All Episodes

July 17, 2024 27 mins
In the second hour, Dave Softy Mahler and Dick Fain chat with Petros Papadakis about their hall pass choices, Ingrid Andress’ National Anthem, and Lincoln Riley’s job at USC, then they discuss ESPN’s ongoing list of the Top 100 athletes of the 21st century.
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Episode Transcript

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It's time for our weekly conversation withcollege football analyst Petros Papa Nakas. Not
that I'm a smart guy, I'mstupid. Brought to you by Sweet James
Accident Attorneys forty one years. Ifyou're hurt in an accident, called Sweet
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you. Uh, I don't know. Bu Now with Petros, Peer's,
Dave's softy muller, ahrighty boys andgoes here we go the moment. At
least three people have been waiting forthat time of the week. We get

a chance to talk to one ofthe premier sports talk radio hosts in our
country. Really one of the foundingfathers I believe in this industry, a
legend in Southern California, one unbelievablefather and the husband of the month,
one damn fine Greek American. Ourbuddy, Petros Apodocus, brought to you
Bye, yes, Sweet James,a dense beard of justice. Nobody comes

through like the dense beard Sweet James. You ever been hurting a car accident
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Sweet James knows how to get themoney you deserve from your insurance company,
So give them a call eight hundredand nine million, eight hundred nine
zero zero zero zero zero zero,or sweet James dot com. Hey,
softy, how are you, buddy? Enjoying the All Star break? Strikes

some gutters. Yeah, yeah,I don't mind the All Star break.
A lot of sports talk guys don'tknow what to do, but uh,
we're able to stretch our legs alittle bit more and have a little creativity
during All Star Week, you know. Yeah, Well, we used to
call it on this radio station.We would do this thing called the slowest
day in Sports, which is Iguess technically today today or Monday? Yeah,

Monday, you got your home rund right, And I always hated
that. I'm like, if it'sthe slowest day in sports, then why
should people tune into sports radio?We should be better than that. Today
is the reaction to the All StarGame, where you're like, hey,
you saw it was tied of thefourth, you know, And then and
then tomorrow is desolation row like theBob Dylan song and the only sound that

you can hear after the ambulances gois Cinderella sweeping up on Desolation Row.
So how do you handle tomorrow?Just tell fart jokes all day, dude.
I'm Petros Papadakas As you said,how one of the founding fathers in
this industry that you don't need nosports? Hell no, I'm doing a

film review today of a movie fromthe sixties called Charade and with Audrey Hepburn,
and we have all kinds of differentthings. College football whip around,
we talk about horns down, It'sall kinds of things to discuss. Softy
people that are bored when there's nosports are boring people. And that's the

Boston and New York sports mark.It's joyless douchebags that sit there and talk
about their self important sports opinion likeit matters. I don't have any problem
with it. I'm totally with you. We had a fun show yesterday,
a fun show Monday. We talkedabout you know, slouch your dave,
softy monitor, damn right. Wetalked about the one free pass for missus
Fane and Missus Maler and missus Feltson the radio show yesterday that was interesting.

That's creepy. Why why is itcreepy? Was I anybody's free paths?
No? None of our wives wantsto sleep with you. No,
that's because they haven't been in theyoga studio with me. They haven't seen
me work like a big, sweatyGreek seal, like a barking seal.
Yeah, just laying on a dingyYe? Should you be somebody's free pass?

Are you worthy of that honor?I didn't say I think it's a
stupid practice. Well, I'm notsaying it's a reality. I think it's
a ridiculous thing to go through.Why is it ridiculous to be offensive to
everybody involved? Oh? You doin the sanctity unless you're like one of
those weird pineapple upside down on aflag in front of your house type.
God, just sound like, uh, you know, wearing one of those

weird flamingo T shirts to let herto be know, like, take my
wife please. Like Henny Youngman,who's Hety young min Yett? Who's the
guy that played Pig Vomit and theHoward Sturt and Paul Giamatti remember him,
Yes, when he played the PDYou're ruin the sanctity of my home.
That's you. Yes, I'm notruining anybody's sacty. Who's your free pass?
Let me guess Julia Styles from TenThings I Hate about You? Nope,

not a fan Tacoma trash high schoolchin Nope. Not wanted a piece
of that Tacoma I threw I wantedto smell the aroma from Tacoma. I
threw out two names, by theway, Princess Leah from Java's cell barge
with the bikini and so coked upthough, well she's dead now, but

yeah, but I'm saying she's yackedto the rafters. You know you're gonna
be looking into her eyes trying tohave a physical connection, and her pupils
are going to look like tack marks. So enjoy that soulless experience. And
then I threw out, you're certainlygoing somewhere that many men have been before.
Of course, I mean exploration world. Anybody in their laid forties early
fifties. Are you kidding me?We're on the same boat. Uh?

And then I tell God him Itaught you he did. I tossed out
Linda Carter as wonder woman. Well, she could breastfeed Saint Louis. Well,
I'm glad you enjoyed that. Seelook at us and All Star Week.

We're having a great time objectifying women. That's America. Oh my god,
I knew this would be a goodone today. Who needs baseball?
I mean All Star game? Hey? What are your thoughts on the All
Star Game last night? Petros?And the other weird thing is like free
pass Like how does that work?Like? Now, so you're in this

room with this person you don't know, and you're looking at Julia Stiles and
we're doing us. Uh, yes, yes, if she would agree.
Remember John Olarude, John Olarrud.You think John's a great guy? Actually,
you think he's anybody's free passer outhere? Maybe with that helmet,
you know, stop it. Hehad a he had brain surgery. Yes,

I know the story along with you. Good lord. Do you want
to talk to me about anything?Are you just gonna buy me? Not?
Really? Just want to bug you? Yeah, what did you make
of Ingrid d Dresses? I thoughtshe was from Seattle, but you know
she's from Michigan, Michigan, raisedin Colorado, right, and grew up
listening to Coldplay and even Essence.But she's a country singer. Oh you

get wikipedia too, huh. Yeah, she said she was drunk, So
do you believe her? Well,I mean she sounded pretty drunk. She
did sound drunk, but I meanmaybe, but you could have been pills.
You know, I have time.There was a time in my life
where I took a lot of pills, right, And I don't want to
say it was when I was afootball player, but and and so much

so that I would throw up atnoon. So it's like you know what
I mean, not for years,but for months kind of thing, bad
habits, wow, And was ableto kick them as a very very actually
before my football career was over.I want to have your insights check.
Yes, Well I went to thedoctor yesterday, Ahole, Why don't you
check your own insight? I did, thank you. I was at the
fire Round doctor yesterday. Well thepoint is this, Okay, I know

when someone's on pills because I wason pills, and I can tell by
the speech and the pattern and theway they look when they look zapped.
And that chick was on pills.And you know who else was that?
Anna Nicole Smith? One episode ofthat show, and I was like,
man, somebody's gotta pump her stomachlike freaking almost famous. So I know

my pills, softy. It ispossible she said she was drunk, But
I call bs. The kids don'teven know how to drink anymore. What
do they drink? Fireball? Imean high noon. You know they don't
white claws get drunk on that stuff, the pills. It's the fentanyl.
I hadn't thought about that possibility thatit was something else besides alcohol. That's

why around here, I'm an expertin counterculture, could have been doing something
else on crack. I'm just dyingit. You know, it's pretty good
call. You will admit that youwere drunk and we will move on.
Smoking crack and freebasing cocaine are twodifferent things. End of the discussion.
Hey, I saw your buddy PaulFinebaum this morning. Oh yeah, he's
getting after everybody's ass. Well he'sgoing after Lincoln Riley. You're got sure?

How about that? Ye says hewould have fired him last year.
Well maybe, Jen Collen, whata fire to if she could. I
mean, the guy who's a ninetymillion dollar attached number to him. That's
how much a cost to get ridof the previous regime. I doubt that
there was any kind of buyout inhis second year. Do we know what
he's making, by the way,because that stuff doesn't get typically reported,

have to wait a year for thetax stuff to come out, and then
it comes out, and then it'sconvoluted because you really don't know somebody could
donate quote unquote to him. Soyeah, USC being a private university is
a little bit more complicated in thatway. But yeah, look he's on
a hot seat, There's no doubtabout it. The shine is off of

that thing. And I know hewon a Heisman with Caleb Williams, but
Cayleb Williams felt like a mercenary.Never really was a la connection with anybody
that he had or didn't have.I mean, it was just something that
happened really fast. And then he'scrying and walking off the field and they
don't get to the playoff. Theylose to Utah, and then they lose
to Tulane in a bowl game,and now you go into the off season

with a lot of bad feelings eventhough you have Heisman, and then you
come back into the top five andthe real problem is Softy. They spent
the whole off season saying, willnever be this bad again. Remember that,
and don't worry. We know whatwe're doing the defense this bear Alexander
that, And they fired their DCtwo months in exactly, and it was.

They were terrible. They were maybethe most disappointing USC football season of
all time because of Caleb Williams comingoff of Heisman and starting out in the
top five like they were maybe thetop three. It was really really bad
and I don't think there's much ofa recovery from that. I mean,
Chip Kelly, Ucla wiped the floorwith you. It was ugly, and

that's why they fired half the staff. So for Fine Bomb to sit here
and say, yeah, it's beena failure, and the person that hired
him, Mike Bone, is nolonger there and the guy that put up
the money to hire him and hadthat big mutual press conference at the policy
while there were surfs outside cleaning upthe trash during COVID wearing masks, and

Matt Leonard and Mark Sanchez are theredoing a Carl Weather's Arnold Schwarzenegger handshake from
Predator, you son of a bitch, you know, I mean, you
know, all of that, allof that fanfare the moment of that high
is it's not around anymore. Itdoesn't mean anything. Yeah, Cayler Williams

didn't play it modern day or anythinglike that. And even if he did,
you know, you lost to Tulaneand a bowl game. So yeah,
it's I agree with fine Bob completely, and I think Jen Cohen has
first of all, has got toconvince everybody there that they work for her
and not Lincoln Riley, and secondof all, really hold him accountable because
look, he's never built a program. He inherited something great in Oklahoma with

a really great president and a greatad and a great head coach and Bob
Stoop that set the whole thing upfor him. I'm not saying they didn't
have their flaws, And yeah hewon. Heisman's there and they could never
really get over the hump. Butthat's not the situation at usc. USC
is a rotting castle, It isa house of usher. It needs leadership

and he might not be that guy. So I completely agree with fine Mom
about that. Would I agree withhim about Colorado. I know all he's
trying to do is piss off anybodythat's not in the SEC, But damn
it, he's right well, I'mlooking at USC's schedule, Holy cow,
LSU and the opener is that aneutral site deal? Yeah, that's in

Vegas. K Fox desperately tried toget him bat Fox really wanted them out
of that because they don't want USCto start their first season at the Big
ten A with a loss and bespecially and more importantly on ESPN. Right,
so yeah, that's an ESPN game. Fox really wanted to get out

of that for us and help us. He get out of it. They
could not, so they're going toplay it. Well, then you got
Utah State, who's no pushover.I think they have a new coach by
the way I met him, Yeah, yeah. And then you're at Michigan.
They have that guy Petros, thequarterback from Iowa, and they said
he looks pretty good. They havea new coach, and I met with

him last week at the Pack TooMountain West and I was impressed with him.
But he's I mean, the poorguy. He got the job when
he was sitting at a table withhis wife in Dublin, Ireland on vacation.
Well, you got Michigan in weekthree, and then you got Wisconsin
in week four. I mean,good God, if that if that defense
is not dramatically improved, and whoknows how big of a dip they'll take

a quarterback, they could be aone and two, two and two,
one and three football team. Imean, you've done this a long time.
Wow, and you're a college footballman. Yes, I have no
doubt about fiscionado. Can you?Can you pack sand in your ass in
one year? Can you? Imean it's modern foot Did you read that
like on a fortune cookie something whereyou know what I'm saying? Can you

all of a sudden bow up atthe line of scrimmage and tell people you're
not running power on us at anytimes? Well? That's mean. Is
that something that can happen in oneoffseason with a different defensive staff. I'm
not saying it can't. I've seendramatic change in position groups from one year
to the next with coaching changes,and USC is a place historically where you

can recruit, develop and create greatoffensive lines. I don't know if they
have the coaching to do that.Now. If you do that, you're
obviously going to do a good jobwith your defensive line too. They very
rarely are exclusive to one another ona football team, as you saw with
your team in Washington. I don'tknow. I don't know if they can

suddenly recover their physicality that they've lackedfor many, many, many years in
one season, and you can bedemoralized physically by a lot of those teams
that you just mentioned. Well,that's my concent earned for Washington only because
of the lack of you know,returning talent. They got a couple of
guys of name that would have potentiallyplayed anyway, like Landon Hatchet probably would

have played, Memolar would have played. But they have five new starters on
the offensive line, Petros, I'venever seen a Husky football team with five
new offensive linemen. They were supposedto have three starters back from last year's
team. Two guys went to OleMiss and one guy went to play for
Kailan, So they're all for fiveon what I think is the most important
position outside of quarterback. Your hopeis that the guys that are left that

were there the year before can carryover some of that culture that they had
in the couple of years under Kaylen, because they were really doing a great
job. And Kaylen admits it veryfreely. He felt like he inherited a
really good position group there and somethinghe could really work with with Grub and
obviously that came to fruition with Pennixat quarterback in the last couple of years

and those great receivers. So honestly, I don't see everybody he's been asking
me what sc is going to be. I see a seven win team,
an eight win team, And Iagree with fine bamb And I said it
before he said it. Lincoln Riley'sgoing to try to get to the NFL.
And last year he was trying toget a head coaching job in the

NFL. Now it looks more likequarterback coach, offensive coordinator, and who
knows what direction Jen Cohen's going togo in. Probably a less flashy guy.
Yeah that's the case. All right, have fun with your movie review,
check out the podcast later and geta whiff of that. So looking
forward to it. You don't wantto listen to charade, No I do.

I'd love to. I'd love to. I hear a lot of your
show on podcast. I get offthe air at seven o'clock and tell myself,
you know what, I want towhat a real old sports talk radio
show? Yeah? Yeah, what'sPicasso doing? Dial up? The artist,
the artiste, dial up the governor. All right, are you going
to Big ten Media Day? Bythe way, next week? Okay,

I paid my dues. I satthe pack to drinks. Was the most
depressing they I've ever done in mylife. God, I'm wow, I
can imagine how bad that was.And they didn't even serve, like you
couldn't even get makers. It wasall well drinkd o bastards. It's like,
how are you gonna do this atthe Bellagio and serve well drinks?
No whiskey, pig, no pendleton, no nothing, huh no terror.

But it wouldn't even have gone withthat. Tarrell's come on, throw me
a bone, a bullet rye allright, you're the man. Good stuff,
and uh we'll talk in a week. Bye. So that Trus papinakas
with us on the radio show.We got a lot more to get to.
Larry Stone will join us at fivecourtesy of the RAM. Right here
on ninety three three kJ R FM. Bye from the R and R Foundation

Specialists Broadcast Studio. Now back toSoftie and Dick Gone your Home for the
Huskies and the Kraken Sports Radio ninetythree point three kJ R FM. Hey,
guess what starts? Guess what startsone week from today? Jackson,
one week from today, one weekfrom oh Seahawks training him. Yeah.

I was hoping you got that right, because I asked you the same question
yesterday about what will happen in eightdays from now. I was gonna make
a joke about a contest that Iwasn't gonna know that good. Is there
a contest in a week from now? Well, there's a The next week
is the final week of a certaincontest that we're doing. But follow the
cash contests that next week it wasonly a three week contest. Yeah,
well, let's let's make it forDick. You're gonna chip in thousand bucks

a day? So are you?You mean my whole salary? No?
Come on, one tenth, onetenth of one half of one check so
ESPN. By the way, theGrand Slam cash contest what Jackson is talking
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So ESPN's got this top twenty fiveor top one hundred thing going on
right now, which good good moveby them to put it out right now,
because there's nothing going on and sportsobviously doesn't affect us. Really had
that conversation with Petro's last segment thatall these sports talk shows around the country,
what do we talk about. I'mgonna go on the air and earn
your money, for godsake, makessome fun. What the hell? And

we just talking about our crushes yesterday. Gives us launch to talk about whatever
we want, you know, fromSeptember to December, September to January,
but pretty much focused on one thing. It is true, I think we
should have carb blanche to do whateverwe want anyway. I mean, why
be slaves to the NFL? Whywhy why let them dictate what the hell
we talk about. So Petro saidthe hall past thing was kind of creepy

during that last segment. We agreewith that talking about one person that you
or your spouse could sleep with ifthe other would agree. He says,
it's creepy, little it was ait was a little creepy but what was
the conversation we were doing about yesterday? No, no, I know know
what. Let me finish. Whatwas the conversation we were doing about thirty
seconds before? I asked that thatthat? What do we call you?

In this segment? You make thecall? Thank you? Really a memorable
segment. I know, jeez,we were talking about something and SOAVI you
like took it so off the rails. I'm like, you know what,
I had this question ready to go. I thought it might be on the
edge, but because you went thisdirection, we're gonna go. I have
no idea. You're asked soon toremember what happened twenty three hours ago?
Are you kidding me? I gotno idea. What the how we did

at three o'clock about six' tenevery day, that's when SAFTI goes it
went off, you make the call. So something spawned that conversation is what
you're talking about? Yeah, therewas something where I'm like, you know
what, we've devolved this, We'regonna devolve in further. You know.
It's really funny because there are peoplein the audience that will literally text us
and remind us what we talked about. Like they listen, they know what
you talked about it you talked aboutthat. I got no idea what the

hell Dick's even talking about. Soare we talking about Oh yeah, the
ESPN Top one hundred. Yes,good time to put it out. So
we were debating on the air becausethey're through number twenty five and they'll do
twenty four through one tomorrow. Uh. Each you Row, by the way,
is on the list. There's abunch of people that have not been
named yet. Obviously they got aTarasi, Husain Bolt, Michael Phelps,

Lionel Messi, Lebron, bunch ofnames of Toby Kobe. So we were
debating if Sue Byrd is going tobe in the top twenty five. Well,
here's the thing, Jackson. Sothree years ago, ESPN put a
list out of the top twenty FIVEWNBAplayers of all time, all right,
and they did not have Sue Byrdin the top seven. She was number

eight. And there's a bunch ofplayers that are ranked ahead of her on
this list that have already been namedin the top one hundred athletes list,
right, like Maya more Tamika Catchings. So if you don't think she's a
better player than those other women,now if you put them above her on
this list, you're arguing that she'sa better athlete than those players are,

which I think a lot of peoplewould say she's not a better athlete.
You can make an argument about abetter player, right, but not a
better athlete. I did not knowabout that list, Yeah, that they
came out three years ago. Hereit is. That's way more egregious to
have her listed as the eighth bestplayer in the WNBA, right than it
is not to include her in thetop one hundred athletes. Because Sue Bird

relied on a lot of other thingsother than athleticism, smarts, correct smarts
or just I mean just knew thegame. Like she was a head coach
caliber mind on the floor. Youhad a second and I mentioned that lots
of times when she was playing,you had a second head coach on the
basketball team. When you just thinkin your mind's eye, right, I

mean, like, what do youlook at when you see Sue Bird or
John Stockton? You see a nerdychemistry student. I mean that's what you
say, slices and dices. Yeah, you don't see somebody who's gonna have
a forty five inch vertical leaper,you know, run a, you know,
ten to five hundred. Do youjust see that? I think you're
right. I mean I just thoughtfrom the greatness aspect, because a couple
of years ago, when sub Birdretired, there was a big argument who's

the greatest and there was only twonames really being brought up, Sup Bird
and Diana Tarassi. Those were thetwo that were bringing brought up as the
goats of the the first twenty fiveyears of the w They have her at
number eight. They have they atnumber eight, which is which is crazy.
I mean, it's absolutely crazy.She's got four championships and five gold
medals. Nobody has that, right, right, I mean, so,

I mean it's it's nuts. So. But but if you want to just
talk about athletes, okay, Ican have that conversation, because there's been
lots of better pure athletes on thestormy Well, there's a chance that she's
not on here. I mean,she hasn't been named yet. And if
they're just looking at pure athletic ability, I don't know it is John Stockton
on here? Do we know?If he's on this list? He was

before and that's true, he wouldn'tbe on there, so so who would
be I mean Chris Paul. ButChris Paul, you know, had some
hops for sure, but he's onthe list. Chris Paul's on the list.
As as as as a point guard. James Harden played point guard,
but he also played shooting guard too. I don't know. I I just
think if we're talking about athletes,for me, it's always normally going back
to Olympians like Michael Phelps, likeHussein Bolt, for example, you got

to be two of the top fiveguys that would definitely be in the top
five, you know, the greatestOlympians, you know, track athletes,
you know, decathlon stars, whatever, people that would really be able to
not necessarily star in any sport,but compete at a high level in any
sport, like participate and look likethey belong. Those two come to the

forefront of my mind as maybe oneand two and Lebron has gotta be Lebron's
got to be. If there's they'reone and two, Lebron's got to be
three or four. Tiger's got tobe three or four. I mean,
there's those are right, but anathlete Tiger an athlete, Well they had
fill in the top one hundreds,that's true, But that's the difference between
top five and top whatever. Imean, does Tiger would strike you as
a guy that could have played basketball? I could have could have swam,

could have played football, could haveplayed a baseball could When they mentioned this,
do they do they say what theparameters are? Yes? Because what
about Tom Brady? Right? Whatdo you do? Not an athlete?
Not an athlete? I mean,you know, yes, has some about
the ability, But I think TomBrady was more known for the finer points

of being an athlete than just completelydominating people with physical skill. Because that
makes sense. Sue Bird's the TomBrady the w n b A. So
the list says the greatest greatest athleteof the twenty first century. This is
a list that will piss off SoftyDick and Jackson and Pat Packers. And
that's why we did it. Let'ssee that's so easy. Did mention the

Olympians who say Bolt ranking the tophundred most accomplished, most accomplished athletes,
most accomplished? If it's most ofthe top super new Bird, then why
is Aaron Rodgers in the nineties ifyou won four m vps? Right,
why is Connor McGregor, who foughtin two different sports, by the way,

so freaking low on this list.Thank you, yes, thank you.
It's the exact again, ok,Lebron Rogers whatever that I have used
that word to describe super Bird inthe past because I do not believe it
is debatable. So this is notabout anybody in Seattle sports is more accomplished
than This is not about athletic abilityanymore. This is about accomplishment. He's

got to do that. If they'regoing to do that and say it's accomplishments,
then super Bird's got to be onit. And if she's not on
it, I want you to loseyour mind on tomorrow's show. I want
Mount Fain to blow all over theshow. Just ooh all over the program.
Just come on, man, youbetter go home to night and just
get ready, just warm up.I just be ready. Because if she

if this is really about the mostaccomplished athletes, then she's got to be
on there. And the fact thatAaron Rodgers is so low, I think
that's what McAfee was complaining about.You know what, he may have done
that because of Aaron Rodgers by theway, you know what titles, guys
are. He may have done thatreally has Diana Tarossi appeared on the list.
It just kind of feels like bothof them are shoing. Bird has

to be on the list. Iagree with Dick. If it's about accomplishments,
then yes, Sue, I meanMichael Michael Phelps is probably number one.
If it's about accomplishments, Yes,Michael Phelps, right, Katie Simone
Biles totally MESSI is gonna be topeight roughly so absolute Lebron Kobe, I
mean we're gonna Tiger. I meanwe just pretty much named the top ten.

Tell you what if you can namethe top five in order, You're
gonna invite only party at Dick FAM'shouse under a Stue Pergola four forty textimonials.
Larry Stone coming up on ninety threethree kJ A r FM

Dave 'Softy' Mahler and Dick Fain News

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