Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Live from the R and R Foundation Specialist Broadcast Studio.
Now back to Softie and Dick on your home for
the Huskies and the Krakend Sports Radio ninety three point
three kJ R FM.
Speaker 2 (00:16):
Welcome back, Softian Dick without the soft one. He'll be
back tomorrow. Hugh is with us right now. Let's talk
a little Husky football. Hugh, I had a chance to
sit down with a very engaging young man, a guy
that I think Husky fans are familiar with, and yet
maybe there's quite a few Husky fans that don't realize
how talented this guy is and how big a star
he is going to be on the field now with
Polk McMillan and Rome out of the Picture's my conversation
with Denzel Boston. Denzel, A lot has changed since we've
since you last put a Husky jersey on, that's for sure.
Speaker 3 (00:51):
But I'm gonna go back and talk about last year
real quick.
Speaker 2 (00:53):
What was it like for you, as talented as you are,
not being able to play as much as you would
like to play because the most ridiculous trio of Husky
wide receivers in history were in front of you.
Speaker 4 (01:05):
Yeah, you know, honestly, I wouldn't say there's any spike.
There isn't anything like close to you know, being angry
about it. At the end of the day, they're great receivers,
you know what I mean. And being behind those guys is,
if anything, is a learning point for me, you know,
being able to sit there and analyze how they played
the game and how they can compete at that level.
So then when I get the chance, you know, I
could go compete at that level, you know what I mean.
So it's really just like I'm like, you know, just
I'm gonna say, God's time, and like, God put me here,
He put me in this place. He put three NFL
receivers in front of me for me to learn from.
And now that they have passed on, they have passed
it has passed on to me and now they're you know,
he's saying, hey, look the door's open. Now he's got
to walk through it.
Speaker 2 (01:45):
What specifically have you taken from from any one of
those three guys. There's something that you you've stolen from
from Rome or from uh Jalen or Jalen.
Speaker 3 (01:53):
Yeah, for sure.
Speaker 4 (01:54):
You know, I'm just jp he's a savage, Like he
is a savage when he gets on that field, like
nothing is stopping him from catching that ball, Like he
is going up getting it. He's talking mess. He's in
your face all game. You gotta deal with them all game.
He's not going nowhere, you know what I mean. Rome,
he's level headed in those pressure moments. But he's a dog,
you know what I mean. Like he's not gonna talk
a lot, which that's what I like that. You know,
I'm not gonna talk a lot, but I'm sure gonna
do my business with you, you know what I mean.
And that's one thing I can learn from Rome is
you know, like in those pressure moments, like let's bring.
Speaker 3 (02:25):
Up organ for chance right here in this end zone.
Speaker 4 (02:27):
You know, he double coverage back shoulder, ugh, like nothing
like it was like it was nothing, you know, And
even the celebration was just putting his arms up, you
know what I mean. Like just that level headedness and
just that continue that continuation of just trying to make
sure that the job's getting done with j Mack, you know,
just being able to laugh and joke and like he
reminds me the football's fun, you know what I mean,
Like you can laugh and joke and have fun with
your friends during the game and everything, but at the
end of the day's it is a.
Speaker 3 (02:53):
Job, and it is a business. You know, you gotta
get this job done.
Speaker 4 (02:56):
But also like when it comes to like attribute whise, say,
like with Rome, like I really learned how to like
get that extra edge in the last second of a
route to be open for that second of the wall
that the ball is coming too, you know. For Jamak
is kind of just like you know, that elusiveness, that
quickness coming out of the slot, like being able to
know just give a little shimmy and get going, you
know what I mean.
Speaker 3 (03:19):
And with JP, it's just.
Speaker 4 (03:20):
Like the work, like the work, like you gotta work hard,
Like I've never seen a person work so hard every
single day consistently, three hundred and sixty five days a
year like JP. So those are the six things I
guess you can say that I took from those guys.
Speaker 2 (03:35):
You obviously have to develop chemistry with your quarterbacks. Now
you got new quarterbacks, and so what have you been
doing with Will what you been doing with demand just
in the off season to just kind of learn them
and they can learn you.
Speaker 4 (03:46):
Yeah, you know, like we'll go out to dinners together.
So we'll go out to dinners, get dinner, just to learn,
like meet each other on a personal level, you know
what I mean, just get to know each other, like
really know each other, so we know how to approach
each other and talk to each other in that type
of way.
Speaker 3 (03:59):
When it comes to football wise, you know.
Speaker 4 (04:00):
We're we're doing throwing after workouts, throwing before workouts, throwing
whenever we can, just to make sure that timing and
those connections are right, and you know, just making sure
that we're getting everyone involved in that, you know. So yeah,
that's really how that's really I feel like that's how
any receiver and quarterback woul build their relationship is just
making sure they're around the football out with each other,
watching film with each other. You know, like me and Will,
I say when team like team runs, like we're next
to each other the whole time, pushing each other the
whole time, like we won't let each.
Speaker 3 (04:30):
Other skip a rep, like it does not happen.
Speaker 4 (04:33):
But yeah, you know, just making sure that we keep
that camaraderie between each other and you know, just stay tight.
But yeah, I say throwing. Our biggest piece right now
is throwing getting dinners. And you know when we have
runs and stuff like that that me and him that
we're pushing each other.
Speaker 2 (04:47):
What are Husky fans getting from these quarterbacks? I'll start
with Will. What are they gonna see?
Speaker 3 (04:51):
Oh? With Will?
Speaker 4 (04:52):
I mean, come on, he's a number two passing leader
in the sec of all time. So you know he's
gonna make He's gonna make some explosive throws. He's gonna
make some some great scrambling throws.
Speaker 3 (05:02):
I don't know if you he can scramble. Hey, he
can scramble. Now, can beat out that pocket and throw
the ball.
Speaker 4 (05:06):
So you know, but yeah, you're gonna see a lot
of explosive plays for well, and you're gonna see a
lot of excitement and joy to just be out there.
And just like I don't know if you've ever seen
the clip when he was Assissippi State, he threw a
touchdown and he got so he threw a punch and
he punched.
Speaker 3 (05:20):
The ref in the face.
Speaker 4 (05:22):
So so you know, yeah, Will you know he's You're
gonna see a lot of excitement.
Speaker 3 (05:26):
Demon. You know, Demon can get out the pocket, he
can go.
Speaker 4 (05:30):
You can see some you can see glen him, you
can see some ankle breakers, you can see some stuff
of that, of that.
Speaker 3 (05:37):
Of that nature from demon just because how quick he's fast.
He's a fast kid.
Speaker 4 (05:41):
You don't when it comes to throwing the ball, you know,
just as Will can. You know, they're both launching it deep.
They can both launch it deep, and they can both
put that put that ball on the money in the
right spot where it needs to be. So I say,
just a lot of excitement, a lot of explosive plays,
and yeah, that's all I can really say about that.
Speaker 2 (05:56):
Well, if I'm defending Washington, I'm putting a lot of
attention on you on which he's that other guys have
got to step up. So talk to us about the
rest of your receiving corps and what impresses you about it.
Speaker 4 (06:06):
You know, Jeremiah Hunter thousand yard receiver before he came here,
you know what I mean. And he's a dog, so
you know, there's no worries with Jeremiah. You know, you
know he's gonna get the job done, you know. And
I me and Jeremiah, we're really a very similar build.
We're both like bigger set, you know, both about the
same speed, you.
Speaker 3 (06:21):
Know what I mean.
Speaker 4 (06:21):
So it's not anything crazy when you see Jeremiah and
I both on the outsides, you know what I mean.
And it's kind of just like who can you lockdown?
Like which one are you gonna try and lock down?
Speaker 3 (06:32):
You know what I mean?
Speaker 4 (06:33):
Because at the end of the day, his resume speaks
for it. So you know, Jiles Jackson, speedster, quick guy,
you know what I mean. He's he's a dog, like
a savage like you know, he's a savage like he
wants the ball, and when he gets the ball, he's
trying to score every time. He's trying to score every time.
You know, he's gonna try to do what he can
to make you miss and he's trying to score every time.
You know, we got Rashid. He's sitting in the back
right now. But you know he's a william dog, Rashid Williams. Yeah,
you know he's a freshman, but you know he's a
young guy waiting for it's time to pop out and
really show some people.
Speaker 3 (07:02):
What he can do.
Speaker 2 (07:03):
Finally, why are you here? Why did you decide to
stay here?
Speaker 3 (07:08):
You know? This is home? Like, this is this is
home right here.
Speaker 4 (07:12):
Like if you look at the stadium, like everything about
it just screams home. The fans are rowdy, the field
and everything is just so like you got the water
behind the field, behind the stadium. It's just home, you
know what I mean. I'm an hour out from here.
You know, why wouldn't I want to be here. Why
wouldn't I be wanting to play in front of these people?
Why would you know? Like I could go somewhere else where,
I don't have anybody supporting me, you know what I mean.
But here, like I got people from high school supporting me,
I got my family supporting me.
Speaker 3 (07:38):
You know, I got a big fan base around here.
Speaker 4 (07:41):
You know that I can help build up not only that,
it would just be great to be in Seattle, you know, and.
Speaker 3 (07:46):
Be able to build up the communities in some.
Speaker 4 (07:48):
Way when you know, once things do go well, you
know what I mean, already have a name in the
community and stuff like that. So there's something it's just Seattle,
like it's just home. And you know, being able to
have everyone that supported me my whole life be able
to support me, you know at my home games is
just awesome.
Speaker 3 (08:01):
That's lucky, man. Thank you.
Speaker 2 (08:03):
We all know there's gonna be a next Husky star.
We're just not sure who it is. Hugh. I think
number one on my list is Denzel Boston, number twelve.
I think he has got the best chance to be
the next Husky star. I just I love everything about
that kid.
Speaker 1 (08:17):
Well's depleted receiver corps and he's the most likely guy
to step up.
Speaker 3 (08:22):
No question about it.
Speaker 2 (08:23):
And him and Hunter, I mean those two guys. I
am not worried at all about the skill positions on offense,
wide receiver, running back and even quarterback. Not worried at
all about him offensive line. I know Softie and I
have had huge discussions on that. I'm a little more
bullish than he is on it. But again, what do
I know, right, I mean, we haven't seen any of
these guys play together. I thirty nine on ninety three
point three KJRFM.