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August 2, 2024 • 13 mins
George Fant, Seattle Seahawks offensive tackle, sits down with Dave Softy Mahler and Dick Fain at the VMAC to talk about returning to the Northwest after time in New York, the Hawks culture, basketball and football crossover, and the offense with Ryan Grubb.
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Our nuns up coverage Joke Seahawks training camp continues from
the Virginia Mason Athletics Center, brought to you by Northwest
Handling Systems and the twenty twenty four Boeing Classic gauga's
fifth through the eleven. Now Beck to Souftian did Gunn
Sports Radio ninety three point three kJ R FM.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
All right, boys and girls back here at the Virginia
Mason Athletics Center, hanging out until seven o'clock tonight, joined
now by I don't know. I mean, there's so many
or so few guys on this roster that we even know.
For God's sakes, it's not hard to be one of
our favorites. There's only three or four of them left
for prying out loud and a guy that had to
come back from New York from Houston return to town

because he missed the Softian Dick Show on kj's our
friend George Fan, How are you man?

Speaker 3 (00:45):
Good man?

Speaker 4 (00:45):
I'm good. Happy to be back?

Speaker 5 (00:47):
Are you though? Are you happy?

Speaker 6 (00:48):

Speaker 5 (00:49):
Why are you happy to be back?

Speaker 3 (00:51):
I started my career man as where I you know,
got my start. You know a lot of people in
this building, you know, I had a lot of faith
in me coming out of college and just at a
lot of different things. Man, then like obviously just come home.
I feel like it's just like I feel like I'm
like back at home and a lot of people, like,
you know, being able to get back and talk to
people I know, and like go out to the league
and kind of experience different stuff and then come back

is different.

Speaker 4 (01:13):

Speaker 3 (01:13):
So it's a great organization and it's uh, you know,
second and none so happy to be back.

Speaker 6 (01:18):
Well, I'm standing out there today. I saw and within
like thirty seconds, I saw three eagles fly over you guys,
and then thirty seconds later I saw six blue angels fly.

Speaker 4 (01:28):
The other way.

Speaker 5 (01:29):
Yeah, and that's what we were talking about. It was
like only here right.

Speaker 3 (01:32):
Me and of the ref was just talking about the
same thing. We're like, man, like, where else can you
get this kind of He was like, I'm happy I'm here,
me too.

Speaker 5 (01:40):
Yeah, Well, why do people keep coming back here?

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Because it's not just you, which Bobby Wagner came back,
Marquise Blair came back.

Speaker 5 (01:46):
I mean we could be here.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
There's four or five guys in the last four or
five years that if Bruce Bruce Servan returned here. What
is it about? Even without Pete Carroll and without Paul Allens?

Speaker 3 (01:56):
Right, the culture here, man, what is this definitely is
definitely like you know, you you go out and you
go to different you know places, and before you leave
and you've been here forever, you like, you know, I
want to go try a different place or I think
I can do something this place. And you know, don't
get me wrong, some of those places are cool and stuff,
but like just the top down is just so much
different here, Like this is this organization is one of

the top organizations in the NFL. Like you look at
the way that they treat you, the way that they
you know, take care of you in the locker room
with other players. Think that, Yeah, I think what it
is is like especially when you leave a spot like this,
like it word kind of travels, you know, so you
go to the let's say, you go to the Jets,
and you like, something happens and you're like, well, they
never did in Seattle, you know what I'm saying. So

they hear a lot of stuff about Seattle. So like
that's one of the reasons why it's like I bet
I'm sure Like in free agency when people get a
chance to come out here, they you know, they obviously
jump an opportunity because it's like you in Seattle, first off,
is away from everything. You are the main focus. There's
no other team, and you know in the reach, you know,
the closest one, the forty nine ers. Like that's so

you know, it's all the love and it's all the
way that you know, the fans show love, and the
media here is what is pretty good. Like it's not
you know, you're not fighting on online with the media
all the time, you're not doing all this other stuff
like and on top of that, man, the organization is
really good, so that it makes you know this place
one of the you know, dream places to come to.

Speaker 6 (03:16):
Well, speaking of the media, I mean, spending a few
years in New York, you must have felt like you
were in the fishbowl.

Speaker 5 (03:20):
It's like the media around every corner.

Speaker 3 (03:22):
Man, man, man, I mean, every every little thing you
say is a headline. So you gotta really careful and
you know, uh, you don't want to take any shots
or anything like that. But it's just hard sometimes because
you know, they kind of try to bait you into
stuff and say one word and you know, miss misquoted
and a lot of stuff you know, happened like that.
But uh, you know, so it's a little different. And
when you come back here is very cut dry easy.

You know, you have conversations and you know, I really
by the way, man, I'm showing love for sure.

Speaker 6 (03:50):
Yeah we're getting old, George, we're getting soft and well
you're getting so they stay that way.

Speaker 5 (03:54):
You're thirty one years old. We were thirty thirty two.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
Now you were twenty four when you first showed up here.
If I would have told you when you were not
just saying junior at Western Kentucky. You're playing basketball, right,
You're gonna have a ten year career in the NFL,
not the NBA.

Speaker 5 (04:08):
The NFL.

Speaker 3 (04:09):
Yeah, I thought you were crazy. I thought you was
saying you couldn't tell me. By that time, I thought
I was going to the NBA. I thought it was
gonna be a gay player for a long time.

Speaker 5 (04:16):
How have you done it? Honestly?

Speaker 2 (04:18):
Because this is what this is a made for movies,
Michael Lore kind of blindside. You know, guy switches sports
and has a long career, makes a ton of money,
gets his pension, whatever, How have you done this?

Speaker 4 (04:31):

Speaker 3 (04:32):
A lot of things, man, I'll say, you know, first
and foremost, man, Like, you know, from the beginning, I
had to pray about it, man like just making that
decision to leave the sport that I played my whole life,
to take a you know, leave a faith and try
something different.

Speaker 4 (04:46):
So that was the first thing.

Speaker 3 (04:47):
And then off of that match, I think that like
the hard work and just like the dedication I'll put
into it after like once if after I had their
first year where I ended up playing all those games
my rookie year, like I went to the drawing board, man,
and I was all right, Like my goal was to
play a certain amount of time in the league, and
the way I'm gonna do that is like these off seasons.
I got attack, Like every year, I got attack, and

then like watch a lot of film, watch a lot
of different guys play, and I just got better and
better as I was playing, you know. So I think
that the main thing that that I could attribute to
is just like putting the work in an offseason, like
knowing what I need to work on and going to
fix those things in the offseason.

Speaker 4 (05:21):
Well, there was.

Speaker 6 (05:22):
About two weeks this spring where the biggest topic in
national sports talk was can NBA players play in the NFL,
and can the NFL players play in the NBA. You'd
be the perfect guy to ask that question. So where
did you fall on that debate? Because it was it
was hot for a couple of weeks.

Speaker 3 (05:36):
Yeah, I mean, and I'll tell you, like I'll tell
anybody else that I had this conversation with, Like, there's
not I can't think of a lot of NBA NFL
players that could like go play in the NBA. Like
that game is just different, that the skill level is different,
the way that you know basketball players move, the way
that you know we set up you know, different kind
of movements and stuff like that in basketball.

Speaker 4 (05:56):
Like it's just so different, you know.

Speaker 5 (05:58):
Outside of you, the skill level could do it here
in the locker room.

Speaker 4 (06:01):
In the locker room here. No, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (06:02):
I don't know, man, like or anybody you've played.

Speaker 4 (06:06):
With, anybody I would played with. Uh Man, I'm trying
to think.

Speaker 5 (06:10):
Houston, New York.

Speaker 3 (06:12):
There was a guy with the Jets, right, I didn't
know he was as good we our wives are pretty
good friends. So we had one vacation one time we
was playing basketball. And I promise you if this dude
was like six two sixty three maybe even maybe he's
like sixte six four James and Crowder. See, bro, that
dude can hoop, man, I didn't know he can hoop

like that, Like he was hoving like he can really
like he can really really play.

Speaker 4 (06:36):
He played a duke. Ye uh, that dude can really hoot.

Speaker 6 (06:39):

Speaker 3 (06:39):
I don't know if he you know, I think he
was a lot taller. He's athletic and all rest of
that stuff. Man, Like if he if he was taller,
I think he had been.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
I'm trying to remember the offensive line coach when you
were last year? Was it Solari?

Speaker 5 (06:50):
Was Cable? So Solari?

Speaker 2 (06:51):
Now you got Scott huff, Yeah, who was coaching college
football for a long time at Washington and we've known
him forever.

Speaker 5 (06:57):
Great dude, super fired up. He's here. What does his
system feel like look like compared to what?

Speaker 3 (07:03):
Yeah, man, I think his system now. I think what
we're really like just the league in general, the way
that the game is going now. I think, like you know,
like I was just talking about how he used to
be like get on the edge and why zone Wi zone,
Wi Zone? I think around the league has turned into
like straight down hill. You know, so I think that uh,
you know, for for all of us, we got to
learn and figure out the new system and how he

wants to fit stuff, and you know, it's a little
bit different based on the way they did it before.
And then you know he's you know, taking some of
his stuff and then asking questions like how we did
certain things and how we like to fit things in
a run game. So it's a little bit mixture of both.
And you know, uh, honestly, like just looking at the film,
we've been running the ball pretty well in practice, you know,
so I'm we're excited about that, and that's something that

we want to continue to do, continue continue to keep
getting better at running the ball.

Speaker 4 (07:50):
So I think.

Speaker 3 (07:52):
He's doing a really good job of you know, getting
to know all the guys and seeing that, you know,
what trades all the guys have, and and being able
to also just coach. And you know, he's really technical
with a lot of his drills, like he know what
he wants, you know.

Speaker 4 (08:04):
So it's been cool to watch.

Speaker 6 (08:06):
Hawkstackle George Fan joining us. George, how how do you
take care of yourself so well? I mean, and do
you take care of yourself? Take care of your body
differently now than you did when you were in Seattle before,
when you were a young buck.

Speaker 3 (08:17):
Yeah, most definitely a lot of work. Like I said,
in the off season, like the way that I work,
I used to work then was just like throwing on
the way, working out every day, you know, doing doing
a lot of different things. But you know, as I'm
getting older in the league, like I don't, I don't
move as much way as I used to, Like I
might you know, get into more like lighter weight but

more speed.

Speaker 4 (08:38):
Or just different things. You know.

Speaker 3 (08:40):
So as I'm as I'm aging in the league, I'm
finding different ways to stay on top of my body.
But man, I can't. I can't stress enough. Like how
much of the off season is so important? You know,
like it's time to rest, you know, you get a
little time to rest, but at the same time, like
it's yeah, it's the it's it's really important to get
a lot better in the off season, get a lot
stronger in off season, and fix those steam that in

your game that you little chink sea in armor that
you can go fix.

Speaker 4 (09:03):
Man. So, right, who's good time at all? Good time
of the year to go do that well?

Speaker 2 (09:07):
George Fans with us, And I'll be honest with you,
We've talked a lot about you on the year, right.
That may sound a creepy, but we've been talking about
you behind your back on the.

Speaker 5 (09:13):
Radio, good things, you know.

Speaker 2 (09:15):
Yeah, I mean we just got done talking about you
an hour ago that you're one of the more I
think so far underrated signings of the offseason. I mean, Abe,
Lucas is banged up, and I mean you could be
this team starting right tackle week one against the Denver Broncos,
depending on a situation. So I mean, you didn't sign
a contract that looks like a backup contract in the NFL,
looks like more of a starting type of contract in
the NFL. Do you feel that way that there's a

starting spot for you here in Seattle at right tackle
from week one, staring you right here.

Speaker 3 (09:42):
I'm here to do whatever the team needs to do,
man like. If it's you know, if it is me
to back up, then it is me to back up,
and it leaves me to start, and it is to start,
you know. But whatever the team needs, man like, and
and whatever you know, we can do to whatever I
can do to help the team win, That's what I'll do.
Man so, uh, whenever my numbers call and they need
me to go out and playing the play, I know
I can play.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
See if this was New York, I would be yeah,
but you think you should be starting right and then
and then I'd run with that quote.

Speaker 6 (10:09):
Yeah and whatever, and beyond social media, I would say,
George start, Yeah, that's how they.

Speaker 4 (10:14):
That's the man.

Speaker 3 (10:15):
I'm excited, man for whatever whatever road they need me
to do, I'm excited to do.

Speaker 4 (10:18):

Speaker 6 (10:19):
How is you mentioned the culture is the same from
when you were here before and just the just the
positive vibes that you get here. But how's camp different?
Talk about the the Mike McDonald, Ryan Grubb camp versus
the camp that Pete.

Speaker 4 (10:31):
Carroll ran when you were here before.

Speaker 3 (10:33):
Uh, Man, I really don't see too much of a difference, man.

Speaker 4 (10:36):
I think that uh.

Speaker 3 (10:38):
Uh, you know, the way they lay structure practice has
changed because of you know, the way that the CBA
has man and they changed a little bit so uh
with a ramp up.

Speaker 4 (10:48):
So that's been a little different.

Speaker 3 (10:50):
And you know they both both of those guys was doing,
you know, taking care of the guys with the sports
science and figuring out what days need to be on
with days need to be off so that I see, you.

Speaker 4 (10:59):
Know, pretty pretty similar there.

Speaker 3 (11:01):
We still got the same like the same kind of
periods and stuff like as far as like nine on
seven and certain stuff like that, and you know, move
the ball and situational football. So it's it's pretty much,
you know, kind of the same, but you know, just
just the offense is a little different, I think.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
So George fan with us and George, before you go,
I want to ask you about another guy in town
that plays for the Mariners.

Speaker 5 (11:19):
Wonder if you heard of Mitch Garver is.

Speaker 2 (11:20):
A backup catcher and a DH for the Mariners, having
a bad year, struggling, and he came out yesterday and
just said, look, I'm getting death threats from people. Fans
are busting my chops on social media, things like that.
How much of that stuff do you guys see as
pro athletes? How much time do you spend on social media?
How much of that do you digest?

Speaker 4 (11:39):
We see it all, man, but I can't. I can't.

Speaker 3 (11:42):
I used to get upset about it. I mean, I'm
not gonna lie. Used to when I was younger, but
I heard some stuff. Yeah, yeah, but but you know,
I'm playing a kids game and the King's Ransom man,
Like I can't, you know, like I can't worry about that,
man Like I got a whole family and the rest
of the stuff. Man, So yeah, you know if if
somebody's parlay is messed up because of somebody, what a
player did it or some stuff like that happened, man, like,
you can't you know.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
See I brought that up to him, that the gambling
aspect changed. You feel that fans are more brazen down.

Speaker 3 (12:08):
Yeah, because even before it was like, you know, you'll
get some stuff. But but you watched like the NBA,
Like I see, I see those tweets, man, like those
guys is you know this guy might might have missed
one free throw and messed up with guy's la and
now he's mf and his family. Come on, bro, Like
you know what I'm saying. Like, but at the end
of the day, but this dude's playing the kids game, bro,
and you're betting on it. So that's that's your that's

your thing, you know, whatever you want to do. But
he's playing the kids game and he's the King's Ransom
and he's having fun doing it. Yeah, taking care of
his family like everybody else.

Speaker 5 (12:37):
I love it. Hey, great to see you. You look
exactly the same the whole day since good. I love you.
George with us on the show We're Gonna Break.

Speaker 2 (12:46):
We got I think Jerry Brewer by the way from Paris, we've.

Speaker 5 (12:50):
Heard from Hey, I lost my bet. Look at the betting.
I lost my bet. That's right, I had the minus
one eighty. That's big money for me.

Speaker 2 (12:56):
But I'm not I'm not gonna be tweeting Jerry yelling
at him for sure, big thing. Thanks to George fan
for joining us. We're gonna Break, Jerry. We'll join us
from Paris. By the way, there is injury updates from
Mike McDonald and Gino Smith. You're not gonna want to
miss this. We'll get to that in the headlines. Coming
up next on ninety three three KJRFM.
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