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April 26, 2024 36 mins
Biden says he will debate Trump. Commercial real estate market collapse. Scarborough: Hamas could end conflict tomorrow by releasing hostages. No media drumbeat to release 5 American hostages in Gaza, and Biden not publicly mentioning their names. Biden's bootlicking interview with Howard Stern. Clay and Buck take calls.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome everybody. Friday edition of The Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show gets going right now and still some of
the biggest news stories of the week. Continuing on today.
The pro Hamas lunacy on the campuses keeps going strong,
I will say, summer pointing out that don't we really

just have the left fighting with their own leftist administrations. Well,
we shall discuss what is involved here and what's all happening.
That's certainly going to be a big story going forward. Also,
some indications I mentioned yesterday, I said, if I had
to guess, I would say there's some Soros funding attached

to these protests, because those tents look very new and uniforms,
and there's a lot of them that are the same,
and there's money, and there's organization that's gone into this.
It turns out already they have found that some of
the chief organizers are Soros fellows of sorts. So we
shall dive into that together. Victor Davis Hanson, I think

fair to say, one of the foremost intellectuals and authors
on the right these days, has a thread on X
that has gone viral in which he says, why are
they He goes through why are they meaning the left,
the Democrats trying to destroy us. I think it's very interesting,

certainly worth diving into some of that. And we've got
some good news out of Florida and the registration advantage
that Republicans have there now, and a lot of credit
for Governor Ron DeSantis and his team for the shift
clay nine hundred thousand Republican registration advantage now in Florida.

It is a one point one million plus move toward
Republicans in about four years. So there's they'd like to
throw in the good news, and then just also the news,
the general news, and I suppose we could start there
with this one. Joe Biden, who has got to be

able to see in the polling, is in the worst
place we've seen an incumbent president in a long time
at this stage of a reelection. So it's real. This
isn't just a blip on the radar. Biden is losing.
That doesn't mean he will lose, but right now he
is losing to Donald Trump. I think that's quite clear.

In fact, we got Bill O'Reilly joining in the second
hour today and Mark Simo and mister New York himself
of seven to ten Woor will be with us in
the third hour. Clay Mark wants to give us his
analysis on how New York is gonna go in this election,
and people need to hear it. The guy knows New
York people need to hear it. You're gonna want to
hear it. So that's coming up in the third hour.

But I just would say Biden big. The big news
him right now is he is telling everybody that he is,
in fact, and we have this SoundBite for you, he is,
in fact willing to debate Trump after all, play it.
I don't know if you're going to debate your your opponent.
I am somewhere.

Speaker 2 (03:15):
I don't know when I'm happy to.

Speaker 1 (03:18):
Okay. First of all, it didn't exactly sound sharp as attack,
even in that very short clip.

Speaker 2 (03:23):

Speaker 1 (03:25):
Two things that I've got on this. One he's saying it, sure,
I'm still not one hundred percent convinced. And two, if
he does do it, and you've said this when I
said I don't think Biden's going to debate. If he
does do it, it is because he's got ground to
make up and he knows it. He's got to throw
a change up pitch into the mix.

Speaker 3 (03:46):
Yeah, This is a sign of I think Biden recognizing
that he's in trouble. I think it tells us two things. One,
you're right, Biden is down right now. And I said
this months ago. I said, I your general consensus has
been Trump wants debate, debate Biden, but a lot of
times the person who's in the lead doesn't have as

much reason to debate. I think this is a sign
that Biden's numbers are not good. Second thing I think
it tells us is saying that he's not going to
debate is something that polls very poorly, I think with
the general public. And remember, I don't think it's coincidental
that this sudden announcement with Howard Stern of all people,

to be doing a sit down interview with by the way,
that happened just in the last couple of hours.

Speaker 1 (04:34):
I don't believe a democrat now used to be he's
a Democrat. He might he would argue with that I'm
an independent. No mask wearing in COVID broke him. As
you have said so many times, he's a leftist.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
And the fact that he is hosting the that conversation,
I think this buck is directly tied to the The
New York Times, Washington Post, all those media outlets remembers
on the front page saying we're going to be in
favor of a debate. I think that was kind of
the brushback pitch. He's now agreed to it. The other thing,

did you see this story? I was surprised it's the
lead story on Axios, and I think it ties into
the Biden perception. They now were not allowing Joe Biden
to walk by himself to get on the helicopter at
the White House.

Speaker 1 (05:21):
Did you see this?

Speaker 3 (05:22):
Nine of the last ten times he's been surrounded by
a cadre of advisors and or walking partners. Because just
Biden walking is creating the perception of his sinility and
the degree of feebleness associated with him. So they're now

using shields surrounding him to try to keep from that
being a reality that everyone sees well.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
And then there's also the next level of that, which
would be he could have a Hillary flopping into the
back of the van moment. Remember that, And that got
a lot of playback in twenty sixteen. They say, oh,
she had walking pneumonia or something. They had some story,
but she clearly had some form of exhaustion. She's an
older lady. But if you have Joe Biden have a

wipeout moment trying to go up the stairs, I understand
that's not high level foreign policy or you know, the
the numbers for the economy. That's not something that everybody
would necessarily view as indicative of his presidency. But the
optics matter. The visual matters. When you're that old and
seem that feeble to a majority of the electorate, the

visual of a Biden collapse, you know, or tripping, falling down,
anything like that could be very damaging. As we've discussed
all along, we're talking about very small margins here in
the electorate that are going to determine this election. Trump
could win by a pretty sizable margin, I think in
the electoral college, but I don't think he's going to

win by that much in the overall vote. The overall
unless your.

Speaker 3 (06:58):
Boy Mark Simone, who's going to join us in the
third hour, is right, New York's in play, and then
it could turn. I think Reagan was the last Republican
to win New York, and he did it in eighty four.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
If I'm not gonna say such, isn't that amazing? I
think Reagan won New York and that California used to
be a solidly Republican state. In elections, California became great.
This is the truth, and this should do a whole
history on this. California became a great American state as
a Republican state, and then in the nineties it got

flipped a ton of legal immigration, and now it's become
a communist en Clay. Still very beautiful as a state,
and still a lot of great Republicans who live there,
and they listened to this show. But look what happens.
Look what's happening with the city's clay. The commercial real
estate in San Francisco right now, in downtown if somebody
had the stomach for it, you can pick up commercial

real estate buildings for a song in downtown San Francisco.
Which why that is so crazy, Just want to rest
San Francisco used to be the tightest and highest per
square foot cost real estate commercial real estate in the nation,
even more so than manhattanutes peak because of Silicon Valley

and all the money piling in. And now they're practically
given away these buildings, Thank you, Democrats.

Speaker 3 (08:20):
Lots of places I don't think we mentioned this on
the show. There's a front page article in the Wall
Street Journal a high rise I think it's like a
forty five story building in Saint Louis just sold for
three and a half million dollars forty I think St
Louis listeners, I know we've got a lot of you.
You can correct me if I'm wrong on exactly how

tall this building is. Front page story I'll look it
up to in the Wall Street Journal recently talking about
how many of these downtowns, left run downtowns, left wing
run downtowns have completely collapsed. You're right about the prices
just plummeting in San Francisco, But in Saint Louis. Think

about three and a half million dollars for a high
rise building and they can't even sell it. And I
think it was valued at over two hundred million dollars.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
Like fifteen mins. I saw that story. Yeah, it used
to be worth hundreds of millions and now they're given
away for three million dollars. But it's a reminder that
and this actually ties into what we're seeing on the
campus is too. If you don't have safety and an order,
law and order, everything else is affected and everything else
begins to crumble, and I understand that there's this thing

that leftist will do. They'll say, oh, well, you know,
what are the chances of you really being the victim
of a crime in this city? In some cities is
actually high enough that anybody would be very concerned about it.
But the perception of public safety is in many ways
as much of a market mover and effects the real
estate markets, effects, investment effects, whether people are going to

open small businesses, affects, the school's effects everything. What is
the first thing you want to know when you're looking
at you know, Clay, you and I we you know,
have homes we live in. You know you've done some
investing in real estate. I've done investing in real estate.
I mean I look, I'll tell you I looked at
some great stuff in Memphis at one point to invest
in real estate wise, and then I looked up the

crime stats and I was like, as much as I
you know, I've never been in Memphis. I hear it's
a beautiful city. We talked to our friend Ben Ferguson about it.
I just don't want to, you know, for me, the
crime deterioration issue is something that I want to avoid
to live in myself and as an investor. That's true
of anybody in any of these places when they're making
these considerations. It's certainly the case in San Francisco. You
see Walmart now I mentioned this, I think it was

yesterday that Walmart is replacing self checkout kiosks with somebody
checking you out kiosks, and they just say it's because
people are stealing. I mean, they're not saying this publicly,
but people looking at this are saying it's because people
are stealing so much, and it's a little harder to
get away with stealing when you're not doing the checkout yourself.
At least that's the theory around it. So the degradation

of law and order in these places, and it's all
because of Democrat policies that it's happened in the last
few years, is a huge challenge. Buck.

Speaker 3 (11:12):
Here's the math on that, and I encourage you to read.
We'll maybe post the link. I'll send it to. The
story about the collapse of Saint Louis, and you brought
up San Francisco.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
Brought me to mind.

Speaker 3 (11:23):
Forty four story at and T Tower there now empty.
It recently sold for around three and a half million dollars,
and putting that into context, that building sold for two
hundred and five million dollars in two thousand and six.

I mean, think about how unbelievable that is in the
space of whatever that is eighteen years a building, forty
four story tall building just sold for three and a
half million dollars. It had been valued sold for in
two thousand and six, two hundred and five million.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
Yeah. And then the other side of it is these days,
for anyone who grew up in South Florida, they know
what I'm talking about. You used to be able to
buy a nice, you know, two thousand square foot home
in Miami Beach decades ago for like fifty grand. Now
you can for three million bucks. You can get a
nice two bedroom condo. Probably not water views anymore. I
mean the markets. My point here isn't just because it's

fun to talk about real estate, which I think it is.
I'm fascinated by real estate, but it's one of the
most tangible manifestations of sentiment of how people feel about
the trajectory of the community. You know, where you buy
your house for almost everybody is the single biggest expenditure
you're going to have or single biggest choice you're going

to have about lifestyle other than you know, having a family.
And you can just see the clay. The overall thesis
here remains so strong, which is that areas that believe
in law and order, areas that want schools that aren't insane,
they're just getting more and more people and property values
are going up. I'm here right now in Raleigh. Raleigh

is gonna They're gonna have to cut off all the
people in North Carolina, cut off all the people from
New York, at New Jersey and Massachusetts who are coming
down here and who love it. I was just talking
to a bunch of the folks here. They say that
the market has been exploding in years because everybody wants
a liver. You know why, because it's not some communist hellhole.
That's why.

Speaker 3 (13:29):
Also, you live in Florida, I live in Tennessee. A
lot of you are listening in Texas. Taxes factor in
a big way too. The more money you have that
you're having to pay. It's not only that you have
to pay less to live in Florida, Tennessee and Texas.
It's that if everything is falling apart around you, as
you well know, because you came from New York City.

It makes you even angrier to be paying the taxes.
If everything's perfect, then everybody's safe. If you still don't
like cutting that check, but at least you can look
around and say, there's goodness, decisions being made, it's a
beautiful place still live, things are going well. When that's
not happening, that big check that a lot of people
have to stroke, it's way less palatable.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
Look I and you know, I did an event out
in Saint Louis what was it last year? And I
spend a lot of time with the folks. There are
listeners there and they all they lived in the in
the burbs, so they're all living in like beautiful houses,
the people that I know having dinner with and stuff.
We did an event for a couple of hundred folks.
They're living in the suburbs. I said, how's downtown. I said,
Downtown's just not safe enough. And those are Saint Louis residents, right.

It's for a while I used to have to tell
people that say, is New York safe? I said, New
York is very safe? Not so much anymore. But I
could clean it up. You could clean it up in
I think if you gave me eighteen months, I could
make Saint Louis a different city. If you made me
the mayor kind of like the czar in a sense,
and you gave me the right to have the da
that I want and the prosecutors that I want, and

you give me the budget that I need to get
the cops that I want who know that I'm going
to have their back, go the full Rudy Giuliani plan.
You could do it in any of these cities. Turn
it around in less than two years. It's not hard.
The people in charge refuse to do it. And they
are all Democrats, all of them everywhere Democrats. So I

hope everyone remembers that as we're going into election cycle.
Here also take your calls. Obviously, it's Friday, so we
want to chat with you a whole bunch. And I
mentioned I'm in North Carolina, and earlier this morning, in fact,
I was in Sanford, North Carolina, which is a great
little town, and I was visiting our friends at Bear
Creek Arsenal. First of all, their facility is world class,
and they're all gun guys and gals. They love what

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get out on their test range. It's a lot of fun.
Maybe a little bit of fl auto, maybe a little
bit of suppress ful lotto. I don't know. Maybe we
got into some stuff out there. Maybe you'll be seeing
some videos some photos of it too. But I got
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Speaker 4 (17:06):
Clay Travis and Buck Sexton on the front Lines of Truth.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
Welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. We come back.
I'm gonna have a little bit more fun with this
quick turn here. But the idea that Biden merely walking
is such a terror to Democrats that the lead story
for Axios this morning, Well, good day for Trump was

the lead story. But they then ran through the idea
that they are hiding Biden on his walks to the helicopter.
Buck hiding Biden, hide and Biden. It's not a good
sign when you're terrified. They were talking about the new
shoes that he's wearing and everything else to try to
keep him from falling. That's where they are. That ain't

a good spot to be and also some good polling
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This is amazing.

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Buck Sexton on the front lines of truth.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
Welcome back to Clay and Buck. We call them like
we see him here. We told you that over and
over because it's true and you hear it yourselves. And
so as much as some warnings, I have to point
out that the table over at MSNBC Morning Joe is
really a gathering of It's like a council of Trump

derangement syndrome on display. But on the issue of Israel
and the Palestinians, Israel and Gaza, they have been saying
some sensible things over there, kind of like Fetterman, who
has been I can say at this point on Israel
rock solid as far as I can see, I haven't

seen anything to lead me to believe, and Clay and
I have. We keep sending back and forth. Fetteran clips
like high five again, like how does you see? I know,
you know, it's just like okay, I guess he's doing
a great job. But Joe Scarborough credit, where do makes
an important point here? Hamas could end this entire conflict

to mo play eight, He's just a.

Speaker 5 (20:02):
Reminder for all those people who are glorifying Hamas and
holding up pro Hamas signs and while Jewish students try
to walk to class. That's just a reminder. I'm not
sure what Hamas was trying to do. I'm glad the
videos out because obviously I know Rachel and the family
are so relieved these life But that's just a reminder

once again of October seventh. A son goes to a
concert for peace and he is attacked by terrorists and
Jewish kids slaughtered, and there's still Jews that are still
being held hostage, which hamaskut in this tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (20:37):
Hamas could end.

Speaker 5 (20:39):
This tomorrow if they chose to.

Speaker 1 (20:42):
They just don't want to. That's a critical point. And
I would just say, why aren't if the people on
the campus and this is still going on, and there's
more protests and there's more craziness, so and I think
Democrats have a real problem. They're canceling graduations now left
and right. Pay two hundred and fifty grand or three

hundred grand to go to one of these schools and
all of a sudden, anyway, you you, Clay, if Hamas
wanted to end this tomorrow, they could. That is true.
None of the students on the campus, from what I
have seen, are calling for an end to the Israeli
military response after a release of hostages. So they want

unilateral disarmament here in a sense, they want the Israelis
to stop while there are Israeli citizens who are in
the custody of these terrorist barbarians. And the other point
he made that not enough people remember they shot up
a peace concert. Yeah, Hamas shot up a peace not

just shot up, I mean mutilated and murdered hundreds at
a concert for peace with the Arabs, with the Palestinians.

Speaker 3 (21:54):
I think, if you wanted to point to one particular
area of failure of the United States media, there are
still five Americans held hostage. Think about the way that
when Iran took over the US embassy as a part
of the nineteen eighty election campaign, it was a sign

of Jimmy Carter's weakness that he couldn't get American citizens back.
Think about the fact that there are still five American
citizens being held hostage by Hamas. Have you heard Joe
Biden mention their names? Have you heard Joe Biden demand
that America's hostages be returned immediately he went to Israel,

he could have said to Hamas then, instead of sitting
around talking about ceasefire. How is it that the American
media is not holding Joe Biden responsible for getting back
American hostages.

Speaker 1 (22:54):
Think about this, Buck, Think about.

Speaker 3 (22:56):
The amount of time that was spent on Britney Griner
being held for violent for breaking the law in Russia.
Now you can say, hey, it's a relatively minor offense
the drugs that she was carrying, But she was carrying
drugs in contravention of the law there, and the American

media created an incredible drum beat of how in the
world is Britney Grinder going to remain in prison? Paul
Waalan's still there, Evan Gersovitch and I'm probably messing up
his name. York from the Washington I mean Wall Street
Wall Street Journal. They're still imprisoned. Whylan was a marine
so and he's evidently done nothing wrong. Britney Griner gets

brought back. My point is the American media drumbeat of
get Americans home sure doesn't exist when it comes to
the five American hostages in Israel.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
And I don't want to divert from these really just
a discussion about what's going on campus and get back
into it. But you just remind me there was such
an outcry for freeing the w and W nbaby Grindertney Grinder,
the media doesn't seem as invested in trying to get

Ryan Watson home, who was detained as a father of two.
He's got a lovely wife and kids. He's just on vacation.
You know, he's not traveling. You travel the Russia. You're
taking some risks. Okay, if you get you know, if
you get arrested by the North Koreans because you're in
North Korea. I'm not saying we shouldn't help you, but
you know, you better watch yourself, right, Turks and Caicos.

It's basically the Bahamas. I mean they used to be
a part of the Bahamas. It was like a British
protectorate for a while. It's right off of Florida. He's
getting held in facing twelve years for a couple of
rounds of hunting ammunition on his way out of the country.
Who is he going to possibly harm? It's absurd, But
there's not the same kind of focus I can assure

you from the Biden administration to get him out as
there was to get Britney Griner out. And you should
ask why that is. I think that's fair to say.
Why is one so much more important to the Biden
administration and its State Department than the other?

Speaker 3 (25:07):
Gay black woman ranks higher on the pyramid of victimization
than white heterosexual married husband and frankly five Jewish people. Again,
I just kind of sit here and think the easy
analogy is Jimmy Carter nineteen eighty campaign. They're a bunch

of American terrorists in Iran, a bunch of American citizens
in Iran taken a hostage by terrorists, and it's a
major aspect of the presidential campaign. Can we I mean,
has Biden even named them? Has Biden even named the
five people who are American citizens that are still We're
now sitting up coming up on seven months that they

have been hostage. Think about the hellish conditions that those
people have been in for seven months now. But it
also goes if they're still alive, by the way, we
don't even know that.

Speaker 1 (25:58):
We don't know, I mean very much could be dead.
We don't know, which is horrific for the families and
for everyone involved. But we also should recognize who we're
dealing with when you're talking about Hamas. Not only did
they do what they did on October seventh, which is
evil on a scale that demands the kind of severe

response the Israelis I've given it. These reallys have no
think about the people that are calling for a ceasefire.
I honestly, you have to be brain dead, you have
to be that's turon to think that, right. I mean,
the ones that were calling for it right afterwards. I mean,
this would be I didn't even know what to say.

I mean, if a neighbor broke into your house and
you know, murdered all your family members and burned down
your house, and then you manage to get a rifle
and you're gonna defend yourself, and then he demands a ceasefire. No,
I'm sorry, you still got the gas canister in your hand,
like you're getting shot. It's outrageous. But Hamas is holding
They're holding hostages under the threat of murdering them. They

have little children, they have they have women, and they're
holding civilians and saying we are actively going to murder
them unless you do what we want. That's what a
hostage is. And the and the people on the campus
feel all this solidarity with that, They feel solidarity with savages.
They feel solidarity with terrorists, people that will do anything
because they've embraced evil as part of their ideology, and

that is just what we are seeing.

Speaker 3 (27:31):
I just think it's a it's a failure of the
American media not to hold Biden accountable again. Has he
ever said their names? Has Joe Biden publicly mentioned the
five American hostages that we believe Hamas still has.

Speaker 1 (27:45):
Well, he doesn't want to bring any attention to it
because because he doesn't want to bring attention to it
because he's probably going to fail what I mean, hopefully not,
but I mean what if he fails to get any
of them home? Do you know what I mean? He
just wants people to forget that he's so inept. He
mean he should be, but he should be telling Hamas
and who knows. I don't you know. Look, I used
to work in the secret world. I don't know what

conversations are happening behind closed doors. If I was Biden's
CIA director, I would have had back channel. There's plenty
of them running around in Cutter and the UAE. I
would have had back channel with Hamas guys and be like, look,
you got us back our Americans or I promise you
we're going to hunt down and kill every person involved
in this. We're going to do whatever we have to
do as long as it takes. And somehow that hasn't happened.

Speaker 3 (28:27):
Oh, I think that's certainly conversations aren't happening because they're
still holding them. I believe they gave proof of life
for one of the Americans, uh, in the last few days.
But again, the American media, if we had an honest one,
would be barraging every single day the Biden White House
asking about these individuals and asking why Biden isn't mentioning

their names?

Speaker 1 (28:49):
And you know why they don't. This is this is honestly, uh,
for the for the Democrats, this whole thing is a
circular firing squad. They can't figure out. They don't know
what what are they really supposed to do? Do they
really want at the New York Times, at CBS so
to thoroughly and fully alienate a portion of Jewish voters?

Jewish Uh, you know, major donors to the universities. I mean,
we should talk about this. The professors. You're really seeing
this more and more. What was it you said? Was
it a GW You said that this is yeah, at
Alma Mater. I don't even want to know what the
communists at Amherst are doing. I'm sure it's just as bad.
But anyway, it's a smaller school, so it doesn't get
as much play. GW. You got the professors all encircling

the students now, like creating a human chain to protect
them so they won't get arrested. And and you just
want to wonder, Oh, that's why this is all happening,
because these communist professors have been really just doing race
baiting in these schools because again, as we say, they
just view this as a white brown conflict with the Is,
with the Jews and the Palestinians. They've been doing that

for years, for decades actually, and this is the end
result of it.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
Hersh Goldberg polland is the name of the Proof of
Life hostage video that came out this week. One of
the Americans. I believe there are still five his name
at least shared there. You'd think there'd be a lot
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Speaker 1 (31:28):
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Speaker 4 (32:11):
Have fun with the guys on Sundays the Sunday Hang Podcast.
It's silly, it's goofy, it's good times. Fight it in
the Clay and Buck podcast feed on the iHeartRadio app,
or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome back in Clay
Travis Buck Sexton Show. Appreciate all of you hanging out
with us. We mentioned that Joe Biden was on with

Howard Stern. We're going to have a few more of
those clips to play with you.

Speaker 6 (32:39):
I just.

Speaker 3 (32:42):
The idea that Howard Stern would go from rebellious uncontrollable
radio personality.

Speaker 1 (32:54):
I mean he was a shock jock, Clay. He wasn't
Paul Revere like we should.

Speaker 3 (32:57):
I like it too crazy, I get it, but I
respect to the creativity, the fearlessness.

Speaker 1 (33:02):
Whatever you think about him to turn.

Speaker 3 (33:04):
Into a boot licking stooge of people in power. He
showed up in a suit to interview Biden. He also
hid from everybody for years because of COVID. I mean,
Howard Stern would hate the Howard Stern that he has

become for almost his entire career.

Speaker 1 (33:28):
I just I mean, And.

Speaker 3 (33:29):
The idea that Biden would do a Howard Stern interview
is I think a sign. You know, the New York
Times ripped Biden for being the first president not to
do a sit down interview with the New York Times.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
And I get it.

Speaker 3 (33:44):
The New York Times is a shell of the organization
that it used to be. But are they not sufficiently
boot lickers for Biden to be willing.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
To talk to them? Well, I think that he probably
went to Howard Stern because they think the the perception
of this, the optics of this would be, Oh, he's
like a cool cat. He's Joe Biden man, like he
can just roll with anybody looking at him, talking to
Howard Stern. Talking to the young folks. Gonna use the
term folks a lot because they're so young and hip,

you know. I I think that that's why they're trying
to shake it up a little bit, and they're gonna
rely on and they can the Howard Stern's the the
Jimmy Kimmels, the to always make him seem Clay's word
evuncular as America's grandpa. And he's just good old Joe
and the whole thing that this guy's been running this
playbook for many years. It's amazing because anybody who knows him,

and I know people that used to work very closely
to buy and tell you he's not a nice person.
So that's a this is well known. It's not talking.
He is both dumb and mean, but people see bad.
I try to avoid that in people whenever I can. Yeah,
not good, but he's the president. We've got Tom and
Raleigh on the line. I got a Raleigh call. It's

exciting because I'm down here, rolly myself. What's up Tom?

Speaker 2 (35:01):
Hey, I just wanted to call in a shout out
for being here at rally. I've been here about three years, myself,
my wife and I followed our daughter down here. She's
she's been here ten years.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
Where'd you leave from?

Speaker 2 (35:16):

Speaker 1 (35:17):
Where where'd you move from?

Speaker 2 (35:18):
New York upstate?

Speaker 1 (35:19):
You're like me, a new Yorker who who went south?

Speaker 2 (35:21):
Yeah, yeah, yeah nice. Uh, nice stable economy, favorable state
income tax. We do have state income tax, but it's
a reasonable rate. And uh, our state legislature actually looked
a little bit for us this year, like they promised
they would. And uh, kudos to them. They've got they

got money in the bank, their their money ahead. Our
state is financially.

Speaker 1 (35:47):
Sound in the black excellent. Thank you Tom for calling in.
Uh Chris in West Hampton Beach, New York. What's up, Chris?

Speaker 6 (35:56):
I listen. I think, no matter what's happening to the
Democrats and how bad they look, I'm terrified that abortion
is going to be the sleeping thing that kills the Republicans.
I live in Manhattan in a big apartment building and
a lot of Jewish people in the building, and I
asked them, so have you changed your mind yet? Are
you going to vote Republicans? And they said no, they'll

get their their pro abortion and so am I. But
it doesn't matter. Even Chuck Schumer put a put a
bullseye on the back of all the Jewish people around
the world by standing with Amas, and they're still going
to vote for the party that supports still had Omar
and AOC and everything. It's we're not making.

Speaker 1 (36:36):
Any sense thanks all. They worry that Chris is probably
right in terms of the voting, so it's all they got.

Speaker 3 (36:45):
It's why they're running these crazy ads claiming that basically
it's a Handmaide's tale.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
We'll break down the latest polls though, next

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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