All Episodes

April 20, 2024 29 mins
Hugh Millen joins Dave Softy Mahler and Dick Fain to talk about the Seahawks taking down historic pictures at the VMAC, quarterbacks slotted to be taken early in the NFL Draft next week, then reviews the skills Michael Penix needs to improve on in the NFL.
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Here. He is our resident footballexperts, one half of the Mother Millen
mock Draft on Wednesday from Action SportsBar and Kent our buddy Huey Millan,
Hughey, how are you pal?What's happened? Phillas? I'm will am
good to be with you. Fourteenfourteen? What? Oh fourteen? I
haven't done that extra? I'll haveit. There is a time as we
get close to the mock draft,or I can call Hugh on a Monday

night, Sunday night, Tuesday night, twenty five, thirteen, twenty nine,
twenty one. He'll tell you exactlywho's picking in that spot. He
will have the first round memorized bythe mock draft on Wednesday. That is
an absolute sweak. Well let's uh, let's get to everything happening with the
draft and free agency and all thatstuff going on. But first of all,

why don't we just start with Idon't know if it's a big story
or not. Everybody has a takeon this, and the people that are
bothered by it think the folks thataren't bothered by it are idiots, and
that folks that aren't bothered by itthink the folks that are bothered by it
are more on. So, yeah, Mike McDon having these pictures taken down
in the hallway of the vMac,a lot of you know, homages to

the old peak Carrol days. Whatdid you make of that when you heard
that news man, Well, Iwant to preface my answer by saying,
I don't feel strongly about it.I'm not real chafed about it. If
you say, okay, yes orno, do I like it? Do
I think it's it's it's a smartpractice, Is it prudent? My answer
is no, I don't think itwas a good idea. I just think

that my interpretation. First of all, I think every team, probably without
exception, that has any kind ofhistory, they celebrate on their walls,
their their history. You know,when I played for the Cowboys, certainly
you know I told you we weretalking off air a couple of days ago.
I said, I'm not in Troykman'shead, but I got to know

him pretty well. I was numberseven, he's number eight my lockers,
right next to him. I wentmeetings and dinner, and I just can't
conceive that when Troy Aikman walked theholes of the Dallas Cowboys complex, that
when he saw photos of Roger Staubach. He was sitting there going, well,
this is an organization that's living inthe past. I think that they
say, you know, if youcan imagine the Yankees, I mean,
I bet every dollar I have thatthey've got Ruth and and Garrett. You

know, the twenties teams, theygot, the fifties, the DiMaggio,
the Mickey Mantles, they got thethey got the the nineties, two thousand,
Marion Rivera Jeter, you know,you know, all those Posada,
all those guys. So I thinkthat it's it's good to celebrate your history.
I think it's good for the playersto feel connected, like, hey,
I have a sense of pride,Like I'm I'm drafted by the Seahawks.

I'm I've played at Florida State,but when I go back home,
I'm gonna wear my Seahawks sweatshirt becauseI'm proud of that franchise and they want
a damn Super Bowl. And Ithink and and and also, so there's
that point just the the organizational pride, and then I think there's also the
point that like, hey, letthese guys know, you know, if
you do great things, then you'regonna be immortalized. On those walls,

and you could walk your kids throughhere in twenty five years and you're going
to be on that wall. Iwould tell you this, if I was
making the decisions that twenty thirteen,that that team photo that would be up
and there'd be gold frames around it, and there'd be balloons and there'd be
you know, I mean, thatwould be the front and focus, like,
hey, that you're in that teamphoto. You will be on these

walls forever. If you win aSuper Bowl, so you know, and
if you're in the Ring of Honor, et cets or sets a Hall of
Fame, obviously, I think allof those guys should be celebrated. Now,
am I banned about it? No, But that's what I think they
should do. Well, it's onething for a coach GM Combo to come
in, but this is the samegeneral manager. So the one thing we
haven't talked about here is what youthink Schneider actually thinks about it. Here

was his quote. Now, thismight be what he feels about. It
might be him covering up for thecoach. He said. Quote. Really,
in Mike's mind, it's like,we're here, we are celebrating our
history. We get that. ButWe're not coming in here with like certain
logans and leadership mottos. We're gonnabuild our own as a team. So
do you think John Schneider is kindof like, ah, really man?

Well, based on that quote,the window into it not being in his
head, it is the very firstthing out of his mouth, say the
first five words in Mike's mind,it's like, here, we are celebrating
our history. We get there.Yeah. Yeah, So he's letting us
know right from the jump in hisresponse that this was initiated by Mike.
I suspect if you ask me whatI think based on that quote, I

think you would probably say, hey, it's it's not my choice, but
I'm gonna choose my battles. I'mnot gonna, you know, dig in
my heels on this. If that'swhat the new head coach wants, then
he'll have it his way. Butuh, I think he let us know
that that's that's a Mike McDonald dealand and and probably not his idea.
So humillin's with us and Huey danquinn is the new coach of the Washington

Commanders. As you know, he'snow got Bobby Wagner right playing with him.
In DC. If Dan Quinn calledyou up and said, hey,
man, you know quarterbacks. I'veheard you on the air with Softie and
Dick before. If he asked youwhat player you think he should take at
number two, what would you telldan Quinn? Yeah, I'd probably say
Jaden Daniels. I think what hedid, it doesn't bother me that he

wasn't that player at Arizona State.Neither was Joe Burrow that player at Ohio
State. I mean, really,Burrow only had the one great year,
as did Daniels. Of course,you know, coincidentally they're both from LSU.
But I think when you considered thathe had a ten to one interception
forty to four touchdown interception, andthen he threw ten more running touchdowns on

there. I think his frame isa concern, but I think they protect
quarterbacks better now. I think hedoesn't have an elite arm, but I
think that his playmaking ability there's alot to like there. I think there's
a high side. So I wouldit sounds kind of chalky, but he'd
beat My answer, Well, he'srisen a lot, but I don't think

anybody's risen as high as JJ McCarthyhas I mean, I'm looking at a
mock draft from January after the season. This isn't a dry He was sixteenth.
Now people got him three to four. Is this McCarthy hype kind of
Zach Wilson all over the game again, Because we saw Zach Wilson go from
middle of the first round to thenumber two pick overall after every game was

played in college football, That's aninteresting comparison. I don't feel like it's
Zach Wilson. Like I think whathappened with Zach Wilson is that he was
coming out in an era when everybodywanted to analyze what mistake they had made
with Pat Mahomes, and he wasthe basic, literally the identical down to
the eighth of an in's height.Now he's a couple pounds lighter, but

you know everything that he had flashedI'm talking about now Mahomes at Texas Tech
and then on his pro day.You know, as John Gruden said,
this dude Mahomes is like a trickshot artist. You know, that's what
they were saying before the draft,all this crazy arm talent. Well then
then you had Zach Wilson go outon his pro day and he's doing the
same frisbee throws that that Mahomes haddone. And then everybody says, well

that's the guy. You know,you want to get a guy about that
size or athleticism would almost mirror oneanother member. Mahomes ran a four to
eight. Yeah, so I thinkhe's a slippery guy and he's a judicious
runner and what have you. Buthe's not. He's afar from Lamar Jackson
as a playmaker. And in fact, Zach Wilson's probably his tape at BYU,
you'd say he's got up maybe ahalf a notch more athleticism. So

I think that they were trying tomirror there. But as far as McCarthy,
I think the McCarthy's polarizing because you'relooking to say he never was asked
to carry the team and and andthat's a positive in some people's eyes,
and that he's a total team player. I really think he has great intangibles.
I think players like him. Ithink he's a leader. He didn't
bitch about you know, he didn'tthrow a single pass attempt against Penn State

in the second half. You know, when he's when when guys say,
hey, it's all about the w'sthere's very few players, guys, you
know this is David, It's you'rein my twenty sixth mock draft. There's
very few quarterbacks that I could say, wait a minute, he's actually put
out the evidence that he is trulyabout the team and winning because he he

had just, you know, anincredible attitude and leadership and you just saw
him at the combine. How herelates with players. You know, I
think this guy's got top level intangiblethat's just my hunch. But there's some
questions about, you know, doeshe have the arm to play outside?
If you take the top quarterbacks.I actually made this spreadsheet while I was

analyzing Penix as he was by farPenix, and I'll compare it to McCarthy
because I know the questions about McCarthy. This is the percentage of attempts between
the numbers got me and and youcan't compare it to the NFL. I'd
love to say, well, thisis the whole week league wide, and
I could give you that stat butthe numbers in the NFL are exactly five

yards further from the sideline, soyou got ten more yards of space,
So you can't compare this. ButI'll just give you the idea, McCarthy.
The percentage between the numbers was sixtythree percent of the top quarterbacks,
that was the highest. And I'lljust run him down because because I think
this is relevant, and I'll getto Penix on this. Then Nick's sixty
percent, Caleb Williams at fifty ninepercent, Spencer Rattler I threw him in

although he's not projected as a Dayone guy, but he was fifty eight
percent, Jayden Daniels fifty seven percent, Drake May fifty three percent. Then
you drop to Pennix at forty eightpercent, which raises questions about why is
he not thrown over the middle?He was he was the you know Penix
was the outside the numbers guy.Well, McCarthy was the opposite. He
was inside the numbers, which raisesquestion can he throw to the outside.

And so I think just the factthat that he was not asked to carry
a team, you don't see alot of top half of the first round
guys that that fit that profile.Right. Well, look, I mean
just going back to Pennis for alittle bit, and you've hit on it.
I think there and other times allof us love Michael Pennix for what
he did at Washington, But thisis a different animal. If you're gonna

make this guy a first round draftpick, and basically, let's face it,
Hugh, he make him the faceof your franchise, you're turning over
every little leaf. So what wouldyou pick at if you were John Schneider,
even if you were Ryan Grubb,what would you nitpick at with Michael
Pennock's game. Well, let's justtalk about two things about his attributes.

He number one, he throws outsidethe numbers, as I said, and
almost the point he had twenty threehundred and fifty nine yards outside the numbers.
The next closest guy was pressing Stonefrom SMU at seventeen ninety five.
The gap between one and two isgreater than the gap between two and twenty
eight. That's all of FBS football. So this guy was just what was

an outside of the numbers freak?And then and then he's he's just throwing.
He's like the If you're a longtimefootball fan, you know Al Davis
was in love with the bomb,you know Darryl Lamonica and all this stuff.
Pennix, to give you an ideaof how eager this guy is to
throw the ball down the field.Pennix had five five hundred and eighteen air
yards, whether they were completed ornot. And by the way, his

passer rating was over three hundred,so he was generally on those plus twenty
five throws, so he's generally completingthem. They put that into context.
Cayleb Williams had thirty two ninety nine. Michael Pennis had twenty two hundred and
nineteen yards more air yards. Like, this is a guy that wants to
He wants to rip your ass downthe field. And you just watch the

tape and every time you know he'llforego stuff down below and he's like,
no, man, I want tosward through your neck. He wants to.
He wants to rip that ball.So there's an aggressiveness to him.
So all of that I love.And he was a hell of a playmaker.
I'll put it this way. Iwouldn't want to bet against him because
I'd feel really nervous about my aboutmy money. Now, how is that

going to compare in the NFL?What's the weakness I do see on the
tape and I've studied every freaking tape, and I compare it to other or
every single play with Pennix far morethan once, probably five times. And
there's a lot of plays where guysare are open in the middle of the
field. They're coming open, andwe don't see the anticipation that we would

want to see from a top levelquarterback. And and if you ask me,
in studying this position for fifty years, you can go to any year
and you say pick a If youguys, pick a year right now,
between nineteen eighty and right now,go ahead, pick a year, Dick,
What do you got it? Whatdo you got eighty three? Okay?

In both of those years, yougo back and you look, and
I'll bet you there's only about tenquarterbacks who could play on the planet.
It's always been that way. Whyis it tough? Because it's not just
going through your progression. Okay,I got a shallow cross here, and
then I got a basic dig bythe tight end, and then I got
a check down. There's a littletriangle read for me, and there's all

kinds of defenders that are in aposition. It's not just going is one
open, is two open? Isthree open? Then the position would be
easier to play. This is yougotta lock in on this. This is
just my opinion again having studied andcoached it for a long time. It's
that when you look at number one, is what is it is? Is
he going to be open in asecond when the ball arrives there? And

then number two? Is it noteasy open? Now? Is he going
to be open once the defense changeswhen these moving parts? Are those defenders
going to be able to get theirhand on it? At number three?
Is he going to be open ina second one point two seconds from now?
Because you're brought your brain has tosee the movie before it happens.

And so when I look at Penixand I'm and I already cited some of
the numbers where he's more of anoutside the numbers guy. Outside the numbers,
you generally only have one, maybetwo defenders that could make a play
on the ball, usually the cornerunless it's what's called the cloud where the
corners rolled up. But you gotthe corner and possibly some type of flat
defender that could get underneath it.So you're processing one to two guys outside

the numbers. When you throw inthe middle of the field, there's up
to four guys that could make aplay on the ball. You know,
two hook defenders, a safety comingfrom the top down, maybe two safeties,
a trailing corner who doesn't everybody onhis side? Like, there's guys
that could get involved in the play, and you have to make a decision
now. And it's not what yousee, it's when you see it.
You have to anticipate what it'll looklike. Well, one point two seconds.

Hell, these guys on a startingforty. You know some of these
defenders, you know they cover tenyards in one point six seconds. So
if it takes one point two youare seconds to get there, or even
point eight seconds to get there.You got defenders that can move six seven
yards that's from a standing What ifthey're already moving? The defenders move from

point A to point B a lot, and you've got to process that.
And so if I like I wantI want to bend over backwards with every
purple and gold, uh selling mybody. I want to to trumpet Michael
Pennix. But if I had said, look, what are if you had
asked me before I saw Penix twoyears ago, what are the things that

you that you probably got to seethat maybe correlate. Why is it basically
that NFL scouts screw up this quarterbackthing so much. I would say,
you know what, look at howmany anticipatory throws they can have over the
middle, because that's the ultimate testof processing. And to give you an
idea of how bad how bad theNFL scouts quarter quarterbacks. If you take

a guy in the first round,you're hoping that he plays for ten years,
right, that's just I would justsay for your team just ten years
to say hey, hey, wego draft him in the first nine is
gonna be ten years. So sofollow me on this stat If you say,
okay, the most recent era thatwe could we could scout for ten
years, well we couldn't. Wecouldn't look at quarterbacks who drafted in twenty

eighteen or twenty nineteen because it hasn'tbeen ten years. So we have to
go back to twenty and fourteen.The years from fourteen to twenty three sounds
like nine years, it's actually tenseasons. And then I take the ten
years prior to that, So betweentwo thousand and five and twenty fourteen.
It's not arbitrary, it's for thereasons I just described, So that we
can take ten years of guys inten years, how many there was twenty

seven quarterbacks drafted in the first roundin those ten years. Twenty seven quarterbacks
in the first round. You knowhow many of even played for their own
team for ten years? Two fourand Matthew Stafford was one of them,
and he had a seventy four andninety record. The other ones are Matt
Ryan, Joe Flacco, and AaronRodgers. The other twenty three they didn't

make it. And by the way, since twenty fifteen, uh, you
know, there's at this juncture,there's only thirteen of the of the twenty
nine quarterbacks in the first round sincetwo fifteen, there's only thirteen that are
eligible to ever make the ten.The rest of them all fallen off.
We've had over well of half alreadyfall off. And of the thirteen,
those are three from last year AnthonyRichard, C. J. Stroud,

Bryce Young. The point being,we we suck at scouting first round quarterbacks.
Yeah, and and I just Ithink that that business of processing over
them. Let me let me finalthought. I know, I'm all right,
hang on a time on time ontime on timeout, because we got
like fifteen things we need to getto. We're up against the break,
So why don't you hold that thought. We'll come back and finish it up

and then get some more topics.Next A right, Hugh, Yeah,
you are right. More with HughNext on ninety three to three KJRFM,
Welcome NFL drafts Now back to SUCKIand did on your home for the twenty
twenty four NFL Draft and cml's bestNFL Draft cover Seattle Seahawks Deptow the Sports
Radio ninety for kJ r F Mall right back here on Safia and Dicko

with Jackson Brian Schmetcher. Next segment, he Mail rejoins us here you gonna
wrap up your your thoughts on MichaelPennistar Forrest pal Uh well, I was
just trying to convey why throwing withanticipation over the middle matters, and uh,
you know there's just a lot ofyou know, Michigan State. You
know Jayalen Polk on a deep anglecross left to right really late. It's

like, why are you holding theball? It's gotta go against Oregon in
the PAC twelve championship game, andI know he had a great game,
but there's you know, there's thethere's a play with the donsay on on
a little hammer route and he's andjust why are you not throwing out the
Arizona UH slant route on a littleblitz? They're just short intermediate Oregon Jeremy
bernard On in the third quarter wideopen on an option route and he's throwing

an incomplete up the sideline to aduneesay. I just think there's times there
there's too many reps. If youyou say, why are are people luke
about I want to say luke warmbecause it's going to be a high draft
pick. But why are people sayingPenix is not a top ten pick.
You're gonna say, obviously the injuriesand put that in a category, But
what is the tape show that couldbe concerned for some personnel evaluators. I

believe it's what I'm talking about well, and I think that the lazy narrative
was the injuries. What you gaveus was the non lazy narrative, and
I appreciate that, and I wishwe got that from more people than other
than just you. But that wasa great breakdown. But bottom line,
brass Tacks, is he worth thesixteenth pick in the draft? Or not?
Well, here's why I would takehim First of all, if it
wasn't Ryan Grubb there, I wouldbe pretty lukewarm. I'd say, hey,

look, we don't know. Youknow that we saw him with Ryan
Grubb's offense and that temperament, andwe don't know how he's gonna just but
it's like it's like your handicap thatyou have. You have your home course,
and then you take your handicap,you know, down to the desert
with your buddies. It's new courses. Can you don't know whether or not
you can bring that handicap with you, right, I know the answer is

no way. Yeah, I wassetting that on a te I was setting
that on a tee for you,David. So I'm glad you hit that
spot. But the reason I wouldsay at sixteen that's a huge factor involved
here is that Ryan Grubb, likeRyan Grubb. It's like it fits his
eye, Ryan Grubb, how hecalls the play. They obviously work well,

they prepare well, and I thinknow it would be an aggressive offense
by NFL standards, a very aggressiveoffense. But I think because he has
played on you know, to carryout the analogy, He's played on that
course so many times. I knowhow he plays that course right right,
and so that would be enough forme as a Husky fan, excuse me,
a Husky Seahawk fan, and evenas an analyst where I can in

good conscience say that I think itwould be a good pick. But I
think that Ryan Grubb is a hugefactor in that. No question, And
I'm glad you brought that up,guys, because Corbyn Smith, who you
know well here, was on theair with US four o'clock today and I
asked him flat out and nobody knowsthe answer for certain, but you would
have more intel because you've been inmeeting rooms like this. How influential John

Schneider and Mike McDonald will allow RyanGrubb and even Scott Huffed to some extent
to be meaning if they've got reservationsabout Michael. But then Ryan Grubb comes
in here and says, no,you guys are getting this all wrong.
Here's what I saw, here's whatI witnessed, and you guys are wrong
about that. How influential will theyallow Ryan Grubb and Scott Huff to be.

That's a great question, and I'vealready thought this through. Look,
we can surmise this that if Pennixif and by the way, I think,
if you had me a bag ofmoney, make me bet. I
don't think Pennox is going to bedrafted sixteen by Seattle, you know,
you think he'll be gone by then. I just think I think Snyder,

I think he could be gone becauseyou've got that group there with Minnesota and
right, yeah, they all theyall need uh yeah, they need quarterbacks
in that ring, in that region. But there's also just I don't know.
I think Schnyder just probably feels likehe wants to build the team and

and use those that capital. Thesixteen, you know, doesn't have a
second round pick. I don't thinkhe wants to use it on a quarterback.
I think Sam Howe might be youknow, scratch as if it's enough
for a young quarterback for a year. So I don't think it's gonna happen.
But if it doesn't happen, Ithink that we can glean one of
two things. Either Ryan Grubb wasn'ttotally white hot for Pennix or Ryan Grubb

doesn't have the juice, and thatwould be okay, that's not that wouldn't
be in an indictment. Like ifif Ryan Grubb says, listen, I'm
gonna stand up on this table.That's how much conviction I have that this
guy can play in the NFL.Well, he may be doing that,
and and they just might say,yeah, that's great, but we have

other needs. Or he may givesomething just slightly. You know, does
Ryan Greb take something off his fastballin his endorsement? Is it not a
one hundred and two mile an hourfastball of an endorsement? Is Is it
kind of just like a located ninetyfour mile an hour fastball? Like,
yeah, I really like the guy, you know. You know, there's
difference ways of conveying to people.I mean, we all this, we

all have we do in a personalcommunication in our lives all the time.
There's ways we can convey. No, I'm telling you, this guy is
a can't miss, you know,like this is a grave mistake, Like
there's there's there's ways you can articulatethat even though he's a rookie, you
know, NFL coordinator. So Ithink it's a fascinating topic. We don't

really I don't know that we canever get the answer because I don't think
Pennix is going to be drafted.And then we'll sit there and go.
How how you know vigilant was theendorsement coming from Greb and I don't think
we'll know. I meant to getthis last week when you were with me
when Dave was gone. But yougave your presentation to the thirty third team

think Tank on both Penix and RomaDunsay. We kind of got your opinions
on Penix over the last fifteen twentyminutes. How about what did you tell
him about Romadonday? Well? Ilove Roma Donza and I think he is
elite in a few traits. Ithink he's elite as a finisher, like
his ball tracking ability. People don'ttalk about that enough. When the balls

in the air like a center fielderballs crack of the bat, you know
it's a double into the in theleft center gap right, But no,
because he got a good jump onthe ball and he's got the speed,
he makes it look easy. Well, the receivers are the same way.
Trust me. I've got a lifetimeof coaching and throwing to these guys,
and sometimes the ball's like twenty,you know, ten feet away from him

before they even know where the hellit is. And so Roma Dunza is
an elite ball tracker. He's anelite finisher, strong hands, big old
guys Texas in the semifinals. Ilooked up the way that because I said,
damn, that corner is big.He's sixty three to hundred and six
pound corner just ripping on his armson a post and he just he just
constantly has these strong hands and finishes. To use a basketball term, dick.

He you know, finishes on thebreak and uh, his body control
against Cali, he's got He's runningup the field with the seam. He's
looking over his inside shoulders. Theball takes to the outside, he turns
and and puts his back to theball and then locates it quickly and catches
it for a touchdown going towards thelake, like an unbelievable body control.
Uh, Like it's just something youdon't it's very rare to see that.

Now. I don't think he's eleite at the line of scrimmage. I
think he's very very good. Idon't think he's elite run after the catch.
I think he's very very good becauseof strength and he has good vision.
But I don't I don't think hehas elite twitch. So I think
that there's there's no aspect of hisgame that is average or poor. I
think all aspects of his game aregood to very good to elite. But

I think Neighbors and Harrison and MarvinHarrison. I mean, objectively, I
would probably say you Donzy's number three, but in some years the number one.
Well, Humillin's with us. MockDraft is coming up on Wednesday,
and I want you to think forWednesday Show, if there's a player in
this draft where if you see hisname at sixteen, you got to take

him. And I want you tothink about that because I'm gonna ask you
that question on Wednesday at the mockSo great stuff. Man, We'll see
you Wednesday at Action Sports Bar andKent Buddy appreciate, all right, Right,
So he's gonna think about that andwe're gonna have that on Wednesday show.
Is there a guy for you?Is there a player for you?
Four nine, four five one,Jackson Dick, everyone jump in here.

Is there a player for you atsixteen that, no matter what trade package
you're getting offered, you're taking thatguy at sixteen? There's multiple guys for
me. Who are they? BrockBowers and Troy Fatano. Okay, if
I either one of them are there, do it? I do that list?
Do it? Schneyder looks at everyonesays, dude, Bears are offering
us five first round draft picks.No, do it? Do it?

Do it well? And honestly becausethey If Troy Fontanu ends up being I
don't know, who's the greatest gardenthat John Hannah's. If he's the next
John Hannah, then there may notbe a trade package that's worth turning him
down. If he's gonna be thatkind of all pro Hall of Fame type
guard, then there may not bea package worth saying no, saying yes
to to get rid of him.And look, I mean, brock Bauers

to me would be amazing. Andwhy he would fall to sixteen, I
have no idea. And guys,I'm starting to think that Troy Fatanu may
not fall to sixteen either, becausehe is getting pumped up big time right
now. There's a lot of teamsout there that need lineman. There is
a dearth of quality offensive lineman rightnow in the National Football League, And
if you look, the coaches themselveshave said that the number one spot that

comes into the NFL untrained and uncoachedhis offensive lineman. Honestly, and if
you can get one right now,that's a Day one starter. I would
be almost surprised if Troy Fontana wasthere sixteen. If those three guys are
gone that we just mentioned, youknow, Bowers and Pennis and the Bowers
and the two Huskies, then Iwant him to trade down. Yeah,
right, I don't see anybody elsein that area. You know, Byron

Murphy's nice. I wouldn't mind him, but I think I might be able
to get him at twenty right andget a second round pick. And Byron
Murphy, yeah, I saw whatI saw in that Texas game. Outside
of Michael Pennick stepping away from pressure, was Byron Murphy getting home a lot.
Yeah, in that game, hewas, he was in the backfield,
he was with an arms grasp ofMichael Penix, and a lesser quarterback

would have been sacked about ten timesin that game. By the way,
Honestly, the offensive line for themost part played pretty good, but Byron
Murphy and Defandre Sweat were getting home. He wasn't getting sacked because Michael Penix
was stepping away from sacks in thatgame. So I was really impressed with
Byron Murphy by the way, soif you can grab him as a defensive
tackle, he might be another guythat I would not move down for.

We'll get a break. Brian Schmetzerwill join us next on ninety three three KJRFM.
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