All Episodes

April 23, 2024 61 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • Slippery slope of the surveillance state

  • YES, Biden is behind lawfare against Trump

  • Over the weekend Congress stabbed us in the back

  • Ivy League Colleges are lost 

  • A Warning to America

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Warning Europe about to enter the arena and join the
Battle to.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Save America with your host Sean Parnell.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
What's up, battle crew, It is Monday, and it is
a great day to be an American. From SCENEA shining
scene and everyone in between. Welcome patriots. I had a
great weekend this weekend. I did. I hope you. I
hope you did as well. We've got lots to talk about.
I'm gonna get into the show rundown, but first let

me give you a quick weekend update. So I live.
Fort Parnell, I should say, is located on a small
farm in western Pennsylvania, and I probably have close to
four maybe five acres of grass that I have to mow.

And I've got to tell you that I am. I
am obsessed with cutting the grass. I love it. I
in fact, as spring approaches, Commander Melanie will tell you
that I will I didn't realize this until she actually
told me about it, but I will stalk outside, stalk
around the house, or look out the windows more than

I probably should at the grass and stress over having
to cut it. Well. This year, I have this thing
with dandelions and they're everywhere, and I swear to God.
Those things are fueled by they grow and are fueled
by my hatred for them. I swear it drives me crazy.

And again, cutting our grass is no small feet. It
takes a little time, and I think on Saturday I
was outside. It was probably working outside by myself cutting
the grass and weed whacking and stuff for a good
six hours. I mean, seriously, no exaggeration, and it's just
absolutely it's unbelievable to me. But here's a funny thing

about me cutting the grass. This isn't just something that
I stumbled into in my forties. Like I think I
was obsessed with cutting the grass with the time that
I was born. And if you ask my parents, they'd
probably tell you that probably within my one of my
first ten words was the word lawnmowy. I mean, I
was obsessed with lawnmowers that much. Had this little push

bubble mower and everything else. The reason why I'm telling
you all of this is this part of my weekend
up date even one of the hallmarks to me. And
I tell my kids this and I don't think they
take me very seriously. I think they kind of laugh
this off. But I really believe it that one of
the hallmarks of a good husband and a good father.
One of course, of many that make up a good

husband and good father is how nice the lawn looks.
It's like, how disciplined is This isn't a task that
just falls the men, right, I get that, But how
if you, if you own a home, if your grass
is mode and it's nice and it's short, and I'm thinking,
you're probably a pretty disciplined guy. And and so anytime

my grass grows longer than it should, I get super stressed.
But I was walking my son out to school, about
to hop in the car and drive him off to school,
and he said to me, oh my gosh, And I'm like,
holy smokes, what's wrong because normally it's the morning. He's
a teenager, he doesn't talk much. And he said, the
grass looks awesome. And I said, I actually said nothing.

I was really happy with myself. So maybe my kids
are are noticing. But I'm sad to say that the dandelions,
even though I cut the grass a couple of days ago,
they're already sprouting up. It's driving me crazy. It's driving
me crazy. I'm at war with I'm declaring war on dandelions.

This summer. I'm coming for you, and that's gonna be relentless.
Much to the chagrin of probably my wife and my kids,
this is gonna be my thing this summer. Also hot, crazy,
crazy hockey weekend too, and from the rink, probably twenty times,
both of my sons had games and somebody goes up
into the comes up to the arena. Really nice people,

but they're wearing masks and one of the guy had
a beard like down to here. First of all, masks
don't work. We know that masks don't work. Why are
you wearing a mask? I see a mask and I
immediately think you were moron in twenty twenty four and
look to each his own, I understand. I just feel
like COVID broke some people mentally and they're not coming back.

And again, they were nice people, but clearly your mask
isn't gonna protect you when you've got a big, grizzly
Adams beard and you got this space all on them.
It's a paper mask, Okay, So let's get let's get
into the rundown of the show. So I'm gonna talk
to you about the beginnings of and what what is

ultimately becoming a very very slippery slope and dangerous. It's
a it's a dangerously slippery slope of the American surveillance state.
We're gonna talk about and confirm the fact that Yes,
Biden is one hundred percent behind the law fair against
Donald Trump. Over the weekend, Congress stabbed us all in
the back. I'm gonna tell you how ivy league colleges.

And I know I'm gonna have kids in college here
very very soon, but I bey league colleges are just gone.
They're lost, so up ninety thousand dollars a year to
send your kid there just being doctorated. And I'm gonna
show you why they're lost, even though some of you
probably already know. And we're gonna end the show, uh
with a warning to America. You've got to see it.
It's just it's just so so good. Now, let's just

let's get into the show and not talking about cutting
grass enough, talking about crazy people wearing masks, enough for
the weekend update. Let me talk to you about the
slippery slope of the surveillance state that we live in.
And I guess I'll start with just a question. And
this is something that I think about often, and that

is when do you think the last time was that
our country, that America, had a truly government that was
by and for the people, a government that represented us.

Because it seems like for a very very long time anyway,
we've had a permanent bureaucracy, a spy state, a deep
state that twisted public perception of certain events, even manipulated
public perception of certain events, all in an attempt to

maintain control over, say the system. I you know, COVID
really opened my eyes to a lot of this stuff.
The twenty twenty election really opened my eyes to a
lot of this stuff. And looking back now with the
benefit of hindsight, jumping into politics as an outsider and
working my tail off to raise money, knock on doors,

meet voters was the privilege of a lifetime, was meeting voters.
It really was. And I learned even though I'm from
western Pennsylvania, from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania forged five generations
here I can't quite remember which, but we've been here
my whole life. My family's always been here. Came up,
you know, super blue collar, paycheck to paycheck. Running for

Aubers gave me an opportunity to learn more about my community,
and I'm grateful for so many things, but I think
what I'm most grateful of is that it really gave
me a look behind the curtain. It really showed to
me how sinister things really were. And I say this,

not really were, how sinister things really are. And I
say this as somebody who has always been involved in
politics in some in some sort of way, helping advise
members of Congress in the Senate from the time I
got back from Afghanistan until I ran till I ran

for office, not Iran the country. But my point is, yeah,
I was always involved. Yes I watched the news, Yes
I kept my ear to the ground, but I would
have never, and I mean never know what I know
now had I not run. And the twenty twenty election,

I witnessed people who have flown into Pittsburgh who weren't
even from Western Pennsylvania. They were just visiting friends in
line in Allegheny County and voting like that's illegal. I
can almost a hundred percent confirmed to you all that
first time mail in voters they're required to submit an
ID for for the first time voting with their application

with their mail in ballot can I can almost guarantee
you that ninety nine point nine percent of them didn't
do that. Those ballots that are legal, they shouldn't be counted.
The list goes on and on about all of the
actual violations of the law that I witnessed that had
I not run, I would have never been you know,
I would have probably read the stories and tried to

think through things on my own. I certainly wouldn't have
bought the media narrative. I would have certainly thought that
there was some real misgivings about the twenty twenty election.
But had I not lived it and seen it, I
wouldn't be in the position that I'm in right now
to be able to tell you on equivocally that yes,
in fact, twenty twenty was stolen. I don't care what
anyone says. I'll not be gas lit to believing anything different.

And as time goes on, I think that our intelligence
community had something to do with it. They've done this
in elections all around the world. They despised Trump, they
wanted him out out of office, and what better time
to do it than during an election that, by the way,
you know, any you know, a hacker with three months

experience could hack our voting systems. You add mailing ballots
into there with like zero guardrails on protecting those ballots. Like, yeah,
real bad things can happen real quick. It allows for
cheating on a mass scale. But my point is all
this happened at the same time of COVID lockdowns, forcing
your loved ones to die a loan, wear a met

web mask, they'll protect your health. Or first of all,
it was masked. I don't, they don't, they don't work,
they don't matter. And then web one mask, with two mask,
we five mask, get the vacks get boosted once twice,
three times a lady, Like, all of these things were lies.
And for a very long time. I wonder how long
has the government been lying to us? Because the truth

is is that it's almost like our elected leaders don't
run our country anymore. It's almost like members of our
intelligence community or permanent bureaucrats are the ones that are
making all the calls. And I want you to just
follow me here, and I'm not going to, you know,

justify any of these actions. I just want you to
follow my train of thought here and let's talk as
if you're a member of the FBI, a high level
member of the FBI nine to eleven has just happened.
Terrorist attack that we've never experienced before in this country.

Thousands of Americans dead. Whatever I mean's just I'm just
picking a point in American history and going back to there.
You're a well meaning member of the intelligence community, FBI, CIA,
what I don't know, and you say to yourself, like,
my mission is to protect the American people. And again,
I'm not justifying any of this, just follow I'm trying
to show you what a slippery slope this is. We

have thousands of Americans just killed. Clearly there were intelligence
snaffoos along the way. My goal, my mission, my charge,
is to protect as many Americans as humanly possible. So
if that means we've got to pass the Patriot Act,
if that means that we can listen to foreigners, and yeah,
if Americans data get scraped up with a spiesa stuff,

so be it. We're not going to go after Americans.
We don't care about Americans. We just want to focus
on the bad guys. Of course, we know that's not true.
But my point is you can see almost where there
is some goodness in that statement and the idea that hey, listen,
I have no desire of going after the American people.
And certainly this maybe this is just how this stuff

is born, right, maybe it's born of just nothing but
great intentions. But over time, you know, there's changeover at
these institutions. Leaders leave, good people retire, right, good people
move departments, and the same policy remains in place. And
over time it becomes dangerous because then all of a

sudden you got political appointees coming on board, Guidance changes,
standards change, you start getting some true believer communists and
very critical roles, and all of a sudden you have
a real five alarm fire crisis on your hands, to
where now you're not just going after foreigners want to
kill foreign terrorist organizations that want to kill Americans, You're

going after political opponents. And so because look, I'm saying
all this because I'm wondering how the hell a guy
like Mike Johnson goes from a lockstock and barrel sponsor
in a let's Protect the Fourth Amendment Act protect the
like vehemently opposed defies it to voting for it in
a matter like this, is to become a Speaker of

the House and immediately stabs people in the back. And
I have no doubt in my mind. I showed you
multiple examples of reporters, people who have been in this
game for a long time saying that, yes, our intelligence
community they have portfolios on every member of Congress, with
Democrat and Republican, and that they believe that they that

they are going to vote a certain way. They meet
with him and then say, hey, you might want to
rethink your vote, and again think back to where these
people were early on. Yeah, we just want to protect Americans.
You might ask yourself how anyone could think like that,
because clearly, if you're surveilling Americans, no good can come
of that. You know, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and this

is close to what our intelligence communities have over us
as Americans right now. But I mean, you put yourself
in their shoes, say your mission is how you want
to save as many Americans as possible. And then on
the other hand, you got dumb asses like Joe Biden
who have been wrong about every foreign policy decision this
whole career, or people like AOC in Congress, and you're thinking, like, wait,

we're let thousands of American lives hinge on these bobos,
these morons. So I mean, you can almost see again,
I would It's not a justification, but you could almost
see where that mindset would come from. Of course I
don't agree with it, but so now you're in a
place where you have political pointees that are communists scum,

that have turned those the big eyes and big ears
in on the American people. You've had Fiza be abused many,
many times, members of Congress clearly being surveilled by the
intelligence community, being pressured by the intelligence community to vote
a certain way. And then when journalists get wind of

this stuff, they start reporting on it. Well, guess what,
the intelligence community doesn't like that either, So then they
start going after journalists. Remember what Obama did and surveilling
American journalists behind the scenes, really scary, terrible stuff. And
then you see stuff like what they did to show
aryol Atkinson. Do you remember that. Well, here she is

talking to Matt Gates. Listen to what she busted the
FBI trying to do to her when she was about
to break a story on them. Listen to this to
be able to clear those matters up, may.

Speaker 3 (16:16):
I say, one little reported facet of my case is
one of the federal agents involved in one of the
operations against me, said that they intended to plant child
porn in my husband's computer. This is the FBI. There's
been a case that's currently in litigation unrelated in which
an FBI agent has testified that they did that. They

have done that. It is not accomplished in my case.
I guess the curtain was drawn on that facet of
the operation prior to them doing it. But imagine how
you ever get out of that. How they knew we
had a young daughter at home and has allegedly conspired
to do that.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
Imagine, I mean, seriously, imagine that Cheryl Atkinson one of
the few good reporters out there. Catherine Herridge is another one,
And there are still good reporters out there, good journalists
out there. But you see Cheryl Atkinson about to report
on some of our intelligence community's misgivings, and what do

they do? They target her to intimidate her. What do
they do to Catherine Herriage? Judge's holding her in contempt
until she reveals Democrat judge holding her in contempt until
she reveals her sources which helped her expose a Chinese
spir ring in and around an American military base. I mean,

an alleged Chinese spiring. You see my point, right, And
so eventually journalists gets scared. They don't want anyone putting
child porn on their loved ones, on their computer, on
their spouse's computer. Guy, you go to jail for the
rest of your life, completely destroyed. So journalists say nothing,

and then you end up with headlines like this from
the New York Times. And yes you're seeing that right.
This is an opinion editorial in the New York Times
today over the weekend. I should say, government surveillance keeps
us safe. New York Times, one of the oldest papers
in America. What do you say to this government valance

keeps us safe? Because getting a warrant would slow down
an investigation and that probable cause may not be available.
And this is Western Lensman. If sue, if you're not
following this account on Twitter slash x, you should. He's amazing,
But he says, wouldn't want to inconvenience the government with
the sky constitutional protections. And this is what I said.

It should be difficult for the FBI to get a
warrant on It should be difficult for the FBI to
surveil Americans. Yeah, get a warrant, and so you can
see how dangerous, how what starts as perhaps something with
the best of intentions. And I'm trying to give our

intelligence members grace because I served with a lot of
these guys. A lot of these guys are lockstock and
barrel conservatives like me and you, and so maybe you
know they what starts out with great intentions. Whether you
here the pathway to hell is paid with good intentions,
maybe that's a good metaphor for all of this. And

so here we are, We're stuck with the eyes of
our intelligence community wholeheartedly fixated on the American people and
the people that we send to Washington, d c. To
represent us. And that begs the question, then who is
really running this country? And do we really have a

say anymore? If our representatives cannot truly be our vo
then have we lost our country. I want you to
see this video that I ran across of McCarthy from
back in nineteen fifty two talking about communists and government,

and listen to it with all that you know today.

Speaker 4 (20:22):
Listen, one communist in the faculty of one university is
one communist too many. One communist among the American advisors

at Yallta was one communist too many, And even if
there were only one Communist in the state department, even
if there are only one Communist in the state departments,
that would still be one communist too many.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
Communism is an ideology, Marxism. Communism is an ideology that
is contagious. It leads to what Elon Musk calls the
woke mind virus. We're seeing issues of this, this virus
spread all over America and it's wreaking untold havoc on
the American people. And so the untold havoc, not only

is it weaponized against us, weaponized against our political leaders,
I think it also underscores everything that's happening with this lawfare.
There has been this unbelievable media narrative that somehow Biden
is not behind this, and every time Republicans go on

these Sunday shows or any sort of mainstream lega legacy
media outlet, you have these hosts saying, well, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, sir. There's just there's just no evidence of
Biden being involved in any of this, no way, no how,
give me a break. He is behind all of it.

And so a couple couple of things out of New
York today. So the bastard in a black robe, skinny like, skinny,
little freak looking and Goron ruled today that Trump's one
hundred and seventy five million bond is sufficient, And conservatives
are out there celebrating at celebrating this as a win.
And I suppose it is a win, like I guess,

but Trump should have never had to pay that in
the first place. The entire things are ridiculous hit jobs.
So yeah, I guess, yeah, I guess in Goron could
have said that he had that he had to pay
money out of his own bank account and working with
another company to post this bond. I don't know, but hey,
we'll chalk up wins anywhere that we can get them
at this point. But let's talk about this hush money,

this hush money case. And I don't like even calling
it that because this case is such an unbelievable nothing burger.
It's really, it's really unbelievable. I reading this article at
The Hill, and the headline is why Trump should win

his New York hush money trial. If you haven't read
this yet, you should go read it after the show.
It does a great job at summarizing everything that's happened
in this case, because the news cycle is so so
fast that it's easy to kind of get lost in
the sauce and forget what the catalyst was for this
from the very beginning. And so I'm just going to

read to you the first paragraph. This case, the first
criminal trial for any former president, began as a result
of what can only be described as extortion. That's exactly
what this was. The infamous Stormy Daniels repeatedly threatened that
unless she was paid a chunk of money, that she

would go to the media reporting an alleged affair with Trump.
Like it's very, very important to say this, this this happened.
First of all, all of this stuff allegedly happened, and
I really do emphasize the word allegedly, But all of
this stuff happened back in like two thousand and six,

I mean, damn, near twenty years ago. I mean, it's
it's crazy. But so she comes forward and says, but
the day, if you don't pay me a sum of money,
I'm gonna say that that we had an affair. And oh,
by the way, he had declared for president, so clearly
this was intended to hurt him during his run for president.

But there has been to this day no evidence whatsoever,
no nothing, nothing corroborating Stormy Daniel's claim in an affair,
and and her credibility is likewise near zero, which is
what this article says. And so this whole trial is

over what you would call a campaign finance violation. And
that's how Bragg elevated this to a federal crime, which
is completely absurd because the Federal Election Commission, which investigates
these things, had already said there's no crime. Look, I'm

just trying to outline how insane and absurd this is.
Where you have left wing people coming out and saying
this is a joke. Chances are it's a joke. And
so misrecording business records in New York is a misdemeanor. So,
in other words, what the defense is alleging is that

Trump paid Michael Cohen a legal retainer and then that
legal retainer was used to pay Stormy Daniels. Okay, And
what the defense is saying is, well, you use that
legal retain Michael Coch, You paid Michael Cohen so you
could pay off Stormy Daniels. But Trump, at the time
he was just lots of things were going through his mind. Right,

he had just jumped in for president, he was clearly
the front runner. He had a family, he had a business.
As a public figure, people come forward and say this
kind of stuff all the time, and so here's Trump
is saying, well, well, just maybe I'll just maybe we'll
just pay this lady and have her sign an NDA
and have this whole thing go away. Now. I have

to emphasize this. This stuff happens all the time, not
just to people like Trump, but the businesses all over
the country. This is called a nuisance payment. So rather
than staff up on lawyers and go to this and
prep for trial and all the legal fees there, businesses
pay nuisance payments like this all the time. It's completely legal.

Trump even category he didn't even write this stuff off, right,
So in other words, he just he's like trying to
evaluate things in his mind several different ways. Okay, do
I want so if I don't, like, just write this
off as a nuisance payment, So what this crazy lady
is gonna come out gonna accuse me stuff that accused
me of stuff that never happened. I got an organization

to think of. I have a business to think of.
I have a family to think of, Milania and young
son Baron, not to mention Don Junior, Eric Ivanka Tiffany.
I don't want them to have to deal with this.
I'm running for president. I got Obama and Biden, the
two most corrupt Democrats in the history of the country,
along with Hillary, just looking for things to attack me with.

So it's just far easier just as a nuisance payment's
just to pay this porn star and walk away. Right,
That's that's that's it. That's all. All of this in
a nutshell, all of it is completely legal. And so
what the defense's argument is that, oh, Trump didn't mark
down in his ledger that he that it was that

he was paying Michael Cohen to pay Stormy Daniels off.
So what the defense is arguing is that Trump should
have written down extortion payment in his ledger. I mean,
it's like, what do you write down there, hush money
payment even though it wasn't even a hush money payment.
Who even knows if this went down the way it

went down, I mean, this is just such a joke.
So so the guy that's prosecuting this case, I'm trying
to keep this is with all the legal LEAs out
of it and as simple as humanly possible for you all.
But the guy that's prosecuting this case is a guy
named Michael Colin Jello. He did today gave the opening

argument in the Trump prosecution. So to me, this guy
used to work for Merrick Garland. He was number three
in the Merrick Garland Department of Justice. He demotes himself
to go work as a line prosecutor despite never having
worked as a line prosecutor or even a defense attorney

in his entire career. Was a political employtee Democrat hack
for his entire career under Obama and then again under Biden.
He demotes himself from the Department of Justice to go
work on a state prosecution for one reason and one
reason only, and that was to get Trump. So this
guy a lifelong left wing activists, including an NAACP lawyer

for seven years who was a senior White House economic
advisor to President Obama, top ad to Obama Labor Secretary
in future DNC chair Tom Perez, top lawyer to Obama
DOJ Civil Rights Division had Tom Perez. Colon Gano has
never served as a line prosecutor. Or defense attorney. He's
simply a senior Democrat operative brought in by Bragg to

get Trump. What I just told you is one hundred
percent true. And everything that colon Jello is. His entire
case hangs on Michael Cohen, who served time in prison
for lying. And so here's the thing with all of
this that you all need to understand. None of this
actually matters, because all of this is a complete and
total sham. All of this is it doesn't matter, None

of this matters. It's all a complete sham. It's all
about it's all about keeping Trump in court while Biden campaigns.
It's all about bankrupting Trump and hurting Trump's ability to
raise money. That's it. It's think about the jury composition.
If you're the Democrats, the everybody considers this case to

be a joke. The only reason you bring this case
is that you hope you get a stacked jury with
twelve hardcore Dems that convent that's it. Hope that you
get lucky. The truth is is that as horrible as
Judge Mershawan is, he does have a duty to gets
some to you know, the political makeup on the jury

as mixed and diverse, as humanly possible, otherwise he opens
himself up for a po and all this other stuff.
So my point is is he is the process corrupted.
Of course it is. But Trump might have a shot
of getting one person on that jury that is sympathetic
to him, or you know, gets his news from truth

Social which one of the jurors does, by the way,
And all it takes is one juror to say no,
I'm not buying this, and then the entire jury is hung.
There's a new trial. That trial will happen after election day,
and that to me, is the most likely outcome. Now
here's a really crazy thing, and I hope I'm not
spending too much time on this. But the really crazy

thing about this is that Trump doesn't have a snowballs
chance in hell of being found innocent, found not guilty.
There's not a chance in hell. Why because it requires
all twelve jurors to rule unanimously on that. So what
does it say about our justice system if we already
know that there is no feasible way, even though this

case is a joke in every single way, there's no
way for him to be found innocent, because no way
in New York City twelve jurors are going to come
out and say, oh, not guilty. Another thing that I
was thinking about with this case, and I was texting
some of the lawyer friends that I know. By the way,

I don't like lawyers at all, for the record, Sorry,
if you're watching listening in our lawyer lawyers drive me crazy.
But I said, what about the statute of limitations? If
this happened in two thousand and six, clearly the statute
of limitations has to be up. We get this. So
New York's criminal procedure law establishes that the statute of

limitations is two years for misdemeanors in five years for felonies,
barring exceptions for certain heinous crimes like rape or murder.
So like, clearly this happened back in two thousand and six.
Clearly the statute of limitations it up is up. Okay,
So but here so now New York law does not
does identify a couple ways to stop the statute of

limitations clocked if the defendant was continuously outside New York State,
or if the defendants whereabouts were continuously unknown and continuously
unascertainable by the exercise of reasonable diligence, then the clock
is told. So in other words, all Bragg is doing
is arguing that Trump was in the right house, or

Trump was in Marlago or in Florida, so the clock stopped.
That is completely insane. It is completely insane. So that's
the backdrop to all of this. And here's the real kicker.

Speaker 2 (33:56):
The media is out there talking about this trial as
if it's like the OJ trial, covering it as if
it's anything else but a complete sham.

Speaker 1 (34:08):
It's a complete joke. Yet they're just well, the lord
of the juror all the judge said this, Oh my gosh,
like it's the OJ trial all over again. Listen to
Dana Bash, she's going back and forth with South Dakota
Governor Christy Nome, and listen to what she says. There's
no evidence. Just wait for it, it's coming. Listen to this.

Speaker 5 (34:30):
President Trump paid his legal fees, He paid his Michael
Cohen legal fees and bills. And that's what this trial
will bring forward, hopefully, is the truth. What a ridiculous
case that's this is, and that it's based on the
narrative today that is coming from a man who has
proven to be a liar. So I'm hoping that this
judge makes the right decision. I hoping these jurors can

come in and be unbiased and we'll let this case
go forward in a swift manner that allows President Trump
to get back on the campaign trail. Americans deserve to
hear from their candidates, and the Democrats and the activists
are using this trial to derail him, to keep him
in court instead of out talking to Americans about what
their real concerns are, and their real concerns are their
everyday lives. They need a leader in the White House

who gets up every day and puts them first and
doesn't raise their taxes, doesn't overregulate them, take away their freedoms,
and give all our money to other countries instead of
making sure that we're taking care of America first and
keeping us safe.

Speaker 6 (35:24):
Incuit, I just want to say, for the record, there's
absolutely no evidence that President Biden is involved in this.
This is the the case that is being brought in
the state of New York by the Manhattan that's.

Speaker 1 (35:37):
Oh, there's no evidence, there's no evidants. Come, are you
kidding me, Lady Biden? Said the number three guy who
demoted himself to go work with Alvin Bragg to go
after Trump. I just laid it all out there. How
in God's name, our media is such an unbelievable pathetic

and if you need look, I saw this from one
of my favorite accounts. This is this Maze posted this,
but I also think this is from was created by
our friends at Grabbian our media. They are just such
a joke. Listen to some of these people talk about Trump,
specifically Michael Cohen, who in this clip is gonna talk

about Trump annexing Canada and Mexico. This man the entire
criminal case in New York hinges on Michael Cohen's testimony,
and here he is on video along with a bunch
of intergalactic douche canoes talking about how Trump is gonna
be Hitler and how he's gonna annex Canada and Mexico
and a whole host of other just insane things. You

gotta hear this.

Speaker 7 (36:48):
Listen a second Donald Trump term, look.

Speaker 6 (36:52):
Like, well, he cannot be the next president it because
if he.

Speaker 8 (36:57):
Is, you can't imagine the things that he's going to
do Mexico, Canada. We can't go to Canada because eventually
Canada will become annext to America.

Speaker 1 (37:07):
And shoot visitors to the White House. Yeah, that means
he can shoot the first lady.

Speaker 8 (37:12):
We're going to see violence, the likes of which we
didn't even see on January sixth.

Speaker 6 (37:18):
Make it illegal to run against him, to throw his
opponents in jail, to shut down the media.

Speaker 8 (37:22):
He will make himself into the furor, and he will
make everybody raise their hand and salute him.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
Using martial law against the American leaf. Germinate the constitution.
Do we write the constitution, create mass internment camps, throw
everyone into Gitmo might be sent to jail, or their
rights might be suppressed, especially minority groups in society.

Speaker 9 (37:44):
You might have any number of things happened to you
and your family.

Speaker 4 (37:47):
Every one of us, our freedom, our liberty, None of
us is safe.

Speaker 5 (37:51):
It's going to have people around him executing against an enemy's.

Speaker 10 (37:54):
List, assassinate generals.

Speaker 3 (37:57):
Ordering troops to tack American citizens.

Speaker 11 (38:01):
Trump's very well armed and extremist base. We'll try to
kill people.

Speaker 10 (38:05):
He's going to basically burn the house down.

Speaker 5 (38:07):
You will unravel the institutions of our democracy.

Speaker 3 (38:10):
Draw similarities between Mussolini and Hitler.

Speaker 7 (38:14):
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, Trump even more dangerous, wants
to take away your vote.

Speaker 1 (38:19):
Senate in the House are immediately going to be paralyzed.

Speaker 10 (38:22):
People will begin in their minds to censor themselves. They
might say, well, maybe I shouldn't say it.

Speaker 1 (38:27):
This is the end of democracy.

Speaker 7 (38:29):
I think that could be the end of our democracy.

Speaker 1 (38:31):
Democracy is dead if Trump is reelected. Okay, listen, I
I that's half of the video. It goes on for
three minutes, but you get the idea. These people are
such a joke. Meanwhile, this is all stuff that they
said over the last year. Meanwhile, there is a Democrat,
garbage liberal in the US House of Representatives right now

putting forth legislation to strip Donald Trump of a secret
Service protection. They literally want this man dead. The left
is just completely out of control, which is why Trump
and when he wins in November, there has to be
a measure of accountability for what's going on in this

country right now because the Democrats, the left, they are
an existential threat to America and there's no question about it. Okay,
let's move on. Let me first, got some alerts from
ant Cindy Rio An Cindy USA, Beth Palm, thank you,
so much for the rumble rand timp Myron, thank you

so much, he says, from Fort Thompson to Fort Parnell,
God bless Bet, thank you both so much. Again. One
hundred percent of these rumble rants goes to building this
new studio, and this show's not possible without you. Thank
you both. Let's talk about Congress over the weekend. You know,

Savage Rich and I and I talk often on this
show about how our members of Congress, at least Republican
members of Congress, don't represent our base well. But I
think ultimately this speaks to a bigger problem. And again
I've said this before and I'll say it again, but
I think we've got to do a better job at

sending people who truly care about us to Washington. You know,
oftentimes we don't hold terrible Republicans' feet to the fire,
we don't hold them accountable. And this week I saw
something in the US House of Representatives that I've never
seen before, and that was the Democrats celebrating the sixty

billion dollars of aid to Ukraine. Mike Johnson, of course,
pushes this garbage. Democrats get the ball across the goal
line with this funding package, the American people clearly don't
support this. Saw Democrat members in the House, Democrat members
of the House of Representatives waving Ukrainian flags, not American flags,

but Ukrainian flags, almost taunting the American people who just
want to be able to pay their bills and focus
on the issues that we have here in America and
not fun forever wars. Watch this. I just think that's

unbelievably insulting. And I can't remember the last time that
I saw a group of Democrats ever wave in the
American flag. I can't remember the last time Democrats talking
about how much they loved America, or you know, filming
themselves making calls to their constituents talking about how they're

taking care of them, Like look at this idiot calling
Ukraine moments before this this vote. This is a Democrat
rep representative crow.

Speaker 9 (42:05):
Listen, hey, guys, can you hear me? Hey, good, good, good,
It's good. It's good. Good to see you. I just
wanted to give you an update that I'm about to
walk across the street from my office here in Washington
and we're going to take the vote right now. We're
voting right now for aid for Ukraine to give you

the support you need. So we're going to get this
passed out of the House of Representatives. We're going to
send it to the Senate. The Senate will vote on
it soon. We're behind you, we're rooting for you. We're
going to give you the support that you guys all
need right now to fight and win.

Speaker 1 (42:42):
Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 9 (42:44):
Today, I think it's going to be passed in the
House of Representatives today. Yes, I think it's going to
pass in like a half an hour. I think it's
going to pass. And what's the next step. Then the
next step is then it goes to the Senate, which
is our other body in Congress, and the Senate will
vote on it probably Monday or Tuesday, and I think

it'll pass there too. Well, we believe in you. We're
behind you. You're doing an amazing job. You're at your bravery.
Your courage is just inspiring to all of us. So
we're going to pass this bill. I talked to the administration.
They're actually getting weapons and ammunition and equipment ready right now.

Speaker 1 (43:24):
And bad enough. Thank you, thank you. Oh he sounds
really really excited, you know. I they're gonna these these
Ukrainian oligarchs. You know, they're gonna be able to go
out and buy more yachts, They're going to go out
and buy more sports cars, They're gonna be out to
be able to go out and buy more mansions. We're
spending our taxpayer dollars on Ukrainian pensions, and Democrats just

seem to be over the moon. Look at Representative Keating
from Massachusetts, who's a garbage Democrat talking to Zelensky about this.

Speaker 9 (43:53):
Also still Keating from Massachusetts. And I have something that
you're really gonna like.

Speaker 8 (44:00):
This is the.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
Official talent of the book.

Speaker 12 (44:03):
Yes, I see for the supplementally, yes, and look at that.

Speaker 3 (44:09):
Yes, thank you.

Speaker 10 (44:11):
That's a quick.

Speaker 1 (44:15):
Daniel Dangels much dangled seventy three thank you. Yeah, that's great.
Imagine if our members of Congress worked this hard for
the American people. Have you ever seen them give a
damn about the American people like they care about Ukraine.
It's absolutely unbelievable. And by the way, I almost guarantee

you that Trump is not okay with how all this
went down. Johnson did a presser with him down at
mar Alago before Johnson cobbled together this abomination of a
deal to give the illusion or at least the impression
that Trump was on board with it. I can. I'm
here to tell you that he is not happy about
the way that Johnson negotiated this. And what's more is

that this from Politico, the headline Russian military replaced Ukraine
battlefield losses far faster than expected, General warns and I
quote from the article, the Russian army is actually now
larger by fifteen percent than it was when it invaded Ukraine.
The proxy war has been a complete failure. This is

my friend ambersay in this. The Ukraine proxy war has
been a complete failure. All we're doing is wasting money
in Ukrainian lives. Exactly right. We are sending Ukrainians into
the meat grinder. And listen to what the Kremlin said
about this. Their spokesperson Dmitri Peskov on Saturday called the
approval of aid to Ukraine expected and predictable. The decision

will make the United States of America richer, further ruined Ukraine,
and result in the deaths of even more Ukrainians, the
fault of the Kievrais regime. Peskov was quoted as saying
by the Russian news agency Rya Novsty the new aid
package will not say, but on the contrary, will kill
thousands and thousands more people, prolong the conflict, and bring
even more grief and devastation. I mean, look, I don't

give a damn about Vladimir Putin. If he died tomorrow,
I would not care. I don't care. And obviously the
only thing that's incorrect about this statement, though, is that
this does not make the United States of America richer.
This makes the military industrial complex here in America richer.
And what kills me and what upsets me so much
about this, is that our tax dollars being sent to

Ukraine is right. It will prolong what is this protracted stalemate.
It will result in more Ukrainian dead, It will enrich
the military industrial complex all while Americans suffer. That's my
number one.

Speaker 6 (46:44):
I just.

Speaker 1 (46:46):
Think it's important for our leaders to have their priorities straight.
That we should not be funding and protecting other countries'
borders and funding other nations wars when Americans are having
trouble paying the bills and feeding their families. A lots
of issues here in this country, lots of pathologies here
in America that require our full attention. You know, if

you're If you've got serious issues in your own home,
you've got no business going out and try to fix
somebody else's house. Get your own house in order first.
That's how I feel about America right now. But I
don't feel like our elected leaders understand that. I feel
like our priorities are so messed up. And what's more
is that the vast majority of Republicans voted for this insanity,

which means that the vast majority of Republicans don't understand
how we the people really feel. I mean, who would
have thought that at some point like when America, I mean,
we have not been economically weak as weak as this
since Jimmy Carter. In fact, we're way worse off today

than we were even back then. As horrible as it
was back then, it's worse today. The military is in shambles,
our border is in shambles, crime is on the rise,
We're being invaded at our southern border. Yet members of
Congress in America are waving Ukrainian flags talk about being

out of touch. I feel like things are. Country is
in rough, rough shape. I mean, I am I'm happy.
I love this country. I think we're the best country
on the face of the planet. It's going to take
a lot to bring us down. But the Democrats seem
to be moving out and drawing fire on all fronts.

And you know something I've been watching today has been
bothering me, and that's this narrative from certain from Republicans
that there's going to be emotion to vacate. Marjorie Taylor
Green along with Thomas Massey and some other very principled
Republicans who I like and admire, are talking about emotion
to vacate. First of all, like I the motion to vakate, well,

you all know how I feel about that. I'm not
going to go into it, but it's really really important
for you all to know that there is no ousting
Mike Johnson. The Democrats won't allow it. The Democrats are
getting everything that they want from Mike Johnson. They're not
going to allow this guy to be ousted. They're going

to vote to bail him out every single time, and
they're going to stand alongside squish Republicans who got us
into this problem in the first place. So listen, listen
to listen to this to dem Rocanna talk about standing
with Mike Johnson. I mean again, if Democrats are praising you.
You know you're doing something wrong.

Speaker 7 (49:42):
Listen and to Speaker Johnson's a credit for how this
played out.

Speaker 6 (49:46):
He does.

Speaker 10 (49:46):
Look, we came into Congress together, and he always cared
about civility. He actually led the civility to plight and
he we had one issue, which was give individual votes,
don't lump things together. And I give him credit for
doing this. I would actually vote to table and emotion
to vacate him. You know, Chairman McCall quoted Churchill. One

of the things Churchill said is that America always exhausted
every wrong option until doing the right thing. And this
shows that American democracy still is very strong.

Speaker 7 (50:16):
Okay, you just said something significant. You said you would
oppose the table, the motion to vacate. In other words,
you will protect Speaker Johnson's job if Marjorie Taylor Green
and the others go through with their threats to try
to remove him.

Speaker 10 (50:28):
I would through the end of the term. I expect
Speaker Pelos as Speaker Jeff will be there in twenty five.
But look, and I'm a progressive Democrat, and I think
you would have a few progressive Democrats doing that. And
I disagree with Speaker Johnson many issues and have been
very critical of him, but he did the right thing
here and he deserves to keep it.

Speaker 1 (50:48):
That should tell you something. Dems are going to save
this guy. And even if Republicans did get on board
with a motion to vacate, you can bet that with
the majority already as slim as it is, that you
might have some squish Republicans screwing us over and again,
you might end up with a Keem Jeffrey speakership, which

this is just the Republicans in the House of Representatives. Yeah,
we might have won a majority, but I have to
say they've done just an absolutely terrible job. They just
they have not done a good job at being a
stopper for any Biden priority. And listen, sometimes we don't

send members of Congress down to Washington to get things done.
I mean, I think that's a big misnomer. Sometimes you go,
you with representing your people in mind to stop everything
that the Biden administration is doing. Hell, I don't. I
don't give a damn what any of our Pennsylvania Republicans
here that are members down and watch, don't give a

damn what any of them get done. Just stop everything
that Biden's doing to make this country a hell of
a lot better place. But they can't even seem to
make something simple like that. We have a majority in
the House of Representatives. Biden should not be getting anything done. Nothing,
But here we are. New Democrat Party is on the march,

firing on all cylinders, and Republicans are barely a blip
on the radar, surrendering at every tough fight. It makes
me sick to my stomach. Okay, let me talk to
you quickly about Ivy League colleges. They seem to be
lost what I had witnessed from some of these Ivy
League colleges over the weekend, especially Columbia, which is right
there in the heart of New York. And isn't interesting

that you've got New York City has become just like
a communist haven where you've got an innocent man being
put on trial in one part of New York, and
right down the road to Columbia, you have you know,
pro Hamas terrorist sympathizers blocking Jews from getting the class.
Things like visuals that are reminiscent of the Nazis prior

to the Holocaust. It's absolutely ridiculous. Watch this watch the
video of this Orthodox Jew just trying to get the class,
trying to get around campus while these pro Hamas sympathetizers
prevent them from doing that.

Speaker 13 (53:08):
Watch listen, we're here, don't get in.

Speaker 1 (53:25):
My way trying to walk around. You're surrounding pounding. I
mean again, you wonder how something as horrific as the
Holocaust could happen. You look at some of these images,
and it's pretty easy to see how. And and you

talk about history repeating itself, like look at this from
Ian Miles Chong on X says, history repeats itself. And
let me show you here. This is a picture of
Nazis prevent Jews, students from entering. Nazis with their arms locked,
preventing Jews from entering in the college. And you go

over here, this is Yale students form a human chain
to block a Jewish student from entering the university. This
is exactly, almost exactly the same is what happened back then.
And what's unbelievable to me is that Biden, you know,
is he stumbles and bumbles through the late phases of

his life. He talked about being on the campaign trail
or deciding to run for president when he saw Charlottesville.
Of course, his entire run for presidency is based on
a hoax. Isn't that appropriate for somebody who's been a
pathological liar his entire career that his run for presidency
was based on something that didn't happen. But he said

he ran for president because of what he saw, what
happened in Charlottesville. But what's been happening under Biden at
all these universities. First of all, it actually happened. Charlottesville
was a joke. It was yeah, there was some like,
you know, white supremacists there, I guess, but the whole
hoax around the fine people stuff. Democrats blew that up
and said that Trump said that there were fine people

on either side, and the media, along with Democrats, pushed
this talking point that Trump was somehow responsible for these
whack job white supremacists who were there, even though Trump's
not responsible. We can't be responsible for that. But they're
given Biden to pass for unbelievable, terrible things that are

happening on our college campuses, you know, attacking surrounding these Jews.
And by the way, this isn't freedom of speech. You
don't like you can in America. You can shout some
of the most offensive garbage out there. That's part of
living in a free country. What you just witnessed, what
I narrated for our friends who are listening, That wasn't eastpeech,

you know, being physical, getting in someone's face, restricting where
they go. They the people go to school there. This
is far beyond freedom of speech and listen. This isn't
flipping around. Imagine it was a bunch of white supremacists
doing this to young black kids, college kids on campus.

How fast do you think the Department of Justice would
be on those campuses. How fast do you think police
would be on those campuses breaking that garbage up. They
wouldn't wait at all, they would be there. That just
shows you what's happening on our campus and what's being
done to some of these kids who are Jews, who
are just trying to go to college and getting education,

being harassed by terrort sympathizers. All this is happening under Biden,
and not a single damn member of our press corps
is bothered to ask like, hey, sir, like what do
you think about this? Well, actually he was asked about
it today. Do you know what he said, he said,
I condemn the anti Semitic protests, Biden tell's reporters, I
also condemn who those those who don't understand what's going

on with Palestines, with the Palestinians. So it's almost like
Biden is saying that there are fine people on both sides.
It's like Biden is both sizing the issue. It's crazy
to me in the media, it's just like, man, you know,
find people stuff under Trump, total total hoax. Let's build

a whole narrative around it. Actual racism, horrific racism, and
genocidal rhetoric on on Ivy League institutions all over America. Man,
let's give it. But Biden says there are fine people
on both sides. He condemns both sides of this. Oh,
that's just just because Biden's a nuanced thinker about an
immenseally complicated issue. Are are you freaking kidding me? What

an what a joke? What a joke? Okay, talk about
a warning to America. This is from Western Lensman. Again,
if you haven't followed this guy on X or Twitter,
you should. But this is a warning to America and

twenty five ways the US is being destroyed, explained and
under two minutes.

Speaker 11 (58:21):
So I want you to watch this A Warning to America.
Twenty five ways the US is being destroyed in under
two minutes. One open borders and illegal immigration. Two, rampant
crime and unsafe cities. Three, mass addiction and fentanyl. Four, election,
in security and interference. Five, the educational indoctrination of children.

Speaker 12 (58:46):
Six, the asymmetrical weaponization of justice seven, the destruction of
private property rights eight, inflation and debt nine, the Global
depopulation agenda ten, record low fertility and plummeting birth rates eleven,
unaccountable federal bureaucracies twelve, toxic food supply thirteen, vaccine and

pandemic disinformation fourteen, the trans contagion and sterilization of children fifteen,
over prescription of pharmaceuticals sixteen, destruction of the nuclear family
and parental rights seventeen, DEI and the new racism eighteen,
Moral and societal decay nineteen, the financing of endless foreign

wars twenty the sprawling surveillance state twenty one, the centralization
and consolidation of government power twenty two, the destruction of
trust in institutions twenty three, the censorship industrial complex twenty four,
state media propaganda twenty five, the smearing of those who

challenge it.

Speaker 11 (59:58):
May long twenty fifty.

Speaker 1 (01:00:00):
There you go. Never stop fighting, never quit, never surrender.
We can't quit on America. I'm telling you, folks, thank
you all for watching. I've got an amazing show planned
for you tomorrow. I'm already cobbling it together for you.
I'm putting everything I have into the show. Thanks for
everybody who lay who left a rumble rant super Chat's tip.

So so grateful for you. We're going to continue to
bring the heat on this show and you know, hold
both Democrats and Republicans accountable for their failures in Washington
and ultimately failing we the people. This show is and
will always be for you. I'm so grateful to have
you all in this audience. You are the best audience

on the face of the planet. Make sure that you
like this episode. Smash that little green thumb beneath this video.
Tell your family and your friends to subscribe to Battleground
Live because we need them in the trenches in the
fight to save this country. As always, folks, thank you,

thank you so much. Now see you tomorrow night. God
bless you all, and God bless this amazing, amazing country
that we call home. Take care and good night, see
you tomorrow.

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