Episode Transcript
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I did not watch one second ofthe Home Run derbyat last night. Not
one second. That's not true,because it was on during our show at
the casino, and I'm sure youat least peked and one of the screens,
no, for at least a second. Nope, was not paying attention.
Nope. I was like Angel Reesonwas right in front of my face
and I did not see it.I had no idea. I was like
a hammerhead shark man. I waslike Sam Cassell, I had no idea
what was going on. And Imean, first of all I saw on
social media. I will look,I'm trying to do this new thing now.
By the way, when I gethome and have dinner with the wife,
I put the phone away. What. Yeah, it's a little difficult,
to be honest with you. There'sa lot going on, trying to
put it down and just try tohave a little family time and bond with
a wife and catch up on theday. It's tough to do. What
I'm seeing, you know, isI'm getting into the house and putting my
stuff away the Home Run Derby taskarHernandez Bobby what Junior and I just said
to myself, Well, isn't thatjust perfect that Taskar Hernandez wins the home
run Derby. I mean the decisiontrain that the Mariners made to not extend
the qualifying offer. First of all, right, that was decision number one
to Taoscar. Hernandez replaced him withMitch Hanniger was decision number two. And
now here we are watching this wholething happen at the home run Derby.
Mitch Hanniger is struggling mightily. TaskarHernandez is putting up a phenomenal year so
far with the Dodgers. I mean, look, I'm i gonna throw a
fit that the Mariners did not havea guy that won the home run Derby.
And it would have been fun towatch our guy win the home run
Derby. But there's much bigger goalsout there than winning the damn home run
derby. I just think not offeringthe qualifying offer to Taoscar for twenty point
three two five million. We talkedabout this on the day it happened.
That they just did not want himto accept it. They were nervous he
would say yes because there's no otherreason to not do it. I mean
to say thing to Hanneger, thepriory right, but you get a qualifying
offer or excuse me, a acop pick which would have been between number
thirty three and number thirty nine.So not only do you not get Tascar
end is, but you get nosandwich pick and you end up with a
nothing Burger in right Field. Orthis has just been a constant stream of
mistakes in right Field. Buy thisfront office and buy this owner. Shit.
I just want to know. Iwant truth serum, and we're never
gonna get truth. You want thattruth. I want truth serum to handle
the truth from Jarrett from two men. I want truth serum from Jerry to
Poto, and I want truth serumfrom John Stanton. I want to know
the percentage of there's there's two reasonsthe taoscar's not here, the strikeouts and
the money. All right, SoI want I want truth serum, you
know, whatever whatever you can injectto make sure that they tell the truth.
I want to know what percentage wasstrikeouts and what percentage was we just
don't want to pay him twenty milliondollars. I don't know the answer.
Imagine it's somewhere close to fifty tofifty, but I don't know. So
you're you're insinuating that the twenty pointthree two five million dollars would have been
okay if Taoscar Hernandez had struck outmaybe one hundred and forty times last year
and not two hundred times a yearago. Look at least they use as
an excuse. Yeah, and Ithink it has some validity, right,
I mean, look, and thenthat's the point that Chris Crawford now we're
talking about. You know during crosstalk there that the idea that you want
to cut down on strikeouts. Okay, fine, I get it. Cut
down on strikeouts, then go outand get guys that will cut down on
strikeouts. And that's not happening.It's like the opposite and reverse is what's
happening. Like you know, Chrisand I were talking during cross it's like
the Seahawks cutting every offensive line andsaying, you know what, we got
to protect the quarterback. We gaveup way too many sacks a year ago,
and then they bring in five newguys and set a franchise record for
saxer sucks. That's exactly what's happeningshappening. It is unbelievable, and some
of it, I will admit isbad luck because a lot of these moves
on the surface made Now, youguys know, I did not like the
Handiger deal. I didn't get itfrom the start. I thought letting him
walk when he went to San Franciscowas the right call by them giants.
Gave him forty five million dollars.I thought there was way too much money
for a guy who's never healthy.I thought that was a good move two
years ago to let him walk away. Now you're gonna bring him back and
convince us that it's okay. Nowwhen a year ago you didn't trust him
enough to give him a forty fivemillion dollar deal, but now it's okay.
Now it's okay to make him yourstarting right fielder, platoon him a
little bit, but he's he's theguy for the most part. How much
is he making, Luke Rayley,he's making fifteen million bucks this season,
making fifteen million, and he's goingto player option next year for fifteen million
dollars. So a lot of thisis bad luck. I will absolutely admit
that. I mean, you knowme, Dick, I've been on the
air for the last couple of monthsbarking, yelling that at some point the
numbers will turn around at some point. The data shows these guys are gonna
start hitting the baseball, and Ithought that Hanneger and Polanco and Garver would
eventually be a couple of those guys. By the way, Handiger's making twenty
million, I'm sorry, so he'smaking the same as the same amount of
money as Teoska. You would havegiven Taoscar if he said yes, and
he could have said no, Heeasily could have said no. And if
he said no, then you wouldhave gotten the Comppick. So that's the
whole thing, is that you're you'releft with this bag of you know what,
with a right fielder making three hundredthousand dollars less than you would have
paid Taoscar if he said yes,and if he says no, you would
have gotten the Compick. Instead,you pay the same amount of money for
a guy who's coming nowhere near producing. Forget what Teoscar Hernandez Dick is doing
right now with the Dodgers. Nevermind that I'm talking about the guy that
we had a year ago in Seattle. Well, the guy we had you
would cut your hand off to havein right field. The guy we had
for a half a year right theeighty one road games, because you do
realize his OPS was two hundred pointshigher on the road than a one month
He was a typical Mariner twenty twentyfour hitter. At home. Last year
he was like a six to fortyOPS guy. Tascar Hernandez had twenty six
bombs and ninety three ribbi's and aseven forty one OPS. There's there's nothing
that Mitch Hanniger or Luke Riley you'redoing that comes anywhere near those numbers.
So you want to put them allup on the road or whatever, Fine,
I don't care. At least they'regiving me something. They are right
field is an absolute canyon of depressionright now for this baseball team, and
it's a major reason why they wereThey're at huge reason and I just don't
see it coming back for Mitch Haniger. I just don't. I mean,
I'm just I'm just using my eyes. I mean, the bat speed of
hand, the bat speed, thecontact rate, the exit velocity of Mitch
Hanniger, Jorge Polanco, occasionally MitchGarver will give you a ball that he
hits one hundred and fifteen miles anhour out of the stadium. But those
other two guys. I just andeverybody gets old at a different time,
right. Some people don't get oldon the field of play until they're thirty
six, thirty seven, thirty eightyears of age. Other people, particularly
injury laiden people like Mitch Haniger orperformance enhancing drug guys, they get polanco
in polanco, they get old early. And we might just be seeing a
couple of guys that have gotten oldin front of our eyes. Well,
Tascar Hernandez has a war offensive warof two point three. Hanniger and Rayley
combined have an offensive war of pointseven point seven. Okay, that means
literally, Taskar Hernandez is I'm notkidding you more than three times the offensive
player by himself that Luke Rayley andMitch Haniger have been for the Marrions.
I'm also telling you to have afour game lead in the division at the
break totally. If not more thanthat, well, I mean, honestly,
I mean, if you're just gettingwhat you got from this guy a
year ago. So I can seehow Scott Servis and Jerry Depoto would be
sitting back frustrated for sure that ithasn't happened yet, right, but thinking,
my god, We've got two anda half months left of this thing.
We've got to be able to justget a couple of weeks or a
month out of somebody. We gotto be able to get a heartbeat out
of Handig or something out of Polanko, something out of Garver, something out
of Luke Railey, and I thinkthey will. I'm still gonna hang on
to you know, Genius Island foryou. I'm not giving off you doing
it. I'm not ready to proclaimit's dead, but I be honest with
you, I've I've made sure Ihave the number for the funeral partner in
case I have to make a call. I mean, you know, when
you're getting to the end, yougot to be prepared right at some point.
And I know where that number is, I know where the email is.
It's going to magnet. I'm arefrigerator at home. If I have
to make that call and calling thehearse and proclaim this thing over, I'm
going to do it. But Ijust think as long as they are around
first place. And I don't meaneven within striking distance, because how the
Rangers are within striking distance. Imean like you know, leading by a
game, behind by a couple ofgames whatever. Do they have enough history
with Polanko and Hanneger and Garver andRaley to expect that those guys are not
going to be complete zeros the entireyear offensively, because if they are,
then forget about it. But ifthey're not, and they give him at
least a couple of fist pumps betweennow and the end of September, then
they're gonna have a chance. Iwould, I would just you just mentioned
four guys there, Mitch Garver,Luke Raley, Mitchanniker and Joory Blanco.
How many of those four guys havehad a good full season, Like I'm
talking five hundred plus ab full seasonin the last two years. Nobody and
Polanco did, didn't he? No, Polanco got hurt. He got hurt,
So the answer is none. ThenRaley played one hundred and eighteen games
two years ago. Yeah, Polanco, Garver. I think Garver's always been
a part time player, always,his whole career has been a part time
Polanco in the last two years.He played eighty games last season and one
hundred and four in twenty twenty two. So his last kind of Philly I
mean, I think of a fullif you can play one hundred and thirty
five hundred and forty games. Okay, Mitch Garver has never done that in
his career. Well, Polanco hasn'tdone it since twenty twenty one, and
he's only done it one time sincetwenty nineteen. That's because of the COVID
season in twenty So toss that outthere. You're right, Look, you're
right, all right, you're right. I'm sorry. I don't want to
be well. It's not being negative, I don't think, because I think
at this point of the year,you're just reacting to what you see.
Right now. I mean, ifthere's a Mariner fan out there and I've
seen this these people, damn it, I did it again. I have
been biting my lip since three o'clockyesterday afternoon. It is a miracle that
I have not gnawed this thing off. What does you just if you put
a dip you just put a dipin out by about an inchine, you'd
be able to be able to notbite it. I'd throw up, And
I'm like this, I might puta dip in, so forget about it.
But here's the thing. If there'sany Mariner fans out there and I've
seen you. I know who youare, all right, I've seen you
people on social media and I mightbe one person with the running the same
accounts all over the place. Rightwe're some Mariner fan criticizing the team,
some Mariner fan jumping off the wagon, some Mariner fan ripping the player.
I mean, guys, you gottabe kidding me, right, Like,
have we reached a point now insociety where we can't even have a discussion
and be honest about what's happening infront of our face. Like propaganda from
a business or a franchise in anysport is one thing. Propaganda from the
fan base is disturbing beyond belief.And there's some fan bases that do that,
and some fan bases have more fansthan not to do that. But
I think sitting here, it's onething to go on the air and call
these guys' names. Luke Rayley's abum, Julio's this, Mitch Garver's dad,
Planco's that, you know what,That's totally different. All we are
doing at this point now is reactingto what we are seeing one hundred games
into the baseball season and chatting aboutit. And if your head is so
far up the tukus of any teamin this town that you can't even acknowledge
the struggles of a certain player ormultiple players after three and a half months,
then that's your problem. That's onyou. And maybe you should try
and find a job with the teambecause that seems to be your calling.
But you want to go back dadBob on these guys. Do it somewhere
else, please, because it's disturbingwhen the fan base does it. It
really is. Yeah. I meanI and I got a lot of those
barbs over the last two years becauseI was so optimistic about the baseball team,
right, and people were like,oh, they're being a stupid homer
blah blah blah. But I justsaw I just saw guys that I knew
could play stupid homer. Right.The reason I was so optimistic, love
it is because I saw guys thatI knew could play baseball. Ta Oscar
Hernandez I knew could play baseball,Aohennio Suarez I knew could play baseball.
And I knew those guys, basedupon their history, would be better in
July, Oark, August, andSeptember than they were in April, May,
and June, and they were inan equal to playoff spot in twenty
twenty two and a damn near equalto playoff spot last year. But they
dug themselves too deep a hole.They couldn't have gotten out of it.
Now. They didn't dig themselves awhole this year year. But I just
don't see those guys. I canwrap my arms around and say, these
guys are gonna come out of itbecause of X, Y and Z,
because of what we just talked about. They're not full time baseball players.
None of these guys are full timeplayers anymore. They're part time platoonish type
guys. Hannager, Garver, They'rejust part time platoon dudes. That's all
they are anymore. Uh, Well, Polanco, Well you're saying they are
right now, that's what they've become. Yes, they become there's a point
in their career half of the year. And Garver always was Garver has always
been a platoon guy. Well,Garver was supposed to be part of a
team wide approach, a designated hitter, which they've been doing this team white
thing. Let's have a committee,Let's have four or five guys and a
great can you sign one guy?Can you just sign one guy to be
your DH for God's sakes. Imean, the good news is that Hori
Polanco in his career as an OPSin the second half of the season of
eight ten son out again. CourtYou kidding me. I'll take five to
ten right now out of that guy. If he gets to eight ten,
that's like adding an All Star.So is Mitch Handiger done this Hoja Polanco
done? Because the way they're playingright now, I know Polanka's got a
team option, Handiger's got the playeroption. And we were debating this on
yesterday's show with Steven Susa. IfHanniger doesn't get it turned around, will
they just But first of all,he's going to exercise the option. I
mean, he's not an idiot.He's thirty three years old. He'll take
his fifteen million bucks and a walkaway. The question with Mitch Hanniger is
is he playing for a spot onthe Mariner roster next year? Right now?
I believe he is, and Ibelieve as if today he's off the
roster for next season, I don'tbelieve the Mariners will bring him back for
fifteen million. You and I hadthis conversation yesterday with SUSA. They don't
pay guys fifteen million to walk away. Well, they did it with Sean
Figgins. They paid him nine million, like ten years ago. I don't
know about it. Your inflation calculatoris nine million worth fifteen now, I
got no idea, but it's notnine right, pretty close state nine.
So this ownership group did that withSean Figgins and said, look, it's
a sunk cost. We're not goingto just trot him out there. I
think that they would look terrible ifthey had Mitch Handeger pick up his fifteen
million dollar option dick for next yearand say, well, we're paying him
he's our right fielder. Well,I think that would be an awful look
by them, but they full Look, they wouldn't spin it that. You
know what they'd spin it? Howwould they spin it? On March the
twentieth, third week of training camp. Yeah, Mitch has never looked better.
He is in the best shape ofhis life. He's fully healthy,
and we're gonna see it different.Well, he's been healthy this year.
Has has he missed games? Imean, is he's not playing because he's
not hitting, But he hasn't hadthe injuries this year? Injuries has not
been the problem for Mitch Hannager.I mean, I would love to chalk
this up to another busted scrot himor whatever it was a couple of years
ago, or the freak injuries thathe had, but that's not happening.
Mitch Haniger is just playing flat outnot playing well. There's nothing new with
injuries. I mean, it's possiblewith something nagging him that he's never been
able to recover from, but that'snot the case here. So I think
Handiger's playing for a spot. Ithink Polanco is playing for a spot.
I seriously doubt Polanco's here in ayear from now. Hanneger if he picks
up the option, which he will, it just depends on if the Mariners
can justify playing the guy or not, because you're gonna pay him no matter
what. So at this point,do you want to pay the guy to
hurt you or do you want topay the guy to help you, and
helping you may mean not playing foryou. He has a negative war right
now. They are literally better offoffensively with Mitch Haniger not on the roster,
and that's a sad state of affairs. I mean, look, I
don't got no problem with the guy. Personally, he's a great dude.
I'm sure he's busting his ass.I'm sure he feels terrible. It did
it again about what's happening. Butthis has got to stop it. He's
got to stop starting Friday against theAstros. All right, British Open coming
up, obviously, went Watson fromthe Golf Channel, Going to join us
next on ninety three three KJARFM.Mud from the R and R Foundations broadcast
studio. Now back to Softie andDick on your home for the Huskies and
the Kraken Sports Radio ninety three pointthree KJR FM. Hey, guess what
Sports Radio ninety three three KJR FMbrings you the major Golf Challenge. I
will not call it the British Open, No, no, no, The
Open Edition powered by Gamble Sands Progoff discount in the Boeing Classic July fifteenth
to seventeenth. Log on the ninetythree to three KJR dot com and enter
the contest. Prize is one roundof golf for fort Gamble Sands, which
I'll be there on Saturday, bythe way, hundred our pro Golf discount
and gift card, and four oneday passes to the Boeing Classic ninety three
to three KJR dot com to enterthe Major Golf Challenge Open Edition, joining
us right now on the radio program. When it comes to talking golf,
there's only one guy we call becauseonly one guy answers the phone. Our
friend from the Golf Channel with Watson. How are you pal? What's going
on? You gotta go to theBoeing Classic for the flyover that's part of
that weekend. Oh my goodness.They they debuted the seven eight seven Dreamliner
at that tournament like three or fouryears ago. And the guy the pilot
does though, he flies right atthe eighteenth fairway and wags the wings.
It's unbelievable how much fun that is. We have been there many many times.
I prefer having a cocktail and rollingdown the burm on eighteen into the
gallery. It's always a fun traditionfor us at the tournament, but always
fun when Freddy shows up. We'llsee if he plays this year with when
it's all said and done, buta great, great tournament and glad to
hear that. You enjoy it whenyou come out here and check it out.
But the Open, that Royal troonhappening before we get to that man.
I saw where Colin Montgomery MONI juststaying in character, cranky as hell.
Tiger Woods shouldn't be here. Whatthe hell's you doing? Blah blah
blah. Tiger comes out and says, well, I'm exempt until I'm sixty.
Unlike Colin, the gentleman's portion ofthe gentleman's game in a lot of
ways has been lost, and Ikind of like it. What about you?
Monty has, throughout much of hiscareer, demonstrated a breathtaking lack of
self awareness and just does not understandhow his comments are going to get plugged
when you talk to him in person. He's not an awful guy. He's
actually a very genial, sort ofrespectful man. But I don't think he
ever understands that when he says stufflike that, especially when it gets printed
as opposed to seeing it in contextand hearing what he's saying, it's not
a good look. And furthermore,nobody cares what he thinks anymore. No
one cares. I mean, youknow, the sentiment coming from somebody who
held a little bit of a higherstatus in the game might have had might
be discussion worthy, but coming fromMonty, who cares and Tiger is exactly
right. He can play till he'ssixty. They've given him the lifetime exemption
basically to play these signature events.But he also said in that context,
I'm not taking a spot away fromanybody. I'll only play those events.
He's like, I appreciate the gesture, but I'm not taking a spot away
from someone in a signature event.You know, Tiger still views himself as
a competitive player, and the personthat will decide that he's not is Tiger,
and nothing short of another sort ofyou know, God forbid catastrophic injury,
nothing's going to stop him from that. He will play until he decides
he's not going to play, andthat's the end of the story. Wit.
I want to talk about Rory andthe level of scar tissue he has
right now, or if he hasany scar tissue. After the heartbreaking loss
in the in the US Open andthen not winning here where he needs to
win, right the Open Championship,you figured he'd have multiple Open champions just
by now, but he hasn't wantit in ten years. Does what happen
to him in the US some doesthat help him going in here? Or
is he is is he still hauntedby that. I don't think he's as
haunted by that. I mean,he played well at the Genesis Scottish Open
last week. He looked good andyou know, save for this, other
guys played better. He didn't makeany big mistakes. The one that haunts
him is Augusta. I mean,Augusta is in his head now. I
could see him winning another British Open. I could see And by the way,
can we call it the British Openplease, just for fake of contract.
I just don't want to get yelledat all, right by any Scott's
or whatever. So yeah, no, it's a believe me, a golf
channel. You get your hand choppedoff if you say no. I think
the one that really haunts Rory asAugusta, and I think unless and until
he wins a green jacket, that'sthe one that's going to keep him awake
when he's sixty five, seventy yearsold. You know, these other majors.
I could easily see him winning,as I was about to say,
the Open this week or PGA nextyear. I mean, he's only he's
in his mid thirty. But yeah, the one that resides in his head
is the Masters well, we sawa relative well he wasn't no name Brian
Harmon winning this thing a year ago, and I mean look hundred seventy five
to one whatever it was when hewent off. So is this set up
you think for another kind of darkcourse, no name sleeper to win this
thing on Sunday. I kind offeel that way, guys, I really
do. I don't see anybody asa clear demonstrative favorite this week. And
if the weather for the Open thisweek is anything like it was for the
Genesis Scottish Open last week, itcould be anybody. I mean last week
it looked like they were playing inPhoenix. It was ridiculous. It was
Sonny and calm for four days.And if that's the case this week,
that opens it up I think toa lot of different players, and it
could be somebody completely off the board. It could be a guy like a
Colin Morikawa who makes a little careerbounce back. Could be a Rory.
I love the Bob McIntyre story.Robert McIntyre in the West East from Scotland,
who won his national championship last weekthat it was the one that he
wanted more than anything else, hasplayed great this year. And has the
momentum heading into the Open also inhis home country. I mean, and
that to me, I'd rather seethat how Deshambo could win it. I
mean, there's so many guys thatare playing well right now, and I
like that. I'd prefer there tobe a little bit more of an open
season rather than Okay, it's Houston, Scottie Scheffler's gonna win again, you
know. Like I like the factthat it's kind of it's a toss up
this week. Will Watson joining usfrom the Golf Channel preview in the Open
Championship and with Brian Harmon won itfinding fairways and greens, making putts,
waggling forty seven times before he swingshis club. It's very boring golf to
watch with Brian Harmon. Now,the opposite of that is the bomb and
gouge style of Bryson d. Chambeau. Can you bomb and gouge Royal Truon
where you just hit it so faryou clear all the bunkers. Yeah,
you're ended up in crap over onthe sides. But Bryce is so strong
getting out of the crap, andhe's also forty yards longer than everybody else.
It's in the fairway. Is hegoing to be able to bomb and
gouge and compete in this If hedid it at Pinehurst, there's no reason
why he can't do it at RoyalTroon. I mean, he just absolutely
beat that golf course into submission andmade a lot of putts. I mean,
let's yeah, he's not you know, he's not King Kong. I
mean there's some touch involved here,but yes, he is bigger, stronger,
faster, faster swing speed, fasterball speed than just about anybody on
the tour. And if the weatheragain, you know, I go back
to the weather, if it laysdown the way it laid down last week,
yes, he could absolutely overpower thatgolf course. If it gets wonky,
that's when you might get, likeI was saying, one of these
sort of sleeper winners. You know, somebody who just keeps both hands on
the wheel for four days doesn't makethe big number. And next thing you
know, Tony Cenow has won theOpen. You know, like I could
easily see that happening if the weathergets weird. Hey Will Watson Golf Channel
with us? Where are we atwith the world golf rankings? Live the
Olympics changing the down the road,so the best players from each country get
to represent that country. How muchtime do we have left in the show.
We have three hours left. Yeah, it's all yours, Okay,
all right, I did. Idid a little bit about this on my
show in Orlando last week. There'sthis the Yost Laughton story for those who
don't know, as a player fromthe Netherlands who under the International Olympic Committee's
criteria qualified for the Games in Paris, as did three of his countrymen and
countrywomen. But the Netherlands Olympic Committeeand the Dutch Sports Federation decided that the
IOC's criteria was not good enough,and they've had this rule in place.
They call it an additional national requirement, so they're only sending one player of
the four who qualified to Paris.Loughton filed a lawsuit and he won,
and a Dutch high court said,we are ordering you, the Dutch Olympic
Federation, to put him on theteam. The problem is that by that
point the IOC had already filled hisspot and they wouldn't expand to sixty one
players. So that's one stupid thingthat's happening right now. Why you wouldn't
just go to sixty one as opposedto sixty I have no idea as far
as live and all of that,you know, Tiger said this week during
his press conference today. As amatter of fact, it's a lot of
work, you know. It turnsout it's a lot more work than he
thought it was. And the process, it doesn't sound like they're very close
to resolving anything. Whatever green grassproduct comes out of the PIF and the
PGA tour. I think twenty twentyfive is wildly optimistic for us to see
it actually happen. Probably twenty sixis more realistic. I mean, and
bear in mind, Tiger, whilehe's doing these negotiations also has the opening
of his delayed TGW or TGL,the Virtual Golf League that was supposed to
start in January of this year andgot pushed back to January of twenty five
because they had a storm that knockeddown their building in West Palm Beach.
That's going to launch allegedly in January. So there's there's a lot of moving
parts. There's a lot of thingsgoing on. Tiger seems to be in
the middle of most of it.But as far as you know, the
outcomes and actually seeing like as faras the fifth PGA Tour deal goes,
which is I think probably kind ofthe crux of your question. If we
see anything as an actual live productin twenty twenty five, I'll be shocked,
shocked. Well, we got toget a winner from you, and
will John Ram or Brooks Kepka becompetitive? Those two have not been competitive
in major since late last year.Yeah, I mean, you know,
they haven't forgotten how to play golf. They're just not playing very often and
they're not playing in terribly competitive fields. Koepka I feel like is a danger
anytime he tees it up in amajor, and Ram is too. I
mean again, I think there's alittle bit of buyer's remorse from him when
it comes to live. It doesn'tmean that he's forgotten how to play.
I think Deshambo is a real,a real look here this week. He's
just in such a great place mentallyafter the US Open and feeling like he
can be himself and to your point, he can overpower the golf course if
he chooses to. So. Imean I haven't made an official pick like
form my little charity league thing here, but I would take a hard.
Look at Bryce and to Shambo thisweek. Love it all right, you're
the man, great stuff. Alwaysappreciate you. Coming on. I can
follow it at Rio Wit Watson onsocial media on the X of the Twitter,
as the kids like to say,enjoy the tournament and we'll talk soon,
buddy. Appreciate that, pal,all right, go cracking and wore
Kenny Maine done? Love it?Uh watching with us? So fun with
audio slash hat Did you hear that? Coming up next on ninety three to
three KJRFM. What's that, Dick? It's now time for something in Dick's
Fun with Audio. Jimmy g pawnStar, Jimmy mister garoppolo. Now let's
have some fun with audio. Allright, here we go in a busy
too's day right here on ninety threeto three KJARFM or Grand Slam Cash Contest
happening right now. Jump on thewebsite, enter the keyword credit for a
chance at one thousand dollars at ninetythree to three KJR dot com courtesy of
our friends at Sharpvision, a modernLasik. All right, four, I'm
sorry that's coming up four to fortyfive. It's time for a little fun
with audio. Slash. Hey didyou hear that? The segment everybody's been
waiting for? Including me? Ilove this segment was my idea. I'm
taking credit for it. Hey,dick, did you happen to hear that?
What's that? Dick? Last night, Grammy nominated singer Ingrid Andres performing
the national anthem before the home runderby. This morning, she posted on
Instagram that she was drunk during herperformance and is checking into a rehab facility.
In case you haven't heard it yet, here's a small portion of the
anthem performance last night. Get thebombs burst, yay do the night that
a flag worsho the of the Free. I gotta be honest with you.
She sounds drunk for sure. Numbertwo, They're lucky it wasn't worse now.
I'm sure they have a seven seconddelay on TV. She could have
drops nef bomba. Oh yeah,sucking Texas about woo Sanita High school football
rules. I mean, like,aren't they lucky? It wasn't worse than
that. I don't even know whywhen we heard it yesterday, why did
I not even contemplate that she wasbled? She was blitzed. I didn't
even think about that because you'd thinkthat she's not blitched. I mean,
she's performing the anthem, for God'ssake. She's got a major problem if
she's that drunk where she can't controlherself before singing the anthem. I mean
the anthem takes two and a halfminutes. Right, go get drunk afterwards,
have fun. You got plenty oftime. Run derby. You got
nothing to watch for the next threehours, then people swinging bats at the
balls. What Jackson and I werediscussing, is she being honest about it?
Is she really checking into a rehabfacility or did her agent say that
was so bad that's going to ruinyour career. You say you were drunk,
you tell the nation you were drunk. I believe her. I think
she was intoxicated. I think shedoes have a problem, and I believe
that she would be checking yourself intoa facility. But there's people that are
wondering. So one of the thingsis she was off of social media at
least on X for a while,and then she jump back on yesterday morning.
Maybe maybe she was off for youknow, trying to take care of
herself. Jump Do you know howlong she was off for? No,
I do not, okay, lookthat up. HEAs to check out,
look at it totally. I mean, hey, I mean, I guess
I'll give her the benefit that shehad a pro but I don't know,
man, that was Now that youhear it, knowing the information that you
think you have now kind of makesa lot of sense. And it is
said it's very sad. I saidit was sad. Last I said,
if I felt bad for last night, the entire country's gonna hammer her.
No pun intended, because she washammered. Well, she's a sympathetic figure
now right, yes, potentially?I mean, how does that happen?
Scotty Scheffler gets arrested before the PGAChampionship and he's a sympathetic figure. Ingrid
Andress gets schnockered before the home runderby Anthem and she's a sympathetic figure.
What do we have to do toget some sympathy around here? Scotty didn't
really do anything? Lord, allright, Hey, Dick, did you
happen to hear that? What's that? Dick? During a press conference this
morning ahead of they opened, Ialmost said, British open the open tiger
Woods, responding to comments from Scottishgolfer Colin Montgomery, who questioned why Woods
is continuing to play instead of retiring. You've given so much to this game.
You've given so much to this championship. But you know there was comments,
you know, last week from ColinMontgomery who said he's here, he
should a tire. Let's go pointto this. Do you feel that's about
hopeful and you've found the right toyou make the decision when you decided,
Oh well, as a past champion, I'm exempt on him sixty. Colin's
not. He's not a past champion, so he's not exempt, so he
doesn't get the opportunity to make thatdecision. I do. The rim shot
came from me, by the way, but if it came from the media,
which would be surprised, I boughtthat. I love the chuckles that
came from the press covering the Open. That is awesome. And he's exactly
right. And it's like I saidtoday, Look, I don't expect Tiger
to make the cut, don't expectTiger to play well. I think him
being out there is good for thegame, right, I mean, look,
this is not like a team sportwhere a guy goes out there and
hurts the team, like when WillieMays was with the Mets, for example,
at the end of his career andjust slogging along, that's bad for
the team. If Tiger Woods wantsto go out there and just compete and
share some words of wisdom and promotethe game and at the same time not
play very well, as long ashe's not taking a spot from somebody who's
deserving of it, which he's I'mtotally okay with it. Team sport,
different individual, no problem. Well, in order of how Tiger Woods can
compete in this Masters is clearly numberone. You will be able to compete,
legitimately compete in the Masters for yearsto come. He can play that
course with his eyes closed. Iwould say this is second. And particularly
when you get to a shorter course. Some of these courses a little bit
shorter. This one is not oneof them, but you get some of
these shorter courses, he'll be ableto play in this one, US Open
PG. I think those two arejust they're just beyond him lengthwise now and
difficulty wise. Hey, I don'tthink he's ever going to be able to
compete again in those two. He'sonly made the cut one time at the
Open Championship since twenty fourteen, andthat was when he tied for six in
twenty eighteen. I really hope hemakes the cut. Hope he finish with
the top ten. He walks offthe course and says, you like that,
Yeah, the column gun, Look, Couzin, these little kind of
spats that are going on. Imean, it's kind of good for the
game. You don't normally hear Tidydrop shade on any That was a hell
of a line, by the way. I wonder if he that question was
coming because he had heard the commentsfrom Montgomery and had that ready maybe,
or if he just spontaneously just throughthat, because that is awesome for Tiger
Woods to drop that like that.That is incredible. All right, Hey,
Dick, did you happen to hearthat? What's that? Dick?
Three? Four or five? Pickone? Jackson? Which one you want?
Go? Three? Freaking all right? During Colin Coward's show yesterday,
Derek Jeter joined the show and gotthe opportunity to fact check the Fox Sports
host in real time. You facedobviously you were in the Nolan Ryan era.
No no, no, no,no, no, no, no
no no no, not even aslow down, slow down, No,
I was way after Nolan. Ohwait, wait after Nolan? Okay,
okay, okay, okay. SoDerek Jeter's first year was what ninety five?
Is that right? Yeah, hereally didn't start until ninety six.
Ninety five, he had a cupof coffee. Nolan retired in ninety three.
So I went say, he's wayafter. But I love the fact
that, just to Colin's face,he just corrected. Yeah, that was
that was pretty impression. Yeah,ninety six he won the Rookie of the
year. Remember who won the Rookieof the Year in the NL that year
for the Dodgers, probably to NewportHigh School, Todd Holligers. I faced
by the way at Bannerwood Park manymany times. Yeah, not good.
That's his claim to fame. Bythe way, Todd Holligeworth was walking around
saying, I faced Dave Softy mallthere at Bannerwood Park. Not the Rookie
of the Year, not the timeI spent him. My claim to fame
is facing Softy at Bannerwood. Ithink you can still see the pea stain
by the way from me when Ifaced him at that stadium. But yeah,
he came in two years later,after Nolan got done, the fact
that he knew that off the topof his head and just threw it right
in his face, I agree withHe's awesome. All right, We're gonna
break. Got Brian Schmester at fiveforty five, John Wilner at five o'clock
tonight. A lot coming up ona busy Tuesday, A ninety three three KJRFM