All Episodes

April 27, 2024 37 mins

Clay advises Trump to risk jail by skipping court and going to Columbia and NYU to stand up for Israel and with Jewish students. Columbia professors refuse to condemn "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" chants. Biden reads "pause" instruction on prompter. New poll shows Trump ahead in 6 of 7 swing states. Churchill knighted on this day in 1953. Caller ends the hour.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show podcast. Welcome back in hour number two, Wednesday edition,
Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. Appreciate all of you hanging
out with us as we are rolling through the program,
talking a lot about the situation going on on Columbia's campus,
on NYU's campus, spreading to other campuses across the country

as graduation nears. How exactly that is going to play out.
Remember on Wednesdays, there are no Trump trial related issues,
that is, there's no case taking place, So to be
back in session tomorrow and we'll talk about that to
a greater degree. Question for you, Buck speaker Mike Johnson

is reportedly going to Columbia today. I think that's a
smart move. The media retinue that regularly follows him around
will be forced to follow him and cover what is
going on at Columbia. I've said for a while that
I think the best thing that could happen to Donald
Trump is him being arrested for in some way standing

up to the prosecution that is occurring of him in
New York City right now. I think it would be
smart for Trump to go to Columbia and or NYU
today to the extent he's in New York City and
I'm not sure that he is, and draw attention to
what's going on there alongside of Mike Johnson. But I've
got an even more aggressive idea, and I want to

get your read on this. What if tomorrow morning, when
the case is supposed to be in session, people of
New York versus Donald Trump. What if Trump instead went
to Colombia, held a press conference, said the attacks on
Jewish students and Israel's right to defend itself is far

more important than the political sham prosecution going on in
New York City right now. And instead of going into
the courtroom, Donald Trump said, I felt it was important
to go to Colombia and NYU and stand up for
Israel and draw attention to the anti Semitism that is
going on here. As I condemned the violence in Charlottesville

when it was very minor compared to what we're seeing
right now, I am standing up in favor of Jewish students,
in favor of Israel's right to defend itself. It is
a time for choosing, and I am on the side
of Israel and all Jewish students everywhere in the world,

and I dare New York City to come and arrest
me while they will do nothing to these protesters who
are attacking Israel and Jewish students. It is bold, it
is brash, but my goodness, would it turn the attention

from New York City and the case. He would bring
all of the media that is covering that case in
New York City. He would force them to come to Columbia.
He would force them to come to NYU, and it
would completely change the storyline from oh Trump's hush money
to how in the world are you going to respond

to Trump becoming the foremost defender of Israel of any
politician in America today. Your thoughts on how that would play.
It's aggressive, it's bombastic, very Trumpian. I think it would
be genius.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
I feel like it would be Trump's version of the
speech that Bill Pullman gives on an Independence Day, like
the soaring orchestral in the background. You know, frankly, Israel
great country, We love them very much, very beautiful country.
These protesters horrible people, loses. Send them home to mommy.
I could see it right now. It would be It

would be great in many ways.

Speaker 1 (03:57):
The part of it.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
That really stumps me is will they I think the
judge would probably send I don't know the bailiff and NYPD.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
Can you imagine if they arrested Trump at the protest
of Israel for saying, this is a serious issue, we
need to stand with Israel right now, and they arrested him.
I mean, I think it would be so compelling.

Speaker 2 (04:25):
I know, but you know what they would say, and
I think you were right on the whole about what
the optics of it would be. So I agree with that.
But I can already tell you what they'd say on
you know, what they'd say on Morning Joe the next
day if he did exactly what you're saying you would do,
they would be second.

Speaker 3 (04:43):
He has no respect for our system, no respect for
the rule of law. He can't just defy a court,
you know, a criminal proceeding, right, No, I mean that's
what they would say.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
Yeah, I don't think it would look good. I mean,
I think you were correct on the view of it.
I'm just saying that would be their response to it.
Would they really arrest him? People have been bringing this
up for a long time. Do they have the the
HUTSPUS HUTSPA there we go the HUTSPA to arrest Trump

and actually try to take him into custody. I don't
know how that would work because with Secret Service protection,
they cannot allow him under federal law to be out
of their orbit of protection. So I don't think the NYPD,
and maybe I'm wrong, I think if the NYPD sent
up something, and trust me, first of all, most NYPD

cops love Trump. Okay, certainly the detective squad they like Trump.
I know a bunch of them. They like Trump, but
they wouldn't want to be in the position where they say,
we're trying to place this guy under arrest because the
Secret Service detail, I think would tell them, you know,
go pound sand like I think they say, not happening. Well,
there's an actual article in the New York Times today

about how jailing Trump would work in the context of
the Secret Service, and basically they're saying that there's been
some behind the scenes conversations and that I think essential.
I think you're right in.

Speaker 1 (06:12):
That the most likely outcome if he were convicted in
this case would be that they would give him some
form of house containment at Maria Lagas house arrest, Yeah,
house deprest, because Also, then it's not you know, he's
a seat, he's ill. It's not.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
Degrading in a way that every independent voter in the
country would clearly like you locked Trump up in a
cell with some guy who has been bashing old ladies
over now, they wouldn't do that, obviously, I was gonna say,
bashing old ladies over the head with a lead pipe.
But even if he was an administrative segregation, you can't
put him in an orange Do.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
They not do orange jumpsuits anymore? Right about that?

Speaker 2 (06:50):
I think they've changed, Like, prisoners aren't in in the
bright orange anyway, neither here or there. Being at home
in mar A Lago and being told he's not allowed
to leave that might be viewed by some independence or
sort of middle voters as well. They're taking a more
moderate approach to his punishment.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
I think the problem with that is I don't think
it would be enough for the left. And so what
they said in the article is that there have been
conversations about abandoned former prisons that they could basically turn
into a Trump related facility that the Secret Service would
continue to be armed. I mean, the whole thing is crazy,

but I'm just saying a part of me, and I'm
not someone who is certainly afraid of accelerating stories if
I think I have an advantage. I think Trump has
a tremendous advantage here if he is steadfast and comes
down strongly on the side of Israel. First of all,
he's on the right side morally. That's important. Politically, though,

he then puts Biden in a really difficult position because
Biden is trying to middle road this. There's good Palestinian
people and there's good Jewish people, and like, both of
these sides are his base. And can you imagine if
they arrest him the footage of Trump being arrested. They're
not going to do it, but if they did, it
would be a gold mine of arresting him for speaking

out in favor of Israel. You know what I was
thinking about.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
There's such a constant outpouring of you know, grievance solidarity
with the Palestinians, specifically in Gaza. Notice there's not an
invasion going on in the West Bank, which is also
Palestinian controlled territory, because they didn't launch a massive terrorist
attack from the West Bank. No, west Bank's got problems too,

Don't get me wrong.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
But you know, the ouge, the outrage that.

Speaker 2 (08:42):
You would be met with if you were to say,
for example, I feel badly for the Russian soldiers in
Ukraine right now because they're conscripts and it's Putin is
not their fault. They have no choice. They've been forced
at gunpoint into this army. I feel badly for them.

We should think differently about the Russia Ukraine conflict because
there are Russian dads and brothers and husbands who are
being you know, turned you know, being killed, being turned
to dust by American weapons, effectively, American purchased and provided weapons.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
People would be outraged at that, even though it's entirely true.

Speaker 2 (09:27):
And I just think it's interesting that in the case
of Israel and Hamas, you have a terrorist entity that
is the elected and would win if they held an
election again tomorrow. People need to understand that Hamas would
win again and again and again. They are supported by
the people of Gaza. They always do this thing of like,
what about all the innocent people that are being killed

in this process? And you can do that in any
conflictader seeming like why are they picking and they seem
so much more upset about what's going these protesters about
what's going on in Gaza than anything that's gone on
in Ukraine and there I'm even just talking about civilians
caught in the crossfire.

Speaker 1 (10:06):
No, there are no sit ins on canvas. Do you
see what I mean? Why is it so different with
the Palestinians Because the white are Jewish in their worldview?
That's it, that's really I mean, that is the answer.
That is the answer. That is the answer, because if
they don't care about actual Arab on Arab violence, as
we played that clip yesterday to their credit on MSNBC,

hundreds of thousands of people can die in Arab on
Arab conflict because of their system of pyramid of victimization.
The same thing. I think the analogy is so perfect
with BLM. BLM it's black lives matter, and they never
add the rest of it. When white people are involved
in taking them, whitey don't care it all. Typically, yeah,
it's really just white cops. But even if it were

like the situation in Georgia where they had the jogger
and they had the white guy like driving the trock,
it's really if they can find yet you're white cops, yes,
but it's really if they can find a white taking
a minority life. I mean, even the shooter in Buffalo. Look,
if there's a white person who engages in violence against
a black person, that story is propagated massively. Certainly cops

are a big part of it. When black violence, the
perfect example black violence happens in black victims, story disappears.
Perfect story example of this book just happened in Kansas City.
Chiefs are celebrating their Super Bowl. Comes out that it's
just two or three young black kids shooting at each other.
Story vanishes. When they thought it was a mass shooting

and maybe a white person's involved, it was going to
be the number one story in America. Then it turns into, oh,
it's just black violence. Oh, we're just kind of used
to that. Story vanishes. We haven't even heard the names
of the people involved. Hardly. I mean the media.

Speaker 2 (11:45):
The media lies about this, even mass shootings that are
unrelated to other criminal activities, so you know, mass murder
psychosis situations. They like to present this as this is
a white male only phenomenon that is by the numbers,
completely untrue. It is in fact essentially lines up almost
perfectly in proportion to the rest of society. So in essence,

there are as many they're all guys. Well one or
you know, the very rare extent, a trans shooter who
was trying to pretend to be a man. I can't
think of the last time a there was a female
mass shooter other than that. I mean, i'd have to
I guess the San Bernardino shooting would be the last
one with the terrorist. It was a man and his wife.
I think they both went in with guns.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
A terror good point, almost always men, and when women
are involved, it's often now women who are on testosterone
trying to pretend to be men, which you'd think would
be a big part of the story, but the media.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
Tries to portray falsely that that because the racial narrative
for the media is something that is essential to their worldview,
to their sense of their purpose day to day, and
honestly their power as well. And you see this, you
know Elon Musk shared and it cannot be stated. Don't
look Barack Obama leveraged initially I think in a much

more positive way or in a way that a lot
of people bought into as uniting the country. There was
a lot of celebration about the first first black president
but he leveraged that narrative in a way that was
trending obviously very positive. But then when he became president,
BLM started under Barack Obama, people forget this and the
usage of racism and white supremacy and all these things.

This is where Elon shared out on X this chart
that shows and it's just an explosion.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
It proves that.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
It was a an active decision. If you were in
the Soviet Union, you could call it an active measure
as in propaganda. It was an active decision to start
using this more to divide people, to create more malcontents
in society. And you see what that results in with
these lunatics running around in the quad. So you know,

we've got the professors. We got profess yess Is Clay
that are being asked will they condemn death to Israel
and death to America. We've also got professors on whether
or not they think any of these students should be suspended.
I think people should. I think people should hear this.
It's great, it's not just the kids. We're going to
get into this. But you know, there are very few
professions that are life changing. I mean first responders for example,

and they could save lives. Doctors, nurses, they can too.
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we had told you, oh, we've got so much to
hues from here. We had told you that the professors. Remember,

it's not just because people will have this fallback and think, go, oh,
they're just silly kids.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Go back in.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
If you want, If you want to be terrified in
a lot of ways, read about the early days of
the Maoist cultural revolution in China, not long ago, nineteen
sixty ish, you know, you go back you nineteen sixty
what nineteen fifty eight, nineteen sixty four. I think with
the primary years I could be wrong on that one again,
live radio, going on the fly. But these students were

in that revolution very much, the young brown shirts, if
you will. They were very much the enforcers of the
totalitarian regime.

Speaker 1 (16:31):
And here you have.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
The so students are not like, oh, it's not a
big dealer's students. But when you have the professors also
on board. This is a journalist. I'm trying to find
his name, guys, what is his name?

Speaker 1 (16:43):

Speaker 2 (16:43):
I don't want to give him credit, Josh, I'm sorry.
Ben Birkewam Ben BERKEWM goes around asking Columbia faculty if
it's acceptable to chant death to America death to Israel
on campus?

Speaker 1 (16:55):
Play it?

Speaker 4 (16:56):
Can I get agreement from anyone?

Speaker 5 (16:57):
Is chanting death to America or death to Israel unacceptable
on college campuses?

Speaker 4 (17:04):
Anyone? I guess not. I guess it's okay and Columbia
not okay. One guy said it, anyone else? I got one.

Speaker 5 (17:13):
One guy said it's not okay to chant debt to
Israel and debt to America on college campuses.

Speaker 4 (17:18):
I got one. Anyone else I would agree with that faculty?

Speaker 5 (17:22):
Anyone any faculty agree we shouldn't be chanting debt to
Israel and debt to America on college campuses.

Speaker 4 (17:29):
Cat got your tongue. This is Columbia University.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
We get the idea of clay.

Speaker 2 (17:33):
He walks up and down this line, a lot of masks,
columb University faculty members refusing to say anything about anything.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
What do you think those faculty would say? If the
question was is okay to set chant debt to black
people or death to Gaze on Columbia's campus? They would
all say, of course, that's not acceptable, and whoever did
that should be immediately expelled again. Speech standards very different.

Speaker 2 (18:01):
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Speaker 1 (19:06):
I know it's not ideal that the clip we're about
to play you this man is really the commander in
chief and probably in most of your lives, the moment
that is most dangerous for the United States when you
consider war in Europe, when you consider war in the
Middle East, how dangerous much of the world is right now.

But Joe Biden is. They've got him out on the
campaign trail, and when they put Joe Biden on the
campaign trail, it never goes well because he's mentally and
physically not well. And we've said on this show for
a long time, I'm not sure that he could do
any other job in America right now. I used to
think Walmart greeter, but then Buck made the argument, I

don't think he could stand. You made the argument he
couldn't stand in the front of Walmart and interact with people.
See Wall Street Journal or.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
New York Times had a story about a Walmart manager
making two and fifty carmes. So Walmart, you know you
got to get it done over at Walmart.

Speaker 1 (20:04):
No, no doubt. I mean, it's a big industry, and
I agree, I don't think he could stand there and
stand on his feet for seven or eight hours and
say hi to people at the front of the store.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
In fact, I think people would think it was elder
abuse to make him do that at his stage. I
really do people say, especially she must desperately need the money.
Someone should just help him out.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
Especially the way he would be walking. I mean, the
guy can't walk. I don't think he could stand up
for that long. They continue to put everything that he
says into a teleprompter, and he just reads it right
off the teleprompter. They shoot him up with whatever drugs
they need to get him through, however, limited amount of interaction.
And I want you to listen carefully. Here he's saying

four more years. He's trying to lead a chant four
more years, very common when you're running for reelection. Everybody
chants four more years. He's reading it off the teleprompter
and he reads the word pause. He's supposed to stop
and let everybody else chant. He's like Ron Burgundy. If

you put it in the prompter, he will read it.
Listen to how bad this sounds. This just happened.

Speaker 4 (21:08):
Imagine what we can do next four more years?

Speaker 1 (21:13):
Oh, let's play that time. You can cut off the
actual chant. I actually, when I saw this book, I
thought to myself, I blame whoever filled this in on
the teleprompter, because remember when he said go get him
at the end of not the most recent State of
the Union. But it just kind of came out of nowhere,

and it was clearly instructions to his staff to go
get him. And he was just like, go get him
at the end if you put it in the prompter.
At this point, he has no idea what he's saying. Listen,
one more time. Four more years really easy. This is
a staple of any political campaign, and he reads the
instruction that he's not supposed to say anything else. He's

supposed to pause, But he.

Speaker 4 (21:57):
Didn't imagine what we can do next four more years.

Speaker 1 (22:03):
Oh, I just sorry. That was even better than I
thought it was going to be. Four more years. Pause,
look left, smile, look right, smile. I just I mean,
this is such I mean, it's sad because it really
does make you wonder what in the world would happen

if China invaded Taiwan and you had to call Joe
Biden in the middle of the night and say, sir,
how should the United States military respond? He doesn't have
a functional brain, and we know physically he can barely walk.
But to be reading that right off of the teleprompter

and you and I know you've been off the teleprompter before,
a lot of people have never read off of them before.
It's very awkward. It's weird. You're reading glass. It's hard
to do well. But Joe Biden's been doing this for
fifty years. He's been reading off teleprompters for a long time.
The fact that he would just read the word pause
in the speech instructions, it's sad and it's scary. It's funny,

but I think it's almost way sadder and way scarier
than it is funny in many respects. Right, it's elder abuse. Yeah,
I mean I go back. Would he not read off
the teleprompter? Is the other question I have for you, Buck, Like,
what would he see on the teleprope? Is there anything?
And he would say I can't read that. I really

think that there's almost nothing. When you see him.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
Do that, yeah, Clay, it's because that the speed of
the cognition is such that it would take him a
moment to realize what was coming out of his mouth
and what he was reading. Before you know, it would
be too late effectively, right, I mean it would already
be out there. So yes, I think if somebody could
hack into but I'm not recommending this, but I'm just saying,

if somebody were to get access to Biden's prompter and
right crazy stuff on there, he'd get a few words
into me. There'd be there'd be some four letter words
dropped if you if you could get in a Biden yeah,
or just like.

Speaker 1 (24:09):
My underpants are dirty. I think Biden would read my
underpants are dirty you, And I think you throw it
a big grin to the whole room and be like, that's.

Speaker 2 (24:17):
Right, they're dirty, underpants dirty, keep it them dirty. He
he uh is a look, he's he's a He's a husk.
He's not meant to be anything other than a facade.

Speaker 3 (24:30):

Speaker 2 (24:30):
He is the as I've said, he is the Democrats
shell corporation, the left the Progressives shell corporation, and the
management team is actually running everything, right. He is like
the CEO or the chairman emeritus, and it's just the
brand that people are voting for. This really also goes

toward uh. I think the sense of a president as
being an individual who has to make decisions and lead
is something that people are increasingly moving away from. And
it's more just I vote for the team and the
team structure will give me what I want from the machinery. Right,

It's changed. You're not voting. It's like I said, it's
not like Coke versus It's not the CEO of Coke
versus the CEO of Pepsi, Who do you want in charge?
It's Coke versus Pepsi. It's not a one person decision
making contest.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
It's a bin area. And honestly, I think this is
where being from the world of sports is It makes
me kind of used to it because whatever Michigan says,
Michigan fans typically lap it up, and whatever Ohio State
fans they lap it up. They hate each other, right,
and a rivalry. And that's my concern because ultimately, the

only thing you're voting for when it comes to politicians
is their judgment. We're basically saying, Hey, the most challenging
questions in the world, We're going to put them on
the resolute desk in front of you. People are gonna
make really difficult arguments on both sides because if it
gets to you and it hasn't been decided. It's by

its nature a difficult choice to make or an important one.
And we got a guy who doesn't have any ability
to logically analyze anything.

Speaker 2 (26:17):
And here also then comes with here's the political problem
or the sow what of all of this mentioned at
the top of the show, Morning Consul Bloomberg Paul Trump
up seven in Arizona, six in Georgia, Nevada, Trump up eight,
North Carolina Trump up ten, Pennsylvania neck and neck, Trump

up one, Wisconsin, Trump up four. The only swing state
with Biden ahead two points is Michigan. That you cannot
look at that as a Democrat and not be alarmed.
I'm not saying that they think they can't do it
and they're gonna change and it's you know, and all
of a sudden it's gonna be the instead of Biden
or something.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
No, but they are alarmed. They have to be alarmed.
It's also important I shared this yesterday. They're spending money
like crazy right now in the States, and I flagged
this because I thought it was important, the numbers and
how they've moved since March, because they do this monthly
with Bloomberg and Morning consult Biden's gone I mean, Trump

has gone up two in North Carolina over the past month,
up three in Wisconsin, up five in Nevada, up one
in Arizona, equal for Trump. Biden's picked up one in Georgia.
Trump has picked up two in Pennsylvania. Biden's gone up
two in Michigan. My point is, when you look at
these seven states and you compare them to March, Trump

has been going up as Biden. I believe the number
is Biden has spent fifteen million dollars in swing states
trying to drive up his numbers, and the numbers aren't moving,
which makes me think buck by and large, people have
already made up their minds. And while there's going to
be billions of dollars spent, maybe tens of billions of

dollars spent, how many people out there really don't know
what they think of Trump and really don't know what
they think of Biden. I think very few people. Now
turnout is going to be massive. Who shows up, who's voters.
There's a lot of low propensity Trump people who say, oh,
I love the president, and then they don't show up

and vote, meaning President Trump. So I think that will matter.
How motivated. Are Biden people? What's the third party impact
going to be? There are a lot of uncertainties, and
as we've been talking about for a long time, it's
going to come down to a fine line. It's not
going to be there's forty three states that we know
how they're going to go, basically, So it's going to
come down to a fine line no matter what. But

you like the board right now. If you are Trump
sitting six months out, there's more pathways for him to
win than there are pathways for Biden to win, if
you're being fair, just looking at the board in totality
right now.

Speaker 2 (29:04):
Yeah, And just to set our expectations or to understand
what our expectations would have been, I would have assumed
Clay going at this point. If you had asked me
even six months ago, where will we be? I would
be like, well, Biden's probably ahead, you know, two to
five points in most of the swing states, but Trump
can make up the distance. Trump's ahead more than five

points in a lot of swing states and basically ahead
in all of them. There's that one outlier of Michigan.
I never would have expected this. So that's why I'm
just trying to be honest to where you know, would
you have expected this if if we got you, you know,
all of.

Speaker 1 (29:41):
The Trump rise buck, I'll be honest. I thought we
would have a real battle on the Republican primary side.
I didn't think Trump would trounce Iowa, New Hampshire, South
Carolina run the board. I never would have bet that,
And as we're sitting here six months out, I wouldn't be.
Trump is up in all seven swing states, all seven
uncertain battleground areas. According to the polls, Trump is up

in all of them. Now, yeah, I would never have
bet that. Doesn't mean he's gonna win them all. Doesn't
mean that he's gonna win. But he is in a
stronger position right now against Joe Biden than he ever
has been in his entire political career against either Hillary
or by Hillary in sixteen or Biden in twenty. For
everybody who is a gun owner, if you believe in

the Second Amendment, I gotta ask you a question. You
ever heard of Bear Creek Arsenals. Bear Creek Arsenal, They're
an amazing firearms manufacturer. Here's what I wants you to do.
Go to their website, Bearcreekarsenal dot com and just take
a look at say the BC fifteen's the five to
five six that they've got these chambered in is when

you see the prices on these uppers, you are going
to be saying, how is it possible? I mean, they
make quality firearms at an incredible price point. You can
buy the whole farm, you can buy the upper. You've
got pistols. I've got my bar Creek Arsenal pistol here. Now.

Speaker 2 (31:04):
It is the firearms manufacturer that you need to be
going to if you want top quality.

Speaker 1 (31:11):
For the best possible price.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
They they have married these two concepts together in a
way that I've never seen before with any other firearms
manufacturer out there. And I got a lot of different
guns Bear Creek Arsenal, though, I'm telling you, if you're
looking for price and performance, you've got to go with
Bear Creek Arsenal. Go to Bear Creek Arsenal dot com, Sausa.
It is fun to be on their site. They've got
amazing stuff. They've got new products, gun and parts, calibers,

Amo optics, gear knives. Go to Barcreek Arsenal dot com.
Do a little shopping for yourself. See what they've got there,
get yourself at Bear Creek Arsenal Rifle. Make sure you
use promo code buck. Promo code buck will get you
ten percent off your first order. Off that whole first order.
I'm telling you, When you see what they've got and
the prices they're offering you at Barcreek Arsenal is going

to become your new favorite firearms manufacturer, pistols, rifles, Ammo optics, gear,
you name it, but really the sweet spot. Start out
with one of their semi automatic rifles. Try one of
their BC fifteens. Go to Bearcreekarsenal dot com. Use that
promo code buck for ten percent off. Lines open, get

to your calls in a second. How do we have
all this energy? How do we have all of this
love of freedom? Crocket Coffee Go to Crockett Coffee dot com.
Our friend Karl Markowitz you will see on X just
shared that she is already buying her second Crockett shipment
because she underestimated how much she and her husband would
love it. They're drinking it every day now. It is
their coffee of choice. It is Clay's and my coffee

of choice as well. Crocketcoffee dot com. Please subscribe, you
get a great discount. We've also got free shipping over
if you get over sixty dollars of coffee. The more
you get, the more cost effective the whole thing is.
And you're getting delicious coffee that supports a company that
is all about American history and celebrating American greatness. Plus

we give a portion of the proceeds to our friends
at Tauta Towers Foundation, which is an amazing as.

Speaker 1 (33:14):
You know, an amazing organization.

Speaker 2 (33:16):
Uh so please Crocketcoffee dot com subscribe, subscribe today, no
promo code because Clay and I own the company, so
we're you know, yeah.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
All it's fantastic. And by the way, I like the idea, Buck,
of using Crocket Coffee to help advocate for the betterment
of history. And so I'm going through today is a
fun one today in history have to go a little
bit across the pond. But Winston Churchill had family in America,

kind of an important guy in the history of the world.
His mother was from America. That's right, he was knighted today. Buck.
This may be a bit of British royalty connection that
you were even willing to appreciate. Eight in nineteen fifty three,
Winston Churchill knighted as a Sir of the realm by

I would imagine Queen Elizabeth early in her reign. You know,
my favorite character in The Crown has become, even with
the different iterations of the actors playing it, Philip. He's
got a great sense of humor.

Speaker 2 (34:23):
He just sort of walks around and he's like, we're
all prisoners in this gilded cage of a castle, and
we're just going to carry on stiff up a lip.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
You know, the whole thing. I love great, He's fantastic.
He's a really good favorite character in the whole thing.
And where are you now on the Crown? Are you
almost almost at the car accident?

Speaker 2 (34:43):
So I'll be sure to I'll be sure to text
you to tell you we've reached the full full like.

Speaker 1 (34:47):
They have the Remember Prince Philip fought against the Nazis
in World War Two, The Prince Harry wears the Halloween Nazis.
No spoilers, no, no, no, I'm just saying that is
going to be Remember when that became a big.

Speaker 2 (35:02):
Sea Yes, that rolly basically were like a Rommel costume
or something, right.

Speaker 1 (35:07):
So that that is soon to be on the and
I think you will enjoy some of the coverage surrounding that.

Speaker 2 (35:13):
I'll just give you a preview. We got Trent in Kansas.
What's going on.

Speaker 1 (35:22):
I've been a.

Speaker 6 (35:22):
Listener since day one, and I just you know, I
didn't want to talk politics with you right now, but
I just wanted to tell you guys, thanks for you know,
keeping it real and not you know, not bs and us.

Speaker 3 (35:32):

Speaker 6 (35:33):
I That's why I like listening to you guys. I've
actually convinced people to listen to you guys because of that.
You know, on multiple occasions, you guys have you'll you know,
bash people that you agree with and then you will
praise and you know, give credit to people that you
don't agree with and that you know, to me makes

me feel like I'm getting really truthful news. You know,
obviously we all know where you guys and politically, but
you know, that is a real assurance that you guys,
you know, will go out of you know, your beliefs
to you know, talk about and give credit with other people.

Speaker 1 (36:13):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (36:14):
Well, look, that's that is a goal here on the show,
to keep it real, so to speak, to always speak
the truth about what's going on.

Speaker 1 (36:22):
And praise people when they stand on the right principle,
even if they're wrong on a lot of other things.
This week, for instance, we played Joe Scarborough. We've played
clips from MSNBC where we've said, hey Galloway, the professor
at NYU, he's right here. This is what said.

Speaker 2 (36:37):
And we told you that the new Speaker of the
House was probably going to be a huge disappointment and
a waste of time. And as that massive ninety something
billion dollar bill goes to Biden's desk for signature today,
we told you, for of you believe this.

Speaker 1 (36:51):
Now all of you do

Speaker 3 (37:00):

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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