All Episodes

June 11, 2024 57 mins
Danny Hurley turns down the Lakers, Mariners blow a big lead on Friday against the Royals and drop 2 out of 3...what can the Mariners do to go for it this year?  Caitlin Clark was left of Team USA's roster for the Olympics, did they make a mistake?  Fun with Audio.  Steven Souza Jr. joins the show to talk about the Mariners recent road trip, if he believes Julio has turned a corner, and much more.
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Episode Transcript

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No from the Star Rentals Sports DeathJordan ninety three point three KJRFM Sports headlines.
Alright, everybody, have you Mondayheadlines from the Emerald Queen Casinos Sports
Book, brought to you by ourfriends at venue Kings dot com. It's
a giant game. You need ticketsfor the Seahawk opener against the Broncos.

Ticket prices are dropping now one hundredand thirty six bucks to get in the
door at Venu Kings dot Com forthe Hawks and Denver bo Nicks versus Gino
on the eighth of September. Allright, how about this news in basketball,
Yukon head coach Danny Hurley saying thanksbut no, thanks to Genie Busts
and the LA Lakers turning down asix year, seventy million dollars deal to

state Yukon and go for a thirdstraight national championship. Good for him.
Scotti Scheffler won his fifth PGA tournamentin his last eight starts out last and
call him out Morikawa to win theMemorial. If you bet one hundred dollars
on Scotty Right to win every tournamentthis year, he'd be up sixteen hundred
dollars that's not that's not that good. Actually, you'd think if you won

them all, you'd want you wina lot more than sixteen hundred bucks.
Well, the problem I thought yousaid like sixty thousand, Scotty goes off
at Like That's what I'm saying,right, it's not even worth anymore to
bet the guy for got six.He keeps winning, so I guess it's
worth a betting. Mariners thirty sevenand thirty five games up on Texas started
a four game series with the WhiteSox. Logan Gilbert Brian Wu, Bryce
Miller, and Luis Castillo will gofor the Mariners. If you saw a

tweet from Buster only by the waysaying that Luis Robert has been sent to
Philadelphia, his Twitter account was hacked. So don't believe me how many people
around the country fell for that broadcasting. I almost did myself until I saw
Hey, thank you to my followersfor telling me he got hacked. Appreciate
that your favorite wide receiver, what'shis name? Is it Robbie Chosen?

Is it Robbie Anderson? Is itChosen Anders? Is it Robbi Chosen Anderson?
The Seahawks are holding a tryout forhim. Good for it. NBA
Finals, Boston up two games tonone in Dallas. Game three tomorrow at
dallasxcuse me Wednesday at Dallas at fivethirty pm. Boston took Game two of
the NBA Finals one oh five ninetyeight. Game three coming up on a
Wednesday. I literally just said that, Sorry, Andrews. That's a new

record for Davin. Normally it's acouple of stories after I literally just gave
the NBA Final story and it wasthe very next story. What the hell
is going on here? It's onlyMonday for goods, Yeah, you know
the good thing. I can buythis on a Friday. When's the last
time I did that? It's beenmonths and months and months. You're right,
it's only been months since you stuckyour hand in the blender. So

we can we can excuse it.That's fine. I have not given the
Stanley Cup Finals update though. Gametwo coming up tonight at four point thirty
face off at five Florida up onegame to none after a three to nothing
win in Game one and Giants tightend Darren Walla to do this story.
Nope, not yet. Okay,he has officially announced his retirement after nine
season, And how about this andthey're tight end. Mercedes Lewis out of

Come on you hill it now,you're good signing a one year deal with
Chicago for his nineteenth year in theNational Football League. He's forty years go.
And now some goofy Waco out oftouch homers just through the radio,
just for a forty one yards fromElliot Day and you're feeling down. This

is softy and dim. I mean, if this is how the week is
gonna go, holy moly, we'renot even five minutes into this thing of
a repeating stories already. I'm busytrying to figure out who I'm betting in
the matchups here at the Emerald Tynethere was an excuse He's not saying right
here my US Open card right infront of me, putting his money down
on some golfers and pine nerds thisweek, well, the scores could be

a little bit of control because thosegreams looked like Iceman at that golf course.
So we'll see. But it shouldbe fun this week to watch that
bunch of updates from Pinehurst throughout theweek courtesy of Westwood One. We got
the Stanley Cup Final tonight, Gametwo pregame four thirty face off at five.
You can hear it on KJR.Watch it here at the EQUC Sportsbook.
NBA Finals coming up on Wednesday inDallas. Bet on that game as

well the Mariners in Chicago. AndI gotta tell you, man, one
thing that really really chaps my assis when people hack other people's Twitter accounts.
It drives me nuts. And Iknow there's some folks out there,
so hey, you shouldn't take thstuff so seriously, blah blah blah.
It's my Twitter account, Get yourfreaking greasy hands off it. So Anders,
I'm in the break here and Isee Buster on his Twitter account.

He's got a million followers, it'sverified, the whole thing. It's his
Twitter account reporting that the Phillies andWhite Sox have reached a deal to send
Luis Robert to Philadelphia. So I'mjotting this thing down here on my little
notes for the headlines. I'm goingon Twitter blah blah blah. And I
just happened to look at my Twitteraccount right before the show started and saw

a couple of our trusty followers.Thank you very much for porting this out
that Buster's Twitter account got hacked.Okay, and then you go look at
it. In like an hour ago, he tweeted the show Hey was going
to prison for gambling, So it'sobvious that he's been hacked. But I
think that if you mess with somebodyelse's social media account, you should lose
at least a toe or a fingersomething like that. Something that's gonna have

to depend on who it is.I mean, depends on how influential the
Twitter. You know, Buster Holden'sgot a million follow us. That's pretty
influential. Now, yes, itis, just in the toys and games
department. What I would worry aboutis what happens if an official Twitter account,
Newsy Twitter account, a US governmentand Joe Biden, you know,

something like that gets hacked. Imean you could there could be people that
lose lives because of a Twitter thatgets hacked. Death by hanging. If
you wow, if you affect everymillion people you affect, that's one more
digit getting cut off. We gotwe got ten ten Wow. What happens
if you've got four people? Thenyou're out your hands your feet. I
mean, just think about like howthey do things in Turkey, That's what

I would do. I got nopatience for this. It pisses me off
when people do. I mean,how big of a jackass do you have
to be to do something like that? Board you've got nothing else to do,
well it go be a jackass toyourself. They'll mess with my freaking
Twitter account, Get your hands off. Ian lost his entire Twitter account because
of this malarkey. So anyway,Luis Robert is not getting traded to Philadelphia.

Steven Suza will join us at fouro'clock, and thank god we can
talk about that with him coming upat four. But I don't know.
I mean, the big news locallythe M's back home against the White Sox.
It kind of feels like the biggestnews locally is two national stories with
the Kaitlin Clark thing that happened overthe weekend getting left off the USA Olympic
team, and then Danny Hurley today. When you saw the news about ten

thirty ten o'clock this morning that DannyHurley had called a press conference at stores
at Yukon, you knew right away, man, there's some good news coming
for Yukon bats. He's not gonnacall press conference and say I'm taking off.
I guess it's possible he could dothat. But the thought that I
had is he's gonna stay. SoI'm surprised by this. This is a
guy that's turned down Kentucky and theLakers in six months all to stay at

Yukon, and I think it's greatfor college basketball. I think it's awesome
for Yukon and fired up for Yukonfans. If the Huskies can't be in
it, then I find myself kindof doing the exact opposite thing I would
have done a couple of years ago, because I still have some PTSD from
those rip Hamilton games back in theday against yukas should in the two thousand
and six twice Sweet sixteen. Igot some PTSD from those games. But

for those fans and for the stateof college basketball overall, it's a great
thing. It is a great thing. You're saying, you're Okay ruining for
Yukon and nine I'm over Zag eventhough Yukon's knocked us out of the tournament
twice. Okay, screwgan Zach.He's not a good day for Gonzak because
they're actually probably second in the preseasonpoll behind you, And it's a great
day for me. It's a badday for gonzag it's a good Well,

it's a terrible day for the Lakers. And I think it's an embarrassing day
for the Lakers because when we heardthe report of six years, seventy million
dollars, I was like, that'sjust not enough. That's not a mammoth.
That's just what Yeah, that's mammoth. That's just not enough. Because
you look at the the highest paidcoach going into this last season was actually
was actually a coach that got fired. His name John Caliparty. He was

making eight and a half million dollardollars a year. Yukon was going to
have to pony up more than that, right, So let's just set the
number at nine million dollars a yearthat Yukon was going to have to pay
hurly going forward. Well, ifyou're gonna get nine million dollars in stores
Connecticut, or you're gonna get elevenmillion dollars in Los Angeles and you have
to deal with the NBA versus beingable to build your own program up,

I mean that seems like a nobrainer to me. If you're hurly to
stay at stores, what is ninemillion a year worth in stores Connecticut versus
eleven million dollars in LA. You'reprobably losing money. You're losing money so
LA. I thought when we heardmega deal, mammoth deal, whatever you
want to call it. Yeah,I thought it was going to be twenty
fifteen million dollars a year. Now, they probably weren't going to pay him

the highest they they probably weren't goingto give a guy that has no NBA
experience the highest paid. But youcertainly got to pay him more than Monty
Williams. God bless money Williams.But he's the Detroit Pistons coach. He's
making thirteen million dollars a year.You had to go higher than Monty Williams
or that's a non starter. Well, first of all, the fact that
Manti Willams and making thirteen millions isweird. Number one, I mean,

really like just a random guy.I mean, he's never done anything.
He's making thirteen million dollars. That'sjust weird. But then number two,
you're right, I mean to getthis guy to leave yukon eleven point six
million on average would have been thesalary in LA. I just find it
amazing that the Kentucky Wildcats and theLos Angeles Lakers both got turned down by

the same guy. These are youwould think, among the premier teams in
basketball, in college and pro.And maybe the Lakers have lost a little
cachet. Maybe you and I stillthink of them a little bit differently than
maybe the younger generation does. Theywon a title four years ago. For
God's sake, there's still one ofthe most market finals. They may not
be performing like that, but they'retheir their their name carries a butt lo

await, maybe the most weight inthe NBA. Yeah, okay, And
the fact that this guy has turnedthem down, I totally agree with you.
Embarrassing for Jeanie buss at LA.But the other story man over the
weekend, you know, Dick andI at the Rainiers game on Friday.
I think when I got in thecar, it may have been seven nothing
Mariners. I don't know the exactscore. And then you watch this just
slow motion train rail on Friday,and the first thing I thought about was

the Indians game in two thousand andone, and then somebody reminded me they
did this against Kansas City two yearsago, where they blew another big lead
against the Royals and thank god theygot the win. Yesterday, I think
a lot of us thought going andif you were a betting man, you
were said, Okay, probably losetwo out of three to Kansas City,
so no harm, no foul whenit's all said and done. But I'm
gonna just say this right now,these guys got a five game lead on

Texas. It feels like it shouldbe eight or nine by now. They
keep kicking these games where they getgreat pitching performances or they blow these leads.
It feels like I don't have anydata to back this up because I
haven't done the research yet on it. Maybe you can't, but I'm just
like, it feels like, guys, they've got four or five games where

they probably went to bed that lastnight after losing the game and said,
damn it, that's one we letget away. And it feels like that's
happening once every couple weeks with theseguys. Well, you know, Jackson,
I talked about on the air lastweek about what this bullpen would look
like without Andre's munyos, and Ithink I think it's Bullpen's garbage without means.

I think he holds every card thingI know. You get, you
always get your bristle whenever us Wow. Wow, This bullpen is held together
by Andre's munos, and it's heldtogether by the fact that the starters give
them a lead and go six itleast. So all the bullpen has to
do is piece together like an inningand a third most nights when you're ahead,

because munyos will come in and giveyou four or five outs a lot
of times. Then you take munyosout of the equation. This bullpen gave
up ten runs this weekend. Tenrun question. I just don't think it's
a good bullpen. I think youhave a great, great, great piece
in the bullpen. I think youhave a great starting rotation, but every

thing in between. What is specialabout any of these guys in the bullpen
not named on Race Mooney, Let'sbring in our Mariner expert, host of
v what's the name of your stupidpodcast? It's not Mariner's Weekly. Oh
that's right, you changed the firstname was really stupid. I think you
changed it because you realized how dumbit was, so thank you for doing
that. Now now I can listen. Do we agree that this bullpen outside

of and dress munyos is garbage rightnow? Yes? I do think so.
I think it's pretty it might bethe number one need at the trading
deadline. I know we talk aboutcorner outfield and possibly first base now,
especially now with ty Franz injured,But I just think you need at least
one or two arms to add tothat right now, which is the easiest
thing to find. Yep. Imean they should be able to go out

if they wanted to fix that bullpenthis week. They can make a deal
with a team or two deals andget the arms they need right away.
So I agree with you they needThey do need to get an arm.
I was singing that before they wentout and got is a bowman or bawman
from Baltimore. I think ball beforethey want to got Bauman, I thought
they needed an arm because, let'sface it, with Brash and Santos going
down and who knows on Santo's,they're definitely short. There's no question that

those guys leaving. And this isexactly what I'm talking about. Okay,
So we're gonna go back on thesame argument we had last week, because
you're telling me that this Mariner bullpenis garbage without Ondress Munno's They've had two
major injuries to Brash and Santos,yet here they are seven games above five
hundred and five games up on firstplace. You just admitted to me on

the air that Scott's service is dealingwith outside of Andress Muno's a garbage bullpen.
Well, I don't think he's helpingus, helping himself by not walking
Bobby Witt on Friday. I meanhe is. He's putting the bullpen in
a bad situation to look more garbagethan maybe they actually are. But we
have had modest expectations this team allyear. We did it again sixteen games

ago. You and I don't knowif we sat here or if we were
sitting back in the studio, wesaid ten and six in this stretch that
started May to twenty fourth. Iwrote it down in my notes May twenty
fourth, we said ten and sixof the next sixteen games. The sixteenth
game was yesterday. They went tenand six. You go, all right,
I mean they're doing whatever modest goalwe are giving them, they're reaching

that goal. The problem is Iupdated my quads, my quad one quick
tier, my three tiered quads,and here we are Quad one, ten
and twelve. Those are teams thatare five games over five hundred or better.
Which I'm fine with that ten andtwelve. Yep, go ahead.
Quad two, which are teams betweenthree games under five hundred and three games
over five hundred. We're twelve andeleven. And against Quad three, which

is the Astros, As, Angels, White Sox, Rockies, Gnats,
they're fifteen and seven. That's whythey're over five hundred is because of the
Quad three games fifteen and seven.When they play Quad two or Quad one
teams they usually go one and twoor two and two. So they had
a thirteen game stretch. I don'tremember the ten and six conversation. I
do remember the thirteen games, threewith the Angels, three with the A's,

four with Kansas City, and thenfour with the White Sox. That's
actually fourteen games, sorry, Andso far in that run they are three
four five. They're six and threein those nine games, So if they
get three out of four against theWhite Sox, they're going nine to four
in that thirteen game stretch. Ithink I wanted ten and three is what

I was asking for, And Ithink that's possible because the White Socks are
a terrible baseball team. But Imean, I don't know, I just
kind of feel like they're thirty sevenand thirty they're five games up on first
place. The number one reason whythey're five games up is because the Rangers
and Astros are bad. There's noquestion about that. But I still believe
that this baseball team has not evenbegun to hit their stride yet. Offensively.

Julio is playing a little better.The ty France thing, we'll see
about it. It's gonna be alittle problematic. We'll see if Lockleier,
no relation to Sean Tyler Locklear canstep in there at first base four for
a while. But ty Franz wasstarting to hit the baseball. So I
don't know, man, I justfeel like, if this team is gonna
make a run, they're gonna makea run, Dick, because the guys

here now start playing better well theyhad, and that includes guys in the
bullpen. They have to make arun starting right now. This is where
you got to make hay over thesenext seven games. Seven because if you
are a subscriber and anderswoll I'll askyou, if you're a subscriber, to
run differential and the expected win loss, because the Mariners right now expected win
loss is thirty four and thirty threethe Astros is thirty four and thirty two.

The Rangers is thirty four and thirtyone. The Mariner's expected win loss
is actually worse than the Rangers andthe Astros. What is that expect It
is that some guy in a basementsaying, you know, it's based upon
differentially, I expect them to winthe ball. It's based I expect them
to win these next sis, whichmeans because of one run wins where they
are fourteen and six and Houston isfive and thirteen. That's why you're in

first place, not because you're abetter team than Houston. And Texas also
run differential matters, now run deferentialsall that it does? Really, you
are you kidding me? Three fourwhat Andrews? Am I having delusions here?
I don't know you just sitting nextto me three four years ago bitching
it fans who quoted run differential?Yeah, have you? Have you done

a little bit of a one eightyon one? You have? Okay,
fine, as long as you admitthat I would allow it, I will
admit that I've done it. Ithink I was so in the bag for
this franchise two three years ago becauseI'm like, they're building they're building.
They were crap and now they're crap. We should be happy, We should
be happy. I'm not happy anymorejust being good. I'm not happy anymore

being an eighty eight team, whichis exactly what they are right now,
which is exactly what they've been allyear old, an eighty eight win team.
Yeah. I think in the end, I still think they win ninety
two ninety three when it's all saidand done. But you're exactly right,
even if they don't make a move, that they're gonna make a move,
Okay, if they even subscrip.If they don't make a move, then
we riot are you kidding That thingat the quality you doub will look nothing

like we will do, not evenclose. Are you kidding me? Yes,
they'll make a move, because they'renot. If they don't make a
move, I can't even fathom whatthe reaction would be from this fan base.
And I think Larry Stone hit thenail on the head last week when
he said their integrity is on theline. All of us admit, and
we all see they need some bullpenhelp. They definitely need some offensive help.

I mean they could probably add threeor four players to this baseball team,
to be totally honest with you,right, we'll see what the Locklear
thing looks like. But first baseis an issue. DH is still a
problem. They could use an outfielder, and they could use probably a couple
relievers, all right, and knockon Woods. So far, they've been
relatively healthy outside of WU with theirstarting rotation, but they do have Kiko

sitting there in triple A if theyneed him, so they absolutely have to
make a move. But these nextseven games against the White Sox and the
Rangers, you got Cleveland, thenyou got Miami, Tampa, Minnesota,
Baltimore to Rono, San Diego beforeyou get a little bit of a break
with the Angels to end the firsthalf of the year. So the schedule
is gonna be a bitch in abouta week from now, which is why
you have to make right now.You gotta go. You gotta lose only

one game in these next two series. They'll sweep the White Sox. I'm
calling it right now. They're gonnaswop Chicago. They need to. I'm
gonna do what you said. I'mgonna parlay four four wins. Here at
the EQUC Sports Book, I'm gonnaparlay four wins. What do you mean
what I say? Right? Ido? Yeah? Yeah, I'm not
a big party. I'm pointing northto Andrews, I not west to Fame.
I'm not a big part. Wegot a break? Did usay basketball

vomit all over themselves by keeping CaitlinClark off the roster? Everybody has an
opinion on this, right, Peoplethat don't even watch women's basketball have an
opinion. I'm watching your little stupidtalk shows on ESPN. Did all they
talk about they talked about is CaitlinClark? Diskay? That's making me sick
already. Next on ninety three threekJ r f M from the R and

R Foundation Specialists Broadcast Studio. Nowback to Softie and Dick on your Home
for the Huskies and the Kruken SportsRadio ninety three point three kjr FM.
So let me ask you this,what percentage of new fans that have been
attracted to the WNBA were attracted toit because of Kaitlyn Clark. If there's

ten people, okay that we're notwatching the WNBA last year that are now,
how many of the ten are therebecause of Kailing Clark? Nine?
Nine? Okay? All nine ofthose people have an opinion on the USA
you have a big basketball snub becauseit's everywhere. It's all I saw all
over social media, all over TV, Fox, ESP and the whole thing.

All they're doing is talking about CaitlinClark getting hosed out of a job
with USA basketball. Some people sayit was the right thing. Some folks
say it's better for her to takesome time off because of all the basketball
she's been playing. Other people havetalked about schedule that you got to like
go to their camper or play andplay in their national campro I have no

idea whatever you would know, butit's a it's a topic. I mean,
everybody around the country has a topicon this. And look for those
that don't know. The USA women'sbasketball team has won seven consecutive gold medals,
right, They've done very very well, likely gonna win it even without
Camplin Clark on the roster. ButI think a lot more people would have
watched in this country if she wason that team, even if she's not

playing and sitting on the bench.And did you see the story that came
out. I think it was likeNancy Armor or Christine Brendan Simmerdy were supporting
that they didn't want to put heron the roster because they think her millions
of fans would have been angry aboutthe limited playing time she would have been
getting. And I just think that'sa that's a horse crap reason to not
put her on the roster. Ifyou don't want to put her on the
roster because she's not good enough,great, If there's better players than her,

great. If it's not the rightmix to bring to Paris of players,
then fine. But you're telling methat you don't want her on the
roster because her fans would get pissedoff and scream and yell on Twitter about
it. Well, if that's thereason, that's a terrible reason. Now
let's just put that report aside.Because you know, Christine Brennan whatever.

You've had some things to say aboutChristine Brennan in the past. I'm not
saying she's wrong about she's wrong aboutthis. But my whole thing is,
what is your goal? What isTeam usay's goal. Is Team ussay's goal
to put the best team on thefloor only focus on basketball to hell with
the publicity? Or is Team USA'sgoal to build the worldwide persona and buzz

surrounding their basketball team and surrounding thesport in general. And with this decision,
I think they clearly made their mindup that it was all about just
winning a gold medal, even ifthree times less people watch them win this
gold medal. Again, had theywon the gold medal with Kaitlyn Clark,
so would if so the is ittwelve gals? Is that rder fifteen?

Twelve goals? So if you wouldhave taken one of them off the team,
like I mean, you know theroster better than me, who's the
weakest player. So if you tookTarassi off and put Caitlyn Clark on,
how much do your odds of winningthe gold medal drop? In your opinion,
they go up? Well, thenyou're making a mistake if you're telling

me that Caitlyn Clark on the right, if you're telling me that the number
one thing is to win the goldmedal, which I'm fine with that.
Right, If you're the Olympic headcoach and the number one goal is to
win the eighth consecutive gold medal,you just told me that Diana Tarassi off
the roster and Kaitlyn Clark on increasesyour odds at the very least it's even.

So then why not do both?You can increase your odds or keep
them even, and on top ofthat, get this unbelievable boost and viewership
and excitement. Well, on topof that, how about building your future
team right? Because all that men'smen's USA team put Anthony Davis on,
right, he was a college right, put Christian Lady. Didn't they have

to though he was a college guyon? Because people not later? I
don't think they had to when Lakerwas today. I don't know. I
keep hearing that, and I thoughtI thought when they did that, they
had they had a role where theyhad to have a college guy on.
I may be wrong on that,but again, just going back to this,
all of those things would have happened, you know, anyway, you
would have made the team better orat minimum kept it the same, and

then you would have gotten this tremendousboost over here for all the second this
this cool stuff growing the game,eyeball's viewership whatever, blah blah blah.
So I don't know, man,I mean, maybe that report that came
out, maybe that's exactly what happened. That we just can't handle all of
this criticism that we would get fromher Caitlin Clark Heights that are bitching at
us because she's not playing, Andif that's the way they're doing things now,

that's insane. Though. I Mean, the argument for Rossi is she's
been there, she's done that,She's got teammates on the team. She
would have more chemistry with the playerson the team than would Caitlyn Clark.
But from what I've seen from Dianato Rossi this year is that she hasn't.
Like in the Storm game, shelike tapped out like halfway through the
game. I mean, she likeshe was just chucking up shots. It

was like and meanwhile, Kassi,Meanwhile Caitlyn Clark worked her tail off.
Now maybe that's what you can dowhen you're forty one years of age and
you're Tarosssee and you got twenty yearsof experience, you can just be okay
whatever. I'm just gonna argue withthe officials the whole game. She's forty
two tomorrow. Wow, she onlyhave one more day to say exactly.
So I would have liked from thebuzz perspective, I would have liked Caitlin

Clark. Obviously, it's not goingto matter in the bottom line of whether
they win or lose the win atall, because they'll win anyway. I
would have loved to seek Clark there, but I can. I can subscribe
to the theory that, hey,Clark needs a month off. Maybe you
know she needs Does she want torest? Does she want the month off?
I don't think so. I thinkshe seemed disappointed that she make the

team one years old. She answeredthe shears of the questions great. She
was like, Hey, this isjust going to fire me up to hopefully
make the next team. So sheanswer, that's tremendous. And that's the
part of it that's really been impressivefor me. Is that again, I
understand that I'm a Johnny come Lately, most of us in disregard to Johnny
come Lately, as you've been onthe wagon for a long time. I
get that as the voice of thestorm. But the fact that everybody has

an opinion on this and people arepissed, I mean they were. This
was the number one story over theweekend in sports and it's not even close
by the way, like if youcould do like a impressions counter, or
how many times people said the nameKitlyn Clark in the country, it'd be
in the gazillions. Yeah, everyeven the golf course. Guys, they
aren't typically women's basketball fans are talkingabout this. So I think it's awesome.

The chatter is awesome, but it'sfunny. And I said this on
Twitter over the weekend. Everybody isbusy screaming and yelling, bitching and moaning,
and she's over here just doing herAbsolutely, he's the only one nine
stream just saying whatever, blah blahblah. We're all fighting for We're all
screaming at each other, you know, bringing out the pitchforks and the flamethrowers,
and she's just over here just sayingall the rights. Yeah, it's

funny. We've got two, arguably, i mean two of the most successful
athletes in the world and Caitlin whatshe did in college and Scottie Scheffler.
Oh, and they have turned intothe most likable personas you can get,
like non controversial. Everybody's making controversyaround them, sure, but they're not
making controversy themselves. He did getarrested. It wasn't his fault, it

was a joke, but he didget arrested. I mean, that's some
controversy. He created, but itwas nonsense when it was all I mean,
he didn't I mean, if ifhe got arrested inappropriately, then he
didn't create it. The officer createshe's not. He's not gonna DUI.
He's smacking his wife around. He'snot doing something stupid like that. But
yeah, you're right. I mean, they're they're they're they're unbelievable. And

I don't know if Caitlin Clark hasa pr agency that she works with that
is advising her on this stuff,like her agent, or if this is
just the way she is. Ithink it's just the way she is,
to be honest with you think,because even going back to college man,
there was never boo from her aboutany of this stuff. And it just
makes you want to watch or play. It makes you want to root for.
Look from a selfish basketball fans perspective, I'm bummed out that she's not

playing. If she was playing forwomen's for the women's USA team, I
would have had more interest in thewomen than the men, There's no question.
And so then why not do it? Why not do it? Why
not a few USA basketball take thisopportunity and say, hey, typically we
would not do something like this,because even if they believe that they're better
off without her, putting her onthe roster creating this buzz. We got

a veteran team, We're good enoughto win, we can handle all this
stuff. This is a once ina lifetime chance to really make a mark
on this thing long term. Whynot do it? Because they must think
that the attention she would get wouldoutweigh the attention everybody else would get combined,
and it would take the focus offthe team and winning. All right,
that's I mean, that's if I'mjust trying to play pr for USA

basketball, that would be my response, right, that would be my reasoning
for not having her on. I'mnot saying it's the right thing to do.
I just read. I'm just sayingthat's the reasoning. It reeks of
pettiness and jealousy. Absolutely, Idon't understand why Diana Trossi is on a
sixthy US team. I mean,she's having a good season, but she
hasn't played well and when I whenI've watched her play, that's for sure.

All right? How about the funwith audio slash hat? Did you
hear that? And then Steven Suzawild join us talk some baseball coming up
at four courtesy Ataco Time live fromthe Am Real Quick Casino Sportsbook. Baby
right here on ninety three three KJRFF. It's now time for someday in Dick's
Fun with Audio. Jimmy GA Star, Jimmy mister Garoppolo. Now let's have

some fun with audio. Let's getdo. It's Steven Susan Junior joining us
at four high Vicky pregame four thirtyGame two Stanley Cup Final Edmonton, Florida
faced off in five. Right hereon ninety three three kJ RFM. All
right here we go. Hey,Dick, did you happen to hear that?
What's that? Dick? We startingwith your buddy stephen A. Smith
this morning on First Take, reactingto the news that Caitlyn Clark are Beloved

was left off the USA women's basketballroster. It's not that you're wrong,
is that we don't care. Everythingy'all said does not matter for this particular
is we don't want to hear anythingabout team USA. We know they won
seven straight goals. Put put Andreaand Janey up on the screen. I

want to look at them this wholesegment. When I'm talking to them.
You just highlighted seven straight gold medals. Oh my god, we're really worried
that they're not gonna get an eighth. Oh we really want honey. We
gotta make sure that spots one throughtwelve, what every single spot? That
is thick. I mean it's goodbecause the pivotal Senate. I don't know

if you notice Senate at the pivotol. I mean they won seven straight.
They might not get eight, theymight not get a stop it you know,
good and damn well, widow withoutKatelyn Clark, they don't probably win
the gold. Again, That's notwhat this conversation is about. This is
about what I will I will personallylabel the idiocy of Team USA women's basketball.

How dare you make this decision?It's stupid? Huh, Well,
I'll tell you what. I agreewith a lot of what he said there.
I mean, there's just this perceptionout there that there's a lot of
jealousy and pettiness from a lot ofpeople towards her, and this is just
another example of that for a lotof people. Dick, it certainly is.
I was just going head to headin the numbers with Kaitlin Clark and

Diana Tarassi the scoring numbers are aboutthe same everything else. Kaitlyn Clark wins
everything else. And she's half DianaTarassi's age, and Tarassi's already been to
six of them. I mean,and now you're gonna put Kayln Clark out
there in four years in her firstOlympics. Yeah, where she's going to
be maybe the best player on theteam, but playing in her first Olympics

instead of somebody that's had an opportunityto already play in the Olympics when she's
younger, right the wrong? Puther on right the wrong. Hey,
Dick, did you happen to hearthat? What's that? Dick? So
you saw where the Seahawks have signedRobbie chosen, Robbie Anderson, Robbie chosen
and him out. I've heard yeahfor a tryout? Correct KJR listeners,

though, no Robbie Anderson here onthis radio station. As the recipient of
a certain famous touchdown pass Sam Donaldgood time looking deep downfield into the end
zone. Touchdown Jacks, Robbie Andersonand the first TD Troe of Sam Donald's

career COEs forty one yards the QueenRobbie Anderson on the receiving end of Sam
Dinold's first touchdown for forty one yardsis now at least temporarily now that was
his first touchdown pass. Do youknow what happened, Dick to Sam Donald's

first pass in the National Football League? Any idea? No Jackson, I'm
sorry anders In for Jackson roll itand on his first play they're gonna let
him roll out and look downfield,the crowd across the field and it's intercepted.
Then it's gonna be a pick sixfor Quandre Diggs on the very first

play of Sam Donald's debut. Howabout that, the same day as the
forty one yards touchdown, his firstthrow got picked off by former Seahawk Quandary
Diggs for a pixing. You know, we're in the same game and Beth
Mowin's on the call for both planes. Do you know where we were for
that night? Remind me we wereright here at the Queen fourth this was

built. Okay, we were doingthe show at the Queen because we weren't
carrying the Jets game. We werecarrying the next game, right, so
we were watching that game on TVwhile we were on the air. Unbelievable.
I hope he makes the team,just so we can play that clip
over and over again, because wedon't do that anyway. All right,
Dick, did you happen to hearthat? What's that? Dick? Danny

Hurley Ukon head coach officially turning downthe Lakers and saying no to Genie Buss
and yes the stores Connecticut and achance to win a third consecutive national championship.
We have audio from the locker roomof Danny Hurley telling his team he's
staying at Yukon. I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving. I'm not laving.

The show goes off. We gottafind a longer clip of that.
Man, It's gonna take our rockball, got it? You know what?
I think it's great for college basketball, Dude. I'm surprised in some
ways because I think you and Iare both in the same page that nobody
wants to deal with the nonsense thatis college sports right now. But how

much is this gonna help Danny Hurley'srecruiting when he told the Lakers to take
a hike. I'm just I'm stunnedthat if the Lakers really wanted him,
all they needed to do is payhim more. I don't think he says
no to fifteen million dollars. Ireally don't. How can he? How
can he pass up fifteen million dollarsthree times when he was currently making at

Yukont. I don't think he cannow Yukon's going to give him nine.
I said that before, but nineto fifteen is a heck of a lot
different than nine to eleven. Well, he's the biggest name in college basketball
right now, darny, the thinkplayer or coach on the men's side,
he's the biggest thing going. Sohe could pray name his price next year.
I mean, and they got ashot to win it again. There's
no debt. They got a shotto win it again. He is a
phenomenal coach. Phenomenal coach because,let's face it, Ukont had talent,

but they weren't stacked with talent withlike five or six first round draft picks.
They are not. That's not howthey are. They operate as a
well coached machine man. So goodfor him. We're gonna break steven susan
junior courtesy at Taco time. Well, join us and talk some Maritor baseball
next on ninety three three KJRFM,Now from the Star Rentals Sports tests your

ninety three point three KJRFM sports headlines. All right, boys and girls at
Softian Dick back here from the EmeraldQueen Casino. Game two Stanley Cup Finals
coming up. Pregame four to thirty, face off at five right here on
ninety three three KJRFL. Do yougive me half the money you were gonna
bend and we'll go out back.I'll kick kill the nuts and we'll call

it a day. Mariner is alsotonight back home against the White Sox.
Logan Gilbert and the Mound the MSthirty seven and thirty five games up on
the Rangers starting a four game serieswith the Chicago White Sox. Steven SUSA,
by the way, courtesy at TacoTime, joining us right now,
coming to you live from the ElliotAvenue studios of Sports Radio ninety three point

three KJRFM. This is our weeklyvisit with former Mariners outfielders Stevens Suza Junior,
powered by Taco Time. For allyour favorites and to order ahead from
any Taco Time restaurant, download theTaco Time Northwest app today from the Apple
App Store or the Google play Store. Taco Time a Pacific Northwest favorite since

nineteen sixty two. Now with StevenSusa Junior, here's Softie and Dick.
All right, boys and girls,back here at the aprol Queen Casino.
We got Game two Stanley Cup Finaloilers, Panthers coming up pre game four
thirty face off at five right hereon ninety three three kjarf. But before
hockey, normally a segment you hearevery Monday at five, but we got

hockey tonight. So Steven Susa graciously, and I mean graciously. It took
some negotiation, by the way,all right, adjusting his schedule to be
with us early on the radio showcourtesy of our pals over at Taco time.
Steven, how are you, man? I'm doing great. You know,
I just got to you know,when you got three kids, you
gotta work the schedule around. AndI'll do it for you any day of

the week. Though. Yeah,no, I get it. Man.
We appreciate your flexibility. Just showingyour verse utility yet again. Well,
let's talk about the weekend that was. I don't think anybody would have been
shocked if the Mariners went to KansasCity and dropped two out of three,
but it's the way it happened ina game on Friday night. You're leading
eight to nothing. It's the secondtime in four years they've blown a gigantic

lead against Kansas City. For me, guys, that brought back memories of
that Indians game back in two thousandand one. Tell me about what you
saw with that slow motion train wreckon Friday, man, Yeah, you
know something about Kaufman Stadium. There'ssome weird things that happened. I think
last September they gave up a ninerun leader with nine to one or somewhere

around there and end up blowing thatgame thirteen to twelve as well. So
listen, it's a strange place toplay. It's a big outfield, and
you know, you walk a guy, kind of blooper happens, and things
kind of snowball there. And youknow, the Mariners have just over the
last couple of years, the Royalshave played them really tough. I think
almost six out of their seven gameshave been decided by one run. A

lot of their games have been decidedin the eighth inning or or later.
And so you know, I justI chalk it up to there's one of
those teams that the Mariners kind ofmatch up with perfectly. The Royals have
some good pitching and some good bullpenarms, and you battle it. You
know, I don't think we're gonnasee Bryce Miller give up a league like
that. I think the bullpen's beenpretty good for the most part of the

year and they're collecting some injuries now, which when you start diving deep in
your mind leagues, you're gonna endup giving up some runs. And so
I just chock it up to somebad luck. It's some bad timing.
And you know what, at theend of the day, they haven't been
swept yet and that's what really matters. And they pulled up that beam on
yesterday. Bobby What pitched too.You didn't have to pitch to him.

On Friday night, first base wasopen. What'd you think of that call?
Yeah? It was interesting, right, I think. I mean,
this guy's probably top ten players inbaseball, and you know, if they
were me, I would have gottabeen trying shape. And I don't think
if you watch that at bat,they were trying to get over to anything
to hit, but he kind oftook a slider down and in and and

and kept it fair. I thinkit was a mistake. Pitch that he
probably left he'd like to have backthat he he left up a little bit
too high. And man, thatguy can really run. Huh, no
question. But you know, justto just to piggyback on what you said
there, if you're kind of unintentionallyintentionally walking him per se, Now,

why not just walk the guy right? I mean, the guy obviously has
a tremendous zone. He can hitevery part of the plate. Why even
mess around there? If your serviceno doubt? I think you know,
it could be overconfidence in who's onthe mount, and I think that you
know you trust the guy to buryhis slider there, right, A big
leaguer can do it. And Bobbylistened. As good as Bobby Witt is,

he's still young. And in thosesituations we've seen Julio did the same
thing where those guys can come outof their cell a little bit and try
and do too much. And andif you can get Bobby wit you know,
and put it in a position tonot put more pressure on your picture
to try and find the next batter, because we've seen those kind of situations
backfire where you put the guy onand now you have to throw a strike

and you become predictable. But I'mwith you. All that being said,
I would have put him on andI would have had somebody else win the
game in that circumstance. Yeah.Well, Stephen SUSI was with us courtesy
attack of time, and you mentionednot getting swept and getting to win on
Sunday, and I mean, look, the game on Friday kind of feels
like the kind of game that couldsnowball into something a lot worse you lost

against Saturday if they had not founda way to pull that one out on
Sunday and get swept by Kansas City, limping home to face the Chicago White
Sox. Do you get concerned atall about the clubhouse at that point after
after Friday night, No, Idon't think so. You know, I
think that coming into they've got ateam that's lost thirteen straight right in the

White Sox in a decimated, disastrousorganization, which you'll get them some life
right now. But I would bemore concerned the fact that Listen ty France
is really starting to turn it aroundand they lost him. The bullpen has
been really good, and they're losingsome arms out of there. I'm starting
to get more concerned with the injuriesthat are beginning to pile up leaving Kansas
City, and what it looks likegoing forward because of their schedule, you

know, it's easier here, butthen you got the Rangers coming in that
you're gonna have to take care of. Then, listen, this team hasn't
been good offensively and you just lostone of the hottest hitters on your team.
That would be my biggest concern morethan just Hey, listen, they
haven't gotten swept and they lost theseries. And listen, the Royals are
thirty nine to twenty seven. It'snot like we're talking about a team that's
in last place in the Central.They're second in the Central with a great

record, with a great pitching staff. And the Mariners went away and they
don't play great against good teams onthe road, and that's what happens,
you know. So I'm more concerned, like I said, with the injuries
that are starting to pile it upand what that looks like going forward.
Well, this bullpen gave up tenruns in this series. Wo I know
you mentioned it's a good bullpen.It's been a good bullpen for most of

the season. But is it simplya product of Munos saving what is a
maybe mediocre bullpen. Oh absolutely,I think you know, without Brash and
Santos, I mean, those arepower arms that shut it down. They've
really just done a good job ofmixing and matching. And listen, I

think we said this last week thatthe starters for the Mariners have made this
bullpen really good. They put themin a position where they've only had to
get a certain amount of outs,They've only had to get certain guys out,
and then you can hand off theMunyos and they've done four out five
out saves to Munios and that guy'sunbelievable. And so when you have a
bad outing like the staff did thisyear where Lewis Castillo and Bryce Miller didn't

pitch great and they had to gointo extras yesterday, and you're going to
depend on more outs and put guysin situations where they're not really super successful
in and so you know, Ithink that ultimately, yeah, I'm a
little concern going forward, especially whenyou're gonna try and need Scanic to win
some of these games and get theseout those they don't really have a put

away pitcher outside of BuNos. Well, you mentioned Ty France there, and
I don't know, man, guys, when I hear the word fractured heel,
I mean that's not good. He'sgot a busted heel, for God's
sake. So you ever had afractured heel? And how long do you
think typ Frant's going to be outfor because you mentioned that there're stevens.
Since the first of May, guy'sgot an eight h two ops. Yeah,

no doubt. And even in Ithink his last fourteen games it's been
like a nine to eighteen ops,like he was really starting to turn tear
the cover off the ball. Theylisten anytime it's on the foot, like
that's where your power comes from,right, and ty France isn't isn't the
fleetest of foot, some would say. So, you know, there is
a strong guy with a strong lowerhalf that he uses the ground to put

in his new power swing. Soit's gonna take a little bit of time.
And those little hairline fractures can kindof take a little bit it longer
because you know they're very sensitive inthe healing parts. So you know,
i'd expect him to be out probablyfour weeks, three four weeks at least,
and hopefully have him back and hitthe ground running. But yeah,
that's a big blow to an offensethat needs a spark and they were getting

it from him. So that beingsaid that he has been playing well recently,
he hasn't been playing well in thelong term. So what is the
wally pit potential here for ty Frantzat first base? With Tyler Lockler,
who's not enoughing prospect, that's forsure. Yeah, I think yeah,
he's definitely probably the most MLB readyprospect that the Mariners have. So he's

going to get an everyday opportunity togo out there and be successful. And
you know, he came up bigwith that double in the gap to win
the game, and you can seehe does a really good job staying inside
the ball and he went up thereand he's not afraid. So he's going
to get his chance. That beingsaid, he's going to really have to
do something to separate himself from tyFrance because ty you know, was an

All Star and he's been swinging itreally well, and you know what you
have in ty France and he waspicking it up. Now if this guy
comes up and Locklear hits two eightyand it's eight fifty, ops, and
he's driving the ball in the parkand he's the most consistent hitter. He's
going to figure out a way tostay on this roster because Mitch Garver's not
hitting the ball well, so youcan serve him at DH. They need

bats and they're looking for anywhere theycan and if Locklear does it, he's
going to find his way on theroster. Is Julio back like back back?
I mean, can we just nowput that stuff behind us? Or
you still see signs that he's gotmaybe a few kind of holes to fill
there? Yeah? Still just Imean the six sixty six ops doesn't do
it for me yet, Softy,you know, I want this guy to

drive the ball all over the parkand listen. One thing I will say,
though, is he is doing abetter job in big time situations of
taking what they give him. Wetalked, we knocked him all year last
year and early on this year ofhey, he's trying to do too much
of big situations. Hey, yougot to kick your cat. He's taking
what they give him yesterday with thebase hit in the four hole, hitting

the ground ball, that is professionalhitting. That shows me a sign of
maturity. Now in between those moments. I want to see some more driving
the ball over a longer period oftime, and I think we're getting there.
I'm not ready to say he's backyet, but he's definitely trended in
that direction. But the overall numbersare not going to be good because the
first couple months of the year heplayed poorly. I'm just talking about the

way he's played really, Like Dickand I were talking on the show Friday
about the Mariner ops. When theyear comes to an end, it's not
going to be great because for twomonths you were catatonic obviously, right,
So can you get that number up? Can you have a team ops of
seven thirty seven forty the next fourmonths? Julio Rodriguez since the twenty fifth
of May, which is only twoweeks, I get it, has an

eight eighty one ops, hitting threetwenty eight, three bombs, eleven ribis.
Are you seeing anything recently out ofhim? Is what I'm asking that
shows you he's kind of turned acorner. Yeah, I get it,
and listen, eight eighty eight opsfor anybody else on the team is great,
But we're talking about one of thetranscendent players in the last decade,

right, like, this guy hasthe talent to be an MVP, right,
and so I'm looking for Hey,it's okay to struggle and they have
a six hundred ops in a monthor two. But then on the counter
of these guys that are superstars,they have thousand month ops. Is right
where they're driving in the ball,they're walking, they're doing things where they
just put the team on their backfor a couple of weeks and they just
right. I don't see that quiteyet. I see a good player,

and I see it starting to turnthe corner. But he very well.
This next series could take off andwe could say, listen, the guy's
back and who's doing it. ButI want to see a big month where
it's like man thousand ops, ninehundred something ops, where he's just driving
the ball all over the park andbeing the MVP caliber he is. Take
his mind the scenes a little bitand what's going on between Jerry Depoto and

White Sox GM Chris gets this weekwith Lewis Robert how much conversation is there
when this guy's in talent or isthere conversation yet? You know, I
don't know. That's a good question. I'm sure there's there's definitely phone calls
that you had. They'll sit down. I mean if they're if this is
in talent with them like and they'llstart to look over the roster. I

mean, that's what you're doing inthis series, right, just you get
a bird's eye view of anybody thatyou feel I can help your team,
whether that be Louise Robert or GarrettCrochet or Tomby fam or whoever it might
be, and so that you knowthey'll no moll over the team just like
they will the rest of the league. And you know, I think that
they got to do a job ofadding not just one, but multiple offensive
pieces. I don't know, youknow, Louis Robert would definitely be a

great addition just with this talent,but ill if we can have him going
forward in the future, I thinkyou get somebody like that where it's like,
hey, we have a you know, we have them for more than
just this these next couple of months. I'm always about Tava Jean. You
know, if you're gonna give upyour farm system, I want I want
a player for a couple of years, right, or a year and a
half at least, so that wayit's not just a one and done,

and I gave up everything. It'slike, no, I want to go
for it for a couple of years. Well, if they trade for him,
and they pick up the two teamoptions, they're committing fifty five million
past this year for Robert, whichI have no problem. That's not my
money. There's no cap in baseball, for God's sakes. And you guys
know my take on prospects. Getrid of them, just trade them all
man. But the issue with Robert, he's banged up a lot. He

gets hurt a lot. If youmake a move for him, do you
trust that he can be healthy enoughto make a difference for this team in
the final three and a half monthsof the year. I mean, you're
right on't it? Right? Inthe track record? Like, I can't
expect this guy to just all ofa sudden stay healthy for me as soon
as I trade for him, right, right, If you're going to give

him that much money and that muchprospect capital, you want somebody with a
record that you know is going topost. I mean that's half the battle.
I mean, that's one of thereasons why JP Crawford has been good.
And I know he got hurt earlythis year, but it's like he's
out there no matter what. Right, colt Rawley is out there no matter
what. That's bad neck, badback. Those guys post and you can
you know what you're going to getout of them. So I'm a little

bit concerned on that and and givingthem too much for Luis Robert just based
on the injury history, even thoughthe talent is crazy. It's like the
talent is crazy, but it's onthe I L. Does it really matter?
No, that's not right. That'sright. That's a great point by
you. There sus quality insight,their pal That's why we pay them the
big bucks. Right. Yeah,speaking of paying guys, you know some

time I've been I've been discussed inthe last couple of weeks about these pitchers
and how you would go about witha team that obviously has a self imposed
salary cap. When do you signthese guys? When do you sign Logan
Gilbert? When do you sign GeorgeKirby, Bryce Miller? Do you stagger
it out? How early do youdo it with these guys? Man?

I mean, what a what agood situation, but a tough such situation
to be and to start picking whoyou're going to I think you know,
I think obviously you got to gowith who's the closest to arbitration and who's
closer to free agency so that youcan lock him up. Right, You've
got Wu and Miller and George forI think George the year or two for
arbitration, and Wu and Miller stillhave three years for arbitration, so you

can wait on Woo and Miller forsure. I think Logan Gilbert if you
if you believe he's part of therotation for the future, that's your that's
your priority right now. I thinkas a GM and out of respect for
Logan Gilbert, I would I would. I would do it that way.
That being said, I think youhave to figure out a way to keep
Brian Wood here. I think he'sthe best picture on the staff. I

think he's got the highest feelings.I think I think that he will be
in the contention for a Cy Young. The guy just has dominated since he's
got here. The only caveat Iwould say, Saftie is the elbow is
a little bit concerning, and that'swhy I would wait. But I would
go Logan Gilbert because he's closer,and then I would figure out a way
to keep Brian Wood here. Yeah, Kirby's arbitration next year, I believe,

and then Miller and Wu I thinkare both in twenty six, So
you got a couple of years onthose guys. But what you just said,
that's I mean, that's a hellof a statement. I mean,
you think, out of all theseguys they've got, now, he might
end up having. Let me justmake sure I heard you're right, the
best career, the best stuff,because the best stuff I think is with
George Kirby, Bryce Miller, LoganGilbert. But Brian Wu is just smart

as hell and he's out thinking hitters. You think he might have the best
career of all these guys. Yeah, absolutely, I think Listen, that's
not we're talking about. These otherguys are unbelievable, So I'm not trying
to gauge to what George has doneand Logan and all these guys are great
pitchers and they're gonna have great careers. But what I'm hearing around the league

is when those guys come to theplate and they see Brian Wu's fastball,
it is something different, and it'sa two seam, it's a four seam,
and he's getting better he's smarter,he knows how to throw it around,
and I mean, he's just hada run so far that's been really
great, so it's easy to jumpon the bandy. But since he's really
gotten here, he has really establisheda fastball. And if you want to
be good in the big leagues fora long time, you have to dominate

with the heater. And I knowGeorge has done a great job with his
command and the two seam, butthe metrics between Wu's heater from his release
point, it's a low slot witha high ride already that guys just can't
seem to hit at the top ofthe zone. And George's two seam really
plays because of the location, becausehe's so good at throwing it. When
he doesn't have that, he cankind of get hit at times, can

kind of get away with mistakes overthe middle of the plate because of how
electric his fastballs are. And tome, I think it's because he can
locate it so much and because it'ssuch a different fastball than the rest of
the league. I see him havingone of the best careers out of that
staff. So despite all of thisawesome starting pitching, this team still has
a four and a half era onthe road and they're twenty first in Major

League Baseball? Is it an approachproblem? Because we know it's not a
talent or stuff problem. So thereare they approaching hitters away from home maybe
the same way that they're approaching themat home, and it's working at home
and not on the road. Youknow, I think probably those numbers are
a little misleading. They've gone tothe East Coast, right, and then

they went to the Midwest, andthey've had some tough, tough teams that
they face that they Baltimore and NewYork. I mean, those are really
good offenses. The Royals have area middle of the pack offense with a
really good team. So I thinkit's a byproduct of who they've played on
the road. Now, once wewatch this kind of next month or so,
where they're playing a little bit moreWest Coast teams and the teams aren't
as good on the road, Ithink that number will come down. But

look, whenever a pitcher's at homeand you know what you're expecting, you
can get into your routine. Youdon't have to wait, you can wait
at home with your family. You'rejust more comfortable at home. I think
every picture would would agree with that, and your numbers are always going to
be better at home. It's justI think some of those numbers are inflated
by some of the starts that they'vehad where they've given up some big runs,
and other than that, these guysare going to dominate on the road

and be fine for the rest ofthe year. A real quick we got
like a minute left Stephen Suza courtesyat Taco Time. White Sox are horrible
seventeen and forty nine, and they'reseeing a couple of guys in Feti tonight
and Crochet on Thursday who are actuallypretty good. I think there's Thorpe kids
making his debut tomorrow. But Imean this just smells like a four game
sweep man, after what they wentthrough in Kansas City, go get them
all. Absolutely agree with you.Like I said, as we speak today

is thirteen losses in a row.They got to take three out of four
from this team and bury them.There's especially going into the weekend when you
got the Rangers coming into town.Nothing better than leaving that series winning at
least three out of four. Butyou're one hundred percent right they should go
out here and they should win fourgames. Yeah, they actually have won
two of their last three, butI think you stopped paying attention after that

thirteen game losing streak, so Ican't blame you about it. All.
Yeah, they went to Fenway Parkand got two out of three, so
here they come. They're red hotright now. One streak for the White
Sox man. All right, buddy, good stuff, Enjoy the week and
we'll talk next Monday. Pal.Alright, guys, appreciate you, alright,
Bud steven Susan Junior courtesy a TacoTon. That's it for US Oilers,

Florida. Let's go Edmonton. Comeon, baby, tie this thing
up. Panthers Oilers Game two,Stanley Cup Final pregame from Florida next on
ninety three to three kJ RFM.See you tomorrow with three

Dave 'Softy' Mahler and Dick Fain News

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