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Mind from the R and R FoundationSpecialist broadcast Studio. Now back to Sofie
and Dick on your Home for theHuskies and the Kraken Sports Radio ninety three
point three kJ R FM. Hey, if you missed Scott Huff with us
about an hour and a half ago, he had rave reviews for the Seahawks
seventh round draft pick, a kidnamed Michael Jarrell. Check us out.
He's another guy that was kind offlying under the radar a little bit,
uh, and we got to seehim and man, he's he's got some
twitch, he's got some some power, got to seem in the hula bowl,
and so we feel really fortunate tohave him as well. I wanted
to play that, by the way, and I think I said seventh right,
I met sixth round. I apologizefor that, but I want to
play that for our next guest toprove to Michael Jirell that Scott Huff really
really likes him and he's excited forhim to get a chance to be coached
by him. But he joined usright now on the show, Big Mike,
how are you? Man? Doggood on the day, good Man,
We appreciate you. You jumping onthe air with us, So tell
us about just kind of how yourlife has changed and what things have been
like for you since draft day.Man. Uh, you know, ever
since I got drafted. Man,it's been pretty it's been a little chaotic.
You know, my uh my mysupport system, like my my family,
my friends, and uh, peoplefrom my school, you know,
always reaching out like, hey,how you doing, my man, proud
of you, telling me they proudof me, congratulating me, you know,
like it's it's been a lot,you know. Yeah, and then
the transition here has been good.I'm enjoying it, you know. Developed,
the vents have been really welcoming,and yeah, this has been really
good since I got drafted. Youknow, I'm it's a great place to
be. Well, there's a funnystory written about you and your first ever
conversation with John Schneider when he calledyou up on draft day and he he
said we're gonna draft you and yourresponse was, oh, bleep for real.
So why are you so surprised whenthe Hawks drafted you? Uh?
It was because it was just likeI hadn't I didn't really know about like
where I was going to end upat because I was getting my agent was
relaying back, you know, conversationswith me about like where I can end
up this. You know, wewe were always like preparing for multiple possibilities,
like if I had one a littlebit earlier, if I had not
got picked at all. So wewere preparing for possibilities. And when I
seen the Seattle when I seen theSeattle area cold pop up on my phone,
I'm like, okay, you know, I'm like okay, And then
he told me to pick me attwelve seven, I'm like what, I'm
like, Oh man, It's likea dream come true. I think every
every child, you know, dreamsof here getting that phone call and for
it to actually happened. Just youknow, it just felt really surreal,
like I couldn't believe it actually reallyhappened to me. Yeah, well,
I mean, and that's the dream. As you said, you know,
Dick and I will never ever everget that call because we're fifty years old,
and we were never getting when wewere twenty two, and we were
never as big as you, butwe never got that call. But I
got to ask you, so,what do you know about Seattle? Because
it's funny every time we have aguy on from the Midwest to East Coast
whatever. Man, Alaska seems likeSeattle, and Seattle seems like Canada,
for God's sake. So what doyou know about Seattle? Have you been
here? What are your perceptions aboutthis area of the country. Man,
All I knew coming into Seattle beforeI had took my visit here was I
knew it rained a lot. Iknew that the twelve was a was extremely
loud and crazy fan base. Iknew that from off rip. I know
that I knew the Amazon was here, the headquarters was here, and I'm
thinking Boeing, I think it Bowingis here, the airport company. I
knew that for sure. And yousaid, what was my first impressions when
I got here? Yep, oh, just a green. I didn't know
it was this green. Like,I didn't know it was so many trees
and everything, and like you cansee mountains and lake stuff from here.
I didn't know anything about that.All I know was that it rained a
lot, and that you know itwas you know, it was a very
well I say, a lot,A lot of businesses booming here in the
city. That's so That's all Ireally knew. And then you know,
a crazy, crazy fan base.Yeah, I love it. Well,
I got a factor it you canshare with your friends when they say,
well, man, Seattle, itrained so much, you can tell them
then in twenty twenty four, it'sactually reigned more in LA than it has
in Seattle this year. That isa fact. All right, So I
believe it. I can believe it. You were all state in Indiana has
a senior Mike, So why noD one offers? I mean, you
were clearly a baller in high school, just undersize. And I didn't have
any junior film, I didn't play, I didn't play a lot in my
junior year, and I just reallygot all my Division two offers off of
one year playing, a one yearof actually starting varsity. But I was
also two hundred and forty five pounds, so you know, a Division one
school, they weren't, you know, jumping the gun of you know,
offer a six five, two hundredand forty five off the office of tackle.
You know, they couldn't see thebig picture. They they just they
were ready for already made product,and I just wasn't that yet. Yeah,
all right, so you're two fortyfive in high school. What do
you weigh down right now? Ithink I stepped on the scale at three
twelve today three twelve. Okay,So how did you put on that much
weight? Tell me about the processto putting on almost eighty pounds. Uh,
just you know, at the endof my senior year going I had
put on I think I had puton about twenty pounds going into my freshmany
of college, and then when Igot there, put on ten and then
you know, I made it agoal to myself to keep putting on ten
pounds. And then once I gotto three hundred pounds where they wanted me
at, you know, I sloweddown and put on like maybe like five
or six more pounds. But youknow, just every year just eat more
and then lifted more. And that'sa that was my that was my thing.
Every year, eat more, liftmore, run more. And it's
crazy because the bigger I got,the faster I got. So it was
like it was kind of it waskind of weird. Yeah, well it's
funny. You're you're eating more,lift more, run more. Is that
what you said? I subscribe toone of those things, and that's eat
more. I'm right there with you. Eat What do you like to eat?
What's your favorite kind of restaurant.We gotta make sure we get you
taken care of when you get whenyou plant some roots down here, right,
Okay, I got I got twothings I like to like back at
home, my mom when she makeher when she makes fried chicken. So
I like bo food for sure.And then I also like sushi. I
like sushi a lot sushi. Yeah, perfect, you can gain a lot
more weight even fried chicken. Thenyou can't eat sushi, that's for sure.
Yeah. But you know, howdo you got to balance that out
when you're gaining that weight. Howdid you balance it out so that you
were gaining muscle, you know,a higher percentage of muscle than you were
just you know, getting fatter protein, you know, eating more. I
didn't. I didn't eat a lotof fried food. What's I realized,
Like, Oh, I can actuallyget kind of fat if I keep eating
like this. So cut back onlike eating like eating a lot of cards
and stuff and limited my intake onfried food and eating more grilled and eating
eating fruit and vegetables with every meal. You know, that goes a long
way. Always eating some type offruit a vegetable, whether I et fruit
in the morning and I eat vegetableswith my meal at dinner and lunch.
So just doing those two things kindof helped me be balancing my weight.
No, that's great man, Goodfor you. Michael Jerral, Seahawks sixth
round draft pick out of Finley iswith us out of the ear. So
what if they told you about kindof where you'll play and how they plan
on kind of maybe slotting you inthere. I put coming into meeting camp,
I played majority tackle, be it. They put me, put me
in my natural position where I playedin college. I received a few guard
reps. So they haven't really toldme like what they see me as for
the future, but as of rightnow, and it just looks like,
you know, guard, I meantackle. I may and I may get
some guard reps, you know,just just for flexibility. When you look
at the official NFL scouting profile onMichael dre have you read the official scouting
profile on Michael Durrell before? Haveyou read this? As I'm asking,
have you read it? I haven'tread it? Okay, I'm reading.
All right, Well, I'm gonnaI'm gonna tell you what it says.
I don't want to tell me.If you you tell me, if you
agree, with it. It saysyour quote nowhere near ready to take NFL
snaps. Do you agree with thatassessment and if so, where do you
need to improve the most so youare ready to take NFL snaps. Nah,
I don't agree with it, ButI mean I could see why they
say that because coming from a Divisiontwo level, you know you're not you
know, you don't kind of youknow, you don't have the resource and
things like that. The competition theywant to a bit of a they think
it's a bit of a learning curveand going against better players and stuff like
that. But I mean, everyplayer needs an adjustin period, and I
feel like I'm gonna get my adjustingperiod during during camp and during during OTAs
and stuff like that. Would Iactually get familiar and more comfortable plan in
the system and then my confidence growsas well. But yeah, I'm never
gonna say I'm not Hey, iain't gonna say I'm not ready to play,
because I feel like I'm ready toplay. Give given the opportunity and
given the correct tools, I cango and play in any situation. Well,
we're very we're very happy to haveyou on the air. We're very
excited for you. We hope youmake the team. By the way,
because there's a rule in Seattle.You may not have heard about this,
but the last pick of the draftfor the Hawks, if the guy makes
the team, he has to givethe media twenty percent of his first paycheck,
by the way, so we're reallykind of very much pulling for it.
Go get that bag man. Listen, Mike, great stuff, welcome
to Seattle. We'll talk down theroad all right now, all right,
thank you, appreciate Joe, youbet. Michael Jarell was great, He
was awesome, really good. Wegot to get him on again. We'll
make the team and then what haveyou on? Every week Michael Jarell Show,
brought to you by some soul foodrestaurant and some sushi place in Seattle.
Get it done. We're gonna breakfive forty. What do we got?
Wholio Rodrigae is gonna join us inthe six p hour right here on
ninety three three K J R FM.