All Episodes

April 19, 2024 36 mins

Clay promises he’ll travel to NH and take a caller, Nate, out to dinner if Trump is acquitted. Trump has a unique case for election based on experience. Betsy DeVos, President Trump’s education secretary, discusses the latest news about Biden assaulting Title IX and forcing women to compete against men in sports.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and buck
Sexton Show for as number two Clay Travis buck Sexton Show.
Appreciate all of you hanging out with us. We're going
to be joined by Betsy de Voss, former Education secretary
in the Trump administration, at the bottom of this hour,
to discuss the latest Title nine regulations released by the

Biden administration that basically would allow you to be a
man who identifies as a woman and fulfilled Title nine.
I mean, the whole thing is crazy. We're going to
get into some of those details. In the third hour,
Matt Walsh from The Daily Wire will join us.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
We just played for you.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
The new campaign ad saying Joe Biden's actually super sharp,
sharp as a knife. They have nothing else to attack
him on, so they have to say that he's not
very sharp. I thought we would have some fun and
by the way, I'm going to take some of your
calls eight hundred and two two two eight eight two
in this hour as well.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
Was it yesterday or the day before yesterday? I think
it was the day before yesterday.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
On Wednesday, Joe Biden started going around telling a bunch
of different groups that his uncle had been eaten by
cannibals in New Guinea. And I think he said this
at three different places. Suddenly, out of nowhere, my uncle
got eaten by cannibals. He got shot down in an
airplane and he got eaten by cannibals and New Guinea.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
And I believe we have audio of Biden saying this.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
Listen Ambrose Finnigan and they call him Uncle Bosan. He
was shot down. He was Army Air Corps before there
was an air force, so was single engine playing with
conscience fights over New Guinea. He volunteered so someone couldn't
take it. He got shot down in a narrator where
there were a lot of cannibals in the unity at

the time, and they never covered his body.

Speaker 2 (01:57):
But the government went.

Speaker 3 (01:58):
Back on island down there and they checked from the
pounds parts of the plane. In my life and what
I was thinking about man was standing there was when
Trump refused to go up to the memorial for the
Dutchman to con parish, and he said, for a bunch
of suckers and.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
Losers, all right, So he lies about what Trump said,
says that his uncle was eaten by cannibals. Yesterday the
White House had to come out and say, actually, he
just died in a plane crash. He wasn't eaten by cannibals.
Here is Karine Jean Pierre trying to clean up Biden's
cannibal claim.

Speaker 4 (02:35):
We just see the cannibal tab in your book.

Speaker 5 (02:39):
There's a cannibal tab.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 4 (02:43):
Is that what you're asking you about?

Speaker 5 (02:44):

Speaker 4 (02:45):
Look, you saw the president. He was incredibly proud of
his uncle's service in uniform. You saw him at the
war memorial. It was incredibly emotional and important to him.
You saw him respond to all of you when asked
about the moment yesterday and his uncle who lost his
life when the military aircraft he was on crash in
the Pacific after taking off near in New Guinea.

Speaker 2 (03:06):
He wanted to make a streatment from the story.

Speaker 4 (03:08):
I mean, look, I don't have anything beyond about what
I just laid out.

Speaker 1 (03:12):
So he didn't actually get eaten by cannibals. He died
in a plane crash. If you were really mentally sharp,
would you claim that one of your relatives got eaten
by cannibals.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
Biden is.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
The biggest liar, in my opinion, to ever be in
the presidency. The people say, oh, Trump lies. Trump is hyperbolic.
Everything is the greatest, Everything is the biggest, everything is
the most beautiful.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
He's a showman.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
If Trump were a real estate agent, you would expect
forever property that he shows you to be the finest
and the most spectacular in all the land.

Speaker 2 (04:06):
That's what he does. Biden actually tells.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
Really significant, easily disprovable lies. His nineteen eighty eight presidential
campaign ended because he was plagiarizing stories from foreign politicians.
He just stole their speeches and claimed that the stories

were his. Biden tells so many lies every day, and
a lot of them are easily disproven lies. And so
when he says, hey, yeah, my uncle got eaten by cannibals,
you're just sitting around like I don't. I mean, when

what if you had a relative that got eaten by cannibals.
That would be pretty crazy, especially one that could fly
an airplane. Because if there were a lot of cannibals
eating people, I don't think most of the time it
was when they crashed in airplanes. It would have been

back in I don't know, these tribes that had never
had any contact with humans before.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
Maybe that's what cannibal eating would have been going on.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
It wouldn't have been in the nineteen forties, in the nineteen thirties,
whenever it was. So the latest lie there from Joe
Biden immediately disproven, and you would think that would be
a fairly significant story.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
Can you imagine.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
I know we have to do this, but it's important
to kind of go back and just contextualize it. Can
you imagine the reaction from the media if Trump claimed
that one of his uncles got eaten by cannibals, it
would be front page news for months. They would constantly
reinforce it. Trump, who once said that his uncle was

eaten by cannibals, tells his latest lie. Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel,
Jimmy Fallon, all of the late night hosts would do
months of jokes about Trump Trump's uncle getting eaten by cannibals,
and here Kareem John Pierre just comes out and says, no, actually,
he just died in a plane crash. Not to mention

that while he's telling that story. Biden, who claimed that
he ran for president because of the very fine people,
why that hoax which is still very pronounced that Trump
said that Nazis were very fine people. No, he said
there were very fine people on both sides of the

argument about whether or not there should be the Roberty
Lee statue torn down, and he specifically condemned white supremacy
and Nazi Trump didn't say what Biden claimed is the
reason why he ran for president. And then Biden also

says always said their suckers and losers and everything else
in the military. That didn't happen either. So they wander
lies so many times that the replication makes it a story,
and then they accept it as truth and they don't
get called on it. And even the media out there

that's supposed to correct things just says, oh, Biden strayed
from the facts a little bit. He just embellished stories.
He's a well meaning old man with a poor memory
who claims that his uncle got eaten by cannibals. I mean,
this is just absolutely crazy. Let's take some calls, guys,

if you want to let me know the latest roster
of who's out there. Will dive into some of your
calls here. Reminder also, bottom of this hour, we're going
to talk with Betsy de Voss, who is fired up
about these new title nine promulgations that have been released
by the Biden administration. Nate in New Hampshire, what you

got for me?

Speaker 6 (08:16):
Just kind of thank you for taking my call, and
I love you and Buck enormously. You guys are great.

Speaker 5 (08:22):
But I rarely ever.

Speaker 7 (08:24):
Disagree with you, Clay, but I have to.

Speaker 6 (08:27):
Disagree with you on the jury. You know, I was
actually when you were reading after descriptions of the jurors
this morning, I was actually optimistic about them. And I
mean at this point now it's been like a little
while since you did this the description, but I'm pretty optimistic,
and I think that the juror is going to be

real in favor of Trump and it's.

Speaker 7 (08:50):
Going to be unanimous.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
You are well, okay, let's make a wager here. We
will have a uh like you all right, you're in
New hamp Where are you in New Hampshire.

Speaker 6 (09:05):
I'm just kind of Dover, New Hampshire and rounds.

Speaker 2 (09:09):
All right.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
When you hang up, I want you to give your
information to our call screener. Here's what I will do.
I won't even make you make a bet, all right,
Here's what I will do. If you are right, I
will travel to Dover, New Hampshire and I will take
you out to the best steak house dinner in that

area of New Hampshire. I will not I will travel
there and I will take you out.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
I'm not even gonna make you put anything up. That's
come all right, thank you for the call, and I'm.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
Not trying to avoid having dinner with Nate here in
New Hampshire. I think there is a zero percent chance
that Trump has acquitted. There might be a mistrial. I
think that's the best case scenario, a hung jury where
someone refuses to convict. The idea that twelve jurors are
going to say Trump is not guilty. I think there's

a zero percent chance of that. But putting my money
where my mouth is and also my time, I will
travel to Dover, New Hampshire, and I will take Nate
out for a dinner and we will chronicle it for all.

Speaker 2 (10:18):
Of you if I'm wrong.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
That's how confident I am that this is not going
to be a acquittal or not guilty verdict. Lawrence in Harrisburg, PA,
what you got for us?

Speaker 7 (10:31):

Speaker 2 (10:32):
Yeah, Hey, what's up? Lawrence?

Speaker 7 (10:36):
Okay, just man, let me Turmor radio down, Glexcel pawns.

Speaker 2 (10:43):
Yeah, we're here. Yeah, we're here, Lawrence.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
You got us, just you, me and millions of people
across America.

Speaker 7 (10:50):
I want to let you know that I'm a black
man who is for Trump because the media does not
portrays fairness at all these days. Yep, they talk about
they talk about Trump. I don't. By the way, I've
been listening to Limburg since seventy nine, and they talk

about Trump's in moral behavior. But I were like the
first person to raise their hand, who's perfect and doesn't sin?

Speaker 1 (11:23):
Did you vote for did you vote for Trump in
twenty sixteen and twenty twenty.

Speaker 7 (11:29):
I'm more about spiritually minded direction as far as voting goes.
But I have my personal opinion and I wanted to
I just support Trump, I keep saying some other people's day.
I wanted to support Trump because he did a lot
of stuff for this country. He you know, I brought

vices down. He is very constitutional. Reminded and the people
in a in office now that I don't like to
call them communists, but they are definitely socialists in there,
and they're not they're not of promoting the interests of
American people.

Speaker 2 (12:12):
I agree with you.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
Thank you for the call and this ties in with
the conversations we had earlier in the week. If I remember,
I think we took a lot of calls in the
wake of the Wall Street Journal poll that was out
that said that Trump's support among black voters black men
in particular in the seven Swing States was skyrocketing. And
I do think there is a lot of support out

there for this to be the case and for that
to be occurring, Howard in San Clemente, California. San Clemente
is a beautiful place, one of the few places in America,
I think where you do not have to have either
heating or air conditioning in many of the homes there.

Speaker 2 (12:55):
Am I right about that? Howard?

Speaker 1 (12:56):
You can just open the windows. The weather's so perfect
you don't even have to have heat or air.

Speaker 5 (13:02):
Play your spot on. Hey, thanks for taking my call
and let me throw out a bit. Okay, yep, some gets.
I want to know quitted and if he gets acquitted, no,
I don't want to quit it. If it's a hung jury,
you come out to San Clementy and I'll buy you
the best state.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
I would like any excuse to visit San Clemente. You know,
I went to a wedding my good friend DJ Harrison
got married to his wife Monique in the Catholic church
there in San Clemente.

Speaker 2 (13:32):
Beautiful place.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
I also knew a girl from GW who is from
San Clemente. I couldn't believe how spectacular that place was.
So I will do that too. I'll double. I would
like an excuse to go to to southern California anytime,
good weather, perfect conditions.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
I actually think the best case.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
Scenario for Trump is that we get a hung jury,
we get a mistrial, we don't get a conviction. So
I'd be very happy to celebrate that with you. But
you had another question.

Speaker 5 (13:59):
To Hey, I got two things outside to be briefed.
First off, I you know, this campaign from the courthouse
can be really special and effective. But here's what I
wanted to see him do. Last campaign, he nominated the
Supreme He had a list of Supreme Court justices. He
should announce his VP candidates soon so he can campaign

for him. But in the same breath, announce your candidates
for your cabinet. And I think if he does that,
these candidates okay, whether it's like Secretary of Transportation against
buddhagest or energy against Grand Holes. Let them. Start calling
these guys out, challenge him to an hour debate, which

they won't accept, but it'll show their weakness, so he's
expanding his surrogance.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
I think it's brilliant. Thank you for the call. I
think it's a really good idea. Everybody's focused on the VP.
If I'm Trump, I want to roll out my entire cabinet,
and if you have to be tied up in a
courtroom everything else, you've got an entire surrogate army that
can be going out and selling your story nationwide even

as they're trying to walk you in. I think it's
a fabulous idea, and I think it just makes a
tremendous amount of good sense for Trump to be ahead.
It also ties in with his pitch, which is I
know exactly how to be president of the United States.
I'm going to be working from the moment I get
sworn in. We're going to be hitting the ground running.

We're not going to have to wait to figure out
how to run this entire proposition that is the United
States government, because he will have already had that experience.
I think it makes a tremendous amount of sense. I
want to tell you, as we roll in. By the way,
you can continue to react to eight hundred and two
to two eight A two. Try to take a lot
of your calls on many different days, but in particular

on Friday to ensure that you guys have your voices
heard as well. But I want to make sure that
you guys all know that Tune of the Towers is
doing incredible work. I'm drinking right now Krocket Coffee, which
i'd encourage you guys to check out the coffee that
actually loves America and American history.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
And we're donating a lot of money.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
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in every day to the Clay Travis and buck Sexton Show.
Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
Quick Turn Here.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
Want to let you know that we're gonna be talking
with Betsy Devas. These new Title nine regulations and rules
are absolutely bonkers, and we will break them all down
for you and explain why it is so crazy. Also,
want to give a shout out to some middle school
girls in West Virginia who refuse to compete against someone

who was male pretending to be female in their competition.
I'll tell you a little bit about that before the
hour's out as well. In the meantime, Legacy Box company
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Speaker 2 (18:31):
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Speaker 1 (18:33):
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under Donald Trump. New Title nine rules coming out. I
want to make sure that you guys all understand them well.
And I figured there's nobody better to explain where we
are and how things are changing than Betsy de Vos,
So thank you for joining us. I know you fought
battles over this. A great deal in the Trump administration.

But for people out there who were kind of following this,
what are the changes that Biden is trying to put
in place, What is he trying to undo that you
fought to change, and what.

Speaker 8 (19:33):
Is the latest sure Clay Well, first of all, thanks
for having me and great to be with you. So
the Title nine Rule, as we all know, it was
passed more than fifty years ago to give women specifically
equal access to education opportunities, and over the years, most
women have commonly known those to be associated with sports

as well. During our administration, we did a r US
process and came out with a rule that has the
force of law that really brought fairness and evenness and
predictability and justice to what had happened during the Obama
administration because of a move they made to essentially create

camp kangaroo courts on campus. Yeah, an individual would be
let you charge with something, and one person would start
from an investigation to doing the whole process to to
you know, be the detective, the prosecutor, the judge, the jury,
and the executioner. This rule that the Biden administration has

just come out with again goes back to that model.
It's one of the most outrageous parts of the of
the rule, but it also is only a part of it.
They have taken dramatic steps further to the left on
every part of this rule.

Speaker 1 (20:58):
Okay, for people out there who may not be familiar
with this, the kangaroo courts that you're referencing, a woman
could accuse a student co ed, a woman could accuse
a male of sexual assaults. Sometimes they weren't even allowed
to cross examine, and they would have these Title nine investigations,
and they were kicking a lot of boys out of school,

and there was no real ability to actually determine whether
or not there was any improper conduct there.

Speaker 2 (21:27):
You guys tried to at least put the breaking news
on seven to ten. Woor.

Speaker 9 (21:33):
Jeff McKinney in from the wr newsroom with some extraordinary news.
Apparently we have a case of self immolation outside the
courthouse where the Donald Trump trial is underway. A man
set himself on fire just a couple of moments ago
outside the courthouse. There's a park in sanity there right
outside the entrance courthouse. The man set himself on fire.

At last viewing, the fire was burning the man in
the middle of that blaze. Precisely why he did that
is unknown. We can only assume it's related to the
Donald Trump trial, the hush money trial. It's underway in
the courthouse there, so we're following that jury selection is
now complete. They selected all the alternates.

Speaker 7 (22:17):

Speaker 9 (22:18):
The latest news, though, is tragic. This man is sett
himself a blaze outside the courthouse where Donald Trump's hush
money trial is underway. So with that sobering news, we
send it back.

Speaker 8 (22:30):
Now to clan bookstration has put out is really at
its base anti women. It really is the first time
that the Title nine law, meant to help help encourage
and give opportunities to women, is actually going to be
used to harm, not help women. And that goes to

all of the UH sports related issues, and they're you know,
they're they're radically rewriting a half century of protections and
opportunities for women and replacing them with radical gender theory,
only to appease Biden's far left base.

Speaker 1 (23:10):
Okay, and for people out there who that sounds confusing too,
let me see if I can sum it up and
you explain if I'm basically getting it. Title nine was
initially created to provide equal opportunity to women in sports,
and so a university out there that is giving let's say,
one hundred and fifty scholarships to men, would also need

to give one hundred and fifty scholarships to women. Basically,
it's peg to the overall enrollment of the university to
allow women's athletes to be able to be treated in
a similar fashion from a scholarship perspective to men. My
understanding is that what the Biden administration is now doing
is saying Title nine also encompasses gender ideology. That is,

if you are a man pretending to be a woman,
you should be considered based on your gender identity to
also be a woman. Is that part of what they
are doing now in terms of the way that they
are applying Title nind.

Speaker 8 (24:08):
Yes, absolutely correct. It will require boys to be allowed
in girls' bathrooms, locker rooms, and private spaces starting as
early as elementary school. It will make it a violation
of federal civil rights law to call someone the wrong pronoun.
It puts women's safety, privacy, and competitive opportunities at total

risk in sports, and we've seen it happening on team
after team across the country. Now the Biden folks will
claim this isn't the case, but that is exactly what
they are putting into this rule, which will become the
force of law and must be stopped. But that is
exactly what will happen. They're trying to be cute and

call it something different, but you read the text and
that is exactly the bottom line of what will be
the case.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
So let me just I mean, this is crazy, I
think for a lot of people out there. So this
would mean that the Biden administration is trying to protect
a man who identifies as a woman from being able
even if he still has full male genitalia to go
into a women's locker room because he is claiming that

he is a woman.

Speaker 8 (25:24):
Correct, It's exactly what it does. I mean, this is bonkers, Yes,
yes it is.

Speaker 7 (25:33):
It is.

Speaker 8 (25:33):
It is totally pandering to the far left wing of
their party base, and it is an election year ploy.
It's a regulation, a rule that must be stopped either
by Congress or in the courts. But it is it is,
you know, truly a something that nobody really needed, nobody needed,

and very few people want unted. It hits been demanded
by the far far left wing of the Democrat Party,
and Biden made it clear from the get go that
he was going to have that direction as soon as
he took office.

Speaker 1 (26:13):
You may have seen the video, and we're talking to
Betsy de Vost, former Education secretary of Donald Trump. You
may have seen the video of Dawn Staley, South Carolina
women's basketball coach saying that she believed effectively this far
left wing ideology, which is that if a man decides
to identify as a woman, that she believed that man

should be eligible to play women's college basketball. That cliff
went viral up.

Speaker 8 (26:40):
It is inconceivable to me that anyone involved in women's
sports would hold that view. We know that the vast
majority of people see it otherwise, and I think that
will be soon made clear. You know by Congress. Congress
has an opportunity to use the Congressional Review Act authority

to stop the rule. I hope they will do so quickly.
You know, the rule we put in place during the
last administration was serving students well, and it was based
on what the Title nine law actually requires. This administration
has taken a law and stretched it to the uttermost
ends of incredulity to make up new definitions for sex

as gender identity, and to inject all of this radical
gender theory into a law that has, over the years,
meant more opportunities for women. This, like I said, is
the most shockingly anti woman move that I think could

have been made.

Speaker 2 (27:51):
How many women understand this in your experience?

Speaker 1 (27:53):
Because I get fired up about this from just a
you know, I came out of the world of sports,
so the idea that a man should be able to
copeede against a woman in women's sports is completely crazy
to me, in the same way that when I coach
twelve year old little league, the idea that a sixteen
year old should be able to play against my kids
is crazy. How many women really understand this? Because I

think women are being taken advantage of, And I keep
waiting Bessy for the feminist for the title nine activists,
for them to be willing to stand up and say
the ultimate male privilege, since that's something that everybody wants
to focus on, is a man saying that he's a
woman and requiring that everybody treated as the truth, even
though we all know it's a falsehood. Where are all

these women that claim to care so much about actual women.

Speaker 8 (28:41):
Well, I think they're all out there. I think many
of them are afraid to speak up. But we're hearing
from more of them as they've actually experienced having to
compete in different venues today. And I think, you know,
if this is not immediately turned back, I think we're
going to hear from more in increasing numbers because it's

becoming increasingly common, and more women are going to quickly
realize that even though it might sound like it's good
and fair, in reality, it is not fair for a
woman to have to compete against a biological male and
have the same expectations from each of them.

Speaker 1 (29:22):
If people are fired up about this, and I've got
the sense that a lot of our listeners will be.
And we're talking to Betsy de Boss, former Education secretary,
and the Trump administration. What should they do? What should
women and men out there who are hearing about this
for the first time listening on the radio right now?
What should they do? What would you encourage them to
do to take action against this?

Speaker 8 (29:43):
I encourage them to contact, get a word into your
members of Congress, your congressmen, your senators, and urge them
to use their congressional authority to implement the Congressional Review
Act to put a stop to this rule. This is
going to be an important issue going into this falls elections,

and it's going to be a tough question for people
like Senator John Tester and Bob Casey and Shared Brown,
all in seats that are at high risk For the Democrats,
I'd like to see them come out and defend this
rule and the implementation of this rule and be able
to justify it in a way that their voters are

going to embrace. It's not going to happen. More and
more people are going to become aware of exact what
the exact implications of this are. And you know, this
is a eighty probably a ninety percent issue in the
minds of American people. The American people, the very few
people who support this notion of you know, biological males

being able to have full access to women's sports locker
rooms and other private spaces just because they've decided that
they are a woman. It cannot stand. I also want
to say that for those individuals for whom this is
really an issue, there is a third way, and let's

be talking about that. Those who are trying to defend this,
but do not destroy women's sports, and do not put
to an end the absolute intent, original intent of Title
nine by implementing what the Biden administration is trying to
do here and quickly.

Speaker 1 (31:30):
Shouldn't Joe Biden himself have to explain what he believes here?
I don't think he's ever been asked directly. I've never
seen it. Do you think a man should be able
to identify as a woman and compete in women's athletics?
That's a very simple question. I've never seen anybody ask
him that question. Don't you think he should have to
directly answer it himself?

Speaker 8 (31:49):
Absolutely he should, Absolutely he should. I'd like to hear
his answer and like to hear his justification.

Speaker 1 (31:56):
Thank you so much, Betsy de vous You're doing great work.
We appreciate you taking the time to help clear up
what is a messy situation that many people out there
just can't believe is real.

Speaker 8 (32:07):
Well, thanks so much, Clay, and appreciate your airing the
issue and having the discussion about it.

Speaker 2 (32:14):
No doubt we're going to keep at it.

Speaker 1 (32:15):
Thank You's Betsy de Vos, former Education secretary in the
Trump administration. And actually this ties in with why I
was just out in Seattle. I landed back in Nashville.
Hello to all of you watching on the Clay and
Buck vip feed on video right now. You may think, okay,
it looks a little tired. That would be accurate. I
landed about one am coming back from Seattle last night.

But I was really excited to be out in Seattle
to speak at the Hillsdale College event there, and what
I was talking about was how woke politics took over
sports and I can't think of anything woker than the
idea that you can be a man and win a
women's championship. And actually talked about that a great deal.
At the Hillsdale College event, their president, doctor Larry Arn,

got to sit next to him at dinner. Fabulous guy,
really fascinating. I told him, I want to go visit
the Hillsdale campus. I've never been there myself. I want
to go visit because I was so impressed by what
they are doing to teach everybody about the importance of
American history and American values. And I also want you
to be able to experience that by checking out Imprimus.

Over six million people. They said, now get the Imprimus newsletter.
It's free. Most current issue is out right now, and
it focuses on the failure of DEI in society, not
just in manufacturing, but in medicine, education, other industries as well.
Imprimus will give you a smart constitutional commentary from conservatives

like Christopher Rufo, Victor Davis Hansen, Heather MacDonald and doctor
Larry arn himself. If you don't already get it, we
get it at this house and I love it. It's free.
My parents love it. Clayandbuck for Hillsdale dot com right now.
Go to clayanbuckfo Hillsdale dot com right now, well and
you will get in Primus sent to.

Speaker 2 (34:02):
Your house for free.

Speaker 1 (34:03):
That's Clay and buckfour Hillsdale dot com. Sometimes all you
can do is laugh, and they do a lot of
it with the Sunday Hang. Join Clay and Buck as
they laugh it up in the Clay and Buck podcast
beat on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Okay,
welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton show.

Speaker 2 (34:25):
That Betsy to Oss interview.

Speaker 1 (34:27):
I mean this is crazy talk and the fact that
Joe Biden has never been directly asked do you believe
that a man identifying as a woman should be able
to compete in women's athletics. Is a failure of our
entire reporting apparatus. How has that never been asked, especially
in the wake of don Staley making her comments and

now the title nine rules. But while we were talking
with Betsy to Oss speaking of crazy, someone lit himself
on fire outside of the Trump trial in Manhattan. It
was aired live on Fox News. This just happened.

Speaker 2 (35:08):
To listen.

Speaker 10 (35:08):
They also are seeing an active shooter. An active shooter
is in the park outside of the court. We have
a man who is he has set fire to himself.
A man has emblazoned himself outside of the courthouse. Just now,
our cameras are turning. Right now, a man has now
lit himself on fire outside of the courthouse in Manhattan
where we are waiting his history to be made. A
full jury panel is gone. We are watching a man

who is fully emblazoned in the front of the courthouse.

Speaker 6 (35:32):

Speaker 10 (35:32):
We are watching multiple fires breaking out around his body
and person. We have seen an arm that has been
visible that has been engulfed in total flames. There is
chaos that is happening. People are wondering, right now if
people are in danger. I'm looking across the court. Across
the courtyard there is a.

Speaker 2 (35:48):
Man racing to his aid.

Speaker 10 (35:49):
There's codes coming off and try to.

Speaker 2 (35:51):
Put out the fire.

Speaker 10 (35:52):
We have members of security details. NYPD is rushing to
the scene. They are trying to come now officers are
on the scene.

Speaker 1 (35:59):
Okay, so this is Laura Coates on CNN. You will
see that video that just happened. He was a flame
for around three minutes. My immediate thought is this sounds
like what happened outside of the embassy. I believe it
was in Washington, d C. Where a man lit himself
on fire, claiming that he was trying to draw attention

to what was happening to the people in Gaza. And
I don't know what the motivation of this person is,
but outside of the Trump trial, someone has lit himself
on fire and burned for at least three minutes, big
huge flames. You can watch that video if you want

to chaos unfurling. As the jury is being seated, we
will give you the final hour of the week next
on Clay and Buck

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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