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April 24, 2024 19 mins
ESPN’s Mina Kimes joins Dave Softy Mahler and Dick Fain to talk about the wild NBA results last night, who will go #2 overall in Thursday’s NFL Draft, draft chatter at this moment, Michael Penix’s letter, UW players in the draft, NIL in college, and Mariners.
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Coming to you live from the ElliotAvenue studios of Sports Radio ninety three point
three KJR FM. This is ourweekly visit with ESPN's Minachimes, brought to
you by Bridge Physical Therapy and Wellness. Just do find ninety and Mercer Island.
Bridge is your independent go to clinicfor quality care for the whole family.
Taylor to you and your goals culttoday in two O six four O

two six three three nine to schedulean appointment and to let Bridge Physical Therapy
be your bridge to wellness. Nowwith Mina Chimes, here's Softie and Dick.
All right, boys and girls backhere in a busy Tuesday afternoon,
beautiful day from Husky Stadium. Springgame coming up a week from Friday here
at six thirty at UW your ticketsat go Huskies dot com. Thanks thanks

to our friends at Bridge of PhysicalTherapy and Wellness on Mercer Island. Women
own Women operated find them on theweb at Bridgeptanwellness dot com. Here she
is from ESPN as we are gettingready for the NFL Draft on Thursday,
Mock Draft tomorrow. Our friend Minachimes, you know, how are you?
Hi? I'm good? Well,I mean I think last night was about
as entertaining a double header as theNBA Playoffs have had in a long long

time. The only thing kind ofstaining it is the fact that there's a
lot of complaints about the officials.Nick Nurse is complaining, Joel Embiid's complaining,
and then Lebron James is complaining.Do either the Lakers or the Sixers
have complaints about the officiating last night? Uh? You know, I think
that the Fixers have a little bitof a complaint. I mean, you

can certainly see the case for themystfoul on MAXI. It's it's a little
bit I see with Daryl Morey andhis sort of history of Mountie complaints.
Uh. And you know, Ithink they made some mistake. It's one
of those things where it's not youknow, I guess you could argue it's
why they lost, but it's notreally why they lost, And it feels

a little bit like whining, andobviously you have to consider a situation and
all of that. I do thinkthey have a case for it, but
I don't think it was a particularstrong Well MENI times again as well us.
I mean, I'm just curious toget your thoughts on Lebron because obviously
he's in a big, gigantic holeright now, down oh two, and
you know, when it's all saidand done, Because Dick and I were
talking yesterday, I think off toyear, Dick about the player poll and

the players now voting Lebron James thegreatest of all time over Michael Jordan.
Correct close. It's the gap hasreally, really, really really closing.
So what's your take on Lebron jameslegacy and kind of where he stands on
that all time greatest list? Foryou, Well, you know, it's
going to be hard for him toovertake it, I think in the public

imagination without matching those finals records,and I don't think it seems increasingly unlikely
that that's going to happen. Somore likely than not, he's going to
finish. You know, he's goingto be two all time, and I
think that's totally fine. I don'tthink it's legacy is that all impacted by
what we're saying right now. Imean I saw somebody posting like oh and

ten against the Nuggets. That reallymakes you think, well, yeah,
it makes me think that the Nuggetsare a significantly better basketball team. I
don't say, like, you know, it just kind of I don't think
it necessarily reflects poorly on their bubblechampionship or whatever. But I just think
it's kind of like when we talkabout the Bills right now and how they
keep coming up short and oh whatdoes it mean? And they just happen

to unfortunately been playing at the sametime as Patrick Mahomes. And I almost
feel that way about the Lakers andthe Nuggets, like it's just unfortunate for
them in the West that they're competingagainst such a better constructed team with the
guy who, of course and Nookichis the best player in the AMBA right
now. Many times joining us broughtto you by Bridge Physical Therapy and Wellness
just off I ninety in Mercer Island, Mina. As SOFTI mentioned, we're

here at Husky Stadium. We sawMichael Pennix do some unbelievably great things here
in this building for two years.What did you think about the letter,
the open letter he penned in thePlayer's Tribune And was it a good idea,
a bad idea, or is itkind of gonna end up to be
neutral? The fact that he kindof was outspoken like that. I think

it's it's a good idea because Ithink he came across the way that he
has come across over the course ofhis career, and the way he reportedly
was at U dep the way hewas at the Senior Bowl, the way
everyone who's ever been around him talksabout him, which is intangibles and leadership

qualities are off the charts. He'sa guy who's overcome so much adversity and
that matters. It's the kind ofthing where I think as draft analysts we
look at him and we just talkabout and I'm including myself here, the
injuries and the age, and Idon't think the fact that he was you
can't spin it as a positive.But you know, the thing that's hardest

to evaluate from the outside is mentalmakeup, competitive to drive the desire to
get better. And for me,it's just another piece of evidence that Michael
Pennick Jr. Has all of thosethings in space. Well, Dick and
I were trying to kind of,you know, speculate on why the timing,
Why would he write something like thatMonday? Does that show us that
maybe he's hearing more concern about hisknees from GMS than he wants to hear.

I mean, is that is thatkind of a sign that maybe he's
not hearing what he wants to hearor is this just him just saying,
Hey, this is who I amand I want people to know. Yeah,
he probably wrote it like months ago, and I don't think of anything.
I mean, I don't know aboutit. I'm just joking, but
you know, I don't think there'sanything too strategic about it. Look how
teams look at him in the injuryhistory. I haven't heard anything. We

haven't really seen leaks about it,the medicals and what they're saying. And
I think on something that might surprisefans and hear this a lot with draft
is different teams actually look at itdifferently. Like you would think, okay,
you know one player. Obviously everyteam in the NFL wouldn't have look
at it the same way. Whatthis means, the risk level, what

their doctors are saying. But it'sactually not true. And all it takes
is one team to decide that therisk is not significant or that it's worth
it. And I think that'll happenfor Michael Penicks well. And we saw
a big example of that at Washingtonwhen Laatu Latu was declared medically and eligible
by the Husky doctors, and yethe goes to UCLA, they clear him

and he becomes one of the bestdefensive ends in the country. So it's
not just at the NFL level.But last week when we had you on,
we talked a lot about Michael Pennix, and I'm curious about your thoughts
on number two. If we canall agree Caleb's going number one. Who's
your pick with the Commanders at numbertwo? Mike, Well, I think
they're going to take Jade and DanielsI have. I've talked about this on

my podcast Many Time show featuring LennyWe talked for the quarterbacks at length.
I have a slight preference for DrakeMay and for me, guys, it's
really about the upside there, youknow. I think if there's anything I've
learned from some of my misses overthe last couple of years in draft evaluation,
it's that you know, if toolsmeet that sort of mental makeup,

the desire to get better, thedevelopmental stuff, the character stuff, then
you get your Josh Allen's Justin Herbert'sWho are two players are really under evaluate
or underappreciated, and I look atMay and I actually it just reminds me
a lot of them, you know. I think there's just the physical tools,
the arm talent, some of theway he overcame adversity. He was

in a really difficult situation at UNC. There's question marks, no doubt,
some decision makings and lapses in accuracy. But I feel like it picked two
you want to sort of swing at, you know, take take the home
run swing, and I feel likehe's that mea coimes joining us. I
mean, I'm an avid watcher ofall your guys' national shows on on ESPN,

and you cannot go ten minutes onyour television station without seeing a feature
of some Washington Husky player. It'sunbelievable and it's something I've never seen in
my lifetime before. And I wouldthink, you know, ten to fifteen
years ago, the Huskies could totallycapitalize on that free advertising for years and
years and years. I'm wondering canthey capitalize that in the era of nil

Can schools capitalize on that free advertisinganymore? Or is it all just about
where I can make the most money. That's where I'm going to go to
school. Well, It's about morethan both of those things. It's about
the staff the program as well.And I think the challenge is, you
know, you guys know all toowell you do. It is just the
turnover there that will be as muchof a deterrent or a question mark I

think for talent as nil frankly,But I do think it matters. I
mean, yeah, like seeing allthese superstars from Washington be so prominently featured.
And this obviously goes back to thenational championship and the playoff run,
but also now in the draft,it has to matter. You know,
it's good for the brand, andyou know, I always it's fun watching

my colleagues like watch dub tape overthe last couple of months and really just
kind of fall in love with whatthey saw. And because it's a reminder
that not everybody gets to watch thatduring the regular season, right, I
think it resonates a little more ifKaylan was still here, Yeah, because
then Klan could say, look atwhat we just did, come here and
we'll do it again for you.But I wonder how much Jetfish can actually

take advantage of that. And thenkind of just a two part question more
of the transfer portal mina because I'mall for kids making money. I'm all
for kids getting nil deals. Ithink it's awesome. The majority of these
kids will never make money play infootball, so why not give them a
chance to do it when they're stockis at an all time high. But
what bugs me is there's no structureand having every player be a free agent

every single year is not structure.So is there anything you would do to
fix this or would you leave itsstatus quo? I think that I would
leave a status quo with the endvery sniff and caveat that. I think
we're at a moment that is notgoing not sustainable. That makes sense.
I guess that sounds like I'm notsaying status quo. What I'm saying is

I don't have like a desfinity ofOh it should be this way, it
should be that way, and theygot to implement these roles and set this
minimum pay. Although you know,all that sounds good to me, but
I think everything is still like rightnow, it feels like, especially with
of course realignment, everything's shaking out, like we don't know what the structure
of college football is going to looklike in two three years, So it's

hard for me to say, well, who is going to be the decision
making body who even would regulate thiskind of thing? So I think,
you know, I agree with you. There's major problems that come with this,
as well as major needs and opportunities, and there's been I think,
pretty injustice for a long time.But it feels like right now this is
like a liminal period as everyone triesto figure out what college football is actually

going to look like. In yourexperience covering the draft, when you hear
names tied to teams like the daybefore the draft, two days before the
draft, how often do those thingsactually come into play and how often are
they just smoke screens and agents tryingto get you know, information out there
that's faulty and teams trying to getinformation out there that's faulty. It's a

pretty healthy mix, you know.I think when you hear that there's interest,
it's usually real. He doesn't meanthat a player is going to land
with a specific team. But forexample, we keep hearing about Michael Pankston,
You're in the Raiders. That's theteam he's been linked to the most,
right, And I think that's real. It makes sense, and I
don't think people are just making itup. But doesn't mean that they'll take
him at thirteen, I don't knowabout that. Doesn't mean they might be

inclined to trade up for him possibly, you know, I think I've seen
covering the draft and sort of justtrying to follow all the reports and the
smoke in the weeks and days leadingup that it's such a blend of truth
and you know, not falsehoods,and it's kind of hard to parse out
sometimes what's real and what's not.But a lot of it does end up

bearing out to be true. Well, this is why we pay you the
big box to sift through the crap. Right on the radio show Mina times
from ESPN with us again courtesy aBridge Physical Therapy and Wellness and Mina down
there in La where you're at.I'm wondering if Sean McVay and the Rams
front office believes that now is thetime to find Matt Stafford's replacement. He's

thirty six years old. They gota big opportunity in two years to get
out of that contract that dead moneygoes from forty seven to eighteen after the
twenty five season, and drafting aguy, having him sit for a year
or two behind Matt Stafford. Doesit feel like now is the time for
the Rams to do something like that? You know it's because the Rams has
been another team linked with Pennick alittle bit, and that one doesn't make

as much sense to me, AndI don't think it makes sense for Penix.
I think he should land with theteam where he can compete to play.
But the Vegas the Raiders make sensefor me. I do see why
they would want to draft a quarterback. I don't think for me, given
how competitive they are surprisingly so howaccelerated the rebuild has been, and then
there's some pretty glaring needs, Iwould be surprised if they go quarterback early.

I think it's more like a fourthor fifth round flyer, like maybe
like a Spencer Ratler type, someonewho I if I were them, I
would look at. But yeah,you know they took steph In Bennett Pole.
People kind of forget like I thinkthe fourth round is. It was
surprising if I remember last year,and so it's obviously something that they're thinking
about. But they're very much inwin now mode, as we know they

like to be. So Mena.Right after we talked to you last week,
we had a controversy at the vMacbecause the new coach came in and
stripped all the slogans and stripped allthe pictures off the wall of the yellob
and Russell Wilson and Marshawn Lynch.What's your what's your take on Mike McDonald

coming in and doing that. Ithink it's pretty overblown as a story in
terms of whether there's controversy. Ithink also that it makes a lot of
sense for new coach, new regimeto want to come in and establish a
new culture, you know. Imean that I don't think have been successful

enough over the last four years orso to merit sort of winning on the
pass that way, and people whoget upset and they say, well,
you don't want to like erase thepast, And I don't think that.
I think that's this is not bad. We're just talking about some murals,
right, But I think it's Idon't know. I like the fact that

you've got a new regime that wantsto come in and do their own thing
and you know, create new starsand new stories and a new culture.
Mean, what's your take on thisTom Brady story. There's a few people
out there that are thinking that TomBrady is maybe floating a couple trial balloons
to see if there's any interest inhim playing again. What do you make

of all this? I I thinkBrady is crazy enough to actually have some
merit to the idea that he's alwayskind of crazy. By what crazy,
I mean, by the way,like crazy competitive and his self belief is
what I'm talking about. But like, you know, I think it's time
for him to stay retired. Idon't know, and I honestly don't know

how that would work by it.I guess you could just divest to the
Raiders or whatever. But yeah,it doesn't really make sense to me.
Although it seems like it's gonna keepcropping out for a while. What's gonna
happen with the Falcons and kirk Cousinsas far as the tampering situation goes.
Yeah, that's interesting because I thinkdepending on how high the pick is,

that they could get docked and itcould actually be a little higher than people
saying and not a first rounder,but it might actually have a little bit
of an impact on how they approachtheir draft. Now, I don't think
it means that they're gonna They're morelikely to trade down from eight because they
desperately need the draft capital, althoughI do think that's something that they should
consider, frankly, but Seattle couldbe a partner for them at sixteen by

the way, But yeah, youknow, the league has been pretty serious
with this stuff in the past,and I think it might actually be a
higher draft pick than people think.Three part question. All right, if
the Knicks make the Eastern Conference Finals, NBA Finals, or win the NBA
Championship, how insufferable in the hallsof ESPN will Steven Smith become? Yeah.

I don't actually see him in personthat often, but I see him
through my remote and then you know, definitely get a taste of it through
that. Fortunately, I'm only onthere for NFL's on first take for NFL
segments, so I don't have toany the Steelers fan, so he hasn't
that much they crawl about lately.I was gonna ask you, what's he
like off the air? I mean, you probably have to run in for

them off here. What's he likeoff the air? Wow? I get
that. Yeah, you guys,that's the number one question I get asked
about where he what Steven A.Smith like? And I'm fully transparent.
He's exactly the same person. Iget that question about Softie a lot too.
And speaking of a gentleman off theair, yes, he raised the
point yesterday Softy did about our belovedSeattle Mariners. And we've got a sixteen

game stretch coming up me and nowI'll give you the schedule. It's at
Texas, Arizona, Atlanta, athome, at the Astros, at the
Twins. So a fairly daunting schedule. And he made this statement yesterday on
the air, I'm gonna sign upfor eight and eight in the next sixteen
games. I was like, Eh, that's kinda that's kind of weak of
you signed for eight. I'm sittingright here, Oh yeah, I forgot.

Can I explain myself me this becauseI can hear your wheels turning already.
Minnesota is not what they were,Arizona's not what they were, Houston's
not what they were. Right now, all we know is what we know
from last year. All six ofthose teams made the playoffs. My general
theory is that if you play fivehundred ball against the good teams and clean
up on the bad teams, you'rea ninety win team. The Rangers went

forty and forty five against five hundredor better teams last year and fifty and
twenty seven against everybody else. Thatto me is the recipe. So is
A and A good enough. Imean we're five hundred and like top of
the Hayl West right now, soyeah, it's apparently good enough to win
this sun surprisingly lackluster division. Ithink your point about those teams being a

little bit underwhelming is a good one. I also, though, worry about
that because I think sort of regressionhits. But but you know, I
think that when I was with youguys last week, we talked about regression
and I said, don't worry,the good hitters are gonna hit. And
literally that's what happened next. Andwe still need more from JP. But
Julio and Cal come on, andI think if they continue on that path,

we get WU back soon. Ithink we can do a little bit
better than five hundred. But Iagree with you your larger point about five
hundred against the good teams and beingthe bad teams, which is important.
I will take that as a majormajor win on this Tuesday afternoon. Mina
Chimes great stuff. Appreciate this,and we will talk I believe we're gonna
have you on Thursday, right beforethe first round begins. So we'll talk

next week. Next week, Okay, next Thursday, but if you want
to come on Thursday before, I'msure she's not busy at all right before
the drive, but i'll discuss inevitablytrading down and disappointing. Yeah, I
was gonna say, tell your NFLbosses that you don't have time. You
gotta come out with soft fan Dickand Seattle. All right, good stuff,
We're talking a week. Thank youvery much. I meet the Times

with us. Curtis evspn Bridge ofPhysical Therapy and Wellness is sponsoring this shindig
every single week. Check them outBRIDGEPT and Wellness dot com on Mercer Island,
women owned, women operated BRIDGEPT andWellness dot Com. We're gonna break
a lot more to come from HuskyStadium. Hey, we saw Hugh Millon
walking around. We saw Dick Bairdwalking around. We gotta, at some

point in time get those guys onhere. So next on ninety three three
kJ R F M
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