3 (29:37):
We need you to get picked for Jerry too.

Speaker 4 (29:42):
Oh so he's suggesting subterfuge to get on that jury.
To see that they would say, well, here's kidding, all right,
whatever you were kidding.

Speaker 3 (29:50):
Too, they can all shut up. A bunch of communists. Ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (29:53):
CNN going to demand the arrest of Stephen Colbert. I
mean I need that clip to share because my goodness,
I mean, I have to grab my pearls and fall
on my fainting couch. I I don't know that I
can allow that commentary.

Speaker 4 (30:06):
A reality TV show that would be you and Trump
sharing a cell, bunk beds, the whole thing. Probably the
greatest TV show of all time. It would be it
would be amazing. I'm just saying, all right, we have
a VIP email from Patrick says, guys, I hate mornings,
but now I have a reason to get out of bed.
Crockett Coffee my new reason to live. It is freaking delicious.

Good job, guys, Thank you Crocket Coffee dot com. It
is delicious. Go check out the reviews. It's phenomenal coffee
and it's the start of the building of a great
American Crockett brand. We got all kinds of stuff coming.
I'm actually wearing Crocket shirt right now. Let's take some
calls after you've subscribed to Crocket Coffee, Tom and San Diego,
what have you got for us?

Speaker 8 (30:50):
Tom, Hey, guys, great show. Thanks for picking up the
slack from rush Man. It was a long time listener.
They interviewed Garrett Gohs and he said.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
In Trump he's honest.

Speaker 8 (31:01):
He's you know, for a lawyer, I guess he could
be an honest one. He says, not a chance to
have a fair trial there in New York. Here's my
one question. What kind of guy orders up ten thousand
National Guard troops to counter his resurrection? His insurrection, excuse me,

his insurrection? Nobody ever brings that up. He called up
tried to get ten thousand troops there. Nobody ever counters that.
And I wish you guys would ask these guys. I
know you have a format, but Woodward Bernstein or Joe
to come on your show, try to find the worst
Woodward in Bernstein trying to find the money from China

going into the bid account. They found the Nixon deal
and they made a lot of money. But why are
they bailing out on this thing?

Speaker 3 (31:52):
When you said Joe, do you mean Joe Scarborough? Yeah,
I think they don't want I mean, thank you for
the call.

Speaker 2 (31:59):
They I don't want to catch democrats doing bad things. Oh,
I mean that's the difference between I've made this argument
when I was in college the Washington Post. I know
it initially broke on Drudge. By the way, Drudge has
lost its mind. Do you see the headlines and the
articles that I never talked about. It's so sad. The

Drudge Report was my clay. It was my homepage starting
from when I got my first computer, all the way
through college and really into my twenties. I don't know,
Matt Drudge, I don't know what happened. It's very sad
for me. He was like he was my guy for
a long time. In terms of news curation, the story
of what's happened there is wild and they are super
anti Trump now on the Drudge Report, but that's where

they broke the Monica Lewinsky story. But the only time
in my life that I remember going out and getting
a newspaper, seeing news on the front page and thinking,
oh my goodness, this is going to change everything.

Speaker 3 (32:54):
I know.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
That's how news used to break, or frequently did, was
the Washington Post story about Monica Lewinsky. When I was
in college. They used to break negative stories about democrats.

Speaker 4 (33:05):
Well, that's because they were trying to also get ahead
of the other They realized the Internet was making them
break it because otherwise it was going to get everywhere anyway, right,
Like they couldn't hold it the same way they used
to be able to bow in Nashville.

Speaker 3 (33:16):
What have you got for us? Bow? Yeah.

Speaker 1 (33:19):
I've done a lot of criminal trials. So, Clay, you
talked about jury nullification the other day. I just wanted
to mention the problem with that is if the jurors
are hearing from the defense attorneys, Hey, you guys can
decide the law is wrong on this. Just because this
guy obviously killed his wife and a bartender doesn't mean
you have to find him guilty. The judge is going
to shut that down. The judge is going to tell

the jurors you do not have the option of jury mullification.
He's going to tell them you have to follow the
law I give you. So I don't have a whole
lot of faith in that actually working in his favorite New.

Speaker 4 (33:47):
York No, No, sure, but I mean no one can
read into human hearts and human minds. So somebody can
make a determination themselves. I member, it's just the judgment
of the individual. Jurors don't have to justify any thing.
They just say guilty, not guilty.

Speaker 2 (34:02):
Remember the OJ jurory we played for you said after
the jury verdict, we did this because of Rodney King.
This was in some way revenge for the Rodney King
beating case. They didn't actually look at the facts of
the OJ case. They just decided OJ should be innocent

because he was black in America had treated Rodney King
and other black people in LA unfairly.

Speaker 3 (34:28):
In their opinion, they'd

Speaker 4 (34:29):
Better not come pick you up in a white bronco
for your trip to Seattle play because New York Alvin Bragg,
you're on notice.

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