All Episodes

July 16, 2024 97 mins
Teoscar Hernandez wins HR Derby, would you want Cal Raleigh in the derby in the future?  MLB Draft strategy with Jordan Schusterman. Home Run Derby national anthem.  Radio GM: Mariners middle infield.  Brandon Aiyuk trade request fallout in NFC West.  All Star Game preview.  UW QB situation, what constitutes a good season for UW in first season in Big 10.
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Episode Transcript

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It's a crazy day in a lotof ways because there's nothing to talk about,
yeah, and that's what's actually fun, yeah, is that we just
kind of have carte blanche to talkabout a whole bunch of stuff. We
got to talk about the home runderby though, because number one, it
was the perfect encapsulation or example Iguess I should say of why a great

ending to something doesn't always equal agreat event. Because the finale was phenomenal,
Yes, there's no question about that, and ti Oscar Hernandez winning over
Bobby Witt Junior kind of an upset, you know. I think it was
twelve to one odds. A buddyof mine who asked me for the best
odds to bet on, ended upbetting fifty bucks and got quite a bit
of money, so good for him. But you know, I was a

little surprised to see those guys inthe finale. You know, Pete Alonso
has been so good at this thing, and people like Marcelo Zuna and Gunner
Henderson obviously have hit more home runsthan both of those guys, so I
was a little surprised to see thatfinale. But it also comes down to
the endurance thing, which we talkedabout on Monday that look, the wiery
guys have a little bit of anadvantage because you get tired swinging the bat

that hard for that long. Andit ended up being two of the more
frail. I guess this is whatthe word I would use there, which
is weird for a home run dirty, It is weird for a home run
derby. You kind of just thinkof Big Mac and those guys in that
They've all put amazing moments. Buthey, Ken garf E Jr. Is
one of the widerest guys of alltime. Wiest. I guess that's the
right way to say it. Yeah, just not built as thick, not

as thick. Yeah, a thickerlower half, yeah for sure. But
you know, he jokingly talked aboutthat his workouts would be watching guys work
out in the locker room and thenhead home and maybe that had something to
do with the injury issue any butJabe, just a smidget. I did
not think it was the most excitingevent, What about you, my friend?

I actually didn't watch a ton ofit, so I watched the first
couple of rounds and I was prettybored, so I kind of switched gears.
Was I hadn't watched the new episodeof House of Dragon yet, so
I got into that to turn thaton instead, but I heard I missed
a doozy of an ending. Soyou know, I'm curious what you thought
of the format because I feel likeit changes every single year. It was
fine, Yeah, it was fine. I mean, it's ultimately, I

don't think people realize how bad theformat used to be when we used to
have it. He was ten outsand it took four. Ever, so
it's ten outs, and then itwas timed, and then it was I
don't know. It was like thosesecret Santa rules, like you can pass
the gift one time, one homerun, you can't open the next home
run till it's so weird. Justhit the ball really far is all I

really want to watch. You know. It was pretty in eventful. I
did think, however, ti OscarHernandez's comments were a little interesting because ti
Oscar Hernandez said that he never feltcomfortable as a Seattle Mariner hitter. Interesting
and when they asked him that.They asked him that after the event,
and he was pretty open about howthings didn't work out in Seattle and he

was disappointed with that and that hejust never really felt comfortable. And some
people have brought up that there's aninteresting batter's eye in Seattle and it makes
things a little less comfortable for hitters. Yeah, some of that I think
is not an excuse per se.However, you get comfortable, you're playing
it somewhere. You moved to thisisolated among isolated places in the United States

and Canada junior really for lack ofa better term, there's probably in Alaska,
southern Alaska. I like that,bet, Yeah, especially with Ian
Gohn. We're not talking about Canada, Yes, you're Canada. Yeah.
Oh. I did think it wasinteresting though that he brought up that he
was specifically uncomfortable hitting in Seattle,and I'll be honest with you, looking
at it, it was pretty obvioushe wasn't terribly comfortable right in Seattle,

not to mention that he had likewhat I get over at eight hundred o
ps on the road last year,he did. And now some of that
is buoyed big word, kind ofbig word, but a fun word,
yea, by the fact that hehad. Julio's August is still the best
I've ever seen. If not forJulio's August we'd be talking about ti Oscar's
August because it was absolutely insane whathe did over that last month or second

last month. Unfortunately, the lastmonth wasn't so good. Nope, let's
not talk about that. It's toodepressing to think about the blown opportunity there.
But you know, and this isone of those things that we just
have to talk about because the SeattleMariner hitters obviously have not looked terribly comfortable
hitting anywhere. But you'd think thatyou'd want your home confines to be the

friendly confines, the place where youfeel the most comfortable. If you're hearing
from a borderline star pretty close toit anyway, saying that he was not
comfortable playing in that part. Yeah, I don't know if i'd go to
the star route with him. Ithink he's a great hitter, one of
the better hitters than Mariners have hadand actually acquired recently. Yeah, but
you know, he's just one ofthose guys that is a on a good

team, a five hitter that'll orfive or six hole maybe maybe four that'll
that'll do you do his job.Hit'll a lot of home runs, probably
strike out a lot. But yeah, I just it is interesting because that's
a sentiment that's not, you know, obviously his own, it's just been
shared by a lot of other playersas well. Yeah, and that's the

thing. It's if this was justa one time thing, he'd say,
Okay, you're making those types ofexcuses. But we've got that event out
of the way, and now we'vegot the All Star Game. Of course,
we're not going to see any SeattleMariners playing hitting in that All Star
Game because who would even come closeto being good enough to playing in that
game? All due respect to BigDumper went to twenty bombs, just way

too inconsistent in the middle of theyear, obviously, Julio. Although I
would like to see him at ahome run derby ones and I think Big
Dumper would do really well in ahome I think so too. I think
he would do really well, andhe would have an advantage of being a
switch hitter. Who yeah, ifhe's not feeling the pot from one side.
We saw sadly Ritchmand do that inSeattle. It was like when the
things weren't going well. I thinksome of it was too that we talk

about the endurance thing. It's alot easier to go switch and put that
pressure on the other shoulder. You'veswung the bat a whole bunch of times.
So I would love to see BigDumper in a home run derby.
I'm curious what people think about numberone, how excited they are about this
All Star game. Number two,there's only one Mariner that's eligible to play

in this All Star game, andthat's Andre's Munos. And I'd be curious
on the telemore due text line.When it is game time, it's perfection.
It's four nine four five one.If you want to see Andres Munyo's
playing this game, and it soundslike an easy yes until you start to
think about it. Number one,this is a guy who's been worked extremely
hard. And number two, howhow much do you really care about this?

Yeah, That's what I'm curious about, and so I'm really curious to
see what's going to happen. We'vegot a kind of loaded show today.
We're going to talk to Jordan Schustermanof Suspetus Family Barbecue. We're going to
talk some Seahawks stuff, especially withthe Brandon Ayuk news, and we're going
to talk about some husky stuff aswell. We'll have Jordan Schustraman up Next
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Actually is a good course, It'sa really nice course. Yeah, let's
check it out sometime. You should. Chris Crawford in Free inf Nees says,

I am going to be all weak, and I wanted to promote something
that I'm going to be doing tomorrowthat I'm pretty excited about jo Anderson.
I'm pretty excited. You've heard aboutit everybody, not else. I don't
know what words I'm trying to say. I'm that excited. Justin Hollander is
going to join us tomorrow at onefive pm and we'll talk about the MLB
Draft, we will talk about thefirst half of the season, We'll talk

about a bunch of stuff. AndI'm really excited. And I really appreciate
Justin taking the time to do thisas well, because to say this is
a crazy time for a general managerof a baseball team is quite the understatement.
Yeah. Absolutely, And I'm excitedto hear what he has to say
about the draft, about what theyliked about their picks. Sure, we
can also ask about the first halfthe season, see how things are going

there. Yep, he's kind ofan evaluation of the guys so far.
Obviously, you won't be telling uswho they're trading for. Maybe they will
have some news to react to,sure, but you never know, so
we'll find out. So that'll betomorrow at one oh five, and again
I'm really looking forward to it.No, I will not be asking the
exact package for Jazz Chism, butyou know, maybe some drop some hints.

I'll ask if he likes jazz music, yeah, and I'll see how
he responds to that. Okay,that could be a little bit of a
hint. If he says I hateit, Justism's not coming here. If
he starts playing the jazz flute,then we know, yeah, then just
Chism is on his way here.By the way, one thing I wanted
to mention there too is and Iheard Ashley bring this up on the morning
show, Go get just Chism withTanner Scott. Yeah, and Tanner Scott

would really help this bullpen. WellLefty action too. I think that if
you could add him to this bullpen. On top of adding him, it's
not your a trade, but ifthat's your B trade, and we talked
about this yesterday. I think theyneed to make an A trade, a
B trade, and a C trade. And in fact, we're going to
talk about some middle infield options thatare going to make sense at the one
o'clock hour. Andrews has come upwith three names. I've come up with

three names. We have specifically nottold each other what the three names are,
so that we all have an idea. What if we three then that
would be wonderful And it's a perfectworld, and we should be hired as
the Mariage GM. We should askJustin Hollander for his job, or at
least just the notch below that's assistantto the general manager. You could be
Dwight trut and I could be AndyBernard if things could be pretty great.

Jordan Schusterman is going to be joiningus in just a sec to talk some
MLB draft to talk about the homerun derby. He's currently in alur Lincton.
By the way, Andrews, it'sone hundred degrees there. Yeah,
would you have any desire to watch? Yeah? Yeah? And plus I
haven't spent a lot of time inTexas, but I'm pretty sure that's not
a dry heat that we're talking abouteither. I don't know about Arlington.

I know Houston's very humid, sure, but yeah, it's it's a little
farther north, so it's on thedryer side, but it's still no one
hundred degrees anywhere degrees is still onehundred degrees exactly. I was really tempted
to show up here in my athleticshorts, in my tank top. Why
didn't you come on? Because youknow, I have to do laundry to
do that type of stuff. Ihad jeans clean, I have my husky

T shirt. I'm gonna be wearinghusky stuff pretty much all week to appease
Softy and a few other people.You know, It's it's fun to be
the contrarian a little bit, knowingthat my buddy Ian would not want me
to have on that husky stuff.We've got Jordan coming on in just one
second. I'm really excited to talkto him about the draft because he's somebody

who's covered the event for a verylong time, and or not as long
as me per se, but he'ssomeone who spent a lot of time in
that regard and we've talked about itfor a long time. But also He's
a huge Seattle Mariner fan, soI'm excited to talk to him about just
like what he thinks, and hey, we might as well talk to him
now joining us on the Beacon PlumbingHotline. He is one half of the

Suspenous Family Barbecue podcast. He alsodoes excellent work for Yahoo Sports. He's
my friend. Whether he wants admittedor not. This is Jordan Schusterman joining
us now. Jordan, how's itgoing, buddy? I'm great? How
are you? Chris? It's theDay three of the draft, best day
of the year, invest day ofthe year for sure. Do you miss
the forty rounds? That's a greatquestion, I would say a little bit,

sure, just a little bit.I think that Day three, especially
now that it coincides with All Stars, Right, it's a hilarious thing.
It's both great and very silly.Sure that you know, obviously the biggest,
the brightest stars of the game orjoining together to compete in this game,
and then you know, dorks likeme are just like locked in.

Yeah, that's totally fairy. Ijust kind of missed the you know,
the Johnny Manzel picks, the GoldenTate picks, stuff like that. They
don't know if I miss those fairenough, fair enough, we all have
nostalgia for different things. So Jordan, as a guy who has paid a
lot of attention to this draft andas a Seattle Mariner fan, whether he's

how he got about the incoming aSeattle Mariner fan, will have to have
him on for at some point totalk about that, because it's pretty interesting
subject. But the two picks,specifically Durangelo Saint Jay and Ryan Sloan,
what did you think? Yeah,I mean think about the Mariners is especially
recently their draft strategy has kind ofgone all over the place, and I

don't know if we're going to getinto some of the Day two picks,
but I think that really illustrated whatthey were kind of going for here.
They have very much executed very distinctstrategies every season. Last year we saw
that when they had those extra picks, going big upside with the high school
bats. This year, going reallyheavy on the pitching in a very very
interesting way. But as for thosefirst two picks, you know, dur

Angelo Sango someone we had the opportunityto talk to with the combine, really
interesting story. Of course, everyonethe headline is to switch pitching. The
reason he's going fifteen overall is becauseof how good he looks for the right
side right over the last couple monthsof the season and now projectable. He
really is from that side too,maybe not physically, and much as the
same way as that second pick.And Ryan Sloane kind of that prototypical big

high school bill that you can reallydream on, but the athleticism and just
the way his pitch is moved andthe way his command kind of advanced over
the course of his college career.He is I don't know, I would
say a quick mover, but there'sa lot of really exciting ingredients with Changa
and then Flowan is much more ofa you know classic, you know,
this is what you want the eighteenyear old pitcher to look like. As

terrifying as that demographic can be,absolutely Jordan Schusterman joining us on the Beacon
Plumbing hotline, specifically with Sloan.The interesting thing to me here is that
a guy who's already showing a qualitychange up you don't see that pitch a
lot of times is developed as itis from somebody who is that young and
already throwing ninety nine miles per hour. Would you say that he had some

of the higher upside in this class. Yeah, I'm so glad you mentioned
that, and that that's something thatI definitely took go of it with him.
I mean, you know, nowadaysit's actually I wouldn't say it's common,
but like even ten years ago,if there was a high schooler throwing
ninety nine, we'd all be losingour minds. Yes, absolutely, And
now it's like, oh, yeah, he's one of the guys that throws

ninety nine like that. That is, it's not that we shouldn't appreciate that,
but I do think that the changeup element is it kind of shows
a level of appsitude there that isexciting because so many high schoolers don't even
really ever have the opportunity to showthat they could throw a change up why
bother so, the fact that heeven was even throwing it enough to show
scouts that he has it is Ithink pretty exciting. And obviously that's also

a pitch that can be pretty effectivewhen you do throw ninety nine. You're
currently in Arlington, correct? Allright? Yeah? Are you you're currently
in Texas right now? Right?Oh? Yes? Oh yeah, I'm
baking you. That was gonna asknumber one, are you staying safe?
Are you putting that SP one thousandon? I need to make sure that

my buddy it takes good care ofa skin. Uh and number yes?
Yes? Okay, yes, good, good, good to hear. Well,
let me comment on that. Please, Let me just comment on that
quick, please, because you knowmy wife is concerned about that as well.
But thankfully, listen, globe.I feel not everyone's favorite, but
the roof in the A C hasbeen has been wonderful, been able to
keep the time outside to a minimum. So did you get a chance to

be in the park for the homerun derby? I what, yes,
please? Definitely definitely an interesting rendition. Yeah, I would say that.
You know, I think a lotof it just the derby, the discussion
leading up to it. It waskind of discourse of oh, who's not
doing it right? So there's alot of it. Who are we missioning?

But I still think that we hadsome names in it. It's just
that those guys didn't necessarily show up. Besides Bobby with Junior, I would
say right, Gunner was disappointing,Felonzo was disappointing, but I still think
the ending was memorable in its ownway. I was happy for ta ask
Hernandez. I know some of thepeople listening to this might be a little
bit less happy for Tasker, butI hope they are. I hope that
they're happy an entity he was.He was never him personally. I think

he has his year in cel reallywell, and I think that it was
cool to see him kind of havea moment like that, because that's the
guy that has never really been youknow, the face of the team.
Sure, but it's kind of hadthat moment like that was really cool.
So the popularity of the home runderby, I think is really interesting because
I think it is one that ison the way up, and he can't
help but compare it. It's probably, if not a fair comparison to the

slam dunk competition, which feels likeit's on the way down. Do you
get that feeling, Jordan, Like, as one of the younger folks in
the industry, do you get thefeeling that the popularity is going up?
Or is this just maybe like aflash in the moment type of thing.
Yeah, it's interesting because like Idon't know if, like last night,
I had that thought too, justbecause of the level where it felt like

moderately not as good as recent years. I have been to every Derby since
twenty sixteen. I've been very luckyto be able to say, and I
would say that last night, well, last night was last night was probably
a step back, I would sayin that regard, it wasn't. It
wasn't one of the best. ButI do think that there's an opportunity there
in the way that right, Iagree with you that you know, the
dunk contest is going in the wrongdirection, and I think that, like

there is an opportunity for I thinkthe home right Derby to emerge, and
I think I think we all generallyagree that that only all star game in
the stuff surrounding it can be oneof the best all servants that we have.
But you know, I do thinkit's treading in the right direction.
It is probably going to be soa matter of of who's doing it,
and then it's just luck, right, it's just luck. You just got

to have it that the right guyskind of perform at the right time.
If Gunner had hit thirty home runslast night, we all would have been
going crazy. And that's just nowit happened. Chris Crawford and for Ian
Forness, joined by Jordan Schusterman onthe Beacon Plumbing Hotline. Uh. You
mentioned day two picks, and Iknow those those aren't the most exciting,
but I do think they had onereally interesting selection. And I'm guessing since
you're a big college baseball guy,you can talk to me about Hunter Cratton

and that unbelievable fastball of his.Yeah, man, I mean, god
with him. For them to taketwo again, this is, honestly,
in some ways kind of speaks towhat we were just talking about earlier,
and in a slightly different way.Sure, Rock Moore another guy more local.
I know he kind of had astrange journey in the Oregon Reliever.
But both him and Hunter Granton,you know, twenty three years old guys

who you're kind of taking. Traditionallyit's like, all right, these guys
will save some money on them,maybe they'll they'll be kind of org role
players. But now, you know, this is the other thing about shortening
the draft of twenty rounds. Thereare no ways to pick. No,
it's all part of the puzzle.And I think that now because teams in
colleges as you mentioned, and individuals, it's not even necessarily about the coaching
or for the player development, butplayers have these pictures, have so many

resources to get better so quick,right, And you have these late,
late blooming guys like Cranton and Moorewho suddenly just get in the right situation
or they get healthy for the rightstretch of time, and suddenly they're throwing
one hundred miles an hour in Done college baseball, and it's like,
oh my gosh, it's very much. It becomes much more easy to look
at that guy and say, yeah, this guy could actually help us pretty
soon. Now again, let's Idon't want to get too aggressive with that

because it's not as simple as justthrowing hard. There's a lot of refinement
that's going to have to happen withboth of those guys and some of the
other you know, pictures that theyselected recently. But it's hard not to
get excited and understand that the strategythere, that's the thing. There's a
consistent theme there in terms of picturesthat we feel like we can help.
And if any team has done wellhelped with pictures in recent years, it's

obviously been Seattle, no question aboutit. And you know, a guy
who's shown an above average slider,and Seattle's development of sliders has been really
interesting. Do you think Cranton's aguy that could help Seattle in twenty twenty
five? Oh? Man, Ithink if if it goes well, yeah,
sure, I mean that's the kindof guy that the other thing is
for guys like him and more.You know, there's oftentimes the idea of

drafting a guy as a reliever isalready rare in and of itself, right,
Normally you trying to give every pitchof the chance start. But if
the plant is clear and he's alreadybeen in a relief role in college,
that these are what they're comfortable with, and you're giving him the right visit,
the right tweets, and he's obviouslyplenty old enough already, I mean,
sure, why not? I meanI don't know why I would be

surprised if he doesn't start in doubleA, maybe even this year. Sure,
and then who knows how quickly hecould he kind of zoomble up.
And that's exciting, Like for aninety first pick to have that chance to
maybe maybe just maybe help your teamin twenty twenty four, but definitely that
chance to help in twenty twenty fiveis something I think that's worth getting excited
about. Chris Crawford joined by JordanSchuscherman on the Beacon Plumbing Hotline. Josh

Chisholm rumors all over the place,Bob Nightingale mentioning that the Mariners could be
favorites to acquire him as a Marinerfan and is a very good baseball analyst.
What do you think of Chisholm's fitin Seattle, Man, That's what
I've been I've been thinking about fora couple of weeks here, just as
it became very very apparent that hewas almost certainly going to be going to

be traded. And yeah, it'stough, right, I mean, I
think sal obviously interested in any kindof impact. I think the reason that
that jazz makes sense is because you'rekind of thinking, all right, what
kind of upside can we acquire withoutessentially trading away so many of our favorite
prospects, right? And you know, the Luis Robert conversation is a seperate

one, and with the Black Juniorconversation is seper one. But jazz is
the kind of one that you're you'realmost tapping into something where there's there's obvious
risks for a lot of reasons withhim, but there is there is impact
upside there, undeniably but clearly withMiami's much more willingness and aggressiveness to make
a deal, you have to thinkthat there's maybe an opportunity there to make

a deal that that hurts a littlebit less on this side and is trying
is trying to get better. Youknow, how much better is he going
to make you? And where doeshe fit? I think one of my
concerns there is, all right,so he's really only been playing center field,
that's a position to just learned.Yeah, he probably doesn't really fit
me in field any for Seattle.So okay, now we're putting them in
a corner field outfield spot. Nowwe're asking to learn that position too while

trying to hit in Seattle for thefirst time in his career. The other
thing with that one that that scaresme is his splits are already not awesome
right in terms of home road.You know, Miami not a super great
place to hit at home. He'salways hit better on the road. That's
another kind of situation, as we'veobviously already seen with the entire team in
terms of struggling to produce at home, that's something you can imagine being a

struggle. Now. I wouldn't betotally opposed to it, because generally I'm
going to support teams trying to improvethemselves over the course of the season.
But that's kind of where I'm aton Jez. Yeah, and it makes
sense. And it's interesting that hedid play second base in that game,
the final game, I believe,before the All Star break, but clearly
a position that is going to takea little bit more time to get accustomed
to. You can't just make thatswitch automatically. Speaking of second basement,

Jorge Polanco has just been pretty closeto a disaster so far. Jordan,
is there reason for optimism for himin the second half, and I you
know, he looked a little bitbetter over the last week before the break,
but no, I mean, I'llI'll eat this one like this is.
I was about as sure as Iwasn't the only one. Blanco was

the kind of Blanco wasn't the youknow this kind of guy you felt like
you could really count on. Andyes, there were some injury issues and
that's the thing I'm kind of strugglingwith in terms of conflating, all right,
you know, was he just hampered? Has he been hampered the whole
time? Like when injuries are followingaround a player to this degree, you
always kind of have that in yourback of your head. Now, it
doesn't be an excuse. And obviously, if you're gonna play a guy every

day, then you hope to begetting every day production, and that hasn't
been true. I don't know,it's it's a really tough one. And
and it's also a situation where therethere aren't any obvious upgrades, and you
know, the team option they havefor next year certainly is looking less likely.
But I have to imagine they're stillgonna They're still gonna stick with him
for at least a little bit longer. Here. If they made that trade

for Jash Chishom and they decided that, hey, you know what, we
do want to see what second baselooks like they're do you think Polanco could
make sense at third base? Iknow Josh Rojas has been fantastic with their
love, but the bat has beenpretty awful ever the last couple of months.
Would that make sense? Yeah,yeah, that's a that's an interesting
question. I know Polanco is obviouslynot necessarily an impact of centerper We have

seen him move around and have comfortthere, so maybe that would that would
enable But you know the real questionis, Okay, you're you're weighing,
why are we bringing in Jazz?Right? Is it to improve the off
Is it to improve the infielder?Is it to improve the outfield? Right?
And I And that's obviously speaks alot to the state of the offense,

right. I mean, you know, you could say it's both,
and then it kind of leaves youto situation where you're like, oh,
okay, well then maybe regardless ofwhat I said before about him trying to
learn a new position, it's possiblethat the most important upgrade is the corner
aufield spot, in which case we'renot even talking about being field. But
it's a totally fair point about Rojas. And you know, I imagine that

part of the appeal Plum to beginwith is that, yes, he could,
in theory go to third base.So I think that that has to
be, you know, on thetable. Chris Crawford joined by Jordan Schusterman.
Just a couple more for you.First of all, the All Star
uniforms. I'm not even going toask you if they're terrible, because they
are terrible, do they need tobring back that the wearing they just the
home uniforms, because yes they do, But tell me why? Yeah,

yeah, I mean again, thisis to me one that is a general
fan consensus on Rob Manford spoke earliertoday and kind of alluded to the true
reality, which is that there ismore than one uniform issue going on right
now. It's been true, andI don't know that that makes anyone feel
any better or worse, but Ihave to imagine that with the uniform issues

that MLB is already in the processof correcting, I feel like the All
Star Game ones are not a priority, which I honestly feel like is fair.
But you consider is that is theone time thing every day fair?
So that make anyone feelding what better? I do agree with you, but
it feels like, unfortunately the league, some of which it is probably the

league's fault, some of which itis not the leagu's fault, it's kind
of playing whackable with multiple uniform relatedcomplaint and I feel like the All Star
Game one is one that honestly sneaksup on them more every year, whereas
the other ones is you know they'rethey're seeing it every night. That's a
fair point. We'll forget all abouthow bad these uniforms are and then remember

them when they get released right aroundthe end of June. Jordan, thanks
so much for joining us. Buttell everybody how they can follow all your
awesome work. Yeah, thank you, Thank you so much for having me.
Yeah, you know, sess thisBVVQ on Twitter, Yahoo Sports.
We got a lot of video andwritten content. We got a scheme s
feature that just came out. Iwrote a big Eli Della Cruise feature last
week, so I was really excitedabout. And yeah, and I'll have

you follow me at Jay Underscore,schusterman An Underscore. A lot of Mariners
Draft thoughts will be coming over thenext couple of days. Their Day three
is it's already slated to be evenmore interesting than their Day two. So
obviously draft is something I really careabout, and hopefully people can get excited
about that too. But thank youso much for having me on. This
is fun. You bet stay warmor stay cool? Actually, Betty,
don't stay two warm. I willbe saying war, don't you worry.

Thanks so much to Jordan. We'lltake a break, and we'll talk about
the worst thing that I heard duringthe All Star break. On Sports Radio
ninety three point three kJ r FM, Live from the R and R Foundation
Specialist Broadcast Studio. Back to IanFernetz, Power Advice, Seattle's closest sports

book, Snow Call Me Casino onSports Radio ninety three point three kJ r
FM, Chris Crawford in for IanFornest today, Thanks again to Jordan for
joining us. That was really interestingstuff. Great stuff on the draft,
great stuff on his thoughts about thepotential Jazz Chisholm trade, correct thoughts on
the Home Run Derby and the AllStar event, And speaking of the All

Star event, yesterday's All Star Eventgot off to a interesting start. Yeah.
So if someone were to ask youwhat was the most viral moment of
the Home run derby, one wouldprobably say, oh, the ending when
task are one and the great endingbetween him and Bobby wit No, not
even close, not even a littlebit ingrid andres I guess twenty two sang

the national anthem and saying is oneway to put it it was I'm trying
not to be too harsh here tothe person and just to what we actually
heard it was pretty close to adebacle, and we've heard it was absolutely
it was pretty darn it was adebacle. I was trying to be as

nice as I could. I liketo sugarcoat things. Sugar cat was awful.
What was interesting was so I wasdriving home as one does from Seattle
to Shelton, and stuck in traffic, and then while stopped and when I
make that abundantly clear stop, Ichecked Twitter to see what was going on.
Saw tweet after tweet after tweet aboutthis national anthem. And unfortunately,

there is some stuff that has comeout afterwards about making her apology, and
she made it an interesting statement.Andrews, I said, I had that.
I don't have it now. Isthere any way that you could read?
Let me pull it up? Holdno problems. That's my fault as
well. I got the I gotit pulled up, and then it went
away. This is really good liveradio. While watching two people try to

pull up, I got it.Thank you, my friend. So this
is her statement after what happened lastnight. Obviously probably most of you have
heard it. It was it wasnot good. I'm not gonna BSU.
I was drunk last night. I'mchecking myself into a facility today to get
the help I need. That wasnot me last night. I apologized to

MLB, all the fans, andthis country I love so much for that
rendition. I'll let y'all know howrehab his I hear. It's super fun
XO ingrid Wow. I mean,do you believe her number one? I
don't think it matters if I believeher number two? I'm not so sure.
I don't. I'd never got theimpression she was drunk. I just

thought she sounded off key. Yeah, And it got me to thinking about
the four worst national anthems. Ohyes, here we go. Number one.
This is not number one. Amazingly, this is not number one.
Fergie at the All Star Game isa clear number one at the top of
the bullet Yes, way, yayyay yay ya is clearly number one.

The video I keep seeing is justlike the players just chuckling as it's going
on. That's the funniest reaction.Draymond Green's reaction to it absolutely sells it
too. And look, Fergie's anaccomplished pop star who's done a lot of
great things. That ain't one ofthem. No, not an accomplished pop
star is Carl Lewis. His nditionof the national anthem is way up there.

It's just basically screeching. It iswhy you don't hire people at least,
you know, on American Idol theydo the little like checks before they
do stuff like that. Well theydo checks even before that to see if
they're either really good or really reallybad. Everyone average can be just get
out of here. We don't reallywant to hear you, but if you
stink or if you're great, wewant to hear you. That would have

been one of the stink ones.But they should have had somebody listening to
hear that thing, because oh mygoodness, gracious terrible. Number three,
I am putting andres I've decided,and at number four it's just because I
don't want Roseanne to have a topspot of anything. I'm going with Roseanne's
national anthem. Oh it's so bad, Andrews, you should play it during
the break, not here, nobodyneeds to be subject to there's on the

radio. But it's just absolutely terrible. Are there any that I've missed?
No? I think the kind ofthought I came away from that is like,
I don't know, I national anthemis obviously an American tradition to play
before every sporting event. And whileit doesn't really happen in any other countries
that you're not like representing your countryfor I don't mind it, but I

have come to the conclusion that Iactually think instrumental ones are so much better,
like in every way. Sure,Mike McCready's done it many times here
in Seattle. It's always awesome.Everyone loves it. One of my favorites.
It was a while ago, butit's one of the most viral ones.
Is Arturo Sandoval is a trumpet player, did it for the Orange Bowl

in like two thousand and eight orsomething like that, and it was awesome,
one of the coolest, coolest nationalanthems I've ever heard. So,
yeah, we can look at apositive spin too, but I just think
there's too many variants with singing nowadays, and so many artists that have their
voices, you know, tuned insome way. Oh absolutely, So,
it's just it's so rare to getan actually good one that stands and going

positive. The greatest version of it, and it wasn't actually the national anthem,
but Whitney Houston singing the American thebeautiful is one of the greatest sporting
moments of all time. Absolutely hearingthat and considering what the time was when
that happened and seeing those jets flyby. I mean, if you're not
a patriotic person and you became apatriotic person for that moment, for just
a second, you thought about goingto get the American eagle tattoo on your

shoulder and crushing some crushing some verers. But yeah, it's I think you
make a great point with the instrumentalstuff, and if you're not gonna do
instrumental, why just do let thecrowd sing it? Because I have always
found that, no, not everybodyhas a great voice, but there are
enough great voices and large events thatit's at least going to sound. It's

gonna swell up enough, you knowwhat I mean. You're gonna get enough
that you're not gonna go, ohboy, that guy sitting in three fourteen
sure can't sing. You're also notgonna go once seventeen. Yeah, that
guy a contract, you know.But I think you get enough good when
you just have everybody singing the event, like at high school events if they
do and stuff like that. Itwas so bad and I felt terrible for

her, like just immediate as soonas I saw it, because I wanted
to wait and hear it. Ilistened to that, and then I played
NCAA football for about twelve hours.Get your mind off, to get my
mind off of it. I didwatch the home run derby in between two,
so I guess there was a littlebit of a hyperbole there. Big
surprise, but yeah, exactly.We did get a text from the four
two five. I know we're supposedto wait till please, but it's very

topical Carl from Eric. His nameis Carl Luik with the rare double worst
national anthem and worst first pitch.Oh, I forgot that, Carl Lewis,
that's the bad first pitch. Now. In Carl Lewis's defense, he's
also one of the great track starsof all time. Yes, so,
and when what we'll talk about someOlympic stuff. I think. Later in
the week as well, Anders andI were having a very friendly debate about
where this dream team ranks compared toother ones. I think Anders is he's

kind of I don't know, generationa little bit. He's not in love
with this current team. I knowI love it. I think it's great.
I just I don't know. Ijust think of really good dream teams.
Obviously the ninety two one is goingto be the best, but we're
gonna the more recent ones, salesin eight and twenty twelve have a discussion
to be made with the current team, just not two thousand and four.

Yeah, no, no, no, definitely not. Do you think Larry
Brown looks back on that and justit's like, or does he even care?
You know what I mean? Tobe honest, that was an era
where I think a lot of peopledidn't really care about international basketball, and
we've honestly had that recently too,in the last couple Olympics, where it

wasn't all the best USA players orthe best NBA players all for that matter,
sure, especially now because a lotof them aren't from the US.
You could argue that three of thetop four or even the top four of
the best players in the NBA aren'tAmerican at this point. So it's pretty
crazy to see how global the game'sgotten. So I think that's kind of
the response where it's like, allright, we need to put our best
players back out there. So I'mexcited to see how it goes. Speaking

of best players. We are goingto put our GM hass on and look
at upgrading the Seattle Mariner middle endfield. It's going to be fun. Sports
Radio ninety three point three KJRFM Nofrom the Star Runners Sports to us your
ninety three point three KJR sports Headlinesheadlines brought to you by Venue Kings dot

Com. Tioscar Hernandez Win's to homerun derby over Bobby Witt Junior. Of
course, Tioscar Hernandez a former Marinerwho had some interesting comments about his time
in Seattle as well. Seattle Stormplayed to a play today versus the Los
Angeles Sparks, tip off at twelvethirty in Los Angeles. Brandon Aiyuk officially
requests a trade after attempts to reachan extension fail. Lots of potential ramifications

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semi final appearance. Please please goget someone good. Three lines, Yes,
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our website nine three three KJR dotcom. Your keyword at this Mour Hour,
This Joe Mauer. This hour isBills Chris Crawford in for in forness,

joined by my good buddy Anders.We're gonna be here all week whether
you like it or not, andI think most of you like it.
That's that's been nice to see thatmost of you have had nice things to
say. In fact, it's justbeen all positive. I have never heard
of negative words said about me.Ever, I've lived a very sheltered life,
how about you, andrews Uh Yeah, I know people have definitely talked
some crap about me, so uhno, I don't share those sentiments.

But that doesn't mean I have itto live a sheltered life. So yeah,
I guess it could be a littlebit of both. Yeah, it
is, it could be a littlebit of both. Mariners of course,
in first place, at the deadlineare deadline not quite the deadline at the
Stars Star Break. It might bethe deadline of when you've got to get
better though, to be completely honestwith you, yeah, I agree.
And the Seattle Mariners have really scuffledoffensively at a lot of positions and it

presents in a unique opportunity that Ithink you can get better. So over
these next four days, Anders andI are going to take a look at
four different positional areas that we thinkthat the Seattle Mariners can get better at.
And let's start with one that's kindof a hot topic. I guess
you would say one that I thinkSeattle Mariner fans have grown frustrated watching a

lack of success at. And that'sthe middle infield. And we're each going
to name three players yep, thatwe believe the Seattle Mariners should be looking
at acquiring. And because I'm agentleman and a scholar, Anders, I
want you to give me your topname first, top name first. Okay,
I'm trying to keep things as realisticas possible. Sure, so I

don't know if he's but this isone that I don't know if he's going
to be available. Okay, ButThe team that he plays on is eight
games out of first. They're notin allow krspot under five hundred. I
think I know who it is.It's Jonathan India. Interesting, he's hot
right now. He's having a veryvery very good year batting in the leadoff

spot for that offense. Uh.Cincinnati hasn't had the same uh kind of
follow up year as they were hopingto after a pretty good year for them
last year ahead of their rebuilding schedule. But he's been a bright spot for
that team, really really good.Super high walk rate, like one of
the highest in the league, aboveaverage strikeout rate as well, which leads

to a high on base percentage.And he's starting to slug as well,
I think. And he doesn't playamazing defense, but he's probably an upgrade
on Polanco defensively, which isn't sayingmuch. But he's my number one choice
to bring in at second base.It's Jonathan India that would have been in
my top three for sure. I'mjust not sure if Cleveland, if Cincinnati

is interested in moving him at thispoint, and I would let's take a
look at what type of package you'dbe looking at here for Jonathan India because
of the cost control. I thinkyou would have to give up a pretty
good amount left. I think hehas two years left, so I think
you're talking about You're not talking abouta Colt Emerson player. You are probably
talking about a Harrison for Harry.I'll get to call him Harry Harrison.
You know what his name is,Harrison Ford. Don't get cocky, kids.

I do think you would be lookingat a player like Harry Ford or
Cole Young having to be moved inthat deal, and you're probably looking at
another quality prospect as well. Soonecords the eight to twelve range, potentially
a Logan Evans, potentially a MichaelArroyo, who's going to be mentioned in
a lot of trade talk, bythe way, just because they have so
much depth to shortstopped. Michael Arroyo, I think is the name that makes

the most sense for them. Butyou could get him without giving up one
of your absolute, very best prospects. And in my humble estimation, I
like Harry Ford. He's not oneof their best prospects. Ok. He
ranks fourth on my list, andthat is compliment to the top three more
than its insult to Harry Ford.I like Jonathan India a lot. I'm
not sure he's actually available just becauseof what since you want to do that

If that was the trade package andthey accepted that, would you be happy
with Yeah, absolutely I would.I think Jonathan India is a He's a
guy I brought up on my mileY season preview as a guy that I
when I was talking about all thestuff I wanted to them to do.
He was one of the players Iwanted them to get and they did absolutely
nothing even kind of close to that. We can talk about that. We

won't talk about that tomorrow, tobe completely honest to do, but we
can talk about maybe some guys thatcan fit for sure. I think Jonathan
India does. My number one isbobaschet And I think Bobaschett is an interesting
time to trade for right now becausenumber one, he's having a terrible year.
Yeah, he has worth been worthaccording to Baseball Reference negative zero point

four war. That's bad. Sobasically putting me standing at second base is
just about even not that's not evenkind of true. But a replacement player,
just your average schmuck that you bringup from Triple A, would be
better than what Bobachhett has provided youbut let's not just look at twenty twenty
four, because from since he's reallyentered the Toronto Major League ranks, he's

been an extremely productive player. He'sa solid defender at shortstop. And here's
something that the main reason why Ithink I'm excited about Bobashett, I want
JP Crawford to play second base.I think JP Crawford's bat profiles fine at
second base, and his defense profilesway better at second base. Okay,

the lack of arm strength, thelack of range to left to right,
he still charges the baseball really well. I've talked to this about that short
guy who writes for the Seattle Timesthat we're not allowed to talk about.
He occasionally talks about this, thathe charges the baseball as well as anybody.
He just doesn't have that same lateralmovement. Bobashett can go get anything.
Now. There's some defensive flaws there. All make some airs, just

like anybody else. But airs aren'ta good way to judge defense. Bo
Bashett is the type of guy whocan be an extreme difference maker in the
second half of the year. Andkeep in mind, you do not acquire
the stats that he put up thisyear You're only going to get what I
believe will be tons of positive regressionfrom Bobachett. It's going to cost a

ton. You are going to haveto give up a Colt Emerson type.
You might have to give up aLozara Montes, probably not both, but
at least one of those guys isgonna have to headline. And then you're
talking about the depth. Yeah,but I want Bobachet to be a seattlemaner.
Okay, uh is it my turn? Second choice, it's your turn.
So this one's a little rough becauseI know we're gonna get a little
preview for the rest of the week. We're gonna do middle endfield. Then

we're gonna do bullpen, and thenwe're gonna do corner infield, and then
we're gonna do corner outfield, becauseI think those are the four areas where
they think they can upgrade the most. So this person could qualify in another
area, but he has played secondbase before, his defense grades out very
well, and he's having one ofthe better years of anyone that is definitely

available. Okay, Ryan McMahon,that is also my number two is Okay,
that's also my number two is Yeah, he's played second base recently,
right, he has, and he'sprobably better at third. Yeah, but
I think you could Heck, theMariners can upgrade at third base as well.
We'll talk about corner infielders as well. Like you said, but Ryan
McMahon would be a perfectly cromulent defensivesecond One have to give up a ton

for him either. Well, here'sthe question mark here, because Ryan McMahon
does have a contract extension, andRyan McMahon is somebody that has grown quite
popular in the Colorado area. Yep. But you take a look at these
numbers here, average x velocities inthe ninety seventh percentile, hard hit percentages
in the ninety seventh percentile, barrelsin the eighty six percentile. All according
to Baseball Savant. Expected weighted onbase average, which is your ability to

get on base, and it's weightedby how much hard contact you make and
how many pitches you take. Isat a three forty eight clip. That
would be easily the best in onthe Seattle Mariners. He would become their
most productive hitter. Not the mosttalented, yeah, but their most productive
hitter. You would have to giveup quite a bit, I think here
I do think that Colt Emerson wouldprobably have to be in this trade package.
I wouldn't do that. Then,Yeah, I noticed thinking like,

you wouldn't have to give up asMU much. And he's twenty nine years
old, so he's still in theprime. Yeah. And here's another thing
with Ryan McMahon is your people.I can already hear the totalmard text line
when it's game time, and pleasesend your text to let us know which
guys you think would be interested inthe middle infield or anybody else. We're
not beggars. We'd love to hearwhat players he'd love to acquire. But
I can already hear people saying,oh, it's course field. It's course

field. That's all they can do. Now. The metrics suggests he's been
just as good on the road aswell. Usually with expected stats, the
ones you're looking at, they don'tprove like they average out anywhere else anywhere
you go, right, So it'sall based. It's not like ops where
it can range a lot from whichstadium you play. Absolutely, and the
numbers this year have been almost asgood on the road as they have been

have been at home. So it'snot a case of him you know,
Todd Helton had a couple of yearswhere he absolutely took advantage of course field,
and this is one of the reasonshe's a whole I don't need to
dismirch the good name of Todd Heltontoday, but there have been players that
were much better and took advantage ofBlake Street bombing compared to you know,
not such good numbers on the road. The only thing with Ryan McMahon to

me is that that cost his sprintseed is pretty low. I don't know
if that skill set is going toage great, but I absolutely be interested
in him if they're more interested indoing a pitching type package. For instance,
if the Colorado Rockies, who's pitchingjust stinks out loud. Yeah,
had interest in a Matt Brash,and I think Matt Brash is going to

be one of the more interesting tradecandidates for the Seattle Mariners because of how
productive he was and a slim beliefthat he may be able to be a
starting pitcher some day. Now thisinjury may have eliminated that. However,
this is still by production. Ifyou want to go take a look at
a lot of red. If youlove the color red, go look at

Matt Brash's Baseball Savant page and teamsare aware of that. He looks like
a Utah election like it is justred all the way through this. He
is phenomenal. Now there's some bluethere too. It starts to look more
like a King County one who atthe walks and some of the other stuff,
mostly the walks. To be honestwith you, but I think that

that would be the type of guythere. Oh my goodness, gracious,
but Colorado would take a look atthat guy and say, oh, that
can be a big part of ourpitching staff for a long time. That
would be something that I would beinterested in moving because I don't want to
give away Matt Brash. I thinkhe could be a really strong reliever for

a long time. But you takea look at Colorado and Cincinnati as well.
I think that they would have interestedin arm like that. The only
thing with Cincinnati is I do thinkthat they probably believe that they're still in
contention because that division just sucks outloud. It is such a bad group
of teams. Even Milwaukee, whohas a pretty substantial leader right now,
has some serious roster Floh yeah,absolutely, You see Dallas by the way

got so much crap about Dallas Kaik. Why would she? Why would you
get? Yeah, that lasted along time. But yeah, I think
that Brian McMahon is a really good, solid option that can help it.
And I'll probably bring him up inthe corner infield as well. He could
be in my top three in thatregard. But I think Ryan McMahon makes
all the sense in the world.How about number three for you? I

am struggling. I put four namesdown. I'm struggling between my last two,
so I'm gonna just say both ofthem because they profile completely differently.
It just depends on what you wouldwant. I'll just say number one is
jazz Chism or number three. Butthe first name I put down of those
two is jazz Chism. I thinkthat'd be something really intriguing. You'll have

him for a decent amount of timeif you want him. The upside is
there, The athleticism is there.I think the reason I wanted one of
the reasons I want to McMahon isbecause it's a left handed bat. I
think we need another good left handedbat point and I just think, like
I said, the upside is there, and you know, his defense may
not grade perfectly at second base,still, almost anything you get could be

an upgrade on Polanco at this point, who would be playing supposedly every day
if not for these trades. Yeah, so I'm struggling between him and the
other one is Nico Horner Chicago,Who's gonna be elite defensively at second base.
Yes, a contact wizard, neverstrikes out, plays the game hard

every day, which I think,you know, there's something to be said
about the Mariners need to kind ofgo in that direction a little bit.
You don't need to build your entireroster with those types of players, but
you need a little bit of abalance between the guys that hit the ball
hard and walk a lot, butalso strike out a lot. Sure,
with the guys that make good contact, you know what ty Franz was supposed
to be before he started striking outmore, but playing in a position where

it makes a lot more sense tohave that profile player in second base.
So I would probably be about thesame with either Horner or Jassism. It's
a case of do you want upsideor do you want ceiling or do you
want floor exactly, because if we'retalking floor, it's Horner yes. And
look, we talked about the Utahelection, the King County election. If

you took a look at his it'sEastern Washington versus Western Yeah, because there's
a lot of red and a lotof blue. Yes, he is one
of the better contact hitters, whichI think Seattle Mariner fans would love to
see in the ninety eighth percent Islandfifth percentage, in the ninety eighth percent
Island k percentage, he only strikesout in ten point eight percent of his
plate appearances, which is I'm stillgetting used to being an elite number,

if I'm being completely honest with younumber. But it is an elite number
for the year of our lard twentytwenty four, There's no question about it.
He's also a guy who only barrelsto baseball one point seven percent of
the time hard. He's not goingto make a lot of hard contact.
His average ex of velocity is onlyeighty six is expected slugging percentage is three
forty eight. That is not good. No, what he is is a

guy who makes a lot of contactand most of it like not super hard,
but solid enough that you're gonna getthose hits. His expected batted average
is two seventy two, which isnot a play seventy nine percent. Absolutely,
and keep in mind expected batting averagehas a lot to do with just
making contact, and there's a statcalled bott batting average on balls and play
that he is going to be goodat not only because he makes a lot

of contact, but because he's reallyfast. Is in the ninety second percent
dile and sprint speed. The othernice thing about Horner is he can play
second base yep. He could fillin his short stumps in a pinch,
yep. And he could play theoutfield as well. And he's elite defensively,
absolutely elite. Adds a ton ofversatility. It's also worth pointing out
that he's only twenty seven years oldand this is a guy who went to
Stanford and Andrews. You've probably nevernever heard of the Stanford swing before.

I not. The Stanford swing isbasically what they do is they take and
this is the old format. Theyhave new coaches now. Everything was destined
to make just contact to the oppositefield. That's all they wanted them to
do. And it hurt a lotof players. And there's a reason why
you don't hear a lot of Stanfordsuperstars at the major league level, even

though they recruit as well as anybodylike they would bring in these loaded recruiting
classes, and then very few ofthose guys ended up being major leaguers.
The Mariners took a guy named AustinWilson with like the forty second pick one
year. Yeah, one of themost talented prep players that I have ever
seen, and he just stunk outloud because he could not make that adjustment
from the Stanford swing horners made alittle bit of an adjustment with that.

You know, he's not elite,but all of his homers are to the
pull side, so he's not justgoing to a right center field. He
does have one to right field thatI see right now. Yeah, exactly.
Well, I mean that's still ade not yea terrible in the lineup.
And then as for Chisholm, it'sjust like you can't help but note
that upside. Yeah, and thenyou can't help but wonder and sorry to

be negative here, folks, whetherthe Seattle Mariners are the right organization to
untap that exactly, because we havejust seen time and time again that they
haven't been able to do that.So if you gave me the choice of
the high ceiling player or high floorplayer, especially for the Mariners, who
are still, for all their offensivestruggles, for everything that's going wrong,
are still in the first place inthe division with sixty four games to go.

I'd probably rather have the high floorguy. I'd probably rather take the
safety. Now here's the thing though, the reason Horner was not number three
on my list, I had Chisholm. I don't know why the Cubs would
move him. There's been lots oftalk about it, and where there's smoke,
there's fire, But why, Like, the Cubs aren't that far out,
and Nico Horner is not going tobe somebody that absolutely costs a world

of money. And oh, bythe way, it's Chicago. They can
absolutely afford to pay this type ofguy. It sounds like he actually is
available. And I do think thoughthat the cost would be prohibitive probably isn't
the right word, but expensive,because why else would you move him,
you know? So, maybe toget something in return, maybe a pitching
type of thing. If the Marinerswere in a better position with their pitching

staff, Bryce Miller, Brian wutype of thing would make sense for a
lot of these type of guys,and when you say better position, you
mean someone else to come up andfill the role. All due respect to
Emerson Hancock, who I don't know. I just don't think I can tell
you does trade ville. Emerson Hancockabsolutely has trade value because he's going to
be a back end starter that hascost control for a very long time.

But in terms of him being ahelper for the twenty twenty four Mariners,
if you were to move a BryceMiller, if you were to move a
Brian Wu, I don't think Ihave enough confidence in Hancock in the Jonathan
Diaz guys behind him that I don'tknow if you can move one of those
guys, But that would make themost sense for the Seattle Mariners if they
were in an ideal world, ifthey had a little more pitching death behind

those guys. You're probably talking aboutmoving one of those guys for a superstar
type of package that's probably not goingto be be able to happen until the
offseason. Now, Yeah, Imean, it's there's a lot to think
about there. I just think I'mwith you. I think the high floor
is probably the way to go,just so you know you're getting out of
him and it's not that he doesn'tget on base either. It'd be kind

of another JP Crawford, a littlebit in JP Crawford's prime. Maybe JP
Crawford hits a little bit harder thanNico Horner does. He's a kind of
a slappy, dappy hitter. Butofficial, yes it is. I've coined
it. It's trademarked. Anyone whouses it must pay me a royalty.
But no, I just think,like you mentioned before, this organization has

had so much trouble developing hitting.Getting someone who already has that skill and
maybe doesn't have as much fluctuation intheir results, sure is going to be
the smarter move. Plus then youget value defensively, so you know that
you're getting something in return. Sothe Mariners obviously have a ton of middle
infield depth as well, but mostof the guys are considered helpers. In

twenty twenty six, twenty twenty seven, you do have Cole Young playing in
double A. If Orgepe Polonko continuesto Orgete Polonco and Josh Rojas is stickcuffling
in well, and let's say ColeYoung goes on a tear down in Arkansas?
Is he ready? Would you givehim a chance. I think I
might give him at least a look. You know, the Mariners have done
this a lot where they have promotedfrom Double A up to the major league

level. Would you be willing togive Cole Young a look? I think
I would. I would too,especially if it really starts to go south
in the Rojas direction. Sure,because you could still if he kind of
holds his own and it's just Poloncothat continues to struggle, or vice versa.
You know, if Polanco turns itaround but Rojas kind of does,
you could still really fill the holewith Dylan Moore, who still has been

one of your better players. Andif we go with that outfield rotation that
we talked about yesterday with Roebliss andLuke Rayley, that's kind of the spot
where Dylan Moore fills in. Again, that's not ideal of a lineup,
but I could see them having thatexplanation in their head versus going with the
young guy that they didn't want tokeep developing down to Double A. But

if both of them do and youneed to fill both both spots, then
I think that that does call forCole Young to be have an option at
least let us know what you guysthink four nine, four or five to
one on the text line. Reallyappreciate your guys' support. We're gonna take
a quick commercial break and then we'regonna switch things and talk about some foosball.
Brandon Ayuk demanding a trade. Howdoes it affect the Seahawks. Sports
Radio ninety three point three KJRFM,Live from the R and R Foundation Specialist

Broadcast Studio. Back to Ian Fernetz, Power Advice, Seattle's closest sports book,
Snow Call Me Casino. On SportsRadio ninety three point three kJ R
FM. Chris Crawford in for Ianfor Neest today, in for Ian for
the whole week. I hope Ian'shaving a good time. You think he's
golfing right now? I'm pretty surehe's golfing. Yeah, there's no question,

Pa, I think he's playing.Well, that's another whole other discussion.
Did want to mention too simply Seattlewho sponsors Molly Watmunday and has been
so good to not just KJR tome, particularly sponsors Miley as well.
They have an amazing deal right now. They have twenty percent off all of
the Seattle Marinder gear and then youcan use code malli WAT fifteen to stack

that. That's m l l yw HP one. A lot of people
forget about that h. It's asilent h, but it's an important age.
It's a great deal. I'm gonnaload up on stuff. I guarantee
you. I actually kind of likethe All Star Game hats. You kind
of talked me into a Manders.Yes, I like them a lot,
especially when you don't wear them withthe actual All Star Game jerseysuck. If

you wear with the actual does Mariorsuniform, it looks great. You know
what's frustrating. The National League oneisn't actually that bad really, and then
you take a look at the Americaone, which looks like it looks like
an alternate uniform that the Dutch nationalteam will be like, Nah, we're
good, bro, we don't needthis. I like that. Well,
we'll have some pancakes and everything willbe work out. Just behind. We're

gonna talk some NFL now, andyou trust me, we will get back
to baseball talk for throughout the week. We appreciate all the text that we
got in about to look looking atpotential moves for the middle infield. But
yeah, They got a lot ofsuggestions about other positions too, but today's
middle infield, tomorrow is going tobe relievers. Yes, Thursday is going
to be corner infield, so firstbase and third base, and then Friday

is going to be the big onecorner outfield. And then also speaking of
big ones, tomorrow one to fivepm. General manager Justin Hollander joining us
on the program should be fascinating.Yeah, but let's talk about a little
bit of football. A potential movethat isn't Seahawk related, but kind of
is. Yeah, Brandon Ayuk officiallyrequested a trade after contract negotiations fell through

with the forty nine ers. Theyhaven't been in discussions since May, so
he formally put in his request thismorning. I don't know if there's any
Seahawk I mean, if there's anyreality where the Seahawks would want a trade
for him, because their receiver roomis already party full. But it does
affect them just because the forty nineers are in their division. They've been

kind of the cream of the cropof the division for the last three or
four years. So I'm interested tosee, you know, what happens with
their roster because this is going tobe a common theme when you know this
is the last year of rock Perty'scontract where he's making close to nothing,
yes, and he's going to bedemanding quite a bit. I think it
could play a major factor in thisdivision. I think some of that's going

to depend on what the return is, because typically if you take make this
type of trade in the NBA,you're going to get somebody who can help
you a little bit at least rightaway. If you move that type of
star in baseball, sometimes not reallyin football, it is almost exclusively draft
picks. Yeah, Russell Wilson tradewas kind of an outlier where they got
two guys that could help him andknow Infant and the defensive tackle whose name

I forget right now, Jones.That's no, they signed him as a
free agent. No, they gotno Offan and uh Drew Locke Drew Locke,
and then they got a defensive linemantoo, who was cut for salar
cap reasons afterwards. I promise youthat that's why I probably forgot about it.
Anyway. It just goes to showyou how big of an outlier it
is. We we're almost exclusively talkingdraft pick compensation, and maybe the forty

nine Ers used that draft pick compensationto acquire a different wide receiver. I
can't think of anyone off the topof my head. Yeah, and they
still have Deebo Samuel. They justdrafted one. They just drafted Ricky Pearsall
who I joked with Anders has aface that is uh unlovable. Yeah,
if I'm pretty punishable, class asusual, not just the rest of their
fan base. By the way,I talked to Mitchell about the forty nine

Ers versus Rams rivalry thing, andhe's on your site. Forty nine Ers
are the bigger ride. You're onthe I am on the Rams side.
I am on the Rams side.I'm one hundred percent right. Who would
you hate to win a Super Bowlmore? The Rams? The forty nine
Ers, the Rams? God no, yeah, god no, Yeah,
easily the forty nine Ers. It'seasily. I totally get it. We

we had the conversation the very firsttime I did it, and you guys
probably assumed I'd never be back.But you know what, you couldn't get
rid of me, and he's back. I'm back, baby, I do.
I think though, this is amajor effect on the forty nine Ers
wide receiver corps, and I wasthinking about this while we was talking to
Anderson while we planned the show.We planned the show for about fifteen seconds,
is what happened. That's I showup here and then we come up

with the three ideas in about fifteenseconds and it works out perfectly. That's
behind the radio magic to let youknow how this all works. The Seahawks,
if that trade happens, I thinkthey have the best wide receiver corps
in the NFC West. If not, it's really really close. And there
are some good groups. You know, the forty nine ers are still going
to be good. The Rams stillhave Poka Nakua who is an absolute superstar,

and Cooper cup yep, and there'ssome decent Marvin Harrison Junior just joined
the Arizona Cardinals and date forgot aboutthat. Yeah, there are some good
groups. But if you just takepure talent, not just athleticism but route
running ability, production, Tyler Locketthas been one of the most productive wide
receivers in the NFL without getting nearlyenough credit. By the way, thank

you text line Shelby Harris was thename that who they traded for. Appreciate
it. The check is in themail. Just kidding, No, check
in the mail, what we're prohibited, all that good stuff, But like
in terms of production, talent andjust maybe now system with Ryan Grubb,
I think you could argue the Seahawksif the forty nine ers trade Brandon,

I have the best wide receiver corpin the NFC West. I think they
have the best one right now.That is a not hot take, But
like that hot dog that's been inthe microwave but you haven't taken it out
just quite in time. It's stillwarm, but it's a little warm.
It's a little bit of that kindof take. You don't think so,
I mean, okay, So questionis, first of all, do you

include tight end in wide receiver coreconversation? Oh so that was what I
was going to bring up too.If we're just talking receiving cores and talking
George Kittle, all due respect toNoah Fense and oh yeah, if it's
just wide receivers, I think it'spretty clear the Seahawks have the number one
wide receiver corps in the NFC West, arguably could be in the in the

NFL. You think that's better thanwhatever third wide receiver the Rams line up
between Nakua and Yeah, Cooper Cup. Wow, I mean JSN, we
hope see sees, we hope seeinghim taking a next step just next year.
But I think DK lock DK Lockett, DK Metcalf and Tyler Lockett.
Yeah, just those two alone,I put them just below the Iyuk and

Debo tandem of just the two ofthem. But then when you add in
JSN, that puts the mover justbelow that tandem. Yes, even with
the production that those two guys haveput up. And yes, to be
fair, it's only one year ofproduction for Nikua. Yeah, and we'll
see. I'm not one hundred percentsure Cooper Cup was one hundred percent last
year, so we'll see what happenson year. He wasn't hundred percent last
year then, so taking a lookat that, the depth certainly isn't.

I'll take that one two over theSeahawks one two, both of their one
twos. I just think that Iwould take and Cup maybe over any other
wide receiver one two right now?Wow? Yeah, over TiVo and Ayuk.
Yeah, oh no, I thinkDiva Ayuk's number one. Seahawks are
number two pretty close, and thena pretty distant third is the Rams.

Okay, Well again, man,this has only seen one year all over,
I've only seen one Yearkua. Yeah, No, I think Cooper Cup
his injuries have been he's had twoyears in a row where he's had pretty
major injuries. I don't know ifhe's gonna come back. They're both kind
of the same profile receiver as well, so if one team can look to
uh kind of close those slot receivergaps. They don't have guys really going

over the top very much. Sure. I just think the Seahawks have more
of a a good range, Likewe have the big receiver in DK Wheight
that you can beat you over thetop and fight for the fifty to fifty
balls. And then you have theguy underneath and Tyler Lockett that runs perfect
routes and then finds a way toget open all the time. And then
you have Jasen who kind of isthe all around guy. And I think

he still takes another step this nextyear. I think the thing with Jays
said is we're just not making anassumption, but we are talking about presumed.
I just said it was exact sameword he say. Great last year,
No he wasn't. But there werethose flashes, particularly against the Eagles,

right like you saw what that guy'stalent can do and you can't help.
But think Ryan Grubb and we talkedabout it, that this guy is
not just vertical, It is notjust an air raid offense, gutting go
type of thing. But he can'tget the football down the field. And
I think he's going to ask themto get the football down to Jackson Smith
and Jig but quite a bit.And I think you're gonna see Tyler Lockett

used in a more effective way aswell. And maybe you see Tyler Lockett
have one of those years where hehas like ninety five catches for eight hundred
and fifty yards type of thing,you know, where he's not asked as
much. Because Tyler Lockett has beena very effective outside receiver, you just
kind of assume because he little guy, that he's just somebody who's going over
the middle. No, he's aguy who can be effective on the outside.

Well he does both. But youguys, let us know who you
think has the best wide receiver corein the NFC West and be sure to
manchin hashtag anders is wrong. Takea quick commercial break and we're going to
talk some All Star games. ChrisCrawford in for I Internets Sports Radio ninety
three point three KJRFM Live from theR and R Foundation Specialist broadcast studio back

to Ian Furnetz, powered by Seattle'sclosest sportsbook, Snow Call Ma Casino on
Sports Radio ninety three point three KJRFM Sports Radio ninety three point three.
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Gamble Sands Pro Golf discounts and BoeingClassic Chris Crawford in for Ian for Nets,
joined by by Buddy Anders. AllStar Game tonight. Yeah how excited?
No, I know, I'm kidding. I mean, ah, So,
I've been kind of going back andforth last couple of years because it's

always the conversation, oh, doyou like the All Star Game or do
you like the Home Run Derby more? And I think it's a different answer
whether you're there in person, becauseyou know a few people were there last
year when it was in Seattle versuswatching it on TV. I think being
there in person for the All StarGame is pretty cool. I think being
there in person for the Home RunDerby is really cool. Sure, but

I think the what they do withthe All Star Game now kind of with
talking to players during the game andstuff, makes it a little bit better
for on TV. So there aresome things that I actually think the All
Star Game does better at, butit's still not a huge like honestly,
all of thinking about all the AllStar festivities of all the sports, Baseball's

is probably the best, but it'snot that great. Still. It's really
not my favorite thing. So whenthe slam dunk was a cool thing.
I would say the NBA by along shot. Yeah, in a while,
since that's been the case, thoughit has been a while. I
mean, it looked like it hadkind of a rejuvenation there. I'm still
old enough to remember Vince Carter inthe absolute domination that he put on that

event. And you know, whenVince Carter did that, it's over thing.
Maybe the slam dunk competition was actuallyover because it just hasn't had that
same type of that. Twenty sixteenone between Zach Lavine and Aaron Gordon was
pretty cool. It was great.That was good, It was great.
Aaron Gordon a much better slam dunkerthan actor. I don't know if you've
seen his acting work. I drewreally bad, really bad. It's funny.

Aaron Arden also, by the way, looks just like Aaron Judge,
Just like Aaron Judge. You knowwhat, I actually kind of see that
now. Well, yeah, they'reprobably the same height. Oh, they're
probably right around the same height.And you know, speaking of Aaron Judge,
that's one of the reasons I'm stillexcited about events like that is you
do get to watch Aaron Judge,you get to watch show hao Tani.
You get to watch Juan Soto.There are stars, but I feel like

we're kind of missing that that realbringing guy and show Hao Tani is I
guess that guy for a lot ofpeople. Maybe I'm a little biased here
because I've seen so much show HeyoTani over the years, watched him play
the Mariners for eighteen games a yearup until we put in the balance schedule.
Maybe he's not quite the same draw. Maybe he's a bigger draw elsewhere

where. People haven't gotten to seeas much Otani. And that's the other
thing here. Back in my day, and I'm Abraham J. Simpson,
and the heck out of this,you only got to watch the Seattle.
You didn't even get to watch theMariners every single day. You got to
watch the Mariners about one hundred timesa year, and you got some National
Games of the Week here in there, but they were usually on when I
was playing football, or you know, somebody was paying bail to get me

out of jail or something along.That's not true. I just want to
make that abundantly clear. But Iusually there was one chance to see those
guys, and it was in theAll Star Game. Yeah, I can
watch every gosh dang baseball game atall times. It's fun to see them
all together. Yeah, but it'scertainly lost the luster that when we had

no interleague play, That's true,and we didn't have as many options to
see. And I'm glad for theoptions we do. I love that I
can turn on and go watch anybody. I love that I could turn on
Paul Skins and watch even though I'mtwenty five hundred miles away. But it
kind of takes the luster out ofwhat was once a really big event.
And the kind of thing that makesas connected of a league as we do

have now better is those personalities,Oh, I'm interacting with each other that
they don't get to interact with eachother all the time. Yeah. So
like players that are friends that playon different teams. That's where you see
that a lot of during the homerun derby, where you have guys rooting
for each other. It's like,oh, they know each other, they're
friends. Like sure you saw Juliopost about ta Oscar and Hernandez last night

because they're both from the Dominican Republic. Obviously there's the community there. H
So, but like you said,this specific group, I think doesn't really
have a lot of those like whichis interesting because you think of the superstars
in our game, Shohio Tawni,Mike Trout, Aaron Judge. Sure,
not a lot of personality there,No in terms of just like showmanship and
like Julio does. He's one ofthe few who does. And I think

we missed him at the home runderby a lot les Absolutely. Ronald A.
Kunya Junior is another one that we'remissing this year. You know,
it's just a lot of those youknow players that you know kind of thrive
in those exhibition environments and it justthe every day, put your head down
and grind, even though they areamazing players. And I put Showhy in
that category where a lot of it'sprobably the language barrier, but he just

doesn't. He's not the type ofguy to flaunt his personality everywhere and kind
of show off. But that's whatI think that an event like this needs,
and I think that's where the NBAAll Star Game, as you mentioned,
sure really thrives one hundred percent aslong as you're good with the fact
that they're not going to play anydefense. And I'm fine with it.
Yeah, who cares. I wantto see the very best guys do what
they're best at. I don't watchJannasante Kakumbo, even though he's a good

defensive player. Yeah, I don'twatch him for that. I watch him
because he's seven foot and can dunkafter like four dribbles from half court exactly.
So Mariners do have two all stars. Technically only one available on Tuesday,
Logan Gilbert not going to be ableto pitch, but Andres Munios is,
And I'd be curious on the tolomerDo text line four nine, four
or five one when it's game time. It's totally time, whether you guys
want to see Andres Munio's pitching thisthing. Because it is an exhibition game.

It is fun to see your playersplay. But at the same time,
with him dealing with some injury stufftowards the end of the year and
having some command issues at the endof the year, Anders, do you
want him to play? I dofor his sake, I do. I
want to see what he can dowith his stuff, if only for just
an inning, which I think isgreat. Yeah, just to kind of

see if he can do it againstthe Mob's best hitters. We've seen him
do it before. Kind of blowaway some really really good hitters. But
I think it's his first All Stargame. If this maybe was his second
or third or something like that,i'd be less inclined. Yeah, but
I think for his sake, yougot to show all I got what we
were just talking about. Go havefun with it. I don't see a

huge injury risk. Obviously, there'salways something that you're going to play,
right, but it wouldn't be anydifferent as if he was playing a game
during this time. Anyway, He'sstill getting more rest than he would normally.
I think it's totally fine, andI want to see him kind of
go dominate the best hitters in theNational League. I do too, and
I'll say this too, if therewas significant injury risk, the Seattle Mariners
aren't letting Audres first play in thisevent. Absolutely absolutely. One more for

you, Paul schemes over under threestrikeouts and probably the inning or not over
three obviously, right, I'll goover under two point five strikeouts. Is
he going to strike out the sidehe's want? I'm asking you. I
don't think he strikes out the side. The bigger question for me is does
he pitch more than one inning?I don't think he'll pitch more than really
they might go because if you lookat the lineup, Aaron Judge is fourth.

I want to see Paul Skeins versusAaron Judges. They might let him.
Well maybe for that second, maybethey'll intentionally walk whoever's in in third,
just so we get all that.I would love to see that.
We're gonna talk some Huskies next.Sports Radio ninety three point three KJRFM,
No from the Star Rentals Sports tous your ninety three point three kJ r
FM sports Headlines Headlines brought to youby Buddies, Goodies and Glass. It's

always for twenty eight Buddies. TiOscar Hernandez Win's the home run derby over
Bobby wit Junior. Congratulations to formerMariner legend who created no controversy whatsoever.
Tioscar, her name is kind ofplaying it fast and this with the word
legend there and playing it loose withcontroversy as well. All Star Game tonight
at five point thirty. Only guythat's going to be playing for the Mariners

is Andres Munios. We'll see ifhe gets into the game. Seattlestorm played
today versus the Los Angeles sparks.Brandon Ayuk officially requests trade after attempts to
reach an extension fail. Garrit Southgateresigns as England's manager after two eurofinals in
a World Cup semi final appearance.So close yet so far. Yeah,
when you have that squad, theyneed something better. I'm surprised they didn't

fire him, to be honest,but good on him for going on on
his own terms. I'll do it. Yeah. Joe Bryant, father of
Kobe, dies at the age ofsixty nine, and Jeff Tedford steps down
as Fresno State head coach due tohealth issues. Sports Radio ninety three point
three KJRFM brings you gram Slam Cashpresented by Sharp Vision Modern LAZC for your
chance at one thousand dollars every hour. Listen every weekday, every hour between

six am and seven pm for thenationwide keyword to enter on our website nine
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R Foundation Specialist broadcast studio. Backto Ian fernanzured by Seattle's closest sports book,
Snow Call Ma Casino. On SportsRadio ninety three point three kJ R

FM, Chris Crawford in for Ianforness, and you know, Chris Crawford's
in for Ian for ness because whatwe're just about to talk about, for
sure, is maybe not Ian's favoritesubject. But Ian's a professional, so
he will talk Huskies and he doesa very good job of it. I
won't be talking Cougars this week.You're not professional enough. I'm not well.

There's not a whole heck of alot to talk about, to be
honest with you, and I hatethat there's not a lot to talk about.
I hate what happened to this conference. It's a necessary evil, I
think. And I don't blame you, Dub for getting out before all of
this. Yeah, but I'm justkind of off put by college athletics in
general now. So well, Ikind of feel that way as well.
And then I spent six hours playingNCAA football last night, so you're back

on Oh my gosh, and Iwas just first of all, took about
an hour and a half to downloadthe game, which remember when you used
to be able to put a gamein and you just played it. Yeah,
you can't do that anymore, man, You can't can't do that anymore.
Downloaded it. And then when Isaw that EA Sports logo come and
I started to hear those drums ofa marching band play. I got a

little teary eyed. Yeah, becauselike that game meant a lot to me
as a kid. And we'll talkabout that more on Friday when the full
game comes out. I was oneof the idiots who spend one hundred bucks
to get the early access. Hey, you got what three extra days?
I do? I do get threeextra days extra. Well, we'll find
out. We'll find out how muchgas costs me on the way home and
tell you whether or not that true. But you know, speaking of college

football and speaking of NCAA, ofcourse I'm playing as my Huskies in that
game, and Husky season's not thatfar away here in it. We're getting
pretty close. And of course yourhome for everything Huskies is KJR ninety three
point three FM. But I thinkit's one of the most fascinating Husky seasons
coming into the year that I canever remember. And look, I was

seven years old when the Huskies wontheir national championship. Wow, they're split
national championship, but their national chamampionship, and I still have no doubt in
my mind they would have beaten Miami. I was seven years from being born.
I really don't like you, actuallysix years, but really do not
care for your youth whatsoever. Butlook, Huskies came as close to a
national championship as they have since thatrun, and it was phenomenal. And

now you're seeing not only a newcoach, but a lot of new players
team basically a brand new team.And that was one of the things about
at ZAA was taking a look andseeing how many of these guys did they
get in? And they got ina lot of them. Very few guys
that I noticed, And of courseWill Rogers one of those guys, a
transfer from Mississippi State who has beenincredibly productive, one of the all time

leaders in passing in the Southeastern Conference. Now, whatever anyone mentions that,
I always say, wow, that'simpressive, a number two. Wow.
They sure don't pass a lot inthe SEC, do they, Because until
that air raid system came in,we're talking about a lot of offenses that
have relied on the running game.Yeah, and that's you know, it's
been successful for too good defense runningthe football. Obviously, we've seen Alabama

change that a little bit. MacJones put up some of the most amazingly
best passing numbers that I've seen froma college quarterback. Nobody seems to remember
that, not to mention one thatis not good. Yeah, well there
you go. Yeah, and that'smaybe one of the reasons people don't talk
about it. But look, Ihave seen Will Rogers have success. I've
also seen Will Rogers against better collegiateteam not have so much success, And

it makes me wonder there is Firstof all, this is similar to our
Gino Smith and Sam Howe conversation yesterday. There's no quarterback battle. There was
maybe a quarterback battle at the startof the spring, you know, because
that's what coaches are going to tellyou. Yeah, I don't think it
was ever really a quarterback battle.And I think that's one of the reasons
why that guy is still a memberof the Washington Huskies. I'm not saying

they promised him the starting job.I'm saying they probably promised him the starting
job. I mean, if that'sthe reason why he's transferring here, then
yes, especially after because he transferedhere when Calyn Bor was still coach correct
and then he went back in thetransfer portal why and Caitlyn Bor left,
But then came back when Jetfish wasannounced, so they obviously made some sort
of promise to say about his playingtime at least to start the season.

And I would bet you what I'velearned from Will Rogers is he probably didn't
want to promise. He just wantedto know what type of offense he's going
to be playing in and what kindof chance he's going to be given.
Because with Jetfish, he also broughtde Mon Williams, one of the highest
recruited quarterbacks in the class, andthe guy that got glowing reviews for the

spring called Jetfish called him one ofthe most impressive freshmen that he's ever coached.
Okay, that's high praise. Howmuch of that is We're not going
to play you, so I wantto keep you happy so that you don't
transfer after this year, so thatwhen next year we still need a quarterback,
well, we want you to stay. And that's the ultimate question,
and we'll never probably have that answer. Yeah unless we do. Yeah,

because I take a look at thisWashington schedule and it is just dreadful to
begin the year anything but a fourand o start, And really I'd say
a five and oh start is goingto be a massive disappointment. There's no
reason, all due respect to theApple Cup where people say anything can happen,
and then you look at history andyou kind of see, well,
maybe not everything can't happen. It'scertainly a game that it can be losable,

though. I mean, they've certainlylost Apple Cups in my time.
I saw them get their absolute buttkicked by a completely inept head coach at
the time. If he's no longerhere, I can say Jimmy Lake was
just not a very good head coach. But he wasn't actually coaching during that
game. By the way. Ohthat's a great point too, and so
but I'm still giving him the quoteclote credit. It was his team for

sure. But a five and ohstart is going to be pretty much guaranteed.
So Will Rodgers is going to remainthe quarterback as long as they keep
winning. How short of leash doyou have to have with Will Rogers?
Because Will Rodgers is here for oneyear, one year only. That's the
last year of his eligible barring himpulling a Talia Tego viola trying to apply

for another year type of thing.Boy, I felt really bad for that
kid too, like to not beable to go back to school and then
not get drafted and then get prettymuch cut immediately by the Seahawks. Ye,
your big Bro's gonna help you outa little bit financially, buddy.
But it's one of those things whereI wonder how short of leashed that you
have to have with real rogers,not just because you are a team that

I think wants to maybe not competefor a Big Ten title, but wants
to compete in the Big Ten forsure in that first year in the program,
I think anything short of eight winsis going to be viewed as not
a success. Probably should be aimingfor nine. Maybe get a win against
somebody that you're not supposed to.You know, you could also lose a
game that you're not supposed to,especially after winning fourteen out of fifteen last
year. But I wonder how shortof a lease you have when you have

one of the better freshman quarterbacks andsomeone that you want to be a long
term part of your program, andyou have a guy who may not be
an elite option at quarterback for oneyear only, how short at leashed do
you think you have to have.It just depends on how it looks right.
If they lose a couple of thegames that you're talking about, maybe
do an inferior team or to agood team, but it's close and it's

like a shootout. Yeah. Absolutely, Then yeah that's You're not going to
bench a guy that's putting up goodnumbers, right, No, but if
he's making mistakes, he's the reasonwhy you're losing. I'm not saying anything
groundbreaking here, right, So thequarterback plays bad, he has a better
chance of being benched. Yeah,But I just mean I don't think he'll
have a short leash. I thinkthey're going to be pretty confident with him

and correct me if I'm wrong.I don't. I definitely did not follow
a little Rogers or watch any ofhis games. Use as someone who's covered
college football for a while, yeah, he reminds me a little bit at
least profile of someone like Jake Browning. Oh interesting, where you're going to
be incredibly accurate. Sure, maybethe arm strength isn't quite there. You're
going to be a good college quarterback, not really have a high ceiling.

You're going to do the run theoffense the way he's expected to run,
but not to get to the nextlevel. Sort of situation. Yeah,
at the college level, that's kindof who he reminded me of always puts
up these great numbers, probably becausehalf your games are against inferior competition.
So that's the kind of profile thatI'm getting gathering from with Will Rogers.
How off base in mind, Idon't think you're off base at all.
I will say it's junior senior JakeBrowning, by the way, because let's

all remember that when Jake Browning beforehe had that shoulder issue, Yes,
he was looking like a legitimate proprospect. Hey, he is a pro
prospect. He's had success in theNFL, which has been amazing to see.
I've rooted for Jake Browning. I'vebeen a Jake Browning apologist at every
level, so it's been really funto see. But that's not a bad

comp where Jake Browning is not thereason why you're going to win football games.
It's not the reason why we wentto the CFP one hundred percent.
Wasn't That was because of an unrealwide receiver room like we've seen in the
Tusky secondaries as well, and thebest Husky defense I've seen since nineteen ninety.
Yeah, like so many pro playersthat you saw on that team.

But he didn't make the mistakes exceptfor a little bit when he tried to
do too much. And that's somethingthat Will Rogers has done in the past
when he has faced the upper echelonsec defens. Yeah, when he faces
Alabama, when he faces up againstAuburn, when Auburn was a legitimate national
power contender, not the auburd thatwe're seeing right now. But it's weird

at the Seahawks just love drafting fromAuburn, by the way, like it.
Just it is clearly John Fisher clearlyor John Fisher, John Schnyder clearly
has something that he really likes aboutthose guys. But when he has faced
those upper echelon defenses, the resultshave not been great. The completion percentage
against mediocre average and slightly above isphenomenal, and he's gonna make the right

decisions, but he may not winyou games. And the Husky's playing into
Big Ten. Look, the Pactwelve was pretty good last year offensively,
but they face some bad defenses lastyear. Yes, they're gonna face some
really good defense. Is in theBig Ten. They're going to face some
programs that are predicated on defense inthe Big Ten and your quarterback is going
to have to go and win youa game. We obviously don't know if

Demond Williams can do that, becausehe's twelve years old and most guys of
that age and experience, and obviouslyI am being a little hyperbolic, he's
thirteen, not We don't know ifthat's going to happen. But we're also
going to say, if we needsomebody to go win us a game,

maybe we need to turn to thisguy and not just that for this year.
And I have no idea what Demondwilliams attachment to the University of Washington
is. I don't know what hisNIL deal is. I hope simply Seattle
is one of the guys that's givenhim the bag and all of that stuff
too. It'd be awesome. Butif you transfer once, you're probably willing

to do it again. Oh yeah, And if he's a guy who isn't
playing and is not guaranteed starting gig, and you'd have to think he would
be an overwhelming favorite to be thatguy, right, And if he looks
good for next year, yeah,and if he looks good in practices,
I think that he's going to bethe guy who is considered the favorite.

But with the transfer portal and assumingJedfish sticks around, and I think that's
something that we have to taking keepan eye on as well. By the
way, Husky fans, you needto root for the Florida Gators to do
well this year because if the jet, if Jedfish gets the chance to go
to Florida, I don't have anyinside intel on it, but i'll tell
you right now, they're going tohave a lot of interest and he has
a lot of connections to that area. But that's another rambling situation. Yeah,

My point is do you have tokeep dem On Williams happy to make
sure that he is a long termpart of your program because if he is
the talent that Jedfish is talking aboutlosing him and especially you know, Austin
Mack was a guy that they talkeda lot about. He followed de Bor
to Alabama. There's not a lotof depth behind Williams. There another four

star guy that they had gotten transferredall ready. He answered transportal left and
then officially did transfer. I thinkit's important to keep him on Williams happy
here. Yeah, I agree withyou on that one, and not just
for keeping him happy, but forhis own development too, maybe throwing him
in a couple of games. Ifyou are hovering around that five hundred mark
towards the end of the season,I get you want to play for a

bowl game. But if there's nothingmore than like a couple spots in the
standings of a difference of what theselast couple of games could be, I
could see him getting some time,especially if we see Will Rogers start to
struggle against that top competition. ButI don't know what the best thought is.
You want to throw a young guylike that into the fire against these

really good teams at the end ofthe year, or do you want a
soft landing for him or do youwant him to get more times now so
you can he can learn it anddevelop more instead of having to go in
from a spring, you know perspective. So I don't know. So we
asked the Gino Smith question whether youwanted to go eight nine, or nine
and eight or six and eleven.Here's the U dub version of that.

Would you rather go seven and fivewith Will Rogers or would you rather go
six and six or maybe even fiveand seven? Now five and seven.
I'm taking out Right now, I'llsay I don't want to go five and
seven. You don't go to abowl game, you don't get the extra
practices. It's a big deal.The extra practices are why I don't give
a crap about them playing in thewhatever bowl game that I thought every one

I thought of was PG thirteen orR so I didn't say it. I
don't give I don't care about that. I care about the extra practices for
those freshmen. It's massive. Butwould you rather let's just do it this
way? Then? Instead we'll dothe two game difference. Would you rather
go eight and four with will Rogersor six and six with Demond Williams.
Ooh, that's tough, because ifit was just one game, I would

say, yeah, Demon Williams.But eight and four gets your chance to
probably get in one of those biggerbowl games. Okay, uh, first
season that Pack twelve would kind ofstart to build some momentum for recruiting,
or not. Back twelve, Bigten would start to build some momentum for
recruiting. Sure, eight and fourlooks a lot different than six and six.
It does for people coming in transfers. I don't know. I'd probably

still go with eight and four withRogers, to be honest, and I
would too. I think that havingan eight win season after what you did
last year, and the text line, to be honest, is saying suggesting
that seven wins is more realistic.I completely disagree. Like I take a
look at that first five games,and look, Rutgers is a pretty solid
program. Northwestern will play hard.They have one of the better replacement coaches

I think in college football, andthey just always give that a effort type
of thing. But in terms oftalent, I think that is a game
that you should win. See Idon't even know, Like, this is
one of the first times in along time I've come into a season with
almost any sports team and have closeto zero expectations there. I have no
idea what this team is going tolook like. But you would agree with

me that they have to go threeand oh in the non costs Yeah,
oh yeah, yeah, yeah absolutely, and I four and oh at least
hopefully five and oher uh to startthe season. So you kind of give
yourself that buffer if you do dropa couple of the more winnable games in
the Big Ten. I just reallyhope they don't lose the Organs and unfortunately,
and Softy is like five hundred feetaway, so I can say this,

I think they're gonna lose. Oregon'sreally good this year. By the
way, I did see Dylan Gabrielnow and a lot of books the Heisman
favorite. Really I don't see.I mean, he's a good player over
Jalen Monroe, over some of theseother quarterbacks who have had and look,
Dylan Gabriel played well last year,no question about it. I don't think
you could put him over jalenman Row. I'm really curious of Milraw. Excuse

me, I don't think that.I don't your boy, well, you
know what, you know what,I wouldn't doubt it. Oh, come,
I truly I believe in that guy'sarm talent. So there's a better
chance of me sprouting wings and flyingup your nose than Shador Sanders winning the
sound Well, I have a littlebit. I have a little bit of

a sinus infection, so that thatmight be an interesting one. It's still
more likely. No. I Iwill say this just because I don't think
Colorado is going to be very good, But I would not doubt if sad
Or Sanders put up Heisman like numbersin that offense. That guy's arm talents
on question all right, Like youcan talk all you want about how he
says some silly things. There issome family stuff there that you're gonna have

to deal. I don't think it'snepotism though, Man, like that guy
put up monster numbers against bad defenses, bad bad, bad defenses. But
like you look at the arm,the ball placement on some of those throws.
Man, he can play. It'snot like this is just completely any
sort of adversity though he goes outthe window like he's just a totally different

player. Well, I want tosee them play with he's supposed to have
a much better offensive line. Yeah, he played with a offensive line.
I mean there's a lot of quarterbacksto play with bad offensive line. I
don't know if they're as bad asColorado's. Now, I understand that,
but you're I don't know. Maybeit's just the perception of him kind of
having that attitude ish, but it'sit should not be as big of a

difference because I see the high pointsthat you're talking about. It should not
be that big of a difference betweenhim at his peak when he's playing against
that bad of a team versus whenhe's playing against a good team, and
that tells me that there's something mental. I don't know. I saw him
play really well against USC, butthat defense was absolute, terrible, terrible.

But some talented players on that teamtoo, you know, and he
kept up. The moment wasn't toobig for him against USC. His defense
was pretty bad. But I don'tknow. I think it's a really interesting
conversation to have, just because Ireally would love to see the Huskies get
off to a great start in theBig Ten. Because I do think there
are a lot of doubters. Ithink there are a lot of people who

think you dub is the third ofthe four teams that's coming over in the
Big Ten. And I get thatUSC and Oregon have kind of proven more
over the long term. Now longterm is a different thing. And look,
I hate Oregon. I want tomake that abundantly, Claire, but
there's no denying their success that they'vehad over the past fifteen twenty years is

better than the Huskies. USC haswon national championships that got taken away,
but still have won national championships.UCLA is UCLA. I think you dumb
has a chance to be that secondschool or maybe even that first school,
and I would love to see it, but you gotta get off on the
ground and running. It's just interestingbecause this is a big change, a

lot of things changing for you tobecause the last two years have been some
two of the best years I thinkin Husky history. You look at a
couple different eras. You got theearly nineties and you got kind of the
early two thousands as well, andi'd throw you know these last couple of
years with those kind of conversations witheras that you loved being a Husky football

fan. But everything changes. You'rechanging conferences, your head coach is gone.
Basically your entire team that carried youwith these last two years is gone.
Right. This is a big testfor how the longevity of a program
like this was not based on offof certain people, but just the brand
itself. We've seen big brands likeAlabama and Texas and on some level usc

that keep going no matter what peopleare there, right, and they continue
to be successful. Let's see ifyou can fall into that category. This
is a huge season for them.Without question. We're going to look at
your texts and there were a lotof them while we were talking about the
Huskies, of course, four nine, four five one. We'll take a
look at those in More Sports Radioninety three point three KJRFM
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