All Episodes

May 2, 2024 30 mins
In the second hour, Dave Softy Mahler and Dick Fain chat with Petros Papadakis about drinking during radio shows, Michael Penix, UCLA, and Jedd Fisch at Washington, then listen and react to Manager Scott Servais poking fun at Softy before today’s M’s game.
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Episode Transcript

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It's time for our weekly conversation withcollege football analyst Petros Papa Nakaso that I'm
a smart guy, I'm stupid.Brought to you by Sweet James Accident Attorneys
forty one yards. If you're hurtin an accident, called Sweet James right
away at eight hundred, five hundredand fifty two hundred. Sweet James will
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Rue. I don't know. Ruh. Now with Petros Peers, Dave Softy
Mueller. All right. By theway, before we get to our next
guest, I want to remind youthe Grand Slam KJR contest happening right now.
Shot at one thousand dollars on thewebsite at ninety three to three KJR

dot com and the keyword win atninety three to three KJR dot com for
your shot at one thousand bucks rightnow. All right here, he is
joining us on the radio show aftera couple weeks off because of the mock
draft last week. One of thegreat communicators of our one of the founding
fathers of sports talk radio in thiscountry, an absolute legend both on and

off the field. In southern Californiaand one damn fine, unbelievable Greek American.
It's our friend Petros Papadocki's courtesy ofthe Sweet James the Dens Being of
Justice eight hundred and nine million.If you've ever been hurt in a car
accident, you know how hard itis to deal with your insurance company.
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zero zero zero zero zero zero orSweet James dot com. Are you out
at a bar again? Yes,we are out at a bar. Would
you like to say hello to thepeople? They would love to say hello
to you? He say hi toPetros, will go to Petro. They're
all fired up for you. Wow. That sounded wow. I've not felt
such Hey, let's such a warmPetros. Wow, I love you here

they love you. Jimmy's on firstacross from t Mobile Park and somebody just
asked, who the hell's Petros?I've been asking myself that for you.
As the days go by, I'dbecome less and less relevant, softy,
until I've was not relevant at all. But don't you just find yourself giving
less and less of a damn Asthe days go by, I suppose,
and I guess it's the same foreverybody as they age, and the inevitable

rags of growing old hang over uslike the sord of damicles. All right,
are we? Are we just crotchety? Are we becoming cranky? You
think I suppose so softy? Imean, I'm not at a sports bar.
I'd be happy. I'd be drinking. I am drinking. I'm very
happy to be drinking. Your drinkingpolicy during the show, what do you
well? I'm I am what peoplewould like to call a lightweight A little

bit. I think you would agreeto that. So, I mean you
lost a lot of weight. IfI had an empty stomach when you weighed
like two and a half bills orwhatever? Did you seventy? Yeah?
Did you u? Which is whichis pretty heavy? Thank you were?
Would you drink more? Would yoube able to drink more in those times?
Thousand percent on thousand per I couldhave maybe three or four vodka sodas

at two seventy uh huh and befeeling good, well happy. Now,
if three or four vodka sodas,I'd be passed out on the floor of
the bar. Like when the Marinersmade the playoffs and you you crossed your
composure as a person. Yes,and I humped the floor exactly right.
Okay, right, so so whatis it like? What do you do
now? Like, like, arethe people at Jimmy's like, damn,

Softy's gonna comed He's gonna have twodrinks and his hand's gonna be on the
bar. That's right? Is that? Like? Honestly? Is that?
What when they see you walking iseverybody's eye roll. There's a reason why
they call me to drink, Dave. Here, Jimmy is on first two
drinks and I'm done. You donelike you done on an empty stomach.

Yeah, I just told you.Well, so I'm asking you back when
I had bigger boobs than my wife, I could handle a lot more cocktails.
But just asking you how you handleit now? Yeah? If I
have you handle it like well,hey, if I have two drinks on
the show, I will not beon the show. Okay, I asked
you about that. Hardly you're ableto to function. I want to know
what's your what's your what do youdo? Do you go in you have

a burger, have some fries,yeah, and you know the coat your
stomach and then drink a light beerin the first segment, like, how
does that work? Yeah, Iwill, I will come in here.
And for example, Dick and Icame here early because we went to the
game today that first pitch at twelveforty. We came here at breakfast about
eleven o'clock, went to the stadium, had a couple of snacks in the

stadium, came back here, mighthave a little early dinner, and then
I'd say a by about five allprobably crack open a Tito's and soda about
five o'clock tonight. All right,so you're going dead sober right now?
Yeah? Pretty much? Yes?All right, Yeah, I sound I
sound like this that I'm not eveninebriated, that's the point. No,
But no, I just wonder,you know, because I do a lot
of events and people are always,uh, you know, I probably can

handle my liquor a little differently,but people are always buying me shots or
this and that. And there's alot of a heck of a lot of
drinking at our shows. And youdrink on the air, oh yeah,
okay, and then uh sometimes youknow that has to be tempered with what
my partner's drinking. If I seehim drinking a whole bunch. I have
to hold back like a husband andwife. Right, somebody's got to get

us home. Gotta have gotta havea driver. I got it, yeah
right, yeah, yeah, okay, that's all I'm asking. I'm just
asking. It's a professional. Imean, there's been days where I've been
you know, uh, I've hada little bit too much on the air
for sure, you know, celebratingbig wins things like that, and absolutely
drunk idiot And they think I'm anidiot to begin with. So now I'm
just a drunk idiot. But anyway, Petros is with us. Are you

sober right now? As well?By the way, you you are okay?
Good, I'm sick. You're what'swrong with you? Like? Head
cold? How bad? Oh?Okay, I thought it was like something
really bad. Nice man, scarethe crap out of me, all right,
No, I just I have ahead cold. Okay, Well,
that's not a big deal. Well, if I sound drunk or something,

you ask me. If I'm sober, you do sell easily. Just what
do you want to talk about today? Would you want to talk about anything?
I want to talk about you talkingabout me being drunk? People would
love to hear stories like that.I don't think you're drunk. I was
just asking your drinking. Did Iever tell you about the time Dick doesn't
even Dick won't even drink The FrogBear and Wild Boar Bar in Columbus,

Ohio about twenty years ago, KeithGilbertson's very first game as head coach at
you Dub No No. What Ithink I called Keith Gilbertson's very first game,
Say it was dub and that wasagainst Presno State at home. I
believe his first game ever was atOhio State as the head coach of You
Dub. I would almost bet moneyon that. I you look it up

for you if you want, Ijust tell me the story. The story
is that we went to the showat the at this bar called the Frog
Bear and Wild Boar, and Igot so drunk off tequila shotts. About
twenty minutes after my show was over, I ended up having to leave the
bar because my boss was embarrassed byme and thought I was going to embarrass

the station in front of Barbara Hedges. So the promotions director drags me back
to the hotel room, where Iproceeded the vomit all over myself in the
bathroom of the hotel, and thatlady that dragged me back to the hotel.
I ended up marrying her about sixyears later. How about that for
a story. Huh, that isa great story. Yeah, that's not

what I was asking you about,but budding romance began. What did you
What did you make of Michael Pennixgoing to Atlanta last week at number eight?
Did that surprise you at all?I guess, I mean, didn't
send a ripple through the state ofWashington. I don't know. I mean
I liked Michael Pennix, probably justbecause of my bias as a sports talk

guy and a West Coast football type. I like Michael Pennix better than I
like most of those quarterbacks in thefirst round. Why, And I know
he had the two acls and allthat. I just I loved his leadership.
I probably saw him more and thefact that he looked more to me
like an NFL quarterback to where heplays within the structure of an offense and

sees progression, works progression, recognizescoverage and delivers the ball quickly. That
seems to me like a pro footballtype guy, right, not a guy
who's gonna run around and maybe gethimself killed in the NFL, where the
field is a lot smaller, Whichis not to say Caleb Williams and Drake

May and the rest of these guysare all Daniels, all great improvisational players.
They are, and they're all goodquarterbacks, and there's a reason so
many went in the first round.But I like Panics. I liked him
a lot. Now what does itmean that they would pick him to back
up Kirk Cousins. I don't know. I think it made for a really

messy situation and they probably outsmarted themselves. But I don't sit there. I
don't do the mill In Man March, with all due respect to Rob Parker,
like, I don't do that withthat is not a humill In reference,
by the way, you know,I don't do the draft like mock
draft and all that. So I'mnot like super surprised by things because I'm

not super involved in it in thefirst place. Yeah, by the way,
yeah it does. Two thousand andthree, Keith Gilbertson's first game as
Husky head coach twenty eight to nineloss at Ohio State. So what was
the next game? Franzco no,you're thinking of the opener in two thousand
and four. His next season FresnoState, thirty five to sixteen loss to
Fresno State. Then they got Uclathe next week, which, by the

way, what the hell's happened thatI called that game that I called at
Ucla, or excuse me, thegame that I called at Washington That was
Presno State. Yeah, my veryfirst game on Fox Sports, that with
Barry Tompkins. I've never done agame in the booth before, and that
was the beginning of my career.The night before Bellevue ended the day of

sun that's right street. Yeah,it's very interesting. Yeah, yeah,
that's some good factoids right there.By the way, Speaking of UCLA,
King right now, is Dick atthe ball like just ordering like he's having
a glare ball shots, he's havinga glass of water? What about?
Uh? What the hell's going onon campus at UCLA right now? What
do you mean? What do youmean? What do I mean? They're

on the Quarner system. What thehell's happening on campus right now? It's
a mess down there? Oh wellthere was, you know what I mean.
There's a lot of Jews. Areyou uncomfortable talking about this. No,
not really. There's a lot ofJewish people that go to UCLA softy,
right, and they're pissed, right, They're really pissed, right,
that's my people. I think thatcame to a head last night because you

know, if you tell them theycan't go to the library for a few
days with your thing on your face, then at a certain point, you
know, the guys that do thekrab magakaking, you're going to show up
thing on your face? You meana mask? I guess I don't know.
You're talking about yamaka's what are youtalking about? Oh no, not
the yamaica, but the yamaca isa Jewish thing, correct, Yeah,

look, it's unfortunate. What's unfortunate? I mean my alma mater canceled their
graduation and then they canceled all thesatellite graduation. Yeah, I saw that.
What the hell's going on with Uand UCLA's canceled school today? And
you know, I mean USC hada graduation six days after the La riots

and half the city burned down.It wasn't a bunch of vegan kids sitting
around and farting on each other andscreaming. You know, I mean,
and we push the vegan kids fartingon each other. Ah wrong, Am
I wrong? Oh my god?Yeah, I'm so perfect. They pulled

themselves up by the bootstraps and theyhad a graduation and they offered the kids.
And I'm not to be political,because I'm not, I'll go for
it. Well, I'm just itmakes me sick that every election this is
what happens. You know, fouryears ago, none of these kids were
able to graduate high school because ofthe protests and co arrests and and all

kinds of crap. Well it's anelection here again, and and here we
are again. That's too bad.And it's the same farting vegans screaming in
the la. God, I'm stealingthat. I am stealing that. Hey
there's some really high flying cromagag kickslast night, you see. And it's

like, here's the tricky part.Is like USC is under the jurisdiction of
the l A p D. Okay, they have campus police, but the
l A p D Is is whoyou go to if something happens at USC,
the UC System, Berkeley, UC. L. A. Davis,
so on and so forth. Uh, they they do not have that

they they have their own police,and they have to they have to give
the LA p PD permission to comein and do something about it. And
it felt like last night that took. Perhaps they should have given him permission
quite some time ago. Yeah,well, I think this whole conversation was
worth it just for the farting Veganreference. To be honest with you,
Hey, what do you have?You ever thought I'd hate kids so much?

But man, I hate kids.I am. Yeah, like little
kids are like teenager No, no, no, the older ones that make
it hard for the little kids.College kids you're talking about for the most
part. Yeah, how the collegekid? All we did was drink promethazine.
I mean, what happened of thosedays? God? How blissed did

you get on permethazine? By theway, back in the day drinking that
lean? Oh yeah, grape flavor? Is there any other? Not for
me? Some folks like apple softy. I'm a great guy myself. Hey,
what a piece of crap you are? You're throwing up all over Columbus.

You know you're drunk. You're drunkby six like a like a divorce
at the bar. Have you beenwatching what Dion Sanders has been doing on
Twitter. Yeah it's bad. Well, yeah, so there's the Xavier Howard
did. That's I'm just telling thepeople that's transferring out. And he told

the athletic that, you know,Dion and him didn't see eye to eye
and Dion wasn't a great mentor andblah blah blah. So Dion's just blasting
this guy on social media, asis his son. I mean, what
the hell he went last year?Man, come on, you have to
let that stuff go, you know. And and that's not the first time
that coaches come in and run peopleoff, but what Dion did was unprecedented

and it didn't really work other thanthe fact that they had a great September
and they brought a lot of attentionto themselves in that way. But ultimately
they were the same inconference that theywere the before. So we all know
that, right. But I thinkthat most coaches people say stuff about him

after they leave or whatever, andyou just wear it, right. It's
part of the job, sure ofcourse, right, Like people are saying
all kinds of stuff about Jetfish downin Arizona. Yeah, wait a minute,
wait a minute, what are theysaying about my gym? No,
but whether they're right or wrong aboutfish man, I thought you were my
friend, you know, whether they'reright the donor what was that guy's name

again? I thought we were tight, man, I thought we were from
But that's why I'm praying for forfeiton us. Fine, but like the
jetfish, he's been around a longtime. Yes, he knows. He's
just got to wear that right,you know. I mean, you want
to get into Twitter battle with aneighteen year old kid and it makes you

look like an eighteen year old kid, and you know what. To Jed's
defense, actually he's embraced the vagabondthing. He's not hiding. He says,
Look, I've got a lot ofjobs. I mean, he's admitting
it, which is true. It'salmost impossible in today's day and age.
It's almost impossible, not of course, of course, but it's not even
just that. It's just it's you'rea coach, and you have to be

able to rise above those things.Right, what did you call the pro
in his very first in his veryfirst press conference after a victory, sat
there and danced around the media likethey didn't have to play twelve more games
exactly, you know, I mean, it's gave you that famous quote.
It's a little unsavory. And Idon't know if his son's a top five

pick. I don't know if that'sthe case. Yeah, yeah, I
haven't seen that, but maybe I'mtripping. I don't know. He looked
good in September. What'd you callhim again? Farting vegans? Yes,
farting vegans whatever they are, Idon't know. It looks like all the
same kids that protests all the otherelection here. So good, all right,

you're the man, great stuff.I'm gonna have the vagina hats.
At least those were funny. I'mgonna have a cocktail now in the break
in your honor. Yeah, godo it. You donna have three,
just to prove to you I canhandle it. Have three and call call
somebody to come and carry you outwith you, right, dude? Well,
actually I'm off next week, soDick's got you next week. All
right? Well, I love tohave Dick. Who's the balls? You

believe that? Get out of here. Petros Papadaki is with us, so
we've gotta break. We're gonna hearfrom Scott's service. Why does he keep
most of my balls? You know? Scott's Services. He's the manager of
the Mariners. And you know somebodysaid something mean about me on your Twitter?
Who did? On the kJ RTwitter and says it's Petro's time the
old p joint safty KJR now jJR. Thanks to sweet James. And

then, uh, some guy writes, Petros is funny? Question mark really?
Question mark? Not? Really?Is this from today? Yeah?
Just now, I'm looking at itright now. The name is curly Mow
and lay at Curly mo Larry one. Petros is funny? Should I respond
to him in a snarky way?Yes, go for it? Just should

I just let it ride and riseabove? Na. I want you to
absolutely hammer the guy on social media. Hammer him, hammer him, all
right, stupid idiot? Yeah,coach, all right, see you,
buddy, good stuff, Love you. Petros. Papadoka is with us on
the air. We're gonna break.Why does Scott Service keep busting my balls?

How come Dick Fanees not defending me? Next on ninety three three kjr
F. Now back to Sophie andDick on Sports Radio ninety three point three
kJ r F. Washington Huskies.I see you're home for the Huskies all
right, maybe the most important newsof the day, breaking news right here
on ninety three three kJ R FM. Jamal Adams has had his face

replaced on the western wall of Loomenfieldby Leonard Williams. How about that?
All this talk about brain him back? I don't know, man, what
do you think? Is it bignews? Is it not big news?
You be the judge Williams has replacedJamal adams face. Yeah, one high
paid free agent for another. Let'shope the second one outperforms the first one.

You know, they could have raiseda lot of money. What do
you mean? They could have said, listen, five hundred dollars to charity.
Here is a set of here isa gallon of paint, some paint
brushes. You get to go atthis Jamal Adams picture for five minutes for
five hundred bucks, Like throw stuffat it, like paint on it.

What do you want to they takea picture of it. He didn't deserve
it. That's for the kids.It's for the kids, right. I
thought you have ten different people dothat. That's five thousand dollars. First
of all, the Seahawks would neverdo that ever, because that's way beneath
them, not you and me,But that's not beneath me. I thought
you were gonna say, let's havea contest, let the fans decide whose

face should be on the wall.Why not do something like that Like I
was. I was actually texting KevinMartinez today, long time marketing a wizard
with the Mariners, about where allof the old Safego field signage went,
Like the big sign that used tobe hanging out there in center field,
the big sign above the home planentrance here outside the ballpark? What happened
to all of those safeg field signs? And he actually wrote me back,

he would you like to know theanswers? I would. This is a
relevant minutia trivia on a Wednesday afternoon. You can impress your buddies. Where
did all the Safego field signage go? He said, Some of it's in
archives, some got recycled, somegot auctioned off. So somebody out there
is walking around with a big asssafe gold field side from the stadium.
So today, before the Mariners lostto Atlanta, Dick and I were in

the dugout talking to Scott's Service wherea bunch of other people from the media
and Scott's Service does what he alwaysdoes, Jackson, when he sees me,
starts busting my balls. Check thisout everybody today, So come on,
bro, turn it. No fixturetime, no id, Softy good,
I'm good, No chance, chancechance, no chance and doing one

on one with some one time Iget with Softy. One one is who's
gonna be in the room doing everythingright? I got no questions for you
than anything. Riding with SAFTI wouldmean more winning games. Anything wrong with
yeah? So what what? Whatwas he doing at the start when I'm
holding up my phone because I wantedto take a couple of photos for Twitter
or whatever, right, just toprove that we were there. I want

people to know, Jackson, howhard working Dick and I were today getting
up out of our bags hard bynine o'clock in the morning and going to
see Scott's service. And he startshammering me like what are you doing?
No? No, no, washe What was that all about? What
is nothing wrong with taking pictures andvideos? What the else? Got?
Come on? Okay, really quickly? Do you think he's being serious?
I can't tell. Of course he'snot. Of course he's not. Why

would he bust my balls about takinga picture. He always he sounded you
know he wasn't. What is Scott'sfast fascination with the words soft like?
He doesn't ever say you or him. He I mean if if if I
took it, if I took asip of a beer, for every time
he said softy in that thirty seconds, I'd be on the floor. I

don't know. He just wants everyoneto know that it's me. I think
it's pretty clear he's a listener.Like he listens. He listens to this
show. He understands our Our takeson Mariners, so naturally he is a
fan of the show. He's afan of your guys. Is I don't
know if he's a fan of theshower. He's very aware of what I

should fan. But he clearly whenhe sees you for one of the first
times, you know, of theyear. I think you guys saw each
other earlier, but like I sawhim right right, So it's just he's
busting your balls. It's so serious. He dragged you into the office.
It's just you and I. Butlook, I know when a guy is
busting my balls, Like at theend of it, when he's talking about
and he did that, by theway, when he's talking about, Hey,

one on one, not with you, there's got to be a two
on one. Who went, that'sbusting my balls. But I'm talking about
in the first part of that conversationthere, when he's getting on me for
holding out my phone, I turnedto Tim Heavily, who's the longtime media
guy, and said, are wenot allowed to take video in the dugout?
Am I missing something here? Maybethere's a new rule? And he
said no, no, it's justwhat's you too? I had my phone

out to I mean, he justlooked at me and bus stich balls then
the whole thing. Yes, goafter her? Then what do you make
a jess? He smiled at meand he got after you. My feelings
are hurt. My feelings are veryhurt today. Well I know, I
know that he's very aware of what'shappening out there and all the things that
are said about him. And Igotta be honest with you. When I

saw him in Peoria, I Itold him that, I said, you
know what, you're always getting onme for the stuff that you don't like.
What about the stuff that you dolike? Like? Do you know
I sent a tweet out three daysago saying, you guys will be ten
games up by the All Star break. Did you see that one? No,
he didn't, did you What aboutthat tweet, Scott that I set
out for God's sake? All right? Scott's service after today's with the media

after a five to two loss toAtlanta, it's been awhile since we haven't
had a starter get deep in theball again. But you know today's game,
you know, going into it,the tough matchup with Sale out there,
I thought our guys actually did apretty good job to get him out
of the game. Unfortunately, youknow, I got to put some some
points up. They bunched all theirhits together, you know, a little
too many free bases today, youknow, uncharacteristically, we walked, a

few guys, made some heirors,and you got to play clean to be
good teams, and they took advantageof it there in the fourth inning.
I thought, like I said,Julio, some one a had much freer.
Looked good today. We did somethings offensively as far as getting some
hits and some traffic, but ultimatelyyou need that big hit to get you
back into the game. We gotdown after the fourth inning, so for
me, really good homestand I hada chance to be a great homestand somehow

get through that game today, butyou know, not to be the goals
to win the series. We didwin the series. We're playing really good
big Today wasn't our best game.We know that. And it's like I
said, the walks, the freebases is what ultimately got us today.
So take any questions, Emerson,what do you kind of think if the
adding and he gets out of afew games and that that fourth thing one

proved faithful. He wasn't as sharp. And I think the thing that's been
stood out for me with Emerson andhis time in the big leagues is that
he when he pitches well, heis in controlled the count, he gets
ahead in the account, he's onthe attack. And today it wasn't quite
as sharp early in counts. Youknow, we saw a couple of walks.
Early was able to work through itthere in the first inning. But

you know, I think he's learning. He's a young pitcher. Days like
today, you do learn. Yousay all that, and again, just
just too many free bases today ultimatelyis what got us. It's gotta maybe
obvious, but that the air fromHannager there on the fourth to turn the
lineup back over the top for thethird time over there. And that any
how big was that for just kindof having that moole situations now on you
guys, Yeah, when you getyou know, we say here all the

time around here, twenty seven outs, no more. We gave him more
than twenty seven outs, and thatwas uh ultimately decided the game in that
one inning they were able to putbig two out hits together, you know,
had two outs, man out,second, they sit, they sit
big triple off the wall and andthat was the game, you know,
in that inning. So again yougotta play clean to beat good teams.
And you know, we weren't overable to overcome that, uh with enough

offense today offensively understanding the guy onthe other side was good and the strike
some varieties was wide pitch, itwas wide. Yes, it was who
to continue attacking the strike out withwith the offense and where were they in
their play and how did that affectthem today? You know, I thought
overall there was some guys had tougherdays than others. You know, Handy
struggled today, uh a little bit, but uh, I think you know,

getting in some kind of rhythm offensivelyunderstanding for me. Again, you
have to kind of take today's matchupaside. You know, he's a guy
that does strike out a lot ofpeople, and then when those strikes someone
gets a little wider, it getseven tougher. But on the whole,
I I go back to it's notalways the third strike, it's strike one
and strike two. You hunting yourpitch, you gotta get your pitch.
You gotta get your pitch in play. I mean, get the bat on

it and get it in play.I think every situation everybody in our lineup
is a little bit different. Youknow where the strikeout creeps in. So
again it's something we're continuing to address. Guys that are aware of it.
You can't go come into the ballparks. I'm not gonna strike out today because
I guess what will happen. Youwill strike out. You know you start
thinking that way. But again,I'm gonna focus on the positives. We

had a good homestand we're playing goodbaseball. We have a big road trip
ahead of us. We had toHouston. That's another big challenge for us.
I thought we did a better jobagainst them last year down there,
we got to do it again.And I know they're off to a rough
start, but they have picked itup here of late and go to Minnesota
and they're a lot healthier over there. So we have a lot of baseball
left, you know. I dothink once this whole thing gets clicking,

it's gonna be a lot of fun. Right now, we're leaning on the
pitching and the defense, and todaythe defense, the pitching let us down
just a little bit. So again, good homestand you beat a very probably
the best team in baseball in theNational League for sure right now, and
it will beat him two out ofthree. All right, So two things
I don't have to break here ina second, Jackson, give us a
couple extra minutes if we can here, because let me ask you a question.

Yep, I think I know theanswer to this. Am I nuts
like psychologically crazy here a little bit? Yes? Is there something wrong with
me? Yes? Because what Iheard Scott Service say, and he's right
about the homestand totally right, completelyagree. The pitching let us down.
Your defense let you down. Imean, god, dude, those four
runs that scored in the fourth inningnever should have happened. Ever, it

was two Handiger plays and it wasHancock with them ever they ever should have
never look. I realized that Hancockwas a little Wowdy had two walks in
the first inning, and you sawthe potential with three ks in the first
inning. Two. But when hesays the pitching let us down, I
feel like the story of the gamewas the defense. Today, the story
of the game was the defense,And the story of the game is always
the offense. I mean, theoffense lets you down too, Scott.

I mean, you can't. Youcan't just give the offense a pass when
they score two runs. Right.Well, that's and what he's saying there,
And I'm not saying that he's wrongabout that overall, But are we
hearing him say that our offense isso bad that when our pitching lets us
down, we need to hold teamsto one runner less to win a game.
That's what you did today. Youscored two runs. But when he

ended with the pitching let us down, God, I mean, I would
think that the offense and the defensewere much bigger problems than Emerson Hancock today
because that that ball in the fourthinning should have been the second out.
Those four runs never should have happened. And they should have been out of
the fourth inning down one nothing.So when he closes with that dick and
maybe I'm just making too much ofit because it was recency bias, whatever,

I'm like, Wow, the pitchinglet you down, No, dude,
the offense and the defense let youdown. The pitching staff today nine
innings, six hits, one earnedrun, right against a really good off
The pitching let you down right,well, Mitch Haniger today. It's from
Ryan Divish's Twitter account on that dropfly ball in the fourth inning, quote,
I fed it up. It hadnothing to do with the sun.

I just dropped it. It's onme. I have to make that play.
I have been very happy with howI've played defense lately and something I'm
going to keep working on. Andthen he goes on to say that costly
air led to a beginning. Ifyou wipe the inning away, we probably
end up winning the game, saysMitch Hanneger. So I'm sorry, But
when I hear him say the pitchinglet us down, I'm like, that's
like number three on the list ofreasons why I just think. I think

again, he's trying to take Heconsistently tries to take pressure off these bats,
and sometimes I think he needs togo the opposite way and put more
pressure on the bats, because puttingless pressure on the bats certainly isn't working.
Four forty one textimonials, and thenlent Zerline joins at five right here
on ninety three three KJRFM,

Dave 'Softy' Mahler and Dick Fain News

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