All Episodes

April 26, 2024 59 mins
Solidarity with savages. The ultimate phony. Mark Simone (aka Mr. New York) on Trump’s chances of pulling NY. Uncle Bill on "Confronting the Presidents."

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome back to Clay and Buck. We call him like
we see him here. We've told you that over and
over because it's true and you hear it yourselves. And
so as much as some warnings, I have to point
out that the table over at MSNBC Morning Joe is
really a gathering of It's like a council of Trump

derangement syndrome on display. But on the issue of Israel
and the Palestinians, Israel and Gaza, they have been saying
some sensible things over there, kind of like Fetterman, who
has been I can say at this point on Israel
rock solid as far as I can see, I haven't

seen anything to lead me to believe, and Clay and
I have. We keep sending back and forth, fettering clips
like high five again, like how does you see? I know,
you know, it's just like okay, I guess he's doing
a great job. But Joe Scarborough credit, where do makes
an important point here? Hamas could end this entire conflict

tomorrow Play eight.

Speaker 2 (01:06):
Just a reminder for all those people who are glorifying
Hamas and holding up pro Hamas signs, and while Jewish
students try to walk to class, that's just a reminder.
I'm not sure what Hamas was trying to do. I'm
glad the videos out because obviously I know Rachel and
the family are so relieved these life But that's just
a reminder once again of October seventh. A sun goes

to a concert for peace and he is attacked by
terrorists and Jewish kids slaughtered, and there's still Jews that
are still being held hostage, which hamaskut in this tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (01:42):
Hamas could end.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
This tomorrow if they chose to.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
They just don't want to. That's a critical point, and
I would just say why aren't if the people on
the campus and this is still going on, and there's
more protests and there's more craziness. So we're and I
think Democrat to have a real problem. They're canceling graduations
now left and right. You pay two hundred and fifty

grand or three hundred grand to go to one of
these schools and all of a sudden, anyway, you you, Clay,
If Hamas wanted to end this tomorrow, they could. That
is true. None of the students on the campus, from
what I have seen, are calling for an end to
the Israeli military response. After a release of hostages. So

they want unilateral disarmament here in a sense, they want
the Israelis to stop while there are Israeli citizens who
are in the custody of these terrorist barbarians. And the
other point he made that not enough people remember they
shot up a peace concert. Hamas shot up a peace

not just shot up, I mean mutilated and murdered hundreds
at a concert for peace with the Arabs, with the Palestinians.

Speaker 3 (02:59):
I think, if you wanted to point to one particular
area of failure of the United States media, there are
still five Americans held hostage. Think about the way that
when Iran took over the US embassy as a part
of the nineteen eighty election campaign, it was a sign

of Jimmy Carter's weakness that he couldn't get American citizens back.
Think about the fact that there are still five American
citizens being held hostage by Hamas. Have you heard Joe
Biden mention their names? Have you heard Joe Biden demand
that America's hostages be returned immediately he went to Israel,

he could have said to Hamas then, instead of sitting
around talking about ceasefire, how is it that the American
media is not holding Joe Biden responsible for getting back
American hostages.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
Think about this, Buck, Think about.

Speaker 3 (04:00):
The amount of time that was spent on Britney Griner
being held for violent for breaking the law in Russia.
Now you can say, hey, it's a relatively minor offense
the drugs that she was carrying, But she was carrying
drugs in contravention of the law there, and the American

media created an incredible drum beat of how in the
world is Britney Griner going to remain in prison? Paul
Waalan's still there, Evan Gersovitch and I'm probably messing up
his name. York from the Washington I mean Wall Street
Wall Street Journal. They're still imprisoned. Whylan was a marine
so and he's evidently done nothing wrong. Britney Griner gets

brought back. My point is the American media drum beat
of get Americans home sure doesn't exist when it comes
to the five American hostages in Israel.

Speaker 1 (04:53):
I don't want to divert from these. Really just a
discussion about what's going on campus and get back into it.
But you just remind me there was such an outcry
for freeing the w w W Nbabyne Grinder. The media
doesn't seem as invested in trying to get Ryan Watson home,

who was detained as a father of two. He's got,
you know, lovely wife and kids. He's just on vacation.
You know, he's not traveling. You travel the Russia, you're
taking some risks. Okay, if you get you know, if
you get arrested by the North Koreans because you're in
North Korea. I'm not saying we shouldn't help you, but
you know, you better watch yourself, right, Turks and Caicos.
It's basically the Bahamas. I mean they used to be

a part of the Bahamas. It was like a British
protector for a while. It's right off of Florida. He's
getting held in facing twelve years for a couple of
rounds of hunting ammunition on his way out of the country.
Who is he gonna possibly harm? It's absurd. But there's
not the same kind of focus I can assure you
from the Biden administration to get him out as there

was to get Britney Griner out. And you should ask
why that is. I think that's fair to say, Why
is one so much more important to the Biden administration
and its State Department than the other.

Speaker 3 (06:11):
Gay black woman ranks higher on the pyramid of victimization
than white heterosexual married husband, and frankly five Jewish people. Again,
I just kind of sit here and think the easy
analogy is Jimmy Carter nineteen eighty campaign. They're a bunch

of American terrorists in Iran, a bunch of American citizens
in Iran taken hostage by terrorists, and it's a major
aspect of the presidential campaign. Can we I mean, has
Biden even named them? Has Biden even named the five
people who are American citizens that are still We're now
sitting up coming up on seven months that they have

been hostage. Think about the hellish conditions that those people
have been in for seven months now.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
It also goes if they're still alive, by the way,
we don't even know that. We don't know, I mean
that very well could be dead. We don't know, which
is horrific for the families and for everyone involved. But
we also should recognize who we're dealing with when you're
talking about Hamas. Not only did they do what they
did on October seventh, which is evil on a scale

that demands the kind of severe response the Israelis I've
given it. And these reallys have no think about the
people that are calling for a ceasefire. I honestly, you
have to be brain dead, you have to be that's
turon to think that, right. I mean, the ones that
we're calling for it right afterwards. I mean, this would

be I didn't even know what to say. I mean,
if a neighbor broke into your house and and you know,
murdered all your family members and burned down your house,
and then you manage to get a rifle and you
and you're going to defend yourself, and then he demands
a ceasefire. No, I'm sorry, you still got the gas
canister in your hand, like you're getting shot. It's outrageous.

But Hamas is holding They're holding hostages under the threat
of murdering them. They have little children, they have they
have women. They're holding civilians and saying we are actively
going to murder them unless you do what we want.
That's what a hostage is. And the and the people
on the campus feel all this solidarity with that. They
feel solidarity with savages, they feel solidarity with terrorists, people

that will do anything because they've embraced evil as part
of their ideology, and that is just what we are seeing.

Speaker 3 (08:35):
I just think it's a it's a failure of the
American media not to hold Biden accountable again. Has he
ever said their names? Has Joe Biden publicly mentioned the
five American hostages that we believe Hamas still has.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
Well, he doesn't want to bring any attention to it
because because he doesn't want to bring attention to it
because he's probably gonna fail, you know what I mean,
hopefully not, but I mean what if he fails to
get any of them home?

Speaker 4 (09:01):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (09:01):
He just wants people to forget that he's so inept.
He mean, he should be, but he should be telling
Hamas and who knows. I don't you know. Look, I
used to work in the secret world. I don't know
what conversations are happening behind closed doors. If I was
Biden's CIA director, I would have had back channel. There's
plenty of them running around in Cutter and the UAE.
I would have had back channel with Hamas guys and
be like, look, you got us back our Americans, or

I promise you we're going to hunt down and kill
every person involved in this. We're going to do whatever
we have to do as long as it takes. And
some of that hasn't happened. Oh, I think that's certainly.

Speaker 3 (09:33):
Conversations aren't happening because they're still holding them. I believe
they gave proof of life for one of the Americans, uh,
in the last few days. But again, the American media,
if we had an honest one, would be barraging every
single day the Biden White House asking about these individuals
and asking why Biden isn't mentioning their.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
Names, and you know why they don't. This is this
is honestly, uh, for the for the Democrats, this whole
thing is a circular firing squad. They can't figure out.
They don't know what what are they really supposed to do?
Do they really want at the New York Times, at
CBS so to thoroughly and fully alienate a portion of

Jewish voters? Jewish you know, major donors to the universities.
I mean, we should talk about this, the professors. You're
really seeing this more and more. What was that you said?
It was it a GW you said that this is
yeah at Alma Mater. I don't even want to know
what the communists at Amherst are doing. I'm sure it's
just as bad, but anyway, it's a smaller school so

it doesn't get as much play. GW. You got the
professors all encircling the students now, like creating a human
chain to protect them so they won't get arrested. And
and you just want to wonder, Oh, that's why this
is all happening, because these communist professors have been really
just doing race baiting in these schools because again, as

we say, they just view this as a white brown
con inflict with the is, with the Jews and the Palestinians.
They've been doing that for years, for decades actually, and
this is the end result of it. Hersh Goldberg Polland
is the name of the Proof of Life hostage video
that came out this week. One of the Americans. I
believe there are still five his name at least shared there.

You'd think there'd be a lot more questions about it.

Speaker 3 (11:23):
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Speaker 5 (13:16):
Have fun with the guys on Sundays, the Sunday Hang podcast.
It's silly, it's goofy, it's good times. Fight it in
the Clay and Buck podcast feed on the iHeartRadio app
or wherever you.

Speaker 1 (13:28):
Get your podcasts.

Speaker 3 (13:29):
Okay, it's Friday, so let's have.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
A little bit of fun. We have a bunch of clips.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
These are all real of Joe Biden on Howard Stern
earlier today, Joe Biden traveled to New York to do
the Howard Stern Show. I want to give credit because
I don't know how many people will actually go and
grab clips from the Howard Stern Show. It's kind of
hard to track down. It's on satellite radio. I think

maybe they believe that even though Howard Stern is seventy
years old, maybe they believe that they're gonna be able
to get away with a lot of stuff on Howard
Stern that makes, as Buck was saying, makes Biden seem
hip and cool and relevant, even though it's just really
two old nincome poops sitting around and talking. One of

you tweeted me this is how Joe Biden would have
won the nineteen ninety six presidential election is by doing
a Howard Stern interview. And I don't think that's a
bad combination. Greg Price clipped all of these. Greg does
great work. Courage you guys to go follow him on Twitter.
So I just retweeted these, so if you want to

share them yourself with people out there, he's got them
all collated. He did a great job with it. All right, Buck,
I'm going to call for these one at a time.
You have not heard these. I heard them during the break.
But you to analyze as I play each of these,
the likelihood that they are true or false. Okay, you
haven't heard these at all. This is Biden sitting down

with Howard Stern. Let's start here with cut thirty. Biden
says he was the runner up in state scoring in
high school football in Delaware.

Speaker 6 (15:23):
Cut thirty, Well, for example, I remember starting off playing
Catholic League football, say sway football.

Speaker 7 (15:30):
By the way, I don't think a lot of people
know that you were a star receiver in high school.
Star received. You were like the first string guy. You
were the guy who caught the ball.

Speaker 6 (15:39):
Runner up is state scoring? You know what?

Speaker 3 (15:41):
The wow, buck, let's start a year. I don't even
know what exactly that means. Runner up in state scoring.
I've never heard anyone described that way in football. I
guess maybe he's trying to say that he scored the
second most touchdowns.

Speaker 8 (15:57):

Speaker 3 (15:57):
I think there's a zero percent chance this is true.
It's a sports question. Do you buy that story? I mean,
I don't think Howard Stern's a sports guy either, but
even the way it's described doesn't make sense for any
sports fan.

Speaker 1 (16:09):
Yeah, it strikes me that this is actually really on
brand for Biden, who has managed to create this, or
really they've created for him, this character of a guy
who can lie about anything as often as he wants,
and we are to believe that it is somehow charming
and relatable. The fact that he tells these stories about

himself that are proven are obviously untrue, it can be
easily disproven, is what he's been doing as you know
he said, didn't he say he got like arrested going
to see Mandela all the time? He yes, Oh is
that coming up?

Speaker 3 (16:46):
This is this is a new version of that that
might be even crazier. Yes, he claimed that he got
arrested in South Africa protesting apartheid with Nelson Mandela.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
Not true totally, I do. I do want to point
out that he also said that he was top of
his and got a scholarship to go to Syracuse Law School.
And you know, no shade at Syracuse Law School. But
I mean at the time Biden was going, which is
like I don't know, seventy years ago now or something,
wasn't a particularly elite law school. But that's fine, and

people get scholarships, they go to great place. I'm not
putting it down. I'm just saying he was bragging about
it and he was the top of his class, but
it turned out he was actually at the bottom of
his class. Yeah, so that's It's one thing to say
I was top of my class and you were actually
number ten of two hundred or something. That's legit. You
could I think you could say that when you are
like number one hundred and ninety seven out of two hundred,

and you say you were at the top of your class.
That's a problem. That's an honesty problem. I thought a
problem with like, oh, we should all freak out about it.
But he's a liar. He's a lot.

Speaker 3 (17:49):
Biden is on the record saying that he opposed the
civil rights movement. Remember he said that he didn't want
his kids to go to schools in jungles. I mean
when he was a politician, that's what he said. That's
what Kamala Harris came after him about. But now he
says when he was a kid, he says he was
protesting desegregation Buck and he says he was arrested while

standing with a black family on their porch. This is
what he told Howard Stern earlier today, cut twenty nine.

Speaker 6 (18:20):
And I looked at my mom. I said, honey, you
haven't said anything. She said, Joey, let me remember true story.

Speaker 1 (18:25):
I said.

Speaker 6 (18:26):
Remember when they were desegregating Lynnfield, a neighborhood was seventy
homes built of suburbia. And I told you, and there
was a black family moving in, and there was people
who were down there protesting. I told you not to
go down there and you went down. Remember that, and
you came you got to rest up. He standing on
the porch with a black family, right, They brought you

back the police and I said, yeah, mom, I remember that.

Speaker 3 (18:51):
Buck odds that this is true that Biden was arrested
protesting desegregation as a kid standing on the porch with
a black family. I mean, it's about the same as
the odds that he was there for the surrender in
Tokyo Bay in the fall of Emperor Hero Hero's dynasty.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
Biden was right next to MacArthur. You guys didn't know
that he was right there signing the You know when
people always talk about the John hancock signature on the Constitution,
Joe Biden's signature on that thing far more impressive. He's
a clay. He is a compulsive liar. I think he
can't even control it. Okay, here he is saying maybe

the craziest interview press conference that has ever occurred in
a presidential campaign was, in my opinion, the whole corn
pop Joe Biden talking about being a wifeguard is one
of the craziest. And that was when his I met
the Declaration of Independence, I met the Declaration of Independence.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, John Hancock. I'm already getting blown up.

I know, I'm sorry, John Hancock Declaration of Independence. Sorry, Clay,
keep going well.

Speaker 3 (19:56):
He's still bragging about his lifeguard days back when he
corn Pop were squaring off. He told Howard Stern this
morning he saved six people from drowning as a teenage
lifeguard cut twenty eight.

Speaker 6 (20:11):
I learned a lot and I made a lot of friends.

Speaker 7 (20:14):
Did you ever save anyone's life when you were a lifeguard?
Was anyone ever drowning?

Speaker 6 (20:18):

Speaker 8 (20:18):
You did?

Speaker 6 (20:18):
Yeah, well half a dozen times, usually younger kids, you know.

Speaker 7 (20:22):
But you do the thing with the whistle and then
jump in and the bathing suit and get it.

Speaker 6 (20:26):
You got it. No, Kenny, there was a big pool
we had. There are seven lifeguards stands. O. Wow. See
that would define my I would. I would brag about
that everywhere I went. Well, by the way, I ended
up in Lake Ontario too when I was in law school.

Speaker 7 (20:41):
But look one of the things that, well, you saved
the dude's life. When you were in law school, you
were still doing the lifeguard thing.

Speaker 4 (20:49):

Speaker 6 (20:50):
I mean, you know, people just need help sometimes, get
I mean, it's not like it's so heroic.

Speaker 1 (20:55):
Okay, I buck six people's lives. You saved this.

Speaker 3 (21:00):
This is harder to disprove because I would imagine sometimes
people are floundering and a lifeguard goes in and gets
them out of a pool.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
Did you save their life? Or maybe he told somebody
no diving and theoretically they could have dove into the
pool and you know, done a neck injury on themselves.
So you know, it's tough to disprove this. But Biden
like heroically saving everybody at the you know what, No,
there's no way he actually saved six people's lives. No way.

Speaker 3 (21:27):
I would actually like to hear from lifeguards because there's
a lifeguard in the pool in my neighborhood and I
take my kids there all the time, young kids. You know,
there's a zero injury pool. I mean we're talking about
like four or five year old kids. Been in the
same neighborhood for a decade. I've never seen a lifeguard
save anybody, and there are tons of lifeguards all around,

there's kids of all ages. Six lifeguard saves at a
public pool seems like a lot. That is the Biden
life saver. Okay. Then he also said, now, This is
clearly untrue because why would the Secret Service beginning these
But Biden says that he used to get all sorts

of salacious pictures from women back in the nineteen seventies.

Speaker 6 (22:17):
Listen, I got put in that ten most eligible Vaster's
list because.

Speaker 7 (22:21):
You were the United States senator. You were a ketch yeah.

Speaker 6 (22:23):
And so and a lot of lovely women. But move
was sound very salacious pictures and I just give him
to the Secret Service. I thought somebody think I was
and I just gave up.

Speaker 3 (22:37):
First all, this is weird because you're bragging that you
were a hot catch after your wife died when you
still have multiple kids. But it doesn't also really add
up because what you give them to the Secret Service?
You're a senator, you don't have Secret Service protection, like
and I don't know why Howard Stern wouldn't follow up,

because this is the kind of question that he would
ask a lot. This is a lie, right, I mean,
what are you gonna give a salacious photos in the seventies?
Not to mention, and I'm not an expert on seventies pornography,
but I would imagine that it was hard to take
salacious photos back in the day. It's not like it's
in the iPhone era where you're gonna go have to

get him developed at at aig a polaroid.

Speaker 1 (23:23):
I don't know. It could be a polaroid, you know.
I don't know how popular those were back in the day.
I feel like pretty popular. I still think this is
it's also a weird thing for him to share. He's
the president of the United States, Like, why do we
you know, you don't need to tell everything about your life.
I don't know. I think it's a strange. I really
believe that Biden is trying super hard to be relatable,
and he's actually the opposite relatable because his entire life

has been a construct to appear relatable. There's nothing normal
about this guy, not just because he's president now. He
has been a senator longer than I've been alive. This
is a guy who has been a creature of He
is the ultimate swamp creature. He is the swamp thing.
He is of, by and for the swamp, and his

presentation of himself is just another guy who likes those
Union Democrats. He's just a chameleon. Whatever he needs at
any point in time is what he will say and do,
which We've seen, by the way, on the Israel Hamas
issue very clearly, but it's on everything his entire career,
both sides of every issue. He's a man who stands
for nothing except for what is most expedient for Biden
at any point in time.

Speaker 3 (24:27):
It reminds me one of the most famous short stories
of all time, and if you haven't read it, read it.
Secret Life of Walter Middy, came out in nineteen thirty nine.
There is this Joe Biden character that he has constructed
that makes him the hero of every story in his mind.

Arrested with a black family during desegregation, you saved six
lives when you were swimming. You're so desirable that women
were inundating you with soleacious photos. You are the second
leading scorer in Delaware high school football. All of it
is very strange, but it is very much the secret

life of Joe Biden. He has created and he does
this all the time. Anytime there is a story, he
makes himself somehow the star of a story. Bridge falls. Well,
I used to go across this bridge all the time
on the train. Well, the train doesn't go across the bridge.
Somebody dies unexpectedly. Well, this is like when my son died.

He has an inability to just address issues without telling
a lie that connects to that issue.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
But what you're saying is so true, and that's the
point I'm making about false connection wherever he is. You know,
it's a joke that and I think some people lean
into it as a joke now that when you're running
for office, whatever town you're in, that's like the Triple
A baseball team you love the most, or the major
league team you love the most. And you know it's oh,
I can say, like Hillary Clinton saying, and she grew

up a Yankees fan, which is a perfect example of this. Exactly. Yes,
like that that I think. You know, Okay, it's a
it's a little a little corny, but people will let
that slide, right Joe Biden, you know, if he's like
greeting somebody on the tarmac who lost theirs lost his son,
let's say, parents who lost their son in special operations

in the Middle East, you know, working working as as
part of the teams as a seal or something, He's like, yeah,
I know exactly what that's like. It's just like when
my son came home and died of brain cancer. You know,
and you go, hold on a second, it's not about
It's actually not about you. And that's a bizarre thing
to try to always do, but that's who he is.
He's creating false connection to people because he is the

ultimate phony. He is a total His entire political career
has been one big parade of phoniness. And and whenever
he's really you know this, he has the secret skape
hatch and it's and it's gross, but whenever he needs it,
he uses it, and it's just, well, I suffered personal tragedy. Yes,
And he goes back to losing his wife and child

in a car accident and then losing his son to
to cancer. And you say, well, hold up, that has
nothing to do with the criticisms of him as a
public figure. Why does he introduced that He uses that
that's always there for him if he gets beat up
too much. Do you agree with me?

Speaker 3 (27:24):
That's kind of a dirty look to have your wife
die in a car accident and then brag about how
much other women liked you when you were an eligible bachelor.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
I mean he wasn't single.

Speaker 3 (27:36):
I mean his wife died, he had young kids, and
he's bragging about how much other women liked him.

Speaker 1 (27:41):
I mean, it just feels unseemly to me. Yeah, he
also broke back home, which never gets talked about. But
he met Jill doctor. We know she's not a doctor, yeah,
doctor Jill Biden. I think she was so married when
she met Joe, So you know that never that never
really gets talked about either. And look, I get it,
to be fair with Paula Petitians, now the marriage marriages

are not something that people really judge the same way.

Speaker 3 (28:06):
That feels way more unseemly to me when your wife
dies in a in a car accident and you're bragging
about how much fan mail you got from people who
wanted to be with you, and just it had more
CuPy like, Yeah, it's the kind of thing you'd expect
from a guy that like kind of fondles strange women
that he doesn't know at events and Sniff's little kids heads.

I think that all these things tie together, Like is
any of this surprising when you think about the totality
of the clown that is Joe Biden eight N two
two eight A two.

Speaker 1 (28:39):
We'll take some calls on this, will be Also, we
got uncle Bill joining. I'm sure he's gonna have some
choice words about the protesters and also about Biden debating.
We'll get into all this. But you know mortgage rates
have gone up. Okay, yes, but they're still much lower
than the interest rates that you'll find with credit card
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Speaker 9 (29:48):
Dot Org one truth revealed after another Clay Travis and
Buck Sexton joined by our friend mister Mark Simone, mister.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
New York of se ten wor. He's on before us
in that market. We're honored to have such a fantastic
lead in and he's getting amazing numbers there, mister Mark.

Speaker 8 (30:11):
Good to have you on, sir, Hey, thanks, thanks for
all the nice words.

Speaker 1 (30:16):
We are looking at some interesting stuff happening in New
York these days. That's probably always true, but in a
political sense, particularly interesting stuff happening right now. I'm just
gonna put this too so we can dive into it.
Back in two thousand and eight, Barack Obama won New
York that year by a twenty six point nine percent

margin of victory. Okay, so we'll call it twenty seven points,
which is you know, that is a beatdown for sure.
I'm looking right now, Mark at the latest Siena College polling,
which was just from a week ago, and the polls
all compiled here on five they've got in New York

Trump v. Biden, Biden up seven points, Biden up eight points.
You think something big is perhaps in the mix. What's
going on here? Is this going to be competitive?

Speaker 8 (31:15):
Oh no, I think Donald Trump's gonna win New York.
I don't think it's going to be competitive. I think
he'll win it. You gotta remember about two thousand and eight,
McCain was whatever reason he wasn't a strong candidate, turnout
for him was extremely low. So that's not the best test.
And now remember Ronald Reagan won New York twice twice,
so it can be done. I know that's a long

time ago. But Trump is different from anybody else. He's
beloved in New York by a lot of people. I
know in New York City is the problem. But half
the voters are outside of New York City. He's got them,
and normally he'd have trouble in New York City. But
a lot of that Democratic base is secretly, quietly moving
over to Trump. People that just don't like the crime anymore.

They don't like it out of control. He goes to
Harlem where that bodega is, or as Biden would say,
that Bogada, and here's it's at bodega, and watch the video.
Everybody in the street is cheering him. There's no booze anywhere.
He goes to the construction site on Park Avenue. But
remember it's working class guys, construction workers who live in

New York, and they're all cheering him and chanting for him.
I think he wins. I think he wins New York.

Speaker 4 (32:25):
All right.

Speaker 3 (32:26):
I want to dive into this because this is a
bold prediction. I love bold predictions, as Buckwell knows, although
I've lost on several of my bold predictions. Here, I
want to hit you with a couple of fact patterns.
Close race just happened to be fair. Twenty twenty two
governor's race, Kathy Hokeel not very popular, Lee Zelden loses

fifty three to forty seven.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
So let me ask you this question. If Kathy Hokel
and Lee Zelden.

Speaker 3 (32:52):
Ran in twenty twenty four, in other words, if we
didn't have a mid term twenty twenty two election, if
they were on the ballot, I presume you think Lee
Zelden would win head to head against Kathy Hochel as well,
and that there has been a further shift right word
since he would have lost by six points two years ago.

Speaker 8 (33:12):
Yeah. I love Leezelden, great guy. He'd be an excellent governor.
He's not exactly the most dynamic candidate in the world.
And Hokel had all that democratic momentum behind her, but
people have now seen her in office for a few
years and she thinks she's absolutely awful. Between the congestion pricing,
doing nothing about this anti semitism all over the campuses,

doing nothing about inflation, and the state congestion pricing is ridiculous.
She sends the National Guard into the subway to protect people.
It's crime down there. They have no power in the
subway to do anything, so she decides to all inspect
packages or bags or I don't know, any criminal to
bring his luggage with them. They don't have briefcases, they

don't have persons. I don't know what they're inspecting. So yeah,
as Zelden could win today, and I really think Trump.
You know, you said he was seven eight points behind.
That was the case in almost every swing state, and
he closed those gaps. He's good at closing eight percent gaps.
He'll do it in New York.

Speaker 1 (34:13):
Okay, So if he wins New York, this's gonna be
a landslide. Do you agree with that?

Speaker 3 (34:17):
I mean, because he's not going to lose Pennsylvania and
win New York. Right, He's not going to lose Wisconsin
and win New York. He's not going to win New
York and lose Michigan. I mean that would mean that
he would sweep through the Midwest. He might win Minnesota.
What you're saying is, six months out, you think Trump
is not only going to win, he's going to win comfortably.
By ten o'clock Eastern on election night, we would know
the who that he was the winner.

Speaker 8 (34:39):
Well, yeah, I mean, who knows what the Democrats will pull.
But it's only going to get better for Donald Trump
and it's only going to get worse for Joe Biden. Mentally,
things will come out. I think these trials have had
just the opposite effect Democrats intended. People are starting to
look at these trials. I don't mean the MSNBC cred
I mean normal people, and they don't like the total

perversion of our justice system. They don't like any of this.
It's only going to get better for Trump in the summer.
You'll see momentum.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
Just do you think Biden's going to debate Mark? I'm
sure you saw today he said on another radio show.
Oh yeah, i'll debate Trump. Trump's response to it was,
no one really believes that, right, What do you think.

Speaker 8 (35:21):
I don't believe it? I mean, what was the exact words.
I'd be happy to that that thing, I'll do it.
I'd be happy to. But the staff, whoever, will come
up with a million excuses not to do it. Hey,
you notice Biden won't talk to the New York Times,
won't give them an interview, won't give any real news
organization the interview, but he's happy to do Seth Meyers
and Howard Stern. What does that tell you about his confidence? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (35:43):
No, there's clearly a coddling of him in the media
that goes beyond even what we normally would expect. We're
speaking of Mark Simon, mister New York of seven to
ten wor in NYC. So you mentioned the trials Mark
and Clay and I have tried to do a little
bit of jury pool analysis, but also looking back or
you know, taking a step back and looking at the
overall system in New York City, do you have any

faith that there might be somebody on that jury who's
just gonna say this is too crazy, I can't go
along with this, or do you think that it's kind
of a done deal and they might get a guilty
verdict on this.

Speaker 8 (36:18):
Uh, you know, I don't have a lot of confidence.
It's a New York jury, it's a totally over the
top biased judge. The only good news is the Harvey
Weinstein reversal was based on all these things the judge did,
and this judge in the Trump trial has done exactly
the same thing, so that almost guarantees the reversal. Hopefully
the judge is looking at this and will ease up

a little. But there's so far there's no crime alleged.
The catch and kill perfectly legal. Biden did the biggest
catch and kill in history when he had Facebook, Twitter,
the biggest publishers cover up the Hunter laptop scandal. So,
but you're right, you can never tell what a jury'll do.

Speaker 3 (37:00):
You mention that again, you think Trump's gonna win New York,
which would be amazing and would be a lot of
fun to watch. Can you imagine the panic that would
ensue an MSNBC and CNN if because New York comes
in early, and if you start seeing those numbers and
Biden is only up a couple of points, or Trump
is within a couple of points. What does the tally

look like, you know, at forty seven percent if I'm
looking at this overall, you know, in terms of turnout
in twenty twenty two, do you think there's going to
be a massive turnout in the New York election or
do you think Biden's just not getting out his base
Black voters are moving on, Asian Hispanic voters.

Speaker 1 (37:40):
What does the coalition look like for Trump if that
were to happen.

Speaker 8 (37:43):
Yeah, I think that's a good point. But I think
low turnout for Biden. And you don't usually get the
high Republican turnout in New York, but you'll get it
this time because again, crime is a huge factor. Also,
this anti semitism, the stuff on the college chemist, it's
frightening a lot of people, not just Jews, but Christians
Gentiles as well, because this kind of bigotry being tolerated

is frightening a lot of people. And who just watched
the perversion of the justice system, the total disintegration of
our universities, the streets, everything is just awful, the migrants everywhere.
I think you're going to see enormous Republican turnout this time. Also,
look at long Island, Nasau County, which is a good
barometer the county executive, the attorney general, the Republicans swept

in Nasau County. It's a good indicative of what's coming.

Speaker 1 (38:36):
Mark Simoon and everybody, Mark appreciate you being with us.
Thanks for calling in from seven to ten, wor great
to have you as always.

Speaker 8 (38:43):
Thanks love listening to you every day.

Speaker 1 (38:45):
Thanks man, Thanks so much. You know, Clay, I just
want to say, you know you said it. You're a
bold prediction guy. But Trump, If Trump wins New York,
this is up there with you. Remember when some of
you do remember this And Colter was on Bill mahershow
at the very beginning of the twenty sixteen cycle primary

and they said who do you think is gonna win?
And she said, right on camera, she started, right in
the camera. This is before like the polls showed him head.
She said, Donald Trump. And they had to have her
on later. That was a heck whatever you think, that
was a heck of a call. If Mark is right
and Trump wins New York, the first time a Republican
will have won it since Ronald Reagan, we're gonna have
to have him on for a little victory dance. I

think Trump will. You know, it's funny he's so ready
to go that Trump will win that me pointing out
that he's only behind even by Democrat pollsters six seven points.
I mean, that's a contested state. If you really look
at it, right, six or seven points looks like that's
up for grabs, So it's not as crazy. That's why
I said Barack Obama won by almost thirty very different times.

Speaker 4 (39:49):

Speaker 3 (39:51):
Yeah, and I think this is a good question because
you guys out there listening can help us with this.
Is that the boldest prediction in three years of us
being on the air in terms of guests. I know
you and I have made bold predictions, but I don't
even think I've gone that far in making a bold
prediction about New York because it's not just if he's right.

Speaker 1 (40:11):
Think about it.

Speaker 3 (40:12):
I've made some bold predictions, many of them wrong. But
if you think about it, if New York flipped, That's
why I asked him. I mean, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin
are going to go Trump, and then I think Minnesota
probably would, and I think you would flip Virginia potentially,
like you're right about New York.

Speaker 1 (40:32):
Trump it's style. It's a total butt kicking, There's no
question about it, because you're not going to win New
York and not win Pennsylvania. You're not going to win
New York and then fail to win Pennsylvania and some
of these other these other key states. But I think
that look, I mean, you talked about predictions. I thought
Lee s. Elden was going to win and maybe that
for governor, and that would have been at least one

repudiation of a COVID lockdown lunatic governor. Unfortunately, it didn't
end up happening, but he made it close. And you know,
New York, right after California is the biggest Democrats stronghold
state that there is, so the fact that it would
even be a place where you're gonna, I think you're
gonna see Republican members of Congress that are doing well
in New York. We would not have the very thin

and some of that is self inflicted wounds by the
Republicans in Congress, unfortunately, but we would not have a
Republican majority if it were not for New York Republicans
and California Republicans coming out and winning in some key
congressional races and the GOP base turning out for them there,
particularly in New York, Long Island, Nasau and Suffolk Counties.

I mean turning out big for Republicans. I do think
that's big Trump territory. We talked about this last year
when I was up in Cooperstown. How blown away my.

Speaker 3 (41:47):
Kids were Trump flags everywhere everywhere we went in upstate
New York. When we were in Cooperstown, New York, my
kids couldn't get over it we were driving around. I mean,
that is major Trump territory. And what some Marx Simone
just hit on is it's really you win in Manhattan.
I remember we had lee Zelden on and you win
in Manhattan by limiting the amount that Democrats can run

up the score. And I do think that Manhattan and
in the New York City area, I don't think that
Biden's going to run up the score. I think again,
it comes down to these suburban moms, these suburban women,
and maybe they're not threatened in New York over the
abortion argument because it's easier to get an abortion now,
I think in New York than it was before Roe v.

Speaker 1 (42:29):
Wade was overturned. Well, this is why I think that.
You know, we had that caller before and he said,
he's so worried about how abortion's going to play into this.
It worked really well in twenty twenty two because they
were able to lie to people and say, even you know,
in all kinds of states, they're going to stop you
from getting abortions in places like New York, and I
think this is a tragedy. But in places like New York,

it's still just as easy to get an abortion, and
so it's a lot harder, I think to drive turnout
because that is the law. People can understand it. There.
We'll take some of your calls. I'm wondering if anybody else.
Let's see if anybody else Clay in New York wants
to back Mark up on this one among the boldest,
for sure predictions we have heard on this show. And

you know Mark is very tied into the political scene
in New York City and up in Albany for New
York State, so you know he would. I talked to
him a little bit before, I said, are you sure
do you want to say? Do you want to say
that publicly on the ass, like you really want to
let it rip? You said? He is confident. He is
fired up, and he says he sees it. So if
you want to back mark up on this one eight

hundred two two two eight a two. You know, I
was just talking about how it's tragic, but abortion is
continuing and in fact last year was at all time high.
The numbers are not trending the way we need them
to now. Part of this is the fight in politics
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Speaker 9 (45:15):
Supply chain of Smart's Sanity and Truth Uninterrupted Clay Travis
and Buck Sexton.

Speaker 3 (45:23):
Just posted by Donald Trump, Crook and Joe Biden just
announced he's willing to debate. Everyone knows he doesn't really
mean it, but in case he does, I say anywhere, anytime,
any place, an old expression used by fighters. I suggest
Monday evening, Tuesday evening, or Wednesday evening at my rally
in Michigan, a state he's in the process of destroying

with his EV mandate. In the alternative, he's in New
York City today, although probably doesn't know it, and so
am I stuck in one of the many court cases
that he instigated as all caps election interference against a
political opponent, a continuing witch hunt. It's the only he
thinks he can win. In fact, let's do the debate
at the courthouse tonight on national television.

Speaker 1 (46:05):
I'll wait around, So Bill, O'Reilly with us?

Speaker 4 (46:08):

Speaker 3 (46:09):
Bill, you and I I think on team sanity here.
We didn't think the Democrats were crazy enough to actually
run Joe Biden. But it gets closer and closer, and
it doesn't seem like any alternative is emerging.

Speaker 1 (46:20):
Do you think Biden is the guy now? And if not,
when does the switch happen?

Speaker 4 (46:26):
Well? I think he's the guy unless something happens, and
I do believe something will happen, but I don't know
what it is. So it's very hard to quantify that.
But let me go back to your first half hour.
You wanted some lifeguards to call in. Well, you got
one on the line right.

Speaker 1 (46:42):
Now, Okay, So let me dive in here.

Speaker 3 (46:47):
Then, you can give your lifeguard experience as a part
of this answer, Joe Biden said he saved at least
six people's lives while working as a lifeguard, most of
that time at a public pool, not like at a beach,
not like at a lake. What do you think of
that as a former lifeguard.

Speaker 4 (47:07):
Well, it probably didn't happen. Just as his desegregation thing,
where was that. I thought Joe was in Pennsylvania and Delaware.
I don't understand where the black family was with in
Rahova's Beach. I don't know if there was a lot
of you know, civil rights action there. Look, just to clarify,

I was a lifeguard at a pool. I saved one person,
a four year old boy. It was at the bottom
of the pool. I saw him looking up at me
and obviously couldn't swim, so I dunk down, grabbed him,
brought him up to twenty seconds. I gently scolded his
mother and that was it, okay. And I never saw

a rescue at the pool, and it was packed back
in the nineteen sixties. Believe me. So Biden says anything
that pops into his mind. There's no filter there, which
is why I was surprised. He did the interview with Stern,
and I don't know why he did it. I'll find out.
Stern is the liberal guy now. And I'm sure there

were guidelines to the interview, you know, you don't ask
this or don't ask I'm sure that happened, but it was.
You know, Biden's been dodging the press. Some are so
that the New York Times is in a war with
the White House because Biden won't talk to anybody. Okay,
So what does this mean. It means that Joe Biden

is a narcissist, That's what it means. Because narcissists, and
they are increasing in the United States and all over
the world. They cannot have a conversation without injecting themselves
into it in a favorable light. So if you know somebody,
there are two indicators if for a narcissist. Number one,

day will never even a mistake, Hello Joe Biden, Hello
Donald Trump? Okay. And number two, you cannot have a
conversation with them without them coming in and trying to
want to up you or you know, bringing them into
whatever it is. And that's fine, not unusual for a politician,
by the way, But when you couple that with his

obvious mental decline, You really have a mess on your
hands mentally.

Speaker 1 (49:25):
Hey Bill, it's buck. Obviously you're seeing these protests on
the campus, and now there's some video of professors who
are part of these things, who are doing human chains,
and some of them are getting you know, face planet
on the quad grass as the cops are coming in
and saying you've been trespassed, you've been warned. What do

you think happens with this? They they're cutting down some
of the graduations or eliminating some of the graduations at
these big schools. I feel like there's no incentive for
these kids to stop because the universities own professorship or
professors are refusing to also back them up and come
down on them because they're part of the problem too.
So where does it go?

Speaker 4 (50:09):
Well, I think it dies out. It's not like the
Vietnam which was an organic protest and I lived through that.
I'm going to write a column on Bill o'lollie dot
com on Sunday comparing the anti Israel protests to the
Vietnam protests. There's a big difference. But at this point,
I sit there and I'm a frustrated guy because I'm

a simple man and I attended Merris College, Boston U
and Harvard. I have two master's degrees. I'm way over
educated for being on television. You know there's moretey on
television and where you usually do. But anyway, the solution

to this problem is very simple. You say, if you
are a college president, to the demonstrators, you ever write
the protest, and we're going to give you this area
where you can protest, and you can protest from ten
am to eight pm. We don't want you to disturb
your neighborhood or other students who want to study. And

in that frame, you can say what you want unless
you threaten someone. If you go out of those guidelines,
you are expelled and we will pack up your gear
in the dorm and ship it to your home address,
and your record here will be expunged. That's all that
ends it.

Speaker 1 (51:31):
In the University of Florida is doing that. I mean
Ben Sass deserves some credit. He's the president of that system.
I don't know if you saw bill they put out today.
You're allowed to protest, you're allowed to share your thoughts,
you're allowed to hold placards, all this other stuff threatening
people camping in the quad, causing a disturbance, shutting down buildings,
immediate suspension, and remove and trespass from campus.

Speaker 4 (51:53):
Right? Is that hard? I mean that should have been
done day two. But the problem is that a lot
of these schools are far left institutions run by people
who sympathize with the anti Israel sentiment, and they allow
all kinds of atrocities. What if you were a college

student who wanted to protest against Woke and DEI and
you ran them up on a Columbia University campus and say, hey,
this is a destructive thing and I hate it and
this is anti democracy and violates the constitution. How long

do you think you'd be there? All right, so we
all know what this is, but I did. I did
not know about the university Flora, but I don't. I'm
just shocked that didn't happen on DA two of this stuff.
Why do these universities want to ruin their reputation forever?
Columbia and Harvard and Penn m my team, their reputations

are yell, are so besmirched. I don't know if they're
ever going to come back in our lifetime. That's how
the smirch they are, and most students want don't want
any part of this. I got two in college. I
got two, and they're not at Woke University, Salve Regina
in Newport, Rhode Island, and Saint John's and Queens and

there's none of that on either campus because it's not permitted,
simply not permitted. You're expelled if you violate the school rules.
And so's that hard.

Speaker 9 (53:34):

Speaker 4 (53:35):
And then you add on all the police, and the
police get hurt and they're spit at and cursed at
and all this stuff, and New York City arrests them
and then nothing happen. They get a ticket and they
don't even pay the ticket. They rip the ticket up
in front of the comp.

Speaker 1 (53:51):
We're talking to Bill O'Reilly.

Speaker 4 (53:53):

Speaker 3 (53:53):
Also, last time you were on, correct me if I'm wrong.
I think you said you thought there was a good
chance that Trump would look at Sarah Huckabee Sanders potentially
as his vice president. We're coming up on I think
the expectation is sometime in July before the RNC, he'll
make that pick. Do you still like Sarah Huckabye Sanders
or do you now look at it differently? As May

is close?

Speaker 4 (54:16):
No, I think she's by far and away the best
person for Trump. She gets along with Trump, she knows
how he works, She's very smart, she can handle the media.
She's a moderate Republican, not a bomb thrower, not controversial.
You're not going to have the National Inquirer trying to
kill stories on her. I mean, you know, what else

do you want? If I'm Trump, that's my only selection
because he needs to have a woman on the second.
And I don't know any downside. I know her, I
know the family, Huckaby family. They're honest people. So why
wouldn't you go that way?

Speaker 1 (55:00):
Bill? We have word that you are going to sell
a few million more books that the millions you've sold.
You want to keep running up the scoreboard. Here, you
got another one coming out, and I'm sure it's going
to be a bestseller. Confronting the Presidents? What's this one on?

Speaker 4 (55:15):
Okay, So I'm sending you guys a galley in about
five weeks you'll see it. This is all forty five men,
whether they hurt or helped the country. That's the litmus
test of the book, every single one of them. I
don't rank them because that's trite, but I tell you

what they did, how they did it, and every page
you're going to go, holy, you know what, every page
as research that you have never seen. The opening line
of Confronting the President's out September tenth is George Washington
is mad at his mother Washington and his mom did

not get along. He didn't even go to her funeral.

Speaker 1 (56:09):

Speaker 4 (56:11):
I mean, no one knows that. And the genesis of it.
And this is why it's such a fun book. It's
a serious book, but it's fun to read because the
genesis of it is that George, at age twelve, when
his father died, he was left all the lands that

his father owned and the wife, George's mother, got nothing,
so she was dependent on George for money, and she
felt that George was parsimonious and wrote letters to the
local Virginia newspapers saying that she was starving to death
and it was George's fault.

Speaker 9 (56:55):

Speaker 1 (56:56):
No, that sounds pretty fascinating.

Speaker 4 (57:00):
Them nuts. It's drove Washington crazy. And that's the kind
of stuff every single one of these guys. When do
you see this stuff we have on Linda Johnson, Oh
my god, So I'm the best selling nonfiction author in
the world.

Speaker 8 (57:20):
Did you know that we did?

Speaker 3 (57:22):
Is that a Joe Biden claim or is that is
that a definite actual claim.

Speaker 4 (57:27):
It's like I gave you my lifeguard thing. That's straight down,
absolutely fat.

Speaker 1 (57:32):
That's incredible.

Speaker 4 (57:34):
And when I was in third grade, the nuns said,
are you ever gonna learn to read? He's dead? But
if he wasn't, I'd send her free copies of all
my books.

Speaker 1 (57:47):
That's that's just called when you're dealing with nuns or jesuits, Bill,
that's just motivation. So that's how I do it. Confronting
the presidents coming out in September. Everyone, get your copy,
get your pre order, and when you can, go to
Bill O'Reilly dot com for Bill's commentary and Bill always
fun to have you man, Thank.

Speaker 4 (58:05):
You, thanks bevinging. Guys enjoyed it.

Speaker 3 (58:09):
Bill O'Reilly there talking about the history of the country.
He's always got some good stories. Well, one history that
we need to all make sure we're on top of
is what happened on nine to eleven, and that is
what Tunnel to Towers Foundation does. They not only helped
to tell the story of nine eleven, they also now
help America's heroes and the families out there that have

been fighting the battle since nine to eleven. First responders
who serve our communities and our country, service members as
well those who die in the line of duty or
are severely injured or are veterans. Heroes like Buffalo firefighter
Jason Arnaut and his family. Arnaud was killed while protecting
his community battling a warehouse fire. He left behind his

wife and young daughter in their darkest hour. Tunnel to
Towers provided Arnault's wife and daughter with a mortgage free home.
The foundation lifted a financial and enabling them to stay
in the home where they made memories with their heroic
husband and father. Join Tunnel Towers on its mission to
do good. Support the families of America's greatest heroes, the

families of fallen first responders like Jason Arnou, plus gold
Star families with young kids, catastrophically injured service members, and
homeless veterans. Join us in donating eleven dollars a month
at t twot dot org. That's t the number two
t dot org.

Speaker 5 (59:29):
You know them as conservative radio hosts, Now just get
to know them as guys. On This Sunday hang podcast
with Clay and Fuck find it in their podcast feed
on the iHeartRadio app, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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