Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's time for a weekly conversation with Pro Football Talks
Mike Florio, brought to you by Simply Seattle. Tired of
buying and repping the same old Seattle sports gear everyone
else has. For the best Storm, Seahawks, Mariners, Kraken, Rainiers, Sounders,
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check out simply Seattle dot com. Now with Mike Florio,
here's Softian Dick.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
All right, boys and girls, here we go on a
Wednesday afternoon right here on ninety three three kJ A
r FM. He's a genuine buttole it is our pleasure,
our honor hashtag blest, as the kids say on social media,
to welcome in the king of all NFL media, the
undisputed heavyweight champ of the NFL Press score from Pro
Footballtalk dot Com, the NFL, and NBC. It's our friend,
Michael Florio. Mike, how are you pal? Hmm, Let's try
that again. Three two and one, Michael, how.
Speaker 3 (00:53):
Are you pal? I had you guys go on mute, yeah.
Speaker 2 (00:59):
Farting or us today farting or ripping us for making
your weight on hold. I assume there was a chance
that one of those two would be possible. Well, dude,
first of all, thanks for doing this on a pre
Thanksgiving Wednesday, Hugh Millin's hearing for Dick Fane Man. Appreciate
you jumping on the air with us, Mike, And why
don't we just first of all start off by talking
about the team the Seahawks will see on Sunday. Reports
are that I think Diana Rassini had this out that
Aaron Rodgers may want to play next year, but not
for the Jets. He's had to come out and kind
of dispute that on the McAfee show, which he visits
every single week. How much of a mess, honestly, is
this Jet football team that we're going to see on Sunday.
Speaker 3 (01:38):
It's a complete and total mess.
Speaker 4 (01:39):
Fired the head coach right after week five, fired the
general manager last week heading into their buy. A lot
of leaks coming out of the organization about owner Woody
Johnson suggesting that Rogers be benched after a Week four
loss to the Denver Broncos, and then the reporting that
Rogers wants to play next year, but for someone than
the Jets. And it really is just kind of an
awkward dance right now. I don't think the Jets are
going to want him next year. You're gonna have to
hire a GM and a coach that looks at Aaron
Rodgers and says, yes, this is our guy. I mean,
this isn't Rogers in his prime, Tom Brady and his prime,
Patrick Mahomes in his prime.
Speaker 3 (02:16):
You're gonna have a new regime that.
Speaker 4 (02:17):
Wants their own guy because the last guy from the
last regime didn't work out. So I fully expect him
to be released after the season. Then what he's got
to decide is what he's going to do next. That's
why I thought he was intriguing yesterday when he was
talking about the Jets. At times he said New York,
as if maybe he'd stay in the same stadium, in
the same state where the Jets are with the New
York Giants, because there are some folks in league circles
who are connecting Dawson saying, hey, Aaron Rodgers and Bill
Belichick next year would make sense. And there aren't many
places where Belichick could go that would need a quarterback.
The Giants are one of them, and wouldn't that be
the ultimate middle finger to Woody Johnson, Rogers, Belichick and
John Merra joining forces and saying we're going to take
Aaron Rodgers and do far more with him than what
you were able to do.
Speaker 5 (03:05):
Well, Mike, talk about the difference if Aaron Rodgers were
to voluntarily say, hey, I'm retiring. I had enough. That
was a lousy year. I know there's at least reportedly
a forty nine million dollar cap hit, but just the
difference financially between Rogers retiring and Rogers saying no, I'm
ready to fulfill my contract with the Jets. If you
don't want me, then you're going to have to follow
my contract and pay me what I'm owed. Maybe talk
in detail about that.
Speaker 4 (03:35):
There's different cap measures that are available to the Jets.
If he would retire and it would be processed after
June one, that's no different than cutting him as a
post June one transaction.
Speaker 3 (03:46):
They're going to have to take a cap charge either way.
Speaker 4 (03:48):
They're fortunate that and this may be one of the
reasons why deep down Rogers isn't happy with how the
year has gone. Remember, after he was traded, there was
a question about what they were going to do with
his contract. It needed to be restructured for cap space.
He ended up voluntarily giving up some thirty five million dollars,
no strings attached other than you know that reality where
when you do a huge favor for somebody you can
kind of hold it over them from time to time.
So you throw that on top of it that Rogers gave.
Speaker 3 (04:19):
Up thirty five million on the way in.
Speaker 4 (04:21):
They fire as coach, they fire his GM. When he
talked to reporters today, he sure made it sound like
his future was tied to Jeff Olbert getting the job.
As if Albert has a shot to get the job,
they've been horrible under albrit They're not keeping Albert. They
can't go hire Mike Tanabam and Rick Spielman to tell them, yeah,
you're good with the guy you have.
Speaker 3 (04:39):
So this is all pointing toward.
Speaker 4 (04:40):
Rogers wanting out getting out, and the Jets are going
to have to deal with the cap charge. But whatever
it is, it's thirty five million lesson it would have
been thanks to Rogers giving up that much money on
the way in the door.
Speaker 2 (04:51):
Now Mike Florio with US, Daniel Jones signed to the
Vikings practice squad. They got obviously Sam Darnold with time,
Sam Donald time, why would they put him on the
practice squad and not the active roster, and what are
the odds that a quarterback would go down and somebody
would just grab him off the Vikings practice squad in
a couple weeks.
Speaker 4 (05:10):
Well, for those of you who were watching Football Night
in America instead of the closing moments of the Seahawks
Cardinals game on Sunday, you would have seen me explain
that one of the very viable options for Daniel Jones
at the time if he cleared waivers, and he did.
Speaker 3 (05:24):
Was to join a practice.
Speaker 4 (05:25):
Squad, and then that would give him the flexibility if
a starting quarterback gets injured elsewhere, he can sign with
the active roster of any other team at any other time.
So this is a perfect way for him to have
it both ways. Somebody blows out and the killes tendon
pops in acl otherwise done for the year that team
comes calling, he can sign with no consequence, no.
Speaker 3 (05:47):
Delay, because he's on the practice squad. So I think
that's why he did what he did.
Speaker 4 (05:52):
And he's getting paid the balance of his eleven point
eighty three million dollars that was left on his thirty
five point five million dollar salary by the Giants anyway,
So you can bargain basement you get in sconce somewhere.
Maybe you audition to be the number two next year
to JJ McCarthy, assuming Sam Donald goes somewhere else based
on the season he's having this year, and the Vikings
have a guy who can come in and play in
the event that JJ McCarthy isn't ready to go, doesn't
figure the game.
Speaker 3 (06:18):
Out, and Johnes isn't bad. He played well enough to
leave the Giants in the playoffs two years ago.
Speaker 4 (06:23):
Well enough to win a playoff game in Minnesota, well
enough to get a contract that paid out forty million
dollars per year that didn't all happen accidentally. And then
you put bad blocking in front of him.
Speaker 3 (06:34):
Good luck whoever.
Speaker 4 (06:35):
You are playing at a high level, if you're running
for your life all day.
Speaker 5 (06:39):
Long, well, Mike, I have contended. If you say, well,
quarterback is the hardest position in football, then you say, well,
one of the thirty two teams, based on a lot
of factors, has to be the most difficult job, right,
because they're not all the same based on coaching, based
on up these numbers, the receivers in the offensive line,
I consider a windy stadium a tough media Brian Dabon
not the cozy of coaches. I've maintained that Daniel Jones
has the single most difficult job in football, and he
has for a number of years. I don't know, maybe
there's some somewhere. Maybe I'm on my own island, but
somewhere in there there may be a good quarterback. We've
seen other guys resurging, you know, in Geno Smith here
in Seattle on some level. Is that something that you
might agree with with what you've seen or is he
just trash and just used up? At this point his
confidence has gone. What's your assessment the Daniel Jones.
Speaker 4 (07:37):
Look at the jetson Giants right now, the two most
dysfunctional teams in football, not necessarily the worst. The Raiders
are a hot mess. Coach Antonio Pierce said today that
he told his players, you are the worst team in football.
The Jaguars aren't very good, but for the Jets and Giants,
the expectations were a little bit higher, and we thought
the Jets. I didn't, but a lot of people thought
the Jets were going to be a playoff team this year.
I wanted to see it before I would believe it.
The Giants has struggled as well in recent years, and it.
Speaker 3 (08:06):
All flows from the top of the organization.
Speaker 4 (08:08):
The dysfunction starts at ownership and trickles down and infects
the entire organization. And it's even harder in New York
because of the media. Screwt and Aaron Rodgers talked today
about how he's still one hundred percent believes that leads
to a problem with the Jets, and well, how do
you solve it? Well, you find him and put a
stop to it, which is as simplistic as possible. Hey, Aaron,
how do you keep that bomb from going off?
Speaker 3 (08:30):
Well, you find it, you diffuse it. Yeah, okay, thanks,
But how do we actually do it?
Speaker 4 (08:35):
You can't do it because there's too many people in
the organization, the dysfunctional organization in the top down. But
A're willing to talk to reporters. And it's just a mess.
And I don't see it getting any better unless.
Speaker 3 (08:46):
And until both teams are sold.
Speaker 4 (08:48):
Mara gets away with it because the Giants are kind
of stately and elegant and sophisticated, and they have a
couple of Super Bowls that they kind of oh, look
what we found. Their intue not that I want to
take away from it, but it's not like they were
a dynasty and they took down the Patriots twice.
Speaker 3 (09:05):
But you take those off the table.
Speaker 4 (09:07):
Giants haven't been much of anything since the Scott Norwood
miss gilbel in January nineteen ninety one.
Speaker 2 (09:16):
Yeah, Hey, Mike Florio with us courtesy of our friends
at simply Seattle dot com and Mike, all kinds of
chaos in San Francisco.
Speaker 4 (09:24):
Speaker 2 (09:25):
You know the media down there is melting down. You
got people calling for Kyle Shanahan's head. We can't possibly
commit a bunch of money to brock perty. Give me
a thought on that is Kyle Shanahan. Is the criticism
he's getting down there even close to deserved in your opinion?
Speaker 3 (09:41):
Well, we have to consider the past five years.
Speaker 4 (09:45):
Two Super Bowl trips that resulted in the blowing of
a double digit second half lead to the Chiefs. Other
times they've lost in the NFC Championship. They only missed
the playoffs in twenty twenty, a year after they lost
to the Chiefs in the Super Bowl and had a
bunch of injuries that threw them off course. Now look
at this year, the season after they lose to the
Chiefs and the Super Bowl, and they've got a bunch
of injuries that just keep happening and for them, off course,
I believe though, and I said that after the forty
nine Ers lost to the Chiefs in Las Vegas in February,
at some point Andy Reid or Kyle Shanahan might need
to go on the Andy Reid program where you find.
Speaker 3 (10:23):
Another place to get a fresh start.
Speaker 4 (10:24):
That may be best for the forty nine Ers, that
may be best for Shanahan. You can only bang your
head against the wall so many times before you need
to find a new wall to bang your head against.
And we might be creeping towards the point where it's
in Shanahan's best interest to go somewhere else and start fresh,
and that team will benefit from it. He'll benefit from it,
and maybe he can finally push a team over the top.
Speaker 3 (10:46):
Mike, you're the man.
Speaker 2 (10:47):
Thankful for you every single Wednesday on this radio show.
Hope you guys have a great one tomorrow. We'll talk
in a week, my friend.
Speaker 3 (10:55):
Thank you guys, good talking to you. Happy Thanksgiving everybody.
Speaker 2 (10:57):
See with us, we're going to break. We'll get back
to the Oregon. You dub game on Saturday. Who would
Hugh Millan start at quarterback? And who does he think
Jed Fish will start at quarterback on Saturday? Oh, that's
coming next, Plus it's a Factor fiction Wednesday. Jackson's Got
You next on ninety three three KJRFM