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July 26, 2024 37 mins
In the first hour, Dave Softy Mahler and Dick Fain, plus Hugh Millen, talk about the Mariners making two major trades over the last 24 hours, then talk to Ryan Grubb, new Seahawks Offensive Coordinator, about his new team, then react to that conversation.
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Where we go. This is aspecial kjr FM sports presentation coming to you
live from the Virginia Mason Athletics Center. This is kJ r FM's non stunt
coverage Joe Seahawks Training Camp, broughtto you by Northwest Handling Systems and the
twenty twenty four Bowing Classic a Augustfifth, thirty eleven on your one and

only home for the twelfth Man SportsRadio ninety three point three kjr FM.
Alright, three oh five and I'mbusy Friday afternoon right here on ninety three
three kjr FM. All the dignitariesare out this afternoon, man handing out
popsicles. What's your favorite hot weathernovelty item? Popsicle push up? Yeah,

that mango popsicle I just had waspretty I'm not I'm not a mango
guy like me. I took mineback for a for a strawberry one.
But you know, snow cone icecream, you know, just a dli
bar, good old fashioned cold glasselemonade. Yeah, just catch through it
pretty nice. Well, ye godsthrough a pretty nice vodka in there.
Maybe, well yeah that worked forit, like to cool myself down.

It's just the lemonade. But thenafter I'm cool down and I just want
to chill the rest of the night. And it's absolutely a double you know
the uh, well, here wego. Look at that, Oh man,
the tent that was going right toFane's face. I had that no,
I had the hands up ready togo. Man that hit the pole,
the tent, the whole thing almostcame crashing down if that thing would
have hit us. By the way, can we have claimed like Workman's conference,

we got it. We had aball thrown by it looks like Sam
Howell, an errant ball run bySam. I think that was fairly off
target. By the way, Idon't think that went through anybody's hands.
I don't think it was intended forme. Wellit wait, wait, because
you're not supposed to talk about resultsof plays here, So I don't know
if that was intended for who.I don't know where the nearest receiver was

in the vicinity. All I knowis I looked up and there's a football
Samy might Dick's face. Sam toldme to run a corner route, and
I ran a corner round. Thatcan't do it? You have your potential.
I think we should continue to tomake have a tall man. Yeah,
that's why do you go ahead andkeep doing that? Dick man,
He just missed another one slinging Sammyis not having a great d's supposed to

say, not having a great Dyear. Well, Ryan Grubb's gonna join
us. We'll get Ryan's grubs thoughtson on Sam Howell when he comes on
the year with us in about fifteenminutes from now. Practice is set to
end around three fifteen. He wasgonna come over because you know he was
gonna watch every second this practice.Guy forbid he misses one or two plays
during practice, He's gonna digest allof this and put all this in the

Millon bank for later on this year. So who'll be with us with Ryan
Grubb at around three twenty. Butguys, Mariners go out last night and
look, I don't know what thiswill mean when it's all said and done.
I think all these trades, draftpicks, whatever sport you make,
you're making a move. You're makinga selection. Great catch by Jake Bobo,

by the way, not supposed tosay that you're making You're making all
these trades and moves based on ideas. And the idea is that we're gonna
go out and get a guy tohelp our offense. The idea is that
we're gonna go out and get aguy to help our bullpen. Okay,
obviously I'm not breaking new ground therewith that take, but I think for
what they did going out and givingup their number twelve, number twenty two.

Don't know if you still consider classA a prospect or not because he's
been back and forth, but somefolks still have him on the Mariners prospect
list. I think he was numberten in the latest pipeline that you know
before he got promoted again. Yougave up those three guys in Aiden Smith,
Brody Hopkins, and Jonathan Closse,and you got major league ready talent
and one of them is under contractfor two and a half more years in

Randy Rose Arena. And a lotof people are looking at a Rose Arena's
numbers, which overall are not great. But since the first of June,
the guy's got a nine to twentyozh pas. He had a horrible start
and now he's on fire. JimmyGarcia is exactly what they needed, you
know, a hot shot reliever witha two seven oer, forty two k's
and thirty innings, the baseball teamis better today than it was yesterday.

The question is is this enough?I don't think it is enough, and
I don't even think it's enough inregards to having to go out and make
another move Dick or two. Istill believe if these guys are going to
make the postseason, they're gonna needthe magic that's already here, the guys
that are already here to start hittingthe baseball. So if this guy comes
over a rose arena and does hisjob, and then all of a sudden,

Julio's back off the il, hedoes his job, and all of
a sudden JP Crawford comes back andhe has a good month for the team,
maybe Hanneger has a good couple ofweeks and Garver, You guys get
the point by now, that's whatthis is gonna be all about, because
even if those guys were playing averagebaseball to begin with, they still would
have needed more help. But Ilove it. I think it's great.
I like the fact that Jerry wentout and made these moves in twenty four

hours without giving up. Really,I think so far anything of real significance
in the minor leagues. A lotof people like this Brody Hopkins guy.
They think it could be a studdown the road, and that's totally fine,
right, if you're nervous about prospects, I think you're in the wrong
if you're a general manager. ButI think Jerry did good. Yeah,
And I and I think we needto separate out when it's time to criticize

and when it's time to praise.And I was trying to think of a
of an analogy to this. Andlet's say, you know, one of
my kids was not doing well inschool, right, and they had you
know, C minus average for thefirst you know, three months of the
year, and its just been it'sbeen a struggle, it's been frustrating.
Well, guess what. The timeto criticize them is not when they say,
hey, dad, look I gotan A on the test, right,

and Jerry just got an A onthis test. Now, it's not
a midterm final, it's not afinal final. It's a test and it
helps you at this point, andthat's not the time for me to say,
well, yeah, but you gotto C minus the rest of the
year, so a big deal.Yeah. I mean I don't I don't
agree with that, but I getyour logic. I just disagree with it.
It fans want to be upset aboutwhere the team is at right and
where the rest of the offense isat. But the but the fans,

they're pooing this deal, right,Yeah, I think I think have no
reason to poo this deal because RandyRose Arena, whether he's hot, cold,
or in the middle, is atworst the third best hitter in your
lineup, potentially the second best hitterin your lineup. So if you just
added a legit middle of your lineupbet now, maybe he's not the middle

of a lineup bat for the LADodgers, but he's the middle of bet
for the Seattle Mariage where you're talkingabout absolutely made your team better and did
not have to give up a lotfor Well. Look, I agree that
it was a good deal. Ithink the Diaz or the Garcia trade was
a great trade. But I alsothink it's a little bit sad that Randy
A. Rose Arena comes over herewith a seven seventeen ops and all of

a sudden he's number one among qualifiedhitters on your offense. Yeah, and
that shows you how weak this offensehas been the entire year. So there's
two things that I'm hearing from you. Number one, is it fair to
criticize the team overall at this time, which I think absolutely fair to do
that. And then is it fairto rip apart and criticize trade? Correct?
I like the trade. Now,somebody could say, hey, I

love Aidan Smith, I love BrodyHopkins. I know these guys very well.
I don't know them enough to saythat, but somebody out there at
Chris Craft to Nathan Bishop may lookat him and say, you know what,
I've seen these guys play. I'vebeen traveling around the country. I've
watched all of their AB's and allof their innings, and they're gonna be
studs and this is a bad deal. It'll come back to bite Jerry and
the ass. If you have thattake, that's fine. I don't have

anything to base that on at all. On the surface, I think both
these deals are great deals totally.I mean, you know, look at
mean class may end up being astar one day, but they need Garcia
now more than they need Plase twothousand percent. They need a Roserene and
now more than they need Aiden Smithor Brody Hopkins. So I love both
these deals. But I also wonderif it's too little, too late.

I again, I'm not jumping offthe island. I'm gonna be the last
bozo on positive island that these guyswill start hitting the ball. I just
refuse to believe in BIB will help. I'm already down. No, No,
I'm talking about the guys that arehere. Now. I'm already down
one chip because one of my chipswas Ty France and he's done, he's
done. I had Ty France,I had Mitch Haniger, I had Mitch
Garber, I had Luke Grayley,I had JP. So that's that's what

six guys I just mentioned. Andnow I'm done to five oh. One
of those odds of hitting black onthe roulette table is already out right.
So my odds are dropping like crazy. Man, we're gonna break. Ryan
Grubb's gonna join us in just afew minutes. Don't go anywhere the Seahawk.
Go see former Husky oc next onninety three three KJRFM, Now Bectu
Suftian Dick Gun Sports Radio, ninetythree point three kjr FM. Ah,

Boys and girls, we are backhere. Ninety three three KJRFM. I
almost said dog fans, just it'sa It's a hard habit to break,
man, it's a hard habit tobreak. You know. The last time
I think I saw this guy inperson was pregame before the Michigan game Houston
Texas from the National Championship. Andhere we are, what seven and a
half eight months later, and he'sthe offensive coordinator from my favorite pro football

team after being the o OC formy favorite college football team. Maybe he'll
coach my favorite basketball team next orsomething. Who knows. Ryan Grubbs,
Seahawk offensive coordinator. How are you, man? Doing great? Doing great?
God? It is good to seeyou, good to hear your voice,
good to see in person. We'retalking a bit off the air just
about this whole experience, man,and what this transition for you has been

like. You're forty eight years old, you get your first crack now with
the NFL a year ago. You'rethinking about nil and recruiting and bet check
and things like that. What's thisexperience been like for you? Man?
Well, I think there's so manyavenues that can go here with that question.
But I think you know, firstof all, John and the Seahawks
have done such a fantastic job ofbuilding this roster there's just outstanding guys.

And I'm not just saying that.It's a lot of fun to show up
every day to work, you know, with Mike and the kind of coaching
staff that he built, you know, feels like the right kind of place.
And I would have never made thismove. I didn't feel like they
were building something special here. AndI just, you know, hats off
to Leslie and Mike and just howgood a job they did and how much
vision they had for the staff andthen John with the players, because everybody's

so serious obviously about their job,but they're also you know, the right
kind of people. They want todo it, do it the right way,
show up and give great effort,be great guys every day. So
super lucky to be here. I'masked a lot what is a Ryan Grub
offense? And I say, well, I can tell you what a Ryan
Grub offense is for the Washington Huskiespersonnel in twenty three and twenty twenty two.

I don't know what it's gonna looklike with the Seattle Seahawks. So
I'm gonna have a couple of followups, but just in your words,
what are things? I mean,every offensive coordinator says, Hey, we
want to be tough in the runninggame, inefficient and explosive in the past
game. We know that, butwhat is something that you really hold dear
to your philosophy offensively? Yeah,I think you know, one of the
things that we've done well in thepast when we've had good offenses is we've

beneficient and we've gotten ourselves into manageablethird downs, and that gives you the
freedom and flexibility to try to utilizesome of those explosive players you have.
And I think one of the thingsthe first thing you do is is trying
to highlight your personnel and over theyears what this to become or our best
offense is become when you have threepremier wideouts, a legitimate running game,

and a physical mindset throughout. Soeven though you're throwing the football, there's
discipline to make sure that you're notending up in unmanageable situations and putting your
quarterback at risk constantly and realizing howimportant it is to take care of that
guy. Now that's oversimplifying it,but I think just making sure that we're
taking care of Gino and putting himin positions to get the ball to you

know, his best guys. We'vegot some good ones here obviously, but
at the same time, you know, making sure we can support that run
game because I think we have achance to be really really special running the
football. Really, you know,you don't get to see that as much
without the pads on right with Knine and twenty six, those guys are
pretty special. But I mean,I think that's where it sets up and
it gets really hard. You wantto roll a guy in the box,

and now all of a sudden itlooks a little bit tougher out there on
the outside by yourself with fourteen andsome of those guys. So I think
that the exploitation of defenses, utilizingyour best guys has to be you know,
number one, and then create inefficiency. And creating efficiency is not just
you know, oh hey, wegot to not lose yards in the run

game. It's it's making sure thatyou got some times to get the ball
to your hand quickly. You know. I know a lot of people talk
a lot about how much the ballgoes down the field, and it certainly
will. But at the same time, I just think you have to earn
those right, that right to putthat ball down the field. For those
who say, okay, Ryan Grebb. The stats can prove Ryan Grubb throws
the ball deep down the field.Ryan Grubb throws the ball to the outside

of the numbers. And Ryan Grubbcan be conservative in his protection scheme,
meaning if there's just four defensive linemenrushing, he'll keep six guys in to
make sure in that case Pennix staysup right. You had the Joe Moore
winning line in front of you.How do things change now with a different
quarterback. He doesn't have the injuryhistory of Pennix, you don't have the

offensive line. How might those thingschange? Money, My stance doesn't change
at all with the quarterback position inthe sense that I got to make sure
that, you know, like Isaid before, we take care of Geno,
and I think the first thing isI would much rather overinvest in protection
and keep us up right and giveourselves a chance. You know, the
We had a couple a B gapproblems today and that's that's exactly what you

can't have, is interior problems.If it's off the edge, guys can
get out of it, get theball out their hands, and stay in
a man of both situations. Sonumber one, keeping your quarterback healthy number
two obviously not getting in a negativeyardage situation. So and I think you
know when you think about the deepball and the ball pushing to the perimeter
of the field, Ye, thoseare some of the hardest throws, right,

Those are the things that the defenseis like, let's see you do
that. And so when you canbecome elite at those things that defenses are
like daring you to do, likepush the ball wide, show us you
can compete and complete the ball withwith and then make accurate deep throws and
give them a chance. When youcan become a lade at that, when
you have those opportunities and chances,those are the things sometimes at fall secondary

in an offense where people don't emphasizethat. And you know old saying,
right, you achieve what you emphasize. So we certainly do that. Hawk's
offensive coordiney Ryan Grubb joining us herefrom camp and coach. Now that you
know Gino pretty well, where ishe most similar to Mike and where is
he most different than Mike similar?I would say that the ball comes out
of his hands so clean, justlike it did with Mike. I think

that for people that haven't seen Genothrow in person. I think he's special,
you know, And I've watched plentyof NFL film on plenty of guys,
and Gino's throwing talent, arm talent, the way it comes out accuracy,
you know, it's not a youget to know him and you start
watching him, you're at practice withhim now every day, and you're like,

hey, two years ago, thisguy led the league in completion percentage.
I'm not surprised at all. Ithink he's I think he's an elite
quarterback. I think that he hasthe traits to be able to push the
ball down the field, quick release, to get accurate underneath throws, and
great understanding of the protection scheme.He's he's a veteran guy. Like that's
one of the biggest assets is youcome in and you have a guy like

Geno that can, you know,execute your protection scheme and take care of
himself. And then I don't know, I mean I think that, you
know, I would say Mike andGino are both really really great spirited guys
as far as just they're awesome inthe meeting room, you know, and
so there's no difference there. Iwould just say, you know, maturity
which is not a knock on Mike, it's just you know, time and

distance. I think Gino would probablytell Mike, hey, when you're going
through these things early on, here'ssome things to consider. And he's so
they're both one of the other similarities, just really humble guys. They want
to be great, and I thinkthat's what makes them great is they're open
to the possibility of being coached rightto make their game better. Like Gino
doesn't look at you like, hey, make sure you think about this,

or work your footwork this way whatever. He's like, Okay, yeah,
let me try that, you know, And that's what makes him great.
And one of the things I loveabout Geno is like his chip and if
you didn't know him, you know, one of the things that in a
very humble way, you know,Gino looks at you know, six to
seven years of his NFL career thathe feels like, not that anyone was
wrong or anything like that, butthat you know, he got robbed out

of that and he doesn't get thoseyears back. So now he comes in
every day early, he stays late, you know's he's studying the playbook and
he's making sure the protection schemes aresound. He wants the signal to be
right with the receivers. I mean, he's he's demanding. He's what you
would expect out of a top tierleague NFL quarterback twenty one years ago in
Kingsley, Iowa, and you gotyour coaching start. Now you're forty eight

years old doing this for the firsttime. I know the answer to this
question. These guys know the answerto this question. I remember asking Hugh
or Hugh saying Ryan Grubb isn't onehundred percent ready for this job. He's
one thousand percent ready for this job. We have thought for a long time
that you are ready for this job. I appreciate that. Why do you
think you're ready for I think Ijust have the same approach. I think

every job I've ever taken, Ifelt like I could bring value. And
I would have never taken this jobif I didn't feel like I could bring
value to the Seahawks. And sothere's a belief in what your ability is.
But also the same things that Ithink where the relational part with Geno
and Mike was easy for me isthat if Mike comes in and says,
hey, Grub, you really needto consider that this pressure is possible and

that this is something that's gonna happento you. I'm gonna look at it.
I'm gonna listen. I want toknow, like, why isn't this
happened? You know, if ifFriz comes in our wide receiver coach he
said, hey, Grub, Ithink that this is better at sixteen,
you know, versus eighteen, I'mgonna be like, Okay, let's let's
talk about let's figure out why.And I think that when you have that
approach and you're consistent and you havea good vision for what the game is,

then I think that it gets itgets clean fast. Now it's never
perfect, but I think that youdon't. There's nothing that I feel like,
oh my god, I'm watching NFLfilm. This is too big.
That's not arrogant, it's just it'sreal. Like there's still the same problems.
Now, some of the adjustments happenedquicker, the windows are tighter,
the players are better. There's lesstime where you're gonna go out and like,

oh wow, their boundary safety isreally bad. Let's go after this
guy, right, Like, that'snot gonna happen very often in the NFL.
So some of those possibilities get limited. But I just feel like I've
just always been open to the possibilityof how good it could be and how
good I have to be, andjust the demanding nature of my job.
And I love that. I welcomein Ryan Grubb with this. And Ryan,

I've been asking guys questions here onthe radio for twenty five years.
I'm about to go off the rails, okay, every day, and my
question is really gonna be ask youto respond to my my deal. Okay,
So, played in Dallas with MichaelIrvin in a Super Bowl champion year.
Michael Irvin had more than ten targetsper game. He had over one
hundred and sixty for the season.So I am going to get on my

knees. I'm gonna I'm gonna prayto the Lord Grub, will you please
get DK Metcalf ten legit targets pergame? I think, Look, this
guy, in my eyes is theall time freak in the history of the
Selcax at any position. Look,I see falts. There's times where I

give them on his on his route, but the good things that can happen
that work. I just feel likehe's been underutilized so my question is what's
your response to me being a dorkyfan. Well, well, number one,
you know, I have no realidea you know, how he was
used or not used as far aslike what that preparation look like. You
know, you just you never knowwhen you're not in those seats. So

certainly wouldn't want to shed any badlight on that. But you know,
looking at DK and and how hefits our system and you go back,
you know, however many years orFresno State or Washington, you know there's
gonna be a guy like him that'sbeen isolated, and you have to be
creative and work your tail off toget that guy by himself, you know,
if if we can, yep,and if you can't. You know,

there's there was plenty of routes todaythat people wouldn't even have noticed how
well DK cleared out a backside,you know, and not just by himself
in a three by one. I'msaying two by two and he's ripping windows
open and he's running fast to getthat window open. And you know,
I think one of the things that'sbeen so cool, and I kind of
alluded to it earlier, is it'seasy to want to get the ball to

a guy like DK or Jack's orLock. They're they're such they practice hard.
It means a lot to them.Like the first time I saw DK
practice, I was like, wow, I mean, like that that's what
approach should look like, right,and you have a certain expectation. But
it's like it's the same reason Ithought we had a chance at Washington.
You got these high profile players thathave low egos, that that want to

be great. And you know,for me, I think that those those
possibilities certainly within the framework of theoffense. How's you different than Rome?
I mean he's bigger, you know, I mean DK's he's a he's a
he's a big guy. They weredoing tackling circuit yesterday and they called for
the offensive guys, the DK stayhere. You know, I don't want
want any crazy ideas for defensive guy, but uh, I do think there's

some things just as far as likefull on just speed, like DK can
really go. Like when you yousay, while he ran a four to
three at the comment you can seeit and you feel that, and I
just think the presence part and Istill you know, Rome is still growing,
so he may end up you know, playing a two twenty something you
know like DK as well, SoI just think there's a size difference there,
Brian. I love Ken Walker.I don't know if I love him

as much as he loves DK,but it's close. And I look at
two hundred nineteen carries for nine hundredyards four point one yards per carried ile,
there's just so much more there.How do you unlock that talent?
Well? I mean, and again, you know, coaches defending coaches,
right, and I know the fanswill hate this, but there was it
was tough upfront at times last year, Gott if we're being if we're being
honest, right, you're right,it was it was hard, yea,

yea. And but I to toexpound on what you're saying. I think
Ken is an elite back. Ithink that his mistackles forced at an NFL
level is as good as it gets. He's got superior hands. Kph Kennedy,
Paul Malo are running back coaches doingan awesome job mentoring him in pass
protection. I think to you know, I would love to see him on

the field more and third down justfor even the check down opportunities, because
he has he has probably far betterhands than people realize. I mean,
he is really, really a goodpass catcher. Hey, before you go,
uh, this is a little bitdifferent. In the NFL. You
get the wrap up sign from thepr staff. When that happens, you
better follow through or you real youend up in the lake over here.

But I want to do one quickthing. I wanted to close your eyes.
Listen to this. Jackson third andnine. If they can take fifteen
seconds off the clock, they're gonnawin the ball game. Toss sweep right,
Dylan Johnson cuts up field. Ohhe's gonna go. We'll cross the
thirty five thirty. He slides downto the twenty five. The Huskys are
gonna win the top twelve tampions,Jim, Dylan Johnson did it? Do

you believe that? Hostis? Whenyou hear that, what goes through your
mind? Man? Three? Andoh there you go, baby three?
No you go. You're a legend. You're a damn legend. Now go
be a legend here, all right, no pressure, just go do the
same thing here. Ryan Garb withus on the radio show. We're gonna
break Actually we're gonna keep it righthere for a few more minutes. Thanks
Ryan, We'll talk to Hi,buddy. Appreciate this man. He would

throw those back on. It isjust I don't know when you have a
guy like this that stays in town, that accomplished as much as he did
for for Washington. I'm sorry,guys, but I had to get that
in before he took off, andjust to get his thoughts on on that
play and what it meant to him. He'll never lose to Oregon. As
long as he walks the face ofthe earth, he'll never lose to Oregon.
I want to go back to theword elite. He said he's got

an elite quarterback. He said he'sgot an elite running back, and he
said he's got elite wide receiver.And I think we have an elite play
caller. If you can just havesome semblance of an offensive line, Hugh,
this offense could be devastated. Ohwell, yeah, all the pieces
are there. Because I think thatI was saying earlier that Kenneth Walker I

think is a better pro running backthan Dylan Johnson was a college running back.
And I'm not trying to detegrate Dal. You know, he went a
Warrior. Yeah, totally was undraftedand so so I just got out water
today. Josh. Yeah, SoI think Kenneth Walker has ability to be
a top five running back in thissleeps. I mean, it kind of

shocks me this he's on. He'sonly what about ten picks behind or in
front of Sharboney rather correct and Ilike sharbon I is a change up,
but guy, but they're both secondrounders. To me, I look at
Kenneth Walker and he's, you know, as I said, a premiere back
to stay healthy. The same thingis this guy stay healthy? I mean,
look the listeners. I mean,I you know, I was gonna

ask him JSN. You know,there's exactly one hundred and fifty receivers that
went one hundred routes or more,and he's ranked one hundred and forty second
in in average depth of target.Like they just didn't throw the ball to
there's Dick had twenty questions. Ihad twenty questions. You have twenty like
we had forty questions. Yeah,so you know what, you're a slave

to the to the schedule when itcomes to training camp in the NFL.
A little bit different in college football. But we'll have him on again.
I was gonna ask him about wasit McDonald yesterday that said seven potential wide
receivers, and know you were thisis your off the air conversation and you
blew me off left and you gotsome potentially seven deep. So that's a
conversation for him as well. ButI actually know what, guys, I

actually appreciated what he said about ShaneWaldron and the stack deck he was playing
with a year ago with the offensiveline, because it's now taken three years
to get this offensive line, atleast on paper, to where it's at
right now. I mean Cross andLucas all of a sudden, you wake
up. Those guys are in theyear three of the NFL. All lose
in year two, right, GeorgeFan coming back, Christian Hayes in year
one, Laken Tomlinson, the veterans. So this offensive line looks on paper

as good as it has for acouple of years. But just picking up
But what what what Dick was saying? You have made it crystal clear that
you believe the pieces they have ondefense now can improve collectively just because of
Mike McDonald's scheme. How much canthe pieces on offense improve collectively just because
of Ryan Grubb A lot? Ithink that they can be you know,
you know the precision, and it'sall gonna be about the protection now,

as I mentioned, and he waswilling to accede to it. He says,
hey, we got to keep ourquarterback up right, And what that
means is out of I don't havethe number in front of me, the
pay, but I know that Pennishad five hundred and seventy five passes last
year. Attempts, he had aboutfour hundred and thirty two times where there

was exactly a four man rush.That's that standard. So don't quote me
exactly. I might be off up, but call it four thirty four to
thirty five out of five seventy fivefive point fifty five attempts last year.
Yeah, whatever, right, Iwas the Huskies at five seventy five because
the backups had a couple more.But if you take the number of times
that Grub had six or more protectingfor against just a four man rush,

he was at about thirty seven thirtyeight percent, which was fifty percent more
than all his other opponents. Imean the Michigan was like eighteen percent,
so he's at thirty seven percent eight. So again, and he talked about
it, Hey, I'm willing toput pull guys in and have more blockers

to build that cocoon around Geno Smithso that he's upright, so that he
has a tick of an extra secondto find those targets down the field.
So is that one of the reasonswhy we're the Joe More Offensive line of
the year. No, Well,that that scheme is what I'm saying.
Keeping more guys in limits the sacknumbers. I mean you win on stats,
right, I mean if the Huskiesgave up fourteen sacks last year,

they wouldn't have been the Joe MooreAward winners. You know? Is that
one of the reasons why they wonthe award because of his scheme? Well,
I would say this, and Davidand I are Heisman voters. I
think the Heisman voting and how theyvet us, I think it's a joke.
And I think Heisman heisen voters.There's a lot of guys that haven't

watched any tape. They haven't watchedthey barely watched game. They've watched maybe
Sports Center, and they go offhigh like because there's like eleven hundred,
there's eleven hundred, specially West Coastgames. Eleven but I've did some homework
on that Joe Moore Award You've got. There's like nine panelists. They all
played or coached, and they allwatched the game tape. They have a

weekly meeting and they discussed phil Iactually think that they're that that is the
most the premiere. Now I don'tI don't know about the bullet nikoff and
everything, so let me strike thatI don't know. But versus the Heisman
Trophy, I can say that Ithink it's way more legit. I do
think they studied tape and and therecould be two truth I think it can

be a very legit process, andit could be the line looks better because
thirty seven percent of the time they'rekeeping extra guys in so let guys are
less on a on the islands toget beat. So so that to answer
your question, I do think itwas a factor. Yeah, I'm just
trying to think of a co coach. And again, I mean, this
is all he's got to do it. First, he hasn't even coached a

game. He hasn't called a playyet for the Seahawks. So we'll see
what happens in September. But theway it's trending, the positive vibes,
the good vibes. You feel goodabout what Ryan Grubb is about to do.
We've seen it, we've seen it. We haven't seen it here yet,
and it's it's a different animal andwe'll see right when it's all said
and done. But I think theodds, I mean, if you were
a betting man, you feel prettygood about it. But he's got it.
He's gonna prove it, you know, just thinking about a guy that's
had an impact like that on theSeahawks and the Huskies as a coach,

and there's there's there's there's a handful, right, you know, if guys
out there that Gilby didn't have inwith both, but he never didn't have
he'll be never called plays plays right, So he the offense is his,
The offense is his. He isthe head coach of the offense. He
has a And one of the thingsthat remains to be seen is how much

authority is does McDonald give this guy? Does he back off? Is McDonald
down there on the end of thesideline with no headsets on, letting grub
from the booth or wherever he's atcall the plays without any intervention whatsoever.
We know Carol was involved with theoffense for sure. How involved is not
going to be well. And theanswer in November might be different than the
total answer in September. Of course, he might give him latitude and then

yeah, and then certain getting certainsituations like I was gonna ask him,
is Mike McDonald gonna let you gofor it on fourth and one from your
own twenty five yard line like itdid in the Apple Cup? Well,
if the playoffs are on the line, yes, yes, I mean that
was desperation at that point in timein the Apple Cup, right, So
we'll see. Maybe there's other momentswhere they won't be so desperate, but
they'll let him do it anyway.Who knows, But that was that could

have also been interpreted as, hey, let's be conservative, you know,
let's just punt it away and andand hope our defense can stop him.
Like like that was a ballsy askquestion. That's my point that the boor
had to run through his head headphonesand say let's go. But here's the
thing I love about Gruff. Hedoesn't just call the play because it's on

his sheet. He calls it becausehe's been studying. He knows on that
formation. How the the outside linebackeris gonna he's gonna take a heart angled
inside and he knows he's gonna getthe it. We got a break.
We got a lot more to getto from the Virginia Mason Athletics Center.
Mariners have made a big deal.They made two of them. Since we
were last on the air, StevenSousa is going to give us a little

bonus time at four o'clock today righthere on ninety three three KJRFM. Our
non stop coverage joke Seahawks training campcontinues from the Virginia Mason Athletics Center,
brought to you by Northwest Hambling Systemsand the twenty twenty four Boeing Classic gauga's
fifth through the eleven. Now Beckto Sofian Dick Gun Sports Radio ninety three
point three kJ r FM. Youknow it's like working with mister McGoo.

It really is. And that's thewords of Richard Obert, by the way,
not David Smaller at all. Andyou know that from how many years
with the Husky Hawks twenty years theHawks? Oh my god, you know
I thought about you guys actually weresitting there and where were we the Superdome
beating Texas, Elijah Jackson the tipand it's me and Greg and Mario and
I thought about that alimbal Bull postgameshow we did wear yeah, Dick and
I almost came to blows and thenSark told me to grow up about Nick

Holton then fired Nick Colt that.So we've come a long way, but
some things change and some things don't. All right, the guy can't even
put his sunglasses on right over here, for crying out, let's taken for
you, God, what's happening?Well, a great interviewer, Ryan Grubb.
Man great to hear his voice andhave him stop by and say hello.
I mean, obviously he's I thinkhe's kind of a legend at you

do, Ian, just like whatGilby did for the ninety one team,
you know, for that for thatoffense, What Ryan Grubb did for that
offense and Michael Pennix and twenty twentythree will never be forgotten. But now
he's trying to take this to thenext level. So you know, the
the comparisons what you heard him saybetween Michael Pennox and and Gino Smith,
and I happen to think that RyanGrubb is walking into a great situation for

a first time OC. This isnot a two and fifteen football team that's
totally devoid of talent. Right,He's got three great targets, He's got
two good backs. When the offensiveline's healthy, I think they're pretty darn
good average, maybe, you know, but not horrible. He's got a
very, very serviceable at minimum quarterback. Don't you think this is a great
time for Ryan Grubb to enter theNFL? I you, I want to

see the offensive line. I gota lot of concerns. Really on four
out of five spots, which ones? Don't you have concerns? I'm gonna
assume that left tackle that we're gonnabe okay there. Maybe that's an erroneous
assumption, but I'll say, forthose who who were wondering, because I
heard a little bit of the chatter, hey can Sam Howe push Gino Smith?

Who? Yeah? Based on threedays the gap between Gino, I'm
gonna I'm gonna just say this.I'm not really big on predictions, but
the ill say you'll eat a microphone, No, I'm not. I understand
that can poison you. I'm notgonna die for a radio. We're still

waiting for that, but yeah,you'll get nothing. And like I I'll
say that now everything can can developfrom this point on. But after three
days, I think there's a greaterchance of PJ. Walker passes Sam Howell.
Then there is that Sam Howe passesGeno Smith. Wow, I think

look, Sam Howe's he's only twentythree years old. He's younger than Pennix
and Bo Nicks and so and andhe's been in the NFL for two years.
But I think it's been a roughgo. Now, I'm very quick
to say this. If Sam Howellhad been in the number one huddle throwing
to dk JSN and Tyler, hewould look a lot better. And a

lot of times when you see missesby the backup the receivers may not be
where you expect him to be.But getting back to Gino, Gino has
been really sharp and for those wonderingif if Hal can push him, that
they're not in the same category rightnow at all, And and something else

may develop. Maybe Sam Hall willhave great preseason games and then Gino will
be just fair to Midland and eightgames in will be putting Sam Howell in
there. But three days into camp, that's Gino is is short. I'm
wondering if we will see the samelevel of aggressiveness from Ryan Grubb because how
many times last year did we go, oh my god, you're throwing there?

You know, I'm talking about Yeah, Oregon State, what are you
doing instead of taking forty seconds offthe clock and punting the ball? Do
you think he'll be just do youthink that's his persona or do you think
he's he thought I got Panis,I got Rome, I got McMillan,
I got better dudes than they do. They can't stop this, so therefore
I'm going for it. Yeah,we don't know. We touched on that

with him. I think this,I think he wants. I think he
has aggressive mindset. What is thatconstant? It's what you said, maybe
on on conservative situations that would callfor a run, he's more likely to
throw the ball down the field.But I also think it's first and ten.
It's how many times is he lookingat his chart? Well, you

can obviously run on first and tenwhere you could have a ball control complete
you know, you know, atwo man stick. Oh, I'm either
gonna get a six yard completion ofthe tight end or I'm gonna hit the
running back two yards down the fieldand maybe he'll he'll get four extra yards.
I could call that on first andten, or I could call a
shot where I'm gonna go post wheelright with a corner and up and if

it comes clean, I'm gonna ripit forty two yards down the field up
the sideline, and I'm gonna callthat on first and ten because i want
me some yards. Like that mentalityI think is in him. I think
he wants to express that. Ithink he thinks that that's what's best for
winning football games. And so ifhe has an opportunity and he thinks he

has a protection, yeah, andthere's a chance to execute, I think
he's gonna really be pushing those typeof routes. I think about that second
to last third down and against Oregonin Vegas when he went to McMillon on
the sideline for the first down thatmany people thought had won the game at
that point in time. The thirdof rome that you mentioned there in Oregon
State, that was kind of theirthat was their short yardage offense was going

to those guys in the sideline withthose little stick routes or whatever that you've
got them. The two three yardsthey needed, and they trusted all those
guys. So here's what we're gonnado. We're at the vMac, but
the Mariners have obviously made a coupledeals since we were last on the air.
We'll go over all of them.Steven SUSA. We'll weigh in with
his thoughts on the new look Marinersnext on ninety three to three KJRFM.

Dave 'Softy' Mahler and Dick Fain News

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