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April 10, 2024 7 mins
Seattle Sounders FC Head Coach Brian Schmetzer joins Dave Softy Mahler and Jackson Felts to talk about the team’s huge 5-0 win over Montreal on Saturday, how they can follow up that performance in Dallas this weekend, plus main injury updates.
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Now back to Sophie and Dick onSports Radio ninety three point three KJRFL the
Washington Huskies Seeattle Crack, We're homefor the Huskies. And all right,
boys and girls. Back here atMoss Bay Hall in Kirkland, the Queen
Anne Beer Hall's sister restaurant, oneeleventh Central Way in Kirkland. All kinds
of cool drink specials today, gettingready for the Kraken and Coyotes at seven

o'clock. Pregame at six thirty.Right here on ninety three to three kJ
a RFM Happy Hour every day fromthree to six with ten dollars lunch specials
every day. How cool is that? At Moss Bay Hall in Kirkland.
Find him on the web at MossbayHall dot com. All right here he
is, my god Jackson. Howrelieved is our next guest? And how
relieved are we? We get tofinally talk to Brian Schmetzer after a win?

So Brian, thank you. Wecan finally, for the first time
this year, have a conversation abouta victory. Jackson's relieved. I'm relieved.
How relieved are you? My friend? I'm relieved? Where are you
right now? I'm gonna come downand meet you for some tequila shots.
Boss Bay Hall, Central Way,the old Hall, Yeah, the row

my car. After the interview,well, let's just cut it off now
get down here. We'll do itlive at six pm. How far away
are you by the way, Yeah, probably twenty minutes. All right,
Well we'll just do that later.Then I'll save the tequila for you,
by the way. But let's talkabout what worked, especially on offense.
Five goals and offensive explosion against Montreal. Well, it was Look, maybe

I didn't expect five goals, butI knew the guys were, you know,
going to score at some point duringthe year. Look, I was
softy. I would have been happywith one nothing. Uh you know,
when we got to two nothing,we were like going, okay, we're
going into half dimes. Is great, what can we do? And then
they came on the second half andscored that third goal, and that just

opened up the floodgates. I meanthe third goal was a really well constructed
goal, so guys were feeling it. I mean, the team is feeling
it that night, and you know, good for them. Brian Jackson here,
I know you got that new facilitydown there at Long Acres, when
when you took when they toured usaround the facility, I didn't see the
fountain of youth that Rol Redaz seemsto have jumped into. This guy looks

like he's twenty seven years old.What do you sing out of Raul,
Well, he does look like he'syounger. He is, you know,
like a fine wine. He's gettingbetter with age. He's put the work
in though, Jackson, That's whatI would tell you. Last year was
an anonymouly he he you know,he didn't have a good year, didn't

score a lot of goals. Ithink he took his career a little more
serious from the Star preseason. He'sbeen good in the weight room. He's
been doing all the strengthening they needto do. So he's not been injured
this year. Knocked on wood.I better not have paint the devil on
the wall. And he's motivated,you know. I don't know if it

was Jordan taking a spot, maybethat was something to it, but he's
certainly motivated and I love it it. Well, Brian, you mentioned Jordan
Morris there had his first goal ofthe year against Montreal, and you moved
him to left winger. A coupleof weeks ago, and I just wonder
if that kind of feels like thenatural spot for him now moving forward.
Yeah, first of many, firstof many goals. I hope Softie and

Jordan has played well. He playedwell down in the Galaxy. You know,
obviously he had a goal. Hehad some other good plays in the
game against Montreal. So I thinkhe's I think he's realizing that he can
be effective playing out there. Itlooks out. Ye. I've given him
a little bit of freedom to kindof come inside if knew who gets up

and down the line, or youknow, Cody Baker came in and did
a good job, or read ifhe comes on, so he can play
inside a little bit. So he'snot necessarily a true winger, but he
certainly had a couple of good gamesso far. No, Brian, I
think the biggest smile I saw onJordan Morris's after the game was when we
asked him about Joel Paulo's return.He certainly loves to have your number six

back. What did it mean toget JP back out there? And is
how fit is he? Could hestart in Dollas this weekend? Yeah?
It was great. I mean thefans certainly got a big kick out of
it. I know JP was superhappy. It was almost a perfect game
for him to kind of test hislegs and you know, get some get

get get the ball back at hisfeet. We're up three nothing, game
was in hand. So that wasa good way to reintroduce him to the
team because he did have some significantinjury. Jackson, I'm not going to
say that I'm not going to starthim, but I probably am not going
to start him, okay, anduh, you know, we'll see how

it goes. I mean, youknow, he's he's not quite game fit
yet, and the two young kidsplayed well in the middle, but it's
nice to have him back in thegroup. Well, Jackson, it sounds
to me like he's starting him,by the way, just so you know,
I'm reading on the radio show,and that's what it sounds like to
me. But Brian Schmesser with usand Brian Jackson, I know we're kind
of going off script here for asecond, but just go back to the
to the first conversation we had aboutthe relief. I mean, we know

why, but I I it's alwaysinteresting for me to hear coaches say why,
why was it so important for you? Guys to get this w Saturday,
because I think the team was waybetter than our record showed. I
just looked it up, softy.We're not last place anymore. We're twelve.
We're twelve out of fourteen, butwe're working our way up. But

the team has too much quality,and a game like this was just the
right antidote for us to kind ofget the train moving, you know,
get off the schneid. We're gonna, we're gonna, you know, we're
gonna cause Dallas some problems when wego down there on Saturday. Yeah,
and you know, Dallas, Brianis a team that I know in past,
like last year, right, youface them in the end of summer

when it's you know, humid andit's hot down there in Dallas, playing
it at the start of April.I mean, you must have looked at
this part of the year when yousaw the schedule come out and say,
oh, good, we get Dallaswhen it isn't you know, ninety degrees
with ninety percent of humidity, Iimagine. Yeah, So, yes,
you're absolutely right. It's great thatwe are going down there now. And

you know, certainly, you knowDallas has kind of had some struggles coming
out of the gate. They've they'vebeen dealing with some injuries, So I
think it's a good time for usto go down there and colluck some points.
Yeah. You know, it's funnyBrian that people sometimes ask me,
Hey, what what golf courses doyou like playing? And typically the golf
courses I like playing are the onesthat I've played well on. If I
played terrible, then I usually hatethe place. But is there a place?

Is there a road trip that youreally particularly enjoy going to? Either
a because you because you guys havedone well, or b because you just
love the atmosphere. Interesting question.Softly, I probably have a longer answer,
man. Look, well, Ilove going to New York. I
think New York's a big city kindof like that, like Chicago. We've

had a lot a lot of successup in Minnesota. We've got a lot
of success up in Vancouver, youknow. Going a little bit further south,
I mean, La is always agood trip because my daughter lives down
there. I got to see mygrand baby Uma. Nice Dallas has been
kind of hit and miss, though, you know, we had some good
playoff series with him in twenty fifteentwenty sixteen. You know, last year
we were better than them in theplayoffs, but they put up a good

fight. So it's a little hitand miss I love it. Brian,
You're the man. Good luck.Congratulations on the win on Saturday. Keep
it going. We're talking a weekman. Appreciate it, pal, Thanks
Hoch, take care of Sophie.See you Jackson. You bet Brian Schmetzer
with us. We've got to breaka lot more to get to cracking coyote.
Pregame at six thirty, face offat seven
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