All Episodes

April 19, 2024 58 mins

What Happened to Speaker Mike Johnson?

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • What changed with Speaker Johnson?

  • Biden is….unwell

  • Mayorkas impeachment dismissed without trial

  •  Dem media in panic mode!

  • More trans violence


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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Warning. You're about to enter the arena and.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Join the Battle to save America with your host Sean Parnell.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
What is a battle crew? What is up America? It's
a great day to be an American, and from sea
to Shining Sea and everybody in between, welcome patriots. We
have so much to talk about. We are in day
two of Fort Parnell, undergoing cyber attacks and an attempt

to try to take the show offline. So just a
note to all our patriots out there. We are working
this issue. If we go down, I'll reboot the system
and get right back up. The show has to go on,
and I want to allow myself to be silent, so
we run into issues. You know the score. I'll be
back as soon as I can if I can't, but

changed with Speaker Johnson, we're gonna get into that and
I'm gonna try to break it down for you. Something's
going on and you need to know about it. Biden,
as we all know, is unwell. Every video that I've
seen of him looks like Weekend at Bernie's three. He's
in Pennsylvania, my home state. I gotta talk about this
because there's so many sound bites out there of Biden

bumbling and stumbling around in Pennsylvania. It's just too much
to ignore. The MAJORCIS impeachment was dismissed without a trial.
We're going to get into that, and massive Democrat hypocrisy there.
Obviously they impeached Trump for far well for nothing, but
the dem media is in panic mode and more trans violence.

I mean, so much to talk about. We'll get to
that and so much more tonight. Let's jump off the
top rope and right into the fight. What's going on
with Speaker Johnson. DC's a crazy place. I spent a
lot of time down there, even before I ran for office.

I spent a lot of time down there. I helped
write the Mission Act, which which gave veterans choice in
our healthcare. I know what it means to push bills
that matter through the House and the Senate. I know
what it means to have those debates. Bernie Sanders was
the main opposition to give in veterans choice with regards

to where they get their health care. And by the way,
this bill actually, I mean, we started pushing it in
twenty fourteen, twenty fifteen. It wasn't signed into law until
President Trump took office. Well after. I think it was
twenty eighteen that he signed that bill into law, so
it took a very long time. But DC is, it's

a tough spot. It's a tough place, and the uniparty
is real, and you have to navigate a ton of
egos in order to get the ball across the goal line, say,
for example, getting a bill passed. You also have to
navigate and deal with a lot and I do mean
a lot of powerful people. And some of those people

hold the keys to quite literally what you want to do.
And many of the people that I'm talking about these
are like staffers, lobbyists, corporate lobbyists. These people are sometimes
not the best people in the world, sometimes don't come
chalk ful with a lot of leadership experience. Many of

them have the personality of the worst tsa agent that
you've ever had an experience with. So you know, a
lot of power in the hands of somebody who maybe
doesn't deserve it. That's how DC is. There are lots
of good people down there too. Again I say this often.
I'm not trying to paint with broad strokes. That leads

me to Speaker Johnson. Speaker Johnson right now is a
far better speaker for the Democrats than he is for Republicans.
There's no question about that, folks. He is dotting all
the eyes and crossing all the t's of the Democrat
policy agenda in Washington. I'm here to tell you, and

I am no fan. I'm not defending Kevin McCarthy, but
this stuff that's happening with Speaker Johnson would never have
happened under Speaker McCarthy. Savage Rich and I talked about
this yesterday. Kevin McCarthy was afraid of the base, and
he cared what the base thought. Even though he acknowledged fully, Hey,
I'm not a conservative. I'm a California conservative. I'm nowhere

near in line with the base and a lot of things,
but at least he cared enough to act Mike Johnson.
The issue that we're having with Mike Johnson is that
he's got conservative bona fides. He was a great member
of Congress before he became speaker. When we talked about
the whole speaker fiasco, I told you, hey, I would

have preferred Jim Jordan. Well, actually, I would have preferred
that Republicans had a plan in the first place. After
deposing McCarthy. But if hey, things happened, I wanted Jordan.
It didn't work. We got Mike Johnson. I thought, Okay,
this is good. He's a conservative with a rock solid

voting record, a strict constitutionalist. That's not what we're getting
right now. Something is going on, folks. I want you
to listen to Speaker Johnson in a press conference yesterday.
The man that you were hearing in this press conference

is not the man that has held elected office and
represented his constituents, was that rock solid constitutional conservative for many,
many years. The man that you will hear in this
video is a different person from a political policy standpoint.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
Listen, we have to stand for freedom, and we have
to be the beacon of light, and we have to
show strength because the perception of a strong America is
good for the entire world. It's good not just for
the security and safety of Americans, but for the security
and safety of free people all around the globe. The
only thing that has kept terrorist in tyrants at bay
is the perception of a strong America that we would

stand strong and we will. And I think the Congress
is going to show that. This is a very important
message We're going to send to the world this week,
and I'm anxious to get it done and I'm glad
to get there.

Speaker 3 (06:35):
You questions, why are you willing to risk losing your
job over this Ukraine finding.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Listen, my philosophy is you do the right thing and
you let the chips fall where they may. I don't
if I operated out of fear over emotion to vacate,
I would never be able to do my job. Look,
history judges us for what we do. This is a
critical time right now, critical time in the world states.
I could make a you know, I could make a
selfish decision and do something that's different. But I'm doing

here what I believe to be the right thing. I
think providing lethal a to Ukraine right now is critically important.
I really do. I really do believe the intel and
the briefings that we've gotten that I believe g In,
Vladimir Putin and Iran really are an access of evil.
I think they're in coordination on this. I think that
Vladimir Putin would continue to march through Europe if he

were allowed. I think he might go to the Balkans next.
I think he might have a showdown with Polander, one
of our NATO allies. To put it bluntly, I would
rather send bullets to Ukraine than American boys. My son
is going to begin in the Naval Academy this fall.
This is a live fire exercise for me. Is it
is so many American families. This is not a game,
it's not a joke. We can't play politics of this.

We have to do the right thing. And I'm going
to allow an opportunity for every single member of the
House to vote their conscience and their will on this.
And I think that's the way this institution is supposed
to work. And I'm willing to take personal risk for
that because we have to do the right thing. In
historial judges.

Speaker 1 (08:05):
A couple things, Speaker Johnson, sending billions of dollars of
aid in equipment so that the Ukrainians can prolong this
war and what will only end in a stalemate, a
bloody one at that. Ukrainians have lost tens of thousands
of people in entire generation, which is why they're now
recruiting between ages eighteen and sixty. Okay, the only thing

that happens as we continue to send them our tax
dollars is the only end state could be a protracted stalemate.
I've told you all from day one, from the first
time I ever filled in for Wendy Bell on the radio,
that the only end state here is a protracted stalemate.

And the longer that that stalemate drags on, the more
likely it becomes that america sons and daughters find them,
so keeping the peace on the battlefield that is wholly unacceptable. So,
Speaker Johnson, my message to you is that if you
have a son in the Naval Academy, your position as
it stands today makes it more likely for him to

be deployed in support of combat operations in defense of
Ukraine's border, rather than less likely. I agree that America
needs to be a beacon of freedom the world over,
but I disagree completely with the strategy. I mean, my god,
this is a man that refused, and I mean refused

to even talk about aid to Ukraine, aid to Israel,
or anything else until our southern border was secured. That
was it. That was our ultimate leverage as Republicans, that
was our negotiating point. And to get rid of that,
I mean, oh, listen, I understand that legislating, especially as speaker,

especially with a razor thin margin in the US House
of Representatives is going to require concessions. I also recognize
that not everybody in the House is as conservative as me,
but my god, you're giving away the only leverage that
you have. You're giving away aid to Ukraine and Israel
and every Democrat priority out there while allowing the invasion

in our southern border to happen. Look, I don't support
aid to Ukraine. I would stop it in a second
if I could wave a magic wand and get it done.
But if Johnson was able to pass HR two, which
locked down our southern border, which stopped this invasion, therefore
stopping the flow of fentanyl into our country, stopping Americans dying,

in children being raped here in America, American citizens, eighty
five thousand children missing in our southern border. If I
could stop all that by passing HR two and coming
to the table and to go shit extending you know,
twenty thirty billion dollars of military aid to Ukraine, fine,
I would be willing to make that compromise, even though

I don't support it. But the only way that compromise
should happen is by actually negotiating something that is critically important,
not just to the Republican Party. But to our country.
If what's happening on our southern border continues to happen,
unabated and unchecked, I promise you all that we will
not have a country anymore. We won't. It's done. The

American dream is done and over for all of us.
We're the only country on the face of the planet
that allows this insanity to happen, and it simply has
to stop. And by giving up any leverage that you
had on securing the border, by giving the Democrats everything
that you want, you're basically screwing over not just our base,

not just Republicans, not just the people who put you
in office. You're you're condemning this country to the death
spiral that it's already in the grips of and Speaker Johnson,
you said you trust the intel. What intel was that
that you trust? Is it the intel that Russia is

losing the war? Because you hear that all the time
Russia's lost tens of thousands of troops, men, weapons, and equipment.
While simultaneously, neo conservative Republicans and members of our intel
community say that Putin's poised a rampage across the West,
the rest of Europe? Which is it? Is he ready
to rampage across the Western the rest of Europe? Or

is he battered and broken? Or what? What's the other
intel that you you agree with? Is it Hunter Biden's laptop?
Is Russian disinformation? Is it?

Speaker 4 (12:46):
Is it?

Speaker 1 (12:46):
How about? Is it? Is it? How about? Trump is
colluding with Russia? And because of that, we've got a
spy on Americans without a warrant to stop Russia?

Speaker 5 (12:53):
Is that?

Speaker 1 (12:54):
Is that one of them? As well? What exactly is
the intel that you think is so compelling that you
need to pass billions of dollars of aid for Ukraine
and then Israel and then fives as seven h two
while not doing a damn thing to secure our border.
Something else is happening here because Mike Johnson never and

I mean never held these positions before. So I think
it's completely fair to ask why the flip? And it's
oh why I believe the intel? Note you had access
to this intelligence before you were Speaker of the House,
You had a security clearance. Why the flip? This was

Johnson just a couple of months ago. Listen to the difference.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
I'm telling all of you, and we've told the American people,
border border, border.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
We have to.

Speaker 2 (13:52):
Affect the real policy change at the border, and that
is a necessary condition to anything we do going forward.
We have to take care of our bod first. That's
what the American people demands. Every state in America is
now a border state, border, border border. How can we
be engaged in securing the border of foreign countries if
we can't secure our owns.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
We know the.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
Urgency in Ukraine. Who are going to stand for freedom
and make sure that Vladimir Putin doesn't march through Europe's
pastime to secure the border. Listen, this is a catastrophe
down here. The battle is for the border. President Biden
wants a supplemental spending build. It'd better begin by defending
America's national security. Okay, these are dangerous people who are
coming into the country, over three hundred known terrorists. How

can we be engaged in securing the border of foreign
countries if we can't secure our knowledge?

Speaker 1 (14:42):
Amen? I agree with all that. And by the way,
quick sidebar adding the curb your enthusiasm music to politicians
flip flopping. Really it's a great way to mock people.
So whoever puts that video together, kudos. To you. My
point here in showing you that was that something is happening.

You don't just flip issues of what are clear principle.
You heard Mike Johnson yourself right there as Speaker of
the House saying nothing gets done without securing our border.
You even heard him say border border from the podium.
Mike Johnson was crystal clear for months, no Ukraine bill

without a bill that secures our southern border as well.
And then on February twenty eighth, something happened. Do you
know what that was? It was a meeting at the
White House, and then something changed. His positions on everything

completely changed. So I went from someone who who was
hopeful that we finally had a conservative speaker with a great,
solid conservative voting record, absolutely despising Mike Johnson. And again
nothing but strong like positive reports from people that know

this guy is a very nice guy. But I've a
very short amount of time, I've lost a lot of
respect for him. But getting back to why why the change?
We can roll out the fact that it's just what

he believes, right, just played you sound of him advocating
for what he believes border border border. We can roll
that out, right. So something else is at play? What
made him change? Stumbled across this video today from our
friend Western Lensman on Twitter or slash x. I don't

want you to listen to it with.

Speaker 6 (17:04):
The attitude, we don't want to know what they're doing.
Don't tell us what they're doing. There were all kinds
of terrible abuses going on, and that's also because the
press did not reveal these things. The understanding was, you know,
the government knows what they're doing. We don't question anything.
And you know, the FBI under Jaegar Hoover was engaging
in massive abuses, blackmailing members of Congress, illegal wire tapping,

political surveillance for political reasons. I exposed some of them
myself in the Washington Post, namely Hoover keeping files and
members of Congress for black mail purposes, and member on
presidents for black male purposes. JFK Lyndon, Johnson Nixon. They
were all afraid to fire Hoover because I knew that

he had blackmail material on them.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
I promise you that that's still happening. I promise you
that that is still happening. What happened to JFK? He
opposed the war in Vietnam I think in the same
year he was assassinated. What happened to Richard Nixon? Watergate?
Now it's indisputable now that the CIA knew about it

had a role in Watergate. Nixon was a person who
campaigned on despising and despising the deep state, on dismantling
the deep state. What happened to him? But Trump Trump
despises the deep state. You remember Chuck Schumer, right of
you cross the intelligence community. They have six ways from

Sunday and getting back to you. Right. So they took
out Trump in the best way that they knew how
they rigged an election here in America because they did
The CIA does this everywhere. I'm not saying that the CIA,

and I'm saying that they absolutely had a hand in
what and how twenty twenty played out, and they use
the election process to take off Trump. Of that, I
have no doubt. I have absolutely, positively no doubt. It's
how the game is played. The most recent example of

the FBI being involved in the political process and keeping
files on members of Congress is Madison Cawthorn. Do you
all remember what happened to Madison Cawthorn? Do you.

Speaker 3 (19:35):

Speaker 1 (19:35):
I know Madison. We ran for Congress in twenty twenty.
I met him at an event with Ted Cruz I
can't remember. He had a fundraiser for what would be
young future members of Congress and helped us raise money.
I met him, real nice kid. I say kid, because
he's a lot younger than me. He went on, he

gets elected, goes on a and he basically says, Oh
my god, this place is not what I expected. There
are these crazy parties with orgies and drugs. Democrats Republicans

both go to them. People were snorting cocaine. These are wild,
crazy sex parties. This is crazy. Madison Cawthorne was ridiculed
for saying all of that, and a couple of days later,
I mean there was a avalanche, an avalanche of negative

press on this kid, and I mean vicious, vicious negative press.
I mean making fun of the fact that he was paralyzed,
leaking text messages from ex girlfriends about saying about how
they felt about their sex life. I remember talking about
this with my wife, Commander Melanie, and saying like, this

is horrific. This is horrible what our intelligence community does
when someone cannot be controlled and Madison Cawthorne was one
of those people. I love him or hate him, I
don't know how any of you all feel about him.
But he was an America first guy. He was a
young kid, right. But they take a kernel of truth

and they weave a web of lies around all of it,
and they put it out there to their sources at
the Washington Post, the New York Times already willing enable
media to spread these lies. And it's just they just
character assassinate people. It's one hundred percent what they did
to Madison Cawthorne, one hundred percent. And because of that,

Madison Cawthorne lost and he's no longer in Washington anymore.
His reputation, I don't want to say his reputation is destroyed,
but it took a hit, right, How could it not?
But I promise you that this is how the intelligence
community operates. I promise you that they are still gathering

files on members of Congress from Washington. They've been doing
this since j Edgar Hoover and it has not stopped.
So why the switch, Speaker Johnson, you meet with Joe
Biden at the White House, all of a sudden you
change your tune the debate over FIZA rages on Capitol Hill.

You were opposed to a FISA renewal, and then all
of a sudden you backed it. What's going on, folks.
I don't have an answer to that question, but I'm
here to tell you that it is a fair question,
and we are going to stay on this this much.
I guarantee. Okay, Battle Crew, looks like we're about halfway

through the show. Take a couple seconds to like and Rumble.
Smash that little green thumb beneath the video. Every single like,
every time you smash that like button, it draws us
closer to the Rumble leaderboard. Rumble weighs this stuff very heavily,
So smash that like button for me. It's free for you,
and it helps me a lot. Okay, Okay, enough of that.

Joe Biden, so he was in Scranton the other day,
apparently his hometown, right, his hometown, even though he's been
a senator from Delaware for almost all his life. The
guy draws three hundred people. No, no, no, no, no,
definitely not three hundred people. I don't know why I
had that number in my head. He drew less than
one hundred people. I think I was thinking three hundred

because he's supposed to go to you know, Scranton, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh.
He was in Pittsburgh yesterday and he's drawing like less
than one hundred people per stop. And I think I
had it in my head, like why he'd be lucky
to get three hundred people at three separate locations in Pennsylvania.
But Biden is out there, folks, and he is just

completely lost. I mean, it's like weekend at Bernie's three.
Every single time they walk this animated corpse out there
in public. First of all, it doesn't even look like
he's alive. He could be. I swear to god, you
could put that guy in an episode of AMC's The
Walking Dad, have him shuffle around the city, and you

wouldn't be able to tell the zombies from him. He'd
fit right in. Even the zombies probably wouldn't know. I
swear to god, it's absolutely unbelievable. So Biden's out there
talking on the campaign trail. I mean he's not even
actually talking. He's just kind of whispering. Yeah, he even

growls like a zombie. He's out there talking about this
insane lie about his uncle being shot down in World
War two and eaten by cannibals. It's absolutely insane. Listen
to this insanity.

Speaker 7 (25:18):
Back and when D Day occurred, and on Sunday the
next day, my mother's four brothers all went down to
the recruiting station and joined the military, every one of
them volunteers. And my uncle they called him Ambrose Brosie,
they called him Bozi, my uncle Bosey. It's a hell

an athlete, they tell me. When he was a kid,
and he became an Army Air Corps before the Air
Force came home. He flew those single engine planes as
reconnaissance over war zones. He got shot down in New
Guinea and they never found the body because there used
to be or a lot of cannibals for real in

that part of New Guinea. And then my son volunteered
to go to Iraq for year and he came back
with stage four glioblastoma. And they and they gave, like
many of you risked your lives, and you know people
who gave their lives in the country for heroes. But
one of the things that I that I was doing

that today, I was reminded of what my opponent said
in Paris not long ago. They asked him to go
visit American gravesites. He said, no, he wouldn't do it.
Is they were all suckers and losers. Oh, I'm not
making that up. Staff was living to acknowledge it today.

Suckers are losers and don't deserves to've been the commander
in chief of my son.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
How is this guy our president? There's no way he won.
There is no way that animated corpse got eighty one
million votes. I don't give a damn about the gas
lighting media. I don't care what they say about me.
You can say whatever the hell you want. There is
no way that that buffoon got eighty one million legitimate votes.

There's no way. And so what's so fascinating about all this?
And we'll get to the insanity of what he said
here in a second. But the Democrats find themselves in
the interesting position, or not so enviable position of every
time they shuffle this animated corpse out there, people see
him for who he really is, and they think, what
the hell did I pull the lever for this guy?

This guy barely knows where the hell he is. Maybe
he even pooped his pants right now. I don't know
who the hell knows. I'm telling you the guy pooped
his pants in front of the Pope, I swear to God.
But when Biden says, I'm not making it on, that's
how you know he's lying. I know very well the
members of President Trump's staff who worked with him in

the Oval office. People used to call me all the
time and say, oh my gosh, like the press makes
fun of the deep state, The deep state's absolutely real.
They work overtime to stifleed President Trump's agenda. But they
were with him. This never happened. And what's crazy if
you go read about this event and like the Associated Press,
they won't mention that, oh, Biden attacked Trump for calling

our troops losers and suckers, barely even barely a passing reference,
that not everybody believes that that was true. In fact,
like you would think, I mean god, when they refer
to Republicans the Associated Press talking about, say the election,
they just straight up say Trump's lying about the election

because his meritless claims of voter fraud. There's no widespread
proof of voter fraud. They're unequivocal. But with Biden, man,
boy do they fly cover for this guy. Now to
the core of the story, that Biden's uncle in World
War Two was shot down in Eaton like cannibals. It
is complete.

Speaker 4 (29:03):
It is a doesn't surprise you, I'm sure, but it's
a complete and total lie.

Speaker 1 (29:10):
It never ever happened. And what's even crazier about all
of this is that KJP diversity higher extraordinary. The worst
White House Press secretary in the history of press secretaries
was asked about this on Air Force One, and listen
to what she said, questions, Okay.

Speaker 2 (29:31):
We just see the cannibal tab in your book.

Speaker 1 (29:35):
There's no cannibal tab. What are you talking about?

Speaker 3 (29:39):
Is that what you is that what you're asking me about?

Speaker 1 (29:41):
Can you fis?

Speaker 5 (29:42):

Speaker 3 (29:43):
Okay, Look, I'll just and I think we shared this
with some of you, so I'm just gonna kind of repeat.
Look that you saw the president. He was incredibly proud
of his uncle's service in uniform. You saw him at
the war memorial. It was incredibly emotional and important to him.
You saw him respond to all of you when asked
about the mo moment yesterday and his uncle who lost
his life when the military aircraft he was on crash

in the Pacific after taking off near in New Guinea.
The President highlighted his uncle's story as he made the
case for honoring our sacred commitment to equip those we
send to war and to take care of them and
their families when they come home, and as he reiterated
that the last thing American veterans are our suckers or losers,
and he wanted to make that clear.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
He wanted to make sure story.

Speaker 3 (30:28):
I mean, look, I don't have anything beyond about what
I just laid out, but it was a really proud
moment for him. It was incredibly emotional. I think some
of your colleagues, as you know, Zeke, were there and
they got to witness the president pray at the war memorial,
look for his uncle's name, honor him. And I think
we can't forget that moment, and we cannot also forget

what it means to be a commander in chief, what
it means to lift up our service members, what it
means to make sure that we respect their suits. Made
that contracty clear as to what we saw from the
former former president, the story, it's sorry, guys, thank you.

Speaker 1 (31:10):
So so I just want to be clear about something.
The Democrats. Let's just assume that Biden's story was true.
It wasn't. It's a complete lie, verifiably false. The media,
to their credit, was asking like, well, what about the story,
Like what your what's your comment on the actual story

that the whether or not it was true. She didn't
address that, but KJP literally said that Joe Biden, his
uncle being shot down in World War two and potentially
being eaten by cannibals was a very proud moment for him.
What the hell is going on right now? How is

this that? It's like, are we living in the matrix?

Speaker 8 (31:56):
Is this?

Speaker 1 (31:57):
Is this simulation even real? Like how is this man
even president? Like how is it that someone who's supposed
to be the best communicator in the country, there's not
even any cameras ruling, it's just audio where she says
it was a really proud moment for her for the
president when his uncle got shocked out in World War two,

it was eaten by cannibals, even though none of it
even happened, And so Biden was asked, there were so
many instances like this, I don't even know what to say.
He was asked about what was happening with Israel and
Amas and now, really listen, what's going on between Israel
and Amas is immensely complicated geopolitically. It's a conflict that's
been going on for for not just hundreds of years,

but thousands of years. It's so you know, give people
grace when they talk about it. It's it's a very
complicated situation. But Joe Biden. Listen, listen to Joe Biden
was he's talking about Israel Hamas and how he what
he's demanding of Israel.

Speaker 9 (33:00):
And I made it clear to Israelis don't move on Haipha.
It's just not I mean anyway, I just look what
we did recently when Israel was attacked.

Speaker 1 (33:17):
Haifa is a city in Israel. Biden is telling Israel
not to attack a city of their own. This man
is within an arms reach of the nuclear coat. Democrats,
you can't believe that this is okay, this is crazy.

I mean, okay, how about this. This all happened recently,
I mean seriously, like all of this sound that you're
hearing happened recently. Listen to Biden from the podium here
talking about freedom and democracy and whatever.

Speaker 9 (33:54):
Listen, are you ready to choose freedom over democracy? Because
that's America?

Speaker 1 (34:01):
Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy? So, first
of all, what the hell was that? Second of all,
what the hell was the guy in the audience? Yes, like.

Speaker 10 (34:14):
You know.

Speaker 1 (34:16):
The side note here, This is quick side note. His
vote cancels out my vote? What the hell? Are you
ready to choose freedom over democracy?

Speaker 3 (34:27):

Speaker 1 (34:29):
What is happening here again is the simulation that we
live in even real. Okay, so how about this one.
So I'm going to add I'm going to add this
to the screen so you can you can watch it
and we'll talk through it as it's happening. But Biden
came to my hometown of Western Pennsylvania and went to
his Sheets in Sheets, which is a gas station like

wah wah in western Pennsylvania, and strolls into this place.
And he strolls into this place, HM to like the
most lackluster crowd you've ever seen in your life. So
let me just look put it here. Here he is,
he's inside from glasses all three, talking to three people.

Speaker 11 (35:17):
I'm scrambling over to him. A couple of weirdos. It's
off here, you're thick.

Speaker 1 (35:28):
People of count They'll have to class.

Speaker 12 (35:33):
Annoying like, no no enthusiasm. A couple of people smile
and the wine and people the puffet still have to slas.

Speaker 1 (35:50):
He's inside, Like, dude, take your sunglasses off, bro, I mean,
honest to god, it's almost like they put sunglasses on
this guy just to guard from people the fact that
like maybe he's not really alive. Maybe this really is
weekend at Bernie's three. I mean, honestly, this is this

is this is insane. And by the way, he tells
the photographer who's with him while he's in western Pennsylvania,
I think gas is like anywhere, like depending upon where
you get gas in Pa, it's like anywhere between three
dollars and eighty eight cents and four dollars a gallon.
So gas is going up through the roof. He tells
the White House photographer and photographer shoes with him, don't

put the picture of the gas prices in a picture
with him. It's it's crazy. It's crazy. And we don't
live in a country where the media is really gives
a damn. I mean, honestly, they've got we've got an
animated corps as president. The media doesn't care because he's
a Democrat and that's what they want. But this, so

this one's gonna be like a news clip. This is
a news clip that I found on on X So
for those who are listening, what you're going to what
I'm going to be showing people is a news segment
that really didn't wasn't on national media at all. But
it's like it's Biden acting like a creepy old dude

cressing a young girl's face. I mean, seriously, this is insane. Look, folks, see,
Look that is a stranger's daughter. Who does that? Does
that not just make your skin crawl? But this man
is our president of the United States somehow. Yeah, he

poops his pants in front of world leaders. Yeah, he
doesn't know where he is half the time. Yeah, he
wears sunglasses inside because I don't think, I mean, there's
a chance that he's he's not even alive. I don't know,
I don't know. I just, honestly, folks, I did that
entire segment just because I cannot believe. There's no way
in hell this man go eighty one million votes, No

way in hell, and every every single stop that he
goes to is one absurd, cringeworthy gap after the next,
I mean, honestly, And then you juxtapose that to Trump
just being a rock star everywhere he goes, including in
heavily Democrat areas. It's just no, there's no way that

Biden won. There's no way. Okay, So the US House
of Representatives impeached Alejandro Mayorcus and sent the articles of
the impeach articles of impeachment over to the Senate last week.
It took Chuck Schumer and the Democrats what is it, Thursday,
all of a couple of days to dismiss all charges

without a trial. Never happened in American history before. And
Senator Schumer came out with a one sentenced statement on
x formerly known as Twitter, and that is impeachment should
never be used to settle pola disagreements. I'm sorry, just

excuse me, mister Majority Leader Chucky Schumer. It's not a
policy difference to allow this country to be invaded by
tens of millions of illegal alien invaders who are coming
here and killing American citizens and raping small children and
committing crime, and sanctuary cities and destroying our country. Buying

large like this is not a mere policy difference, right,
Although the Democrats would have you believe that the number
of eighty five thousand missing children, and yes, I'm going
to keep talking about this on the show because the
vast majority of people in this country don't talk about
it at all. I'm serious, How is this not headline
news every day in America? Eighty five thousand and that

number is probably a lot higher now, but eighty five
thousand children have gone missing at our southern border, either
sold into slavery or into slavery period. This slave trade
in America is worse today than it was at the
height of this that it was just prior to the
Civil War. It's just auctions just aren't happening in public.

They're just happening on the dark web. And nobody seems
to give a damn least of the people who care
the least or the Democrats in the Senate. Mayorcus was
the third executive branch Democrat to be impeached in US history.
Democrat senators to vote for any conviction ever, zero the

same cannot be The same cannot be said for Republicans.
Of course. Republicans are the biggest spineless losers in the
history of the world. They crossed the Iowa and vote
with Democrats all the time. But Majorcas was forced to
answer some question in front of Republican senators today and

listen to this, Just listen to the oddacity of this
man as he's questioned by Republican senators.

Speaker 5 (41:03):
You reversed all those successful policies and you opened up
the border, and you've created this catastrophe.

Speaker 1 (41:10):
And it is a catastrophe.

Speaker 5 (41:12):
You know, six million people, more than six million people.
Thirty one states have a population less than the number
of people you've let in, you know, flooding these sanctuary cities.
So I've got a very simple question, why did you
do it?

Speaker 13 (41:27):

Speaker 5 (41:27):
Why why did you reverse those policies? Why did you
open up the border? Why did you create this catastrophe?

Speaker 13 (41:33):
Senator, I respectfully disagree with the premise of your question.
We did not open up the border, Senator. We enforced
the law.

Speaker 1 (41:49):
The Democrats rolled back ninety three made ninety three executive decisions.
Joe Biden, along with Alejandro Majorcas, rolled back ninety three
Trump orders on the border. They opened up the border,
and they asked people to come here. I honestly that

man should not be anywhere near government. This is what
communists do. And yes, these are communists. These are not
Democrats of old. They are brazenly telling you the opposite
of what the truth is. Remember what I told you.
They don't just lie. All politicians lie, Democrats, Republicans, everybody

in the middle. All politicians lie, All politicians twist the truth.
But what the Democrats do is more sinister. They gaslight you,
They try to convince you that your reality isn't true.
They tell the opposite of the truth. Everything they stand
for is anti truth. We secured the border. I reject

the premise of your question. Democrats and the Senator are
basically saying, high level Democrat members of office, members of
the president's cabinet, don't have to follow federal law, because
that's it's what's at stake here, our southern border. People
who come into this country illegally violate US immigration law.

It's a federal crime. It's against the law for that
to happen. Any member of our government that takes an
oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United
States against all enemies born in domestic bear true faith
and allegiance to the same. If this is not a
policy difference, to just allow the law of the land
to be violated, that's exactly what's happening here. And Biden's

basically saying, Hey, my people don't have to obey the law.
So my question is, why the hell should any of us.
I mean, at some point, that's what's going to happen, folks.
I'm concerned about what's happening at our southern border for
a million different reasons. But even beyond that, years from now,

trust between government and we the people is going to
a road because the social contract between government and we
the people that our founders once talked about, Yes, it's
necessary to sacrifice some of our liberties in exchange for
the government protecting us and providing for the national defense.
But the government is not doing that anymore. Therefore they

have violated that contract. We are not being protected anymore.
Americans are dying. At some point, its entire system is
going to collapse because we the people aren't going to
stand for it anymore. No, I'm not advocating for violence.
I've seen violence. I've been in the middle of war.

It's hell, it's horrible. I hope we never get to
that point. I'm simply saying that nations that allow this
to happen do not long endure. Because people in this
country crave Democrat or Republican We crave accountability, we desire it.
And when are elites, Democrats and Republicans are not held accountable,

it pisses people off. And that can only go on
for so long. And not only does it piss people off,
they could do whatever the hell they want. But by god,
if we make a mistake, if we're laying on our taxes,
if we do something wrong, we're going to jail. If
it's me or you assaulting police officers, which of course

it never would be, But assaulting police officers in New
York City, you think you'd be let out of jail
with no bail. Of course not, of course not so
Josh Holly and Majorcis got into it. And i'll tell
you what, Brock Star Wendy Bell's producer, Brock, who I love.
He's just an extraordinary producer. By the way. He loves

Josh Holly. I like Holly as well. He was the
first US Senator to endorse me when I was running
for US Senate here in Pennsylvania in twenty two. But
Holly and Mayorcis got into it. And it's a minute
in fifty four seconds, but you got to hear it
all because Holly goes after him over Lake and Riley
and exposes that essentially Mayorcis is brazenly lying under oath.

So again, how he's how these people are allowed to
get away with it is beyond me, but this is
worth your time. Listen.

Speaker 8 (46:20):
Expunged. Nothing is done to this guy. He had a
criminal record to start with. He's in the country on
the illegal grounds. You have falsely, illegally allowed him in.
He commits a crime against a child, He's not prosecuted.
It's expunged.

Speaker 1 (46:32):
In November. Get this.

Speaker 8 (46:34):
In November it Borrow files an application for employment authorization
and unbelievably, on December the ninth, twenty twenty three, it's approved.
So this is your policies in action, mister secretary. A
criminal is permitted into this country on grounds flatly not permitted,
flatly contradictory to the statute. He commits a crime against

the child, and then he gets a work permit. He
gets a work permit. You want to know why all
of the jobs and the the last two or three
years have gone to illegal migrants. Working people in this
country can't get a job, their unemployment rates high? Why
because of things like this? And then what's he did?

Speaker 4 (47:09):

Speaker 8 (47:09):
We all know that in February he commits the heinous
crime against Lakenriley. Is this a record that you are
proud of?

Speaker 13 (47:19):
A Senator? You've mistated some facts.

Speaker 8 (47:23):
I have read from the parole file, which you have
said you don't recall, don't have you mis cited. I'm
reading from it. It is right here, and I've just
pursued it to the speech and debate clause. I have
just read it into the record. And the reason is
you have lied repeatedly to Congress and to the American

people about this. They deserve to know and the only
way they're going to know is if I tell them.
I've just told them it's in.

Speaker 1 (47:50):
The record now.

Speaker 8 (47:51):
I've read it verbatim from the parolefile, verbatim. I just
want to know why did you change your story so often?
Why didn't you just answer honestly the Congressman Bishop and
Senator Brett.

Speaker 13 (48:02):
Senator I am. I am confident that justice will be
vindicated in the criminal prosecution of the case.

Speaker 8 (48:09):
Well, hopefully he'll get more of a trial than you
got otherwise.

Speaker 1 (48:13):
Boom, Mike drop from Josh Holly. Let me tell you something, folks,
this is like some little insider baseball here when I
was running for Senate, meeting with different senators and lobbyists,
and you got to do this stuff. When you're running,
You've got to build alliances and hope that those alliances
help you. In a state like Pennsylvania, it's critically important.

You've got to have everybody, right, it's a swing state.
You got to have everybody, including independents and Democrats.

Speaker 4 (48:38):

Speaker 1 (48:40):
Almost universally. When I was running and meeting with people
in Washington, even people that were very, very nice but
almost to a te tell you do not be like
Josh Holly. Kind of surprising, right, because I guarantee you
if I come over here to the live chat and
look at what you all are saying, you're saying, Holly, Oh,

look at this rob dog. Holly would be a great speaker.
But republic Republicans and Democrats don't want a strong speaker. Yeah,
if Holly was in the House of Representatives, he would
be a great speaker. He's a Republican that can't be controlled.
He's a Republican that actually fights. But isn't it interesting,
as I sit and talk to you about all of this,

that that was the position of almost everybody lobbyist and
Republicans that were in the Senate don't be like Josh Holly.
Josh Holly is not a team player, but you all
love him. I bet, I bet you love that exchange. Right,
So it's more proof that Republicans don't really care about
the base. Republicans don't really care about we, the people

who put him in office. Okay, Trump is absolutely killing
it right now. The Democrats know it. Not just the
Democrats that are holding office right now, their allies and
the media do too. And this vulnerability you don't often see.
And I'm want to highlight something. Democrats in the media

talking about the five alarm fire that is Joe Biden
and the fact that Trump is just owning them. Listen
to this.

Speaker 10 (50:13):
You better wake up, and you better wake up fast.
When Trump comes to the heart of Black America, to
Harlem and is receiving a warm welcome, almost a heroes welcome,
the alarm bells are going off.

Speaker 1 (50:33):
That you're about to lose the election.

Speaker 10 (50:35):
When Trump can walk onto your base with no problem
at all and be embraced by the community, that's a
big problem if you are a Democrat the White House.
You better wake up all those million dollar consultants. You
better put them to work. Don't take your base for granted.

You're already bleeding support with your base of African Americans
and Latinos. And Trump can smell the blood in the water,
and he says, I'm bringing the fight to you. I'm
going to Black America. I'm coming to Harlem.

Speaker 1 (51:13):
I love it, don't you.

Speaker 4 (51:15):
Kind of gives you goosebumps, right, Their fear should excite
you because what Trump needs to do when he gets
into office, and if I have any say about this,
and I might need to do everything that we can
to dismantle the Democrat Party.

Speaker 1 (51:30):
I'm sorry. They are an existential threat to America. Their
policies are an existential threat to America. And they are
the Americans buying large, even people in their own party
who just want to safe and secure lifestyle, safe and
secure life here in the greatest country on the face
of the planet. They don't support their policies either. And

so it wasn't just it wasn't just this guy talking
about it. The Daily Beasts came out today and this
is the headline. Trump's bodega visit. And this is in
New York City, in Harlem, should scare the heck out
of Democrats. A cheery, young Hispanic working single mom who
should terrify Democrats had just picked up her one year
old son from his babysitter on Tuesday evening when she

encountered a crowd at Broadway in West one thirty ninth
Street in Harlem, none of than Donald Trump was just
beyond the line of police barucrades outside the Santa convenience store.
I was amazed to see him, thirty one year old
Sprea Sabrina of Argus later told The Daily Beast, just
to see what everyone jokes about his hair, his hair,
the color, it was kind of breezy. It's it's amazing.

This article goes on to say, this is the first
time a president has come to a bodega. It's it's
a it's amazing. This article is extraordinary. This bodega was
had experienced some violent crime. They had asked President to
show up. Trump showed up miraculously to show solidarity with

New Yorkers who are in the midst of a great
decline of their once great city and are tired of
these commed Dems that just controlled the entire system. They
rigged the system for themselves to stay in power. That's
precisely why this invasion is allowed to go on. But
mark my words, we are talking about New York. Even

though even though I think trapping Donald Trump in New
York is going to be one of the worst things
that Democrats did in law Fair is a huge political mistake.
There have been reports that Democrats are lying their way,
these commed Dems are lying their way to get on
the jury of this Trump criminal trial so they can
have shot it convicting President Trump. This entire thing is rotten.

It's a sham. The American people know it, even Democrats
in New York, especially as evidence by Trump's trip to Harlem.
And I want you to just look at all of
those clips of Biden, or just remember those clips of
Biden that are just showed you not too long ago. Man,
anywhere he goes, everything is completely manufactured. No, it's a

complete joke. You compare that to Trump and Harlem, a
heavily Democrat area. You compare that to Trump in Atlanta,
a heavily Democrat area, stopping off at a Chick fil A,
hundreds if not thousands of people just organically showing up.
Trump's the man this cycle, and there's going to come
a time where the deep state says, Okay, there's nothing

we can do to stop them, and we're going to
do everything that we can to undermine a future Trump administration.
And believe me when I tell you that's happening right now.
And Mike Johnson, who we talked about in the lead
in of this show is allowing it to happen. We're
going to talk about that a little bit more tomorrow
as well, so make sure you're here for the show tomorrow.
Last thing I want to show you adding to the
screen here and for our friends who are listening, this

is from libs of TikTok breaking more trans violence. Andrea Yee,
a female student who identifies as male, has just been
arrested in Maryland for planning to commit a mass shooting. Surprise,
said no one. Andrea reportedly wrote one hundred and twenty
nine page manifesto detailing her plan to murder other students

and set the record for the most amount of kills
in a shooting. If you're thinking that is sick, you
would be right. But for such a small segment of society,
they sure are responsible for a lot of crime, ie
violence and pedophilia, aren't they Maybe, just maybe we shouldn't
glamorize or normalize what is clearly mental illness in America

right again, something that a future Trump presidency needs directified.
No boys participating in girls' sports. I mean this. We
live in a crazy, crazy world, folks. But I'm glad,
very very glad that our law enforcement officers were able
to stop this prior to the worst happening. So that's it, folks,

I'm about to dismiss you all. Make sure that before
you pop smoke, you'll like this video. Smash that little
green thumb underneath this video. I think Rumble calls it
a rumble like like equals rumble. So smash that little
green thumb and it helps the show a lot. It's
free for you. It helps me a lot into the
battle crew. I want to thank you for sticking with

me this entire week. It's been awesome to watch this
show grow. This show is nothing without you. I mean seriously,
it's nothing without you. This is a show that is
for you. It is and will always be a show
for we the people. There's not a day that goes by,
folks that I don't get a note or message from
somebody talking about how the show. Hey, finally there's a
show out there that gives that I feel like I

have a voice. This is a grassroots show. We don't
have a whole lot of bells and whistles around here,
but I think we have a pretty big impact so far.
Thank you for sticking with me through all this time
stuff that we're dealing with with the cyber attacks. Got
a plan in place. They'll never silence us. But in
the meantime, I want you all to keep the faith.
We got one more show this week. We're going to

talk about lots of cool stuff tomorrow, so make sure
that you show up here information ready to fight for
this country at five o'clock where we'll be live here
on Rumble. You can also listen on iHeartRadio. If you're
listening on the iHeartRadio app, we're on Rush Limball, Rush
Limball's old RSS feed which is now occupied by the
Great Clay and Buck Sexton. If you're listening on iHeart,

come over here to Rumble and subscribe. We'd love to
have you in the live chat watching live. It's fun.
We have lots of fun doing it, so we'd love
to have you over here. But in the meantime, folks,
keep the faith. The best is yet to come. You're
an American. Be loud, be proud, be patriotic everywhere you go,

and don't be shy about your beliefs. The Left they
want you to be quiet. We cannot afford to be
the silent majority any longer. So anyways, got a great
show planned for you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. God
bless you all, and may God bless the United States
of America, the greatest nation in the history of the world.
Take care, good night, and I will see you tomorrow.

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