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April 28, 2024 24 mins
Buck and Clay’s Dune reviews. Clay’s driving and kidney stones. Recycling is a waste of time.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Bold, reverence, and occasionally random. The Sunday hang with Playing
Buck podcast it starts now. I didn't see the Oscars.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
I was out running around with my family down here,
but I did. This weekend Buck watched I Want to
give people a movie recommendation.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
And you had already seen this. I had not. I
watched the movie.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
Dune, which is based on the book, and it came
out a couple of years ago. I had not seen it.
My sixteen year old said, Dad, you're really gonna like this.
I think it's you're really gonna enjoy it. Dune two
is out now in theaters, and Greg on our team
said he's already seen it.

Speaker 3 (00:42):

Speaker 2 (00:42):
As soon as we finish this show, I'm taking my
sixteen year old. We're going to watch Dune two at
the Imax. The reviews have been incredible. June one, which
again I'm a couple of years behind on watching this.
I somehow missed it during all the chaos of twenty
twenty one. Doom one fabulous movie.

Speaker 3 (01:02):
And you had seen it. You told me you really
liked it too.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
Word is this new movie that is out by the way,
no woke angles on it, no like hidden that I
can see hidden awful messages, just what Hollywood did in
the eighties and the nineties. A really good movie that
if your kids are thirteen or older, you can take
them to go watch it and enjoy it, which is

what I think should be the goal of every movie.

Speaker 3 (01:29):
Right just about so, I'm excited.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
I can't wait. I don't remember the last time I
was this excited to go see a movie. As soon
as we finished the show, I'm headed to the theater.

Speaker 3 (01:39):
I remember reading the original Dune novel years ago. It's
by many, I think, consider the greatest sci fi novel
ever written, or certainly in the top ten. You know,
people would probably think there's some HG. Well stuff and
other things they would throw in there, but Dune is
an incredibly fun read and holds up really well. And
then there's Children of Dune, and there's some of the

follow ups. The original movie. I remember watching it and
thinking to myself, you know, they could do this, like
they could just make movies again that are supposed to
be well executed and entertained. But Hollywood has become so
diluted with its narcissism and its Dei seminars and its

belief that it needs to be political along with every
like deeply political, not just political partisan, along with everything
else in our society, I think is the big problem.
So I actually may go Carrie's not into sci fi stuff,
It's okay, not ever like to sci fi. I'll probably
go see Doing two of my own at some point.
I actually think going to a movie by yourself on
an off day at a random time is great because

you really just get underrated the movie. Eating alone at
the bar at a restaurant underrated going to a movie
alone when you really want to see the movie and
you've got a couple of hours, and you know, you
just unlike eating an ice cream cone alone as a
guy apparently, which play still is not okay with. But
I would say it's funny to me because last night
I was for the Oscars. I mean most of those

movies I haven't even seen. Oppenheimer completely dominated the night
Oppenheimer is. I'll put aside my historical political objections to it,
which are substantial. It's just boring. It's just boring, Like
there's all this stuff about his private life and am
I really a communist? Or what is that? You know?
That's boring? The Robert Down Downey Junior. Stuff is boring.

There's like a middle portion of that movie it's three
hour long movie. I also, I don't want three hour
long movies anymore I have in a long time. It's
really hard, with attention spens getting so used to on
demand to have someone sit for three three and a
half hours for anything. I think in one sitting. You know,
That's why The Lord of the Rings was great. But
when you went to see the Hobbit movies, You're like,
this is the first movie. It's like four hours long.

What's going on here? I know there's two more coming
that that wasn't even the director's cut anyway, Oppenheimer. The
middle section where they're testing the bomb and they're getting
ready to do that, that's well done and interesting. But
I don't know. I actually think after last night, I'm
just gonna say it, I think Christopher Nolan might have
taken who's the guy who did pulp fiction? Who's the
director Tarantino? I think that Christopher Nolan may have taken

the crown from Tarantino as the most overrated director of
all time. That's that's how I feel after last night. Yeah, yeah,
I'm just coming out cleaning today. Yeah, that's that's what
because I'm not a good watch. It's just not fun
to watch. And everyone's like, oh, I really liked it.
Now you've been told to like it. It's not very good.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
I didn't see any of the movies that were nominated
for Best Picture this year, and this.

Speaker 3 (04:33):
Is Isn't the Isn't the Killer Flowers of the Summer Moon.
Isn't it like eight hours long? It's crazy, it's really long.
I didn't see that either. Once I had kids, I
see a lot of kids movies. So if you want
me to know, give a review on kids movies. I
got a funny story for you, buck on the Solo movie.
When I was going out all the time to Fox Sports,
you know, I would stay. For those of you who
know La, there was a hotel that looks over the

Fox lot, right at the intersection of Pico and Motor
and as the Intercontinental Hotel. You could walk back and forth.
There's also the Westfield Mall there. They have a great
movie theater.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
So every now and then I would have time off
in between television shows or whatever else, and I would
walk and go see a movie. I went to go
see Remember Gone Girl. I went to go see Gone
Girl by myself. They changed our filming time. I had
my phone off. They couldn't get in touch with me.
For a Fox Sports television show. Coach Dave Wonstet many

of you will remember, awesome guy was there ready to tape.
They couldn't figure out where I was. And when they
finally got me on, they were like, you're gonna have
to tell coach where you were.

Speaker 3 (05:36):
He's really fired up about this.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
And I was like, well, you gonna have to tell
him that I went to see Gone Girl by myself
at the Westfield Mall and that's why he was late.
And there was a pause and they were like, I
think you got to come up with a better story
than that. You can't have gone to see Gone Girl.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
At least you weren't in line alone at the dairy.
Queen Clay, That's true.

Speaker 1 (05:53):
Sunday hang with Clay and Buck.

Speaker 3 (05:57):
I've been getting a bit of heat because of my
stance on the movie Oppenheimer, which even some of our
esteemed patriot scholar listeners, some of them seemed to disagree
with me on a lot of them. A lot of
you agree with me that Oppenheimer was long and boring,

and kind of a whitewash of the threat of communism,
the idea that, oh, well, we have nukes, so now
the Soviets should have nukes too, because that will be
parody because you know, everyone's the same. That's insane. It
was a horrible, insane idea, and people betrayed their country,
including some people who had been given refuge in this
country from other places, in order to give that parody.

But anyway, I put that aside. The most important thing
is that it was just boring, and the middle part
of it was okay, but the first hour and the
third hour really bad. And people can disagree with me
on that, but that just means they're wrong. Now, Clay,
you saw Dune two and you were a big fan,
aplus fantastic. Everyone should see it.

Speaker 2 (07:00):
Yes, I went with my sixteen year old yesterday, who
has read the Dune books.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
I have not.

Speaker 2 (07:07):
He read the Dune books. We watched this weekend. I
think I told you guys, I somehow missed it. In
twenty twenty one, with the kids and everything else, I
used to see every movie that came out. I haven't
seen Oppenheimer, I haven't seen Barbie, I haven't seen any
of these things that everybody's watching. I barely can keep
up with the sports now, so I had not seen it.
This weekend, he said, Dad, I think you'll like it.

We watched June one. Dune two is fabulous, and I
didn't even realize. It feels as I watch it like
George Lucas for Star Wars used a ton of the
Dune story, yes, as part of the inspiration. Even Tatowin
compared to the desert planet that starts with Luke Skywalker

on it, it even I mean, it's amazing how much
he borrowed. And again that's how culture works. You see something,
you build something new. But it's amazing how much he
borrowed from the books Dune to create Star Wars, and
the way it's being watched now, a lot of people
are saying, oh, Dune looks like Star Wars.

Speaker 3 (08:08):
No, no, No.

Speaker 2 (08:09):
Dune was the beginning part of the inspiration I think
for Star Wars, but chronologically, because the Star Wars movies
were made before these Dune movies, it feels like that
dude is borrowing from Star Wars instead of vice versa.

Speaker 3 (08:24):
I'm glad we get to talk about this because occasionally,
especially for people who have listened to me for a
very long time now going on thirteen years. I'm accused
of being grumpy about movies and saying that all movies suck.
That is not true. Dune one is a very good movie.
You and I liked it too. I had not seen fantastic.
Dune one is a fantastic movie for what it is.
I'm sure I haven't seen it yet because Carrot doesn't

like sci fi. You know, nobody's perfect. But I'm I'm
sure I'm going to like Dune two. You and I
both like Top Gun Maverick. I thought All Quiet on
the Western Front The Net, which was released on Netflix,
was a phenomenal World War One movie, like I Call,
like I See Him, just I know that it got
seven oscars. Oppenheimer is a trash movie and it's way too,

way too favorable to comis in my opinion, because that
was actually a big problem.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
For me Sundays with Clay and Voss.

Speaker 2 (09:17):
Laura Travis aka my wife, was listening to my discussion
of her driving ability yesterday in the car, and she
wanted it to be said that she is twice as
good of a driver as I am, and that she
wanted to throw down the gauntlet and call me out
for what she termed and I thought it was an

aggressive take fake news about her driving ability. Now she
did acknowledge that her mom was a really bad driver.
She did not offer any defense of her own mother,
but she said, I'm I'm quoting her a twice as
good of a driver as you are. I think she
said one hundred percent better. And she signed my aggressive

driving as frequently making her think that she is going
to die.

Speaker 3 (10:05):
So so.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
I would submit that if you ever drive with someone
in the car next to you who reacts aggressively to
everything that happens, even when there is no true peril,
it's not gonna surprise probably a lot of you that
I am not very often afraid while driving myself. But

if you have someone who sits next to you and
inhales breath or reacts uproariously every time that there is
a car in close proximity, I would submit again humbly,
that is my wife sitting next to me when I
am saving her life on a regular basis by not
allowing her to drive and kill us both.

Speaker 3 (10:50):
Does Laura then do the thing that maybe my own wife,
Carrie does where you have like two hundred yards before
the car ahead of you stops. But as you're slowing down,
there's the like that that thing or or some other
like like the chance that this was going to result
in a bad ending is maybe one in a billion,

but you still have to hear about it as though
you just you know, missed a stroller with three babies
in it going ninety miles an hour in a twenty
mile an hour zone. Like is that where you are.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
To yes, she said, Like I drove us back from
the beach this weekend, and she said, I was going
to take a nap, but I was afraid we were
going to die. And I was like, is that why
you spent the whole time, you know, like on your
phone checking Instagram and not for the most part, paying
attention to what was going on?

Speaker 3 (11:38):
But I wanted disclosed with all the fastest you've ever
been caught speeding? How much over have you got that? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (11:45):
Yeah, well I'm trying to think probably thirty miles over
the speed limit? Wow, not close, not like a hey,
I was only like eight eleven miles over. I haven't
I haven't gotten a ticket, although I have not gotten
a ticket in a couple of years now, and so

things are going well there. Inevitably I'm going to now
get pulled over, but I am adaenture issues.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
He denies this, but all of my siblings and I
remember this because I was with him. I was young,
but I was with him. He got two speeding tickets
in one day. I've never heard of another human being
doing that. I've never heard of that happening I have.
That is awesome.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
I have gotten a speeding ticket before and thought to myself, well,
clearly now I'm not at risk of getting a speeding ticket.
One of the funny things is one of the times
that I got pulled over was with my sixteen year old,
who I'm teaching to drive right now. I rode back
from school with him yesterday, which is a totally different
level of danger for anybody out there who's taught a

fifteen or sixteen year old how to drive a car,
you know what I'm talking about. But when he was
still in his car seat, we were driving to the beach.
And I've said this before on the show. I think
I have built some elementary schools in southern Alabama. There
are tons of communities down there that exist basically their
entire budget, I'm convinced is just to pull people over

who are driving to go to the beach. For instance,
I don't even know if we're on in this community, Georgiana.
In Georgiana, Alabama, they should put a statue of me
up in the town square, because I swear that I
built a substantial portion of their elementary schools. Georgiana, Alabama
one of the all time number one traffic stop just

gauntlets of all the country. I've been pulled over there
a ton. And one of the times I got pulled
over there, I got pulled over and my he was
like three at the time. My son had been told, Hey,
we're going to the beach. We're going to the beach,
And when we got pulled over, he just popped up.
He had been watching, you know, a movie or something

in the back of the car, and he said, are
we at the beach yet? And and mom said, no,
do you see those flashing lights down? That's going to
get arrested. And I think he was. He was traumatized
at the age of three over that. But again, I'm
happy if you are right now listening to us in Georgiana, Alabama.
The reason why your kids are well educated. Is because

by speeding through your community, I have funded the entire
educational system of that community in South Alabama.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
So Clay may be risking lives on the sidewalk, but
he is helping people with their ABCS, So that is
very nice. That's right. I would say. The when you
look at the numbers, I don't have them handy. You
look at the amount of revenue that comes in some
communities from speeding ticket slash speed cameras. Now, yes, which
is another seed traps speed well, but I mean I

mean the uh yeah, it's not a person. They don't
even bother pulling you down, pulling you over. Now, yeah,
you look at the amount of money from that, and
you will have to read it a few times because
it will blow your mind how much money I mean,
even smaller communities, millions and millions of dollars from this, Yes,
it becomes a major source of revenue. To your point

about what's going on in this one part of South
Alabama you mentioned, I wish I could know all the
top my head team. If you can find this for me,
let me know. I remember a guy knew in the NYPD.
He was senior up enough that he was involved with
the finance and logistics side of things, and he told
me what the City of New York makes in parking
tickets every day in parking finds across the City of

New York. It is mind blowing. It's effectively an additional
tax on the city and the people in it, but
no one talks about it. But it's massive sums of money.

Speaker 2 (15:36):
And when I talk about a traffic like you know trap,
what speed trap? What I'm talking about is not like, hey,
the speed limits fifty five and they pull you over
cause you're going seventy. I'm talking about you're driving on
a road and there's no difference at all, and the
speed limit goes from fifty five to thirty five to
twenty five back to thirty, Like there is no way

that a normal person driving can maintain the correct speed
without being basically a scientist of the road and on
ways which I download and use all the time. Now
they actually will mark these communities now where they have
these speed traps set up in these cameras that you're
talking about twenty five miles an hour on a road

where people you know, are going sixty five or fifty
five on the opposite side a mile away.

Speaker 3 (16:25):
It's crazy. Ali may have to back me up on
this one, but there is that experience when you're in
the Travis, the Clay Travismobile, in his suv, and he's
driving where you are like, you start to feel like
almost in a roller coaster, where your back sort of
is being pushed against the seat by these centrifugal force
and you also find yourself, just like in a roller coaster,

checking to make sure that your seat belt is buckled.
I'm just saying that's a real thing. When Clay is
driving the car, all of a sudden, your stomach is
kind of hitting your spine and you're like, I hope
the seat belts work in this thing.

Speaker 2 (16:59):
It's just that's what Ali says is an accurate description.
I wanted to share Laura Travis's insults at my driving.
By the way, four million parking tickets issued two hundred
and sixty million in revenue in New York City from
parking tickets. That is insane over what period from October
twenty twenty to September twenty twenty one, According to our crew.

Speaker 3 (17:23):
Two hundred and sixty million dollars in parking.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Tickets Sunday drop with clean Bucks.

Speaker 2 (17:30):
I can't tell you how much better I feel today
than I did yesterday, and I bet there are other
people out there who have experienced this. I had three
kidney stones suddenly hit me. I have never felt pain
like from these kidney stones. I think I have passed them.

Knock on wood. I feel very good now. Yesterday I
thought that I might have another one of those like
spasms and attacks. I've heard that women who have had
babies and had kidney stones say that kidney stones are
more painful than labor. I'm not a Democrat, so I'll
never claim that I know what it's like to have
a baby or breastfeed. But I got to tell you,

if that is what pregnancy feels like, I have even
more respect for women than I did before.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
Because I was ready.

Speaker 2 (18:24):
I thought I was dying from the and you said
to your dad because I told you about it yesterday,
I was like.

Speaker 3 (18:29):
Dying in my past.

Speaker 1 (18:30):
I didn't sleep.

Speaker 2 (18:31):
I might tap out because if I get hit like,
I'm basically unable to do my job. That didn't happen yesterday.
I think I passed him. This is the worst malady
that I've ever experienced.

Speaker 3 (18:43):
Was it was a stabbing pain or like, what would
how would you describe this?

Speaker 2 (18:48):
I would describe it as pain that was so intense
and so rapid that I felt like I was going
to throw up For about forty five minutes straight. The
only thing I could think is as it was hitting,
was like, this must have been what it was like
to get an arm chopped off in a Civil war

battle back in the day.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
Wow, when they.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
Would just give you whiskey and tell you to bite
on a bar or whatever. Like, I can't even tell you.
The pain was unlike anything I've ever experienced, and I
wouldn't I wouldn't even wish it on my worst enemy
out there, is how bad it was. And if you
told me, hey, here's a good way to sum it up.
If you told me, hey, your kidney stones were charged

were caused by X or y like alcohol things that
I like coffee, I would give it up for the
rest of my life to avoid having to experience this again,
even though I like both those things.

Speaker 3 (19:46):
Well, I'm glad you're doing better, man, I know that's
that's a very very painful situation. And yes, let's end
on a hopeful note. I'm telling you right now, all well,
first of all, your your kidney stone has passed. That's good,
but it's amazing as we're talking with the fittest thing.
Now everyone is blowing up my X timeline. All the

people that know everything about how to be in perfect
shape and are telling me that both Travis and Taylor
Swift are out of shape. And I'm sitting here and
I'm like, I just don't know what it's gonna take
for people to live in reality.

Speaker 2 (20:18):
But I can't speak about Taylor Swift because I don't
know what her true physical condition is. Sometimes people look
great in bikinis and they could never you know, actually,
Travis Kelcey sprints in a sixty minute football game that
lasts for three hours the whole game, and people hit him.
He is in zero point one percent male physical shape
for thirty five year olds.

Speaker 1 (20:39):
Sunday Sizzle with Clay and.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
Fuss, you know play. People who know me know that
there are some issues on which you may reasonably describe
me as a zealot, perhaps even a fanatic. And one
of them is manners in public places. I start to

lose my mind. Another is the assault on the ear
drums that comes from excessive decibels. Too much noise. In general,
I do not like too much noise. I'm told this
is actually a medical condition, so maybe I need to
investigate this. But excessive, unnecessary loud noise drives me insane,
but also stretching back. I don't even know. I want

to say, for twenty years I have been an anti
recycling zealot. I think we've talked about this before. I've
been I've just said, this makes no sense. All they're
going to do is harass you into this compliance regime,
and this stuff is not going to help the environment.
It's actually going to somehow, I promise you make things worse.
The New Republic, which is basically a communist website, I mean,

or rather scratch that, it's a communist website, they put
out a story reach I just want to read this
to you. Recycling doesn't work, and the plastics industry knew it.
The plastics indus new decades ago that recycling was never
viable in the long term, and now we're all being
poisoned by its products. Ninety percent clay between nineteen ninety

and twenty fifteen. So basically, like you know, our entire
adolescent through adult lives more or less ninety percent of
recycled plastics ended up in landfills or the oceans or burned,
which some would argue is even worse than all of
those things. The whole thing is a scam recycling plastics,

which is the annoying kind by recycling newspapers, I don't
really care. That's easy recycling plastics. You've got to wash
them out, they separate them into these other bins. It's
all a scam, and I knew it all along. Where
is my apology? Where do I go to get my apologies? Clay?

Speaker 2 (22:45):
Can we send this clip to Laura Travis so I
cannot be criticized for not caring enough about putting the
right stuff in the recycle will bin versus the regular
trash can. Because this has been an ongoing battle in
our marriage for coming up on twenty years now. I
just I've been arguing that recycling is a waste of

time and everything should just be thrown in the normal
garbage bins. Yes, And she's been arguing that we have
to separate papers, plastics, all these other different things. It's
totally worthless.

Speaker 3 (23:19):
Even the Left is admitting now it's worthless. And there's
all this concern what ends up happening a lot of
time with especially plastics recycling. Let me tell you also
the move from I'm here in Florida, the Free State
of we get plastic bags the grocery stores. You know,
in New York they won't even give you plastic bags anymore.
This has been the case for a few years now.
And even paper bags you have to pay for. You
know what, paper bags are worse for the worse for

the environment than plastic bags are. They're not to mention
they break. Yes, they're trash and their trash meaning they
end up in the trash. But also they don't work
in the function in which they are supposed to Clay.
Environmental policy from the left for the last seventy years
is one disaster after another. It not only fails to

work as advertised, it always makes things worse than what
they advertised as the result of this stuff.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
I spend no time on climate change with my kids.
I'm building a beach house. As we've talked about before.
The thing here that we should all be concerned about
that almost no one is talking about. Everybody should be
having more kids because the population is going to collapse
and we're all going to have been concerned about global warming,
and in one hundred years we're going to have half
the population that we do now, and it's going to

be deteriorating even quicker

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