All Episodes

April 23, 2024 37 mins
Anti-Semitic campus protest is a leftist social contagion, like BLM. Columbia cancels all in-person classes for rest of year. Trump trial update. Ridiculous signs at anti-Israel protests like Gays4Gaza, Dykes 4 Divest. Will leftist anti-Semitism have any impact on Jewish Democrat voters? Clay and Buck take calls.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of The Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show Podcast. Second hour Clay and Buck kicks off.
Now we've got two main stories today we're going to
be bouncing in and out of. Obviously, the ongoing trial
in New York City of Donald Trump. It is like
an episode of the Twilight Zone or something. You've got

the Republican nominee, de facto nominee for president, who has
already been president for four years, facing one of four
felony indictments, any one of which, if he was convicted,
could make him spend the rest of his life theoretically
in prison. This whole thing is nuts, and Clay pointed

out there's an op ed in the New York Times.
Maybe we'll dive into some of that. Pretty clear the
person doesn't seem to really be a Trumper, but just
says the Alvin Bragg indictment is farcical but deeply unfunny.
Rights It's absurd and actually pretty fright. Makes you think,
as a New Yorker, how could you get a fair

trial if Alvin Bragg is overseeing the Manhattan District Attorney's office.
What if you were charged with a serious crime and
you were innocent, would you be able to get a
fair trial in New York? We'll dive into some of that.
I wanted to return, though Clay for a moment, to
the campus situation here. I will say, I wish there
was a way to look and see it with the

correlation between the activists on campus, who are you know,
kind of old enough, right, I mean you have to
look at the ages here because coming back, but the
activists on campus now and the people that are doing
this stuff and who was really fired up about BLM,
you know, And I think that there is ideologically and

this tells you a lot on the left, the same
way that putting pronouns in your bio and being a
climate change catastrophist, Oh my gosh, climate change, We're all
gonna die. That's kind of fallen into the back ground.
It's always there, but following the background as an issue
right now, there's about one hundred percent crossover. Right if
you put pronouns in your bio, you also believe in
climate change. I think if you are a Palestinian or

a pro Palestinian in the tents out on the square
shouting abuse at your fellow students who are Jewish. If
you're that, you're also really into BLM. You know, you're
also chanting Black Lives matter. Depending on there's a near
perfect ideological crossover, I think, and we should ask why
that is. I mean, I would answer the question simply
as these people want to tear down Western civilization and

they're just wrong about everything. But speaking of tearing things down,
the NYPD made arrests and tore down the tents at
Columbia University yesterday. This is cut five and this is
how it sounded, and you get the you get you

get the idea of pandemonium. They're screaming free Palestine. And
I always want to know, first of all, you know,
they never stop to think like the West Bank isn't
under under a military invasion right now? You know. You know,
Gaza decided that they were gonna support an entity that
did something that brought about a response and their consequences.

You know, elections have consequences, Clay terror attacks have consequences
as well. But these kids, like, what what issue? What
would it take for you when you were in college
to go camp out them? First of all, that to
shout abuse and threats at fellow classmates just because of
who they are, right, people are Jewish, they that that

is who they are, and then to live intense and
then to scream and act like you're the victim when
the police finally show up, after you've gotten one hundred
warnings that this is what's going to happen.

Speaker 2 (03:56):
This is really interesting because I think it goes to
the s. First of all, when I was in college,
I went to GW George Washington University.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
I would say that GW.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
Was in the top five or ten percent most politically
active campuses in the country, because if you choose to
go to college in Washington, d C. You probably are
more attuned to politics than your average college kid would be.
We had very vibrant GW Republican and GW Democrat student

groups on campus. Nobody was protesting, though, and the Arab
kids on GW's campus at the time were mostly rich
kids who wanted to drive fancy cars and just have
a good time partying in.

Speaker 1 (04:48):
College, which I have no issue with.

Speaker 2 (04:52):
And everybody seemed at the time maybe I'm totally crazy
to really get along very well. I said this before,
but GW had the team looked up like a thirty
or forty percent Jewish population.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
Yeah, but where were you? You were out of school
on September eleventh. I was a first year law student
at Vanderbilt, So you weren't underground anymore because we had
a lot. We had a lot of this. There was
a lot of lunatic stuff going on after nine to eleven,
in the months afterwards, where there was a lot of
America is Hitler and we're going to do a genocide
in Afghanistan. That happened in my school, I can tell you. So,

so this isn't it's not that different. I think a
couple things, Clay, we see it a lot. We didn't
have we didn't have a streaming video zones. Everything now
is performance art on these college campuses for these kids,
you know, these young adults. So you're seeing a lot
more of it than you would have and and so

I think that encourages it too, right, And this is
certainly to have occupy Wall Street. They were all yelling
down with capitalism while they were live streaming from their
laptops made with virtual slave labor in China, right, know
that that was the way they were doing it.

Speaker 2 (06:01):
Well, the thing that's crazy to me about this iteration
of student protests, so there weren't Again that I mentioned
the University of Missouri campus protests that started BLM related.
That was the first time I saw it on like
an SEC campus. But what's interesting is Buck, you mentioned
that your dad was at Columbia Business School in nineteen

sixty eight.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
Watch he had a view of the main area from
his building where they did the crackdown in sixty eight.
He said, cops went in mounted patrol with batons and
they were just whacking people.

Speaker 2 (06:33):
So the sixty eight era protests of Vietnam make logical
sense that college kids would be involved because they had
the danger of potentially being sent in a draft to
go fight in jungles of Vietnam. So it makes sense
to me that a kid who is of age at
that time would feel a direct connection to the Vietnam

protest you mentioned yesterday. I think what percentage of any
of the kids that are protesting now have ever been
to the Middle East, ever considered going to Israel, ever
spent any time at all in the Middle East. A
tiny percentage of them. This doesn't really impact their life,
So it feels to me, by and large, like a

social contagion brought on by the power of social media
where they're trying to take a stand on something that
doesn't direct them, almost for social cachet.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
Well, also, we've rightly established that in this country the
primary impulse or the primary thought process behind these camp
you know, these anti Jewish, anti Israeli. In fact, they're
even saying anti Zionism. That's just meant to be a facade.
It's a euphemism for their anti Jewishness. Right, it's like, well,

we who are you really upset set out here? Why
don't you just say it? But with all that going on,
and I do think the racial component of this is big,
would you also have clay is for the left in
this country? This is the Israel Palestine issue is turned
into a your cause can be tied into this, right

if you're a racial justice person, and here that's the
primary in the Middle East, it's more of a religious
and you know, historical. But if you're a racial justice person,
it's white people against non white people. Israelis again, even
though we know and I always just say it because
I don't want someone to write in like, but Israelis
are you know, Semitic and their Ethiopian Jews, And there's

all this I know, and there's a million Arabs living
this is notable, I think, with full rights and peaceably
and happily inside of Israel. You don't have a million
Jews living inside of the West Bank or the Gaza Strip,
but you have a million Arab including some Arab Christians,
who live peaceably inside of Israel. But okay, but you

can pick the racial issue if if that's what you
want to focus on. You can pick the religious issue.
So the Jewish Muslim and I think that when you
see some of the protesters the you know, some of
the protesters of Islamic heritage view it through that lens.
Primarily you're seeing a lot of black students protesting on campus.

I mean you see this from the videos, and I
think they view it through that racial lens instead of
the religious lens. And then you just have some of
the lunatic left wing Marxist kids who view it through
the oppressive colonial power or you know, capitalist power of
America influencing mid these FORIGN policies. So you see what
I mean, Like, yeah, whoever shows up at the anti

Israel protests, they get to pick their version of left
wing lunacy that makes them happy, right, It's an issue
that is very broad in that sense.

Speaker 2 (09:43):
Well, and I think you talked about it. Remember they
tried to turn the Chicago guy who got shot into
the new BLM, but he fired eleven times at police,
and then the video came out and that story kind
of vanished. I wonder to what ext the oxygen is
being soaked up that this is going to be the thing.

The reason why I'm skeptic for twenty twenty four. The
reason why I'm skeptical is I think the larger puppet
masters of the Democrat Party recognize that this is actually
not helpful electorally. Whereas BLM theoretically could be.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
Yes, yes, And I would say this Clay if I could,
if I were still in New York, because they don't
listen to talk radio, like they'd have no idea who
I am. If I were still in New York, I
would want to go to the Columbia. And I guess
it's kind of cleared out, but I'm sure there's still
you know, I don't know what that. It's not like
a live stream of it that I can find right now,
But if I could find these students, and why you

should I should note also just had let me see
where was this. NYU just had one hundred and thirty
anti war protesters arrested. Columbia has had all in person classes.
Cancer they're done.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
That's what we said off the top, like they're done
with in person classes.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
Overby seven thousand students. So let me just say, Clay,
this isn't going to make these protesters go away. I
know this area. It's up near like Morningside Heights on
the kind of upper West Side. They don't live on
campus primarily, they live in apartments off of campus, so
they've all basically got apartments till the end of May.
Start with that, Okay, it's they're all going to have
their housing. A lot of them have their housing, and

there's college kids, so they'll double up and they'll quadruple
up into a one bedroom if they have to, because
you know, welcome to New York. They're going to be there.
So this agitation is not stopping. It's also beautiful right
now in New York City. We're joking around if they
were doing occupy University of Michigan in January, I'd have
a little more you know, out on the quad intense.
I'd have a little more like, Wow, these guys are

really committed. It's beautiful weather. I just want to say,
if I were to walk around, and I know I
am surmising here and I can't prove this yet because
I'm in Miami, and you know, Florida is a sane
place compared to what's going on in Columbia and NYU.
If I were to ask, and what do you think
about this? These different students, Hey, look, would you just
what is your view of October seventh? Like, would you

condemn it? I don't think I could get more than
one in ten to even halfheartedly say that was really bad.
They would immediately pivot to something else. They would say, Oh,
it's oppressed people, and oh this is propaganda and whatever.
I mean, what happened on October seventh is the most
disgusting and disgraceful thing to occur since nine to eleven.

And the fact that there are so many students who
they don't even they don't even feel like they need
to clear their throat beforehand, Clay before they start talking
about how Israel's genocide. They don't say, look, we really
think October seventh was horrible, but this is not the
way forward for you know this is unfair on humanitarian grounds.
It's just evil. Israel is evil and they won't talk.

Speaker 2 (12:49):
About October seventh and we come back. I'm going to
have some fun with producer. Ali just sent me some
of the signs that are out there in Colombia right
now from far left wing groups supporting Hamas.

Speaker 1 (13:02):
Are trans students? Are trans students for Hamas featuring this one?
Are students for Hamas that I want to fund the
field trip. Let's see them head over to Gaza and
see how that one goes for them.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
I would love I would help pay for a We
talked about this some on Thursday or Friday, that I
would help pay for an airplane to fly LGBTQ activists
to Hamas to protest stage protests in the inside of
inside of Gaza. Let's see how long they last. Number
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Speaker 1 (13:53):
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of an update for you. We're scheduled to be joined

in the third hour by Andy McCarthy to talk about
the latest chaos in the Trump case. And we're not
going to avoid the chaos that is the Trump case,
but every day coming on and saying yeah, they're still
crazy is basically the update of how things are going.

And we're not gonna know necessarily. I don't think for
a couple of months until this case is actually completed
whether we manage to end up with any sane jurors
that will actually apply the law in a rational basis,
or if they were just successful in entirely getting Trump

deranged people on the case. But what I will say
Buck that I do think is significant. They are allowing
somebody like Michael Cohen to go on MSNBC all the
time and take shots at Trump, and they're trying to
restrict Trump's ability to comment on people like Michael Cohen

as a part of the gag order that seems clearly
flawed in my analysis.

Speaker 1 (16:29):
I mean, what have you pointed out, Clay, that there
may be a situation here where Trump's former lawyer Michael
Cohen is testifying against Trump and Trump's former Stormy Daniels lawyer,
therefore opponent Michael Avenatti, yes, is in favor of Trump

in this situation, right, like the allegiances of these two
lawyers have completely shifted over time. It's kind of a
remarkable I know there's a bit of a side note,
but as a remarkable situation. And I also think that
the everything that is being done in this trial in
New York is showing you that the whole thing is
completely unfair. I mean, do you want to break down.

We're gonna have Anni later. Why don't we talk a
bit about this editorial that makes so clear this entire
thing in New York, irrespective of what the actual facts
presented are, the way the process itself and the legal
system is really just a process for managing different interests
and you know, ultimately trying to achieve justice. The process,

Clay is being abused in a way that it is
impossible to think that Trump is getting due process well.
And this is why everybody out there last week was saying, oh,
you need to be arrested for jury tampering. No, I
actually stand on principle. Like Alan Dershowitz, who I saw.

Speaker 2 (17:49):
I don't know if you saw this book came out
in the wake of the Comelia protests and said I
can't consider myself to be a Democrat anymore, which, again,
Alan Dershowitz seems to me to be standing on principle,
which I wish more people did. And I know that
Tunnel the Tower stands on principle because they're helping our
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Speaker 1 (18:34):
It's been twenty three years now.

Speaker 2 (18:36):
There are kids graduating from college that were never born
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Speaker 1 (18:57):
That's T the number two T dot org. You know,
we had said, I'd got to just tell you I
wish I wish that I could do some men on
the street stuff. You know, I'd put on a mask, obviously,

COVID got to be safe, put on a mask, and
I would say operating, you know, as an independent journalist
or something. I don't know, I'm coming with some story
that's true, but you know, you have to tell them
all this stuff. I would love to be able to
ask these these protesters questions. I mean, the one that
would first come to mind is so October seventh, how
do you how do you feel about that? And just
to see their reactions. But you pointed out that there

are a lot of signs out yes that give us
a sense of the mentality, the psychology of these maniacs
were out in the quads yelling and protesting, and I
remember it's not just with the protesting. I mean they're
they're shouting abuse at Jewish students for being Jewish. I mean,
this is a regular occurrence at these campus They're they're
shouting threatening things about the Jewish people and the need

for retribution and all kinds of crazy stuff. So what
are the signs like that you're seeing, Clay?

Speaker 2 (20:08):
Some of the signs in this crazy Columbia protest that
has been reported on Gays for Gaza, Dykes for Divest,
Lesbians for Liberation, and there is a photo here of
Dykes for Divest which is connected to a Palestinian flag.

So this is what to your point, If you could
be a reporter right now and you could go interview
these gay kids that are protesting on behalf of Palestine,
Palestinian statehood or whatever they're trying to basically anti Israel protests,

do they have any conception of what would happen to
them at all? If they were in Gaza. They could
go right now and walk anywhere in Israel and they
could protest in favor of gay rights.

Speaker 1 (21:10):
Do you want me to do you want me to
play the role of purple haired lunatic Lassis than what
they would say.

Speaker 2 (21:16):
What do you think they would say if they were
asked directly about the cognitive dissonance?

Speaker 1 (21:21):
I understand the absolutism of the victim left and that
everything can always you can justify anything because you're always
the victim or you're always supporting the victim. They would
say that any rejection of trans rights in Gaza is
the fault of the Israelis for oppressing Palestinians in Gaza

and not allowing the freedom to express themselves necessary to.
So it's Israel's fault. I'm telling you, that is what
the purpose. If they would even answer your question and
not just shriek and try to spit at you, but
that is what they would say. They would say that
everything Clay, anything that Hamas does, no matter how vile,
is Israel's fault. That's the whole game. That's the way

they do all of this.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
This is also why the disconnect between race and religion
is so important, because much of the Muslim faith is
incredibly conservative in nature. Making a woman cover her entire

body because you are concerned about what the reaction will
be from men if she is not completely covered. Is
insanely conservative, and it's based on their religious belief. But
here in the United States we've managed to divorce what

is the multi thousand year battle by and large in
the Middle East, the conflict between the Jewish faith and
the Muslim faith, and certainly Christianity roles in their too. Historically,
that's been the whole reason that we fight. Only I mean,
this is only in the last thirty years has suddenly

the argument become based on the color of the skin.
We're going to determine who is oppressed and who is
the oppressor. And we've got a lot of Jewish listeners.
The idea that Jews, of all people, would be the
colonizers and the oppressors when you look at their entire

past couple of thousand years of history, is so bastardized
from any realization of the truth that it is crazy
that the most educated people in America would have become
such a cult that they are behaving.

Speaker 1 (23:51):
Couple of fashion one is I think we always can
refer to them as the most credentialed via the education bureaucracy, right,
I mean there's education, and then there's having letters after it.
As we found out thanks to a listener about doctor
Jill Biden, who doesn't even have a PhD. It's some
other thing I'd never even heard of before. But also, Clay,

you have to remember that in the same way that
Asian Americans have destroyed the left's race mythology around how
it's you know, it is it is racial oppression that
prevents minorities from getting into Harvard, right that or racism,

It is racism that prevents minorities from gettingto Harvard, whether
systemic or otherwise. Well, no, actually Asians had to face
racism because so many of them would otherwise get into Harvard,
you know East Asians we're talking about now, And and
so that's how the Supreme Court ended up coming around
to finally saying, and you'll notice a lot of schools
are still trying to just ignore this, that you can't

discriminate on the basis of race and college admission. The
left in our country, uh has and this is white
people will talk about let's say cultural Marxism, it's really
a racial Marxism. Actually, they've replaced economic inequality with this
hierarchy of racial oppression. Right, So instead of just where
are you on the financial scale, it's are you? You know,

the most oppressed race is slightly less oppressed race. It's
all on skin color. The history of the Jewish people
with whom they consider to be white. Remember this, the
left considers them to be white. The history of the
Jewish people would seem to be, on its face, a
refutation of the core belief of the left, which is
that the only people that face true discrimination are non white,

that white people. In fact, the left has claimed for years,
you cannot be racist against white people because racism requires
privilege and power in society. That means that effectively, it
is not possible for you know, white people are always
in this role of well, this is crazy because as
you point out the history of the Jewish people, and

not just the two thousand plus year history, but the
last hundred and you know, do the math on it,
the last hundred or so years, one hundred and twenty years.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
It was only seventy five years ago that we had
actual concentration camps where millions of Jews were being put
to death because they were Jewish. I mean, this is
why it's such a fundamentally broken worldview in living memory,
we can point to it being totally wrong. And yet

this is why my belief has to be and this
is when we had this conversation the first hour. Ultimately,
I believe that logic triumphs and I just feel like
this is so crazy. This idea that Jews are oppressors
and colonizers is so freaking and I have to be
careful not to curse because we're not allowed to. It's

so freaking ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
But can I can I give you a can I
give you a a little bit of a sad moment here?
You know again you're logic and think that yeah, as
a person of high IQ, we can get tho, we
can get a womp womp sound out here, Clay. The
Democrats during the pandemic in twenty twenty embraced the just

absolutely preposterous lie that cops are murdering black men without consequence,
systematically and frequently across the country. And that was the
underlying lie of BLM. Cops murder black men and nothing happens.
So the first of the guy, guy who was even
the proximity of George Floyd just got and and there's

a whole conversation we had about what did George Floyd
really die of? We could talk about that another time.
But you know, the guy who's in the proximity just
got sentenced to prison. So the notion that it was
all a lie, they haven't walked away from it at all.
In fact, I think they viewed it as entirely a
successful op. I think they thought the opera. I think
they thought Operations Saint George Floyd and BLM two point
zero rooted in a lie, delivered the presidency in part

for Joe Biden.

Speaker 2 (28:02):
I think that's true. That here's the problem. BLM was beneficial,
they think. I really don't see how this crazy anti
Israel protest is beneficial to the Democrat Party. I think
it might actually cost them the election, which makes me wonder.
You know, once you turn the crazy, once you let

crazy people rule you, it's hard to manage crazy people,
and the crazy kind of seems out of control right now.
How do you put the crazy back into the corral
where the crazy is beneficial to you? It's like the uh,
you know, the cattle Wrestling. One of the best Western

movies of all time, actually a mini series, Lonesome dub
One of the great all time Western novels by Larry Mingmrchry.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
It's all well and.

Speaker 2 (28:57):
Good when you've got the herd moving in the direction
you want them to go. But when the herd breaks free,
things fall apart in a hurry. It feels to me
like the Democrat herd, this horde of protesters that they
have been able to direct. Oh, you're the white man's
the problem. Let's go burn down a police precinct. Black
people are being murdered indiscriminately. What happens when that turns

on itself? Because you got some people who were in
the bom protest that are now walking past Columbia and
they're Jewish, and they're like, wait a minute, these people
we had to shut down Columbia University.

Speaker 1 (29:35):
These people are crazy telling you. I was. I was
at a passover with conservative Jews last night and we're
talking about this issue, and I was, you know, reading
for I don't know, I don't know. Remember I learned
a little bit of the Hebrew, but I forget. But
I was reading from the books and doing all the stuff,
and we talked about this afterwards. The left wing Jews

as much as left wing Jews, I'm not, you know,
we are. The conservative Jews have already known that. You know,
they the Hollywood, the Jewish community.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
Let's just say, like that's sort an easy way to
like describe, like a left wing Jew would be like
a Hollywood Jew.

Speaker 1 (30:08):
Right, Yeah, the left wing secular. I mean they're sort
of culturally and I you know, from an identity perspective, Jewish,
they tend not to be very religious. The religious Jews,
the conservative Jews politically and religiously, they're already on team
Reality here. The left wing Jews. I'm telling you, man,
even with all this crazy stuff on campus, they're not

gonna vote for Donald Trump. And that's they're just they're
not gonna do it. But will they not show up
or will they vote rfk Junior. I think I think
they're still gonna vote for Joe Biden. I'm just you know,
there's gonna say, oh, he doesn't have a choice, but
he's but he's good on the choice issue, he's good
on abortion, and he's you know, he's not He pretends
to be a religious Catholic, but he's not really. He's

actually a secular, a secular Marxist fraud. And you know
they're gonna. I'm telling this is my fear. We'll see,
but I don't. I don't see the The Jews who
see reality are reality, you know. In terms of this election,
I've seen a long time. Crafts of the world are
looking around. He's a billionaire, ostensibly a man who has

supported BLM. I think some of them are looking around
and saying, Holy hell, we've unleashed the furies here.

Speaker 2 (31:17):
This craziness is too much for me. I could be
wrong again. I tend to be an optimist and tend
to be rational in the way that I analyze things,
and we certainly live in an irrational era.

Speaker 1 (31:27):
If Jewish people vote.

Speaker 2 (31:29):
For Democrats, I think any Jewish person who votes for
Democrats is crazy in twenty twenty four, I really do.

Speaker 1 (31:37):
I mean, just based on what you're seeing, we'll see,
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Top of the next hour, we'll dive into this New
York Times editorial. Yes, I said New York Times in
the editorial.

Speaker 2 (32:54):
Page, absolutely savaging the case that's been brought by Alvin
brag against Donald Trump.

Speaker 1 (33:02):
And I think he's really well written.

Speaker 2 (33:04):
I'm stunned, frankly that The New York Times is sharing it.
But we'll break that down for you. Give the latest reminder.
Anny McCarthy's going to join us halfway through the third
hour to give you the latest analysis from a legal
perspective as a former prosecutor in New York for what
he is seeing there. But let's go with a couple
of your calls here, Joe in Big Bend, Wisconsin.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
What you got for us?

Speaker 3 (33:29):
Hey, guys, great show. Just as far as a little
comment on the crazies. Democrat Party needs the crazies because
they need somebody to fulfill the lawlessness the quote unquote
peaceful mostly peaceful protests. And let's take Wisconsin for example.

We now have a liberal Supreme Court that's going to
grant every wish list from ballot dropboxes to I mean,
you name it, probably try and get away from voter ID.
They need somebody to carry out they're wishless because they

can't win on their message.

Speaker 2 (34:13):
I get that argument. I think the problem is that
I would point to BLM was able to coalesce all
of the identity politics contingents, and they even had Remember,
and we've talked about this, Donald Trump kind of bending
the knee to a large extent to the BLM protest
because of the fear about what power they had politically

to wield. I don't know that it mobilizes in a
good way the same coalition in twenty twenty four, which
is why I wonder if they're going to try to
pivot off of the Israel situation the anti Israel protest
to find a new vehicle for BLM. They tried it
a little bit in Chicago. It didn't take because the

guy fired eleven times. But can they find someone new
that they believe is a victim that they can allege
us all about racism. They did it in sixteen, they'll
did it in twenty. I think they'll try to do
it again in twenty four. Jim and Seal Beach, California.

Speaker 4 (35:15):
Quick, I think it's time to call I think it's
time to call these people out. I wish more of
them would do it. There's a well known talk show
host on another conservative station, and that's been my opinion
that Hamas and Palestinians won in the same There's plenty
of evidence now to show that the majority of Palestinians
voting Hamas in from the day the kids are born,

they completely indoctrinate the young children, Palestinian children to hate Israel.
And now this has just been more evident by what's
going on in the colleges. The only other thing, real
quick is Donald Trump. You said it on your show earlier,
the suburban women.

Speaker 1 (35:52):
He has not.

Speaker 4 (35:53):
Got that group, and it's huge. And if the Republicans
just damned what's around this abortion issue, they're gonna they're
gonna have trouble again. They're gonna have trouble. They need
to deal with it. And it can't be just a'll
leave it up to the states. It's gotta be a
little bit more spelled out because if they don't, they're

gonna get hurt by it.

Speaker 1 (36:17):
Thank you, Buck.

Speaker 2 (36:18):
Here's the thing that to build on his point, there
was a big poll out and I flagged it.

Speaker 1 (36:22):
I don't think we talked about it.

Speaker 2 (36:25):
Suburban women the things that they care about the most
four percent set Inflation was the thing that they cared
about the most. Thirty nine percent set. Abortion was the
thing that they cared about the most off the charts
compared to anything else. It's staggering. But they're going to
fear monger on this issue. Democrats are because I think

it's pretty much the only thing they have. I don't
think there's any doubt about it at all. We come
back the latest on the Trump trial.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
We'll discuss

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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