Episode Transcript
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No from the Star Reinles Sports tous your ninety three point three kJ r
FM sports headline. Bed Line's broughtto you by Venue Kings, Venue Kings
dot com Ms lost yesterday and thirdgame of the series. They are hoping
for a split today. It's notgoing to happen. Let's see Panthers beat
the Bruins yesterday. NHL Stanley CupFinals. That's a six to one final.
Ooh, swim and what happened toyou? Got yanked in that game?
I best game of the night though, unbelievable. Canucks come back to
beat the Oars. We'll talk aboutthat a little bit in a second,
bigger picture. Wives five to four, one oh series lead in the Western
Conference semi finals NBA Playoffs. Nickstook down the Pacers take a two to
one lead in the series. Betthe over it hit, by the way,
not that I would know. Celticshosted Cows tonight four o'clock Boston with
one game lead. Mavericks take onthe thunder. OK see with one series
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this hour, put in the wordfun F you and fun. It's the
fun F word, not the badone. We're gonna have that today.
We are Oh okay, we's promise. Let's do it. The e Inferness
Show is presented by Snow Call MeCasino comes the payoff one hundred upstairs and
the Twins to win it. Theywin game three sixty three the final Parent's
just one for seven with runners andscoring positions. Now is Cal's double when
he drove in a couple of runs, But there's not enough offense to night
and I'll be curious to see whathappens with George. Kirby and Lanke came
out of the game after the fifthwith seventy kitchens. Text us at four
nine, four five one and hitthe talkback Mike on the iHeartRadio app.
Something physically wrong with George. Uh, just fun kind. Everybody's got all
these ideas whatever. He just he'sjust he's stop coming out right now.
And he's had this happened before atdifferent times, and it was Michael take
him out of the game. Jordanwanted to go back out there. There
was, you know, no problemat all physically. I just thought we
were at He's gonna make consecutive startshere. I'm normal wrestling, were playing
a long game. This is theNew Sports Radio ninety three point three kJ
R f M. All right,there you go, hywee chrisy Roots Sports
and the Mariners. I don't knowif that's highlights service silight. I guess
listen to Scott and Herby's not hurt. Who knows. That's what he was
saying. He said it was hisdecision to pull him. Sure. Can
you hear that on the air,Yeah, yep, yep. Microphone adjusting
noises. Sorry, my apologies ifyou need subtitles, since we might we
might uh pardon my pardon my friendshere just went a little limp there for
a second, and then and thenthings and then things changed dramatically in a
second. It's what you saw,Jeff, with your very own eyes.
It's true, up and down itgoes all right, here we go.
Welcome in, come in, uncomfortable, jessmen, well, you know what,
Softy's not here this week, sono I need it, don't you
like you feel? I kind offeel like you're getting too comfortable this week?
Too fine, I haven't had acold, sweat and alone. No,
you were feeling way too comfortable withouthim in here to kind of drive
you nuts and so there and Ijust god, never do I never want
to be somebody. Yes, itwould be Softy top of the list.
But there I am welcome into theshow we got, as Jess mentioned,
a fun show coming up today.We will recap what's going on in Minneapolis
when it's over, probably around oneo'clock, maybe two, depending on how
it goes. It ain't going wellat all, so welcome in all of
you listening just a moment ago.But I think there's obviously a lot to
discuss in that regard coming up,probably with I'm guessing at one o'clock Chris
Crawford's going to join us. Hedoes. We tease it every week,
but and I may start doing thiswith some of these if it's early day
games with the baseball team. Afterevery game, he does his mile Y
on YouTube. He's got a fewthousand subscribers. People. It's a great
If you're not do it, yeahyou should. And it's a great post
game I think recap. And it'sfunny because it's become kind of a thing
in media. I know that mybuddy, We're just talking with Greg about
the Connects game last night. Andthere are two different entities up there that
I've done stuff with Sakarisen Price andalso with my buddies Dolly and Rick.
Rick and Dolly on the team upthere. They both do basically podcast YouTube
postgame shows in addition their own stuff. During the NHL playoffs, Chris has
been ahead of the game. He'sbeen doing that now for a couple of
years. Does a great job,you know, recapping every Mariner's game,
and we tease it every week wedo my whatt Mondays. And I was
thinking today, well, like Idoing a radio show, I can't watch
the game and I really won't have. I listened and saw a little bit
early, but not that I'm missingmuch, not that any of you are
missing much, but good to havehim on. We'll recap it. We'll
do that a mile y on theradio. Why not, huh. So
we'll do that today, coming upwith him and recap that's going on,
because there are a couple of prettysignificant red flags out there with what's going
on with the local Major League Baseballteam, like very significant red flags,
which we'll get to as well.Jake Dickard Washington State University had football coach,
great conversation with him. We're goingto we're going to revisit that coming
up at twelve twenty today, justabout a number of different topics, bigger
picture things in college football. AndI think and I got some feedback from
people yesterday that either got part ofit, listen to part of it,
or I caught part of that.And well, he sounds like a great
guy. You would agree, jesyear around him, he is a great
guy. He's a great ambassador forthe college football He's genuine. I think
that, I would say, becauseyou know, there's coach speak and there's
you know, you hear him inthe media, it's he's exactly the same
off the air. You know why. One of the things I love about
him. And I've mentioned this before, it's it's kind of what I've really
enjoyed about Kalin de Borr as well, is that guys that come from small
college ranks and work their way up, not guys that were D one Power
five players and then quickly a gradassistant and all of a sudden a position
coach and a coordinator and head coach. And not to take anything away from
those guys, but guys like Dickardand Debor was the same way an AI
guy Division III. Guys, whenyou work your way up from that level,
you love coaching, and you lovecoaching for most of the right reasons.
A your competitor, you love thecompetition, you love the building of
a program you love, but youalso love working with young people. And
somewhere we've lost that along the wayin college athletics with the NIL world,
and people criticize and I understand why, but people criticize guys like Nick Saban
and Gino Ariama and others really successfulcoaches. Brian Kelly from LSU said it
the other day, like, oh, you know, guys just walk in
here. I can't build a programwith guys just walking in with their hands
out saying how much are you goingto pay me? And then people criticize
them for saying stuff like that.Well, the reality is, Brian Kelly,
You're gonna have to pay guys.That's where we are. But I
understand what he's saying. I completelyunderstand what he's saying. You want to
build a program, and you know, like Gino said it the other day,
I like, how can I coachsomeone who already has all this money
and thinks that they've already hit thebig time? That doesn't even happen in
the pros. You know, they'vechanged the way it is in the pros
a lot of ways, Like rememberthe NFL. I mean Sam Braffords,
the last guy to get the huge, huge, huge money as the first
overall pick. They'd changed that.You had to earn that second contract and
you had to earn what you weregetting and there was a little bit of
a hunger and they've lost it along way. And to bring that out
just because I think Dickard gets that. Like I said, I know,
debor listen, Caalin is far fromperfect, as has been proven by the
by the issues out there with thesexual assault case and things like that.
How he handled that was really poor. I don't think there's any way to
say it other than that, ButI do like where he came from,
and I understand guy like that probablygets it and probably also appreciate it more
than many. So we'll talk toDicker coming up at twelve twenty today.
Mentioned Chris Crawford also, I'm excitedfor this probably at two o'clock, depending
on how the baseball game goes,I think we can probably end up doing
at two o'clock. The Jed Collinsplayed NFL football for six years, bounced
around but mostly played in New Orleansfor Sean Payton and the New Orleans Saints
had a touchdown pass from Drew Breesand his career, so we got one
of the balls. When Drew Breesset the record for all time touchdown passes,
he sent every guy in the leagueor any every guy that ever caught
a touchdown pass from Drew Brees gota sign football, thanking them individually and
personally for him setting the record.Pretty cool, and Jed, I remember
when we were doing we were doinghe. Jed used to be part of
our round table. MK Red placedhim because his Jed's business became really successful,
and he became a little too busyfor us. But you know,
I remember when Jed got the footballand he's telling Alex and I about him,
like that is one of the coolestthings. First of all, I
got great respect for Drew Brees doingthat, you know, like I didn't
even know that happened. Yeah,every guy that he set the record,
he set it on Monday net Football, maybe sending at football anyway, when
he set the record for all timetouchdown passes thrown, he sent every player
that ever caught a touchdown pass fromhim assigned Football, thanking them and you
know for being a part of youknow, for being a part of the
record, which is really really cool. So we'll talk to Jed coming up
probably two o'clock today. With Jed, he now has his own company and
it's it's a really it's a fascinatingconversation that we're going to have. I
taped it earlier, so you'll hearit. I just tape. I've just
finished shaping. Because he's got meetings. He's big, big time, he's
got big shooter meetings. You know, he's got stuff to do, circling
back, you know, coming backaround all those all those catchphrases the guys
in business use, and you know, and he's going to revisit this and
all those things. And so wegot it before his meetings. He just
met with the Seahawks over the weekend, the Seahawks rookie class. He's got
thirteen teams that he works with aroundthe National Football League and he goes in
in talks financial literacy these guys.My question to him is, how has
that changed? You know? WalterJones was on I think with Greg and
Chris a couple of weeks ago,maybe with the Morning Show. Maybe it
was a morning show. I thinkit was the Morning Show. I think
I think he was on during DraftMiss with Chuck and Buck and I remember
and Walter Jones was talking about whathe did when he got his first check
and what he did money wise.And Walter was actually really smart about his
money. But a lot of guysaren't. Like a lot of guys like,
oh, I just got two milliondollars signing bonus, I'm going to
go buy this, this, this, and this, you know who.
That reminds me of Sorry, butJamal Mashburn. Because he didn't hire an
agent, he hired a financial advisor, which he knew he was going top
three and hire the guy to takecare of your money. Right. He
owns like twenty six taco bells,you know, like he just made smart
investment. These franchises will work.I think Sidney Rice would fall into that
Capbory. Yes, right, heowns the wingstop chains and stuff like that.
So there's in a winery. Ithink now too. Financial literacy is
a huge But we live in aworld now with nil A lot of these
guys are coming into the league withone hundreds of thousands of dollars, Like
what do you do with all thatmoney? Right, So we'll talk to
him about that healthful things have changed. But also I'm gonna ask him about
Sean Payton and Russell Wilson. Whydidn't work? He played for Sean Payton,
So I'm gonna ask him about thattoo, like why didn't work?
I'm fascinating. That is a fascinatingso wide range conversation with jael I do
you two o'clock? All right,we'll come back in a second. Check
in Jake Dicker, Washington State headfootball coach, next live from the R
and R Foundation Specialist Broadcast studio.Back to Ian Fernetz Power Advice, Seattle's
Closest sports book. Snow Call MeCasino on Sports Radio ninety three point three
k j R FM. Indeed weare in the R and R Foundation Specialist
Sports Radio nighty three point three kJFM Studio Today, big thanks to Snow
qual Me Casino as well sn OCasino s n O Casino dot com.
Mother's Day weekend is upon us thisweekend. Let's go. Did you get
your presence yet? Sort of debatingon a couple of things. Not a
big present guy. Probably need tobe better than the president. In the
president, you do a lot ofshowing of gratitude, you do, think
I'll do Yeah. And my momI'll have a special wish for her on
the air marks she listens often,so we'll do that too in my Canadian
mother. Uh so yeah, allthat. Oh and tomorrow as well,
we should have mention we're giving awaybaseball tickets for Sunday's Mariner's game Mother's Day.
We're going to try to do aspecial thing with that. Also,
have you guys a chance on thetalk back line to fire away your thoughts,
your questions, whatever we got goingon? So all that coming up
tomorrow as well. We've got ChrisCrawford more than likely coming up at one
o'clock today, a little mile Yon the radio recapping the Mariner series with
the Minnesota Twins. It ain't goingwell today, it didn't go well yesterday.
We'll check in with one half ofthe Mulliwop guys, our Mile Why
guy and the guy that I justfeel like Wally Pip is somewhere out there
is going to join us, comingup one o'clock this afternoon. Jake Dickert
is a head football coach at wWashing State University. Tumultuous times and the
polouse. As Jess can tell you, she's just still over there for the
spring game. A lot of uncertainty, a lot of what's going on,
what the future is. Right,well, no better guy to catch up
and maybe get a positive vibe andfeel for the state of college football and
for Wazoo than the head football coachat Washington State University, Jake Dickert.
And I talked to him yesterday.The first thing I asked him, of
course, was it's going over therein God's Country. It's great to be
back on and you bet it's amazingover here. It's about to break seventy
here this weekend and we're loving itso a little calmer here in May.
So I appreciate you guys having me. I appreciate it. I appreciate you
coming on. Yeah, it's it'sthe spring game is done. You're kind
of putting a rap on things.I think I believe the portal is at
least closed, so you know whoyou have still there, and I know
you're still working on recruiting and everythingelse. But let's just start big picture
wise spring football. How did itgo? I'll tell you this. You
can just feel in a little bitdifferent energy the team and it's going to
be the most competitive at every positionsince I've been here, and I'm going
on year three as the head coach, and that really is not a concern.
It's an excitement and makes practices toa heightened state and meets everybody you
know, bring out their best everyday. And that's from quarterback to running
backs and who's going to be theextra receivers, the linebackers, secondary.
I just love the depth of thisfootball team and we're still in that developmental
state. So excited about where we'reat right now, and we need to
have a big summer of you know, kind of fundamental time and strength and
conditioning, and continue to build ourselvesback up to have a great fall camp.
Jake, the portal is one thing, But but motivation, I always
wonder is another. And I thinkyou and I've talked about this a couple
of times before. With you know, the uncertain, ever changing world of
college football, we're kind of wondering, you know, what's next, what's
happening for you guys? It appearsthe next two years you're playing basically a
Mountain West schedule a couple you know, with the non conference games mixed in.
But but I always I wonder aboutthe I guess motivation would be the
thing. You don't play for aconference championship, but you're playing for maybe
a spot in the College Football playoffor a bowl game. How is your
team in the offseason in terms ofmotivation, uncertainty, all the world surrounding
us right now? How is thatfor you and your staff? And that's
and the team. I mean,the first thing you got to point to
is all the way since January throughnow, really every you know, I
would say ninety five percent of everymain piece of our team is still here,
you know, So what does thatsay about our culture, our development,
the want to of our guys towant to really overcome a little bit
some you know, Ian, thedisappointment of last season. So the goal
is still there. You want tomake the college football playoffs. Yeah,
the conference championship piece isn't there,but you got to, you know,
knock these things off one game ata time, and I believe our schedule
provides us that opportunity. And itisn't about who we play, It's about
us. It's about how we execute, and it's about the mind set in
the intensity of what we bring intoeach and every game because there is going
to be a little poison out there. Ian of Yeah, you're playing a
little bit less competition, you're notin the Pac twelve, but you guys
should win all these games. Imean, that's poison. You got to
come in with a mindset and anattitude to want to prove it each and
every week. And that just doesn'tshow up in a perceived big game.
It shows up in practice, itshows out in your weightlifting sessions. It's
got to be present and everything thatwe do because the outside noise will tell
us this is going to be easy, and I've been doing this long enough
to know that that's never true.I I'll be honest with you. It
is really hard for those of usthat aren't in it every day to keep
track of portal stuff and who's inand who's out, who's leaving, who's
not. But as you mentioned,your retention rate seemed really high. Obviously,
what happened with basketball is easier tokeep track of. There's you know,
twelve guys, fourteen guys on scholarship, and we can kind of say,
okay, hey, shout out toour guy Isaiah Wats by the way,
man, Huh, that's a truecoup right there. We love Isaiah
wats But you know, it's easyto keep track of that. Football it's
a little bit harder. But youmentioned it that it felt like good retention.
It feels like you guys did areally nice job and you didn't really
lose. I mean, we knowcam Ward went to Miami, he was
going to go somewhere. That's fine. But outside of cam what did you
lose? Nothing that I'm worried about. Right now, we're on to the
next thing. We've worked hard anddiligence to replace those guys and in today's
world, and you got to understand, you know, guys are always looking
for opportunities and sometimes you know,some backup guys they want to you know,
shine and play more, and they'relooking for those deals. So you
got to plan that. The biggestthing we did is I think we planned
for that better than we ever have. That means you got to oversign,
you got to overproject, you gotto have a ton of honest conversations,
and you got to make sure itlands about right this time of year.
And we did a way better jobthis time than we did last year.
So we just added you know,an oline corner and the inside cover guy,
and those filled up our last spots. So and I had some conversations
with other programs today that are stilllooking for other pieces. So we feel
very strong with where we're at,and we have the talent required to go
out there and win a bunch ofgames the which is awesome to hear,
I mean, I guess, andthat is a tribute to you and your
staff. And also, I mean, I think sometimes we've talked about this
and I listen, I'm Pullman's notfor everybody, but for a lot of
people, it is what they wantand it is And it's not like this
is a program whether it was youor is you, or whether it was
coach Leech or coach Price, coachDoba, coach Ericsson, Jim Wall and
whatever. It's not like you guys, if I'm not mistaken, you're not
going out recruiting five star guys,are you. I mean, this is
a different world that you recruit in, so almost I'm kind of thinking in
some ways business as usual. Yougo find that guy that's pissed off at
the world as a chip on hisshoulder, and that's who you want to
get anyway, right now, Canyou maintain them long enough to see them
all the way through the developmental process. That's today's football's newest challenge, right
But as far as recruiting piece,you know, we felt something there's some
challenges obviously not being you know,in the in the old Tack twelve or
the Legacy Pac twelve. I mean, there's a lot of people that wanted
to come prove they could play atthe highest level. Well, he's still
got to find the right guy,not just the best player. And that's
the biggest thing that you know,we've known throughout the course of you know
me being here is that you've gotto find that not just the most talented,
there is a right fit. Thereis a blue collar, there is
a chip on the shoulder. Thereis a guy that's multi sport athletes.
There is a kid that like justlike asking Trip, that's six seven coming
out of Kennwick High School, thatdoesn't know what he doesn't know, and
you can put him through the processand you can develop those guys into some
pretty special players. So you know, don't forget, not a lot of
people want to ave Lucas. Lookwhat he's doing right, So can you
just long enough retain those guys tosee their success all the way through?
That will always be the challenge intoday's football, and that's not just for
Washington State. The spring. Thatgives a lot of guys an opportunity and
their opportunities, especially at one positionthat's called the quarterback position. I think
there's a strong feeling all along thatJohn Mattier would be your guy. But
it sounds like you're going to takethe quarterback competition all the way through fall.
Give us an update on that competition, and I want to make sure
I get his name right Jess helpme out here. Is it zeby eck
House? Is that zach Y?Yeah, who's a transfer in there as
well? How did how did thosetwo guys look the spring? Well,
he was very excited about that room, to be honest. And the biggest
thing that we're looking for Ian issomeone that's going to operate within the core
of our offense. And you know, there's a lot of things that go
into that. But I think John, you know, early on, I
think was pressed in a little toomuch and made some mistakes and settled in
as camp went, and his skillsets other than just throwing the ball,
We're going to use him in somerunning capacities. He can take the ball
down the field. You know,if you watch the spring game, he
had a couple of long touchdown passes. And then zev is just that you
know, he'd been a three yearstarter at the FCS level, throw the
ball at a high, high levelwell, and there isn't anything that he
hasn't seen. So he's calm,he's collected, he's cool under all kinds
of pressure, and you know,I just think that has elevated our room
and it has elevated John's game.So you know, those are the type
of right, you know, combinationsthat you want. We had Anthony Gordon
and Gardner Minshew back for the springgame, and it was fun to listen
to those guys go through their quarterbackcompetition of twenty eighteen and they just put
their head down. They're encouraging eachother, but they knew how important this
decision would be for the future ofthe team and they both ended up getting
their years shining. So, youknow, excited about where we're at,
and we'll take this thing all theway through the game week and I might
just do a Coach Leach and justput or in front of a bunch of
quarterbacks names before we take the fieldversus Portland State. Well, poor Chazz.
I'm just thinking about Chaz and yourbroadcast crew right now because that was
I'm looking over at jess Man,I'm thinking to myself, that was a
That was the most Coach Leach thingever? Was that got break the news
though every week? Yeah what yousaw out and here we go. But
yeah, that's a that's Jake.We love Coach Leach. The late great
Mike Leach was awesome. You don'tneed to do that to us. You
don't have to put or in there. Don't make that hard on us.
Don't make that hard on on BillStevens. I'm giving I'm giving jess her
shine. So on that first gameday, Okay, I know my line
is gonna be an amazing reports thatI might even give her a little bit
of an insight. So she's gotthe track there you go, it'd be
great death. We're gonna set youup for a great deal there. And
he still doesn't run from me.Yeah, no, that's that. That
was my favorite things to watch backin the day. So do it one
time, Jake this year, Justone time sprint away from her, just
so I can get a chuckle,will you jake her? Joe think his
wa washing the state head football coachlast season, if we're being honest,
the offensive line that's something near anddear to my heart just really struggled.
Uh. New coach in there,Jared Caster. What can you tell us
about coach Caster and and how thatoffensive line is looking? Well? Think
my approach always in with staff changesis it's an opportunity to go out there
and get better. And that's nota shot at anyone that was here.
It's just a new opportunity. AndGarrett is very familiar. He's another Texas
tech guy, but familiar with thisoffense, this style, and he has
a new age energy and passion thatI think is really relatable for our players.
So been very happy through spring.A lot of those guys you feel
like freshmen again because they've learned abunch of new techniques. But I like
the physicality and the run principles thathe's brought to our offense, and that
mentality is going to be needed.We got to be a balanced offense and
we will go just as you said. He in with our offensive line,
and we got a lot of returners, but we also got a lot of
young guys that have been working inour program that we feel can enhance and
challenge those top guys. So Ilove our depths. I feel like we
have a lot of guys there,But we got to go put it on
tape. This isn't something we cantalk about. You got to go out
there and do it. But Ithink our guys are primed and ready to
go out there and accept that challenge. We'll get more intricate in terms of
personnel. Is you know when weget closer to the season and you guys
get through the summer. But ageneral question in terms of your team,
what's the strength of your football teamright now? Jake? What is it
a position group? I mean,you know you had to and we'll get
to the NFL guys, because youput a bunch of guys in the NFL
and which was awesome. We hada chance to talk to Brennan right after
he got drafted, which was Imean, what a phenomenal kid. I
don't know how you replaced the footballplayer. I certainly don't know how you
replace the person. But but thataside, you know, with the guys
leaving for the NFL, and thatwas your biggest attrition guys going to the
show, what's the strength of yourfootball team? I mean, we talked
about this quite a bit as astaff, and even though we don't have
the big names you refer to,you know, Shaw and RJ and BJ
and Jayden Hicks, we actually havea more competitive blend and I think that
shapes the mentality. I think itdoes. I don't think it'll be one
thing. I don't think it'll bejust the dynamic offense or a defense that
needs to go out there and stoppeople. It was a special teams game,
we're gonna win as a and Ithink be able to do it in
multiple ways is very important. Butwe gotta be great at the line of
scrimmage. I think we did thatand took those steps forward at offensive line.
I think this is as good asa defensive front as we have had.
And I know that's odd to saylosing our jambj but we feel completely
comfortable in saying that we have takena step forward there and that's gonna set
the tone so we can win theline of scrimmage. It's gonna allow us,
with us skilled players to go outthere and be successful. Well.
I like the fact that you gota guy, even though we can forgive
him for being an ex husky,but Pete calugis man, that was one
bad dude. When I remember whenhe played at Washington, he actually interned
in Bellingham Police Department. Reminded thatwhen you see him next time for my
buddy who's a former Cougar football playerof the late great Todd Ramsey, and
he interned up there, and thatwas Pete Calugas was a strength room machine,
but just one one tough human being. I see that guy's name associated
with defensive tackles and I get excited. There's no doubt. And I think
he still holds like bench press recordsover there that it just might never be
touched. And you know, hejust I've never seen a coach and pizza
assistant head coach, but he hastouched not just the defensive tackles but every
position. And he does it theold school way, but he does it
serving our players in our program,and it's just so relatable to these guys
and they just glob onto him andthere's nothing soft about it. But there's
tons of energy and there's just tonsto give and it's just to comes from
the right place. And Piece Doean amazing job and I'm just so proud
that he's part of our program nowhere on at Washington State. Yeah,
he saw the light man got overthe pullman in God's Country over there.
Huh, Like that's right, welike that action. Hey, I want
I'm curious just what's the NFL gettingin your guys that got drafted. And
let's start with Brennan because he was, like I said, we had him
on the show and I'd never talkedto him before. I feel bad about
never having him on the radio showbefore. But boy, what an impressive
young man. What are the ramsgetting in him? I think the best
part for all these guys before Italk about BJ, is just the homegrown
guys, their police products. They'vebeen through our program and that is just
so satisfying for those guys to trustus, especially RG ANDBJ. They had
tons of opportunity, tons of temptations. Both guys went out there and had
better senior years than their junior years. Brennan, it's amazing. I got
so many calls going into day threeof the draft about teams wanting to take
them, and they all said becauseof the way he plays. He's like,
he's tough, he's physical, He'sgonna go out there and give you
everything. He's got the energy thatit provides to it. He's going to
maximize his ability. So the pointthere is no matter what level you're at,
you know they're looking for the samethings. And I think Brennan will
be a second contract guy in theNFL because of how he does it,
not exactly what he does. Thatis his separator. So proud of that
kid, and that guy will bea coupe for life. Jade Nicks go
to Kansas City. I guess theylike Cougar defensive backs in casey huh.
I text Jen Watson, I said, hey, take care of our young
pup now. I said, you'rein two times Super Bowl champion. You
go out there and give him someadvice. I know this, James not
happy with where he has taken andI don't say that in a bad way.
I think he's loaded with potential andhe's going to the NFL with a
chip on his shoulder. He's gota lot to prove. He's also got
I think the highest ceiling of anyof those guys. He's still getting better.
He's just twenty one years old,and he's gonna go out there and
do a lot of great things.And sometimes people just didn't know where to
put him. I just said puthim anywhere. He's gonna thrive. Game
in here is a corner ended upbeing All American safety. I just think
he's got tons of potential and he'sa great place to be drafted to.
So he's gonna go out and takeadvantage of it. And Shaw Smith Wade
goes to Carolina, He'll get achance to play right away as a fifth
round pick, won't he? Oh? Heck, yeah, I just talk
about a versatile player. I mean, everyone loved him as the inside cover
guy, so I think it's thehardest thing to do in football. He's
physically, he's aggressive, and onceagain, once he figured it out off
the field, it's amazing the manhe became on the field, and it's
just a great example to our guys. And I'm proud of all those guys.
I think they're better people than players, and I can vouch for that,
and I'm really proud of those guys. I noticed it's the spring game
and you mentioned a couple of guys, but I mean Desmond Patman was there,
Abe Lucas was there. Last Ichecked. Everyone in Pullman got a
chance to say hello, and anautograph from Gardner Minshew who was there,
and other guys like that. Imean, that dude's just a rock star.
But it feels more so than everbefore, like you're trying to develop
a culture, and maybe the challengingtimes necessity make this even more necessary important,
But you seem to be cultivating aculture where the guys that played there,
you welcome them back, you wantthem back, you want them around
the team, especially the NFL guysyou know, I think it's really important
because we stand on the shoulders andthe foundations of what they built. We're
just the keepers of the program.I tell that to our guys all the
time and what we want to leadfor the next generation of Koops. But
I don't think anyone that came throughthis place is that we talked about has
that ship on the shoulder mentality andare proud of what they built and to
see some of that, you know, be challenged that. I think the
pride of those players have really bowedup. But I also wanted to open
the door because it wasn't always openhere and those guys got used to that,
and so we're changing that and it'sbeen fun to bring them back in
to make some of those guys honeryhead coaches who want to continue to do
that because Pullman isn't easy to getto. But where we play in San
Diego or we play wherever it isacross this country, we want those guys
being there, and we want themon the sideline, and I want them
sharing their experience. You should haveheard Gardner and Jack Thompson Ruben Mays share
their experience with the players. Imean, it was so relatable because whether
you play in the eighties, thatyou played last year, man this place,
it's been fun to hear those storiesbe connected and why our guys should
be very proud to represent the Kops. Yeah, I was. I saw
some of those pictures over there.Looked awesome. And Rubens one of the
greats too, one of the greathuman beings as well. I want to
heat a special guy, really specialguy, Jake. I'll let you go
after this. It's it's an interestingtime. We always talk about, you
know, the world of college football, the portals, the nils, I
don't know. I see Pike PlaceBrewing is doing a Cougar beer now for
the Collective, so I guess Ineed to. I'm not a huge Logger
fan. I'm Mormon IPA guy,but I'm gonna go out and get some
of that stuff along the way.What's Jake Dickard's thoughts on the state of
college football right now where we are. I know it's been frustrating at times.
It kind of feels like we're inthis weird period for the next year
or two, wait to see whathappens with the ACC and lawsuits and everything
else. But what do you tellCougar fans when they say, man,
I have a hard time being acollege football fan these days. I have
a hard time figuring out what tosupport and where to support it. What
do you tell Cougar fans? Ithink the biggest thing, you know,
our state did a good job.They're gonna lift a lot of the restrictions
on what we can say June sixthand all the collectives and all those things.
It's not going away, And Ithink we got a better opportunity now
to go out there and impact theprogram directly, you know, as boosters,
as fans, as alumni, assupporters. But the biggest thing is
we needing is we need everybody's best. There is no time to sit this
thing out, period because it isn'tjust going to happen. So if your
best is being here in Geese thefield and being allowed do that. If
your best is contributing to the ExcellenceFund or giving to the new locker room
project or being part of the collective, we need you to do that.
They don't show up when we win. We need this stuff to build winning
and that'll never go away in collegefootball. So that's the exact moment that
we're at and you know that's wegot the power of all of us to
go out there and do it.So whatever your best is, we need
it now. We don't need itlater. We don't need it when we're
ten and two. We need itnow. So I'm excited about that.
Our guys are innately focused on whatwe need to do to go out there
and win. And just really,I'm telling you, our fans are ready
to be proud of the type ofseason we're going to have, and we
got to go out there and doit. I was thinking more eleven and
one, not ten and two,but that's okay. I whatever you do,
tportority numbers numbers. I've told youthis before and I truly mean it.
I don't think we could have abetter person leading us through these tumultuous
times than Jake Dickard, and soI speak for a lot of Cougar fans.
We're thrilled you're still part of ourprogram in here and leading this thing
through and better times down the road. Eleven to one, ten and two
doesn't matter. Always being a Kugis the best thing in the world.
Go Koogs. Jake, thank youso much for coming on. We appreciate
it. I appreciate you guys havingme on Goko Jake Dickert joining us yesterday
with some great stuff. All right, we'll come back, Chick the AM's
we're about to wrap things up.We'll tell you what's going on. What
did go on in Minneapolis, Minnesotatoday. We'll do that next live from
the R and R Foundation Specialist BroadcastStudio, back to Ian Fernetz, powered
by Seattle's Closest sportsbook snowp Call MeCasino on Sports Radio ninety three point three
kjr FM. Yeah, you'll findthis hard to believe. Sometimes I do
become a squeaky wheel and we'll tellyou when things aren't well. I like
that little ray joint. I likethat rejoinder because we are indeed in the
R and R Foundation Specialist Broadcast Studio. We are indeed here today, big
thanks to R and R Foundation SpecialistCorey Tammy Jordan, the entire team.
Of course, our show brought toyou by a still Call Me Casino see
How's Closest Casino. Chris Crawford isgoing to join us in about ten minutes
at one o'clock today special my Oyedition on the radio, which he normally
does on YouTube, which I thinkI'll still do later on today, but
we're gonna do that at today oneo'clock we'll recap up the Mariner game,
which has as we speak, justnow gone final. If you're unaware of
what's going on in Minneapolis, hereare the unhappy totals. Sorry, sorry,
Rick Riz Can I take that fromRick? It's the unhappy totals?
Well, he only does happy,so I don't really think eleven to one
the final the Twins over the Mariners. The Twins eleven runs on eleven hits,
one air, the Mariners one run, six hits and two airs on
the day. Hey, Haggarty andUrius both had throwing airs. Indeed,
indeed, yeah, Mariners had areally really rough go of it the final
two games in Minnesota. And Iget and this is what we'll spend some
time talking with Chris about coming upat one o'clock today. Logan Gilbert started
today through thirty six pitches in thefirst inning and had and faced nine batters.
Now, maybe didn't get a coupleof calls, a couple borderline strike
calls. Side note a little sidebarhere in the courtroom for a second.
It's time. It's time it's timeto go to the automated strikes. Like
like the PCLN. It sounds likethey're pushing for it. It's it's almost
like they're not even trying. It'sso bad now by no means when you
lose eleven to one, is atthe problem. But he did get He
got squeezed on a couple plays,on a couple of calls and never recovered.
Like at thirty six pitches in thefirst inning. He goes. Logan
Gilbert goes four innings, nine hits, eight runs, all were earned,
two walks, struck out four,gave up a home run, and just
just got sill ACKed. Had hisHe had the one outing, the second
outing of the year. If it'snot his worst outing, it's his second
worst outing of the year. Butit was bad. It was really bad
for Logan Gilbert and the Mariners.Offensively, they did nothing, six hits,
and two of those came late whenit just didn't matter. They got
one run in the second to pullwithin five to one. Solo home run
in the bottom of the second forthe Twins made it six to one,
and it just got worse. Theygave up two and the fourth one in
the fifth two and the seventh justfor giggles and just got boat raced today.
What we'll talk with Chris about comingup in a few minutes. The
concern I think we all have withthis baseball team is what we saw the
last two nights. If you're startingpitching isn't really really good, you just
have no chance to win. Andthey had three subpar pitching performances this week
and they lost all three of thosegames. They can't bounce back. They're
not offensively good enough to do that. Bigger concern, Gilbert, we wouldn't
worry about Kirby. Do we worryabout anyway? Lots of discus us with
Chris along the way. Just nota kind of a set now. Listen,
they were not going to keep winningseries every single time. They had
won six straight series. They werehoping for a split after they lost last
night. Four game series are hard. If you get a split in a
four game series, you're happy withthat. So they follow to one and
three on the week. Oakland A'scome to town. That's the good news.
Yes, I know Oakland is notwhat we as bad as we thought
they would be. But the OaklandA's a team that you probably need to
take care of they come to towncoming up tomorrow, so we'll check in
on that with Chris as well.All that just moments from now. Okay,
we good, We're good. Topof the Hour coming up in a
second, we'll have some headlines.Give you another key cash words try to
win a thousand dollars. We'll dothat coming up in a minute. And
then one half of the Molly Whoppers, but also the guy that heads up
my oh why Chris Crawford. NextNo, from the Star Rentals Sports to
us RD ninety three point three kj RFM Sports headline brought to you by
Buddies, buses and Glass. Alwaysfor twenty buddies, Is that right?
Does that we do? We stillrotate them. We rotate them, except
usually it's our two o'clock hour that'sbrought to you by Buddies, Goodies and
Glass. So I would go venueKings, Venue Kings, Buddies, that's
the twelve o'clock hour. It wasalways venue Kings. They get the point.
Okay, hey by we just gavethem both the point, So there
you go. Perfect. That's theonly good news in this headline, at
least at the top of the headline. Because it's put talking by the Mariners.
They lost yesterday, they lost againtoday. More on that in a
moment. It wasn't pretty. We'llget deeper into Chris Crawford moments from now.
Panthers beat the Bruins yesterday six toone, tied up the Eastern Conference
NHL semi Finals series one game apiece. Connects beat the Olers five to four.
Came from behind to do so downfour to one, win five to
four, take a one zero serieslead. Western Conference semi Finals. We
got hockey tonight as well, Dallasand Colorado. Game to Colorado leads that
series one game to none. NBAPlayoffs, look down the Pacers, they
lead that series two games to one. Celtics hosted Calves at four Boston with
a one game lead in the EasternConference semi Finals. Folks, you know
what's gonna happen? Boston to theKnicks. Celtics Knicks Eastern Conference Final.
Jeess who am rooting for in thatseries? We know? Actually I'm gonna
root for the Celtics because they havea better chance, to better chance to
beat to beat the team to beatthe team in the Western Conference. The
Thunder the Leader Camp came to noneand Mavericks and thunder later on tonight as
well sounders. Last night US OpenCup, Andrew Thomas, the goalkeeper stopped
four shots in the PK round andthen nailed the winner himself. Walk off.
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What's hit In the second hour,here we go, well, well
well, eleven to one in thefinal. I gave you the unhappy totals
in the last segment, just incase you missed it. Minnesota eleven runs
and eleven hits, one air,renners, one run, six hits,
two errors. You're a winning pitcher, Pablo Lopez six and the third four
hits, gave up just one runin six and a third innings. He
only, let me emphasized that word, only struck out ten batters. Logan
Gilbert takes the loss. He gotlit up today. Four innings, nine
hits, eight they were all earned, two walks, four strikeouts. Gave
up a home run through thirty sixpitches in the first inning alone, and
it was over at that point intime. Normally. Normally he joins us
on Mondays with his partner in crime, Nathan Bishop, one half of the
MILEWAP guys. But we always tellyou that, listen, if you're a
Mariner fan, after every game,you should be going to YouTube and find
the best postgame analysis after every Marinergame that you can ever find. Chris
Crawford is with us. Hey,Chris, how are you I really hate
that you just said the best postgameanalysis because I just recorded a video that
was forty three seconds. Look,well, this is the no listen listen.
This is this is the hard hittinganalysis that people can get when they
tune in to Mile why, Jessis it ready to go? Uh?
This is this is Chris's Mile Whypostgame analysis in its entirety. Take a
listen. No absolutely not, no, no, no, no, absolutely
not. Heck no, heavens no, heavens to Betsy. No, no,
absolutely not. There's no way,no, nope, nope, We're
not doing this. No, no, no, no, nope, absolutely
not. Are you kidding me?Are you kidding me? No, absolutely
not. There's no way. There'sno way, there's no how. You
can't make me No, absolutely not, Nope, nope, nope, nope,
nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, no no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, nope,
nope. Not gonna happen, nope, absolutely not. There's no way,
nope, not doing it. Nope. See tomorrow. Well listen, I've
been promoting this for a long timefor you. That's the hard hitting analysis
we get on mile Y. Areyou kidding me? I honestly like,
I can't imagine how these sponsors aregoing to be calling it, Like just
like, how do I get thisguy? And how do I monetize this
thing? Even more like this isthe second time I've had to do one
of those. The last time Idid. That was after the loss to
the Nashls when they lost that seriesand the Mariners went red hot afterwards.
So when this leads to the Marinersgoing on like a fifteen game winning streak,
you can all thank me by subscribingto buy a line. Well,
there you go. And I jokedbecause normally I it is. It is
sort of like the original Husky Hanksback in the day. If if there's
a loss, I had to hearwhat what Dick and Hugh and Softie were
doing. I had to tune inand and and I had to. I
just had to. I had tolisten to it. It was like it's
it's you can't turn away, right, So so after a big after a
big Mariner win, I'll flip overto mile Y and I'll take a listen
and see what's going on. Andand a big win usually it's some really
good fun analysis. If it's ifit's just kind of a so soo game,
yeah I may not get there everytime. Christal Free, we admit
that. But if it's a gamelike today, if it's a game like
today, I one hundred percent muchlike the Husky the original, I gotta
listen to it. And that's whatI got. The only thing missing was
the only thing missing. I didn'thave a holy crap on a cracker.
That's the only thing I was missingfrom your analysis today. Simply Seattle asked
me to cut down the swears,so I took crap every one of those
motions. Oh my gosh. Allright, well, let's talk about this
gong show that was a baseball gametoday. It's we'll talk bigger picture and
where Logan Gilbert is, or wasthe offense is or was Let's just talk
about where the game was lost.It was lost in the first inning.
Thirty six pitches in the first inning. Did he get squeezed? What was
going on in that? I don'tthink he was getting squeezed per se.
I do think there were some callsthat didn't go his way. I also
have to say this, on thatthree run double by Manny Margo, I
did not see the greatest effort fromJosh Rojas on that play. That was
the first play that made me go, oh, maybe this guy is not
an outfielder like that should have beena two run play. It doesn't matter
when you end up losing by doubledigit runs. But he just wasn't good
today. He caught way too muchof the middle of the plate and that
first inning was a perfect example ofwhat went wrong, and he wasn't good
from that point on. He endedup allowing three more runs. Some of
this, Logan Gilbert was due forsome of this, Like you can't have
a one point six to nine eral year. That's just not going to
happen in today's game. Even withall of the strikeouts, and you know,
still the limited shift and some stufflike that, you just aren't going
to see guys post an era thatgood. But that doesn't mean that Logan
Gilbert was good today. It wassomething that he may have been doue for.
But this can still be an extremelydisappointing effort against the lineup that is
not that good. He he hadone game this year, the second game
of the year against Milwaukee. Hewent five innings, gave up four earned
runs, did strikeout seven, butalso gave up three home runs in that
game. Every other game he's beenreally good. I look at the the
number that jumps out of me fromthat set game, the three home runs
against Milwaukee. That feels like waytoo much center of the plate. That
sounds like it was a case againtoday. Yeah, absolutely, And you
know we talked about the difference.This is the same problem for George Kirby
over those first two winnings as well. There is a difference between control and
command. Control is throwing strikes.Command is throwing strikes where you want the
pitch to be located. And bothof those guys, and it was an
extreme for Gilbert today. They werejust middle middle too often. And it
doesn't matter how crappy a lineup is. If you're middle middle and you don't
have eighty eighty stuff and none,neither of those pitchers do, very few
guys do, you are going toget hit and you are going to put
your defense through a lot of stuff. And that's what both guys did.
Except in Kirby's case, the ballswere just slacked. I think you gave
up, Nathan said, a halfmile worth of home runs in that start.
But for Gilbert it was just somuch middle middle today and a lot
of hard content, and you knowit's going to happen. We can't.
It's hard to get too mad atLogan Gilbert for one terrible start, but
all we can do is react todayand today Logan Gilbert pitched like a well
below average starter. And in orderfor the Mariners to be a great baseball
team, they can't have starts likethis. They're just not good enough offensively
to come anywhere close to making upfor mediocre efforts like this. All right,
I'm gonna come back to Kirby andGilbert and lump them together with something
in a second, because something caughtmy attention into the pregame comments of Scott's
service, and I'm going to comeback to that in a second, because
it does have to do with pitchingand maybe the long term, bigger picture
things that we're looking at with thisteam. The offense did nothing to help.
Now, Listen, you gave upfive in the first. You come
back and you scratch out a runin the second. It's a five to
one game. Gilbert gives up asolo shot at a six to one game.
But your offense did nothing the restof the way. And then they
kind of played add on in thefourth and the fifth and the seventh innings.
Listen, six to one, you'renot out of it, but they
could do nothing. Now, goodpicture, Pablo Lopez, right, good
picture, but they could do nothingagainst him offensively. No, and this
is the biggest concern is that whenyou face top of the rotation, ask
starters like this to look like thisis very concerning. By the way,
we won't spend too much time talkingabout this, but if you guys remember
who Pablo Lopez was originally signed bygo Ahead and how did he get how
did he get to Minnesota, SirLuisa Riaz is how he ends up getting
to Minnesota, which is a prettyjust little trade for them, But he
goes to Miami from Seattle and nowhe's one of the better starters in baseball.
Somebody was arguing me on Twitter thathis win loss record doesn't say that.
Please stop citing win losses in twentytwenty four. Come on, guys,
but like, look, it didn'tmatter if Pablo Picasso and you know,
good good artists, probably not avery good picture could have been on
the mound today and the marinor Rofinswas going to strug. Their approach was
reprehensibly bad. The only guy whotook pitches today was Julio. Everybody else
was selling out for power, swingingway too hard at pitches, trying to
do way too much, and that'show you get fifteen more strikeouts today and
keep going back the Puto had alot of quotes that I think he would
love to just put in one ofthose things that you put the credit cards
into, shredder. Couldn't think ofthat term for some reason. There's a
lot of them. I think we'retrying to cut down on strikeouts thing is
one that he would love to putin. That shredder because clearly clearly objective
failed. If that was truly somethingyou were looking to do. Objective failed
big time. Klt rally was awfultoday, or hey, Polonka was awful
today. Jeff Rohawk gets one hitawful though with the rest of his batsmich
Hanniger still doesn't look like a veryeffective major league hitter. Right now,
you know you have Ty Franz outof the lineup. He's been one of
the biggest sources of my frustration lately. This is just not a very good
offense. And the corners, inparticular left field, right field, first
base, third base no longer lookslike an issue. But first base,
left field, and right field donot look like major league starters, and
there was a prime example of thattoday against a very good starting pitcher.
Well, let's be honest, thirdbase is not third base. Looks fine
if Rojas is playing third base,but Urius has hitting one seventy six.
I mean his ops is seven totwelve, so it's not awful, but
he's hitting one seventy six. He'snot getting on base. Here's the number
that jumps out of me, Chris. This isn't maybe and I haven't looked
at a box score close enough everysingle game, but this was what just
jumps off the page at me.Because you mentioned the Depoto put it in
the shredder thing. So the Maritors, they're nine starters. Every starter today
struck out at least once. Everysingle player in the lineup had at least
one strikeout. Julio cal Rawley,Jorge Polanco and or eve Us people are
like who. They all had multiplestrikeouts. The only player who didn't strike
out only had one app aut Thatwas Sam Haggerty. He was old for
one and didn't have an app aouthas yet to have a hit this year,
by the way, either. Butnevertheless, fifteen strikeouts against twin pitchers.
I always wonder when you get tothe point where it's now let's see
five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine to one in the
final four innings, you just kindof tap out and give up anyway.
I don't know, but it wasjust the strikeouts continue to come at too
high of a rate. Chris,Yeah, And you know, we've kind
of come around on this a littlebit. There used to be these things.
It was a big thing with theanalytical folks that they call the three
true outcome players, and they arethe guys who either walked, hit a
homer, or got out, andit didn't matter if it was a strikeout,
it didn't matter what type of thatwas. An out wasn't out.
But I think in today's day andage, we've kind of figured that's no
longer true because there are so zerothings positive that can happen when you strike
out. There are nothing good canhappen. No runner can go first to
third, No infield or outfielder canfall over or make a bad defensive play.
When you strike out, the exbats is over. There's nothing good
that can happen. Now, youcan also argue the other side of it
that you can't hit into a doubleplay if you strike out. You can't
have a base running mistake become evenworse if you strike out, if you
want to go that route, that'sfine, but I think you see that
there is a lot more positive whenyou put the ball in play. And
the Mariners argued that that was somethingthat they were really going to focus on,
that they added players to cut downon those strikeouts. Well, if
they did, then you know someof these guys are striking out a lot
more than they had in the past. The approach isn't working, and there
has to be either roster changes,coaching changes, or a combination of both,
because if you continually do not putthe ball in play, and that
is five out five innings worth ofstrikes. Fifteen strikeouts is five innings where
you do not put the ball inplay. You can't win baseball games like
that unless you're hitting four or fivehomers to go with that, marriage didn't
hit the ball over the fence atall. Today, you cannot have winning
baseball games no matter how good you'restarting pitching is, no matter how good
your defense is, and I don'tthink the defense is that good, no
matter how good the bullpen is,and I'm not sure the bullpen is all
that good. If you have fiveinnings taken away with you with strikeouts,
you're not going to be a WorldSeries contender. Well, I mean the
quote unquote approach that we hear.That my favorite baseball term which has become
a big one over the last fewyears. It's the you know, approach,
the approach, Well, the approachwas pretty simple. I mean the
approach. The approach for the Twinswas really simple. They and Service talked
about it before the game, becausehe talked about what his team's approach was
supposed to be, and that was, Hey, this guy throws strikes.
We got to jump on him.We got to you know, we got
to take advantage he throws the ball, he throws strikes. Well, that's
exactly what right. They just theythey jumped on first pitches all day against
Logan Gilbert. Yeah, one hundredpercent. And when those pitches are middle,
middle, and when those pitches areyou know, throwing strikes is great.
And we saw that, especially withKirby yesterday, where he threw forty
nine of seventy pitches for strikes.Is really good. That's seven out of
ten. It's exactly seven out often. If I'm doing my math right.
I went to a public school.That may not be right, but
it is not good when those strikesare down the middle of the flipping plate.
That is not good enough. Likeyou're starting pitching, which you rely
on so much. They have tostart being a little more willing, and
we've seen it against a team likethe Twins. You've got to be a
little more willing to expand that strikezone, especially a guy like Kirby who
has the benefit of doubts, abenefit of doubts as a pitcher who throws
so many strikes. No, he'snot great mannis, but he's not far
from it. Umpires are going togive him the benefit of the doubt.
Go challenge, don't make have yourcatcher extend out as far as he can
until he doesn't get that call anymore. No, there's no more Eric Greggs
anymore of the world who completely stinkat their job. But there are still
umpires who really struggled to call ballsand strikes. Expand the zone, make
hitters expand the zone. Gilbert andKirby did a very poor job of that,
and you saw the results three andten this year. By the way,
when they don't hit a home run, seventeen of their twenty wins this
season have come via the long ball. Like I mean, it's just it's
that has to be the highest ratein Major League Baseball, doesn't it like
it's hit a home. I mean, you're not stringing together hits, is
what we're saying. And along theway, yeah, I think that was
the thing that was odd to mewas like like the and hey, quickly
just a the Lopez thing, thePablo pen or whatever they had out there.
Is that not just do they notjust thieve that from Felix? What
the hell, Minnesota, this iswhy you should have got out and kicked
their ass, just just because ofthat, Like, what in the hell
in the honor of Keaven Martinez andall things that are good with the Seattle
Mariners marketing department, these jackofs wentout there and they stole an idea from
the Mariners and then they shoved iton you. What the hell, buddy,
Yeah, I hate it. It'salmost enough for me to root for
the Nuggets in this series coming up, but I can't do it. If
seven Shock is anymore happy, I'mgonna be ridden. We were rooting for
the Wolves because they have a betterchance to beat the other team that's probably
going to get through rather easily.If the other team wins a NBA championship.
By the way, you're gonna haveto find someone else for Molly Whatt
Monday. I will not be ableto talk about sports. Well, don't
worry, I'll be sick. I'llbe calling out for a while. It's
not going to happen, all right. Chris Crawford joining us mile y forty
three seconds worth of mile why today? So we're making him do twenty minutes
with us instead. He'll be backon with a normal mile why we hope
tomorrow. If not, God,things will be really bad. If that's
the case, I don't even wantto think about what happens you get beat
by Oakland like ten to one.That's probably I shudder to think what will
be said on mile y tomorrow.Let me I'm gonna get to the bullpen
a heartbeat because I think we needto discuss that a little bit. But
let me hit on this for asecond. Over the last two games,
we saw two elite pitchers for Seattlenot have good outings. That's going to
happen. As you mentioned, LoganGilbert was not going to go through this
whole season with a one point whatis one point oh four eer? Where
the hell was coming into this game. That wasn't going to happen. But
when Logan Gilbert is less than great, when George Kirby is less than great,
when Luis Castill is less than great. In other words, if your
starting pitchers are just okay or notokay, does this show once again you
have no chance to win a game. And that puts a lot of pressure
on that starting five one hundred percent. Like when the last time you saw
the Seattle Mariners overcome a great startfrom one of those guys. I can't
remember it now again, memory reallystruggling, but I cannot remember the last
time that the offense carried this teamto a victory with a poor start for
one of those guys. They've doneit for Emerson Hancock, They've done it
for Bryce Mill for whatever reason.When those three guys are on the mound,
the offense, I don't want tosay they're resting on Laurels or just
counting on those guys to get itdone, but they just haven't overcome starts
from those guys, and it's hardto And that's sixty percent of your rotation,
right that is sixty percent of yourguys going out there. That you're
really counting on to give you tworuns or fewer in a good six innings
of baseball in today's day and age. In any day and age is difficult,
but especially in today's day and age, counting on those guys it makes
it puts an a lot of pressureon this offense, and they just haven't
looked up to the task. Likecal Rally has had some massive hits,
including a huge Grand Slam. Thatgoodness for that Grand Slam, because we're
absolutely talking about a four game sweep. It's not for cal Rally. The
Roic's there, but it also goeson for three with three strikeouts today and
has had significant contact issues. Juliois still not driving the baseball for whatever
reason. Mitch Hanneger looks lost tyFrance earned that day off. They are
not good enough to overcome anything butelite starting pitching, and they were due
for a stretch like this, whatwas it, twenty starts for whatever the
heck it was in a row withtwo earned runs or fewer, you are
due to have some results. Andwhen the results come, your offense isn't
good enough to back it up.And if I'm Jerry Depoto, if I'm
Justin Hollander, I'm looking at thisand saying, we need to give these
guys some help. Well, andyou just when you talked about nov good
enough to come come back. Imean, they're three and thirteen now and
the other team scores first in anine inning game. When the other team
scores first, they're three and thirteen. That's just it's that just can't happen
either. A final thing for howconcerned are we about the bullpen? With
Sauce out now for a while,You're already missing two ends of the end
of the bullpen, high leverage guys. Now you lose another guy that was
kind of had had really for hiscredit, evault into that role nicely.
Now you're losing. You've lost threekey guys in your bullpen. I'm concerned.
I am concerned as as much asand Andre Munos. You know,
we criticized a little bit and hadsome trying to shake the results early.
He looks fantastic. I'm not worriedabout him whatsoever. I'm worried about the
rest of it because Ryan Stanek isnow your second best reliever. Gabe Speyer
has actually been kind of shaky overhis last few outings. Real quick.
By the way, on Taylor Sossetto, I saw a lot of people saying
that the ball should have been calleddead on that play. That's absolutely nonsense.
That's not how sports worked. Wassports just one time that absolutely should
have happened. But I'm really hopingthat two's okay because he is one of
my favorite players on the Mariners becausehe's a big Husky fan. Go Husky
fan. The other thing, though, is that you just look at this
other these other guys in this bullpenand it's shaky, Like Trent Thornton's lay
is really good. Do you reallytrust Krent Thornton in a high leverage situation?
Do you really trust Cody Bolton ina high leverage situation? And you
have no idea what if anything,you're going to get from Matt Brash and
Greg Rissanto's for the rest of theyear. If there's any position they need
to upgrade right now, it's thebullpen because they're the guys who are working
these high leverage situations. You've seenthe Mariners recover from bad play at first
base and right field and left field. It's a lot harder to recover from
those shaky outings. From your bullpen. I think you absolutely have to make
a move for another high leverage reliever. All right, my friend, well
you're pretty good. You should dothis for a living anyway. That's Chris
Crawford. He joins us on Mondayswith and did I hear you disparage Ryan
Stanick? Wait a second, NathanBishop online one, ladies and gentlemen,
Nathan Bishop, the president of theRyan Staneck fan club, is calling in
right now, So I do.It's their only argument ever in the history
of my Hawaii. That's their onlyargument ever. Well, the good thing
is I get I'm on a golfcourse and I get texts, and my
phone's buzzing, and it's like,what's this, And it's like you guys
going back and forth on Ryan's stanekand I'm like, okay, oh.
And then and then Nate measuring,because if we're being honest, he is
the biggest nerd of the whole group. Him measuring, him, him measuring
the distance of the home runs hityesterday off of Kirby coming up with what
in just over a half a mileor something like that. So yeah,
thanks to be fair, he's theonly one of us who has a job
that makes any sense of the threeof us. Like, he didn't tell
me who am I allowed to rootfor? In this uh this Boston Florida
series. You constantly are telling mewho I'm allowed to root for in sporting
events? Who am I allowed toroot for? Who are you rooting for?
Before that I got pissed at youfor because there was one that you
made just a colossal mistake as asport. No like I like to Boston
over Toronto watching Toronto blow. Thisis absolutely hilarious. Oh I think it
was. I think I I listen. I've tried to point out to you
that Boston, until the Celtics haveto play the team we won't name,
Boston is our enemy. I'll pointagain to Super Bowl forty nine and just
once again, they're in fox Borough. They're far from Boston, well,
but they're based there. They representseven states. Okay, what ever,
ok I'll send you a separate textand give you the rundown of who you
are allowed to root for? Allright, Okay, we'll do that later.
Okay, thanks, thanks so mucheasier. Are you going to actually
do a mile why tomorrow? Yeah? I'm going to do a mile y
tomorrow and I'm also going to bedoing a mile Y tonight for our subscribers
that we are going to look atone player on every American League team that
the Seattle Mariner should be trading.Ooh ooh, I like that. So
that's on YouTube. If you subscribetonight, then right, yep ye n
a month for that weekly chats,a whole bunch of lot of good stuff.
I strongly understand people who don't wantto pay a subscription fee and just
want the free content, but it'sreally helping me out if you do,
so do it and that sounds likea cool thing. So check that out
tonight, mile Wi go look atit on YouTube. Chris, Thank you,
Talk to you, money buddy.Tick Care's Chris Crawford with our own
radio version of mile Y since hisother one went forty three seconds. Holy
crap on a cracker. We'll takea break, come back, yeah,
reset the day. We have dailypower Play one forty five special guests coming
up a two o'clock you don't wantto miss talking about the nil world and
also why rust didn't work out inDenver. That's coming up two o'clock ninety
three point three KJFM Live from ther n R Foundation Specialists broadcast studio back
to Ian Fernett's powered by Seattle's ClosestSports Book, Snow Call Me Casino on
Sports Radio ninety three point three kJR f M. I'm gonna promise you,
Jess, at one point, Iwon't turn the microphone on before I
start jostling around with the behind thecurtains. Look at what is going on?
Don't do that. I'm sorry.You know what are feeling, Softy?
What's going on? It's Friday toyou, isn't it feels like Friday?
That's what I mean. Tomorrow's Friday. Thursday's kind of my Friday.
You've got some Friday vibes going well. I mail it in on Fridays anyway,
So not that I don't do ittoday anyway. It's sports radio.
What the hell we do? We'renot working for a living the uh thank
god we don't have a human resourcesdepartment here. I say learn that one
pretty quick. I say that formy sake today, but normally it's for
Softy's sake. A couple things wantto hit on here in this segment.
We'll do a daily power play.In a second along the lines of the
daily power play, which we'll doin a second. I mean some startling
numbers in the NHL as the crackand look for a coach about the number
of head coaching changes in the leagueover the last twelve months. It's insane.
And you know who's not far behindis the National Basketball Association the nb
A Phoenix Sun's just Friday Frank Vogellike it's I don't know what job is
worse out there in terms of jobsecurity than a head coach in the two
winter sports leagues. But you'd behard pressed to find guess news radio.
But yeah, sports trail is fine. We're still plugged. We're good,
good people. Here's radio. Shoutout to some of my friends in the
news radio business that that have havebeen kicked in the in the gut the
last few days. But yeah,I think outside of that world, like
coaching like it, the NHL isstill the worst in terms of lack of
patience. Again, I'll point thisout. I don't disagree at all with
the letting go of Dave Hackstall.I think we saw far too many instances
this season where he just needed towell the team just didn't show up,
like they just flat out didn't showup. The NBA is a different beast,
you know, Darvin ham Now,Frank Vogel, I mean you just
look around the league. It's justlike it is. It is crazy how
how quick these guys go. Ithink that these two sports too, you
see more retreads than any other two, Oh for sure. I mean Hamm
was the first time guy, right, But but Vogel, like it feels
like he's kind of always in somesuperstar crosshairs, right yeah, Bron now
Kevin, I mean, it's justit's and you look at lou who Lebron
made and you know it's wait,you still see him on the sideline and
he can actually coach. He canand he can and he can actually coach
along the way. You know,it's that that does that doesn't go.
But yeah, whether it's the superstarsthat run the league or whether it's just
a lack of patience, I'm notsure what it is. You know,
you know, Chris mentioned changes forthe Mariners and he didn't say service,
he didn't say hitting coach. Butyou know, something's got to happen with
the baseball team, roster shake up, whatever it might be. You know,
they lose again today, They losethe last two games they lose this
series is now the glass half fulesthey won six straight series. They've won
six of the last seven series.That's a glass half full. The problem
is is doing that. They salsit here only two games above five hundred.
Uh. They're a game and ahalf behind the Texas Rangers right now,
and the Oakland are coming to town. A's are only a couple of
games behind, two and a halfgames behind Seattle as it stands, and
that's hard. Like the margin ofair is very small with the Mariners.
I am worried a little bit.What Chris was saying the bullpen is what
kind of has me a little morestressed out right now than anything else.
George Kirby is going to be fine. I think certainly, there's no doubt
that that Logan Gilbert. I mean, he's really had he had one below
average outing and he had one reallybad outing. That's all he's had in
terms of his back. Everything elsehas been lights out this season. Today
with you said, his record whenor the Maritor's record when he's on the
mound is ridiculous. Yeah, thiswas just this was one of those out
of it just happens and the problemis the offense isn't good enough to pick
him up. And then the bullpenthey kind of they didn't want to waste
guys that were key guys, butthey're starting to run out of key guys
and they're starting to run out highleverage guys. You know, Santo's gone,
Brash, got Brash isn't coming backthis year, doesn't A period just
got put on in the sixty de DL. So I'm sorry, injured
list, I'm never going to getthat right. You can disabled this for
all those years and then expect usto change, can you. I'm I'm
an old man. I can't rememberthings as it is. That one is
different. It's these slight changes too. It wasn't some meteoric change where you're
like, oh, that's not that, like you know T Mobile Park for
instance, and do you ever calla safe call? I noticed that Joshian
did earlier this weekend. I waslike, I'm gonna let it go.
He said, well, because Ihaven't done that in a long time,
but I used to. Yeah.It took us a while to get past
Quest to Lumen YEP, I meanwell to century Link to Lumen. The
centrally Quest. I had a hardertime with Century Link to Lumen than Quest
is call what it should be.It's the Kingdome. Let's just go back
to that. Make undomed, KingUndome, Just make it all right in
the world. I'll go through ina second, though. The NHL has
another coach opening today, which isalso bad news because it's more, I
guess, in a sense, competitionfor what Ron Francis is trying to get
done with his head coaching position,which is open as well. Now from
the start Rentals Sports Tests your ninetythree point three KJRFM Sports Headlines headlines.
This hour brought to you by Buddy. Buddy's good He's in glass. Thank
you very much. I'm trying toget the hang of this thing again.
Thank you appreciate. Renders lost theirsecond straight game, third in the last
four of a four game series withthe Twins eleven to one the final today
and may not have been that close. To be honest with you, Logan
Gilbert had his issues today. Hestruggled mightily for Seattle getting the start.
The guy that holds the all timebest winning percentage on the road in his
first fifty starts in Major League Baseballon the road today, struggled four innings,
nine hits, eight runs. Theywere all earned for Gilbert, who
took the loss. M struck outfifteen times in the game. They also
lost last night as well. Panthersand Canucks were winners last night, and
the Stanley Cup Playoffs NBA Playoffs Knickswere Winnerslics host the Cavaliers tonight at four.
Boston has a one game and nonlead, and the big game for
all of us here come on Dallas, Mavericks taking on the thunder OKAC has
a one zero series lead. Sounderswinners last night US Open Cup. How
about that? In PK's they saythey move on to the round of sixteen.
Portland is next up. They playin the Rose City on Sunday.
That game, by the way onFox thirteen Free and what do we say?
Free? Free? Port Linn sucks. Port Linn sucks. Port Linn
sucks. By the way, fournine four New textig wents game time,
your thoughts, questions, concerns comingup bottom of the hour at two thirty
today as well as texts available forvia the voice text go to the iHeartRadio
app as well. Live from theR and R Foundation specialists broadcast studio back
to Ian Furnance, powered by Seattle'sclosest sportsbook, Snow call me Casino on
Sports Radio ninety three point three kJR FM. Welcome back in Sports Radio
ninety three point three KJAR FM.On this gorgeous Thursday afternoon. It is
beautiful over here today and Seattle,and uh, you know what, it's
a good time to catch up withan old friend. We haven't talked to
him on the air for a while, and any chance we get to do
so, And I made up achance because I know he's a big part
of what's going on tomorrow at theBellevue Higher Regency of the Koch's first Show
and Crew Expo coming up tomorrow.But of course, former Washington State University
tight end, former NFL player,Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together
for also a former member of ourcoup ground table in the fall. But
then he got big time and busy. He's got a big business going on.
Jed Collins is with us right now. Hello, sir, how are
you? Oh dang, that's hardto come in after that? Calls me
big time. I'm a fullback fyou know, like this is but no
Ian great to catch up. Greatto hear you. You are absolutely right.
Beautiful day out, people get out, enjoy the sunshine. And if
I hear one Seattleite complain about howwarm it is, there's gonna be problem.
There's gonna be a problem. Well, let me see, you played
in Louisiana, you grew up inCalifornia, you went to college in eastern
Washington. Eighty degrees in sunny withno humidity. Buddy, this is perfect,
is it not. This is aspretty close to it as you can
get. I will. I thinkour souls need it right now. So
yeah, I'm basking in it andenjoy it. A lot of things I
want to hit on with you,football, non football, on the field,
off the field, all that funstuff in just a couple seconds.
Let me start with this real quick, though, because I know you're a
part of it, and you knowthe godfather, Jack Thompson and Glenn and
the whole group. But Coog's firstis back at it again tomorrow. And
and whether you're a Kug or nota Kug, business owner, business person,
looking for a job, looking forsomething to get done in your house,
whatever it is, tell people what'sgoing on tomorrow. You know,
This is what's been amazing to seethe evolution. As you mentioned, Jack
Glenn, Rob Tobek got started,you know, a decade ago, and
I love to say it's a greatday to be at KUP. It's always
a great day to be a Koug. But Kook's first is that day where
we get to come together and trulyjust you know, support one another.
We look at the community of whatPullman represents and we want to extend it
beyond our days on campus. Wewant to extend it into our professional lives.
Now, there is as you mentioned, there's a job fare for people
looking to get new opportunities. There'sa power hour with our business school.
There's you know, obviously people fromthe university. They're giving kind of a
state of the Union updates on athleticsas well as the campus at large.
We're really just trying to create thisidea you are a Koup for life,
and when you go out into theworld being a professional, we want you
to think Koop's first. We wantyou to think to help and support one
another. So obviously, if you'rein the Cougar family, you are more
than welcome if you'd just like tosee what it's about come on down.
It is a great place the networkbusiness, shake some hands. And I
got a sneaking suspicion you'll be ableto have a beer two while you're there.
Well, weird, go koogs.That's a shocking development, But yeah,
that's what I think. I knowso many people over the years have
gone there, and the networking partof it, job searching and all those
things, and meeting business owners andheck, maybe even if you're a Central
or a Western alum, you canpop in there looking for a gig.
And you know, that's the greatthing about listen man in today's world.
You know better than anybody it's agrind. It is an absolute grind.
So go check it out if maybeif you're looking to buy some insurance or
get your roof done or whatever else. There's all kinds of things there.
It's just it's go support those businessesor look for something for yourself as well.
It's a great opportunity. And congratulations, you guys have come a long
long way with this thing. It'spretty awesome And it starts a four o'clock
tomorrow Height Regency in Bellevue. JedCollins is with us here on the beacon
plumbing hotline. All right, letme get to a couple other things.
One is this I want I wantto throw this at you before I get
into some You played in the NFL. You understand college athletics, the NFL,
the world, the grind and allthat. And I'm gonna I'm gonna
pick your brand on a couple ofthings. In a second. I got
to ask you just a wild cardquestion. You joked about not being big
time. I don't know. Idon't have a football signed by Drew Brees.
It says I was one of theguys that kind of touchdown pass on
the way it was setting a record. So does that put you in a
big time category? My friend?You also played for a guy by the
name of Sean Payton. What wereyou surprised it didn't work out with him?
And Russell Wilson? So one,I appreciate that. And yes,
being you know, six inches fromgreatness is always something that you need to
absorb and steal as much as youcan. Good artists borrow, great artists
steel and I've taken things from Drewas well as fifteen year linemen twenty year
kickers. If you're around greatness,take from them Sean Payton. Did it
surprise me? Not necessarily. Andas we look at football, it is
all a mindset. As a headcoach, you are not just drilling in
and try to get your team andthe players to understand what it is that
you want them to do. You'rereally managing the managers. You have to
get your entire coaching staff to beable to then imprint into the player what
that message and theme is. WhereI look at kind of why Sean and
Drew bonded so well is they foundeach other at a time where they needed
one another and they were each other'sguys. I never saw the Russell Sean
collaboration. As they're leaning on oneanother, they're each other's backstop at them
against the world. Sean Payton isan amazing head coach, and what that
means is he has to be ableto stand in front of a room of
fifty men as well as his staffand get them to believe in him.
That persona has to have every bitof support for it as well as it
going to represent and support your quarterback. So I looked at that partnership and
I said it was kind of oneof these not necessarily a match made in
Heaven, but it was a littlebit more of like a mail order bride
type atmosphere, And so no,I wasn't totally It was not totally shocked
to see John wanting to step outand say, I want to go find
my guy. When I look atlike a Jed Collins type of player,
I never got an opportunity because nobodywas willing to take a risk and say,
this kid, nobody else thinks thatcan do it, is somebody I
believe, and I'll put my trustin him. I think Sean is going
to find his next quarterback that says, this is a guy that maybe doesn't
fit a lot of your programs.Watch what I can do with him in
my program, and I think that'sgoing to be kind of that next evolution.
Well me, he took you andall joking aside, I mean you
played for the guy. You knowwhat he's like. I mean, his
record speaks for itself. It's justI want to get into because I think
it's a broader topic and I lovetalking about stuff like this with you.
Jed Collins joining his former NFL playerNow he's got his own business, and
part of that business, you're goingaround and you're talking to NFL teams.
I think you've got what is adozen little more of a more than a
dozen teams that you talk to aboutfinancial planning and getting these young guys kind
of on the right track. BeforeI go into what I want to ask
you from from the football side ofthings, what is it exactly that you're
doing. Tell folks your what yourbusiness is in terms of working with these
NFL teams. Yeah, and Iappreciate it. So fifteen years ago,
I was a rookie in the NFL. I wrote in my journal, I
want to come back and teach theJets, the player this language of money.
I walked into the NFL being anaccounting major, having a business degree
from Washington State, and still havingno personal financial lens, not understanding how
to handle the paychecks. And asyou know, in the football those paychecks
come in high and they come inquick. And so I get to look
at this off season alone, andwe can talk about the bigger company here
in a moment, but this offseason I will teach between three four five
hundred at NFL players the basics andprinciples of financial literacy, working with about
thirteen fourteen teams next week Monday,I'll be with the Bears, Tuesday will
be with the Chiefs, Thursday I'llbe with the Jaguars. I get to
not only talk to the rookies,but I'm starting to elevate the trust tree
into the second, third, fourthyear players in looking at them and saying,
I am not an advisor, Iam not a financial institution. I
got nothing to sell you. I'mhere for one thing for you to understand,
how to capture this dream of theNFL. So that's what I get
to do with them. And asI look at kind of this passion,
COVID was where I started to mybusiness. I was going to go out,
I was going to do exactly whatwe just talked about With COVID.
I had to pivot to a morevirtual audience, and I looked at who
else could use this information. Andso I'm really proud to say Money Vehicle.
My company is in high schools acrossthe country. We're in twenty plus
states, delivering to thousands of studentsevery day. And so the message is,
how do we translate the language ofmoney into stories and the nowlogies and
ways students can adhere to it thatstudent can be a sixteen year old high
school student, a twenty five yearold NFL player, even a fifty five
year old Amazonian. We all needto better understand the language of money.
And that's really my passion and mypurpose and what I'm driving to do today.
I'm gonna circle back to the biggerpicture because I love the fact that's
in high schools. I think that'smassively important. Before I get to that,
let me go into a different realmfor second, with the NFL player.
Like you said, those checks comein fast, quick, furious,
they're high, and you know you'resitting in a room and you got these
dudes, and there's guys listen,Caleb Williams when you talk to him at
US, you know, the formerUSC quarterback number one overall pick. He's
got money coming out of his ears. But you're probably looking at guys that
are second, third, fourth roundpicks, the undrafted free agents. They
just undrafted free and just got onehundred thousand dollars signing bonus with a non
guarantee in it. What do youtell those guys, because you see it
feels like I see far too manystories of guys going, man, I
made all this money and then Ilost all this money. So what's your
message to the pro athlete? Verysimple, and you know you've got to
kind of I don't want to sayscare them straight, but you do have
to show them what hurdles they're goingto jump over. First and foremost,
it's this idea of we made it. I would say ten twenty years ago,
the professional athlete was quote unquote goingbroke on cars and houses and jewelry
and things like that. Today it'sthe yes guy. It's the eye of
aunts, uncles, cousins, colleges, schools, nonprofits. Everybody's saying you
made it. We made it.And so that first kind of wall in
realization that we need to think indecades, not days. We need to
look at our opportunity of one yearin the NFL or three or four or
five years, and look at howmany decades it is going to help us
support So really getting them to changetheir frame of mind and think longer as
they look at their dollars. Wehave defined our careers by beating the odds.
When we look at money in investing, we don't necessarily need to beat
the odds, have to jump startin the advantage of time. So that
first one is really getting them toidentify mom, dad, I love you.
I need to make it before weget to make it, because I
don't know where this dust is goingto settle. And then that next one
is going to be looking at thatkind of transition and saying I love that.
Every class now is coming in asmaybe not millionaires, but having hundreds
of thousands of dollars. They're furtherdown the road than I was as a
rookie, or really any professional athletehas been in history. The questions they're
asking around now LLC's and secondary incomesand well, I want to go and
I want to start investing. Everybodyhas shown me the statistics that I need
to put my money to work.But what I really have to struggle and
get them to understand is now thatwe're looking at a longer term in the
form of money. We don't needto rush. You don't need to go
buy a four plux multipurpose size,you don't need to buy a rental property.
You don't need to buy into acompany. You don't need to throw
one hundred thousand dollars to the markettomorrow. We got to start building and
protecting our plan and I tell themall the time. You can have the
NFL deliver you a plan that provideseverything, but you just can't have it
all right now. And so howdo we start to scale it out over
this timeframe and over this understanding thatwe are fortunate to play in this business.
We wanted to set up the nextseveral decades and not just have some
great days in our twenty So thoseare kind of the starting messages as well
as what I love is sitting down, specifically with the rookies and saying,
who's a member of your a team? You have an agent, You're going
to need, an advisor, andaccountant, an attorney. These people work
for you. Who are they?How do you engage with them, what
do you question them on, howdo you pay them? And really getting
them to see themselves they are abusiness. NIL has forced that business mindset
earlier as you enter into the professionalworld. Outside of Taylor Swift, there
is not many bigger brands in theworld. In the NFL, you have
every door open to you if youwant to be a professional, use it,
use it today and truly find thatteam that is going to support you
and get you where you wanted to. Ultimately, go Jed Collins joining us
uh Jenner players more is an offshootof NIL and the collectives out there and
the fact that so many of theseguys, I mean almost everybody coming into
the league now probably had an NILdeal. I mean honestly, outside of
the kid they played at D two, Finley Durell, Mike Mike Correll for
the Seahawks, every other kid I'msure was. You know, if you're
not a power fiver, even inyour utap, you're geting, you're probably
getting some money. Are are theseyoung guys coming into the league. Are
they more or less prepared and moreor less uh, I guess fiscally responsible
than they were before they were havingthis money coming into the league with NIL.
Has NIL helped these guys at all, not just financially, but are
they better prepared or do you stillsee some just crazy thinking guy? And
I'll give you example the running backthat was at Oregon State, Demon Martinez.
You know, well, he boughta house and a car and then
decided to leave Oregon State. Gothe's got a house in Corvallis now and
he've spent like eighty thousand on acar and took a loan out and I'm
like, dude, what are youdoing? But are guys better or worse
with nil? I would say theyare better off because they have the opportunity
to fail. And as you knowme, Ian, I'm a great failure.
I believe you've got an embrace failureto embody success. And so they
are trying and starting and failing withsmaller dollars. Where the real struggle is
is ninety percent of those people gettingNIL deals will never touch professional sports.
So they are failing with their firstopportunities. But they are failing younger and
I'm okay with that because it allowsthem to educate. They are not more
prepared. That is the reality.Why my passion is financial empowerment is because
they are not understanding and seeing whatthis thing means that they are being handed.
I will say the best part ofall this is it's forcing the conversation.
You have to pay taxes, youhave to get insured. You have
to start asking yourself do I usethe savings account? What type of savings
account? This person over here issaying they're going to give me five percent,
that person's going to give me threepercent. Why what's the difference?
Where do I need to So thecuriosity is definitely there, the resources,
the tools, the true education,and then the application has not caught up
with the opportunity. Yet people lookedat nil and they said, how do
you make money? Make money?Make money, my business, my world.
We don't help you make money,we help you manage that money.
And it hasn't been a big enoughconcern. I'm sure there will be a
documentary in the next few years similarto the thirty for thirty broke that sayes,
look at all these vicdum jocks bluetheir nil money. It is just
the reality of human nature. Ifyou are given a lot, you are
going to go and express and feeland look at how much you have and
what you can do with it.But you don't understand the planning atmosphere of
money, and you don't understan andthe cliff that is coming. Whether you
are not going to go into professionalsports, or even if you do go
into professional sports, you have onlya certain amount of time to capitalize.
And so I really want to getout into that student mindset of thinking longer
with the dollars that they are getting. But now the mistakes are being made,
people are understanding them. Taxes hasbeen the biggest funny joke with nil.
But in the end, is itexactly what we all wanted? Not
even close. Is it still agreat step up for student athletes today to
get an opportunity to capitalize on thetalents and skills that they've spent their live
developing. I think that's unquestionable.And obviously we're not going anywhere again to
a place where there's no NIL,so it's here to stay. Yeah,
I agree. I think I kindof looked at it the whole time,
going you know, the thing withthis is that with the a NIL world
that jumped out of me as thetaxes, I brought that up right away.
I mean, we in our businessand radio, you know, there's
endorsement and commercial reads and different thingsthat we do that we get paid on
the side, and you know,the tax guy come, yeah, I'm
a big deal. Well but yeahthey're not NIL deals, trust me.
But but they but the taxman comesa calling, like like you get somebody
hands you a car that you know, who's what the car dealership's doing is
like, okay, that's an eighthundred dollars a month and that's taxable income.
And in the end of the year, you get the W two and
they're like, WHOA, I gotI got paid? What what? Like,
there's a whole different world out there. It's a deeper conversation I want
to have. Let me wrap itup with this. You're you're also part
of the KUP collective. You werea student athlete. You said, it's
not what we wanted, but itis there. How would you what would
you tell? Whether it's Wazoo fansor any college football fan, It's like,
Man, I don't know what todo. Do I give to the
collectives? Do I get do it? You know these pairs, these players,
are they getting paid? You know? What? What what do you
tell a fan? Someone comes upto you at Kug's first event, says
Jed, I've always given to theKuper Athletic Fund, But do I need
to give to the collective instead?What do I need to do? You
know, it's a tough discussion,and I'm the first one to say is
that an easy one? Absolutely not. But where we look at it is
this has always been a part ofthe game. We've just taken this part
of the game for granted, andso when we look at an investment in
the individuals, we want to beable to say you're investing in the people,
the family, the community. I'mputting my money into Koops because they're
going to be a part of myworld forever. We know that is not
necessarily the day and age anymore.It was maybe two to three years ago.
You pay them to stay. Now, as we look at nil,
it is simply a competitive landscape.If you want to put a competitive team
on the field, whatever level andtier you're on, there's a dollar amount
to that. Professional athletes has shownus this major League Baseball going to the
Yankees versus the Athletics. You lookat it and you just say, this
has always been a part of thegame. The conference is playing for the
money, The coaches are playing forthe money, the players are playing for
the money. We are out thereto entertain and if you see a value
in that entertainment, if you seea connection in what product is being put
out on the field, this isa piece of the game that we have
to participate in and this is howyou can make a major impact. We
look at companies that doesn't need tobe fifty one hundred a million dollars,
No, five thousand dollars, fivehundred dollars is an nil deal today.
Can you get a student athlete somefree gears, some free foods? However,
you can participate as a corporation orwhat we love at our Cougar Collective
as Coudes, we're mighty by many. We have an eighteen ninety club that
means eighteen dollars and ninety cents.Eighteen dollars in ninety cents a month goes
towards the Cougar Collective in supporting ourstudent athletes. I believe if we get
ten thousand Coudes to join the eighteenninety club, we'll be able to compete
with a lot of different programs whomaybe have the million dollar corporate offering.
And so I just look at itand say, if you believe in KOUG,
do you believe in Washington State Athletic. This is a part of the
game and the university as a budgetin buildings and things to support that we
need to help. But if wedon't play this part, they're not going
to have a team to field onthe put out on the field, it's
retainly not a competitive one as well. Last thing for a Jed Collins joining
us, you mentioned high school,so you're going into high schools and teaching
financial literacy too. I'm assuming allstudents student athletes. What have you like?
I mean, I if my kidsare still in high school, I'd
want that to happen in my schooland for my kids. How do people
go about that? So thirty statesin the last few years have mandated to
graduate high school in Florida, Texas, Indiana, you have to go through
a financial literacy curriculum. That isa massive change and update. Washington unfortunately
did not pass that requirement. Soif you want to help support, yes,
we are in hundreds of districts acrossthe country. Obviously, if you
can remove the burden of the budgetand say, hey, Jed, I
want this at my local high school, your money vehicle dot com. Reach
out to us at your money vehicledot com or info at your money vehicle
dot com for an email. Wecan connect directly into any high school in
America. And this is a curriculumand a program that not just entertains the
students, but we have every teacherresource that gives the teachers their time back.
We want to make it as easyfor the educators and to be able
to support them. So this isa passion. This is the right time,
the right place, and if youwere saying yeah, I would love
for you know, my school herein Seattle, or my school in eastern
Washington, wherever you are, wewould love to be able to support your
students and bring them this message offinancial empowerment, teaching them the language of
money. There's like a dozen otherquestions I got for you, but you
know what, I've got your phonenumber, and at some point in the
next leuple, I want to getyou in studio because I wanted to the
NIL and that world and just thefinancial side of it and all the different
nuances to it. I think there'sa lot of questions a lot of fans
have before they write a check,before they donate, whether it's eighteen ninety
or whether it's one hundred and ninetyor whether it's eighteen thousand. So I'm
gonna get you in studio. We'regonna do this again and have a deeper
discussion about the NIL world and maybetry to answer some fans questions as well,
so I know I can count onyou to do that at some point.
Again, what's your website for peoplethat want to get more information?
Because I think it's great for students, for student athletes, for young people,
even for guys my age. What'syour website again? You send in
questions to Ian and the KJR team. I would love to come in and
sit down and answer them. Yourmoney vehicle dot Com if you're interested or
curious about if Jed is a speaker, Jededi Columns dot com will get you
to my speaking But as you lookat that high school curriculum, your money
Vehicle dot Com, we can empowerstudents anywhere. You're the best, buddy.
I love love talking to you.Great catching up, enjoy the weather,
have a great event tomorrow out atthe Billevue Hiyatt Regency and we'll talk
down the road. Jed Collins,the legend that is Jed Collins joining us
here here we'll talk to you man, go cook. Thanks buddy, thank you,