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April 18, 2024 36 mins
SCOTUS will eventually throw out the Bragg case. It would take a brave Trump supporter to go out on a limb and refuse to convict Trump. Many Trump supporters live in hiding in blue states out of fear of backlash, retribution from leftists. Callers weigh in on the Trump trial.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show Thursday edition
of the program.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
Appreciate all of you hanging out with us.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
I am out in Seattle having a fabulous time hanging
out with the Hillsdale College crew. Spoke last night with
their big I think there are five hundred and six
hundred people in the room for their event out here
in Seattle.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Really outstanding.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
Buck is out today and tomorrow, will be back with
me on Monday. In the meantime, it's you, me and
hopefully millions of our friends out there. And we got
a couple of news stories that we got to update
you on that have happened. If you just happen to
get in your car right now or you're just hanging
out with us. Two of the seven seeded jurors have

now been dismissed in the Donald Trump rig job trial
in New York City. One juror woke up this morning
decided she could not be honest and impartial and that
she didn't think she was up for being on the jury.
She has now been released from jury duty. Another juror
was caught lying. Jur number four that we talked about yesterday,

born in Puerto Rico, said that he was too hard
working to have crimes, to have crimes, to have hobbies,
claimed that he did not have any strong political leanings
or opinions surrounding Donald Trump. He has actually, it turned out,
been caught as a liar. He was arrested in the

nineties for political activism in Westchester County, which is a
wealthy county outside of New York City. So he now
is off the jury as well. So they have caught
one juror line. Another juror says she isn't up for
the tumult of sitting on the trial. This is spiraling

rapidly out of control. A lot of you are real
acting out there to this insanity and in the VIP mailbags,
Lewis says. So they dismissed a juror guilty of the
same infraction as the judge and prosecutors, will they charge
him with perjury?

Speaker 1 (02:17):
I think it's a really good question.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
I would think if you claim that you did not
have strong political opinions and it turns out you were
arrested in the nineties for having strong political opinions. You
probably should have disclosed that fact. I'm sure they ask
the jurors whether they have ever been arrested. So this juror,

I think, probably should be charged with perjury. He was
trying to rig the election through this jury. That is
trying to rig the election too, Jeff writes Clay, There's
no way the jurors identity will be unknown unless they
twenty four to seven sequestered. There will always be people

placing huge pressure on these jurors. That's why they need
to postpone the trial until after the election. Trump's going nowhere.
What's the harm? Why have twelve people? And this is
my argument, this is Jeff writing in Why have twelve
people effectively determine the election and not one hundred and
fifty million citizen voters? Makes no sense to have this

trial continue. Supreme Court needs to be petitioned to delay
trial for the good of the country.

Speaker 1 (03:31):
Thanks guys. Well, the challenge here is state court, and.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
You would have to work through the entire state court
apparatus before you were able to find the federal issue
that should be in play in order for the Supreme
Court to have any opinion here at all. I have said,
and you can grab this, you can flag it, you
can come back to it in a year. Supreme Court's
going to overturn the entire basis upon which Alvin Bragg
has brought these charges. He's elevated a misdemeanor to a

felony based on a second crime that I don't believe
eve is permissible under New York law. Not to mention,
the statute of limitations has already expired. And this is
a clearly political based prosecution. Remember, Alvin Bragg has lowered
fifty two percent of all felony charges in Manhattan to misdemeanors.

It is almost unheard of for him to elevate a
book keeping misdemeanor, which is what this case is, to
a felony. So not only is this a political rig job,
he is actually doing the opposite of almost everything that
he does for every other case that he deals with.
That is, generally speaking, he takes felonies and lowers them

to misdemeanors.

Speaker 1 (04:45):
Here he is.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
Taking a misdemeanor and elevating it to a felony. They
did a search of how many cases are similar to
this right now in Manhattan. Misdemeanor elevated to a felony
based on a second law almost non existent for anybody

but Donald Trump. So we're not only talking about a
political prosecution. We're talking about a political prosecution without precedent
in the way that Alvin Bragg treats other criminal related issues.
And we're now seeing this entire case fall apart because

they can't see anyone on the jury without them lying.
Because the truth of the matter is this, Yes, there's
gonna be pressure on jurors, but also there's going to
be jurors who potentially get book deals. Can you imagine
if you are a left winger who hates Trump, and

there are a lot of them, especially in Manhattan. You
get seated on this jury, you keep all of your notes,
You aggressively keep track of everything that happens during the
course of the trial. You convict Trump, and then you
write the book about you being a juror on the

trial and the conviction of Trump that occurred. That person
might well get a multimillion dollar book advance. Now they'll
try to say, hey, we don't want you to keep
in notes, Hey we don't want you writing a book.
But once the conviction occurs, somebody's going to write a book,

and if you are the juror who makes that happen,
you're a hero on the left. You can catapult that
into a life worth of salary from one book. Conversely,
if this trial completely falls apart and there isn't a
conviction and you're a juror who refuses to convict, you

could become a hero on the right. Now you might
have to move out of Manhattan. But are you telling
me that these jurors aren't aware of that? Do they
have functional brains? Of course they're aware of that. Other
than the oj trial, which we know was a ridiculously
racist rig job refusing to convict him because of what

happened to Rodney King, there hasn't been a jury in
the last thirty years that is anywhere near as famous
as the jury will become on this trial. So don't
sell me the idea that these jurors don't understand the
implications of the value that they can unlock in their

own personal lives if they end up on this jury trial,
and if they are partisan in nature, they're not imbeciles. Now,
I understand why a lot of people don't want to
be on the jury trial. I understand why some of
you out there would say this is the last thing
I need. I understand why a lot of you out there,
who may be Trump's supporters in New York City, would

say I don't want this, because a lot of you
were probably undercover already. I'm in Seattle right now. I
spoke at the Hillsdale event. I met a lot of
our listeners last night. A lot of them came up
to me and said, we're undercover. One woman said, Hillsdale

sent me a bumper sticker. She said, there's no way
I would put that on my car living in the
Seattle area, because it would get defaced and someone would
rip it off, and something might happen to me if
they found out that I was the kind of person
who supported Hillsdale College. A lot of you listening to
me right now, I bet undercover. Some of you are

in your offices right now, and you're listening to me
in your earbuds, and you're camouflaging who you're listening to
because you're afraid your coworkers might find out. That's very
common in New York City. That's common in Seattle, where
I am right now. Many of you who live in

leftist cities are undercover because you're worried about what would
happen to you at your own job. So I actually
think there's tons of people out there who would support
Trump that don't want to be on this jury because
they're afraid they would get outed, because they might not
be willing to convict. We mentioned yesterday one of the
jurors that seated is an attorney. Let me tell you

a lot of law firms won't even allow their law
firm to represent Donald Trump. If I were an attorney
at a big firm in New York City and I
was a Trump supporter, I would probably have to keep
that quiet. Well, almost need a secret handshake. Do I

want to be on that jury trial? If it comes
out that I was a juror who refused to convict,
it could be the end of your legal career. Your
partners might force you out of the law firm if
you voted on a jury that you didn't think Trump
was guilty. Conversely, if you were on the jury and

you were in that law firm, the firm might reward
you if you were on and you shepherded a guilty verdict.
This is the world we're in, Man, so I understand
some people who are like, hey, I just I don't
want to be involved in this is going to blow
my life up. I can't stay in Manhattan and be
a Trump guy anymore or a Trump gal. If I

got seated on this jury, I just want out. I
can't be impartial. I think there's lots of people saying
that on the flip side. The reward in Manhattan if
you put Trump send him up to the Big House,
I think it's substantial because it's an eighty seven to
ninety percent anti Trump audience. Your employer might reward you,

it's got gonna stun you. Some of our Clay and
Buck employees who live in New York City area, they
have to really stay undercover.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
They don't want to get out it as the Trump person.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
I'm telling you in Seattle, the conversations that I was
having last night, there's a lot of fear about even
acknowledging what your politics are if you're not a left
winger right now. So it would take someone incredibly brave
to actually apply the facts here and call out effectively

Alvin Bragg for rigging the game in favor of left wingers.
And I think there's a lot of people who just
don't want to get in that fight, respective of the
fact that you've got a rig jury pool already that
hates Trump. Even a lot of the people who love
Trump don't want to get out at as Trump people.
I mean, it's a scary world that the left has created.

And what it all adds up to, in my opinion,
is a trial, a prosecutor, and a jury pool that
is also directly rigged and polluted and bogus that it's
impossible to even contemplate how true justice could happen in
this case. I'll take some of your calls. Eight hundred

two two A A two again big breaking news. Two
of the judge uh the jurors have been removed. We've
got a report from right outside of the courthouse about
the second juror and why he was removed. I will
play that for you when we come back. In the meantime,
I told you I was at a Hillsdale event last night,
Larry arn the leader of Hillsdal. I left that and

then saying I want my kids to apply to go
to Hillsdale. Not sure they'll get in. Only twenty percent
of the applicants get in. But man, He is the
kind of leader that we need at more universities right now.
And I love Larry arn and everything that he is
standing for at Hillsdale right now. He even told me

last night, he said, almost everybody we admit to Hillsdale
now has a perfect GPA high school GPA. They absolutely
kill it, he said. In his twenty years, they have
only had I believe the number was twenty students graduate
from Hillsdale with a four point zero. At that university

average GPA is two point eighty five. I said, how
does that happen? He said, we want you to work
hard and we want you to learn, but we don't
do great inflation. You know, almost everybody gets an A
at almost every college out there. Hillsdale is so committed
to the idea of education, and they got a crazy
idea not everybody should get an A. Not everybody. Only

twenty people in twenty years have been capable of even
getting a's in everything. I kind of love it. I
love everything about the school and they do and are
having such a tremendous impact all over the nation. Hillsdale
has had a ton of Supreme Court clerks. It's kind

of unheard of. I believe they have four Hillsdale graduates
on the Supreme Court clerking right now, every judge only
gets four, so you're talking about thirty six Supreme Court clerks.

Speaker 1 (14:38):
Hillsdale's had four.

Speaker 2 (14:39):
Recently, was talking to doctor arn They have seven people
now who went to their journalism program. Credit to the
Wall Street Journal working at the Wall Street Journal right now.
And Primus is going out to millions of people. It's
their free newsletter. You need to be checking this out.
My mom texted me yesterday and said that she has
taken a couple of the free Hillsdale courses that are

available on the internet for everybody she got set up.
Maybe you should as well by going to Clayanbuck for
Hillsdale dot com right now. That's Clayanbuck for Hillsdale dot com.
No cost at all to get imprimusent to your house.
I promise you will love this. Over six million people,
they said now are getting imprimussent to them. Go sign up,

get it for free. I think you'll enjoy what you
read there. Clayanbuckfur Hillsdale dot com. One more time, Clayanbuck
for Hillsdale dot com. We're going to take some of
your calls at the top of the next hour, about

five minutes from now. So if you're with us right
now eight hundred and two two two at A two,
I promise that I will get to you when we
come back at the top of the next hour. A
lot of you want to react about a variety of
different topics out there, but I want to make sure
that I'm keeping you updated on all of the breaking news.
Here is Fox News discussing the removal of juror number four,
who they determined had lied during the jury selection process. Again,

we're only three days in, two jurors out of the
seven now off the trial. Here is the report about
jury number four that.

Speaker 3 (16:13):
This has to do with something that very well could
have been the fact that this juror may had been
arrested back in the nineteen nineties conducting some type of
political vandalism against something posters on the right, and it
was not revealed or he did not remember it and
did not include it, and that is why that juror

has been dismissed.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
I don't know about you, but if I had ever
been arrested, I think I think I would remember it.
So it's very very lenient to a juror to say, oh, sorry,
I didn't remember that I got arrested in a political
related event. I'm sorry. That sounds super super political in nature.

Sounds like a rick job was in effect. Now credit
to the DA because they caught this doing a background check.
But how in the world do you try to sit
on a criminal trial as a jury member and not
disclosed that you've previously been arrested for a political related
charge back in the nineties. I think that would be

hard to forget. I could be honest with you guys,
so far, I've never been arrested in my life. Now
Alvin Bragg may arrest me soon for calling out his
ridiculous kangaroo court of a case, which case I'll have
to change that, I'd say I've been arrested now.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
I don't think you forget that.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
I don't think any of you out there when I
say have you ever been arrested? You might not want
to tell me, but you certainly aren't thinking to yourself.
Let me think about that for a little while. It's
like down Staley when you got asked about trans athletes.
She paused and took a drink of water. If I say,
have you ever been arrested? Before and your first thought is, well,

define arrest. Well, let me take a dream here for
a moment before I give you an answer on that. No,
I'm betting you've probably been arrested. So two jurors down,
we'll talk about it. I'll take your calls and we
come back. But I want to tell you in the
meantime about Liberty Safe. How many of you out there
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lot of you want to weigh in variety of different topics.

Let's start off with Dave in Madison, Wisconsin. You feel
like you have to be undercover in terms of what
you believe and what you listen to.

Speaker 4 (19:15):
Yeah, they mega dittos from the People's Republic of Madison.

Speaker 5 (19:19):
I've been waiting to say that forever.

Speaker 4 (19:21):
Yes, yeah, when you were talking about that, you just
describe me. You guys got your finger on the pulse
of your audience. I'm in real estate sales, picture, I'm
a business card, but I can't put anything on social media.
I can't promote things from my views because I'm living
in the ability of the beast here. So that's exactly right.
There's a lot of conservatives out there that have job,

self employment or whatever that just kind of have to
keep their views a little parked, which is that's okay,
But on the other hand, it does represent kind of
a void where you don't see us as much.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
So thank you for the call.

Speaker 6 (20:00):
You nail it.

Speaker 2 (20:01):
Thank you for the call I'm getting. I got a
bunch of messages people like, do you have a camera
in my office right now? How did you describe exactly
how I am listening to your show so perfectly like
you're looking around though buck Buck is a former CIA agent.
You'll be back on Monday, by the way out with
carry for the rest of the weekend on a quick
vacation trip. But no, we don't have cameras in your office.

But I know how a lot of you are listening
because the number one thing that people say to me,
and a lot of people said it at the Hillsdele
event last night. They come up and they say, you
say everything that I wish I could say, because you're
worried about keeping your job, You're worried about paying your mortgage.
You're concerned that if everybody knows what you actually think,

your life could be really impacted in a very negative way.
Which is why I think even though they've got a
rig jury pool, I actually think there's tons of Trump
people who don't want to be on that jury because
it would out you and it could cost you your job.

Speaker 1 (21:04):
Dave and Jackson, Michigan. What you got for us.

Speaker 5 (21:08):
Pleasure taking my thank you for taking my call.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
Yeah, thank you for listening.

Speaker 5 (21:12):
What you got the birthplace of the Republican Party. I'm
not absolutely afraid I've got a nineteen seventy six front
license plate. We don't require two plates on our cars here,
but I get a front United States flag license plate
by centennial addition, and on the back I probably displaying
my license plate issued from Lansing United States Marine Corps.

So I'm not afraid of that. But here's the question
I have for you, sir, what's going on with this
tainted not tainted? Well tainted for one thing. But you
know statute of limitations is a big deal. Yeah, everybody
can step in.

Speaker 1 (21:55):
Thank you for the call.

Speaker 2 (21:56):
First of all, I think if this juror, juror number
four who's been dis mass, if they are correct that
that juror had previously been arrested in the nineties, that
sounds like that juror lied to try to get seated
on this jury. I believe the jury should be prosecuted.
Juror members should be prosecuted. I said, I hope that
some of the Trump people get on the jury. People

are fired up about that early this week. I don't
want you to lie. I don't want you to commit
a crime to get on the jury. But if I
had the opportunity to get on that jury by answering questions. Legally,
I would do it in a heartbeat. But if we
find out, as appears to be the case, that a
left winger is trying to get on that jury because

he wants to throw Donald Trump in prison and he
declined to announce that he had been arrested, I think
that guy should be prosecuted for perjury. As I was
saying as we went to break last time, I don't
believe that you could you could have forgotten whether or
not you had ever been arrested. I just I don't
think that's a foreseeable reality for anyone out there. And

so I think he lied to try to get on
the jury because he knew if he admitted that he
had had an arrest for an election related issue in
the nineteen nineties, that would have gotten him struck.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
There's no way they to put him on. Andrew in Polo, Illinois.

Speaker 7 (23:15):
What you got for us, Andrew Clay, I'm a huge fan,
great to talk to you. First got to know you
from reading Dixie Land and Dixie Land to Light and
on Rocky.

Speaker 1 (23:23):
Top, so govaals.

Speaker 7 (23:25):
I got a what I would like to call a
highly likely hypothetical question for you Let's say all these
charges that they're trying to levy against Trump don't work,
he gets on the ballot, he wins the election. What
are they going to do. Are they going to try
invalid invalidate the election by pulling up some old statute
out of the spider webs, or do they JFK.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
Well, thanks for the call. I, like many of you,
am worried about Trump's personal safety on a regular basis.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
So I don't see how you could not.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Be terrified for how crazy there are people out there
on the left. So I hope that he is well protected.
I hope that the Secret Service agents do a great
job with him, and with Joe Biden, and with anybody
who's going to be in a prominent place in politics.
I don't want an RFK. I don't want an MLK.
I don't want a nineteen sixty eight situation. I don't
want a JFK situation. We've been very fortunate in avoiding

violent acts directed towards political leaders in this country for
a long time, and I hope that keeps going. On
the other part of the question, you asked, oh, I
think that all the people who told you that January sixth,
was an insurrection and argued that it was a unique
threat to American democracy. Will do everything they can to
avoid acknowledging the electoral votes. If Donald Trump is elected president,

they will protest, they will throw fits, they will have
rallies all over Washington, d C. I think that they
will have mass riots. Democrats will all over this country
if Trump wins. They used the one incident of misbehavior
from people on the right January sixth to treat it

as a unique outrage, despite the fact that BLM spent
months burning down cities all over the country. And remember
there was plywood everywhere in the windows all over America.
When election twenty twenty happened as an implicit threat that
riots would ensue if Trump were re elected, everyone knew
what was going on there. I expect the same sort

of reaction if Trump were to win in a little
over six months from now. Sheila in Racing, Wisconsin. Once
you got for is Sheila?

Speaker 8 (25:44):
Hi, Hi Clay, thanks for taking my.

Speaker 1 (25:46):
Call, Thanks for listening.

Speaker 8 (25:49):
Hey, listen, I want to zero win on this jury
selection and the board deer process specifically. I was just
listening to the breaking news about two jurors the dismissed,
and one was for going on social media. I was
on a jury back in nineteen eighty seven before social media,

and one of the things you do not do is
talk to anybody, including your spouse, about the trial. So
in today's era of social media, I can't believe how
anyone who is not sequestered could possibly follow that rule.
And I was talking with your screener and I said,

in order for him to get a fair trial, and
I'm gonna ask you this, Clay, I think that he
needs to go out of Manhattan into another county with
a change of venue. And if Trump's attorneys did introduce
a change of venue and the judge denied it, number one,
does that show an impartial judge? And number two, where

could Trump go for a fair trial? Since he is
so well known over the entire world world. I just
want to say one last comment is when you're on
a jury, for them to be asked the question do
you have an opinion one way or the other about
Donald Trump? If they said no, I can't believe that

because everybody has either a negative or a positive view
of Trump because he is so well known, and so
to say something like that is really not truthful. I'm
wondering what kind of jury purgery charges could be put
again to the one from Westchester County.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
Okay, great questions, several of them. Let me try to
take him in order. I believe Trump has requested a
change of venue already. It's already been rejected. They don't
want to give a change of venue because they know
they have a tremendous advantage. Eighty seven percent of the
voters in this jurisdiction voted against Trump and for Biden
in twenty twenty plus. They don't want to give up

their political power. Judge Marchand wants this case. It's the
greatest case of his judicial career. He thinks of himself
as a hero for sitting on this case. I would
bet Alvin Bragg sees this as the case that will
propel his political future, potentially to the governor's mansion in Aubany.
He's never going to give up an advantage. Crew can
check on this. But I believe that motion for a

jury to be moved has been rejected already. Where would
it be I talked a little bit about this. I
think you should go to a county that is fifty
to fifty because that's where America is. If you wanted
a true jury of Donald Trump's peers on this issue,
I threw out Miami Dade County. I think you could
take this case to Nassau County or Suffolk County out

on Long Island. I think you get a much more
honest version of the fifty to fifty nature of this country.
There are few places in America less representative of the
United States than Manhattan. That is not a jury of
Trump's peers. It's a rig job. That's why I said
you should be able to remove case is like these
to your home jurisdiction. Paul Beach County I think would

be fair. I don't know what the data is on
Palm Beach County in general. I think it's close to
fifty to fifty in Florida. That's where Trump lives now,
that's where mar Lago is. This case would never get
a conviction in Palm Beach County. I think the judge
probably would throw out this case. Honestly, I think this
case is going to get tossed eventually because I think
it's bogus in terms of the statute of limitations. The

fact that it's been elevated from a misdemeanor to a felony.
The fact that if you analyze this, the only way
it stands is based on a second crime that is
being added to potentially a federal crime to a state charge.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
It doesn't add up.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
It's not going to be legally sustainable, but it's not
going to be struck down. I don't think before November fifth,
when the election happens, they just want to be able
to say, see.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
Trump's a felon.

Speaker 2 (29:54):
And then the last question I think that we got
there was I think this is perjury. I don't believe
if this jur did not disclose the arrest, which has
been the report so far, so I'm reacting to the
reports from the media to be fair, If this jur
did not disclose his arrest in the nineteen nineties for
a political related charge in Westchester County outside of New

York City, I think that's clear perjury. She's right when
she said it's hard to find anybody. If anybody says
I don't have an opinion of Donald Trump, I think
that's a lie. But it's hard to prove that an
opinion is not true. Whether you've been arrested or not
is a fact, and if he didn't disclose that, in

my opinion, he lied in an effort to get on
the jury. We'll take some more of your calls. We
got loaded lines eight hundred and two two eight A two.
I am Klay Travis. We appreciate all of you hanging
out with us, and I want to tell you it
is Major League Baseball season.

Speaker 5 (30:52):
You know.

Speaker 2 (30:52):
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My name Cla Why top of the third hour. By

the way, we're going to continue to follow all of
the updates as we will for the next several weeks
on the Trump trial. But I actually saw a couple
of stories that I thought were super important. One of
those had to do with the crazy NPR check that
they have put in control there. But also the Google

company has fired twenty eight employees for protesting on the job.
I actually saw that as a super positive development. We'll
talk about that a little bit more as well in
the third hour as we continue to discuss the absolute
latest on the Trump trial. But I want to take
a couple more of your calls here, rob in let's see, wait, Steven,
South Carolina, what you got for.

Speaker 6 (32:52):
Us calling about your comments? About people more or less
hiding in the closet well listening to your program, or
trying to hide who they are for a fear of
being fullag at work. And I'm just calling to say,

I hope you don't condone that for the sound like
he did.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
And well, hold on me. Let me just ask you
a question, Steve, Where do you live.

Speaker 6 (33:23):
South Carolina?

Speaker 2 (33:24):
Yeah? When's the last time South Carolina elected a Democrat statewide?

Speaker 6 (33:30):
Oh? Care where I am? Bob? I am who I am?

Speaker 1 (33:34):
I get it. But Steve, thanks for the call. Let
me tell you something.

Speaker 2 (33:37):
It's easy to live in a red state and call
in and call people coward to live in blue states
or blue cities and have to worry about what their
politics might do to them. So if you don't live
in New York City, and if you don't live in
Los Angeles, and if you don't live in San Francisco,
and if you don't live in Seattle, you don't, frankly

have any clue what the pressure is on you.

Speaker 1 (34:07):
And I appreciate the fact.

Speaker 2 (34:08):
That people who want to be incredibly outspoken and aggressive
in what they believe.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
I am that.

Speaker 2 (34:17):
And I'm fortunate now to have a career where I
get paid to say exactly what I think every day.
But I also understand that I am speaking for lots
of people that don't have that luxury, and it would
be incredibly arrogant and condescending of me and my opinion
for me to tell you, Hey, if you live in

New York City and you've got a job that's allowing
you to pay your mortgage and put your kids in college,
but you have to go to DEI seminars in order
to keep your job, you should stand up and call
out their bs in front of the whole company.

Speaker 1 (34:59):
Do you know what probably would happen.

Speaker 2 (35:01):
You would get fired, and you might feel better because
you got that off your chest. But feeling better doesn't
pay the mortgage and it doesn't pay your kids tuition. So,
with all due respect you calling in and saying those
people are cowards, I'll say exactly what I think. When

you live in South friggin Carolina and there hasn't been
a Democrat elected in your state in forty years, the
pressure is a little bit different on you than it
would be if you live in New York City or Seattle,
or Chicago or San Francisco. A lot of you don't

feel that you have the ability to say what you
really think and.

Speaker 1 (35:47):
Keep your jobs. I think that's wrong.

Speaker 2 (35:50):
But I respect a lot of you out there who
are willing behind the scenes to fight battles that you
can't fight publicly. So no, I'm not going to call
those people out. The people I will call out are billionaires.
If you are rich and nobody can do anything to you,
and you are a coward, I think you deserve criticism.

Speaker 1 (36:10):
If you've got.

Speaker 2 (36:10):
Twenty million dollars and you won't say what you think.
If you've got one hundred million dollars and you won't
say what you think, I think you're a coward. If
you're fighting your ass off to pay your mortgage and
keep the job that you already have to take care
of your family and you don't feel like you can
speak out and say the truth. Guess what we're here
for you. I know what that feels like. I have

been in that position, and I'm never going to forget it,
and I'm never going to apologize or call out people
who are trying to fight those battles.

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