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April 18, 2024 21 mins
Petros Papadakis of Fox Sports in Los Angeles joins Dave Softy Mahler to talk about the Mahler Millen Mock Draft next Wednesday, Michael Penix’s draft stock, the Spring Games around college football and UW, plus transfers and OJ Simpson’s recent death.
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It's time for our weekly conversation withcollege football analyst Petros papa enakas that I'm
a smart guy, I'm stupid.Brought to you by Sweet James Accident Attorneys
forty one years. If you're hurtingan accident, called Sweet James right away
at eight hundred, five hundred andfifty two hundred. Sweet James will be
sweet to you, but tough oninsurance companies that will bully you. Don't

know Now with Petros Peers Dave's softyMuller a hoey boys and girls, here
we go Disney Wednesday afternoon continues fromJimmy's on First to cross the street from
T Mobile Park every Wednesday. Thoughat this time we get the honor,

the opportunity. We are hashtag blessed, as the kids like to say on
X You're welcome in the Voice ofSports in Southern California. One of the
great communicators I think of our time, and one half of the legendary Petros
and Money Show in Southern California.Our friend Petros Papadocis courtesy of that would

be the one and only Sweet James, the dense Beard of Justice at eight
hundred nine million, eight hundred ninezero zero zero zero zero zero or sweet
James dot com. If you've everbeen in a car accident, motorcycle accidents,
if you've been bitten by dog,a van accident, a ballpark accident,
called sweet James at eight hundred ninemillion or sweet James dot com.
How's it going, Softie? It'sgoing well, man. This is actually

we got to make an adjustment toyour segment with us next week, because
one week from today we will beknee deep with Hugh Millan in our annual
mother Millon mock Draft. You're abig fan of the mock draft, Yes,
a huge part of being a sportstype commentator, expert, slash analyst.

What's the actual draft is? WinThursday, Thursday, a week from
tomorrow, correct, a week fromuh and then the Millan Man March is
wind Wednesday. I just think wefound a new name for the mock,
the Millan Man March. That isa week from to day. We're going

to be at Action Sports Bar andKent formerly Carriage Square, and you guys
and people are interested in this oroh yeah, let me ask has it
lost some steam over the years?No, this is twenty twenty six years
we've been doing this. Wow,Well, I wish you luck in your
endeavors as always, and uh,I think you're a great guy. And
you have you been doing anything fortwenty six years consistently in your radio career?

No, I haven't been on that. Yeah, well there you go.
Suck on that. Then I went, what year is it? It's
twenty twenty four. Start rating togive me a couple more years. All
right, I'm sorry you've been doinga mock draft for twenty six years with
Hugh Millan. My bad. Bejealous of my mock draft. When milling
Man March, I love that's athat's a Rob Parker thing for when they

tried to get rid of Matt Millanwhen he was a GM of the Lions.
They have a milling Man March.Well, I'm stealing it because I
think it's funny as hell. Welltoo, I think it's great. And
in eight days from now, we'regoing to see if my man, Michael
Pennix is going to be a firstround draft pick or not. There's a
lot of conversation about him versus bowKnicks. Can Michael Pennick survive in the
NFL with his injury history, whichdrives me freaking you know what, because

the guy started twenty eight games ina row at Washington. Yet there's still
people out there that question if hecan survive in the NFL. What say
you? Well, and he's nota running quarterback. I mean, he's
a pocket passer. You know,he's not a guy that you expect to
take off on third down and you'reworried about him and the pros. You'd
say that about Caleb Williams, you'dsay that about Jayden Daniels, but you

wouldn't say it about about him.I mean, look, a couple acls
is bad, you know, Imean any but he has one ACL.
It's one thing, and if youhave one, it's likely you might end
up with two the other one andmight end up going And a lot of
guys have them repaired and then theyend up flourishing and having a great career.

So I'm rooting for the guy.But there's going to be conversation about
everybody, you know, That's whatthe draft is all about. It's not
about what you do well. Imean, everybody knows you're good. That's
why you're going to be drafted atall. It's got nothing to do with
that, it's more about what's wrongwith you, you know, what could
be wrong with you. And ifpeople had the quarterback thing figured out,

it would be a lot easier.We have so many busts and football is
so situational. I guess that's theone thing that kind of bugs me the
most about it. Not to getup on a high horse, but people
just don't understand or appreciate the circumstanceof football. And not to point fingers
and blame somebody for something that goeswrong in your career. But where you

get picked, who you are playingwith and four makes all the difference,
you know, I mean, it'slike eighty percent of it. In a
lot of these cases. All ofthese guys are great players, and some
people end up having a washout careerwhen they could have had a more middling
career, or maybe a middling careerwhen they could have had a superstar style

career, maybe just a star style. But it is it is kind of
confounding the way people talk like,well, that guy sucks. It's like
you know what, No, yousuck. Let's be honest, you suck.
I hate that part of the draft. Will can I talk to you
about something, and I find itrelatively interesting. I was kind of talking

about earlier today and then somebody elseasked me about it off the air,
and I was thinking about it morebecause you did a bunch of spring ball
stuff this year, and it wasa little bit more interesting because of the
new coach, new quarterback, newregime, Belichick walking around out there looking
all angry because he didn't get anyjobs, like you had all that going
on, and it was a story, right, ye, right, But

I mean I used to go inthe old days of the Pac ten and
early Pac twelve, I used togo to all the spring ball camps.
I would travel around and visit thevarious teams and go to the spring game
and talk about it and watch thespring games on TV and try to get

a handle on what was going onand Tucson and all this stuff. I
mean, I remember going to aspring game in Tucson and getting rained out
by a monsoon and having an eliteyou know, just endless kind of research.
And it's not worth it anymore.There's still anymore. No, it's

not that there's just very little tolearn, like after a little while,
and I don't know if it's atransfer portal, and when people started playing
young players a lot more. Buta team changes so dramatically from May to
August that it's almost not even worthlooking at. And nobody plays anybody in

the spring because they're so worried aboutgetting people hurt. The transfer portal has
changed. I mean, what areyou even doing in the spring filling a
spot? So what Like, it'sreally different than it used to be.
I'm not lamenting it or saying onething or the other. It's just interesting
that these teams. We wonder whythe sport has, you know, such

weird incongruities. We're not even formingthe teams until like the beginning of the
summer, right and sometimes later thanthat, And the sport has changed so
dramatically in that regard. Spring footballused to be a bloodbath when I played.
I mean, you get a coachfired and a new coach would come
in and people would be at eachother's throats trying to show out for the

new coaches. And now physically you'renot even really allowed to do that.
Even if there is a new coach, and the new coach is scared to
get anybody hurt in the first place, Plus he's waiting for the transfer portal
to open, which is happening whileyou're trying to compete for a job in
your spring practice. Is it?It is? It is a very weird
model and probably should be adjusted aswell. Well, I'll tell you what
the uh your your pals on theold NCAA Division One council. Whenever I

think of that, I think ofthe Lord of the Ring is all sitting
around, right, just kind ofmaking up rules and stuff. Battlestar Galactica,
that's right. The Division one Councilsaid today that there's a new transfer
rule. They can allow all undergradathletes to transfer and play immediately if they
meet specific academic requirements. So rememberback in the day you had to set

out a year and two years ifyou're transferring like inside the Pac twelve.
Those days are over. That wasme. I mean, there's just like
immediate free every year every college footballplayer's one year contract expires and he's a
free agent every year. Yeah.Yeah, And you know we're gonna end
up really celebrating the guys that stay, no question, Like those are going
to be the stories we really startto cling to, because yep, everybody

else is sort of like a mercenaryor becomes that way. And you know,
when you're young, especially in theway society is these days, I'm
really getting after people with my societalcritique. But everybody wants immediate satisfaction,
and football really isn't that way.It really is a developmental sport at most

levels for most people, even atthe college level, even at high college
levels, you still have to developand learn to play at that level and
learn to play a man's game,so to speak. And the fact that
guys can get a little frustrated thestrength coach yells at you and you transfer
because you have a bunch of peoplearound you that are telling you stuff that
is probably gonna end up ruining yourruining your career. There will be a

medium that we find, but whenand how we find it, I'm anxious
to know. Well, I justthink you're exactly right. The guys that
stay will be the ones that arecelebrated, whether they deserve it or not.
I mean Carson Brunner, you know, Carson is Mark Bruner so last
week and said the hell with themoney. You know, I want to

be a dog. And you knowsomebody could you know argue that, well,
he wasn't offered big money by anyoneto transfer doesn't matter. In my
opinion, I don't care what hewas offered, what he wasn't offered the
fact that he's here and other guysaren't I put him in a totally different
conversation than I do with Meche Powelland meichh pals from here and had a
big pick six to win the ArizonaState game. Without mesch Pale, the

Huskies probably don't make the Final fourand play for a national championship. Yet
he took off and went to Miami, And I have way more regard for
Carson Bruner because the guy stayed Yeah. And I mean, need you blaming
Powell for doing whatever you're trying todo in this moment to get whatever you
can for a sport that you can'tplay forever. I mean, I don't
necessarily blame him. Your coach Leavesand all these other coaches that you know

and people that you're connected to areasking you to come play and washing your
balls and telling you you're great andyou're a young person, and the attractive
nature of being in Miami. Youknow, you think you're gonna get laid.
I don't know. That's what Iwould have thought. I would have
think you'd get late here, though. I get it, and we have
the wimp. We have girls.You know, it's not like I know,

but they're wearing tevas ha burking Stocks. Look around you. I bet
there's a bunch of tevas there.It had this conversation many, many,
many times. Hey, I gotto ask if Petros Papadaka is with us.
By the way, Curtis, yousweet James dot Com, Uh,
I thought about you when O.J. Simpson passed away. Yeah.
We got John Wilner's thoughts on thisyesterday on the radio show. And I

know that you and your family havea kind of a specific connection to OJ
and the and the OJ Simpson family. Tell that story if you can,
and what your thought was when youheard he passed away. I didn't really
I mean I saw it on myphone and I just kind of shrugged my
shoulders, and I didn't really thinkabout how big of a story it would
be. And then I did likeseven hours of radio straight and I was

like, oh, I guess it'sa pretty big story. Didn you say
that your dad was ready to hideOJ and the restaurant refrigerator walking in.
Yeah, yeah, we were tellthat story again. I have to,
I mean, go ahead. Itwas a long time ago. Well,
Oj Simpson played football with my father, and there was a connection with Oj,
the Kardashians, Al Collings, alot of those USC football players,

Tody Smith, Bubba Smith's brother,a lot of people through the taverna my
father's restaurant. And because of that, we kind of were embedded with those
people for many years, serving themat the restaurant and seeing them at USC
events and stuff like that. Andso when the murders happened, most of

his ex teammates, like we wouldif one of my teammates and it has
happened, has been accused of murder, we all try to rally around the
guy and say he's innocent until youknow, you figure that he's not.
And that happened with Oj and hisex teammates. And there was an allegation
that Oj was looking in San Pedrothrough connected people, so to speak,
for an uncharted boat to get himout of the country. There are such

things boats that go beyond the federalreach down in the harbor, which is
the biggest and busiest harbor of theworld. Uh, the Long Beach,
San Pedro, La Harbor, andapparently when he went, I mean I
was there. It was five o'clockFriday night, slow speed chase. Apparently
when when OJ got on the oneoh five, we figured he was going
to get on the one ten Southand we started to clear the walk in

freezer. I suppose to hide him. Uh, it didn't work out that
way, but we ended up servingyou know, Lancedo for years. The
guy that said OJ is a fugitivefrom justice, the guy in the the
cop outfit, David Gascon. Helongtime restaurant customer and his son worked at
the restaurant for many years. Uh. Marcia Clark used to eat there all

the time. I mean I servedhim. I served OJ, and Nicole,
I served OJ. Paula Barbieri.They came down and talked to us
because they were all there months before. Did you did you ever notice anything
in the bathroom? A lot ifyou know what I'm saying, Oh,
okay together or just the self Igot you. Yeah, come back with
a little dust. I mean OJ'sdoing coke and your dad's restaurant bathroom.

Man, that's a pretty cool story. A lot better people that did cocin
there. That didn't kill anybody?Who else? Who else did coke in
your dad's bathroom? Tony Montana,what's the matter with you? Baseball?
Al Paccino did coke? Probably,But you know I did serve. I
didn't know this, but I servedGeorge Harrison. Wow, somebody reminded me

of that. My father reminded meof that the other day. Yeah,
Reagan, people like that. Youthink he did it, You think OJ
did it. I don't know,Dave. You know, I don't know
what they argue about in football lockerrooms today. But back in the day,
we had a lot of guys thatfigured OJ was innocent. And it
is kind of weird, you know, because guys I played with a lot

of those guys played in that OrangeBowl against Iowa two when OJ showed up,
and that's the Carson Palmer game,right, I met Carson and all
that, and uh, they alltook photos with him, and all those
photos were circulating in our USC kindof text change, you know, lrip
juice. You know, it's like, yeah, I get it. You

turned two people into pets dispensers.To me, you know, you should
lay pretty low. But OJ didthe opposite. Hey, how fired up
are you for the Laker? Well, I'm looking forward to another another competitive
sweep. Oh, come on,they might give the Nuggets a little bit
of a rung. Last year itwas the most competitive. Last year it

was the most competitive sweep in playoffhistory, and this year it could be
another very competitive sweep. You gotthat going. It's a sweep. But
Pete, I don't know if anybodyin any city in America that does a
radio show hates a team more thanyou hate the Lakers. To be totally

honest with you, I know alot of guys that do shows around the
country and they kind of have alittle bit disdain. And maybe I liked
him better when Lebron wasn't there.Oh, I know that. Why is
that? Though? Tell people why? I don't know. I just feel
like he's like a weird entity,leasing one of the biggest names in sport

and pushing around their week ownership justto do whatever he wants with at his
own whim at the end of hiscareer. Is he gonna get Broni to
come with him and play there?You think it would be an unbelievable,
meglom maniacal move that I wouldn't putpast him. How would you sell it?
I mean, I'll say whatever Isay, but they'll sell it.
They'll sell it through their proxies.Guys, all these guys that are like

tweeting out like oh, he's actuallyan elite defenditor. It's like, dude,
guys, please, what are wedoing? If his name was Billy
Simpson, nobody would have a cluewho he is or give a damn about
his aspects. No, he'd beat you see, Irvine, learning to
play basketball like he should be.And what are you doing on May the

third? You got plans? Maythird? Yeah? I gotta work Beach
Life, the Beach Life Festival,the Sands, every Dondo beach. You
know, I've worked the Beach LifeFestival for years. But what do you
do there? Like? I hostthe stream here? Okay, gotcha?
Yeah? I set on a lifeguardchair and I say, coming up here.
He is sting. Wow, that'spretty cool. Yeah, well that's

the night of the Husky Spring game. I was gonna have you come up.
Well, yeah, no, I'mnot gonna make it. You're not
gonna be here. I don't knowwho's playing Saturday night. Maybe it's Devo
Wow whip It. Yeah, that'sone of their songs that Devo. Okay,
what is he top is? Playingsharp dress Man under Pressure Cheap Sunglasses?
One of my favorite bands ever.Well, I was I was gonna

have you come up because I'm curioushow the Husky Nation steps up for this
man. They're doing this thing ona Friday night and hoping to get a
big crowd. They're they're giving peopletickets on the website and they've I'm gonna
just alrety thousand tickets already so we'llsee spoiler alert. Prepare for disappointment.
Yeah, well, no kidding,I know that, Okay, I mean

it's fifteen thousand, this is twentythousand. Alabama had seventy I talked to
my guy today and talked, well, we had seventy two thousand people show
up for Caitlin de Moor's first springgame. It blew his mind. Yeah.
Well, there's not a boat thatcan go on to tour the sound
either. You know, they can'tdo those weird paddle boating or the Suckerberg
hovercraft like you guys do. There'snothing else to do in Tuscon. I

had a lot to do and seeI got. You know, West Coast
says a different vibe, and youknow, the West Coast just doesn't show
up for spring football at USC Andon my day, we would do spring
football when John Robinson was the coach. We we would do it on the
practice field and they would cake thesidelines shoulder to shoulder, nose to butthole,
with people like like seven deep onthe sideline all the way around the

field. And Robin they get apa going and Robinson would just have a
live mic and be like, oh, there he is the lawn in Washington,
you know, like and and hejust comment the whole time. And
it was so annoying, you know, because you're there in your stance and
he's like and one spring they mademe and one spring they made me play

with a with a broken hand,like literally like a whole cast on my
left hand, and uh, Ihad to run like a swing route and
Brad Aughton, who was our quarterback, turned and threw it from here.
Yeah. Uh yeah, he's oneof the autumn Tumwater Yeah Tumwater legendary coach
and all that. Uh and nowhe owns a pizza franchise, yeah,
through Vegas in Utah because he hadhis Mormon mission in Italy. Brad's a

really interesting guy. But anyway,I remember Brad threw a ball at me
and just to spite what Jay robbecause I only had one hand, I
just punched it out of the air. He what he was doing. I
got John Robinson underwater for the entiresnois like Richard Nixon. You ever talked
to him? So uh and uhheuh. I got hit once by a

safety, really hard hitting safety namedGrant Pearsall hit me on the sideline of
one of those spring games at thepractice field, and it was literally like
the movie The Mission where Robert deNiro gets crucified backward down the waterfall,
Like I literally got crucified like intothe crowd like a like a grunge rock
concert. And uh yeah yeah.So for a guy that's taken as many

shots to the head as you've taken, the fact that you remember all this
is pretty impressive. I got hitso hard once in practice at sc because
we used to like there was awall at practice in like a street that
goes like through the middle of campus. I got hit so hard by a
guy named Richard Cook. Had apractice at sc once that the ball went
flying over the fence and onto thestreet and hit a DPS car. Campus

security. With that, we saygoodbye. Can we do? Can we
do tuesday next week? Does thatwork for you? Let's do tuesday because
we got the mock. The MillonMan marches next week. Good luck with
that, all right? Man?I fetch shut up, Petros, Papa

Doocki's with us, are gonna breaka lot. More from Jamie's, including
land Zer line from the NFL Networkcourtesy of Moss Bay Hall talking draft at
five right here on ninety three tothree kJ r F m oh I thought
it was Eddie's my bat
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