All Episodes

April 18, 2024 67 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE: 

 In the arena tonight: Savage Rich Baris

Director @BIGDATAPOLL and host of 'Inside the Numbers'. He’s also the best pollster in the business

            Also on the show:

  • Trump jury process is a mess

  • Trump in Harlem!

  • The elites still don’t get it

  • Woke CEO of NPR 

  • Dr. Phill crushing it AGAIN

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):

Speaker 2 (00:04):
You'repe about to enter the arena.

Speaker 3 (00:07):
And join the Battle to Save America with your host
Sean Parnell.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
What is a battle Crew? What is up America? It
is a great day to be an American and from
Seed to Shining Sea and everybody in between, Welcome patriots.
Let's get in the arena. Before I jump into the
show rundown, I've got to tell you all something. It's
it's been kind of insane the last couple of weeks

since the show has been growing so much, and we,
of course we got added to Rush Limball's RSS feed,
which is now occupied by the great and talented uh
Klay Travis and Buck Sexton over on iHeart Radio. They
were they've they've added us to our show to their

feed and gotten lots of listeners over there and new
additions to the Battle Crew, mostly people who listen to
the to the show, like just just listen to it
while they walk or whatever. Anyway, the show's been growing
and that's been amazing, But I had been having issues
over the last couple of weeks with the studio and

with you know, the tech stuff. Now, for those of
you who have been with the show since the beginning,
the original Gangster members of the Battle Crew. I've been
doing the show for a long time, rarely, if ever,
have have issues. Now, if they happen, they happen. It
happens with every single show, even professional television shows. But

it was really nothing out of the ordinary. And then
I started having fairly consistent issues with internet and power outages,
and come to find out, I had a technical specialist
at the house here today looking at my system, looking
at the student video, and we were informed that we
suffered eight hundred and eighty cyber attacks on this show

in forty five days. Just attacks that are so many
successive attacks on the router and on the system that
the router shuts down as a fail safe, and if
it shuts down as a fail safe, you lose it
loses internet. If we lose internet, show goes down eight
hundred and eighty. So if something like that happens today,

just know now you know why. But just also know
that we are working on a solution and we're going
to have something for you very very soon. And listen
to me. This just tells me, and I think it
should tell you all as well, that we are over
the target in a big way. We cover things on

this show that most other shows get to forty eight
hours later. And look this, I the more conservative shows
out there, the better. But when we talk about debates
that are happening on the house floor, you don't see
that reported by the mainstream media. You don't see it
reported by the legacy media. I report on it because

you all need to know what's happening as it's happening,
not after something's already been passed. And so I don't know, folks,
I've always been a thorn in the side of Republicans
and Democrats. I've always been against the surveillance state. I'm
not saying that any of that is affecting the show.

It could just be dorky kids with too much time
on their hands that know more about this stuff than
I do. I just wish that they knew that I,
too was a dork. We could probably share in some
fun want star wars together, talk about the force. I'm
fine with all of that. Just don't cyber attack the show.
But who knows what's going on. I look at it

as like we're over the target and I'm gonna keep
doing the show. I don't give a damn how many
times you know we're taken down. I don't get I
don't care, Come hell or high water, We're gonna pull
ourselves up by our bootstraps and we're gonna do this
show because this show is for you, It's for we
the people, and it always will be. So let's jump

right into the show. We've got on deck tonight and
in the arena the great Savage Rich bearest. I love
how some of you all in the live chat have
taken to calling Wednesdays Savage Rich Wednesdays. I'm totally cool
with that. I'm here for it. I love it. And
for those of you all who are new members of

the battle Crew new listeners, Savage Rich Barris is the
director of Big Data poll He's the host of Inside
the Numbers. To me, I've run for office at a
very high level twice. Many pollsters are just a complete joke.
Rich Barris is not. He's the best in the business.
He understands the data and the cultural moment that we're

in better than anybody else. You should stick around for
him because every time he's on the show, we have
a lot of fun, learn a lot. But also we're
gonna talk about the Trump jury process in New York City.
It's a mess. It's a threat to our freedom in liberty.
And I'm gonna tell you why Trump was in Harlem
and it was absolutely off the charts incredible. The elites.

When we talk about the uniparty, we're talking about the elites, Democrats, Republicans,
party doesn't matter. They still don't get it. And I'm
gonna show you a SoundBite that encapsulates why I have
got to talk about the woke CEO new CEO of
NPR because it's a microcosm of everything that's wrong with

the GOP. Right now. I'm just saying, this woman's insane.
Why do you hear some of the things that she says?
And doctor Phil is out there just based and crushing
it again, and we got to give credit where credits due.
He's doing awesome stuff. Let's jump right off the top rope.
Let's get off the sidelines and into the fight here.

I saw a headline today that kind of blew my
mind because the Democrats are getting more aggressive and more
brazen about their abuse of power and their allies and
the media are doing it as well. And the headline
this is from the Hill. So what I'm about to
read you both the headline and the actual tweet or

post on X itself. Is not from some far left activist,
is somebody with the zero influence. It's from the Hill's
White House reporter. Okay, so keep that in mind. This
is the relatively mainstream publication, a reporter who sits in
the press room in the White House. The headline DEM's

bank on Trump trial boosting Biden, right, which, like you
don't have to read between the lines that know what's
going on there, right, The Democrats, the deep state, the
blah Biden, they always wanted lawfair, reutilizing lawfair to hurt
Trump and help Biden. That's not a surprise. We all

knew that. The fact that this White House reporter is
putting this in a headline, DEM's bank on Trump trial
boosting Biden is a little on the nose if you
ask me. But this reporter, okay, his post on X
said this. Democrats are hopeful that President Biden's freedom to

hit the campaign trail while President Trump is stuck in
New York courtroom for weeks, maybe months, gives his re
election campaign a jolt. Like talk about saying the quiet
part out loud, like they're talking about, Like I've said

from the very beginning, along with anybody who knows what
the hell they're talking about. And by the way, many pundits,
many journalists, many reporters don't their establishment hack losers. They're
a part of the machine. But anybody that's been paying
attention knows that the Democrats are doing this to get
Trump off of the campaign trail. And what's so fascinating

about this is that of all of the lawfare cases
against Trump, of all of them, Pudge Alvin Bragg's case
in New York City, the Stormy Daniel's hush money case,
which I don't even like calling it that because I
don't like using the left's language. But of all the cases,
this one was the biggest joke. I mean, they're all

a joke, but you know, of a bunch of cases
that are all pathetic, this one's the most pathetic. And
I know that because Democrats freaked out when Pudge Alvin
Bragg brought it in the first place. I mean, even
Pudge didn't want to bring the case until Joe Biden
sent one of his White House lawyers have him resign

and come down and lead Pudge's legal team. Only then,
once Biden had a hand in all this. Did pudj
Alvin even decide to try this thing? So it's been interesting,
to say the least, to watch the Democrats kind of
flip flop on this. Not just the Democrats but their

allies and the media now go all in on this
case as if it's some like highly credentialed, rigorous case
and on the criminality of a former press I mean, really,
it's a joke. We should we should shun the entire process.
I mean, honestly, I don't even I mean, look, this
is going to sound a little extreme, but you know,

because you gotta if you're going to be the president
of the United States and you're a guy like Trump
and you're running for office, you can't and they're calling
you a dictator. I understand that it's a sensitive thing
to kind of buck the system, say fu to the
system that's trying you. But this is a sham trial
operating outside the purview of the constitution. Desanta should come
out like yesterday and say, you know what, I don't

really care what the outcome of this trial is. It's
rigged from the very beginning. We're not going to extradite
Trump up to New York. Even if he is convicted,
he can stay here in Florida. Come and get him,
right I mean, Or if you're President Trump, being prohibited
from going to Baron Trump your son's graduation. It's a
pretty evil, disgusting thing that this judge is doing to Trump.

And this judge threatened Trump with jail time if he
missed even a day of this trial. Right, well, Trump
should I think Trump should call the bluff. See if
this judge really has the cohones to put him in jail.
Because I'm telling you right here, right now, folks, And
this isn't just me saying. James Carvel has expressed concern

about this. David Axelrod has expressed concern about this. Even
Frank Luntz, who I mean, he helps conservative, He's not
conservative at all. He's the He's the squishiest Republican in
the history of the world if he is. Even he
has come out and said, if you put this guy
in jail, if you push this too far, you will
elect him president. But one of the most concerning things

about all this not to go on too long about
this trial, but one of the most concerning things about
all of this is the jury selection process. They're trying
to weed out people for bias right now. And the
problem is is that in Manhattan, right ninety percent plus
Democrat there. And I think the issue that the court

itself and the system is running into are true believer
comedies showing up for jury duty in lying to the
court about whether or not they have a bias for Trump,
and essentially hardcore radical left communists lying and trying to
get on the jury so they can convict the guy.
Whereas if you are somebody that's just even has an

ancillary connection to Trump even or just how to make
America great again, you know cover page on your Facebook page,
you ain't getting on that jury, right you could be
a hard left communist in buy and large you are.
And what's really interesting is that the judge himself couldn't
even qualify for his own jury because he's too biased.

So how the hell is somebody like Judge Mershawn going
to preside over this case if he doesn't even meet
his own jury criteria? Riddle me that. But I want
you to listen to this liberal journalist or i'm sorry,
a liberal juror who told the court that she couldn't
be a jurer because of work scheduling conflicts, not because

of any sort of personal animist to Trump. Well, listen
to this interview after the fact, because it sounds like
she has a personal animist to Trump. Listen to this.

Speaker 4 (12:41):
Can you share your.

Speaker 5 (12:41):
Opinion of the former president and why you felt that
you could be unbiased.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
I'm not a fan.

Speaker 5 (12:52):
I during COVID nineteen, I lived with someone who was mutocompromised,
and I think his handling of COVID nineteen as I
also have ASSISI who has adopted from China, and the
comments he made about China when he was ring for president.

Speaker 1 (13:14):
Made her very anxious and therefore made me angry. Their policies.
He supported it in regard to women and the reductive
health that I do not agree with, and I think

all of that needs to be addressed.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
All of that needs to be addressed. That woman. The
only reason that Psycho is not on this jury in
New York City, in this trial is because of a
scheduling conflict. She lied, said there was no bias against Trump.
She lied, And again, think about how close it was.

I mean, seriously, think about how close she came to
being on that jury. Do you think that that woman
in any way, regardless of the fact pattern presented at trial,
is going to find Trump to be innocent. Of course
not folks. You know this, I know this. The entire
system is completely rigged. It's rotten to the core. But

that is not stopping Trump. This guy was in Harlem
yesterday and again this lawfair stuff is going to come
back to bite the Dems because Trump is campaigning in
places that no Republican president now would have ever campaigned before.
And one of those places is Harlem. And this is
directly from the Trump campaign. Listen to the response he got.

Listen to this. So the guy just spent probably twelve

hours in a courtroom dealing with a communist style trial,
and then leaves and is out there campaigning in Harlem,
and organically a bunch of black Latino people show up,
a white kids show up. They're a white black Latino,
doesn't matter. There are kids are there chanting we love

you Trump. Now, Biden was in his hometown of Scranton
yesterday and couldn't draw more than one hundred people. Biden,
I mean, the guy barely is barely alive. It's just
amazing to me how Trump just does not stop and

so I've got Savage Rich here in the green room.
I want to get his thoughts on this and a
lot more Savage Rich Barris on deck. Let's get him
in the arena. What is up, my friend. Welcome to
the show. How's it going living the dream?

Speaker 4 (16:01):
Buddy? Sounds good, looks good, everything's working good. We're good.

Speaker 2 (16:05):
I was on so a couple of things. I was
on your show today and you witnessed, uh, like one
of my I'm praying that it doesn't happen this go on.
If it does, just stand by. I'll reboot the system
and we'll come back on. But it happened on your
show today. Everything just completely shut down for me. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (16:21):
Yeah, Actually, when you were telling me what you were experiencing,
it sounded like somebody was This has happened to us before,
and it's happened to many other people. I mean, you
ran for Congress, for senate. Hell, I didn't even know
you had a master's degree until today, even though we've
been talking so much. Scared as hell, love you, I'm sure,
and uh you know you're you're going to be a target.

It's sad, it's pathetic, it really is.

Speaker 2 (16:45):
Yeah, you thought I was. You thought I was a
knuckle dragger, That's what this is all about. You thought
I was just I'm just a simple cave man with
political opinions. No, I have a master's degree. I was
a clinical psychology PhD program Speed Load Drag Brother High
Speed Load Drag and also on your show today. And

if you've got children around, just throw up a quick earmuffs.
I did drop the word mangina.

Speaker 4 (17:14):
It happened, and that's all right. The kid he ran
in the room right before you did, but she had
him out so quick, but so he didn't hear it.
But even if he did, he's like four, I'm not sure,
you know, even though he's in a part stage. I'm
not sure. Well, he would not know what it means.
But he can roll off his head, you know, roll
off the right over the top of him.

Speaker 2 (17:35):
You don't want little savage Roman out there saying, like,
you know, somebody comes to the door and him just say, oh,
that's not You don't want to have to explain that.

Speaker 4 (17:47):
Although it would be one for the ages, wouldn't it.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
It would be one for the ages? Okay, Rich, what
do you what do you think about this? Pudjalvin brag stuff.
I mean, honestly, aren't those visuals of Trump and harl unbelievable?

Speaker 4 (18:02):
They really are. And again, you know, we can go
through the details of it, but I think we did
talk about this a little bit on the show earlier.
This is like people who of all walks, of all
you know, all stripes, all creeds, that are in a
socioeconomic position where they feel like the man is constantly

against them because he is. They are right. The ruling
class is not influenceable by you know, he is not
influenced by its people. There's not representative government anymore in
this country. Let's be real, which I'm sure we'll get
into even more, especially on the one side of the aisle,
which I'm not even sure is right verse. It's not
right verst left anymore. It's them versus us. It's the

ruling class versus the normies versus the the you know,
the privilege versus the not and they have no way
to fight back and Trump is they're doing a Trump.
James Carvell knows man. He gets it. Like whether you
like the skuy or not, he will look look who
he is, how he talks, where he comes from. He
gets it is the guy who can walk through the
backwoods of Appalachia be perfectly fine, the swamps of Louisiana

be perfectly fine, and the ghettos of the South and
be perfectly fine. He know, this guy knows all different
works of walks of life. He'll blend in. He's a
freaking chameleon. He knows how to speak these people ever
you know the all walks language.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
He knows.

Speaker 4 (19:25):
You push this too far. Not only are you gonna
get beat, You're gonna get drummed because these people are
not gonna You're not gonna see him coming. And it's
Trump's job to get them out. It could happen organically,
for sure. I would not rely on that. If it
was me, I'd run, you know what, to the wall,
like your life is at steak, Because your life is
at stake, you know, mister President.

Speaker 2 (19:45):
You will.

Speaker 4 (19:46):
They will try to get you to spend the rest
of your life, the rest of your natural life, in
a jail cell. You'll go from mar a lago to
bars if you don't, you know, and I totally expect
you will, and they expect you will be And that's
why they're trying to do what they can do to
keep him off the campaign trail. Biden was a disaster
in Scranton. Let's get real.

Speaker 2 (20:07):
He didn't even know he.

Speaker 4 (20:08):
Was from Scranton anymore, right, because the story has changed
so much. Who the hell knows where he's from. I'm
from Delaware, I'm from scran and I don't know. Isn't
this the town?

Speaker 2 (20:16):
He was born in the Jewish community, he was born
in the black community.

Speaker 4 (20:20):
He protest. You know, generations before us rejected Joe Biden
because he was a fraud and because he's a liar,
and he was found to be by a multiple by
the way, not one, but two generations of Americans to

be unworthy of the presidency, not just because of character
stuff like that. He's not competent enough to be president
now here we have a and he never was. And
even Barack Obama thinks this. This is impulster Rich, you
right wing polster, Rich Barrett, this is Barack Obama didn't
like him. Barack Obama idelined him. He picked him because
he had to. He signed lined him for Hillary Clinton.

Who both of those people back Obama and Hillary Clinton,
think Joe Biden is an idiot and not capable of
being president.

Speaker 2 (21:11):
Everybody knows this.

Speaker 4 (21:12):
If it was a Republican you would hear these stories
all the time. But yeah, I mean, here we are now.
They need to keep him in a courtroom, Sewan, because
he goes around and things like this happen organically. Imagine
if he get you know, was free to spend his
time with the people.

Speaker 2 (21:29):
My god, it's so true and so much I'm telling you.
So much about whether or not somebody votes for you
is like did you meet him, did you shake your hand,
did you look him in the eye? Did you talk?
And you'd be maybe not you, but many people would
be shocked at how people will vote for someone that
they have an interaction with. And most of the time

sometimes it's just that simple. And here you have a
former president of the United States, arguably the most famous
man in the world. He's actually larger than than I
don't want to sound bad when I say he's larger
than the office of the President, but he's larger, larger
than all these Democrat hoaxes and scandals that had been

perpetrated on him and then by default, the American people,
because the Democrats have made him into almost a martyr
and a man of the people in a way that.
I don't. I have never seen any other American politician
period do what Trump did in Harlem, and you talked
about I mean, it's freaking Harlem. For God's sake, can

we can we just like take a step back and
say it's it's Harlem. I mean, she's not exactly Republican territory,
rich Sean.

Speaker 4 (22:42):
I'll tell you the last time I was in any
of the five boroughs, it was years ago, but I
was in Bedfasti, which is now for people who don't know,
a flat out ghetto. Most of the areas they were
pining in for Rudy Giuliani to come back. I mean,
this is just I mean, it really is crazy why
they were safer then, don't like Republicans. They don't even

know the difference. If you told them what are you,
they would say, well, I guess I'm supposed to be
a Democrat. I'm a Democrat. But when it comes to
like localized elections or who do you know, who would
you trust to do this? I'll tell you you know,
regardless of how the polls fluctuate that, who do you
trust to do a better job here on this issue?
On that issue, it's just a bloodbath on all the

issues that matter right now, and even on issues Democrats
thought they would have a lock on they're very close,
they're not, you know, so it's like the poles can
swing back and forth a little bit tightened. Although Trump
is very clearly you know, in the lead at this point,
they could do that. But the fact of the matter
is as long as people, as long as voters, and
like you said, sometimes it really just takes a direct interaction.

This is arguably the most famous man in the world.
And yet he'll walk up to you in a McDonald's
on the street or wherever and just you know, hand
you as smoothie or shake your hand or what I mean.
It's just crazy, Like most normal people would be like,
did that really just happen? You know, it's never happening
me in my life. I've heard that actually, you know,
from people. So he's just really is a different kind

a politician. And you know, when he was running for reelection,
they kind of made him and pigeonholed him as a politician.
And it's different now. You know, everything's just different now.
I'm not even sure you can if you're as a polster,
you can feel it in sixteen the way you feel
it now. You know, maybe in the final couple of
weeks you could feel that real surge happening and whatnot,

but nothing like this, Sean, this is is very different.

Speaker 2 (24:38):
Okay, So speaking of elites, listen to listen to Katie
Kirk and then I want to get your reaction.

Speaker 6 (24:43):
And I feel like to your point, Bill, the socioeconomic
disparities are a lot, and class resentment is a lot.
What and anti intellectualism and elitism is what is driving
many of these these anti establishment which are Trump voters,

are anti esta absolute voters.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
So so Trump voters were with Savage Rich Barris again
for our listeners, best poster in the business. He's on
the show every Wednesday. So it's Trump voters who are
anti intellectual. It's Trump voters that are that are that
that are stupid. It's it's Trump voters that are anti

It's just like you see how these elites talk. It's
it's just insulting to me, Rich, it's insulting. They still
just don't get it.

Speaker 4 (25:39):
You know, they're very clearly trying the same playbook in
a different time. So Hillary Clinton had tried it, it
was certainly a different time than the environment. We would
see in twenty twenty. They did it in twenty twenty.
But you know, there was a great article in the
La Times, which you won't hear me say often, and
basically what they said was Lis Liberal writing it the

shine what I have been saying for a while, The
shine is off Joe Biden, the man, despite what the
poll said, the man won by depending on the state,
because now the sense has changed the ectol college. But
let's it's call it forty five. Let's split the difference
and call it fifty because some people say forty and change,
some people say sixty and change. The electoral college is
different now, so I guess you're really looking more on

the low end of that. Let's split the difference and
say you won by fifty thousand votes with a positive
a double digit positive favorability rating and an opponent with
a supposedly double digit negative favorability rating. The shine is
off Joe Biden now, and all there is is the
memory of the two men's presidencies. And there was an

interesting poll. Yeah, it was sponsored by the Heritage Foundation,
So what who sponsors Franklin and Marshall over there in Pennsylvania,
I'm so sick year in this they suck. They have
been pulled an election correctly in like twenty years. Who's
funding their polls? You know, who gives them their grants?
How many right wing conservatives are funding Franklin and Marshall

get out of here anyway. It's a heritage pole. But
it was conducted by Patrick Graffini, you know over at
Echelon Insights ever. You know, people know who he is.
I mean really it's and he's not been that favorable
to Trump in the totality of his polling history since
Donald Trump. You know, the advent of Trump isn't so.
I think it's fair to look at it. And you

looked at the battleground states and Sean it was bad
period among swing voters in these battleground states, it was awful.
And Patrick asked people, what do you think in retrospect?
What do you think? Do you approve or disapprove of
each of these two men's presidencies. Biden was negative eighteen

Trump was positive one across six battleground states. I think
all of a few he lost. I gotta go back
and look and see which one they are. But Nevada,
Georgia so Yeah, he lost those Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, supposed
lost all three of those, and I believe Arizona. So yes,
he lost all of these battleground stage and Biden at
a one point lead in Wisconsin, which didn't even look

good because when you ask people to lean or say
I'm definitely voting for him or you probably voting for him.
Trump was gaining when you added probably, So I mean
that's a bad sign for It means that that the
candidate who's ahead with the definite is probably close to
add his ceiling where he Winston, probably close to add
his ceiling, and the candidate who's getting more of those

leans is probably going to surge ahead of you when
all those votes are counted. You done. He wants to
say loo.

Speaker 2 (28:40):
Like Joe Biden sucks.

Speaker 4 (28:42):
Yeah, that's what that was. That was Let's go Brandon.
You couldn't hear.

Speaker 2 (28:48):
See your screech on the show back now with Savage
Rich Barris, the best poster in the business and the
director of big data poll Rich. Welcome back. Uh, Sava Winston?
Is he fired up still?

Speaker 4 (29:02):
You know? I can't even yell at him. He's got
he had to go out. What are you gonna tell
the dog he's doing what he's supposed to do. You know, hey, buddy,
let me out. Open this door is gonna be a problem.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
So this new CEO of of NPR, I wasn't gonna
cover her. She's a woke lunatic. She's she. It's what's
amazing to me is that, Like we talked about suburban uh,
suburban voters last week, suburban women, and how how Republicans
spend far too much time trying to go after them.

I mean, obviously you want to win every vote that
you can. I'm not saying you discard them. You don't
try to earn everyone. I know the Republicans who are
watching this are probably gonna be like, what's she talking about? Like,
of course we want them in our movement, but most
of them are like this this woman, I can't. It's
hard to it's gonna be hard to bring him back
to lay the cliff. Yeah. I just had a phone

conversation with somebody about this today. I'm like, we're spending
far too much time. Well, let's get them if we can.
But it's it's real difficult to flip and I want to.
I want to. They will be real difficult to flip.
And there's a there's a sound bite that I want
you to hear that I think encapsulates why. And then
and then we'll talk about it, because I think this
is this conversation will lead me to a larger point

about Speaker Johnson and the Republicans that we have in
power right now. So that's kind of just give you
a sense of where I'm going with this. Uh, but listen,
listen to this crazy woman.

Speaker 7 (30:26):
We took a very active approach to disinformation and disinformation
coming into a lot, not just the last election, but
also looking at how we supported our editing community in
an unprecedented moment where we were not only dealing with
the global pandemic, we were dealing with a novel virus,
which is by definition means we knew nothing about it
in real time and we're trying to figure it out

as the pandemic went along. And so we really set
up in response to both the pandemic but also in
response to the upcoming US election and as a model
for future elections outside including a number that are happening
this year. Was we just obviously went through yet another
Israeli election. The model was around how do we create

sort of a clearing house of information that brings the
institution of the Wikimedia Foundation with the editing community in
order to be able to identify threats early on through
conversations with government of course, as well as other platform operators,
to understand sort of what the what the landscape looks like.

Speaker 2 (31:28):
Okay, so two things here, Rich she's talking about she's
at that point, she's talking about her time as CEO
of Wikipedia. She's now the CEO of NPR. Now listen,
she's talking about censoring information as it pertains to COVID.
Right in censoring information and censoring it for information as
it pertains to the twenty twenty election. Interesting that it's
just the two most contentious issues of our time that

the vast majority of conservatives have real questions about. Right.
So there's that. Also in the same interview, but not
in that video clip, she says the First Amendment is
a real problem. Okay, so there's that, And then listen
to this next. Listen to this Ted talk that she
gave where she's talking about the truth. It's insane. Just
listen to this.

Speaker 8 (32:10):
The hard things, the places where we are prone to disagreement,
say politics and religion.

Speaker 9 (32:16):

Speaker 8 (32:16):
As it turns out, not only does Wikipedia's model work there,
it actually works really well because in our normal lives,
these contentious conversations tend to rrupt or a disagreement about
what the truth actually is. But the people who write
these articles, they're not focused on the truth. They're focused

on something else, which is the best of what we
can know right now. And after seven years of working
with these brilliant folks, I've come to believe that they
are onto something that perhaps, for our most tricky disagreements,
seeking the truth and seeking to convince others of the

truth not be the right place to start. In fact,
our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that's
getting in the way of finding common ground and getting
things done.

Speaker 4 (33:14):
Now, that is.

Speaker 8 (33:16):
Not to say that the truth doesn't exist, nor is
it to say that the truth isn't important. Clearly, the
search for the truth has led us to do great things,
to learn great things. But I think if I were
to really ask you to think about this, one of

the things that we could all acknowledge is that part
of the reason we have such glorious chronicles to the
human experience in all forms of culture is because we
acknowledge there are many different truths, and so in the
spirit of that, I'm certain that the truth exists for
you and probably for the person sitting next to you.

But this may not be the same truth. This is
because the truth of the matter is very often for
many people, what happens when we merge facts about the
world with our beliefs about the world.

Speaker 2 (34:14):
So you see where she's going, right, Absolutely, it's like
the truth she said in that clip.

Speaker 4 (34:21):
Completely contradicted to There are two world views that she
just tried to express because she wants what she's doing there, folks,
is trying to appeal to everyone, giving something, a little
bit of something for everyone, so that she can convince
you what she's saying is correct. But when you really listen,
what she just gave was dueling world views that are

diametrically opposed to each other. There is truth, but is
there and is.

Speaker 2 (34:48):
The you know?

Speaker 4 (34:49):
Is there are many truths? Often no, there is the truth,
there is absolute truth. Let me just I should have
prefaced all of that with Wikipedia is true, even the
co founder. For those who have never seen it, they
should go to Glenn Greenwall when they have sometime late
at night and they're just getting ready for bed. It's
a long interview with one of the co founders of Wikipedia.

Wait until you see what he has to say about
that woman and other people like her who co opted
his baby, and what it was supposed to be and
what it has come to be. Now, all right, there's
a reason why and anyone who's forget about it. I mean,
I don't even think to take Wikipedia as a source
in high school, let alone in college. Wikipedia is garbage.

We're not talking about an online version of Encyclopedia Britannica here,
that was the truth. We're talking about an online piece
of propaganda who smears and ruins people. The lies that
I have caught Wikipedia in, the stuff they've done to
people that I know personally, the misinformation that is all
over their pages. And it's not because some right wing

nutcase to hit the edit button. It's because of what
they have done and how they have changed their model.
It's unbelievable. Wikipedia is garbage. Nobody should ever use Wikipedia ever,
because you don't really know whether or not those sources
are you. So the sources are listed, are you clicking
on the sources to see whether or not the author
of Wikipedia the editor is actually relaying what that source

said properly, because I can tell you I have and
multiple multiple times easily. It will happen frequently to you.
What Wikipedia relays to you is not what is in
the source the citation. H you know, the source citation
that you see at the footnote of the page. It's trash.
And this is why you I mean, that woman. I
gotta say this though, to give people a little bit

of you know, hope. She doesn't represent all the women
in her demographic, you know, doesn't. She is a fanatic
and now head of NPR, which is.

Speaker 2 (36:52):
Slit Listen, she is the head of NPR. Fanatic she
said in that Ted talk the truth is a distract
which is essentially getting in the way of getting things done.
That's right now, she's the CEO of NPR. So what
does that tell you about the perspective of the legacy
media that they're not exactly in the truth telling, you know,

in the truth telling business, but rather they're in the
narrative pushing business. That's all they care about.

Speaker 4 (37:21):
And on for Oh sorry, sorry ahead.

Speaker 2 (37:24):
No go ahead, go go, but she's gonna say it.

Speaker 4 (37:26):
I mean, and even in the first clip you played,
which I want to just revisit something from what she said.
For this is a person talking about truth is insane.
What she said about COVID was factually incorrect. And those
of us who were data journalists, anybody who you know
has any kind of uh, you know, skills and statistics,
or maybe you're looking at burden estimates, which we used

to do, not just for COVID, before COVID used to
track flu burden estimates for the flu, for pneumonia, for RSV.
That's not true to categorize coronavirus, this strand of coronavirus
as novel for multiple reasons. We know from Southeast Asia
there had been a wealth of literature on SARS. Whatso

for people that don't know, it means severe acute respiratory
syndrome and we know a lot about them. We have
a ton of information from prior pandemics in Southeast Asia.
We knew it wasn't the right call to lock everything
down and make everyone go to a grocery store. Yes,
there was some debate over public transportation, but having people

locked in home, you know, in close confined quarters over
long periods of time, was always what data showed would
be leading to higher infection rates. And then also we
knew not to close schools. It's not like the flu.
It's not like a Petrie dish, like the kids are
a Petrie dish. It was always very you know, I
don't want I don't want to I'm being careful my

words here, but there are things more dangerous to young
children than corona rich.

Speaker 2 (39:04):
This is this is a perfect segue. Listen, I'm gonna
put this up on the screen and we'll pause. I'll
pause this and you can keep going. But listen, listen
to doctor.

Speaker 9 (39:14):
This COVID hit. Uh.

Speaker 2 (39:17):
It was pretty.

Speaker 9 (39:21):
In the beginning, nobody knew what was going on. And
when they said we're gonna we're going to take a
time out here, We're going to ask everybody to really
stay home withdraw shut the door, and that's going to
slow the role. That's going to slow this thing down.
You remember that, and then all of a sudden, a

few weeks turn into months and months turn into two years.
You expect there will be a plan, a readiness plan
that takes into account all the collateral damage that can
come from doing something like that, and then you start
seeing all all of these problems and you hear people say, well,
we did the best we could was what we knew.

Speaker 4 (40:06):
No, they did not, Amen, they knew better.

Speaker 9 (40:10):
And if they didn't know better, they damn well should
have known better. That's what they're paid to do.

Speaker 4 (40:16):
But they they did know better. Sean, they did. There's
a playbook for SARS related viruses. Oh, the only thing
novel about this was the origin of it. Everybody knew
it was a SARS related virus. Everybody knew that. The
only question was why are you lying to us about
it coming from a wet market and wuan you lied

because of where it can was an engineered virus. And
you know what people from work Adfiser, you know you know,
if you're watching the show, I'm talking about you right now,
you should have the balls to come out and tell
the world what it is you found when you were
trying to deconstruct this virus and and create a vaccine
for it. Since you try the anti gin method first

and didn't work for a reason, you should have the
conents to come out and tell everyone of the truth.
They knew they lied. The State Department, when Donald Trump
was still president, knew where the damn virus came from.
They tried chopping it out to the Washington Posts, to
the New York Times, to everybody. They didn't touch it,
they didn't bite. Only when Joe Biden was president did
a little bit leak out about where the origin of

the virus was. That's really the only thing novel about it.
I mean, honestly, yes, it ended up being more deadly
for a certain group of people, but we have a
playbook for SARS related viruses.

Speaker 2 (41:33):
They threw it out.

Speaker 4 (41:35):
They tossed it out, and those who I do blame
to some extent the politicians, including the President, but I
credit him for being the first person to begin to
turn on Fauci. That includes every governor who wanted to
run for president, That includes every senator who still wants
to run for president. You were all talking about shutting
beaches and keeping schools closed. When Donald Trump was saying

the cure can be worse than then the disease. People
are allowed to celebrate Easter. I was there, I remember,
and I lived in one of these states, which is
a big deal that we heard so much about it.
In Florida, the beaches were closed, the supportive businesses were closed.
Two of the biggest one statewide were closed through executive order.

Speaker 2 (42:17):
But I blame them somewhat.

Speaker 4 (42:19):
But they should have known, as Republicans that people in
white lab coats are just as corrupt and justice scummy
and lie and cheat and steal just like the rest
of us, And they should never have listened to them.
They listened to the people in the white lab coats
when they told the world that oxy cotton was less addictive.

Speaker 2 (42:38):
That was a lie.

Speaker 4 (42:39):
They got it through because they stuffed the pockets of
some FDA schmuck who ended up working for Purdue Pharmas
six months later. Anyway, So that didn't teach you a lesson.
I don't know what will you know, Sean. I mean, nobody,
nobody is so smart they can't take the time to
explain to you why shutting down commerce for the first

time in human history is the right call. That's the
attitude they had and found you went on TV and said,
you know, you can deal with a little bit of
inconvenient economics or inconvenient economically.

Speaker 2 (43:15):
Yeah, wear your mask, wear your mask. Wear two masks
were he said.

Speaker 4 (43:19):
Don't wear a mask because you're too stupid to know
how to wear a mask. Remember that we need the
PPE for people who aren't dumb and know how to
wear a mask, I mean, you know. And then we
had the model from the UK. That guy has been
talking about strains of flu that will kill twenty million
people in two weeks. He's been talking about that for

his entire career. Why we would listen to a scumbag
fanatic like that is just unbelievable. And the Imperial Study
they scared the shit out of Donald Trump. They told
them they're gonna kill your voters. Mister President, this is
gonna kill your voters. That's why he went along with
as long as he did.

Speaker 2 (43:56):
Here's why this is so important what doctor Phil is doing.
First of all, I don't give a damn what his
politics are. I don't know what they are. I don't
care either. But this country, yeah, this country rich desperately
needs leaders to stand that push back against the bullshit
narratives we have been lied to for so long in

this country, going back as long as I can remember,
almost as long as I've been alive, certainly since Trump
came down that escalator. Chances are long before that.

Speaker 4 (44:26):
Okay, doctor McCalla alone, all of you, yeah, doctor Phil,
for God's sake.

Speaker 2 (44:35):
Now he's a mainstream guy on OPRAH said, you know, well, basically,
we can't. We can't do this. We we can't. You know,
we really shouldn't be locking down our children. People went
after him, people, I mean, he was almost kicked off
the air, and that this whole idea rich you know
that didn't intend to go down to COVID path the show,

but let's go with it. But like the idea that
that some how the government owns science TM right, like
they've branded science it is. This is the kind of
stuff Rich that makes Joseph Stalin, Joseph Stalin's ghost jealous
from wherever the hell he's burning, because it's like, what

is happening in this country with these institutions like the
CDC and the Health and Human Services now the CIA,
the NSA, the FBI, even now the military to a
certain extent, the Democrats in the deep state, they have
destroyed faith in these institutions that will take a generation
or more to recover. Not just that in the justice system,

with the law fair and going after Trump, nobody's gonna
believe the system anymore. Nobody's gonna believe the jury selection process.
Nobody's gonna believe that it's legit, it's all complete bullshit.
The Democrats have completely destroyed it. So it's important for
people like doctor to use his insanely big platform. Doctor Phil, Right,

I mean, I'm not I'm just saying like that, lookship perspectives.
That's how you shift perspectives, that's how you win the culture.
So what he's doing is important. The next step is, though,
is holding people accountable. Is holding people accountable so that
trust can be re established. And like this brings me
to my point about Republicans, and this links back to

the thing with NPR and then talking about doctor Phil. Now,
Republicans have done nothing. They have done less than nothing
since being since having the majority in the House. They've
actually joined with Democrats more often than actually pushing Republican issues.
Speaker Johnson, I'm sorry, God blessed the guy. He's been
a disaster. He's been a more effective speaker for the

Democrats than than any Democrats speaker could actually be because
then at least there's political cover of bipartisanship when he's
a speaker. He's been a disaster. There's not been a single
damn whisper except for I mean, honestly, anybody but Ran Paul,
he's the only one still talking about accountability for Fauci.
But if there's not accountability, because in this country there's

a craving for accountability. You're held accountable for your actions.
We all are, you know, so government employees should be
held to the same standard. If there's no accountability, Rich,
I simply don't see how we write the ship. And
I mean it, I'm not trying to be crazy here. Yeah,
no one will ever trust these systems again unless people

are held accountable for these horrible abuses.

Speaker 4 (47:35):
Yeah, you lose what's called regime credibility. I mean this
is there's there's an actual term for this, and people
who study this and know what I'm talking about. I
had to deal with all this boring stuff while in
college myself. And once you lose that, I mean, that's
when civil society just starts to completely break apart. You know,
people start disobeying in various ways, and then only the

state's only record is to use force to try to
get people back in line. And I think we're actually
seeing some of that right now when you're looking at
what's going on. You know, you have judges in DC
and Jack Smith and other prosecutors. And basically, if the
Supreme Court overturns or throws out these charges, you know,

destruction of official proceeding, then we're just going to slap
more draconete sentences on other unrelated crimes that we're using
that charge to substantiate. I mean, this is insane. But
then where does that go? You think one side backs down,
they don't. It escalates. We go back and forth until
we start killing each other. And that's the way it goes.

Because America is not going to be exempt from the
laws of nature and Nature's God and the all timeline
of human history and civilization. Guess what, we're special, but
not for those reasons. When we're exceptional, but not for
those reasons. We're exceptional because we recognize certain absolute truths
that woman doesn't believe in anymore, and we're abandoning those

absolute truths, and that we're getting what's coming to us.
I don't know how we write the ship either. I
keep telling people the election of one man, and I
said this in sixteen, the election of one man a
revolution does not make if you do not replace the
vast majority of these people in Congress, right, And I'm
not trying to name drop here, but I'm saying like,

if John O'shay does not win a special election in
Texas twelve, you are going to have a trader in
an R plus twenty five district in Texas and replaced
Kay Granger, who was also a trader who Donald Trump
endorsed in exchange for her support when they were going
to impeach him again for the second time. And guess
what she got an endorsement, She got a reelection. She

was able to be back a very serious challenger who
was going to win. Chris Putnam would have beat her
if Trump didn't get involved. And what happened in exchange
she ran home and faked being sick when he needed
her help on the impeachment. Republicans are not an effective
countervailing force in this country. We've been talking about this
a lot in my book club and on locals. They

are not an effective countervailing force as a political party,
you know, in this country against Democrats and the other side.
So what does that mean. It means if this continues,
it doesn't matter who the hell you elect president. Slowly
but surely you're going to lose because they keep advancing
and you keep retreating. You may not recognize it because
maybe they're baby steps, but you are retreating. And Johnson,

I hate to do this, but once in a while
you have to throw it in people's faces. Sean, you're
maybe a little bit more modest than me.

Speaker 2 (50:35):
I am not.

Speaker 4 (50:35):
So I'm about to drop this shit.

Speaker 2 (50:37):
We told you.

Speaker 4 (50:39):
Who told you so would have been too afraid to
do this? Go ahead?

Speaker 2 (50:46):
Sorry, No, I was hold that thought. I was because
we go to a place. No, you don't have to rich.
You don't ever, ever, ever have to apologize for being savage.
I pulled this SoundBite of Speaker Johnson because it just, honestly, man,
I just think it's kind of pathetic. It's like, get
a grip, man. But listen to this, and then we'll

talk about Speaker Johnson.

Speaker 3 (51:11):
Look, we are in we are an unprecedented times. Okay,
we're in dangerous times. This has been articulated here around
the world and here at home. We need steady leadership.
We need steady hands at the wheel. Look, I regard
myself as a as a wartime speaker. I mean, in
a literal sense, we are. I knew that when I
took the gavel, I didn't anticipate that this would be

an easy path. Former Speaker KNW. Gingridge posted a couple
of days ago on his social media that this is
the hardest challenge that's faced to speaker probably in the
history of the country and the moment we're in right now,
he said, arguably maybe comparable to the Civil War, but
maybe worse.

Speaker 2 (51:48):
I mean, are you kidding me? A wartime speaker and
Drome like like Rich, he's not talking about, you know,
a wartime speaker like the war of the invasion in
our southern border. He's talking about you. He's talking about
what's going on in Israel. He's talking about nations that
aren't ours, first of all, the second of all, I
was saying, it's the most difficult time in American history,

maybe even more so than the Civil War. You have
got I'm sorry, man, get a grip. That's ridiculous. It's
I'm not a fan of the one one person motion
to vacate. I'm just not. It's almost impossible to lead
like that. But Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Green and Thomas
Massy are like, hey, look, I'm mass He said. He's

co sponsoring Marjorie Taylor's Green Marjorie Taylor Green's motion to vacate.
But I'm here to tell you Rich it ain't gonna happen.
Do you know why it ain't gonna happen? Because Democrats
aren't gonna vote for it. They are getting everything that
they want from Speaker Johnson's He has done an absolutely
pathetic job. What do you think of all this?

Speaker 4 (52:54):
I told you I thought that Mike Johnson was a
better voter than he was a speaker. I told people
at the time, it sounds great to get rid of
Kevin McCarthy. And I understand that you are upset. I
understand I talk to the right every night, almost on
the phone, you know, I speak to the left and
the right on the phone every day. I know what
everyone's thinking, and I understood their grievance that being set,

you didn't have a plan, you didn't have a strategy,
you didn't have a vision for the future. You never
pulled the trigger before you know how you think the
battle is gonna go. And that's exactly what Matt Gates
and the rest of them did. They pulled the trigger
and they had no idea where the hell that bullet
was even headed, let alone, what would come back in
retaliation from it, and now here we are. Mike Johnson,
let me just say this. I'm not a big guy.

I know when a little man is trying to make
himself look bigger than he is. Okay, I know when
a little man is trying to make himself look more
important than he is. You're not freaking Winston Churchill. Bro,
all right, you're not Abraham Lincoln. You can't even stop
the invasion at the southern border. You're gonna stop frigging
what the disunity of the United States? You are not
even mid bro, not even mid For the kids out there,

all right.

Speaker 2 (54:03):
I've every kid.

Speaker 4 (54:05):
Excuse for a speaker, I'm sorry, and I never wanted
to say this. When people know watch my show. I
like Mike Johnson. He's all conservative and he's where the
Republican Party needs to go if they want to win
more votes in the future. He was anyway. I don't
know what the hell happened to the Mike Johnson who
used to spend his time figuring out policy that was
for blue collar families. You know, Now he's just a

tool of This is what, unfortunately happens. You get some
guys who idealistically sound great. They even get there and
they vote great, and they do an okay job when
they get there, and then you give him a little taste, bro,
and they're like meth addicts and they just lose.

Speaker 2 (54:43):
Told you go to bed, get off the.

Speaker 4 (54:45):
Meth binge, Bro, come back and see if you're saying
after I'm not like the metaphors.

Speaker 2 (54:50):
This months ago, Rich, we talked about this months ago.
We had this exact same conversation. Expressed caution about it,
and I said, I said to you on your show,
I said, man, I said, no Republican wants to be
speaker because in six months you become the Rhino of
the century. And that's exactly what speaking Evin do it. Yeah,

was too afraid.

Speaker 4 (55:12):
He did things behind Trump's back. He would never have
worked with the Democrats to neoter Trump when he becomes
president again. He wouldn't have, Guys, I got news for you.
It's too damn afraid. He yes, he let his donors
go to Ron DeSantis behind his back. He tried to
screw Donald Trump, but he would never have done something
like this bald face, two face out in public like

he thinks he's hiding, you know, I mean, it's unbelievable.

Speaker 2 (55:39):
And Kevin would.

Speaker 4 (55:40):
Have gotten a phone call. You would have heard, hold
this is the office of the President Donald J.

Speaker 2 (55:46):

Speaker 4 (55:47):
Hold these he would have because you know what that
call he would have shipped his pants. And then he
would have been, no, it's a president. No I'm not
supporting that bill. And then oh, I don't know where
you heard that from. Kill Rich that's where that would
have went. You are listen, You are one hundred percent right.
I do because listen.

Speaker 2 (56:06):
Kevin McCarthy is a California Conservative, which means in essence
he's not a conservative, but but he wanted to be speaker.
He knew where all the bodies were buried in DC.
He's a swamp creature of the highest order. Which I again,
people want to listen to my show, know that if
you're a conservative, who you want a swamp creature as

as your speaker. You want somebody with a ton of
institutional knowledge that is ruthless. Kevin McCarthy. Here's the thing
about Kevin McCarthy. Was he a squish? Absolutely? Am I
defending him? No? But he cared a lot about what
the base thought of him, and he would he would
call Trump, he would call Trump's advisors and say, hey,

look like, am I okay to like push this? Are
we good? Here is the magabase going to revolt against me?
He at least communicated. The reason why this isn't happening
with Speaker Johnson, and he's a far worse speaker, is
because he has a set of conservative bona fides, like
conservatives are like wild Speaker, I like the guy. He's
been been conservative his whole career, and the media ain't

writing about it. And actually what they're writing about is, hey,
look look at this this, Look at this bipartisanship work.
All these maga extremists that are standing against Mike Johnson.
He's a maga guy too, but at least he has
in his heart to work in this bipartisan way. And
of course we know bipartisan is code for like things

like the Blackford will. Yeah, five thousand illegal invaders a day.
That's not bipartisan. That's a disaster.

Speaker 4 (57:39):
Anytime you hear the word bipartisan or cooperation votes, or
you know, compromise, you're getting screwed. When they say compromised,
they mean they're gonna come together to make sure that
the interests of both signs in the swamp are fulfilled.
You are getting screwed. And I will say this in
the beginning. He started off all right, and it looked

like it might be okay, But it exactly turned out
exactly And I would have loved to be wrong, but
it turned out exactly how we said it was gonna
turn out. All you're gonna do is take it a
very good voter and destroy him. And that's it.

Speaker 2 (58:12):
You somebody with a good.

Speaker 4 (58:13):
Vote record and destroy him. Kevin McCarthy at least picked
up the phone and called folks, you guys don't know this,
because I'm sure people don't. You know, you're not gonna
hear every conversation he picked up the phone and he
would say, Hey, are you gonna beat me up over this?
If I do this? Actually he would do that, not
just the president. I'm talking about influencers, guys in He

would say, like, am I going to be sixty minutes
on inside the numbers getting the shit kicked out of
me if I don't kill this immigration bill? Yes you will, Okay,
I'm gonna kill this immigration So he had no ideological core,
but in a way that was kind of good, and
he was no Paul Ryan.

Speaker 2 (58:49):
He was no because Paul Ryan.

Speaker 4 (58:51):
Didn't give a damn about what the Bass thought about him.
He looked right into Sean Hannity's eyes and said, we
got a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Speaker 2 (59:00):
Is no plan.

Speaker 4 (59:01):
Let me let you in all on the open secret.
There was no plan. They had no idea. There was
a plan, sure with the Tuesday Committee, there was a
plan with the Freedom Caucus, there was a plan at
the White House, but there was no Republican plan, and
they couldn't put it all together and have anything that
resembled what they had promised for seven years. With Johnson,

he's like a little bit of a mix of Paul
Ryan where he doesn't seem to care. And also, I
hate to say it at this point, but it's like
you play the clip again and look at the guy's face.
I mean, you don't have to, but.

Speaker 2 (59:35):
Guys, I'll play back watch.

Speaker 4 (59:37):
He thinks he's bigger than he is.

Speaker 2 (59:39):
He thinks he's in the moment he was lost. It
he's lost. We'll play it watch one more time.

Speaker 3 (59:45):
Look, we are in we are an unprecedented times. Okay,
we're in dangerous times. This has been articulated here around
the world and here at home. We need steady leadership.
We need steady hands at the wheel. Look, I regard
myself as a as a war time speaker. I mean,
in a literal sense, we are. I knew that when
I took the gabble, I didn't anticipate that this would

be an easy path. Former speaker Knuke gingridg posted a
couple of days ago on his social media that this
is the hardest challenge it's face to speaker, probably in
the history of the country and the moment we're in
right now. He said, arguably maybe comparable to the Civil War,
but may be worse.

Speaker 2 (01:00:22):
So you need me, you need me. This is a
tough times. We live at a time that's just as
bad as the Civil War. May be worse at a
time where brother fought brother in six hundred thousand Americas
or gave I mean, are you kidding me? Are you

kidding me? It's historyonic and sounds shit.

Speaker 4 (01:00:48):
Such a good word, the same kind of history on
a bullshit you're going to get from the White House
when they come out and they say that the January
sixth attack was the worst attack in the country since
Like you know, dude, this is in Vicksburg. Are you not?
You are not only not that big of a man,

you are wildly pathetic because you would never have been
able to rise to the occasion that those men rose to.
You can't even rise to the occasion of shutting the
border and stopping hundreds of thousands, if not millions, over
the years fentanyl deaths and other illicit drug deaths that
come pouring across the border because you can't shut it,
because you'd rather have one ey to fold your speaker

pants at night than have the country safe. And you're
talking about Ukraine as if it's a freaking democracy. Who
Ukraine is a tyranny. It is an absolute disgusting filth,
scum of the earth, tyrannical government and regime from a
region of the world where there are no good guys.
We shouldn't be championing anybody than doing anything but watching

our own butt and making sure our own families are safe,
our own friends are safe, our own fellow Americans are
safe and also have the opportunity to prosper. He puts
himself in the same category with Newt Gingridge. New Gingridge
reigned in a popular democratic president and made sure that
the budget was balanced inflation wasn't up everyone's ass during
Newt Gingridge like it is now because you don't have

the balls to stop Joe Biden the Democrats from spending.
I mean, unbelievable level of ubris in this country today,
and apparently it can seep into anybody, especially anyone in
that town where you just think you're something. Bro, you are,
you are what the country needs today. No, you are

a failure and you have failed unlike anything that prior
generations you could point back to and say, oh, at
least I wasn't as bad as that guy. You compare
yourself to Nuke Gingridge the audacity, And I'm not a
huge Newt fan. I mean this is coming from a
guy who loved the book telling Nut to shut up,
you know, I mean, because I feel like Newt did

what he had to do, but he also dismantle it
before he left. So Nancy Pelosi became like, you know,
almost like a queen with a gabble, you know. He
I mean, that was the template she ran on. She
ran the house the way Nuke Gingrits ran the house.
He gave her the tools to do it. But still,
I mean, that's nothing compared to it. You think Nuke
Gingridge would have would have dealt with this? Trillions of

dollars every three months? Shan every three months? What's being
added to the national debt every ninety not even three
one hundred days? Okay, I'll be fair, every one hundred days.

Speaker 2 (01:03:32):
Come on, Speaker.

Speaker 4 (01:03:34):
Johnson's gonna be known as the guy who couldn't stop
the debt bomb because he didn't have the nuts. And
when we look back on austerity that comes to this
country and hurts everyone at a level. You think inflation
is bad, now, you think the pain is bad. Now,
wait till that debt bomb goes off. People like Speaker Johnson,
We're gonna look back on him. We're gonna say shame

on you.

Speaker 2 (01:03:56):
I couldn't agree more. And you know, I know for
a fact how you feel about this. And we don't
like bashing Republicans on our show. I mean we don't.
I mean it's like we get it, like it. We'd
rather be directing our ire at the Democrats, and the
vast majority of the time we do. But you're right,
sometimes you just have to call out the bullshit on
your own side. It's a spade, bro, you have to

do it. And this is one of those times, Rich
and so tell everyone where they can find you and
how they can support you.

Speaker 4 (01:04:26):
Yeah, we're everywhere shown, but the best place to follow
me is on locals People's Pundit dot locals dot com.
That's the best place.

Speaker 1 (01:04:33):
You know.

Speaker 4 (01:04:33):
We're on Twitter, get our truth. We airon Rumble. You
can watch it on your TV through the Locals app
or Amazon app. But best place to just learn all
that is on locals People's Pundit dot locals dot com.
Sign up, become a supporter later if you want, but
what's important is to sign up and follow what we're
doing over there.

Speaker 2 (01:04:51):
Awesome, Rich as always, love having you man. See you
next week, brother, Okay, anytime, see you soon, brother, all right,
see your rich Take care. That was savage Rich Barris
the best poster in the business, and he really is.
And listen, speaking of Locals, I'm on locals now. Commander
Melanie posts over there all the time. Now I post
over there all the time now. Yeah, become a support,

become a supporter, great, but just go follow over there
because we're putting rather than put stuff on Facebook and stuff,
which just centers me into oblivion. We're putting stuff on
on Locals, just just exclusive stuff that that you won't
see here on the show, extra content, family stuff, survival, struff,
shooting stuff, gardening stuff. All that stuff is going to

be on Locals and we're posting over there regularly. So
go over there and just follow the follow my Battleground
Live page, become a member of the community if you
want to, like, like subscribe, like we got paid subscribers
to I mean, it all helps, So go over there,
search for us on Rumble and check us out there. Also,
I want to give a shout out to the engage
the engaged few for the Rumble Rant tip of five bucks.

One hundred percent of the proceeds of these tips goes
to building the studio and making the show better. And
so really appreciate that this show is and will always
be for you. It's for we the people, and I'm
so grateful to have you all here. And I know
I always get lots of questions about this shirt emails

and after the show do not Comply shirt you'll see
here do not Comply. We're to your favorite government building.
You can get all of this at Official Seanparnell dot com.
That's my website. Got all sorts of cool pro America
t shirts on there. All five of my books are
on there too. But if you do not comply shirt,

people are always asking where they can get them. That's
official Sean Parnell dot com. Also tell your family and
your friends to subscribe and follow Battleground Live. Okay, follow
Rich Barris on the People's Pundit as well. He's got
an amazing show called Inside the Numbers. But family and friends,
tell your loved one subscribe to Battleground Live. If you're
new watching this show, subscribe to Battleground. We want you

in the trenches in the fight to save this country.
The week is wrapping up quick, folks, before we pop
smoke for the day, make sure that you smash that
little green thumb beneath this video. Smash that like button
and helps propel us to the leaderboard. Every like that
we get, the closer we get, So smash that like button.
And as always, folks, thank you for sticking with me

for a little over an hour tonight. Love having Savage
Rich on the show. Tomorrow is gonna be great. Make
sure that you stay with us tomorrow. Awesome stuff coming
down the pike. As always, God bless you all, and
God bless this amazing, exceptional country that we call home.
Take care, good night, and I will see you all tomorrow.

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